축제 위원장 Spritesheet


Port City Lasagna (lasagna)

Title Quickinfo Info
Start of festival Pig Potato, Noodle Ingredients Bring 1 each of the ingredients for making delicious noodles: long thin noodles, butterfly noodles, smooth noodles and pig potatoes. - [Festa ,amager]malangdo,133,170,0,101,0,
Noodle artisan Go to Orzo If you come to the Noodle Festival, you must try the noodles. [Noodle Master Orzo]malangdo,165,133,0,101,0, You can taste the best noodles.
Watermelon dessert Go to Lami Do you remember cool and sweet desserts in the hot summer? Visit [Helper Lami]malangdo,196,217,0,101,0, and he will guide you through the event where you can get watermelon pudding.
Bad noodle hunt Go to Domi Have you ever heard of bad noodles? Go to [Helper Domi] malangdo,183,221,0,101,0, for guidance on hunting bad noodles.
별미 국수 국수 전문가 니케 라자냐의 또 다른 국수에 관심이 있으시다면 [니케]lasagna,227,110,0,101,0,씨를 추천드릴게요. 분명 실망하지 않으실 거예요.
분실물 주인찾기 오리 인형 남쪽 낚시터 근처에 [오리 인형]lasagna,224,111,0,101,0,이 있던데, 주인이 찾으러 오지 않는다면 분실물 센터에 가져다 주세요.
참관객과의 교류 참관객 만나기 올해도 어김없이 국수 축제에 많은 분들이 찾아주셨습니다. 다른 [참관객]lasagna,196,137,0,101,0,과 대화를 나누며 교류해보시는 것은 어떨까요?
Title Quickinfo Info
Gatekeeper of Nyail Cave Go to Festa Manager Go to [Festa Manager]malangdo,133,170,0,101,0, and leave quickly to Nyail Cave!
Start of festival Pig Potato, Noodle Ingredients Bring 1 each of the ingredients for making delicious noodles: long thin noodles, butterfly noodles, smooth noodles and pig potatoes. - [Festa ,amager]malangdo,133,170,0,101,0,
Ghostring Card 1 obtained.