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- Mechanic -

Mechanic improvement focus on Magogear improvement which increases flexibility and convenience of usage

1. Increases movement speed while Madogear is equiped, depends on level of Madogear license. On level 5. Movement speed is equal to knight with Pecopeco.

2. Madogear will receive more natural HP recovery than unmounted state.

3. Increases weight limit by 1500 while Madogear is equiped.


4. Mado MCs usually face the hard time when they died, especially in instance, because of they will lost their Madogear. So [Emergency Madogear] is added. Can be bought at Magic Gear Master with 1m zeny.


When using Emergency Madogear. Madogear will be equipped instantly. Only mechanic who learn Magogear License can use it. Has 3 minutes reuse time. Weight 300.

5. Now Madogear can use Teleport.


6. Madogear can receive partial chemical protection skills from alchemist classes, instead of full chemical protection only.

7. Adds overheat counter. So player can watch out to prevent overheat occurs.


8. Adds higher quality Cooling Devices to increases effectiveness of Cooldown. Magic Gear Master will offer you to upgrade Cooling Device.

: Cooling Device + 2m zeny > Advance Cooling Device.

: Advance Cooling Device + 4m zeny > Special Cooling Device.

- Cooling Device reduce overheat counter by 45 when using Cooldown.

- Advance Cooling Device reduce overheat counter by 75 when using Cooldown.

- Special Cooling Device reduce overheat counter by 105 when using Cooldown.

(Overheat counter naturally decreases by 1 per second)


Madogear characteristic adjustment.

Madogear will be adjusted as following list

1. Madogear won't receive healing from any recovery skills other than Repair.

2. Madogear movement speed can't be increased or decreased by anymeans other than Acceleration. (That means Madogear will immune to all slow debuffs, includes curse status)

3. Madogear will immune to stripping accessory.


Adds available skills for Madogear.
--> Vending, Item Appraisal, Change Cart, Change Cart 2, Cart Revolution, Mammonite, Crazy Uproar, Cart Boost, Repair Weapon, Shattering Strike, Upgrade Weapon, Hammer Fall, Adrenaline Rush, Advanced Adrenaline Rush, Weapon Perfection, Power Maximize, Power Thrust, Maximum Power Thrust, High Speed Cart Ram, Lava Flow.


source :




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- Rune Knight -

Rune knight improvement focus on increasing diversity of runestone usage and increase the convenience.

1. Turisus Runestone

Reduces amplified bonus damage when dealing normal attack from 300% to 200%. But adds flat attack damage by 250% (125% in PVP environment map) instead. (Rhydo runestone won't benefit from this bonus)



2. Asir Runestone

Improves effect

old : Increase Atk by 7 per 1 party member, party member receive 1/4 of this bonus.

new : Atk + 70, add an additional Atk by 7 per 1 party member, party members receive 1/2 of this bonus.

E.G. : If there are 12 party members. User will receive (70 + (7 x 12)) = 154 Atk, while party members receive 154/2 = 77 Atk.


3. Pertz Runestone

Changes factor in formula from Int to Str.


4. Removes limit of Turisus runestone, Asir runestone and Pertz runestone amount that can be hold, while increases limit of other runestones amount that can be hold to 60.


source :



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- Shadow Chaser -

Shadow Chaser improvement focus on improving the convenience of auto spell build .

1. Preserve no longer lose its effects when changing map or reconnect. So players just intend on it duration, no longer worry about losing skill effect early and make the players unwillingly lose their preserved skill.

2. SP consumption penalty of skill preserved by Reproduce has been reduced to 30% (from 100%)

3. Shadow Spell will work similar to sage's Hindsight. Skill can trigger preserved skill even player misses an attack on target. And the skill will work on bow weapon too.

4. Increases maximum level of preserved skill triggered from Shadow Spell by 2 levels. So on level 10 will trigger level 7 preserved skill.

source :



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- Genetic -

Genetic improvement focus on homunculus skills improvement.

1. Increases homunculus base level from 150 to 175 (currently 185 200 according to 185/65 200/70 patch).


2. skill delay of nomal homunculus skill (Lif, Amistr, Vanilmirth and Filir) are replaced with cooldown.

3. Increases physical and magical damage of homunculus.

4. Improves homunculus S skills.

- Eira -

1. Eraser Cutter :

- Increases max skill level from 5 to 10.

- Skill property is neutral regardless of skill level.

- Increases damage (700+(skill level x 200))%Matk).

- Removes skill delay.


2. Xeno Slasher :

- Increases max skill level from 5 to 10.

- Skill property is wind regardless of skill level.

- Increases damage (200+(skill level x 300))%Matk).

- Removes skill delay.


- Eleanor -

1. Style Change :

- Removes casting time.


2. Sonic Claw :

- Changes 2 seconds skill delay to cooldown.


