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Sharp Scale
963 Sharp_Scale 날카로운비늘

A scale that is much sharper than a razor.
Weight: 1

Item information

Sell price 93 zeny
Weight 1
Type Etc.
Subtype -
Can be dropped by player yes
Can be traded to another player yes
Can be placed in storage yes
Can be placed in Cart yes
Can be sold to NPC yes
Can be send via mail yes
Can be sold as an auction yes
Can be placed in guild storage yes
Added 2012-08-09
Level Name Health Race Element Scale Def MDef Req. Hit Req. Flee Type Chance
52 Phen 1,716 Fish Water 2 Medium 44 11 267 250 Normal 10%
52 Elusive Phen 8,580 Fish Water 2 Medium 44 11 267 250 50%
57 Sword Fish 2,203 Fish Water 2 Large 52 12 313 271 Normal 45%
75 Piranha 4,219 Fish Water 3 Large 7 12 320 324 Normal 45%
75 Swift Piranha 21,095 Fish Water 3 Large 7 12 320 324 100%
137 Boiling Water Marc 132,060 Fish Water 2 Medium 407 81 441 419 Normal 15%
139 Boiling Water Phen 133,096 Fish Water 2 Medium 367 80 451 413 Normal 15%
141 Lapis Lazuli 1,823,441 Fish Water 2 Medium 393 83 449 421 Boss 12%
145 Md Sword Fish 400,000 Fish Water 2 Large 255 17 501 509 Boss 45%
199 Abysmal Swordfish 2,997,411 Fish Water 3 Large 288 71 559 529 Normal 20%
199 Abysmal Phen 2,897,158 Fish Water 2 Medium 219 90 556 513 Normal 20%
Name Chance Refine Enchant
 Old Blue Box 0.14%
 Old Purple Box 0.14%


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Date Field Old New
2024-09-04 01:54 unidentifiedResourceName ?좎뭅濡쒖슫鍮꾨뒛 날카로운비늘
2024-09-04 01:54 identifiedResourceName ?좎뭅濡쒖슫鍮꾨뒛 날카로운비늘
2024-09-03 23:09 identifiedResourceName 날카로운비늘 ?좎뭅濡쒖슫鍮꾨뒛
2024-09-03 23:09 unidentifiedResourceName 날카로운비늘 ?좎뭅濡쒖슫鍮꾨뒛
2018-05-12 01:15 weight 0 1
2018-05-09 19:58 weight 1 0
2018-01-12 04:03 unidentifiedDescriptionName A scale that is much sharper than a razor.
Weight: 1
A scale that is much sharper than a razor.
Weight: 1
2018-01-12 04:03 identifiedDescriptionName A scale that is much sharper than a razor.
Type: Miscellaneous
Weight: 1
A scale that is much sharper than a razor.
Weight: 1
2017-08-19 09:01 unidentifiedDescriptionName A scale that is much sharper than a razor.
Weight: 1
A scale that is much sharper than a razor.
Weight: 1
2017-08-19 09:01 identifiedDescriptionName A scale that is much sharper than a razor.
Type: Miscellaneous
Weight: 1
A scale that is much sharper than a razor.
Type: Miscellaneous
Weight: 1
2017-08-19 08:50 unidentifiedDescriptionName A scale that is much sharper than a razor.
Weight: 1
A scale that is much sharper than a razor.
Weight: 1
2017-08-19 08:50 identifiedDescriptionName A scale that is much sharper than a razor.
Type: Miscellaneous
Weight: 1
A scale that is much sharper than a razor.
Type: Miscellaneous
Weight: 1
2017-01-23 12:14 identifiedResourceName ³¯Ä«·Î¿îºñ´Ã 날카로운비늘
2017-01-23 12:14 unidentifiedResourceName ³¯Ä«·Î¿îºñ´Ã 날카로운비늘
2016-12-23 08:02 unidentifiedResourceName 날카로운비늘 ³¯Ä«·Î¿îºñ´Ã
2016-12-23 08:02 unidentifiedDescriptionName A scale that is much sharper than a razor.
Weight: 1
A scale that is much sharper than a razor.
Weight: 1
2016-12-23 08:02 identifiedResourceName 날카로운비늘 ³¯Ä«·Î¿îºñ´Ã
2016-12-23 08:02 identifiedDescriptionName A scale that is much sharper than a razor.
Type: Miscellaneous
Weight: 1
A scale that is much sharper than a razor.
Type: Miscellaneous
Weight: 1
2016-06-17 02:52 identifiedDescriptionName A scale that is much sharper than a razor.
Weight : 1
A scale that is much sharper than a razor.
Type: Miscellaneous
Weight: 1
Ghostring Card 1 obtained.