Morris Spritesheet


Inside Izlude (izlude_in)

Title Quickinfo Info
Has anyone seen Leno? Talk to Ur Maurice at the Tool Shop wants you to find Leno, the Redheaded Inspector, who went to check out the Hub. Gather information about Leno from [Ezrud Westfield]prt fild08,320,230,000,0.
For a moment of crisis Talk to the healer Maurice at the Tool Shop gives you a 'Combination Kit' and tells you to meet with [Healer]iz ac01,60,43,000,0 in the infirmary of Kritura Academy to learn how to use it.
Title Quickinfo Info
Is this your first request? Deliver the crate to Maurice A Capra employee has asked [Maurice]izlude in,69,116,000,0 to deliver a delivery box to [Maurice]izlude in,69,116,000,0. Maurice is at Izlude's tool shop.
The end of the hub Talk to Morris Ur explained the test to you. Take the herbs you've gotten to [Maurice]izlude in,69,116,000,0.
Ghostring Card 1 obtained.