3. Silvervein Rush :

- Increases max skill level from 5 to 10.

- Reduces skill cooldown from 2 seconds to 1.5 seconds.

- Increases damage (skill level x 200))%Atk).


4. Midnight Frenzy :

- Increases max skill level from 5 to 10.

- Reduces skill cooldown from 2 seconds to 1.5 seconds.

- Increases damage (skill level x 300))%Atk).


- Sera -

1. Needle of Paralysis :

- Increases max skill level from 5 to 10.

- Increases damage (400+(skill level x 200))%Atk).

- Removes skill delay.


2. Pain Killer :

- Increases cast range from 1 to 5 cells.

- Increases max skill level from 5 to 10 (duration : 20+(skill level x 10) seconds).


- Bayeri -

1. Stahl Horn :

- Increases max skill level from 5 to 10.

- Reduces casting time from 1 second to 0.5 seconds.

- Reduces knock back distance from 3 cells to 1 cell.

- Increases damage (1000+(skill level x 100))%Atk).

- Removes skill delay.


2. Heilage Stange :

- Increases max skill level from 5 to 10.

- Increases damage (500+(skill level x 250))%Matk).

- Removes skill delay.

- Increases area of effect according to skill level.


3. Angriffs Modus :

- reduces effect of DEF/FLEE penalty

before : Def lose : 50/70/90/110/130, Flee lose : 60/80/100/120/140

after : Def lose : 30/40/50/60/70, Flee lose : 35/45/55/65/75


- Dieter -

1. Lava Slide :

- Increases max skill level from 5 to 10. Increases area of effect to 9x9 cells.

2. Pyroclastic :

- Increases max skill level from 5 to 10 (duration : 40+(skill level x 20) seconds).

- No longer destroy weapon when duration ends.


5. All experience (includes job experience) gained from battle of humunculus redirect to owner. Homunculus gains 10% of final experience owner gained from any source.

6. Auto-feeding system.

7. Homunculus no longer attack monster automatically. Owner must order homunculus to attack by Alt + right click. When homunculus attack target. They will perform skill as AI setting. Owner can choose multiple target at the same time.


8. New homunculus EXP table (this table still level 175 max)


source :






- Archbishop -

Archbishop improvement change the skills and play style drastically.

1. New Skills

1.1 Convenio 5073.png

- Max level : 1

- Prerequisite skills : Ancilla level 1, Oratio level 5.

- Teleport all party members in the same map to caster location. Can't be used in PVP environment map. The skill can be used when caster is party leader only and can't be used if there is no party member in party.


1.2 Vituperatum 5072.png

- Max level : 5

- Prerequisite skills : Epiclesis level 1, Expiatio level 1.

- Cast Lex Aeterna to target and nearby enemies. Consumes 1 Blue Gemstone. Higher level reduces casting time and SP consumption.

Variable casting time 1 second on every skill level.

Fixed casting time (3.5 - (0.5 x skill level)).

SP consumption (158 - (14 x skill level)). 

Area of effect : 3x3 (level 1-3), 5x5 (level 4-5)



2. Reworked Skills

2.1 Adoramus : The skill deals damage to target and nearby enemies. Slightly reduces damage from 500+(skill level x 100)%Matk to 330+(skill level x 70)%Matk. Adds fixed casting time by 0.5 seconds. Increases cooldown from 2 seconds to 2.5 seconds.

Area of effect : 7x7 (level 1-6), 11x11 (level 7-10)

2.2 Lauda Ramus : Increases success rate by 20% so on level 4 will be 100% success rate. Changes bonus luk on target to increasing critical damage by (skill level x 5)%.

2.3 Lauda Agnus : Increases success rate by 20% so on level 4 will be 100% success rate. Changes bonus Vit on target to increasing MaxHP by (2 + (skill level x 2))%.

2.4 Renovatio : The skill buffs all party members in caster's screen. Has no effect on undead property target. (currently the skill has 4 levels according to 185/65 patch)


2.5 Ancilla : Reduces SP consumption of crafting Ancilla to 10%. Upon using Ancilla user gains heal effectiveness by 15% and increases SP recovery rate by 30% for 60 seconds.

2.6 Expiatio : Also gains Mdef piercing too.

2.7 Duple Light : Increases damage.

physical light : 150+(skill level x 15)%Atk

magical light : 400+(skill level x 40)%Matk

2.8 Judex : Increases damage (300+(skill level x 40)%Matk). (currently the skill has 10 levels according to 185/65 patch)


3. Removed Skill

Eucharistica has been removed from Archbishop skill tree.

source :



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- Performers -

Performers improvement focus on rework chorus skills which are inconvenient and improve effect of many song skills.

1 Improvised Song :

- Reworks skill. The skill has a chance to remove chorus buffs on target instead of casting random magic. ((30+(10 x skill level))% chance)


2 Death Valley :

- Success rate is set to 100%.


