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Everything posted by reserved

  1. Hello again dear @Sigma, the skill Pharmacy(Prepare Potion) still use LUK, DEX and INT to improve the chance of success(like pure potter build)? ty for help ❤️
  2. 1 more thing, humunculus still have random evolution till max level? or at max level my Vanilmirth will have the exactly same stats than others vanilmirths? ty again.
  3. Hello @Sigma, What is the damage formula for Bomb? in "normal long ranged physical damage" from Acid Terror, is correct to put Dexterity to improve the damage(like hunter dmg)? or the %atk in "New damage formula : (200 x skill level)%Atk" is based on Strength? do Aid Potion use Inteligence or MATK to heal more? there's someway to improve the damage done by Summon Flora skill? The cooldown from Acid Terror is 2 seconds, there's someway to reduce this cooldown to get insta cast? ty for help ❤️
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