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  1. Files Spoiler Alert: data\itemmoveinfov5.txt
  2. Added NpcIdentity Spoiler Alert: Id: 3658 JT_MD_LICH_LORD_100 Shadowfactor: , Size: , Effect: Id: 3659 JT_MD_LICH_LORD_160 Shadowfactor: , Size: , Effect: Id: 3660 JT_MD_NIGHTMARE_100 Shadowfactor: , Size: , Effect: Id: 3661 JT_MD_NIGHTMARE_160 Shadowfactor: , Size: , Effect: Id: 3662 JT_MD_JAKK_100 Shadowfactor: , Size: , Effect: Id: 3663 JT_MD_JAKK_160 Shadowfactor: , Size: , Effect: Id: 3664 JT_MD_GHOUL_100 Shadowfactor: , Size: , Effect: Id: 3665 JT_MD_GHOUL_160 Shadowfactor: , Size: , Effect: Id: 3666 JT_MD_DRAINLIAR_100 Shadowfactor: , Size: , Effect: Id: 3667 JT_MD_DRAINLIAR_160 Shadowfactor: , Size: , Effect: Id: 3721 JT_QE_PORING Shadowfactor: , Size: , Effect: Id: 3722 JT_QE_POPORING Shadowfactor: , Size: , Effect: Id: 3723 JT_QE_DROPS Shadowfactor: , Size: , Effect: Id: 3724 JT_QE_LUNATIC Shadowfactor: , Size: , Effect: Id: 3725 JT_QE_WILOW Shadowfactor: , Size: , Effect: Id: 3726 JT_QE_PICKY Shadowfactor: , Size: , Effect: Id: 3727 JT_QE_PICKY_ Shadowfactor: , Size: , Effect: Id: 3728 JT_QE_ZOMBIE Shadowfactor: , Size: , Effect: Id: 3729 JT_QE_POISON_SPORE Shadowfactor: , Size: , Effect: Id: 10205 JT_4_ELDER Shadowfactor: , Size: , Effect: Id: 10206 JT_4_LUNATIC Shadowfactor: , Size: , Effect: Id: 10207 JT_4_F_NOVICE2 Shadowfactor: , Size: , Effect: Item Spoiler Alert: Id: (23191) 바레티르 스피어 스크롤 바레티르 스피어 5스킬을 사용할 수 있는 스크롤. 강대한 마법력이 스크롤에서 느껴진다. 요구 레벨 : 100 무게 : 1 ====== auto-parsed ====== Required Level : 100 Weight : 1 Id: (23192) 다이아몬드더스트 스크롤 다이아몬드 더스트 5스킬을 사용할 수 있는 스크롤. 차가운 마법력이 스크롤에서 느껴진다. 요구 레벨 : 100 무게 : 1 ====== auto-parsed ====== Required Level : 100 Weight : 1 Id: (23193) 크림즌 록 스크롤 크림즌 록 5스킬을 사용할 수 있는 스크롤. 패도적인 마법력이 스크롤에서 느껴진다. 요구 레벨 : 100 무게 : 1 ====== auto-parsed ====== Required Level : 100 Weight : 1 Id: (23194) 시에나엑서크레이트 스크롤 시에나 엑서크레이트 5스킬을 사용할 수 있는 스크롤. 거대한 마법력이 스크롤에서 느껴진다. (레드젬스톤 2개 소모) 요구 레벨 : 100 무게 : 1 ====== auto-parsed ====== Required Level : 100 Weight : 1 Id: (25218) 나무살 가늘고 매끄럽게 다듬은 나뭇가지. (해당 아이템은 2016년 9월 28일 정기점검 시 일괄 삭제됩니다.) 무게 : 0 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 0 Id: (25219) 창호지 문을 바를 때 주로 사용하는 튼튼한 한지. (해당 아이템은 2016년 9월 28일 정기점검 시 일괄 삭제됩니다.) 무게 : 0 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 0 Id: (25220) 달빛 연실 올올이 달빛을 섞어 자은 질기고 튼튼한 연실. (해당 아이템은 2016년 9월 28일 정기점검 시 일괄 삭제됩니다.) 무게 : 0 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 0 Id: (25221) 달향기 나무살 달빛을 마시며 자란 나뭇가지를 깎아 잘 휘게 다듬은 나무살. (해당 아이템은 2016년 9월 28일 정기점검 시 일괄 삭제됩니다.) 무게 : 0 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 0 Id: (25222) 달무늬 창호지 달의 기운을 가득 받아 은은하게 빛나는 창호지. (해당 아이템은 2016년 9월 28일 정기점검 시 일괄 삭제됩니다.) 무게 : 0 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 0 Id: (25235) 세공용 원석 액세서리에 가공하여 장착가능한 보석원석. 숙련된 세공사의 손을 거쳐 액세서리에 세공되면 어떤 특별한 효능이 발생하는 것 같다. 대부분의 액세서리에 세공이 가능한 것으로 보이나 특별한 일부 액세서리는 세공이 불가능하다고 전해진다. 무게 : 0 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 0 Id: (28483) 왕의 수호 반지 [1] 고대의 어떤 왕이 지녔던 수호의 반지. 25레벨마다 MHP + 1%, MSP + 1%씩 증가.(175레벨까지) 계열 : 악세사리 방어 : 0 무게 : 1 요구 레벨 : 99 장착 : 전 직업 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 1 Required Level : 99 Job : All Id: (31092) 의상 토끼 리본 모자 고딕 스타일 토끼 리본 모자. 귀여우면서도 우아한 멋이 살아 있다. 계열 : 의상장비 방어 : 0 위치 : 상단 무게 : 0 요구 레벨 : 1 장착 : 전 직업 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Job : All Efst Spoiler Alert: Id: 983 EFST_AID_PERIOD_RECEIVEITEM_2ND 드랍율 향상 %s 아이템 드랍율 증가.(1달버프) Id: 984 EFST_AID_PERIOD_PLUSEXP_2ND 경험치 향상 %s 경험치 획득율 증가.(1달버프) Id: 985 EFST_AID_PERIOD_PLUSJOBEXP_2ND 잡 경험치 향상 %s 잡 경험치 획득율 증가.(1달버프) Changed ItemRandOption Spoiler Alert: Id: 35 (ATTR_TOLERACE_ALLBUTNOTHING), 모든 속성(무속성 제외) 공격 내성 %d%% 증가 Quest Spoiler Alert: Id: 12379 피로회복이 필요 Info: 금요일던전을 공략하고 피로가 누적되어 출입할 수 없습니다. 자정이 되면 모든 피로가 회복 될 것입니다. Quickinfo: 피로중첩 Id: 16063 낙원단... 아니, 낙향단? Info: 낙원단... 아니, 낙향단 공간이동사의 안내를 받아 낙향단 사무실에 들어왔다. 사무담당자 라임... 아니, 자몽 이베노루와 대화해 보자. Quickinfo: 낙향단 사무담당자와 대화 Id: 16064 너, 낙향단원이 돼라 Info: 얼떨결에 낙향단원이 되고 말았다. 낙향단 게시판에 가서 낙향단에 와 있는 의뢰를 확인해 보자. Quickinfo: 낙향단 게시판 확인 Id: 16065 상아 아가씨의 달 귀향 Info: 쿤룬에 사는 상아 아가씨의 시비인 언여비는 상아 아가씨의 추석 귀향 때문에 곤란해하고 있다. 가서 이야기를 들어 보자. Quickinfo: 시비 언여비와 대화 Id: 16066 노비스의 고민 Info: 용지성 주점 3층에 머무르는 선운학은 추석을 맞아 용지성의 집에 돌아왔지만 차마 들어가지 못하고 있다고 한다. 가서 이야기를 들어 보자. Quickinfo: 노비스 선운학과 대화 Id: 16067 달빛을 품은 연 Info: 연을 만들기 위해 달의 기운을 담은 재료를 모으자. 달무늬 창호지와 달향기 나무살은 페이욘의 달주민 엘더, 달빛 연실은 프론테라의 달주민 루나틱에게 찾아가 구해 보자. Quickinfo: 연 재료 수집 Id: 16068 달을 향해 띄우는 연 Info: 언여비는 연을 만들어 밤이 지나고 첫 별이 뜰 때까지 날리겠다고 한다. 새벽이 지난 뒤에 다시 와서 이야기해 보자. Quickinfo: 04시 이후 돌아오기 Id: 16069 내년 달맞이 준비-대기 Info: 돌아가서 조금 숨을 돌리고, 새벽이 지난 뒤 다시 와 보자. Quickinfo: 04시 초기화 Id: 16070 내년 달맞이 준비 Info: 상아 아가씨의 내년 추석 귀향을 위해, 언여비는 미리 일 년간 연을 만들 재료를 모아 직접 달의 기운을 쬐어 준비하기로 했다. 창호지 10개, 나무살 10개를 수집해 가져오자. Quickinfo: 창호지, 나무살 수집 Id: 16071 무예를 아는 마법 학자 Info: 선운학의 이야기를 듣고 떠오른 사람이 있다. 게펜의 마법 학자인 시그리드 리델에게 찾아가 이야기를 들어 보자. Quickinfo: 시그리드 리델과 대화 Id: 16072 검이든 지팡이든 Info: 시그리드는 모험가와 시그리드에게 각각 할 일을 주었다. 시그리드가 말한 방법대로, 포이즌 스포아를 20마리 사냥하자. Quickinfo: 포이즌 스포아 20마리 사냥 Id: 16073 마법을 아는 무도가 Info: 시그리드는 권성 한석영에게 보여주라며 소개장을 써 주었다. 페이욘의 권성 한석영에게 가서 이야기를 들어 보자. Quickinfo: 권성 한석영과 대화 Id: 16074 기초부터 튼튼하게-대기 Info: 돌아가서 조금 숨을 돌리고, 새벽이 지난 뒤 다시 와 보자. Quickinfo: 04시 초기화 Id: 16075 기초부터 튼튼하게 Info: 선운학은 하고 싶은 연구를 본격적으로 시작해보고자 한다. 선운학을 돕기 위해 맨티스 20마리를 사냥하는 모습을 보여주자. Quickinfo: 맨티스 20마리 사냥 Id: 16076 낙향단의 추석 맞이 Info: 낙향단에 와 있는 의뢰를 모두 해결했다. 그런데 자몽 이베노루와 낙향단 공간이동사가 조금 쓸쓸해보이는 이유는 무엇일까? 자몽 이베노루와 이야기해 보자. Quickinfo: 낙향단 사무담당자와 대화 Id: 16077 검사 결과 해석중 Info: 시그리드는 선운학의 검사 결과를 해석하기 위해 시간이 필요하다고 한다. 하루 정도 기다린 뒤 다시 와 보자. Quickinfo: 04시 이후 돌아오기 Item Spoiler Alert: Id: (19166) RO 기념 모자 [1] 아주 희귀한 한정 기념 모자. MSP + 140, 6초마다 4의 SP를 회복한다. 여름 이벤트 기간 동안(2016년 7월 27일 ~ 2016년 8월 31일) 에만 폭죽 이펙트를 볼 수 있습니다. 계열 : 투구 방어 : 14 위치 : 상단 무게 : 14 요구 레벨 : 14 장착 : 전 직업 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Headgear Defense : 14 Location : Upper Weight : 14 Required Level : 14 Job : All Id: (31105) 의상 RO 기념 모자 임대 아이템 아주 희귀한 한정 기념 모자. 여름 이벤트 기간 동안(2016년 7월 27일 ~ 2016년 8월 31일) MSP + 140, 6초마다 4의 SP를 회복한다. 계열 : 의상장비 방어 : 0 위치 : 상단 무게 : 0 요구 레벨 : 1 장착 : 전 직업 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Job : All Efst Spoiler Alert: Files Spoiler Alert: data\1@md_gef.gat data\1@md_gef.gnd data\1@md_gef.rsw data\indoorrswtable.txt data\itemmoveinfov5.txt data\luafiles514\lua files\datainfo\jobidentity.lub data\luafiles514\lua files\datainfo\jobname.lub data\luafiles514\lua files\datainfo\npcidentity.lub data\luafiles514\lua files\effecttool\malangdo.lub data\luafiles514\lua files\effecttool\nakhyang.lub data\luafiles514\lua files\nakhyang.lub data\luafiles514\lua files\stateicon\efstids.lub data\luafiles514\lua files\stateicon\stateiconimginfo.lub data\luafiles514\lua files\stateicon\stateiconinfo.lub data\luafiles514\lua files\worldviewdata\worldviewdata_language.lub data\luafiles514\lua files\worldviewdata\worldviewdata_list.lub data\luafiles514\lua files\worldviewdata\worldviewdata_table.lub data\malangdo.gat data\malangdo.gnd data\malangdo.rsw data\nakhyang.gat data\nakhyang.gnd data\nakhyang.rsw data\questid2display.txt data\resnametable.txt data\sprite\npc\4_elder.act data\sprite\npc\4_elder.spr data\sprite\npc\4_f_novice2.act data\sprite\npc\4_f_novice2.spr data\sprite\npc\4_lunatic.act data\sprite\npc\4_lunatic.spr data\sprite\몬스터\abyss_arthur.act data\sprite\몬스터\abyss_arthur.spr data\sprite\아이템\매끈한종이.act data\sprite\아이템\매끈한종이.spr data\sprite\아이템\세공용원석.act data\sprite\아이템\세공용원석.spr data\sprite\아이템\실타래.act data\sprite\아이템\실타래.spr data\sprite\아이템\어린나뭇가지.act data\sprite\아이템\어린나뭇가지.spr data\sprite\아이템\엘더의가지.act data\sprite\아이템\엘더의가지.spr data\sprite\아이템\왕의수호반지.act data\sprite\아이템\왕의수호반지.spr data\sprite\아이템\토끼리본모자.act data\sprite\아이템\토끼리본모자.spr data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_토끼리본모자.act data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_토끼리본모자.spr data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_토끼리본모자.act data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_토끼리본모자.spr data\texture\effect\exp_g.tga data\texture\effect\exp_w.tga data\texture\effect\insu.tga data\texture\effect\inven.tga data\texture\effect\item_g.tga data\texture\effect\item_w.tga data\texture\effect\job_g.tga data\texture\effect\job_w.tga data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\매끈한종이.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\세공용원석.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\실타래.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\어린나뭇가지.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\엘더의가지.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\왕의수호반지.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\토끼리본모자.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\crack_of_dimension1.jpg data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\매끈한종이.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\세공용원석.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\실타래.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\어린나뭇가지.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\엘더의가지.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\왕의수호반지.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\토끼리본모자.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\loading00.jpg data\texture\유저인터페이스\loading01.jpg data\texture\유저인터페이스\loading02.jpg data\texture\유저인터페이스\loading03.jpg data\texture\유저인터페이스\loading04.jpg data\texture\유저인터페이스\loading05.jpg data\texture\유저인터페이스\loading06.jpg data\texture\유저인터페이스\login_interface\warning.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\login_interface\warning2.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\map\1@md_gef.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\map\malangdo.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\map\nakhyang.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\midgard_north.jpg data\texture\유저인터페이스\nakhyang.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\pasta.jpg data\texture\유저인터페이스\t_배경1-1.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\t_배경1-2.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\t_배경1-3.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\t_배경1-4.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\t_배경2-1.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\t_배경2-2.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\t_배경2-3.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\t_배경2-4.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\t_배경3-1.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\t_배경3-2.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\t_배경3-3.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\t_배경3-4.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\worldmap.jpg data\wav\abyss_arthur_atk.wav data\wav\effect\bloodylust.wav PatchClient\skin.BMP RagexeRE.exe System\itemInfo_Sak.lub