3 Gloomy Shyness :

- Reworks skill. The skill can be used in PVP and WoE maps only.

- Removes bonus damage on certain skills.

- Adds the debuff to the target enemy that increases fixed casting time by (0.5 x skill level) seconds and increases SP consumption by (10 x skill level)%.

- No longer reduce target flee and attack speed. Only reducing movement speed and removing target mount still remain.

- Skill duration is 60 seconds on every level.


4 Circle of Nature :

- Increases duration from 60 seconds to 180 seconds.

- Increases area of effect to 31x31 cells regardless of skill level.

- Works on party members within range only.

- No longer drain SP from target.

- Change from recovers HP per second to increases HP recovery rate by 50% per skill level.


5 Deep Sleep Lullaby :

- Becomes target skill. Works on target enemy and nearby enemies.

- Area of effect : 3x3 (level 1~3) / 5x5 (level 4~5) .

- Increases duration to 60 seconds. The duration will be reduces depends on target status resistance.

- Cooldown is 30 seconds.

- Consumes 2 Throat Lozenge.


6 Reverberation :

- Increases magical damage. ((400+(300 x skill level))%Matk)

- No longer split damage among the multiple targets.

- Can be placed up to 3 instances.

- Consumes 1 Throat Lozenge.


7 Metallic Sound :

- Reduces cooldown from 3 seconds to 2.5 seconds.

- Adds 0.5 seconds delay.


8 Windmill Rush :

- Adjusts Atk bonus formula. Atk + 7/10/13/15/20 (level 1~5).

- Atk bonus will be increased depends on caster's Voice Lessons level.

- Adds bonus movement speed.

- Increases duration from 60 seconds to 180 seconds.

- Increases area of effect to 31x31 cells regardless of skill level.

- Consumes 1 Throat Lozenge.


9 Echo Song :

- Increases duration from 60 seconds to 180 seconds.

- Changes Def bonus from percentage to flat value.


10 Moonlight Serenade :

- Adjusts Matk bonus formula. Matk + 7/10/13/15/20 (level 1~5).

- Matk bonus will be increased depends on caster's Voice Lessons level.

- Increases duration from 60 seconds to 180 seconds.

- Consumes 1 Throat Lozenge.


11 Swing Dance :

- Increases duration from 60 seconds to 180 seconds.

- Adds bonus fixed casting time reduction by 6% per skill level.

- Reduces bonus attack speed from 5% to 3% per skill level.

- Attack speed bonus will be increased depends on caster's Voice Lessons level.

- Consumes 1 Throat Lozenge.


12 Lover Symphony :

- Increases duration from 60 seconds to 180 seconds.

- Changes Mdef bonus from percentage to flat value by 2 per skill level.

- Consumes 1 Throat Lozenge.


13 Great Echo :

- Removes bonus from additional performers in party.

- Increase skill damage. 1500%/2500%/3000%/4500%/5500% Atk (level 1~5).

- Damage will be increased depends on caster's base level and Voice Lessons level.

- Consumes 10 Throat Lozenge.


14 Lerad's Dew :

- Increases duration from 60 seconds to 120 seconds on max level.

- Changes MaxHP bonus from flat value to percentage. MaxHP + (2+(3 x skill level))%

- MaxHP bonus will be increased depends on caster's Voice Lessons level.

- Consumes 1 Throat Lozenge.


15 Song of Mana :

- Reduces duration from 150 seconds to 120 seconds.

- Restores 10%/10%/15%/15%/20% SP (level 1~5) instantly.

- Increases SP recovery rate by 50% per skill level.

- Consumes 1 Throat Lozenge.


16 Sinking Melody :

- Reduces cooldown from 180 seconds to 20 seconds.

- Additional success rate will be increased depends on caster's Voice Lessons level. On max skill level and Voice Lessons level target will lose SP by 12% of their MaxSP and 50 Int.

- Success rate : 10%/15%/20%/25%/30% (level 1~5) and will be increased depends on caster's Voice Lessons level.

- Removes SP drain and Int reduction bonus from additional performers in party.

- Consumes 2 Throat Lozenge.

- Can only be used in PVP environment maps.


17 Warcry from Beyond :

- Reduces cooldown from 180 seconds to 20 seconds.

- Additional success rate will be increased depends on caster's Voice Lessons level. On max skill level and Voice Lessons level target will lose 20% of their MaxHP and 60 Str.

- Success rate : 15%/18%/21%/24%/27% (level 1~5) and will be increased depends on caster's Voice Lessons level.

- Removes MaxHP drain and Str reduction bonus from additional performers in party.

- Consumes 2 Throat Lozenge.

- Can only be used in PVP environment maps.


18 Song of Destruction :

- Reworks skill. The skill will double amount of damage enemy players received for 10 seconds. The effect doesn't disappear when target is attacked.

