Sigma Posted February 6 Share Posted February 6 as reference Changelog : Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sigma Posted February 6 Author Share Posted February 6 Spoiler - Night Watch - P.F.I Max level : 10 Prerequisite skills : basic skill Group : Passive Description : When equipping gun, increases P.Atk. _ [Level 1] : P.Atk + 3. [Level 2] : P.Atk + 4. [Level 3] : P.Atk + 5. [Level 4] : P.Atk + 6. [Level 5] : P.Atk + 7. [Level 6] : P.Atk + 8. [Level 7] : P.Atk + 9. [Level 8] : P.Atk + 10. [Level 9] : P.Atk + 11. [Level 10] : P.Atk + 12. Grenade Mastery Max level : 10 Prerequisite skills : basic skill Group : Passive Description : By understanding the grenades, increases CON and increases grenade skills damage. _ [Level 1] : CON + 1. [Level 2] : CON + 2. [Level 3] : CON + 3. [Level 4] : CON + 4. [Level 5] : CON + 5. [Level 6] : CON + 6. [Level 7] : CON + 7. [Level 8] : CON + 8. [Level 9] : CON + 9. [Level 10] : CON + 10. Intensive Aim Max level : 1 Prerequisite skills : P.F.I level 1 Group : Active (Toggle) Type : Buff Target: Self Description : When using this skill, switch to the focus aiming mode. The user can't move while in focus aiming, aiming count is accumulated by 1 every 0.5 seconds. Aiming count can be accumulated up to 10, and if the user leaves the standing cell due to certain effect such as being knocked-back, the aiming mode is canceled and aiming count is reset. Increases Atk / Hit / Cri while in focus aiming mode. _ [Level 1] : Atk + 150 / Hit + 250 / Cri + 30 when aiming mode is active. Grenade Fragment Max level : 7 Prerequisite skills : Grenade Mastery level 1 Group : Active Type : Assist Target: Self Description : Applies elemental powder on the surface of throwing grenade, endows elemental property to it. When using skill level 7, the endowment is canceled. _ [Level 1] : Endows water property to grenade. [Level 2] : Endows wind property to grenade. [Level 3] : Endows earth property to grenade. [Level 4] : Endows fire property to grenade. [Level 5] : Endows shadow property to grenade. [Level 6] : Endows holy property to grenade. [Level 7] : Removes the endowment from grenade. The Vigilante at Night Max level : 5 Prerequisite skills : P.F.I level 3, Intensive Aim level 1 Group : Active Type : Long ranged physical Target: Instant cast Recovers AP : 1 Description : Gatling gun and shotgun exclusive skill. Fires around the user without mercy, inflicts long ranged physical damage to the surrounding enemies around the user. When using the skill with gatling gun, ignores physical defense of targets and deals damage for 7 hits, when using the skill with shotgun, deals damage for 4 hits. If there is an aiming count, the skill consumes all aiming count and skill damage is increased according to number of aiming count consumed. Deals additional damage depends on user's base level and CON. Consumes 10 equipped bullets. _ [Level 1] : Gatling gun : (300 + (aiming count x 100))% Atk per hit / area of effect : 9 x 9 cells. Shotgun : (1500 + (aiming count x 200))% Atk per hit / area of effect : 5 x 5 cells. [Level 2] : Gatling gun : (600 + (aiming count x 200))% Atk per hit / area of effect : 9 x 9 cells. Shotgun : (2200 + (aiming count x 400))% Atk per hit / area of effect : 5 x 5 cells. [Level 3] : Gatling gun : (900 + (aiming count x 300))% Atk per hit / area of effect : 9 x 9 cells. Shotgun : (2900 + (aiming count x 600))% Atk per hit / area of effect : 5 x 5 cells. [Level 4] : Gatling gun : (1200 + (aiming count x 400))% Atk per hit / area of effect : 11 x 11 cells. Shotgun : (3600 + (aiming count x 800))% Atk per hit / area of effect : 7 x 7 cells. [Level 5] : Gatling gun : (1500 + (aiming count x 500))% Atk per hit / area of effect : 11 x 11 cells. Shotgun : (4300 + (aiming count x 1000))% Atk per hit / area of effect : 7 x 7 cells. Only One Bullet Max level : 5 Prerequisite skills : P.F.I level 3, Intensive Aim level 1 Group : Active Type : Long ranged physical Target: Single target Recovers AP : 1 Description : Rifle and pistol exclusive skill. Fires a single shot to the target, inflicts long ranged physical damage. When using the skill with pistol, ignores physical defense of target, when using the skill with rifle, applies critical damage, the critical chance is the user's Cri. The effectiveness of critical modifier is applied by half. If there is an aiming count, the skill consumes all aiming count and skill damage is increased according to number of aiming count consumed. Deals additional damage depends on user's base level and CON. Consumes 1 equipped bullet. _ [Level 1] : Rifle : (4200 + (aiming count x 350))% Atk. Pistol : (4600 + (aiming count x 350))% Atk. [Level 2] : Rifle : (7200 + (aiming count x 700))% Atk. Pistol : (8000 + (aiming count x 700))% Atk. [Level 3] : Rifle : (10200 + (aiming count x 1050))% Atk. Pistol : (11400 + (aiming count x 1050))% Atk. [Level 4] : Rifle : (13200 + (aiming count x 1400))% Atk. Pistol : (14800 + (aiming count x 1400))% Atk. [Level 5] : Rifle : (16200 + (aiming count x 1750))% Atk. Pistol : (18200 + (aiming count x 1750))% Atk. Spiral Shooting Max level : 5 Prerequisite skills : P.F.I level 3, Intensive Aim level 1 Group : Active Type : Long ranged physical Target: Single target Recovers AP : 1 Description : Grenade launcher and rifle exclusive skill. Fires the bullet imbued with spinning power to the target, inflicts long ranged physical damage to the target and surrounding enemies around the target. When using the skill with grenade launcher, deals damage for 2 hits, when using the skill with rifle, applies critical damage, the critical chance is the user's Cri. The effectiveness of critical modifier is applied by half. If there is an aiming count, the skill consumes all aiming count and skill damage is increased according to number of aiming count consumed. Deals additional damage depends on user's base level and CON. Consumes 6 equipped bullets. _ [Level 1] : Grenade launcher : (2900 + (aiming count x 150))% Atk per hit / area of effect : 9 x 9 cells. Rifle : (4200 + (aiming count x 150))% Atk / area of effect : 5 x 5 cells. [Level 2] : Grenade launcher : (4600 + (aiming count x 300))% Atk per hit / area of effect : 9 x 9 cells. Rifle : (7000 + (aiming count x 300))% Atk / area of effect : 5 x 5 cells. [Level 3] : Grenade launcher : (6300 + (aiming count x 450))% Atk per hit / area of effect : 9 x 9 cells. Rifle : (9800 + (aiming count x 450))% Atk / area of effect : 5 x 5 cells. [Level 4] : Grenade launcher : (8000 + (aiming count x 600))% Atk per hit / area of effect : 11 x 11 cells. Rifle : (12600 + (aiming count x 600))% Atk / area of effect : 7 x 7 cells. [Level 5] : Grenade launcher : (9700 + (aiming count x 750))% Atk per hit / area of effect : 11 x 11 cells. Rifle : (15400 + (aiming count x 750))% Atk / area of effect : 7 x 7 cells. Magazine for One Max level : 5 Prerequisite skills : P.F.I level 3, Intensive Aim level 1 Group : Active Type : Long ranged physical Target: Single target Recovers AP : 1 Description : Gatling gun and pistol exclusive skill. Fires the multiple bullets to the target, inflicts long ranged physical damage. When using the skill with gatling gun, deals damage for 10 hits and consumes 10 equipped bullets, when using the skill with pistol, deals damage for 6 hits and applies critical damage, the critical chance is the user's Cri and consumes 6 equipped bullets. The effectiveness of critical modifier is applied by half. If there is an aiming count, the skill consumes all aiming count and skill damage is increased according to number of aiming count consumed. Deals additional damage depends on user's base level and CON. _ [Level 1] : Gatling gun : (750 + (aiming count x 100))% Atk. Pistol : (1100 + (aiming count x 100))% Atk. [Level 2] : Gatling gun : (1250 + (aiming count x 200))% Atk. Pistol : (1900 + (aiming count x 200))% Atk. [Level 3] : Gatling gun : (1750 + (aiming count x 300))% Atk. Pistol : (2700 + (aiming count x 300))% Atk. [Level 4] : Gatling gun : (2250 + (aiming count x 400))% Atk. Pistol : (3500 + (aiming count x 400))% Atk. [Level 5] : Gatling gun : (2750 + (aiming count x 500))% Atk. Pistol : (4300 + (aiming count x 500))% Atk. Wild Fire Max level : 5 Prerequisite skills : P.F.I level 3, Intensive Aim level 1 Group : Active Type : Long ranged physical Target: 1 cell ground target Recovers AP : 1 Description : shotgun and grenade launcher exclusive skill. Fires the bullet towards the ground, inflicts long ranged physical damage to all targets within range. When using the skill with shotgun, deals more damage than grenade launcher but with narrower area, when using the skill with grenade launcher, deals damage in wider area than shotgun. If there is an aiming count, the skill consumes all aiming count and skill damage is increased according to number of aiming count consumed. Deals additional damage depends on user's base level and CON. Consumes 5 equipped bullets. _ [Level 1] : Shotgun : (4700 + (aiming count x 500))% Atk / area of effect : 5 x 5 cells. Grenade launcher : (4500 + (aiming count x 500))% Atk / area of effect : 9 x 9 cells. [Level 2] : Shotgun : (7900 + (aiming count x 1000))% Atk / area of effect : 5 x 5 cells. Grenade launcher : (7500 + (aiming count x 1000))% Atk / area of effect : 9 x 9 cells. [Level 3] : Shotgun : (11100 + (aiming count x 1500))% Atk / area of effect : 5 x 5 cells. Grenade launcher : (10500 + (aiming count x 1500))% Atk / area of effect : 9 x 9 cells. [Level 4] : Shotgun : (14300 + (aiming count x 2000))% Atk / area of effect : 7 x 7 cells. Grenade launcher : (13500 + (aiming count x 2000))% Atk / area of effect : 11 x 11 cells. [Level 5] : Shotgun : (17500 + (aiming count x 2500))% Atk / area of effect : 7 x 7 cells. Grenade launcher : (16500 + (aiming count x 2500))% Atk / area of effect : 11 x 11 cells. Basic Grenade Max level : 5 Prerequisite skills : Grenade Mastery level 3 Group : Active Type : Long ranged physical Target: 1 cell ground target Recovers AP : 2 Description : Throws the grenade towards the ground, inflicts long ranged physical damage to all targets within range. Deals additional damage depends on level of Grenade Mastery user learned, user's base level and CON. Consumes 1 throwing grenade, the property of grenade according to Grenade Fragment. _ [Level 1] : (3600 + (Grenade Mastery level x 50))% Atk / area of effect : 3 x 3 cells. [Level 2] : (5700 + (Grenade Mastery level x 50))% Atk / area of effect : 3 x 3 cells. [Level 3] : (7800 + (Grenade Mastery level x 50))% Atk / area of effect : 3 x 3 cells. [Level 4] : (9900 + (Grenade Mastery level x 50))% Atk / area of effect : 5 x 5 cells. [Level 5] : (12000 + (Grenade Mastery level x 50))% Atk / area of effect : 5 x 5 cells. Hasty Fire in the Hole Max level : 5 Prerequisite skills : Basic Grenade level 3 Group : Active Type : Long ranged physical Target: 1 cell ground target Recovers AP : 3 Description : Throws 3 grenades towards the ground in a row, inflicts long ranged physical damage to all targets within range. The 3 grenades explode for 3 times with an interval of 0.3 seconds, the first explosion has an area of effect by 5 x 5 cells, the second explosion has an area of effect by 7 x 7 cells, the third explosion has an area of effect by 9 x 9 cells. Deals additional damage depends on level of Grenade Mastery user learned, user's base level and CON. Consumes 3 throwing grenades, the property of grenade according to Grenade Fragment. _ [Level 1] : (3000 + (Grenade Mastery level x 20))% Atk per explosion. [Level 2] : (4500 + (Grenade Mastery level x 20))% Atk per explosion. [Level 3] : (6000 + (Grenade Mastery level x 20))% Atk per explosion. [Level 4] : (7500 + (Grenade Mastery level x 20))% Atk per explosion. [Level 5] : (9000 + (Grenade Mastery level x 20))% Atk per explosion. Grenade Dropping Max level : 5 Prerequisite skills : Hasty Fire in the Hole level 3 Group : Active Type : Long ranged physical Target: 1 cell ground target Recovers AP : 5 Description : Throws a bunch of grenades towards the sky and drops 3 grenades in random area every 0.25 seconds for 4 seconds, inflicts long ranged physical damage to all targets within range. Deals additional damage depends on level of Grenade Mastery user learned, user's base level and CON. Consumes 15 throwing grenades. _ [Level 1] : (1400 + (Grenade Mastery level x 30))% Atk per explosion / falling area of effect : 11 x 11 cells. Explosion area of effect : 3 x 3 cells. [Level 2] : (2250 + (Grenade Mastery level x 30))% Atk per explosion / falling area of effect : 11 x 11 cells. Explosion area of effect : 3 x 3 cells. [Level 3] : (3100 + (Grenade Mastery level x 30))% Atk per explosion / falling area of effect : 11 x 11 cells. Explosion area of effect : 3 x 3 cells. [Level 4] : (3950 + (Grenade Mastery level x 30))% Atk per explosion / falling area of effect : 9 x 9 cells. Explosion area of effect : 5 x 5 cells. [Level 5] : (4800 + (Grenade Mastery level x 30))% Atk per explosion / falling area of effect : 9 x 9 cells. Explosion area of effect : 5 x 5 cells. Auto Firing Launcher Max level : 5 Prerequisite skills : Grenade Dropping level 3 Group : Active Type : Assist Target: Self Description : Activates the automatic grenade launcher. Has a chance to auto-cast Basic Grenade, Hasty Fire in the Hole and Grenade Dropping when dealing normal