

Map images


Listen to the music on this map.

Map viewer

Divine Pride provides a basic map viewer. This map viewer is not connected to any Ragnarok Online server.

Sprite Name X Y Type Navigation
Jungmin 95 97 npc
Kafra Storage 106 102 npc
Kathryna 104 102 npc
Khatcherian 110 108 npc
Priest 101 102 npc
Rackiewich 110 97 npc
SooKyung 95 108 npc
SooKyung 21 180 npc
SooKyung 14 180 npc
TimerWoENoob 106 3 npc
TimerWoENoobNPC 108 3 npc
Tool Dealer 99 102 trader
Ghostring Card 1 obtained.