- Skill duration will be increased depends on caster's Voice Lessons level.

- Success rate : 20%/25%/30%/35%/40% (level 1~5).

- Area of effect : 11x11 (level 1~2) / 13x13 (level 3~4) / 15x15 (level 5).

- Cooldown is 60 seconds.

- Consumes 10 Throat Lozenge.

- Can only be used in PVP environment maps.


19 Saturday Night Fever :

- Removes damage bonus.

- Can be used on enemy players only.

- Additional success rate will be increased depends on caster's Voice Lessons level.

- Hit and Flee reduction will be changed from percentage to flat value. Flee - 50/80/110/140/170, Hit - 100/150/200/250/300 (level 1~5).

- Area of effect : 7x7/9x9/11x11/13x13/15x15 (level 1~5).

- Removes damage inflicting when duration ends.

- Consumes 5 Throat Lozenge.

- Can only be used in PVP environment maps.


20 Dances with Wargs :

- Reduces duration from 150 seconds to 120 seconds.

- Reduces fixed casting time by (20+(10 x skill level))%.

- Adds bonus attack speed by 5% per skill level.

- Adds bonus long ranged physical damage by 1% per skill level.

- Consumes 1 Throat Lozenge.


21 Infinite Humming :

- Reworks skill. Increases all property magical damage of caster and party members by (4 x skill level)%.

- Damage bonus will be increased depends on caster's Voice Lessons level.

- Consumes 5 Throat Lozenge.


source :







- Sura -

Sura improvement focus on improving many skills and changing skill tree.

1 Lightning Ride :

- Number of hit is equal to number of sphere consumed ((skill level) hits).

- Changes bonus damage condition from equipping wind property weapon to knuckle weapon instead.

- Changes damage formula : (40 x skill level))%Atk per hit. When equipping knuckle, increases damage to (90 x skill level))%Atk per hit.


2 Gentle Touch - Energy Gain :

- Changes prerequisite skill from Gentle Touch - Silence level 3 to Gentle Touch - Cure level 1.

- Changes the skill to can be used with Gentle Touch - Convert or Gentle Touch - Revitalize (Gentle Touch - Convert and Gentle Touch - Revitalize still can't be used with each other).

Changes the skill logic. The skill becomes self cast and works on the user only.

- Increases Raging Thrust, Chain Crush Combo and Glacier Fist damage by 50% while under the skill buff.

- Cooldown is 1 second regardless of skill level.


3 Gentle Touch - Cure :

- Changes prerequisite skill from Power Impantation level 1 to Gentle Touch - Silence level 1.

- Reduces sphere consumption from (skill level) to 1.


4 Gentle Touch - Convert :

- Changes prerequisite skill from Gentle Touch - Cure level 4 to Gentle Touch - Energy Gain level 3.

Changes the skill logic. The skill becomes self cast and works on the user only.

- Reduces sphere consumption from (skill level) to 1.

- Increases Atk by 8 per skill level.

- Increases %Atk bonus by 1% per skill level.

- Removes MaxHP and Mdef reduction debuffs.

- Increases Rampage Blast and Knuckle Arrow damage by 30% while under the skill buff.

- Cooldown is 1 second regardless of skill level.


5 Gentle Touch - Revitalize :

- Changes prerequisite skill from Gentle Touch - Convert level 5 to Gentle Touch - Energy Gain level 3.

Changes the skill logic. The skill becomes self cast and works on the user only.

- Reduces sphere consumption from (skill level) to 1.

- Changes bonus Def from SoftDef to HardDef. HardDef + 20 per skill level.

- Increases Tiger Cannon and Gates of Hell damage by 30% while under the skill buff.

- Cooldown is 1 second regardless of skill level.


6 Earth Shaker :

- Increases level requirement of Dragon Combo as prerequisite skill from level 1 to level 3, removes Cursed Circle level 1 from prerequisite skill.

- No longer consume sphere.

- Target attacked by this skill will take more damage from Rampage Blast for 5 seconds. (only work on monsters except Guardian type)

- Increases damage. ((300 x skill level)%Atk). When dealing damage to hiding and cloaking target : ((400 x skill level)%Atk).

- Changes damage factor from Int to Str.


7 Rampage Blast :

-  Reduces sphere consumption from all to 5.

- Changes damage formula. ((Fury skill level x 200) + (350 x skill level)%Atk). When dealing damage to target attacked by Earth Shaker : ((Fury skill level x 300) + (550 x skill level)%Atk).

- Can only be used while under Fury state.

- Reduces SP consumption from 150 to 100.

- Improves base level modifier.


8 Sky Blow :

- Removes bonus damage when using after Dragon Combo.

- Removes knock-back inflicting.

- Slightly increases SP consumption.


9 Gates of Hell :

- Changes prerequisite skill from Rising Dragon level 5 to Rampage Blast level 1, Tiger Cannon level 5 still remain.

