History of iRO

Name Type Subtype Server
Save the King Weapon Sword bRO dpROS GGH iRO jRO
Costume Food Stall Costume Costume Helm bRO iRO jRO kROM thROC thROG twRO
Unknown Swordman Boots Armor Shoes bRO dpROS iRO jRO
Costume Wanderer's Sakkat Costume Costume Helm bRO cRO dpROS iRO kROM kROS ropEU ropRU twRO vnRO
Costume Sparkler Fountain Costume Costume Helm bRO dpROS iRO jRO thROC thROC thROG twRO
Costume Nose Glasses Costume Costume Helm bRO dpROS iRO jRO
Gathering Party Costume Egg Consumable Special iRO
Overseas Care Package 58 Consumable Special iRO
Costume One-Shot Bottle Costume Costume Helm bRO iRO jRO kROZ kROZS thROC thROG twRO
Costume Festival Stall Costume Costume Helm bRO dpRO GGH iRO jRO thROC thROG twRO
Costume White Cat Wig Costume Costume Helm bRO dpRO iRO jRO kROM kROZ kROZS thROG twRO
Costume Comforting Kotatsu Costume Costume Helm bRO cRO dpRO GGH iRO jRO kROM kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU twRO
Costume Twin Wave Roll Hair Costume Costume Helm dpRO iRO jRO kROM kROZ kROZS twRO
Elemental Possesion Armor Armor iRO jRO
Spenta Armati Armor Shield iRO jRO
Kenzen Ichinyo Armor Shoes iRO jRO
Costume Striking Mikoshi Costume Costume Garment bRO GGH iRO jRO twRO
Chemical Resistance Glove Armor Accessory dpRO iRO jRO
Ring of Artemis Armor Accessory dpRO iRO jRO
Ghostring Card 1 obtained.