physical damage. Maximum level of skills that the user learned will be auto-cast and the skills won't recover AP from auto-casting. _ [Level 1] : 6% chance of Basic Grenade / duration : 120 seconds. [Level 2] : 7% chance of Basic Grenade / duration : 150 seconds. [Level 3] : 8% chance of Basic Grenade / 3% chance of Hasty Fire in the Hole / duration : 180 seconds. [Level 4] : 9% chance of Basic Grenade / 5% chance of Hasty Fire in the Hole / duration : 210 seconds. [Level 5] : 10% chance of Basic Grenade / 7% chance of Hasty Fire in the Hole / 3% chance of Grenade Dropping / duration : 240 seconds. Hidden Card Max level : 10 Prerequisite skills : P.F.I level 5, Intensive Aim level 1 Group : Active (AP) Type : Buff Target: Self Consumes AP : 150 Description : Takes an elixir that maximizes Night Watch's shooting ability. When using this skill, increases long ranged physical damage and P.Atk for 300 seconds. _ [Level 1] : long ranged physical damage + 10% / P.Atk + 3. [Level 2] : long ranged physical damage + 20% / P.Atk + 6. [Level 3] : long ranged physical damage + 30% / P.Atk + 9. [Level 4] : long ranged physical damage + 40% / P.Atk + 12. [Level 5] : long ranged physical damage + 50% / P.Atk + 15. [Level 6] : long ranged physical damage + 60% / P.Atk + 18. [Level 7] : long ranged physical damage + 70% / P.Atk + 21. [Level 8] : long ranged physical damage + 80% / P.Atk + 24. [Level 9] : long ranged physical damage + 90% / P.Atk + 27. [Level 10] : long ranged physical damage + 100% / P.Atk + 30. Mission Bombard Max level : 10 Prerequisite skills : Grenade Mastery level 5, Grenade Dropping level 3 Group : Active (AP) Type : Long ranged physical Target: 1 cell ground target Consumes AP : 35 Description : Drops the large bomb with 9 x 9 cells explosion range on the target cell, inflicts long ranged physical damage to all targets within range, then follow by dropping bunch of small bombs with 5 x 5 cells explosion range every 0.25 seconds for 10 seconds, inflicts long ranged physical damage to all targets within range. Deals additional damage depends on level of Grenade Mastery user learned, user's base level and CON. _ [Level 1] : (6800 + (Grenade Mastery level x 100))% Atk. (1000 + (Grenade Mastery level x 30))% Atk per explosion. [Level 2] : (8600 + (Grenade Mastery level x 100))% Atk. (1200 + (Grenade Mastery level x 30))% Atk per explosion. [Level 3] : (10400 + (Grenade Mastery level x 100))% Atk. (1400 + (Grenade Mastery level x 30))% Atk per explosion. [Level 4] : (12200 + (Grenade Mastery level x 100))% Atk. (1600 + (Grenade Mastery level x 30))% Atk per explosion. [Level 5] : (14000 + (Grenade Mastery level x 100))% Atk. (1800 + (Grenade Mastery level x 30))% Atk per explosion. [Level 6] : (15800 + (Grenade Mastery level x 100))% Atk. (2000 + (Grenade Mastery level x 30))% Atk per explosion. [Level 7] : (17600 + (Grenade Mastery level x 100))% Atk. (2200 + (Grenade Mastery level x 30))% Atk per explosion. [Level 8] : (19400 + (Grenade Mastery level x 100))% Atk. (2400 + (Grenade Mastery level x 30))% Atk per explosion. [Level 9] : (21200 + (Grenade Mastery level x 100))% Atk. (2600 + (Grenade Mastery level x 30))% Atk per explosion. [Level 10] : (23000 + (Grenade Mastery level x 100))% Atk. (2800 + (Grenade Mastery level x 30))% Atk per explosion. Skills Tree Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sigma Posted February 6 Author Share Posted February 6 Spoiler - Soul Ascetic - Talisman Mastery Max level : 10 Prerequisite skills : basic skill Group : Passive Description : Increases the insight of talisman, increases S.Matk and effectiveness of skills that use talisman. _ [Level 1] : S.Matk + 1. [Level 2] : S.Matk + 2. [Level 3] : S.Matk + 3. [Level 4] : S.Matk + 4. [Level 5] : S.Matk + 5. [Level 6] : S.Matk + 6. [Level 7] : S.Matk + 7. [Level 8] : S.Matk + 8. [Level 9] : S.Matk + 9. [Level 10] : S.Matk + 10. Soul Mastery Max level : 10 Prerequisite skills : basic skill Group : Passive Description : By studying the art of soul guiding, increases SPL. _ [Level 1] : SPL + 1. [Level 2] : SPL + 2. [Level 3] : SPL + 3. [Level 4] : SPL + 4. [Level 5] : SPL + 5. [Level 6] : SPL + 6. [Level 7] : SPL + 7. [Level 8] : SPL + 8. [Level 9] : SPL + 9. [Level 10] : SPL + 10. Talisman of Protection Max level : 5 Prerequisite skills : Talisman Mastery level 1 Group : Active Type : Recovery Target: Single Target Recovers AP : 2 Description : Consumes 1 Soul Talisman. Attaches the talisman of protection to self or 1 party member to recover HP every 3 seconds. Recovers additional amount depends on level of Talisman Mastery user learned, user's base level and CRT. _ [Level 1] : Healing amount : 500 + (Talisman Mastery level x 50) / duration : 180 seconds. [Level 2] : Healing amount : 1000 + (Talisman Mastery level x 100) / duration : 210 seconds. [Level 3] : Healing amount : 1500 + (Talisman Mastery level x 150) / duration : 240 seconds. [Level 4] : Healing amount : 2000 + (Talisman Mastery level x 200) / duration : 270 seconds. [Level 5] : Healing amount : 2500 + (Talisman Mastery level x 250) / duration : 300 seconds. Talisman of Warrior Max level : 5 Prerequisite skills : Talisman Mastery level 1 Group : Active Type : Buff Target: Single Target Recovers AP : 2 Description : Consumes 1 Soul Talisman. Attaches the talisman of warrior to self or 1 party member to increases P.Atk. Can only be used on target who equips weapon. _ [Level 1] : P.Atk + 2 / duration : 180 seconds. [Level 2] : P.Atk + 4 / duration : 210 seconds. [Level 3] : P.Atk + 6 / duration : 240 seconds. [Level 4] : P.Atk + 8 / duration : 270 seconds. [Level 5] : P.Atk + 10 / duration : 300 seconds. Talisman of Magician Max level : 5 Prerequisite skills : Talisman Mastery level 1. Group : Active Type : Buff Target: Single Target Recovers AP : 2 Description : Consumes 1 Soul Talisman. Attaches the talisman of magician to self or 1 party member to increases S.Matk. Can only be used on target who equips weapon. _ [Level 1] : S.Matk + 2 / duration : 180 seconds. [Level 2] : S.Matk + 4 / duration : 210 seconds. [Level 3] : S.Matk + 6 / duration : 240 seconds. [Level 4] : S.Matk + 8 / duration : 270 seconds. [Level 5] : S.Matk + 10 / duration : 300 seconds. Soul Gathering Max level : 5 Prerequisite skills : Soul Energy Research level 5, Soul Mastery level 3 Group : Active Type : Assist Target: Self Recovers AP : 2 Description : Can only be used when Soul Collect is active. Gathers the wandering spirits that lingering around, instantly fills Soul Energy to the maximum amount that the user can accumulate. _ [Level 1] : skill cooldown : 5 seconds. [Level 2] : skill cooldown : 4 seconds. [Level 3] : skill cooldown : 3 seconds. [Level 4] : skill cooldown : 2 seconds. [Level 5] : skill cooldown : 1 second. Totem of Tutelary Max level : 5 Prerequisite skills : Talisman Mastery level 3, Soul Mastery level 3 Group : Active Type : Recovery Target: 1 cell ground target Description : Consumes 10 Soul Talismans. Summons the Totem of Tutelary which worships the guardian deity on ground to recover HP and SP of nearby party members including the user at certain interval. Recovers additional amount depends on level of Talisman Mastery user learned, user's base level and CRT. _ [Level 1] : HP recovery amount : 1000 + (Talisman Mastery level x 50). SP recovery amount : 50 + (Talisman Mastery level x 5) / area of effect : 5 x 5 cells. [Level 2] : HP recovery amount : 1500 + (Talisman Mastery level x 100). SP recovery amount : 100 + (Talisman Mastery level x 10) / area of effect : 5 x 5 cells. [Level 3] : HP recovery amount : 2000 + (Talisman Mastery level x 150). SP recovery amount : 150 + (Talisman Mastery level x 15) / area of effect : 7 x 7 cells. [Level 4] : HP recovery amount : 2500 + (Talisman Mastery level x 200). SP recovery amount : 200 + (Talisman Mastery level x 20) / area of effect : 7 x 7 cells. [Level 5] : HP recovery amount : 3000 + (Talisman Mastery level x 250). SP recovery amount : 250 + (Talisman Mastery level x 25) / area of effect : 9 x 9 cells. Talisman of Five Elements Max level : 5 Prerequisite skills : Talisman Mastery level 1 Group : Active Type : Buff Target: Single Target Description : Consumes 5 Soul Talismans. Attaches the talisman of five elements to self or 1 party member to increases physical and magical damage against water, wind, earth, fire and neutral property enemies. Can only be used on target who equips weapon. _ [Level 1] : Damage bonus + 4% / duration : 180 seconds. [Level 2] : Damage bonus + 8% / duration : 210 seconds. [Level 3] : Damage bonus + 12% / duration : 240 seconds. [Level 4] : Damage bonus + 16% / duration : 270 seconds. [Level 5] : Damage bonus + 20% / duration : 300 seconds. Talisman of Soul Stealing Max level : 5 Prerequisite skills : Talisman Mastery level 1, Soul Mastery level 1 Group : Active Type : Magic Target: Single Target Description : Consumes 1 Soul Talisman. Throws the talisman to the target, inflicts neutral property magical damage to the target and recovers SP to the user. Deals additional damage depends on level of Talisman Mastery and Soul Mastery user learned, user's base level and SPL. Recovers additional SP depends on user's base level. Damage property can be changed according to Mild Wind. _ [Level 1] : (1750 + ((Talisman Mastery level + Soul Mastery level) x 7))% Matk. [Level 2] : (3000 + ((Talisman Mastery level + Soul Mastery level) x 14))% Matk. [Level 3] : (4250 + ((Talisman Mastery level + Soul Mastery level) x 21))% Matk. [Level 4] : (5500 + ((Talisman Mastery level + Soul Mastery level) x 28))% Matk. [Level 5] : (6750 + ((Talisman Mastery level + Soul Mastery level) x 35))% Matk. Exorcism of Malicious Soul Max level : 5 Prerequisite skills : Evil Spirit's Curse level 5, Soul Gathering level 1 Group : Active Type : Magic Target: Instant cast Recovers AP : 2 Description : Consumes all of Soul Energy and inflicts neutral property magical damage to all targets around the user. The skill deals more damage if the target is under the effect of Dead Spirit's Curse or the user is under the effect of Totem of Tutelary. Deals additional damage depends on number of Soul Energy consumed, level of Soul Mastery user learned, user's base level and SPL. Damage property can be changed according to Mild Wind. _ [Level 1] : ((150 + (Soul Mastery level x 2)) x Soul Energy)% Matk. Cursed target : ((250 + (Soul Mastery level x 2)) x Soul Energy)% Matk / area of effect : 11 x 11 cells. [Level 2] : ((300 + (Soul Mastery level x 2)) x Soul Energy)% Matk. Cursed target : ((500 + (Soul Mastery level x 2)) x Soul Energy)% Matk / area of effect : 11 x 11 cells. [Level 3] : ((450 + (Soul Mastery level x 2)) x Soul Energy)% Matk. Cursed target : ((750 + (Soul Mastery level x 2)) x Soul Energy)% Matk / area of effect : 11 x 11 cells. [Level 4] : ((600 + (Soul Mastery level x 2)) x Soul Energy)% Matk. Cursed target : ((1000 + (Soul Mastery level x 2)) x Soul Energy)% Matk / area of effect : 13 x 13 cells. [Level 5] : ((750 + (Soul Mastery level x 2)) x Soul Energy)% Matk. Cursed target : ((1250 + (Soul Mastery level x 2)) x Soul Energy)% Matk / area of effect : 13 x 13 cells. Talisman of Blue Dragon Max level : 5 Prerequisite skills : Talisman of Soul Stealing level 1 Group : Active Type : Magic Target: Single target Recovers AP : 2 Description : Consumes 1 Soul Talisman. Throws the talisman imbued with the power of Qinglong, guardian deity of the East, to the target, inflicts neutral property magical damage to the target and grants the user [Blessing of the East]. The duration of [Blessing of the East] buff is increased according to skill level. The skill deals more damage if the user has [Blessing of the Four Directions and the Five Elements] buff. Deals additional damage depends on level of Talisman Mastery user learned, user's base level and SPL. Damage property can be changed according to Mild Wind. _ [Level 1] : (2300 + (Talisman Mastery level x 15))% Matk. Blessing of the Four Directions and the Five Elements : (2800 + (Talisman Mastery level x 15))% Matk. [Level 2] : (4000 + (Talisman Mastery level x 30))% Matk. Blessing of the Four Directions and the Five Elements : (5000 + (Talisman Mastery level x 30))% Matk. [Level 3] : (5700 + (Talisman Mastery level x 45))% Matk. Blessing of the Four Directions and the Five Elements : (7200 + (Talisman Mastery level x 45))% Matk. [Level 4] : (7400 + (Talisman Mastery level x 60))% Matk. Blessing of the Four Directions and the Five Elements : (9400 + (Talisman Mastery level x 60))% Matk. [Level 5] : (9100 + (Talisman Mastery level x 75))% Matk. Blessing of the Four Directions and the Five Elements : (11600 + (Talisman Mastery level x 75))% Matk. Talisman of White Tiger Max level : 5 Prerequisite skills : Talisman of Blue Dragon level 1 Group : Active Type : Magic Target: Instant cast Recovers AP : 2 Description : Consumes 1 Soul Talisman. Throws the talisman imbued with the power of Baihu, guardian deity of the West, to the target, inflicts neutral property magical damage to all targets around the user. If the user has [Blessing of the East] buff, The buff will be changed to [Blessing of the West]. The duration of [Blessing of the West] buff is increased according to skill level. The skill deals more damage if the user has [Blessing of the Four Directions and the Five Elements] buff. Deals