Studying Man Spritesheet


Alchemist Job Change Center (alde_alche)

Title Quickinfo Info
Job Change to Alchemist 3 Medicine Bowls, 3 Empty Bottles, 1 Red Herb, 1 Yellow Herb, 1 White Herb I will teach you how to make simple medicine. So please bring the following materials right away.
Job Change to Alchemist Talk with Master Alchemist You are now an Alchemist!! Go to the Union and cast away the last vestiges of Merchant life!
Job Change to Alchemist Van Helmont Go into the next room and speak to Van Helmont to continue your training.
Title Quickinfo Info
Job Change to Alchemist Talk with Studying Man, Darwin. I can tell you're smart from your eyes. Ok, Excellent. Now go to Darwin. He'll show you how to do the experiments.
Job Change to Alchemist 3 Medicine Bowls, 3 Empty Bottles, 1 Red Herb, 1 Yellow Herb, 1 White Herb I will teach you how to make simple medicine. So please bring the following materials right away.
Ghostring Card 1 obtained.