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  1. Files Spoiler Alert: data\sprite\아이템\진주보물상자.act data\sprite\아이템\진주보물상자.spr data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\진주보물상자.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\colletion\진주보물상자.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\진주보물상자.bmp
  2. Files Spoiler Alert: data\luafiles514\lua files\skillinfoz\SkillDescript.lub PatchClient\Lua Files\SkinInfoz\SkinInfo_NEW.lub PatchClient\Patcher\ad_1.bmp PatchClient\Patcher\ad_2.bmp PatchClient\Patcher\ad_3.bmp PatchClient\Patcher\Thumbs.db
  3. Added Quest Spoiler Alert: Id: 7671 내 어린양을 찾아주오. Info: 오랏줄을 길 잃은 어린 양에게 사용해 양을 다섯마리 이상 포획 해 달라는 부탁을 받았다. 양들은 필드 여기저기로 도망쳤다고 한다. Quickinfo: 포획된 양 5 Id: 7672 그 놈은 매번 도망을 친다오. Info: 개가 매일 밤 짖어대니 어쩔 수 없다고 한다. 반드시 도망친 양이 생길테니 날이 바뀌면 다시 찾아가 보자. Quickinfo: 아침에 초기화 됩니다. Id: 7673 수랏간 생각시의 꿈 Info: 떡국 육수에 사용할 밑재료와 색다른 고명을 고민하던 수랏간 단술은 최근 초콜렛이라는걸 봤다며 구해달라고 부탁했다. 싱싱한 문어다리 15개와 초콜렛 1개를 구해주자. Quickinfo: 싱싱한문어다리15, 초콜렛1 Id: 7674 꿈이 아니라니.. Info: 문어 육수에 이어 초콜렛 고명이 대인기를 끌었다는게 믿기지가 않지만, 매끼 식사를 준비해야 하는 단술을 위해 혹 재료가 더 필요하진 않을지 매일 찾아가보자. Quickinfo: 아침에 초기화 됩니다. Id: 7675 따뜻한 옷감을 찾아서 Info: 포목점의 실타래는 추운 겨울을 따듯하게 날 수 있도록 도와주는 양털을 찾고 있다. 양치기 보리의 일을 도와주면 양털을 얻을 수 있다는데... Quickinfo: 복실한 양털 5 Id: 7676 새 옷은 늘 새로 짓지 Info: 양털에 대한 수요가 급증! 매일 양치기를 도와주고 받는 양털을 실타래에게 준다면 상당히 기뻐할 것 같다. 날이 밝으면 다시 찾아가보자. Quickinfo: 아침에 초기화 됩니다. Id: 9394 돼지의 영혼 조각 모아오기. Info: 프론테라 근처에 있는 묘르닐 산맥 남쪽 산기슭에서 세비지 베베를 사냥해 돼지의 영혼 조각을 100개 모아와야 한다. Quickinfo: 돼지의 영혼조각 100개 모아오기. Id: 9395 강한 돼지의 영혼 조각 모아오기. Info: 게펜 근처에 있는 묘르닐 산맥 남쪽 지역에서 세비지를 사냥해 돼지의 영혼 조각 150개를 모아와야 한다. Quickinfo: 돼지의 영혼조각 150개 획득. Id: 9396 돼지의 기운을 받은이를 찾아가기. Info: 프론테라 정문 밖으로 가서 돼지의 기운을 받은 사람을 찾아야 한다. Quickinfo: 돼지의 기운을 받은 이 찾기. Id: 9397 페이트 준의 신뢰를 얻기. Info: 게펜 근처에 있는 게펜 필드에서 코코를, 프론테라 근처에 있는 프론테라 필드에서 엘더 윌로우를 사냥해 도토리, 고목나무의 진을 각각 20개씩 페이트 준에게 가져가야 한다. Quickinfo: 페이트 준의 신뢰 얻기. Id: 9398 예언자 K에게 돌아가기. Info: 예언자 K에게 돌아가 모든 상황을 이야기 하고 보상을 받자. Quickinfo: 예언자 K에게 돌아가기. Id: 11393 2015 신년 모자 제작 Info: 양치기청년의 자신작! 끝내주게 멋진 바라만봐도 포근한 모자를 만들었습니다. Quickinfo: 모자 제작 완료. Accessory Spoiler Alert: Id: 1311 ACCESSORY_Baphomet_Hat, 바포메트투구 NpcIdentity Spoiler Alert: Id: 3453 JT_LOST_LAMB Item Spoiler Alert: Id: (6955) 돼지의 영혼 조각 타 계정과 거래가 불가능한 아이템 입니다. 12지신 중 돼지의 영혼이 깃든 조각 무게 : 0 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 0 Id: (6956) 포획된 양 타 계정과 거래가 불가능한 아이템 입니다. 길 잃고 헤매던 어린 양이다. 다시 도망치지 못하도록 밧줄로 꽁꽁 잘 묶었다. 주인에게 데려다 주자. 이벤트 종료 시 삭제되는 아이템입니다. 무게 : 0 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 0 Id: (6957) 복실한 양털 타 계정과 거래가 불가능한 아이템 입니다. 갓 깎은 복실복실한 양털. 부드럽고 따뜻하다. 가공하여 옷이나 인형을 만들 수 있다. 이벤트 종료 시 삭제되는 아이템입니다. 무게 : 0 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 0 Id: (6958) 어린양의 뿔 길 잃은 어린 양을 해치우고 의기양양하게 얻어낸 전리품! 이벤트 종료 시 삭제되는 아이템입니다. 무게 : 1 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 1 Id: (17544) 제련용 광석상자Ⅸ 타 계정과 거래가 불가능한 아이템 입니다. 농축 에르늄, 농축 오리데오콘이 각각 5개씩 들어있는 상자. 추가로 신년 스크롤이 1개 들어있다. _ 농축 에르늄 - 방어구의 제련확률이 증가한다. 농축 오리데오콘 - 무기의 제련확률이 증가한다. _ 본 아이템을 개봉하시면 청약철회 대상에서 제외 됩니다. 무게 : 1 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 1 Id: (17545) 제련용 광석상자Ⅸ 10세트 타 계정과 거래가 불가능한 아이템 입니다. 농축 에르늄, 농축 오리데오콘이 각각 50개씩 들어있는 상자. 추가로 신년 스크롤이 11개 들어있다. _ 농축 에르늄 - 방어구의 제련확률이 증가한다. 농축 오리데오콘 - 무기의 제련확률이 증가한다. _ 본 아이템을 개봉하시면 청약철회 대상에서 제외 됩니다. 무게 : 1 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 1 Id: (20228) 의상 돼지 저금통 모자 타 계정과 거래가 불가능한 아이템 입니다. 12지신 중 돼지의 기운이 가득한 모자. 이곳에 한푼 두푼 모으다 보면 어느덧 큰 부자가 될 것만 같다. 계열 : 의상장비 방어 : 0 위치 : 상단 무게 : 0 요구 레벨 : 1 장착 : 전 직업 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Job : All Id: (20234) 바라만 봐도 포근한 모자 최고급 양털을 사용해 만들었기때문에 바라보기만해도 포근한 기분이 듭니다. HP+15%, SP+15%. 모든 종족의 몬스터에게 주는 물리, 마법 데미지 15% 증가. 우유를 마실 때, 회복량 2015% 증가. 이벤트 종료 시 옵션이 사라집니다. 계열 : 의상장비 위치 : 상중하단 무게 : 0 요구 레벨 : 1 장착 : 전 직업 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Costume Location : UpperMiddleLower Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Job : All Id: (22881) 오랏줄 타 계정과 거래가 불가능한 아이템 입니다. 무언가를 포박하기 위한 밧줄. 주로 도망치거나 도망치려는 자에게 사용한다. '길 잃은 어린 양'에게 사용해 사로 잡을 수 있다. 이벤트 종료 시 삭제되는 아이템입니다. 무게 : 0 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 0 Id: (22882) 초코떡국 싱싱한 문어로 육수를 내고 깔끔하게 끓인 떡국에 비장의 비법으로 초콜렛을 추가 하여 달고 쌉쌀한 맛이 느껴진다. HP와 SP를 10% 가량 회복 시켜 준다. 이벤트 종료 시 삭제되는 아이템입니다. 무게 : 10 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 10 Id: (22888) 신년 스크롤 타 계정과 거래가 불가능한 아이템 입니다. 기간 한정 신년 스크롤. 무기 11제련 보장권, 방어구 11제련 보장권, 캐스터 슈즈 쉐도우, 캐스터 쉴드 쉐도우, 캐스터 아머 쉐도우, 무한 파리의 날개 5일상자 등등 여러가지 희귀한 아이템 중 하나를 얻을 수 있다. 무게 : 1 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 1 Id: (24240) 캐스터 슈즈 쉐도우 신발에 추가로 신을 수 있는 신발. 단일로도 사용할 수 있지만 효과는 적다. MATK + 5. 스킬 사용 시 소모SP 1% 감소. 2제련 당 변동 캐스팅 1%씩 감소. 캐스터 (슈즈, 쉴드, 아머) 쉐도우를 함께 장착 시, 스킬 사용 시 소모SP 1% 감소. 세트 아이템의 제련도 합 5당 변동 캐스팅 1%씩 감소. 제련도 합이 25이상일 경우, 스킬 사용 시 소모SP 1% 추가 감소. 계열 : 쉐도우 장비 위치 : 슈즈 무게 : 0 요구 레벨 : 1 장착 : 전직업 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Shadow Location : Shoes Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Job : All Id: (24241) 캐스터 쉴드 쉐도우 팔에 장착 가능한 작은 방패로 추가적인 방어 효과를 얻을 수 있다. 단일로도 사용할 수 있지만 방어 효과는 적다. MATK + 5. 스킬 사용 시 소모SP 1% 감소. 2제련 당 변동 캐스팅 1%씩 감소. 캐스터 (슈즈, 쉴드, 아머) 쉐도우를 함께 장착 시, 스킬 사용 시 소모SP 1% 감소. 세트 아이템의 제련도 합 5당 변동 캐스팅 1%씩 감소. 제련도 합이 25이상일 경우, 스킬 사용 시 소모SP 1% 추가 감소. 계열 : 쉐도우 장비 위치 : 쉴드 무게 : 0 요구 레벨 : 1 장착 : 전직업 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Shadow Location : Shield Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Job : All Id: (24242) 캐스터 아머 쉐도우 갑옷 위에 입는 갑옷으로 추가적인 방어 효과를 얻을 수 있다. 단일로도 사용할 수 있지만 방어 효과는 적다. MATK + 5. 스킬 사용 시 소모SP 1% 감소. 2제련 당 변동 캐스팅 1%씩 감소. 캐스터 (슈즈, 쉴드, 아머) 쉐도우를 함께 장착 시, 스킬 사용 시 소모SP 1% 감소. 세트 아이템의 제련도 합 5당 변동 캐스팅 1%씩 감소. 제련도 합이 25이상일 경우, 스킬 사용 시 소모SP 1% 추가 감소. 계열 : 쉐도우 장비 위치 : 아머 무게 : 0 요구 레벨 : 1 장착 : 전 직업 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Shadow Location : Armor Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Job : All Changed Map Spoiler Alert: alberta - 항구도시 알베르타 Music: bgm\15.mp3 alberta_in - 알베르타 내부 Music: bgm\15.mp3 aldeba_in - 알데바란 내부 Music: bgm\39.mp3 aldebaran - 국경도시 알데바란 Music: bgm\39.mp3 geffen - 마법도시 게펜 Music: bgm\13.mp3 geffen_in - 게펜 내부 Music: bgm\13.mp3 hu_in01 - 휘겔 내부 Music: bgm\93.mp3 hugel - 전원도시 휘겔 Music: bgm\93.mp3 izlude - 위성도시 이즈루드 Music: bgm\26.mp3 izlude_in - 이즈루드 내부 Music: bgm\26.mp3 prontera - 룬미드가츠 왕국 수도 프론테라 Music: bgm\08.mp3 prt_church - 프론테라 성당 내부 Music: bgm\10.mp3 prt_in - 프론테라 내부 Music: bgm\08.mp3 Item Spoiler Alert: Id: (1498) 진홍의 랜스 [2] 창신에 붉은 빛이 감도는 양손창. (제련도*제련도) 만큼 ATK 증가. (15제련까지 적용) 캐릭터 레벨 70이상 : BaseLv이 10 상승 할 때 마다 ATK + 5씩 증가. 계열 : 양손창 공격 : 1275 무게 : 1275 무기 레벨 : 3 요구 레벨 : 70 장착 : 검사계열 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : TwoHandedSpear Attack : 175 Weight : 175 Weapon Level : 3 Required Level : 70 Job : Swordman Class Id: (1839) 진홍의 너클 [2] 붉은 빛이 감도는 너클. (제련도*제련도) 만큼 ATK 증가. (15제련까지 적용) 캐릭터 레벨 70이상 : BaseLv이 10 상승 할 때 마다 ATK + 5씩 증가. 계열 : 너클 공격 : 5100 무게 : 5100 무기 레벨 : 3 요구 레벨 : 70 장착 : 프리스트계열/몽크계열 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Claw Attack : 100 Weight : 100 Weapon Level : 3 Required Level : 70 Job : Priest Class Monk Class Id: (2025) 진홍의 스태프 [2] 붉은 빛이 감도는 양손 지팡이. INT + 5, MATK + 1250. (제련도*제련도) 만큼 MATK 증가. (15제련까지 적용) 캐릭터 레벨 70이상 : BaseLv이 10 상승 할 때 마다 MATK + 5씩 증가. 파괴불가. 계열 : 양손 지팡이 공격 : 100 무게 : 100 무기 레벨 : 3 요구 레벨 : 70 장착 : 마법사계열/소울링커 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : TwoHandedStaff Attack : 100 Weight : 100 Weapon Level : 3 Required Level : 70 Id: (11565) [비매품] 하얀포션 타 계정과 거래가 불가능한 아이템 입니다. 하얀허브를 잘 갈아 만든 체력회복제 HP를 325가량 회복 시켜 준다. 무게 : 15 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 15 Id: (11566) [비매품] 노란포션 타 계정과 거래가 불가능한 아이템 입니다. 노란허브를 잘 갈아 만든 체력회복제 HP를 175 가량 회복 시켜 준다. _ 무게 : 13 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 13 Id: (11567) [비매품] 초보자용 포션 타 계정과 거래가 불가능한 아이템 입니다. 초보자수련장에서 모험을 처음 시작하는 초보들을 위해 특별 제작된 초보자 전용회복제! HP를 소량 회복 시켜 준다. _ 무게 : 1 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 1 Id: (11568) [비매품] 레드 슬림 포션 타 계정과 거래가 불가능한 아이템 입니다. 빨간포션과 효능이 같지만 훨씬 더 가볍다. _ 무게 : 2 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 2 Id: (11569) [비매품] 주홍포션 타 계정과 거래가 불가능한 아이템 입니다. 빨간허브와 노란허브를 잘 갈아 만든 체력 회복제 HP 를 105 가량 회복 시켜 준다. _ 무게 : 10 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 10 Id: (11570) [비매품] 빨간포션 타 계정과 거래가 불가능한 아이템 입니다. 빨간허브를 잘 갈아 만든 체력회복제 HP 를 45 가량 회복 시켜 준다. _ 무게 : 7 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 7 Id: (11571) [비매품] 초록포션 타 계정과 거래가 불가능한 아이템 입니다. 초록허브를 잘 갈아 만든 치료제 독과 침묵과 암흑과 혼란을 치료해준다. _ 무게 : 7 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 7 Id: (11572) [비매품] 파란포션 타 계정과 거래가 불가능한 아이템 입니다. 파란허브를 잘 갈아 만든 정신력회복제 SP를 60가량 회복 시켜 준다. _ 무게 : 15 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 15 Id: (11573) [비매품] 화이트 슬림 포션 타 계정과 거래가 불가능한 아이템 입니다. 하얀포션과 효능이 같지만 훨씬 더 가볍다. _ 무게 : 5 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 5 Id: (11574) [비매품] 옐로우 슬림 포션 타 계정과 거래가 불가능한 아이템 입니다. 노란포션과 효능이 같지만 훨씬 더 가볍다. _ 무게 : 3 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 3 Id: (11575) [비매품] 행운의 쿠키 타 계정과 거래가 불가능한 아이템 입니다. 행운의 맛있는 쿠키. 무게 : 3 무게 : 3 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 3 Id: (11576) [비매품] 행운의 막대사탕 타 계정과 거래가 불가능한 아이템 입니다. 행운의 막대사탕. _ 무게 : 4 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 4 Id: (11577) [비매품] 주먹밥 타 계정과 거래가 불가능한 아이템 입니다. 밥을 뭉쳐서 간편하게 들고다니다 먹을 수 있게 만든 도시락의 일종. _ 무게 : 3 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 3 Id: (11578) [비매품] 막대사탕 타 계정과 거래가 불가능한 아이템 입니다. 막대모양으로 생긴 사탕 HP 를 105 가량 회복 시켜 준다. _ 무게 : 4 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 4 Id: (11579) [비매품] 행운의 사탕 타 계정과 거래가 불가능한 아이템 입니다. 행운의 사탕. _ 무게 : 3 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 3 Id: (11580) [비매품] 사탕 타 계정과 거래가 불가능한 아이템 입니다. 달고 맛잇는 사탕 HP 를 45 가량 회복 시켜 준다. _ 무게 : 3 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 3 Id: (11581) [비매품] 조각 케이크 타 계정과 거래가 불가능한 아이템 입니다. 커다란 케익을 잘라놓은 것. 향긋하고 부드러운 크림은 입안에서 살살 녹는다. 먹으면 체력이 회복된다. 무게 : 10 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 10 Id: (11582) [비매품] 잘 구운 쿠키 타 계정과 거래가 불가능한 아이템 입니다. 잘 구워 맛좋은 향을 풍기는 쿠키. 달콤한 맛이 일품이다. 먹으면 체력이 회복된다. 무게 : 3 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 3 Id: (11583) [비매품] 초콜렛 드링크 타 계정과 거래가 불가능한 아이템 입니다. 초콜렛과 우유를 이용하여 궁정 디저트 담당자만의 특유의 비법으로 재가공한 드링크. 궁정 디저트 담당자는 우아하게 마시길 바라겠지만 허리에 한손을 얹고 벌컥벌컥 들이키는게 기본이다. _ 무게 : 15 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 15 Id: (11584) [비매품] 화이트 초콜렛 타 계정과 거래가 불가능한 아이템 입니다. 흰색의 초콜렛. 카카오 고형분을 제거해 흰색이며 보통 초콜렛보다 조금 더 달고 부드럽다. _ 무게 : 8 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 8 Id: (11585) [비매품] 핸드메이드 초콜렛 타 계정과 거래가 불가능한 아이템 입니다. 초콜렛을 많이 모아 그것을 중탕시켜 녹인 후 틀에 부어넣어 일정한 모양으로 굳힌 것. 여성이 주로 고백할때 건네는 것으로 유명하다. _ 무게 : 8 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 8 Id: (11586) [비매품] 핸드메이드 초콜렛 타 계정과 거래가 불가능한 아이템 입니다. 화이트 초콜렛을 많이 모아 그것을 중탕시켜 녹인 후 하트모양으로 굳힌 뒤 예쁘게 장식한 것으로 만든 사람의 정성이 돋보인다. 남성이 주로 고백할때 건네는 것으로 유명하다. _ 무게 : 8 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 8 Id: (11587) [비매품] 초콜렛 타 계정과 거래가 불가능한 아이템 입니다. 카카오를 따서 볶은 다음에 가루를 내어 우유와 향료를 첨가해 굳힌 것. 달고 맛있다. _ 무게 : 2 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 2 Id: (13127) 진홍의 리볼버 [2] 총신에 붉은 빛이 감도는 권총. (제련도*제련도) 만큼 ATK 증가. (15제련까지 적용) 캐릭터 레벨 70이상 : BaseLv이 10 상승 할 때 마다 ATK + 5씩 증가. 계열 : 권총 공격 : 5100 무게 : 5100 무기 레벨 : 3 요구 레벨 : 70 장착 : 건슬링거계열 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Pistol Attack : 100 Weight : 100 Weapon Level : 3 Required Level : 70 Id: (18130) 진홍의 보우 [2] 붉은 빛이 감도는 활. (제련도*제련도) 만큼 ATK 증가. (15제련까지 적용) 캐릭터 레벨 70이상 : BaseLv이 10 상승 할 때 마다 ATK + 5씩 증가. 계열 : 활 공격 : 1020 무게 : 1020 무기 레벨 : 3 요구 레벨 : 70 장착 : 궁수계열/도둑/로그계열 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Bow Attack : 120 Weight : 120 Weapon Level : 3 Required Level : 70 Id: (21015) 진홍의 투핸드소드 [2] 검신에 붉은 빛이 감도는 양손검. (제련도*제련도) 만큼 ATK 증가. (15제련까지 적용) (제련도*제련도)/2 만큼 MATK 증가. (15제련까지 적용) 캐릭터 레벨 70이상 : BaseLv이 10 상승 할 때 마다 ATK + 5씩 증가. 계열 : 양손검 공격 : 1270 무게 : 1270 무기 레벨 : 3 요구 레벨 : 70 장착 : 검사계열 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : TwoHandedSword Attack : 170 Weight : 170 Weapon Level : 3 Required Level : 70 Job : Swordman Class Id: (22542) [비매품] 집중의 포션 타 계정과 거래가 불가능한 아이템 입니다. 집중력을 높여주는 성분을 지닌 물약. 복용하면 공격속도가 상승한다. 전직업이 사용할 수 있다. 무게 : 10 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 10 Id: (22543) [비매품] 버서크 포션 타 계정과 거래가 불가능한 아이템 입니다. 온몸의 피를 끓게하여 광전사의 상태로 만드는 대단한 물약. 복용하면 공격속도가 상승한다. 85레벨 이상의 캐릭터만 사용할 수 있으며 검사계열/로그/마법사/위저드/상인계열만이 사용가능하다. 무게 : 20 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 20 Id: (22544) [비매품] 각성의 포션 타 계정과 거래가 불가능한 아이템 입니다. 복용하면 각성의 효과가 있는 신비한 물약. 복용하면 공격속도가 상승한다. 40레벨 이상의 캐릭터만 사용할 수 있으며 , 어콜라이트/프리스트/바드/댄서는 사용할 수 없다. 무게 : 15 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 15 Id: (22545) [비매품] 이속변화포션 타 계정과 거래가 불가능한 아이템 입니다. 이동속도가 변화하는 신기한 포션. 자신의 운을 믿고 일단 마셔보자. _ 무게 : 10 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 10 Id: (22546) [비매품] 이속변화포션 타 계정과 거래가 불가능한 아이템 입니다. 이동속도가 변화하는 신기한 포션. 자신의 운을 믿고 일단 마셔보자. _ 무게 : 10 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 10 Id: (22547) [비매품] 안티페인 멘트 타 계정과 거래가 불가능한 아이템 입니다. 멘트라는 식물을 주원료로 하여 만든 약. 일정시간 동안 고통을 잊게 해주어 진통제라고도 한다. _ 무게 : 10 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 10 Id: (22548) [비매품] 암수 타 계정과 거래가 불가능한 아이템 입니다. 자주빛으로 어두운 기운이 감도는 저주 받은 물. _ 무게 : 3 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 3 Id: (22549) [비매품] 독약병 타 계정과 거래가 불가능한 아이템 입니다. 병조차 해골모양을 하고 있는 무서운 독약. 이것을 마신자는 아마도 즉사 할 것이다. _ 무게 : 10 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 10 Id: (22550) [비매품] 과자주머니 타 계정과 거래가 불가능한 아이템 입니다. 아이들이 좋아하는 여러가지 맛있는 간식거리가 가득 들어있는 주머니. _ 무게 : 7 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 7 Id: (22551) [비매품] 다식 타 계정과 거래가 불가능한 아이템 입니다. 송화가루, 밤가루 등을 꿀과 함께 반죽하여 다식판에 박아 만드는 과자. 대개 수(壽), 복(福), 강(康), 녕(寧)의 글자가 적혀있거나 구름, 태극 문양으로 차와 함께 먹으면 차 맛을 돋워 준다. 명중률이 일시적으로 30 증가한다. _ 무게 : 7 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 7 Id: (22552) [비매품] 유과 타 계정과 거래가 불가능한 아이템 입니다. 곡식을 술이나 꿀과 함께 반죽하여 만드는 과자로 유밀과 라고 불리기도 한다. 달고 맛있는 전통과자. 회피율이 일시적으로 30 증가한다. _ 무게 : 7 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 7 Id: (22553) [비매품] 무지개떡 타 계정과 거래가 불가능한 아이템 입니다. 알록달록한 색으로 담백한 맛이 나는 떡. 먼 동쪽의 나라에선 잔치에 쓰이는 것 같다. 공격력과 마법공격력이 일시적으로 10 증가한다. _ 무게 : 7 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 7 Id: (22554) [비매품] 응급처치상자 타 계정과 거래가 불가능한 아이템 입니다. 긴급할때 쓸 수 있도록 포션이 담긴 상자. 가끔 응급 처치용이 아닌 엉뚱한 것도 있다. _ 무게 : 20 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 20 Id: (28007) 진홍의 카타르 [2] 칼날에 붉은 빛이 감도는 카타르. (제련도*제련도) 만큼 ATK 증가. (15제련까지 적용) 캐릭터 레벨 70이상 : BaseLv이 10 상승 할 때 마다 ATK + 5씩 증가. 계열 : 카타르 공격 : 1030 무게 : 1030 무기 레벨 : 3 요구 레벨 : 70 장착 : 어쌔신계열 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Katar Attack : 130 Weight : 130 Weapon Level : 3 Required Level : 70 Id: (28106) 진홍의 투핸드액스 [2] 붉은 빛이 감도는 양손도끼. (제련도*제련도) 만큼 ATK 증가. (15제련까지 적용) 캐릭터 레벨 70이상 : BaseLv이 10 상승 할 때 마다 ATK + 5씩 증가. 파괴불가. 계열 : 양손도끼 공격 : 15200 무게 : 15200 무기 레벨 : 3 요구 레벨 : 70 장착 : 검사계열/상인계열 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : TwoHandedAxe Attack : 200 Weight : 200 Weapon Level : 3 Required Level : 70 Job : Swordman Class Merchant Class Files Spoiler Alert: data\alberta.gat data\alberta.gnd data\alberta.rsw data\aldebaran.gat data\aldebaran.gnd data\aldebaran.rsw data\geffen.gat data\geffen.gnd data\geffen.rsw data\izlude.gat data\izlude.gnd data\izlude.rsw data\izlude_a.gat data\izlude_a.gnd data\izlude_a.rsw data\izlude_b.gat data\izlude_b.gnd data\izlude_b.rsw data\izlude_c.gat data\izlude_c.gnd data\izlude_c.rsw data\izlude_d.gat data\izlude_d.gnd data\izlude_d.rsw data\luafiles514\lua files\datainfo\accessoryid.lub data\luafiles514\lua files\datainfo\accname.lub data\luafiles514\lua files\datainfo\jobname.lub data\luafiles514\lua files\datainfo\npcidentity.lub data\mp3nametable.txt data\prontera.gat data\prontera.gnd data\prontera.rsw data\prt_church.gat data\prt_church.gnd data\prt_church.rsw data\questid2display.txt data\sprite\몬스터\amistr.act data\sprite\몬스터\amistr.spr data\sprite\아이템\돼지저금통.act data\sprite\아이템\돼지저금통.spr data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_돼지저금통.act data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_돼지저금통.spr data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_바포메트투구.act data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_바포메트투구.spr data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_돼지저금통.act data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_돼지저금통.spr data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_바포메트투구.act data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_바포메트투구.spr data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\돼지저금통.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\돼지저금통.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\loading00.jpg data\texture\유저인터페이스\loading01.jpg data\texture\유저인터페이스\login_interface\warning.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\login_interface\warning2.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\map\alberta.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\map\aldebaran.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\map\geffen.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\map\hugel.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\map\izlude.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\map\prontera.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\t_배경1-1.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\t_배경1-2.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\t_배경1-3.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\t_배경1-4.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\t_배경2-1.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\t_배경2-2.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\t_배경2-3.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\t_배경2-4.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\t_배경3-1.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\t_배경3-2.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\t_배경3-3.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\t_배경3-4.bmp RagexeRE.exe System\itemInfo_Sak.lub
  4. Added Item Spoiler Alert: Id: (12832) Mysterious Water This item can't be traded. Life potion mixed with the various recovery potions. Recovery 4% of MHP every 3 seconds for 10 minutes. Not available in berserk condition. When player's character becomes combat ineffective, the item buff effect will wear off. Weight : 1 Id: (12832) Mysterious Water Non échangeable. Un mélange de différentes potions. Redonne 4% de MHP toutes les 3 secondes pendant 10 minutes. Ne fonctionne pas sous l'état Berserk. Si le joueur est mis KO, l'effet disparaitra. Poids : 1 Id: (12832) Mysterious Water Dieser Gegenstand kann nicht gehandelt werden. Ein Trank der aus mehreren regenerierenden Säften hergestellt wurde. Regeneriert 4% der Max HP alle 3 Sekunden für 10 Minuten. Nicht im Berserk Status verfügbar. Wenn der Charakter stirbt dann verschwindet dieser Effekt. Gewicht : 1 Id: (12832) Mysterious Water This item can't be traded. Life potion mixed with the various recovery potions. Recovery 4% of MHP every 3 seconds for 10 minutes. Not available in berserk condition. When player's character becomes combat ineffective, the item buff effect will wear off. Weight : 1 Id: (17179) Mysterious Water Box50 Box with the 50 Mysterious water. This item can't be traded. Life potion mixed with the various recovery potions. Recovery 4% of MHP every 3 seconds for 10 minutes. Not available in berserk condition. When player's character becomes combat ineffective, the item buff effect will wear off. Weight : 1 Id: (17179) Mysterious Water Box50 Boite contenant 50 Mysterious Water; Non échangeable. Un mélange de différentes potions. Redonne 4% de MHP toutes les 3 secondes pendant 10 minutes. Ne fonctionne pas sous l'état Berserk. Si le joueur est mis KO, l'effet disparaitra. Poids : 1 Id: (17179) Mysterious Water Box50 Eine Schachtel mit 50 Mysterious Water. Dieser Gegenstand kann nicht gehandelt werden. Ein Trank der aus mehreren regenerierenden Säften hergestellt wurde. Regeneriert 4% der Max HP alle 3 Sekunden für 10 Minuten. Nicht im Berserk Status verfügbar. Wenn der Charakter stirbt dann verschwindet dieser Effekt. Gewicht : 1 Id: (17179) Mysterious Water Box50 Box with the 50 Mysterious water. This item can't be traded. Life potion mixed with the various recovery potions. Recovery 4% of MHP every 3 seconds for 10 minutes. Not available in berserk condition. When player's character becomes combat ineffective, the item buff effect will wear off. Weight : 1 Changed Item Spoiler Alert: Id: (12578) Rapid Life PotionWater This item can't be traded. Potion contains verious recovery herb juice. Effective for faster wound healing. Recovers 6% of MHP every 3 seconds for 10 minutes. Not available in berserk condition. When player's character becomes combat ineffective, the item buff effect will wear off. Weight : 1 Id: (12578) Rapid Life PotionWater Id: (12578) Rapid Life PotionWater Id: (12578) Rapid Life PotionWater This item can't be traded. Potion contains verious recovery herb juice. Effective for faster wound healing. Recovers 6% of MHP every 3 seconds for 10 minutes. Not available in berserk condition. When player's character becomes combat ineffective, the item buff effect will wear off. Weight : 1 Id: (14495) Brilliant Golden Wings Box A box that contains 1 Aquarius Diadem in it. A diadem that represents Aquarius which is the 11th sign of Zodiac. An amethyst, the birtstone, is embedded on it. STR + 2, FLEE + 10, Increase resistance against wind property attack by 5%. If refined higher than +7 DEF + 1, ATK + 15. Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Location : Upper Weight : 30 Required Level : 70 Jobs : All JobsGive a costume Brilliant Golden Wings for one week. Gold Wings to shine brightly. Can give you some zeny when you kill a monster. Can use the skills Discount, Overcharge and Gank LV10. Weight : 1 Id: (14495) Brilliant Golden Wings Box Une boîte contenant 1 Aquarius Diadem. _ Un diadème représDonne un costume Brilliant Golden Wings pentdant le Verseau, le 11e signe du zodiaque. Une améthyste porte-bonheur est incrustée dans ce bijou. STR +2, FLEE +10, augmente de 5 % la résistance contre les attaques de propriété Wind. S'il est amélioré au-dessus de +7, gagne DEF +1, ATK +15. Classe d'objet : Chapeau/casque Défense : 3 Emplaceune semaine. Des ailes dorées d'une brillance intense. A une chance de vous donner des zeny lorsque vous éliminez un monstre. Perment : Haut Poids : 30 Niveau requis : 70 Profession : Tous les jobsd'utiliser Discount, Overcharge et Gank LV10. Poids : 1 Id: (14495) Brilliant Golden Wings Box Eine Kiste mit 1 Aquarius Diadem. _ Ein Diadem, der für das elfte Tierkreiszeichen Pisces steht. Der Geburtsstein Amethyst ist darauf angebraucht. STR + 2, FLEE + 10, erhöht die WiderstandskraftGibt dir eine Woche lang das Kostüme 'Brilliant Golden Wings'. Gold Wings to shine brightly. Hat eine Chance dir Zeny zu gegben Angriffe durch die Wind-Eigenschaft um 5 %. Wenn veredelt, mehr als +7 DEF + 1, ATK + 15. GegenstandsArt: Headgear Verteidigung: 3 Position: Upper Gewicht: 30 Benötigt Level: 70 Jobs: Alle Jobs, wenn du ein Monster tötest. Erlaubt es dir 'Discount', 'Overcharge' und 'Gank LV10' zu benutzen. Gewicht : 1 Id: (14495) Brilliant Golden Wings Box A box that contains 1 Aquarius Diadem in it. A diadem that represents Aquarius which is the 11th sign of Zodiac. An amethyst, the birtstone, is embedded on it. STR + 2, FLEE + 10, Increase resistance against wind property attack by 5%. If refined higher than +7 DEF + 1, ATK + 15. Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Location : Upper Weight : 30 Required Level : 70 Jobs : All JobsGive a costume Brilliant Golden Wings for one week. Gold Wings to shine brightly. Can give you some zeny when you kill a monster. Can use the skills Discount, Overcharge and Gank LV10. Weight : 1 Id: (14496) Wing Of Happiness Box A box that contains 1 Aquarius Crown in it. A crowm that represents Aquarius which is the 11th sign of Zodiac. An amethyst, the birthstone, is embedded on it. STR + 2, FLEE + 10, Increase resistance against wind property attack by 5%. If refined higher than +7 DEF + 1, ATK + 15. Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Location : Upper Weight : 30 Required Level : 70 Jobs : All JobsGive a costume Wing Of Happiness for one week. Wings to make you happy. Reduce damages from Fire, Earth, Wind and Water elements by 10%. Weight : 1 Id: (14496) Wing Of Happiness Box Une boîte contenant 1 Aquarius Crown. _ Une couronne représDonne un costume Wing Of Happiness pentdant le Verseau, le 11e signe du zodiaque. Une améthyste porte-bonheur est incrustée dans ce bijou. STR +2, FLEE +10, augmente de 5 % la résistance contre les attaques de propriété Wind. Si elle est améliorée au-dessus de +7, gagne DEF +1, ATK +15. Classe d'objet : Chapeau/casque Défense : 3 Emplacement : Haut Poids : 30 Niveau requis : 70 Profession : Tous les jobsune semaine. Des ailes pour te rendre joyeux. Réduis les dégâts Fire, Earth, Wind et Water de 10%. Poids : 1 Id: (14496) Wing Of Happiness Box Eine Kiste mit 1 Aquarius Crown. _ Eine Krone, die für das elfte Tierkreiszeichen Aquarius steht. Der Geburtsstein Amethyst ist darauf angebraucht. STR + 2, FLEE + 10, erhöht die Widerstandskraft gegen Angriffe durch die Wind-Eigenschaft um 5 %. Wenn veredelt, mehr als +7 DEF + 1, ATK + 15. GegenstandsArt: Headgear Verteidigung: 3 Position: Upper Gewicht: 30 Benötigt Level: 70 Jobs: Alle JobsGibt dir eine Woche lang das Kostüme 'Wing Of Happiness'. Wings to make you happy. Verringert den Fire-, Earth-, Wind- und Water-Schaden um 10%. Gewicht : 1 Id: (14496) Wing Of Happiness Box A box that contains 1 Aquarius Crown in it. A crowm that represents Aquarius which is the 11th sign of Zodiac. An amethyst, the birthstone, is embedded on it. STR + 2, FLEE + 10, Increase resistance against wind property attack by 5%. If refined higher than +7 DEF + 1, ATK + 15. Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Location : Upper Weight : 30 Required Level : 70 Jobs : All JobsGive a costume Wing Of Happiness for one week. Wings to make you happy. Reduce damages from Fire, Earth, Wind and Water elements by 10%. Weight : 1 Id: (20727) Brilliant Golden Wings Gold Wings to shine brightly. Can give you some zeny when you kill a monster. Can use the skills Discount, Overcharge and Gank LV10. Class : Costume Location : Garment Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Job : All Id: (20727) Brilliant Golden Wings Gold Wings to shine brightly. Can give you some zeny when you kill a monster. Can use the skills Discount, Overcharge and Gank LV10. Class : Costume Location : Garment Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Job : All Id: (20761) C Wing Of Happiness Wings to make you happy. Reduce damages from Fire, Earth, Wind and Water elements by 10%. Class : Costume Location : Garment Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Job : All Id: (20761) C Wing Of Happiness Wings to make you happy. Reduce damages from Fire, Earth, Wind and Water elements by 10%. Class : Costume Location : Garment Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Job : All Files Spoiler Alert: data\default\idnum2itemdesctable.txt data\default\idnum2itemdisplaynametable.txt data\default\idnum2itemresnametable.txt data\default\num2itemdesctable.txt data\default\num2itemdisplaynametable.txt data\default\num2itemresnametable.txt data\english\idnum2itemdesctable.txt data\english\idnum2itemdisplaynametable.txt data\english\idnum2itemresnametable.txt data\english\num2itemdesctable.txt data\english\num2itemdisplaynametable.txt data\english\num2itemresnametable.txt data\french\idnum2itemdesctable.txt data\french\idnum2itemdisplaynametable.txt data\french\idnum2itemresnametable.txt data\french\num2itemdesctable.txt data\french\num2itemdisplaynametable.txt data\french\num2itemresnametable.txt data\german\idnum2itemdesctable.txt data\german\idnum2itemdisplaynametable.txt data\german\idnum2itemresnametable.txt data\german\num2itemdesctable.txt data\german\num2itemdisplaynametable.txt data\german\num2itemresnametable.txt data\idnum2itemdesctable.txt data\idnum2itemdisplaynametable.txt data\idnum2itemresnametable.txt data\luafiles514\german\lua files\msgstring_de.lub data\num2itemdesctable.txt data\num2itemdisplaynametable.txt data\num2itemresnametable.txt data\spanish\idnum2itemdesctable.txt data\spanish\idnum2itemdisplaynametable.txt data\spanish\num2itemdesctable.txt data\spanish\num2itemdisplaynametable.txt data\turkish\idnum2itemdesctable.txt data\turkish\idnum2itemdisplaynametable.txt data\turkish\idnum2itemresnametable.txt data\turkish\num2itemdesctable.txt data\turkish\num2itemdisplaynametable.txt data\turkish\num2itemresnametable.txt
  5. Added Quest Spoiler Alert: Id: 7565 回归的雷扬?摩尔 Info: 最近发现的次元龟裂是用雷扬?摩尔提供的情报发现的。与正在艾卡拉奇被保护的雷扬?摩尔会面并且对话. Quickinfo: 雷扬?摩尔 Id: 7566 次元移动器 Info: 为了进入次元龟裂而特别制作的次元移动器. Quickinfo: Id: 12325 人面虫巢穴的痕迹 Info: 遗留了进出人面虫巢穴的后遗症. Quickinfo: 人面虫巢穴的痕迹 Id: 12326 陈旧戒指的主人 Info: 找到了陈旧戒指的主人.他一定会很开心 Quickinfo: 陈旧戒指的主人 Id: 12327 陈旧相册的回忆 Info: 收到相册的商人很开心.下回有时间还得找点其他的相册. Quickinfo: 陈旧相册的回忆 Id: 12328 夫人为什么只给石头... Info: 夫人只给石头米饭吃.下次再发现药丸给她看看. Quickinfo: 夫人为什么只给石头... Id: 12329 安息吧. Info: 灵魂为什么不安息呢?为他带来手链就能安息吗? Quickinfo: 安息吧 Id: 15002 副本: 萨拉的记忆 Info: 进入后20小时内禁止再次进入萨拉的记忆.请确认剩余时间后再次进入. Quickinfo: 20小时内禁止再次进入 Id: 15003 探险家雷文的嘱咐 Info: 副本: 沙拉的记忆通关后与探险家雷文对话. Quickinfo: 萨拉的记忆通关 Item Spoiler Alert: Id: (6648) 陈旧的王冠 看着不仅破旧,连上面的宝石也掉落了很多,但毕竟是纯金制作的,在收集品商人处能够卖个好价钱。 重量 : 1 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 1 Id: (6649) 断裂的角 弯曲断裂的独角,悬赏金不会很高。 重量 : 1 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 1 Id: (6650) 陈旧的戒指 戒指的内壁上写有小字,但实在是太陈旧了,看不清楚具体写了些什么。感觉是很有故事的戒指。 重量 : 1 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 1 Id: (6651) 生锈的手链 失去本来颜色的生锈的手链。模模糊糊的能够看见字体。 重量 : 1 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 1 Id: (6652) 陈旧的相册 破旧的相册。里面没剩下几张照片了。 重量 : 1 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 1 Id: (6653) 古老的药丸 发霉变黑的药丸。与一张便签一起保存着。 – 便签:呼吸困难时,立刻服用。 重量 : 1 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 1 Id: (13089) 人面虫的脚 人面虫锋利刀足的一部分。虽然只是个碎片但拥有强烈的扭曲时间之力。 MATK + 50。 攻击时,有很大几率出现人面虫虚像。 系列 : 短剑 攻击 : 110 重量 : 50 属性 : 毒 武器等级 : 3 等级要求 : 24 装备 : 初心者/剑士/魔法师/弓箭手/商人/盗贼/悟灵士/忍者 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 50 Id: (13090) 人面虫皇后的脚 人面虫皇后刀足的一部分。虽然只是碎片但拥有强烈的扭曲时间之力。 INT + 3,MATK + 120。 攻击时,有几率出现人面虫皇后虚影。 系列 : 短剑 攻击 : 180 重量 : 50 属性 : 无 武器等级 : 4 等级要求 : 100 装备 : 初心者/剑士/魔法师/弓箭手/商人/盗贼/悟灵士/忍者 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 50 Id: (17267) 神秘彩蛋 Classic-4 虽然不清楚卷轴中有什么东西,但开封后一定会让人吃惊的. 重量 : 1 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 1 Id: (17448) 神秘彩蛋 Gothic 能够开出装备和服装,不可思议的神秘彩蛋。 与其他账号无法进行交易. 重量 : 1 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 1 Id: (17461) 神秘彩蛋 Frozen 虽然不清楚卷轴中有什么东西,但开封后一定会让人吃惊的. 重量 : 1 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 1 Id: (19652) 时装 兔子魔法帽 著名的魔术师使用过的帽子.从帽子中跳出一只兔子.不知道还会跳出什么东西. 系列 : 服装装备 防御 : 1 位置 : 上段 重量 : 80 等级要求 : 1 装备 : 所有职业 ====== auto-parsed ====== Defense : 1 Location : Upper Weight : 80 Id: (19653) 时装 巡游帽子 穿戴后可以听见神圣的音乐,会让穿戴者充满力量. 因为受到神圣的祝福,据悉受到敌人攻击时会有天使出现来保护穿戴者. 与其他账号不能交易. 系列 : 服装装备 防御 : 0 位置 : 上段 重量 : 0 等级要求 : 1 装备 : 所有职业 ====== auto-parsed ====== Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Id: (19654) 时装 船长帽 帅帅的白角帽….'是操纵飞空艇的船长穿戴的帽子. 系列 : 服装装备 防御 : 0 位置 : 上段 重量 : 0 等级要求 : 1 装备 : 所有职业 ====== auto-parsed ====== Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Id: (19655) 时装 提拉亚帽子 又长又大的帽子.不知道是做什么用的帽子. 系列 : 服装装备 位置 : 上段 重量 : 0 等级要求 : 0 装备 : 所有职业 ====== auto-parsed ====== Location : Upper Weight : 0 Id: (19656) 时装 吟游诗人的帽子 著名的吟游诗人曾经穿戴过的帽檐宽大的帽子. 系列 : 服装装备 位置 : 上段 重量 : 0 等级要求 : 1 装备 : 所有职业 ====== auto-parsed ====== Location : Upper Weight : 0 Id: (19657) 时装 船长帽 拥有威严感觉的颜色厚重的船长帽.因某位船长佩戴过而闻名于世. 系列 : 服装装备 防御 : 0 位置 : 上段 重量 : 0 等级要求 : 1 装备 : 所有职业 ====== auto-parsed ====== Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Id: (19658) 时装 旅行帽子 适合去度假时穿戴的帽子.穿戴者的脸不会被强光照射到. 系列 : 服装装备 防御 : 0 位置 : 上段 重量 : 0 等级要求 : 1 装备 : 所有职业 ====== auto-parsed ====== Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Id: (19659) 时装 白色毛皮帽子 主要为了头部的保暖而制作的毛皮帽.有些人为了体现自己的个性也会戴上它. 系列 : 服装装备 防御 : 0 位置 : 上段 重量 : 0 等级要求 : 1 装备 : 所有职业 ====== auto-parsed ====== Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Id: (19660) 时装 柯波拉 鉴定师最喜爱的帽子.帽子的里面写有安德烈所写的字'把他的回忆带给你…' 系列 : 服装装备 防御 : 0 位置 : 上段 重量 : 0 等级要求 : 1 装备 : 所有职业 ====== auto-parsed ====== Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Id: (19661) 时装 婴儿帽 婴儿帽 系列 : 服装装备 防御 : 0 位置 : 上段 重量 : 0 等级要求 : 1 装备 : 所有职业 ====== auto-parsed ====== Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Id: (19951) 时装 自娱自乐箱子 眼部有两个洞的黄色纸箱.把纸箱戴到头上可以自娱自乐. 系列 : 服装装备 : 0 位置 : 上中下段 重量 : 0 等级要求 : 1 装备 : 所有职业 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 0 Id: (19952) 时装 含在口中的泡泡糖 像气球一样可膨胀的口香糖.可按照个人的意愿吹的很大! 可能有不合格的产品,使用时请注意. 系列 : 服装装备 防御 : 0 位置 : 下段 重量 : 0 等级要求 : 1 装备 : 所有职业 ====== auto-parsed ====== Defense : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Id: (19953) 时装 游行帽子 让人下意识的想去游行的让人感觉幸福的帽子. 系列 : 服装装备 防御 : 0 位置 : 上段 重量 : 0 等级要求 : 1 装备 : 所有职业 ====== auto-parsed ====== Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Id: (19954) 时装 3D眼镜 可看到立体图像的神秘的眼镜. 系列 : 服装装备 防御 : 0 位置 : 中段 重量 : 0 等级要求 : 1 装备 : 所有职业 ====== auto-parsed ====== Defense : 0 Location : Middle Weight : 0 Id: (19956) 时装 士兵帽子 玩具士兵穿戴的帽子.不知怎么穿戴后就会踢正步. 系列 : 服装装备 防御 : 0 位置 : 上段 重量 : 0 等级要求 : 1 装备 : 所有职业 ====== auto-parsed ====== Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Id: (19957) 时装 摩托车安全帽 骑乘踏板摩托时需佩戴的装备. 系列 : 服装装备 防御 : 0 位置 : 上段 重量 : 0 等级要求 : 1 装备 : 所有职业 ====== auto-parsed ====== Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Id: (19958) 时装 唱诗班帽子 在唱诗班穿戴的帽子. 系列 : 服装装备 防御 : 0 位置 : 上段 重量 : 0 等级要求 : 1 装备 : 所有职业 ====== auto-parsed ====== Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Id: (19959) 时装 耷拉着的艾吉欧蜈蚣 趴在头顶的艾吉欧蜈蚣.偶尔会剧烈的动弹 系列 : 服装装备 防御 : 0 位置 : 上段 重量 : 0 等级要求 : 1 装备 : 所有职业 ====== auto-parsed ====== Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Id: (19960) 时装 提线木偶 提线木偶.穿戴后感觉变成了玩具. 系列 : 服装装备 防御 : 0 位置 : 上段 重量 : 0 等级要求 : 1 装备 : 所有职业 ====== auto-parsed ====== Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Id: (19984) 时装 防寒帽 "在寒冷地区时常穿戴的毛皮帽子.戴上这个帽子过去模糊的记忆复苏了 复苏了。" 系列 : 服装装备 防御 : 0 位置 : 上段 重量 : 0 等级要求 : 1 装备 : 所有职业 ====== auto-parsed ====== Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Id: (19985) 时装 镶嵌水晶的王冠 用特殊的水晶装饰的王冠. 系列 : 服装装备 防御 : 0 位置 : 上段 重量 : 0 等级要求 : 1 装备 : 所有职业 ====== auto-parsed ====== Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Id: (19986) 时装 疯兔帽子 仿照毛绒绒的疯兔制作的帽子. 系列 : 服装装备 防御 : 0 位置 : 上段 重量 : 0 等级要求 : 1 装备 : 所有职业 ====== auto-parsed ====== Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Id: (19987) 时装 蓝色皮毛帽子 主要为了头部的保暖而制作的毛皮帽.有些人为了体现自己的个性也会戴上它. 系列 : 服装装备 防御 : 0 位置 : 上段 重量 : 0 等级要求 : 1 装备 : 所有职业 ====== auto-parsed ====== Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Id: (19988) 时装 古老的王冠 用树精的枝条加工的王冠. 系列 : 服装装备 防御 : 0 位置 : 上段 重量 : 0 等级要求 : 1 装备 : 所有职业 ====== auto-parsed ====== Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Id: (19989) 时装 温暖耳罩 用羊毛和犄角装饰的蓬松的头巾. 系列 : 服装装备 防御 : 0 位置 : 中段 重量 : 0 等级要求 : 1 装备 : 所有职业 ====== auto-parsed ====== Defense : 0 Location : Middle Weight : 0 Id: (19990) 时装 兔儿针织帽 用兔儿针织帽重新制作的帽子. 会联想到雪兔. 系列 : 服装装备 防御 : 0 位置 : 上段 重量 : 0 等级要求 : 1 装备 : 所有职业 ====== auto-parsed ====== Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Id: (19991) 时装 雪色盾牌 用纯白色的花朵制作的防具. 被称作'报春'. 系列 : 服装装备 防御 : 0 位置 : 上段 重量 : 0 等级要求 : 1 装备 : 所有职业 ====== auto-parsed ====== Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Id: (19992) 时装 寒冷哈气 天气是如此的冷,张开嘴会冒出白色哈气 系列 : 服装装备 防御 : 0 位置 : 下段 重量 : 0 等级要求 : 1 装备 : 所有职业 ====== auto-parsed ====== Defense : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Id: (20717) 巨神蛇的皮 在扭曲的时间缝隙中褪去的人面虫头部外皮。这个魔物有一段时间成为了尧尔门坎特的神灵。 MDEF + 10。 很奇妙这件披风与所有高级时间之靴互相呼应。 一同装备时增加 MHP + 15%,MSP + 5%。 系列 : 披风 防御: 38 重量 : 40 等级要求 : 1 装备 : 所有职业 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 40 Id: (20718) 巨神蛇的皮 曾经作为尧尔门坎特神灵的人面虫头部外皮。 MDEF + 10。 很奇妙这件披风与所有高级时间之靴互相呼应。 一同装备时增加 MHP + 15%,MSP + 5%。 系列 : 披风 防御: 38 重量 : 40 等级要求 : 1 装备 : 所有职业 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 40 Id: (22507) 陈旧的卷轴 破旧的传送卷轴,从上面能够感觉到扭曲空间的魔法波动。使用后不知会传送到什么地方。 重量 : 1 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 1 Card Spoiler Alert: Id: 4848 Id: 4849 Id: 4850 Id: 4851 Id: 4852 Id: 4853 Id: 4854 Id: 4855 Id: 4856 Id: 4857 Id: 4858 Changed Item Spoiler Alert: Id: (20010) 时装 虹色羽耳 彩虹色翅膀样式的耳朵. "中国活动限定属性" (2014年 12月 24日~ 20154年 1月 28日为止) All state +1,经验值获得+10%. 系列 : 服装装备 防御: 0 位置 : 中段 重量 : 0 等级要求 : 1 装备 : 所有职业 ====== auto-parsed ====== Location : Middle Weight : 0 Id: (20047) 时装 祈纺之樱 用充满祈祷之力的符咒装饰的樱花. "中国活动限定属性" (2014年 12月 24日~ 20154年 1月 28日为止) All state +1,经验值获得+10%. 系列 : 服装装备 位置 : 中段 重量 : 0 等级要求 : 1 装备 : 所有职业 ====== auto-parsed ====== Location : Middle Weight : 0 Files Spoiler Alert: data\idnum2itemdesctable.txt data\idnum2itemdisplaynametable.txt data\idnum2itemresnametable.txt data\itemslotcounttable.txt data\luafiles514\lua files\datainfo\accessoryid.lub data\luafiles514\lua files\datainfo\accname.lub data\num2cardillustnametable.txt data\num2itemdesctable.txt data\num2itemdisplaynametable.txt data\num2itemresnametable.txt data\questid2display.txt data\resnametable.txt data\sprite\아이템\3d안경.act data\sprite\아이템\3d안경.spr data\sprite\아이템\gm_force_transfer.act data\sprite\아이템\gm_force_transfer.spr data\sprite\아이템\rg빨간포션.act data\sprite\아이템\rg빨간포션.spr data\sprite\아이템\가란사스가드.act data\sprite\아이템\가란사스가드.spr data\sprite\아이템\각성포션.act data\sprite\아이템\각성포션.spr data\sprite\아이템\간반테인.act data\sprite\아이템\간반테인.spr data\sprite\아이템\거신뱀의껍질.act data\sprite\아이템\거신뱀의껍질.spr data\sprite\아이템\거인의끌.act data\sprite\아이템\거인의끌.spr data\sprite\아이템\검은토끼모자.act data\sprite\아이템\검은토끼모자.spr data\sprite\아이템\검은토끼헤어밴드.act data\sprite\아이템\검은토끼헤어밴드.spr data\sprite\아이템\고대의문관.act data\sprite\아이템\고대의문관.spr data\sprite\아이템\고래.act data\sprite\아이템\고래.spr data\sprite\아이템\곰돌이풍선.act data\sprite\아이템\곰돌이풍선.spr data\sprite\아이템\과라나사탕.act data\sprite\아이템\과라나사탕.spr data\sprite\아이템\괴도의외눈안경.act data\sprite\아이템\괴도의외눈안경.spr data\sprite\아이템\꼬마데빌링.act data\sprite\아이템\꼬마데빌링.spr data\sprite\아이템\나무보물상자.act data\sprite\아이템\나무보물상자.spr data\sprite\아이템\냉기입김.act data\sprite\아이템\냉기입김.spr data\sprite\아이템\눈의결정.act data\sprite\아이템\눈의결정.spr data\sprite\아이템\눈토끼니트모자.act data\sprite\아이템\눈토끼니트모자.spr data\sprite\아이템\늘어진아르지오프.act data\sprite\아이템\늘어진아르지오프.spr data\sprite\아이템\늘어진판다.act data\sprite\아이템\늘어진판다.spr data\sprite\아이템\다식.act data\sprite\아이템\다식.spr data\sprite\아이템\다이아보물상자.act data\sprite\아이템\다이아보물상자.spr data\sprite\아이템\대왕문어.act data\sprite\아이템\대왕문어.spr data\sprite\아이템\대왕오징어.act data\sprite\아이템\대왕오징어.spr data\sprite\아이템\대지의실크햇.act 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data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_벨의비둘기.act data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_벨의비둘기.spr data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_병정모자.act data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_병정모자.spr data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_사안봉인의붕대.act data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_사안봉인의붕대.spr data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_산타모자.act data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_산타모자.spr data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_선장모자.act data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_선장모자.spr data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_선장의모자.act data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_선장의모자.spr data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_성가대모자.act data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_성가대모자.Spr data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_수다쟁이까마귀.act data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_수다쟁이까마귀.spr data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_스위트보넷.act data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_스위트보넷.spr data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_스쿠터헬멧.act data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_스쿠터헬멧.Spr data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_얼음날개귀.act data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_얼음날개귀.spr data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_에길헬름.act data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_에길헬름.spr data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_엘더크라운.act data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_엘더크라운.spr data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_여의주를품은용모자1.act data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_여의주를품은용모자1.spr data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_여의주를품은용모자2.act data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_여의주를품은용모자2.spr data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_여의주를품은용모자3.act 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data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_토끼귀니트모자.spr data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_토끼마술모자.act data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_토끼마술모자.spr data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_티라야보넷.act data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_티라야보넷.spr data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_파란양갈래산타모자.act data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_파란양갈래산타모자.spr data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_파란파자마모자.act data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_파란파자마모자.spr data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_파랑털모자.act data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_파랑털모자.spr data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_퍼레이드모자.act data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_퍼레이드모자.spr data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_풀죽은엘리엇모자.act data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_풀죽은엘리엇모자.spr data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_풀죽은키엘모자.act data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_풀죽은키엘모자.spr data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_프리티토끼후드.act data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_프리티토끼후드.spr data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_플라워포트마스크.act data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_플라워포트마스크.spr data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_피묻은나비귀.act data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_피묻은나비귀.spr data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_피아멧트의두건.act data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_피아멧트의두건.spr data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_핑크파자마모자.act data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_핑크파자마모자.spr data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_혼자놀기상자2.act data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_혼자놀기상자2.spr data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_화려한하이캡.act data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_화려한하이캡.spr data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_회색털모자.act data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_회색털모자.spr data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_흙빛의투구.act data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_흙빛의투구.Spr data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_흰토끼헤어밴드.act data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_흰토끼헤어밴드.spr data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_3d안경.act data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_3d안경.spr data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_가란사스가드.act data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_가란사스가드.spr data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_검은토끼모자.act data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_검은토끼모자.spr data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_검은토끼헤어밴드.act data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_검은토끼헤어밴드.spr data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_고대의문관.act data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_고대의문관.spr data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_곰돌이풍선.act data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_곰돌이풍선.spr data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_꼬마데빌링.act data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_꼬마데빌링.spr data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_냉기입김.act data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_냉기입김.spr data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_눈토끼니트모자.act data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_눈토끼니트모자.spr data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_늘어진아르지오프.act data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_늘어진아르지오프.spr data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_늘어진판다.act data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_늘어진판다.spr data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_대지의실크햇.act data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_대지의실크햇.spr data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_돌풍의헌팅캡.act data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_돌풍의헌팅캡.spr data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_똬리튼뱀모자1.act data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_똬리튼뱀모자1.spr data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_똬리튼뱀모자2.act data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_똬리튼뱀모자2.spr data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_레드플라워모자.act data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_레드플라워모자.spr data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_루나틱모자.act data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_루나틱모자.spr data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_루드마스크.act data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_루드마스크.spr data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_마녀의모자.act data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_마녀의모자.spr data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_마왕.act data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_마왕.spr data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_마칭햇.act data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_마칭햇.spr data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_무통라이프.act data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_무통라이프.spr data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_물의니트캡.act data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_물의니트캡.spr data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_미니말머리핀1.act data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_미니말머리핀1.spr data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_미니말머리핀2.act data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_미니말머리핀2.spr data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_미니트리.act data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_미니트리.spr data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_바캉스모자.act data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_바캉스모자.spr data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_발광산타포링.act data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_발광산타포링.spr data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_방한모자.act data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_방한모자.spr data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_벨의비둘기.act data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_벨의비둘기.spr data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_병정모자.act data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_병정모자.spr data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_사안봉인의붕대.act data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_사안봉인의붕대.spr data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_산타모자.act data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_산타모자.spr data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_선장모자.act data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_선장모자.spr data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_선장의모자.act data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_선장의모자.spr data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_성가대모자.act data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_성가대모자.Spr data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_수다쟁이까마귀.act data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_수다쟁이까마귀.spr data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_스위트보넷.act data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_스위트보넷.spr data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_스쿠터헬멧.act data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_스쿠터헬멧.Spr data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_얼음날개귀.act data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_얼음날개귀.spr data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_에길헬름.act data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_에길헬름.spr data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_엘더크라운.act data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_엘더크라운.spr data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_여의주를품은용모자1.act data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_여의주를품은용모자1.spr 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  6. Added Quest Spoiler Alert: Id: 96708 除夜の餅つき Info: 「除夜の餅つき」に参加することになった!     「モチリン」を煩悩の数だけついて、        おめでたい正月を迎えよう! Quickinfo: 「モチリン」を「108」匹倒したら、         「餅神様」に報告する。 Id: 201740 アマツ招福モチモチ祭り Info: おもち積み会場で、縁起物である「おもち」を積んだ!このクエストは2015年の次回の季節イベントと    2015年クリスマスイベントの特典対象となります。 Quickinfo: お正月イベント2015 アマツ招福モチモチ祭り 完了 Item Spoiler Alert: Id: (20229) [衣装] まねき餅花 東方のある国の人々が 新しい年の神を招く際に 身につけたとされる 衣装用髪飾り。 ――――――――――――― 系列 : 衣装 防御 : 0 位置 : 上段 重量 : 0 要求レベル : 1 装備 : 全ての職業 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Changed Quest Spoiler Alert: Id: 96750 クリスタル研究の手伝い01 Info: クリスタル研究者を手伝うことになった。この案内は2014年12月26日以降、           『エイド』より一覧から削除することができます。 Quickinfo: クリスタル(黄)を5匹倒し、アニバーサリー会場の  クリスタル研究者(87,130)に報告する。12th Anniversary 終了 Id: 96751 クリスタル研究の手伝い02 Info: クリスタル研究者を手伝うことになった。この案内は2014年12月26日以降、           『エイド』より一覧から削除することができます。 Quickinfo: クリスタル(黄)を10匹倒し、アニバーサリー会場の クリスタル研究者(87,130)に報告する。12th Anniversary 終了 Id: 96752 クリスタル研究の手伝い03 Info: クリスタル研究者を手伝うことになった。この案内は2014年12月26日以降、           『エイド』より一覧から削除することができます。 Quickinfo: クリスタル(黄)を20匹倒し、アニバーサリー会場の クリスタル研究者(87,130)に報告する。12th Anniversary 終了 Id: 96753 クリスタル研究の手伝い04 Info: クリスタル研究者を手伝うことになった。この案内は2014年12月26日以降、           『エイド』より一覧から削除することができます。 Quickinfo: クリスタル(緑)を5匹倒し、アニバーサリー会場の  クリスタル研究者(87,130)に報告する。12th Anniversary 終了 Id: 96754 クリスタル研究の手伝い05 Info: クリスタル研究者を手伝うことになった。この案内は2014年12月26日以降、           『エイド』より一覧から削除することができます。 Quickinfo: クリスタル(緑)を10匹倒し、アニバーサリー会場の クリスタル研究者(87,130)に報告する。12th Anniversary 終了 Id: 96755 クリスタル研究の手伝い06 Info: クリスタル研究者を手伝うことになった。この案内は2014年12月26日以降、           『エイド』より一覧から削除することができます。 Quickinfo: クリスタル(緑)を20匹倒し、アニバーサリー会場の クリスタル研究者(87,130)に報告する。12th Anniversary 終了 Id: 96756 クリスタル研究の手伝い07 Info: クリスタル研究者を手伝うことになった。この案内は2014年12月26日以降、           『エイド』より一覧から削除することができます。 Quickinfo: クリスタル(赤)を5匹倒し、アニバーサリー会場の  クリスタル研究者(87,130)に報告する。12th Anniversary 終了 Id: 96757 クリスタル研究の手伝い08 Info: クリスタル研究者を手伝うことになった。この案内は2014年12月26日以降、           『エイド』より一覧から削除することができます。 Quickinfo: クリスタル(赤)を10匹倒し、アニバーサリー会場の クリスタル研究者(87,130)に報告する。12th Anniversary 終了 Id: 96758 クリスタル研究の手伝い09 Info: クリスタル研究者を手伝うことになった。この案内は2014年12月26日以降、           『エイド』より一覧から削除することができます。 Quickinfo: クリスタル(赤)を20匹倒し、アニバーサリー会場の クリスタル研究者(87,130)に報告する。12th Anniversary 終了 Id: 96759 クリスタル研究の手伝い10 Info: クリスタル研究者を手伝うことになった。この案内は2014年12月26日以降、           『エイド』より一覧から削除することができます。 Quickinfo: クリスタル(青)を5匹倒し、アニバーサリー会場の  クリスタル研究者(87,130)に報告する。12th Anniversary 終了 Id: 96760 クリスタル研究の手伝い11 Info: クリスタル研究者を手伝うことになった。この案内は2014年12月26日以降、           『エイド』より一覧から削除することができます。 Quickinfo: クリスタル(青)を10匹倒し、アニバーサリー会場の クリスタル研究者(87,130)に報告する。12th Anniversary 終了 Id: 96761 クリスタル研究の手伝い12 Info: クリスタル研究者を手伝うことになった。この案内は2014年12月26日以降、           『エイド』より一覧から削除することができます。 Quickinfo: クリスタル(青)を20匹倒し、アニバーサリー会場の クリスタル研究者(87,130)に報告する。12th Anniversary 終了 Id: 96762 ロックスター支援効果 Info: 封印された神殿にて巨蟹宮の支援効果を得た。    「魔王バフォメット」を倒すと報酬を得られる。この案内は2014年12月26日以降、           『エイド』より一覧から削除することができます。 Quickinfo: 目標達成後、アニバーサリー会場にいる       支援員リーダー(92,100)から報酬を受け取る。12th Anniversary 終了 Id: 96763 ロックスター支援効果 Info: ゲフェン魔王大会にて双魚宮の支援効果を得た。   大会で勝ち抜くと報酬を得られる。この案内は2014年12月26日以降、           『エイド』より一覧から削除することができます。 Quickinfo: 目標達成後、アニバーサリー会場にいる       支援員リーダー(92,100)から報酬を受け取る。12th Anniversary 終了 Id: 96764 ロックスター支援効果 Info: ゲフェン魔王大会にて双魚宮の支援効果を得た。   大会で勝ち抜くと報酬を得られる。この案内は2014年12月26日以降、           『エイド』より一覧から削除することができます。 Quickinfo: 目標達成後、アニバーサリー会場にいる       支援員リーダー(92,100)から報酬を受け取る。12th Anniversary 終了 Id: 96765 ロックスター支援効果 Info: ゲフェン魔王大会にて双魚宮の支援効果を得た。   大会で勝ち抜くと報酬を得られる。この案内は2014年12月26日以降、           『エイド』より一覧から削除することができます。 Quickinfo: 目標達成後、アニバーサリー会場にいる       支援員リーダー(92,100)から報酬を受け取る。12th Anniversary 終了 Id: 96766 ロックスター支援効果 Info: ゲフェン魔王大会にて双魚宮の支援効果を得た。   大会で勝ち抜くと報酬を得られる。この案内は2014年12月26日以降、           『エイド』より一覧から削除することができます。 Quickinfo: 目標達成後、アニバーサリー会場にいる       支援員リーダー(92,100)から報酬を受け取る。12th Anniversary 終了 Id: 96767 ロックスター支援効果 Info: ゲフェン魔王大会にて双魚宮の支援効果を得た。   大会で勝ち抜くと報酬を得られる。この案内は2014年12月26日以降、           『エイド』より一覧から削除することができます。 Quickinfo: 目標達成後、アニバーサリー会場にいる       支援員リーダー(92,100)から報酬を受け取る。12th Anniversary 終了 Id: 96768 ロックスター支援効果 Info: ゲフェン魔王大会にて双魚宮の支援効果を得た。   大会で勝ち抜くと報酬を得られる。この案内は2014年12月26日以降、           『エイド』より一覧から削除することができます。 Quickinfo: 目標達成後、アニバーサリー会場にいる       支援員リーダー(92,100)から報酬を受け取る。12th Anniversary 終了 Id: 96769 ロックスター支援効果 Info: ゲフェン魔王大会にて双魚宮の支援効果を得た。   大会で勝ち抜くと報酬を得られる。この案内は2014年12月26日以降、           『エイド』より一覧から削除することができます。 Quickinfo: 目標達成後、アニバーサリー会場にいる       支援員リーダー(92,100)から報酬を受け取る。12th Anniversary 終了 Id: 96770 ロックスター支援効果 Info: ゲフェン魔王大会にて双魚宮の支援効果を得た。   大会で勝ち抜くと報酬を得られる。この案内は2014年12月26日以降、           『エイド』より一覧から削除することができます。 Quickinfo: 目標達成後、アニバーサリー会場にいる       支援員リーダー(92,100)から報酬を受け取る。12th Anniversary 終了 Id: 96771 ロックスター支援効果 Info: ゲフェン魔王大会にて双魚宮の支援効果を得た。   大会で勝ち抜くと報酬を得られる。この案内は2014年12月26日以降、           『エイド』より一覧から削除することができます。 Quickinfo: 目標達成後、アニバーサリー会場にいる       支援員リーダー(92,100)から報酬を受け取る。12th Anniversary 終了 Id: 96772 ロックスター支援効果 Info: ゲフェン魔王大会にて双魚宮の支援効果を得た。   大会で勝ち抜くと報酬を得られる。この案内は2014年12月26日以降、           『エイド』より一覧から削除することができます。 Quickinfo: 目標達成後、アニバーサリー会場にいる       支援員リーダー(92,100)から報酬を受け取る。12th Anniversary 終了 Id: 96773 ロックスター支援効果 Info: ゲフェン魔王大会にて双魚宮の支援効果を得た。   大会で勝ち抜くと報酬を得られる。この案内は2014年12月26日以降、           『エイド』より一覧から削除することができます。 Quickinfo: 目標達成後、アニバーサリー会場にいる       支援員リーダー(92,100)から報酬を受け取る。12th Anniversary 終了 Id: 96774 ロックスター支援効果 Info: ゲフェン魔王大会にて双魚宮の支援効果を得た。   大会で勝ち抜くと報酬を得られる。この案内は2014年12月26日以降、           『エイド』より一覧から削除することができます。 Quickinfo: 目標達成後、アニバーサリー会場にいる       支援員リーダー(92,100)から報酬を受け取る。12th Anniversary 終了 Id: 96775 ロックスター支援効果 Info: ゲフェン魔王大会にて双魚宮の支援効果を得た。   大会で勝ち抜くと報酬を得られる。この案内は2014年12月26日以降、           『エイド』より一覧から削除することができます。 Quickinfo: 目標達成後、アニバーサリー会場にいる       支援員リーダー(92,100)から報酬を受け取る。12th Anniversary 終了 Id: 96776 ロックスター支援効果 Info: ゲフェン魔王大会にて双魚宮の支援効果を得た。   大会で勝ち抜くと報酬を得られる。この案内は2014年12月26日以降、           『エイド』より一覧から削除することができます。 Quickinfo: 目標達成後、アニバーサリー会場にいる       支援員リーダー(92,100)から報酬を受け取る。12th Anniversary 終了 Id: 96777 ロックスター支援効果 Info: ゲフェン魔王大会にて双魚宮の支援効果を得た。   大会で勝ち抜くと報酬を得られる。この案内は2014年12月26日以降、           『エイド』より一覧から削除することができます。 Quickinfo: 目標達成後、アニバーサリー会場にいる       支援員リーダー(92,100)から報酬を受け取る。12th Anniversary 終了 Id: 96778 ロックスター支援効果 Info: ゲフェン魔王大会にて双魚宮の支援効果を得た。   大会で勝ち抜くと報酬を得られる。この案内は2014年12月26日以降、           『エイド』より一覧から削除することができます。 Quickinfo: 目標達成後、アニバーサリー会場にいる       支援員リーダー(92,100)から報酬を受け取る。12th Anniversary 終了 Id: 96779 ロックスター支援効果 Info: 暴窟王の洞窟にて人馬宮の支援効果を得た。     「頭領タコ」を倒すと報酬を得られる。この案内は2014年12月26日以降、           『エイド』より一覧から削除することができます。 Quickinfo: 目標達成後、アニバーサリー会場にいる       支援員リーダー(92,100)から報酬を受け取る。12th Anniversary 終了 Id: 117010 コロッセウム 制限時間 Info: ゾディアック・コロッセウムへの再エントリーには  6時間の時間が必要となります。この案内は2014年12月26日以降、           『エイド』より一覧から削除することができます。 Quickinfo: 前回のエントリーから6時間以上時間を空けた後、   再エントリーが可能となります。12th Anniversary 終了 Id: 117020 ロックスター支援効果 Info: エンドレスタワーにて天秤宮の支援効果を得た。   最上階の「覇王の間」に到達すると報酬を得られる。この案内は2014年12月26日以降、           『エイド』より一覧から削除することができます。 Quickinfo: 目標達成後、アニバーサリー会場にいる       支援員リーダー(92,100)から報酬を受け取る。12th Anniversary 終了 Id: 117025 ロックスター支援効果 Info: 暴窟王の洞窟にて人馬宮の支援効果により      「頭領タコ」を倒した際の報酬を得た。この案内は2014年12月26日以降、           『エイド』より一覧から削除することができます。 Quickinfo: 23時間経過後、再度、支援効果を得られる。12th Anniversary 終了 Id: 117030 12th Anniversary Story 第一話 Info: 怪盗アニバーサリーが関係する事件を解決するため、 ギィ・ロックスターに協力することになった。この案内は2014年12月26日以降、           『エイド』より一覧から削除することができます。 Quickinfo: 秘密基地にいるギィ・ロックスター(223,158)に    話しかけて、今後の話を聞く。12th Anniversary 終了 Id: 117035 12th Anniversary Story 第一話 Info: メンバー同士の紹介の前に、前口上や必殺技名を   決めるよう言われた。この案内は2014年12月26日以降、           『エイド』より一覧から削除することができます。 Quickinfo: 秘密基地にある登録マッシ~ン(237,164)で前口上など 設定後、ギィ・ロックスター(223,158)に話しかける。12th Anniversary 終了 Id: 117040 12th Anniversary Story 第一話 Info: 怪盗アニバーサリーの予告状によると、考古博物館の 「天球儀」を狙っているらしい。この案内は2014年12月26日以降、           『エイド』より一覧から削除することができます。 Quickinfo: 秘密基地のタラップ(244,74)から、         ロックスター考古博物館に移動する。12th Anniversary 終了 Id: 117100 12th Anniversary Story 第一話 Info: 「天球儀」を盗んだ怪盗アニバーサリーを      追いかけることになった。この案内は2014年12月26日以降、           『エイド』より一覧から削除することができます。 Quickinfo: 博物館の外に出て、逃げた怪盗アニバーサリーを   追いかける。12th Anniversary 終了 Id: 117105 12th Anniversary Story 第一話 Info: 怪盗アニバーサリーZを取り逃がしてしまった。   今回は彼女の勝ちのようだ……。この案内は2014年12月26日以降、           『エイド』より一覧から削除することができます。 Quickinfo: 12th Anniversary Story 第一話 完 終了 Id: 117110 12th Anniversary Story 第二話 Info: 怪盗アニバーサリーZの予告状によると、次は図書館の古文書を狙っているらしい。この案内は2014年12月26日以降、           『エイド』より一覧から削除することができます。 Quickinfo: 秘密基地のタラップ(244,74)から、         ロックスター図書館に移動する。12th Anniversary 終了 Id: 117115 12th Anniversary Story 第二話 Info: 古文書は図書館の書庫に保管されているらしい。   探し出して、古文書を確保しよう。この案内は2014年12月26日以降、           『エイド』より一覧から削除することができます。 Quickinfo: 図書館の書庫にある本棚(47,107)を調べる。12th Anniversary 終了 Id: 117120 12th Anniversary Story 第二話 Info: 本棚の鍵を探すことになった。           管理者のメモのヒントを元に鍵を探そう。この案内は2014年12月26日以降、           『エイド』より一覧から削除することができます。 Quickinfo: ヒントは ・私は動かない ・私の好物は、光と水  ・私は皆に癒しを与える12th Anniversary 終了 Id: 117125 12th Anniversary Story 第二話 Info: 本棚の鍵を見つけ出した。この案内は2014年12月26日以降、           『エイド』より一覧から削除することができます。 Quickinfo: 図書館の書庫にある本棚(47,107)を調べる。12th Anniversary 終了 Id: 117130 12th Anniversary Story 第二話 Info: 古文書を確保した。                内容を知るためにアテイルに古文書を見せよう。この案内は2014年12月26日以降、           『エイド』より一覧から削除することができます。 Quickinfo: 図書館にいるアテイル(172,113)に話しかける。12th Anniversary 終了 Id: 117135 12th Anniversary Story 第二話 Info: 古文書の内容を調べるため、古文書の情報を     調べることになった。この案内は2014年12月26日以降、           『エイド』より一覧から削除することができます。 Quickinfo: 図書館にいる司書(34,67)に話しかける。12th Anniversary 終了 Id: 117140 12th Anniversary Story 第二話 Info: 考古学者ドュヤンザードが古文書のオリジナルを   所有しているらしい。この案内は2014年12月26日以降、           『エイド』より一覧から削除することができます。 Quickinfo: ベインス室内(ve_in)にいるドュヤンザード(96,228)に 話しかける。12th Anniversary 終了 Id: 117145 12th Anniversary Story 第二話 Info: ドュヤンザードに古文書の解読を依頼した。この案内は2014年12月26日以降、           『エイド』より一覧から削除することができます。 Quickinfo: 12th Anniversary Story 第二話 完 終了 Id: 117150 12th Anniversary Story 第三話 Info: 怪盗アニバーサリーZのアジトが判明した。     怪盗アニバーサリーZと決着をつけるためアジトに  潜入しよう。この案内は2014年12月26日以降、           『エイド』より一覧から削除することができます。 Quickinfo: 秘密基地のタラップ(244,74)から、         怪盗アニバーサリーZのアジトに移動する。12th Anniversary 終了 Id: 117155 12th Anniversary Story 第三話 Info: アテイルを助けるため、              アジトの奥に向かうことになった。この案内は2014年12月26日以降、           『エイド』より一覧から削除することができます。 Quickinfo: アジトの奥にいる怪盗アニバーサリーZ(150,245)に  話しかける。12th Anniversary 終了 Id: 117160 12th Anniversary Story 第三話 Info: アテイルを助け出すことができたが、        一連の事件には黒幕がいるようだ。この案内は2014年12月26日以降、           『エイド』より一覧から削除することができます。 Quickinfo: 12th Anniversary Story 第三話 完 終了 Id: 117170 12th Anniversary Story 最終話 Info: 黒幕に関する話を聞いた。             今後どうするか確認する必要がある。この案内は2014年12月26日以降、           『エイド』より一覧から削除することができます。 Quickinfo: 秘密基地にいるギィ・ロックスター(223,158)に    話しかけて、今後の話を聞く。12th Anniversary 終了 Id: 117175 12th Anniversary Story 最終話 Info: 古文書の解読が完了したのか、           ドュヤンザードに確認することになった。この案内は2014年12月26日以降、           『エイド』より一覧から削除することができます。 Quickinfo: 秘密基地にいるドュヤンザード(239,55)に話しかける。12th Anniversary 終了 Id: 117180 12th Anniversary Story 最終話 Info: 星の魔女の計画を阻止するため           星の祭壇に向かうことになった。この案内は2014年12月26日以降、           『エイド』より一覧から削除することができます。 Quickinfo: 星の魔女の祭壇にいる星の魔女(150,150)に      話しかける。12th Anniversary 終了 Id: 117185 12th Anniversary Story 最終話 Info: 星の魔女との決着をつけよう。この案内は2014年12月26日以降、           『エイド』より一覧から削除することができます。 Quickinfo: 決戦場にいる星の魔女(165,37)に話しかける。12th Anniversary 終了 Id: 117190 12th Anniversary Story 最終話 Info: 星の魔女の野望を阻止することができた。この案内は2014年12月26日以降、           『エイド』より一覧から削除することができます。 Quickinfo: 秘密基地にいるギィ・ロックスター(75,64)に     話しかける。12th Anniversary 終了 Id: 117195 12th Anniversary Story Info: 事件を解決に導き、ギィ・ロックスターから     お礼を受け取った!この案内は2014年12月26日以降、           『エイド』より一覧から削除することができます。 Quickinfo: 12th Anniversary Story 完 終了 Id: 117225 サンタさんの依頼[1回目] Info: サンタさんから「穴が開いている赤い靴下」を    持って来て欲しいとお願いされた。         「3」足集めよう。この案内は2014年12月26日以降、           『エイド』より一覧から削除することができます。 Quickinfo: 「穴が開いている赤い靴下」を手に入れたら     クリスマスパーティー会場の「サンタ」に渡す。クリスマスパーティー2014 終了 Id: 117230 サンタさんの依頼[2回目] Info: サンタさんから「穴が開いている赤い靴下」を    持って来て欲しいとお願いされた。         追加で「3」足集めよう。この案内は2014年12月26日以降、           『エイド』より一覧から削除することができます。 Quickinfo: 「穴が開いている赤い靴下」を手に入れたら     クリスマスパーティー会場の「サンタ」に渡す。クリスマスパーティー2014 終了 Id: 117235 サンタさんの依頼[3回目] Info: サンタさんから「穴が開いている赤い靴下」を    持って来て欲しいとお願いされた。         追加で「3」足集めよう。この案内は2014年12月26日以降、           『エイド』より一覧から削除することができます。 Quickinfo: 「穴が開いている赤い靴下」を手に入れたら     クリスマスパーティー会場の「サンタ」に渡す。クリスマスパーティー2014 終了 Id: 117240 サンタさんの依頼[4回目] Info: サンタさんから「穴が開いている赤い靴下」を    持って来て欲しいとお願いされた。         追加で「3」足集めよう。この案内は2014年12月26日以降、           『エイド』より一覧から削除することができます。 Quickinfo: 「穴が開いている赤い靴下」を手に入れたら     クリスマスパーティー会場の「サンタ」に渡す。クリスマスパーティー2014 終了 Id: 117245 サンタさんの依頼[5回目] Info: サンタさんから「穴が開いている赤い靴下」を    持って来て欲しいとお願いされた。         追加で「3」足集めよう。この案内は2014年12月26日以降、           『エイド』より一覧から削除することができます。 Quickinfo: 「穴が開いている赤い靴下」を手に入れたら     クリスマスパーティー会場の「サンタ」に渡す。クリスマスパーティー2014 終了 Id: 117250 サンタさんの依頼[6回目] Info: サンタさんから「穴が開いている赤い靴下」を    持って来て欲しいとお願いされた。         追加で「3」足集めよう。この案内は2014年12月26日以降、           『エイド』より一覧から削除することができます。 Quickinfo: 「穴が開いている赤い靴下」を手に入れたら     クリスマスパーティー会場の「サンタ」に渡す。クリスマスパーティー2014 終了 Id: 117255 サンタさんの依頼[7回目] Info: サンタさんから「穴が開いている赤い靴下」を    持って来て欲しいとお願いされた。         追加で「3」足集めよう。この案内は2014年12月26日以降、           『エイド』より一覧から削除することができます。 Quickinfo: 「穴が開いている赤い靴下」を手に入れたら     クリスマスパーティー会場の「サンタ」に渡す。クリスマスパーティー2014 終了 Id: 117260 サンタさんの依頼[8回目] Info: サンタさんから「穴が開いている赤い靴下」を    持って来て欲しいとお願いされた。         追加で「3」足集めよう。この案内は2014年12月26日以降、           『エイド』より一覧から削除することができます。 Quickinfo: 「穴が開いている赤い靴下」を手に入れたら     クリスマスパーティー会場の「サンタ」に渡す。クリスマスパーティー2014 終了 Id: 117265 サンタさんの依頼[9回目] Info: サンタさんから「穴が開いている赤い靴下」を    持って来て欲しいとお願いされた。         追加で「3」足集めよう。この案内は2014年12月26日以降、           『エイド』より一覧から削除することができます。 Quickinfo: 「穴が開いている赤い靴下」を手に入れたら     クリスマスパーティー会場の「サンタ」に渡す。クリスマスパーティー2014 終了 Id: 117270 サンタさんの依頼[10回目] Info: サンタさんから「穴が開いている赤い靴下」を    持って来て欲しいとお願いされた。         追加で「3」足集めよう。この案内は2014年12月26日以降、           『エイド』より一覧から削除することができます。 Quickinfo: 「穴が開いている赤い靴下」を手に入れたら     クリスマスパーティー会場の「サンタ」に渡す。クリスマスパーティー2014 終了 Id: 117275 プロジェクト・ソックス指令書 Info: 見習いサンタから「穴が開いている赤い靴下」奪還指令を受領した。ターゲットを「300」足集めるという   困難な作戦だが勇気と努力で困難に立ち向かえ!この案内は2014年12月26日以降、           『エイド』より一覧から削除することができます。 Quickinfo: 「穴が開いている赤い靴下」を手に入れたら     クリスマスパーティー会場の「見習いサンタ」に渡す。クリスマスパーティー2014 終了 Id: 117285 クリスマスパーティー2014 Info: サンタさんの話を聞き、「穴が開いている赤い靴下」を集めることになった。サンタさんの依頼を毎日受けて 達成すれば、お礼のプレゼントがもらえる。この案内は2014年12月26日以降、           『エイド』より一覧から削除することができます。 Quickinfo: 依頼された数の「穴が開いている赤い靴下」を集める。クリスマスパーティー2014 終了 Map Spoiler Alert: alberta - 港の都市アルベルタ Music: bgm\15.mp3 alberta_in - 港の都市アルベルタ 室内 Music: bgm\15.mp3 aldeba_in - 国境都市アルデバラン 室内 Music: bgm\39.mp3 aldebaran - 国境都市アルデバラン Music: bgm\39.mp3 ama_fild_jp - おもち積み会場 Music: bgm\80.mp3 gef_tower - ゲフェン中央塔 Music: bgm\13.mp3 geffen - 魔法の都市ゲフェン Music: bgm\13.mp3 geffen_in - 魔法の都市ゲフェン 室内 Music: bgm\13.mp3 hu_in01 - フィゲル 室内01 Music: bgm\93.mp3 hugel - 田園都市フィゲル Music: bgm\93.mp3 izlude - 衛星都市イズルード Music: bgm\26.mp3 izlude_in - 衛星都市イズルード 室内 Music: bgm\26.mp3 login - Music: bgm\76.mp3 prontera - ルーンミッドガッツ王国の首都プロンテラ Music: bgm\08.mp3 prt_church - プロンテラ聖堂内 Music: bgm\10.mp3 prt_in - 首都プロンテラ 室内 Music: bgm\08.mp3 xmas - 雪の街ルティエ Music: bgm\59.mp3 xmas_in - ルティエ 室内 Music: bgm\59.mp3 Item Spoiler Alert: Id: (2195) リアンシールド [1] ブラディウムに特殊な 魔法を施すことによって 精製された盾。 特定のモンスターからの 攻撃を軽減してくれる。 ――――――――――――― 無属性モンスターから 受けるダメージ - 5% ――――――――――――― 無形モンスターから 受けるダメージ + 5% ――――――――――――― [リアンマント]と 共に装備時、 [リアンマント]の 精錬値が1上がる度に追加で 無形モンスターから 受けるダメージ - 1% ――――――――――――― [リアンマント]と 共に装備時、 [リアンシールド]の 精錬値が1上がる度に追加で 物理攻撃時、 無属性モンスターに 与えるダメージ + 1% ――――――――――――― [リアンシューズ]と 共に装備時、追加で 無属性モンスターから 受けるダメージ - 5% [リアンシールド]の 精錬値が1上がる度に追加で 無属性攻撃で 受けるダメージ - 1% ――――――――――――― 系列 : 盾 防御 : 50 重量 : 130 要求レベル : 65 装備 : 全ての職業 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Shield Defense : 50 Weight : 130 Required Level : 65 Id: (12132) 真っ赤な袋 真っ赤な魔法の袋。 ――――――――――――― 下記特殊効果は 2014年12月26日 定期メンテナンス終了時に 削除される ――――――――――――― サンタクロースの服に 10分間着替え、 移動速度が増加するが、 特定の行動が行えなくなる ――――――――――――― 重量 : 20 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 20 Id: (18521) 幸運のクローバー 珍しい四葉のクローバー。 それぞれの葉が 「希望」「誠実」 「愛情」「幸運」を 象徴している。 ―――――――――――― Luk + 1。 ―――――――――――― MaxSP + 20。 ―――――――――――― [呪われた 幸運のクローバー]と 共に装備時、追加で [クローキング]Lv1 使用可能 ――――――――――――― 系列 : 兜 防御 : 0 位置 : 下段 重量 : 10 要求レベル : 50 装備 : 全ての職業 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Headgear Defense : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 10 Required Level : 50 Id: (18937) メモリーオブラバーズ 大切にしてくれた主人の 死を悲しんで、とある 機械人形が残した部品。 彼と彼が愛したものが たくさん詰まっている。 ――――――――――――― Mdef + 7 ――――――――――――― MaxHP + 2% ――――――――――――― [ヴェスパーコア1]と 共に装備時、追加で Int + 8 , MaxSP + 5% ――――――――――――― [ヴェスパーコア2]と 共に装備時、追加で Str + 7 , Atk + 20 ――――――――――――― [ヴェスパーコア3]と 共に装備時、追加で Agi + 7 , Flee + 15 ――――――――――――― [ヴェスパーコア4]と 共に装備時、追加で Dex + 7 , Hit + 10 ――――――――――――― [ヴェスパーギア1]と 共に装備時、追加で MaxSP + 5% BaseLvが20上がる度に Int + 1 ――――――――――――― [ヴェスパーギア2]と 共に装備時、追加で MaxHP + 5% BaseLvが20上がる度に Str + 1 ――――――――――――― [ヴェスパーギア3]と 共に装備時、追加で 攻撃速度 + 5% BaseLvが20上がる度に Agi + 1 ――――――――――――― 系列 : 兜 防御 : 0 位置 : 中段 重量 : 10 要求レベル : 1 装備 : 全ての職業 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Headgear Defense : 0 Location : Middle Weight : 10 Required Level : 1 Id: (18952) めだまやき [1] 頭の上のめだまやき… …と思いきや、実は白蓮玉 と思わせる帽子。 食べることはできない。 ――――――――――――― [フラッシャー]Lv1使用可能 ――――――――――――― 物理攻撃命中時、 一定確率で敵を スタン状態にする ――――――――――――― BaseLv100以上の時、 スタン状態にする 確率が上昇する ――――――――――――― 精錬不可 ――――――――――――― 下記特殊効果は、 2014年12月26日(金) 定期メンテナンス以降、 全て消滅する ただし、攻城戦、 新攻城戦、攻城戦TEの 砦内では下記特殊効果は 発揮されない ――――――――――――― 物理攻撃命中時、 一定確率で5秒間、 モンスター「白蓮玉」に変身 ――――――――――――― 系列 : 兜 防御 : 0 位置 : 上段 重量 : 10 要求レベル : 1 装備 : 全ての職業 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Headgear Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 10 Required Level : 1 Id: (19891) [衣装] めだまやき 頭の上のめだまやき… …と思いきや、実は白蓮玉 と思わせる衣装用の帽子。 食べることはできない。 ――――――――――――― 下記特殊効果は、 2014年12月26日(金) 定期メンテナンス以降、 全て消滅する ただし、攻城戦、 新攻城戦、攻城戦TEの 砦内では下記特殊効果は 発揮されない ――――――――――――― 物理攻撃命中時、 一定確率で5秒間、 モンスター「白蓮玉」に変身 ――――――――――――― 系列 : 衣装 防御 : 0 位置 : 上段 重量 : 0 要求レベル : 1 装備 : 全ての職業 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Id: (20753) リアンマント [1] 不思議な力を 宿しているマント。 特定のモンスターからの 攻撃を軽減してくれる。 ――――――――――――― 無属性モンスターから 受けるダメージ - 5% ――――――――――――― 無形モンスターから 受けるダメージ + 5% ――――――――――――― [リアンシールド]と 共に装備時、 [リアンマント]の 精錬値が1上がる度に追加で 無形モンスターから 受けるダメージ - 1% ――――――――――――― [リアンシールド]と 共に装備時、 [リアンシールド]の 精錬値が1上がる度に追加で 物理攻撃時、 無属性モンスターに 与えるダメージ + 1% ――――――――――――― [リアンシューズ]と 共に装備時、追加で 物理攻撃時、 無属性モンスターに 与えるダメージ + 5% [リアンマント]の 精錬値が1上がる度に追加で MaxHP + 1% , MaxSP + 1% ――――――――――――― 系列 : 肩にかける物 防御 : 20 重量 : 70 要求レベル : 65 装備 : 全ての職業 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Garment Defense : 20 Weight : 70 Required Level : 65 Files Spoiler Alert: data\etcinfo.txt data\idnum2itemdesctable.txt data\idnum2itemdisplaynametable.txt data\idnum2itemresnametable.txt data\mapnametable.txt data\mp3nametable.txt data\num2itemdesctable.txt data\num2itemdisplaynametable.txt data\num2itemresnametable.txt data\questid2display.txt data\texture\유저인터페이스\bgi_temp.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\illust\jp_ev_information01.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\illust\season_event01.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\illust\season_event02.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\illust\season_event03.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\illust\season_event04.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\illust\season_event05.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\illust\season_event06.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\illust\season_event07.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\illust\season_event08.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\illust\season_event09.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\illust\season_event10.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\illust\season_event11.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\illust\season_event12.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\loading02.jpg data\texture\유저인터페이스\loading04.jpg