additional damage depends on level of Talisman Mastery user learned, user's base level and SPL. Damage property can be changed according to Mild Wind. _ [Level 1] : (1400 + (Talisman Mastery level x 15))% Matk. Blessing of the Four Directions and the Five Elements : (1800 + (Talisman Mastery level x 15))% Matk / area of effect : 11 x 11 cells. [Level 2] : (2400 + (Talisman Mastery level x 30))% Matk. Blessing of the Four Directions and the Five Elements : (3200 + (Talisman Mastery level x 30))% Matk / area of effect : 11 x 11 cells. [Level 3] : (3400 + (Talisman Mastery level x 45))% Matk. Blessing of the Four Directions and the Five Elements : (4600 + (Talisman Mastery level x 45))% Matk / area of effect : 11 x 11 cells. [Level 4] : (4400 + (Talisman Mastery level x 60))% Matk. Blessing of the Four Directions and the Five Elements : (6000 + (Talisman Mastery level x 60))% Matk / area of effect : 13 x 13 cells. [Level 5] : (5400 + (Talisman Mastery level x 75))% Matk. Blessing of the Four Directions and the Five Elements : (7400 + (Talisman Mastery level x 75))% Matk / area of effect : 13 x 13 cells. Talisman of Red Phoenix Max level : 5 Prerequisite skills : Talisman of White Tiger level 1 Group : Active Type : Magic Target: Single target Recovers AP : 3 Description : Consumes 1 Soul Talisman. Throws the talisman imbued with the power of Zhuque, guardian deity of the South, to the target, inflicts neutral property magical damage to the target and surrounding enemies around the target. If the user has [Blessing of the West] buff, The buff will be changed to [Blessing of the South]. The duration of [Blessing of the South] buff is increased according to skill level. The skill deals more damage if the user has [Blessing of the Four Directions and the Five Elements] buff. Deals additional damage depends on level of Talisman Mastery user learned, user's base level and SPL. Damage property can be changed according to Mild Wind. _ [Level 1] : (2450 + (Talisman Mastery level x 15))% Matk. Blessing of the Four Directions and the Five Elements : (3050 + (Talisman Mastery level x 15))% Matk / area of effect : 3 x 3 cells. [Level 2] : (3700 + (Talisman Mastery level x 30))% Matk. Blessing of the Four Directions and the Five Elements : (4700 + (Talisman Mastery level x 30))% Matk / area of effect : 3 x 3 cells. [Level 3] : (4950 + (Talisman Mastery level x 45))% Matk. Blessing of the Four Directions and the Five Elements : (6350 + (Talisman Mastery level x 45))% Matk / area of effect : 5 x 5 cells. [Level 4] : (6200 + (Talisman Mastery level x 60))% Matk. Blessing of the Four Directions and the Five Elements : (8000 + (Talisman Mastery level x 60))% Matk / area of effect : 5 x 5 cells. [Level 5] : (7450 + (Talisman Mastery level x 75))% Matk. Blessing of the Four Directions and the Five Elements : (9650 + (Talisman Mastery level x 75))% Matk / area of effect : 7 x 7 cells. Talisman of Black Tortoise Max level : 5 Prerequisite skills : Talisman of Red Phoenix level 1 Group : Active Type : Magic Target: 1 cell ground target Recovers AP : 3 Description : Consumes 1 Soul Talisman. Throws the talisman imbued with the power of Xuanwu, guardian deity of the North, to the target cell, inflicts neutral property magical damage to all target within range. If the user has [Blessing of the South] buff, The buff will be changed to [Blessing of the North]. The duration of [Blessing of the North] buff is increased according to skill level. The skill deals more damage if the user has [Blessing of the Four Directions and the Five Elements] buff. Deals additional damage depends on level of Talisman Mastery user learned, user's base level and SPL. Damage property can be changed according to Mild Wind. _ [Level 1] : (3750 + (Talisman Mastery level x 15))% Matk. Blessing of the Four Directions and the Five Elements : (4400 + (Talisman Mastery level x 15))% Matk / area of effect : 7 x 7 cells. [Level 2] : (5350 + (Talisman Mastery level x 30))% Matk. Blessing of the Four Directions and the Five Elements : (6500 + (Talisman Mastery level x 30))% Matk / area of effect : 7 x 7 cells. [Level 3] : (6950 + (Talisman Mastery level x 45))% Matk. Blessing of the Four Directions and the Five Elements : (8600 + (Talisman Mastery level x 45))% Matk / area of effect : 9 x 9 cells. [Level 4] : (8550 + (Talisman Mastery level x 60))% Matk. Blessing of the Four Directions and the Five Elements : (10700 + (Talisman Mastery level x 60))% Matk / area of effect : 9 x 9 cells. [Level 5] : (10150 + (Talisman Mastery level x 75))% Matk. Blessing of the Four Directions and the Five Elements : (12800 + (Talisman Mastery level x 75))% Matk / area of effect : 11 x 11 cells. Talisman of Four Bearing God Max level : 5 Prerequisite skills : Talisman of Blue Dragon level 1, Talisman of White Tiger level 1, Talisman of Red Phoenix level 1, Talisman of Black Tortoise level 1 Group : Active Type : Magic Target: Single target Recovers AP : 3 Description : Consumes 3 Soul Talismans. Throws the talisman to the target, inflicts neutral property magical damage to the target and surrounding enemies around the target. Deals damage for 1 hit initially, deals damage for 2 hits if the user has [Blessing of the East] buff, deals damage for 3 hits if the user has [Blessing of the West] buff, deals damage for 4 hits if the user has [Blessing of the South] buff, deals damage for 5 hits if the user has [Blessing of the North] buff. Deals damage for 7 hits if the user has [Blessing of the Four Directions and the Five Elements] buff. Deals additional damage depends on level of Talisman Mastery user learned, user's base level and SPL. Damage property can be changed according to Mild Wind. _ [Level 1] : (300 + (Talisman Mastery level x 15))% Matk per hit / area of effect : 7 x 7 cells. [Level 2] : (550 + (Talisman Mastery level x 30))% Matk per hit / area of effect : 7 x 7 cells. [Level 3] : (800 + (Talisman Mastery level x 45))% Matk per hit / area of effect : 9 x 9 cells. [Level 4] : (1050 + (Talisman Mastery level x 60))% Matk per hit / area of effect : 9 x 9 cells. [Level 5] : (1300 + (Talisman Mastery level x 75))% Matk per hit / area of effect : 11 x 11 cells. Circle of Directions and Elementals Max level : 5 Prerequisite skills : Soul Mastery level 3, Talisman of Four Bearing God level 1, Talisman of Five Elements level 1 Group : Active Type : Magic Target: Single target Consumes AP : 35 Description : Can only be used when the user has [Blessing of the North] or [Blessing of the Four Directions and the Five Elements] buff. Fuses the power of four bearing gods and five elements together, inflicts 5 hits of powerful neutral property magical damage to the target and surrounding enemies around the target. Changes [Blessing of the North] buff to [Blessing of the Four Directions and the Five Elements] buff, also increases S.Matk of the user for the certain duration. (The duration of [Blessing of the Four Directions and the Five Elements] buff is increased according to skill level, if the user already has [Blessing of the Four Directions and the Five Elements] buff, the buff duration is refreshed). Deals additional damage depends on level of Talisman Mastery and Soul Mastery user learned, user's base level and SPL. Damage property can be changed according to Mild Wind. _ [Level 1] : (2500 + ((Talisman Mastery level + Soul Mastery level) x 15))% Matk per hit / area of effect : 7 x 7 cells / S.Matk + 5 for 30 seconds. [Level 2] : (4500 + ((Talisman Mastery level + Soul Mastery level) x 30))% Matk per hit / area of effect : 7 x 7 cells / S.Matk + 10 for 60 seconds. [Level 3] : (6500 + ((Talisman Mastery level + Soul Mastery level) x 45))% Matk per hit / area of effect : 9 x 9 cells / S.Matk + 15 for 90 seconds. [Level 4] : (8500 + ((Talisman Mastery level + Soul Mastery level) x 60))% Matk per hit / area of effect : 9 x 9 cells / S.Matk + 20 for 120 seconds. [Level 5] : (10500 + ((Talisman Mastery level + Soul Mastery level) x 75))% Matk per hit / area of effect : 11 x 11 cells / S.Matk + 25 for 150 seconds. Soul of Heaven and Earth Max level : 10 Prerequisite skills : Talisman of Protection level 5, Talisman of Warrior level 5, Talisman of Magician level 5, Talisman of Five Elements level 5 Group : Active Type : Buff Target: Instant cast Consumes AP : 180 Description : Calls the divine power from the heaven upon the earth, fully recovers SP to all party members within 23 x 23 cells around the user. Increases melee physical damage, long ranged physical damage and all property magical damage of the party members for 300 seconds. Using this skill while the user is under the effect of Totem of Tutelary also recovers AP to the party members. _ [Level 1] : melee / long ranged / all property damage bonus + 7% / AP + 3. [Level 2] : melee / long ranged / all property damage bonus + 9% / AP + 6. [Level 3] : melee / long ranged / all property damage bonus + 11% / AP + 9. [Level 4] : melee / long ranged / all property damage bonus + 13% / AP + 12. [Level 5] : melee / long ranged / all property damage bonus + 15% / AP + 15. [Level 6] : melee / long ranged / all property damage bonus + 17% / AP + 18. [Level 7] : melee / long ranged / all property damage bonus + 19% / AP + 21. [Level 8] : melee / long ranged / all property damage bonus + 21% / AP + 24. [Level 9] : melee / long ranged / all property damage bonus + 23% / AP + 27. [Level 10] : melee / long ranged / all property damage bonus + 25% / AP + 30. Skills Tree Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sigma Posted February 6 Author Share Posted February 6 Spoiler - Spirit Handler - Mystical Creature Mastery Max level : 10 Group : Passive Description : By communicating with mystical creatures, increases P.Atk, S.Matk and the effectiveness of mystical creatures skills. _ [Level 1] : P.Atk, S.Matk + 1. [Level 2] : P.Atk, S.Matk + 3. [Level 3] : P.Atk, S.Matk + 4. [Level 4] : P.Atk, S.Matk + 6. [Level 5] : P.Atk, S.Matk + 7. [Level 6] : P.Atk, S.Matk + 9. [Level 7] : P.Atk, S.Matk + 10. [Level 8] : P.Atk, S.Matk + 12. [Level 9] : P.Atk, S.Matk + 13. [Level 10] : P.Atk, S.Matk + 15. Commune With Chulho Max level : 1 Prerequisite skills : Mystical Creature Mastery level 7, Hogogong Strike level 3 Group : Passive Description : Empowers the skills that borrow the power from Chulho through perfect communion with the mystical creature Chulho. Chulho Sonic Claw Max level : 7 Prerequisite skills : Mystical Creature Mastery level 1 Group : Active Type : Long ranged physical Target: Single Target Recovers AP : 1 Description : Using the sharp claw of Chulho by scratches the air towards the target, inflicts long ranged physical damage to the target. Deals additional damage depends on level of Mystical Creature Mastery user learned, user's base level and POW. If the user learned Commune With Chulho, increases skill damage and applies critical damage, the critical chance is the user's Cri. The effectiveness of critical modifier is applied by half. _ [Level 1] : (2500 + (Mystical Creature Mastery level x 50))% Atk. Commune With Chulho : (2900 + (Mystical Creature Mastery level x 100))% Atk. [Level 2] : (4150 + (Mystical Creature Mastery level x 50))% Atk. Commune With Chulho : (4950 + (Mystical Creature Mastery level x 100))% Atk. [Level 3] : (5800 + (Mystical Creature Mastery level x 50))% Atk. Commune With Chulho : (7000 + (Mystical Creature Mastery level x 100))% Atk. [Level 4] : (7450 + (Mystical Creature Mastery level x 50))% Atk. Commune With Chulho : (9050 + (Mystical Creature Mastery level x 100))% Atk. [Level 5] : (9100 + (Mystical Creature Mastery level x 50))% Atk. Commune With Chulho : (11100 + (Mystical Creature Mastery level x 100))% Atk. [Level 6] : (10750 + (Mystical Creature Mastery level x 50))% Atk. Commune With Chulho : (13150 + (Mystical Creature Mastery level x 100))% Atk. [Level 7] : (12400 + (Mystical Creature Mastery level x 50))% Atk. Commune With Chulho : (15200 + (Mystical Creature Mastery level x 100))% Atk. Howling of Chulho Max level : 7 Prerequisite skills : Mystical Creature Mastery level 3, Chulho Sonic Claw level 3 Group : Active Type : Long ranged physical Target: Instant cast Recovers AP : 2 Description : Roars with the power of Chulho, inflicts long ranged physical damage to all targets around the user. Inflicts [Hogogong effect] to the targets for 12 seconds. Deals additional damage depends on level of Mystical Creature Mastery user learned, user's base level and POW. If the user learned Commune With Chulho, increases skill damage. _ [Level 1] : (1650 + (Mystical Creature Mastery level x 50))% Atk / area of effect : 5 x 5 cells. Commune With Chulho : (1850 + (Mystical Creature Mastery level x 100))% Atk / area of effect : 7 x 7 cells. [Level 2] : (2700 + (Mystical Creature Mastery level x 50))% Atk / area of effect : 5 x 5 cells. Commune With Chulho : (3000 + (Mystical Creature Mastery level x 100))% Atk / area of effect : 7 x 7 cells. [Level 3] : (3750 + (Mystical Creature Mastery level x 50))% Atk / area of effect : 5 x 5 cells. Commune With Chulho : (4150 + (Mystical Creature Mastery level x 100))% Atk / area of effect : 7 x 7 cells. [Level 4] : (4800 + (Mystical Creature Mastery level x 50))% Atk / area of effect : 7 x 7 cells. Commune With Chulho : (5300 + (Mystical Creature Mastery level x 100))% Atk / area of effect : 9 x 9 cells. [Level 