- Cast range will be 7 regardless of skill level, becoming long ranged damage type on every level.

- Reduces sphere consumption from 5 to 2.

- Changes SP consumption from percentage to 100.


10 Tiger Cannon :

- No longer consume HP/SP as percentage but bonus damage from HP/SP still remains (skill will check caster's MaxHP/MaxSP to calculate damage instead).

- Increases SP consumption of skill.

- Increases damage when using after Fallen Empire.

- No longer drain SP from target.


11 Knuckle Arrow :

- Reduces level requirement of Lightning Walk as prerequisite skill from level 3 to level 1, removes Rampage Blast level 3 from prerequisite skill.

- Deal more damage against boss monsters. Boss damage formula (500 + (200 x skill level)%Atk).


12. Fallen Empire :

- Increases level requirement of Dragon Combo as prerequisite skill from level 1 to level 3.


13. Crescent Elbow :

- Changes prerequisite skill from Sky Blow level 1 to Windmill level 1.


14. Cursed Circle :

- Removes Gentle Touch - Silence level 2 from prerequisite skill. So the skill only require Root level 2 as prerequisite skill.


15. Rising Dragon :

- Changes prerequisite skill from Rampage Blast level 3, Gentle Touch - Energy Gain level 3 to Power Implantation level 1.


16 Gentle Touch - Silence :

- Removes Power Implantation from prerequisite skill, becoming sura basic skill.


17. Flash Combo :

- Increases level requirement of Tiger Cannon as prerequisite skill from level 1 to level 5, Dragon Combo level 3, Fallen Empire level 3, and Sky Blow level 1 still remain.


Source :



  • 2 weeks later...

Excellent QoL changes for warlocks.
Judging by the gif, I wonder if there are changes on the damage formulas as well. 300k looks high for a Crimson Rock cast with no Mystical Amplification. Of course, we don't know his equipment, so we'll have to wait and see.

  • 1 month later...


- Warlock -

Many skills except Tetra Vortex will be improved to have more efficiency and improved the convenience on using Reading Spellbook.

The contents of improvement as below :


1. Reading Spell Book

- Becomes passive skill. Enables player to use new type of spell books. The player can click on spell books to memorize skill directly.

- Old type of spell books can't be used anymore. New type of spell books which are consumable type item are provided.

- There are 10 spells available. Lord of Vermilion, Meteor Storm, Storm Gust, Drain Life, Jack Frost, Earth Strain, Crimson Rock, Chain Lightning, Comet, Tetra Vortex.



2. Release

- Removes the effect on level 1 (release 1 elemental ball on target). Level 1 will release the memorized skill only.


3. Summon Fire Ball / Summon Water Ball / Summon Ball Lightning / Summon Stone

- Reduces max level from 5 to 2. Level 2 will summon 5 balls instantly. (If you have 2 active Water Balls and then cast level 2 Summon Fire Ball. 2 Water Balls will be replaced with 5 Fire Balls)

- Changes skill damage formula.



4. Soul Expansion

- Improves skill damage formula. (750+(skill level x 150))%Matk)


5. Earth Strain

- Improves skill damage formula. (1000+(skill level x 600))%Matk)

- Reduces cooldown from 10 seconds to 7 seconds. Reduces delay after skill from 1 second to 0.5 seconds.

- No longer divest equipment of targets.


6. Frost Misty

- Becomes target skill. Deals damage on target enemy and nearby enemies. Can be cast on ground. Area of effect : 7x7 (level 1~2) / 9x9 (level 3~4) / 11x11 (level 5)

- Inflicts new status effect "Frost" on target. Target under Frost effect will take more damage from Jack Frost for 10 seconds. (Frost will apply to all type of target, include players)

- Changes damage from (2 + skill level) split hits to (skill level) cumulative hits. (damage per hit : (200+(skill level x 100))%Matk)


7. Jack Frost

- Becomes target skill. Deals damage on target enemy and nearby enemies. Requires target to cast. Area of effect : 7x7 (level 1~2) / 9x9 (level 3~4) / 11x11 (level 5)

- No longer deal more damage on target under Freezing status.

- The skill will deal more damage on target under Frost status instead.

- Improves skill damage formula. (1000+(skill level x 300))%Matk) / damage on Frost target : (1200+(skill level x 600))%Matk)

- No longer inflict frozen on targets.

- Adds 4 seconds cooldown.

- Reduces delay after skill from 1 second to 0.5 seconds.



8. Crimson Rock

- Reduces delay after skill from 2 seconds to 0.5 seconds.

- Improves skill damage formula. (700+(skill level x 600))%Matk)

- Improves base level modifier to affect to entire skill damage formula.

- No longer inflict stun on targets.