  7. Files Spoiler Alert: Ragexe.exe
  8. Added Item Spoiler Alert: Id: (1443) 진홍의 스피어 [2] 창신에 붉은 빛이 감도는 한손창. (제련도*제련도) 만큼 ATK 증가. (15제련까지 적용) 캐릭터 레벨 70이상 : BaseLv이 10 상승 할 때 마다 ATK + 5씩 증가. 계열 : 한손창 공격 : 90 무게 : 90 무기 레벨 : 3 요구 레벨 : 70 장착 : 검사계열 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Spear Attack : 90 Weight : 90 Weapon Level : 3 Required Level : 70 Job : Swordman Class Id: (1498) 진홍의 랜스 [2] 창신에 붉은 빛이 감도는 양손창. (제련도*제련도) 만큼 ATK 증가. (15제련까지 적용) 캐릭터 레벨 70이상 : BaseLv이 10 상승 할 때 마다 ATK + 5씩 증가. 계열 : 양손창 공격 : 125 무게 : 125 무기 레벨 : 3 요구 레벨 : 70 장착 : 검사계열 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : TwoHandedSpear Attack : 125 Weight : 125 Weapon Level : 3 Required Level : 70 Job : Swordman Class Id: (1680) 진홍의 로드 [2] 붉은 빛이 감도는 한손 지팡이.. INT + 4, MATK + 70. (제련도*제련도) 만큼 MATK 증가. (15제련까지 적용) 캐릭터 레벨 70이상 : BaseLv이 10 상승 할 때 마다 MATK + 5씩 증가. 파괴불가. 계열 : 한손 지팡이 공격 : 60 무게 : 60 무기 레벨 : 3 요구 레벨 : 70 장착 : 노비스계열/마법사계열/복사계열/소울링커 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Staff Attack : 60 Weight : 60 Weapon Level : 3 Required Level : 70 Job : Novice Class Mage Class Acolyte Class Linker Id: (1839) 진홍의 너클 [2] 붉은 빛이 감도는 너클. (제련도*제련도) 만큼 ATK 증가. (15제련까지 적용) 캐릭터 레벨 70이상 : BaseLv이 10 상승 할 때 마다 ATK + 5씩 증가. 계열 : 너클 공격 : 50 무게 : 50 무기 레벨 : 3 요구 레벨 : 70 장착 : 프리스트계열/몽크계열 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Claw Attack : 50 Weight : 50 Weapon Level : 3 Required Level : 70 Job : Priest Class Monk Class Id: (1939) 진홍의 바이올린 [2] 붉은 빛이 감도는 바이올린. (제련도*제련도) 만큼 ATK 증가. (15제련까지 적용) 캐릭터 레벨 70이상 : BaseLv이 10 상승 할 때 마다 ATK + 5씩 증가. 계열 : 악기 공격 : 80 무게 : 80 무기 레벨 : 3 요구 레벨 : 70 장착 : 바드계열 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : MusicalInstrument Attack : 80 Weight : 80 Weapon Level : 3 Required Level : 70 Id: (1995) 진홍의 와이어 [2] 붉은 빛이 감도는 채찍. (제련도*제련도) 만큼 ATK 증가. (15제련까지 적용) 캐릭터 레벨 70이상 : BaseLv이 10 상승 할 때 마다 ATK + 5씩 증가. 계열 : 채찍 공격 : 80 무게 : 80 무기 레벨 : 3 요구 레벨 : 70 장착 : 댄서계열 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Whip Attack : 80 Weight : 80 Weapon Level : 3 Required Level : 70 Id: (2025) 진홍의 스태프 [2] 붉은 빛이 감도는 양손 지팡이. INT + 5, MATK + 120. (제련도*제련도) 만큼 MATK 증가. (15제련까지 적용) 캐릭터 레벨 70이상 : BaseLv이 10 상승 할 때 마다 MATK + 5씩 증가. 파괴불가. 계열 : 양손 지팡이 공격 : 100 무게 : 100 무기 레벨 : 3 요구 레벨 : 70 장착 : 마법사계열/소울링커 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : TwoHandedStaff Attack : 100 Weight : 100 Weapon Level : 3 Required Level : 70 Id: (13127) 진홍의 리볼버 [2] 총신에 붉은 빛이 감도는 권총. (제련도*제련도) 만큼 ATK 증가. (15제련까지 적용) 캐릭터 레벨 70이상 : BaseLv이 10 상승 할 때 마다 ATK + 5씩 증가. 계열 : 권총 공격 : 50 무게 : 50 무기 레벨 : 3 요구 레벨 : 70 장착 : 건슬링거계열 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Pistol Attack : 50 Weight : 50 Weapon Level : 3 Required Level : 70 Id: (13327) 진홍의 풍마수리검 [2] 칼날에 붉은 빛이 감도는 풍마수리검. (제련도*제련도) 만큼 ATK 증가. (15제련까지 적용) (제련도*제련도)/2 만큼 MATK 증가. (15제련까지 적용) 캐릭터 레벨 70이상 : BaseLv이 10 상승 할 때 마다 ATK + 5씩 증가. 파괴불가. 계열 : 풍마 수리검 공격 : 100 무게 : 100 무기 레벨 : 3 요구 레벨 : 70 장착 : 닌자계열 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Huuma Attack : 100 Weight : 100 Weapon Level : 3 Required Level : 70 Job : Ninja Class Id: (13454) 진홍의 세이버 [2] 검신에 붉은 빛이 감도는 한손검. (제련도*제련도) 만큼 ATK 증가. (15제련까지 적용) 캐릭터 레벨 70이상 : BaseLv이 10 상승 할 때 마다 ATK + 5씩 증가. 계열 : 검 공격 : 85 무게 : 85 무기 레벨 : 3 요구 레벨 : 70 장착 : 노비스계열/검사계열/상인계열/도둑계열 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Sword Attack : 85 Weight : 85 Weapon Level : 3 Required Level : 70 Id: (16040) 진홍의 메이스 [2] 붉은 빛이 감도는 둔기. (제련도*제련도) 만큼 ATK 증가. (15제련까지 적용) 캐릭터 레벨 70이상 : BaseLv이 10 상승 할 때 마다 ATK + 5씩 증가. 파괴불가. 계열 : 둔기 공격 : 80 무게 : 80 무기 레벨 : 3 요구 레벨 : 70 장착 : 노비스계열/검사계열/복사계열/상인계열 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Mace Attack : 80 Weight : 80 Weapon Level : 3 Required Level : 70 Id: (18130) 진홍의 보우 [2] 붉은 빛이 감도는 활. (제련도*제련도) 만큼 ATK 증가. (15제련까지 적용) 캐릭터 레벨 70이상 : BaseLv이 10 상승 할 때 마다 ATK + 5씩 증가. 계열 : 활 공격 : 100 무게 : 100 무기 레벨 : 3 요구 레벨 : 70 장착 : 궁수계열/도둑/로그계열 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Bow Attack : 100 Weight : 100 Weapon Level : 3 Required Level : 70 Id: (19052) 사이그룬의 날개 타 계정과 거래가 불가능한 아이템 입니다. 임대아이템 착용자의 클래스에 맞추어 능력을 변화시키는 신비한 날개. 검사계열, 도둑계열, 상인계열, 태권, 권성은 ASPD + 1. 마법사계열, 복사계열, 닌자, 소울링커는 MATK + 5, 자신이 사용하는 힐량 2% 증가. 궁수계열, 건슬링거는 원거리 물리공격 2%. 노비스, 슈퍼노비스는 HP + 120, SP + 60. 계열 : 투구 방어 : 2 위치: 중단 무게 : 10 요구 레벨 : 1 장착 : 전 직업 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Headgear Defense : 2 Required Level : 1 Job : All Id: (19913) 의상 거시기 동물의 대변 , 똥 ... 차마 말로는 할 수 없어 거시기라 부른다. 계열 : 의상장비 방어 : 0 위치 : 상단 무게 : 0 요구 레벨 : 1 장착 : 전 직업 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Job : All Id: (19941) 의상 귀마개 소음이나 추위로부터 귀를 보호해주는 의상모자 계열 : 의상장비 방어 : 0 위치 : 상단 무게 : 0 요구 레벨 : 1 장착 : 전 직업 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Job : All Id: (20017) 의상 마리오네트인형 인기몬스터 마리오네트의 모습을 본따 만든 인형. 머리 위가 서늘한 기분. 계열 : 의상장비 방어 : 0 위치 : 상단 무게 : 0 요구 레벨 : 1 장착 : 전 직업 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Job : All Id: (20114) 의상 장례건 동방의 한 나라에서 장례시 유가족들이 쓴다고 하는 모자로 죽은 이를 기리는 뜻이 담겨져 있다 계열 : 의상장비 방어 : 0 위치 : 상단 무게 : 0 요구 레벨 : 1 장착 : 전 직업 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Job : All Id: (20207) 의상 줄무늬 머리띠 시원스럽게 뻗은 줄무늬가 돋보이는 머리띠 계열 : 의상장비 방어 : 0 위치 : 상단 무게 : 0 요구 레벨 : 1 장착 : 전 직업 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Job : All Id: (20208) 의상 넥타이 머리에 쓰는 넥타이. 여기에 발그레까지 끼면 과도한 접대셋트가 될 듯. 계열 : 의상장비 방어 : 0 위치 : 상단 무게 : 0 요구 레벨 : 1 장착 : 전 직업 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Job : All Id: (20212) 의상 로키 & 니드호그의 모자 로키와 니드호그가 사이좋게 얹혀져있는 모자. 계열 : 의상장비 방어 : 0 위치 : 상단 무게 : 0 요구 레벨 : 1 장착 : 전 직업 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Job : All Id: (21015) 진홍의 투핸드소드 [2] 검신에 붉은 빛이 감도는 양손검. (제련도*제련도) 만큼 ATK 증가. (15제련까지 적용) (제련도*제련도)/2 만큼 MATK 증가. (15제련까지 적용) 캐릭터 레벨 70이상 : BaseLv이 10 상승 할 때 마다 ATK + 5씩 증가. 계열 : 양손검 공격 : 120 무게 : 120 무기 레벨 : 3 요구 레벨 : 70 장착 : 검사계열 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : TwoHandedSword Attack : 120 Weight : 120 Weapon Level : 3 Required Level : 70 Job : Swordman Class Id: (22626) 1월 선물상자 타 계정과 거래가 불가능한 아이템 입니다. (임대)사이그룬의 날개가 1개 들어있는 상자. 7일간 사용 가능. 무게 : 10 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 10 Id: (22627) 2월 선물상자 타 계정과 거래가 불가능한 아이템 입니다. 테이밍 선물셋트 2개가 들어있는 상자. 무게 : 10 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 10 Id: (22671) 3월 선물상자 타 계정과 거래가 불가능한 아이템 입니다. 의문의 알이 2개 들어있는 상자. 무게 : 10 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 10 Id: (22672) 4월 선물상자 타 계정과 거래가 불가능한 아이템 입니다. 메긴기오르드(체험판), 브리싱가멘(체험판), 아스프리카(체험판), 브륀힐트(체험판)가 들어있는 상자. 14일간 사용 가능하다. 무게 : 10 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 10 Id: (22673) 5월 선물상자 타 계정과 거래가 불가능한 아이템 입니다. 버프선물세트가 1개 들어있는 상자. 무게 : 10 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 10 Id: (22674) 6월 선물상자 타 계정과 거래가 불가능한 아이템 입니다. 포션 상자가 1개 들어있는 상자. 무게 : 10 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 10 Id: (22736) 7월 선물상자 타 계정과 거래가 불가능한 아이템 입니다. 의상 로키&니드호그 모자가 1개 들어있는 상자. 무게 : 10 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 10 Id: (22756) 8월 선물상자 타 계정과 거래가 불가능한 아이템 입니다. 물에 젖은 카드앨범이 1개 들어있는 상자. 무게 : 10 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 10 Id: (22850) 1월 선물상자 타 계정과 거래가 불가능한 아이템 입니다. (임대)사이그룬의 날개가 1개 들어있는 상자. 7일간 사용 가능. 무게 : 10 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 10 Id: (22851) 2월 선물상자 타 계정과 거래가 불가능한 아이템 입니다. 테이밍 선물셋트 2개가 들어있는 상자. 무게 : 10 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 10 Id: (22852) 3월 선물상자 타 계정과 거래가 불가능한 아이템 입니다. 의문의 알이 2개 들어있는 상자. 무게 : 10 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 10 Id: (22853) 4월 선물상자 타 계정과 거래가 불가능한 아이템 입니다. 메긴기오르드(체험판), 브리싱가멘(체험판), 아스프리카(체험판), 브륀힐트(체험판)가 들어있는 상자. 14일간 사용 가능하다. 무게 : 10 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 10 Id: (22854) 5월 선물상자 타 계정과 거래가 불가능한 아이템 입니다. 버프선물세트가 1개 들어있는 상자. 무게 : 10 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 10 Id: (22855) 6월 선물상자 타 계정과 거래가 불가능한 아이템 입니다. 포션 상자가 1개 들어있는 상자. 무게 : 10 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 10 Id: (22856) 7월 선물상자 타 계정과 거래가 불가능한 아이템 입니다. 의상 로키&니드호그 모자가 1개 들어있는 상자. 무게 : 10 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 10 Id: (22857) 8월 선물상자 타 계정과 거래가 불가능한 아이템 입니다. 물에 젖은 카드앨범이 1개 들어있는 상자. 무게 : 10 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 10 Id: (22858) 9월 선물상자 타 계정과 거래가 불가능한 아이템 입니다. 의문의 알이 2개 들어있는 상자. 무게 : 10 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 10 Id: (22859) 10월 선물상자 타 계정과 거래가 불가능한 아이템 입니다. 화이트 슬림 포션 상자가 5개 들어있는 상자. 무게 : 10 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 10 Id: (22860) 11월 선물상자 타 계정과 거래가 불가능한 아이템 입니다. 메긴기오르드(체험판), 브리싱가멘(체험판), 아스프리카(체험판), 브륀힐트(체험판)가 들어있는 상자. 14일간 사용 가능하다. 무게 : 10 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 10 Id: (22861) 12월 선물상자 타 계정과 거래가 불가능한 아이템 입니다. 행운의 룰렛 티켓이 10장 들어있는 상자. 무게 : 10 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 10 Id: (22869) 행운의 룰렛 티켓 타 계정과 거래가 불가능한 아이템 입니다. 겨울 기간 한정 상품! 행운의 룰렛의 브론즈 포인트가 10포인트 추가되는 티켓. 무게 : 0 요구 레벨 : 50 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 0 Required Level : 50 Id: (22883) 9월 선물상자 타 계정과 거래가 불가능한 아이템 입니다. 의문의 알이 2개 들어있는 상자. 무게 : 10 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 10 Id: (22884) 10월 선물상자 타 계정과 거래가 불가능한 아이템 입니다. 화이트 슬림 포션 상자가 5개 들어있는 상자. 무게 : 10 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 10 Id: (22885) 11월 선물상자 타 계정과 거래가 불가능한 아이템 입니다. 메긴기오르드(체험판), 브리싱가멘(체험판), 아스프리카(체험판), 브륀힐트(체험판)가 들어있는 상자. 14일간 사용 가능하다. 무게 : 10 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 10 Id: (22886) 12월 선물상자 타 계정과 거래가 불가능한 아이템 입니다. 행운의 룰렛 티켓이 10장 들어있는 상자. 무게 : 10 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 10 Id: (28007) 진홍의 카타르 [2] 칼날에 붉은 빛이 감도는 카타르. (제련도*제련도) 만큼 ATK 증가. (15제련까지 적용) 캐릭터 레벨 70이상 : BaseLv이 10 상승 할 때 마다 ATK + 5씩 증가. 계열 : 카타르 공격 : 100 무게 : 100 무기 레벨 : 3 요구 레벨 : 70 장착 : 어쌔신계열 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Katar Attack : 100 Weight : 100 Weapon Level : 3 Required Level : 70 Id: (28106) 진홍의 투핸드액스 [2] 붉은 빛이 감도는 양손도끼. (제련도*제련도) 만큼 ATK 증가. (15제련까지 적용) 캐릭터 레벨 70이상 : BaseLv이 10 상승 할 때 마다 ATK + 5씩 증가. 파괴불가. 계열 : 양손도끼 공격 : 150 무게 : 150 무기 레벨 : 3 요구 레벨 : 70 장착 : 검사계열/상인계열 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : TwoHandedAxe Attack : 150 Weight : 150 Weapon Level : 3 Required Level : 70 Job : Swordman Class Merchant Class Id: (28604) 진홍의 바이블 [2] 붉은 색 표지의 책. (제련도*제련도) 만큼 ATK 증가. (15제련까지 적용) (제련도*제련도)/2 만큼 MATK 증가. (15제련까지 적용) 캐릭터 레벨 70이상 : BaseLv이 10 상승 할 때 마다 ATK + 5씩 증가. 계열 : 책 공격 : 45 무게 : 45 무기 레벨 : 3 요구 레벨 : 70 장착 : 프리스트계열/세이지계열/권성 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Book Attack : 45 Weight : 45 Weapon Level : 3 Required Level : 70 Job : Priest Class Sage Class Star Id: (28705) 진홍의 대거 [2] 검신에 붉은 빛이 감도는 단검. (제련도*제련도) 만큼 ATK 증가. (15제련까지 적용) (제련도*제련도)/2 만큼 MATK 증가. (15제련까지 적용) 캐릭터 레벨 70이상 : BaseLv이 10 상승 할 때 마다 ATK + 5씩 증가. 계열 : 단검 공격 : 55 무게 : 55 무기 레벨 : 3 요구 레벨 : 70 장착 : 노비스계열/검사계열/마법사계열/궁수계열/상인계열/도둑계열/닌자계열/소울링커 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Dagger Attack : 55 Weight : 55 Weapon Level : 3 Required Level : 70 Changed Item Spoiler Alert: Id: (611) 돋보기 돋보기. 사물을 더욱더 자세히 관찰하여 그것을 감정할 수 있다. _[Ctrl+우클릭]으로도 감정이 가능하다. 무게 : 5 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 5 Id: (12325) 초보자용 돋보기 타 계정과 거래가 불가능한 아이템 입니다. 돋보기. 사물을 더욱더 자세히 관찰하여 그것을 감정할 수 있다. _[Ctrl+우클릭]으로도 감정이 가능하다. 무게 : 0 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 0 Files Spoiler Alert: data\luafiles514\lua files\datainfo\addrandomoptionnametable.lub data\luafiles514\lua files\datainfo\enumvar.lub data\sprite\아이템\로키와니드호그모자.act data\sprite\아이템\로키와니드호그모자.spr data\sprite\아이템\진홍의너클.act data\sprite\아이템\진홍의너클.spr data\sprite\아이템\진홍의대거.act data\sprite\아이템\진홍의대거.spr data\sprite\아이템\진홍의랜스.act data\sprite\아이템\진홍의랜스.spr data\sprite\아이템\진홍의로드.act data\sprite\아이템\진홍의로드.spr data\sprite\아이템\진홍의리볼버.act data\sprite\아이템\진홍의리볼버.spr data\sprite\아이템\진홍의메이스.act data\sprite\아이템\진홍의메이스.spr data\sprite\아이템\진홍의바이블.act data\sprite\아이템\진홍의바이블.spr data\sprite\아이템\진홍의바이올린.act data\sprite\아이템\진홍의바이올린.spr data\sprite\아이템\진홍의보우.act data\sprite\아이템\진홍의보우.spr data\sprite\아이템\진홍의세이버.act data\sprite\아이템\진홍의세이버.spr data\sprite\아이템\진홍의스태프.act data\sprite\아이템\진홍의스태프.spr data\sprite\아이템\진홍의스피어.act data\sprite\아이템\진홍의스피어.spr data\sprite\아이템\진홍의와이어.act data\sprite\아이템\진홍의와이어.spr data\sprite\아이템\진홍의카타르.act data\sprite\아이템\진홍의카타르.spr data\sprite\아이템\진홍의투핸드소드.act data\sprite\아이템\진홍의투핸드소드.spr data\sprite\아이템\진홍의투핸드액스.act data\sprite\아이템\진홍의투핸드액스.spr data\sprite\아이템\진홍의풍마수리검.act data\sprite\아이템\진홍의풍마수리검.spr data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_로키와니드호그모자.act data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_로키와니드호그모자.spr data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_로키와니드호그모자.act data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_로키와니드호그모자.spr data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\로키와니드호그모자.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\진홍의너클.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\진홍의대거.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\진홍의랜스.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\진홍의로드.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\진홍의리볼버.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\진홍의메이스.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\진홍의바이블.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\진홍의바이올린.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\진홍의보우.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\진홍의세이버.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\진홍의스태프.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\진홍의스피어.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\진홍의와이어.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\진홍의카타르.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\진홍의투핸드소드.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\진홍의투핸드액스.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\진홍의풍마수리검.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\로키와니드호그모자.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\진홍의너클.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\진홍의대거.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\진홍의랜스.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\진홍의로드.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\진홍의리볼버.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\진홍의메이스.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\진홍의바이블.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\진홍의바이올린.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\진홍의보우.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\진홍의세이버.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\진홍의스태프.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\진홍의스피어.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\진홍의와이어.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\진홍의카타르.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\진홍의투핸드소드.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\진홍의투핸드액스.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\진홍의풍마수리검.bmp RagexeRE.exe System\itemInfo_Sak.lub
  9. Added Quest Spoiler Alert: Id: 4357 聖誕瘋兔狩獵 Info: 到普隆德拉和吉芬附近的原野消滅聖誕瘋兔3隻 Quickinfo: Id: 4358 聖誕哥布靈狩獵 Info: 到吉芬南邊消滅聖誕哥布靈3隻 Quickinfo: Id: 4359 聖誕獸人狩獵 Info: 到吉芬南邊、普隆德拉西南邊的獸人原野消滅聖誕獸人3隻 Quickinfo: Id: 4360 聖誕南瓜先生狩獵 Info: 到吉芬塔2樓消滅聖誕南瓜先生3隻 Quickinfo: Id: 4361 聖誕瘋兔等候中 Info: 過一天後可再承接任務 Quickinfo: Id: 4362 聖誕哥布靈等候中 Info: 過一天後可再承接任務 Quickinfo: Id: 4363 聖誕獸人等候中 Info: 過一天後可再承接任務 Quickinfo: Id: 4364 聖誕南瓜先生等候中 Info: 過一天後可再承接任務 Quickinfo: Item Spoiler Alert: Id: (11555) RG紅色藥水 將紅色藥草和天地樹的汁液融合後製成的恢復藥水,可使HP恢復325左右。 重量 : 4 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 4 Id: (11565) 白色藥水 不可與其他帳號交易的物品 將白色藥草磨碎後製成的體力恢復劑。HP可恢復325左右。 重量 : 15 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 15 Id: (11568) 紅色纖細藥水 不可與其他帳號交易的物品 效果和紅色藥水相同,但更為輕盈。 _ 重量 : 2 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 2 Id: (11572) 藍色藥水 不可與其他帳號交易的物品 將藍色藥草磨碎後製成的精神恢復劑。SP可恢復60左右。 _ 重量 : 15 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 15 Id: (11573) 白色纖細藥水 不可與其他帳號交易的物品 效果和白色藥水相同,但更為輕盈。 _ 重量 : 5 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 5 Id: (11575) 幸運的薑餅 幸運的美味餅乾。 重量 : 3 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 3 Id: (11576) 幸運的柺杖糖 幸運的拐杖糖。 _ 重量 : 4 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 4 Id: (11577) 肉粽 將飯製作成方便攜帶食用,也算是便當的一種。 _ 重量 : 3 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 3 Id: (11578) 柺杖糖 拐杖造型的糖果,可使HP恢復105左右。 _ 重量 : 4 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 4 Id: (11579) 紅色吉祥糖果 幸運的糖果。 _ 重量 : 3 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 3 Id: (11580) 糖果 甜甜好吃的糖果,可使HP恢復45左右。 _ 重量 : 3 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 3 Id: (11581) 小蛋糕 切片的蛋糕,香濃柔軟的鮮奶油在嘴裡融化。吃下後可恢復體力。 重量 : 10 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 10 Id: (11582) 薑餅 烤得剛好,香味四溢的餅乾,香甜可口,吃下後可恢復體力。 重量 : 3 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 3 Id: (11583) 巧克力飲料 將巧克力和牛奶混合後再以宮廷祕法製成的飲品。 雖然應該細細品嚐,但一口氣咕嚕咕嚕喝下肚也是可以理解的。 _ 重量 : 15 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 15 Id: (11584) 白色巧克力 白色巧克力,扣掉可可豆的固含量後呈現白色,且較一般的巧克力甜和柔軟。 _ 重量 : 8 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 8 Id: (11585) 手製巧克力 將巧克力隔水加熱融化後再塑型,女生在告白時經常會用到。 _ 重量 : 8 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 8 Id: (11586) 手製巧克力 將白巧克力隔水加熱融化後固定成心型,再稍微裝飾一下,可以看出作者的心意。 男生在告白時經常會用到。 _ 重量 : 8 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 8 Id: (11587) 巧克力 將可可豆取出烘焙後,再磨成粉加入牛奶和香料製成,香甜可口。 _ 重量 : 2 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 2 Id: (19697) (服裝)魯道夫的聖誕帽 改良成麋鹿也可以戴的聖誕帽。 系列 : 服飾 防禦 : 0 位置 : 頭上 重量 : 0 要求等級 : 1 裝備 : 全職業 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Id: (19955) (服裝)閃閃發光聖誕樹 在頭上閃閃發光的小型聖誕樹。 系列 : 服飾 防禦 : 0 位置 : 頭上 重量 : 0 要求等級 : 1 裝備 : 全職業 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Id: (19982) (服裝)聖誕帽 租賃物品 使用紅布製成的奇特帽子,感覺好像哪個老人戴過的感覺,樣式有點老舊。 MaxHP +1000、MaxSP +100 ASPD +3 ATK +10%、MATK +10% 治癒增加10% 系列 : 服裝 防禦 : 0 位置 : 頭上 重量 : 0 要求等級 : 1 裝備 : 全職業 ====== auto-parsed ====== Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Id: (20222) (服裝)藍色雙絨球聖誕帽 很適合可愛小男孩的雙絨球聖誕帽。 系列 : 服飾 防禦 : 0 位置 : 頭上 重量 : 0 要求等級 : 1 裝備 : 全職業 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Id: (22542) 集中藥水 不可與其他帳號交易的物品 內含提高專注力成分的藥水,服用後可提升攻擊速度,全職業皆可使用。 重量 : 10 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 10 Id: (22543) 菠色克藥水 不可與其他帳號交易的物品 使人熱血沸騰後變身成狂戰士狀態的偉大藥水,服用後可提升攻擊速度。唯有85級以上、劍士系列/流氓/魔法師/巫師/商人系列的角色可使用。 重量 : 20 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 20 Id: (22544) 覺醒藥水 不可與其他帳號交易的物品 有覺醒效果的神奇藥水,服用後可提升攻擊速度。唯有40級以上的角色可使用,服事/祭司/吟遊詩人/舞孃不可使用。 重量 : 15 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 15 Id: (22550) 餅乾袋子 不可與其他帳號交易的物品 裡面裝有各種小朋友喜愛的零食的驚喜包。 _ 重量 : 7 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 7 Id: (22551) 茶食 不可與其他帳號交易的物品 將松花粉、栗子粉等和蜂蜜豁在一起後,填入模具中製成的傳統點心,上面一般會印上壽、福、康、寧等字樣,或是雲或太極的圖案,可搭配茶一起食用。 命中率可暫時增加30。 _ 重量 : 7 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 7 Id: (22552) 油果 不可與其他帳號交易的物品 將穀物和酒或蜂蜜豁在一起後製成的傳統韓?,又稱作油蜜果,味道甜甜的。 迴避率可暫時增加30。 _ 重量 : 7 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 7 Id: (22553) 彩色糕餅 不可與其他帳號交易的物品 五顏六色口味清淡的年糕,據說遙遠的東方國家在宴客時經常會使用到。 攻擊力和魔法攻擊力可暫時增加10。 _ 重量 : 7 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 7 Id: (22622) 聖誕禮盒 在一年一度的聖誕節裡,幸福的禮盒充滿未知的驚喜! 重量 : 1 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 1 Id: (22870) 聖誕禮包 不可與其他帳號交易的物品 充滿聖誕節氛圍的華麗禮包。 (聖誕節活動結束後將一併刪除) 重量 : 1 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 1 Changed Map Spoiler Alert: alberta - 港口之都 艾爾貝塔 Music: bgm\54.mp3 alberta_in - 港口之都 艾爾貝塔 Music: bgm\54.mp3 aldeba_in - 運河之都 艾爾帕蘭 Music: bgm\56.mp3 aldebaran - 運河之都 艾爾帕蘭 Music: bgm\56.mp3 evt_mobroom - 怪物洞穴 Music: bgm\18.mp3 geffen - 魔法之都 吉芬 Music: bgm\57.mp3 geffen_in - 魔法之都 吉芬 Music: bgm\57.mp3 hu_in01 - 毀葛 內部 Music: bgm\54.mp3 hugel - 田園都市 毀葛 Music: bgm\54.mp3 izlude - 衛星都市 依斯魯得島 Music: bgm\56.mp3 izlude_in - 衛星都市 依斯魯得島 Music: bgm\56.mp3 prontera - 盧恩 米德加茲王國 首都 普隆德拉 Music: bgm\55.mp3 prt_church - 普隆德拉 聖堂內 Music: bgm\56.mp3 prt_in - 盧恩 米德加茲王國 首都 普隆德拉 Music: bgm\55.mp3 Item Spoiler Alert: Id: (607) 天地樹果實 創造這個世界的天地樹之果葉,有著幻想般的新鮮口味,對於身體更有著意想不到的效果且恢復所有HP 與 SP。[/s]天地樹的果實,據說食用後精神會為之一振,感覺活力滿滿。可將[/color]使用者的HP和SP全數恢復[/b][/color]。 _[/s]再使用等候時間 : [/color]5秒[/b][/color] 重量 : 30 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 30 Id: (12200) 聖誕節 蛋糕 聖誕節限量定蛋糕。 使用時會少量的恢復HP, 並會啟動聖母之頌歌3等級技能, 有效期限:2010年 12月 29日 ~ 2011年 01月 12日後可恢復少量HP、發動聖母之頌歌3Lv. (聖誕節活動結束後將一併刪除) 重量 : 5 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 5 Id: (12739) 天雪花 只有在每年聖誕節前後才能看到取得的珍貴花種, 外表朵,雖然外觀看似很冰冷, 卻具有,但擁有可以恢復HP/SP的效果能。 _ 重量 : 10 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 1 Id: (19685) (服裝)閃亮的聖誕波利帽子 戴著聖誕帽的波利在頭上繃繃跳跳,感覺很精彩頭戴發光蹦蹦跳聖誕帽的波利,真是令人驚奇。 系列 : 服裝服飾 防禦 : 0 位置 : 頭上 重量 : 0 要求等級 : 1 裝備 : 全部職業 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Id: (19707) 服飾(服裝)北極熊帽 狸貓加油讚擅自從聖誕老人借出的耶誕紀念那強行借來的聖誕帽。 由於保暖效果非常好,常做為很好,因此經常用在狸貓加油讚的露宿活動之用上。 系列 : 服裝服飾 位置 : 頭上 重量 : 0 要求等級 : 1 裝備 : 全部職業 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Costume Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Id: (19976) (服飾裝)貓咪聖誕帽 據說居住在綿綿島的貓咪會們在聖誕節時會戴的帽子。 聖誕節活動期間內增加移動速度及攻擊速度。 (攻擊後延遲-10%) 系列 : 頭盔服飾 防禦 : 0 位置 : 頭上 重量 : 0 要求等級 : 1 裝備 : 全部職業 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 [/SPOILER] Files Spoiler Alert: data\cardpostfixnametable.txt data\cardprefixnametable.txt data\etcinfo.txt data\idnum2itemdesctable.txt data\idnum2itemdisplaynametable.txt data\idnum2itemresnametable.txt data\itemslotcounttable.txt data\Lua Files\Datainfo\AccessoryId.lub data\Lua Files\Datainfo\AccName.lub data\LuaFiles514\Lua Files\Datainfo\AccessoryId.lub data\LuaFiles514\Lua Files\Datainfo\AccName.lub data\mapnametable.txt data\mp3nametable.txt data\msgstringtable.txt data\num2cardillustnametable.txt data\num2itemdesctable.txt data\num2itemdisplaynametable.txt data\num2itemresnametable.txt data\questid2display.txt data\resnametable.txt data\sprite\아이템\rg빨간포션.act data\sprite\아이템\rg빨간포션.spr data\sprite\아이템\각성포션.act data\sprite\아이템\각성포션.spr data\sprite\아이템\눈의결정.act data\sprite\아이템\눈의결정.spr data\sprite\아이템\다식.act data\sprite\아이템\다식.spr data\sprite\아이템\막대사탕.act data\sprite\아이템\막대사탕.spr data\sprite\아이템\무지개떡.act data\sprite\아이템\무지개떡.spr data\sprite\아이템\미니트리.act data\sprite\아이템\미니트리.spr data\sprite\아이템\발광산타포링.act data\sprite\아이템\발광산타포링.spr data\sprite\아이템\버서크포션.act data\sprite\아이템\버서크포션.spr data\sprite\아이템\사탕.act data\sprite\아이템\사탕.spr data\sprite\아이템\산타모자.act data\sprite\아이템\산타모자.spr data\sprite\아이템\수제초콜렛.act data\sprite\아이템\수제초콜렛.spr data\sprite\아이템\수제초콜렛_.act data\sprite\아이템\수제초콜렛_.spr data\sprite\아이템\유과.act data\sprite\아이템\유과.spr data\sprite\아이템\잘구운쿠키.act data\sprite\아이템\잘구운쿠키.spr data\sprite\아이템\조각케이크.act data\sprite\아이템\조각케이크.spr data\sprite\아이템\주머니.act data\sprite\아이템\주머니.spr data\sprite\아이템\주먹밥.act data\sprite\아이템\주먹밥.spr data\sprite\아이템\집중포션.act data\sprite\아이템\집중포션.spr data\sprite\아이템\초콜렛.act data\sprite\아이템\초콜렛.spr data\sprite\아이템\초콜렛드링크.act data\sprite\아이템\초콜렛드링크.spr data\sprite\아이템\크리스마스알.act data\sprite\아이템\크리스마스알.spr data\sprite\아이템\크리스마스패키지.act data\sprite\아이템\크리스마스패키지.spr data\sprite\아이템\파란양갈래산타모자.act data\sprite\아이템\파란양갈래산타모자.spr data\sprite\아이템\파란포션.act data\sprite\아이템\파란포션.spr data\sprite\아이템\하얀포션.act data\sprite\아이템\하얀포션.spr data\sprite\아이템\화이트초콜렛.act data\sprite\아이템\화이트초콜렛.spr data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_미니트리.act data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_미니트리.spr data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_발광산타포링.act data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_발광산타포링.spr data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_산타모자.act data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_산타모자.spr data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_파란양갈래산타모자.act data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_파란양갈래산타모자.spr data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_미니트리.act data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_미니트리.spr data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_발광산타포링.act data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_발광산타포링.spr data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_산타모자.act data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_산타모자.spr data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_파란양갈래산타모자.act data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_파란양갈래산타모자.spr data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\rg빨간포션.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\각성포션.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\눈의결정.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\다식.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\막대사탕.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\무지개떡.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\미니트리.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\발광산타포링.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\버서크포션.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\사탕.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\산타모자.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\수제초콜렛.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\수제초콜렛_.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\유과.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\잘구운쿠키.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\조각케이크.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\주머니.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\주먹밥.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\집중포션.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\초콜렛.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\초콜렛드링크.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\크리스마스알.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\크리스마스패키지.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\파란양갈래산타모자.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\파란포션.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\하얀포션.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\화이트초콜렛.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\rg빨간포션.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\각성포션.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\눈의결정.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\다식.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\막대사탕.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\무지개떡.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\미니트리.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\발광산타포링.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\버서크포션.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\사탕.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\산타모자.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\수제초콜렛.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\수제초콜렛_.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\유과.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\잘구운쿠키.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\조각케이크.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\주머니.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\주먹밥.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\집중포션.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\초콜렛.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\초콜렛드링크.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\크리스마스알.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\크리스마스패키지.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\파란양갈래산타모자.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\파란포션.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\하얀포션.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\화이트초콜렛.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\loading01.jpg data\texture\유저인터페이스\loading02.jpg data\texture\유저인터페이스\t_배경1-1.BMP data\texture\유저인터페이스\t_배경1-2.BMP data\texture\유저인터페이스\t_배경1-3.BMP data\texture\유저인터페이스\t_배경1-4.BMP data\texture\유저인터페이스\t_배경2-1.BMP data\texture\유저인터페이스\t_배경2-2.BMP data\texture\유저인터페이스\t_배경2-3.BMP data\texture\유저인터페이스\t_배경2-4.BMP data\texture\유저인터페이스\t_배경3-1.BMP data\texture\유저인터페이스\t_배경3-2.BMP data\texture\유저인터페이스\t_배경3-3.BMP data\texture\유저인터페이스\t_배경3-4.BMP
  10. Changed Skill Spoiler Alert: Id: (5006) Lava Flow Lava Flow MAX Lv : 5 Required Skill : Fire Earth Research 1 Type : Active Description : Cause Lava to erupt from the ground in the targeted cell for 5 seconds in a 7x7 area, dealing damage and inflicting stun and burning status. You cannot create more than 3 eruptions at a time. [Level 1] : 16000 fixed damage per 1/2 second / 10% Stun and Burning status chance [Level 2] : 12000 fixed damage per 1/2 second / 20% Stun and Burning status chance [Level 3] : 21400 fixed damage per 1/2 second / 30% Stun and Burning status chance [Level 4] : 281600 fixed damage per 1/2 second / 40% Stun and Burning status chance [Level 5] : 321800 fixed damage per 1/2 second / 50% Stun and Burning status chance Files Spoiler Alert: data\luafiles514\lua files\skillinfoz\SkillDescript.lub
  11. Files Spoiler Alert: Ragexe.exe
  12. Files Spoiler Alert: event.grf
  13. Changed Item Spoiler Alert: Id: (20010) 时装 虹色羽耳 彩虹色翅膀样式的耳朵. "中国活动限定属性" (2014年 12月 24日~ 20145年 1月 28日为止) All state +1,经验值获得+10%. 系列 : 服装装备 防御: 0 位置 : 中段 重量 : 0 等级要求 : 1 装备 : 所有职业 ====== auto-parsed ====== Location : Middle Weight : 0 Id: (20047) 时装 祈纺之樱 用充满祈祷之力的符咒装饰的樱花. "中国活动限定属性" (2014年 12月 24日~ 20145年 1月 28日为止) All state +1,经验值获得+10%. 系列 : 服装装备 位置 : 中段 重量 : 0 等级要求 : 1 装备 : 所有职业 ====== auto-parsed ====== Location : Middle Weight : 0 Files Spoiler Alert: data\etcinfo.txt data\idnum2itemdesctable.txt data\idnum2itemdisplaynametable.txt data\idnum2itemresnametable.txt data\itemslotcounttable.txt data\luafiles514\lua files\datainfo\accessoryid.lub data\luafiles514\lua files\datainfo\accname.lub data\mapnametable.txt data\mp3nametable.txt data\msgstringtable.txt data\num2itemdesctable.txt data\num2itemdisplaynametable.txt data\num2itemresnametable.txt data\questid2display.txt data\resnametable.txt data\sprite\아이템\gm_force_transfer.act data\sprite\아이템\gm_force_transfer.spr data\sprite\아이템\rg빨간포션.act data\sprite\아이템\rg빨간포션.spr data\sprite\아이템\각성포션.act data\sprite\아이템\각성포션.spr data\sprite\아이템\간반테인.act data\sprite\아이템\간반테인.spr data\sprite\아이템\거인의끌.act data\sprite\아이템\거인의끌.spr data\sprite\아이템\검은토끼모자.act data\sprite\아이템\검은토끼모자.spr data\sprite\아이템\검은토끼헤어밴드.act data\sprite\아이템\검은토끼헤어밴드.spr data\sprite\아이템\고대의문관.act data\sprite\아이템\고대의문관.spr data\sprite\아이템\고래.act data\sprite\아이템\고래.spr data\sprite\아이템\곰돌이풍선.act data\sprite\아이템\곰돌이풍선.spr data\sprite\아이템\과라나사탕.act data\sprite\아이템\과라나사탕.spr data\sprite\아이템\괴도의외눈안경.act data\sprite\아이템\괴도의외눈안경.spr data\sprite\아이템\꼬마데빌링.act data\sprite\아이템\꼬마데빌링.spr data\sprite\아이템\나무보물상자.act data\sprite\아이템\나무보물상자.spr data\sprite\아이템\눈의결정.act data\sprite\아이템\눈의결정.spr data\sprite\아이템\늘어진판다.act data\sprite\아이템\늘어진판다.spr data\sprite\아이템\다식.act data\sprite\아이템\다식.spr data\sprite\아이템\다이아보물상자.act data\sprite\아이템\다이아보물상자.spr data\sprite\아이템\대왕문어.act data\sprite\아이템\대왕문어.spr data\sprite\아이템\대왕오징어.act data\sprite\아이템\대왕오징어.spr data\sprite\아이템\대지의실크햇.act data\sprite\아이템\대지의실크햇.spr data\sprite\아이템\돌풍의헌팅캡.act data\sprite\아이템\돌풍의헌팅캡.spr data\sprite\아이템\똬리튼뱀모자1.act data\sprite\아이템\똬리튼뱀모자1.spr data\sprite\아이템\똬리튼뱀모자2.act data\sprite\아이템\똬리튼뱀모자2.spr data\sprite\아이템\라모르쉴드_언데드.act data\sprite\아이템\라모르쉴드_언데드.spr data\sprite\아이템\레드플라워모자.act data\sprite\아이템\레드플라워모자.spr data\sprite\아이템\루드마스크.act data\sprite\아이템\루드마스크.spr data\sprite\아이템\룬마력의정수.act data\sprite\아이템\룬마력의정수.spr data\sprite\아이템\룬문자의비밀.act data\sprite\아이템\룬문자의비밀.spr data\sprite\아이템\마녀의구두.act data\sprite\아이템\마녀의구두.spr data\sprite\아이템\마녀의모자.act data\sprite\아이템\마녀의모자.spr data\sprite\아이템\마력깃든청동괴.act data\sprite\아이템\마력깃든청동괴.spr data\sprite\아이템\마왕.act data\sprite\아이템\마왕.spr data\sprite\아이템\막대사탕.act data\sprite\아이템\막대사탕.spr data\sprite\아이템\무닌의혼.act data\sprite\아이템\무닌의혼.spr data\sprite\아이템\무스펠리움.act data\sprite\아이템\무스펠리움.spr data\sprite\아이템\무지개떡.act data\sprite\아이템\무지개떡.spr data\sprite\아이템\물의니트캡.act data\sprite\아이템\물의니트캡.spr data\sprite\아이템\뭔가있는캔디홀더.act data\sprite\아이템\뭔가있는캔디홀더.spr data\sprite\아이템\미니말머리핀1.act data\sprite\아이템\미니말머리핀1.spr data\sprite\아이템\미니말머리핀2.act data\sprite\아이템\미니말머리핀2.spr data\sprite\아이템\미니트리.act data\sprite\아이템\미니트리.spr data\sprite\아이템\발광산타포링.act data\sprite\아이템\발광산타포링.spr data\sprite\아이템\버서크포션.act data\sprite\아이템\버서크포션.spr data\sprite\아이템\버클러.act data\sprite\아이템\버클러.spr data\sprite\아이템\베룬드의망치.act data\sprite\아이템\베룬드의망치.spr data\sprite\아이템\베룬드의모루.act data\sprite\아이템\베룬드의모루.spr data\sprite\아이템\베룬드의팔찌.act data\sprite\아이템\베룬드의팔찌.spr data\sprite\아이템\벨의비둘기.act data\sprite\아이템\벨의비둘기.spr data\sprite\아이템\보물상자.act data\sprite\아이템\보물상자.spr data\sprite\아이템\부유하는현자의돌.act data\sprite\아이템\부유하는현자의돌.spr data\sprite\아이템\사안봉인의붕대.act data\sprite\아이템\사안봉인의붕대.spr data\sprite\아이템\사탕.act data\sprite\아이템\사탕.spr data\sprite\아이템\산타모자.act data\sprite\아이템\산타모자.spr data\sprite\아이템\수다쟁이까마귀.act data\sprite\아이템\수다쟁이까마귀.spr data\sprite\아이템\수제초콜렛.act data\sprite\아이템\수제초콜렛.spr data\sprite\아이템\수제초콜렛_.act data\sprite\아이템\수제초콜렛_.spr data\sprite\아이템\쉴드.act data\sprite\아이템\쉴드.spr data\sprite\아이템\아미스트르캡.act data\sprite\아이템\아미스트르캡.spr data\sprite\아이템\에길망토.act data\sprite\아이템\에길망토.spr data\sprite\아이템\에길슈즈.act data\sprite\아이템\에길슈즈.spr data\sprite\아이템\에길아머.act data\sprite\아이템\에길아머.spr data\sprite\아이템\에길헬름.act data\sprite\아이템\에길헬름.spr data\sprite\아이템\엔젤스테어즈.act data\sprite\아이템\엔젤스테어즈.spr data\sprite\아이템\여의주를품은용모자1.act data\sprite\아이템\여의주를품은용모자1.spr data\sprite\아이템\여의주를품은용모자2.act data\sprite\아이템\여의주를품은용모자2.spr data\sprite\아이템\여의주를품은용모자3.act data\sprite\아이템\여의주를품은용모자3.spr data\sprite\아이템\여의주를품은용모자4.act data\sprite\아이템\여의주를품은용모자4.spr data\sprite\아이템\왕새우.act data\sprite\아이템\왕새우.spr data\sprite\아이템\왕지렁이.act data\sprite\아이템\왕지렁이.spr data\sprite\아이템\요르문간드.act data\sprite\아이템\요르문간드.spr data\sprite\아이템\요르문간드의늑골.act data\sprite\아이템\요르문간드의늑골.spr data\sprite\아이템\윈드링.act data\sprite\아이템\윈드링.spr data\sprite\아이템\유과.act data\sprite\아이템\유과.spr data\sprite\아이템\음계의오오라.act data\sprite\아이템\음계의오오라.spr data\sprite\아이템\음침한호박모자.act data\sprite\아이템\음침한호박모자.spr data\sprite\아이템\이블드루이드모자.act data\sprite\아이템\이블드루이드모자.spr data\sprite\아이템\이사벨라레드귀모자.act data\sprite\아이템\이사벨라레드귀모자.spr data\sprite\아이템\이사벨라브라운귀모자.act data\sprite\아이템\이사벨라브라운귀모자.spr data\sprite\아이템\이사벨라블루귀모자.act data\sprite\아이템\이사벨라블루귀모자.spr data\sprite\아이템\익명요청.act data\sprite\아이템\익명요청.spr data\sprite\아이템\인비지블마스크.act data\sprite\아이템\인비지블마스크.spr data\sprite\아이템\인비지블캡.act data\sprite\아이템\인비지블캡.spr data\sprite\아이템\자하인형모자.act data\sprite\아이템\자하인형모자.spr data\sprite\아이템\잘구운쿠키.act data\sprite\아이템\잘구운쿠키.spr data\sprite\아이템\잭캐슬배트.act data\sprite\아이템\잭캐슬배트.spr data\sprite\아이템\젤라또모자.act data\sprite\아이템\젤라또모자.spr data\sprite\아이템\조각케이크.act data\sprite\아이템\조각케이크.spr data\sprite\아이템\주머니.act data\sprite\아이템\주머니.spr data\sprite\아이템\주먹밥.act data\sprite\아이템\주먹밥.spr data\sprite\아이템\진화된위스퍼마스크.act data\sprite\아이템\진화된위스퍼마스크.spr data\sprite\아이템\집중포션.act data\sprite\아이템\집중포션.spr data\sprite\아이템\철갑상어.act data\sprite\아이템\철갑상어.spr data\sprite\아이템\초콜렛.act data\sprite\아이템\초콜렛.spr data\sprite\아이템\초콜렛드링크.act data\sprite\아이템\초콜렛드링크.spr data\sprite\아이템\콜드링.act data\sprite\아이템\콜드링.spr data\sprite\아이템\큐브마스크.act data\sprite\아이템\큐브마스크.spr data\sprite\아이템\크리스마스알.act data\sprite\아이템\크리스마스알.spr data\sprite\아이템\트랜스캔디그린.act data\sprite\아이템\트랜스캔디그린.spr data\sprite\아이템\트랜스캔디레드.act data\sprite\아이템\트랜스캔디레드.spr data\sprite\아이템\트랜스캔디블루.act data\sprite\아이템\트랜스캔디블루.spr data\sprite\아이템\트랜스캔디옐로우.act data\sprite\아이템\트랜스캔디옐로우.spr data\sprite\아이템\파란양갈래산타모자.act data\sprite\아이템\파란양갈래산타모자.spr data\sprite\아이템\파란파자마모자.act data\sprite\아이템\파란파자마모자.spr data\sprite\아이템\파란포션.act data\sprite\아이템\파란포션.spr data\sprite\아이템\파이어링.act data\sprite\아이템\파이어링.spr data\sprite\아이템\풀죽은엘리엇모자.act data\sprite\아이템\풀죽은엘리엇모자.spr data\sprite\아이템\풀죽은키엘모자.act data\sprite\아이템\풀죽은키엘모자.spr data\sprite\아이템\프레스베르크의가죽.act data\sprite\아이템\프레스베르크의가죽.spr data\sprite\아이템\프리티토끼후드.act data\sprite\아이템\프리티토끼후드.spr data\sprite\아이템\플라워포트마스크.act data\sprite\아이템\플라워포트마스크.spr data\sprite\아이템\피묻은나비귀.act data\sprite\아이템\피묻은나비귀.spr data\sprite\아이템\피아멧트의두건.act data\sprite\아이템\피아멧트의두건.spr data\sprite\아이템\핑크파자마모자.act data\sprite\아이템\핑크파자마모자.spr data\sprite\아이템\하얀포션.act data\sprite\아이템\하얀포션.spr data\sprite\아이템\헤르보르.act data\sprite\아이템\헤르보르.spr data\sprite\아이템\헤르보르아르비트.act data\sprite\아이템\헤르보르아르비트.spr 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data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\핑크파자마모자.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\헤르보르.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\헤르보르아르비트.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\호박케이크.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\화려한하이캡.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\후긴의혼.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\흰수염고래.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\흰토끼헤어밴드.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\loading00.jpg data\texture\유저인터페이스\loading01.jpg data\texture\유저인터페이스\loading02.jpg data\texture\유저인터페이스\loading03.jpg data\texture\유저인터페이스\thumbs.db event.grf
  14. Files Spoiler Alert: data\texture\유저인터페이스\loading00.jpg data\texture\유저인터페이스\loading01.jpg data\texture\유저인터페이스\loading02.jpg data\texture\유저인터페이스\loading03.jpg data\texture\유저인터페이스\loading04.jpg data\texture\유저인터페이스\loading05.jpg data\texture\유저인터페이스\loading06.jpg data\texture\유저인터페이스\loading07.jpg data\texture\유저인터페이스\loading08.jpg data\texture\유저인터페이스\loading09.jpg data\texture\유저인터페이스\loading10.jpg data\texture\유저인터페이스\loading11.jpg data\texture\유저인터페이스\loading12.jpg data\texture\유저인터페이스\loading13.jpg data\texture\유저인터페이스\loading14.jpg data\texture\유저인터페이스\loading15.jpg data\texture\유저인터페이스\loading16.jpg data\texture\유저인터페이스\loading17.jpg data\texture\유저인터페이스\loading18.jpg data\texture\유저인터페이스\loading19.jpg data\texture\유저인터페이스\loading20.jpg data\texture\유저인터페이스\loading21.jpg data\texture\유저인터페이스\loading22.jpg data\texture\유저인터페이스\Thumbs.db
  15. Added Quest Spoiler Alert: Id: 62788 Jumping Janeway's Request 7 Info: Defeat the monsters below and return to Janeway Quickinfo: Files Spoiler Alert: data\questid2display.txt
  16. Added Item Spoiler Alert: Id: (11555) RGRed Potion A recovery potion made with red herb and Yggdrasil essence. Recovers 325 HP. Weight : 4 Id: (11555) RGRed Potion Une potion de soin faite de Red Herb et d'essence d'Yggdrasil. Régénère 325 HP. Poids : 4 Id: (11555) RGRed Potion Ein Potion zur Regenerierung aus Red Herb und einer Essenz von Yggdrasil. Regeneriert 325 HP. Gewicht : 4 Id: (11555) RGRed Potion A recovery potion made with red herb and Yggdrasil essence. Recovers 325 HP. Weight : 4 Id: (11565) White potion unable to trade with other account. Vital recovery potion made with white herb. Recovers 325 HP. Weight : 15 Id: (11565) White potion Impossible à échanger. Potion permettant de récupérer environ 325 HP, fabriquée à partir d'extraits d'Herbes Blanches. Poids : 15 Id: (11565) White potion Kann nicht an andere Accounts gehandelt werden. Ein vitaler Potion aus White Herbs. Regeneriert 325 HP. Gewicht : 15 Id: (11565) White potion unable to trade with other account. Vital recovery potion made with white herb. Recovers 325 HP. Weight : 15 Id: (11568) Red Slim Potion unable to trade with other account. Redpotion with much light weight. _ Weight : 2 Id: (11568) Red Slim Potion Impossible à échanger. Aussi efficace que de la Red potion mais plus léger. _ Poids : 2 Id: (11568) Red Slim Potion Kann nicht an andere Accounts gehandelt werden. Ein Red Potion mit weniger Gewicht. _ Gewicht : 2 Id: (11568) Red Slim Potion unable to trade with other account. Redpotion with much light weight. _ Weight : 2 Id: (11572) Blue Potion unable to trade with other account. Mental recovery drink that recoverSP 60 is made by blue grind herb. _ Weight : 15 Id: (11572) Blue Potion Impossible à échanger. Potion permettant de récupérer environ 60 SP, fabriquée à partir d'extraits d'Herbes Bleues. _ Poids : 15 Id: (11572) Blue Potion Kann nicht an andere Accounts gehandelt werden. Ein mentaler Drink aus Blue Herb der SP 60 regeneriert. _ Gewicht : 15 Id: (11572) Blue Potion unable to trade with other account. Mental recovery drink that recoverSP 60 is made by blue grind herb. _ Weight : 15 Id: (11573) White Slim Potion unable to trade with other account. The effect is same as like white potion but much lighter. _ Weight : 5 Id: (11573) White Slim Potion Impossible à échanger. Aussi efficace que de la White potion mais plus léger. _ Poids : 5 Id: (11573) White Slim Potion Kann nicht an andere Accounts gehandelt werden. Der Effekt ist wie bei White Potion jedoch ist dieser sehr viel leichter. _ Gewicht : 5 Id: (11573) White Slim Potion unable to trade with other account. The effect is same as like white potion but much lighter. _ Weight : 5 Id: (11575) Fortune Cookie Delicious cookie of fortune. Weight : 3 Id: (11575) Fortune Cookie Délicieux biscuit chinois. Poids : 3 Id: (11575) Fortune Cookie Ein leckerer Glückskeks. Gewicht : 3 Id: (11575) Fortune Cookie Delicious cookie of fortune. Weight : 3 Id: (11576) Fortune Lollipop A lolipop candy of fortune. _ Weight : 4 Id: (11576) Fortune Lollipop Une sucette amenant la chance. _ Poids : 4 Id: (11576) Fortune Lollipop Ein Lolipop als Glücksbringer. _ Gewicht : 4 Id: (11576) Fortune Lollipop A lolipop candy of fortune. _ Weight : 4 Id: (11577) Rice Ball Home made rice ball for lovely kids! _ Weight : 3 Id: (11577) Rice Ball Boule de riz faite maison pour les enfants sages! _ Poids : 3 Id: (11577) Rice Ball Ein hausgemachter Reiskuchen für artige Kinder! _ Gewicht : 3 Id: (11577) Rice Ball Home made rice ball for lovely kids! _ Weight : 3 Id: (11578) Lollipop A stick type candy recovers 105 HP. _ Weight : 4 Id: (11578) Lollipop Sucete permettant de récupérer 105 HP. _ Poids : 4 Id: (11578) Lollipop Eine Zuckerstange. Regeneriert 105 HP. _ Gewicht : 4 Id: (11578) Lollipop A stick type candy recovers 105 HP. _ Weight : 4 Id: (11579) Fortune Candy A Candy of fortune _ Weight : 3 Id: (11579) Fortune Candy Un bonbon qui porterait chance. _ Poids : 3 Id: (11579) Fortune Candy Ein Glückskeks. _ Gewicht : 3 Id: (11579) Fortune Candy A Candy of fortune _ Weight : 3 Id: (11580) Candy A sweet delicious candy, recovers 45 HP. _ Weight : 3 Id: (11580) Candy Un délicieux bonbon sucré, permet e récupérer 45 HP. _ Poids : 3 Id: (11580) Candy Eine süße und leckere Süßigkeit. Regeneriert 45 HP. _ Gewicht : 3 Id: (11580) Candy A sweet delicious candy, recovers 45 HP. _ Weight : 3 Id: (11581) A Piece Of Cake A slice of cake tastes creamy and sweet. Recovers small amount of health. Weight : 10 Id: (11581) A Piece Of Cake Gâteau composé d'une délicieuse crème et qui sent merveilleusement bon, coupé en morceaux. régénère d'une partie de HP. Poids : 10 Id: (11581) A Piece Of Cake Ein cremiges und süßes Kuchenstück. Regeneriert eine kleine Menge HP. Gewicht : 10 Id: (11581) A Piece Of Cake A slice of cake tastes creamy and sweet. Recovers small amount of health. Weight : 10 Id: (11582) Well Baked Cookie Well baked cookie for special ocasion. Recovers small amount of health. Weight : 3 Id: (11582) Well Baked Cookie Biscuit au goût délicieux. Régénère une partie des HP. Poids : 3 Id: (11582) Well Baked Cookie Ein Keks für eine besondere Gelegenheit. Regeneriert eine kleine Menge HP. Gewicht : 3 Id: (11582) Well Baked Cookie Well baked cookie for special ocasion. Recovers small amount of health. Weight : 3 Id: (11583) Chocolate Drink This drink is made with chocolate and milk that special cook is able to make it with unique recipe. The manager of palace would like to expect to drink it slowly but basically gulp this with one hand. _ Weight : 15 Id: (11583) Chocolate Drink Une boisson mêlant du chocolat et du lait, trouvée dans un livre de recettes du Royal Court Dessert Specialist. Le chef de la cour souhaiterait que les convives la boivent avec le plus d'élégance possible. Malheureusement, elle est généralement avalée d'un trait, avec un beau sourire au coin des lèvres. _ Poids : 15 Id: (11583) Chocolate Drink Ein spezielles Getränk aus Schokolade und Milch. Der Manager des Palastes empfiehlt es langsam und mit einer Hand auszutrinken. _ Gewicht : 15 Id: (11583) Chocolate Drink This drink is made with chocolate and milk that special cook is able to make it with unique recipe. The manager of palace would like to expect to drink it slowly but basically gulp this with one hand. _ Weight : 15 Id: (11584) White Chocolate A white chocolate specially made without cacao base. Has more sweet taste than the normal one. _ Weight : 8 Id: (11584) White Chocolate Du chocolat blanc fait spécialement sans base de cacao. Est plus doux que le chocolat normal. _ Poids : 8 Id: (11584) White Chocolate A white chocolate specially made without cacao base. Has more sweet taste than the normal one. _ Gewicht : 8 Id: (11584) White Chocolate A white chocolate specially made without cacao base. Has more sweet taste than the normal one. _ Weight : 8 Id: (11585) Handmade Chocolate Hand made chocolate famous along ladies. _ Weight : 8 Id: (11585) Handmade Chocolate Du chocolat fait main apprécié des femmes. _ Poids : 8 Id: (11585) Handmade Chocolate Eine selbstgemachte Schokolade die bei Mädchen sehr beliebt ist. _ Gewicht : 8 Id: (11585) Handmade Chocolate Hand made chocolate famous along ladies. _ Weight : 8 Id: (11586) Handmade Chocolate A white chocolate great for expressing your heart those loved ones. _ Weight : 8 Id: (11586) Handmade Chocolate Du chocolat blanc. Parfait pour exprimer vos sentiments à l'être aimé. _ Poids : 8 Id: (11586) Handmade Chocolate Eine weiße Schokolade, mit der man seine Zuneigung zu Jemandem gut ausdrücken kann. _ Gewicht : 8 Id: (11586) Handmade Chocolate A white chocolate great for expressing your heart those loved ones. _ Weight : 8 Id: (11587) Chocolate A chocolate made with roasted cacao powder. Mix with milk, a great collaboration. _ Weight : 2 Id: (11587) Chocolate Du chocolat fait avec de la poudre de cacao torréfié. Mélangé avec du lait pour un accord parfait. _ Poids : 2 Id: (11587) Chocolate Eine Schokolade, bei der der Kakao in einem speziellen Verfahren geröstet wurde. Schmeckt einfach großartig zusammen mit einem Glas Milch. _ Gewicht : 2 Id: (11587) Chocolate A chocolate made with roasted cacao powder. Mix with milk, a great collaboration. _ Weight : 2 Id: (19697) Rudolph Santa Hat Costume This Santa hat is remodeled to put deer. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Id: (19697) Rudolph Santa Hat Costume Ce chapeau de Noël a été modifié pour y ajouter un renne. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Position : Haut Poids : 0 Niveau Requis: 1 Profession : Toutes Id: (19697) Rudolph Santa Hat Costume Ein Rentier mit Weihnachtshut. Gegenstandsart : Costume Defense : 0 Kopfposition : Oben Gewicht : 0 Benötigtes Lv. : 1 Jobs : Alle Jobs Id: (19697) Rudolph Santa Hat Costume This Santa hat is remodeled to put deer. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Id: (19707) Polar Bear Cap Costume Christmas hat that Raccoon Hooray team 'borrowed' from Santa. It is very helpful for the Raccoons to keep warm since they're currently homeless. Class : Costume Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Id: (19707) Polar Bear Cap Costume Chapeau de Noël que l'équipe de ratons laveur Hooray a 'emprunté' au Père Noël. Il aide beaucoup les ratons laveur à avoir chaud puisqu'ils sont actuellement sans abri. Type : Costume Position : Haut Poids : 0 Niveau Requis: 1 Profession : Toutes Id: (19707) Polar Bear Cap Costume Ein Weihnachtshut, den der Weihnachtsmann an das Racoon Team 'geliehen' hat. Er hält die Raccoons sehr warm, da sie momentan kein Zuhause haben. Gegenstandsart : Costume Kopfposition : Oben Gewicht : 0 Benötigtes Lv. : 1 Jobs : Alle Jobs Id: (19707) Polar Bear Cap Costume Christmas hat that Raccoon Hooray team 'borrowed' from Santa. It is very helpful for the Raccoons to keep warm since they're currently homeless. Class : Costume Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Id: (19982) Santa Hat Costume This is a special hat that made from red fabric. Certain generous old man could put this hat. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Id: (19982) Santa Hat Costume Un chapeau spécial fait de tissu rouge. Un vieil homme généreux pourrait porter ce chapeau. Type : Costume Defense : 0 Position : Haut Poids : 0 Niveau Requis: 1 Profession : Toutes Id: (19982) Santa Hat Costume Dieser besondere Hut ist aus rotem Stoff. Er steht alten Männern mit Bart sehr gut. Gegenstandsart : Costume Defense : 0 Kopfposition : Oben Gewicht : 0 Benötigtes Lv. : 1 Jobs : Alle Jobs Id: (19982) Santa Hat Costume This is a special hat that made from red fabric. Certain generous old man could put this hat. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Id: (20222) Blue Pigtail Santa Hat Costume Cute Santa hat that is appropriate for pretty boy. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Id: (20222) Blue Pigtail Santa Hat Costume Chapeau de Noël mignon approprié pour les beaux garçons. Type : Costume Defense : 0 Position : Haut Poids : 0 Niveau Requis: 1 Profession : Toutes Id: (20222) Blue Pigtail Santa Hat Costume Ein niedlicher Weihnachtshut, der Jungen gut steht. Gegenstandsart : Costume Defense : 0 Kopfposition : Oben Gewicht : 0 Benötigtes Lv. : 1 Jobs : Alle Jobs Id: (20222) Blue Pigtail Santa Hat Costume Cute Santa hat that is appropriate for pretty boy. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Id: (22542) Potion Concentration unable to trade with other account. This syrup increases concentration. If you take it, the attack speed is increased. All of class can use it. Weight : 10 Id: (22542) Potion Concentration Impossible à échanger. Ce sirop augmente la concentration. Si vous en prenez, votre vitesse d'attaque augmentera. Toutes les classes peuvent l'utiliser. Poids : 10 Id: (22542) Potion Concentration Kann nicht an andere Accounts gehandelt werden. Dieses Sirup erhöht die Konzentration. Wenn man es schluckt, erhöht sich die Angriffsgeschwindigkeit. Kann von allen Klassen benutzt werden. Gewicht : 10 Id: (22542) Potion Concentration unable to trade with other account. This syrup increases concentration. If you take it, the attack speed is increased. All of class can use it. Weight : 10 Id: (22543) Potion Berserk unable to trade with other account. This honey syrup boil your blood hot and makes you warrior. If you take it, the attack speed is increased. Only over level 85 characters are able to use it( Available for sword man class, Rogue, Wizard, merchant class) Weight : 20 Id: (22543) Potion Berserk Impossible à échanger. Ce sirop au miel fait bouillir votre sang et vous change en véritable guerrier. Si vous en prenez, votre vitesse d'attaque augmentera. Ne peut être utilisé qu'au delà du niveau 85 (Uniquement pour les classes Swordman, Rogue, Wizard, Merchant) Poids : 20 Id: (22543) Potion Berserk Kann nicht an andere Accounts gehandelt werden. Dieser Honigsirup bringt dein Blut zum Kochen und macht einen wahren Krieger aus dir. Wenn man es schluckt, erhöht sich die Angriffsgeschwindigkeit. Kann ab Lv. 85 benutzt werden.