  3. Added Item Spoiler Alert: Id: (20033) Coroa de Dewata Essa bela coroa era usada por sacerdotisas budistas em Dewata durante rituais religiosos de comemoração. Aproveite que está com ela na cabeça e dê um pulo lá na Ilha-Nação de vez em quando pra visitar os habitantes locais e dar uns sopapos no Leak. Tipo: Visual Defesa: 0 Equipa em: Topo Peso: 0 Nível Necessário: 1 Classes: Todas Id: (20286) Óculos da Persona Um par de óculos elegantes criado pela psicóloga Xin Megumi Pensei. Dizem que quem os usar é capaz de enxergar o mundo espiritual e de liberar sua persona interna. Assim, se os demônios te causarem algum trauma, já fica mais fácil pra você arrumar a sua própria psique. Tipo: Visual Defesa: 0 Equipa em: Baixo Peso: 0 Nível Necessário: 1 Classes: Todas Changed Item Spoiler Alert: Id: (0) Ticket promocional criado pela Corporação Kafra. Troque-o por um item aleatório no NPC Máquina de Promoções, encontrado em Prontera nas coordenadas 141 226. Esta promoção está disponível apenas até o dia 04/07, então troque-o agora mesmo!4802 ATENÇÃO: Este ticket será removido durante a manutenção do dia 05/07. O item obtido na troca com o NPC é aleatório! Boa sorte! Peso: 1 Id: (2476) Grevas de Peuz [1] Grevas criadas ao purificar uma Runa Peuz. SP Máx. +40. AGI +1 a carapor refino acima do +8. Tipo : Calçado Defesa : 32 Peso : 90 Nível Necessário : 100 Classe : Cavaleiro Rúnico Id: (15042) Malha das Asas da Luz [1] Vestimenta decorada com plumas brancas. Dano a distância +2% por refino. Esquiva +1 por refino. Conjunto da Luz: Velocidade de Ataque +2. Dano a distância +530%. Dano de [Tempestade de Flechas] +50%. Consumo de SP +10%. Chance de autoconjurar [Rajada de Flechas] no nível aprendido ao atacar fisicamente em longas distâncias. Tipo : Armadura Defesa : 45 Peso : 10 Nível Necessário : 100 Classe : Sentinela Id: (18838) Touca de Angeling [1] Uma touca vermelha que tem em seu topo um pequeno Angeling, a mãe de todos os Porings. Além de ser confortável e te proteger do frio, ela dará poderes mágicos a os mais nobres aventureiros a utilizarem, fazendo que eles se sintam verdadeiros Angelings. Todos os atributos +1. ATQ, ATQM + 2. Adiciona ATQ, ATQM + 2 por nível de refinamento. Chance de transformar o usuário em um Angeling durante 5 segundos ao atacar. Durante a transformação decorrente de um ataque físico, Velocidade de ATQ +2 durante 5 segundos. Durante a transformação decorrente de um ataque mágico, reduz o tempo de conjuração variável durante 5 segundos. A chance de transformação aumenta de acordo com o nível de refinamento. Tipo : Equipamento para cabeça Defesa: 8 Peso : 35 Nível Necessário : 1 Classes : Todas as Classes Files Spoiler Alert: data\idnum2itemdesctable.txt data\idnum2itemdisplaynametable.txt data\idnum2itemresnametable.txt data\itemslotcounttable.txt data\num2itemdesctable.txt data\num2itemdisplaynametable.txt data\num2itemresnametable.txt data\sprite\아이템\법사관.act data\sprite\아이템\법사관.spr data\sprite\아이템\언더림안경레드.act data\sprite\아이템\언더림안경레드.spr data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_법사관.act data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_법사관.spr data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_언더림안경레드.act data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_언더림안경레드.spr data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_법사관.act data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_법사관.spr data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_언더림안경레드.act data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_언더림안경레드.spr data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\법사관.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\언더림안경레드.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\법사관.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\언더림안경레드.bmp Ragexe.exe
  4. Files Spoiler Alert: data\fogParameterTable.txt data\LuaFiles514\Lua Files\EffectTool\verus01_a.lub data\LuaFiles514\Lua Files\EffectTool\verus01_b.lub data\LuaFiles514\Lua Files\EffectTool\verus03_a.lub data\LuaFiles514\Lua Files\EffectTool\verus03_b.lub data\mapnametable.txt data\mp3NameTable.txt data\msgstringtable.txt data\resnametable.txt
  5. Added Map Spoiler Alert: ecltd03_a - 彩虹橋塔 3樓 (A) Music: bgm\154.mp3 ecltd02_a - 彩虹橋塔 2樓 (A) Music: bgm\154.mp3 ecltd03_b - 彩虹橋塔 3樓 (B) Music: bgm\154.mp3 gl_ch_a - 克雷斯特漢姆古城 修道院 (A) Music: bgm\40.mp3 ecltd02_b - 彩虹橋塔 2樓 (B) Music: bgm\154.mp3 mag_d02_b - 朱諾 諾可羅德 2樓 (B) Music: bgm\06.mp3 mag_d02_a - 朱諾 諾可羅德 2樓 (A) Music: bgm\06.mp3 gl_chy_a - 克雷斯特漢姆古城 地下公墓 (A) Music: bgm\40.mp3 gl_chy_b - 克雷斯特漢姆古城 地下公墓 (B) Music: bgm\40.mp3 gl_ch_b - 克雷斯特漢姆古城 修道院 (B) Music: bgm\40.mp3 verus01_a - 實驗凍-OPTATIO (A) Music: bgm\161.mp3 verus03_a - 貝魯茲 中央廣場 (A) Music: bgm\164.mp3 verus01_b - 實驗凍-OPTATIO (B) Music: bgm\161.mp3 mag_d01_b - 朱諾 諾可羅德 1樓 (B) Music: bgm\06.mp3 verus02_a - 研究凍-WISH (A) Music: bgm\161.mp3 iz_du05_a - 依斯魯得島 海盜地洞密穴 6樓 (A) Music: bgm\49.mp3 verus03_b - 貝魯茲 中央廣場 (B) Music: bgm\164.mp3 mag_d01_a - 朱諾 諾可羅德 1樓 (A) Music: bgm\06.mp3 iz_du05_b - 依斯魯得島 海盜地洞密穴 6樓 (B) Music: bgm\49.mp3 verus02_b - 研究凍-WISH (B) Music: bgm\161.mp3 verus04_a - Music: bgm\164.mp3 verus04_b - Music: bgm\164.mp3 Changed MsgStringTable Spoiler Alert: No MSG75超過限制人數而無法進入記憶副本 No MSG76超過限制人數而被拒絕進入記憶副本 Files Spoiler Alert: data\fogParameterTable.txt data\LuaFiles514\Lua Files\EffectTool\verus01_a.lub data\LuaFiles514\Lua Files\EffectTool\verus01_b.lub data\LuaFiles514\Lua Files\EffectTool\verus03_a.lub data\LuaFiles514\Lua Files\EffectTool\verus03_b.lub data\mapnametable.txt data\mp3NameTable.txt data\msgstringtable.txt data\resnametable.txt Ragexe.exe
  6. Added Item Spoiler Alert: Id: (19163) カタリナ・フォン・ブラッド60世 [1] サキュバスの中の サキュバスである ブラッド家60代目当主就任を 祝って作られた帽子。 幼いながらも 夢魔特有の魅力?を 持っている。 ――――――――――――― モンスターを倒した時、 HP + 500 , SP + 50 ――――――――――――― キューペット[サキュバス]を 連れている時、追加で 5秒毎にHP + 500 , SP + 20 ――――――――――――― [サキュバス]の親密度が [きわめて親しい]場合、 追加で 5秒毎にHP + 500 , SP + 20 ――――――――――――― 装備解除時、 HP - 5000 , SP - 500 ――――――――――――― 絶対に壊れない 精錬不可 ――――――――――――― 系列 : 兜 防御 : 0 位置 : 上段 重量 : 30 要求レベル : 1 装備 : 全ての職業 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Headgear Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 30 Required Level : 1 Id: (25216) ガンプチプレミアムチケット ガンプチアイテムと 交換してくれるチケット。 ――――――――――――― このアイテムの利用期間は、 2016年9月13日(火) 定期メンテナンス終了から 2017年4月4日(火) 定期メンテナンス開始まで となります ――――――――――――― イズルードにいるNPC 「ガンプチチケット交換員」 に持っていこう ――――――――――――― [ガンプチ プレミアムチケット]は 倉庫への移動のみ可能です ――――――――――――― 重量 : 1 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 1 Id: (25217) ガンプチプレミアムチケットの箱 [ガンプチ プレミアムチケット]が 1個入っている箱。 ――――――――――――― このアイテムの利用期間は、 2016年9月13日(火) 定期メンテナンス終了から 2017年4月4日(火) 定期メンテナンス開始まで となります 利用期間終了後に箱を あけた場合、 何も出現しません ――――――――――――― [ガンプチ プレミアムチケットの箱]は 倉庫への移動のみ可能です ――――――――――――― ガンプチ プレミアムチケット: イズルードにいるNPC 「ガンプチチケット交換員」 に持っていこう ――――――――――――― 重量 : 1 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 1 Files Spoiler Alert: data\idnum2itemdesctable.txt data\idnum2itemdisplaynametable.txt data\idnum2itemresnametable.txt data\itemslotcounttable.txt data\num2itemdesctable.txt data\num2itemdisplaynametable.txt data\num2itemresnametable.txt data\sprite\아이템\빨간상자.act data\sprite\아이템\빨간상자.spr data\sprite\아이템\카타리나폰브레드60세.act data\sprite\아이템\카타리나폰브레드60세.spr data\sprite\아이템\통행증.act data\sprite\아이템\통행증.spr data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_카타리나폰브레드60세.act data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_카타리나폰브레드60세.spr data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_카타리나폰브레드60세.act data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_카타리나폰브레드60세.spr data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\빨간상자.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\카타리나폰브레드60세.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\통행증.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\빨간상자.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\카타리나폰브레드60세.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\통행증.bmp
  7. Dia

    Episode 15.2

    I just finished updating the database up to episode 15.2. This should include Crimson weapons and verus monsters.