5] : (5850 + (Mystical Creature Mastery level x 50))% Atk / area of effect : 7 x 7 cells. Commune With Chulho : (6450 + (Mystical Creature Mastery level x 100))% Atk / area of effect : 9 x 9 cells. [Level 6] : (6900 + (Mystical Creature Mastery level x 50))% Atk / area of effect : 7 x 7 cells. Commune With Chulho : (7600 + (Mystical Creature Mastery level x 100))% Atk / area of effect : 9 x 9 cells. [Level 7] : (7950 + (Mystical Creature Mastery level x 50))% Atk / area of effect : 9 x 9 cells. Commune With Chulho : (8750 + (Mystical Creature Mastery level x 100))% Atk / area of effect : 11 x 11 cells. Hogogong Strike Max level : 7 Prerequisite skills : Mystical Creature Mastery level 5, Howling of Chulho level 3 Group : Active Type : Long ranged physical Target: Instant cast Recovers AP : 1 (2 if Commune With Chulho is learned) Description : Punches the front paws of Chulho to nearby targets who are affected by [Hogogong effect], inflicts long ranged physical damage to the targets for 3 hits. Deals additional damage depends on level of Mystical Creature Mastery user learned, user's base level and POW, has a chance to trigger critical, critical chance is the user's Cri. The effectiveness of critical modifier is applied by half. If the user learned Commune With Chulho, increases skill damage and increases AP recovery amount. _ [Level 1] : (380 + (Mystical Creature Mastery level x 10))% Atk per hit. Commune With Chulho : (600 + (Mystical Creature Mastery level x 20))% Atk per hit / area of effect : 7 x 7 cells. [Level 2] : (580 + (Mystical Creature Mastery level x 10))% Atk per hit. Commune With Chulho : (950 + (Mystical Creature Mastery level x 20))% Atk per hit / area of effect : 7 x 7 cells. [Level 3] : (780 + (Mystical Creature Mastery level x 10))% Atk per hit. Commune With Chulho : (1300 + (Mystical Creature Mastery level x 20))% Atk per hit / area of effect : 7 x 7 cells. [Level 4] : (980 + (Mystical Creature Mastery level x 10))% Atk per hit. Commune With Chulho : (1650 + (Mystical Creature Mastery level x 20))% Atk per hit / area of effect : 9 x 9 cells. [Level 5] : (1180 + (Mystical Creature Mastery level x 10))% Atk per hit. Commune With Chulho : (2000 + (Mystical Creature Mastery level x 20))% Atk per hit / area of effect : 9 x 9 cells. [Level 6] : (1380 + (Mystical Creature Mastery level x 10))% Atk per hit. Commune With Chulho : (2350 + (Mystical Creature Mastery level x 20))% Atk per hit / area of effect : 9 x 9 cells. [Level 7] : (1580 + (Mystical Creature Mastery level x 10))% Atk per hit. Commune With Chulho : (2700 + (Mystical Creature Mastery level x 20))% Atk per hit / area of effect : 11 x 11 cells. Commune With Kisul Max level : 1 Prerequisite skills : Mystical Creature Mastery level 7, Kisul Rampage level 3 Group : Passive Description : Empowers the skills that borrow the power from Kisul through perfect communion with the mystical creature Kisul. Kisul Water Spraying Max level : 7 Prerequisite skills : Mystical Creature Mastery level 1 Group : Active Type : Recovery Target: Instant cast Recovers AP : 1 Description : Fires the water cannon contained healing power of Kisul, recovers HP to self and nearby party member around the user. Recovers additional amount depends on level of Mystical Creature Mastery user learned, user's base level and CRT. If the user learned Commune With Kisul, increases area of effect and healing amount. _ [Level 1] : Healing amount : 500 + (Mystical Creature Mastery level x 100) / area of effect : 7 x 7 cells. Commune With Kisul : Healing amount : 750 + (Mystical Creature Mastery level x 150) / area of effect : 11 x 11 cells. [Level 2] : Healing amount : 1000 + (Mystical Creature Mastery level x 100) / area of effect : 7 x 7 cells. Commune With Kisul : Healing amount : 1500 + (Mystical Creature Mastery level x 150) / area of effect : 11 x 11 cells. [Level 3] : Healing amount : 1500 + (Mystical Creature Mastery level x 100) / area of effect : 9 x 9 cells. Commune With Kisul : Healing amount : 2250 + (Mystical Creature Mastery level x 150) / area of effect : 13 x 13 cells. [Level 4] : Healing amount : 2000 + (Mystical Creature Mastery level x 100) / area of effect : 9 x 9 cells. Commune With Kisul : Healing amount : 3000 + (Mystical Creature Mastery level x 150) / area of effect : 13 x 13 cells. [Level 5] : Healing amount : 2500 + (Mystical Creature Mastery level x 100) / area of effect : 11 x 11 cells. Commune With Kisul : Healing amount : 3750 + (Mystical Creature Mastery level x 150) / area of effect : 15 x 15 cells. [Level 6] : Healing amount : 3000 + (Mystical Creature Mastery level x 100) / area of effect : 11 x 11 cells. Commune With Kisul : Healing amount : 4500 + (Mystical Creature Mastery level x 150) / area of effect : 15 x 15 cells. [Level 7] : Healing amount : 3500 + (Mystical Creature Mastery level x 100) / area of effect : 13 x 13 cells. Commune With Kisul : Healing amount : 5250 + (Mystical Creature Mastery level x 150) / area of effect : 17 x 17 cells. Marine Festival of Kisul Max level : 5 Prerequisite skills : Mystical Creature Mastery level 3, Kisul Water Spraying level 3 Group : Active Type : Buff Target: Instant cast Recovers AP : 4 Description : With the power of the sea by Kisul, increases POW, CRT and CON to self and nearby party member around the user. If the user learned Commune With Kisul, increases area of effect and doubles the skill duration. Doesn't stack with Cardinal's Benedictum. _ [Level 1] : POW, CRT, CON + 2 / duration : 60 seconds / area of effect : 5 x 5 cells. Commune With Kisul : area of effect : 9 x 9 cells. [Level 2] : POW, CRT, CON + 4 / duration : 75 seconds / area of effect : 7 x 7 cells. Commune With Kisul : area of effect : 11 x 11 cells. [Level 3] : POW, CRT, CON + 6 / duration : 90 seconds / area of effect : 9 x 9 cells. Commune With Kisul : area of effect : 13 x 13 cells. [Level 4] : POW, CRT, CON + 8 / duration : 105 seconds / area of effect : 11 x 11 cells. Commune With Kisul : area of effect : 15 x 15 cells. [Level 5] : POW, CRT, CON + 10 / duration : 120 seconds / area of effect : 13 x 13 cells. Commune With Kisul : area of effect : 17 x 17 cells. Sandy Festival of Kisul Max level : 5 Prerequisite skills : Mystical Creature Mastery level 3, Kisul Water Spraying level 3 Group : Active Type : Buff Target: Instant cast Recovers AP : 4 Description : With the power of the sea by Kisul, increases SPL, WIS and STA to self and nearby party member around the user. If the user learned Commune With Kisul, increases area of effect and doubles the skill duration. Doesn't stack with Cardinal's Religio. _ [Level 1] : SPL, WIS, STA + 2 / duration : 60 seconds / area of effect : 5 x 5 cells. Commune With Kisul : area of effect : 9 x 9 cells. [Level 2] : SPL, WIS, STA + 4 / duration : 75 seconds / area of effect : 7 x 7 cells. Commune With Kisul : area of effect : 11 x 11 cells. [Level 3] : SPL, WIS, STA + 6 / duration : 90 seconds / area of effect : 9 x 9 cells. Commune With Kisul : area of effect : 13 x 13 cells. [Level 4] : SPL, WIS, STA + 8 / duration : 105 seconds / area of effect : 11 x 11 cells. Commune With Kisul : area of effect : 15 x 15 cells. [Level 5] : SPL, WIS, STA + 10 / duration : 120 seconds / area of effect : 13 x 13 cells. Commune With Kisul : area of effect : 17 x 17 cells. Kisul Rampage Max level : 7 Prerequisite skills : Mystical Creature Mastery level 5, Marine Festival of Kisul level 2, Sandy Festival of Kisul level 2 Group : Active Type : Recovery Target: Instant cast Description : Using the powerful healing effect of Kisul. Recovers 3 AP every 1 second to all party members, excluding the user, with 7 x 7 cells around the user. The user can't use other skills while this skill is active, and if the user leaves the standing cell due to certain effect such as being knocked-back,the skill effect is canceled. If the user learned Commune With Kisul, increases area of effect to 11 x 11 cells and increases AP recovery amount to 4. _ [Level 1] : Duration : 4 seconds. [Level 2] : Duration : 5 seconds. [Level 3] : Duration : 6 seconds. [Level 4] : Duration : 7 seconds. [Level 5] : Duration : 8 seconds. [Level 6] : Duration : 9 seconds. [Level 7] : Duration : 10 seconds. Commune With Hyunrok Max level : 1 Prerequisite skills : Mystical Creature Mastery level 7, Hyunrok Cannon level 3 Group : Passive Description : Empowers the skills that borrow the power from Hyunrok through perfect communion with the mystical creature Hyunrok. Colors of Hyunrok Max level : 7 Prerequisite skills : Mystical Creature Mastery level 1 Group : Active Type : Assist Target: Instant cast Description : With the mysterious magical power of Hyunrok, endows elemental property to Catnip Meteor, Hyunrok Breeze and Hyunrok Cannon for 300 seconds. If the user learned Commune With Hyunrok, using this skill also increases Catnip Meteor damage by 50%. When using skill level 7, the endowment is canceled. _ [Level 1] : Endows water property. [Level 2] : Endows wind property. [Level 3] : Endows earth property. [Level 4] : Endows fire property. [Level 5] : Endows shadow property. [Level 6] : Endows holy property. [Level 7] : Removes the endowment. Hyunrok Breeze Max level : 7 Prerequisite skills : Mystical Creature Mastery level 3, Colors of Hyunrok level 3 Group : Active Type : Magic Target: 1 cell ground target Recovers AP : 4 Description : Using the mysterious magical power of Hyunrok to create breeze on the ground, inflicts neutral property magical damage every 0.3 seconds for 4 seconds to all targets within range. Deals additional damage depends on level of Mystical Creature Mastery user learned, user's base level and SPL. If the user learned Commune With Hyunrok, increases skill damage. Damage property can be changed according to Colors of Hyunrok. _ [Level 1] : (1400 + (Mystical Creature Mastery level x 20))% Matk. Commune With Hyunrok : (1700 + (Mystical Creature Mastery level x 40))% Matk / area of effect : 5 x 5 cells. [Level 2] : (2150 + (Mystical Creature Mastery level x 20))% Matk. Commune With Hyunrok : (2650 + (Mystical Creature Mastery level x 40))% Matk / area of effect : 5 x 5 cells. [Level 3] : (2900 + (Mystical Creature Mastery level x 20))% Matk. Commune With Hyunrok : (3600 + (Mystical Creature Mastery level x 40))% Matk / area of effect : 7 x 7 cells. [Level 4] : (3650 + (Mystical Creature Mastery level x 20))% Matk. Commune With Hyunrok : (4550 + (Mystical Creature Mastery level x 40))% Matk / area of effect : 7 x 7 cells. [Level 5] : (4400 + (Mystical Creature Mastery level x 20))% Matk. Commune With Hyunrok : (5500 + (Mystical Creature Mastery level x 40))% Matk / area of effect : 9 x 9 cells. [Level 6] : (5150 + (Mystical Creature Mastery level x 20))% Matk. Commune With Hyunrok : (6450 + (Mystical Creature Mastery level x 40))% Matk / area of effect : 9 x 9 cells. [Level 7] : (5900 + (Mystical Creature Mastery level x 20))% Matk. Commune With Hyunrok : (7400 + (Mystical Creature Mastery level x 40))% Matk / area of effect : 11 x 11 cells. Hyunrok Cannon Max level : 7 Prerequisite skills : Mystical Creature Mastery level 5, Hyunrok Breeze level 3 Group : Active Type : Magic Target: Single target Recovers AP : 1 (2 if Commune With Hyunrok is learned) Description : Using the mysterious magical power of Hyunrok, fires the powerful magic cannon to the target. Deals additional damage depends on level of Mystical Creature Mastery user learned, user's base level and SPL. If the user learned Commune With Hyunrok, increases skill damage and increases AP recovery amount. Damage property can be changed according to Colors of Hyunrok. _ [Level 1] : (2600 + (Mystical Creature Mastery level x 50))% Matk. Commune With Hyunrok : (2900 + (Mystical Creature Mastery level x 75))% Matk. [Level 2] : (4150 + (Mystical Creature Mastery level x 50))% Matk. Commune With Hyunrok : (4750 + (Mystical Creature Mastery level x 75))% Matk. [Level 3] : (5700 + (Mystical Creature Mastery level x 50))% Matk. Commune With Hyunrok : (6600 + (Mystical Creature Mastery level x 75))% Matk. [Level 4] : (7250 + (Mystical Creature Mastery level x 50))% Matk. Commune With Hyunrok : (8450 + (Mystical Creature Mastery level x 75))% Matk. [Level 5] : (8800 + (Mystical Creature Mastery level x 50))% Matk. Commune With Hyunrok : (10300 + (Mystical Creature Mastery level x 75))% Matk. [Level 6] : (10350 + (Mystical Creature Mastery level x 50))% Matk. Commune With Hyunrok : (12150 + (Mystical Creature Mastery level x 75))% Matk. [Level 7] : (11900 + (Mystical Creature Mastery level x 50))% Matk. Commune With Hyunrok : (14000 + (Mystical Creature Mastery level x 75))% Matk. Temporary Communion Max level : 5 Prerequisite skills : Mystical Creature Mastery level 10 Group : Active (AP) Type : Assist Target: Instant cast Consumes AP : 150 Description : Can only be used when the user learned at least one of either Commune with Chulho, Kisul or Hyunrok. Through the temporary communion with Chulho, Kisul and Hyunrok, the user is in the state of communion of all three mystical creatures for the certain duration. Increases P.Atk, S.Matk and H.Plus for the duration. _ [Level 1] : Duration : 30 seconds / P.Atk, S.Matk, H.Plus + 3. [Level 2] : Duration : 60 seconds / P.Atk, S.Matk, H.Plus + 6. [Level 3] : Duration : 90 seconds / P.Atk, S.Matk, H.Plus + 9. [Level 4] : Duration : 120 seconds / P.Atk, S.Matk, H.Plus + 12. [Level 5] : Duration : 150 seconds / P.Atk, S.Matk, H.Plus + 15. Blessing of Mystical Creatures Max level : 5 Prerequisite skills : Mystical Creature Mastery level 10, Commune with Kisul level 1 Group : Active (AP) Type : Assist Target: Single target Consumes AP : 100 Description : Gives the blessing of mystical creatures to 1 party member, excluding doram and self, recovers the target's AP to 200 and increases P.Atk, S.Matk for 10 seconds. When the skill duration ends, target's AP becomes 0. The target can't receive Blessing of Mystical Creatures again for 1 minute. _ [Level 1] : P.Atk, S.Matk + 10. [Level 2] : P.Atk, S.Matk + 20. [Level 3] : P.Atk, S.Matk + 30. [Level 4] : P.Atk, S.Matk + 40. [Level 5] : P.Atk, S.Matk + 50. Skills Tree Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sigma Posted February 6 Author Share Posted February 6 Spoiler - Hyper Novice - Self Study Tactics Max level : 10 Prerequisite skills : basic skill Group : Passive Description : Improves the knowledge of physical techniques, increases P.Atk and physcial skills damage. Increases Double Bowling Bash, Mega Sonic Blow and Spiral Pierce damage by (skill level + 5)%. Increases Shield Chain Rush damage by ((skill level x 2) + 10)%. _ [Level 1] : P.Atk + 1. [Level 2] : P.Atk + 2. [Level 3] : P.Atk + 3. [Level 4] : P.Atk + 4. [Level 5] : P.Atk + 5. [Level 6] : P.Atk + 6. [Level 7] : P.Atk + 7. [Level 8] : P.Atk + 8. [Level 9] : P.Atk + 9. [Level 10] : P.Atk + 10. Self Study Sorcery Max level : 10 Prerequisite skills : basic skill Group : Passive Description : Improves the knowledge of magical techniques, increases S.Matk and magical skills damage. Increases Meteor Storm Buster (fall damage), Jupitel Thunderstorm, Jack Frost Nova (explosion damage), Hell's Drive, and Ground Gravitation (gravitational field damage) damage by (skill level)%. Increases Napalm Vulcan Strike damage by (skill level x 2)%. _ [Level 1] : S.Matk + 1. [Level 2] : S.Matk + 2. [Level 3] : S.Matk + 3. [Level 4] : S.Matk + 4. [Level 5] : S.Matk + 5. [Level 6] : S.Matk + 6. [Level 7] : S.Matk + 7. [Level 8] : S.Matk + 8. [Level 9] : S.Matk + 9. [Level 10] : S.Matk + 10. Double Bowling Bash Max level : 10 Prerequisite skills : Self Study Tactics level 5 Group : Active Type : Melee physical Target: Single target Recovers AP : 3 Description : Inflicts melee physical damage to the target and surrounding enemies within 9 x 9 cells around the target and knocks them back. The number of his depends on the number of attacked enemies, up to 5 hits. Deals additional damage depends on level of Self Study Tactics user learned, user's base level and POW. The weapon can't be swapped for 1 second after using this skill. _ [Level 1] : (500 + (Self Study Tactics level x 3))% Atk per hit. [Level 2] : (800 + (Self Study Tactics level x 6))% Atk per hit. [Level 3] : (1100 + (Self Study Tactics level x 9))% Atk per hit. [Level 4] : (1400 + (Self Study Tactics level x 12))% Atk per hit. [Level 5] : (1700 + (Self Study Tactics level x 15))% Atk per hit. [Level 6] : (2000 + (Self Study Tactics level x 18))% Atk per hit. [Level 7] : (2300 + (Self Study Tactics level x 21))% Atk per hit. [Level 8] : (2600 + (Self Study Tactics level x 24))% Atk per hit. [Level 9] : (2900 + (Self Study Tactics level x 27))% Atk per hit. [Level 10] : (3200 + (Self Study Tactics level x 30))% Atk per hit. Mega Sonic Blow Max level : 10 Prerequisite skills : Double Bowling Bash level 7 Group : Active Type : Melee physical Target: Single target Recovers AP : 2 Description : Inflicts powerful melee physical damage to the target, has a chance to inflict stun to the target. Stun chance and duration are affected by target's resistance to status ailment. Doubles damage to the target whose HP is lower than 50%. Deals additional damage depends on level of Self Study Tactics user learned, user's base level and POW Has a chance to trigger critical, critical chance is the user's Cri. The effectiveness of critical modifier is applied by half. _ [Level 1] : (1650 + (Self Study Tactics level x 5))% Atk. [Level 2] : (2400 + (Self Study Tactics level x 10))% Atk. [Level 3] : (3150 + (Self Study Tactics level x 15))% Atk. [Level 4] : (3900 + (Self Study Tactics level x 20))% Atk. [Level 5] : (4650 + (Self Study Tactics level x 25))% Atk. [Level 6] : (5400 + (Self Study Tactics level x 30))% Atk. [Level 7] : (6150 + (Self Study Tactics level x 35))% Atk. [Level 8] : (6900 + (Self Study Tactics level x 40))% Atk. [Level 9] : (7650 + (Self Study Tactics level x 45))% Atk. [Level 10] : (8400 + (Self Study Tactics level x 50))% Atk. Shield Chain Rush Max level : 10 Prerequisite skills : Self Study Tactics level 5 Group : Active Type : Long ranged physical Target: Single target Recovers AP : 2 Description : Can only be used when equipping shield. Throws a shield to the target, inflicts long ranged physical damage to the target and surrounding enemies within 9 x 9 cells around the target. Attacked enemies receive the debuff that reduces movement speed by 20% and increases damage taken by 10% for 5 seconds (doesn't work on boss monsters). Deals additional damage depends on level of Self Study Tactics user learned, user's base level and POW. The weapon can't be swapped for 1.2 seconds after using this skill. _ [Level 1] : (1200 + (Self Study Tactics level x 3))% Atk. [Level 2] : (1700 + (Self Study Tactics level x 6))% Atk. [Level 3] : (2200 + (Self Study Tactics level x 9))% Atk. [Level 4] : (2700 + (Self Study Tactics level x 12))% Atk. [Level 5] : (3200 + (Self Study Tactics level x 15))% Atk. [Level 6] : (3700 + (Self Study Tactics level x 18))% Atk. [Level 7] : (4200 + (Self Study Tactics level x 21))% Atk. [Level 8] : (4700 + (Self Study Tactics level x 24))% Atk. [Level 9] : (5200 + (Self Study Tactics level x 27))% Atk. [Level 10] : (5700 + (Self Study Tactics level x 30))% Atk. Spiral Pierce Max Max level : 10 Prerequisite skills : Shield Chain Rush level 7 Group : Active Type : Long ranged physical Target: Single target Recovers AP : 2 Description : Blows the powerful spinning stab, inflicts long ranged physical damage to the target. Immobilizes target for 2 seconds (doesn't work on boss monsters). There is a damage factor that depends on size of the target. (small : 1.5, medium : 1.3, large : 1.2) Deals additional damage depends on level of Self Study Tactics user learned, user's base level and POW _ [Level 1] : (1500 + (Self Study Tactics level x 3))% Atk x damage factor. [Level 2] : (2300 + (Self Study Tactics level x 6))% Atk x damage factor. [Level 3] : (3100 + (Self Study Tactics level x 9))% Atk x damage factor. [Level 4] : (3900 + (Self Study Tactics level x 12))% Atk x damage factor. [Level 5] : (4700 + (Self Study Tactics level x 15))% Atk x damage factor. [Level 6] : (5500 + (Self Study Tactics level x 18))% Atk x damage factor. [Level 7] : (6300 + (Self Study Tactics level x 21))% Atk x damage factor. [Level 8] : (7100 + (Self Study Tactics level x 24))% Atk x damage factor. [Level 9] : (7900 + (Self Study Tactics level x 27))% Atk x damage factor. [Level 10] : (8700 + (Self Study Tactics level x 30))% Atk x damage factor. Meteor Storm Buster Max level : 10 Prerequisite skills : Self Study Sorcery level 5 Group : Active Type : Magic Target: 1 cell ground target Recovers AP : 3 Description : Drops the meteorites and random location within 9 x 9 cells around the target cell, each meteorite inflicts fire property magical damage to all targets within 5 x 5 cells and has a chance to inflict stun to the target. Then follow by an explosion, dealing secondary fire property magical damage. Stun chance and duration are affected by target's resistance to status ailment. Deals additional damage depends on level of Self Study Sorcery user learned, user's base level and SPL. The number of meteorites ranges from 3 to 6 depends on skill level. _ [Level 1] : Fall damage : (620 + (Self Study Sorcery level x 5))% Matk. Explosion damage : (610 + (Self Study Sorcery level x 5))% Matk / area of effect : 7 x 7 cells. [Level 2] : Fall damage : (940 + (Self Study Sorcery level x 10))% Matk. Explosion damage : (770 + (Self Study Sorcery level x 10))% Matk / area of effect : 7 x 7 cells. [Level 3] : Fall damage : (1260 + (Self Study Sorcery level x 15))% Matk. Explosion damage : (930 + (Self Study Sorcery level x 15))% Matk / area of effect : 7 x 7 cells. [Level 4] : Fall damage : (1580 + (Self Study Sorcery level x 20))% Matk. Explosion damage : (1090 + (Self Study Sorcery level x 20))% Matk / area of effect : 7 x 7 cells. [Level 5] : Fall damage : (1900 + (Self Study Sorcery level x 25))% Matk. Explosion damage : (1250 + (Self Study Sorcery level x 25))% Matk / area of effect : 7 x 7 cells. [Level 6] : Fall damage : (2220 + (Self Study Sorcery level x 30))% Matk. Explosion damage : (1410 + (Self Study Sorcery level x 30))% Matk / area of effect : 7 x 7 cells. [Level 7] : Fall damage : (2540 + (Self Study Sorcery level x 35))% Matk. Explosion damage : (1570 + (Self Study Sorcery level x 35))% Matk / area of effect : 7 x 7 cells. [Level 8] : Fall damage : (2860 + (Self Study Sorcery level x 40))% Matk. Explosion damage : (1730 + (Self Study Sorcery level x 40))% Matk / area of effect : 9 x 9 cells. [Level 9] : Fall damage : (3180 + (Self Study Sorcery level x 45))% Matk. Explosion damage : (1890 + (Self Study Sorcery level x 45))% Matk / area of effect : 9 x 9 cells. [Level 10] : Fall damage : (3500 + (Self Study Sorcery level x 50))% Matk. Explosion damage : (2050 + (Self Study Sorcery level x 50))% Matk / area of effect : 9 x 9 cells. Jupitel Thunderstorm Max level : 10 Prerequisite skills : Self Study Sorcery level 5 Group : Active Type : Magic Target: Single target Recovers AP : 2 Description : Fires the highly concentrated lightning ball to the target, inflicts wind property magical damage to the target and surrounding enemies around the target. Deals additional damage depends on level of Self Study Sorcery user learned, user's base level and SPL. _ [Level 1] : (1800 + (Self Study Sorcery level x 3))% Matk / area of effect : 5 x 5 cells. [Level 2] : (3600 + (Self Study Sorcery level x 6))% Matk / area of effect : 5 x 5 cells. [Level 3] : (5400 + (Self Study Sorcery level x 9))% Matk / area of effect : 5 x 5 cells. [Level 4] : (7200 + (Self Study Sorcery level x 12))% Matk / area of effect : 5 x 5 cells. [Level 5] : (8000 + (Self Study Sorcery level x 15))% Matk / area of effect : 7 x 7 cells. [Level 6] : (10800 + (Self Study Sorcery level x 18))% Matk / area of effect : 7 x 7 cells. [Level 7] : (12600 + (Self Study Sorcery level x 21))% Matk / area of effect : 7 x 7 cells. [Level 8] : (14400 + (Self Study Sorcery level x 24))% Matk / area of effect : 7 x 7 cells. [Level 9] : (16200 + (Self Study Sorcery level x 27))% Matk / area of effect : 9 x 9 cells. [Level 10] : (18000 + (Self Study Sorcery level x 30))% Matk / area of effect : 9 x 9 cells. Jack Frost Nova Max level : 10 Prerequisite skills : Self Study Sorcery level 5 Group : Active Type : Magic Target: 1 cell ground target Recovers AP : 3 Description : Creates an ice ball on the ground, inflicts water property magical damage to all targets within range. The ice ball periodically creates the strong cold explosion, deals additional water property magical damage to all targets within range every 0.3 seconds and inflicts [Bitter Cold] to the targets for 5 seconds. [Bitter Cold] effect : increases damage taken from water property by 15% (doesn't work on boss monsters). Deals additional damage depends on level of Self Study Sorcery user learned, user's base level and SPL. _ [Level 1] : Initial damage : (200 + (Self Study Sorcery level x 3))% Matk. Explosion damage : (900 + (Self Study Sorcery level x 3))% Matk per hit / area of effect : 7 x 7 cells. [Level 2] : Initial damage : (400 + (Self Study Sorcery level x 6))% Matk. Explosion damage : (1400 + (Self Study Sorcery level x 6))% Matk per hit / area of effect : 7 x 7 cells. [Level 3] : Initial damage : (600 + (Self Study Sorcery level x 9))% Matk. Explosion damage : (1900 + (Self Study Sorcery level x 9))% Matk per hit / area of effect : 7 x 7 cells. [Level 4] : Initial damage : (800 + (Self Study Sorcery level x 12))% Matk. Explosion damage : (2400 + (Self Study Sorcery level x 12))% Matk per hit / area of effect : 7 x 7 cells. [Level 5] : Initial damage : (1000 + (Self Study Sorcery level x 15))% Matk. Explosion damage : (2900 + (Self Study Sorcery level x 15))% Matk per hit / area of effect : 7 x 7 cells. [Level 6] : Initial damage : (1200 + (Self Study Sorcery level x 18))% Matk. Explosion damage : (3400 + (Self Study Sorcery level x 18))% Matk per hit / area of effect : 9 x 9 cells. [Level 7] : Initial damage : (1400 + (Self Study Sorcery level x 21))% Matk. Explosion damage : (3900 + (Self Study Sorcery level x 21))% Matk per hit / area of effect : 9 x 9 cells. [Level 8] : Initial damage : (1600 + (Self Study Sorcery level x 24))% Matk. Explosion damage : (4400 + (Self Study Sorcery level x 24))% Matk per hit / area of effect : 9 x 9 cells. [Level 9] : Initial damage : (1800 + (Self Study Sorcery level x 27))% Matk. Explosion damage : (4900 + (Self Study Sorcery level x 27))% Matk per hit / area of effect : 9 x 9 cells. [Level 10] : Initial damage : (2000 + (Self Study Sorcery level x 30))% Matk. Explosion