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Sigma last won the day on July 21

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  1. New class enchant stones for Arch Mage, Windhawk and Soul Ascetic
  2. Magma Ignis Cap [1] POW + 3. Reduces damage taken from players by 13%. Reduces damage taken from normal and boss monsters by 20%. Increases physical damage by 40%. Every 10 base levels, increases Axe Stomp, Mighty Smash and Rush Quake damage by 1%. Every refine rate, POW + 1. If refine rate is 10, Perfect Hit + 25, reduces global cooldown by 20%. Class: Headgear Defense: 10 Location: Upper Weight: 50 Required Level: 200 Usable Jobs: Fourth classes, expanded fourth classes Lycantropos [1] Reduces damage taken from players by 7%. Every 10 base levels, increases Crescive Bolt and Gale Storm damage by 1%. Every refine rate, increases physical damage against small, medium and large size monsters by 7%. If refine rate is 7 or higher, attack speed + 10%, reduces damage taken from normal and boss monsters by 5%. If refine rate is 9 or higher, the armor can't be destroyed, reduces skill cooldown of Arrow Storm by 0.2 seconds. Class: Armor Defense: 100 Weight: 100 Required Level: 200 Usable Jobs: Windhawk Mesarthim Mdef + 15. Can't be destroyed. Reduces damage taken from normal and boss monsters by 40%. Every refine rate, MaxHP + 3%, MaxSP + 3%. If refine rate is 5 or higher, reduces damage taken from ghost property by 25%. If refine rate is 7 or higher, reduces damage taken from poison property by 15%. Class: Shield Defense: 170 Weight: 400 Required Level: 100 Usable Jobs: Royal Guard classes
  3. You can look in this thread https://www.inven.co.kr/board/ro/1951/5048
  4. Royal members (signed) Cards
  5. Marin Pattern Hat [1] POW + 3. Reduces damage taken from player by 13%. Reduces damage taken from normal and boss monsters by 20%. Increases physical damage by 40%. Every 10 base levels, increases Double Bowling Bash and Mega Sonic Blow damage by 1%. Every refine rate, POW + 1. If refine rate is 10, Perfect Hit + 25, reduces global cooldown by 20%. Class: Headgear Defense: 10 Location: Upper Weight: 50 Required Level: 200 Usable Jobs: Fourth classes, expanded fourth classes Soft Fawn Robe [1] Reduces damage taken from player by 7%. Every 10 base levels, increases Hyunrok Cannon and Hyunrok Breeze damage by 1%. Every refine rate, increases magical damage against small, medium and large size monsters by 7%. If refine rate is 7 or higher, attack speed + 10%, grants immunity to knock-back. If refine rate is 9 or higher, the armor can't be destroyed, reduces skill cooldown of Catnip Powdering and Nyang Grass by 45 seconds. Class: Armor Defense: 100 Weight: 100 Required Level: 200 Usable Jobs: Spirit Handler Glacies Aranea Can't be destroyed. Reduces damage taken from boss monsters by 40%. Reduces damage taken from players by 35%. Every refine rate, MaxHP + 3%, MaxSP + 3%. If refine rate is 5 or higher, increases movement speed. If refine rate is 7 or higher, reduces fixed casting time by 70%. Class: Shield Defense: 60 Weight: 30 Required Level: 100 Usable Jobs: All
  6. New content from dev note 1. Level expansion on August 2024, to celebrate the 22nd anniversary, the base level will be expanded to 275 and the job level will be expanded to 60. 2. New cap of trait status Trait status maximum cap will be increased from 100 to 110 3. New skills Along with level expansion, new 15 skills will be added to certain jobs. According to the skill icons, we can guess which job as below. 2 skills for Imperial Guard 2 skills for Biolo 1 skill for Shinkiro & Shiranui 3 skills for Abyss Chaser 2 skills for Night Watch 1 skill for Troubadour & Trouvere 3 skills for Meister 1 skill for Shadow Cross New skills preview Imperial Guard - Imperial Cross : Single target melee physical damage skill that complements the "single target" weakness of Overslash. - Radiant Spear: Long ranged physical damage skill that applies critical damage with an additional range after the Royal Guard’s Cannon Spear. Shadow Cross - Cross Slash : Skill with no weapon type restrictions and grants "counter state" when using. This skill can be used in combo with Eternal Slash. Biolo - Mystery Powder : Sprays a