9. Hell Inferno

- Becomes multi-target skill. Deals damage on target enemy and nearby enemies. Area of effect : 3x3 (level 1~3) / 5x5 (level 4~5)

- Improves skill damage formula :

- - Fire damage : ((skill level x 400))%Matk)

- - Shadow damage : ((skill level x 600))%Matk). Changes damage display to 3 split hits.

- No longer inflict burning on targets.

- Adds 3 seconds cooldown. Reduces delay after skill to 0.5 seconds

- Increases SP consumption. 30+(5 x skill level) are increased to 58+(6 x skill level)


10. Comet

- Removes partner benefits. Removes Red Gemstone consumption.

- Reduces SP consumption. 400+(80 x skill level) are reduced to 50+(20 x skill level)

- Fixed casting time is 2 seconds regardless of skill level. (changed from 1/1.5/2/2.5/3 seconds (level 1~5))

- Reduces variable casting time. 10/11/12/13/14 seconds (level 1~5) are reduced to 6/7/8/9/10 seconds (level 1~5)

- Reduces cooldown from 60 seconds to 20 seconds.

- Reduces delay after skill from 2 seconds to 1.5 seconds.

- No longer inflict burning on targets.

- Inflicts new status effect "Magical Intoxication" on target for 20 seconds. Target under this effect will take more damage from all property by 50%.

- Reduces number of hit from 20 hits to 10 hits.

- Reduces area of effect from 19x19 cells to 13x13 cells.

- Removes damage variation depends on distance from the center. The skill will deal the same damage to all over the area.

- Improves damage to scales on base level.



11. Mystical Amplification

- Increases Damage amplification. (5 x skill level)% is increased to (10 x skill level)%

- Increases SP consumption. 10+(4 x skill level) are increased to 30+(5 x skill level)



source : http://ro.gnjoy.com/news/update/View.asp?seq=239&curpage=1

  • Like 4
10 hours ago, Sigma said:
1.10 Comet

- Removes partner benefits. Removes Red Gemstone consumption.

- Reduces SP consumption. 800 is decreased to 150 on level 5.

- Fixed casting time is 2 seconds regardless skill level. (reduces from 3 seconds on level 5)

- Reduces variable casting time. 14 seconds is decreased to 10 seconds on level 5.

-Reduces cooldown from 60 seconds to 20 seconds.

- Reduces delay after skill from 2 seconds to 1.5 seconds.

- Inflicts new status effect "Magical Intoxication" on target for 20 seconds. Target under this effect will take more damage from all property by 50%.

- Reduces number of hit from 20 hits to 10 hits.

- Reduces area of effect from 19x19 cells to 13x13 cells.

- Removes damage variation depends on distance from the center. The skill will deal the same damage to all over the area.

- Improved damage scales on base level.

I'm assuming the "Magical Intoxication" debuff only increases magic damage on the affected targets, is that correct?
Do you have any way to confirm if the debuff changes depending on the level of Comet casted or if a level 1 Comet would already give that huge 50% boost?

It may be too soon for this kind of information, so I just want to keep those questions here on file for later.

38 minutes ago, BlindGuardian said:

I'm assuming the "Magical Intoxication" debuff only increases magic damage on the affected targets, is that correct?
Do you have any way to confirm if the debuff changes depending on the level of Comet casted or if a level 1 Comet would already give that huge 50% boost?

It may be too soon for this kind of information, so I just want to keep those questions here on file for later.

I can't confirm anything. 

It can be changed when it is updated on Sakray.

I just translated what dev team wrote in dev note.

  • Thanks 1
  • 1 month later...

Classes Improvement Project : 7th

1. Rune Knight

- Some skill will has a chance to trigger critical damage.

- Hundred Spear will deal more damage as heavier weapon.

- Changes some of Runestone effects.

- Dragon Breath and Dragon Breath - Water gain new effect depending on active Runestone, such as changing their property.


2. Guillotine Cross

- Dark Claw will remove reflect buff on target.

- Improves area of effect of Rolling Cutter and casting condition of Cross Ripper Slasher after rotating.

- Poisonous Weapon will give the user new effect on weapon depends on type of Guillotine Cross's poison which is endowing.

- Adjusts attack motion and cast range of Cross Impact.


3. Genetic

- Improves some skills of Sera, Bayeri, Eira and Eleanor.

- Improves combat mode of Homunculus.

- Improves Cart Cannon damage formula.

- Improves efficiency of skills which consume item.

Posted (edited)
21 hours ago, Sigma said:

2. Guillotine Cross

- Poisonous Weapon will give the user new effect on weapon depends on type of Guillotine Cross's poison which is endowing.

- Adjusts attack motion and cast range of Cross Impact.


3. Genetic

- Improves some skills of Sera, Bayeri, Eira and Eleanor.

- Improves combat mode of Homunculus.

- Improves Cart Cannon damage formula.

- Improves efficiency of skills which consume item.

Are there more details known to this yet?

