Rage Spritesheet


Cat on a Bullet (pub_cat)

Title Quickinfo Info
I'll Go with You Talk to Kaya Tos Rage and Vice President Kaya Tos don't believe each other. I should offer to go with [Kaya Tos]pub_cat,109,71,0,101,0.
Going with Him To the Einbroch Airport Adventurer, hurry. We've got a long way to go. Let's go to the Einbroch [Airport]einbroch,42,208,0,101,0.
Title Quickinfo Info
Refusal to Talk Talk to Rage [Rage]pub_cat,105,58,0,101,0 refuses to talk to Vice President Kaya Tos any longer. Find out why.
Time to Think Talk to Rage Kaya Tos needs time to think. I should go back to [Rage]pub_cat,105,58,0,101,0 and talk to him about him.
Ghostring Card 1 obtained.