러블레앙 홍보원 Spritesheet


Inside Morroc Eden Group (moc_para01)

Title Quickinfo Info
8th Anniversary If you would like to repeat the Anniversary quest, you can speak to the Old Man in Prontera after the timer has expired.
Go Malangdo Malangdo Go Malangdo..
Title Quickinfo Info
Cursed Swordman Entering the Ghost Palace is restricted until the timer has expired.
Go Malangdo Malangdo Go Malangdo..
Trace of Time Travel Dimension distorted. Time travel to Old Glast Heim has been prohibited for 23hours.
Traces of time shifting Distorted. Time-shifting to old glast heim for 70 hours is prohibited.
Trace of Laboratory Access Traces of Laboratory Access The effects of the ancient science laboratory being accessed through dimensions is left.
Playing weekend dungeon Weekend dungeon This is a token that allows you to enter the Weekend Memorial dungeon. You can enter without restrictions for an hour.
Need to recover from fatigue Accumulated Fatigue You can't enter the weekend dungeon because of accumulated fatigue. All fatigue will be recovered by midnight.
Operation Pending Operation pending The gateway to Os is temporarily blocked. I should wait until it's released.
Aftermath of downfall Reset at 04.00 AM It's hard to watch the scene of downfall in any way. You cannot enter or create Glastheim Purification while the aftereffects remain.
Powerful aftermath of death Reset at 04:00 AM after 3 days This aftereffect is accompanied by the aftereffect of the downfall. During the remaining time, menus related to Glastheim Purification (Hard) do not appear and cannot be used.
Expedition Path - Pending Reset at 4:00 a.m. A Daily quest. It can be repeated after its cooldown.
Battle Path Joined Battle mode Joined the Virtual Record translation in Battle mode.
Ghostring Card 1 obtained.