  8. Changed ItemRandOption Spoiler Alert: Id: 35 (ATTR_TOLERACE_ALLBUTNOTHING), Reduces damage taken from All property attacks by %d%%. Files Spoiler Alert: data\idnum2itemdesctable.txt data\idnum2itemdisplaynametable.txt data\idnum2itemresnametable.txt data\itemslotcounttable.txt data\num2itemdesctable.txt data\num2itemdisplaynametable.txt data\num2itemresnametable.txt data\questid2display.txt data\Thumbs.db ragexe.exe
  9. Added Item Spoiler Alert: Id: (17596) 2016Costume Hair Collection 1 Cannot be traded to other users. Weight : 1 Id: (17596) 2016Costume Hair Collection 1 Une boîte contenant des extensions pour cheveux de couleur Jaune, Bleue, Rouge, Verte. Ne peut être échangé. Poids : 1 Id: (17596) 2016Costume Hair Collection 1 Cannot be traded to other users. Weight : 1 Id: (17596) 2016Costume Hair Collection 1 Cannot be traded to other users. Weight : 1 Id: (17597) 2016Costume Hair Collection 2 Cannot be traded to other users. Weight : 1 Id: (17597) 2016Costume Hair Collection 2 Une boite contenant des extensions pour cheveux de couleur Noire, Blanche, Marron, Violette. Ne peut être échangé. Poids : 1 Id: (17597) 2016Costume Hair Collection 2 Cannot be traded to other users. Weight : 1 Id: (17597) 2016Costume Hair Collection 2 Cannot be traded to other users. Weight : 1 Id: (20340) C Straight Pony Black Costume Hair Style. Cute Straight Ponytail. Class : Costume Def : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required lvl : 1 Job : All Id: (20340) C Straight Pony Black Costume Hair Style. Cute Straight Ponytail. Class : Costume Def : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required lvl : 1 Job : All Id: (20340) C Straight Pony Black Costume Hair Style. Cute Straight Ponytail. Class : Costume Def : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required lvl : 1 Job : All Id: (20340) C Straight Pony Black Costume Hair Style. Cute Straight Ponytail. Class : Costume Def : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required lvl : 1 Job : All Id: (20341) C Buzzy Black Costume Hair Style. Charming Buzzy Hair Class : Costume Def : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required lvl : 1 Job : All Id: (20341) C Buzzy Black Costume Hair Style. Charming Buzzy Hair Class : Costume Def : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required lvl : 1 Job : All Id: (20341) C Buzzy Black Costume Hair Style. Charming Buzzy Hair Class : Costume Def : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required lvl : 1 Job : All Id: (20341) C Buzzy Black Costume Hair Style. Charming Buzzy Hair Class : Costume Def : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required lvl : 1 Job : All Id: (20342) C Wave Twin Black Costume Hair Style. Soft Wave Twintail. Class : Costume Def : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required lvl : 1 Job : All Id: (20342) C Wave Twin Black Costume Hair Style. Soft Wave Twintail. Class : Costume Def : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required lvl : 1 Job : All Id: (20342) C Wave Twin Black Costume Hair Style. Soft Wave Twintail. Class : Costume Def : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required lvl : 1 Job : All Id: (20342) C Wave Twin Black Costume Hair Style. Soft Wave Twintail. Class : Costume Def : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required lvl : 1 Job : All Id: (20350) C Buzzy Yellow Costume Hair Style. Charming Buzzy Hair Class : Costume Def : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required lvl : 1 Job : All Id: (20350) C Buzzy Yellow Costume Hair Style. Charming Buzzy Hair Class : Costume Def : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required lvl : 1 Job : All Id: (20350) C Buzzy Yellow Costume Hair Style. Charming Buzzy Hair Class : Costume Def : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required lvl : 1 Job : All Id: (20350) C Buzzy Yellow Costume Hair Style. Charming Buzzy Hair Class : Costume Def : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required lvl : 1 Job : All Id: (20351) C Buzzy Green Costume Hair Style. Charming Buzzy Hair Class : Costume Def : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required lvl : 1 Job : All Id: (20351) C Buzzy Green Costume Hair Style. Charming Buzzy Hair Class : Costume Def : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required lvl : 1 Job : All Id: (20351) C Buzzy Green Costume Hair Style. Charming Buzzy Hair Class : Costume Def : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required lvl : 1 Job : All Id: (20351) C Buzzy Green Costume Hair Style. Charming Buzzy Hair Class : Costume Def : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required lvl : 1 Job : All Id: (20352) C Buzzy Purple Costume Hair Style. Charming Buzzy Hair Class : Costume Def : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required lvl : 1 Job : All Id: (20352) C Buzzy Purple Costume Hair Style. Charming Buzzy Hair Class : Costume Def : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required lvl : 1 Job : All Id: (20352) C Buzzy Purple Costume Hair Style. Charming Buzzy Hair Class : Costume Def : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required lvl : 1 Job : All Id: (20352) C Buzzy Purple Costume Hair Style. Charming Buzzy Hair Class : Costume Def : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required lvl : 1 Job : All Id: (20353) C Buzzy Red Costume Hair Style. Charming Buzzy Hair Class : Costume Def : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required lvl : 1 Job : All Id: (20353) C Buzzy Red Costume Hair Style. Charming Buzzy Hair Class : Costume Def : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required lvl : 1 Job : All Id: (20353) C Buzzy Red Costume Hair Style. Charming Buzzy Hair Class : Costume Def : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required lvl : 1 Job : All Id: (20353) C Buzzy Red Costume Hair Style. Charming Buzzy Hair Class : Costume Def : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required lvl : 1 Job : All Id: (20354) C Buzzy Orange Costume Hair Style. Charming Buzzy Hair Class : Costume Def : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required lvl : 1 Job : All Id: (20354) C Buzzy Orange Costume Hair Style. Charming Buzzy Hair Class : Costume Def : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required lvl : 1 Job : All Id: (20354) C Buzzy Orange Costume Hair Style. Charming Buzzy Hair Class : Costume Def : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required lvl : 1 Job : All Id: (20354) C Buzzy Orange Costume Hair Style. Charming Buzzy Hair Class : Costume Def : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required lvl : 1 Job : All Id: (20355) C Buzzy Blue Costume Hair Style. Charming Buzzy Hair Class : Costume Def : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required lvl : 1 Job : All Id: (20355) C Buzzy Blue Costume Hair Style. Charming Buzzy Hair Class : Costume Def : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required lvl : 1 Job : All Id: (20355) C Buzzy Blue Costume Hair Style. Charming Buzzy Hair Class : Costume Def : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required lvl : 1 Job : All Id: (20355) C Buzzy Blue Costume Hair Style. Charming Buzzy Hair Class : Costume Def : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required lvl : 1 Job : All Id: (20356) C Buzzy White Costume Hair Style. Charming Buzzy Hair Class : Costume Def : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required lvl : 1 Job : All Id: (20356) C Buzzy White Costume Hair Style. Charming Buzzy Hair Class : Costume Def : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required lvl : 1 Job : All Id: (20356) C Buzzy White Costume Hair Style. Charming Buzzy Hair Class : Costume Def : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required lvl : 1 Job : All Id: (20356) C Buzzy White Costume Hair Style. Charming Buzzy Hair Class : Costume Def : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required lvl : 1 Job : All Id: (20357) C Straight Pony Yellow Costume Hair Style. Cute Straight Ponytail. Class : Costume Def : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required lvl : 1 Job : All Id: (20357) C Straight Pony Yellow Costume Hair Style. Cute Straight Ponytail. Class : Costume Def : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required lvl : 1 Job : All Id: (20357) C Straight Pony Yellow Costume Hair Style. Cute Straight Ponytail. Class : Costume Def : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required lvl : 1 Job : All Id: (20357) C Straight Pony Yellow Costume Hair Style. Cute Straight Ponytail. Class : Costume Def : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required lvl : 1 Job : All Id: (20358) C Straight Pony Green Costume Hair Style. Cute Straight Ponytail. Class : Costume Def : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required lvl : 1 Job : All Id: (20358) C Straight Pony Green Costume Hair Style. Cute Straight Ponytail. Class : Costume Def : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required lvl : 1 Job : All Id: (20358) C Straight Pony Green Costume Hair Style. Cute Straight Ponytail. Class : Costume Def : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required lvl : 1 Job : All Id: (20358) C Straight Pony Green Costume Hair Style. Cute Straight Ponytail. Class : Costume Def : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required lvl : 1 Job : All Id: (20359) C Straight Pony Purple Costume Hair Style. Cute Straight Ponytail. Class : Costume Def : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required lvl : 1 Job : All Id: (20359) C Straight Pony Purple Costume Hair Style. Cute Straight Ponytail. Class : Costume Def : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required lvl : 1 Job : All Id: (20359) C Straight Pony Purple Costume Hair Style. Cute Straight Ponytail. Class : Costume Def : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required lvl : 1 Job : All Id: (20359) C Straight Pony Purple Costume Hair Style. Cute Straight Ponytail. Class : Costume Def : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required lvl : 1 Job : All Id: (20360) C Straight Pony Red Costume Hair Style. Cute Straight Ponytail. Class : Costume Def : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required lvl : 1 Job : All Id: (20360) C Straight Pony Red Costume Hair Style. Cute Straight Ponytail. Class : Costume Def : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required lvl : 1 Job : All Id: (20360) C Straight Pony Red Costume Hair Style. Cute Straight Ponytail. Class : Costume Def : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required lvl : 1 Job : All Id: (20360) C Straight Pony Red Costume Hair Style. Cute Straight Ponytail. Class : Costume Def : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required lvl : 1 Job : All Id: (20361) C Straight Pony Orange Costume Hair Style. Cute Straight Ponytail. Class : Costume Def : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required lvl : 1 Job : All Id: (20361) C Straight Pony Orange Costume Hair Style. Cute Straight Ponytail. Class : Costume Def : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required lvl : 1 Job : All Id: (20361) C Straight Pony Orange Costume Hair