Edited by randomactsofkindness

I'm confused about this part of metallic sound:

7 Metallic Sound :

- Reduces cooldown from 3 seconds to 2.5 seconds.

- Adds 0.5 seconds delay.


Does metallic sound still follow its cd formula from iro of [1.5 + (Skill Level × 0.5)] seconds, or did the skill get a new formula for its cd when it became level 10? Is the 3 sec cd mentioned up there for level 10?

10 hours ago, Sephylon said:

I'm confused about this part of metallic sound:

7 Metallic Sound :

- Reduces cooldown from 3 seconds to 2.5 seconds.

- Adds 0.5 seconds delay.


Does metallic sound still follow its cd formula from iro of [1.5 + (Skill Level × 0.5)] seconds, or did the skill get a new formula for its cd when it became level 10? Is the 3 sec cd mentioned up there for level 10?

I have no idea about IRO but in KRO the skill had 3 sec cooldown regardless skill level (before it has been reduced to 2.5 sec).

  • Thanks 1
4 hours ago, Attackjom said:

wait for the extended class update O__O

In case you didn't notice. Expanded classes got a bit improvement already along with their 185 update.


  • 3 weeks later...



- Guillotine Cross -

The contents of Guillotine Cross improvement as below :


1. Double Attack

Increases the chance to trigger (from 5% per skill level to 7% per skill level).


2. Soul Destroyer

- Changes skill type.

Before : physical/magical hybrid special long ranged physical damage that ignores defense.

After : Normal long ranged physical damage.

- Improves damage formula, adds 0.15 seconds cooldown, improves delay after skill to 2 seconds on every level, SP consumption is 20 on every level. : New damage formula : (140 x skill level)%Atk. Damage will be increased depends on user's base level, str and int.

- Has a chance to trigger critical. Critical chance is the half of user's Cri.


3. Rolling Cutter

- Increases area of effect. Area of effect : 3x3 (level 1~2) / 5x5 (level 3~4) / 7x7 (level 5).

- If user changes the current position, such as using Back Slide, while spinning. The spin counter will be reset.

- Increases damage. New damage formula : (50 + (80 x skill level))%Atk.



4. Cross Ripper Slasher

- Changes damage formula by adding more damage from spin count of Rolling Cutter. New damage formula : ((80 x skill level) + (spin count x 200) + (Agi x 3))%Atk

- After using the skill. Spin counter of Rolling Cutter no longer be reset.

- Reduces delay after skill from 1 second to 0.5 seconds, adds (0.55 - (skill level x 0.05)) seconds cooldown.



5. Cross Impact

- Increases cast range to 7 cells and caster will dash to target immediately after casting. (skill damage type still be melee physical damage).

- Reduces attack motion from 7 actions to 1 action.

- Adds 0.7 seconds cooldown, Increases SP consumption to 40.

- Improves damage formula. New damage formula : (1000 + (150 x skill level))%Atk. Improves base level modifier from base level/120 to base level/100.

- Has a chance to trigger critical. Critical chance is the half of user's Cri.



6. Poisonous Weapon

- Increases melee physical damage by (2 x skill level)% and gives various type of buff depends on poison that be endowed.

6.1. Paralysis : Increases movement speed.

6.2. Pyrexia : Increases critical damage by 15%. Increases normal attack damage.

6.3. Death Hurt : Recovers 1% MaxHp per second.

6.4. Leech End : Grants immunity to blind and stun.

6.5. Venom Bleed : Reduces damage taken from melee reflect damage by 30%.

6.6. Magic Mushroom : Reduces delay after skill by 10%.

6.7. Toxin : Recovers 1% MaxSp per second.

6.8. Oblivion Curse : Grants immunity to silence and curse.



7. New Poison Research

- Increases duration of Enchant Deadly Poison by (30 + (15 x skill level)) seconds.



8. Dark Claw

- Increases duration to 10 seconds and adds the effect to removes some of melee physical damage reflection buff from target.


Note : the information can be changed before it is updated to Sakray.

source :



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  • 3 weeks later...




- Rune Knight (2nd) -

The contents of Rune Knight second improvement as below :


1. Spear Dynamo and Aura Blade

- Adds buff icon



2. Enchant Blade

- Improves the formula by increasing the influence of Int and user's base level. Improves base level modifier from base level/150 to base level/100.


3. Wind Cutter

- Changes the skill logic. The skill become self cast, no longer require target.

- The skill will deal damage to the surrounding enemies. Area of effect : 3x3 (level 1~2) / 5x5 (level 3~4) / 7x7 (level 5).

- Removes knock-back and fear inflicting effects.

- Reduces skill cooldown from 2 seconds to (0.95 - (0.15 x skill level)) seconds, adds 1 seconds delay after skill, increases SP consumption by 14.

- Changes skill property from forced wind property to depends on weapon property instead.

