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iRO changelog December 22, 2020


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Id: 17137
Make snow flower bouquet
Info: You wanna a make snow flower bouquet? Then, collect 10 <ITEM>magical snow flowers<INFO>25425</INFO></ITEM> and come back <NAVI>[here]<INFO>aldebaran,174,164,0,101,0</INFO></NAVI>.
Quickinfo: 10 magical snow flower
Id: 17138
Make snow flower bouquet
Info: Find the <NAVI>[Snow flower illusionist]<INFO>aldebaran,172,162,0,101,0</INFO></NAVI>. If you are interested find the place.
Quickinfo: To snow flower illusionist
Id: 17139
To get through hot winter
Info: Snow for the region where it does not fall, Cotton clothes for cold region! If you wish to get through the winter find <NAVI>[Coti]<INFO>aldebaran,124,238,0,101,0</INFO></NAVI> and Ulsi.
Quickinfo: To Coti
Id: 17140
Exchange festival card
Info: Did you find a special card from your gift box? Then bring it to <NAVI>[Twinkle]<INFO>aldebaran,217,212,0,101,0</INFO></NAVI>. You will receive a special gift.
Quickinfo: To Twinkle
Id: 17141
Festival organizers
Info: why don't you meet the festival organizers and listen to the behind story of this event? Snow Boy Keeper, <NAVI>[Eugene]<INFO>aldebaran,108,166,0,101,0</INFO></NAVI> is around here.
Quickinfo: To [Eugene]
Id: 17142
Make snow flower bouquet
Info: You need 10 <ITEM>magical snow flower<INFO>25425</INFO></ITEM> to make snow flower bouquet. Please do not forget 1 <ITEM>carrot<INFO>515</INFO></ITEM> for decorating snowman. - <NAVI>[Marine]<INFO>aldebaran,172,162,0,101,0</INFO></NAVI>
Quickinfo: 10 Snow flower, 1 carrot
Id: 17143
Waiting: Chilly feeling is remained
Info: The effect of magical snow flower is still remained. Please comeback after the dawn. - <NAVI>[Marin]<INFO>aldebaran,172,162,0,101,0</INFO></NAVI>
Quickinfo: Waiting time
Id: 17144
Getting through winter
Info: Snow for children! Warm cotton clothes for children in cold region! <NAVI>[To us]<INFO>aldebaran,124,238,0,101,0</INFO></NAVI> donate 10 warm cotton!
Quickinfo: 10 Warm cotton
Id: 17145
Waiting: Cotton is being wrapped
Info: Cotton is being wrapped. The wrapping seems be be finished by dawn so please come back after dawn! - <NAVI>[Coti]<INFO>aldebaran,124,238,0,101,0</INFO></NAVI>
Quickinfo: Waiting time
Id: 17146
Exchange festival card
Info: The lucky word for you is ALDEBARAN!! Please open snow flower envelope from your gift box. In the envelope, you can find these letters A.L.D.E.B.A.R.A.N. Total of 9 letters. - <NAVI>[Twinkle]<INFO>aldebaran,217,212,0,101,0</INFO></NAVI>
Quickinfo: Collect ALDEBARAN card
Id: 17147
Exchange festival card
Info: The lucky word for you is SNOW!! Please open snow flower envelope from your gift box. In the envelope, you can find these letters S. N. O. W. Total of 4 letters. - <NAVI>[Twinkle]<INFO>aldebaran,217,212,0,101,0</INFO></NAVI>
Quickinfo: Collect SNOW card
Id: 17148
Exchange festival card
Info: The lucky word for you is FESTIVAL!! Please open snow flower envelope from your gift box. In the envelope, you can find these letters F. E. S. T. I. V. A. L.. Total of 8 letters. - <NAVI>[Twinkle]<INFO>aldebaran,217,212,0,101,0</INFO></NAVI>
Quickinfo: Collect FESTIVAL card
Id: 17149
Exchange festival card
Info: The lucky word for you is SPARKLE!! Please open snow flower envelope from your gift box. In the envelope, you can find these letters S.P.A.R.K.L.E. Total of 7 letters. - <NAVI>[Twinkle]<INFO>aldebaran,217,212,0,101,0</INFO></NAVI>
Quickinfo: Collect SPARKLE card
Id: 17150
Waiting: Card exchange is once a day
Info: Alphabet card exchange is once a day. Okay? So please comeback after dawn! - <NAVI>[Twinkle]<INFO>aldebaran,217,212,0,101,0</INFO></NAVI>
Quickinfo: Waiting time
Id: 17151
Not everyone likes it
Info: <NAVI>[Eugene]<INFO>aldebaran,108,166,0,101,0</INFO></NAVI> and Rigel said they had plans and told you to gather closer.
Quickinfo: Talk to Eugene
Id: 17152
Not everyone likes it
Info: Please bring 10 <ITEM>Flowers<INFO>712</INFO></ITEM>. There is a <NAVI>[Flower Merchant]<INFO>geffen,161,83,0,101,0</INFO></NAVI> in geffen.
Quickinfo: Geffen Flower merchant
Id: 17153
Not everyone likes it
Info: Rigel has worked at <NAVI>[Toy Factory]<INFO>xmas_dun01,128,154,0,101,0</INFO></NAVI> in Lutie. You might find something there.
Quickinfo: Lutie Toy Factory
Id: 17154
Not everyone likes it
Info: Eugene has come to Lutie by <NAVI>[Train]<INFO>xmas,204,223,0,101,0</INFO></NAVI>. you'll find something there.
Quickinfo: Lutie Track
Id: 17155
Not everyone likes it
Info: Let's go back to <NAVI>[Eugene]<INFO>aldebaran,108,166,0,101,0</INFO></NAVI> and Rigel at Snow Festival with 10 Flowers and persuade them again.
Quickinfo: To Eugene
Id: 17156
Not everyone likes it
Info: <NAVI>[Rigel]<INFO>aldebaran,107,164,0,101,0</INFO></NAVI> seems to carry out the plan to the end. Is there any way to stop him?
Quickinfo: Talk to Rigel
Id: 17157
Growing Snow Boy
Info: If you'd like to grow snow Boy, you need holy water. Please bring 5 Holy water. - <NAVI>[Eugene]<INFO>aldebaran,108,166,0,101,0</INFO></NAVI>
Quickinfo: 5 Holy Water
Id: 17158
Waiting: Growing Snow Boy
Info: You can grow snow boy with the holy water you brought. Please come back after dawn. - <NAVI>[Eugene]<INFO>aldebaran,108,166,0,101,0</INFO></NAVI>
Quickinfo: Waiting Time


tur_d03_i -

Music: bgm\65.mp3
Maintitle: Subtitle:
tur_d04_i -

Music: bgm\65.mp3
Maintitle: Subtitle:



  • data\etcinfo.txt
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  • data\sprite\아이템\문어항아리조각.act
  • data\sprite\아이템\문어항아리조각.spr
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  • data\texture\유저인터페이스\t_배경3-4.bmp

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