Police Chief Kesler Spritesheet


Excavation Site of Verus (verus04)

Title Quickinfo Info
Police Chief's Request The Chief has asked you to listen to the problems of the members of the Phantasmagorika policing unit.
Salgran's Request The Doom Prayers have been leaving illegal propaganda materials everywhere in Phantasmagorika. Remove 10 Illegal Leaflets before they are permanently glued to the ground.
Gerev's Request People have been falling victim to the traps the Doom Prayers have left everywhere in Phantasmagorika. Remove 10 traps.
Seiden's Request The Doom Prayers have been throwing stones at the police officers. Remove 10 stones from the ground for the safety of the police officers.
Piffs's Request The police officers constantly injure themselves while fighting the Doom Prayers. Collect 10 herbs for the wounded.
Come Back Tomorrow Downtime: 23 hours Return to the Phantasmagorika Police Chief tomorrow for more work.
Title Quickinfo Info
Police Chief's Request The Chief has asked you to listen to the problems of the members of the Phantasmagorika policing unit.
Salgran's Problem You have asked Police Officer Salgran if he has a problem.
Gerev's Problem You have asked Police Officer Gerev if he has a problem.
Seiden's Problem You have asked Police Officer Seiden if he has a problem.
Piffs's Problem You have asked Police Officer Piffs if he has a problem.
Salgran's Request The Doom Prayers have been leaving illegal propaganda materials everywhere in Phantasmagorika. Remove 10 Illegal Leaflets before they are permanently glued to the ground.
Gerev's Request People have been falling victim to the traps the Doom Prayers have left everywhere in Phantasmagorika. Remove 10 traps.
Seiden's Request The Doom Prayers have been throwing stones at the police officers. Remove 10 stones from the ground for the safety of the police officers.
Piffs's Request The police officers constantly injure themselves while fighting the Doom Prayers. Collect 10 herbs for the wounded.
Ghostring Card 1 obtained.