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  3. Added MsgStringTable Item Changed LapineUpgradeBox Item
  4. Added NpcIdentity Item Changed HatEffect Item
  5. Added MsgStringTable Quest HatEffect NpcIdentity Card Item Changed MsgStringTable LapineUpgradeBox Skill Item
  6. Added Card Item Changed Efst Item
  7. Added Item Changed HatEffect Item
  8. Added MsgStringTable_csv Quest Item Changed HatEffect Item
  9. Added LapineDdukddakBox Quest Map NpcIdentity MonsterSize MonsterEffect Item Changed MsgStringTable LapineUpgradeBox ItemRandOption HatEffect Skill Efst Card Item
  10. Added Item Changed MsgStringTable Quest Item
  11. Added LapineDdukddakBox Quest NpcIdentity Item Changed MsgStringTable LapineUpgradeBox Item
  12. Earlier
  13. New class enchant stones for Arch Mage, Windhawk and Soul Ascetic
  14. Magma Ignis Cap [1] POW + 3. Reduces damage taken from players by 13%. Reduces damage taken from normal and boss monsters by 20%. Increases physical damage by 40%. Every 10 base levels, increases Axe Stomp, Mighty Smash and Rush Quake damage by 1%. Every refine rate, POW + 1. If refine rate is 10, Perfect Hit + 25, reduces global cooldown by 20%. Class: Headgear Defense: 10 Location: Upper Weight: 50 Required Level: 200 Usable Jobs: Fourth classes, expanded fourth classes Lycantropos [1] Reduces damage taken from players by 7%. Every 10 base levels, increases Crescive Bolt and Gale Storm damage by 1%. Every refine rate, increases physical damage against small, medium and large size monsters by 7%. If refine rate is 7 or higher, attack speed + 10%, reduces damage taken from normal and boss monsters by 5%. If refine rate is 9 or higher, the armor can't be destroyed, reduces skill cooldown of Arrow Storm by 0.2 seconds. Class: Armor Defense: 100 Weight: 100 Required Level: 200 Usable Jobs: Windhawk Mesarthim Mdef + 15. Can't be destroyed. Reduces damage taken from normal and boss monsters by 40%. Every refine rate, MaxHP + 3%, MaxSP + 3%. If refine rate is 5 or higher, reduces damage taken from ghost property by 25%. If refine rate is 7 or higher, reduces damage taken from poison property by 15%. Class: Shield Defense: 170 Weight: 400 Required Level: 100 Usable Jobs: Royal Guard classes
  15. Added Quest Item Changed HatEffect Item
  16. Changed HatEffect Item
  17. Added Quest SignBoard Item Changed SignBoard Item
  18. Added Item Changed HatEffect Item
  19. xgamers

    Download Divine

    where is the Download link for this RO?
  20. Added MsgStringTable_csv Quest Accessory Map Item Changed Achievement Quest HatEffect Map Item
  21. Added Accessory Robe Combiitem Item Changed MsgStringTable_csv Item
  22. Added Item Changed LapineDdukddakBox Item
  23. Added Combiitem Item Changed LapineDdukddakBox Item
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