Daughter Luen Spritesheet


Inside Eclage (ecl_in04)

Title Quickinfo Info
Mystery Robbery Incident 12 The case has been resolved. Talk with Luen outside.
Title Quickinfo Info
Mystery Robbery Incident 11 Figure out the culprit using the information from interviews, field examination, and survey investigation.
<Luen's statement notes> Luen's statement notes: took a walk in the land of blooming flowers, saw a person with short, red hair in a hurry, unable to tell the gender, unfamiliar due to the rare hair color. Used to think that Luen was the first to discover me, but Luen's mother was actually the first one.
<Luen's statement notes> Luen's statement notes: took a walk in the land of blooming flowers, saw a person with short, red hair in a hurry, unfamiliar due to the rare hair color. Saw her father's friend Balumin passing by the house. Wonder why he just passed by when he would have seen me.
<Luen's statement notes> Luen's statement notes: took a walk in the land of blooming flowers, saw a person with short, red hair in a hurry, unfamiliar due to the rare hair color. Used to think that Luen was the first to discover me, but Luen's mother was actually the first one.
<Luen's statement notes> Luen's statement notes: took a walk in the land of blooming flowers, saw a person with short, red hair in a hurry, unfamiliar due to the rare hair color. Saw her father's friend Balumin passing by the house. Wonder why he just passed by when he would have seen me.
<Dames's statement notes> Dames's statement notes: came back after meeting a friend, not all that mature but is a good friend, suspects his wife for her frequent complaints.
<Dames's statement notes> Dames's statement notes: came back after meeting a friend, not all that mature but is a good friend, his wife recently asked for a new necklace but refused, and suspects that she may be holding a grudge that led her to create this scenario.
<Dames's statement notes> Dames's statement notes: came back after meeting a friend, not all that mature but is a good friend, suspects his wife for her frequent complaints.
<Dames's statement notes> Dames's statement notes: came back after meeting a friend, not all that mature but is a good friend, his wife recently asked for a new necklace but refused, and suspects that she may be holding a grudge that led her to create this scenario.
<Rosa's statement notes> Rosa's statement notes: came back after shopping, tried to help me inside, but was too scared to come back out after finding the house in disarray, does not suspect her family members.
<Rosa's statement notes> Rosa's statement notes: came back after shopping, tried to help me inside, but was too scared to come back out after finding the house in disarray, wonders why the necklace was stolen when it is not very expensive.
<Rosa's statement notes> Rosa's statement notes: came back after shopping, nothing was particularly suspicious aside from the house in disarray, the necklace seems to be very important, does not suspect her family members.
<Rosa's statement notes> Rosa's statement notes: came back after shopping, tried to help me inside, but was too scared to come back out after finding the house in disarray, wonders why the necklace was stolen when it is not very expensive.
<Field examination results> An acquaintance or an animal trainer, Luen's boyfriend who is not approved by Luen's mother, the scene might be forged, the culprit might like alcohol, financial gain may not be the main motive for the robbery, will continue investigation along with the significant discovery in Luen's house.
<Confirming Cruyan's statements> Speak to Balumin near the Eclage entrance when you're done hunting Confirm Cruyan's statements. Go to the land of the blooming flowers and hunt monsters to see if a Concentration Potion can be obtained from them. Hunt 5 Menblatt, 30 Petals.
<Survey investigation notes> Concentration Potion from Cruyan cannot be obtained from a monster. The alibi was not confirmed. Balumin has no witnesses but part of his alibi was confirmed. Wandering Merchant was drunk, gave Concentration Potions as dud rewards from his gambling frauds.
Ghostring Card 1 obtained.