- If user equips two-handed sword, increases number of hit to twice.

- If user equips spear, the skill damage type will become long ranged physical damage.

- New damage formula :

- - Two-handed Sword : (250 x skill level)%Atk per hit.

- - Spear : (400 x skill level)%Atk.

- - Other kind of weapons : (300 x skill level)%Atk.



4. Ignition Break

- Removes fire property damage part.

- Removes damage variation depends on range and improves damage formula. New damage formula : (400 x skill level)%Atk.

- Has a chance to trigger critical. Critical chance is the half of user's Cri.



5. Sonic Wave

- Has a chance to trigger critical depends on user's Cri rate.

- Slightly reduces skill damage due to critical applying. New damage formula : (500 + (100 x skill level))%Atk.


6. Hundred Spear

- Removes weight factor from skill formula.

- The skill will deal damage to the target and nearby enemies. Improves damage formula. New damage formula : (600 + (200 x skill level))%Atk. Area of effect : 3x3 (level 1~4) / 5x5 (level 5~8) / 7x7 (level 9-10).

- Increases cast range from 5 to 7.

- Removes Spear Boomerang auto-spell.



7. Dragon Breath

- Turisus runestone will endow the skill property to holy.

- Lux Anima runestone will endow the skill property to shadow.

(If 2 runestones are used simultaneously. Luk Anima runestone will take priority)



8. Dragon Breath - Water

- Asir runestone will endow the skill property to ghost.

- Lux Anima runestone will endow the skill property to neutral.

(If 2 runestones are used simultaneously. Luk Anima runestone will take priority)


9. Runestone common changes.

- Removes the limit of all runestones that can be held. 

- Reduces the weight of runestones from 10 to 1.

- Reduces base success rate of Rune Mastery by 21% (From 71% to 50% on level 10) but increases the success rate from rough runestones from 2%/5%/8%/11%/14% to 4%/8%/15%/30%/60%. (General/Quality/Rare/Ancient/Mystic rank)

- Increases amount of runestone received from crafting. 2 ea (level 1~4), 2~4 ea (level 5~9), 2~6 ea (level 10)


10. Verkana Runestone : Millennium Shield

- Increases duration from 60 seconds to 900 seconds.


11. Isia Runestone : Vitality Activation

- Increases duration from 60 seconds to 900 seconds.

- No longer disable SP recovery rate and decrease SP gained from recovery item effects.

- Adds new effect, reduces damage taken from melee reflect damage by 50%.


12. Hagalas Runestone : Stonehard Skin

- Increases duration from 60 seconds to 900 seconds.


13. Pertz Runestone : Storm Blast

- No longer knock-back targets.

- Improves damage formula by increasing the influence of user's base level. Adds base level modifier : base level/100.

- Has a chance to trigger critical depends on user's Cri rate.


14. Urj Runestone : Abundance

- Increases duration from 60 seconds to 900 seconds.


15. Turisus Runestone : Giant Growth

- Increases the chance to trigger amplified damage on normal attack from 15% to 30%.

- The amplified damage values is increased from 2 times to 2.5 times of normal attack.

- Increases melee physical damage by 15% for the rune duration.

- Increases duration from 180 seconds to 900 seconds.

- Removes weapon destruction chance.


16. Asir Runestone : Fighting Spirit

- Changes the Atk bonus formula. Removes additional Atk bonus from party member, only give the user Atk + 70.

- Increases duration from 180 seconds to 900 seconds.

- No longer increases attack to the party members.



17. Lux Anima Runestone : Lux Anima

- Removes current effect.

- Adds new effect, Has a 15% chance to auto-cast Storm Blast when dealing normal attack for 900 seconds.

- Adds new effect, increases physical damage against all size enemies by 30%, increases critical damage by 30%, increases melee physical damage by 30%, increases long ranged physical damage by 30% for the rune duration.

- Adds new effect, MaxHP/MaxSP + 30% for the rune duration.



Additional Improvement (30/09/2019)

All rank of rough runestone, Elder Branch and Light Granule will be sold by NPC. however they can't be discounted.



Also. Gold, which is used to craft Lux Anima runetone, will be sold by NPC too. With the higher prize than normal (150k zeny) and can't be discounted.








  • Like 2
On 8/13/2019 at 7:17 PM, Sigma said:

2. Soul Destroyer

- Changes skill type.

Before : physical/magical hybrid special long ranged physical damage that ignores defense.

After : Normal long ranged physical damage.

- Improves damage formula, slightly adds cooldown, Improves delay after skill and SP consumption.

- Has a chance to trigger critical.

It's mean Defending Aura will reduce the damage of SD? and also SD no longer ignore Cicada Skin Shed dodge?

2 hours ago, Fear said:

It's mean Defending Aura will reduce the damage of SD? and also SD no longer ignore Cicada Skin Shed dodge?

Yes. also hit/flee checks.

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