mysterious powder to inflict melee physical damage and grants the user enable to use Dust Explosion. - Dust Explosion : Causes a powerful dust explosion and inflicts melee physical damage to the target and surroundings enemies around the target. Troubadour & Trouvere - Rhythmic Wave : Unlike Metallic Fury, this skill gain no benefit from "Sonic Brand". This new magic attack skill will deal more damage while under Mystic Symphony buff. Shinkiro & Shiranui - Talisman of Four Color : this skill increases damage of Shinkiro & Shiranui skills depending on property of summoned talisman. For an example, if you use "Talisman of Fire", damage of Red Flame Cannon will be increased. Night Watch - Wild Shot : Revolvers and rifles exclusive skill, shoots at the target and its surroundings, causing long ranged physical damage that applies critical damage (the area of effect depending on the type of gun used). Wild Shot doesn't gain benefit from Aim Count but the skill will deal more damage while under Hidden Card buff, and the amount of increased damage depending on the type of gun. - Midnight Fallen : Gatling guns, shotguns, and grenade launchers exclusive skill, bombards a designated location to inflicting long ranged physical damage to enemies within the range (the area of effect depending on the type of gun used). Midnight Fallen doesn't gain benefit from Aim Count but the skill will deal more damage while under Hidden Card buff, and the amount of increased damage depending on the type of gun. After this update of 15 new skills, additional new skill updates are scheduled in the fourth quarter. 4. Summons improvement Along with level expansion, summons (Elemental Master's spirits, Meister's ABRs and Biolo's plants) will be improved regarding DoT as well. source : https://ro.gnjoy.com/news/devnote/View.asp?category=1&seq=4183312&curpage=1
  7. Lucky items from June Kachua's Secret Box Furious Crown (Troubadour & Trouvere) [1] Furious Crown (Biolo) [1] Furious Crown (Hyper Novice) [1] Furious Rapier [2] Furious Sharp Sword [2] Furious White Sword [2] Furious Stick [2] Furious Metal Violin [2] Furious Harp [2] Furious Metal Whip [2] Furious Whip [2]
  8. Interdimensional Rift Every 1 base level, Atk + 1, Matk + 1. When equipped with [Watcher of Time] enchant, increases movement speed, reduces damage taken from players by 5%, reduces damage taken from holy and poison property by 5%. Class: Headgear Defense: 2 Location: Middle Weight: 10 Required Level: 100 Usable Jobs: All Queen of Calamity Increases physical and magical damage against small, medium and large size monsters by 15%. When equipped with [Demon lord of Calamity] enchant, reduces damage taken from players by 3%, skill casting can't be interrupted. Class: Headgear Defense: 0 Location: Lower Weight: 10 Required Level: 100 Usable Jobs: All Vohu Manah [1] Can't be destroyed. Reduces damage taken from normal and boss monsters by 5%. Reduces damage taken from player by 7%. Every refine rate, MaxHP + 5%, MaxSP + 5%. If refine rate is 7 or higher, attack speed + 10%, increases physical and magical damage against small, medium and large size monsters by 15%. If refine rate is 9 or higher, increases physical and magical damage against small, medium and large size monsters by 25%, reduces damage taken from undead and demon race monsters by 15%. When equipped with [Immortal Beneficiary] enchant, increases physical and magical damage against all small, medium and large size monsters by 30%, reduces damage taken from holy property by 15%. Class: Armor Defense: 100 Weight: 100 Required Level: 100 Usable Jobs: All Daybreak Stargazer [1] Mdef + 15. Reduces damage taken from normal and boss monsters by 5%. Reduces damage taken from player by 10%. Every refine rate, increases physical and magical damage by 4%. If refine rate is 5 or higher, MaxHP + 15%, reduces global cooldown by 15%. If refine rate is 7 or higher, MaxHP + 25%, reduces global cooldown by 25%. When equipped with Stellar Power Seal, Stellar Stamina Seal, Stellar Wisdom Seal, Stellar Spell Seal, Stellar Concentration Seal, Stellar Creative Seal or Stellar Seal, all basic status + 30, increases physical and magical damage by 30%, when dealing physical or magical damage, has a chance