Style. Cute Straight Ponytail. Class : Costume Def : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required lvl : 1 Job : All Id: (20361) C Straight Pony Orange Costume Hair Style. Cute Straight Ponytail. Class : Costume Def : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required lvl : 1 Job : All Id: (20362) C Straight Pony Blue Costume Hair Style. Cute Straight Ponytail. Class : Costume Def : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required lvl : 1 Job : All Id: (20362) C Straight Pony Blue Costume Hair Style. Cute Straight Ponytail. Class : Costume Def : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required lvl : 1 Job : All Id: (20362) C Straight Pony Blue Costume Hair Style. Cute Straight Ponytail. Class : Costume Def : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required lvl : 1 Job : All Id: (20362) C Straight Pony Blue Costume Hair Style. Cute Straight Ponytail. Class : Costume Def : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required lvl : 1 Job : All Id: (20363) C Straight Pony White Costume Hair Style. Cute Straight Ponytail. Class : Costume Def : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required lvl : 1 Job : All Id: (20363) C Straight Pony White Costume Hair Style. Cute Straight Ponytail. Class : Costume Def : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required lvl : 1 Job : All Id: (20363) C Straight Pony White Costume Hair Style. Cute Straight Ponytail. Class : Costume Def : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required lvl : 1 Job : All Id: (20363) C Straight Pony White Costume Hair Style. Cute Straight Ponytail. Class : Costume Def : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required lvl : 1 Job : All Id: (20364) C Wave Twin Yellow Costume Hair Style. Soft Wave Twintail. Class : Costume Def : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required lvl : 1 Job : All Id: (20364) C Wave Twin Yellow Costume Hair Style. Soft Wave Twintail. Class : Costume Def : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required lvl : 1 Job : All Id: (20364) C Wave Twin Yellow Costume Hair Style. Soft Wave Twintail. Class : Costume Def : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required lvl : 1 Job : All Id: (20364) C Wave Twin Yellow Costume Hair Style. Soft Wave Twintail. Class : Costume Def : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required lvl : 1 Job : All Id: (20365) C Wave Twin Green Costume Hair Style. Soft Wave Twintail. Class : Costume Def : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required lvl : 1 Job : All Id: (20365) C Wave Twin Green Costume Hair Style. Soft Wave Twintail. Class : Costume Def : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required lvl : 1 Job : All Id: (20365) C Wave Twin Green Costume Hair Style. Soft Wave Twintail. Class : Costume Def : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required lvl : 1 Job : All Id: (20365) C Wave Twin Green Costume Hair Style. Soft Wave Twintail. Class : Costume Def : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required lvl : 1 Job : All Id: (20366) C Wave Twin Purple Costume Hair Style. Soft Wave Twintail. Class : Costume Def : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required lvl : 1 Job : All Id: (20366) C Wave Twin Purple Costume Hair Style. Soft Wave Twintail. Class : Costume Def : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required lvl : 1 Job : All Id: (20366) C Wave Twin Purple Costume Hair Style. Soft Wave Twintail. Class : Costume Def : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required lvl : 1 Job : All Id: (20366) C Wave Twin Purple Costume Hair Style. Soft Wave Twintail. Class : Costume Def : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required lvl : 1 Job : All Id: (20367) C Wave Twin Red Costume Hair Style. Soft Wave Twintail. Class : Costume Def : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required lvl : 1 Job : All Id: (20367) C Wave Twin Red Costume Hair Style. Soft Wave Twintail. Class : Costume Def : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required lvl : 1 Job : All Id: (20367) C Wave Twin Red Costume Hair Style. Soft Wave Twintail. Class : Costume Def : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required lvl : 1 Job : All Id: (20367) C Wave Twin Red Costume Hair Style. Soft Wave Twintail. Class : Costume Def : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required lvl : 1 Job : All Id: (20368) C Wave Twin Orange Costume Hair Style. Soft Wave Twintail. Class : Costume Def : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required lvl : 1 Job : All Id: (20368) C Wave Twin Orange Costume Hair Style. Soft Wave Twintail. Class : Costume Def : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required lvl : 1 Job : All Id: (20368) C Wave Twin Orange Costume Hair Style. Soft Wave Twintail. Class : Costume Def : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required lvl : 1 Job : All Id: (20368) C Wave Twin Orange Costume Hair Style. Soft Wave Twintail. Class : Costume Def : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required lvl : 1 Job : All Id: (20369) C Wave Twin Blue Costume Hair Style. Soft Wave Twintail. Class : Costume Def : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required lvl : 1 Job : All Id: (20369) C Wave Twin Blue Costume Hair Style. Soft Wave Twintail. Class : Costume Def : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required lvl : 1 Job : All Id: (20369) C Wave Twin Blue Costume Hair Style. Soft Wave Twintail. Class : Costume Def : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required lvl : 1 Job : All Id: (20369) C Wave Twin Blue Costume Hair Style. Soft Wave Twintail. Class : Costume Def : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required lvl : 1 Job : All Id: (20370) C Wave Twin White Costume Hair Style. Soft Wave Twintail. Class : Costume Def : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required lvl : 1 Job : All Id: (20370) C Wave Twin White Costume Hair Style. Soft Wave Twintail. Class : Costume Def : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required lvl : 1 Job : All Id: (20370) C Wave Twin White Costume Hair Style. Soft Wave Twintail. Class : Costume Def : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required lvl : 1 Job : All Id: (20370) C Wave Twin White Costume Hair Style. Soft Wave Twintail. Class : Costume Def : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required lvl : 1 Job : All Changed Item Spoiler Alert: Id: (2644) The Sign Die Götter vertrauten diesesEin bezaubernd schönes Artefakt einem ganzenwelches von den Göttern einem besonderen Krieger anvertraut wurde. Es scheint aber mehr zu sein als nur die Eintrittskarte nach Valhalla Gegenstandsart: Accessoire Verteidigung: 0 Benötigt Level: 1Keins Jobs: Alle Id: (5208) Rideword Hat [1] This item is not tradeable with other accounts. A hat designed to mimic the look of a terrible magic book which attacks people. When physically attacking, there is a 5% chance to recover 8% of your damage as HP. When physically attacking, there is a 1% chance to recover 4% of your damage as SP. If upgraded at +9 or more, the amount of HP/SP recovered is multiplied by 2. Drains 10 HP every 5 seconds while equipped. Class : Head Gear Defense : 2 Slot : Upper Weight : 30 Required Level : 40 Job s: Tous saufAll except Novice Id: (5208) Rideword Hat [1] This item is not tradeable with other accounts. Ce chapeau est certainement l'oeuvre d'un passionné du monstre Rideword. Faîtes attention où vous mettez vos doigts. 5% de chance de convertir 8% des dommages des attaques physiques en HP. 1% de chance de convertir 4% des dommages des attaques physiques en SP. Si forgé à +9 ou plus, le pourcentage de HP/SP récupéré est multiplié par deux. Enlève 10 HP toutes les 5 secondes lorsqu'il est équipé. Type : Head Gear Défense : 2 Position : Haut Poids : 30 Niveau Requis : 40 Profession : Tous sauf Novice Id: (5208) Rideword Hat [1] Dieses Item ist nicht mit anderen Accounts handelbar. Ein Hut, der entworfen wurde, um das Aussehen eines furchtbaren Zauberbuches nachzuahmen, das Leute angreift. Bei einem körperlichen Angriff besteht eine 5%ige Chance, 8% seines Schadens als HP wiederherzustellen. Bei einem körperlichen Angriff besteht eine 1%ige Chance, 4% seines Schadens als SP wiederherzustellen. Wenn das Upgrade +9 oder höher ist, wird die Regeneration der HP/SP verdoppelt. Zehrt alle 5 Sekunden 10 HP auf, während er angelegt wird. TypGegenstandsart: Head Ggear Verteidigung: 2 Slot: UpperOben Gewicht: 30 Benötigt Level: 40 Job: Alle außer Novice Id: (5208) Rideword Hat [1] This item is not tradeable with other accounts. A hat designed to mimic the look of a terrible magic book which attacks people. When physically attacking, there is a 5% chance to recover 8% of your damage as HP. When physically attacking, there is a 1% chance to recover 4% of your damage as SP. If upgraded at +9 or more, the amount of HP/SP recovered is multiplied by 2. Drains 10 HP every 5 seconds while equipped. Class : Head Gear Defense : 2 Slot : Upper Weight : 30 Required Level : 40 Job s: Tous saufAll except Novice Id: (5657) Captain Pipe An antique pipe for making a perfect fashion of captain. When you have it with captain hat, Physical attack increases as number of refinement. This item is accountbound and cannot be traded. Class : Head Gear Defense : 0 Slot : Bottom Weight : 10 Required Level : 30 Jobs : All Id: (5657) Captain Pipe Une pipe donnant le style d'un capitaine. Si équipé avec le Ship Captain Hat, vos attaques physiques augmentent au fur et à mesure des forges du hat. Cet objet ne peut pas être échangé. Type : Head Gear Défense : 0 Emplacement : Bas Poids : 10 Niveau requis : 30 Profession : Toutes Id: (5657) Captain Pipe Eine antike Pfeife, um die ideale Gestalt eines Kapitäns zu kreieren. Wenn man sie mit Kapitänsmütze besitzt, erhöht sich körperlicher Angriff wie Anzahl der Veredelung. Dieses Item ist Accountgebunden und kann nicht gehandelt werden. Typ: Head Gear Verteidigung: 0 Slot: Bottom Gewicht: 10 Benötigt Level: 30 Jobs: Alle Id: (5657) Captain Pipe An antique pipe for making a perfect fashion of captain. When you have it with captain hat, Physical attack increases as number of refinement. This item is accountbound and cannot be traded. Class : Head Gear Defense : 0 Slot : Bottom Weight : 10 Required Level : 30 Jobs : All Id: (5899) Black Ribbon [1] A simple black ribbon with some metal applications. Increase ATK by Base AGI divided by 3. If upgraded to +7 or higher: Increase [Bowling Bash] Damage by 50%. If upgraded to +9 or higher: Increase [Ignition Break] Damage by 20%. Class: Headgear Defense: 10 Location: Upper Weight: 20 Required Level: 100 Job: Rune Knight Id: (5899) Black Ribbon [1] Un ruban noir avec quelques décorations métaliques. Augmente l'ATK en fonction de la valeur de base de l'AGI divisée par 3. Si forgé à +7 ou plus : Augmente les dégats de [Bowling Bash] de 50%. Si forgé à +9 ou plus : Augmente les dégats de [Ignition Break] de 20%. Type : Headgear Défense : 10 Slot : Upper Poids: 20 Niveau requis : 100 Profession : Rune Knight Id: (5899) Black Ribbon [1] Eine einfache schwarze Schleife mit Metallapplikationen. Erhört ATK um Base AGI geteilt