damage : (5400 + (Self Study Sorcery level x 30))% Matk per hit / area of effect : 9 x 9 cells. Hell's Drive Max level : 10 Prerequisite skills : Self Study Sorcery level 5 Group : Active Type : Magic Target: Instant cast Recovers AP : 2 Description : Twists the ground, inflicts earth property magical damage to all targets around the user. Deals additional damage depends on level of Self Study Sorcery user learned, user's base level and SPL. _ [Level 1] : (2200 + (Self Study Sorcery level x 4))% Matk / area of effect : 3 x 3 cells. [Level 2] : (2900 + (Self Study Sorcery level x 8))% Matk / area of effect : 3 x 3 cells. [Level 3] : (3600 + (Self Study Sorcery level x 12))% Matk / area of effect : 3 x 3 cells. [Level 4] : (4300 + (Self Study Sorcery level x 16))% Matk / area of effect : 5 x 5 cells. [Level 5] : (5000 + (Self Study Sorcery level x 20))% Matk / area of effect : 5 x 5 cells. [Level 6] : (5700 + (Self Study Sorcery level x 24))% Matk / area of effect : 5 x 5 cells. [Level 7] : (6400 + (Self Study Sorcery level x 28))% Matk / area of effect : 7 x 7 cells. [Level 8] : (7100 + (Self Study Sorcery level x 32))% Matk / area of effect : 7 x 7 cells. [Level 9] : (7800 + (Self Study Sorcery level x 36))% Matk / area of effect : 7 x 7 cells. [Level 10] : (8500 + (Self Study Sorcery level x 40))% Matk / area of effect : 9 x 9 cells. Ground Gravitation Max level : 10 Prerequisite skills : Self Study Sorcery level 5 Group : Active Type : Magic Target: Instant cast Recovers AP : 5 Description : Creates the powerful gravity force around the user, inflicts neutral property magical damage to all targets around the user. The additional gravitational field lingers for 5 seconds, inflicts additional neutral property magical damage to all targets around the user every 0.5 seconds and inflicts [Gravitational Field] to the targets. [Gravitational Field] : reduces movement speed and increases damage taken from physical and magical damage (doesn't work on boss monsters). Deals additional damage depends on level of Self Study Sorcery user learned, user's base level and SPL. The skill area ranges from 5 x 5 cells to 9 x 9 cells depends on skill level. _ [Level 1] : Initial damage : (4500 + (Self Study Sorcery level x 4))% Matk. Gravitational field damage : (1500 + (Self Study Sorcery level x 2))% Matk per hit / area of effect : 5 x 5 cells. [Level 2] : Initial damage : (6000 + (Self Study Sorcery level x 8))% Matk. Gravitational field damage : (2200 + (Self Study Sorcery level x 4))% Matk per hit / area of effect : 5 x 5 cells. [Level 3] : Initial damage : (7500 + (Self Study Sorcery level x 12))% Matk. Gravitational field damage : (2900 + (Self Study Sorcery level x 6))% Matk per hit / area of effect : 5 x 5 cells. [Level 4] : Initial damage : (9000 + (Self Study Sorcery level x 16))% Matk. Gravitational field damage : (3600 + (Self Study Sorcery level x 8))% Matk per hit / area of effect : 7 x 7 cells. [Level 5] : Initial damage : (10500 + (Self Study Sorcery level x 20))% Matk. Gravitational field damage : (4300 + (Self Study Sorcery level x 10))% Matk per hit / area of effect : 7 x 7 cells. [Level 6] : Initial damage : (12000 + (Self Study Sorcery level x 24))% Matk. Gravitational field damage : (5000 + (Self Study Sorcery level x 12))% Matk per hit / area of effect : 7 x 7 cells. [Level 7] : Initial damage : (13500 + (Self Study Sorcery level x 28))% Matk. Gravitational field damage : (5700 + (Self Study Sorcery level x 14))% Matk per hit / area of effect : 9 x 9 cells. [Level 8] : Initial damage : (15000 + (Self Study Sorcery level x 32))% Matk. Gravitational field damage : (6400 + (Self Study Sorcery level x 16))% Matk per hit / area of effect : 9 x 9 cells. [Level 9] : Initial damage : (16500 + (Self Study Sorcery level x 36))% Matk. Gravitational field damage : (7100 + (Self Study Sorcery level x 18))% Matk per hit / area of effect : 9 x 9 cells. [Level 10] : Initial damage : (18000 + (Self Study Sorcery level x 40))% Matk. Gravitational field damage : (7800 + (Self Study Sorcery level x 20))% Matk per hit / area of effect : 9 x 9 cells. Napalm Vulcan Strike Max level : 10 Prerequisite skills : Self Study Sorcery level 5 Group : Active Type : Magic Target: Single target Recovers AP : 2 Description : Unleashes the powerful mental shockwave to the target, inflicts ghost property magical damage to the target and surrounding enemies within 7 x 7 cells around the target. has a chance to inflict curse to the target. Curse chance and duration are affected by target's resistance to status ailment. Deals additional damage depends on level of Self Study Sorcery user learned, user's base level and SPL. _ [Level 1] : (1000 + (Self Study Sorcery level x 4))% Matk. [Level 2] : (1650 + (Self Study Sorcery level x 8))% Matk. [Level 3] : (2300 + (Self Study Sorcery level x 12))% Matk. [Level 4] : (2950 + (Self Study Sorcery level x 16))% Matk. [Level 5] : (3600 + (Self Study Sorcery level x 20))% Matk. [Level 6] : (4250 + (Self Study Sorcery level x 24))% Matk. [Level 7] : (4900 + (Self Study Sorcery level x 28))% Matk. [Level 8] : (5550 + (Self Study Sorcery level x 32))% Matk. [Level 9] : (6200 + (Self Study Sorcery level x 36))% Matk. [Level 10] : (6850 + (Self Study Sorcery level x 40))% Matk. Breaking Limit Max level : 1 Prerequisite skills : Double Bowling Bash level 7, Shield Chain Rush level 7, Mega Sonic Blow level 7, Spiral Pierce Max level 7 Group : Active Type : Magic Target: Self Consumes AP : 150 Description : Breaks the physical limit of the user and exert the powerful physical power. Increases Double Bowling Bash, Mega Sonic Blow, Shield Chain Rush and Spiral Pierce Max damage for 300 seconds. _ Double Bowling Bash : increases damage by 70%. Mega Sonic Blow : increases damage by 100%. Shield Chain Rush : increases damage by 70%. Spiral Pierce Max : increases damage by 100%. Rule Break Max level : 1 Prerequisite skills : Meteor Storm Buster level 5, Jupitel Thunderstorm level 5, Jack Frost Nova level 5, Hell's Drive level 5, Ground Gravitation level 5, Napalm Vulcan Strike level 5 Group : Active Type : Magic Target: Self Consumes AP : 150 Description : Breaks the magical limit of the user and exert the powerful magical power. Increases Meteor Storm Buster, Jupitel Thunderstorm, Jack Frost Nova, Hell's Drive, Ground Gravitation and Napalm Vulcan Strike damage for 300 seconds. _ Meteor Storm Buster (fall and explosion damage) : increases damage by 50%. Jupitel Thunderstorm : increases damage by 70%. Jack Frost Nova (initial and explosion damage) : increases damage by 70%. Hell's Drive : increases damage by 70%. Ground Gravitation (initial and gravitational field damage) : increases damage by 50%. Napalm Vulcan Strike : increases damage by 40%. Skills Tree Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sigma Posted February 6 Author Share Posted February 6 Spoiler - Sky Emperor - Sky Mastery Max level : 10 Prerequisite skills : basic skill Group : Passive Description : Realizes the rationale for the operation of celestial body. Increases effectiveness of celestial body techniques. Increases Rising Sun, Noon Blast, Sunset Blast, Rising Moon, Midnight Kick, Dawn Break, Twinkling Galaxy, Star Burst and Star Cannon damage. War Book Mastery Max level : 10 Prerequisite skills : basic skill Group : Passive Description : Improves the combat strategy of the user. When equipping book, increases P.Atk and Hit. _ [Level 1] : P.Atk + 3 / Hit + 3. [Level 2] : P.Atk + 4 / Hit + 9. [Level 3] : P.Atk + 5 / Hit + 9. [Level 4] : P.Atk + 6 / Hit + 12. [Level 5] : P.Atk + 7 / Hit + 15. [Level 6] : P.Atk + 8 / Hit + 18. [Level 7] : P.Atk + 9 / Hit + 21. [Level 8] : P.Atk + 10 / Hit + 24. [Level 9] : P.Atk + 11 / Hit + 27. [Level 10] : P.Atk + 12 / Hit + 30. Rising Sun Max level : 5 Prerequisite skills : Sky Mastery level 1 Group : Active Type : Melee physical Target: Single target Description : Drives the power of the sun that illuminates the day, inflicts melee physical damage to the target. When using this skill, Applies [Sunrise], [Noon] and [Sunset] effect to the user sequentially. (However, after Sunset, only the power of the moon can travel through the sky). Deals additional damage depends on level of Sky Mastery user learned, user's base level and POW. _ [Level 1] : (1100 + (Sky Mastery level x 5))% Atk. [Level 2] : (1700 + (Sky Mastery level x 10))% Atk. [Level 3] : (2300 + (Sky Mastery level x 15))% Atk. [Level 4] : (2900 + (Sky Mastery level x 20))% Atk. [Level 5] : (3500 + (Sky Mastery level x 25))% Atk. Noon Blast Max level : 5 Prerequisite skills : Sky Mastery level 3, Rising Sun level 1 Group : Active Type : Melee physical Target: Single target Recovers AP : 3 Description : Can only be used when the current celestial movement is Sunrise or Noon. Irradiates the sunlight, inflicts melee physical damage to the target and surrounding enemies around the target. Deals additional damage depends on level of Sky Mastery user learned, user's base level and POW. If the current celestial movement is Noon, applies critical damage, the critical chance is the user's Cri. The effectiveness of critical modifier is applied by half. _ [Level 1] : (2850 + (Sky Mastery level x 5))% Atk / area of effect : 3 x 3 cells. [Level 2] : (4100 + (Sky Mastery level x 10))% Atk / area of effect : 3 x 3 cells. [Level 3] : (5350 + (Sky Mastery level x 15))% Atk / area of effect : 5 x 5 cells. [Level 4] : (6600 + (Sky Mastery level x 20))% Atk / area of effect : 5 x 5 cells. [Level 5] : (7850 + (Sky Mastery level x 25))% Atk / area of effect : 7 x 7 cells. Sunset Blast Max level : 5 Prerequisite skills : Sky Mastery level 5, Noon Blast level 1 Group : Active Type : Melee physical Target: Single target Recovers AP : 3 Description : Can only be used when the current celestial movement is Noon or Sunset. Kicks the target with the power of blazing sun, inflicts melee physical damage to the target and surrounding enemies around the target. Deals additional damage depends on level of Sky Mastery user learned, user's base level and POW. If the current celestial movement is Sunset, applies critical damage, the critical chance is the user's Cri. The effectiveness of critical modifier is applied by half. _ [Level 1] : (1350 + (Sky Mastery level x 5))% Atk / area of effect : 3 x 3 cells. [Level 2] : (1750 + (Sky Mastery level x 10))% Atk / area of effect : 3 x 3 cells. [Level 3] : (2150 + (Sky Mastery level x 15))% Atk / area of effect : 5 x 5 cells. [Level 4] : (2550 + (Sky Mastery level x 20))% Atk / area of effect : 5 x 5 cells. [Level 5] : (2950 + (Sky Mastery level x 25))% Atk / area of effect : 7 x 7 cells. Rising Moon Max level : 5 Prerequisite skills : Sky Mastery level 1 Group : Active Type : Melee physical Target: Instant cast Description : Drives the power of the moon that illuminates the night, inflicts melee physical damage to all targets around the user. When using this skill, Applies [Moonrise], [Midnight] and [Moonset] effect to the user sequentially. (However, after Moonset, only the power of the sun can travel through the sky). Deals additional damage depends on level of Sky Mastery user learned, user's base level and POW. _ [Level 1] : (1150 + (Sky Mastery level x 5))% Atk / area of effect : 5 x 5 cells. [Level 2] : (1600 + (Sky Mastery level x 10))% Atk / area of effect : 5 x 5 cells. [Level 3] : (2050 + (Sky Mastery level x 15))% Atk / area of effect : 7 x 7 cells. [Level 4] : (2500 + (Sky Mastery level x 20))% Atk / area of effect : 7 x 7 cells. [Level 5] : (2950 + (Sky Mastery level x 25))% Atk / area of effect : 9 x 9 cells. Midnight Kick Max level : 5 Prerequisite skills : Sky Mastery level 3, Rising Moon level 1 Group : Active Type : Melee physical Target: Instant cast Recovers AP : 3 Description : Can only be used when the current celestial movement is Moonrise or Midnight. Kicks the surrounding enemies with the power of the moon, inflicts melee physical damage to all targets around the user. Deals additional damage depends on level of Sky Mastery user learned, user's base level and POW. Deals more damage if the current celestial movement is Midnight. _ [Level 1] : (1800 + (Sky Mastery level x 5))% Atk. Midnight : (3000 + (Sky Mastery level x 5))% Atk / area of effect : 5 x 5 cells. [Level 2] : (3000 + (Sky Mastery level x 10))% Atk. Midnight : (4450 + (Sky Mastery level x 10))% Atk / area of effect : 5 x 5 cells. [Level 3] : (4200 + (Sky Mastery level x 15))% Atk. Midnight : (5900 + (Sky Mastery level x 15))% Atk / area of effect : 7 x 7 cells. [Level 4] : (5400 + (Sky Mastery level x 20))% Atk. Midnight : (7350 + (Sky Mastery level x 20))% Atk / area of effect : 7 x 7 cells. [Level 5] : (6600 + (Sky Mastery level x 25))% Atk. Midnight : (8800 + (Sky Mastery level x 25))% Atk / area of effect : 9 x 9 cells. Dawn Break Max level : 5 Prerequisite skills : Sky Mastery level 5, Midnight Kick level 1 Group : Active Type : Melee physical Target: Instant cast Recovers AP : 3 Description : Can only be used when the current celestial movement is Midnight or Moonset. Emits the moonlight, inflicts melee physical damage to the target and surrounding enemies around the target. Deals additional damage depends on level of Sky Mastery user learned, user's base level and POW. Deals more damage if the current celestial movement is Moonset. _ [Level 1] : (800 + (Sky