은하 Spritesheet


Meteor Forest (star_frst)

Title Quickinfo Info
Star Emperor Job Change Quest Hunt 10 Minerals. Eunha asked me to hunt 10 Minerals for my training.
Go hunt 10 Minerals in Einbroch Mine Dungeon 2F.
Star Emperor Job Change Quest Talk to Ilgwang. Surprised that I actually hunted Minerals, Eunha suggested I should go train with Ilgwang instead.
Star Emperor Job Change Quest To Ilgwang's room Grumbling, Eunha asked me to come with him to Ilgwang's room.
Title Quickinfo Info
Star Emperor Job Change Quest Talk to Eunha. Rancis has discovered something while showing me around the Meteor Forest.
Follow her.
Star Emperor Job Change Quest Hunt 10 Minerals. Eunha asked me to hunt 10 Minerals for my training.
Go hunt 10 Minerals in Einbroch Mine Dungeon 2F.
Star Emperor Job Change Quest Talk to Eunha. Infuriated by Eunha's laziness, Chosung asked me to tell Eunha that he wants to see him in Ilgwang's room.
Star Emperor Job Change Quest Talk to Ilgwang, Chosung, or Eunha. Chosi said he's planning to pass down his position as master to Ilgwang, Chosung, and Eunha. He wants me to go back to the Meteor Forest and pick which of his students I want to grow with.
Ghostring Card 1 obtained.