durch 3. Bei Upgrade-Level +7 oder höher: Erhöht [Bowling Bash] Schaden um 50%. Bei Upgrade-Level +9 oder höher: Erhöht [Ignition Break] Schaden um 20%. Gegenstandsart: Headgear Verteidigung: 10 Position: Upper Gewicht: 20 Beötigtes Level: 100 Job: Rune Knight Id: (5899) Black Ribbon [1] A simple black ribbon with some metal applications. Increase ATK by Base AGI divided by 3. If upgraded to +7 or higher: Increase [Bowling Bash] Damage by 50%. If upgraded to +9 or higher: Increase [Ignition Break] Damage by 20%. Class: Headgear Defense: 10 Location: Upper Weight: 20 Required Level: 100 Job: Rune Knight Id: (18561) Black Feather Beret [1] A noble Hhigh quality hat made of luxury black cloth. WiThe white feather makes it more gorgeous. rReduces damage taken from human type monster by 10%. VIT + 2, MDEF + 3. Class : Head-gear Defense : 5 Location : Upper Weight : 30 Required Level : 40 Job : All Id: (18561) Black Feather Beret [1] Un chapeau de noble de haute qualité supérieure, confectionné dans une étoffefait de tissu noir de luxueuse. Dese. La plumes blanches le décorerend encore plus attrayant. Réduit de 10 % les dégâts des Humainssubits des monstres de type Demi-Human de 10%. VIT + 2, MDEF + 3. ClassType : Chapeau/casqueHead-gear Défense : 5 EmplacementPosition : Haut Poids : 30 Niveau requis : 40 Profession : Toutes Id: (18561) Black Feather Beret [1] Ein nobler, und qualitativ hochwertiger Hut, hdergestellt aus aus einem luxuriösem, schwarzen Stoff. Mit den gefertigt wurde. Die weißen Federn sieht er noch bezaubernder aus. Verringert den Schaden durch lässt ihn noch prächtiger erscheinen. Reduziert den erhaltenen Schaden von Demi Human Type-Monster um 10 %. VIT + 2, MDEF + 3. Art : Head-gear Verteidigung : 5 Position : Upper Oben Gewicht : 30 Benötigt Leveles Lv. : 40 Jobs : Alle Id: (18561) Black Feather Beret [1] A noble Hhigh quality hat made of luxury black cloth. WiThe white feather makes it more gorgeous. rReduces damage taken from human type monster by 10%. VIT + 2, MDEF + 3. Class : Head-gear Defense : 5 Location : Upper Weight : 30 Required Level : 40 Job : All Id: (20278) Costume Man's Pride A hat resembles the man's hairdo who always looks for someone to fight with. Type: Costume equipment DEF: 0 Location: Upper Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20278) Costume Man's Pride A hat resembles the man's hairdo who always looks for someone to fight with. Type: Costume equipment DEF: 0 Location: Upper Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20278) Costume Man's Pride A hat resembles the man's hairdo who always looks for someone to fight with. Type: Costume equipment DEF: 0 Location: Upper Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20278) Costume Man's Pride A hat resembles the man's hairdo who always looks for someone to fight with. Type: Costume equipment DEF: 0 Location: Upper Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20279) Costume L Whistle A cheering whistle. Only blowing makes you feel vitalized. Type: Costume equipment DEF: 0 Location: Lower Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20279) Costume L Whistle A cheering whistle. Only blowing makes you feel vitalized. Type: Costume equipment DEF: 0 Location: Lower Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20279) Costume L Whistle A cheering whistle. Only blowing makes you feel vitalized. Type: Costume equipment DEF: 0 Location: Lower Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20279) Costume L Whistle A cheering whistle. Only blowing makes you feel vitalized. Type: Costume equipment DEF: 0 Location: Lower Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20280) Costume Chewed Pencil A pencil having several teeth-marks due to being bitten all the way. Type: Costume equipment DEF: 0 Location: Lower Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20280) Costume Chewed Pencil A pencil having several teeth-marks due to being bitten all the way. Type: Costume equipment DEF: 0 Location: Lower Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20280) Costume Chewed Pencil A pencil having several teeth-marks due to being bitten all the way. Type: Costume equipment DEF: 0 Location: Lower Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20280) Costume Chewed Pencil A pencil having several teeth-marks due to being bitten all the way. Type: Costume equipment DEF: 0 Location: Lower Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20281) Costume Kindergartener's Hat A magical hat which protects kids' head from a pool of radiant summer sunlight. Type: Costume equipment DEF: 0 Location: Upper Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20281) Costume Kindergartener's Hat A magical hat which protects kids' head from a pool of radiant summer sunlight. Type: Costume equipment DEF: 0 Location: Upper Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20281) Costume Kindergartener's Hat A magical hat which protects kids' head from a pool of radiant summer sunlight. Type: Costume equipment DEF: 0 Location: Upper Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20281) Costume Kindergartener's Hat A magical hat which protects kids' head from a pool of radiant summer sunlight. Type: Costume equipment DEF: 0 Location: Upper Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20282) Costume White Boy's Cap A white crude hat usually worn by the leader of students. Type: Costume equipment DEF: 0 Location: Upper Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20282) Costume White Boy's Cap A white crude hat usually worn by the leader of students. Type: Costume equipment DEF: 0 Location: Upper Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20282) Costume White Boy's Cap A white crude hat usually worn by the leader of students. Type: Costume equipment DEF: 0 Location: Upper Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20282) Costume White Boy's Cap A white crude hat usually worn by the leader of students. Type: Costume equipment DEF: 0 Location: Upper Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20283) Costume Overprotector A hat having a story that a father left it to his son. You can feel how much he loved his son from its stout design. Type: Costume equipment DEF: 0 Location: Upper Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20283) Costume Overprotector A hat having a story that a father left it to his son. You can feel how much he loved his son from its stout design. Type: Costume equipment DEF: 0 Location: Upper Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20283) Costume Overprotector A hat having a story that a father left it to his son. You can feel how much he loved his son from its stout design. Type: Costume equipment DEF: 0 Location: Upper Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20283) Costume Overprotector A hat having a story that a father left it to his son. You can feel how much he loved his son from its stout design. Type: Costume equipment DEF: 0 Location: Upper Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20284) Costume Cherry Blossom Hat A vernal hat taken after the petal of a cherry blossom. A swinging flower decoration looks very cute. Type: Costume equipment DEF: 0 Location: Upper Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20284) Costume Cherry Blossom Hat A vernal hat taken after the petal of a cherry blossom. A swinging flower decoration looks very cute. Type: Costume equipment DEF: 0 Location: Upper Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20284) Costume Cherry Blossom Hat A vernal hat taken after the petal of a cherry blossom. A swinging flower decoration looks very cute. Type: Costume equipment DEF: 0 Location: Upper Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20284) Costume Cherry Blossom Hat A vernal hat taken after the petal of a cherry blossom. A swinging flower decoration looks very cute. Type: Costume equipment DEF: 0 Location: Upper Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20285) Costume Fluttering Cherry Blossom Petals of cherry blossoms are failling gently. The petals dance beautifully as if they inform you that spring has come. Type: Costume equipment DEF: 0 Location: Lower Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20285) Costume Fluttering Cherry Blossom Petals of cherry blossoms are failling gently. The petals dance beautifully as if they inform you that spring has come. Type: Costume equipment DEF: 0 Location: Lower Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20285) Costume Fluttering Cherry Blossom Petals of cherry blossoms are failling gently. The petals dance beautifully as if they inform you that spring has come. Type: Costume equipment DEF: 0 Location: Lower Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20285) Costume Fluttering Cherry Blossom Petals of cherry blossoms are failling gently. The petals dance beautifully as if they inform you that spring has come. Type: Costume equipment DEF: 0 Location: Lower Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20286) Costume Red Under Rimmed Glasses Glasses rimmed under the lens only. They fit any types of coordination nicely either cool or cute. Type: Costume equipment DEF: 0 Location: Lower Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20286) Costume Red Under Rimmed Glasses Glasses rimmed under the lens only. They fit any types of coordination nicely either cool or cute. Type: Costume equipment DEF: 0 Location: Lower Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20286) Costume Red Under Rimmed Glasses Glasses rimmed under the lens only. They fit any types of coordination nicely either cool or cute. Type: Costume equipment DEF: 0 Location: Lower Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20286) Costume Red Under Rimmed Glasses Glasses rimmed under the lens only. They fit any types of coordination nicely either cool or cute. Type: Costume equipment DEF: 0 Location: Lower Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20287) Costume Man's Golden Pride A hat resembles the man's hairdo who always looks for someone to fight with. Type: Costume equipment DEF: 0 Location: Upper Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20287) Costume Man's Golden Pride A hat resembles the man's hairdo who always looks for someone to fight with. Type: Costume equipment DEF: 0 Location: Upper Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20287) Costume Man's Golden Pride A hat resembles the man's hairdo who always looks for someone to fight with. Type: Costume equipment DEF: 0 Location: Upper Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20287) Costume Man's Golden Pride A hat resembles the man's hairdo who always looks for someone to fight with. Type: Costume equipment DEF: 0 Location: Upper Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20293) C Sleeper Hat A hat taken after the monster Sleeper living in Juno fields. Type: Costume equipment DEF: 0 Location: Upper Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20293) C Sleeper Hat A hat taken after the monster Sleeper living in Juno fields. Type: Costume equipment DEF: 0 Location: Upper Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20293) C Sleeper Hat A hat taken after the monster Sleeper living in Juno fields. Type: Costume equipment DEF: 0 Location: Upper Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20293) C Sleeper Hat A hat taken after the monster Sleeper living in Juno fields. Type: Costume equipment DEF: 0 Location: Upper Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20294) Costume Maximilian Von Babe XXIX A hat commemorating the inauguration of 29th head of Maximilian family among the babe of the babes. It symbolize courage against the big as one of the small. Type: Costume equipment DEF: 0 Location: Upper Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20294) Costume Maximilian Von Babe XXIX A hat commemorating the inauguration of 29th head of Maximilian family among the babe of the babes. It symbolize courage against the big as one of the small. Type: Costume equipment DEF: 0 Location: Upper Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20294) Costume Maximilian Von Babe XXIX A hat commemorating the inauguration of 29th head of Maximilian family among the babe of the babes. It symbolize courage against the big as one of the small. Type: Costume equipment DEF: 0 Location: Upper Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20294) Costume Maximilian Von Babe XXIX A hat commemorating the inauguration of 29th head of Maximilian family among the babe of the babes. It symbolize courage against the big as one of the small. Type: Costume equipment DEF: 0 Location: Upper Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20295) Costume Poring Sunglasses Sunglasseswith the lenses modeled after Poring. An essential item for drawing everybody's attention. Type: Costume equipment DEF: 0 Location: Middle Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20295) Costume Poring Sunglasses Sunglasseswith the lenses modeled after Poring. An essential item for drawing everybody's attention. Type: Costume equipment DEF: 0 Location: Middle Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20295) Costume Poring Sunglasses Sunglasseswith the lenses modeled after Poring. An essential item for drawing everybody's attention. Type: Costume equipment DEF: 0 Location: Middle Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20295) Costume Poring Sunglasses Sunglasseswith the lenses modeled after Poring. An essential item for drawing everybody's attention. Type: Costume equipment DEF: 0 Location: Middle Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20296) Costume Yoyo Hat A hat modeled after mischievous monkey monster Yoyo. Type: Costume equipment DEF: 0 Location: Upper Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20296) Costume Yoyo Hat A hat modeled after mischievous monkey monster Yoyo. Type: Costume equipment DEF: 0 Location: Upper Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20296) Costume Yoyo Hat A hat modeled after mischievous monkey monster Yoyo. Type: Costume equipment DEF: 0 Location: Upper Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20296) Costume Yoyo Hat A hat modeled after mischievous monkey monster Yoyo. Type: Costume equipment DEF: 0 Location: Upper Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20297) Costume Cactus Hat A hat taken after Muka of Sograt Desert. Type: Costume equipment DEF: 0 Location: Upper Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20297) Costume Cactus Hat A hat taken after Muka of Sograt Desert. Type: Costume equipment DEF: 0 Location: Upper Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20297) Costume Cactus Hat A hat taken after Muka of Sograt Desert. Type: Costume equipment DEF: 0 Location: Upper Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20297) Costume Cactus Hat A hat taken after Muka of Sograt Desert. Type: Costume equipment DEF: 0 Location: Upper Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20298) Costume Happy Droopy Lunatic Ear Droopy Lunatic ears. Cutely garnished with clover flower bouquets. Type: Costume equipment DEF: 0 Location: Middle Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20298) Costume Happy Droopy Lunatic Ear Droopy Lunatic ears. Cutely garnished with clover flower bouquets. Type: Costume equipment DEF: 0 Location: Middle Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20298) Costume Happy Droopy Lunatic Ear Droopy Lunatic ears. Cutely garnished with clover flower bouquets. Type: Costume equipment DEF: 0 Location: Middle Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20298) Costume Happy Droopy Lunatic Ear Droopy Lunatic ears. Cutely garnished with clover flower bouquets. Type: Costume equipment DEF: 0 Location: Middle Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20299) Costume Face Crasher A mask made up with a pie to bury one's head in a party. It makes wearer's face dirty, but the liberally spread cream tastes sweet and delicious. Type: DEF: 0 Location: Middle lower Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20299) Costume Face Crasher A mask made up with a pie to bury one's head in a party. It makes wearer's face dirty, but the liberally spread cream tastes sweet and delicious. Type: DEF: 0 Location: Middle lower Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20299) Costume Face Crasher A mask made up with a pie to bury one's head in a party. It makes wearer's face dirty, but the liberally spread cream tastes sweet and delicious. Type: DEF: 0 Location: Middle lower Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20299) Costume Face Crasher A mask made up with a pie to bury one's head in a party. It makes wearer's face dirty, but the liberally spread cream tastes sweet and delicious. Type: DEF: 0 Location: Middle lower Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20300) Costume Hill Wind Mask A mask resembles a head of Hill Wind inhabiting in Rachel fields. Surprisingly, this complicated expression seems to be popular. Type: DEF: 0 Location: Upper middle lower Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20300) Costume Hill Wind Mask A mask resembles a head of Hill Wind inhabiting in Rachel fields. Surprisingly, this complicated expression seems to be popular. Type: DEF: 0 Location: Upper middle lower Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20300) Costume Hill Wind Mask A mask resembles a head of Hill Wind inhabiting in Rachel fields. Surprisingly, this complicated expression seems to be popular. Type: DEF: 0 Location: Upper middle lower Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20300) Costume Hill Wind Mask A mask resembles a head of Hill Wind inhabiting in Rachel fields. Surprisingly, this complicated expression seems to be popular. Type: DEF: 0 Location: Upper middle lower Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20301) Costume Golden Savage Hat A Savage Babe doll dyed with gold. It is a pretty doll but makes you feel hunger when you look at it. Type: Costume equipment DEF: 0 Location: Upper Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20301) Costume Golden Savage Hat A Savage Babe doll dyed with gold. It is a pretty doll but makes you feel hunger when you look at it. Type: Costume equipment DEF: 0 Location: Upper Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20301) Costume Golden Savage Hat A Savage Babe doll dyed with gold. It is a pretty doll but makes you feel hunger when you look at it. Type: Costume equipment DEF: 0 Location: Upper Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20301) Costume Golden Savage Hat A Savage Babe doll dyed with gold. It is a pretty doll but makes you feel hunger when you look at it. Type: Costume equipment DEF: 0 Location: Upper Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20302) Costume Beelzebub's Crown A crown taken after Beelzebub known for exposing its existence from a depth of Nameless Island. A crown exduing elegance. Type: Costume equipment DEF: 0 Location: Upper Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20302) Costume Beelzebub's Crown A crown taken after Beelzebub known for exposing its existence from a depth of Nameless Island. A crown exduing elegance. Type: Costume equipment DEF: 0 Location: Upper Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20302) Costume Beelzebub's Crown A crown taken after Beelzebub known for exposing its existence from a depth of Nameless Island. A crown exduing elegance. Type: Costume equipment DEF: 0 Location: Upper Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20302) Costume Beelzebub's Crown A crown taken after Beelzebub known for exposing its existence from a depth of Nameless Island. A crown exduing elegance. Type: Costume equipment DEF: 0 Location: Upper Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20312) Costume Baron's Evil Eye An eye patch modeled after the evil eye of Demon Baron. Type: Costume equipment DEF: 0 Location: Middle Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20312) Costume Baron's Evil Eye An eye patch modeled after the evil eye of Demon Baron. Type: Costume equipment DEF: 0 Location: Middle Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20312) Costume Baron's Evil Eye An eye patch modeled after the evil eye of Demon Baron. Type: Costume equipment DEF: 0 Location: Middle Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20312) Costume Baron's Evil Eye An eye patch modeled after the evil eye of Demon Baron. Type: Costume equipment DEF: 0 Location: Middle Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20313) Costume Disk In Mouth It feels that a lot of data in CDs flow into the brain through the mouth. Type: Costume equipment DEF: 0 Location: Lower Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20313) Costume Disk In Mouth It feels that a lot of data in CDs flow into the brain through the mouth. Type: Costume equipment DEF: 0 Location: Lower Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20313) Costume Disk In Mouth It feels that a lot of data in CDs flow into the brain through the mouth. Type: Costume equipment DEF: 0 Location: Lower Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20313) Costume Disk In Mouth It feels that a lot of data in CDs flow into the brain through the mouth. Type: Costume equipment DEF: 0 Location: Lower Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20314) Costume New Wave Sunglasses Sunglasses feel like a futuristic design. Type: Costume equipment DEF: 0 Location: Middle Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20314) Costume New Wave Sunglasses Sunglasses feel like a futuristic design. Type: Costume equipment DEF: 0 Location: Middle Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20314) Costume New Wave Sunglasses Sunglasses feel like a futuristic design. Type: Costume equipment DEF: 0 Location: Middle Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20314) Costume New Wave Sunglasses Sunglasses feel like a futuristic design. Type: Costume equipment DEF: 0 Location: Middle Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20315) Costume Analyzing Eye An item developed by fusing uncharted technology and magic power of Juperos Ruin. When you wear as if it is overlapped on eyes, an image is projected right in front of the eyes. Its principle is not fully explained yet. Type: Costume equipment DEF: 0 Location: Lower Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20315) Costume Analyzing Eye An item developed by fusing uncharted technology and magic power of Juperos Ruin. When you wear as if it is overlapped on