(Verfügbar für Swordman Cls, Rogue, Wizard und Merchant Cls) Gewicht : 20 Id: (22543) Potion Berserk unable to trade with other account. This honey syrup boil your blood hot and makes you warrior. If you take it, the attack speed is increased. Only over level 85 characters are able to use it( Available for sword man class, Rogue, Wizard, merchant class) Weight : 20 Id: (22544) Potion Awakening unable to trade with other account. This honey syrup wakes you up and increase attack speed. Only over level 40 characters are able to use it( unavailable Acolyte, Priest, Bard, Dancer) Weight : 15 Id: (22544) Potion Awakening Impossible à échanger. Ce sirop au miel vous donnera un coup de fouet et augmentera votre vitesse d'attaque. Seuls les personnages au dessus du niveau 40 peuvent l'utiliser (Inutilisable par les Acolyte, Priest, Bard, Dancer) Poids : 15 Id: (22544) Potion Awakening Kann nicht an andere Accounts gehandelt werden. Dieses Honigsirup macht wach und erhöht die Angriffsgeschwindigkeit. Kann ab Lv. 40 benutzt werden. (Nicht für Acolyte, Priest, Bard und Dancer nutzbar) Gewicht : 15 Id: (22544) Potion Awakening unable to trade with other account. This honey syrup wakes you up and increase attack speed. Only over level 40 characters are able to use it( unavailable Acolyte, Priest, Bard, Dancer) Weight : 15 Id: (22550) Cookie Bag unable to trade with other account. This bag is packed with snacks that children favorite. _ Weight : 7 Id: (22550) Cookie Bag Impossible à échanger. Un sac rempli de délicieux biscuits, très populaires auprès des enfants. _ Poids : 7 Id: (22550) Cookie Bag Kann nicht an andere Accounts gehandelt werden. In dieser Tasche befinden sich verschiedene Snacks, die Kinder gerne mögen. _ Gewicht : 7 Id: (22550) Cookie Bag unable to trade with other account. This bag is packed with snacks that children favorite. _ Weight : 7 Id: (22551) Sesame Pastry unable to trade with other account. Tasty snack made with natural grain and walnut powders. Represents 4 blessings well known in Asian culture.. Temporarily increase accuracy for 30. _ Weight : 7 Id: (22551) Sesame Pastry Impossible à échanger. Délicieux snack fait de céréales et de poudre de noix. Représente 4 prières bien connues en Asie. Augmente temporairement la précision de 30. _ Poids : 7 Id: (22551) Sesame Pastry Kann nicht an andere Accounts gehandelt werden. Ein leckerer Snack aus natürlichen Inhaltsstoffen und Walnussmehl. Repräsentiert die 4 Segen, die in Asien sehr bekannt sind. Erhöht temporär Zielgenauigkeit um 30. _ Gewicht : 7 Id: (22551) Sesame Pastry unable to trade with other account. Tasty snack made with natural grain and walnut powders. Represents 4 blessings well known in Asian culture.. Temporarily increase accuracy for 30. _ Weight : 7 Id: (22552) Honey Pastry unable to trade with other account. Traditional snack made with natural grains. Temporarily increase 30 evade rate. _ Weight : 7 Id: (22552) Honey Pastry Impossible à échanger. Snack traditionnel fait de céréales. Augmente temporairement l'esquive de 30. _ Poids : 7 Id: (22552) Honey Pastry Kann nicht an andere Accounts gehandelt werden. Ein traditioneller Snack mit natürlichen Zutaten. Erhöht temporär Ausweichen um 30. _ Gewicht : 7 Id: (22552) Honey Pastry unable to trade with other account. Traditional snack made with natural grains. Temporarily increase 30 evade rate. _ Weight : 7 Id: (22553) Rainbow Cake unable to trade with other account. A mottle colored rice cake. Famous in eastern countries. Temporarily increase 10 ATK and MATK. _ Weight : 7 Id: (22553) Rainbow Cake Impossible à échanger. Un gâteau de riz marbré. Fameux dans les pays orientaux. Augmente temporairement ATK et MATK de 10. _ Poids : 7 Id: (22553) Rainbow Cake Kann nicht an andere Accounts gehandelt werden. Ein bunter Reiskuchen. Ein sehr bekanntes Gericht im asiatischen Raum. Erhöht temporär 10 ATK und MATK. _ Gewicht : 7 Id: (22553) Rainbow Cake unable to trade with other account. A mottle colored rice cake. Famous in eastern countries. Temporarily increase 10 ATK and MATK. _ Weight : 7 Id: (22870) Christmas Package unable to trade with other account. You could feel Christmas from this fancy package. (When Christmas event is over, this item will be removed.) Weight : 1 Id: (22870) Christmas Package Impossible à échanger. Vous pouvez ressentir Noël grâce à ce paquet fantaisie. (Cet objet sera supprimé une fois la période de Noël terminée) Poids : 1 Id: (22870) Christmas Package Kann nicht an andere Accounts gehandelt werden. Dieses Paket duftet nach Weihnachten. (Nach dem Weihnachtsevent verschwindet dieser Gegenstand.) Gewicht : 1 Id: (22870) Christmas Package unable to trade with other account. You could feel Christmas from this fancy package. (When Christmas event is over, this item will be removed.) Weight : 1 Changed Item Spoiler Alert: Id: (756) Rough Oridecon Minerai brut d'oridecon, parfois appelé le "métal divin". Difficile à raffiner et transformer en oridecon. _ Poids : 20 Id: (990) Red Blood Minerai brut brillant d'un rouge vif, avec des reflets d'un jaune orangé en son sein. On dit qu'il est imprégné de l'élément Fire, et se transforme en pierre enchantée "Flame Heart" après raffinage. _ Poids : 5 Id: (991) Crystal Blue Minerai brut brillant d'un bleu d'azur, avec des reflets d'un bleu profond en son sein. On dit qu'il est imprégné de l'élément Water, et se transforme en pierre enchantée "Mystic Frozen" après raffinage._ Poids : 5 Id: (992) Wind of Verdure Minerai brut brillant d'une couleur jaune. On dit qu'il est imprégné de l'élément Wind, et se transforme en pierre enchantée "Rough Wind" après raffinage._ _ Poids : 5 Id: (993) Green Live Minerai brut brillant d'un vert acidulé, avec des reflets jaunes en son sein. On dit qu'il est imprégné de l'élément Earth, et se transforme en pierre enchantée "Great Nature" après raffinage._ _ Poids : 5 Id: (1081) Delivery Box Caisse de bois servant d'ordinaire pour les livraisons, avec le mot "fragile" inscrit dessus en lettres rouges. _ Poids : 120 Id: (1082) Delivery Box Caisse de bois servant d'ordinaire pour les livraisons, avec le mot "fragile" inscrit dessus en lettres rouges. _ Poids : 120 Id: (1083) Delivery Box Caisse de bois servant d'ordinaire pour les livraisons, avec le mot "fragile" inscrit dessus en lettres rouges. _ Poids : 120 Id: (1084) Kafra Pass Un coupon qui permet à son propriétaire d'utiliser tous les services de Kafra Corporation. Sur ce coupon est précisé : "à usage unique". _ Poids : 1 Id: (1091) Delivery Box Caisse de bois servant d'ordinaire pour les livraisons, avec le mot "fragile" inscrit dessus en lettres rouges. _ Poids : 120 Id: (1170) Katzbalger Épée surnommée "Combat", avec une poignée unique en forme de S. VIT +5 , DEF +10 Type : Two-Handed Sword Puissance : 175 Poids : 200 Lv. Arme : 4 Niveau requis : 48 Profession : Swordman Id: (1197) Une épée à deux mains forgée par le groupe Eden. Elle convient à ceux ayant une bonne expérience dans le maniement des épées à deux mains. Ne peut pas être améliorée. Type : Two-handed Sword AttackPuissance : 200 Poids : 0 Weapon LevelNiveau Arme : 3 Required LevelNiveau requis : 60 Profession : Swordman Class Id: (1198) Hairtail rental item Le Cutlassfish est un poisson d'océan. Appelés Do Er de par leur forme de couteau. CRI + 20, Critical augmenté de 50%. Quand vous attaquez, a une chance de provoquer freeze. Si base lv est supérieur à 100, ATK + 50 Classe : Both hands Sword Attaque : 220 Poids : 0 Lv de l'arme : 1 Lv requis : 50 JobsProfession : Swordman Id: (1289) Un katar forgé par le groupe Eden. Il convient à ceux ayant une bonne expérience dans le maniement des katars. Ne peut pas être amélioré. Type : Katar AttackPuissance : 155 Poids : 0 Weapon LevelNiveau Arme : 3 Required LevelNiveau requis : 60 Jobs: Assassin Id: (1322) Blue Axe [1] Blue Axe which has destructive power. STR +5, INT +5. Premium: Long Range Atk + 20% ASPD +3 Type : Onehand Axe Attack : 200 Weight : 180 Weapon Level : 3 Required Level : 100 Jobs : Genetic Type Id: (1322) Blue Axe [1] Hache bleue avec des pouvoirs destructeurs. STR +5, INT +5. Premium: Attaque longue portée + 20% ASPD +3 Type : Onehand Axe Puissance : 200 Poids : 180 Niveau Arme : 3 Niveau requis : 100 Profession : Genetic Id: (1322) Blue Axe [1] Blaue Axt mit zerstörerischer Kraft. STR +5, INT +5. Premium: Fernkampf ATK + 20% ASPD +3 Type : Onehand Axe Angriff : 200 Gewicht : 180 Waffenlevel : 3 Benötigter Level : 100 Jobs : Genetic Id: (1322) Blue Axe [1] Blue Axe which has destructive power. STR +5, INT +5. Premium: Long Range Atk + 20% ASPD +3 Type : Onehand Axe Attack : 200 Weight : 180 Weapon Level : 3 Required Level : 100 Jobs : Genetic Type Id: (1391) Une hache forgée par le groupe Eden. Elle convient à ceux ayant une bonne expérience dans le maniement des haches à deux mains. Ne peut pas être améliorée. Type : Two-Handed Axe AttackPuissance : 195 Poids : 0 Weapon LevelNiveau Arme : 3 Required LevelNiveau requis : 60 Profession : Swordman Class / Merchant Class Id: (1434) Une lance forgée par le groupe Eden. Elle convient à ceux ayant une bonne expérience dans le maniement des lances. Ne peut pas être améliorée. Type : Spear AttackPuissance : 165 Poids : 0 Weapon LevelNiveau Arme : 3 Required LevelNiveau requis : 60 Profession : Swordman Class Id: (1441) Blue Spear [1] Blue Spear which has destructive power. STR +5, AGI +5. Premium Atk+ 20% ASPD+ 3 Type : Onehand Spear Attack : 200 Weight : 120 Weapon Level : 3 Required Level : 100 Jobs : Royal Guard Type Id: (1441) Blue Spear [1] Lance bleue avec des pouvoirs destructeurs. STR +5, AGI +5. Premium Atk+ 20% ASPD+ 3 Type : Onehand Spear Puissance : 200 Poids : 120 Niveau Arme : 3 Niveau requis : 100 Profession : Royal Guard Id: (1441) Blue Spear [1] Blauer Speer mit zerstörerischer Kraft. STR +5, AGI +5. Premium Atk+ 20% ASPD+ 3 Type : Onehand Spear Angriff : 200 Gewicht : 120 Waffenlevel : 3 Benötigter Level : 100 Jobs : Royal Guard Id: (1441) Blue Spear [1] Blue Spear which has destructive power. STR +5, AGI +5. Premium Atk+ 20% ASPD+ 3 Type : Onehand Spear Attack : 200 Weight : 120 Weapon Level : 3 Required Level : 100 Jobs : Royal Guard Type Id: (1489) Spearfish rental item L'espadon est un poisson d'océan. Il est reconnu pour être déclicieux. quand vous utilisez pierce, spiral pierce, donne de grandes chances des critical. Et donne des petites chances de provoquer le status freeze. Spiral Pierce Attack augmenté de 100%, Inspiration Attack 50%. ( L'effet Inspiration disparaitra une fois équipé) Si le level de base est au dessus de 100, ATK + 30 à rajouter. Classe : Both hands Spear Attaque : 220 Poids : 0 Lv de l'arme : 1 Lv requis : 50 JobsProfession : Swordman Id: (1573) Ancient Magic [2] Un livre avec une phrase très frappante sur la couverture : "Il n'y a pas de voie royale dans l'apprentissage". "La pratique vous rendra parfait. Si vous essayez, vous deviendrez un expert avant même de vous en rendre compte". MATK + 15%. Si équipé avec Mage Coat : MDEF+ 8, SP Max + 10%, INT + 4. Type : Book Puissance : 30 Poids : 70 Propriété : Neutral Lv. Arme : 3 Niveau requis : 70 Profession : Priest, Sage, Taekwon Master Id: (1583) Un livre rédigé par le groupe Eden. Il convient à ceux ayant une bonne expérience dans le maniement des livres magiques. Matk +110 Ne peut pas être amélioré. Type : Book AttackPuissance : 135 Poids : 0 Weapon LevelNiveau Arme : 3 Required LevelNiveau requis : 60 Profession : Priest / Sage / Taekwon Master Id: (1657) Wand Of Affection A Staff that radiates concern for the welfare of others. Adds 10% Heal Bonus. MATK + 160, INT + 2. If worn with Robes, Shoes, and Robe of Mercy Increase Heal Bonus by an additional 25% and SP consumption of 'Heal' by 20. Subtract 2 seconds from the reuse delay of Sacrement, Lauda Agnus and Lauda Ramus. Type : Staff AttackPuissance : 30 Poids : 50 Weapon LevelNiveau Arme : 4 Required LevelNiveau requis : 100 Profession : "Archbishop Id: (1658) Un bâton façonné par le groupe Eden. Un objet évolué pour les magiciens expérimentés. Int +4 , Matk +170 Ne peut pas être amélioré. Type : Staff AttackPuissance : 60 Poids : 0 Weapon LevelNiveau Arme : 3 Required LevelNiveau requis : 60 Profession : Mage Class/Acolyte Class Id: (1660) Empowered Wand Of Affection [1] A Staff that radiates concern for the welfare of others. Adds 20% Heal Bonus. MATK + 180, INT + 4. If worn with Robes, Shoes, and Robe of Mercy Increase Heal Bonus by an additional 45% and SP consumption of 'Heal' by 50. Subtract 3 seconds from the reuse delay of Sacrement, Lauda Agnus and Lauda Ramus. Type : Staff AttackPuissance : 30 Poids : 50 Weapon LevelNiveau Arme : 4 Required LevelNiveau requis : 130 Profession : "Archbishop Id: (1676) Baculum Daemonicum [2] An infernal staff from hell. Only true demons are able control it's full power. People say that a Prince from Hell used this weapon for his army. Decrease aftercast delay 10%. With more than Base LV 100, MATK +30. With more than 9 refine level, Blind can be activated by a certain chance. SP consumption will be decreasd 10% when using skills. MATK + 150 Type : One handed Staff AttackPuissance : 60 Poids : 120 Weapon LV : 4 Required LV : 80 JobsProfession : Magician, Acolyte, Soul Linker Id: (1677) Blue Wand [1] Blue Staff which has destructive power. DEX +5, INT +5. MATK + 200 Premium MAtk+ 20% Reduce 10% cast time. Type : Onehand Staff Attack : 50 Weight : 0 Weapon Level : 3 Required Level : 100 Jobs : Warlock Type Id: (1677) Blue Wand [1] Baton bleu avec des pouvoirs destructeurs. DEX +5, INT +5. MATK + 200 Premium MAtk+ 20% Reduce 10% cast time. Type : Onehand Staff Puissance : 50 Poids : 0 Niveau Arme : 3 Niveau requis : 100 Profession : Warlock Id: (1677) Blue Wand [1] Blauer Stab mit zerstörerischer Kraft. DEX +5, INT +5. MATK + 200 Premium MAtk+ 20% Reduziert Castzeit um 10%. Type : Onehand Staff Angriff : 50 Gewicht : 0 Waffenlevel : 3 Benötigter Level : 100 Jobs : Warlock Id: (1677) Blue Wand [1] Blue Staff which has destructive power. DEX +5, INT +5. MATK + 200 Premium MAtk+ 20% Reduce 10% cast time. Type : Onehand Staff Attack : 50 Weight : 0 Weapon Level : 3 Required Level : 100 Jobs : Warlock Type Id: (1773) Elven Arrow Des flèches utilisées autrefois par les anciens elfes qui gardaient la forêt. Augmentent la portée de 50 % lorsqu'elles sont utilisées avec un arc elfe. Type : Arrow AttackPuissance : 45 Poids : 0.1 Property : None Required LevelNiveau requis : 100 Id: (1774) Hunting Arrow Des flèches solides et rustiques idéales pour chasser de gros animaux. Augmentent la portée de 50 % lorsqu'elles sont utilisées avec un arc de chasseur. Type : Arrow AttackPuissance : 35 Poids : 0.1 Property : None Id: (1801) Waghnak [3] Griffe commune et puissante, connue sous le nom de "Tiger Fang". Type : Claw Puissance : 30 Poids : 40 Lv. Arme : 1 Niveau requis : N/A Profession : Priest/Monk Id: (1802) Waghnak [4] Griffe commune et puissante, connue sous le nom de "Tiger Fang". Type : Claw Puissance : 30 Poids : 40 Lv. Arme : 1 Niveau requis : N/A Profession : Priest/Monk Id: (1831) Type : Claw AttackPuissance : 120 Poids : 0 Weapon LevelNiveau Arme : 3 Required LevelNiveau requis : 60 Jobs: Priest and Monk Classes Id: (1931) Un instrument fabriqué par le groupe Eden. Il convient à ceux expérimentés en tant que bardes. Type : Musical Instrument AttackPuissance : 125 Poids : 0 Weapon LevelNiveau Arme : 3 Required LevelNiveau requis : 60 Profession : Bard Id: (1936) Blue Violin [1] Blue Violin which has destructive power. DEX +5, VIT +5. Premium: Long Range Atk +20% SP consumption -10% Type : instrument Attack : 200 Weight : 150 Weapon Level : 3 Required Level : 100 Jobs : Minstrel Type Id: (1936) Blue Violin [1] Violon bleu avec des pouvoirs destructeurs. DEX +5, VIT +5. Premium: Long Range Atk +20% SP consumption -10% Type : instrument Puissance : 200 Poids : 150 Niveau Arme : 3 Niveau requis : 100 Profession : Minstrel Id: (1936) Blue Violin [1] Blaue Violine mit zerstörerischer Kraft. DEX +5, VIT +5. Premium: Fernkampf ATK + 20% SP Verbrauch - 10% Type : instrument Angriff : 200 Gewicht : 150 Waffenlevel : 3 Benötigter Level : 100 Jobs : Minstrel Id: (1936) Blue Violin [1] Blue Violin which has destructive power. DEX +5, VIT +5. Premium: Long Range Atk +20% SP consumption -10% Type : instrument Attack : 200 Weight : 150 Weapon Level : 3 Required Level : 100 Jobs : Minstrel Type Id: (1986) Un fouet fabriqué par le groupe Eden. Il convient à ceux expérimentés en tant que danseurs. Type : Whip AttackPuissance : 125 Poids : 0 Weapon Level: 3 Required LevelNiveau requis : 60 Jobs: Dancer Id: (1991) Blue Whip [1] Blue Whip which has destructive power. DEX +5, VIT +5. Premium: Long Range Atk +20% SP consumption -10% Type : Whip Attack : 200 Weight : 150 Weapon Level : 3 Required Level : 100 Jobs : Wanderer Type Id: (1991) Blue Whip [1] Fouet bleu avec des pouvoirs destructeurs. DEX +5, VIT +5. Premium: Long Range Atk +20% SP consumption -10% Type : Whip Puissance : 200 Poids : 150 Niveau Arme : 3 Niveau requis : 100 Profession : Wanderer Id: (1991) Blue Whip [1] Blaue Peitsche mit zerstörerischer Kraft. DEX +5, VIT +5. Premium: Fernkampf ATK + 20% SP Verbrauch - 10% Type : Whip Angriff : 200 Gewicht : 150 Waffenlevel : 3 Benötigter Level : 100 Jobs : Wanderer Id: (1991) Blue Whip [1] Blue Whip which has destructive power. DEX +5, VIT +5. Premium: Long Range Atk +20% SP consumption -10% Type : Whip Attack : 200 Weight : 150 Weapon Level : 3 Required Level : 100 Jobs : Wanderer Type Id: (2007) Golden Rod Staff [2] Un bâton magique renfermant le pouvoir tourbillonnant du vent. Augmente l'effet du tonnerre de Jupiter de 12 %. INT + 3, MATK + 230. Lorsque tu es équipé de l'ensemble des objets du Caducée d'or (le bâton, la robe, les chaussures et l'orbe), l'efficacité de tous les sorts de vent est augmentée de 40 %, l'efficacité de tous les sorts de terre est réduite de 30 % et la résistance aux attaques de terre est réduite de 50 %. Type : Two-handed Staff AttackPuissance : 30 Poids : 90 Property : Wind Weapon LevelNiveau Arme : 4 Required LevelNiveau requis : 100 Profession : Warlock Id: (2008) Aqua Staff [2] Un bâton magique renfermant le pouvoir glaçant de l'eau. Augmente l'efficacité de l'éclair de givre et du plongeur de glace de 10 %. INT + 3, MATK + 230. Lorsque tu es équipé de l'ensemble des objets Aqua (le bâton, la robe, les chaussures et l'orbe), l'efficacité de tous les sorts d'eau est augmentée de 40 %, l'efficacité de tous les sorts de vent est réduite de 30 % et la résistance aux attaques de vent est réduite de 50 %. Type : Two-handed Staff AttackPuissance : 30 Poids : 90 Property : Water Weapon LevelNiveau Arme : 4 Required LevelNiveau requis : 100 Profession : Warlock Id: (2009) Crimson Staff [2] Un bâton magique renfermant le pouvoir destructeur du feu. Augmente l'efficacité de l'éclair de feu et de la boule de feu de 10 %. INT + 3, MATK + 230. Lorsque tu es équipé de l'ensemble des objets Écarlates (le bâton, la robe, les chaussures et l'orbe), l'efficacité de tous les sorts de feu est augmentée de 40 %, l'efficacité de tous les sorts d'eau est réduite de 30 % et la résistance aux attaques d'eau est réduite de 50 %. Type : Two-handed Staff AttackPuissance : 30 Poids : 90 Property : Fire Weapon LevelNiveau Arme : 4 Required LevelNiveau requis : 100 Profession : Warlock Id: (2010) Forest Staff [2] Un bâton magique renfermant la puissance de la terre. Augmente l'efficacité du pic de terre et de la volonté divine de 10 %. INT + 3, MATK + 230. Lorsque tu es équipé de l'ensemble des objets Forêt (le bâton, la robe, les chaussures et l'orbe), l'efficacité de tous les sorts de terre est augmentée de 40 %, l'efficacité de tous les sorts de feu est réduite de 30 % et la résistance aux attaques de feu est réduite de 50 %. Type : Two-handed Staff AttackPuissance : 30 Poids : 90 Property : Earth Weapon LevelNiveau Arme : 4 Required LevelNiveau requis : 100 Profession : Warlock Id: (2011) Empowered Golden Rod Staff [1] A magic staff charged with massive power of wind. Increase Jupitel Thunder damage by 30%. INT + 5, MATK + 270. If worn with Golden Robe, Golden Shoes, and Golden Orb Increase Wind Magic damage by 60%. Lower Earth Magic damage by 60% and resistance to Earth by 50%. Type : Two-handed Staff AttackPuissance : 30 Poids : 90 Element : Wind Weapon LevelNiveau Arme : 4 Required LevelNiveau requis : 130 Profession : Warlock Id: (2012) Empowered Aqua Staff [1] A magic staff charged with freezing power of water. Increases the effectiveness of Cold Bolt and Frost Diver by 30%. INT + 5, MATK + 270. When you equip a whole set of Aqua items - the staff, the robe, the shoes, and the orb, the effectiveness of all the water spells is increased by 60%, the effectiveness of all the wind spells is decreased by 60%, and resistance to wind attacks is decreased by 50%. Type : Two-handed Staff AttackPuissance : 30 Poids : 90 Element : Water Weapon LevelNiveau Arme : 4 Required LevelNiveau requis : 130 Profession : Warlock Id: (2013) Empowered Crimson Staff [1] A magic staff charged with blazing power of fire. Increases the effectiveness of Fire Bolt and Fire Ball by 30%. INT + 5, MATK + 270. When you equip a whole set of Crimson items - the staff, the robe, the shoes, and the orb, the effectiveness of all the fire spells is increased by 60%, the effectiveness of all the water spells is decreased by 60%, and resistance to water attacks is decreased by 50%. Type : Two-handed Staff AttackPuissance : 30 Poids : 90 Element : Fire Weapon LevelNiveau Arme : 4 Required LevelNiveau requis : 130 Profession : Warlock Id: (2014) Empowered Forest Staff [1] A magic staff charged with massive power of earth. Increases the effectiveness of Earth Spike and Heaven's Drive by 30%. INT + 5, MATK + 270. When you equip a whole set of Forest items - the staff, the robe, the shoes, and the orb, the effectiveness of all the earth spells is increased by 60%, the effectiveness of all the fire spells is decreased by 60%, and resistance to fire attacks is decreased by 50%. Type : Two-handed Staff AttackPuissance : 30 Poids : 90 Element : Earth Weapon LevelNiveau Arme : 4 Required LevelNiveau requis : 130 Profession : Warlock Id: (2156) Bible of Promise(1st Vol.) [1] Un vieux livre de chansons sacrées distribué dans la cathédrale. On dit qu'il se vendait comme des petits pains et qu'il faisait partie d'une série. Permet à l'utilisateur de faire appel au pouvoir d'Odin de niveau 1. Type : Shield Défense : 10 Poids : 50 Required LevelNiveau requis : 110 Profession : Archbishop Id: (2190) Ancient Shield Of Aeon [1] A shield made in honor of the fallen warrior of Asgard. MHP + 500, MSP + 50 Increases resistance from all properties by 10% If refined to 14 and above, enables use of Stone Curse Level 5 Type : Shield Défense : 5 Poids : 20 Required LevelNiveau requis : 130 Profession : 3rd Job Classes Only Id: (2467) Golden Rod Shoes [1] Un paire de longues bottes en or imprégnées du pouvoir du vent. MDEF + 2, MHP + 500, améliore la résistance aux attaques de vent de 15 %. Type : Shoes Défense : 12 Poids : 50 Required LevelNiveau requis : 100 Profession : Warlock Id: (2468) Aqua Shoes [1] Une paire de longues bottes bleu mer imprégnées du pouvoir de l'eau. MDEF + 2, MHP + 500, améliore la résistance aux attaques d'eau de 15 %. Type : Shoes Défense : 12 Poids : 50 Required LevelNiveau requis : 100 Profession : Warlock Id: (2469) Crimson Shoes [1] Une paire de longues bottes rouges imprégnées du pouvoir du feu. MDEF + 2, MHP + 500, améliore la résistance aux attaques de feu de 15 %. Type : Shoes Défense : 12 Poids : 50 Required LevelNiveau requis : 100 Profession : Warlock Id: (2470) Forest Shoes [1] Une paire de longues bottes turquoises imprégnées du pouvoir de la terre. MDEF + 2, MHP + 500, améliore la résistance aux attaques de terre de 15 %. Type : Shoes Défense : 12 Poids : 50 Required LevelNiveau requis : 100 Profession : Warlock Id: (2471) Shoes Of Affection Decreases tolerance to all races by 10% Increases tolerance to Demihumans by 10% MaxHP +500 Type : Shoes Défense : 12 Poids : 30 Required LevelNiveau requis : 100 Profession : Archbishop Id: (2472) Shoes Of Judgement Decreases tolerance to all races by 10% Increases tolerance to Demon and Undead by 10% MaxSP +150 Type : Shoes Défense : 12 Poids : 30 Required LevelNiveau requis : 100 Profession : Archbishop Id: (2473) Des bottes fournies uniquement aux membres du groupe Eden. Elles sont particulièrement confortables pour les longues marches. Récupération HP +28% Récupération SP +12 % Ne peut pas être amélioré. Type : Footwear Défense : 20 Poids : 0 Required LevelNiveau requis : 60 Profession : Toutes Id: (2475) Ur's Greaves [1] Greaves made by purifying an Ur Rune. MaxSP + 40. Reduces MaxHP by 7%. Refine rate reduces the MaxHP reduction by 1% for each level up to +8. Type : Shoes Défense : 32 Poids : 90 Required LevelNiveau requis : 100 Profession : Rune Knight Id: (2476) Peuz's Greaves [1] Greates made by purifying a Peuz Rune. MaxSP + 40. Reduces AGI by 7. Refine rate reduces the AGI reduction by 1% for each level up to +8. Type : Shoes Défense : 32 Poids : 90 Required LevelNiveau requis : 100 Profession : Rune Knight Id: (2477) Sapha Shoes [1] Shoes that have long been known to be from the world of darkness. LUK + 3, MSP + 30. Type : Shoes Défense : 18 Poids : 40 Required LevelNiveau requis : 100 Profession : Guillotine Cross Id: (2478) Nab Shoes [1] An assassin's famous historical relic. FLEE + 3, INT + 2. Type : Shoes Défense : 18 Poids : 40 Required LevelNiveau requis : 100 Profession : Guillotine Cross Id: (2479) White Wing Boots [1] Shoes of the brilliant archer guild known as Icarus. AGI + 2. Reduces the SP cost of Aimed Bolt by 10. Type : Shoes Défense : 18 Poids : 40 Required LevelNiveau requis : 100 Profession : Ranger Id: (2480) Black Wing Boots [1] An ancient artifact that helps maintain clear mental focus. INT + 2, MSP + 5%. Type : Shoes Défense : 18 Poids : 40 Required LevelNiveau requis : 100 Profession : Ranger Id: (2560) Paradise Team Manteau Un manteau réservé uniquement aux membres de la Paradise Team. Il te donnera un super look. Tolérance de 10 % aux propriétés "None". Non améliorable. Classe d'arme : Vêtement Déf : 14 Poids : 0 Niveau requis : 12 Profession : Tous les jobs Id: (2568) Loki's Muffler Cet objet ne peut pas être échangé entre différents comptes. Une écharpe rouge usée par les années. AGI + 1. Améliore l'efficacité de la compétence impact croisé de 5 %. Ne peut pas être amélioré. Type : Outerwear Défense : 10 Poids : 40 Required LevelNiveau requis : 100 Profession : Toutes Id: (2569) Shawl Of Affection Perfect Dodge +5 Has a chance of casting Renovatio Level 1 while being physically or magically attacked. Type : Manteau Défense : 12 Poids : 30 Required LevelNiveau requis : 100 Profession : Archbishop Id: (2570) Shawl Of Judgement Flee +5 Has a chance of casting Oratio Level 2 while being physically or magically attacked If a higher level of this skill is learned then that level will activate. Type : Manteau Défense : 12 Poids : 30 Required LevelNiveau requis : 100 Profession : Archbishop Id: (2571) Un manteau destiné uniquement aux membres du groupe Eden. Il met particulièrement en valeur le dos de celui qui le porte. Augmente la tolérance aux propriétés neutres de 10%. FLEE +12 Ne peut pas être amélioré. Type : Garment Défense : 18 Poids : 0 Required LevelNiveau requis : 60 Profession : Toutes Id: (2574) Ur's Manteau A manteau created by Ur Runestones MHP + 2%, Increases tolerance to Neutral property attacks by 10%. Type : Garment Défense : 20 Poids : 60 Required LevelNiveau requis : 100 Profession : Rune Knight Id: (2575) Peuz's Manteau A manteau created by refining Peuz Runestones FLEE + 10, CRI + 10. Type : Garment Défense : 16 Poids : 60 Required LevelNiveau requis : 100 Profession : Rune Knight Id: (2577) Sapha Hood A manteau that contains the reliquery remains of an ancient Assassin FLEE + 12, Increases CRI by 1% per refine level. Type : Garment Défense : 13 Poids : 10 Required LevelNiveau requis : 100 Profession : Guillotine Cross Id: (2578) Nab Hood An ancient relic that belonged to an unknown Assassin Increases Flee and Attack Power per refine level times 2 Type : Garment Défense : 13 Poids : 10 Required LevelNiveau requis : 100 Profession : Guillotine Cross Id: (2580) White Wing Manteau A manteau from an archer guild known as Icarus AGI + 2, FLEE + 10, Has a chance of activating FLEE +20 for 7 seconds while physically attacking. Type : Garment Défense : 15 Poids : 20 Required LevelNiveau requis : 100 Profession : Ranger Id: (2581) Black Wing Manteau A cloak that helps maintain clear mental focus. INT + 2. Adds perfect dodge +1 for every refine level above level 6. Type : Garment Défense : 15 Poids : 20 Required LevelNiveau requis : 100 Profession : Ranger Id: (2833) Objet de location Un anneau incroyable donné uniquement aux membres de l'Ordre d'Odin. Tous les états +1. Capacité d'utiliser la nouvelle compétence "Odin's Recall". Classe d'objet : Accessoire Défense : 0 Poids : 0 Niveau requis : 1 Profession : Tous les jobs Id: (2858) Pendant Of Guardian Cet objet ne peut pas être échangé entre différents comptes. Un pendentif pourvu d'ailes noires possédant un étrange pouvoir. Permet à l'utilisateur d'utiliser la compétence [appel du gardien]. Type : Accessory Défense : 0 Poids : 0 Required LevelNiveau requis : 70 Profession : Toutes Id: (2859) Golden Rod Orb [1] Une boule de cristal dorée imprégnée du pouvoir du vent. INT + 1, MDEF + 2. Améliore la résistance aux attaques de vent de 15 %. Peut lancer un tonnerre de Jupiter de niveau 3 lorsque tu es touché par des attaques physiques/magiques. Type : Accessory Défense : 2 Poids : 20 Required LevelNiveau requis : 100 Profession : Warlock Id: (2860) Aqua Orb [1] Une boule de cristal bleu mer imprégnée du pouvoir de l'eau. INT + 1, MDEF + 2. Améliore la résistance aux attaques d'eau de 15 %. Peut lancer une nova de glace de niveau 3 lorsque tu es touché par des attaques physiques/magiques. Type : Accessory Défense : 2 Poids : 20 Required LevelNiveau requis : 100 Profession : Warlock Id: (2861) Crimson Orb [1] Une boule de cristal écarlate imprégnée du pouvoir du feu. INT + 1, MDEF + 2. Améliore la résistance aux attaques de feu de 15 %. Peut lancer une étoile de feu de niveau 3 lorsque tu es touché par des attaques physiques/magiques. Type : Accessory Défense : 2 Poids : 20 Required LevelNiveau requis : 100 Profession : Warlock Id: (2862) Forest Orb [1] Une boule de cristal verte imprégnée du pouvoir de la terre. INT + 1, MDEF + 2. Améliore la résistance aux attaques de terre de 15 %. Peut lancer un bourbier de niveau 3 lorsque tu es touché par des attaques physiques/magiques. Type : Accessory Défense : 2 Poids : 20 Required LevelNiveau requis : 100 Profession : Warlock Id: (2864) Light Of Cure Cet objet ne peut pas être échangé entre différents comptes. Une ancienne bague en or à l'éclat intact composée de plusieurs anneaux emmêlés. Une rumeur voudrait qu'elle soit la relique d'un saint. VIT + 2, améliore l'efficacité des compétences de soin de 2%. Permet à l'utilisateur d'enchanter des objets avec des effets liés au soin de sainteté. Type : Accessory Défense : 0 Poids : 0 Required LevelNiveau requis : 110 Profession : Archbishop Id: (2865) Seal Of Cathedral Cet objet ne peut pas être échangé entre différents comptes. Une épaisse bague sertie d'une pierre mauve et donnée à un prêtre novice. INT + 2, améliore l'efficacité des compétences de soin de 2 %. Permet à l'utilisateur d'enchanter des objets avec des effets liés au soin du Coluseo. Type : Accessory Défense : 0 Poids : 0 Required LevelNiveau requis : 110 Profession : Archbishop Id: (2866) Ring Of Archbishop Cet objet ne peut pas être échangé entre différents comptes. Une bague sertie d'une mystérieuse pierre translucide. La rumeur voudrait qu'elle soit une relique d'un chef religieux. DEX + 2, améliore l'efficacité des compétences de soin de 2 %. Permet à l'utilisateur d'enchanter des objets avec des effets liés aux compétences de soin. Type : Accessory Défense : 0 Poids : 0 Required LevelNiveau requis : 110 Profession : Archbishop Id: (2872) G Honor Certificate Certificat garantissant d'être membre des cat gamers. Il a le pouvoir d'enregistrer le match. Classe : accessory Défense : 0 Poids : 0 Lv requis : 0 JobsProfession : Toutes Id: (2873) Cat Hand Glove [1] Un souvenir pour Malangdo, il vous rend heureux une fois équippé. VIT + 1, AGI + 1, DEX + 1, LUK + 1. Classe : accessory Défense : 5 Poids : 10 Lv requis : 1 JobsProfession : Toutes Id: (2881) Orlean's Necklace [1] Un pendentif qui s'accorde parfaitement avec les autres équipements de la gamme "Orlean". DEX +2, MATK +2%, Si équippé avec Orlean's Glove: MATK +2%, Si équippé avec Robe of Orlean: -15% de temps de cast Si équippé avec Orlean's Plate: MATK augmente à chaque forge de l'Orlean's Plate Slot : Accessory Poids : 10 Profession : Tous Id: (2883) Ur's Seal [1] A seal created by refining an Ur Runestone MHP + 2%, Reduces the SP cost of Spiral Pierce and Hundred Spears by 5. Type : Accessory Défense : 4 Poids : 20 Required LevelNiveau requis : 100 Profession : Rune Knight Id: (2884) Peuz's Seal [1] A seal created by refining a Peuz Runestone ATK + 20, MSP + 20. Type : Accessory Défense : 3 Poids : 20 Required LevelNiveau requis : 100 Profession : Rune Knight Id: (2886) Sapha Ring A ring that has long been known to be from the world of darkness. Type : Accessory Défense : 0 Poids : 10 Required LevelNiveau requis : 100 Profession : Guillotine Cross Id: (2887) Nab Ring An assassin's famous historical relic ATK + 10, MATK + 20. Type : Accessory Défense : 0 Poids : 10 Required LevelNiveau requis : 100 Profession : Guillotine Cross Id: (2890) White Wing Brooch An accessory that belonged to the DEX + 2, Ranged Attack Damage +3% Type : Accessory Défense : 0 Poids : 10 Required LevelNiveau requis : 100 Profession : Ranger Id: (2891) Black wing Brooch Black wings to help maintain clear mental focus. INT + 2, Perfect Dodge +3. Type : Accessory Défense : 0 Poids : 10 Required LevelNiveau requis : 100 Profession : Ranger Id: (4025) Skeleton Card ATK +10 Met en statut 'Stun" l'ennemi pendant l'attaque (2% de chance de réussite). Type : Card Emplacement : Weapon Poids : 1 Id: (5189) Autumn Leaves Looks like leaves falling in autumn. You feel something like a brisk autumn breeze when you use it. This Item cannot be traded with other accounts. Maximum HP + 40 Maximum SP + 40 Class : Head Gear Defense : 0 Slot : Upper Weight : 10 Jobs : All Id: (5189) Autumn Leaves On dirait des feuilles tombées en Automne. Vous percevez une légère brise d'Automne autour de vous quand vous le portez. Cet objet ne peut pas être échangé. Maximum HP + 40 Maximum SP + 40 Type : Head Gear Défense : 0 Position : Haut Poids : 10 Profession : Toutes Id: (5189) Autumn Leaves Sieht wie fallende Blätter im Herbst aus. Man fühlt so etwas wie eine frische Herbstbrise, wenn man es verwendet. Maximum HP + 40 Maximum SP + 40 Dieser Gegenstand kann nicht an andere Accounts gehandelt werden Typ: Head Gear Verteidigung: 0 Slot: Upper Gewicht: 10 Job: Alle Id: (5189) Autumn Leaves Looks like leaves falling in autumn. You feel something like a brisk autumn breeze when you use it. This Item cannot be traded with other accounts. Maximum HP + 40 Maximum SP + 40 Class : Head Gear Defense : 0 Slot : Upper Weight : 10 Jobs : All Id: (5469) Ce chapeau te donnera l'aspect d'un vrai chef, "Un pour tous, et tous pour un !" STR +2. Probabilité de lancement de sort automatique Adrenaline Rush au niveau 1 quand tu attaques physiquement. Classe : Chapeau/casque Déf : 2 Emplacement : Haut Poids : 30 Niveau requis : 30 Profession : Tous les jobs Id: (5489) Love Daddy Hat Un chapeau jaune portant un logo "Love Daddy". Il est porté en Thailande pour honorer le roi. DEX + 2. Type : Head Gear Défense : 0 Position : Haut Poids : 10 Profession : Toutes Id: (5497) King Tiger Doll Hat [1] Un chapeau qui ressemble à un tigre portant un sakkat et tenant des cigarettes. Il fait partie d'une croyance 'très ancienne'. STR + 2, DEX + 2. Augmente de 10% les dégâts contre les montres de type Brute. Quand tu subis ou effectue des attaques physiques, l'objet est comme possédé par le roi tigre 'Edgar'. Activation temporaire de Power of Savage contre une perte de 5 SP par seconde. le pourcentage de transformation et de Power of Beast augemente avec le niveau de forge. Type : Headgear Défense : 6 Position : Haut Poids : 40 Required LevelNiveau requis : 1 Profession : Toutes sauf Novice Id: (5792) Fish Pin Une broche en forme de poisson. Elle est très jolie mais ses pouvoirs semblent faibles. Réduit les dégâts causés par des monstres poissons de 1 %. Type : Headgear Défense : 3 Location: Haut Poids : 10 Required LevelNiveau requis : 1 Profession : Toutes Id: (6228) Guarantee Weapon9Up Id: (6232) Guarantee Armor9Up Id: (6254) Beef Head De la viande bien grillée. On la surnomme "viande compressée". Poids : 1 Id: (6266) Key Of Deception Une clé surnommée "Deception". On ne sait pas ce qu'elle peut ouvrir. Poids : 0 Id: (6267) Key Of Illusion Une clé surnommée "Illusion". On ne sait pas ce qu'elle peut ouvrir. Poids : 0 Id: (6268) Key Of Gaiety Une clé surnommée "Pleasure". On ne sait pas ce qu'elle peut ouvrir. Poids : 0 Id: (6270) A Picture Of Song, A Minstrel Une photo de Minstrel Song prise devant la Thanatos Tower. Au dos, il est écrit "Je veux un Teddy Bear. Pour 33 ea ?" Poids : 0 Id: (6271) Receipt Une facture provenant d'une boutique à Yuno. Elle porte la signature de "Minstrel Song". Poids : 0 Id: (7434) Elemental Potion Creation Guide Un livre avec l'accroche , "Même un Poring peut créer des Potions Elementales avec ce livre!" inscrite sur la couverture. La méthode de création des Potions Elementales est détaillée à l'intérieur. Auteur : Pisrik Quve. Coldproof Potion 3 Hearts of Mermaid 1 Blue Gemstone Thunderproof Potion 3 Powders of Butterfly 1 Blue Gemstone Earthproof Potion 2 Large Jellopies 1 Yellow Gemstone Fireproof Potion 2 Frills 1 Red Gemstone Poids : 1 Id: (7514) Monster Ticket Un certificat donné aux participants de Course de Monstre pour leur permettre de suivre le monstre pendant les paris. Peut être seulement utilisé sur la carte "Monster Race Arena" à Hugel. _ Id: (7795) Mami's Photo Album L'album photo de Mami, qui contient de nombreuses images de mami qui étaient habituellement envoyées aux Relations Publique à Morroc. Sur la couverture, il est écrit "L'Amour et un coeur pur font partie d'Angel Mami, juste pour vous!" _ Poids : 1 Id: (7797) Author's Memo "Arme antique - Motivation inconnue. Retraite - La lettre du disciple de la dame. Belle-mère - Karma d'une précédente vie? " _ Poids : 1 Id: (11520) Mora Mandarin Un fruit sauvage rafraîchissant que l'on trouve occasionnellement dans les environs de Bilfrost. Redonne environ 50 SP. Poids : 2 Required LevelNiveau requis : 100 Id: (11521) Pinguicula Berry Juice Une boisson élaborée en mélangeant du jus de baies de Pinguicula avec une boisson gazeuse. Son goût est étonnament bon. Redonne environ 400 HP et SP. Poids : 5 Required LevelNiveau requis : 100 Id: (11522) Red Raffle Sap Une sève rouge disposant d'incroyables pouvoirs de guérison. Ne demande pas d'où elle provient. Redonne environ 400 HP. Poids : 10 Required LevelNiveau requis : 100 Cooldown Time : 1 Second Id: (11523) Yellow Raffle Sap Une sève jaune disposant d'incroyables pouvoirs de guérison. Ne demande pas d'où elle provient. Redonne environ 600 HP. Poids : 12 Required LevelNiveau requis : 110 Cooldown Time : 2 Seconds Id: (11524) White Raffle Sap Une sève blanche disposant d'incroyables pouvoirs de guérison. Ne demande pas d'où elle provient. Redonne environ 800 HP. Poids : 12 Required LevelNiveau requis : 120 Cooldown Time : 3 Seconds Id: (11525) Mora Hip Tea Du thé élaboré en infusant des plantes séchées que l'on trouve difficilement dans le village de Mora. Redonne environ 1500 HP. Poids : 15 Required LevelNiveau requis : 120 Cooldown Time : 5 Seconds Id: (11526) Rafflecino Une boisson fraîche élaborée en mélangeant des baies de Pingui avec du sirop et de la glace. Redonne environ 120 SP. Poids : 10 Required LevelNiveau requis : 120 Id: (12574) Mora Berry Un fruit rouge à l'odeur intense. On dit qu'après avoir goûté ce fruit, il est impossible de l'oublier. Redonne environ 50 SP. Augmente ta résistance contre les monstres venus de Bilfrost. Poids : 2 Required LevelNiveau requis : 120 Id: (12575) Elf's Arrow Quiver Un carquois contenant 500 flèches d'elfes. Poids : 25 Required LevelNiveau requis : 100 Id: (12739) Snow Flower Id: (12739) Snow Flower Id: (13066) Une dague très utile forgée par le groupe Eden. Elle convient à ceux ayant une bonne expérience dans le maniement des dagues. Matk +80 Ne peut pas être améliorée. Type : Dagger AttackPuissance : 165 Poids : 0 Weapon LevelNiveau Arme : 3 Required LevelNiveau requis : 60 Profession : Novice / Swordman / Mage / Archer / Merchant / Thief / Soul Linker / Ninja Id: (13097) Blue Dagger [1] Blue Dagger which has destructive power. STR +5, INT +5. Premium: Attack +20% ASPD +3 Type : Dagger Attack : 180 Weight : 100 Weapon Level : 3 Required Level : 100 Jobs : Shadow Chaser Type Id: (13097) Blue Dagger [1] Dague bleue avec des pouvoirs destructeurs. STR +5, INT +5. Premium: Attack +20% ASPD +3 Type : Dagger Puissance : 180 Poids : 100 Niveau Arme : 3 Niveau requis : 100 Profession : Shadow Chaser Id: (13097) Blue Dagger [1] Blauer Dolch mit zerstörerischer Kraft. STR +5, INT +5. Premium: ATK +20% ASPD +3 Type : Dagger Angriff : 180 Gewicht : 100 Waffenlevel : 3 Benötigter Level : 100 Jobs : Shadow Chaser Id: (13097) Blue Dagger [1] Blue Dagger which has destructive power. STR +5, INT +5. Premium: Attack +20% ASPD +3 Type : Dagger Attack : 180 Weight : 100 Weapon Level : 3 Required Level : 100 Jobs : Shadow Chaser Type Id: (13098) Blue Ashura [1] Blue Asura which has destructive power. MATK + 150. Premium: Matk+ 20% Reduce 10% Cast Time Type : Dagger Attack : 150 Weight : 100 Weapon Level : 3 Required Level : 100 Jobs : Ninja Type Id: (13098) Blue Ashura [1] Asura bleu avec des pouvoirs destructeurs. MATK + 150. Premium: Matk+ 20% Reduce 10% Cast Time Type : Dagger Puissance : 150 Poids : 100 Niveau Arme : 3 Niveau requis : 100 Profession : Ninja Id: (13098) Blue Ashura [1] Blauea Asura mit zerstörerischer Kraft. MATK + 150. Premium: Matk+ 20% Reduziert Castzeit um 10%. Type : Dagger Angriff : 150 Gewicht : 100 Waffenlevel : 3 Benötigter Level : 100 Jobs : Ninja Id: (13098) Blue Ashura [1] Blue Asura which has destructive power. MATK + 150. Premium: Matk+ 20% Reduce 10% Cast Time Type : Dagger Attack : 150 Weight : 100 Weapon Level : 3 Required Level : 100 Jobs : Ninja Type Id: (13099) Blue Knife [1] Blue Knife which has destructive power. VIT +5, INT +5. Premium: MATK+ 20% Reduce after cast delay by 10% Type : Dagger Attack : 180 Weight : 50 Weapon Level : 3 Required Level : 100 Jobs : Sorcerer Type Id: (13099) Blue Knife [1] Couteau bleu avec des pouvoirs destructeurs. VIT +5, INT +5. Premium: MATK+ 20% Reduce after cast delay by 10% Type : Dagger Puissance : 180 Poids : 50 Niveau Arme : 3 Niveau requis : 100 Profession : Sorcerer Id: (13099) Blue Knife [1] Blaues Messer mit zerstörerischer Kraft. VIT +5, INT +5. Premium: MATK+ 20% Reduziert Cast-Delay um 10% Type : Dagger Angriff : 180 Gewicht : 50 Waffenlevel : 3 Benötigter Level : 100 Jobs : Sorcerer Id: (13099) Blue Knife [1] Blue Knife which has destructive power. VIT +5, INT +5. Premium: MATK+ 20% Reduce after cast delay by 10% Type : Dagger Attack : 180 Weight : 50 Weapon Level : 3 Required Level : 100 Jobs : Sorcerer Type Id: (13114) Un révolver fabriqué par le groupe Eden. Il convient particulièrement à ceux ayant une bonne expérience dans le maniement des pistolets. Coup -5. Ne peut pas être amélioré. Type : Pistol AttackPuissance : 76 Poids : 0 Weapon LevelNiveau Arme : 3 Required LevelNiveau requis : 60 Profession : Gunslinger Id: (13310) Un shuriken huuma forgé par le groupe Eden. Adapté uniquement aux ninjas confirmés. Type : Huuma AttackPuissance : 150 Poids : 0 Weapon Level: 3 Required LevelNiveau requis : 60 Profession :Ninja Id: (13434) Une épée à une main forgée par le groupe Eden. Elle convient aux épéistes confirmés. Ne peut pas être améliorée. Type : Sword AttackPuissance : 185 Poids : 0 Weapon LevelNiveau Arme : 3 Required LevelNiveau requis : 60 Profession : Swordman / Merchant / Thief Class Id: (13449) Gladius Daemonicus [2] An infernal sword from hell. Only true demons are able control it's full power. People say that a Prince from Hell used this weapon for his army. Increase attack speed.(Decrease the aftercast delay 10%). With 9 refine level, when attacking physically ASPD + 3 for 5 sec by a certain chance. Type : Sword AttackPuissance : 130 Poids : 120 Weapon LV : 4 Required LV : 80 JobsProfession : Swordman, Thief, Merchant Id: (13451) Blue Sword [1] Blue Sword which has destructive power. STR +5, AGI +5. Premium Atk +20% ASPD +3 Type : Sword Attack : 200 Weight : 120 Weapon Level : 3 Required Level : 100 Jobs : Rune Knight Type Id: (13451) Blue Sword [1] Epée bleue avec des pouvoirs destructeurs. STR +5, AGI +5. Premium Atk +20% ASPD +3 Type : Sword Puissance : 200 Poids : 120 Niveau Arme : 3 Niveau requis : 100 Profession : Rune Knight Id: (13451) Blue Sword [1] Blaues Schwert mit zerstörerischer Kraft. STR +5, AGI +5. Premium Atk +20% ASPD +3 Type : Sword Angriff : 200 Gewicht : 120 Waffenlevel : 3 Benötigter Level : 100 Jobs : Rune Knight Id: (13451) Blue Sword [1] Blue Sword which has destructive power. STR +5, AGI +5. Premium Atk +20% ASPD +3 Type : Sword Attack : 200 Weight : 120 Weapon Level : 3 Required Level : 100 Jobs : Rune Knight Type Id: (13634) 1Hour Package Vol 1 Une boite sur laquelle on peut lire "A vous qui désirez un effet détonant pendant 1 heure!" Elle contient 2 Battle Manual, 2 items STR et AGI, 15 Agi Up Scroll, 15 Blessing Scroll, 1 Kafra Card et 1 Token Of Siegfried. _ Poids : 1 Id: (13635) 1Hour Package Vol 2 Une boite sur laquelle on peut lire "A vous qui désirez un effet détonant pendant 1 heure!" Elle contient 2 Battle Manual, 2 items STR et VIT, 15 Agi Up Scroll, 15 Blessing Scroll, 1 Kafra Card et 1 Token Of Siegfried. _ Poids : 1 Id: (13636) 1Hour Package Vol 3 Une boite sur laquelle on peut lire "A vous qui désirez un effet détonant pendant 1 heure!" Elle contient 2 Battle Manual, 2 items INT et DEX, 15 Agi Up Scroll, 15 Blessing Scroll, 1 Kafra Card et 1 Token Of Siegfried. _ Poids : 1 Id: (13637) 1Hour Package Vol 4 Une boite sur laquelle on peut lire "A vous qui désirez un effet détonant pendant 1 heure!" Elle contient 2 Battle Manual, 2 items INT et VIT, 15 Agi Up Scroll, 15 Blessing Scroll, 1 Kafra Card et 1 Token Of Siegfried. _ Poids : 1 Id: (13638) 1Hour Package Vol 5 Une boite sur laquelle on peut lire "A vous qui désirez un effet détonant pendant 1 heure!" Elle contient 2 Battle Manual, 2 items STR et INT, 15 Agi Up Scroll, 15 Blessing Scroll, 1 Kafra Card et 1 Token Of Siegfried. _ Poids : 1 Id: (13639) 1Hour Package Vol 6 Une boite sur laquelle on peut lire "A vous qui désirez un effet détonant pendant 1 heure!" Elle contient 2 Battle Manual, 2 items STR et AGI, 24 Adrenaline Scroll, 20 Aspersio Scroll, 20 Holy Water, 1 Kafra Card et 1 Token Of Siegfried. _ Poids : 1 Id: (13640) 2Hour Package Vol 1 Une boite sur laquelle on peut lire "A vous qui désirez un effet détonant pendant 2 heures!" Elle contient 4 Battle Manual, 4 items STR et AGI, 30 Agi Up Scroll, 30 Blessing Scroll, 2 Kafra Card et 2 Token Of Siegfried. _ Poids : 1 Id: (13641) 2Hour Package Vol 2 Une boite sur laquelle on peut lire "A vous qui désirez un effet détonant pendant 2 heures!" Elle contient 4 Battle Manual, 4 items STR et VIT, 30 Agi Up Scroll, 30 Blessing Scroll, 2 Kafra Card et 2 Token Of Siegfried. _ Poids : 1 Id: (13642) 2Hour Package Vol 3 Une boite sur laquelle on peut lire "A vous qui désirez un effet détonant pendant 2 heures!" Elle contient 4 Battle Manual, 4 items INT et DEX, 30 Agi Up Scroll, 30 Blessing Scroll, 2 Kafra Card et 2 Token Of Siegfried. _ Poids : 1 Id: (13643) 2Hour Package Vol 4 Une boite sur laquelle on peut lire "A vous qui désirez un effet détonant pendant 2 heures!" Elle contient 4 Battle Manual, 4 items INT et VIT, 30 Agi Up Scroll, 30 Blessing Scroll, 2 Kafra Card et 2 Token Of Siegfried. _ Poids : 1 Id: (13644) 2Hour Package Vol 5 Une boite sur laquelle on peut lire "A vous qui désirez un effet détonant pendant 2 heures!" Elle contient 4 Battle Manual, 4 items STR et VIT, 30 Agi Up Scroll, 30 Blessing Scroll, 2 Kafra Card et 2 Token Of Siegfried. _ Poids : 1 Id: (13645) 2Hour Package Vol 6 Une boite sur laquelle on peut lire "A vous qui désirez un effet détonant pendant 2 heures!" Elle contient 4 Battle Manual, 4 items STR et AGI, 48 Adrenaline Scroll, 40 Aspersio Scroll, 20 Holy Water, 2 Kafra Card et 2 Token Of Siegfried. _ Poids : 1 Id: (13721) Une boîte contenant 10 parchemins sur lesquels se trouvent des coordonnées de donjons. Tu seras téléporté à l'endroit sélectionné en utilisant le parchemin. Tu peux faire ta sélection parmi les lieux suivants : "Nogg Road", "Mjolnir Dead Pit", "Umbala Dungeon", "Einbroch Mine Dungeon", "Payon Dungeon", "Toy Dungeon", "Glast Heim Underprison", "Louyang Dungeon", "Hermit's Checkers", "Izlude Dungeon", "Turtle Island Dungeon", "Clock Tower B3f", "Clock Tower 3f", "Glast Heim Culvert 2f", "Sphinx Dungeon 4f", "Inside Pyramid 4f", "Prontera Culvert 3f", "Amatsu Dungeon 1f (Tatami Maze)", "Somatology Laboratory 1st floor" ou "Ayothya Ancient Shrine 2nd floor". Attention - Après l'avoir utilisé, si tu ne choisis pas ta destination en 1 minute, le parchemin devient inutile. _ Poids : 1 Id: (13804) Une boîte contenant 10 pétards "I LOVE YOU !". _ La phrase "I LOVE YOU !" apparaît quand le pétard éclate. _ Poids : 1 Id: (13805) Une boîte contenant 10 pétards "HAPPY WHITEDAY !". _ La phrase "HAPPY WHITEDAY !" apparaît quand le pétard éclate. _ Poids : 1 Id: (13806) Une boîte contenant 10 pétards "'HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY !". _ La phrase "HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY !" apparaît quand le pétard éclate. _ Poids : 1 Id: (13807) Une boîte contenant 10 pétards "HAPPY BIRTHDAY !". _ La phrase "HAPPY BIRTHDAY !" apparaît quand le pétard éclate. _ Poids : 1 Id: (13808) Une boîte contenant 10 pétards "MERRY CHRISTMAS !". _ La phrase "MERRY CHRISTMAS !" apparaît quand le pétard éclate. _ Poids : 1 Id: (13849) Contient 5 parchemins décrivant l'histoire légendaire de Rune-Midgard. Permet de se téléporter à "Prontera", "Geffen", "Payon", "Morroc", "Aldebaran" ou "Alberta". Attention - Après l'avoir utilisé, si tu ne choisis aucune destination, le parchemin n'aura aucun effet. Cet objet ne peut être vendu. _ Poids : 1 Id: (13850) Contient 10 parchemins décrivant l'histoire légendaire de Rune-Midgard. Permet de se téléporter à "Prontera", "Geffen", "Payon", "Morroc", "Aldebaran" ou "Alberta". Attention - Après l'avoir utilisé, si tu ne choisis aucune destination, le parchemin n'aura aucun effet. Cet objet n'est pas remboursable. _ Poids : 1 Id: (13851) Contient 5 parchemins décrivant l'histoire légendaire de la République Schwarzwald. Permet de se téléporter à "Juno", "Lightharlzen", "Einbroch" ou "Hugel". Attention - Après l'avoir utilisé, si tu ne choisis aucune destination, le parchemin n'aura aucun effet. Cet objet n'est pas remboursable. _ Poids : 1 Id: (13852) Contient 10 parchemins décrivant l'histoire légendaire de la République Schwarzwald. Permet de se téléporter à "Juno", "Lightharlzen", "Einbroch" ou "Hugel". Attention - Après l'avoir utilisé, si tu ne choisis aucune destination, le parchemin n'aura aucun effet. Cet objet n'est pas remboursable. _ Poids : 1 Id: (13853) Contient 5 parchemins décrivant l'histoire légendaire de Rachel. Permet de se téléporter à "Veins" ou "Rachel". Attention - Après l'avoir utilisé, si tu ne choisis aucune destination, le parchemin n'aura aucun effet. Cet objet n'est pas remboursable. _ Poids : 1 Id: (13854) Contient 10 parchemins décrivant l'histoire légendaire de Rachel. Permet de se téléporter à "Veins" ou "Rachel". Attention - Après l'avoir utilisé, si tu ne choisis aucune destination, le parchemin n'aura aucun effet. Cet objet n'est pas remboursable. _ Poids : 1 Id: (13855) Contient 5 parchemins décrivant l'histoire de certains villages. Permet de se téléporter à "Ayotaya", "Amatsu", "Louyang" ou "Gonryun". Attention - Après l'avoir utilisé, si tu ne choisis aucune destination, le parchemin n'aura aucun effet. Cet objet n'est pas remboursable. _ Poids : 1 Id: (13856) Contient 10 parchemins décrivant l'histoire de certains villages. Permet de se téléporter à "Ayotaya", "Amatsu", "Louyang" ou "Gonryun". Attention - Après l'avoir utilisé, si tu ne choisis aucune destination, le parchemin n'aura aucun effet. Attention - Après l'avoir utilisé, si tu ne choisis aucune destination, le parchemin n'aura aucun effet. Cet objet n'est pas remboursable. _ Poids : 1 Id: (14394) Une boîte contenant 1 joli Santa Hat. _ Un chapeau de Père Noël avec deux tresses à l'arrière. Il te protégera du froid. LUK +3. Confère 20 % de tolérance contre l'état Curse. Augmente la vitesse d'attaque de 2 % et diminue le temps de lancement de sort de 2 %. Probabilité d'apparition des objets (drop) "Piece of Cake, Candy, Candy Cane" en chassant les monstres. Faible probabilité de gagner CRI +50 pendant 10 secondes quand tu reçois une attaque physique. Classe d'objet : Chapeau/casque Défense : 2 Emplacement : Haut Poids : 20 Niveau requis : 20 Profession : Tous les jobs Cet objet n'est pas remboursable. Poids : 1 Id: (14527) Dungeon Teleport Scroll Un parchemin sur lequel se trouvent de nombreuses coordonnées de donjons. Tu peux accéder à l'endroit de ton choix en déchirant complètement le parchemin. Fais ton choix parmi : "Nogg Road", "Mjolnir Dead Pit", "Umbala Dungeon", "Einbroch Mine Dungeon", "Payon Dungeon", "Toy Dungeon", "Glast Heim Underprison", "Louyang Dungeon", "Hermit's Checkers", "Izlude Dungeon", "Turtle Island Dungeon", "Clock Tower B3f", "Clock Tower 3f", "Glast Heim Culvert 2f", "Sphinx Dungeon 4f", "Inside Pyramid 4f", "Prontera Culvert 3f", "Amatsu Dungeon 1f (Tatami Maze)", "Somatology Laboratory 1st floor" et "Ayothya Ancient Shrine 2nd floor". Attention - Après l'avoir utilisé, si tu ne choisis pas ta destination en 1 minute, le parchemin devient inutile. _ Poids : 0 Id: (14582) Un parchemin décrivant l'histoire légendaire de Rune-Midgard. Permet de se téléporter à "Prontera", "Geffen", "Payon", "Morroc", "Aldebaran" ou "Alberta". Attention - Après l'avoir utilisé, si tu ne choisis aucune destination, le parchemin n'aura aucun effet. _ Poids : 1 Id: (14583) Un parchemin décrivant l'histoire légendaire de la République Schwarzwald. Permet de se téléporter à "Juno", "Lightharlzen", "Einbroch" ou "Hugel". Attention - Après l'avoir utilisé, si tu ne choisis aucune destination, le parchemin n'aura aucun effet. _ Poids : 1 Id: (14584) Un parchemin décrivant l'histoire légendaire de Rachel. Permet de se téléporter à "Veins" ou "Rachel". Attention - Après l'avoir utilisé, si tu ne choisis aucune destination, le parchemin n'aura aucun effet. _ Poids : 1 Id: (14585) Un parchemin décrivant l'histoire de certains villages locaux. Permet de se téléporter à "Ayotaya", "Amatsu", "Louyang" ou "Gonryun". Attention - Après l'avoir utilisé, si tu ne choisis aucune destination, le parchemin n'aura aucun effet. _ Poids : 1 Id: (15024) Army Padding Une veste portée sous un pardessus. Les habitants du village de Mora l'appellent rembourrage militaire. Type : Armor Défense : 10 Poids : 1 Required LevelNiveau requis : 1 Profession : Toutes Id: (15025) Golden Rod Robe Une robe brodée d'or imprégnée du pouvoir du vent. INT + 1, MDEF + 10. Réduit le temps variable de lancement du sort du Seigneur de Vermilion de 3 secondes, INT + 1 lorsque l'INT non-modifiée est de 120 ou plus. Type : Armor Défense : 40 Poids : 50 Property : Wind Required LevelNiveau requis : 100 Profession : Warlock Id: (15026) Aqua Robe Une élégante robe bleue imprégnée du pouvoir de l'eau. INT + 1, MDEF + 10. Réduit le temps variable de lancement du sort Rafales de 3 secondes, INT + 1 lorsque l'INT non-modifiée est de 120 ou plus. Type : Armor Défense : 40 Poids : 50 Property : Water Required LevelNiveau requis : 100 Profession : Warlock Id: (15027) Crimson Robe Une robe rouge élaborée imprégnée du pouvoir du feu. INT + 1, MDEF + 10. Réduit le temps variable de lancement du sort tempête de météores de 3 secondes, INT + 1 lorsque l'INT non-modifiée est de 120 ou plus. Type : Armor Défense : 40 Poids : 50 Property : Fire Required LevelNiveau requis : 100 Profession : Warlock Id: (15028) Forest Robe Une robe simple turquoise imprégnée du pouvoir de la terre. INT + 1, MDEF + 10. Réduit le temps variable de lancement du sort volonté divine de 1 seconde, INT + 1 lorsque l'INT non-modifiée est de 120 ou plus. Type : Armor Défense : 40 Poids : 50 Property : Earth Required LevelNiveau requis : 100 Profession : Warlock Id: (15029) Robe Of Affection Blesses the wearer with the Holy Property Decreases SP Consumption of Clementia by 50 Int +1, Mdef +10 Type : Garment Défense : 22 Poids : 30 Required LevelNiveau requis : 100 Profession : Archbishop Id: (15030) Robe Of Judgement Blesses the wearer with the Shadow Property Increases damage of Judex skill by 30% Decreases SP Consumption of Judex skill by 40 Str +1, Int +1, Mdef +10 Type : Garment Défense : 22 Poids : 30 Required LevelNiveau requis : 100 Profession : Archbishop Id: (15031) Une armure destinée uniquement aux membres du groupe Eden. Que les personnes de grande taille ne s'inquiètent pas, il existe différentes tailles. MaxHP +500, MaxSP +50, Mdef +5. Ne peut pas être améliorée. Type : Armor Défense : 70 Poids : 0 Required LevelNiveau requis : 60 Profession : Toutes Id: (15033) Une armure utilisée par l'instructeur du tutoriel du groupe Eden pour montrer à quoi ressemble les objets d'armure enchantés. Ne peut pas être portée ou vendue Type : Armor Défense : 37 Poids : 60 Required LevelNiveau requis : 1 Profession : None Id: (15034) Une armure utilisée par l'instructeur du tutoriel du groupe Eden pour montrer à quoi ressemble les objets d'armure enchantés. Ne peut pas être portée ou vendue Type : Armor Défense : 37 Poids : 60 Required LevelNiveau requis : 1 Profession : None Id: (15036) Ur's Plate Armor created by purifying Ur runestones. MDEF + 10. Increases MaxHP per refine level and tolerance to Demi-human and Neutral property damage by 5%. MaxHP +14%, Increases damage of Hundred Spears by 50%, enables Crusader skill Guard Level 1 Type : Armor Défense : 110 Poids : 300 Required LevelNiveau requis : 100 Profession : Rune Knight Id: (15037) Peuz's Plate Armor created by purifying Peuz runestones. MDEF + 10. ATK + 20, FLEE + 17. If worn with Ur Greaves, Shoes and accessory, Increases damage to all monster sizes by 10%. Increases damage of Wind Cutter and Sonic Wave by 100%. Has a chance of activating Spear Dynamo and adding 2 Aspd while physically attacking. Increases SP costs of skills by 10. Type : Armor Défense : 110 Poids : 300 Required LevelNiveau requis : 100 Profession : Rune Knight Id: (15038) Sapha's Cloth [1] Armor that contains the reliquery remains of an ancient Assassin. LUK + 3, Has a chance of auto-casting Meteor Assault level 1 while physically attacking. If higher level of this skill is learned then it will be cast. If worn with Greaves, shoes and accessory, Flee +10, Critical +15, Increases damage of Cross Impact by 20 Increases SP costs of skills by 10 Type : Armor Défense : 45 Poids : 10 Required LevelNiveau requis : 100 Profession : Guillotine Cross Id: (15039) Nab's Cloth [1] An assassin's famous historical relic. STR + 2, INT + 2. If worn with Greaves, shoes and accessory, Has a chance of auto-casting Soul Destroyer level 1 while physically attacking. If higher level of this skill is learned then it will be cast. If base STR is 120, +30 Atk. Increases damage to all monster sizes by 10% CRI - 20. Type : Armor Défense : 45 Poids : 10 Required LevelNiveau requis : 100 Profession : Guillotine Cross Id: (15041) Boitata Armor [1] Cette armure a été créée avec le pouvoir de la créature mythique, Boitata. FLEE + 5, MHP + 5%, MDEF + 3. Resistance à la propriété "NEUTRAL" augmentée de 7%. Type : Armor Défense : 5 Poids : 60 Niveau requis : 60 Profession : Toutes Id: (15043) Black Wing Suits [1] An ancient armor that helps maintain clear mental focus. INT + 2, Increases Atk by 3x refine level. If worn with greaves, shoes, and accessory, MaxHP +15%, Perfect Dodge +20, Increases damage of Cluster Bomb by 20% Decreases attack damage by 30% and, Aspd - 7. Type : Armor Défense : 45 Poids : 10 Required LevelNiveau requis : 100 Profession : Ranger Id: (16003) Carga Mace [2] Une masse lourde avec des lames, qui signifie "La Sonneuse" dans la langue de Safa. Classe d'arme : Masse Force d'attaque : 175 Poids : 150 Niveau de l'arme : 3 Niveau requis : 100 Profession : 3e Merchant/classe Acolyte Id: (16013) Mace Of Judgement [2] A mace that strikes like the Judges gavel in deciding the fate of evil. Physical and Magical Attacks have a chance to increase damage by 20% to Demon monsters for 7 seconds. MATK + 140, STR + 1, INT + 1. If worn with Judgement Golves, Shoes and Shawl, increase Damage against Undead by 15%. Increase damage of Adoramus by 200%, and increase SP cost of Adoramus by 30. Type : Mace AttackPuissance : 170 Poids : 120 Weapon LevelNiveau Arme : 4 Required LevelNiveau requis : 100 Profession : "Archbishop Id: (16014) Une masse forgée par le groupe Eden. Elle convient à ceux ayant une bonne expérience dans le maniement des masses. Ne peut pas être améliorée. Type : Mace AttackPuissance : 172 Poids : 0 Weapon LevelNiveau Arme : 3 Required LevelNiveau requis : 60 Profession : Swordman / Acolyte / Merchant Class Id: (16015) Cat Club [3] Un club en forme de patte de chat qui n'a pas l'air de faire mal. Augmente les dommages de 15% sur les ennemis de type animal. A une faible chance d'infliger "seduce" aux ennemis. Classe : Club Attaque : 88 Poids : 70 Lvl de l'arme : 1 Lvl requis : 1 Profession : Novice/SwordMan/Acolyte/Merchant Id: (16018) Empowered Mace Of Judgement [1] A mace that strikes like the Judges gavel in deciding the fate of evil. Physical and Magical Attacks have a chance to increase damage by 40% to Demon monsters for 7 seconds. MATK + 180, STR + 2, INT + 2. If worn with Judgement Golves, Shoes and Shawl, increase Damage against Undead by 30%. Increase damage of Adoramus by 200%, and increase SP cost of Adoramus by 30. Type : Mace AttackPuissance : 170 Poids : 120 Weapon LevelNiveau Arme : 4 Required LevelNiveau requis : 130 Profession : "Archbishop Id: (16036) Blue Mace [1] Blue Mace which has destructive power. VIT +5, INT +5. Premium: ATk+ 20% Reduce 10% Cast time Type : blunt Attack : 7190 Weight : 150 Weapon Level : 3 Required Level : 100 Jobs : Sura Type Id: (16036) Blue Mace [1] Mace bleue avec des pouvoirs destructeurs. VIT +5, INT +5. Premium: ATk+ 20% Reduce 10% Cast time Type : blunt Puissance : 7190 Poids : 150 Niveau Arme : 3 Niveau requis : 100 Profession : Sura Id: (16036) Blue Mace [1] Blaue Keule mit zerstörerischer Kraft. VIT +5, INT +5. Premium: ATk+ 20% Reduziert Castzeit um 10%. Type : Mace Angriff : 7190 Gewicht : 150 Waffenlevel : 3 Benötigter Level : 100 Jobs : Sura Id: (16036) Blue Mace [1] Blue Mace which has destructive power. VIT +5, INT +5. Premium: ATk+ 20% Reduce 10% Cast time Type : blunt Attack : 7190 Weight : 150 Weapon Level : 3 Required Level : 100 Jobs : Sura Type Id: (16378) Siege Teleport Scroll Gold 30Box Une boîte contenant 30 Siege Teleport Scroll Gold. Ce parchemin comprend de nombreux emplacements de châteaux. Déchire le parchemin pour te téléporter à l'emplacement sur la carte. "Neuschwanstein", "Hohenschwangau", "Nurnberg", "Wurzburg", "Rothenburg", "Repherion", "Eeyorbriggar", "Yesnelph", "Bergel", "Mersetzdeitz", "Bright Arbor", "Sacred Altar", "Holy Shadow", "Scarlet Palace", "Bamboo Grove Hill", "Kriemhild", "Swanhild", "Fadhgridh", "Skoegul" et "Gondul". Attention - Après avoir déchiré le parchemin, les effets de la téléportation ne fonctionneront pas si tu ne choisis pas de destination sur la carte en 1 minute. Poids : 1 Cet objet n'est pas remboursable. Poids : 1 Id: (16379) Siege Teleport Scroll Silver 10Box Une boîte contenant 10 Siege Teleport Scroll Silver, Ce parchemin comprend de nombreux emplacements de châteaux. Déchire le parchemin pour te téléporter à l'emplacement sur la carte. "Mardol", "Syr", "Horn", "Gepun", "Banadis", "Heemin", "Andlerangh", "Bidblind", "Hueluid" et "Schatirnil". Attention - Après avoir déchiré le parchemin, les effets de la téléportation ne fonctionneront pas si tu ne choisis pas de destination sur la carte en 1 minute. Poids : 1 Cet objet n'est pas remboursable. Poids : 1 Id: (16380) Siege Teleport Scroll Silver 30Box Une boîte contenant 30 Siege Teleport Scroll Silver. Ce parchemin comprend de nombreux emplacements de châteaux. Déchire le parchemin pour te téléporter à l'emplacement sur la carte. "Mardol", "Syr", "Horn", "Gepun", "Banadis", "Heemin", "Andlerangh", "Bidblind", "Hueluid" et "Schatirnil". Attention - Après avoir déchiré le parchemin, les effets de la téléportation ne fonctionneront pas si tu ne choisis pas de destination sur la carte en 1 minute. Poids : 1 Cet objet n'est pas remboursable. Poids : 1 Id: (16741) Hairtail Box1 Une box contenant le Cutlassfish (1 heure) rental item Poisson congelé CRI + 20, critical augmenté de 50% Quand vous attaquez, a une chance de provoquer freeze sur un ennemi. Si le level de base est au dessus de 100, ATK + 50 . Classe : Both HandsSword Attaque : 220 Poids : 0 Lv de l'arme : 1 Lv requis : 50 JobsProfession : Swordman Item non remboursable Poids : 1 Id: (16742) Hairtail Box2 Une box contenant le Cutlassfish (7 jours) rental item Poisson congelé CRI + 20, critical augmenté 50% Quand vous attaquez, a une chance de provoquer freeze sur un ennemi. Si le level de base est au dessus de 100, ATK + 50 . Classe : Both HandsSword Attaque : 220 Poids : 0 Lv de l'arme : 1 Lv requis : 50 JobsProfession : Swordman Item non remboursable Poids : 1 Id: (16743) Spearfish Box1 Une box contenant l'Espadon. (1 heure) rental item L'espadon est un poisson d'océan. Il est reconnu pour être déclicieux. quand vous utilisez pierce, spiral pierce, donne de grandes chances des critical. Et donne des petites chances de provoquer le status freeze. Spiral Pierce Attack augmenté de 100% , Inspiration Attack 50%. ( L'effet Inspiration disparaitra une fois équipé) Si le level de base est au dessus de 100 , ATK + 30 à rajouter. Classe : Both HandsSpear Attaque : 220 Poids : 0 Lv de l'arme : 1 Lv requis : 50 JobsProfession : Swordman Item non remboursable Poids : 1 Id: (16744) Spearfish Box2 Une box contenant l'Espadon. (7 jours) rental item L'espadon est un poisson d'océan. Il est reconnu pour être déclicieux. quand vous utilisez pierce, spiral pierce, donne de grandes chances des critical. Et donne des petites chances de provoquer le status freeze. Spiral Pierce Attack augmenté de 100% , Inspiration Attack 50%. ( L'effet Inspiration disparaitra une fois équipé) Si le level de base est au dessus de 100 , ATK + 30 à rajouter. Classe : Both HandsSpear Attaque : 220 Poids : 0 Lv de l'arme : 1 Lv requis : 50 JobsProfession : Swordman Item non remboursable Poids : 1 Id: (16745) Saurel Box1 Une box contenant un chinchard (1 heure) rental item Poisson super congelé MATK + 100. Quand vous attaquez au corps à corps, ATK + 30 for 7 sec Quand vous utilisez une attaque magique, MATK + 20 for 7 sec Si le level de base est au dessus de 100, ATK + 10, MATK + 10 Classe : Sword Attaque : 160 Poids : 0 Lv de l'arme : 1 Lv requis : 50 JobsProfession : Swordman/magician/archer/merchant/Thief/soul linker/ninja Item non remboursable Poids : 1 Id: (16746) Saurel Box2 Une box contenant un chinchard (7 jours) rental item Poisson super congelé MATK + 100. Quand vous attaquez au corps à corps, ATK + 30 for 7 sec Quand vous utilisez une attaque magique, MATK + 20 for 7 sec Si le level de base est au dessus de 100, ATK + 10, MATK + 10 Classe : Sword Attaque : 160 Poids : 0 Lv de l'arme : 1 Lv requis : 50 JobsProfession : Swordman/magician/archer/merchant/Thief/soul linker/ninja Item non remboursable Poids : 1 Id: (16747) Tuna Box1 Une box contenant un butterfish (1 heure) rental item Poisson super congelé A une chance de lancer automatiquement stun ou bash Lv 5.