Rin Spritesheet


Secret Tavern (que_job01)

Title Quickinfo Info
Pursuing Rayan Moore Investigate the West field of Abyss Lake You must investigate the region where Rin was ambushed. The area is somewhere west of Abyss Lake and south of the second hill from the top of the mountain...
Pursuing Rayan Moore Deliver the journal and crystal to Mr. Kidd You've got the journal and a Bloody Crystal of Darkness from Rin. It's now your job to deliver these to Mr. Kidd!
Title Quickinfo Info
Pursuing Rayan Moore Rin Mr. Kidd's request was simpler than you thought. At Southwest Morroc, you must meet Rin at the underground tavern.
Pursuing Rayan Moore Report to Rin You have found a Bloody Crystal of Darkness near the forest of Hugel. You should report this to Rin.
Ghostring Card 1 obtained.