eyes, an image is projected right in front of the eyes. Its principle is not fully explained yet. Type: Costume equipment DEF: 0 Location: Lower Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20315) Costume Analyzing Eye An item developed by fusing uncharted technology and magic power of Juperos Ruin. When you wear as if it is overlapped on eyes, an image is projected right in front of the eyes. Its principle is not fully explained yet. Type: Costume equipment DEF: 0 Location: Lower Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20315) Costume Analyzing Eye An item developed by fusing uncharted technology and magic power of Juperos Ruin. When you wear as if it is overlapped on eyes, an image is projected right in front of the eyes. Its principle is not fully explained yet. Type: Costume equipment DEF: 0 Location: Lower Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20316) Costume Cherub's Winged Helm A helm features the decorations describe a shield and the wings symbolize a Cerub. Especially, it was designed to suit Royal Guards well. Type: Costume equipment DEF: 0 Location: Upper Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20316) Costume Cherub's Winged Helm A helm features the decorations describe a shield and the wings symbolize a Cerub. Especially, it was designed to suit Royal Guards well. Type: Costume equipment DEF: 0 Location: Upper Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20316) Costume Cherub's Winged Helm A helm features the decorations describe a shield and the wings symbolize a Cerub. Especially, it was designed to suit Royal Guards well. Type: Costume equipment DEF: 0 Location: Upper Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20316) Costume Cherub's Winged Helm A helm features the decorations describe a shield and the wings symbolize a Cerub. Especially, it was designed to suit Royal Guards well. Type: Costume equipment DEF: 0 Location: Upper Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20317) Costume Cat Ear Cyber Headphone A headphone with cat ears Type: Costume equipment DEF: 0 Location: Upper Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20317) Costume Cat Ear Cyber Headphone A headphone with cat ears Type: Costume equipment DEF: 0 Location: Upper Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20317) Costume Cat Ear Cyber Headphone A headphone with cat ears Type: Costume equipment DEF: 0 Location: Upper Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20317) Costume Cat Ear Cyber Headphone A headphone with cat ears Type: Costume equipment DEF: 0 Location: Upper Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20318) Costume Charleston's Antenna A costume item resembles a decoration of the robot Charleston's body in Verus. It is said to be an antenna having a receiving function, but the details are unknown. Type: Costume equipment DEF: 0 Location: Middle Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20318) Costume Charleston's Antenna A costume item resembles a decoration of the robot Charleston's body in Verus. It is said to be an antenna having a receiving function, but the details are unknown. Type: Costume equipment DEF: 0 Location: Middle Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20318) Costume Charleston's Antenna A costume item resembles a decoration of the robot Charleston's body in Verus. It is said to be an antenna having a receiving function, but the details are unknown. Type: Costume equipment DEF: 0 Location: Middle Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20318) Costume Charleston's Antenna A costume item resembles a decoration of the robot Charleston's body in Verus. It is said to be an antenna having a receiving function, but the details are unknown. Type: Costume equipment DEF: 0 Location: Middle Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20319) Costume Crimson Booster A booster features its red color. The design looks like a manical booster, but the purpose of its development is unknown. Type: Costume equipment DEF: 0 Location: Middle Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20319) Costume Crimson Booster A booster features its red color. The design looks like a manical booster, but the purpose of its development is unknown. Type: Costume equipment DEF: 0 Location: Middle Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20319) Costume Crimson Booster A booster features its red color. The design looks like a manical booster, but the purpose of its development is unknown. Type: Costume equipment DEF: 0 Location: Middle Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (20319) Costume Crimson Booster A booster features its red color. The design looks like a manical booster, but the purpose of its development is unknown. Type: Costume equipment DEF: 0 Location: Middle Weight: 0 Lv. req.: 1 Class: All classes Id: (32687) Time Travel Watch A pocket watch with strange powers. Mr Beckett in Clock Towerthe Market House is searching for this item in order to back in time. Weight : 1 Id: (32687) Time Travel Watch Une montre à gousset qui semble pouvoir déclencher un mécanisme spécial. Allez voir Mr Beckett à Clock Towerla Market House pour remonter le temps et corriger vos erreurs. Poids : 1 Id: (32687) Time Travel Watch Eine Taschenuhr mit eigenartigen Kräften. Mr. Beckett im Clock TowerMarket House sucht nach diesem Gegenstand um in der Zeit zurückzugehen. Gewicht : 1 Id: (32687) Time Travel Watch A pocket watch with strange powers. Mr Beckett in Clock Towerthe Market House is searching for this item in order to back in time. Weight : 1 Id: (32702) Neuralizer It's the K's Neuralizer used to make a Reset Skill. You can find him in Lighthalzenthe Market House. Before give it to him, your weight must be at 0, you musn't have a Cart/Falcon/Peco. Novice are not allowed to use this item. Weight : 0 Id: (32702) Neuralizer C'est le Neuralizer de K qui se trouve à Lighthalzenla Market House. Si vous lui rendez avec un poids égal à zéro, sans Cart, sans Falcon ni de PecoPeco, il vous fera cadeau d'un Reset Skill. Ne fonctionne pas avec la classe Novice. Poids : 0 Id: (32702) Neuralizer Das ist K's Neuralizer, der verwendet wird um ein Reset Skill zu machen. Sie können ihn in LighthalzenMarket House finden. Bevor Sie ihn ihm geben, muss Ihr Gewicht bei 0 liegen, Sie dürfen kein Cart/Falcon/Peco haben. Novice ist es nicht erlaubt, diesen Gegenstand zu verwenden. Gewicht : 0 Id: (32702) Neuralizer It's the K's Neuralizer used to make a Reset Skill. You can find him in Lighthalzenthe Market House. Before give it to him, your weight must be at 0, you musn't have a Cart/Falcon/Peco. Novice are not allowed to use this item. 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data\turkish\idnum2itemdisplaynametable.txt data\turkish\idnum2itemresnametable.txt data\turkish\num2itemdesctable.txt data\turkish\num2itemdisplaynametable.txt data\turkish\num2itemresnametable.txt Ragexe.exe
  10. Added Item Spoiler Alert: Id: (25238) 신형 일반 윤활제 슬롯에 이미 박혀버린 카드의 분리를 도와주는 기름. 기존 윤활제의 독성을 제거하여 장비와 카드, 제련도의 손상을 완벽히 방지하지만 독성물질이 제거되며 성공률도 낮아진 듯 하다. 무게 : 0 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 0 Id: (25239) 신형 고급 윤활제 슬롯에 이미 박혀버린 카드의 분리를 도와주는 기름. 기존 윤활제의 독성을 제거하여 장비와 카드, 제련도의 손상을 완벽히 방지하지만 독성물질이 제거되며 성공률도 낮아진 듯 하다. 무게 : 0 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 0 Changed ItemRandOption Spoiler Alert: Id: 35 (Changed! ATTR_TOLERACE_ALLBUTNOTHING), 모든 속성(무속성 제외) 공격 내성 %d%% 증가 Id: 185 (Changed! EnumVAR_LASTWEAPON_INDESTRUCTIBLE), 파괴 불가 Quest Spoiler Alert: Id: 21592 이그니젬 세니아 Info: 이그니젬 세니아에게 안식을. Quickinfo: 이그니젬 세니아 30마리명 Id: 21594 다시 이그니젬 세니아 Info: 이그니젬 세니아에게 안식을. Quickinfo: 이그니젬 세니아 30마리명 Id: 21595 아르마이어 딘제 Info: 아르마이어 딘제에게 안식을. Quickinfo: 아르마이어 딘제 30마리명 Id: 21597 다시 아르마이어 딘제 Info: 아르마이어 딘제에게 안식을. Quickinfo: 아르마이어 딘제 30마리명 Id: 21598 휘케바인 트리스 Info: 휘케바인 트리스에게 안식을. Quickinfo: 휘케바인 트리스 30마리명 Id: 21600 다시 휘케바인 트리스 Info: 휘케바인 트리스에게 안식을. Quickinfo: 휘케바인 트리스 30마리명 Id: 21601 카바크 이카루스 Info: 카바크 이카루스에게 안식을. Quickinfo: 카바크 이카루스 30마리명 Id: 21603 다시 카바크 이카루스 Info: 카바크 이카루스에게 안식을. Quickinfo: 카바크 이카루스 30마리명 Id: 21604 이렌드 에베시 Info: 이렌드 에베시에게 안식을. Quickinfo: 이렌드 에베시 30마리명 Id: 21606 다시 이렌드 에베시 Info: 이렌드 에베시에게 안식을. Quickinfo: 이렌드 에베시 30마리명 Id: 21607 라우렐 뷘더 Info: 라우렐 뷘더에게 안식을. Quickinfo: 라우렐 뷘더 30마리명 Id: 21609 다시 라우렐 뷘더 Info: 라우렐 뷘더에게 안식을. Quickinfo: 라우렐 뷘더 30마리명 Id: 21610 셰실 디먼 Info: 셰실 디먼에게 안식을 Quickinfo: 셰실 디먼 30마리2명 Id: 21612 다시 셰실 디먼 Info: 셰실 디먼에게 안식을 Quickinfo: 셰실 디먼 30마리2명 Id: 21613 카트린느 케이론 Info: 카트린느 케이론에게 안식을 Quickinfo: 카트린드 케이론 30마리2명 Id: 21615 다시 카트린느 케이론 Info: 카트린느 케이론에게 안식을 Quickinfo: 카트린드 케이론 30마리2명 Id: 21616 마가레타 소린 Info: 마가레타 소린에게 안식을 Quickinfo: 마가레타 소린 30마리2명 Id: 21618 다시 마가레타 소린 Info: 마가레타 소린에게 안식을 Quickinfo: 마가레타 소린 30마리2명 Id: 21619 세이렌 윈저 Info: 세이렌 윈저에게 안식을 Quickinfo: 세이렌 윈저 30마리2명 Id: 21621 다시 세이렌 윈저 Info: 세이렌 윈저에게 안식을 Quickinfo: 세이렌 윈저 30마리2명 Id: 21622 에레메스 가일 Info: 에레메스 가일에게 안식을. Quickinfo: 에레메스 가일 30마리2명 Id: 21624 다시 에레메스 가일 Info: 에레메스 가일에게 안식을. Quickinfo: 에레메스 가일 30마리2명 Id: 21625 하워드 알트아이젠 Info: 하워드 알트아이젠에게 안식을. Quickinfo: 하워드 알트아이젠 30마리2명 Id: 21627 다시 하워드 알트아이젠 Info: 하워드 알트아이젠에게 안식을. Quickinfo: 하워드 알트아이젠 30마리2명 Item Spoiler Alert: Id: (1145) 홀리 어벤져 성스러운 신의 응징이 담겨져 있어 적을 공격하는 신의 검 성속성 계열 : 검 공격 : 125 무게 : 135 속성 : 성 무기레벨 : 3 요구레벨 : 75 장착 : 크루세이더 전용 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Sword Attack : 125 Weight : 135 Attribute: Holy Weapon Level : 3 Required Level : 75 Job : Crusader Class Id: (1167) 슈바이체르샤벨 의사도(疑似刀) 형식의 샤벨. 풍속성 공격시 3레벨의 라이트닝 볼트를 낮은확률로 시전. DEF +1 계열 : 양손검 공격 : 160 무게 : 160 속성 : 풍 무기레벨 : 4 요구레벨 : 48 장착 : 검사계열 전용 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : TwoHandedSword Attack : 160 Weight : 160 Attribute: Wind Weapon Level : 4 Required Level : 48 Job : Swordman Class Id: (1178) 슈바이체르샤벨 [2] 의사도(疑似刀) 형식의 샤벨. 풍속성 공격시 3레벨의 라이트닝 볼트를 낮은확률로 시전. DEF +1 계열 : 양손검 공격 : 160 무게 : 160 속성 : 풍 무기레벨 : 4 요구레벨 : 48 장착 : 검사계열 전용 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : TwoHandedSword Attack : 160 Weight : 160 Attribute: Wind Weapon Level : 4 Required Level : 48 Job : Swordman Class Id: (1269) 인버스 스케어 강철보다 단단한 용의 역린으로 제작된 카타르. 전투에 임하는 것 만으로도 상대에게 엄청난 위압감을 느끼게 한다. 공격 시, 일정 확률로 자신을 중심으로 5*5셀 범위 안의 모든 적에게 특정 상태이상 효과 부여. 성속성 계열 : 카타르 공격 : 140 무게 : 150 속성 : 성 무기레벨 : 4 요구레벨 : 55 장착 : 어세신크로스 전용 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Katar Attack : 140 Weight : 150 Attribute: Holy Weapon Level : 4 Required Level : 55 Job : Assassin Cross Class Id: (1307) 윈드호크 도끼류의 단점인 느린 공속을 보완한 도끼. 풍속성이 부여되어 느린 공격속도를 보완해준다. 공격속도 증가(공격 후딜레이 5% 감소). 계열 : 한손도끼 공격 : 115 무게 : 150 속성 : 풍 무기레벨 : 2 요구레벨 : 14 장착 : 검사계열/상인계열/도둑계열 전용 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Axe Attack : 115 Weight : 150 Attribute: Wind Weapon Level : 2 Required Level : 14 Job : Swordman Class Merchant Class Thief Class Id: (1366) 라이트 엡실론 성스러운 힘이 담겨 있는 도끼. 의례에 많이 사용되곤 한다. 성속성 3레벨의 힐 사용가능 악마족 몬스터에게 3%의 추가 데미지 계열 : 도끼 공격 : 180 무게 : 230 속성 : 성 무기레벨 : 4 요구레벨 : 44 장착 : 검사계열/상인계열 전용 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Axe Attack : 180 Weight : 230 Attribute: Holy Weapon Level : 4 Required Level : 44 Job : Swordman Class Merchant Class Id: (1414) 겔러드리아 땅의 기운을 머금고 있는 대형 한손창으로 착용자의 신진대사를 활성화하여 준다 지속성 MAX HP + 800 MAX SP - 50 계열 : 창 공격 : 145 무게 : 70 속성 : 지 무기레벨 : 4 요구레벨 : 48 장착 : 검사계열 전용 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Spear Attack : 145 Weight : 70 Attribute: Earth Weapon Level : 4 Required Level : 48 Job : Swordman Class Id: (1420) 롱혼 [1] 성스러운 일각수의 뿔로 만들어진 창. 