Mastery level x 5))% Atk. Moonset : (1000 + (Sky Mastery level x 5))% Atk / area of effect : 5 x 5 cells. [Level 2] : (1200 + (Sky Mastery level x 10))% Atk. Moonset : (1600 + (Sky Mastery level x 10))% Atk / area of effect : 5 x 5 cells. [Level 3] : (1600 + (Sky Mastery level x 15))% Atk. Moonset : (2200 + (Sky Mastery level x 15))% Atk / area of effect : 7 x 7 cells. [Level 4] : (2000 + (Sky Mastery level x 20))% Atk. Moonset : (2800 + (Sky Mastery level x 20))% Atk / area of effect : 7 x 7 cells. [Level 5] : (2400 + (Sky Mastery level x 25))% Atk. Moonset : (3400 + (Sky Mastery level x 25))% Atk / area of effect : 9 x 9 cells. Twinkling Galaxy Max level : 5 Prerequisite skills : Sky Mastery level 1 Group : Active Type : Melee physical Target: Instant cast Description : Uses the movement of constellation to drop the shooting star once every 0.5 seconds for 3.5 seconds within range. Each shooting star inflicts melee physical damage the all targets within 5 x 5 cells. Deals additional damage depends on level of Sky Mastery user learned, user's base level and POW. _ [Level 1] : (800 + (Sky Mastery level x 3))% Atk / Twinkling Galaxy area of effect : 13 x 13 cells. [Level 2] : (1300 + (Sky Mastery level x 6))% Atk / Twinkling Galaxy area of effect : 13 x 13 cells. [Level 3] : (1800 + (Sky Mastery level x 9))% Atk / Twinkling Galaxy area of effect : 11 x 11 cells. [Level 4] : (2300 + (Sky Mastery level x 12))% Atk / Twinkling Galaxy area of effect : 11 x 11 cells. [Level 5] : (2800 + (Sky Mastery level x 15))% Atk / Twinkling Galaxy area of effect : 9 x 9 cells. Star Burst Max level : 5 Prerequisite skills : Sky Mastery level 3, Twinkling Galaxy level 1 Group : Active Type : Melee physical Target: Single target Recovers AP : 3 Description : Can only be used within the ranged of the user's Twinkling Galaxy. Stops Twinkling Galaxy and focuses on dropping shooting stars towards the target. Inflicts melee physical damage the the target and surrounding enemies within 5 x 5 cells around the target every 0.3 seconds for 4.5 seconds. Deals additional damage depends on level of Sky Mastery user learned, user's base level and POW. _ [Level 1] : (900 + (Sky Mastery level x 5))% Atk. [Level 2] : (1300 + (Sky Mastery level x 10))% Atk. [Level 3] : (1700 + (Sky Mastery level x 15))% Atk. [Level 4] : (2100 + (Sky Mastery level x 20))% Atk. [Level 5] : (2500 + (Sky Mastery level x 25))% Atk. Star Cannon Max level : 5 Prerequisite skills : Sky Mastery level 5, Star Burst level 1 Group : Active Type : Melee physical Target: Single target Recovers AP : 3 Description : Can only be used within the ranged of the user's Twinkling Galaxy. Stops Twinkling Galaxy and changes it to the more powerful one. Drops multiple shooting stars up to 2 stars once every 0.5 seconds for 2.5 seconds within range. Star Cannon's shooting star inflicts melee physical damage to the target and surrounding enemies within 5 x 5 cells. Deals additional damage depends on level of Sky Mastery user learned, user's base level and POW. _ [Level 1] : (800 + (Sky Mastery level x 5))% Atk. Star Cannon area of effect : 13 x 13 cells / max shooting star per drop : 1. [Level 2] : (1350 + (Sky Mastery level x 10))% Atk. Star Cannon area of effect : 13 x 13 cells / max shooting star per drop : 1. [Level 3] : (1900 + (Sky Mastery level x 15))% Atk. Star Cannon area of effect : 11 x 11 cells / max shooting star per drop : 1. [Level 4] : (2450 + (Sky Mastery level x 20))% Atk. Star Cannon area of effect : 11 x 11 cells / max shooting star per drop : 2. [Level 5] : (3000 + (Sky Mastery level x 25))% Atk. Star Cannon area of effect : 9 x 9 cells / max shooting star per drop : 2. All in the Sky Max level : 10 Prerequisite skills : Sky Mastery level 5, Rising Sun level 1, Rising Moon level 1 Group : Active Type : Melee physical Target: Single target Consumes AP : 70 Description : Accumulates all of celestial energy into the user's feet then dashes to the target and kicks it with all might, inflicts melee physical damage to the target. If the target is player. Drains its AP to 0, if the target is demihuman or demon race monster, the skill deals damage for 3 hits. Deals additional damage depends on user's base level and POW. Has a chance to trigger critical, critical chance is the user's Cri. The effectiveness of critical modifier is applied by half. _ [Level 1] : 1450% Atk per hit. [Level 2] : 2650% Atk per hit. [Level 3] : 3850% Atk per hit. [Level 4] : 5050% Atk per hit. [Level 5] : 6250% Atk per hit. [Level 6] : 7450% Atk per hit. [Level 7] : 8650% Atk per hit. [Level 8] : 9850% Atk per hit. [Level 9] : 11050% Atk per hit. [Level 10] : 12250% Atk per hit. Enchanting Sky Max level : 10 Prerequisite skills : Sky Mastery level 5 Group : Active Type : Assist Target: Instant cast Consumes AP : 150 Description : Enters the state of celestial unity by drawing the celestial energy into the user's body. In the state of celestial unity, the effect of either Sunrise, Noon, Sunset, Moonrise, Midnight or Moonset is canceled, Noon Blast, Sunset Blast, Midnight Kick and Dawn Break can be used freely with the maximum potency of the skills. _ [Level 1] : Duration : 90 seconds. [Level 2] : Duration : 180 seconds. [Level 3] : Duration : 270 seconds. [Level 4] : Duration : 360 seconds. [Level 5] : Duration : 450 seconds. [Level 6] : Duration : 540 seconds. [Level 7] : Duration : 630 seconds. [Level 8] : Duration : 720 seconds. [Level 9] : Duration : 810 seconds. [Level 10] : Duration : 900 seconds. Skills Tree Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sigma Posted February 6 Author Share Posted February 6 Spoiler - Shinkiro & Shiranui - Melt Away Max level : 5 Prerequisite skills : Mirage level 1 Group : Active Type : Magic Target: 1 cell ground target Description : Melts the user's shadow and scatters it in front to inflicts shadow property magical damage to all targets within range. When using the skill, the user moves backward for 3 cells instantly and enter Shadow Cloaking state for 2 seconds. Deals additional damage depends on user's base level and CON. _ [Level 1] : 700% Matk. [Level 2] : 1400% Matk. [Level 3] : 2100% Matk. [Level 4] : 2800% Matk. [Level 5] : 3500% Matk. Infiltrate Max level : 5 Prerequisite skills : Mirage level 1 Group : Active Type : Melee physical Target: Single target Description : Infiltrates the target's shadow, dashes to the target and inflicts melee physical damage to the target. When using the skill, the user moves to the other side of the target and enter Shadow Cloaking state for 2 seconds. If there is the clone from Mirage exists withing 31 x 31 cells around the target, the clone will be moved to the user location. If the location between the user and the target can be moved, the skill can't be used. Deals additional damage depends on user's base level and CON. _ [Level 1] : 700% Aatk. [Level 2] : 1400% Atk. [Level 3] : 2100% Atk. [Level 4] : 2800% Atk. [Level 5] : 3500% Atk. Nightmare Erasion Max level : 1 Prerequisite skills : Basic skill Group : Active Type : Assist Target: Self Description : Removes Nightmare effect given to the targets within 15 x 15 cells around the user. Mirage Max level : 1 Prerequisite skills : Basic skill Group : Active Type : Assist Target: 1 cell ground target Description : Summons the mirage clone of the user's appearance at a designated location. The mirage clone last for 20 seconds and can be summons up to 3 clones. The mirage clone uses skills response to the skills used by the user, and the damage is 30% of the user. _ Shadow Dance : clones cast Shadow Dance. Kunai - Distortion : clones cast Kunai - Distortion Red Flame Cannon : clones cast Darkening Cannon Cold Blooded Cannon : clones cast Darkening Cannon Thundering Cannon : clones cast Darkening Cannon Golden Dragon Cannon : clones cast Darkening Cannon Darkening Cannon : clones cast Darkening Cannon Shadow Hunting Max level : 10 Prerequisite skills : Mirage level 1 Group : Active Type : Melee physical Target: 1 cell ground target Recovers AP : 2 Description : Swings the shadow blade at the target location, inflicts melee physical damage to all targets within 5 x 5 cells and inflicts Nightmare effect on them for 5 seconds. Deals additional damage depends on level of Shadow Flash user learned, user's base level and POW. _ [Level 1] : (1500 + (Shadow Flash level x 5))% Atk. [Level 2] : (2400 + (Shadow Flash level x 10))% Atk. [Level 3] : (3300 + (Shadow Flash level x 15))% Atk. [Level 4] : (4200 + (Shadow Flash level x 20))% Atk. [Level 5] : (5100 + (Shadow Flash level x 25))% Atk. [Level 6] : (6000 + (Shadow Flash level x 30))% Atk. [Level 7] : (6900 + (Shadow Flash level x 35))% Atk. [Level 8] : (7800 + (Shadow Flash level x 40))% Atk. [Level 9] : (8700 + (Shadow Flash level x 45))% Atk. [Level 10] : (9600 + (Shadow Flash level x 50))% Atk. Shadow Dance Max level : 10 Prerequisite skills : Shadow Hunting level 3 Group : Active Type : Melee physical Target: Instant cast Recovers AP : 2 Description : Swipe the shadow, inflicts melee physical damage to all targets around the user. Deals additional damage depends on level of Shadow Hunting user learned, user's base level and POW. _ [Level 1] : (1300 + (Shadow Flash level x 50))% Atk / area of effect : 5 x 5 cells. [Level 2] : (2050 + (Shadow Flash level x 100))% Atk / area of effect : 5 x 5 cells. [Level 3] : (2800 + (Shadow Flash level x 150))% Atk / area of effect : 5 x 5 cells. [Level 4] : (3550 + (Shadow Flash level x 200))% Atk / area of effect : 5 x 5 cells. [Level 5] : (4300 + (Shadow Flash level x 250))% Atk / area of effect : 5 x 5 cells. [Level 6] : (5050 + (Shadow Flash level x 300))% Atk / area of effect : 7 x 7 cells. [Level 7] : (5800 + (Shadow Flash level x 350))% Atk / area of effect : 7 x 7 cells. [Level 8] : (6550 + (Shadow Flash level x 400))% Atk / area of effect : 7 x 7 cells. [Level 9] : (7300 + (Shadow Flash level x 450))% Atk / area of effect : 7 x 7 cells. [Level 10] : (8050 + (Shadow Flash level x 500))% Atk / area of effect : 7 x 7 cells. Shadow Flash Max level : 10 Prerequisite skills : Shadow Dance level 5 Group : Active Type : Melee physical Target: Single target Description : Fires the powerful shadow blade to the target, inflicts melee physical damage to the target and surrounding enemies around the target. Deals additional damage depends on level of Shadow Dance user learned, user's base level and POW. Has a chance to trigger critical, critical chance is the user's Cri. The effectiveness of critical modifier is applied by half. _ [Level 1] : (2250 + (Shadow Dance level x 50))% Atk / area of effect : 5 x 5 cells. [Level 2] : (3000 + (Shadow Dance level x 100))% Atk / area of effect : 5 x 5 cells. [Level 3] : (3750 + (Shadow Dance level x 150))% Atk / area of effect : 5 x 5 cells. [Level 4] : (4500 + (Shadow Dance level x 200))% Atk / area of effect : 5 x 5 cells. [Level 5] : (5250 + (Shadow Dance level x 250))% Atk / area of effect : 5 x 5 cells. [Level 6] : (6000 + (Shadow Dance level x 300))% Atk / area of effect : 7 x 7 cells. [Level 7] : (6750 + (Shadow Dance level x 350))% Atk / area of effect : 7 x 7 cells. [Level 8] : (7500 + (Shadow Dance level x 400))% Atk / area of effect : 7 x 7 cells. [Level 9] : (8250 + (Shadow Dance level x 450))% Atk / area of effect : 7 x 7 cells. [Level 10] : (9000 + (Shadow Dance level x 500))% Atk / area of effect : 7 x 7 cells. Huuma Shuriken - Grasp Max level : 10 Prerequisite skills : Kunai - Distortion level 3 Group : Active Type : Long ranged physical Target: 1 cell ground target Recovers AP : 3 Description : Throws the Huuma Shuriken on the ground, installs [Hidden Weapon Zone] on target cell, inflicts long ranged physical damage every 0.25 seconds for 5 seconds to all targets within 5 x 5 cells around the installed cell, and inflict Nightmare effect on them for 5 seconds. [Hidden Weapon Zone] can be installed up to 2 instances. Deals additional damage depends on level of Huuma Shuriken - Construct user learned, user's base level and POW. Damage property depends on equipped Kunai. _ [Level 1] : (1200 + (Huuma Shuriken - Construct level x 5))% Atk per hit / area of effect : 5 x 5 cells. [Level 2] : (1550 + (Huuma Shuriken - Construct level x 10))% Atk per hit / area of effect : 5 x 5 cells. [Level 3] : (1900 + (Huuma Shuriken - Construct level x 15))% Atk per hit / area of effect : 5 x 5 cells. [Level 4] : (2250 + (Huuma Shuriken - Construct level x 20))% Atk per hit / area of effect : 5 x 5 cells. [Level 5] : (2600 + (Huuma Shuriken - Construct level x 25))% Atk per hit / area of effect : 7 x 7 cells. [Level 6] : (2950 + (Huuma Shuriken - Construct level x 30))% Atk per hit / area of effect : 7 x 7 cells. [Level 7] : (3300 + (Huuma Shuriken - Construct level x 35))% Atk per hit / area of effect : 7 x 7 cells. [Level 8] : (3650 + (Huuma Shuriken - Construct level x 40))% Atk per hit / area of effect : 7 x 7 cells. [Level 9] : (4000 + (Huuma Shuriken - Construct level x 45))% Atk per hit / area of effect : 9 x 9 cells. [Level 10] : (4350 + (Huuma Shuriken - Construct level x 50))% Atk per hit / area of effect : 9 x 9 cells. Huuma Shuriken - Construct Max level : 10 Prerequisite skills : Huuma Shuriken - Grasp level 5 Group : Active Type : Long ranged physical Target: 1 cell ground target Description : Throws the Huuma Shuriken imbued with powerful energy on