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Costume Overprotector
20283 C_Over_Protector C오버프로텍터

A hat having a story that a father left it to his son. You can feel how much he loved his son from its stout design.
Class: Costume
Position: Upper
Weight: 0
Requires Level: 1
Usable By: All Jobs

Item information

Sell price 0 zeny
Weight 0
Type Costume
Subtype Costume Helm
Location Upper
Can be refined no
Can be damaged no
Can be dropped by player yes
Can be traded to another player yes
Can be placed in storage yes
Can be placed in Cart yes
Can be sold to NPC yes
Can be send via mail yes
Can be sold as an auction yes
Can be placed in guild storage yes
Added 2016-07-15


ACCESSORY_Over_Protector (1329)

Name Chance Refine Enchant
 August Lucky Box 2016 0.12%
 스페셜 의상상자 0.05%
 PC방 마일리지 의상 상자 0.98%
 연말연시 기념 상자 0.99%
 카츄아의 의상상자 5.5%


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Date Field Old New
2018-11-09 02:42 unidentifiedResourceName 오버프로텍터
2018-11-09 02:42 unidentifiedDescriptionName A hat having a story that a father left it to his son. You can feel how much he loved his son from its stout design.
Type: Costume
Position: Headgear (Upper)
Weight: 0
Required Level: 1
Required Job: All Jobs
An unknown item that requires appraisal. It can be identified by using a Magnifier.
2018-11-09 02:42 unidentifiedDisplayName Costume: Overprotector Costume Headgear
2018-11-09 02:42 identifiedDescriptionName A hat having a story that a father left it to his son. You can feel how much he loved his son from its stout design.
Type: Costume
Position: Headgear (Upper)
Weight: 0
Required Level: 1
Required Job: All Jobs
A hat having a story that a father left it to his son. You can feel how much he loved his son from its stout design.
Class: Costume
Position: Upper
Weight: 0
Requires Level: 1
Usable By: All Jobs
2018-11-09 02:42 identifiedDisplayName Costume: Overprotector Costume Overprotector
2018-05-09 21:18 weight 0
2017-01-23 12:22 unidentifiedResourceName ¿À¹öÇÁ·ÎÅØÅÍ 오버프로텍터
2017-01-23 12:22 identifiedResourceName ¿À¹öÇÁ·ÎÅØÅÍ 오버프로텍터
2016-12-23 08:13 unidentifiedResourceName 오버프로텍터 ¿À¹öÇÁ·ÎÅØÅÍ
2016-12-23 08:13 unidentifiedDescriptionName A hat having a story that a father left it to his son. You can feel how much he loved his son from its stout design.
Type: Costume
Position: Headgear (Upper)
Weight: 0
Required Level: 1
Required Job: All Jobs
A hat having a story that a father left it to his son. You can feel how much he loved his son from its stout design.
Type: Costume
Position: Headgear (Upper)
Weight: 0
Required Level: 1
Required Job: All Jobs
2016-12-23 08:13 identifiedResourceName 오버프로텍터 ¿À¹öÇÁ·ÎÅØÅÍ
2016-12-23 08:13 identifiedDescriptionName A hat having a story that a father left it to his son. You can feel how much he loved his son from its stout design.
Type: Costume
Position: Headgear (Upper)
Weight: 0
Required Level: 1
Required Job: All Jobs
A hat having a story that a father left it to his son. You can feel how much he loved his son from its stout design.
Type: Costume
Position: Headgear (Upper)
Weight: 0
Required Level: 1
Required Job: All Jobs
2016-07-15 04:03 unidentifiedResourceName 오버프로텍터
2016-07-15 04:03 unidentifiedDescriptionName A hat having a story that a father left it to his son. You can feel how much he loved his son from its stout design.
Type: Costume
Position: Headgear (Upper)
Weight: 0
Required Level: 1
Required Job: All Jobs
2016-07-15 04:03 unidentifiedDisplayName Costume: Overprotector
2016-07-15 04:03 identifiedResourceName 오버프로텍터
2016-07-15 04:03 identifiedDisplayName Costume: Overprotector
2016-07-15 04:03 identifiedDescriptionName A hat having a story that a father left it to his son. You can feel how much he loved his son from its stout design.
Type: Costume
Position: Headgear (Upper)
Weight: 0
Required Level: 1
Required Job: All Jobs
Ghostring Card 1 obtained.