(Si votre Lv est au dessus de 5, le sort sera lancé au niveau de votre LV actuel) A une faible chance de lancer freeze Si le level de base est au dessus de 100 , ATK + 20. Classe : blunt Attaque : 180 Poids : 0 Lv de l'arme : 1 Lv requis : 50 JobsProfession : Swordman/acolyte/merchant Item non remboursable Poids : 1 Id: (16748) Tuna Box2 Une box contenant un butterfish (7 jours) rental item Poisson super congelé A une chance de lancer automatiquement stun ou bash Lv 5.(Si vous possédez Bash > Lvl 5, le sort sera lancé au niveau de son LVl actuel) A une faible chance de lancer freeze Si le level de base est au dessus de 100 , ATK + 20. Classe : blunt Attaque : 180 Poids : 0 Lv de l'arme : 1 Lv requis : 50 JobsProfession : Swordman/acolyte/merchant Item non remboursable Poids : 1 Id: (16749) Malang Crab Box1 Une box contenant un snow crab provenant de malang (1 heure) rental item Habituellement, il vit dans le sable et la boue LUK + 3, critical augmenté de 50%. Si le level de base est au dessus de 100, distance des attaques physiques augmenté de 20% Classe : bow Attaque : 120 Poids : 0 Lv de l'arme : 1 Lv requis : 50 JobsProfession : archer/Thief/Rogue Item non remboursable Poids : 1 Id: (16750) Malang Crab Box2 Une box contenant un snow crab provenant de malang (7 jours) rental item Habituellement, il vit dans le sable et la boue LUK + 3, critical augmenté de 50%. Si le level de base est au dessus de 100, distance des attaques physiques augmenté de 20% Classe : bow Attaque : 120 Poids : 0 Lv de l'arme : 1 Lv requis : 50 JobsProfession : archer/Thief/Rogue Item non remboursable Poids : 1 Id: (16751) Spotty Eel Box1 Une box contenant 1 anguille tachetée. (1 heure) Rental item Une anguille tachetée qui apparait sur les plages de Malangdo. C'est toujours élastique, et essaie de ressembler à une ligne. C'est pourquoi on peut l'utiliser comme flèche. AGI + 3, probabilité d'ajouter +2 pendant 5 secondes à l'ASPD lors d'une attaque à distance. Si le level de base est au dessus de 100, l'attaque à distance augmente de 20%. Classe : Arrow Attaque : 180 Poids : 0 Lvl de l'arme : 1 Lvl requis : 50 JobsProfession : Hunter/Bard/Dancer Item non remboursable Poids : 1 Id: (16752) Spotty Eel Box2 Une box contenant 1 anguille tachetée. (7 jours) Rental item Une anguille tachetée qui apparait sur les plages de Malangdo. C'est toujours élastique, et essaie de ressembler à une ligne. C'est pourquoi on peut l'utiliser comme flèche. AGI + 3, probabilité d'ajouter +2 pendant 5 secondes à l'ASPD lors d'une attaque à distance. Si le level de base est au dessus de 100, l'attaque à distance augmente de 20%. Classe : Arrow Attaque : 180 Poids : 0 Lvl de l'arme : 1 Lvl requis : 50 JobsProfession : Hunter/Bard/Dancer Item non remboursable Poids : 1 Id: (17267) Costume Collection Was sich wohl hinter dieser Rolle verbirgt? Öffne es, um es herauszufinden. Kann nicht an andere Accounts gehandelt werden. Gewicht : 1 Id: (17448) Toybox Scroll Was sich wohl hinter dieser Rolle verbirgt? Öffne es, um es herauszufinden. Kann nicht an andere Accounts gehandelt werden. Gewicht : 1 Id: (17461) Frozen Scroll Was sich wohl hinter dieser Rolle verbirgt? Öffne es, um es herauszufinden. Kann nicht an andere Accounts gehandelt werden. Gewicht : 1 Id: (18106) Un arc richement décoré fabriqué par le groupe Eden. Il convient aux aventuriers expérimentés qui savent manier l'arc. Ne peut pas être amélioré. Type : Bow AttackPuissance : 140 Poids : 0 Weapon LevelNiveau Arme : 3 Required LevelNiveau requis : 60 Profession : Archer Class / Thief / Rogue Id: (18107) Malang Snow Crab rental item Une sorte de crabe vivant dans le sable ou la boue LUK + 3, critical augmenté de 50%. Si le level de base est au dessus de 100, distance des attaques physiques augmenté de 20% Classe : bow Attaque : 120 Poids : 0 Lv de l'arme : 1 Lv requis : 50 JobsProfession : archer/Thief/Rogue Id: (18108) Brindle Eel rental item Une anguille venant des plages de Malangdo AGI + 3, s'il y a attaque physique à distance: ASPD + 2 for 5 sec Si le level de base est au dessus de 100, distance des attaques physiques augmenté de 20% Classe : bow Attaque : 180 Poids : 0 Lv de l'arme : 1 Lv requis : 50 JobsProfession : Hunter/Bard/Dancer Id: (18125) Arcus Daemonicus [2] An infernal bow from hell. Only true demons are able control it's full power. People say that a Prince from Hell used this weapon for his army. Increase attack damage +50% when equipped with shadow arrows. With more than 9 refine level, ASPD + 1, decrease SP consumption 20% when using skills. Type : Bow AttackPuissance : 130 Poids : 100 Weapon LV : 4 Required LV : 80 JobsProfession : Archer, Rogue Id: (18126) Blue Bow [1] Blue Bow which has destructive power. AGI +5, DEX +5. Premium Long Range Attack +20% ASPD+3 Type : Bow Attack : 170 Weight : 120 Weapon Level : 3 Required Level : 100 Jobs : Ranger class Id: (18126) Blue Bow [1] Arc bleu avec des pouvoirs destructeurs. AGI +5, DEX +5. Premium Long Range Attack +20% ASPD+3 Type : Bow Puissance : 170 Poids : 120 Niveau Arme : 3 Niveau requis : 100 Profession : Ranger class Id: (18126) Blue Bow [1] Blauer Bogen mit zerstörerischer Kraft. AGI +5, DEX +5. Premium Fernkampf ATK +20% ASPD+3 Type : Bow Angriff : 170 Gewicht : 120 Waffenlevel : 3 Benötigter Level : 100 Jobs : Ranger Id: (18126) Blue Bow [1] Blue Bow which has destructive power. AGI +5, DEX +5. Premium Long Range Attack +20% ASPD+3 Type : Bow Attack : 170 Weight : 120 Weapon Level : 3 Required Level : 100 Jobs : Ranger class Id: (18514) Un chapeau destiné uniquement aux membres du groupe Eden. Il accompagne particulièrement bien les costumes. Peut ajouter 10 Atk ou 10 puissance Matk pendant 5 secondes lorsque tu infliges un dégât physique ou magique. Type : Headgear Défense : 5 Position : Haut Poids : 0 Required LevelNiveau requis : 60 Profession : Toutes Id: (18536) Foxtail Un item avec un style nomade MATK + 10, tous les casts fixes réduits de 0.1sec Classe : Headgear Défence : 0 Lieu: ÇÏ´Ü Poids : 10 Lv requis : 1 JobsProfession : All Jobs Id: (18537) Malangdo Hat [1] Un hat souvenir de Malangdo FLEE + 6 Classe : Headgear Défence : 5 lieu: Upper Poids : 10 Lv requis : 1 JobsProfession : All Jobs Id: (18832) Rolf Von Gigue the666th A celebration hat for the sworn of 666th Gigue family grand master. Certain chance of activating 2 LV Adrenalin Rush skill when performing physical attacks. 2 LV Adrenalin Rush skill activation chance goes up when playing with Cute pet, Baphomet junior. Extra 2 LV Adrenalin Rush skill activation chance goes up when friendly rate is "best friend". Type : Helm Def : 0 Position : Haut Poids : 30 Niveau requis : 1 Profession : Toutes Id: (18856) W King Tiger Doll Hat Un chapeau en forme de tigre avec un shakkat sur la tête et une pipe dans la bouche. En Corée, les tigres qui fument rappellent les temps passés, comme dans, "Il était une fois quand les tigres fumaient..." STR + 2, DEX + 2. Inflige 10% de dégâts en plus sur les monstres de type Animal. Vous transforme en Eddga, le roi des tigres, quand vous attaquez physiquement ou que vous recevez des dégâts physiques. Pendant la transformation, 5 SP sont consommés en échange de votre pouvoir bestial temporaire. La chance de transformation augmente avec le taux de forge. Type : Headgear Défense : 10 Position : Haut Poids : 0 Profession : Toutes Id: (18885) Jejecap A colorful headgear for JeJemon. It created a massive trend locally during 2010-2011 era. INT + 3, STR + 2 Increase resistance against human type monsters by 11% Increase the healing effect of Mastela Fruit by 70% Type : Headgear Défense : 8 Position : Haut Poids : 10 Required LevelNiveau requis : 70 Profession : Toutes Id: (18887) Aqua Bunny Band [1] A hairband that attracts individuals. You can wear it when you want to look sexy. Sexiness increases by 100% VIT + 3, MDEF + 5, MATK + 2% If refined to 9, MDEF + 5 and MATK 4% If refined to 12, reduce fix casting time by 10% Type : Headgear Défense : 2 Position : Haut Poids : 10 Required LevelNiveau requis : 1 Profession : Toutes Id: (18888) Maroon Bunny Band [1] A hairband that attracts individuals. You can wear it when you want to look sexy. Sexiness increases by 100% INT +5 LUK + 5 ATK +2% MATK + 5% If refined to 9, increase ATK and MATK by 4% If refined to 12, reduce fix casting time by 10% Type : Headgear Défense : 2 Position : Haut Poids : 10 Required LevelNiveau requis : 1 Profession : Toutes Id: (18889) Golden Bunny Band [1] A hairband that attracts individuals. You can wear it when you want to look sexy. Sexiness increases by 100% AGI + 5, LUK + 5, ATK + 5% If refined to 9, increase ATK and MATK by 5% If refined to 12, reduce fix casting time by 10% Type : Headgear Défense : 2 Position : Haut Poids : 10 Required LevelNiveau requis : 1 Profession : Toutes Id: (18890) Gray Bunny Band [1] A hairband that attracts individuals. You can wear it when you want to look sexy. Sexiness increases by 100% INT + 5, LUK + 5, ATK + 2%, MATK + 5% If refined to 9, ATK and MATK increase 4%. If refined to 12, decrease stat casting time 10% Type : Headgear Défense : 2 Position : Haut Poids : 0 Required LevelNiveau requis : 1 Profession : Toutes Id: (18891) Husky Hat [1] A hat made to look like a husky's face. Makes you want to pet it. ATK + 5%, MATK +5% When physically attacked, adds 1% chance to cast Wind Walk Level 5 For every refine, increases chance to cast Wind Walk by 0.3% Winner of pRO's Headgear-making contest 2012 Created by Cyber Pikachu of pRO Valkyrie Server Type : Headgear Défense : 5 Position : Haut Poids : 50 Required LevelNiveau requis : 70 Profession : Toutes Id: (18892) Ufo Poring Hat [1] Je viens en paix! Menez-moi à votre chef! Poring!!! MDEF, CRIT, FLEE, HIT et Perfect Dodge +5 Si forgé à +7, le temps d'incantation est reduit de 5%. Si forgé à +9, le délai après incantation (aftercast delay) est réduit de 5% et l'ASPD est augmentée de 5%. Gagnant du concours de création de Headgear 2012 Créé par Frans du server New Loki sur pRO Type : Headgear Défense : 5 Position : Haut Poids : 100 Required LevelNiveau requis : 10 Job : Toutes Id: (18893) Dragon Claw Helm [1] I feel the power of a flame dragon flowing inside me! Increase resistance against Dragon and Demi-human by 8% Increases healing effect of Meat by 200% if refined to 12, increase MHP + 7%, MSP + 3% Winner of pRO's Headgear-making contest 2012 Created by bladetip of pRO Valkyrie Server Type : Headgear Défense : 5 Position : Haut Poids : 100 Required LevelNiveau requis : 10 Profession : Toutes Id: (18894) Rainbow Star "Walk on a rainbow trail; walk on a trail of song, and all about you will be beauty. There is a way out of every dark mist, over a rainbow trail. - Robert Motherwell" Reduces damage from Demi-human by 5% Concept by Clarissa Morgenstern of pRO New Chaos Server Type : Headgear Défense : 5 Position : Mid Poids : 50 Required LevelNiveau requis : 70 Profession : Toutes Id: (18895) Celestial Dark Flame "Come Fairies, take me out of this dull world, for I would ride with you upon the wind and dance upon the mountains like a flame! - William Butler Yeats" Increases resistance from Fire Property by 8% Concept by Chorvaqueen of pRO Valhalla Server Type : Headgear Défense : 5 Position : Mid Poids : 20 Required LevelNiveau requis : 50 Profession : Toutes Id: (18896) Pterios Fins "No one ever approaches perfection except by stealth, and unknown to themselves. - William Hazzlit" Increases resistance from Fire Property by 8% Concept by -*[FS]Evaine*- of pRO Valkyrie Server Type : Headgear Défense : 5 Position : Mid Poids : 20 Required LevelNiveau requis : 50 Profession : Toutes Id: (18897) Azure Diadem "Humans are like teabags. We don't know our true strength until we are in hot water! - Eleanor Roosevelt" Increases resistance from Water Property by 8% Concept by -*[FS]Evaine*- of pRO Valkyrie Server Id: (18901) Seppl Hat [1] Un chapeau traditionnel qui est souvent porté lors des fêtes folkloriques. VIT+ 3, augmente la récupération de HP 10 % S'il est porté en même temps que l'item "Weißwurst", la récupération de SP est augmenté de 10%. Classe : Helmet Défense : 5 Position : Haut Poids : 50 Niveau Requis : 60 Profession : Tous Id: (19600) Drooping Kiehl Eine Puppe von Kiehl, die unglücklich aussieht. Wenn man sie trägt, könnte man depressiv werden. Gegenstandsart : Costume Verteidigung : 0 LocaPosition: Oben Gewicht : 40 Req Lvl. Benötigtes Level: 30 Job : Alle Jobs Id: (19652) Costume Rabbit MagiCostume Hat Dieser Hut wurde von einem berühmten Magier getragen. Es sind schon Hasen herausgehüpft und man weiß nicht, was noch heraushüpfen könnte. Gegenstandsart : Costume Verteidigung : 1 LocaPosition : Oben Gewicht : 80 Req Lvl. Benötigtes Level: 1 Job : Alle Jobs Id: (19653) Costume Marcher Hat Dieser Hut verleiht heilige Macht und lässt eine himmlische Melodie hören. Mit dier himmlischen macht beschützen die Engel vor feindlichen Angriffen. Kann nicht an andere Accounts gehandelt werden. Gegenstandsart : Costume Verteidigung : 0 LocaPosition : Oben Gewicht : 0 Req Lvl. Benötigtes Level: 1 Job : Alle Jobs Id: (19654) Costume J Captain Hat Diese alte Kapitänsmütze lässt einen denken: 'Das weiße Horn ist nur ein teil des Hutes...' Gegenstandsart : Costume Verteidigung : 0 LocaPosition : Oben Gewicht : 0 Req Lvl. Benötigtes Level: 1 Job : Alle Jobs Id: (19656) Costume Minstrel Hat Eine großer und nützlicher Hut, der viel Schatten spendet. Er wurde von einem berühmten Minstrel getragen. Gegenstandsart : Costume LocaPosition : Oben Gewicht : 0 Req Lvl. Benötigtes Level: 1 Job : Alle Jobs Id: (19657) Costume Captain Hat Eine würdevolle Kapitänsmütze in kräftigen Farben. Er wurde von einem berühmten Kapitän getragen. Gegenstandsart : Costume Verteidigung : 0 LocaPosition : Oben Gewicht : 0 Req Lvl. Benötigtes Level: 1 Job : Alle Jobs Id: (19658) Costume Vacation Hat Ein Hut, der gut zur Sommersaison passt. Er beschützt die Haut im Gesicht vor Sonnenbrand. Gegenstandsart : Costume Verteidigung : 0 LocaPosition : Oben Gewicht : 0 Req Lvl. Benötigtes Level: 1 Job : Alle Jobs Id: (19659) Costume Gray Fur Hat Ein wolliger Hut, der der den Köpf schön warm hält. Viele tragen ihn auch aus modischen Gründen. Gegenstandsart : Costume Verteidigung : 0 LocaPosition : Oben Gewicht : 0 Req Lvl. Benötigtes Level: 1 Job : Alle Jobs Id: (19660) Costume Coppola Marcos Liebingshut. Innen findet man einen Satz, der von Andrea geschrieben wurde 'Seine Erinnerungen an dich...' Gegenstandsart : Costume Verteidigung : 0 LocaPosition : Oben Gewicht : 0 Req Lvl. Benötigtes Level: 1 Job : Alle Jobs Id: (19718) C Gothic Head Dress C_Gothic_Head_Dress AEin Haarband im Gothic-Stil. Gegenstandsart : Costume Defense Verteidigung: 0 KopfpPosition : Oben Gewicht : 0 Benötigtes Lv. evel: 1 Job : Alle Id: (19811) C Beer Cap Boire une bière après une douche fait du bien !! Interdit aux mineurs Type : Costume Position : Haut Poids : 0 Niveau requis : 1 Profession : AllToutes Id: (19811) C Beer Cap Ein Bier nach einer Dusche zu trinken tut gut~!! Für Minderjährige verboten. Gegenstandsart : Costume LocaPosition : Oben Gewicht : 0 Required LVL Benötigtes Level: 1 Job : Alle Jobs Id: (19817) C Ifrit's Breath Une machine cracheuse de feu, flamboyante à jamais ATK+10, MATK+10 Augmente la résistance à l'altération d'état Frozen de 10% Peut lancer automatiquement Fire Breath lorsque vous attaquez. Type : Costume Position : Bas Poids : 0 Niveau requis : 1 Profession : AllToutes Id: (19817) C Ifrit's Breath Eine feuerspuckende Maschine. Sie hat unendlich Feuer. ATK+10, MATK+10 Erhöht den Widerstand gegen den Frozen Status um 10%. Kann automatisch 'Fire Breath' beim Angreifen auslösen. Gegenstandsart : Costume LocaPosition : Unten Gewicht : 0 Required LVL Benötigtes Level: 1 Job : Alle Jobs Id: (19951) Costume Solo Play Box2 Eine gelbe Papierschachtel mit Augenlöcher. Man kann damit sehr gut spielen. Gegenstandsart : Costume Equipment : 0 LocaPosition : Oben, Mitte, Unten Gewicht : 0 Req Lvl. Benötigtes Level: 1 Job : Alle Jobs Id: (19953) Costume Parade Cap Mit diesem Hut könnte man unbewusst eine Parade abhalten. Gegenstandsart : Costume Verteidigung : 0 LocaPosition : Oben Gewicht : 0 Req Lvl. Benötigtes Level: 1 Job : Alle Jobs Id: (19954) Costume 3D Glasses Eine seltsame Brille, durch die man in 3D sehen kann. Gegenstandsart : Costume Verteidigung : 0 LocaPosition : Mittedle Gewicht : 0 Req Lvl. Benötigtes Level: 1 Job : Alle Jobs Id: (19955) Costume Mini Tree J Ein kleiner Weihnachtsbaum auf dem Kopf. Gegenstandsart : Costume Verteidigung : 0 LocaPosition : Oben Gewicht : 0 Req Lvl. Benötigtes Level: 1 Job : Alle Jobs Id: (19956) Costume Soldier Hat Der Hut von Cruiser. Man bekommt plötzlich Lust zu marschieren. Gegenstandsart : Costume Verteidigung : 0 LocaPosition : Oben Gewicht : 0 Req Lvl. Benötigtes Level: 1 Job : Alle Jobs Id: (19957) Costume Scooter Hat J Eine sichere Kopfbedeckung zum Rollerfahren. Gegenstandsart : Costume Verteidigung : 0 LocaPosition : Oben Gewicht : 0 Req Lvl. Benötigtes Level: 1 Job : Alle Jobs Id: (19958) Costume Choir Hat Ein Hut, der vom Kirchenchor getragen wird. Gegenstandsart : Costume Verteidigung : 0 LocaPosition : Oben Gewicht : 0 Req Lvl. Benötigtes Level: 1 Job : Alle Jobs Id: (19959) Costume Drooping Argiope Argiope auf dem Kopf. Vorsicht, es könnte sich plötzlich wild bewegen. Gegenstandsart : Costume Verteidigung : 0 LocaPosition : Oben Gewicht : 0 Req Lvl. Benötigtes Level: 1 Job : Alle Jobs Id: (19960) Costume Chain Puppet Fäden, mit denen man Puppen kontrollieren kann. Man fühlt sich damit wie eine Puppe. Gegenstandsart : Costume Verteidigung : 0 LocaPosition : Oben Gewicht : 0 Req Lvl. Benötigtes Level: 1 Job : Alle Jobs Id: (19984) Costume Winter Hat Diese Kopfbedeckung ist im Winter sehr beliebt. Beim Tragen kommen schöne Erinnerungen an hoch. Gegenstandsart : Costume Verteidigung : 0 LocaPosition : Oben Gewicht : 0 Req Lvl. Benötigtes Level: 1 Job : Alle Jobs Id: (19985) Costume Aura Quartz Crown Eine Krone mit besonderen Kristallen geschmückt. Gegenstandsart : Costume Verteidigung : 0 LocaPosition : Oben Gewicht : 0 Req Lvl. Benötigtes Level: 1 Job : Alle Jobs Id: (19986) Costume LunatiCostume Hat Ein Hut der wie das flauschige Monster Lunatic aussieht. Gegenstandsart : Costume Verteidigung : 0 LocaPosition : Oben Gewicht : 0 Req Lvl. Benötigtes Level: 1 Job : Alle Jobs Id: (19987) Costume Blue Fur Hat Ein wolliger Hut, der der den Köpf schön warm hält. Viele tragen ihn auch aus modischen Gründen. Gegenstandsart : Costume Verteidigung : 0 LocaPosition : Oben Gewicht : 0 Req Lvl. Benötigtes Level: 1 Job : Alle Jobs Id: (19988) Costume Elder Crown Eine Krone, die aus Elder Branch gefertigt wurde. Gegenstandsart : Costume Verteidigung : 0 LocaPosition : Oben Gewicht : 0 Req Lvl. Benötigtes Level: 1 Job : Alle Jobs Id: (19989) Costume Mouton Life Ein Haarband aus Schaffell und Schafhörnern. Gegenstandsart : Costume Verteidigung : 0 LocaPosition : Mittedle Gewicht : 0 Req Lvl. Benötigtes Level: 1 Job : Alle Jobs Id: (19990) Costume Snow Rabbit Knit Hat Ein Hut, der nach dem Vorbild eines Schneehasen gefertigt wurde. Gegenstandsart : Costume Verteidigung : 0 LocaPosition : Oben Gewicht : 0 Req Lvl. Benötigtes Level: 1 Job : Alle Jobs Id: (19991) Costume Galanthus Guard Eine Rüstung, die aus reinen weißen Blüten hergestellt werude. Sie blühen vor dem Winter und man nennt sie die 'Boten des Frühlings'. Gegenstandsart : Costume Verteidigung : 0 LocaPosition : Oben Gewicht : 0 Req Lvl. Benötigtes Level: 1 Job : Alle Jobs Id: (28005) Blue Katar [1] Blue Katar which has destructive power. AGI +5, STR +5. Premium Atk+ 20% ASPD+3 Type : Katar Attack : 200 Weight : 120 Weapon Level : 3 Required Level : 100 Jobs : Guillotine Cross Type Id: (28005) Blue Katar [1] Katar bleu avec des pouvoirs destructeurs. AGI +5, STR +5. Premium Atk+ 20% ASPD+3 Type : Katar Puissance : 200 Poids : 120 Niveau Arme : 3 Niveau requis : 100 Profession : Guillotine Cross Id: (28005) Blue Katar [1] Blauer Katar mit zerstörerischer Kraft. AGI +5, STR +5. Premium Atk+ 20% ASPD+3 Type : Katar Angriff : 200 Gewicht : 120 Waffenlevel : 3 Benötigter Level : 100 Jobs : Guilontine Cross Id: (28005) Blue Katar [1] Blue Katar which has destructive power. AGI +5, STR +5. Premium Atk+ 20% ASPD+3 Type : Katar Attack : 200 Weight : 120 Weapon Level : 3 Required Level : 100 Jobs : Guillotine Cross Type Id: (28103) Blue Twohand Axe [1] Blue Axe which has destructive power. STR +5, VIT +5. Premium: Atk + 20% ASPD +3 Type : Twohand Axe Attack : 370 Weight : 300 Weapon Level : 3 Required Level : 1 Jobs : Mechanic Type Id: (28103) Blue Twohand Axe [1] Hache bleue avec des pouvoirs destructeurs. STR +5, VIT +5. Premium: Atk + 20% ASPD +3 Type : Twohand Axe Puissance : 370 Poids : 300 Niveau Arme : 3 Niveau requis : 1 Profession : Mechanic Id: (28103) Blue Twohand Axe [1] Blaue Axt mit zerstörerischer Kraft. STR +5, VIT +5. Premium: ATK + 20% ASPD +3 Type : Twohand Axe Angriff : 370 Gewicht : 300 Waffenlevel : 3 Benötigter Level : 1 Jobs : Mechanic Id: (28103) Blue Twohand Axe [1] Blue Axe which has destructive power. STR +5, VIT +5. Premium: Atk + 20% ASPD +3 Type : Twohand Axe Attack : 370 Weight : 300 Weapon Level : 3 Required Level : 1 Jobs : Mechanic Type Id: (28319) Cauda Daemonica [1] A cute tail that makes you look like a demon. Be careful of demons who lost their tails... they might haunt you in order to get yours! When equipped with Horn_Of_Ancient, decrease damage 10% when being attacked by boss monsters. When equipped with Horn_Of_Succubus, LUK +2. When attacking physically, transform into "Succubus" for 5 sec by a certain chance. While being a Succubus, SP 5 recovery per every hit when attacking enemies physically. Type : Accessory Defense : 0 Poids : 20 Required LV : 80 JobsProfession : all jobs Id: (28600) Blue Book [1] Blue Book which has destructive power. VIT +5, INT +5. Premium MATK+20% Reduce after cast Delay by 10% Type : Book MAttack : 200 Weight : 50 Weapon Level : 3 Required Level : 100 Jobs : Archbishop Type Id: (28600) Blue Book [1] Livre bleu avec des pouvoirs destructeurs. VIT +5, INT +5. Premium MATK+20% Reduce after cast Delay by 10% Type : Book MPuissance : 200 Poids : 50 Niveau Arme : 3 Niveau requis : 100 Profession : Archbishop Id: (28600) Blue Book [1] Blaues Buch mit zerstörerischer Kraft. VIT +5, INT +5. Premium MATK+20% Reduziert Cast-Delay um 10% Type : Book MAngriff : 200 Gewicht : 50 Waffenlevel : 3 Benötigter Level : 100 Jobs : Archbishop Id: (28600) Blue Book [1] Blue Book which has destructive power. VIT +5, INT +5. Premium MATK+20% Reduce after cast Delay by 10% Type : Book MAttack : 200 Weight : 50 Weapon Level : 3 Required Level : 100 Jobs : Archbishop Type Id: (32609) Bubble Sweet Gum Item Premium Un chewing-gun qui renferme en son coeur une sorte de liquide bleu très sucré. Il est écrit "Goût garanti pendant 4h". Booste l'expérience gagnée lorsque vous éliminez des monstres. Slot : Headgear Défense : 0 Position : Basse Poids : 0 Profession : Toutes Id: (32646) Waghnak [4] Griffe commune et puissante, connue sous le nom de "Tiger Fang". Type : Claw Puissance : 30 Poids : 40 Lv. Arme : 1 Niveau requis : N/A Profession : Priest/Monk Files Spoiler Alert: data\clientinfo.xml data\default\clientinfo.xml data\default\idnum2itemdesctable.txt data\default\idnum2itemdisplaynametable.txt data\default\idnum2itemresnametable.txt data\default\itemslotcounttable.txt data\default\num2itemdesctable.txt data\default\num2itemdisplaynametable.txt data\default\num2itemresnametable.txt data\default\questid2display.txt data\english\clientinfo.xml data\english\idnum2itemdesctable.txt data\english\idnum2itemdisplaynametable.txt data\english\idnum2itemresnametable.txt data\english\itemslotcounttable.txt data\english\num2itemdesctable.txt data\english\num2itemdisplaynametable.txt data\english\num2itemresnametable.txt data\english\questid2display.txt data\french\clientinfo.xml data\french\idnum2itemdesctable.txt data\french\idnum2itemdisplaynametable.txt data\french\idnum2itemresnametable.txt data\french\itemslotcounttable.txt data\french\num2itemdesctable.txt 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data\sprite\아이템\서늘한창.spr data\sprite\아이템\서늘한채찍.act data\sprite\아이템\서늘한채찍.spr data\sprite\아이템\서늘한책.act data\sprite\아이템\서늘한책.spr data\sprite\아이템\서늘한철퇴.act data\sprite\아이템\서늘한철퇴.spr data\sprite\아이템\서늘한카타르.act data\sprite\아이템\서늘한카타르.spr data\sprite\아이템\서늘한활.act data\sprite\아이템\서늘한활.spr data\sprite\아이템\수제초콜렛.act data\sprite\아이템\수제초콜렛.spr data\sprite\아이템\수제초콜렛_.act data\sprite\아이템\수제초콜렛_.spr data\sprite\아이템\유과.act data\sprite\아이템\유과.spr data\sprite\아이템\잘구운쿠키.act data\sprite\아이템\잘구운쿠키.spr data\sprite\아이템\조각케이크.act data\sprite\아이템\조각케이크.spr data\sprite\아이템\주머니.act data\sprite\아이템\주머니.spr data\sprite\아이템\주먹밥.act data\sprite\아이템\주먹밥.spr data\sprite\아이템\집중포션.act data\sprite\아이템\집중포션.spr data\sprite\아이템\초콜렛.act data\sprite\아이템\초콜렛.spr data\sprite\아이템\초콜렛드링크.act data\sprite\아이템\초콜렛드링크.spr data\sprite\아이템\크리스마스알.act data\sprite\아이템\크리스마스알.spr data\sprite\아이템\파란양갈래산타모자.act data\sprite\아이템\파란양갈래산타모자.spr data\sprite\아이템\파란포션.act data\sprite\아이템\파란포션.spr data\sprite\아이템\하얀포션.act data\sprite\아이템\하얀포션.spr data\sprite\아이템\화이트초콜렛.act data\sprite\아이템\화이트초콜렛.spr data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_미니트리.act data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_미니트리.spr data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_발광산타포링.act data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_발광산타포링.spr data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_산타모자.act data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_산타모자.spr data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_파란양갈래산타모자.act data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_파란양갈래산타모자.spr data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_미니트리.act data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_미니트리.spr data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_발광산타포링.act data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_발광산타포링.spr data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_산타모자.act data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_산타모자.spr data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_파란양갈래산타모자.act data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_파란양갈래산타모자.spr data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\rg빨간포션.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\thumbs.db data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\각성포션.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\눈의결정.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\다식.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\막대사탕.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\무지개떡.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\미니트리.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\발광산타포링.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\버서크포션.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\사탕.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\산타모자.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\서늘한검.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\서늘한나이프.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\서늘한대거.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\서늘한도끼.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\서늘한바이올린.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\서늘한아슈라.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\서늘한양날도끼.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\서늘한지팡이.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\서늘한창.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\서늘한채찍.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\서늘한책.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\서늘한철퇴.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\서늘한카타르.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\서늘한활.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\수제초콜렛.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\수제초콜렛_.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\유과.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\잘구운쿠키.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\조각케이크.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\주머니.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\주먹밥.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\집중포션.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\초콜렛.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\초콜렛드링크.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\크리스마스알.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\파란양갈래산타모자.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\파란포션.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\하얀포션.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\화이트초콜렛.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\rg빨간포션.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\각성포션.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\눈의결정.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\다식.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\막대사탕.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\무지개떡.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\미니트리.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\발광산타포링.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\버서크포션.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\사탕.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\산타모자.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\서늘한검.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\서늘한나이프.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\서늘한대거.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\서늘한도끼.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\서늘한바이올린.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\서늘한아슈라.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\서늘한양날도끼.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\서늘한지팡이.bmp 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  17. Added Quest Spoiler Alert: Id: 62789 Bounty Board Red Novus Info: Hunt 150 Red Novus monsters and return to the Bounty Board at Hugel Quickinfo: Id: 62790 Bounty Board Yellow Novus Info: Hunt 150 Yellow Novus monsters and return to the Bounty Board at Hugel Quickinfo: Id: 62791 Bounty Board Ancient Mimic Info: Hunt 150 Ancient Mimic monsters and return to the Bounty Board at Hugel Quickinfo: Id: 62792 Bounty Board Death Word Info: Hunt 150 Death Word monsters and return to the Bounty Board at Hugel Quickinfo: Id: 62793 Bounty Board Ferus Info: Hunt 150 Ferus monsters and return to the Bounty Board at Hugel Quickinfo: Id: 62794 Bounty Board Bewler Info: Hunt 150 Bewler monsters and return to the Bounty Board at Hugel Quickinfo: Id: 62795 Bounty Board Skogul Info: Hunt 150 Skogul monsters and return to the Bounty Board at Hugel Quickinfo: Id: 62796 Bounty Board Frus Info: Hunt 150 Frus monsters and return to the Bounty Board at Hugel Quickinfo: Id: 62797 Bounty Board Horn Info: Hunt 150 Horn monsters and return to the Bounty Board at Payon Quickinfo: Id: 62798 Bounty Board Blue Acidus Info: Hunt 150 Blue Acidus monsters and return to the Bounty Board at Hugel Quickinfo: Id: 62799 Bounty Board Gold Acidus Info: Hunt 150 Gold Acidus monsters and return to the Bounty Board at Hugel Quickinfo: Item Spoiler Alert: Id: (6635) Id: (14501) Shadow Shield Box Account Bound A box that contains various shadow shield equipment. Open to get one of the following: 4x HE Battle Manual Plus 4x HE Bubble Gum Plus 3x Safe to 7 Weapon Certificate 3x Safe to 7 Body Armor Certificate Costume Enchant Stone Box Costume Carnation Hairband Cranial Shield (Shadow) Safeguard Shield (Shadow) Brutal Shield (Shadow) Gargantua Shield (Shadow) Homers Shield (Shadow) Dragoon Shield (Shadow) Satanic Shield (Shadow) Flameguard Shield (Shadow) Requiem Shield (Shadow) Cadi Shield (Shadow) Weight : 1 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 1 Id: (19800) Costume: Carnation Hairband A bouquet of carnations arranged into a hat Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Id: (19826) Changed Quest Spoiler Alert: Id: 4361 Santa Lunatic wait Info: This quest is available after one day cool timethe cooldown timer expires Quickinfo: Id: 4362 Santa Goblin wait Info: This quest is available after one day cool timethe cooldown timer expires Quickinfo: Id: 4363 Santa Orc wait Info: This quest is available after one day cool timethe cooldown timer expires Quickinfo: Id: 4364 Santa Jakk wait Info: This quest is available after one day cool timethe cooldown timer expires Quickinfo: Item Spoiler Alert: Id: (1198) Hairtail Rental Item A fish used as a cutlass for it's long knife-like shape. It is cold to the touch. CRI + 20, Critical Damage 50% increase. when Attacking causes freeze at regular rate. if base level is over 100, ATK + 50 Class : Both Hands Sword Attack : 220 Weight : 0 Weapon Level : 1 Required Level : 50 Jobs : SwordmanClass ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 0 Id: (1489) Marlin Rental Item A spearfish that is well known for delicious meat but this is frozen. when using pierce, spiral pierce, it gives critical damage at high rate. And also causes freeze with a low rate. Spiral Pierce Attack increase 100% , Inspiration Attack 50% . ( Effect of Inspiration will disappear once unequipped) if base level is over 100 , add ATK + 30 . Class : Both Hands Spear Attack : 220 Weight : 0 Weapon Level : 1 Required Level : 50 Jobs : SwordmanClass ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 0 Id: (2183) Advanced Angelic Guard [1] Angel's Shield for Super Novice. Contains sacred demon resistance power. Reduce 5% damage from Demon type monsters. Reduce 5% damage from all element attacks except Neutral type attacks. All Stats +2 when equipped with Improved Angel's Reincarnation Class : Shield Defense : 30 Weight : 40 Required Level : 99 Job : Novice ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Shield Defense : 30 Weight : 40 Id: (2872) G Honor Certificate a certificate that gurantees cat gamer members. It has ability to record matches. Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 0 Jobs : All Jobs ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Id: (2873) Cat Hand Glove [1] A souvenir for Malangdo, that makes you happy when equipped VIT + 1, AGI + 1, DEX + 1, LUK + 1. Class : Accessory Defense : 5 Weight : 10 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Accessory Defense : 5 Weight : 10 Id: (2915) Ettlang Keepsake Cannot be traded A necklace from Ettlang the ancestor of ancient Laphine. It shows his will to revive Bifrost. MDEF + 10. Class : Accessary Defense : 0 Weight : 5 Required Level : 100 Job : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Defense : 0 Weight : 5 Id: (2916) Fairy Wing Cannot be traded A little broach made as the shape of Laphine's wing. Provides the ability to return to Eclage. Class : Accessary Defense : 0 Weight : 1 Required Level : 90 Job : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Defense : 0 Weight : 1 Id: (2917) Str Glove A glove that grows in strength with you. MHP + 100, MSP + 20 ATK +1 per 10 points of STR. ATK +1% when STR is 110 or higher Class : Accessary Defense : 0 Weight : 10 Required Level : 100 Job : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Defense : 0 Weight : 10 Id: (2918) Int Glove A glove that grows in strength with you. MHP + 100, MSP + 20 MATK +1 per 10 points of INT. MATK +1% when INT is 110 or higher Class : Accessary Defense : 0 Weight : 10 Required Level : 100 Job : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Defense : 0 Weight : 10 Id: (2919) Agi Glove A glove that grows in strength with you. MHP + 100, MSP + 20 FLEE+1 per 10 points of AGI. Perfect Dodge +1 when AGI is 110 or higher Class : Accessary Defense : 0 Weight : 10 Required Level : 100 Job : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Defense : 0 Weight : 10 Id: (2920) Vit Glove A glove that grows in strength with you. MHP + 100, MSP + 20 MHP+50 per 10 points of VIT MHP + 1% when VIT is 110 or higher. Class : Accessary Defense : 0 Weight : 10 Required Level : 100 Job : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Defense : 0 Weight : 10 Id: (2921) Dex Glove A glove that grows in strength with you. MHP + 100, MSP + 20 HIT+1 per 10 points of DEX. Range ATK + 1% when DEX is 110 or higher. Class : Accessary Defense : 0 Weight : 10 Required Level : 100 Job : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Defense : 0 Weight : 10 Id: (2922) Luk Glove A glove that grows in strength with you. MHP + 100, MSP + 20 CRIT+1 per 10 points of LUK. Critical damage 1% when LUK is 110 or higher. Class : Accessary Defense : 0 Weight : 10 Required Level : 100 Job : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Defense : 0 Weight : 10 Id: (2923) Str Glove [1] A glove that grows in strength with you. MHP + 100, MSP + 20 ATK +1 per 10 points of STR. ATK +1% when STR is 110 or higher Class : Accessary Defense : 0 Weight : 10 Required Level : 100 Job : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Defense : 0 Weight : 10 Id: (2924) Int Glove [1] A glove that grows in strength with you. MHP + 100, MSP + 20 MATK +1 per 10 points of INT. MATK +1% when INT is 110 or higher Class : Accessary Defense : 0 Weight : 10 Required Level : 100 Job : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Defense : 0 Weight : 10 Id: (2925) Agi Glove [1] A glove that grows in strength with you. MHP + 100, MSP + 20 FLEE+1 per 10 points of AGI. Perfect Dodge +1 when AGI is 110 or higher Class : Accessary Defense : 0 Weight : 10 Required Level : 100 Job : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Defense : 0 Weight : 10 Id: (2926) Vit Glove [1] A glove that grows in strength with you. MHP + 100, MSP + 20 MHP+50 per 10 points of VIT MHP + 1% when VIT is 110 or higher. Class : Accessary Defense : 0 Weight : 10 Required Level : 100 Job : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Defense : 0 Weight : 10 Id: (2927) Dex Glove [1] A glove that grows in strength with you. MHP + 100, MSP + 20 HIT+1 per 10 points of DEX. Range ATK + 1% when DEX is 110 or higher. Class : Accessary Defense : 0 Weight : 10 Required Level : 100 Job : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Defense : 0 Weight : 10 Id: (2928) Luk Glove [1] A glove that grows in strength with you. MHP + 100, MSP + 20 CRIT+1 per 10 points of LUK. Critical damage 1% when LUK is 110 or higher. Class : Accessary Defense : 0 Weight : 10 Required Level : 100 Job : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Defense : 0 Weight : 10 Id: (2956) Advanced Safety Ring [1] Magical ring that reduces damage towards the wearer. DEF + 10 , MDEF + 5, All Stats + 1. Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 10 Required Level : 50 Job : All except Novice ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 10 Id: (2957) Advanced Ring Of Flame Lord Fire Spirit king's power ring. Once worn, your weapon will spout its boiling spirit power. A good pair with Advanced Ring Of Resonance Item. STR + 3 VIT + 2 ATK + 20 Resistance to fire damage + 10% When dealing physical damage, autocasts various skills. When equipped in combination with Advanced Ring of Resonance, the autocast skills increases. Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 10 Required Level : 85 Job : 2nd Job and over/Taekwon Master/Soul Linker/Kagero/Oboro ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 10 Id: (2958) Advanced Ring Of Resonance Missing pair ring for Advanced Ring Of Flame Lord. Equipping together will bring extra effects for both rings. AGI + 3 VIT + 1 MDEF + 2 MATK + 10 When recieving physical damage, autocasts various skills. Class : Accessory Defense : 2 Weight : 10 Required Level : 85 Job : 2nd Job and over/Taekwon Master/Soul Linker/Kakero/Oboro ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Accessory Defense : 2 Weight : 10 Id: (5409) Purple Cowboy Hat [1] A hat, symbolizing western frontiers, made to celebrate the festival. Int +2 , Vit +2 , SP +50 Class : Headgear Defense : 8 Head Location : Upper Weight : 50 Job : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Headgear Defense : 8 Weight : 50 Id: (5410) Brown Paperbag Hat A hat in the form of an upside-down paperbag, to celebrate the festival. Decrease the damage from demi-human monsters by 4%. Increase the resistance against stun by 4%, MHP +100 Class : Headgear Defense : 6 Head Location : Upper-Mid-Lower Weight : 20 Job : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Headgear Defense : 6 Weight : 20 Id: (5426) Creative Convention Cap [1] A simple hat. Luk +1 Item Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Upper Weight : 10 Required Level : 0 Jobs : Every Job ====== auto-parsed ====== Defense : 2 Location : Upper Weight : 10 Id: (5427) Creative Convention Chapeau [1] A simple hat. Agi +1 Item Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Upper Weight : 10 Required Level : 0 Jobs : Every Job ====== auto-parsed ====== Defense : 2 Location : Upper Weight : 10 Id: (5738) Snowman Hat [1] A hat that is a constant reminder of the Winter season. Str +1, Int +1, Mdef +3, Increases resistance to Water property by 7%. When killing monsters, has a low chance of dropping Buche De Noel or Candy Canes. When dealing physical or magical damage, has a low chance of activating Lv 1 Frost Joker. If refined to 8, activates Lv 5 Frost Joker. Class : Headgear Defense : 4 Location: Upper Weight : 30 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Headgear Defense : 4 Weight : 30 Id: (5897) Ascendant Crown [1] A copy of the legendary artifact left behind by the greatest Super Novice to ever walk the earth. The real one has been lost for ages, but this replica can imitate some of its awesome power. ATK + 30, MATK + 30 HIT, FLEE, CRI, MDEF + 10. Perfect Dodge + 5. ASPD + 2. Reduces Variable Cast Time by 20% Reduce 5% damage from Neutral Property. If upgraded to +7 or higher, MHP + 1000, MSP + 100. If upgraded to +9 or higher, All State + 5. This item cannot be traded with other accounts. Class : Headgear Defense : 20 Location : Upper Weight : 5 Required Lv. : 100 Job : Super Novice Only ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Headgear Defense : 20 Location : Upper Weight : 5 Id: (5898) Autumn Headband [1] A hairband with an array of autumn leaves attached to it. It displays the beauty of an autumn forest for all to see. When using the skill Wind Walk, SP consumption -20. Increase long distance Physical attack by 5%. If upgraded to +7 or higher, increases ATK by 2 for every 5 base INT If upgraded to +9 or higher,, increases Arrow Storm damage additionally by 2% for every its BaseLV 10 . This item cannot be traded with other accounts. Class : Headgear Defense : 10 Location : Upper Weight : 20 Required Lv. : 100 Job : Ranger only ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Headgear Defense : 10 Location : Upper Weight : 20 Id: (5899) Black Ribbon [1] simple black ribbon that promotes focus no matter how intense the battle is. Increase Sonic Wave, Wind Cutter damage by 50%. If upgraded to +7 or higher, Add ATK +2 per base AGI 5 If upgraded to +9 or higher, increases the damage done by Ignition Break by 30% This item cannot be traded with other accounts. Class : Headgear Defense : 10 Location : Upper Weight : 20 Required Lv. : 100 Job : Rune Knight Only ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Headgear Defense : 10 Location : Upper Weight : 20 Id: (5900) Divine Guard Hat [1] A majestic hat that displays the divine authority that has been invested in the wearer. Reduce the damage received by small, mid, big monsters by 5% If upgraded to +7 or higher, Activate Heal Lv.5 with 1% chance to yourself when you get physical attacked. (if learned, activated acquired Lv.) If upgraded to +9 or higher, Increase Genesis Ray damage by 20%. This item cannot be traded with other accounts. Class : Headgear Defense : 10 Location : Upper Weight : 20 Required Lv. : 100 Job : Royal Guard Only ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Headgear Defense : 10 Location : Upper Weight : 20 Id: (5901) Focus Beret [1] A green beret that helps the user to refocus their energy into more meaningful attacks. The star on the front is inscribed with the character for 'Dragon'. When the Dragon Combo is used, autocast Fallen Empire Lv.1(if learned, autocast the acquired Lv.) If upgraded to +7 or higher, when Physical attacking, ASPD +2 for 5 sec with 3% chance. If upgraded to +9 or higher,, Increase Fallen Empire damage by 30%. This item cannot be traded with other accounts. Class : Headgear Defense : 10 Location : Upper Weight : 20 Required Lv. : 100 Job : Sura Only ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Headgear Defense : 10 Location : Upper Weight : 20 Id: (5902) Harvester Hat [1] A good-luck hat worn by farmers to make sure they collect an exceptionally good harvest. Some say it was blessed by the Harvest Goddess herself. Adds a chance to drop Blood Sucker Seed and Explosive Mushroom Spore when killing monsters. (1%) If upgraded to +7 or higher, adds a small chance to drop Thorn Seed when killing monsters. (0.5%) If upgraded to +9 or higher,, increases the damage done by Cart Cannon skill by 15%. This item cannot be traded with other accounts. Class : Headgear Defense : 10 Location : Upper Weight : 20 Required Lv. : 100 Job : Geneticist Only ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Headgear Defense : 10 Location : Upper Weight : 20 Id: (5903) Dead man bandana [1] An otherwise normal ghost bandana with a red spiral insignia on the front. It demonstrates a strong connection between the wearer and the afterlife. Increase 2 CRI per refine Lv., reduce the fixed casting by 2%. When being physically attacked, has a 1% chance to autocast highest level learned Eswoo on the wearer.1% If upgraded to +7 or higher,, MATK + 20, Increase casting rate of Eswoo.(3%) If upgraded to +9 or higher, reduce variable casting by 20%, when Estun, Esma is used, Consumed SP -5. This item cannot be traded with other accounts. Class : Headgear Defense : 15 Location : Upper Weight : 20 Required Lv. : 99 Job : Magician Class,Soul Linker Only ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Headgear Defense : 15 Location : Upper Weight : 20 Id: (5904) Very normal hat [1] A simple hat that would look inconspicuous in any crowd. Its very helpful to anyone who is trying to blend in. MATK + 7% If upgraded to +7 or higher, Increases MATK by 2 per Base INT 5 . If upgraded to +9 or higher,, Additional increase on MATK by 5%. This item cannot be traded with other accounts. Class : Headgear Defense : 10 Location : Upper Weight : 20 Required Lv. : 100 Job : Shadow chaser only ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Headgear Defense : 10 Location : Upper Weight : 20 Id: (5905) Lyrica Hat [1] A finely crafted hat designed just for Maestros. You can't see from the outside, but on the inside is written every song a Maestro needs to make it big! Increase Severe Rainstorm damage by 15% If upgraded to +7 or higher,, Reduces fixed casting time of all skills by 4% for each level of Voice Lessons learned. If upgraded to +9 or higher, reduces the SP cost of Severe Rainstorm by 10. This item cannot be traded with other accounts. Class : Headgear Defense : 10 Location : Upper Weight : 20 Required Lv. : 100 Job : Maestro only ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Headgear Defense : 10 Location : Upper Weight : 20 Id: (5906) Oni Horns [1] Twisted horns that were supposedly crafted to look like those of a race of demons that died out long ago. Apparently placing them on your head can grant you a small amount of their power. Increase the damage of the skill Counter Slash by 10% for each level of Weapon Blocking learned. If upgraded to +7 or higher,, ATK+ 20, HIT + 5. If upgraded to +9 or higher, when physical attacking, autocast Cross Impact Lv.1 by 1% chance. This item cannot be traded with other accounts. Class : Headgear Defense : 10 Location : Upper Weight : 20 Required Lv. : 100 Job : Guillotine cross only ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Headgear Defense : 10 Location : Upper Weight : 20 Id: (5907) Sea Captain Hat [1] "A crisp white hat most often used by the captains of large naval craft. It came to be seen as a sign of unwavering strength in the eyes of naval crews everywhere." Axe Tornado and Axe Boomerang damage +20% If upgraded to +7 or higher, each level of Weaponry Research learned increases damage of Axe Tornado by an additional 1% If upgraded to +9 or higher,,each level of Axe Mastery increases the damage of Axe Tornado by an additional 1% This item cannot be traded with other accounts. Class : Headgear Defense : 20 Location : Upper Weight : 20 Required Lv. : 100 Job : Mechanic only ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Headgear Defense : 20 Location : Upper Weight : 20 Id: (15068) Advanced Angelic Protection [1] Angel's robe for Super Novices. Hugs you like it's only made for you! MDEF + 30. When equipped in combination with Advanced Angelic Cardigan, Damage from neutral element -5% Angelic's item set bonus : Protection, Reincarnation, Guard, Cardigan, Angel's Kiss HP+900, SP+100, chance to cast assumptio when taking physical damage. Class : Armour Defense : 40 Weight : 60 Required Level : 99 Job : Novice class ====== auto-parsed ====== Defense : 40 Weight : 60 Id: (17346) Breeze Armor Shadow Box Cannot be traded to other accounts. A box containing Breeze Armor Shadow. _ This double Armor upon original Armor gives you additional defense effect. FLEE + 5. When refine level is 7, activates FLEE + 10. Class : Shadow Armor Location : Armor Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Job : All This item cannot be refunded once it is opened. Weight : 1A box of experience scrolls to help you level faster Contains 4 HE Battle Manuals and 4 Job Battle Manuals Id: (17458) Steam Ring box A box with Steam Starter ring. Available for 30days.. _ Steam Starter ring - [HEAL] Lv 1 is available. The lower level your character has, the better aquired exp when you hunt monsters. Mazimum 100% increase, and the effect will disappear when the character Lv is reached Lv.101. Once you open the item, you will not be able to refund. . _ Weight : 1 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 1 Id: (17459) Steam Starter Package 1 In the world of Rune Midgards, the Kafra Company is the one stop shop for storage, teleportation and adventuring supplies. For new players joining from Steam, they are offering this special Welcome to Ragnarok Care Package. This one-time purchasable box comes with useful equipment and consumables for getting started in Ragnarok Online! Following items are in it. _ Equipment: Rideword Hat Chick Hat Observer Immune Shield Box 4x All in One Ring Rentals Shoes[1] Muffler[1] Mantle[1] Poring Fedora Hat Consumables: Heavy Lifter Box - increases weight limit 10 Battle Manual - boosts EXP 10 Bubble Gum - boosts monster Drops Halter Lead - A rental mount for 30 days Wind Walk Scrolls [100]- Increases walking speed and flee Kafra Cards [20] - Access storage from anywhere Red Envelope [50] - Get a zeny when opened Yellow Butterfly Wing [10] Teleport to major city Omni Clothing Dye [6] Change your character's clothing color _ Weight : 1 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 1 Id: (17460) Steam Starter Package 2 A box with items that is for new users in Ragnarok. Following items are in it. _ Pecopeco Hairband Alora's Costume Box Omni Clothing Dye Robo Eye Adventurer Travel Box 30 Day Halter Lead Box All In One Ring Rent box Heavy Lifter Box Once you open the item, you will not be able to refund. . _ Weight : 1 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 1 Id: (18760) Improved Mage Hat [1] Talented Wizard's magic hat. It looks weird, but works just fine. Remodeled for extra effect. INT + 2 , SP + 150. Each Refine adds MATK + 1 When refined to +7 or higher, each refine adds INT +1. Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Upper Weight : 30 Required Level : 1 Job : Magic Class/Soul Linker ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Upper Weight : 30 Id: (18761) Improved Magician Hat [1] Healthy live rabbit looking wizard hat. Very firm and strong item. Remodeled for extra effect. DEX + 1, AGI + 1, SP + 50. Each refine adds SP + 5 When refined to +7 or higher, each refine adds DEX + 1. Class : Headgear Defense : 6 Location : Upper Weight : 50 Required Level : 50 Job : Magic Class/Acolyte Class/Soul Linker ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Headgear Defense : 6 Location : Upper Weight : 50 Id: (18762) Improved Kitsune Mask A replica of Assassin troops' secret hiding mask. Slick shape. Remodeled for extra effect. AGI + 2, LUK + 2 When refined to +7 or higher, +4 Perfect Flee Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Upper Weight : 30 Required Level : 1 Job : All except Novice ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Upper Weight : 30 Id: (18763) Improved Joker Jester [1] A weird looking hat made for circus clown. Remodeled for extra effect. LUK + 2, MDEF + 5. When refined to +7 or higher, Increases critical damage by 5% Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Location : Upper Weight : 10 Required Level : 1 Job : All except Novice ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Headgear Defense : 3 Location : Upper Weight : 10 Id: (18764) Improved Bunny Band [1] Rabbit ear decorated hairlace. Looks pretty, but hard to stand it straight. Remodeled for extra effect. LUK + 2 When refined to +7 or higher, CRIT + 5 Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Location : Upper Weight : 10 Required Level : 1 Job : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Headgear Defense : 3 Location : Upper Weight : 10 Id: (18765) Enhanced Corsair [1] Big hat for old pirate captain. Grotesque looks represents its owner himself very well. Worn out too much. Vit + 1 MHP + 5% When refined to +7 or higher, Neutral Resist + 1% When refined to +9 or higher, MaxHP + 3% Class : Headgear Defense : 10 Location : Upper Weight : 50 Required Level : 99 Job : All except Novice ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Headgear Defense : 10 Location : Upper Weight : 50 Id: (18766) Enhanced Helm of Angel [1] High defense rate helm with angels' feather attached. Unknown creator. AGI +1, LUK +1, MDEF +3 When refined to +7 or higher, AGI + 2, LUK + 2 When refined to +9 or higher, Attack Speed + 1 Class : Headgear Defense : 10 Location : Upper Weight : 160 Required Level : 99 Job : 2nd Job and over/Taekwon Master/Soul Linker/Kakero/Oboro ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Headgear Defense : 10 Location : Upper Weight : 160 Id: (18767) Enhanced Hat of the Sun God [1] Gold Winged hat that is a symbol for the great Sun God. Don't ask how to walk in this hat. STR +3, INT +2, ATK +10, MATK +10. When refined to +7 or higher, ATK + 15, MATK + 15 When refined to +9 or higher, ATK + 15, MATK + 15 Class : Headgear Defense : 4 Location : Upper Middle Weight : 240 Required Level : 99 Job : 2nd Job and over/Taekwon Master/Soul Linker/Kakero/Oboro ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Headgear Defense : 4 Weight : 240 Id: (18768) Enhanced Bone Helm [1] A heavy helm made of firm bone that has a solid defense rate. Increases received shadow property damage by 15% Decreases neutral properly damage by 2% When refined to +7 or higher, decreases neutral property damage by 2%. When refined to +9 or higher, decreases neutral property damage by 2%. Class : Headgear Defense : 15 Location : Upper Weight : 80 Required Level : 70 Job : Swordmas Class/Merchant Class ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Headgear Defense : 15 Location : Upper Weight : 80 Id: (18769) Improved Munak Hat [1] Monster Munak's hat. Big hat with an anonymous charm attached. It has been remodeled for extra effect. Decreases damage from Undead monsters by 10%. When refined to +7 or higher, increases damage against Undead monsters by 10%. Class : Headgear Defense : 5 Location : Upper Middle Low Weight : 30 Required Level : 1 Job : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Headgear Defense : 5 Weight : 30 Id: (18770) Improved Bongun Hat [1] Monster Bongun used to wear this hat with charm attached as a point. It has been remodeled for extra effect. Decreases damage from demon monsters by 10%. When refined to +7, increases damage against demon monsters by 10%. Class : Headgear Defense : 5 Location : Upper Middle Low Weight : 30 Required Level : 1 Job : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Headgear Defense : 5 Weight : 30 Id: (18771) Improved Opera Phantom Mask A mask worn by the dark hero of sad love story. Look into it you can feel his sadness. ATK +5, MATK +5 Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Middle Weight : 20 Required Level : 20 Job : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Middle Weight : 20 Id: (18772) Advanced Binoculars Fancy glasses helps you see long distances. Made with compressed glass. DEX + 1 Ranged attack damage +1%. Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Middle Weight : 10 Required Level : 50 Job : Archer Class ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Middle Weight : 10 Id: (18773) Advanced Fin Helm A fish fin looking helm that protects Swordmen. This doesn't help you breathe under water. MHP +300, additional MaxHP given based on character's Base Level. Class : Headgear Defense : 5 Location : Middle Weight : 30 Required Level : 65 Job : Swordman Class ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Headgear Defense : 5 Location : Middle Weight : 30 Id: (18774) Advanced Assassin Mask Dark mask for famous assassins. Calms you down just by wearing it. CRI +1, Critical damage +1% Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Location : Low Weight : 10 Required Level : 70 Job : Assassin, Priest Class ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Headgear Defense : 1 Weight : 10 Id: (18775) Advanced Welding Mask Steel made mask. Focussing on utility only. Protects your face from any kind of fire impacts. Fire property resistance + 10% DEX +5, LUK+ 5. Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Middle & Lower Weight : 30 Required Level : 50 Job : Merchant Class ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Headgear Defense : 2 Weight : 30 Id: (18776) Advanced Angel's Kiss [1] An accessory blessed by a Super Novice guardian angel. SP Recovery Rate + 30% When used in combination with Advanced Angelic Cardigan, ATK + 10 Class : Headgear Defense : 6 Location : Upper Weight : 30 Required Level : 99 Job : Novice Class ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Headgear Defense : 6 Location : Upper Weight : 30 Id: (18802) Poring Fedora Hat Can be obtained from Anniversary Quest or Item Mall. MaxHP + 5%. If upgraded to +5 or higher, MaxHP + 1%, MaxSP - 2% per refine level If upgraded to +10, MaxHP + 4%, MaxSP - 3%. Class : Headgear Defense : 10 Location : Upper Weight : 10 Required Level : 1 Job : all jobs ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Headgear Defense : 10 Location : Upper Weight : 10 Id: (18955) Pirate's Folly [1] A hat which symbolizes Pirate's foolishness. When physically attacking has a chance to absorb 6% of damage as HP. When physically attacking has a chance to absorb 2% of damage as SP. When equipping this with cool pirate eye patch, MaxHP + 500, MaxSP + 30. Class : Headgear Defense : 6 Location : Upper Weight : 10 Required Level : 10 Job : All jobs ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Headgear Defense : 6 Location : Upper Weight : 10 Id: (19502) Costume: Goggles A pair of goggles designed for pilots in order to reduce vision impairment when traveling at very high speeds. Grants 30% extra EXP per monster kill Class : Costume Location : Upper Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Jobs: All ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Costume Location : Upper Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Id: (19543) Oliver Wolf Hood Wolf face shaped fluffy hood. Useful when you cannot sleep well. Class : Costume Location : Upper Weight : 30 Required Level : 70 Job : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Costume Location : Upper Weight : 30 Id: (19545) Costume: Boy's Cap A black cap that is usually worn by boys attending schools that require uniforms. Grants 30% extra EXP per monster kill Class : Costume Location: Upper Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 20 Jobs : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Costume Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Id: (19546) Costume: Valkyrie Helm A Helm of 'Battle Princess' who serves Odin. Class : Costume Location : Upper Weight : 10 Required Level : 100 Job : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Costume Location : Upper Weight : 10 Id: (19547) Costume: Deviruchi Cap Copied hat of Baby Deviruchi. Class : Costume Location : Upper Weight : 10 Required Level : 100 Job : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Costume Location : Upper Weight : 10 Id: (19548) Costume: Frog Cap Frog god shaped Hat. Class : Costume Location : Upper Weight : 10 Required Level : 100 Job : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Costume Location : Upper Weight : 10 Id: (19549) Costume: Magestic Goat Goat shape helm gives spot light for the user. Class : Costume Location : Upper Weight : 10 Required Level : 100 Job : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Costume Location : Upper Weight : 10 Id: (19550) Costume: Blush Wear this when you want to look cute for your beloved. Class : Costume Location : Middle Weight : 10 Required Level : 100 Job : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Costume Location : Middle Weight : 10 Id: (19551) Costume: Elven Ears Modeled after the long ears of a fairy, when worn you can hear fairys playing in the blue forest. Class : Costume Location : Middle Weight : 10 Required Level : 100 Job : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Costume Location : Middle Weight : 10 Id: (19552) Costume: Centimental Flower A little flower leaf. The whole world seems pretty and happy. Bring this to [Aver De Dosh] in Malangdo at the building location 115 150 to add enchantments to it. Class : Costume Location : Low Weight : 10 Required Level : 100 Job : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Costume Weight : 10 Id: (19553) Costume: Assassin Mask A dark mask for assassins. Class : Costume Location : Low Weight : 10 Required Level : 100 Job : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Costume Weight : 10 Id: (19554) Costume: Hahoe Mask A smily face mask eastern style, sculpted carefully. Makes you feel like home. Class : Costume Location : Middle Low Weight : 10 Required Level : 100 Job : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Costume Weight : 10 Id: (19577) Costume: 10th Anniversary Poring Hat A Poring hat made to celebrate Ragnarok Online's 10th anniversary. Class : Costume Location : Upper Weight : 10 Required Level : 1 Job : all jobs ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Costume Location : Upper Weight : 10 Id: (19600) Costume: Drooping Kiehl Doll A cute doll of a drooping Kiehl from the Robot Factory. Created by Allysia Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 40 Required Level : 30 Jobs : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Headgear Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 40 Id: (19601) Stay Classy Novice Pack A cute doll of a drooping Aliot from the Robot Factory. Created by Allysia Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 10 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Headgear Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 10 Id: (19627) Costume: Satellite Hairband Stay in tuned with the universe with this orbital headpiece Grants 30% extra EXP per monster kill Class : Costume Location: Upper Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 20 Jobs : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Costume Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Id: (19629) Costume: Tiara A jeweled coronet said to grant the wisdom of an ancient queen that had worn it. Grants 30% extra EXP per monster kill Class : Costume Location: Upper Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 20 Jobs : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Costume Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Id: (19630) Costume: Crown A crown adorned with gorgeous jewels that is said to be worn by a wise, ancient king who will grant his wisdom to the wearer. Grants 30% extra EXP per monster kill Class : Costume Location: Upper Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 20 Jobs : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Costume Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Id: (19900) Cool Pirate Eyepatch Red Cool Pirate's eye patch. 3 times cooler than before. Has a low chance of dropping Sealed Envelopes when killing any monster. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Middle Weight : 10 Job : All jobs ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Middle Weight : 10 Id: (19982) Costume: Santa Hat A red, pompom topped cap that is associated with Santa Claus's legend. Effect until January 14, 2015 MaxHP 1000 MaxSP 100 ASPD +3 Increases attack to all monster sizes by 10% Matk +10% Heal effectiveness +10% Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Id: (20710) Advanced Angelic Cardigan [1] A cardigan for Super Novice guardian angel. Keeps you warm in any weather condition. HP Recovery Rate + 50% When used in combination with Advanced Angelic Protection, AGI + 5, Flee + 10 Class : Clothing Defense : 6 Weight : 40 Required Level : 99 Job : Novice Class ====== auto-parsed ====== Defense : 6 Weight : 40 Id: (22014) Enhanced Variant Shoes [1] Awkwardly designed shoes though you can see the creator's intention to make these shoes with higher quality. MaxHP/MaxSP +12% Extra DEF/MDEF based on refine rate Class : Shoes Defense : 13 Weight : 50 Required Level : 85 Job : 2nd Job and over/Taekwon Master/Soul Linker/Kakero/Oboro ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Shoes Defense : 13 Weight : 50 Id: (22015) Advanced Angel's Reincarnation [1] A sandle for Super Novice's guardian angel. Looks like this will boost up your jumping ability. MaxHP + 500, MaxSP + 100 When used in combination with Advanced Angel's Kiss, MATK + 20 Class : Shoes Defense : 8 Weight : 30 Required Level : 99 Job : Novice Class ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Shoes Defense : 8 Weight : 30 Id: (24012) Shadow Weapon Gloves worn to enhance attacking accuracy. Dex +1 Each refine level increases Attack Power by 1 Only the Shadow Blacksmith in Prontera (behind Bestry) can refine this item *Set Bonus* All Stats + 3. Shadow Set Shadow Weapon Shadow Armor Shadow Shoes Shadow Shield Shadow Earring Shadow Pendant Class : Shadow Armor Location : Weapon Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Job : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 0 Id: (24013) Shadow Armor Armor worn to enhance luck. Luk +1 +MaxHP +10 per refine level Only the Shadow Blacksmith in Prontera (behind Bestry) can refine this item *Set Bonus* All Stats + 3. Shadow Set Shadow Weapon Shadow Armor Shadow Shoes Shadow Shield Shadow Earring Shadow Pendant Class : Shadow Armor Location : Item Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Job : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 0 Id: (24014) Shadow Shoes Shoes worn to enhance speed. Agi +1 +MaxHP +10 per refine level Only the Shadow Blacksmith in Prontera (behind Bestry) can refine this item *Set Bonus* All Stats + 3. Shadow Set Shadow Weapon Shadow Armor Shadow Shoes Shadow Shield Shadow Earring Shadow Pendant Class : Shadow Armor Location : Footwear Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Job : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 0 Id: (24015) Shadow Shield Shield worn to enhance Vitality. Vit +1 +MaxHP +10 per refine level Only the Shadow Blacksmith in Prontera (behind Bestry) can refine this item *Set Bonus* All Stats + 3. Shadow Set Shadow Weapon Shadow Armor Shadow Shoes Shadow Shield Shadow Earring Shadow Pendant Class : Shadow Armor Location : Shield Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Job : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 0 Id: (24016) Shadow Earring An earring worn to enhance Intelligence. Int +1 +MaxHP +10 per refine level Only the Shadow Blacksmith in Prontera (behind Bestry) can refine this item *Set Bonus* All Stats + 3. Shadow Set Shadow Weapon Shadow Armor Shadow Shoes Shadow Shield Shadow Earring Shadow Pendant Class : Shadow Armor Location : Accessory Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Job : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 0 Id: (24017) Shadow Pendant A pendant worn to enhance strength. Str +1 +MaxHP +10 per refine level Only the Shadow Blacksmith in Prontera (behind Bestry) can refine this item *Set Bonus* All Stats + 3. Shadow Set Shadow Weapon Shadow Armor Shadow Shoes Shadow Shield Shadow Earring Shadow Pendant Class : Shadow Armor Location : Accessory Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Job : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 0 Id: (24018) Physical Earring (Shadow) A sacred earring which is believed to protect it's wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. Increases Attack Speed by 1% If refined to +7 or higher increases attack speed by an additional 2% Increases Max HP by 10 per refine level. If the set consisting of the Shadow Physical Earring, Shadow Physical Weapon, and Shadow Physical Pendant is worn together. Attack Power increased by the total combined refine levels of all three items. If the total combined refine levels of all three items is greater than 22 then attack power is increased a further 1% Class : Shadow Armor Location : Accessory Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Job : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 0 Id: (24019) Physical Weapon (Shadow) A glove equipped on wearer's hand to draw his/her potential ability. Increases attack power by 10 + the refine level of the Shadow Physical Weapon Increases M attack power by the refine level of the Shadow Physical Weaponn If refined to +7 or higher increases attack power by 1% If the set consisting of the Shadow Physical Earring, Shadow Physical Weapon, and Shadow Physical Pendant is worn together. Attack Power increased by the total combined refine levels of all three items. If the total combined refine levels of all three items is greater than 22 then attack power is increased a further 1% Class : Shadow Armor Location : Weapon Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Job : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 0 Id: (24020) Physical Pendant (Shadow) A sacred necklace which is belived to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. Increases the wearer's Max HP by 100 + (Refine Level of the Shadow Physical Pendant * 10) If refined to +7 or greater increases the wearer's max hp by +1% If the set consisting of the Shadow Physical Earring, Shadow Physical Weapon, and Shadow Physical Pendant is worn together. Attack Power increased by the total combined refine levels of all three items. If the total combined refine levels of all three items is greater than 22 then attack power is increased a further 1% Class : Shadow Armor Location : Pendant Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Job : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 0 Id: (24021) Magical Earring (Shadow) A sacred earring which is belived to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. Increases the wearer's Max Hp by 10 for every refine level on the Shadow Magical Earring Decreases Spell Cast Time by 1% If refined to +7 or greater Decreases Spell Cast Time by and additional 2% If the set consisting of the Shadow Magical Earring, Shadow Magical Weapon, and Shadow Magic Pendant is worn together Increases the wearer's magic attack by the combined refine levels of all three items in the set. If the total combined refine levels of all three items is greater than 22 then Magic Attack is increase by an extra 1% Class : Shadow Armor Location : Accessory Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Job : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 0 Id: (24022) Magical Weapon (Shadow) A glove equipped in wearer's hand to draw his/her potential ability. Increases Magic Attack power by 10 + the refine level of the Shadow Magical Weapon Increases Attack power by the refine level of the Shadow Magical Weapon If refined to +7 or higher then Magic Attack is increase by an extra 1% If the set consisting of the Shadow Magical Earring, Shadow Magical Weapon, and Shadow Magic Pendant is worn together Increases the wearer's magic attack by the combined refine levels of all three items in the set. If the total combined refine levels of all three items is greater than 22 then Magic Attack is increase by an extra 1% Class : Shadow Armor Location : Weapon Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Job : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 0 Id: (24023) Magical Pendant (Shadow) A sacred necklace which is belived to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. Increases the wearer's Max HP by (Refine Level of the Shadow Magical Pendant * 10) Increases the wearer's max SP by 50 If refined to +7 or greater increases the Max SP of the wearer by 1% If the set consisting of the Shadow Magical Earring, Shadow Magical Weapon, and Shadow Magic Pendant is worn together Increases the wearer's magic attack by the combined refine levels of all three items in the set. If the total combined refine levels of all three items is greater than 22 then Magic Attack is increase by an extra 1% Class : Shadow Armor Location : Pendant Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Job : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 0 Id: (24024) Breeze Armor (Shadow) An armor worn on top of normal armor for additional DEF. Can be equipped alone but needs a set to have any effect. FLEE + 5. FLEE + 10, when refined over +7. Class : Shadow Armor Location : Armor Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Job : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 0 Id: (24025) Champion Shoes (Shadow) Shoes worn on top of normal shoes for additional DEF. Can be equipped alone but needs a set to have any effect. HP + 20, SP + 10. MHP + 1%, MSP + 1%, when Refined over +7. HP, SP increases by total number of Refinement of Set Items,when equiped withChampion Shoes Shadow and Hard Armor Shadow Additional HP + 1%, when total Refinement is over 15 Class : Shadow Armor Location : Shoes Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Job : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 0 Id: (24026) Athena Shield (Shadow) A small shield worn on the arm for additional DEF. Can be equipped alone but needs a set to have any effect. DEF + 10. Additional DEF + 10,when Refined over +7. DEF increases by total number of Refinement of Set Items,when equiped withAthena Shield Shadow and Immuned Armor Shadow Additional Resistance to Non Elemental +1%, when total Refinement is over 15 Class : Shadow Armor Location : Shield Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Job : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 0 Id: (24027) Immune Shadow Armor Can be equipped alone but needs a set to have any effect. Resistance to Non Elemental +1% DEF increases by total number of Refinement of Set Items when equiped with Athena Shield Shadow Additional Resistance to Non Elemental +1%, when total combined Refinement is over 15 Class : Shadow Armor Location : Armor Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Job : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 0 Id: (24028) Hard Shadow Armor Can be equipped alone but needs a set to have any effect. HP + 50. When refined to +7, increases HP by 1%. If equipped with Hard Shadow Armor with Champion's Shadow Shoes, HP and SP increased up to the sum of combined refine level. When the sum of combined refine is over 15, additional +1% HP increase. Class : Shadow Armor Location : Armor Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Job : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 0 Id: (24029) Ancient Shadow Armor Can be equipped alone but needs a set to have any effect. HIT + 10. When refined to +7, +10 HIT When equipped with Kingbird's Shadow Weapon increase ATK by the sum of the combined refine levels. When the combined sum of refine is over 15, increases additional long distance damage by 1%. Class : Shadow Armor Location : Armor Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Job : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 0 Id: (24030) Critical Shadow Armor Can be equipped alone but needs a set to have any effect. CRI + 5. When refined to +7, +5 CRI When equipped with Critical Hit Shadow Weapon increases ATK by the sum of the combined refine levels. When the combined sum of refine is over 15, increases additional critical damage by 1% Class : Shadow Armor Location : Armor Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Job : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 0 Id: (24031) Kingbird's Shadow Weapon ATK + 10. When refined to +7, increases long distance damage by 1%. When equipped with Ancient Shadow Armor, increase ATK by the sum of the combined refine levels. When the combined sum of refine is over 15, increases additional critical damage by 1% Class : Shadow Armor Location : Weapon Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Job : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 0 Id: (24032) Critical Hit Shadow Weapon ATK + 10. When refined to +7, increase critical damage by 1%. When equipped with Critical Shadow Armor increase ATK by the sum of the combined refine levels. When the combined sum of refine is over 15, increases additional critical damage by 1% Class : Shadow Armor Location : Weapon Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Job : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 0 Id: (24033) Healing Shadow Weapon MATK + 10. When refined to +7, increase healing power by 5%. Class : Shadow Armor Location : Weapon Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Job : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 0 Id: (24034) Lucky Shadow Weapon LUK + 1. When refined to +7, LUK + 1. When refined to +9, LUK + 1. When equipped with Lucky Shadow Armor000000, LUK + 1. Class : Shadow Armor Location : Weapon Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Job : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 0 Id: (24035) Power Shadow Earring STR + 1. When refined to +7, STR + 1. When refined to +9, STR + 1. When equipped with Power Shadow Pendant, STR + 1. Class : Shadow Armor Location : Accessory Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Job : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 0 Id: (24036) Intelligent Shadow Pendant INT + 1. When refined to +7, INT + 1. When refined to +9, INT + 1. When equipped with Intelligent Shadow Earring, INT + 1. Class : Shadow Armor Location : Pendant Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Job : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 0 Id: (24037) Dexterous Shadow Armor DEX + 1. When refined to +7, DEX + 1. When refined to +9, DEX + 1. When equipped with Dexterous Shadow Armor, DEX + 1. Class : Shadow Armor Location : Armor Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Job : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 0 Id: (24038) Vital Shadow Shoes VIT + 1. When Refined to +7, VIT + 1. When Refined to +9, VIT + 1. When equipped with Vital Shadow Shield, VIT + 1. Class : Shadow Armor Location : Shoes Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Job : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 0 Id: (24039) Athletic Shadow Shield AGI + 1. When Refined to +7, AGI + 1. When Refined to +9, AGI + 1. When equipped with Athletic Shadow Shoes, AGI + 1. Class : Shadow Armor Location : Shield Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Job : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 0 Id: (24040) Lucky Shadow Armor LUK + 1. Increase CRI + 1 per 2 refine Levels. When equipped with Lucky Shadow Weapon, LUK + 1. Class : Shadow Armor Location : Armor Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Job : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 0 Id: (24041) Power Shadow Pendant STR + 1. Increase ATK + 1 per 1 refine level. When equipped with Power Shadow Earring, STR + 1. Class : Shadow Armor Location : Pendant Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Job : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 0 Id: (24042) Intelligent Shadow Earring INT + 1. Increase MATK + 1 per 1 refine Level. When equipped with Intelligent Shadow Pendant, INT + 1. Class : Shadow Armor Location : Accessory Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Job : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 0 Id: (24043) Dexterous Shadow Weapon DEX + 1. Increase HIT + 1 per 1 refine Level. When equipped with Dexterous Shadow Armor, DEX + 1. Class : Shadow Armor Location : Weapon Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Job : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 0 Id: (24044) Vital Shadow Shield VIT + 1. Increase DEF + 1 per 1 refine level. When equipped with Vital Shadow Shoes, VIT + 1. Class : Shadow Armor Location : Shield Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Job : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 0 Id: (24045) Athletic Shadow Shoes AGI + 1. Increase FLEE + 1 per refine level. When equipped with Athletic Shadow Shield, AGI + 1. Class : Shadow Armor Location : Shoes Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Job : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 0 Id: (24046) Resist Spell Power Pendant (Shadow) It is a Neckless that is known for protecting its owner. It brings out the potential from the owner. MDEF + 3. When Refined by Lv.7, MDEF + 3 added. Resist Spell power Pendant Shadow and Athena Earring Shadowis equipped together, Increase non-property tolerance by 1%. if the total refine value is over 15, increase extra non-property tolerance by 1%. Class : Shadow Armor Location : Pendant Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Job : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 0 Id: (24047) Rapid Pendant (Shadow) It is a Neckless that is known for protecting its owner. It brings out the potential from the owner. Increase Attack spd.(reduce the delay by 1% after attacking). When Refined by Lv.7, reduce delay after attack by 1% additionally. When Refined by Lv.9, reduce delay after attack by 2% additionally. Class : Shadow Armor Location : Pendant Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Job : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 0 Id: (24048) Caster Pendant (Shadow) Sacred necklace protecting the owner. Enables user's potential ability. Fluctuant Casting -1%. When refine level is 7, extra Fluctuant Casting 1% decrease. When refine level 9, extra Fluctuant Casting 2% decrease. Class : Shadow Armor Location : Pendant Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Job : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 0 Id: (24049) Hard Earring (Shadow) Sacred earring protecting the owner. Enables user's potential ability. HP +100. When refine level is 7, MHP +1% increase. When refine level 9, MHP +1% increase. Class : Shadow Armor Location : Accessory Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Job : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 0 Id: (24050) Wise Earring (Shadow) Sacred earring protecting the owner. Enables user's potential ability. SP +50. When refine level is 7, MSP +1% increase. When refine level 9, MSP +1% increase. Class : Shadow Armor Location : Accessory Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Job : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 0 Id: (24051) Athena Earring (Shadow) Sacred earring protecting the owner. Enables user's potential ability. DEF + 10. When refine level is 7, DEF + 10 increase. When equipped together with Athena Earring Shadow and Resist Spell Power Pendant Shadow, Non Elemental resistance 1% increase. When refine rate total is 15 , Non Elemental resistance 1% extra increase. Class : Shadow Armor Location : Accessory Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Job : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 0 Id: (24052) Cranial Shield (Shadow) Small extra shield gives you additional defense effect. Not really effective when worn alone. 1% damage decrease when attacked by human type monsters. When refine level is 7, 1% extra damage decrease when attacked by human type monsters. When refine level 9, 1% extra damage decrease when attacked by human type monsters. When equipped together with Cranial Shield Shadow and Bloody Shoes Shadow, 3% exp increase when hunting human type monsters. Class : Shadow Armor Location : Shield Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Job : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 0 Id: (24053) Safeguard Shield (Shadow) Small extra shield gives you additional defense effect. Not really effective when worn alone. 1% damage decrease when attacked by bosstype monsters. When refine level is 7, 1% extra damage decrease when attacked by bosstype monsters. When refine level 9, 1% extra damage decrease when attacked by bosstype monsters. When equipped together with Safeguard Shield Shadow and Liberation Shoes Shadow, 5% extra damage to boss type monsters. Class : Shadow Armor Location : Shield Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Job : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 0 Id: (24054) Brutal Shield (Shadow) Small extra shield gives you additional defense effect. Not really effective when worn alone. 1% damage decrease when attacked by animal type monsters damage. When refine level is 7, 1% extra damage decrease when attacked by animal type monsters. When refine level 9, 1% extra damage decrease when attacked by animal type monsters. When equipped together with Brutal Shield Shadow and Clamorous Shoes Shadow, 3% exp increase when hunting animal type monsters. Class : Shadow Armor Location : Shield Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Job : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 0 Id: (24055) Gargantua Shield (Shadow) Small extra shield gives you additional defense effect. Not really effective when worn alone. 1% damage decrease when attacked by insect type monsters. When refine level is 7, 1% extra damage decrease when attacked by insect type monsters. When refine level 9, 1% extra damage decrease when attacked by insect type monsters. When equipped together with Gargantua Shield Shadow and Insecticide Shoes Shadow, 3% exp increase when hunting insect type monsters. Class : Shadow Armor Location : Shield Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Job : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 0 Id: (24056) Homers Shield (Shadow) Small extra shield gives you additional defense effect. Not really effective when worn alone. 1% damage decrease when attacked by fish type monsters. When refine level is 7, 1% extra damage decrease when attacked by fish type monsters. When refine level 9, 1% extra damage decrease when attacked by fish type monsters. When equipped together with Homers Shield Shadow and Fisher Shoes Shadow, 3% exp increase when hunting fish type monsters. Class : Shadow Armor Location : Shield Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Job : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 0 Id: (24057) Dragoon Shield (Shadow) Small extra shield gives you additional defense effect. Not really effective when worn alone. 1% damage decrease when attacked by dragon type monsters. When refine level is 7, 1% extra damage decrease when attacked by dragon type monsters. When refine level 9, 1% extra damage decrease when attacked by dragon type monsters. When equipped together with Dragoon Shield Shadow and Dragoon Shoes Shadow, 3% exp increase when hunting dragon type monsters. Class : Shadow Armor Location : Shield Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Job : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 0 Id: (24058) Satanic Shield (Shadow) Small extra shield gives you additional defense effect. Not really effective when worn alone. 1% damage decrease when attacked by angel type monsters. When refine level is 7, 1% extra damage decrease when attacked by angel type monsters. When refine level 9, 1% extra damage decrease when attacked by angel type monsters. When equipped together with Satanic Shield Shadow and Seraphim Shoes Shadow, 3% exp increase when hunting angel type monsters. Class : Shadow Armor Location : Shield Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Job : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 0 Id: (24059) Flameguard Shield (Shadow) Small extra shield gives you additional defense effect. Not really effective when worn alone. 1% damage decrease when attacked by non type monsters. When refine level is 7, 1% extra damage decrease when attacked by non type monsters. When refine level 9, 1% extra damage decrease when attacked by non type monsters. When equipped together with Frame Guard Shield Shadow and Beholder Shoes Shadow, 3% exp increase when hunting non type monsters. Class : Shadow Armor Location : Shield Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Job : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 0 Id: (24060) Requiem Shield (Shadow) Small extra shield gives you additional defense effect. Not really effective when worn alone. 1% damage decrease when attacked by immortal type monsters. When refine level is 7, 1% extra damage decrease when attacked by immortal type monsters. When refine level 9, 1% extra damage decrease when attacked by immortal type monsters. When equipped together with Requiem Shield Shadow and Divine Shoes Shadow, 3% exp increase when hunting immortal type monsters. Class : Shadow Armor Location : Shield Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Job : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 0 Id: (24061) Cadi Shield (Shadow) Small extra shield gives you additional defense effect. Not really effective when worn alone. 1% damage decrease when attacked by plant type monsters. When refine level is 7, 1% extra damage decrease when attacked by plant type monsters. When refine level 9, 1% extra damage decrease when attacked by plant type monsters. When equipped together with Cadi Shield Shadow and Chemical Shoes Shadow, 3% exp increase when hunting plant type monsters. Class : Shadow Armor Location : Shield Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Job : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 0 Id: (24062) Bloody Shoes (Shadow) Special shoes wear over your original shoes. Not really effective when worn alone. 2% extra damage to human type monsters. When refine level is 7, 1% extra damage to human type monsters. When refine level 9, 2% extra damage to human type monsters. When equipped together with Bloody Shoes Shadow and Cranial Shield Shadow, 3% exp increase when hunting human type monsters. Class : Shadow Armor Location : Shoes Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Job : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 0 Id: (24063) Liberation Shoes (Shadow) Special shoes wear over your original shoes. Not really effective when worn alone. 2% extra damage to boss type monsters. When refine level is 7, 1% extra damage to boss type monsters. When refine level 9, 2% extra damage to boss type monsters. When equipped together with Liberation Shoes Shadow and Safeguard Shield Shadow, 3% exp increase when hunting boss type monsters 5% extra damage. Class : Shadow Armor Location : Shoes Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Job : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 0 Id: (24064) Chemical Shoes (Shadow) Special shoes worn over your original shoes. Not really effective when worn alone. 2% extra damage to plant type monsters. When refine level is 7, 1% extra damage to plant type monsters. When refine level 9, 2% extra damage to plant type monsters. When equipped together with Chemical Shoes Shadow and Cadi Shield Shadow, 3% exp increase when hunting plant type monsters. Class : Shadow Armor Location : Shoes Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Job : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 0 Id: (24065) Clamorous Shoes (Shadow) Special shoes worn over your original shoes. Not really effective when worn alone. 2% extra damage to animal type monsters. When refine level is 7, 1% extra damage to animal type monsters. When refine level 9, 2% extra damage to animal type monsters. When equipped together with Clamorous Shoes Shadow and Brutal Shield Shadow, 3% exp increase when hunting animal type monsters. Class : Shadow Armor Location : Shoes Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Job : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 0 Id: (24066) Insecticide Shoes (Shadow) Special shoes worn over your original shoes. Not really effective when worn alone. 2% extra damage to insect type monsters. When refine level is 7, 1% extra damage to insect type monsters. When refine level 9, 2% extra damage to insect type monsters. When equipped together with Insecticide Shoes Shadow and Gargantua Shield Shadow, 3% exp increase when hunting insect type monsters. Class : Shadow Armor Location : Shoes Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Job : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 0 Id: (24067) Fisher Shoes (Shadow) Special shoes worn over your original shoes. Not really effective when worn alone. 2% extra damage to fish type monsters. When refine level is 7, 1% extra damage to fish type monsters. When refine level 9, 2% extra damage to fish type monsters. When equipped together with Fisher Shoes Shadow and Homers Shield Shadow, 3% exp increase when hunting fish type monsters. Class : Shadow Armor Location : Shoes Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Job : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 0 Id: (24068) Seraphim Shoes (Shadow) Special shoes worn over your original shoes. Not really effective when worn alone. 2% extra damage to angel type monsters. When refine level is 7, 1% extra damage to angel type monsters. When refine level 9, 2% extra damage to angel type monsters. When equipped together with Seraphim Shoes Shadow and Satanic Shield Shadow, 3% exp increase when hunting angel type monsters. Class : Shadow Armor Location : Shoes Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Job : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 0 Id: (24069) Beholder Shoes (Shadow) Special shoes worn over your original shoes. Not really effective when worn alone. 2% extra damage to non type monsters. When refine level is 7, 1% extra damage to non type monsters. When refine level 9, 2% extra damage to non type monsters. When equipped together with Beholder Shoes Shadow and Frame Guard Shield Shadow, 3% exp increase when hunting non type monsters. Class : Shadow Armor Location : Shoes Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Job : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 0 Id: (24070) Divine Shoes (Shadow) Special shoes worn over your original shoes. Not really effective when worn alone. 2% extra damage to immortal type monsters. When refine level is 7, 1% extra damage to immortal type monsters. When refine level 9, 2% extra damage to immortal type monsters. When equipped together with Divine Shoes Shadow and Requiem Shield Shadow, 3% exp increase when hunting immortal type monsters. Class : Shadow Armor Location : Shoes Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Job : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 0 Id: (24071) Dragoon Shoes (Shadow) Special shoes worn over your original shoes. Not really effective when worn alone. 2% extra damage to dragon type monsters. When refine level is 7, 1% extra damage to dragon type monsters. When refine level 9, 2% extra damage to dragon type monsters. When equipped together with Dragoon Shoes Shadow and Dragoon Shield Shadow, 3% exp increase when hunting dragon type monsters. Class : Shadow Armor Location : Shoes Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Job : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 0 Id: (28324) Steam Starter Ring A ring for new users who start Ragnarok. [HEAL] Lv 1 is available. The lower level your character has, the better aquired exp when you hunt monsters. Mazimum 100% increase, and the effect will disappear when the character Lv is reached Lv.101. Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 1 Required Level : 1 Job : All Jobs ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 1 Files Spoiler Alert: data\idnum2itemdesctable.txt data\idnum2itemdisplaynametable.txt data\idnum2itemresnametable.txt data\itemslotcounttable.txt data\num2itemdesctable.txt data\num2itemdisplaynametable.txt data\num2itemresnametable.txt data\questid2display.txt data\sprite\아이템\낡은카드첩_파랑.act data\sprite\아이템\낡은카드첩_파랑.spr data\sprite\아이템\얼음날개귀.act data\sprite\아이템\얼음날개귀.spr data\sprite\아이템\요정의마법가루.act data\sprite\아이템\요정의마법가루.spr data\sprite\아이템\카네이션머리띠.act data\sprite\아이템\카네이션머리띠.spr data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_얼음날개귀.act data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_얼음날개귀.spr data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_카네이션머리띠.act data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_카네이션머리띠.spr data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_얼음날개귀.act data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_얼음날개귀.spr data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_카네이션머리띠.act data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_카네이션머리띠.spr data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\Thumbs.db data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\낡은카드첩_파랑.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\얼음날개귀.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\요정의마법가루.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\카네이션머리띠.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\낡은카드첩_파랑.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\얼음날개귀.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\요정의마법가루.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\카네이션머리띠.bmp
  18. Added Item Spoiler Alert: Id: (4547) Enhanced Byorgue Card ATK + 10%, MATK + 10% when equipped by Rogue class. MaxHP + 1% for each 2 refines. Chance of confusing attack when using body painting. Class : Card Location : Armour Weight : 1 Id: (4548) Enhanced Salamander Card 40% damage increase for Fire Pilar, Meteor Storm skills. Class : Card Location : Garment Weight : 1 Id: (4551) Enhanced Necromancer Card INT +1 and 2% enemy defense ignore when using wand weapon. Additional 1% enemy magic defense ignore for each 4 refines. Class : Card Location : Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (17529) Sealed Ragris Scroll A special egg containing several items, chances to obtain Sealed Randgris Card, Upgraded Necromancer Card and +11 refine deed when opened. Weight : 1 Id: (17530) Sealed Detale Scroll A special egg containing several items, chances to obtain Sealed Detale Card, Upgraded Salamander Card and +11 refine deed when opened. Weight : 1 Id: (17531) Sealed F Bishop Scroll A special egg containing several items, chances to obtain Sealed Fallen Bishop Card, Upgraded Byorgue Card and +11 refine deed when opened. Weight : 1 Changed Item Spoiler Alert: Id: (2141) Freya's Spiritual Shield Rental Item A spiritual shield granted by Freya. It appears very sturdy, but it will eventually disappear and return to Freya's realm, Folkvangr. Reduce damage from Medium-sized monsters by 25% Item Class: Shield Defense : 5 Weight : 30 Required Level : 20 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2142) Freya's Spiritual Shield Rental Item A spiritual shield granted by Freya. It appears very sturdy, but it will eventually disappear and return to Freya's realm, Folkvangr. Reduce damage from Medium-sized monsters by 25% Item Class: Shield Defense : 5 Weight : 30 Required Level : 20 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2143) Freya's Spiritual Shield Rental Item A spiritual shield granted by Freya. It appears very sturdy, but it will eventually disappear and return to Freya's realm, Folkvangr. Reduce damage from Medium-sized monsters by 25% Item Class: Shield Defense : 5 Weight : 30 Required Level : 20 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2144) Freya's Spiritual Shield Rental Item A spiritual shield granted by Freya. It appears very sturdy, but it will eventually disappear and return to Freya's realm, Folkvangr. Reduce damage from Medium-sized monsters by 25% Item Class: Shield Defense : 5 Weight : 30 Required Level : 20 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2146) Siver Guard [1] A shield which is a guard covered with thin mixed silver and steel. It looks good when it reflects lights. Weapon Class : Shield Def : 60 Weight : 30 Required Level : 22 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2169) Kalasag Sturdy yet light, practical shield made from rattan. 1% damage decrease from boss monsters per 3 refinement. If Kalasag, Buwaya Sack Cloth, Bakonawa Scale Armor, and Bangungot Boots of Nightmare are obtained, damage decreased by 30%, and MHP increases at +20%, and MSP by +10% by from all monsters within Philippine Localizing. Class : Shield Defence : 40 Weight : 40 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2170) Kalasag(Bayani) [1] Sturdy yet light, practical shield made from rattan. 1% damage decrease from boss monsters per 3 refinement. Class : Shield Defence : 40 Weight : 40 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2177) Shield Of Death [1] The Shield of the Lord of Death Increase damage to Boss-type monsters by 2% Receive 10% more damage from normal monsters. Set Bonus Lord of Death Shield of Death Increase damage to Boss-type monsters by 5% if Lord of Death refined +7 above, additional 5% damage to Boss-type monsters. Class : Shield Def : 150 weight : 200 Required Lv : 90 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2189) Mad Bunny [1] A rag doll that Piamette is using for both attack and defense? It looks so real and alive! Increases resistance againtsto all properties by 5%. MDEF +6, DEX +1. Set Bonus Piamette's Ribbon If refined +7 above, Increases resistance againtsto all properties by 2% per refine upgrade, when refine level is over 6. Class : Sheild Defense : 40 Weight : 10 Required LV : 30 Job : All jobs Id: (2358) Angel's Dress An evening dress worn by an Angel. You will feel blessed when you wear it. LUK + 4. Item Class : Armor Defense : 5 Weight : 100 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2383) Brynhild Brynhild is one of the valiant valkyries, meaning 'the warrior's armor'. Base level*20 MHP increase. Base Lv*5 MSP increase. Physical attack power +10%, Magic attack power +10%. MDEF + 10 Cannot be knocked back. Cannot be refined, or destroyed. Item Class : Armor Defense : 120 Weight : 40 Required Level : 94 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2393) Novice Adventurer's Suit [1] A typical wandering adventurer's outfit. Light and comfy. Refining not possible. Class : Armor Defense : 45 Weight : 0 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2451) Freya's Spiritual Sandals Rental Item A pair of spiritual sandals granted by Freya. It appears very sturdy, but it will eventually disappear and return to Freya's realm, Folkvangr. MaxHP + 8%, MaxSP + 8%. Item Class: Shoes Defense : 5 Weight : 40 Required Level : 20 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2452) Freya's Spiritual Sandals Rental Item A pair of spiritual sandals granted by Freya. It appears very sturdy, but it will eventually disappear and return to Freya's realm, Folkvangr. MaxHP + 8%, MaxSP + 8%. Item Class: Shoes Defense : 5 Weight : 40 Required Level : 20 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2453) Freya's Spiritual Sandals Rental Item A pair of spiritual sandals granted by Freya. It appears very sturdy, but it will eventually disappear and return to Freya's realm, Folkvangr. MaxHP + 8%, MaxSP + 8%. Item Class: Shoes Defense : 5 Weight : 40 Required Level : 20 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2454) Freya's Spiritual Sandals Rental Item A pair of spiritual sandals granted by Freya. It appears very sturdy, but it will eventually disappear and return to Freya's realm, Folkvangr. MaxHP + 8%, MaxSP + 8%. Item Class: Shoes Defense : 5 Weight : 40 Required Level : 20 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2456) Paradise Team Boots1 A boots that is provided only for members of the Paradise Team. Untiring shoes that is optimized for a long-walk adventure. HP recovery +10%. SP recovery +2%. cannot be upgraded. Weapon Class : Shoes Def : 14 Weight : 0 Required Level : 12 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2457) Paradise Team Boots2 A boots that is provided only for members of the Paradise Team. Untiring shoes that is optimized for a long-walk adventure. HP recovery +12% SP recovery +4% cannot be upgraded. Weapon Class : Shoes Def : 16 Weight : 0 Required Level : 26 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2458) Paradise Team Boots3 A boots that is provided only for members of the Paradise Team. Untiring shoes that is optimized for a long-walk adventure. HP recovery +14% SP recovery +6% cannot be upgraded. Weapon Class : Shoes Def : 18 Weight : 0 Required Level : 40 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2464) NoFear Shoes Let the ass-kicking commence! STR + 1, INt + 1, DEX + 1. Increase MaxHP +10%, Increase MaxSP +5% Reduce damage from Demi-Humans by 2% When worn with No Fear Underwear and No Fear Belt-Cannot be frozen, Increase EXP Gain by 5%. Item Class : Shoes Defense : 6 Weight : 0 Required Level : 20 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2473) Eden Group Boots IV Boots that are provided only for members of the Eden Group. These are designed to fit comfortably throughout long-walks. HP recovery +28% SP recovery +12% Cannot be upgraded. Class : Footwear Defense : 20 Weight : 0 Required Level : 60 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2477) Sapha's Shoes [1] Shoes that have long been known to be from the world of darkness. Luk +12 3, MaxSP + 30 Set Bonus Sapha Cloth Sapha Hood Sapha Ring Flee + 10, Crit + 15, Increases damage of [Cross Impact] by 20% Increases SP costs of skills by 10% Class : Shoes Defense : 18 Weight : 40 Required Level : 100 Job : Guillotine Cross Id: (2491) Bangungot Boots of Nightmare Ominous boots emitting Bangungot's revenge and powerful hatred of humans. MDEF +1 increase per 1 refinement. Speed increased with 14 refinement and above. Class : Shoes Defence : 10 Weight : 60 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2492) Bangungot Boots(Bayani) [1] Ominous boots emitting Bangungot's revenge and powerful hatred of humans. MDEF +1 increase per 1 refinement. Speed increased with 12 refinement and above. Class : Shoes Defence : 10 Weight : 60 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2495) Egir Shoes [1] Egir's shoes , it looks suppporting your capacity can not be destroyed magic, archer, acolyte Class can increase MHP with 5 times of base lv sword, merchant, thief calss can increase MSP with 2 times of job lv Class : shoes Def : 13 weight : 30 Required Lv : 110 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2541) Asprika A wing made of all lights that exist in the world. It's name means 'Light of the gods'. 30% immunity from physicall attacks of all attributes. FLEE + 30, MDEF + 5. Enables use of the skill Teleport Lv1. Can not be refined and destroyed. Item Class : Robe Defense : 40 Weight : 40 Required Level : 94 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2555) Freya's Spiritual Scarf Rental Item A spiritual scarf granted by Freya. It appears very sturdy, but it will eventually disappear and return to Freya's realm, Folkvangr. Flee +15, Reduce damage from Neutral property by 15% Item Class: Robe Defense : 0 Weight : 40 Required Level : 20 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2556) Freya's Spiritual Scarf Rental Item A spiritual scarf granted by Freya. It appears very sturdy, but it will eventually disappear and return to Freya's realm, Folkvangr. Flee +15, Reduce damage from Neutral property by 15% Item Class: Robe Defense : 0 Weight : 40 Required Level : 20 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2557) Freya's Spiritual Scarf Rental Item A spiritual scarf granted by Freya. It appears very sturdy, but it will eventually disappear and return to Freya's realm, Folkvangr. Flee +15, Reduce damage from Neutral property by 15% Item Class: Robe Defense : 0 Weight : 40 Required Level : 20 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2558) Freya's Spiritual Scarf Rental Item A spiritual scarf granted by Freya. It appears very sturdy, but it will eventually disappear and return to Freya's realm, Folkvangr. Flee +15, Reduce damage from Neutral property by 15% Item Class: Robe Defense : 0 Weight : 40 Required Level : 20 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2560) Paradise Team Manteau A manteau which is only for a Paradise Team member. A good flattering back feature. None property tolerance 10%. cannot be upgraded. Weapon Class : Garment Def : 14 Weight : 0 Required Level : 12 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2571) Eden Group Manteau II A manteau which is only for Eden Group members. It is designed to flatter anyone's backside. Increases tolerance to neutral property by 10%. FLEE +12 Cannot be upgraded. Class : Garment Defense : 18 Weight : 0 Required Level : 60 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2576) Bravery Bag [1] a bag for bravery adventure. you feel safe with this bag. Enables use of Greed Lv 1. If the upgrade level is 7 or higher, If base STR is 90+, ATK +20 (if refine +9, additional ATK +10) If base AGI is 90+, Increase ASPD +8% (if refine +9, ASPD +1) If base VIT is 90+, Neutral resist +5% (if refine +9, additional Neutral resist +5%) If base INT is 90+, MATK +30 (if refine +9, additional MATK +20) If base DEX is 90+, Range attack +5% (if refine +9, additional range attack +5%) If base LUK is 90+, Critical damage +10% (if refine +9, additional critical damage +5%) type : Garment Defense : 20 Weight : 20 Required LV : 1 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2579) Magic Stole [1] a shawl with magical needlework in it MDEF + 3. when using all skills, decrease SP -5%, MaxSP + 3%. if refined lv 6 over, add MaxSP 3%. Class : costume Defense : 8 Weight : 70 Req Level : 1 Jobs : All jobs Id: (2589) Fallen Angel Wing a dark wing from fallen angel. LUK + 2. increase resistance 10% against human type of monster increase resistance 30% against dark type of attack, and decrese resistance 30% against holy attact class : wear def : 18 weight : 20 req leve : 1 jJobs : aAll jobs Id: (2590) Buwaya Sack Cloth Clothes tailored from Buwaya's kidnapping sack. Full of vindictive spirits that cannot rest in peace. Healing capacity and healing item effect increases 1% per 3 refinement. 10% damage decrease from Water, Earth, Fire and Wind Converter monsters. Class : Garment Defence : 8 Weight : 20 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2591) Buwaya Sack Cloth(Bayani) [1] Clothes tailored from Buwaya's kidnapping sack. Full of vindictive spirits that cannot rest in peace. Healing capacity and healing item effect increases 1% per 3 refinement. 10% damage decrease from Water, Earth, Fire and Wind Converter monsters. Class : Garment Defence : 8 Weight : 20 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2751) Academy Badge A badge which can get when they graduate the probationary period of magical school with high grade. Just a symbolic meaning only for probationer magicians? INT + 2, MATK + 3%, MHP + 100. Class : Accessory Def : 0 Weight : 10 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2753) Neutral Ring Rental Item A ring that has special power in each shape. Receive 15% more EXP from Neutral monsters. Item Class: Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2754) Hallow Ring Rental Item A ring that has special power in each shape. Receive 15% more EXP from Undead monsters. Item Class: Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2755) Clamorous Ring Rental Item A ring that has special power in each shape. Receive 15% more EXP from Animal Class monsters. Item Class: Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2756) Chemical Ring Rental Item A ring that has special power in each shape. Receive 15% more EXP from Plant monsters. Item Class: Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2757) Insecticide Ring Rental Item A ring that has special power in each shape. Receive 15% more EXP from Insect type monsters. Item Class: Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2758) Fisher Ring Rental Item A ring that has special power in each shape. Receive 15% more EXP from Fish type monsters. Item Class: Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2759) Decussate Ring Rental Item A ring that has special power in each shape. Receive 15% more EXP from Demon monsters. Item Class: Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2760) Bloody Ring Rental Item A ring that has special power in each shape. Receive 15% more EXP from Demi Human monsters. Item Class: Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2761) Satanic Ring Rental Item A ring that has special power in each shape. Receive 15% more EXP from Angel type monsters. Item Class: Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2762) Dragon Ring Rental Item A ring that has special power in each shape. Receive 15% more EXP from Dragon type monsters. Item Class: Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2811) Freya's Spiritual Bracelet Rental Item A spiritual bracelet granted by Freya. It appears very sturdy, but it will eventually disappear and return to Freya's realm, Folkvangr. All stats +1. Item Class: Accessory Defense : 1 Weight : 20 Required Level : 20 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2812) Freya's Spiritual Bracelet Rental Item A spiritual bracelet granted by Freya. It appears very sturdy, but it will eventually disappear and return to Freya's realm, Folkvangr. All stats +1. Item Class: Accessory Defense : 1 Weight : 20 Required Level : 20 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2813) Freya's Spiritual Bracelet Rental Item A spiritual bracelet granted by Freya. It appears very sturdy, but it will eventually disappear and return to Freya's realm, Folkvangr. All stats +1. Item Class: Accessory Defense : 1 Weight : 20 Required Level : 20 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2814) Freya's Spiritual Bracelet Rental Item A spiritual bracelet granted by Freya. It appears very sturdy, but it will eventually disappear and return to Freya's realm, Folkvangr. All stats +1. Item Class: Accessory Defense : 1 Weight : 20 Required Level : 20 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2833) Odin's Recall Rental Item An awesome ring that is only given to the members of the Order of Odin. All State + 1. Enable to use new skill called "Odin's Recall" Item Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2845) NoFear Belt Strap this on and shut them up! MDEF + 2, ATK + 5%, MATK +5%. Reduce damage from Demi-Humans by 2% When worn with No Fear Shoes and No Fear Underwear-Cannot be frozen, Increase EXP Gain by 5%. Item Class : Accessory Defense : 2 Weight : 0 Required Level : 20 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2855) Whikebain's Black Tail Morocc twon Hyuke's black tail style. It doesn't seem to be moving. ASPD + 3%, Critical + 7. Equip with [Whikebain's Black Ears], extra critical attack damage + 10%. Equip with [Whikebain's Black Ears], Critical +5 if [Whikebain's Black Ears]'s refined more than +7 Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 10 Required lv : 45 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2872) G Honor Certificate a certificate that it gurantee cat gamer members. It has ability to record the match . Class : accessory defence : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2873) Cat Hand Glove [1] a souvenir for Malang do, it makes you happy when equipped VIT + 1, AGI + 1, DEX + 1, LUK + 1. Class : accessory defence : 5 Weight : 10 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2881) Orleans Necklace [1] a necklace for implmenting best of royal palace food. DEX + 2, MATK + 20. "when usign with Orleans globe, can have MATK + 20, with Orleans uniform , can have stat casting 15% decrese, when with Orleans server, can have MATK + 2 increse for shield 1 " Class : Accessory Def : 0 Weight : 10 Required Level : 0 Jobs : aAll Jobs Id: (2907) Buwaya Agimat Tattoo Agimat Tattoo with a huge Alligator pattern. It is told that the one who owns this tattoo will possess extreme power. MATK +7% increase and Fixed Casting 7% decrease. Class : Accessory Defence : 0 Weight : 10 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2910) Bakonawa Agimat Tattoo Agimat Tattoo with a dragon swallowing the moon pattern. It is told that the one who owns this tattoo will possess extreme power. ATK +7% and ASPD 10% increase. Class : Accessory Defence : 0 Weight : 10 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2911) Bangungot Agimat Tattoo Agimat Tattoo with a plump lady pattern. It is told that the one who owns this tattoo will possess extreme power. Healing others 4% increase, healing from others 7% increase. Class : Accessory Defence : 0 Weight : 10 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2959) Fidelity Necklace [1] a necklace with close fate with masters AGI + 2. decrease damage 3% from animal type of monster. Class : accessory Def : 0 weight : 30 Required Lv : 50 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (4488) Sealed Dark Lord Card When character receives damage, there will be certain rate of activating Auto Spell to cast Level5 skill of Meteor Storm. If equipped with Dark Illusion Card, MAXHP+10% and MAXSP+10%. If compounded equipment is refined to +15 and above, MAXHP+5% and MAXSP+5% upon equipped with Dark Illusion Card. Series : Card Compound : Shoe Weight : 1 Id: (5180) Holiday Hat A hat made for a national holiday of somewhere in western country. VIT + 1. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Upper Weight :10 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5191) Black Ribbon [1] A long piece of black satin tied together into a neat little ribbon that wards off harmful magic. INT + 1. MDEF + 3. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Location : Upper Weight : 10 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5192) Yellow Ribbon [1] A long piece of yellow satin tied together into a neat little ribbon that wards off harmful magic. MDEF + 3. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Location : Upper Weight : 10 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5193) Green Ribbon [1] A long piece of green satin tied together into a neat little ribbon that wards off harmful magic. MDEF + 3. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Location : Upper Weight : 10 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5194) Pink Ribbon [1] A long piece of pink satin tied together into a neat little ribbon that wards off harmful magic. MDEF + 3. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Location : Upper Weight : 10 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5195) Red Ribbon [1] A long piece of red satin tied together into a neat little ribbon that wards off harmful magic. MDEF + 3. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Location : Upper Weight : 10 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5196) Orange Ribbon [1] A long piece of orange satin tied together into a neat little ribbon that wards off harmful magic. MDEF + 3. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Location : Upper Weight : 10 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5197) White Ribbon [1] A long piece of white cloth satin together into a neat little ribbon that wards off harmful magic. MDEF + 3. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Location : Upper Weight : 10 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5198) Drooping Bunny A cute bunny doll that is made to put on a person's head. DEX + 1, FLEE + 2. Item Class : Head-gear Defense : 1 Head Position : Upper Weight : 10 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5203) Tongue Mask A Mask sticking out it's tongue Increases Movement Speed when equipped. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Mid,Lower Weight : 20 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5210) Flying Angel A headgear which looks like an angel flapping its wing. It make you feel dizzy when you wear it, but also makes your body feel light. +3% Attack Speed and Floating Casting Speed Int + 1, Agi + 1 Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Location : Upper Weight : 30 Required Level. : 10 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5211) Dress Hat [1] Hairband with the little cute hat on one side. It goes well with glamorous evening dress. You can wear it on sunny day with a parasol and go on a picnic and have a delicious sandwich. MDEF+7 Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Location : Upper Weight : 20 Required Level. : 20 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5212) Satellite Hairband [1] A weird looking hairband. When you wear it, you can hear the beep sound such as a signal from outer space. But it's only an auditory hallucination. That means you feel like you heard the sound but actually you didn't. It also feels like as if the range of your sight has been widen. MHP+50, MSP+10 You can use the LV.1 Ruwach. Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Location : Upper Weight : 100 Required Level. : 30 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5213) Black Bunny Band A hairband that attracts men. You can wear it when you want to look sexy. Your sexyness increases to 100 % AGI + 2, MDEF+3 Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Upper Weight : 20 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5214) Moonlight Flower Hat A hat that has appearance of a monster named Moonlight Flower. It's made with 30% of the Moonlight Flower's fur and 70% of Nine Tail's fur. Hand wash only. You wear it with nine tail muffler on cold winter day. Adds a chance of cast Lv. 1 Increase AGI to the wearer when the wearer attacks a monster. Dex + 2 Item Class: Headgear Defense : 3 Location : Upper, Mid Weight : 20 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5218) Evolved Bunny Band A hair accessory that is made according to the shape of bunny's ears. The headgear seems inproportionate but it looks extremely active. INT + 2 (All transferable methods except kafra storage are locked) Item Class: Headgear Defense : 3 Head Position : Upper Weight : 10 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5221) Elvolved Pair of Red Ribbon A pair of small headbands that makes red its major color. It intends to make a girl looks cute in it. Flee + 5 (All transferable methods except kafra storage are locked) Item Class: Headgear Defense : 2 Head Position : Middle Weight : 10 Required Level : 45 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5222) Evolved Fish on Head Headgear that looks like a delicious blue fish. Some might think that they can sense the fishy smell that it's just plain illusion. AGI + 1, Dex + 1 (All transferable methods except kafra storage are locked) Item Class: Headgear Defense : 4 Head Position : Upper Weight : 50 Required Level : 50 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5243) Chullos [1] A hat which is made by fur of many kinds of animals. It has earplugs which protect ears against cold weather. It is known as a traditional hat from some frigid regions. 10% tolerance against the Frozen. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Head Position : Upper, Middle Weight : 80 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5252) Drooping Nine Tail A hat made to resemble the monster, Nine tails. proud of its great heat-retainablity. AGI + 1, Dex + 1 While damaged, Gloria LV 1 is casted with some chances. Item Class : Headgear Def : 1 Head Position : Upper Weight : 30 Level limit : 20 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5253) Lif Doll Hat [1] A hat made with a cute Lif doll. It makes wearers feel the doll looking down the wearers. It may get popular among people who loves a little girl. INT + 1 While refining, MDEF is increased. Item Class : Headgear Def : 1 Head Position : Upper Weight : 20 Level limit : 20 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5254) Deviling Hat A hat made to resemble a little dead deviling which has charming side-spreaded eyes. ATK, MATK increases by 2%. 2% bonus EXP earned when killed a monster. Additional 1% bonus EXP earned when refined +7 and beyond. Item Class : Headgear Def : 6 Head Position : Upper Weight : 50 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5255) Triple Poring Hat A hat which seems to stack a few of the most popular monster, Poring. Are they Angeling at the bottom, Masterling in the middle, Poring at the top? LUK + 3 While attcking, Auto spell 'Greed' is casted with some chances. Unable to refine. Item Class : Headgear Def : 3 Head Position : Upper Weight : 60 Level limit : 20 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5258) Afro Wig [1] A fluffy afro style wig which is something teenagers go crazy for. Once you wear it, you might want to dance. Add a great chance to cast First-Aid skill on the wearer, when doing physical attack. Increase resistance to Neutral attack by 1%. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Head Position : Upper,Mid Weight : 10 Required Level. : 10 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5302) Lotus Flower Hat A lotus blossom shaped hat. It is sophisticated and elegant. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Location : Upper Weight : 10 Required Level : 30 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5303) Flower Wreath Wreath, interlaced in the magic fire from the grasses, Assembled during the day of summer solstice. It protects owner from the evil forces. MDEF + 5, MSP + 50 Item Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Upper Weight : 30 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5310) Shining Electric bulb Hairband [1] A Hairband which is attached an electric bulb. It doesn't look dangerous even in the dark. 10% tolerance against Dark status. It can use level 1 sight. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Head Position : Upper Weight : 10 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5311) Large Hibiscus [1] A large hibiscus flower decoration. It is found only in Ayothaya. MDEF + 15 Item Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Head Position : Upper Weight : 10 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5313) Diadem [1] A Headgear which is made of jewelry of love. A person who wears it can find real love. Int + 1, Matk + 3%, Reduce 3% floating casting time. Increase 3% HP rate what user use by yourself HEAL,SANCTUARY,POTIONPITCHER. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Head Position : Upper, Middle Weight : 10 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5314) Hockey Mask A Hockey mask. When you wear it, you will feel the urge to have arms in your hand. Increase 5% damage to Demi Human race monster. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Head Position : Middle, Lower Weight : 10 Required Level : 50 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5315) Observer A device which can check the energy of the other party. Usually it is counted as 5 through the people in a village. Can use Sense Lv.1 Item Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Head Position : Middle Weight : 10 Required Level : 35 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5324) Little Angel Doll A doll looks like an angel. It is used as a sacrifice when Blacksmiths perform a worship for the God. When the wearer receives Physical attack, adds a chance of 3Lv Grand Cross. DEX + 3 Weapon Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Upper Weight : 30 Required Level : 10 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5328) Evil Wing Ears As an ear accessory is made of black wings, feels proud of grace and charisma from devil. Wearer feels like get mystery power through the wing. STR + 1 Weapon Class: Headgear Defense : 2 Item Position : Middle Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5332) Loki Mask A mask that imbued with the sweet whispers of Loki . Perfect Dodge + 3. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Middle, Lower Weight : 20 Required Level : 20 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5333) Radio Antenna A hat designed to transmit electric waves. Sometimes it receives electric waves from external worlds. MDEF + 5 CRI + 5, FLEE + 5 Able to use Lightning_Bolt Lv1. Able to use Thunderstorm Lv5 by a small chance when physical attack. Item Class: Headgear Defense : 1 Location : Upper Weight : 150 Required Level : 50 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5334) Angeling Wanna Fly Angeling hat with the pathetic mind of an Angeling who wants to fly. LUK + 2 MDEF + 2 Cannot be upgraded. Item Class: Headgear Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 70 Required Level : 38 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5335) Jumping Poring A Poring hat that feels like hopping on top of your head. It brings fortune to the wearer. LUK + 1 Cannot be upgraded and destroyed. Item Class: Headgear Defense : 3 Location : Upper Weight : 30 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5338) Bf Recruiter Hat A helm with boyfriend wanted ad on it. Let's introduce her to a boy! Item Class: Headgear Defense : 4 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required Level : 10 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5339) Friend Recruiter Hat A helm with friend wanted ad on it. Do you have many friends? Item Class: Headgear Defense : 4 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required Level : 10 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5346) Gf Recruiter Hat A helm with a girlfriend wanted ad on it. Let's introduce him to a girl! Item Class: Headgear Defense : 4 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required Level : 10 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5358) Peco Ears Decoration item with peco peco wing ears. AGI + 1, MDEF + 2 class : headgear Defense : 2 location : Upper & Middle weight : 10 Required Level : 70 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5359) Master's Hat [1] This hat reminds us of the brilinat pilot. DEX + 1. MHP + 100. Increase long distance physical attack by 7%. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Location : Upper Weight : 30 Required Level : 60 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5360) Whikebain's Black Ears The black ears which is used by Whikebain. Increase critical attack damage by 10%. When you magically attack monsters, you could ignore the magical def for 5 sec in high rate. FLEE + 10. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 4 Location : Upper Weight : 20 Required Level : 45 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5361) Gang's Scarf School scarf from a gang. ATK + 5 If worn by [Rogue Class], enables use of Level 1 Gangster's Paradise. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 10 Required Level : 60 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5362) Ninja Scroll Ninja's secret magic scroll. Increases MATK by 1% Weapon Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 20 Required Level : 60 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5367) Hyegun's Hat [1] A Monster Hyegun's hat. It looks nasty and tattered but it has better defense than what you thought. 10 % resistance against demon monsters. MDEF + 3, Cannot be upgraded. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 5 Location : Upper,Mid,Lower Weight : 10 Required Level : 10 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5370) Orchid Hairband A hair band made by orchid and it smells like a scent of a flower. INT + 1 Item Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Location : Upper Weight : 20 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5371) Judge's Hat A hat that was worn by a competent judge. When you wear it, you will feel like becoming a judge who is seeking justice. LUK + 1, SP + 30 Item Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Upper, Middle Weight : 30 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5384) Cute Santa Hat [1] An Santa hat with two pony tails at the back. It will protect you from the cold weather. LUK + 3. Gives 20% tolerance against Curse. Increase attack speed by 2% and decrease casting delay by 2%. Drop " Piece of Cake, Candy, Candy Cane" as low chance when hunt the mosters. It adds low chance of giving CRI +50 for 10 seconds when physically attacking. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Upper Weight : 20 Required Level : 20 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5385) Yoyo Hat An adorable hat, it looks like an impish monster YoYo. Enables use of Hiding Lv 1 Item Class: Headgear Defense : 1 Location : Upper Weight : 30 Required Level : 20 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5393) Lover's Hat A hat which showed that you were falling in love! You will feel stronger because strength of your love will make you powerful! MHP&MSP + 7% Cannot be upgraded. Item Class: Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Upper Weight : 20 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5395) Tiraya Bonnet [1] A big bonnet. Nobody knows how to use it. MHP + 100. LUK + 3. Additional HP bonus by the refine level. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Location : Upper Weight : 50 Required Level : 50 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5396) Jasper Crest [1] Beautiful shining crest with gold and jewelry decorated. DEX + 1 , 5% additional damage to imortal monsters, 5% additional damage to undead monsters. With refine Lv is lower than 6, player takes Blind by low chance when attacking. With refine Lv over 9 additional DEX+2. Class : Headgear Defense : 6 Location : Upper Weight : 70 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5406) Clergyman Grad Hat A hat which can get when they graduate the clergyman school with high grade. There's saying that this hat is suitable only for the man who has strong belief for god. INT + 1, DEX + 2, VIT + 1. Reduces 5% of casting delay after use a skill. Class : Headgear Def : 3 Location : Upper Weight : 50 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5407) Magician Grad Hat [1] A hat which can get when they graduate the magician school with high grade. There's a saying that this hat can be a standard for distingusihing a elite magician. INT + 2, DEX + 2. Autocast Lv 1 Assumptio for yourself by low chance when cast magical attack. Class : Headgear Def : 3 Location : Upper Weight : 50 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5411) White Snake Hat A hairband that is shaped of white snake. DEX + 2 Item Class: Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Upper Weight : 50 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5413) Popcorn Hat A hat with well-fried popcorn in it. Increases resistance to Wind Property Attack by 10%. Class : Headgear Defense : 4 Location : Upper Weight : 30 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5429) Hobgoblin's Hat [1] A hobgoblin's cute hat. Increases HP and SP recovery rate by 5%. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Upper Weight : 10 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5451) RPC Gold Dragon Helm [1] A legendary Dragon helm, inspired god of Dragon. Only RPC Top guild members can have this special helm. Increases Attack Speed by 10%. ALL STATUS + 3 5 % additional damage on Demi-Human monsters. Cannot be upgraded. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 7 Item Position : Upper Weight : 250 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5452) RPC Silver Dragon Helm [1] A legendary Dragon helm, inspired god of Dragon. Only RPC second place guild members can have this special helm. Increases Attack Speed by 7%. ALL STATUS + 2 3 % additional damage on Demi-Human monsters. Cannot be upgraded. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 5 Item Position : Upper Weight : 250 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5453) RPC Bronze Dragon Helm [1] A legendary Dragon helm, inspired god of Dragon. Only RPC third place guild members can have this special helm. Increases Attack Speed by 5%. ALL STATUS + 2 1 % additional damage on Demi-Human monsters. Cannot be upgraded. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Item Position : Upper Weight : 250 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5462) Spiked Scarf Spiked Scarf VIT + 1. Reduces damage from Demi-Human class monsters by 1%, Increases damage to Demi-Human class monsters by 1%. Item Class: Headgear Defense : 1 Location : Lower Weight : 10 Required Level : 90 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5463) Rainbow Scarf Rainbow Scarf INT + 1. MDEF + 2. MATK + 1% Item Class: Headgear Defense : 1 Location : Lower Weight : 10 Required Level : 90 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5464) Zaha Doll Hat [1] Zaha doll hat which resembles angel of Zaha. It looks great on your head. INT+2 Able to use Lv.3 [Magnificat]. Can't be refined. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5466) Wind Milestone [1] A cap of post man who delivers letters with heart. Magic in the cap protects the wearer not to lose their way. AGI + 2 Able to use Teleport Lv 1.(New Chaos Only) Class : Headgear Def : 2 Location : Upper Weight : 10 Required Level : 30 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5467) Helm Of Dragoon A headgear made by the hard scale of Dragon. The wearer of this headgear can get the great power of Dragon. Additional 20% damage to Dragons. Cause a certain abnormal status to all enemies in 5x5 cell when physical attack, by low chance. Class : Headgear Def : 5 Location : Upper Weight : 200 Required Level : 50 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5468) Parade Cap [1] A cap which makes the wearer very happy to go on a parade. Reduces after-cast delay by 5%. Reduces after-cast delay by additional 5% if headgear is +7 or higher. Class : Headgear Def : 3 Location : Upper Weight : 80 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5470) Eyes Of Darkness An eye cover which has gloomy eyes on it. It looks fixed, but someone says the eyes moves sometimes. DEX + 1. Never get Blindness. Class : Headgear Def : 1 Location : Mid Weight : 10 Required Level : 50 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5471) Hairband Of Reginleif A head accessory which is named after Valkyrie¡¸Reginleif¡¹. If someone wear this, they can get the bless of god. Additional 3% tolerance to the Water, Fire, Dark, Undead property. Class : Headgear Def : 1 Location : Mid Weight : 80 Required Level : 50 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5476) Grandpeco Hairband A hair ornament made by Grand peco's feathers. Only gallant patriarch is allowed to wear it. STR + 2. MHP-10% Increased 15% damage to Orc Warrior, Orc Lady, Orc Baby, High Orc, Orc Archer, Orc Skeleton and Orc Zombie. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Upper, Mid Weight : 80 Required Level : 30 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5478) Classic Hat A Classic hat. STR + 2, MHP + 300 Item Class: Headgear Defense : 3 Location : Upper Weight : 50 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5489) Love Daddy A yellow tredy hat has a "love daddy" logo. Thailand people wear it to admire king. DEX + 2. Item Class : Headgear DEF : 0 Item Position : Upper Weight : 10 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5491) Outlaw's Hat [1] Not many people can stand a hot and steamy sand storm that is from far north Brazil. But these natives are well known for standing against heat and humidity with less water and food. STR + 2. Add 10 % resistance to Fire Property attacks. Item Class: Headgear Defense : 3 Location : Upper Weight : 80 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5495) Power Of Thor Covered with mighty power of Thor, the strongest god among a war at Jushin. A small portion of Thor's mighty power is granted to the one who possesses this helm. The power within a Skyblue-feather must be used on good purposes, and the power within a Gray hoof has to be used with caution on every occasion. Flee + 5 All Stat + 1 Cannot be upgraded. Item Class: Headgear Defense : 6 Location : Upper Weight : 50 Required Level : 75 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5496) Dice Hat Props for the table game. It used to be a tool of gamble. Sum of the each sides of symmetry is always 7. Luk + 4 Cannot be upgraded. Item Class: Headgear Defense : 3 Location : Upper Weight : 30 Required Level : 50 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5498) Wolf King Helm Can feel a high dignity of the Northern Wolf Tribe. It is made out of Wolf King's fur and feels like you've surrounded by some kind of dignified force when worn. Flee + 10 Vit + 5 Cannot be upgraded. Item Class: Headgear Defense : 5 Location : Upper,Mid Weight : 60 Required Level : 20 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5499) Pizza Hat Is there anyone in this world who doesn't like pizza?? Even a fierce monster won't be able to refuse this tasty food. You can provoke monsters by wearing this hat. Enables use of Lv. 1 Provoke Item Class: Headgear Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 60 Required Level : 0 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5500) Ice Cream Hat Having Ice-cream is the best way to escape the heat! Be careful, your brain might be frozen! Allows the wearer to use 'Frost Diver LV.3' MDEF + 3 Item Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Location : Upper Weight : 30 Required Level : 30 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5501) Pirate's Pride [1] The Pride of the Pirate is best expressed with a lurid sea tune, and a sea battle for plunder! Item Class: Headgear Defense : 3 Location : Upper Weight : 10 Required Level : 10 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5502) Necromancer's Hood [1] The Deadly Necromancer's Essence is embodied in this Hood. When attacked with Magic or Physical Damage has a low chance of casting Lv 5 Dark Strike on the opponent. Item Class: Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Upper, Mid Weight : 10 Required Level : 10 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5503) Rabbit Magic Hat A hat used by magician with his magic. A bunny popped out from the hat by mistake. Can't imagine what's going to pop out next. Autospell Lv. 1 Lightening Bolt, Lv. 1 Fire Bolt and Lv. 1 Cold Bolt when attacking the target physically. INT +1, MAX SP + 50 Item Class: Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Upper Weight : 80 Required Level : 45 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5504) Chinese Wedding Veil A specially made wedding veil to celebrate the sixth year anniversary of RO. It is also used to show "someone's love and affection". MDEF + 10 Item Class: Headgear Defense : 5 Location : Upper,Mid,Lower Weight : 50 Required Level : 70 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5505) Asara Fairy Hat A hat worn by priests when performing a sacrificial rite. Shape of a hat resembles the ancient fairies of Asara. Enables use of Lv.1 Don't Forget Me skill when equipped by Dancer jobs. Dex +2, Luk + 2 Item Class: Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Upper,Mid Weight : 50 Required Level : 50 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5509) Sting Hat A hand-shape hat made by mud. It feels weird when you wear it. STR + 2, VIT + 1, MDEF + 3. Randomly auto casts 'Earth Spike LV 1' when attacked physically. Damage from the Earth Property Monsters reduced by 5%. Damage from the Fire Property Monsters increased by 5%. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 5 Location : Upper Weight : 100 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5511) Samambaia [1] A circlet made of samambaia leaf. Increase 8% SP recover rate. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 5 Item Position : Upper,Middle Weight : 100 Required Level : 30 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5512) Aquarius Diadem A diadem that represents Aquarius which is the 11th sign of Zodiac. An amethyst, the birtstone, is embedded on it. STR + 2, FLEE + 10, Increase resistance against wind property attack by 5%. If refined higher than +7 DEF + 1, ATK + 15. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Location : Upper Weight : 30 Required Level : 70 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5513) Aquarius Crown A crowm that represents Aquarius which is the 11th sign of Zodiac. An amethyst, the birthstone, is embedded on it. STR + 2, FLEE + 10, Increase resistance against wind property attack by 5%. If refined higher than +7 DEF + 1, ATK + 15. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Location : Upper Weight : 30 Required Level : 70 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5514) Pisces Diadem [1] A diadem that represents Pisces which is the 12th sign of Zodiac. An aquamarine, the birthstone, is embedded on it. INT + 1, MDEF + 3, Increase resistance against water property attack by 5%. If refined higher than +7 MDEF + 1, MATK + 2%. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 30 Required Level : 70 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5515) Pisces Crown [1] A crown that represents Pisces which is the 12th sign of Zodiac. An aquamarine, the birthstone, is embedded on it. STR + 1, DEF + 2, Increase resistance against water property attack by 5%. If refined higher than +7 DEF + 1, ATK + 2%. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Upper Weight : 30 Required Level : 70 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5518) Large Baphomet Horns A headgear made from the horns of Baphomet. 12% additional tolerance against Demi-Human monsters. Increase certain amount of ATK based on wearer's Job lv. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 5 Location : Upper Weight : 80 Required Level : 50 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5519) Peacock Feather [1] You seems to sing a song like Bard. INT +2. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Item Position: Upper Weight : 80 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5526) Lady Tanee Doll A doll molded out of a lady Tanee. AGI + 2, FLEE + 3, Reduces damage received with a wind elemental attacks by 5%, Banana is dropped randomly when the wearer kills a monster. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Upper Weight : 30 Required Level : 60 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5527) Lunatic Hat A hat molded out of a fuzzy Lunatic. LUK + 5, MDEF + 2, Perfect Dodge + 5, here's a chance to get a Rainbow Carrot when hunting a Animal-Type Monster. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Upper Weight : 30 Required Level : 0 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5529) Satan's Bone Hat People say it is made of Satan Morroc's bone. But nobody can confirm whether it is true or not. DEX + 3. 5% Tolerance to non-elemental attacks. Allows the wearer to use 'Frost Nova LV. 1'. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 6 Location : Upper, Mid Weight : 60 Required Level : 70 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5530) Raven Cap [1] A black Raven Cap that has black beak and feathers. It is so black. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 6 Location : Upper Weight : 10 Required Level : 30 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5531) Baby Dragon Hat [1] A cute dragon is fast asleep on your head. He wouldn't wake up whatever you do. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 6 Location : Upper Weight : 10 Required Level : 0 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5532) Pirate Dagger It holds the knife in mouth to make a battle in the water. It's prohibitted to children. Reflect 1% when get a short range physical attack. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Location : Low Weight : 10 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5533) Emperor Wreath A crown is made of laurel what emperor used in coronation. A symbol of victory and glory. ALL State + 1. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 6 Location : Upper Weight : 80 Required Level : 80 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5534) Fox Hat A mask is modeled on white fox. One of east aisa country believes fox as god. AGI + 1, Perfect Flee + 2. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Location : Mid,Lower Weight : 10 Required Level : 70 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5535) Military Cap [1] A Military Cap designed classic shape for military purpose. STR + 1, VIT + 1, AGI + 1, MSP + 50. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 5 Location : Upper Weight : 50 Required Level : 0 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5539) Jaguar Hat [1] A jaguar mask is called as a king in Amazon. According to rumor wearer can get blessing form nature. MDEF + 2. Able to use Crazy Uproar skill. Item Class : Headgear DEF : 4 Item Position: Upper, Middle, Low Weight : 40 Required Level : 25 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5540) Freya's Spiritual Circlet Rental Item A spiritual circlet granted by Freya. It appears very sturdy, but it will eventually disappear and return to Freya's realm, Folkvangr. STR + 1, INT + 1, DEX + 1. Item Class: Headgear Defense : 4 Location : Upper Weight : 70 Required Level : 20 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5541) Freya's Spiritual Circlet Rental Item A spiritual circlet granted by Freya. It appears very sturdy, but it will eventually disappear and return to Freya's realm, Folkvangr. STR + 1, INT + 1, DEX + 1. Item Class: Headgear Defense : 4 Location : Upper Weight : 70 Required Level : 20 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5542) Freya's Spiritual Circlet Rental Item A spiritual circlet granted by Freya. It appears very sturdy, but it will eventually disappear and return to Freya's realm, Folkvangr. STR + 1, INT + 1, DEX + 1. Item Class: Headgear Defense : 4 Location : Upper Weight : 70 Required Level : 20 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5543) Freya's Spiritual Circlet Rental Item A spiritual circlet granted by Freya. It appears very sturdy, but it will eventually disappear and return to Freya's realm, Folkvangr. STR + 1, INT + 1, DEX + 1. Item Class: Headgear Defense : 4 Location : Upper Weight : 70 Required Level : 20 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5545) Aries Diadem [1] A diadem that represents Aries which is the 1st sign of Zodiac. A diamond, the birtstone, is embedded on it. VIT + 2, Increse resistance against fire property attack by 5%. If refined more than +7 level, DEF + 2, VIT + 1. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Upper Weight : 40 Required Level : 71 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5546) Aries Crown [1] A diadem that represents Aries which is the 1st sign of Zodiac. A diamond, the birtstone, is embedded on it. LUK + 2, Increse resistance against fire property attack by 5%. If refined more than +7 level, Perfect dodge + 2, LUK + 1. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Upper Weight : 40 Required Level : 70 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5547) RJC Flower Katusa [1] A Katusa with a small and willowy flower. Earth spike, Heaven's drive damage + 15%, decrease 25% of changing cast time. 1% of Heaven's drive damage, Earth spike damage increases whenever the number of refinement increases +1 . Item Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Location : Upper Weight : 20 Required Level : 0 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5548) Scarlet Rose Scarlet rose in a mouth. Did they even remove the thorns? When you defeated a monster, the monster drops a Witherless Rose at a certain rate. DEX + 1. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Location : Low Weight : 10 Required Level : 50 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5549) Taurus Diadem [1] A diadem that represents Taurus which is the second sign of Zodiac. An emerald, the birthstone, is embedded on it. When you are attcked physically, it stuns to enermy as regular probability. MATK + 2%, Decrease 2% delay after skill. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Location : Upper Weight : 30 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5550) Taurus Crown [1] A crown that represents Taurus which is the second sign of Zodiac. An emerald, the birthstone, is embedded on it. When dealing physical attacks, it stuns to enermy as regular probability. ATK + 2%, Decrease 2% delay after skill. When it's over 7 refine, adds STR + 1, ATK + 1%. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Location : Upper Weight : 30 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5552) Festival Grand Circlet Rental Item Limited Promo! Summer Festival Grand Circlet! 4 weeks rental item. STR + 3, INT + 3, MDEF + 3. Item Class: Headgear Defense : 8 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required Level : 0 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5553) Festival Bunny Band Rental Item Limited Promo! Summer Festival Bunny Band! 4 weeks rental item. MDEF + 4, Reduces damage from Demihuman monsters by 9%. Item Class: Headgear Defense : 7 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required Level : 0 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5554) Octopus Hat Ridiculous Octopus with a gentleman's hat. It feels like it's making fun of me as I look at it. AGI +2, Low chance of autocast Lv.5 [Provoke] when attacked physically. Indestructable. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Location : Upper Weight : 20 Required Level : 20 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5555) Leaf Cat Hat A hat which resembles cute Leat Cat. A power to cure is dwelling inside. AGI + 2, Low chance of autocast Lv.3 [Heal] on self when attacked physically. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Location : Upper Weight : 10 Required Level : 0 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5556) Fur Seal Hat Very warm hat which a monster 'Fur Seal' is wearing. INT + 1, Low chance of autocast Lv. 1 [Frost Nova] when attacked physically. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Location : Upper,Mid,Lower Weight : 50 Required Level : 55 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5558) Saci's Hat [1] This hat is a legend to the people from whild festival world. Low chance of dropping 'Blue Herb' when hunt a Plant type monster. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Location : Upper Weight : 10 Required Level : 30 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5563) Dolor Hat [1] Doll-hat which resembles 'Dolor of Thanatos'. People say that this doll speaks. Indestructable. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Location : Upper Weight : 10 Required Level : 0 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5564) Crown Of Deceit [1] A deceptive crown that was once used to summon monsters. INT + 4, Cast-time reduced by 10%. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Location : Upper, Mid Weight : 30 Required Level : 85 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5568) Rabbit Bonnet [1] A Bonnet looks like a cute rabbit that made by legendary hat maker. It looks so soft and weak but it might have extraordinary things inside of it. INT + 2, Reduce casting delay by 3%. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 4 Location : Upper, Mid Weight : 100 Required Level : 0 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5569) Gemini Diadem [1] A diadem that represents Gemini which is the third sign of Zodiac. An alexandrite, the birthstone, is embedded on it. AGI + 2, FLEE + 5, 5% resistance against to Wind property attack. Over refine LV 7 HIT + 5, ATK + 10. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Location : Upper Weight : 30 Required Level : 70 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5570) Gemini Crown [1] A crown that represents Gemini which is the third sign of Zodiac. An alexandrite, the birthstone, is embedded on it. AGI + 2, CRI + 3, 5% resistance against to Wind property attack. Over refine LV 7 CRI + 5, ATK + 10. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Location : Upper Weight : 30 Required Level : 70 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5573) Dokkaebi Horn [1] Baby Dokkaebi's strong firm horn. Some say this brings you wealth. Drops jewelry when killing monsters with low chance, with physical attack activates mammonite Lv5 by certain chance.(Spends zeny when activating, not available without zeny.) Class : Headgear Defense : 6 Location : Upper Weight : 10 Required Level : 0 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5574) Pencil In Mouth A popular snack while taking tests. It makes one look more studious but, it's days may be numbered if it stays in somebody's mouth any longer. HIT + 3. When equipped with a concentration cap, it gives DEX + 2, DEF + 2. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Location : low Weight : 10 Required Level : 10 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5575) Rice Ball Hat [1] A hat made modeled on rice ball. It will give souvenir to you for the picnic. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Location : Upper Weight : 10 Required Level : 30 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5578) Voyage Hat A hat that is given to brave sailors. AGI + 2. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Item Position : Upper Weight : 1 Required Level : 0 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5579) Wanderer Sakkat [1] A rustic hat made of bamboo that was worn by a heroic wandering adventurer. It shadows your eyes with its wide brim. AGI + 2. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Upper, Mid Weight : 30 Required Level : 70 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5580) Red Beret This cap is symbolic of the manpower. Increase physical damage by 5% toward human monster. Decrease physical damage by 5% from human monster. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 70 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5581) Cancer Diadem A magnificent diadem created to pay tribute to the 4th sign of the zodiac, Cancer the Crab. Attached to the crown is a Ruby gemstone, the birthstone for those born under this sign. INT + 2, Increase Resistance to Water Property by 5%. If refined to 7 or higher, MDEF + 1, MATK + 2%, Increase effectiveness of Heal & recovery items by 3%. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Location : Upper Weight : 30 Required Level : 70 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5582) Cancer Crown A magnificent crown created to pay tribute to the 4th sign of the zodiac, Cancer the Crab. Attached to the crown is a Ruby gemstone, the birthstone for those born under this sign. Increase Resistance to Water Property by 5%. If refined to 7 or higher, DEF + 1, ATK + 15, FLEE + 10. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Location : Upper Weight : 30 Required Level : 70 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5583) Paradise Team Hat A hat that is provided only for members of the Paradise Team. It's designed to go well with a suit. Weapon Class : Helmet Def : 5 À§Ä¡: Upper Weight : 0 Required Level : 12 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5584) Majestic Devil Horn The horns imbued with full of Devil Spirit. Feels so tight and harsh. Reduce damage from demon monsters by 3%. Recover 1 SP when kill the enemies by using short range physical attack or magical attack. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Upper Weight : 40 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5588) Leo Crown [1] A crown that represents Leo which is the fifth sign of Zodiac. A peridot, the birthstone, is embedded on it. STR + 1, 5% resistance against to Fire property attack, ATK + 5. Over refine LV 7 FLEE + 10, CRI + 2 Item Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Location : Upper Weight : 30 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5589) Leo Diadem [1] A diadem that represents Leo which is the fifth sign of Zodiac. A peridot, the birthstone, is embedded on it. DEX + 1, 5% resistance against to Fire property attack, ATK + 5. Over refine LV 7 FLEE + 10, ASPD + 3% Item Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Location : Upper Weight : 30 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5591) Desert Prince [1] A turban imported from fire burning desert that used by brave warrior who became a legend since several centuries ago. Indestructible. Cannot be upgraded. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Location : Upper Weight : 10 Required Level : 30 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5592) Sigrun's Wing An amazing wing that adjusts perfectly to the warrior's class. STR + 1 to Knight, Theif, Merchant, Taegweon, Taekwon Master class. INT + 1 to Magician, Acolyte, Ninja, Soul linger class. Dex + 1 to Archer, Gun slinger class. HP + 80, SP + 30 to Novice and Super Novice class. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Mid Weight : 10 Required Level : 80 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5595) Eye Of Juno A horn imbued with spirit of devil. Could feel full of vital force from it. MDEF + 2. If worn by Swordman/Merchant/Thief Class, AGI + 2, decrease damage of Neutral , Water property by (Job Lv / 14), increase VIT. If worn by Wizard/Acolyte/Archer Class, INT + 2, DEX + 2, damage of Neutral , Water property by (Job Lv / 14). Item Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Upper Weight : 40 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5596) Four Leaf Clover In Mouth Rental item Fresh leaf smell Four leaf Clover item. I feel lucky today~ ATK + 5, MATK + 5, MDEF + 2. Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5597) Bubble Gum In Mouth Rental item Huge balloon looking bubble gum. You can even blow it much bigger! Caution : May seem ghetto to others. ATK + 5, MATK + 5. MDEF + 2. Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5598) Virgo Crown [1] A crowm that represents Virgo which is the 6th sign of Zodiac. An sapphire, the birthstone, is embedded on it. DEF+3, Dex+2, ASPD +1%. If refined to 7 or higher, +3% resistance to Earth property. Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Location : Upper Weight : 30 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5599) Virgo Diadem [1] A diadem that represents Virgo which is the 6th sign of Zodiac. An sapphire, the birtstone, is embedded on it. ASPD +1%, +5% resistance to Earth property. If refined to 7 or higher, give certain chance to use MO_BALKYOUNG when attacking. Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Location : Upper Weight : 30 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5609) Chung Hairpin [1] If you wear this, it feels like you become a fancy Chung aristocrat. LUK + 3, Mdef +4, Def+5 When receiving any physical attack, Mammonite Lv5 will be activated at a low rate. (If you have no zeny, it won't be activated.) Item Class : Headgear Defense : 5 Location : Upper Weight : 50 Required Level : 60 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5610) Ice Ear Wing Earrings made of ice and other special chemicals. If you wear these, you can beat off the heat by its cool energy! LUK + 1. When receiving any physical attack, Autospell Coldbolt Lv5 will be activated at a low rate. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Location : Mid Weight : 10 Required Level : 10 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5611) Turtle Hat A hat modeled after cute turtle doll. AGI + 1. When receiving any physical attack, Autospell reducing agility Lv3 will be activated at a low rate. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 30 Required Level : 10 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5654) Holy Marching Hat [1] A marcher's hat that has sacred energy. When do physical attack, holy property is given to the weapon for 90 seconds at a certain rate. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Upper Weight : 20 Required Level : 10 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5655) Dark Snake Lord Hat A hat that Dark Snake Lord wears. Feels like being a king when wear this. INT + 2, AGI + 2, DEX-2. When do magical attack, have some chance of decreasing the casting time by 50% for 5 seconds and FLEE + 30. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Upper Weight : 50 Required Level : 60 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5656) Scooter Helmet [1] An equipment for safe when you ride a scooter. It's too strong to be broken. Indestructible. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 7 Location : Upper Weight : 100 Required Level : 50 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5657) Captain Pipe An antique pipe for making a perfect fashion of captain. When you have it with captain hat, long distance physical attack increases as the level of refinement of the pipe. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Location : Low Weight : 10 Required Level : 30 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5658) Imp Hat A hat is modeled on Imp of mascot in Thor sungeon. When use physical attack casting LV1 FLAMELAUNCHER as regular chance. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Location : Upper Weight : 40 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5659) Sleeper Hat A hat is modeled on Sleeper of monster in Sograt desert. When use physical attack casting LV1 SEISMICWEAPON as regular chance. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Location : Upper Weight : 40 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5660) Gryphon Hat A hat is modeled on GRYPHON, symbol of brave. When use physical attack casting LV1 LIGHTNINGLOADER as regular chance. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Location : Upper Weight : 40 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5662) Libra Crown [1] DEX +3, 7% Resistance to wind attack When refine level is above 7, gives MATK + 3%. When refine level is above 9 and physical attack damaged, activate Frost Nova with a low chance. Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Location : Upper Weight : 30 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5663) Libra Diadem [1] DEX+3, ATK + 7. If refined to 7 or higher, chance to use TK_SEVENWIND in Level 2 when attacking. If refined to 9 or higher, FLEE +5 and ATK +3%. Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Location : Upper Weight : 30 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5667) Skull Hood [1] A black hood is decorated with skull model. It makes feel become an angel of death. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required Level : 30 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5674) Pig Moneycoin A piggy-bank which will make you feel good after saving many coins in it. Its cute design will make you to doubt to cut it off to open. Casting time after performing the skill will be increased 10%. When defeating a monster, it can get extra Zeny with a set probability. Cannot be upgraded. Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Location: Upper Weight : 100 Required Level : 10 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5680) Hawk Eyes This headgear makes you more sensitive and you could get high concentration. HIT + 10. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Location : Mid Weight : 10 Required Level : 10 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5683) Horn Of Arch Evil Model An imitation of the famous Magestic Goat. It seems don't have any magical effects. Class : Headgear Defense : 5 Location: Upper Weight : 10 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5684) Luxurious Crown Carefully imitated Jewel Crown replica. Looks quite good. Class : Headgear Defense : 5 Location: Upper Weight : 10 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5686) A Hat With Nice Feather A s-grade replica which is copied in detail even wrinkles. Feels like it's antique feeling of original one remains in it. Class : Headgear Defense : 5 Location: Upper Weight : 10 Required Leve : 1 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5687) Light Hornhelm A helm of Orc that is copied it's primitiva feelings and hand stains. Class : Headgear Defense : 5 Location: Upper Weight : 10 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5691) Sailor's Bandana [1] This is something that many sailors of Alberta wear when sailing through the seven seas. It helps prevent seasickness and its bright color makes it easier to see men who have fallen overboard. DEX + 1. Provides 20% resistance to poison. Indestructable. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Location : Upper Weight : 1 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5692) Sea Cat Hat [1] This is a good companion to have when spending months sailing on a ship. Sailors of Alberta also believe that it is a good luck charm against bad luck and curses. DEX + 1. 20% resistance to Curse Indestructable. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Location : Upper Weight : 1 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5693) NoFear Underwear It's what's inside the man that makes him who he really is. Got the Balls for it? STR + 1, INT + 1, DEX + 1. MaxHP + 700. Reduce damage from Demi-Humans by 2% When worn with No Fear Shoes and No Fear Belt-Cannot be frozen, Increase EXP Gain by 5%. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 10 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required Level : 20 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5738) Snowman Hat [1] An adorable snowman on the head! Feel full of winter atmosphere in the air! STR + 1, INT + 1, MDEF + 3, 7% tolerance to water property attack. Casting Lv1 Frost Joke as low chance when get damage physical and magic attack. Drop "Buche De Noel, Candy Cane" as low chance when hunt the mosters. If refined to 8 or higher, casting Lv5 Frost Joke. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 4 Location : Upper Weight : 30 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5739) Sagittarius Crown [1] A crowm that represents Sagittarius which is the 9th sign of Zodiac. An zircon, the birthstone, is embedded on it. DEX + 2, +7% resistance to Fire property. If refine to 7 or more, ASPD +2%, increase the long distance attack damage by +3% If refine to 9 or more, when physically attacking, has a low chance of increasing DEX +3 , AGI+3 for 10 seconds Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Location : Upper Weight : 30 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5740) Sagittarius Diadem [1] A diadem that represents Sagittarius which is the 9th sign of Zodiac. An zircon, the birtstone, is embedded on it. DEX + 2, MDEF + 3, +7% resistance to Fire property. If refine to 7 or higher, decrease the casting time by 3%. When magical attacking, has a low chance of auto casting WZ_SIGHTRASHER Level 1. If refine to 9 or higher, increase MATK by +3%. Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Location : Upper Weight : 30 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5761) Sloth Hat [1] This cute Sloth must think you look like a tree. At least it warms the top of your head. AGI + 2. Chance to use the skill Sonic Blow Level 5 when you attack physically in short distance . Item Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Location : Upper Weight : 80 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5762) LU Live2010 Duneyrr Hat A hat similar to the MVP Duneyrr. ALL State + 1, MDEF + 5. 2% resistence to human and animal monsters. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 5 Location : Upper Weight : 10 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5763) Red Bunny Band A hairband that attracts men. You can wear it when you want to look sexy. Your sexyness increases to 100 % AGI + 2, MDEF+3 Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Upper Weight : 20 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5764) Lovely Rabbit Hood [1] A hood made by a renowned doll maker with the love toward bunnies. Autocasts level 3 [Gloria] by certain rate when phyical attack. If base AGI is at least 80, Autocasting rate will increase. Unable to Refine Class : Headgear DEF : 1 Location : Upper, Mid, Lower Weight : 30 Level Requirement : 10 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5765) Black Tail Ribbon [1] Dark neat black ribbon. Mdef + 5. Resistance to Neutral property attacks +5%. Resistance to Range attacks+ 5%. Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 10 Required lv : 10 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5766) Amistr Cap Smooth fluffy cap inspired by Homunculus' Amistr. Vit + 5. When receiving physical attack, all damage decrease by 20% for 2 seconds(random chance), Mdef decrease by 20%. Class : Headgear Defense : 4 Location : Upper Weight : 50 Required lv : 50 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5767) Samurai Mask Amatsu warrior Samurai wearing mask during the War time. Increase pysical attack damage + 1%. Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Location : Lower Weight : 30 Required lv : 50 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5768) Sakura Coronet [1] The Coronet which is pinky shining. MaxSP + 25. When you wear this with Romantic Flower you could get INT + 1, if refined lv is over 7, you could get MaxSP + 1% in every each lv. When you wear this with Romantic White Flower, you could get DEX + 1, if refined lv is over 5, you could get decreased skill delay by 1% in every each lv. When you wear this with Romantic Leaf, STR + 1, if refined lv is over 3, you would 1% decreased SP in every each lv. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Location : Upper Weight : 80 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5772) Blood Admiral's Hat This is the hat worn by great Admirals of the navy fleet that defends the port of Alberta. Only those who have spent a lot of time helping the people of Alberta can earn this honorable hat. 10% reduced damage from Demi-human. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Location : Upper Weight : 50 Required Level : 95 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5773) Navy Blue Beret This is a navy blue beret worn by the elite soldiers of the Navy of Alberta. It is very effective when battling pirates on the high seas. 10% reduced damage from Demi-human. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Location : Upper Weight : 50 Required Level : 95 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5774) First Mate's Bandana A bandana usually worn by the first mate of a pirate ship. It commands respect from the crew and is effective when dealing with other pirates. 10% reduced damage from Demi-human. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Location : Upper Weight : 50 Required Level : 95 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5776) Blazing Sun Blazing small Sun. Much powerful than it looks. Eye protection recommended. Skill [Fire Bolt], [Fire Ball] casting time- 5%, Damage + 5%. Skill [Fire Wall], [Meteo Storm] Damage + 3%. Skill using SP + 5%. Refine unavailable. Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 50 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5777) Remover Hat A replica of the helmet worn by firemen. Not as durable as the real firemen's helmet because it is a replica. Mdef + 1 Drops [Empty Bottle], [Ditrimindexta], [Karvodailnirol] in certain rate when defeating Neutral monsters. Unable to Refine Class : Headgear DEF : 2 Location : Upper Weight : 80 Required Lv : 30 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5781) Persica [1] A hairpin made by aromatic floral leaf which is known as a first symbol of spring. Can not be upgraded. MaxSp + 20, Flee +1 If combines with 'Centimental Flower', give MaxSP + 30, INT + 1. If combines with 'Centimental Leaf', give Flee +2, LUK + 1. Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 10 Required lv : 0 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5788) 3D Glasses Mysterious glasses which are said to show objects stereoscopically. Increases 4% magical damage inflicted to formless monsters. Reduces 5% damage taken from neutral attacks. Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Location : mid weight : 20 Req Lv : 10 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5789) Thanatos's Mal Mask Thanatos Mal wore mask. Cute design with high def rate. Vit + 1. Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Location : Mid-Lower Weight : 10 Required lv : 30 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5790) Holy Mom Love [1] A hat full of love from Holy Mom. Sacrifice itself to bless you. Damage from Demi-Human monsters, Undead Monsters + 5%. With physical attack, activate [Blessing Lv1] with random percentage. Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Location : Upper-Mid Weight : 50 Required lv : 45 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5793) Life Ribbon Rental item Yellow, green matching cute ribbon item. INT + 1, MDEF + 2. Increase the effect of the Heal that its wearer casts by 2%. Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Middle Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5795) Red Dress Hat [1] a bright and beautiful hat coordinating a colorful dress. MDEF+7 if refined level increase + 2, can get MDEF + 1 class : headgear defense : 3 location : Upper weight : 20 required level : 20 Jobs : aAll Jobs Id: (5817) Valentine's Emblem A special emblem that is given to the most popular character. ATK + 5% MATK + 3% All Status +2 Flee +10 Aspd +1 It increases the effect of the Heal, Potion Pitcher and recovery class Potions by 10% when they are cast by the wearer. MDEF + 3 (Item's active duration is 365 days since opening.) Item Class : Accessory Defense : 3 Weight : 0 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5819) Carnival Circlet a Circlet that will be used in Carnival festival 'especially for you.' All Status +3 class : Headgear Def : 6 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Jobs : aAll jobs Id: (5829) Ordinary Armor An ordinary armor, nobody knows that it can be refined or not. Item Class : Armor Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 30 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5830) Siege Sakkat Enhanced version of Sakkat from the Midgard Crowd Control event. Reduce damage from Demi-Human by 10% Item Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 1 Required Level : 60 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5831) Siege Big Ribbon Enhanced version of Big Ribbon from the Midgard Crowd Control event. Reduce damage from Demi-Human by 10% Item Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 1 Required Level : 60 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5832) Siege Vane Hairpin Enhanced version of Vane Hairpin from the Midgard Crowd Control event. Reduce damage from Demi-Human by 10% Item Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 1 Required Level : 60 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5833) Siege Sunday Hat Enhanced version of Sunday Hat from the Midgard Crowd Control event. Reduce damage from Demi-Human by 10% Item Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 1 Required Level : 60 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5834) Siege Crown Enhanced version of Crown from the Midgard Crowd Control event. Reduce damage from Demi-Human by 10% Item Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 1 Required Level : 60 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5835) Siege Tiara Enhanced version of Tiara from the Midgard Crowd Control event. Reduce damage from Demi-Human by 10% Item Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 1 Required Level : 60 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5836) Siege Boy's Cap Enhanced version of Boy's Cap from the Midgard Crowd Control event. Reduce damage from Demi-Human by 10% Item Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 1 Required Level : 60 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5837) Siege Shades Enhanced version of Sunglasses from the Midgard Crowd Control event. Reduce damage from Demi-Human by 2% Item Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Mid Weight : 1 Required Level : 70 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5838) Siege Fin Helm Enhanced version of Fin Helm from the Midgard Crowd Control event. Reduce damage from Demi-Human by 2% Item Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Mid Weight : 1 Required Level : 70 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5839) Siege Blush Enhanced version of Blush from the Midgard Crowd Control event. Reduce damage from Demi-Human by 2% Item Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Mid Weight : 1 Required Level : 70 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5840) Siege Elven Ears Enhanced version of Elven Ears from the Midgard Crowd Control event. Reduce damage from Demi-Human by 2% Item Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Mid Weight : 1 Required Level : 70 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5848) Robin Eyepatch You will feel like you become a legendary outlaw Robin Hood once you wear it. Wear it properly, otherwise eye patch will block your vision. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Location : Mid Weight : 0 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5849) Doctor Hairband You will feel like you become a capable doctor once you wear it. Unlicensed medical service is against the law. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5851) Helm Of Summer 30 days Rental Item. A hat that holds spirit of sun. Reduce Demi-human damage by 10%. Add chance to cast Lv1 ¡°Sight¡± skill or Lv1 ¡°Sight Thrasher¡± when being hit by physical or magical attacks. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Location : Upper,Middle Weight : 0 Required Level : 60 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5860) Siege Army Cap Enhanced version of Army Cap from the Midgard Crowd Control event. Reduce damage from Demi-Human by 10% Item Class: Headgear Defense: 0 Location: Upper Weight: 10 Required Level: 60 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5861) Siege Kafra Band Enhanced version of Kafra Band from the Midgard Crowd Control event. Reduce damage from Demi-Human by 10% Item Class: Headgear Defense: 0 Location: Upper Weight: 10 Required Level: 60 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5862) Siege Sweet Gent Enhanced version of Sweet Gent from the Midgard Crowd Control event. Reduce damage from Demi-Human by 10% Item Class: Headgear Defense: 0 Location: Upper Weight: 10 Required Level: 60 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5863) Siege Zoro Mask Enhanced version of Zoro Mask from the Midgard Crowd Control event. Reduce damage from Demi-Human by 2% Item Class: Headgear Defense: 2 Location: Mid Weight: 10 Required Level: 70 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (6797) 10th Anniversary Coin A beautiful coin carved with Angeling to celebrate the 101th anniversary of pRO! Collect more for better happiness. (Note : Item will be removed after the event.) Weight : 0 Id: (12661) Transform Marduk Scroll This item cannot be traded with others. A mystery scroll which allows you to transform into monster "Marduk" for 20 min. Increase magical attackMATK + 25%. Caution! Transformation will be end with death. Weight : 1 Id: (12662) Transform Banshee Scroll This item cannot be traded with others. A mystery scroll which allows you to transform into monster "Banshee" for 20 min. Increase magical attackMATK + 25%. Caution! Transformation will be end with death. Weight : 1 Id: (12739) Snow Flower The rare flower only available around Christmas. Although it look cool, but it can recover HP/SP. _ Weight : 10 Id: (14242) Neutral Ring Box A box containing 1 Neutral Ring in it. Handle with care. 7days Rental Item A ring that has special power in each shape. Receive 15% more EXP from Neutral monsters. Item Class: Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs This item is not refundable. Weight : 1 Id: (14243) Hallow Ring Box A box containing 1 Hallow Ring in it. Handle with care. 7days Rental Item A ring that has special power in each shape. Receive 15% more EXP from Undead monsters. Item Class: Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs This item is not refundable. Weight : 1 Id: (14244) Clamorous Ring Box A box containing 1 Clamorous Ring in it. Handle with care. 7days Rental Item A ring that has special power in each shape. Receive 15% more EXP from Animal Class monsters. Item Class: Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs This item is not refundable. Weight : 1 Id: (14245) Chemical Ring Box A box containing 1 Chemical Ring in it. Handle with care. 7days Rental Item A ring that has special power in each shape. Receive 15% more EXP from Plant monsters. Item Class: Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs This item is not refundable. Weight : 1 Id: (14246) Insecticide Ring Box A box containing 1 Insecticide Ring in it. Handle with care. 7days Rental Item A ring that has special power in each shape. Receive 15% more EXP from Insect type monsters. Item Class: Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs This item is not refundable. Weight : 1 Id: (14247) Fisher Ring Box A box containing 1 Fisher Ring in it. Handle with care. 7days Rental Item A ring that has special power in each shape. Receive 15% more EXP from Fish type monsters. Item Class: Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs This item is not refundable. Weight : 1 Id: (14248) Decussate Ring Box A box containing 1 Decussate Ring in it. Handle with care. 7days Rental Item A ring that has special power in each shape. Receive 15% more EXP from Demon monsters. Item Class: Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs This item is not refundable. Weight : 1 Id: (14249) Bloody Ring Box A box containing 1 Bloody Ring in it. Handle with care. 7days Rental Item A ring that has special power in each shape. Receive 15% more EXP from Demi Human monsters. Item Class: Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs This item is not refundable. Weight : 1 Id: (14250) Satanic Ring Box A box containing 1 Satanic Ring in it. Handle with care. 7days Rental Item A ring that has special power in each shape. Receive 15% more EXP from Angel type monsters. Item Class: Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs This item is not refundable. Weight : 1 Id: (14251) Dragon Ring Box A box containing 1 Dragon Ring in it. Handle with care. 7days Rental Item A ring that has special power in each shape. Receive 15% more EXP from Dragon type monsters. Item Class: Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs This item is not refundable. Weight : 1 Id: (14252) Neutral Ring Box2 A box containing 1 Neutral Ring in it. Handle with care. 15days Rental Item A ring that has special power in each shape. Receive 15% more EXP from Neutral monsters. Item Class: Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs This item is not refundable. Weight : 1 Id: (14253) Hallow Ring Box2 A box containing 1 Hallow Ring in it. Handle with care. 15days Rental Item A ring that has special power in each shape. Receive 15% more EXP from Undead monsters. Item Class: Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs This item is not refundable. Weight : 1 Id: (14254) Clamorous Ring Box2 A box containing 1 Clamorous Ring in it. Handle with care. 15days Rental Item A ring that has special power in each shape. Receive 15% more EXP from Animal Class monsters. Item Class: Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs This item is not refundable. Weight : 1 Id: (14255) Chemical Ring Box2 A box containing 1 Chemical Ring in it. Handle with care. 15days Rental Item A ring that has special power in each shape. Receive 15% more EXP from Plant monsters. Item Class: Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs This item is not refundable. Weight : 1 Id: (14256) Insecticide Ring Box2 A box containing 1 Insecticide Ring in it. Handle with care. 15days Rental Item A ring that has special power in each shape. Receive 15% more EXP from Insect type monsters. Item Class: Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs This item is not refundable. Weight : 1 Id: (14257) Fisher Ring Box2 A box containing 1 Fisher Ring in it. Handle with care. 15days Rental Item A ring that has special power in each shape. Receive 15% more EXP from Fish type monsters. Item Class: Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs This item is not refundable. Weight : 1 Id: (14258) Decussate Ring Box2 A box containing 1 Decussate Ring in it. Handle with care. 15days Rental Item A ring that has special power in each shape. Receive 15% more EXP from Demon monsters. Item Class: Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs This item is not refundable. Weight : 1 Id: (14259) Bloody Ring Box2 A box containing 1 Bloody Ring in it. Handle with care. 15days Rental Item A ring that has special power in each shape. Receive 15% more EXP from Demi Human monsters. Item Class: Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs This item is not refundable. Weight : 1 Id: (14260) Satanic Ring Box2 A box containing 1 Satanic Ring in it. Handle with care. 15days Rental Item A ring that has special power in each shape. Receive 15% more EXP from Angel type monsters. Item Class: Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs This item is not refundable. Weight : 1 Id: (14261) Dragon Ring Box2 A box containing 1 Dragon Ring in it. Handle with care. 15days Rental Item A ring that has special power in each shape. Receive 15% more EXP from Dragon type monsters. Item Class: Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs This item is not refundable. Weight : 1 Id: (14394) Cute Santa Hat Box A box which contains 1 Cute Santa Hat. _ An Santa hat with two pony tails at the back. It will protect you from the cold weather. LUK + 3. Gives 20% tolerance against Curse. Increase attack speed by 2% and decrease casting delay by 2%. Drop " Piece of Cake, Candy, Candy Cane" as low chance when hunt the mosters. It adds low chance of giving CRI +50 for 10 seconds when physically attacking. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Upper Weight : 20 Required Level : 20 Jobs : All Jobs This item is not refundable. Weight : 1 Id: (14395) Master's Hat Box A box that contains 1 Master's Hat. _ This hat reminds us of the brilinat pilot. DEX + 1. MHP + 100. Increase long distance physical attack by 7%. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Location : Upper Weight : 30 Required Level : 60 Jobs : All Jobs This item is not refundable. Weight : 1 Id: (14485) Academy Badge Box A box which contains 1 Academy Badge. _ A badge which can get when they graduate the probationary period of magical school with high grade. Just a symbolic meaning only for probationer magicians? INT + 2, MATK + 3%, MHP + 100. Class : Accessory Def : 0 Weight : 10 Jobs : All Jobs Weight : 1 Id: (14486) Clergyman Grad Hat Box A box which contains 1 Clergyman Grad Hat. _ A hat which can get when they graduate the clergyman school with high grade. There's saying that this hat is suitable only for the man who has strong belief for god. INT + 1, DEX + 2, VIT + 1. Reduces 5% of casting delay after use a skill. Class : Headgear Def : 3 Location : Upper Weight : 50 Jobs : All Jobs Weight : 1 Id: (14487) Magician Grad Hat Box A box which contains 1 Magician Grad Hat. _ A hat which can get when they graduate the magician school with high grade. There's a saying that this hat can be a standard for distingusihing a elite magician. INT + 2, DEX + 2. Autocast Lv 1 Assumptio for yourself by low chance when magical attack. Class : Headgear Def : 3 Location : Upper Weight : 50 Jobs : All Jobs Weight : 1 Id: (14495) Aquarius Diadem Box A box that contains 1 Aquarius Diadem in it. _ A diadem that represents Aquarius which is the 11th sign of Zodiac. An amethyst, the birtstone, is embedded on it. STR + 2, FLEE + 10, Increase resistance against wind property attack by 5%. If refined higher than +7 DEF + 1, ATK + 15. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Location : Upper Weight : 30 Required Level : 70 Jobs : All Jobs Weight : 1 Id: (14496) Aquarius Crown Box A box that contains 1 Aquarius Crown in it. _ A crowm that represents Aquarius which is the 11th sign of Zodiac. An amethyst, the birthstone, is embedded on it. STR + 2, FLEE + 10, Increase resistance against wind property attack by 5%. If refined higher than +7 DEF + 1, ATK + 15. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Location : Upper Weight : 30 Required Level : 70 Jobs : All Jobs Weight : 1 Id: (14497) Pisces Diadem Box A box that contains 1 Pisces Diadem in it. _ A diadem that represents Pisces which is the 12th sign of Zodiac. An aquamarine, the birthstone, is embedded on it. INT + 1, MDEF + 3, Increase resistance against water property attack by 5%. If refined higher than +7 MDEF + 1, MATK + 2%. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Location : Upper Weight : 30 Required Level : 70 Jobs : All Jobs Weight : 1 Id: (14498) Pisces Crown Box A box that contains 1 Pisces Crown in it. _ A crown that represents Pisces which is the 12th sign of Zodiac. An aquamarine, the birthstone, is embedded on it. STR + 1, DEF + 2, Increase resistance against water property attack by 5%. If refined higher than +7 DEF + 1, ATK + 2%. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Location : Upper Weight : 30 Required Level : 70 Jobs : All Jobs Weight : 1 Id: (15003) Freya's Spiritual Robe Rental Item A spiritual robe granted by Freya. It appears very sturdy, but it will eventually disappear and return to Freya's realm, Folkvangr. MaxHP + 700. Item Class: Armor Defense : 7 Weight : 30 Required Level : 20 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (15004) Freya's Spiritual Robe Rental Item A spiritual robe granted by Freya. It appears very sturdy, but it will eventually disappear and return to Freya's realm, Folkvangr. MaxHP + 700. Item Class: Armor Defense : 7 Weight : 30 Required Level : 20 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (15005) Freya's Spiritual Robe Rental Item A spiritual robe granted by Freya. It appears very sturdy, but it will eventually disappear and return to Freya's realm, Folkvangr. MaxHP + 700. Item Class: Armor Defense : 7 Weight : 30 Required Level : 20 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (15006) Freya's Spiritual Robe Rental Item A spiritual robe granted by Freya. It appears very sturdy, but it will eventually disappear and return to Freya's realm, Folkvangr. MaxHP + 700. Item Class: Armor Defense : 7 Weight : 30 Required Level : 20 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (15008) Flame Armor Flaming fire style armor. Fire Property. Reduces damage from earth type monsters for 5%. MDEF + 1. Class : Armor Defense : 25 Weight : 100 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (15009) Paradise TeamUniform1 A suit that is only provided for members of the Paradise Team. There are various sizes that tall people don't have to worry about it. MHP + 100, MSP + 10. cannot be upgraded. Weapon Class : Armor Def : 35 Weight : 0 Required Level : 12 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (15010) Paradise TeamUniform2 A suit that is only provided for members of the Paradise Team. There are various sizes that tall people don't have to worry about it. MHP + 200, MSP + 20. cannot be upgraded. Weapon Class : Armor Def : 46 Weight : 0 Required Level : 26 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (15011) Paradise TeamUniform3 A suit that is only provided for members of the Paradise Team. There are various sizes that tall people don't have to worry about it. MHP + 300, MSP + 30, MDEF + 5. cannot be upgraded. Weapon Class : Armor Def : 58 Weight : 0 Required Level : 40 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (15012) Puente Robe [1] A snow white robe on which spells are embroidered. Reduce the Fix Casting Time by 3%. (Only the biggest effect of the fix casting is implemented.) Increase the effect of the Heal that its wearer casts by 5%. Weapon Class : Armor Def : 42 Weight : 40 Required Level : 22 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (15031) Eden Group Armor Armor that is only provided for members of the Eden Group. There are various sizes so tall people don't have to worry about it. MaxHP +500, MaxSP +50, Mdef +5. Cannot be upgraded. Class : Armor Defense : 70 Weight : 0 Required Level : 60 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (15040) Prison Uniform every prosioner wears this stripe uniform. according to uniform refined level,increase HIT, FLEE. once having with cuffs, can get ATK + 5. class : armor def : 5 weight : 150 Required Level : 50 Jobs : aAll jobs Id: (15051) Bakonawa Scale Armor Armor made from Bakonawa Scale. Lets off a mysterious moonlight effect. 1% damage decrease from boss monsters per 2 refinement. All stance gains +1. Class : Armor Defence : 55 Weight : 50 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (15052) Bakonawa Scale Armor(Bayani) [1] Armor made from Bakonawa Scale. Lets off a mysterious moonlight effect. 1% damage decrease from boss monsters per 2 refinement. All stance gains +2. Class : Armor Defence : 55 Weight : 50 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (15061) Egir Armor [1] Egir's armor. It looks like you gonna swin in water all stat + 1. can not be destroyed magic, archer, acolyte Class can increase mute resistance 50%. sword, merchant, thief calss can increase stun resistance 50%. Class : armor Def : 55 weight : 260 Required Lv : 110 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (16240) Whikebain's Black Ears Box A box that contains 1 Whikebain's Black Ears. _ The black ears which is used by Whikebain. Increase critical attack damage by 10%. When you magically attack monsters, you could ignore the magical def for 5 sec in high rate. FLEE + 10. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Upper Weight : 20 Required Level : 45 Jobs : All Jobs This item is not refundable. Weight : 1 Id: (16372) Four Leaf Clover In Mouth Box A box contains 1 Four Leaf Clover In Mouth in it. 1 hour duration. Rental item Fresh leaf smell Four leaf Clover item. I feel lucky today~ ATK + 5, MATK + 5, MDEF + 2. Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs This item is not refundable. Weight : 1 Id: (16374) Bubble Gum In Mouth Box A box contains 1 Bubble Gum In Mouth in it. 1 hour duration. Rental item Huge balloon looking bubble gum. You can even blow it much bigger! Caution : May seem ghetto to others. ATK + 5, MATK + 5. MDEF + 2. Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs This item is not refundable. Weight : 1 Id: (16385) Four Leaf Clover In Mouth Box2 A box contains 1 Four Leaf Clover In Mouth in it. 2 hours duration. Rental item Fresh leaf smell Four leaf Clover item. I feel lucky today~ ATK + 5, MATK + 5, MDEF + 2. Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs This item is not refundable. Weight : 1 Id: (16386) Four Leaf Clover In Mouth Box3 A box contains 1 Four Leaf Clover In Mouth in it. 4 hours duration. Rental item Fresh leaf smell Four leaf Clover item. I feel lucky today~ ATK + 5, MATK + 5, MDEF + 2. Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs This item is not refundable. Weight : 1 Id: (16389) Bubble Gum In Mouth Box2 A box contains 1 Bubble Gum In Mouth in it. 2 hours duration. Rental item Huge balloon looking bubble gum. You can even blow it much bigger! Caution : May seem ghetto to others. ATK + 5, MATK + 5. MDEF + 2. Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs This item is not refundable. Weight : 1 Id: (16390) Bubble Gum In Mouth Box3 A box contains 1 Bubble Gum In Mouth in it. 4 hours duration. Rental item Huge balloon looking bubble gum. You can even blow it much bigger! Caution : May seem ghetto to others. ATK + 5, MATK + 5. MDEF + 2. Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs This item is not refundable. Weight : 1 Id: (16410) Chung Hairpin Box A box that contains 1 Chung Hairpin in it. _ If you wear this, it feels like you become a fancy Chung aristocrat. LUK + 3, Mdef +4, Def+5 When receiving any physical attack, Mammonite Lv5 will be activated at a low rate. (If you have no zeny, it won't be activated.) Item Class : Headgear Defense : 5 Location : Upper Weight : 50 Required Level : 60 Jobs : All Jobs Weight : 1 Id: (16412) Ice Ear Wing Box A box that contains 1 Ice Ear Wing in it. _ Earrings made of ice and other special chemicals. If you wear these, you can beat off the heat by its cool energy! LUK + 1. When receiving any physical attack, Autospell Coldbolt Lv5 will be activated at a low rate. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Location : Mid Weight : 10 Required Level : 10 Jobs : All Jobs Weight : 0 Id: (16414) Turtle Hat Box A box that contains 1 Turtle Hat in it. _ A hat modeled after cute turtle doll. AGI + 1. When receiving any physical attack, Autospell reducing agility Lv3 will be activated at a low rate. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 30 Required Level : 10 Jobs : All Jobs Weight : 1 Id: (16638) Life Ribbon Box A box contains 1 Life Ribbon in it. 1 hour duration. Rental item Yellow, green matching cute ribbon item. INT + 1, MDEF + 2. Increase the effect of the Heal that its wearer casts by 2%. Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Middle Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs This item is not refundable. Weight : 1 Id: (16639) Life Ribbon Box2 A box contains 1 Life Ribbon in it. 2 hours duration. Rental item Yellow, green matching cute ribbon item. INT + 1, MDEF + 2. Increase the effect of the Heal that its wearer casts by 2%. Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Middle Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs This item is not refundable. Weight : 1 Id: (16640) Life Ribbon Box3 A box contains 1 Life Ribbon in it. 4 hours duration. Rental item Yellow, green matching cute ribbon item. INT + 1, MDEF + 2. Increase the effect of the Heal that its wearer casts by 2%. Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Middle Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs This item is not refundable. Weight : 1 Id: (16774) Asgard Scroll asgard scrollSpecial Scroll from the realm of the Gods! You might obtain Asgard's Blessing! Weight : 1 Id: (17040) Transform Marduk 10pcs Box This item cannot be traded with others. A box contains 10pcs of transformation scrolls(Marduk) with 1pc of bonus scroll(poring). A mystery scroll which allows you to transform into monster "Marduk" for 20 min. Increase magical attackMATK + 25%. Caution! Transformation will be end with death. This item can not be refundable after open. Weight : 1 Id: (17041) Transform Banshee 10pcs Box This item cannot be traded with others. A box contains 10pcs of transformation scrolls(Banshee) with 1pc of bonus scroll(poring). A mystery scroll which allows you to transform into monster "Banshee" for 20 min. Increase magical attackMATK + 25%. Caution! Transformation will be end with death. This item can not be refundable after open. Weight : 1 Id: (17267) Costume Collection Not sure what is in this scroll. Let's open to find outA collection of costume headgears. Each egg is guaranteed to contain a costume headgear. Weight : 1 Id: (17434) Halloween Egg A collection of BurningHalloween headgears. Each egg is guaranteed to contain a costume headgear. Weight : 1 Id: (17448) Toybox ScrollEgg Not sure what is in this scroll. Let's open to find out. Cannot be traded with other[/s]A collection of Toybox headgears. Each egg is guaranteed to contain ac counts.[/color]stume headgear. Weight : 1 Id: (17461) Frozen ScrollEgg Not sure what is in this scroll. Let's open to find outA collection of Frozen headgears. Each egg is guaranteed to contain a costume headgear. Weight : 1 Id: (18510) Bloody Angel Wings These are the bloodstained wings of a fallen angel acquired from the Betrayal of Emperium event. Reduce 10% damage from Demi-humans. Can't be refined. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required Level : 60 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (18511) Bloody Angel Feathers These are the bloodstained feathers of a fallen angel acquired from the Betrayal of Emperium event. When worn with Bloody Angel Wings: Increase damage to Angels by 3%, MaxHP +2%, MaxSP +1% Item Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Location : Mid Weight : 0 Required Level : 60 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (18512) Juho Necktie Let's enjoy a good mood with a cup of delicious sake! However, let's be careful not to drink too much. ATK + 20. HP -10, SP -5 every 10 seconds. When it receives a physical attack, 'confusion' itself a chance, according to the 'sleep' state anomaly. When Jobs, ATK + 5, add 3% damage to large monsters and rosy ". Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Location: Upper Weight : 10 Req LV : 20 Jobs : aAll jobs Id: (18514) Eden Group Hat II [1] A hat that is provided only for members of the Eden Group. It's designed to go well with a suit. Has a chance of adding 10 Atk or 10 Matk power for 5 seconds while doing physical or magic damage. Class : Headgear Defense : 5 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required Level : 60 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (18524) Dokkebi Mask Mask that mimics the terrible ghosts with two corners. Allegedly, compatible with the fruit of the plant, such as soy and red beans to it is not good. Physical, magic attack at the time, I want to add a 5% damage to the angel monsters. When I received physical and magic attack, his silence is to state with high probability. Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Location: Mid-Low Weight : 70 Req LV : 50 Jobs : aAll jobs Id: (18525) Watermelon Hat A fresh watermelon, you can still taste its sweetness. It’s missing a slice. VIT + 1, LUK + 1, MDEF + 5." Class : Headgear Defense : 4 Location: Upper Weight : 10 Req LV : 30 Jobs : aAll jobs Id: (18528) Tare Neko Cru [1] Hat that mimics the "Cru" is a black cat Roriri. It appears to be totally live. MDEF + 5 increase physical damage 10% from dark, devil type of monsters increase damage 10% from holy, angel type of monsters Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Location: Upper Weight : 10 Req Level : 50 Jobs : All jobs Id: (18531) Drooping Permeter [1] a doll revived permeter turtle. increase Solider, permeter, freezer, assulter ,heater, turtle general damage 20% Class : head gear Def : 8 Location: Upper Weight : 100 Required Level : 10 Jobs : aAll Jobs Id: (18533) Honeybee Hat [1] a hat looks like bee with unique stripe pattern. MDEF + 3. Physical, magical damage +5% against bug type of monsters. resistance +5% against buy type of monsters 5%. Class : headgear Def : 3 location: Upper weight : 10 required level : 50 Jobs : aAll jobs Id: (18536) Foxtail a wanderer style item MATK + 10, all fixed casting reduce 0.1sec Class : Headgear defence : 0 location: Lowder Weight : 10 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (18537) Malangdo Hat [1] a souvenir hat from Malangdo FLEE + 6 Class : Headgear defence : 5 location: Upper Weight : 10 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (18538) Devil Whisper once you have a mind to overcome sweet allure, can have power. MDEF + 3. attck endurance +1% from Evil type, Angel type monster attack can have Holy Water whe killing angel monster, and WaterOf Darkness from evil monster Class : headgear DEF : 3 location: mid weight : 30 Required Level : 0 Jobs : aAll jobs Id: (18540) Devil Mask a mask used from a warrior which was called as Devil in Past. ASPD + 1%, every 2sec, SP -1. Class : headgear DEF : 3 location: mid-low weight : 100 Required Level : 10 Jobs : aAll jobs Id: (18541) Little Fhat [1] a hat for hunter or adventure . DEX + 2. increase critical damage 10% , addional damage 5% with sharp arrow, if hat refined is over 7, can have additional 5%. Class : head gear Def : 1 Location: Upper Weight : 50 Required Level : 30 Jobs : aAll Jobs Id: (18542) Love Guard coif for important event in Catherdral. increase recovery effect 5% . when using recovery kill to others, the effect increses 2% and if refined over 7 , can get additional 3%. Class : head gear Def : 10 Location: Upper-mid Weight : 50 Required Level : 10 Jobs : aAll Jobs Id: (18549) Butterfly Hairpin [1] a cute hairpin looks like blue butterfly. Class : head gear Def : 3 Location: Upper Weight : 20 Required Level : 20 Jobs : aAll Jobs Id: (18555) General Helmet [1] a general's head gear who fight against dragons MDEF + 3. increase physical ,magic damage 5% to dragon type monster. increase registance 5%. can have treasure box at regular drop rate when hunting dragon monster. Class : head gear Def : 3 Location: Upper Weight : 20 Required Level : 10 Jobs : aAll Jobs Id: (18562) Bone Hat Corsage of eerie feeling with the motif of a skull. Magic given to the human form monster, increased physical damage 5%. Increased 5% resistance to demi-human targets. When I pointed down the human form monster, "heart does not stop" drop a chance. Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Location : Upper Weight : 20 Req LV : 10 Jobs : aAll jobs Id: (18563) Heart Wing Hairband [1] a girlish hairband with wings and lace. decrease 5% of after skill delay and SP 10% . Additional decrease SP 3% per refine 3 Lv Class : Headgear Defense : 0 location : Upper Weight : 30 Req Lv : 50 Jobs : All jobs Id: (18569) Soft Sheep Hat A cute sheep-like hat, makes you look like you have soft fluffy hair. MHP+1%. The MHP added value increases by refining. When receiving physical and magic attacks, chance to casts "sleep" on a 11*11 cell range from oneself. Increase 5% exp value amount when upgraded to +10 Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 100 Req LV : 10 Jobs : aAll jobs Id: (18573) White Feather [1] a berret decorated with white feather. HIT + 20, MHP - 10%. if refined lev5 , HIT - 10, MHP + 10%, addtional refine level 2 increaseHIT - 3, MHP + 3%. Class : Headgear Def : 2 Location : Upper weight : 50 Req level : 30 jJobs : aAll jobs Id: (18575) Wunderkammer [1] suspicious box that has eyebrow unable to refine, MDEF + 10. when close attack, can get random skill with regular rate. Class : Headgear Def : 10 Location : Upper-mid-low weight : 50 Req Level : 20 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (18581) Red Tiger Mask a good man can be a warrior with this mast. STR + 4 HP + 200 unable to refine class : Headgear Def : 2 location : Upper-Middle weight : 40 req level : 50 jJobs : aAll jobs Id: (18582) Blue Tiger Mask a good man can be a warrior with this mast. increase attack speed( decrease delay 3% after attack) HP + 100 unable to refine class : Headgear Def : 2 location : Upper-Middle weight : 40 req level : 50 jJobs : aAll jobs Id: (18585) Orange Bunny Band [1] A hairband that attracts men. You can wear it when you want to look sexy. Your sexiness increases to 100% VIT + 3, INT + 2, STR + 1 If refined to 9, increase ATK and MATK by 2% If refined to 12, reduce fix casting time by 10% Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Location : Upper weight : 1 Required Level : 1 jJobs : aAll jobs Id: (18586) Violet Bunny Band [1] A hairband that attracts men. You can wear it when you want to look sexy. Your sexiness increases to 100% VIT + 2, INT + 3, STR + 1 If refined to 9, increase ATK and MATK by 2% If refined to 12, reduce fix casting time by 10% Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Location : Upper weight : 1 Required Level : 1 jJobs : aAll jobs Id: (18587) Blue Bunny Band [1] A hairband that attracts men. You can wear it when you want to look sexy. Your sexiness increases to 100% VIT + 2, INT + 1, STR + 3. If refined to 9, increase ATK and MATK by 2% If refined to 12, reduce fix casting time by 10% Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Location : Upper weight : 1 Required Level : 1 jJobs : aAll jobs Id: (18588) Silvah Bunny Band [1] A hairband that attracts men. You can wear it when you want to look sexy. Your sexiness increases to 100% VIT + 1, INT + 3, STR + 2 If refined to 9, increase ATK and MATK by 2% If refined to 12, reduce fix casting time by 10% Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Location : Upper weight : 1 Required Level : 1 jJobs : aAll jobs Id: (18602) Watermelon Slice Fresh watermelon sliced well to be eaten in one bite. Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Location : Low Weight : 10 Req LV : 30 Jobs : aAll jobs Id: (18604) Falcon Mask Mask in the shape of a king of the brave Falcon sky. The power of the wind is put. Additional physical damage 5% in water type monster. Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Location: Mid-Low Weight : 30 Req LV : 50 Jobs : aAll jobs Id: (18605) Dark Age Hat of black feathers made by the power of demons who to bless the arrival of the Dark Ages. MDEF + 3. grant dark type of propertu to the weapon when it is from physical attack. increase +10 % of damage from Holy ,angel type of monster Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Location : Upper Weight : 20 Req LV : 10 Jobs : aAll jobs Id: (18606) Tear Drop jewel tears the last shed before the Princess Adelaide to corruption in the dark has been crystallized. I can feel the gentle heart. MATK + 3%. Increased 1% heal amount when using heel, Sanctuary, Potion Pitcher, Highness heel, the Koruruseohiru Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Location : Mid-Low Weight : 10 Req LV : 30 Jobs : aAll jobs Id: (18626) Gelato Hat A delectable frozen treat served with a cherry on top. MaxHP +300 Enables use of Level 1 Frost Driver If refined to +7 or higher, Enables use of level 5 Frost Driverhat of cool and gooey Gelato put on top of head. Class : Headgearlm Location Def : Upper2 DefenseLocation : 2Upper Weight : 20 Required LevelvL : 240 Jobs : All Id: (18627) Dried Leaf A dried leaf thinking of hometown. Increase 3% damage to plant type of monster. Series : Headgear Def : 0 location: lower weight : 5 Req Lv : 10 Jobs : aAll jobs Id: (18628) Tare Brownie [1] Bu~oi to achieve it is asleep as dead. To even worry about whether wake up sleeping on the defenseless too. MDEF + 5. MHP + 2%, decrese -5% of damange from demi human monster if equipped with manteau of boss tare, able to decrease -10% of damage and MHP +3% from demi human monsters Class : headgear Defense : 5 Location : Upper Weight : 50 Req Level : 50 jJobs : aAll jobs Id: (18629) B Desert Wolf Hat [1] A celebration hat for Desert Wolves, makes you feel like a member of the pack. 15% damage to small-type monsters. With a pet desert wolf, additional 5% damage to small-type monsters. Adds 5% intimacy if the stat is close friends. class : headgear def : 0 location: upper weight : 30 jJobs : aAll jobs Id: (18637) Ancient Admiral Helm [1] Helmet generals of the kingdom was the cry of the ancient continent was using. Weather in general that the word of command many soldiers outpouring from all over the body Using this pitch. STR + 2, VIT + 1. if refined lv8, able to increase the move speed Class : headgear Defense : 4 Location : upper-mid Weight : 70 Req Level : 1 jJobs : aAll jobs Id: (18650) RWC Shouting Mouth a mouth would have been advocated as unknowingly 'RWC! Fighting! you will have lots of extra effect when trying physical and magical attack with normal rate will disappear after RWC match. Class : headgear Defense : 0 Location : low Weight : 5 Req Level : 1 jJobs : aAll jobs Id: (18651) Ignis Cap [1] a mysterios hat from Captain Ignis Atk + 10. ignore the defense of normal monster for 7 secs if equipped with ifrit ear, increase ASPD +1% per refine lv 2 Class : Headgear Defense : 8 Location : Upper Weight : 80 Req Level : 40 Jobs : All jobs Id: (18653) Deviruchi Headphone [1] a headphone from Devil Deviruchi. It is good to block the noise from outside increase resistance of Stun 50% if it with Magician, Archer, Acolyte class, increase stun resistance 5%, if Cute pet intimacy is close friend, increase addtioanl stun resistance 15% Class : Headgear Defense : 8 Location : Upper Weight : 20 Req Level : 30 Jobs : All jobs Id: (18658) Holy Santa Beard The beard which asdignity of the holy Santa. +2% of physical damage from dark type of monsters if equipped with 'Holy Christmas Tress' MDEF + 3, able to drop "bush de noel '. Class : headgear Defense : 0 Location : low Weight : 10 Req Level : 1 jJobs : aAll jobs Id: (18678) Leek In Mouth Made use of the shape of the Leek. Reduces 2% damage taken from small size monsters. Cannot Unrefinable. Series : Headgear Defense : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 20 Level Requirement : 20 Job : All Job except Novice Id: (18682) Teardrop The tears won't stop Class : headgear Def : 1 Location : mid Weight : 10 Req Level : none Jobs : aAll Jobs Id: (18685) Stardust Hairband Using a form decorative star of the Stardust, the hair band that was created. It can be expressed more than my best to be lively is that. + EXP 5% from none-type of monster, and + 10% of damage from it Class : headgear Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 100 Req Level : 10 jJobs : aAll jobs Id: (18704) Drosera Hairpin [1] a dangerous hairpin from insect-eating plant MDEF + 4, MSP + 64. physical damage +10 % from insect type of monsters Class : headgear Def : 6 location : upper weight : 64 Required Lv : 64 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (18711) Electric Sunglass Do you want be trendy and fashion? Wear it now! Cannot Unrefinable. Series : Headgear Defense : 3 Location : Middle Weight : 40 Level Requirement : 20 Job : All Job except Novice Id: (18727) Sedora Hat [1] a hat from Sedora. Big botton is cute decrease damage -5% from fish type of monster increase HP recovery +50% when having sushi, raw fish if refined is over lv 7 , additional HP recovery +100% with sushi, raw fish if euipped with Sea Otter Card, additional HP recovery +50% with sushi, raw fish Class : headgear Def : 13 location : upper weight : 30 Required Lv : 10 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (18728) Egir Helm [1] Egir's headgear. When Egir sets are all together, shows power of sea Class : headgear Def : 10 location : upper weight : 80 Required Lv : 110 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (18737) Fortier Mask a mask with magical power in it increase magical attack 4% of fire property. Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Location : Mid Weight : 20 Req Level : 10 Jobs : All jobs Id: (18759) Stretched Nose M a nose from wood goblin, it can trace a certain plant with nose when hunt monster, can get a chance to have 'Maneater Blossom' ,' Maneater Root' when hunt playt type of monster, can get a change to have 'Prickly Fruit' Class : headgear Def : 0 location : Mid weight : 20 Required Lv : 50 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (18786) Anemos Mask a gold mask from wind queen wind property magical damage + 4% . Class : headgear Def : 0 location : Mid weight : 20 Required Lv : 10 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (18805) Eclipse Hat Eclipse hat from lunatic leader LUK + 3, MDEF+ 5. Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Upper weight : 30 Req Lv : 1 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (18806) Black Rabbit Hat [1] a black-rabbit hat that might be in magic show AGI + 3, DEX + 2. when getting attack, agi increase lv5 for himself Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Upper weight : 30 Req Lv : 1 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (18822) Flame Wing Ear Wing-like ears made of burning flames. When attacking physically, Magnum Break Lv1 can be activated automatically with a certain chance. Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Location : Middle Weight : 10 Required LV : 30 jJobs : aAll jobs Id: (18823) Imperial Feather ASPD + 1%. Resistance to Wind property attacks + 5%. When having more than pure AGI 108, increase ASPD + 1, ASPD 1%. When wearing with Imperial Spear, Imperial Guard, increase skill attach power 20% of Cannon Spear, Shield Press, Banishing Point. Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Location : Middle Weight : 50 Required LV : 70 jJobs : aAll jobs Id: (18824) Mask Of Bankrupt Recovery a certain amount of HP and SP with a certain chance when attacking physically or magically. When wearing with Bankruptcy Of Heart, increase MaxHP +100, 1% resistance to Nothing property attacks per 1 refine level for Bankruptcy Of Heart. Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Location : Midlower Weight : 49 Required LV : 49 jJobs : aAll jobs Id: (18825) Money Lost Spirit [1] INT + 1, DEX + 1. Class : Headgear Defense : 8 Location : Upper Weight : 120 Required LV : 38 jJobs : aAll jobs Id: (18827) Valkyrie Circlet [1] A holy circlet symbolized Valkyrie's apprentice which punish all the evil people. STR + 1. Additional physical damage 10% against Darkness, Demon Monsters. Equipped with Ears of Angel's Wing, you can transform into Randgris by a certain chance. Increase Randgris transformation chance per 1 refine grade. When transforming into Randgris, lose 30 HP per every sec, HIT -10, nomal physical attacks excluding skills can be splashed up to 9 slots. Class : Headgear Defense : 10 Location : Upper Weight : 30 Required LV : 50 jJobs : aAll jobs Id: (18833) Marin Crown [1] A brand-new hairband designed by combining flower wreaths and Marine. All state +1. MDEF +2. When being attacked physically, it can activate Frost Diver Lv 3 with a certain chance. When attacking physically, it can activate Coldbolt Lv 5 with a certain chance. It cannot be traded with another account. Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Location : Upper Weight : 1 Required LV : 1 jJobs : aAll jobs Id: (18834) Sakura Hairband A Sakura-shaped hairband. LUK +3. When being attacked physically, it can activate Assumptio Lv 3 with a certain chance. It cannot be traded with another account. Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required LV : 1 jJobs : aAll jobs Id: (18837) Cheering Whistle A whistle to cheer you up! STR +2. It cannot be traded with another account. Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 10 Required LV : 1 jJobs : aAll jobs Id: (18839) Poring Sunglasses [1] Cute Poring-shaped pink sunglasses. It can protect your eyes from sunshines and even look cute. DEX + 1. Decrease 5% Floating Casting time. Class : Headgear Defense : 10 Location : Middle Weight : 10 Required LV : 1 jJobs : aAll jobs Id: (18842) GM Anael's True Bliss [1] Divine happiness, made sublime. When refined to +3, INT + 2. succeeding refine INT + 1INT + 2 for every +3 refinement. Decrease 7% damage from Demi-human monsters. MaxHP - 3% Series : Headgear Defense : 8 Location : Upper Weight : 35 Required Lv. : 1 Job : All Id: (18843) GM Tristan's True Demons [1] Immortal anger, to be caged and bound. Decrease 5% damage from Demi-human monsters. When refined to 8 above, MaxHP + 1% per 1 refinement, when refine level is over 7. Series : Headgear Defense : 7 Location : Upper Weight : 35 Required Lv. : 1 Job : All Id: (18855) Aviator Hat A hat of Santos Dumont, a Brazilian aviation pioneer. AGI + 3, INT + 3. When attacking physically, it will give Wind property to weapons for 3 min by a certain chance. Class : Headgear Defense : 10 Location : Upper Weight : 10 Required LV : 1 jJobs : aAll jobs Id: (18856) W King Tiger Doll Hat A smoking tiger-shaped hat with wearing a bamboo hat. It is originated by an old expression. 'Once upon a time there lived a tiger who is smoking¡¦' STR + 2, DEX + 2. Additional 10% damage against Animal Monsters. When attacking or being attacked physically, you are possessed by the king of tigers 'Eddga' with a rare chance. When being possessed, you can lose Sp 5 per every sec but gain a brutal power for a while. Both transforming chance and strength are increased per each refine grade. Class : Headgear Defense : 10 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required LV : 1 jJobs : aAll jobs Id: (18857) Curupira Hat [1] A Curupira-shaped hat, who protects the woods and animals. Their whistle scare all hunters who don't respect the woods and it finally makes them confused and lose his way. DEX + 3. When being attacked physically, it can cause Confusion to your enemies with a certain chance. Class : Headgear Defense : 20 Location : Upper Weight : 10 Required LV : 1 jJobs : aAll jobs Id: (18883) Black Witch Hat [1] Wearing this hat, it seems to control myself by Black Witch's magic. All State + 3 Additional recovery 30% of Fruit Of Mastela. With more than 10 refine grade, FLEE + 2, ASPD + 1. With more than 14 refine grade, additional FLEE + 2, ASPD + 1. Class : Headgear Defense : 7 Location : Upper Weight : 40 Required LV : 1 jJobs : aAll jobs Id: (18886) Rainbow Long Octopus [1] A seven colored hat shaped like an octopus. Watch out! It is really dangerous. VIT + 2, DEX + 2. All State + 3, MaxHP + 10%, MaxSP + 10% during the event period. R. Cannot be refined, UIndestroyauctible. Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 50 Required LV : 1 jJobs : aAll jobs Id: (18891) Husky Hat [1] A hat made to look like a husky's face. Makes you want to pet it. ATK + 5%, MATK +5% When attacking physically attacked, adds 1% chance to cast Wind Walk Level 5 For every refine, increases chance to cast Wind Walk by 0.3% Winner of pRO's Headgear-making contest 2012 Created by Cyber Pikachu of pRO Valkyrie Server Type : Headgear Defense : 5 Location : Upper Weight : 50 Required Level : 70 Job : All Jobs Id: (18953) PRO 10th Cap [1] A newly crafted cap. It's already quite powerful but can still be refined, more power the better. Happy 10th Anniversary pRO! STR +2, INT +2, DEX +2. Increase resistance against human type monster by -5%. Increase healing effect of Slim White Potion, White Potion and Siege White Potion by +50%. More than 10 Refine LV resistance against human type monster by additional -5%. Increase healing effect of Slim White Potion, White Potion and Siege White Potion by additional +50%. More than 12 Refine LV, MaxHP +5%, MaxSP +2%. Class : Headgear Defense : 10 Location: Upper Weight : 10 Required LV : 25 Jobs : aAll jobs Id: (18967) Jinn Poring Balloon A 'Poring' spiritjinn who makes wishes come true hovers around. STR + 1, INT + 1, LUK + 1. Class : Headgear Defense : 5 Location : Lower Weight : 5 Required LVL : 1 Job : All Id: (18968) Jinn Marin Balloon A 'Marine' spiritjinn who makes wishes come true hovers around. INT + 1, DEX + 1, MHP + 100. ATK + 5, MATK + 5. Class : Headgear Defense : 5 Location : Lower Weight : 5 Required LVL : 1 Job : All Id: (18992) New Year Hairpin [1] An ornament worn by people from somewhere in the East to celebrate New Year Complete Dodge +3 HIT +5. ASPD +1% per Smelting, when Sinobi Card equipped ver-sized, pure red ribbon enchanted with hidden magical powers. HIT +5, Perfect Dodge +3 When equipped with Sinobi Card, ASPD +1% per refine. When equipped with Alligator Card, HP recovery +4%,and SP recovery +4% per Smelting, when Eligator Card equipped Fluctuate Casting -2%, Fire Wall damege +5% per a Smeting, whenrefine. When equipped with Blood_ Butterfly Card equipped Auto HP recovery +4%, Auto SP recovery+4% per a Smelting, when Eligator Card equipped, variable casting -2%, Fire Wall damage +5% per refine. Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 18 Required LVL : 15 Job : All Id: (18993) Flower Hat [1] DEX + 3, INT + 2, A pink flower hat enchanted with magical powers so cute it weakens other humans' attacks. FLEE ?+ 2, Fixed Casting -5% Damage -5% when hit by aMATK + 5% Decrease damage by Human-type monsters by 5% MATK + 10, MSP + 10 per Smeltrefinge, when Smelt Lrefine level is over 12 Class : Headgear Defense : 10 Location : Upper Weight : 30 Required LVL : 1 Job : All Id: (18994) Black Veil [1] AGI + 3, STR + 2 Decrease 5% damage dealt by Medium-sized monster Increase 5% damage dealt to Medium-sized monster ATK + 1 per Smeltrefinge, when Smelt Lrefine level is over 10 Class : Headgear Defense : 10 Location : Upper Weight : 30 Required LVL : 1 Job : All Id: (18996) Ribbon Of Lady [1] A pure white-laced ribbon enchanted with magical powers that increases it's wearers vitality. VINT + 32, VINT + 23, MATK + 3% ATK DIncrease damage ato Wind-type monster +5%, Damage by Human-type monster -by 5% VIT +1 per Smeltrefinge, when Smelt Lrefine level is over 12 (+5 at the max.) Class : Headgear Defense : 10 Location : Upper Weight : 30 Required LVL : 1 Job : All Id: (19536) C Rose Corsage Korusaju decorated with beautiful roses. . INT + 1 increase EXP 1% Class : Costume Location : Upper Weight : 0 Req Level : 1 Jobs : All jobs Id: (19539) C Reginleif Hairband Hair ornament took the name of Valkyrie 'Reginleif'. Those who wear it, and receive the gift of God. All State + 1. Class : Costume Location : Upper-Mid Weight : 0 Req Level : 1 Jobs : All jobs Id: (19540) C Rabbit Earplug Ear plugs in the form of a white rabbit small and cute. AGI + 1, FLEE + 2. Class : Costume Location : Upper-Mid Weight : 0 Req Level : 1 Jobs : All jobs Id: (19544) C Tare Neko Cru The "cru" is a pet Roriri. That there tends to be surprised that it is trivial little sensitive. Class : Costume Location : Upper Weight : 0 Req Level : 1 Jobs : All jobs Id: (19573) C Heart Wing Hairband a girlish hairband that has small heart and lace. Class : Clothes location : Upper Weight : 0 Req Lv : 1 Jobs : All jobs Id: (19651) C RWC Shouting Mouth a mouth would have been advocated as unknowingly 'RWC! Fighting! you will have lots of extra effect when trying physical and magical attack with normal rate will disappear after RWC match. Class : Clothes Defense : 0 Location : low Weight : 0 Req Level : 1 jJobs : aAll jobs Id: (19652) Costume Rabbit Magic Hat Costume Hat A hat worn by a well-known magician. Rabbit is peeping out, and we don¡¯'t know what is going to pop out next. Class : Costume Equipment Defense : 10 Location : Upper Weight : 80 Req Lvl. : 1 Job : All Id: (19653) Costume Marcher Hat Costume A hat which gives you a holy power and celestial melody in the rim of the ear. With celestial protection power, angel guards you from an enemy attack. This item cannot be traded with other accounts. Class : Costume Equipment Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Req Lvl. : 1 Job : All Id: (19654) Costume J Captain HatMaster's Hat Costume This old airship captain's hat would make you think: 'That white horn was only the part of the hat¡¦' Class : Costume Equipment Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Req Lvl. : 1 Job : All Id: (19655) Costume Tiraya Bonnet Costume A long and big bonnet. It is not sure when it is used for. Class : Costume Equipment[/color] Defense : 0[/b][/color] Location : Upper Weight : 0 Req Lvl. : 0 Job : All Id: (19656) Costume Minstrel Hat Costume A useful and broad-brimmed hat providing a big shadow, and once worn by a famous minstrel. Class : Costume Equipment[/color] Defense : 0[/b][/color] Location : Upper Weight : 0 Req Lvl. : 1 Job : All Id: (19657) Costume Captain Hat Costume A captain's dignified hat with heavy color. It is famous for being worn by a vessel's leader. Class : Costume Equipment Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Req Lvl. : 1 Job : All Id: (19658) Costume Vacation Hat Costume A hat just fit for summer vacation. It prevents face from tanning by the strong sunlight. Class : Costume Equipment Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Req Lvl. : 1 Job : All Id: (19659) Costume Gray Fur Hat Costume A woolly hat made for warming heads, but it seems that some people wear it for fashion. Class : Costume Equipment Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Req Lvl. : 1 Job : All Id: (19660) Costume Coppolappola Costume Marco's favorite hat. Inside you can find a short phrase Andrea had written, 'His memories to you...'. Class : Costume Equipment Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Req Lvl. : 1 Job : All Id: (19677) C Soulless Wing A mysterious ring floating above your head. It feels like that you don't have a soul?! Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required LV : 1 Jobs : aAll Jobs Id: (19678) C Bell Ribbon A cute ribbon with small bells. The bells seem to jingle. Class : Costume Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required LV : 1 Jobs : aAll Jobs Id: (19679) C Round Eyes J White round eyes make you look innocent and cute. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Middle Weight : 0 Required LV : 1 Jobs : aAll Jobs Id: (19680) C Tongue Mask A funny mask that children love to put on. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Mid Lower Weight : 0 Required LV : 1 Jobs : aAll Jobs Id: (19681) C Silver Tiara A silver shining hair accessory with a star at the center. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required LV : 1 Jobs : aAll Jobs Id: (19682) C Santa Poring Hat A cute santa poring is tumbling on your head! Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required LV : 1 Jobs : aAll Jobs Id: (19683) C Sweet Candy The sweetest yummy candy for good children. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required LV : 1 Jobs : aAll Jobs Id: (19684) C Happy Wig A funky afro wig! The warmer your head, the warmer your heart. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required LV : 1 Jobs : aAll Jobs Id: (19697) Rudolph Santa Hat Costume This Santa hat is remodeled to put deer horns. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Id: (19743) C Anubis Helm J A hat sculpted like Anubis, an egyptian god of the dead. It belongs to the holy priests who make a mummy. Class : Costume Location: Upper Mid Lower Weight : 0 Required LV : 1 Jobs : aAll Jobs Id: (19744) C Black Tail Ribbon A black huge ribbon looks tidy. Class : Costume Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required LV : 1 Jobs : aAll Jobs Id: (19745) C Holy Marching Hat J A marching hat with sacred force. Class : Costume Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required LV : 1 Jobs : aAll Jobs Id: (19746) C Cap Of Blindness A purple hoody with a deep shade. Red eyes in the dark hoody make people scary. Class : Costume Location : Upper Mid Lower Weight : 0 Required LV : 1 Jobs : aAll Jobs Id: (19747) C Tha Despero Mask J A mask worn by the despair of Thanatos. It seems very popular of its cute design. Class : Costume Location : Mid Lower Weight : 0 Required LV : 1 Jobs : aAll Jobs Id: (19748) C Diadem A headgear jewelled with love jewels. You can find your true love with wearing it. Class : Costume Location : Upper Mid Weight : 0 Required LV : 1 Jobs : aAll Jobs Id: (19749) C Gold Spirit Chain A splendid soul ring with angel's blessing given to sincere believers. Class : Costume Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required LV : 1 Jobs : aAll Jobs Id: (19750) C Saint Frill Ribbon A white huge ribbon looks tidy. Class : Costume Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required LV : 1 Jobs : aAll Jobs Id: (19751) C Light Darkness Crown A myterious crown decorated with a white left-wing and a black right-wing. Class : Costume Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required LV : 1 Jobs : aAll Jobs Id: (19752) C Shelter Wing Ears A wing-shaped accessory with purple roses. Class : Costume Location : Middle Weight : 0 Required LV : 1 Jobs : aAll Jobs Id: (19767) C Home Cherry Blossom A cute hair accessory decorated with cherry blossoms and bells. It reminds you of old memories. Class : Costume Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required LV : 1 Jobs : aAll Jobs Id: (19768) C Sakura Coronet A pink flowered wreath. Class : Costume Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required LV : 1 Jobs : aAll Jobs Id: (19769) C Mischievous Fairy A headgear looks like the ears of a mischievous fairy. Class : Costume Location : Middle Weight : 0 Required LV : 1 Jobs : aAll Jobs Id: (19770) C Japan Winecup An oriental glass with various colors. Take your free time with this. Class : Costume Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required LV : 1 Jobs : aAll Jobs Id: (19771) C Butterfly Hairpin A beautiful hairpin looks like a blue butterfly. Class : Costume Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required LV : 1 Jobs : aAll Jobs Id: (19772) C Honeybee Hat An interesting hat decorated with honeybee-like stripes and feelers. You feel like gathering the honey! Class : Costume Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required LV : 1 Jobs : aAll Jobs Id: (19773) C Angeling Hairpin A cute hairpin shaped like an angeling. When wearing this, you feel like a feather. Class : Costume Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required LV : 1 Jobs : aAll Jobs Id: (19774) C Emperor Wreath J A laurel wreath used for the coronation of the emperor. It symbolizes glory and victory. Class : Costume Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required LV : 1 Jobs : aAll Jobs Id: (19775) C Marvelous Wig A funky afro wig that is so so popular to teenagers! You can dance disco with it any time! Class : Costume Location : Upper Mid Weight : 0 Required LV : 1 Jobs : aAll Jobs Id: (19776) C Tomboy Fairy A headgear looks like the ears of a mischievous fairy. Class : Costume Location : Middle Weight : 0 Required LV : 1 Jobs : aAll Jobs Id: (19820) C Bone Hat Corsage of eerie feeling with the motif of a skull Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Req LV : 1 Jobs : aAll jobs Id: (19840) C Solar Gold Helm A hat symbolizes the sun with huge golden wings. Do not ask how you can walk while wearing it. Class : Costume Location : Upper Mid Weight : 0 Required LV : 1 Jobs : aAll jobs Id: (19896) C PRO 10th Cap A headgear to commemorate pRO's 10th Anniversary! Happy 10th Anniversary pRO! Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location: Upper Weight : 0 Required LV : 1 Jobs : aAll jobs Id: (19897) RPC 1ST Wreath A crown made of laurel, worn by emperors during coronation. A symbol of glory and victory. All State +3. MDEF +3. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location: Upper Weight : 0 Required LV : 1 Jobs : aAll jobs Id: (19898) RPC 2ND Wreath A crown made of laurel, worn by emperors during coronation. A symbol of glory and victory. All State +2. MDEF +2. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location: Upper Weight : 0 Required LV : 1 Jobs : aAll jobs Id: (19899) RPC13 3RD Wreath A crown made of laurel, worn by emperors during coronation. A symbol of glory and victory. All State +1. MDEF +1. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location: Upper Weight : 0 Required LV : 1 Jobs : aAll jobs Id: (19909) White Little Demon Hat Costume A cute hat made after little demon DeviLruchi. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required LVL : 1 Job : All Id: (19911) Triangle Roof Hat Costume Monster alrarm's triangle hat costumed item. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required LVL : 1 Job : All Id: (19951) Costume Solo Play Bbox2 Costume A yellow colored paper box with eye holes. You can play super awesome just by yourself. Class : Costume Equipment[/color] Defense : 0 Location : Upper Mediumid Lower Weight : 0 Req Lvl. : 1 Job : All Id: (19952) Costume Bubble Gum In Mouth Costume A bubble gum expanding like balloon. Can be blown very big depending on one's ability. Caution: You might look a bit punky. Class : Costume Equipment Defense : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Req Lvl. : 1 Job : All Id: (19953) Costume Parade Cap Costume A hat brings happy feeling as much to hold a parade unconsciously. Class : Costume Equipment Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Req Lvl. : 1 Job : All Id: (19954) Costume 3D Glasses Costume A mysterious glasses which shows objects in 3-dimentional. Class : Costume Equipment Defense : 0 Location : Middle Weight : 0 Req Lvl. : 1 Job : All Id: (19955) Costume Mini Tree JCostume A small Christmas tree shining on top of the head. Class : Costume Equipment Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Req Lvl. : 1 Job : All Id: (19956) Costume Soldier Hat Costume Cruiser's hat. It somehow gives an urge to march. Class : Costume Equipment Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Req Lvl. : 1 Job : All Id: (19957) Costume Scooter Hat JCostume A safety equipment for motor scooter riding. Class : Costume Equipment Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Req Lvl. : 1 Job : All Id: (19958) Costume Choir Hat Costume A Hat worn in church choir. Class : Costume Equipment Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Req Lvl. : 1 Job : All Id: (19959) Costume Drooping Argiope Costume Argiope put on top of head. Be careful, sometimes it might move fiercely. Class : Costume Equipment Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Req Lvl. : 1 Job : All Id: (19960) Costume Chain Puppet Costume Chains for controlling puppets. It feels like I have become a doll. Class : Costume Equipment Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Req Lvl. : 1 Job : All Id: (19982) Santa Hat Costume This is a special hat that made from red fabric. CA certain generous old man could putuses this hat. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Id: (19984) Costume Winter Hat Costume A hat popularly worn in always-winter country. When worn, memories of trains and happiness faintly recollects. Class : Costume Equipment Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Req Lvl. : 1 Job : All Id: (19985) Costume Aura Quartz Crownostume A crown adorned with special crystals. Class : Costume Equipment Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Req Lvl. : 1 Job : All Id: (19986) Costume Lunatic Hat Costume Hat A hat designed after a fluffy monster Lunatic. Class : Costume Equipment Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Req Lvl. : 1 Job : All Id: (19987) Costume Blue Fur Hat Costume A woolly hat made for warming heads, but it seems that some people wear it for fashion. Class : Costume Equipment Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Req Lvl. : 1 Job : All Id: (19988) Costume Elder Crown Costume A crown made from Elder Branch. Class : Costume Equipment Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Req Lvl. : 1 Job : All Id: (19989) Costume Mouton Life Costume A smooth hairband made from sheep's fur and horn. Class : Costume Equipment Defense : 0 Location : Middle Weight : 0 Req Lvl. : 1 Job : All Id: (19990) Costume Snow Rabbit Knit HatCostume A hat redesigned after Rabbit-eared knit hat. It reminds about snow rabbit. Class : Costume Equipment Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Req Lvl. : 1 Job : All Id: (19991) Costume Galanthus Guard Costume An armor made from pure white flower. The flowers bloom before winter and called 'message of the spring'. Class : Costume Equipment Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Req Lvl. : 1 Job : All Id: (19992) Costume Chilly Breath Costume It is so cold that white breathe is coming from the mouth. Class : Costume Equipment Defense : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Req Lvl. : 1 Job : All Id: (20222) Blue Pigtail Santa HatChristmas Cap Costume CA cute Santa hat that is appropriate for pretty boytwin-pommed cap perfect for the Holiday Season. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Id: (20700) Egir Manteau [1] Egir's Manteau. It looks defending your body can not be destroyed magic, Archer, Acolyte class- perfect evasion + 5. increase perfect evasion with 2 times of refined lv Sword/Merchant/Thieg Class can reflect damage +5% increase damage reflection with 2 times of refiend lv Class : robe Def : 10 weight : 30 Required Lv : 110 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (20734) Manteau Of Leafwind [1] Rental Item A manteau with wind spirit power. It is protected by winds all the time. Increase 10% resistance against Wind property attacks. Decrease 10% resistance from Earth property attacks. Increase 5% resistance against long distance attacks. Increase 1% resistance against long distance attacks per each refine Lv. UIndestroyauctible. Class : manteauGarment Defense : 10 Weight : 30 Required LV : 701 Job : aAll jobs Id: (20735) Manteau Of Flame Heart [1] Rental Item A manteau with fire spirit powers. It is protected by flames all the time. Decrease 10% damage from Fire property attacks. Increase 10% damage from Water property attacks. Reflect 10% of physical damage to be received. Damage can be increased as twice as that of refine Lv. UIndestroyauctible. Class : manteauGarment Defense : 10 Weight : 30 Required LV : 701 Job : aAll jobs Id: (20745) Manteau Of Mistic Froz [1] Rental Item A manteau with water spirit. It is protected by water all the time. Decrease 10% damage against Water property attacks. Increase 10% damage from Wind property attacks. When being physically attacked by a short distance attacks, it can activate Freezing by a certain chance. With more than 6 refine Lv, Freezing chance will be increased per each refine Lv. With more than 10 refine Lv, additional Freezing chance will be increased. UIndestroyauctible. Class : manteauGarment Defense : 10 Weight : 30 Required LV : 71 Job : aAll jobs Id: (20747) Manteau Great Nature [1] Rental Item A manteau with Earth spirit, It is protected by stones all the time. Decrease 10% damage against Water property attacks. Increase 10% damage from Fire property attacks. When being physically attacked by both short range and long distance, it can activate Stone Curse by a certain chance in 5*5 cells around yourself. With more than 5 refine Lv, increase the chance for Stone Curse per 1 reine Lv. UIndestroyauctible. Class : manteauGarment Defense : 10 Weight : 30 Required LV : 701 Job : aAll jobs Id: (22542) Potion Concentration Potion unable to trade with other account. This syrup increases concentration. If you take it, the attack speed is increased. All of class can use it. Weight : 10 Id: (22543) Potion Berserk Potion unable to trade with other account. This honey syrup boil your blood hot and makes you warrior. If you take it, the attack speed is increased. Only over level 85 characters are able to use it( Available for sword man class, Rogue, Wizard, merchant class) Weight : 20 Id: (22544) Potion Awakening Potion unable to trade with other account. This honey syrup wakes you up and increase attack speed. Only over level 40 characters are able to use it( unavailable Acolyte, Priest, Bard, Dancer) Weight : 15 Id: (22553) Rainbow Rice Cake unable to trade with other account. A mottle colored rice cake. Famous in eastern countries. Temporarily increase 10 ATK and MATK. _ Weight : 7 Id: (28319) Cauda Daemonica [1] A cute tail that makes you look like a demon. Be careful of demons who lost their tails... they might haunt you in order to get yours! When equipped with Horn_Of_Ancient, decrease damage 10% when being attacked by boss monsters. When equipped with Horn_Of_Succubus, LUK +2. When attacking physically, transform into "Succubus" for 5 sec by a certain chance. While being a Succubus, SP 5 recovery per every hit when attacking enemies physically. Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 20 Required LV : 80 Jobs : aAll jobs [/SPOILER] Files Spoiler Alert: data\idnum2itemdesctable.txt data\idnum2itemdisplaynametable.txt data\idnum2itemresnametable.txt data\num2itemdesctable.txt data\num2itemdisplaynametable.txt data\num2itemresnametable.txt data\sprite\아이템\레드스크롤.act data\sprite\아이템\레드스크롤.spr data\sprite\아이템\옐로우스크롤.act data\sprite\아이템\옐로우스크롤.spr data\sprite\아이템\오렌지스크롤.act data\sprite\아이템\오렌지스크롤.spr data\texture\유저인터페이스\cardbmp\강화네크로맨서카드.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\cardbmp\강화뵤르그카드.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\cardbmp\강화샐러맨더카드.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\cardbmp\봉인된디타르카드.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\cardbmp\봉인된란드그리스카드.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\cardbmp\봉인된타락한대신관카드.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\레드스크롤.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\옐로우스크롤.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\오렌지스크롤.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\레드스크롤.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\옐로우스크롤.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\오렌지스크롤.bmp