the ground, inflicts long ranged physical damage to all enemies within 9 x 9 cells aound the target cell. If there is [Hidden Weapon Zone] in the skill area, [Hidden Weapon Zone] will explode and deals additional long ranged physical damage to all targets within 9 x 9 cells around the installed cell. Deals additional damage depends on level of Huuma Shuriken - Grasp user learned, user's base level and POW. Damage property depends on equipped Kunai. _ [Level 1] : (1800 + (Huuma Shuriken - Grasp level x 30))% Atk. Explosion : (2100 + (Huuma Shuriken - Grasp level x 30))% Atk. [Level 2] : (3000 + (Huuma Shuriken - Grasp level x 60))% Atk. Explosion : (3600 + (Huuma Shuriken - Grasp level x 60))% Atk. [Level 3] : (4200 + (Huuma Shuriken - Grasp level x 90))% Atk. Explosion : (5100 + (Huuma Shuriken - Grasp level x 90))% Atk. [Level 4] : (5400 + (Huuma Shuriken - Grasp level x 120))% Atk. Explosion : (6600 + (Huuma Shuriken - Grasp level x 120))% Atk. [Level 5] : (6600 + (Huuma Shuriken - Grasp level x 150))% Atk. Explosion : (8100 + (Huuma Shuriken - Grasp level x 150))% Atk. [Level 6] : (7800 + (Huuma Shuriken - Grasp level x 180))% Atk. Explosion : (9600 + (Huuma Shuriken - Grasp level x 180))% Atk. [Level 7] : (9000 + (Huuma Shuriken - Grasp level x 210))% Atk. Explosion : (11100 + (Huuma Shuriken - Grasp level x 210))% Atk. [Level 8] : (10200 + (Huuma Shuriken - Grasp level x 240))% Atk. Explosion : (12600 + (Huuma Shuriken - Grasp level x 240))% Atk. [Level 9] : (11400 + (Huuma Shuriken - Grasp level x 270))% Atk. Explosion : (14100 + (Huuma Shuriken - Grasp level x 270))% Atk. [Level 10] : (12600 + (Huuma Shuriken - Grasp level x 300))% Atk. Explosion : (15600 + (Huuma Shuriken - Grasp level x 300))% Atk. Kunai - Distortion Max level : 10 Prerequisite skills : Mirage level 1 Group : Active Type : Long ranged physical Target: 1 cell ground target Recovers AP : 2 Description : Throws the Kunai on the ground, inflicts long ranged physical to all targets within 5 x 5 cells and inflict Nightmare effect on them for 5 seconds. In addition, installs [Distortion Zone] on target cell for 5 seconds. [Distortion Zone] can be installed up to 5 instances. Deals additional damage depends on level of Kunai - Refraction user learned, user's base level and POW. Damage property depends on equipped Kunai and consumes 2 equipped Kunai. _ [Level 1] : (900 + (Kunai - Refraction level x 10))% Atk. [Level 2] : (1500 + (Kunai - Refraction level x 20))% Atk. [Level 3] : (2100 + (Kunai - Refraction level x 30))% Atk. [Level 4] : (2700 + (Kunai - Refraction level x 40))% Atk. [Level 5] : (3300 + (Kunai - Refraction level x 50))% Atk. [Level 6] : (3900 + (Kunai - Refraction level x 60))% Atk. [Level 7] : (4500 + (Kunai - Refraction level x 70))% Atk. [Level 8] : (5100 + (Kunai - Refraction level x 80))% Atk. [Level 9] : (5700 + (Kunai - Refraction level x 90))% Atk. [Level 10] : (6300 + (Kunai - Refraction level x 100))% Atk. Kunai - Rotation Max level : 5 Prerequisite skills : Kunai - Distortion level 3 Group : Active Type : Long ranged physical Target: Instant cast Description : Scatters Kunai around the user, inflicts long ranged physical to all targets around the user every 0.5 seconds for 2 seconds and enter Shadow Cloaking state for 2 seconds. In addition, installs [Distortion Zone] on target cell for 5 seconds. [Distortion Zone] can be installed up to 5 instances. Deals additional damage depends on level of Kunai - Distortion user learned, user's base level and POW. Damage property depends on equipped Kunai and consumes 5 equipped Kunai. _ [Level 1] : (1500 + (Kunai - Distortion level x 70))% Atk per hit / area of effect : 5 x 5 cells. [Level 2] : (2200 + (Kunai - Distortion level x 140))% Atk per hit / area of effect : 5 x 5 cells. [Level 3] : (2900 + (Kunai - Distortion level x 210))% Atk per hit / area of effect : 7 x 7 cells. [Level 4] : (3600 + (Kunai - Distortion level x 280))% Atk per hit / area of effect : 7 x 7 cells. [Level 5] : (4300 + (Kunai - Distortion level x 350))% Atk per hit / area of effect : 9 x 9 cells. Kunai - Refraction Max level : 10 Prerequisite skills : Kunai - Rotation level 5 Group : Active Type : Long ranged physical Target: Instant cast Description : Explodes all of installed [Distortion Zone] within 15 x 15 cells around the user at once, inflicts long ranged physical damage every 0.25 seconds for 2 seconds to all targets within 5 x 5 cells around the installed cell. Deals additional damage depends on level of Kunai - Rotation user learned, user's base level and POW. Damage property depends on equipped Kunai and consumes 5 equipped Kunai. _ [Level 1] : (560 + (Kunai - Rotation level x 10))% Atk per hit. [Level 2] : (920 + (Kunai - Rotation level x 20))% Atk per hit. [Level 3] : (1280 + (Kunai - Rotation level x 30))% Atk per hit. [Level 4] : (1640 + (Kunai - Rotation level x 40))% Atk per hit. [Level 5] : (2000 + (Kunai - Rotation level x 50))% Atk per hit. [Level 6] : (2360 + (Kunai - Rotation level x 60))% Atk per hit. [Level 7] : (2720 + (Kunai - Rotation level x 70))% Atk per hit. [Level 8] : (3080 + (Kunai - Rotation level x 80))% Atk per hit. [Level 9] : (3440 + (Kunai - Rotation level x 90))% Atk per hit. [Level 10] : (3800 + (Kunai - Rotation level x 100))% Atk per hit. Red Flame Cannon Max level : 10 Prerequisite skills : Basic skill Group : Active Type : Magic Target: Single target Description : Throws Haze of Prominence on the ground the powerful flame, inflicts fire property magical damage to the target and surrounding enemies around the target. Deals additional damage depends on level of Darkening Cannon user learned, user's base level and SPL. Consumes 1 Haze of Prominence. _ [Level 1] : (1500 + (Darkening Cannon level x 70))% Matk / area of effect : 5 x 5 cells. [Level 2] : (2500 + (Darkening Cannon level x 140))% Matk / area of effect : 5 x 5 cells. [Level 3] : (3500 + (Darkening Cannon level x 210))% Matk / area of effect : 5 x 5 cells. [Level 4] : (4500 + (Darkening Cannon level x 280))% Matk / area of effect : 5 x 5 cells. [Level 5] : (5500 + (Darkening Cannon level x 350))% Matk / area of effect : 5 x 5 cells. [Level 6] : (6500 + (Darkening Cannon level x 420))% Matk / area of effect : 7 x 7 cells. [Level 7] : (7500 + (Darkening Cannon level x 490))% Matk / area of effect : 7 x 7 cells. [Level 8] : (8500 + (Darkening Cannon level x 560))% Matk / area of effect : 7 x 7 cells. [Level 9] : (9500 + (Darkening Cannon level x 630))% Matk / area of effect : 7 x 7 cells. [Level 10] : (10500 + (Darkening Cannon level x 700))% Matk / area of effect : 7 x 7 cells. Cold Blooded Cannon Max level : 10 Prerequisite skills : Basic skill Group : Active Type : Magic Target: 1 cell ground target Description : Throws Haze of Icy Snow on the ground to summon the cold explosion, inflicts water property magical damage to all targets within range. Deals additional damage depends on level of Darkening Cannon user learned, user's base level and SPL. Consumes 1 Haze of Icy Snow. _ [Level 1] : (1200 + (Darkening Cannon level x 40))% Matk / area of effect : 5 x 5 cells. [Level 2] : (2050 + (Darkening Cannon level x 80))% Matk / area of effect : 5 x 5 cells. [Level 3] : (2900 + (Darkening Cannon level x 120))% Matk / area of effect : 5 x 5 cells. [Level 4] : (3750 + (Darkening Cannon level x 160))% Matk / area of effect : 5 x 5 cells. [Level 5] : (4600 + (Darkening Cannon level x 200))% Matk / area of effect : 5 x 5 cells. [Level 6] : (5450 + (Darkening Cannon level x 240))% Matk / area of effect : 7 x 7 cells. [Level 7] : (6300 + (Darkening Cannon level x 280))% Matk / area of effect : 7 x 7 cells. [Level 8] : (7150 + (Darkening Cannon level x 320))% Matk / area of effect : 7 x 7 cells. [Level 9] : (8000 + (Darkening Cannon level x 360))% Matk / area of effect : 7 x 7 cells. [Level 10] : (8850 + (Darkening Cannon level x 400))% Matk / area of effect : 9 x 9 cells. Thundering Cannon Max level : 10 Prerequisite skills : Basic skill Group : Active Type : Magic Target: Single target Description : Throws Haze of North Wind on the ground to summon the powerful wind, inflicts wind property magical damage to the target and surrounding enemies around the target. Deals additional damage depends on level of Darkening Cannon user learned, user's base level and SPL. Consumes 1 Haze of North Wind. _ [Level 1] : (1450 + (Darkening Cannon level x 70))% Matk / area of effect : 5 x 5 cells. [Level 2] : (2400 + (Darkening Cannon level x 140))% Matk / area of effect : 5 x 5 cells. [Level 3] : (3350 + (Darkening Cannon level x 210))% Matk / area of effect : 5 x 5 cells. [Level 4] : (4300 + (Darkening Cannon level x 280))% Matk / area of effect : 5 x 5 cells. [Level 5] : (5250 + (Darkening Cannon level x 350))% Matk / area of effect : 5 x 5 cells. [Level 6] : (6200 + (Darkening Cannon level x 420))% Matk / area of effect : 7 x 7 cells. [Level 7] : (7150 + (Darkening Cannon level x 490))% Matk / area of effect : 7 x 7 cells. [Level 8] : (8100 + (Darkening Cannon level x 560))% Matk / area of effect : 7 x 7 cells. [Level 9] : (9050 + (Darkening Cannon level x 630))% Matk / area of effect : 7 x 7 cells. [Level 10] : (10000 + (Darkening Cannon level x 700))% Matk / area of effect : 7 x 7 cells. Golden Dragon Cannon Max level : 10 Prerequisite skills : Basic skill Group : Active Type : Magic Target: Single target Description : Throws Haze of Mother Earth to the target, inflicts earth property magical damage to the target and surrounding enemies around the target. Deals additional damage depends on level of Darkening Cannon user learned, user's base level and SPL. Consumes 1 Haze of Mother Earth. _ [Level 1] : (1400 + (Darkening Cannon level x 15))% Matk / area of effect : 3 x 3 cells. [Level 2] : (2350 + (Darkening Cannon level x 30))% Matk / area of effect : 3 x 3 cells. [Level 3] : (3300 + (Darkening Cannon level x 45))% Matk / area of effect : 3 x 3 cells. [Level 4] : (4250 + (Darkening Cannon level x 60))% Matk / area of effect : 3 x 3 cells. [Level 5] : (5200 + (Darkening Cannon level x 75))% Matk / area of effect : 3 x 3 cells. [Level 6] : (6150 + (Darkening Cannon level x 90))% Matk / area of effect : 5 x 5 cells. [Level 7] : (7100 + (Darkening Cannon level x 105))% Matk / area of effect : 5 x 5 cells. [Level 8] : (8050 + (Darkening Cannon level x 120))% Matk / area of effect : 5 x 5 cells. [Level 9] : (9000 + (Darkening Cannon level x 135))% Matk / area of effect : 5 x 5 cells. [Level 10] : (9950 + (Darkening Cannon level x 150))% Matk / area of effect : 5 x 5 cells. Darkening Cannon Max level : 10 Prerequisite skills : Basic skill Group : Active Type : Magic Target: Instant cast Recovers AP : 2 Description : Swings Haze of Pitch Darkness around the user, inflicts shadow property magical damage to all targets around the user and inflict Nightmare effect on them for 5 seconds. Deals additional damage depends user's base level and SPL. Consumes 1 Haze of Pitch Darkness. _ [Level 1] : 1400% Matk / area of effect : 5 x 5 cells. [Level 2] : 2350% Matk / area of effect : 5 x 5 cells. [Level 3] : 3300% Matk / area of effect : 5 x 5 cells. [Level 4] : 4250% Matk / area of effect : 5 x 5 cells. [Level 5] : 5200% Matk / area of effect : 5 x 5 cells. [Level 6] : 6150% Matk / area of effect : 7 x 7 cells. [Level 7] : 7100% Matk / area of effect : 7 x 7 cells. [Level 8] : 8050% Matk / area of effect : 7 x 7 cells. [Level 9] : 9000% Matk / area of effect : 7 x 7 cells. [Level 10] : 9950% Matk / area of effect : 7 x 7 cells. Shadow - Nightmare Max level : 1 Prerequisite skills : Shadow Flash level 7 Group : Active (AP) Type : Melee physical Target: Instant cast Consumes AP : 20 Description : Slashes shadow of the enemies, inflicts melee physical damage to all targets within 13 x 13 cells around the user. Deals 1.5x damage to the targets affected by Nightmare (the Nightmare effect is canceled upon taking damage). Deals additional damage depends user's base level and POW. _ [Level 1] : 18000% Atk. Kunai - Nightmare Max level : 1 Prerequisite skills : Kunai - Distortion level 5, Kunai - Rotation level 5, Kunai - Refraction level 5 Group : Active (AP) Type : Long ranged physical Target: Instant cast Consumes AP : 20 Description : Scatters the numerous hidden weapons to the enemies, inflicts long ranged physical damage to all targets within 13 x 13 cells around the user. Deals 1.5x damage to the targets affected by Nightmare (the Nightmare effect is canceled upon taking damage). Deals additional damage depends user's base level and POW. _ [Level 1] : 18000% Atk. Dark Dragon - Nightmare Max level : 1 Prerequisite skills : Mirage level 1, Red Flame Cannon level 5, Cold Blooded Cannon level 5, Thundering Cannon level 5, Golden Dragon Cannon level 5, Darkening Cannon level 5 Group : Active (AP) Type : Magic Target: Instant cast Consumes AP : 20 Description : Summons the shadow dragon, inflicts shadow property magical damage to all targets within 11 x 11 cells around the user. Deals additional fire property magical damage which has the same damage as the primary damage to the targets affected by Nightmare (the Nightmare effect is canceled upon taking damage). Deals additional damage depends user's base level and SPL. _ [Level 1] : 15500% Matk. Skills Tree Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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