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Shadow Cube (Shoes)
22976 Shadow_Cube_Shoes 쉐도우큐브_슈즈

A box where you can get one of the various Shadow Shoes items.
Weight : 1

Item information

Sell price -
Weight 1
Type Consumable
Subtype Special
Can be dropped by player yes
Can be traded to another player yes
Can be placed in storage yes
Can be placed in Cart yes
Can be sold to NPC yes
Can be send via mail yes
Can be sold as an auction yes
Can be placed in guild storage yes
Added 2023-09-07
Name Chance Refine Enchant
1x  Vital Shadow Shoes 0.592%
1x  Athletic Shadow Shoes 0.592%
1x  Critical Shadow Shoes 0.592%
1x  Healing Shadow Shoes 0.592%
1x  Champion Shadow Shoes 2.959%
1x  Bloody Shadow Shoes 2.959%
1x  Liberation Shadow Shoes 2.959%
1x  Chemical Shadow Shoes 2.959%
1x  Clamorous Shadow Shoes 2.959%
1x  Insecticide Shadow Shoes 2.959%
1x  Fisher Shadow Shoes 2.959%
1x  Seraphim Shadow Shoes 2.959%
1x  Beholder Shadow Shoes 2.959%
1x  Divine Shadow Shoes 2.959%
1x  Dragoon Shadow Shoes 2.959%
1x  Malicious Shadow Shoes 2.959%
1x  Gemstone Shadow Shoes 2.959%
1x  Plasterer's Shadow Shoes 2.959%
1x  Insomniac Shadow Armor 2.959%
1x  Peerless Shadow Shoes 2.959%
1x  Adurate Shadow Shoes 2.959%
1x  Spellflow Shadow Shoes 2.959%
1x  Greed Shadow Shoes 2.959%
1x  Heal Shadow Shoes 2.959%
1x  Hiding Shadow Shoes 2.959%
1x  Cloaking Shadow Shoes 2.959%
1x  Teleport Shadow Shoes 2.959%
1x  Steal Shadow Shoes 2.959%
1x  Bearer's Shadow Shoes 2.959%
1x  Hasty Shadow Shoes 2.959%
1x  Expert Shadow Shoes 2.959%
1x  Beginner's Shadow Shoes 2.959%
1x  Rookie's Shadow Shoes 2.959%
1x  Advanced Shadow Shoes 2.959%
1x  Blitz Shadow Shoes 2.959%
1x  Caster Shadow Shoes 2.959%
1x  Reload Shadow Shoes 2.959%


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Date Field Old New
2024-09-04 01:56 identifiedResourceName ?붾젮?쒖긽?? 화려한상자
2024-09-04 01:56 unidentifiedResourceName ?붾젮?쒖긽?? 화려한상자
2024-09-03 23:11 unidentifiedResourceName 화려한상자 ?붾젮?쒖긽??
2024-09-03 23:11 identifiedResourceName 화려한상자 ?붾젮?쒖긽??
2023-09-12 01:54 weight 1
2023-09-07 21:19 unidentifiedResourceName 화려한상자
2023-09-07 21:19 unidentifiedDescriptionName A box where you can get one of the various Shadow Shoes items.
Weight : 1
2023-09-07 21:19 unidentifiedDisplayName Shadow Cube (Shoes)
2023-09-07 21:19 identifiedDescriptionName A box where you can get one of the various Shadow Shoes items.
Weight : 1
2023-09-07 21:19 identifiedResourceName 화려한상자
2023-09-07 21:19 identifiedDisplayName Shadow Cube (Shoes)
Ghostring Card 1 obtained.