  19. Changed Item Spoiler Alert: Id: (12739) 눈의 꽃 매년 크리스마스 전후에만 얻을 수 있는 진귀한 꽃. 매우 차가울 것 처럼 보이지만 HP/SP를 회복시켜 주는 효능이 있다. _ 무게 : 10 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 1 Files Spoiler Alert: System\itemInfo_Sak.lub
  20. Added Achievement Spoiler Alert: Id: (120052) 국경 검문소 필드 탐험(1) 숨겨진 보물 발견 국경 검문소 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120053) 국경 검문소 필드 탐험(2) 숨겨진 보물 발견 국경 검문소 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120054) 킬 하이르의 별장 필드 탐험 숨겨진 보물 발견 킬 하이르의 별장 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120055) 엘메스 플레투 필드 탐험(1) 숨겨진 보물 발견 엘메스 플레투 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120056) 엘메스 플레투 필드 탐험(2) 숨겨진 보물 발견 엘메스 플레투 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120057) 엘메스 플레투 필드 탐험(3) 숨겨진 보물 발견 엘메스 플레투 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120058) 엘메스 협곡 필드 탐험 숨겨진 보물 발견 엘메스 협곡 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120059) 킬 하이르 학원 필드 탐험 숨겨진 보물 발견 킬 하이르 학원 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120060) 경비대 야영지 필드 탐험 숨겨진 보물 발견 경비대 야영지 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120061) 유노 필드 탐험 숨겨진 보물 발견 유노 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120062) 타나토스 타워 앞 필드 탐험 숨겨진 보물 발견 타나토스 타워 앞 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120063) 휘겔 필드 탐험(1) 숨겨진 보물 발견 휘겔 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120064) 휘겔 필드 탐험(2) 숨겨진 보물 발견 휘겔 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120065) 휘겔 필드 탐험(3) 숨겨진 보물 발견 휘겔 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120066) 어비스호수 필드 탐험(1) 숨겨진 보물 발견 어비스호수 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120067) 아인브로크 필드 탐험(1) 숨겨진 보물 발견 아인브로크 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120068) 아인브로크 필드 탐험(2) 숨겨진 보물 발견 아인브로크 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120069) 아인브로크 필드 탐험(3) 숨겨진 보물 발견 아인브로크 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120070) 아인브로크 필드 탐험(4) 숨겨진 보물 발견 아인브로크 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120071) 아인브로크 필드 탐험(5) 숨겨진 보물 발견 아인브로크 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120072) 아인브로크 필드 탐험(6) 숨겨진 보물 발견 아인브로크 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120073) 아인브로크 필드 탐험(7) 숨겨진 보물 발견 아인브로크 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120074) 아인브로크 필드 탐험(8) 숨겨진 보물 발견 아인브로크 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120075) 리히타르젠 필드 탐험(1) 숨겨진 보물 발견 리히타르젠 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120076) 리히타르젠 필드 탐험(2) 숨겨진 보물 발견 리히타르젠 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120077) 리히타르젠 필드 탐험(3) 숨겨진 보물 발견 리히타르젠 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120078) 라헬 아우둠라 평원 필드 탐험(1) 숨겨진 보물 발견 라헬 아우둠라 평원 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120079) 라헬 이다 평원 필드 탐험(1) 숨겨진 보물 발견 라헬 이다 평원 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120080) 라헬 이다 평원 필드 탐험(2) 숨겨진 보물 발견 라헬 이다 평원 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120081) 라헬 이다 평원 필드 탐험(3) 숨겨진 보물 발견 라헬 이다 평원 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120082) 라헬 아우둠라 초원 필드 탐험(1) 숨겨진 보물 발견 라헬 아우둠라 초원 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120083) 라헬 아우둠라 초원 필드 탐험(2) 숨겨진 보물 발견 라헬 아우둠라 초원 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120084) 포르투 루나 필드 탐험 숨겨진 보물 발견 포르투 루나 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120085) 베인스 필드 탐험(1) 숨겨진 보물 발견 베인스 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120086) 베인스 필드 탐험(2) 숨겨진 보물 발견 베인스 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120087) 베인스 필드 탐험(3) 숨겨진 보물 발견 베인스 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120088) 베인스 필드 탐험(4) 숨겨진 보물 발견 베인스 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120089) 베인스 필드 탐험(5) 숨겨진 보물 발견 베인스 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120090) 에클라쥬 필드 탐험 숨겨진 보물 발견 에클라쥬 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120091) 비프로스트 북부 필드 탐험(1) 숨겨진 보물 발견 비프로스트 북부 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120092) 비프로스트 남부 필드 탐험(1) 숨겨진 보물 발견 비프로스트 남부 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120093) 스플랑디드 필드 탐험(1) 숨겨진 보물 발견 스플랑디드 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120094) 스플랑디드 필드 탐험(2) 숨겨진 보물 발견 스플랑디드 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120095) 스플랑디드 필드 탐험(3) 숨겨진 보물 발견 스플랑디드 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120096) 마누크 필드 탐험(1) 숨겨진 보물 발견 마누크 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120097) 마누크 필드 탐험(2) 숨겨진 보물 발견 마누크 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120098) 마누크 필드 탐험(3) 숨겨진 보물 발견 마누크 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120099) 카미달 산기슭 필드 탐험(1) 숨겨진 보물 발견 카미달 산기슭 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120100) 카미달 산기슭 필드 탐험(2) 숨겨진 보물 발견 카미달 산기슭 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120101) 아마쯔 필드 탐험 숨겨진 보물 발견 아마쯔 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120102) 쿤룬 필드 탐험 숨겨진 보물 발견 쿤룬 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120103) 용지성 필드 탐험 숨겨진 보물 발견 용지성 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120104) 아요타야 필드 탐험 숨겨진 보물 발견 아요타야 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120105) 모스코비아 필드 탐험 숨겨진 보물 발견 모스코비아 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120106) 브라질리스 필드 탐험 숨겨진 보물 발견 브라질리스 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120107) 데와타 필드 탐험 숨겨진 보물 발견 데와타 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120108) 말라야 필드 탐험(1) 숨겨진 보물 발견 말라야 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120109) 말라야 필드 탐험(2) 숨겨진 보물 발견 말라야 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120110) 수도원 지하 던전 탐험 숨겨진 보물 발견 수도원 지하 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 20 Id: (120111) 휘겔 어비스 던전 탐험 숨겨진 보물 발견 휘겔 어비스 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 20 Id: (120112) 시계탑 던전 탐험 숨겨진 보물 발견 시계탑 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 20 Id: (120113) 아마쯔 던전 탐험 숨겨진 보물 발견 아마쯔 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 20 Id: (120114) 개미지옥 던전 탐험 숨겨진 보물 발견 개미지옥 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 20 Id: (120115) 아요타야 던전 탐험 숨겨진 보물 발견 아요타야 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 20 Id: (120116) 코모도 던전 탐험 숨겨진 보물 발견 코모도 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 20 Id: (120117) 브라질리스 던전 탐험 숨겨진 보물 발견 브라질리스 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 20 Id: (120118) 시계탑 던전 탐험 숨겨진 보물 발견 시계탑 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 20 Id: (120119) 이스타나 던전 탐험 숨겨진 보물 발견 이스타나 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 20 Id: (120120) 스카라바 홀 던전 탐험 숨겨진 보물 발견 스카라바 홀 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 20 Id: (120121) 비프로스트 던전 탐험 숨겨진 보물 발견 비프로스트 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 20 Id: (120122) 아인베흐 던전 탐험 숨겨진 보물 발견 아인베흐 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 20 Id: (120123) 게펜지하 던전 탐험 숨겨진 보물 발견 게펜지하 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 20 Id: (120124) 글래스트헤임 던전 탐험(1) 숨겨진 보물 발견 글래스트헤임 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 20 Id: (120125) 글래스트헤임 던전 탐험(2) 숨겨진 보물 발견 글래스트헤임 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 20 Id: (120126) 글래스트헤임 던전 탐험(3) 숨겨진 보물 발견 글래스트헤임 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 20 Id: (120127) 글래스트헤임 던전 탐험(4) 숨겨진 보물 발견 글래스트헤임 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 20 Id: (120128) 쿤룬 던전 탐험 숨겨진 보물 발견 쿤룬 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 20 Id: (120129) 라헬 던전 탐험 숨겨진 보물 발견 라헬 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 20 Id: (120130) 스핑크스 던전 탐험 숨겨진 보물 발견 스핑크스 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 20 Id: (120131) 이즈루드 던전 탐험 숨겨진 보물 발견 이즈루드 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 20 Id: (120132) 기계인형공장 던전 탐험 숨겨진 보물 발견 기계인형공장 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 20 Id: (120133) 생체실험연구소 던전 탐험 숨겨진 보물 발견 생체실험연구소 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 20 Id: (120134) 용지성 던전 탐험 숨겨진 보물 발견 용지성 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 20 Id: (120135) 노그로드 던전 탐험 숨겨진 보물 발견 노그로드 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 20 Id: (120136) 묘르닐 폐광 던전 탐험 숨겨진 보물 발견 묘르닐 폐광 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 20 Id: (120137) 피라미드 던전 탐험 숨겨진 보물 발견 피라미드 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 20 Id: (120138) 오크 지하 던전 탐험 숨겨진 보물 발견 오크 지하 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 20 Id: (120139) 페이욘 던전 탐험 숨겨진 보물 발견 페이욘 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 20 Id: (120140) 미궁 던전 탐험 숨겨진 보물 발견 미궁 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 20 Id: (120141) 지하수로 던전 탐험 숨겨진 보물 발견 지하수로 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 20 Id: (120142) 타나토스타워 던전 탐험 숨겨진 보물 발견 타나토스타워 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 20 Id: (120143) 토르 화산 던전 탐험 숨겨진 보물 발견 토르 화산 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 20 Id: (120144) 침몰선 던전 탐험 숨겨진 보물 발견 침몰선 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 20 Id: (120145) 거북이 섬 던전 탐험 숨겨진 보물 발견 거북이 섬 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 20 Id: (120146) 장난감 던전 탐험 숨겨진 보물 발견 장난감 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 20 Id: (128000) 불청객 셀린느 키미 처치 메모리얼 던전을 끝까지 진행 Score: 10 Id: (128001) 낯선 손님 셀린느 키미 처치 메모리얼 던전을 끝까지 진행 Score: 10 Id: (128002) 조금은 친해졌을지도… 셀린느 키미 처치 메모리얼 던전을 끝까지 진행 Score: 20 Id: (128003) 반가운 손님 셀린느 키미 처치 메모리얼 던전을 끝까지 진행 Score: 30 Id: (128004) 키미의 절친한 단짝 셀린느 키미 처치 메모리얼 던전을 끝까지 진행 Score: 50 Id: (128005) 초보 낚시꾼 버코너워 처치 메모리얼 던전을 끝까지 진행 Score: 10 Id: (128006) 대물 사냥꾼 버코너워 처치 메모리얼 던전을 끝까지 진행 Score: 20 Id: (128007) 리듬의 달인 버코너워 처치 메모리얼 던전을 끝까지 진행 Score: 50 Id: (128008) 간 큰 모험가 바포메트 처치 메모리얼 던전을 끝까지 진행 Score: 10 Id: (128009) 바포메트가 싫어합니다. 바포메트 처치 메모리얼 던전을 끝까지 진행 Score: 20 Id: (128010) 염소의 천적 바포메트 처치 메모리얼 던전을 끝까지 진행 Score: 50 Id: (128011) 평범한 관광객 사신 안쿠 처치 메모리얼 던전을 끝까지 진행 Score: 10 Id: (128012) 오지 전문가 사신 안쿠 처치 메모리얼 던전을 끝까지 진행 Score: 20 Id: (128013) 이녀석은 먹을 수 있을 것 같습니다 사신 안쿠 처치 메모리얼 던전을 끝까지 진행 Score: 50 Id: (128014) 소화되기 힘든 고기 부워여 처치 메모리얼 던전을 끝까지 진행 Score: 10 Id: (128015) 탈출의 명수 부워여 처치 메모리얼 던전을 끝까지 진행 Score: 20 Id: (128016) 불멸의 사냥꾼 부워여 처치 메모리얼 던전을 끝까지 진행 Score: 50 Id: (128017) 절망을 딛고 일어서. 절망의 신 모로크 처치 메모리얼 던전을 끝까지 진행 Score: 10 Id: (128018) 희망의 불씨 절망의 신 모로크 처치 메모리얼 던전을 끝까지 진행 Score: 10 Id: (128019) 쏟아지는 서광 절망의 신 모로크 처치 메모리얼 던전을 끝까지 진행 Score: 20 Id: (128020) 누가 절망하는가? 내가 희망이다! 절망의 신 모로크 처치 메모리얼 던전을 끝까지 진행 Score: 30 Id: (128021) 나는 이 세계를 구하는 신이 된다. 절망의 신 모로크 처치 메모리얼 던전을 끝까지 진행 Score: 50 Id: (128022) 모로크의 군대에 자비는 있었다 모로크의 네크로맨서 처치 메모리얼 던전을 끝까지 진행 Score: 10 Id: (128023) 모로크의 군대에 두려움도 있었다. 모로크의 네크로맨서 처치 메모리얼 던전을 끝까지 진행 Score: 20 Id: (128024) 수문장이 약골이군 모로크의 네크로맨서 처치 메모리얼 던전을 끝까지 진행 Score: 50 Id: (128025) 여왕님을 알현합니다. 페이스웜 퀸 처치 메모리얼 던전을 끝까지 진행 Score: 10 Id: (128026) 포근한 대지 지속성 페이스웜 퀸 처치 메모리얼 던전을 끝까지 진행 Score: 10 Id: (128027) 물이 아주 딱 좋아 수속성 페이스웜 퀸 처치 메모리얼 던전을 끝까지 진행 Score: 10 Id: (128028) 기분좋은 바람 풍속성 페이스웜 퀸 처치 메모리얼 던전을 끝까지 진행 Score: 10 Id: (128029) 낡은 성의 방문자 암다라이스 처치 메모리얼 던전을 끝까지 진행 Score: 10 Id: (128030) 낡은 성의 군주 암다라이스 처치 메모리얼 던전을 끝까지 진행 Score: 20 Id: (128031) 낡은 성의 정복자 암다라이스 처치 메모리얼 던전을 끝까지 진행 Score: 50 Id: (128032) 매서운 풋내기 암다라이스(상급) 처치 메모리얼 던전을 끝까지 진행 Score: 10 Id: (128033) 기사단의 희망 암다라이스(상급) 처치 메모리얼 던전을 끝까지 진행 Score: 20 Id: (128034) 여명의 수호자 암다라이스(상급) 처치 메모리얼 던전을 끝까지 진행 Score: 50 Id: (128035) 시간 여행자 사라 아이린 처치 메모리얼 던전을 끝까지 진행 Score: 10 Id: (128036) 고대 유물 복원가 사라 아이린 처치 메모리얼 던전을 끝까지 진행 Score: 20 Id: (128037) 유물 운반의 달인 사라 아이린 처치 메모리얼 던전을 끝까지 진행 Score: 50 Id: (128038) 선장에게 본때 보이기 펠록 처치 메모리얼 던전을 끝까지 진행 Score: 10 Id: (128039) 조금 약골 선장에게 본때 보이기 펠록 처치 메모리얼 던전을 끝까지 진행 Score: 10 Id: (128040) 선상 폭동 펠록 처치 메모리얼 던전을 끝까지 진행 Score: 20 Id: (128041) 선상의 소동 펠록 처치 메모리얼 던전을 끝까지 진행 Score: 20 Id: (128042) 선상 반란 펠록 처치 메모리얼 던전을 끝까지 진행 Score: 50 Id: (128043) 반란같은 폭동 펠록 처치 메모리얼 던전을 끝까지 진행 Score: 50 Id: (128044) 마법대회 우승자 펜릴 처치 메모리얼 던전을 끝까지 진행 Score: 10 Id: (128045) 콜로세움의 검투사 펜릴 처치 메모리얼 던전을 끝까지 진행 Score: 20 Id: (128046) 콜로세움의 학살자 펜릴 처치 메모리얼 던전을 끝까지 진행 Score: 50 Id: (128047) 엔들리스 타워의 도전자 나흐트지거 처치 메모리얼 던전을 끝까지 진행 Score: 10 Id: (128048) 엔들리스 타워의 학살자 나흐트지거 처치 메모리얼 던전을 끝까지 진행 Score: 20 Id: (128049) 탑의 군주 나흐트지거 처치 메모리얼 던전을 끝까지 진행 Score: 50 Id: (128050) 초보 퇴마사 벙웅곳 영혼의 기둥 처치 메모리얼 던전을 끝까지 진행 Score: 10 Id: (128051) 숙련 퇴마사 벙웅곳 영혼의 기둥 처치 메모리얼 던전을 끝까지 진행 Score: 20 Id: (128052) 전설적인 퇴마사 벙웅곳 영혼의 기둥 처치 메모리얼 던전을 끝까지 진행 Score: 50 Id: (129001) 프론테라의 탐험가 목표 필드 탐험 완료 프론테라 주변 탐험 완료 Score: 20 Id: (129002) 게펜의 탐험가 목표 필드 탐험 완료 게펜 주변 탐험 완료 Score: 20 Id: (129003) 소그라트 사막의 탐험가 목표 필드 탐험 완료 소그라트 사막 주변 탐험 완료 Score: 20 Id: (129004) 페이욘의 탐험가 목표 필드 탐험 완료 페이욘 주변 탐험 완료 Score: 20 Id: (129005) 묘르닐 북쪽의 탐험가 목표 필드 탐험 완료 묘르닐 북쪽 주변 탐험 완료 Score: 20 Id: (129006) 묘르닐 남쪽의 탐험가 목표 필드 탐험 완료 묘르닐 남쪽 주변 탐험 완료 Score: 20 Id: (129007) 코모도의 탐험가 목표 필드 탐험 완료 코모도 주변 탐험 완료 Score: 20 Id: (129008) 룬 미드가츠의 탐험가 목표 필드 탐험 완료 룬 미드가츠 주변 탐험 완료 Score: 50 Id: (129009) 유노의 탐험가 목표 필드 탐험 완료 유노 주변 탐험 완료 Score: 20 Id: (129010) 휘겔의 탐험가 목표 필드 탐험 완료 휘겔 주변 탐험 완료 Score: 20 Id: (129011) 아인브로크의 탐험가 목표 필드 탐험 완료 아인브로크 주변 탐험 완료 Score: 20 Id: (129012) 리히타르젠의 탐험가 목표 필드 탐험 완료 리히타르젠 주변 탐험 완료 Score: 20 Id: (129013) 슈발츠발드의 탐험가 목표 필드 탐험 완료 슈발츠발드 주변 탐험 완료 Score: 50 Id: (129014) 라헬의 탐험가 목표 필드 탐험 완료 라헬 주변 탐험 완료 Score: 20 Id: (129015) 베인스의 탐험가 목표 필드 탐험 완료 베인스 주변 탐험 완료 Score: 20 Id: (129016) 아루나펠츠의 탐험가 목표 필드 탐험 완료 아루나펠츠 주변 탐험 완료 Score: 50 Id: (129017) 라피네의 탐험가 목표 필드 탐험 완료 라피네 주변 탐험 완료 Score: 20 Id: (129018) 마누크의 탐험가 목표 필드 탐험 완료 마누크 주변 탐험 완료 Score: 20 Id: (129019) 이계의 탐험가 목표 필드 탐험 완료 이계 주변 탐험 완료 Score: 50 Id: (129020) 로컬라이징 필드의 탐험가 목표 필드 탐험 완료 로컬라이징 필드 주변 탐험 완료 Score: 50 Quest Spoiler Alert: Id: 4357 산타 루나틱 사냥 Info: 프론테라와 게펜 근처의 필드에서 산타 루나틱 3마리를 처치하자 Quickinfo: Id: 4358 산타 고블린 사냥 Info: 게펜 남쪽에서 산타 고블린 3마리를 처치하자 Quickinfo: Id: 4359 산타 오크 사냥 Info: 게펜 남쪽, 프론테라 남서쪽의 오크 필드에서 산타 오크 3마리를 처치하자 Quickinfo: Id: 4360 산타 잭 사냥 Info: 게펜 타워 2층에서 산타 잭 3마리를 처치하자 Quickinfo: Id: 4361 산타루나틱 대기중 Info: 내일 다시 퀘스트를 받을 수 있다 Quickinfo: Id: 4362 산타고블린 대기중 Info: 내일 다시 퀘스트를 받을 수 있다 Quickinfo: Id: 4363 산타오크 대기중 Info: 내일 다시 퀘스트를 받을 수 있다 Quickinfo: Id: 4364 산타잭 대기중 Info: 내일 다시 퀘스트를 받을 수 있다 Quickinfo: Item Spoiler Alert: Id: (2598) 라모르 망토 [1] 속성내성이 깃들어 있는 마법의 망토. 언데드속성 몬스터로부터 받는 데미지 5% 감소. 인간형 몬스터에게 받는 데미지 5% 증가. 골드PC방에서 장착 시, FLEE + 20. 라모르 실드와 함께 장착 시, 망토 1제련당 인간형 몬스터에게서 받는 데미지 1%씩 추가 감소. 라모르 실드와 함께 장착 시, 실드 1제련당 언데드속성 몬스터에게 주는 데미지 1%씩 추가 증가. 계열 : 걸칠것 방어 : 20 무게 : 70 요구레벨 : 65 장착 : 전직업 장착 가능 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Garment Defense : 20 Weight : 70 Required Level : 65 Job : All Id: (6953) 라모르망토 전용 티켓 타 계정과 거래가 불가능한 아이템 입니다. 라모르 망토와 함께 이 티켓을 가져오면 묻지도 따지지도 않고 9제련 해준다고 크게 쓰여있는 티켓. NPC @@@를 찾아가면 진위를 알게 될 것이다. 무게 : 0 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 0 Id: (19685) 의상 빛나는 산타포링 모자 반짝반짝이며 머리위에서 폴짝 폴짝 뛰는 산타모를 쓴 포링이 경이롭다. 계열 : 의상장비 방어 : 0 위치 : 상단 무게 : 0 요구 레벨 : 1 장착 : 전직업 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Job : All Id: (19697) 의상 루돌프 산타모 사슴도 쓸 수 있게 개조한 산타 모자. 계열 : 의상장비 방어 : 0 위치 : 상단 무게 : 0 요구 레벨 : 1 장착 : 전직업 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Job : All Id: (19955) 의상 미니트리 J 머리 위에서 밝게 빛나는 작은 크리스마스 트리. 계열 : 의상장비 방어 : 0 위치 : 상단 무게 : 0 요구 레벨 : 1 장착 : 전 직업 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Job : All Id: (19982) 의상 산타 모자 임대 아이템 붉은 천으로 만들어져 있는 특이한 모자로 왠지 어떤 할아버지가 착용했을 것 같은 중후함도 느껴지는 모자. MaxHP + 1000, MaxSP + 100. ASPD + 3. ATK + 10%, MATK + 10%. 힐량 10% 증가. 계열 : 의상장비 방어 : 0 위치 : 상단 무게 : 0 요구 레벨 : 1 장착 : 전 직업 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Job : All Id: (20222) 의상 파란 양갈래 산타모자 귀여운 남자아이에게 잘 어울릴 듯한 양갈래가 깜찍한 산타모자. 계열 : 의상장비 방어 : 0 위치 : 상단 무게 : 0 요구 레벨 : 1 장착 : 전 직업 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Job : All Id: (22870) 크리스마스 패키지 타 계정과 거래가 불가능한 아이템 입니다. 크리스마스 분위기가 물씬 풍기는 화려한 패키지. (크리스마스 이벤트 종료와 함께 삭제되는 아이템입니다.) 무게 : 1 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 1 Id: (22876) 낡은 돈 주머니 꽤 오래되어 보이는 낡은 돈 주머니. 흔들어보면 작게 짤랑이는 소리가 들린다. 큰 돈이 들어 있을 것 같지는 않다. 무게 : 0 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 0 Changed Achievement Spoiler Alert: Id: (120001) 프론테라 북쪽 주변 필드 탐험(1) 숨겨진 보물 발견 프론테라 북쪽 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120002) 프론테라 북쪽 주변 필드 탐험(2) 숨겨진 보물 발견 프론테라 북쪽 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120003) 프론테라 북쪽 주변 필드 탐험(3) 숨겨진 보물 발견 프론테라 북쪽 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120004) 프론테라 서쪽 주변 필드 탐험(1) 숨겨진 보물 발견 프론테라 서쪽 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120005) 프론테라 서쪽 주변 필드 탐험(2) 숨겨진 보물 발견 프론테라 서쪽 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120006) 프론테라 동쪽 주변 필드 탐험(1) 숨겨진 보물 발견 프론테라 동쪽 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120007) 프론테라 남쪽 주변 필드 탐험(1) 숨겨진 보물 발견 프론테라 남쪽 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120008) 프론테라 남쪽 주변 필드 탐험(2) 숨겨진 보물 발견 프론테라 남쪽 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120009) 프론테라 남쪽 주변 필드 탐험(3) 숨겨진 보물 발견 프론테라 남쪽 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120010) 프론테라 남쪽 주변 필드 탐험(4) 숨겨진 보물 발견 프론테라 남쪽 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120011) 게펜 동쪽 주변 필드 탐험(1) 숨겨진 보물 발견 게펜 동쪽 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120012) 게펜 동남쪽 주변 필드 탐험(1) 숨겨진 보물 발견 게펜 동남쪽 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120013) 게펜 서북쪽 주변 필드 탐험(1) 숨겨진 보물 발견 게펜 서북쪽 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120014) 게펜 서북쪽 주변 필드 탐험(2) 숨겨진 보물 발견 게펜 서북쪽 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120015) 게펜 서북쪽 주변 필드 탐험(3) 숨겨진 보물 발견 게펜 서북쪽 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120016) 게펜 남쪽 주변 필드 탐험(1) 숨겨진 보물 발견 게펜 남쪽 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120017) 게펜 남쪽 주변 필드 탐험(2) 숨겨진 보물 발견 게펜 남쪽 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120018) 소그라트 사막 주변 필드 탐험(1) 숨겨진 보물 발견 소그라트 사막 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120019) 소그라트 사막 주변 필드 탐험(2) 숨겨진 보물 발견 소그라트 사막 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120020) 소그라트 사막 주변 필드 탐험(3) 숨겨진 보물 발견 소그라트 사막 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120021) 소그라트 사막 주변 필드 탐험(4) 숨겨진 보물 발견 소그라트 사막 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120022) 소그라트 사막 주변 필드 탐험(5) 숨겨진 보물 발견 소그라트 사막 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120023) 소그라트 사막 주변 필드 탐험(6) 숨겨진 보물 발견 소그라트 사막 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120024) 페이욘 남서쪽 주변 필드 탐험(1) 숨겨진 보물 발견 페이욘 남서쪽 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120025) 페이욘 남서쪽 주변 필드 탐험(2) 숨겨진 보물 발견 페이욘 남서쪽 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120026) 페이욘 남서쪽 주변 필드 탐험(3) 숨겨진 보물 발견 페이욘 남서쪽 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120027) 페이욘 남서쪽 주변 필드 탐험(4) 숨겨진 보물 발견 페이욘 남서쪽 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120028) 페이욘 동쪽 주변 필드 탐험(1) 숨겨진 보물 발견 페이욘 동쪽 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120029) 페이욘 동쪽 주변 필드 탐험(2) 숨겨진 보물 발견 페이욘 동쪽 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120030) 페이욘 동쪽 주변 필드 탐험(3) 숨겨진 보물 발견 페이욘 동쪽 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120031) 페이욘 동쪽 주변 필드 탐험(4) 숨겨진 보물 발견 페이욘 동쪽 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120032) 묘르닐 북쪽 주변 필드 탐험(1) 숨겨진 보물 발견 묘르닐 북쪽 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120033) 묘르닐 북쪽 주변 필드 탐험(2) 숨겨진 보물 발견 묘르닐 북쪽 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120034) 묘르닐 북쪽 주변 필드 탐험(3) 숨겨진 보물 발견 묘르닐 북쪽 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120035) 묘르닐 북쪽 주변 필드 탐험(4) 숨겨진 보물 발견 묘르닐 북쪽 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120036) 묘르닐 북쪽 주변 필드 탐험(5) 숨겨진 보물 발견 묘르닐 북쪽 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120037) 묘르닐 남쪽 주변 필드 탐험(1) 숨겨진 보물 발견 묘르닐 남쪽 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120038) 묘르닐 남쪽 주변 필드 탐험(2) 숨겨진 보물 발견 묘르닐 남쪽 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120039) 묘르닐 남쪽 주변 필드 탐험(3) 숨겨진 보물 발견 묘르닐 남쪽 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120040) 묘르닐 남쪽 주변 필드 탐험(4) 숨겨진 보물 발견 묘르닐 남쪽 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120041) 묘르닐 남쪽 주변 필드 탐험(5) 숨겨진 보물 발견 묘르닐 남쪽 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120042) 묘르닐 남쪽 주변 필드 탐험(6) 숨겨진 보물 발견 묘르닐 남쪽 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120043) 알데바란 남쪽 주변 필드 탐험(1) 숨겨진 보물 발견 알데바란 남쪽 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120044) 코모도 주변 필드 탐험(1) 숨겨진 보물 발견 코모도 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120045) 코모도 주변 필드 탐험(2) 숨겨진 보물 발견 코모도 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120046) 코모도 주변 필드 탐험(3) 숨겨진 보물 발견 코모도 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120047) 코모도 주변 필드 탐험(4) 숨겨진 보물 발견 코모도 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120048) 코모도 주변 필드 탐험(5) 숨겨진 보물 발견 코모도 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120049) 코모도 주변 필드 탐험(6) 숨겨진 보물 발견 코모도 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120050) 코모도 주변 필드 탐험(7) 숨겨진 보물 발견 코모도 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Id: (120051) 코모도 주변 필드 탐험(8) 숨겨진 보물 발견 코모도 주변 필드의 보물을 발견한다 Score: 10 Quest Spoiler Alert: Id: 1261 저주의 검사 Info: 23대기시간 동안 망령의 왕궁 입장 금지. Quickinfo: 23대기시간 이종료 후 망령의 왕궁 재입장. Id: 4135 이아라 Info: 아노리는 다른 일을 하고 있는 것 같다. 시간이 지난 뒤에 다시 도와주자. Quickinfo: 완료 시점으로부터 24시간 뒤일일퀘스트 대기중 Id: 5005 홀그렌 Info: 내가 조금 대단하긴 하지만 사랑뭉치라는 건 흔히 나오는 게 아니야 Quickinfo: 24시간대기 후 홀그렌에게 다시 사랑뭉치를 얻으실 수 있습니다. Id: 5006 프론테라 안내요원 Info: 사랑뭉치는 희귀한 거예요. 다른 분들께 얻어보시는 건 어떨까요? Quickinfo: 24시간대기 후 안내요원에게 다시 사랑뭉치를 얻으실 수 있습니다. Id: 5007 폐이욘 안내요원 Info: 사랑뭉치? 그건 나도 정말 어쩌다가 나오는 거야 나 말고 다른 친구들에게 얻어 보는 게 어때? Quickinfo: 24시간대기 후 안내요원에게 다시 사랑뭉치를 얻으실 수 있습니다. Id: 5008 게펜 안내요원 Info: 사랑뭉치말씀 이신가요? 안타까운 일이긴 하지만 당장은 드릴 수 없습니다. Quickinfo: 24시간대기 후 안내요원에게 다시 사랑뭉치를 얻으실 수 있습니다. Id: 5009 모로크 안내요원 Info: 가위바위보를 다시 해드리는 건 가능하지만 사랑뭉치를 또 드리긴 어렵겠네요. 귀한 건데... 너무 날로 드시려고 하는 거 아닙니까? 가위바위보를 만 판쯤 이기신다면 모를까... Quickinfo: 24시간대기 후 안내요원에게 다시 사랑뭉치를 얻으실 수 있습니다. Id: 5010 슈크림 Info: 헤헤 제가 감사함의 선물로 드린 사랑뭉치요? 지금 없는데요? Quickinfo: 24시간대기 후 슈크림에게 다시 사랑뭉치를 얻으실 수 있습니다. Id: 5011 이진하 Info: 제가 라그나로크 OX퀴즈 전집을 읽느라 바쁘다고 하지 않았습니까? 내일 오십시오 내일 Quickinfo: 24시간대기 후 안내요원에게 다시 사랑뭉치를 얻으실 수 있습니다. Id: 5012 존다 기획사 직원 Info: 사랑뭉치는 본사에서 주는 거라 저도 없군요. 내일 쯤 이면 본사에서 다시 나올 것도 같은데 Quickinfo: 24시간대기 후 존다 에게 다시 사랑뭉치를 얻으실 수 있습니다. Id: 5013 아를르 오를레앙 Info: 산수문제를 또 풀고 싶으시다고요? 머리에 쥐가 나서 안됩니다. 내일 오세요. Quickinfo: 24시간대기 후 아를르에게 다시 사랑뭉치를 얻으실 수 있습니다. Id: 5014 이세류 Info: 문제를 맞추셨던 틀리셨던 하루에 한번만 문제를 푸실 수 있습니다. Quickinfo: 24시간대기 후 이세류에게 다시 말을 걸어 주세요. Id: 5020 표본 검사중 Info: 연구원은 목욕탕 연구 표본의 기초적인 검사를 하는 중이다. 보통 24시간이 하루가 걸린다고 한다. 당장 할 일이 없으니 어디 가서 바람이라도 쐬고 오라는 것 같다. Quickinfo: 24시간마감시간이 지난 후 연구원에게 찾아가자 Id: 5044 노인을 도와라 !! Info: 데와타 섬의 노인 메모는 당신을 고마워합니다. 메모는 당신이 내일도 일을 도와주기를 원합니다. Quickinfo: 내일(24시간 후) 메모를 다시 찾아가자. Id: 5070 가위바위보 연습경기 Info: '냥이 게이머즈'소속 가위바위보 선수와 연습경기를 했습니다. Quickinfo: 다음 연습경기는 24마감시간 후이후에 있습니다. Id: 5071 참참참 연습경기 Info: '냥이 게이머즈'소속 참참참 선수와 연습경기를 했습니다. Quickinfo: 다음 연습경기는 24마감시간 후이후에 있습니다. Id: 5072 꽁냥꽁 연습경기 Info: '냥이 게이머즈'소속 꽁냥꽁 선수와 연습경기를 했습니다. Quickinfo: 다음 연습경기는 24마감시간 후이후에 있습니다. Id: 5073 깃발 흔들기 도전 Info: '냥이 게이머즈'소속 깃발 흔들기 팀에게 도전했습니다. Quickinfo: 다음 도전은 24마감시간 후 입이후에 가능합니다. Id: 5161 하급 수집의뢰[대기] Info: 에너지결정 연구협회의 하급수집의뢰는 하루에 한 번만 가능합니다. Quickinfo: 대기시간 23시간의뢰가능시간까지 대기 Id: 5169 중급 수집의뢰[대기] Info: 에너지결정 연구협회의 중급수집의뢰는 하루에 한 번만 가능합니다. Quickinfo: 대기시간 23시간의뢰가능시간까지 대기 Id: 5174 상급 수집의뢰[대기] Info: 에너지결정 연구협회의 상급수집의뢰는 하루에 한 번만 가능합니다. Quickinfo: 대기시간 23시간의뢰가능시간까지 대기 Id: 5228 <웨이브모드-숲>대기 Info: <웨이브모드-숲>은 하루에 한 번만 이용할 수 있습니다. Quickinfo: 대기시간 23시간의뢰가능시간까지 대기 Id: 5299 <웨이브모드-하늘>대기 Info: <웨이브모드-하늘>은 하루에 한 번만 이용할 수 있습니다. Quickinfo: 대기시간 23시간의뢰가능시간까지 대기 Id: 5318 내일 다시 한번 Info: 내일 다시 판타스마고리카 치안대장을 찾아가면 도와줄 일을 찾을 수 있지 않을까? Quickinfo: 대기시간 23시간의뢰가능시간까지 대기 Id: 5341 여행의 제한 Info: 메모리 레코드를 사용한 여행을 시작했다. 이 여행은 최대 22시간 동안표기된 시간까지 가능하다고 한다. Quickinfo: 제한시간 22시간동안 진행 Id: 5351 여행의 제한 Info: 메모리 레코드를 사용한 여행을 시작했다. 이 여행은 최대 22시간 동안표기된 시간까지 가능하다고 한다. Quickinfo: 제한시간 22시간동안 진행 Id: 5358 여행의 제한 Info: 메모리 레코드를 사용한 여행을 시작했다. 이 여행은 최대 22시간 동안표기된 시간까지 가능하다고 한다. Quickinfo: 제한시간 22시간동안 진행 Id: 5363 여행의 제한 Info: 메모리 레코드를 사용한 여행을 시작했다. 이 여행은 최대 22시간 동안표기된 시간까지 가능하다고 한다. Quickinfo: 제한시간 22시간동안 진행 Id: 5366 여행의 제한 Info: 메모리 레코드를 사용한 여행을 시작했다. 이 여행은 최대 22시간 동안표기된 시간까지 가능하다고 한다. Quickinfo: 제한시간 22시간동안 진행 Id: 5376 [대기]일반병 토벌 Info: 일반병 토벌 임무를 다시 하기 위해서는 24시간을다음 토벌시간까지 기다려야 합니다. Quickinfo: 대기시간 24시간마감시간까지 대기 Id: 5381 [대기]정예병 토벌 Info: 정예병 토벌 임무를 다시 하기 위해서는 24시간을다음 토벌시간까지 기다려야 합니다. Quickinfo: 대기시간 24시간마감시간까지 대기 Id: 5386 [대기]우두머리 토벌 Info: 우두머리 토벌 임무를 다시 하기 위해서는 24시간을다음 토벌시간까지 기다려야 합니다. Quickinfo: 대기시간 24시간마감시간까지 대기 Id: 5392 [대기]일반병 학살 Info: 일반병 학살 임무를 다시 하기 위해서는 24시간을다음 토벌시간까지 기다려야 합니다. Quickinfo: Id: 5397 [대기]정예병 학살 Info: 정예병 학살 임무를 다시 하기 위해서는 24시간을다음 토벌시간까지 기다려야 합니다. Quickinfo: Id: 11379 마지막 방 Info: 마지막 방에 입장하였습니다. 23시간 후일정시간이 지난 뒤에 다시 들어갈 수 있습니다. Quickinfo: Id: 12331 장난감 공장의 흔적 Info: 장난감 공장을 출입한 흔적이 남아 있습니다. 23일정시간 동안 재 입장이 불가능합니다. Quickinfo: 장난감 공장의 흔적 Id: 12353 오늘은 그만 Info: 최근 23시간 이내에 푸리앙의 집사에게 선물을 전달했습니다. 시간이 좀 지난뒤에 다시 시도해봐야 할 것 같습니다. Quickinfo: 금일 접수불가 Id: 15005 메모리얼 던전: 비오스의 섬 Info: 입장 후 23일정시간 동안 비오스의 섬 입장이 금지됩니다. 아래 적힌 마감시간 이후에 입장 가능합니다. Quickinfo: 23마감시간 이내 재입장 금지후 입장가능 Id: 15008 메모리얼 던전: 비오스의 섬 Info: 입장한지 5분 이내에 던전을 클리어하여 23일정시간 동안 비오스의 섬 입장이 금지됩니다. Quickinfo: 23마감시간 이내 재입장 금지후 입장가능 Id: 15041 이열치열 땀나게 달려라 Info: 퀘스트 완료 후 23시간 이후에지정된 마감시간이 지나면 다시 퀘스트가 가능합니다. Quickinfo: 23마감시간 이후 퀘스트 가능 Id: 15045 아슬아슬 수박서리 Info: 퀘스트 완료 후 23시간 이후에지정된 마감시간이 지나면 다시 퀘스트가 가능합니다. Quickinfo: 23마감시간 이후 퀘스트 가능 Id: 15050 메모리얼 던전: 비공정 습격 Info: 입장 후 23일정시간 동안 던전의 입장이 금지됩니다. 아래 적힌 마감시간 이후에 입장 가능합니다. Quickinfo: 23마감시간 이내 재입장 금지후 입장가능 Id: 15052 메모리얼 던전: 비공정 습격 Info: 입장한지 5분 이내에 던전을 클리어하여 23일정시간 동안 던전 입장이 금지됩니다. Quickinfo: 23마감시간 이내 재입장 금지후 입장가능 Id: 15059 크리스마스 : 하루 뒤 퀘스트 가능 Info: 퀘스트를 완료한 뒤 23일정시간이 지나면 한솔로에게 다시 퀘스트를 받을 수 있습니다. Quickinfo: 퀘스트 완료 후 23마감시간 뒤이후 다시 가능 Item Spoiler Alert: Id: (12200) 크리스마스 케이크 크리스마스 한정 케이크. 사용 시 소량의 HP회복, 마니피캇 3레벨 스킬 발동 (크리스마스 이벤트 종료와 함께 삭제되는 아이템입니다.) 무게 : 5 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 5 Files Spoiler Alert: data\buyingstoreitemlist.txt data\questid2display.txt data\sprite\아이템\라모르망토.act data\sprite\아이템\라모르망토.spr data\sprite\아이템\미니트리.act data\sprite\아이템\미니트리.spr data\sprite\아이템\발광산타포링.act data\sprite\아이템\발광산타포링.spr data\sprite\아이템\산타모자.act data\sprite\아이템\산타모자.spr data\sprite\아이템\파란양갈래산타모자.act data\sprite\아이템\파란양갈래산타모자.spr data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_미니트리.act data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_미니트리.spr data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_발광산타포링.act data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_발광산타포링.spr data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_산타모자.act data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_산타모자.spr data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_파란양갈래산타모자.act data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_파란양갈래산타모자.spr data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_미니트리.act data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_미니트리.spr data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_발광산타포링.act data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_발광산타포링.spr data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_산타모자.act data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_산타모자.spr data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_파란양갈래산타모자.act data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_파란양갈래산타모자.spr data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\라모르망토.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\미니트리.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\발광산타포링.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\산타모자.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\파란양갈래산타모자.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\라모르망토.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\미니트리.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\발광산타포링.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\산타모자.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\파란양갈래산타모자.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\loading00.jpg data\texture\유저인터페이스\loading01.jpg data\texture\유저인터페이스\login_interface\warning.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\login_interface\warning2.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\t_배경1-1.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\t_배경1-2.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\t_배경1-3.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\t_배경1-4.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\t_배경2-1.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\t_배경2-2.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\t_배경2-3.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\t_배경2-4.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\t_배경3-1.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\t_배경3-2.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\t_배경3-3.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\t_배경3-4.bmp RagexeRE.exe System\achievement_list.lub System\itemInfo_Sak.lub
  21. Files Spoiler Alert: event(3).grf
  22. Changed Map Spoiler Alert: alberta - Alberta Music: bgm\54.mp3 alberta_in - Casa em Alberta Music: bgm\54.mp3 aldeba_in - Dentro de Al De Baran Music: bgm\56.mp3 aldebaran - Al De Baran Music: bgm\56.mp3 geffen - Geffen Music: bgm\57.mp3 geffen_in - Casa em Geffen Music: bgm\57.mp3 prontera - Prontera Music: bgm\55.mp3 prt_church - Catedral Music: bgm\56.mp3 prt_in - Casa em Prontera Music: bgm\55.mp3 Item Spoiler Alert: Id: (5742) Rudolf Santa HatGorro da Rena do Papai Noel Não, este não é o chapéu do Capitão Alcemento, mas uma divertida opção para um gorro natalino! Aumenta em 100% a recuperação dos itens Pedaço de Bolo e Biscoito de Gengibre. Quando equipado com Nariz de Palhaço, aumenta o dano infringido em monstros do tipo Humanoides em 5% Quando equipado com Nariz de Rudolf, aumenta o dano infringido em monstros do tipo Brutos em 2%, se refinado em +5, adiciona mais 5% de dano e se refinado em +7, adiciona mais 3% de dano, totalizando 10% de dano contra monstros do tipo Bruto. Tipo: Equipamento para Cabeça Defesa: 0 Equipa em: Topo Peso: 40 Nível Necessário: 10 Classes: Todas Id: (12259) Medicina Milagrosa Um tônico encantado com a essência de uma raríssima flor. Ao ser usado, concede uma quantidade de EXP de base e de classe (no máximo 1 nível por uso). Atenção! Este item não pode ser negociado, derrubado no chão, colocado no carrinho mas pode ser colocado no armazém. _ Peso: 0 Id: (18553) ÁArvorezinha de Natal Perfeito pra você que adora ganhar presentes de Natal. Agora, é só esperar que as pessoas resolvam colocar presentes embaixo dessa sua árvore... Nem que sejam, bem, minipresentes. Aumenta Resistência contra os status negativos Atordoamento, Maldição e Caos. Aumenta resistência contra ataques do elemento Sombrio. Chance de derrubar o item Caixa de Presente ao derrotar um monstro. Tipo: Equipamento para Cabeça Defesa: 53 Equipa em: Topo Peso: 50 Required Level : 130 Classes: Todas Id: (18556) Símbolo do Anjo É impossível negociar. Um par de óculos que prova que você é membro do Lado dos Anjos. +1 em todos os atributos até o final do evento Dia dos Namorados 2011. Permite receber Ódio Demais, em certa quantidade, do mensageiro do Demônio. Tipo: Equipamento para a Cabeça Defesa: 0 Lugar: Peso Intermediário : 0 Nível Requisitado : 1 Classes que utilizam: Todas Id: (18557) Símbolo do Demônio É impossível negociar. Um par de óculos escuros que prova que você é membro do Lado dos Demônios. +1 em todos os atributos até o final do evento Dia dos Namorados 2011. Permite receber Amor Demais, em certa quantidade, do mensageiro do Anjo. Tipo: Equipamento para a Cabeça Defesa: 0 Lugar: Peso Intermediário : 0 Nível Requisitado : 1 Classes que utilizam: Todas Files Spoiler Alert: data\idnum2itemdesctable.txt data\idnum2itemdisplaynametable.txt data\idnum2itemresnametable.txt data\itemslotcounttable.txt data\mp3nametable.txt data\num2itemdesctable.txt data\num2itemdisplaynametable.txt data\num2itemresnametable.txt data\sprite\아이템\루돌프산타모.act data\sprite\아이템\루돌프산타모.spr data\sprite\아이템\미니트리.act data\sprite\아이템\미니트리.spr data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_루돌프산타모.act data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_루돌프산타모.spr data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_미니트리.act data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_미니트리.spr data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_루돌프산타모.act data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_루돌프산타모.spr data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_미니트리.act data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_미니트리.spr data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\루돌프산타모.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\미니트리.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\루돌프산타모.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\미니트리.bmp Ragexe.exe
  23. Files Spoiler Alert: event.grf
  24. Changed Map Spoiler Alert: alberta - 港口之都 艾尔贝塔 Music: bgm\15.mp3 alberta_in - 艾尔贝塔 内部 Music: bgm\15.mp3 aldeba_in - 运河之都 艾尔帕兰 Music: bgm\39.mp3 aldebaran - 运河之都 艾尔帕兰 Music: bgm\39.mp3 geffen - 魔法之都 吉芬 Music: bgm\13.mp3 geffen_in - 吉芬 内部 Music: bgm\13.mp3 hu_in01 - 毀葛内部 Music: bgm\93.mp3 hugel - 田园都市毀葛 Music: bgm\93.mp3 izlude - 卫星都市 依斯鲁得岛 Music: bgm\26.mp3 izlude_in - 依斯鲁得 内部 Music: bgm\26.mp3 prontera - 卢恩 米德加兹王国 首都 普隆德拉 Music: bgm\08.mp3 prt_church - 普隆德拉 圣堂 内部 Music: bgm\10.mp3 prt_in - 卢恩 米德加兹王国 首都 普隆德拉 Music: bgm\08.mp3 Item Spoiler Alert: Id: (20010) 时装 虹色羽耳 使用彩色的美丽羽毛制作的耳饰。装点着神秘的光辉。彩虹色翅膀样式的耳朵. "中国活动限定属性" (2014年 12月 18日~ 2015年 1月 20日为止) All state +1,经验值获得+10%. 系列 : 时服装装备 防御 : 0 位置 : 中段 重量 : 0 等级要求 : 1 装备 : 所有职业 ====== auto-parsed ====== Location : Middle Weight : 0 Id: (20047) 时装 祈纺之樱 使用樱与春之色的彩缎装饰的发饰。似乎满盈着祈福的气氛。用充满祈祷之力的符咒装饰的樱花. "中国活动限定属性" (2014年 12月 18日~ 2015年 1月 20日为止) All state +1,经验值获得+10%. 系列 : 时服装装备 位置 : 中段 重量 : 0 等级要求 : 1 装备 : 所有职业 ====== auto-parsed ====== Location : Middle Weight : 0 Files Spoiler Alert: data\idnum2itemdesctable.txt data\idnum2itemdisplaynametable.txt data\idnum2itemresnametable.txt data\itemslotcounttable.txt data\mapnametable.txt data\mp3nametable.txt data\msgstringtable.txt data\num2itemdesctable.txt data\num2itemdisplaynametable.txt data\num2itemresnametable.txt data\questid2display.txt data\resnametable.txt data\sprite\아이템\gm_force_transfer.act data\sprite\아이템\gm_force_transfer.spr data\sprite\아이템\간반테인.act data\sprite\아이템\간반테인.spr data\sprite\아이템\거인의끌.act data\sprite\아이템\거인의끌.spr data\sprite\아이템\검은토끼모자.act data\sprite\아이템\검은토끼모자.spr data\sprite\아이템\검은토끼헤어밴드.act data\sprite\아이템\검은토끼헤어밴드.spr data\sprite\아이템\고대의문관.act data\sprite\아이템\고대의문관.spr data\sprite\아이템\고래.act data\sprite\아이템\고래.spr data\sprite\아이템\곰돌이풍선.act data\sprite\아이템\곰돌이풍선.spr data\sprite\아이템\과라나사탕.act data\sprite\아이템\과라나사탕.spr data\sprite\아이템\괴도의외눈안경.act data\sprite\아이템\괴도의외눈안경.spr data\sprite\아이템\꼬마데빌링.act data\sprite\아이템\꼬마데빌링.spr data\sprite\아이템\나무보물상자.act data\sprite\아이템\나무보물상자.spr data\sprite\아이템\늘어진판다.act data\sprite\아이템\늘어진판다.spr data\sprite\아이템\다이아보물상자.act data\sprite\아이템\다이아보물상자.spr data\sprite\아이템\대왕문어.act data\sprite\아이템\대왕문어.spr data\sprite\아이템\대왕오징어.act data\sprite\아이템\대왕오징어.spr data\sprite\아이템\대지의실크햇.act data\sprite\아이템\대지의실크햇.spr data\sprite\아이템\돌풍의헌팅캡.act data\sprite\아이템\돌풍의헌팅캡.spr data\sprite\아이템\똬리튼뱀모자1.act data\sprite\아이템\똬리튼뱀모자1.spr data\sprite\아이템\똬리튼뱀모자2.act data\sprite\아이템\똬리튼뱀모자2.spr data\sprite\아이템\라모르쉴드_언데드.act data\sprite\아이템\라모르쉴드_언데드.spr data\sprite\아이템\레드플라워모자.act data\sprite\아이템\레드플라워모자.spr data\sprite\아이템\루드마스크.act data\sprite\아이템\루드마스크.spr data\sprite\아이템\룬마력의정수.act data\sprite\아이템\룬마력의정수.spr data\sprite\아이템\룬문자의비밀.act data\sprite\아이템\룬문자의비밀.spr data\sprite\아이템\마녀의구두.act data\sprite\아이템\마녀의구두.spr data\sprite\아이템\마녀의모자.act data\sprite\아이템\마녀의모자.spr data\sprite\아이템\마력깃든청동괴.act data\sprite\아이템\마력깃든청동괴.spr data\sprite\아이템\마왕.act data\sprite\아이템\마왕.spr data\sprite\아이템\무닌의혼.act data\sprite\아이템\무닌의혼.spr data\sprite\아이템\무스펠리움.act data\sprite\아이템\무스펠리움.spr data\sprite\아이템\물의니트캡.act data\sprite\아이템\물의니트캡.spr data\sprite\아이템\뭔가있는캔디홀더.act data\sprite\아이템\뭔가있는캔디홀더.spr data\sprite\아이템\미니말머리핀1.act data\sprite\아이템\미니말머리핀1.spr data\sprite\아이템\미니말머리핀2.act data\sprite\아이템\미니말머리핀2.spr data\sprite\아이템\버클러.act data\sprite\아이템\버클러.spr data\sprite\아이템\베룬드의망치.act data\sprite\아이템\베룬드의망치.spr data\sprite\아이템\베룬드의모루.act data\sprite\아이템\베룬드의모루.spr data\sprite\아이템\베룬드의팔찌.act data\sprite\아이템\베룬드의팔찌.spr data\sprite\아이템\벨의비둘기.act data\sprite\아이템\벨의비둘기.spr data\sprite\아이템\보물상자.act data\sprite\아이템\보물상자.spr data\sprite\아이템\부유하는현자의돌.act data\sprite\아이템\부유하는현자의돌.spr data\sprite\아이템\사안봉인의붕대.act data\sprite\아이템\사안봉인의붕대.spr data\sprite\아이템\수다쟁이까마귀.act data\sprite\아이템\수다쟁이까마귀.spr data\sprite\아이템\쉴드.act data\sprite\아이템\쉴드.spr data\sprite\아이템\아미스트르캡.act data\sprite\아이템\아미스트르캡.spr data\sprite\아이템\에길망토.act data\sprite\아이템\에길망토.spr data\sprite\아이템\에길슈즈.act data\sprite\아이템\에길슈즈.spr data\sprite\아이템\에길아머.act data\sprite\아이템\에길아머.spr data\sprite\아이템\에길헬름.act data\sprite\아이템\에길헬름.spr data\sprite\아이템\엔젤스테어즈.act data\sprite\아이템\엔젤스테어즈.spr data\sprite\아이템\여의주를품은용모자1.act data\sprite\아이템\여의주를품은용모자1.spr data\sprite\아이템\여의주를품은용모자2.act data\sprite\아이템\여의주를품은용모자2.spr data\sprite\아이템\여의주를품은용모자3.act data\sprite\아이템\여의주를품은용모자3.spr data\sprite\아이템\여의주를품은용모자4.act data\sprite\아이템\여의주를품은용모자4.spr data\sprite\아이템\왕새우.act data\sprite\아이템\왕새우.spr data\sprite\아이템\왕지렁이.act data\sprite\아이템\왕지렁이.spr data\sprite\아이템\요르문간드.act data\sprite\아이템\요르문간드.spr data\sprite\아이템\요르문간드의늑골.act data\sprite\아이템\요르문간드의늑골.spr data\sprite\아이템\윈드링.act data\sprite\아이템\윈드링.spr data\sprite\아이템\음계의오오라.act data\sprite\아이템\음계의오오라.spr data\sprite\아이템\음침한호박모자.act data\sprite\아이템\음침한호박모자.spr data\sprite\아이템\이블드루이드모자.act data\sprite\아이템\이블드루이드모자.spr data\sprite\아이템\이사벨라레드귀모자.act data\sprite\아이템\이사벨라레드귀모자.spr data\sprite\아이템\이사벨라브라운귀모자.act data\sprite\아이템\이사벨라브라운귀모자.spr data\sprite\아이템\이사벨라블루귀모자.act data\sprite\아이템\이사벨라블루귀모자.spr data\sprite\아이템\익명요청.act data\sprite\아이템\익명요청.spr data\sprite\아이템\인비지블마스크.act data\sprite\아이템\인비지블마스크.spr data\sprite\아이템\인비지블캡.act data\sprite\아이템\인비지블캡.spr data\sprite\아이템\자하인형모자.act data\sprite\아이템\자하인형모자.spr data\sprite\아이템\잭캐슬배트.act data\sprite\아이템\잭캐슬배트.spr data\sprite\아이템\젤라또모자.act data\sprite\아이템\젤라또모자.spr data\sprite\아이템\진화된위스퍼마스크.act data\sprite\아이템\진화된위스퍼마스크.spr data\sprite\아이템\철갑상어.act data\sprite\아이템\철갑상어.spr data\sprite\아이템\콜드링.act data\sprite\아이템\콜드링.spr data\sprite\아이템\큐브마스크.act data\sprite\아이템\큐브마스크.spr data\sprite\아이템\트랜스캔디그린.act data\sprite\아이템\트랜스캔디그린.spr data\sprite\아이템\트랜스캔디레드.act data\sprite\아이템\트랜스캔디레드.spr data\sprite\아이템\트랜스캔디블루.act data\sprite\아이템\트랜스캔디블루.spr data\sprite\아이템\트랜스캔디옐로우.act data\sprite\아이템\트랜스캔디옐로우.spr data\sprite\아이템\파란파자마모자.act data\sprite\아이템\파란파자마모자.spr data\sprite\아이템\파이어링.act 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data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_고대의문관.act data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_고대의문관.spr data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_곰돌이풍선.act data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_곰돌이풍선.spr data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_꼬마데빌링.act data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_꼬마데빌링.spr data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_늘어진판다.act data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_늘어진판다.spr data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_대지의실크햇.act data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_대지의실크햇.spr data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_돌풍의헌팅캡.act data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_돌풍의헌팅캡.spr data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_똬리튼뱀모자1.act data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_똬리튼뱀모자1.spr data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_똬리튼뱀모자2.act data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_똬리튼뱀모자2.spr data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_레드플라워모자.act data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_레드플라워모자.spr data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_루드마스크.act data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_루드마스크.spr data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_마녀의모자.act data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_마녀의모자.spr data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_마왕.act data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_마왕.spr data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_물의니트캡.act data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_물의니트캡.spr data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_미니말머리핀1.act data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_미니말머리핀1.spr data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_미니말머리핀2.act data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_미니말머리핀2.spr data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_벨의비둘기.act 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data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\산타모자.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\수다쟁이까마귀.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\스몰데빌링모자.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\승리의날개.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\아미스트르캡.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\악마의가면.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\야구모자.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\에길망토.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\에길슈즈.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\에길아머.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\에길헬름.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\엔젤스테어즈.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\여우귀방울리본.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\여의주를품은용모자1.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\여의주를품은용모자2.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\여의주를품은용모자3.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\여의주를품은용모자4.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\왕새우.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\왕지렁이.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\요르문간드.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\요르문간드의늑골.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\음침한호박모자.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\이블드루이드모자.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\이사벨라레드귀모자.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\이사벨라브라운귀모자.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\이사벨라블루귀모자.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\이프리트의숨결.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\익명요청.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\인비지블마스크.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\인비지블캡.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\자하인형모자.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\잭캐슬배트.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\젤라또모자.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\진화된위스퍼마스크.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\질풍신뢰.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\철갑상어.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\초원의바람.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\큐브마스크.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\크리스마스알.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\트랜스캔디그린.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\트랜스캔디레드.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\트랜스캔디블루.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\트랜스캔디옐로우.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\파란양갈래산타모자.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\파란파자마모자.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\풀죽은엘리엇모자.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\풀죽은키엘모자.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\프레스베르크의가죽.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\프리티토끼후드.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\플라워포트마스크.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\피묻은나비귀.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\피아멧트의두건.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\필리르모자.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\핑크파자마모자.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\헤르보르.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\헤르보르아르비트.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\호박케이크.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\화려한하이캡.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\후긴의혼.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\흰수염고래.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\흰토끼헤어밴드.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\loading00.jpg data\texture\유저인터페이스\loading01.jpg data\texture\유저인터페이스\loading02.jpg data\texture\유저인터페이스\loading03.jpg data\texture\유저인터페이스\thumbs.db Ragexe.exe
  25. Added Quest Spoiler Alert: Id: 96129 ドラモ マシーンからの課題 Info: ドラモ マシーンから課題を受けた。        課題を達成したら、イズルードにいる        [ドラモ マシーン]のところにいこう。 Quickinfo: ワイルドローズを300匹倒す。 Id: 117225 サンタさんの依頼[1回目] Info: サンタさんから「穴が開いている赤い靴下」を    持って来て欲しいとお願いされた。         「3」足集めよう。 Quickinfo: 「穴が開いている赤い靴下」を手に入れたら     クリスマスパーティー会場の「サンタ」に渡す。 Id: 117230 サンタさんの依頼[2回目] Info: サンタさんから「穴が開いている赤い靴下」を    持って来て欲しいとお願いされた。         追加で「3」足集めよう。 Quickinfo: 「穴が開いている赤い靴下」を手に入れたら     クリスマスパーティー会場の「サンタ」に渡す。 Id: 117235 サンタさんの依頼[3回目] Info: サンタさんから「穴が開いている赤い靴下」を    持って来て欲しいとお願いされた。         追加で「3」足集めよう。 Quickinfo: 「穴が開いている赤い靴下」を手に入れたら     クリスマスパーティー会場の「サンタ」に渡す。 Id: 117240 サンタさんの依頼[4回目] Info: サンタさんから「穴が開いている赤い靴下」を    持って来て欲しいとお願いされた。         追加で「3」足集めよう。 Quickinfo: 「穴が開いている赤い靴下」を手に入れたら     クリスマスパーティー会場の「サンタ」に渡す。 Id: 117245 サンタさんの依頼[5回目] Info: サンタさんから「穴が開いている赤い靴下」を    持って来て欲しいとお願いされた。         追加で「3」足集めよう。 Quickinfo: 「穴が開いている赤い靴下」を手に入れたら     クリスマスパーティー会場の「サンタ」に渡す。 Id: 117250 サンタさんの依頼[6回目] Info: サンタさんから「穴が開いている赤い靴下」を    持って来て欲しいとお願いされた。         追加で「3」足集めよう。 Quickinfo: 「穴が開いている赤い靴下」を手に入れたら     クリスマスパーティー会場の「サンタ」に渡す。 Id: 117255 サンタさんの依頼[7回目] Info: サンタさんから「穴が開いている赤い靴下」を    持って来て欲しいとお願いされた。         追加で「3」足集めよう。 Quickinfo: 「穴が開いている赤い靴下」を手に入れたら     クリスマスパーティー会場の「サンタ」に渡す。 Id: 117260 サンタさんの依頼[8回目] Info: サンタさんから「穴が開いている赤い靴下」を    持って来て欲しいとお願いされた。         追加で「3」足集めよう。 Quickinfo: 「穴が開いている赤い靴下」を手に入れたら     クリスマスパーティー会場の「サンタ」に渡す。 Id: 117265 サンタさんの依頼[9回目] Info: サンタさんから「穴が開いている赤い靴下」を    持って来て欲しいとお願いされた。         追加で「3」足集めよう。 Quickinfo: 「穴が開いている赤い靴下」を手に入れたら     クリスマスパーティー会場の「サンタ」に渡す。 Id: 117270 サンタさんの依頼[10回目] Info: サンタさんから「穴が開いている赤い靴下」を    持って来て欲しいとお願いされた。         追加で「3」足集めよう。 Quickinfo: 「穴が開いている赤い靴下」を手に入れたら     クリスマスパーティー会場の「サンタ」に渡す。 Id: 117275 プロジェクト・ソックス指令書 Info: 見習いサンタから「穴が開いている赤い靴下」奪還指令を受領した。ターゲットを「300」足集めるという   困難な作戦だが勇気と努力で困難に立ち向かえ! Quickinfo: 「穴が開いている赤い靴下」を手に入れたら     クリスマスパーティー会場の「見習いサンタ」に渡す。 Id: 117285 クリスマスパーティー2014 Info: サンタさんの話を聞き、「穴が開いている赤い靴下」を集めることになった。サンタさんの依頼を毎日受けて 達成すれば、お礼のプレゼントがもらえる。 Quickinfo: 依頼された数の「穴が開いている赤い靴下」を集める。 Item Spoiler Alert: Id: (5940) ボイタタ帽 [1] ブラジリスを守る為、 滝の奥に潜む守り神に敬意を 表して作られた帽子。 ――――――――――――― Mdef + 5 ――――――――――――― 近接物理攻撃で 動物形モンスターを 倒した時、SP + 5 ――――――――――――― 近接物理攻撃で モンスターを 倒した時、HP + 100 ――――――――――――― [ボイタタ帽]の 精錬値が5以上の時、追加で 動物形モンスターから 受けるダメージ - 5% 精錬値が7以上の時、追加で 動物形モンスターから 受けるダメージ - 5% ――――――――――――― 系列 : 兜 防御 : 5 位置 : 上段 重量 : 30 要求レベル : 20 装備 : 全ての職業 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Headgear Defense : 5 Location : Upper Weight : 30 Required Level : 20 Id: (19976) [衣装] ネコミミサンタ帽 かわいい猫の耳がついた 暖かいフードの形をした 衣装用のサンタ帽。 ――――――――――――― 系列 : 衣装 防御 : 0 位置 : 上段 重量 : 0 要求レベル : 1 装備 : 全ての職業 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Id: (20769) 宵闇のマント [1] 混沌の魔王が、 身に着けていたマント。 闇を支配する力がある。 ――――――――――――― Mdef + 2 ――――――――――――― MaxHP + 5% ――――――――――――― 物理攻撃時、 闇属性モンスターに 与えるダメージ + 2% ――――――――――――― 魔法攻撃で 与えるダメージ + 1% ――――――――――――― 系列 : 肩にかける物 防御 : 16 重量 : 50 要求レベル : 70 装備 : 転生1次職 上位2次職 3次職 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Garment Defense : 16 Weight : 50 Required Level : 70 Id: (22068) ルイーゼの赤い靴 [1] ルイーゼがデザインした 可愛いサンタクロースの靴。 良い子が履くと願い事が 叶うとか? ――――――――――――― HP自然回復量 + 50% [初心者用ポーション] 使用時、HP回復量 + 100% ――――――――――――― [ルイーゼの赤い靴]の 精錬値が1上がる度に追加で HP自然回復量 + 10% ――――――――――――― [パーメットタートル カード]と 共に装備時、追加で 物理・魔法攻撃を受けた時、 一定確率で10秒間、 Def + 200 , Mdef + 20 ――――――――――――― [ライドワードカード]と 共に装備時、追加で 物理・魔法攻撃を受けた時、 一定確率で11秒間、2秒毎に HP + 50, SP + 10 ――――――――――――― [ミストケースカード]と 共に装備時、追加で [初心者用ポーション] 使用時、HP回復量 + 100% モンスターを倒した時、 一定確率で、 [初心者用ポーション]を ドロップ ――――――――――――― [モルデンカード]と 共に装備時、 [ルイーゼの赤い靴]の 精錬値が6以上の時、追加で [カートレボリューション]の 消費SP - 4 ――――――――――――― 系列 : 靴 防御 : 0 重量 : 40 要求レベル : 12 装備 : 全ての職業 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Shoes Defense : 0 Weight : 40 Required Level : 12 Id: (22069) リアンシューズ [1] 無の力に染まった靴。 無のモンスターからの攻撃 を軽減してくれる。 ――――――――――――― Mdef + 3 ――――――――――――― 無属性攻撃で 受けるダメージ - 5% ――――――――――――― [リアンシューズ]の 精錬値が1上がる度に追加で MaxHP + 1% , MaxSP + 1% ――――――――――――― [リアンシールド]と 共に装備時、追加で 無属性モンスターから 受けるダメージ - 5% [リアンシールド]の 精錬値が1上がる度に追加で 無属性攻撃で 受けるダメージ - 1% ――――――――――――― [リアンマント]と 共に装備時、追加で 物理攻撃時、 無属性モンスターに 与えるダメージ + 5% [リアンマント]の 精錬値が1上がる度に追加で MaxHP + 1% , MaxSP + 1% ――――――――――――― 系列 : 靴 防御 : 12 重量 : 25 要求レベル : 90 装備 : 全ての職業 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Shoes Defense : 12 Weight : 25 Required Level : 90 Id: (28357) ヴェスパーギア3 [1] ヴェスパーの部品の一つ。 部品によって司る機能が 違うようだ。 ――――――――――――― Mdef + 3 ――――――――――――― Flee + 10 ――――――――――――― [メモリーオブラバーズ]と 共に装備時、追加で 攻撃速度 + 5% BaseLvが20上がる度に Agi + 1 ――――――――――――― 系列 : アクセサリー 防御 : 1 重量 : 10 要求レベル : 90 装備 : 全ての職業 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Accessory Defense : 1 Weight : 10 Required Level : 90 Id: (28358) 呪われた幸運のクローバー [1] 呪いがかかった 幸運のクローバー。 良いのか悪いのか わからない点がポイント。 ――――――――――――― Luk + 2 完全回避 + 3 ――――――――――――― 近接物理攻撃命中時、 一定確率で自分が 呪い状態になる ――――――――――――― [幸運のクローバー]と 共に装備時、追加で [クローキング]Lv1 使用可能 ――――――――――――― 系列 : アクセサリー 防御 : 0 重量 : 10 要求レベル : 100 装備 : 全ての職業 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 10 Required Level : 100 Changed Map Spoiler Alert: jp_ev_map22 - クリスマスパーティー会場 Music: bgm\54.mp3 login - Music: bgm\53.mp3 Item Spoiler Alert: Id: (2631) アニバーサリーリング 正式サービスを記念して 作られた指輪。 ――――――――――――― 下記特殊効果は 2014年12月16日 定期メンテナンス終了時に 削除される ――――――――――――― レッドクリスタルを 倒した時、一定確率で、 [レッドクリスタルの欠片] をドロップ ――――――――――――― ブルークリスタルを 倒した時、一定確率で、 [ブルークリスタルの欠片] をドロップ ――――――――――――― イエロークリスタルを 倒した時、一定確率で、 [イエロークリスタルの欠片] をドロップ ――――――――――――― グリーンクリスタルを 倒した時、一定確率で、 [グリーンクリスタルの欠片] をドロップ ――――――――――――― 系列 : アクセサリー 防御 : 0 重量 : 1 要求レベル : 1 装備 : 全ての職業 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 1 Required Level : 1 Id: (4185) ライドワードカード INT+1。nt + 1 ――――――――――――― アコライト系職業が装備すると、INT+1、MDEF+1。時、 Mdef + 1 Int + 1 ――――――――――――― [オットーカード、]、 [ジオグラファーカード、人面桃樹カード、クッキーカードを全て装備すると、 スキル使用時の詠唱時間10%減少。SP消費量10%減少。VIT+10。]、 [クッキーカード]、 [人面桃樹カード]と 共に装備時、追加で Vit + 10 詠唱時間 - 10% スキル使用時の 消費SP - 10% アコライト系職業が装備すると、時、 悪魔形と・不死形 モンスターからのダメージ30%減少、これらの 受けるダメージ - 30% 悪魔形・不死形モンスター を倒した時に、 獲得する経験値+5%。 + 5% ――――――――――――― [ルイーゼの赤い靴]と 共に装備時、追加で 物理・魔法攻撃を受けた時、 一定確率で11秒間、2秒毎に HP + 50, SP + 10 ――――――――――――― 系列 : カード 装備 : 兜 重量 : 1 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Card Compound on : Headgear Weight : 1 Id: (4206) ミストケースカード モンスターを倒した時、 一定確率で [プレゼントボックス]を ドロップ ――――――――――――― [チャッキーカード]、 [コウカード]、 [レグルロカード]、 [ハイローゾイストハイローゾイストカード]、 [レグルロカード]と 共に装備時、追加で Luk + 10 物理攻撃命中時、SP + 2 [メマーナイト]で 与えるダメージ + 20% マーチャント系が装備時、 20%の確率で魔法攻撃を反射 モンスターを倒した時、 一定確率で [古い紫色の箱]を ドロップ 魔法攻撃を受けた時、 一定確率で2秒間、 受けた攻撃魔法を 20%の確率で反射 ――――――――――――― [ハッピーバルーン]と 共に装備時、 純粋なLukが77以上の時、 モンスターを倒した時、 一定確率で [ハッピーボックス]を ドロップ ――――――――――――― [ルイーゼの赤い靴]と 共に装備時、追加で [初心者用ポーション] 使用時、HP回復量 + 100% モンスターを倒した時、 一定確率で、 [初心者用ポーション]を ドロップ ――――――――――――― 系列 : カード 装備 : 兜 重量 : 1 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Card Compound on : Headgear Weight : 1 Id: (4311) パーメットタートルカード 闇属性攻撃に対する耐性15%、不死属性攻撃に対する耐性・不死属性攻撃で 受けるダメージ - 15%。 ――――――――――――― [アサルトタートルカード、]、 [ソリッドタートルカード、フリーズタートルカード、ヒートタートルカードと共に装備すると、 物理攻撃時、]、 [ヒートタートルカード]、 [フリーズタートルカード]と 共に装備時、追加で Str + 10 MaxHP + 20% HP自然回復量 + 50% 物理攻撃命中時、 一定確率でオートスペル [ウェポンパーフェクション] Lv1が発動する。 HP回復力50%増加。 敵を倒した時、たまに 敵を倒した時、 一定確率で [赤ポーション]をドロップする。 MAXHP+20%、STR+10。 ソードマン系職業がこのセットを装備すると、 ソードマン系が装備時、 [赤ポーション、]、 [黄ポーション、]、 [白ポーションを使用時の回復量が50%増加する。] 使用時、HP回復量 + 50% ――――――――――――― [ルイーゼの赤い靴]と 共に装備時、追加で 物理・魔法攻撃を受けた時、 一定確率で10秒間、 Def + 200 , Mdef + 20 ――――――――――――― 系列 : カード 装備 : 兜 重量 : 1 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Card Compound on : Headgear Weight : 1 Id: (4343) モルデンカード Luk + 2 --カードセット効果-------- ・ チャッキーカード ・ コウカード ・ ――――――――――――― [チャッキーカード]、 [コウカード]、 [レグルロカード ・ ]、 [ムカーカード]と と共に装備すると時、追加で Str + 4 MaxHP + 7% , MaxSP + 7% Str + 4 攻撃命中時、SPが1回復。 + 1 [メマーナイト]で で与えるダメージ + 20% -------------------------- アルケミスト系が装備時、 カードセット効果に追加で 物理攻撃命中時、 一定確率でオートスペル [アドレナリンラッシュ] Lv1 が発動 オートスペル [アドレナリン ラッシュ]は 全ての武器で 発動する発動 モンスターを倒した時、 一定確率で [コーティング薬]、 [植物の茎]をドロップ ――――――――――――― [ルイーゼの赤い靴]と 共に装備時、 [ルイーゼの赤い靴]の 精錬値が6以上の時、追加で [カートレボリューション]の 消費SP - 4 ――――――――――――― 系列 : カード 装備 : 兜 重量 : 1 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Card Compound on : Headgear Weight : 1 Id: (11723) グリーンクリスタルの欠片 1年分の幸せを運んでくると 言われるクリスタルから 零れ落ちた緑の欠片。 ――――――――――――― 下記特殊効果は 2014年12月16日 定期メンテナンス終了時に 削除される ――――――――――――― 毒・沈黙・暗黒・呪い・ 混乱・幻覚・出血を回復 ――――――――――――― 重量 : 0.1 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 0.1 Id: (12132) 真っ赤な袋 真っ赤な魔法の袋。 ――――――――――――― 下記特殊効果は 2014年12月26日 定期メンテナンス終了時に 削除される ――――――――――――― サンタクロースの服に 10分間着替え、 移動速度が増加するが、 特定の行動が行えなくなる ――――――――――――― 重量 : 20 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 20 Id: (19050) ニーズヘッグ&ロキ帽 [1] ニーズヘッグとロキを モチーフにした人形。 頭の上に2体の人形が 可愛らしく並んでいる様は 見る者を和ませる。 ――――――――――――― [ニーズヘッグ&ロキ帽]は、 2014年12月16日(火) 定期メンテナンス開始まで ドロップ、交換ウィンドウや カートへの移動が不可と なります ――――――――――――― 系列 : 兜 防御 : 0 位置 : 上段 重量 : 10 要求レベル : 1 装備 : 全ての職業 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Headgear Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 10 Required Level : 1 Id: (22680) イエロークリスタルの欠片 1年分の幸せを運んでくると 言われるクリスタルから 零れ落ちた黄色い欠片。 ――――――――――――― 下記特殊効果は 2014年12月16日 定期メンテナンス終了時に 削除される ――――――――――――― 使用時、 [リザレクション]Lv4発動 ――――――――――――― 重量 : 0.1 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 0.1 Id: (22681) ブルークリスタルの欠片 1年分の幸せを運んでくると 言われるクリスタルから 零れ落ちた青い欠片。 ――――――――――――― 下記特殊効果は 2014年12月16日 定期メンテナンス終了時に 削除される ――――――――――――― 使用時、 [マグニフィカート]Lv3発動 ――――――――――――― 重量 : 0.1 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 0.1 Id: (22682) レッドクリスタルの欠片 1年分の幸せを運んでくると 言われるクリスタルから 零れ落ちた赤い欠片。 ――――――――――――― 下記特殊効果は 2014年12月16日 定期メンテナンス終了時に 削除される ――――――――――――― 使用時、5分間 Hit + 5 , Flee + 5 攻撃速度増加 ――――――――――――― 重量 : 0.1 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 0.1 Files Spoiler Alert: data\idnum2itemdesctable.txt data\idnum2itemdisplaynametable.txt data\idnum2itemresnametable.txt data\itemslotcounttable.txt data\mapnametable.txt data\mp3nametable.txt data\num2itemdesctable.txt data\num2itemdisplaynametable.txt data\num2itemresnametable.txt data\questid2display.txt data\sprite\몬스터\xmas_smokey_sock.act data\sprite\몬스터\xmas_smokey_sock.spr data\sprite\아이템\c고양이산타모자.act data\sprite\아이템\c고양이산타모자.spr data\sprite\아이템\루이제의붉은구두.act data\sprite\아이템\루이제의붉은구두.spr data\sprite\아이템\리안슈즈.act data\sprite\아이템\리안슈즈.spr data\sprite\아이템\보이타타모자.act data\sprite\아이템\보이타타모자.spr data\sprite\아이템\소암의망토.act data\sprite\아이템\소암의망토.spr data\sprite\아이템\저주행운클로버.act data\sprite\아이템\저주행운클로버.spr data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_c고양이산타모자.act data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_c고양이산타모자.spr data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_보이타타모자.act data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_보이타타모자.Spr data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_c고양이산타모자.act data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_c고양이산타모자.spr data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_보이타타모자.act data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_보이타타모자.Spr data\texture\유저인터페이스\bgi_temp.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\c고양이산타모자.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\루이제의붉은구두.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\리안슈즈.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\보이타타모자.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\소암의망토.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\저주행운클로버.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\illust\jp_ev_information01.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\c고양이산타모자.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\루이제의붉은구두.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\리안슈즈.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\보이타타모자.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\소암의망토.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\저주행운클로버.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\loading02.jpg data\texture\유저인터페이스\loading04.jpg
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