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Everything posted by hdrst

  1. Rolling cutter & Cross Ripper Slasher at jRO has 1/2 penalty on EDP and has 0.2sec cooldown. in 2013/04 gungho nerfed Rolling cutter to 3/4 damage in PvP / GvG Maps and 1/3 damage in normal mapas, after launching a new endgame katar, and increasing the area for 5x5 at ballance. Their dropped so many players, and reverted the nerf in 2013/09, and added the 1/2 penalty, and final damage of RC/CRS on PvP / GvG area +50%. Criticism a server only for their itens status should be a joke.
  2. White Knight's Armor is missing Indestrutible: 破損 : しない Vesper Headgear with Beelzebub Card INCREASE the casting time by 30%, not reduct: [ヴェルゼブブカード]と共に装備時、追加で詠唱時間 + 30%
  3. It's when attacking with [Frenzy] state, not chance to gain frenzy state. When dealing physical damage with [Frenzy] state, has a chance to transform into Lord Knight Seyren and gains ATK+1000 for 5 sec.
  4. Fire property magical damage increase is 5% / 10% per refine level of shoes, not only 5 / 10%.
  5. 물리공격 physical attacks 명중 hits 시 time/when
  6. Ivory Knife bonus is 5% chance, not 20%. Egg Picky Card bonus autospell waterball when you attack, not receiving.
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