Strange Cat Spritesheet


Malangdo Island (malangdo)

Title Quickinfo Info
The mood of the players-(2) Let's send to Cat gamers Director. Heard about the mood of the players from the director.
Scary image-(2) Tell Cat gamers Director, bring a box for collecting complaint. Director cat said "Scary image¡¦ that is really hard.. Why does not giving up.. Tthat will be easy¡¦collecting complaint... !! I heard that sometimes army do that~
Title Quickinfo Info
The mood of the players-(1) Ask director of cat about the current mood of Nyang gamers players. Cat gamers Director's worry for escaping from a 10-game losing streak!!
Scary image-(1) Let me ask director cat who is accredited by Cat gamers Director. Cat gamers Director wants to change his Scary image.
Ghostring Card 1 obtained.