to receive Refresh level 1 for 20 seconds. Class: Shoes Defense: 15 Weight: 50 Required Level: 100 Usable Jobs: All Guardian of Abyss [1] Reduces damage taken from normal and boss monsters by 5%. Reduces damage taken from players by 5%. Every refine rate, MaxHP + 2%, MaxSP + 2%, reduces damage taken from poison property by 7%. If refine rate is 7 or higher, reduces global cooldown by 25%, increases physical and magical damage against all property monsters by 10%. If refine rate is 9 or higher, attack speed + 20%, increases physical and magical damage against all property monsters by 15%. When equipped with [Arcana] enchant, increases resistance to petrified by 50%. When equipped with [King of Abyss] enchant, increases resistance to petrified by 50%. When equipped with [Ultimate Magic] enchant, when dealing physical or magical damage, has a chance to recovers SP by 10% per second for 10 seconds. When equipped with [Eternal City of Heaven] enchant, when dealing physical or magical damage, has a chance to remove cooldown of Elvira Candy and Elvira Candy (YE). Class: Garment Defense: 38 Weight: 40 Required Level: 100 Usable Jobs: All
  9. Sesrumnir Ocean Week Summer Event Card (updated on June 5, 2024) Source : https://www.divine-pride.net/forum/index.php?/topic/7657-kro-main-changelog-june-05-2024/
  10. New contents of Rune Tablet system 1. Faint Magical Rune Stone Faint Magical Rune Stone Faint Magical Rune Stone can be obtained as raward from Mysterious Box when finishing instance "Hall of Life" difficulty level 9 or higher and "Constellation Tower". 2. Rune Seal Rune Seal Rune Seal can be obtained from disassembling sealed boss card via Rune Stone NPC. 3. Rune shop Rune shop is available at Rune Stone NPC. 3.1. exchanges 150 pieces of Imperfect Rune to Episode 17-18 Card Album, has a chance to obtain card from EP 17-18 monsters, including MVP and instance bosses, when used. 3.2. exchanges 1500 pieces of Imperfect Rune to Perfect Rune. 3.3. exchanges 70 pieces of Faint Magical Rune Stone to Condensed Magical Rune Stone. Condensed Magical Rune Stone 3.4. exchanges 3 pieces of Rune Seal and 150 pieces of Imperfect Rune to Sealed Rune Stone Sealed Rune Stone both Condensed Magical Rune Stone and Sealed Rune Stone can be disassembled via card disassembly function of rune tablet. And new rune pieces and rune sets from EP 19 have been updated on 16/04/2024 New rune piece list New rune set list New enhancement table for EP runes source : https://ro.gnjoy.com/news/update/View.asp?seq=287&curpage=1
  11. Satanic Crown [1] CON + 3. Reduces damage taken from player by 13%. Reduces damage taken from normal and boss monsters by 20%. Increases physical damage by 40%. Every 10 base levels, increases Chain Reaction Shot and Frenzy Shot damage by 1%. Every refine rate, CON + 1. If refine rate is 10, Cri + 25, reduces global cooldown by 20%. Class: Headgear Defense: 10 Location: Upper Weight: 50 Required Level: 200 Usable Jobs: Fourth classes, expanded fourth classes Cat Eats Cape (Blue) Every 10 base levels, increases physical and magical damage against small, medium and large size monsters by 1%. Class: Headgear Defense: 0 Location: Lower Weight: 10 Required Level: 100 Usable Jobs: All Howling Tiger Pajamas [1] Reduces damage taken from player by 7%. Every 10 base levels, increases Chulho Sonic Claw, Howling of Chulho and Hogogong Strike damage by 1%. Every refine rate, increases physical damage against small, medium and large size monsters by 7%. If refine rate is 7 or higher, attack speed + 10%, grants immunity to knock-back. If refine rate is 9 or higher, the armor can't be destroyed, reduces skill cooldown of Hiss by 45 seconds. Class: Armor Defense: 100 Weight: 100 Required Level: 200 Usable Jobs: Spirit Handler
  12. No. HardDef treat damage from Mayhemic Thorns normally.
  13. Lucky items from May Kachua's Secret Box Furious Crown (Meister) [1] Furious Crown (Elemental Master) [1] Furious Crown (Soul Ascetic) [1] Furious Master Spellbook [2] Furious Grimoire [2] Furious Soul [2] Furious Spirit Stick [2] Furious Hammer [2] Furious Gigantic Axe [2]
  14. New class enchant stones for Biolo, Inquisitor, Shinkiro and Shiranui
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