해독능력을 지니고 있으며 그 뾰족함에 찔리면 피가 멈추지 않는다고 전해진다. 일정 확률로 적에게 출혈. 해독 스킬 사용 가능. 성속성. 절대 손상되지 않는다. 발키리아 쉴드와 함께 장착 시, 데미지를 입었을때 자신에게 낮은 확률로 오토스펠 아숨프티오 2레벨 발동. 계열 : 창 공격 : 150 무게 : 100 속성 : 성 무기레벨 : 4 요구레벨 : 65 장착 : 전승 검사계열 전용 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Spear Attack : 150 Weight : 100 Attribute: Holy Weapon Level : 4 Required Level : 65 Job : TranscendentSwordman Class Id: (1428) 롱혼 [1] 타 계정과 거래가 불가능한 아이템 입니다. 성스러운 일각수의 뿔로 만들어진 창. 해독능력을 지니고 있으며 그 뾰족함에 찔리면 피가 멈추지 않는다고 전해진다. 일정 확률로 적에게 출혈. 해독 스킬 사용 가능. 성속성. 절대 손상되지 않는다. 발키리아 쉴드와 함께 장착 시, 데미지를 입었을때 자신에게 낮은 확률로 오토스펠 아숨프티오 2레벨 발동. 계열 : 창 공격 : 150 무게 : 100 속성 : 성 무기레벨 : 4 요구레벨 : 65 장착 : 전승 검사계열 전용 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Spear Attack : 150 Weight : 100 Attribute: Holy Weapon Level : 4 Required Level : 65 Job : TranscendentSwordman Class Id: (1468) 제퓨로스 휘어진 창날이 번개를 연상시키는 창으로 베기와 찌르기가 동시에 가능한 창 풍속성 공격시 3레벨의 썬더스톰을 낮은확률로 시전. 타격시 적대상 일정확률로 침묵 계열 : 창 공격 : 170 무게 : 200 속성 : 풍 무기레벨 : 4 요구레벨 : 48 장착 : 검사계열 전용 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Spear Attack : 170 Weight : 200 Attribute: Wind Weapon Level : 4 Required Level : 48 Job : Swordman Class Id: (1469) 롱기누스의 창 고대의 어떤 성인(聖人)을 찔러 죽인 롱기누스 라는 병사가 사용했다고 하는 창으로 성인의 피가 이 창에 어둠을 부여했다 암속성 인간형, 천사형 몬스터에게 10%의 추가 데미지 계열 : 창 공격 : 180 무게 : 250 속성 : 암 무기레벨 : 4 요구레벨 : 48 장착 : 검사계열 전용 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Spear Attack : 180 Weight : 250 Attribute: Dark Weapon Level : 4 Required Level : 48 Job : Swordman Class Id: (1470) 브류나크 성스러운 빛의 창. 여러갈퀴의 날은 목표를 향해 각기 따로 뻗어 나가 공격을 할 수 있다고 한다. 성속성 5레벨의 힐 사용가능 공격시 3레벨의 소울 스트라이크를 낮은확률로 시전. 계열 : 창 공격 : 190 무게 : 300 속성 : 성 무기레벨 : 4 요구레벨 : 48 장착 : 검사계열 전용 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Spear Attack : 190 Weight : 300 Attribute: Holy Weapon Level : 4 Required Level : 48 Job : Swordman Class Id: (1471) 헬파이어 이름 그대로 지옥의 불길과도 같은 뜨거움을 창날에 간직하고 있는 창 화속성 공격시 3레벨의 파이어볼을 낮은확률로 시전. STR +3 계열 : 창 공격 : 200 무게 : 350 속성 : 화 무기레벨 : 4 요구레벨 : 48 장착 : 검사계열 전용 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Spear Attack : 200 Weight : 350 Attribute: Fire Weapon Level : 4 Required Level : 48 Job : Swordman Class Id: (1481) 제퓨로스 [3] 휘어진 창날이 번개를 연상시키는 창으로 베기와 찌르기가 동시에 가능한 창 풍속성 공격시 3레벨의 썬더스톰을 낮은확률로 시전. 타격시 적대상 일정확률로 침묵 계열 : 창 공격 : 170 무게 : 200 속성 : 풍 무기레벨 : 4 요구레벨 : 48 장착 : 검사계열 전용 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Spear Attack : 170 Weight : 200 Attribute: Wind Weapon Level : 4 Required Level : 48 Job : Swordman Class Id: (1528) 그랜드 크로스 신의 축복이 깃들었다고 알려진 성스러운 십자둔기로 적을 단죄하기보다는 속죄시키기 위해 만들어졌다 성속성 공격 시, 3레벨의 턴언데드를 낮은확률로 시전. 언데드 몬스터를 타격할 때마다 1의 SP를 회복 근접 물리 공격으로 언데드 몬스터를 죽일 시, 3의 SP 회복 계열 : 둔기 공격 : 140 무게 : 150 속성 : 성 무기레벨 : 4 요구레벨 : 40 장착 : 복사계열 전용 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Mace Attack : 140 Weight : 150 Attribute: Holy Weapon Level : 4 Required Level : 40 Job : Acolyte Class Id: (1540) 그랜드 크로스 [1] 신의 축복이 깃들었다고 알려진 성스러운 십자둔기로 적을 단죄하기보다는 속죄시키기 위해 만들어졌다 성속성 공격시 3레벨의 턴언데드를 낮은확률로 시전. 언데드 몬스터를 타격할 때마다 1의 SP를 회복 근접 물리 공격으로 언데드 몬스터를 죽일 시, 3의 SP 회복 계열 : 둔기 공격 : 140 무게 : 150 속성 : 성 무기레벨 : 4 요구레벨 : 40 장착 : 복사계열 전용 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Mace Attack : 140 Weight : 150 Attribute: Holy Weapon Level : 4 Required Level : 40 Job : Acolyte Class Id: (1557) 묵시록 세상 말세에 대한 두렵고도 끔찍한 이야기가 잠들어 있다고 하는 종말의 보고서격인 책 암속성 지, 수, 화, 풍속성의 몬스터에게 각각 7%의 데미지 추가 성속성 몬스터에게는 5%의 추가 데미지를 입음 계열 : 책 공격 : 120 무게 : 80 속성 : 암 무기레벨 : 4 요구레벨 : 40 장착 : 프리스트/세이지/권성 장착가능 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Book Attack : 120 Weight : 80 Attribute: Dark Weapon Level : 4 Required Level : 40 Job : Priest Class Sage Class Star Id: (1624) 리치의 해골지팡이 [2] 강력한 리치의 해골로 만들어진 지팡이. 지팡이에서 끊임없이 쏟아져 나오는 저주의 기운은 지팡이의 주인을 위협하는 모든 자에게 저주를 내린다고 한다. Matk + 170, Int +1, Dex + 1 물리 공격을 받았을 시, 낮은 확률로 화면 내 모든 적에게 저주를 건다. 제련도에 따라 저주를 걸 확률이 높아진다. 제련도가 9 이상일 때, 추가로 Matk + 3%, MSP + 300. 언데드 속성 계열 : 지팡이 공격 : 60 무게 : 80 속성 : 언데드 무기레벨 : 3 요구레벨 : 70 장착 : 전승 마법사/복사 계열 전용 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Staff Attack : 60 Weight : 80 Attribute: Undead Weapon Level : 3 Required Level : 70 Job : TranscendentMage Class TrascendentAcolyte Class Id: (1625) 치유의 지팡이 치유를 목적으로 축복받은 이그드라실 나뭇가지로 만들어진 지팡이. 지팡이에 고대어로 ‘무병장수기원’이라고 쓰여 있다. Matk + 105. 제련도에 따라 자신이 사용하는 힐, 생츄어리 스킬의 회복량이 증가한다. 성속성 계열 : 지팡이 공격 : 10 무게 : 40 속성 : 성 무기레벨 : 3 요구레벨 : 55 장착 : 복사 계열 전용 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Staff Attack : 10 Weight : 40 Attribute: Holy Weapon Level : 3 Required Level : 55 Job : Acolyte Class Id: (1638) 치유의 지팡이 타 계정과 거래가 불가능한 아이템 입니다. 임대아이템 치유를 목적으로 축복받은 이그드라실 나뭇가지로 만들어진 지팡이. 지팡이에 고대어로 ‘무병장수기원’이라고 쓰여 있다. Matk + 125 자신이 사용하는 힐, 생츄어리 스킬의 회복량이 15% 증가한다. 성속성 계열 : 지팡이 공격 : 10 무게 : 0 속성 : 성 무기레벨 : 3 요구레벨 : 1 장착 : 복사 계열 전용 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Staff Attack : 10 Weight : 0 Attribute: Holy Weapon Level : 3 Required Level : 1 Job : Acolyte Class Id: (1645) 리치의 해골지팡이 [2] 타 계정과 거래가 불가능한 아이템 입니다. 강력한 리치의 해골로 만들어진 지팡이. 지팡이에서 끊임없이 쏟아져 나오는 저주의 기운은 지팡이의 주인을 위협하는 모든 자에게 저주를 내린다고 한다. Matk + 20%, Int +1, Dex + 1 물리 공격을 받았을 시, 낮은 확률로 화면 내 모든 적에게 저주를 건다. 제련도에 따라 저주를 걸 확률이 높아진다. 제련도가 9 이상일 때, 추가로 Matk + 3%, MSP + 300. 언데드 속성 계열 : 지팡이 공격 : 60 무게 : 80 속성 : 언데드 무기레벨 : 3 요구레벨 : 70 장착 : 전승 마법사/복사 계열 전용 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Staff Attack : 60 Weight : 80 Attribute: Undead Weapon Level : 3 Required Level : 70 Job : TranscendentMage Class TrascendentAcolyte Class Id: (1647) 크로체 스태프 [1] 프론테라 성당의 문양을 붉게 장식해 만들어진 공식 고위 성직자용 지팡이. MATK + 175, INT +4. 성속성. 힐 사용 시 낮은 확률로 스스로에게 블레싱을 시전. (자신이 배운 레벨대로 발동) 계열 : 한손 지팡이 공격 : 30 무게 : 50 속성 : 성 무기 레벨 : 3 요구 레벨 : 50 장착 : 전승 복사계열 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Staff Attack : 30 Weight : 50 Attribute: Holy Weapon Level : 3 Required Level : 50 Job : TranscendentAcolyte Class Id: (1653) 힐링 스태프 타 계정과 거래가 불가능한 아이템 입니다. 임대아이템 치유를 목적으로 축복받은 이그드라실 나뭇가지로 만들어진 지팡이. 지팡이에 고대어로 ‘무병장수기원’이라고 쓰여 있다. Matk + 100. 자신이 사용하는 힐, 생츄어리 스킬의 회복량이 18% 증가한다. 성속성. 골드 PC방에서 사용 시 추가로, 힐 사용시 낮은 확률로 오토스펠 힐. 힐, 생츄어리 스킬의 회복력이 추가로 5% 증가한다. 골드PC방에서 장착 시 ATK + 10, MATK + 10. 계열 : 지팡이 공격 : 10 무게 : 0 속성 : 성 무기레벨 : 3 요구레벨 : 1 장착 : 복사 계열 전용 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Staff Attack : 10 Weight : 0 Attribute: Holy Weapon Level : 3 Required Level : 1 Job : Acolyte Class Id: (1813) 카이저너클 바람의 신의 가호를 받았다는 문장이 새겨진 아름다운 손톱 풍속성 언데드 몬스터에게 5%의 추가 데미지 지, 수, 화, 풍속성 몬스터에게 각각 10%의 추가 데미지 계열 : 손톱 공격 : 110 무게 : 45 속성 : 풍 무기레벨 : 4 요구레벨 : 36 장착 : 프리스트/몽크 장착가능 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Claw Attack : 110 Weight : 45 Attribute: Wind Weapon Level : 4 Required Level : 36 Job : Priest Class Monk Class Id: (1963) 랩쳐로즈 장미의 줄기를 본따 만들어진 채찍으로 중간중간 박혀있는 가시는 무척이나 아플 것 같아 보인다 독속성 타격시 50% 확률로 적 중독 계열 : 채찍 공격 : 115 무게 : 30 속성 : 독 무기레벨 : 4 요구레벨 : 44 장착 : 댄서 전용 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Whip Attack : 115 Weight : 30 Attribute: Poison Weapon Level : 4 Required Level : 44 Job : Dancer Class Id: (1972) 전기 뱀장어 [2] 강력한 전기 에너지를 내뿜는 생물로 만든 채찍. 미끈미끈 한 것이 기분나쁘다. Int+2, Agi+2 공격 시, 일정 확률로 유피텔 썬더 3레벨과 에로우 발칸 발동. 발동하는 에로우 발칸의 스킬 레벨은 제련도에 따라서 변경된다. (11레벨 이상 제련시는 10LV 로 발동된다) 풍속성 계열 : 채찍 공격 : 100 무게 : 200 속성 : 풍 무기레벨 : 4 요구레벨 : 70 장착 : 집시 전용 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Whip Attack : 100 Weight : 200 Attribute: Wind Weapon Level : 4 Required Level : 70 Job : Gypsy Class Id: (2001) 디바인 크로스 두 개의 지팡이로 분리되어 양손으로 드는 형태의 지팡이로, 교차시켜 십자가를 만들면 성스러운 힘이 충만해지는 것을 느낄 수 있다. Matk + 210. Dex + 4, 언데드, 악마형 몬스터로부터 받는 데미지 15% 감소. 성속성 스피리츄얼 링과 함께 착용시, Matk + 10%, Dex + 2, 언데드, 악마형 몬스터로부터 받는 데미지 10% 추가로 감소. 계열 : 지팡이 공격 : 120 무게 : 150 속성 : 성 무기레벨 : 4 요구레벨 : 70 장착 : 프리스트/몽크 전용 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Staff Attack : 120 Weight : 150 Attribute: Holy Weapon Level : 4 Required Level : 70 Job : Priest Class Monk Class Id: (2005) 스태프 오브 데아 [1] 성스러운 빛의 여신의 모습이 조각되어 있는 기다린란 지팡이. MATK + 220, INT +6, VIT +2. 성속성. 힐 사용 시 낮은 확률로 MSP를 200회복. 제련도 +2당 MATK + 1%씩 증가. 계열 : 양손 지팡이 공격 : 30 무게 : 100 속성 : 성 무기 레벨 : 3 요구 레벨 : 50 장착 : 전승 복사계열 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : TwoHandedStaff Attack : 30 Weight : 100 Attribute: Holy Weapon Level : 3 Required Level : 50 Job : TranscendentAcolyte Class Id: (28101) 토네이도 액스 [1] 도끼 날이 마치 회오리바람과 같은 모양으로 생겨 붙여진 이름이다. 풍속성. 액스 토네이도 재사용 대기시간 1초 감소. 계열 : 도끼 공격 : 320 무게 : 400 속성 : 풍 무기레벨 : 4 요구레벨 : 100 장착 : 3차 검사, 상인계열 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Axe Attack : 320 Weight : 400 Attribute: Wind Weapon Level : 4 Required Level : 100 Files Spoiler Alert: data\itemmoveinfov5.txt data\questid2display.txt data\sprite\아이템\고급윤활제_.act data\sprite\아이템\고급윤활제_.spr data\sprite\아이템\일반윤활제_.act data\sprite\아이템\일반윤활제_.spr data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\고급윤활제_.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\일반윤활제_.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\고급윤활제_.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\일반윤활제_.bmp Patchup_RE.exe RagexeRE.exe System\itemInfo_Sak.lub
  11. Added Item Spoiler Alert: Id: (1660) Cajado da Afeição Fortalecido [1] Poderoso cajado criado para simbolizar a preocupação com o próximo. ATQM +180. INT +4. Efetividade de cura +20%. Conjunto da Afeição: Efetividade de cura +45%. Consumo de SP de [Curar] +50. Chance de autoconjurar [Silentium] nv. 1 ao receber ataques físicos. Tempo de recarga de [Sacramentum], [Lauda Agnus] e [Lauda Ramus] -3 segundos. Tipo: Cajado Ataque: 30 Peso: 50 Elemento: Sagrado Nível da Arma: 4 Nível Necessário: 130 Classes: Arcebispo Id: (2011) Cajado do Açoite de Ouro Fortalecido [1] Poderoso cajado feito em ouro com um açoite amarrado em seu bastão. Emana o poder do vento. ATQM +270. INT +5. Dano de [Trovão de Júpiter] +30%. Conjunto do Açoite de Ouro: Dano das magias de Vento +60%. Dano das magias de Terra -60%. Resistência ao elemento Terra -50%. Tipo: Cajado de Duas Mãos Ataque: 30 Peso: 90 Elemento: Vento Nível da Arma: 4 Nível Necessário: 130 Classes: Arcano Id: (2012) Cajado Aquático Fortalecido [1] Poderoso cajado encantado com o poder da água. ATQM +270. INT +5. Dano de [Lanças de Gelo] e [Rajada Congelante] +30%. Conjunto Aquático: Dano das magias de Água +60%. Dano das magias de Vento -60%. Resistência ao elemento Vento -50%. Tipo: Cajado de Duas Mãos Ataque: 30 Peso: 90 Elemento: Água Nível da Arma: 4 Nível Necessário: 130 Classes: Arcano Id: (2013) Cajado Vermelho Fortalecido [1] Poderoso cajado que inflama o poder do fogo. ATQM +270. INT +5. Dano de [Lanças de Fogo] e [Bolas de Fogo] +30%. Conjunto Vermelho: Dano das magias de Fogo +60%. Dano das magias de Água -60%. Resistência ao elemento Água -50%. Tipo: Cajado de Duas Mãos Ataque: 30 Peso: 90 Elemento: Fogo Nível da Arma: 4 Nível Necessário: 130 Classes: Arcano Id: (2014) Cajado Florestal Fortalecido [1] Poderoso cajado inspirado na essência da terra. ATQM +270. INT +5. Dano de [Coluna de Pedra] e [Fúria da Terra] +30%. Conjunto Florestal: Dano das magias de Terra +60%. Dano das magias de Fogo -60%. Resistência ao elemento Fogo -50%. Tipo: Cajado de Duas Mãos Ataque: 30 Peso: 90 Elemento: Terra Nível da Arma: 4 Nível Necessário: 130 Classes: Arcano Id: (16018) Maça do Julgamento Fortalecido [1] Poderosa maça para o dia do Juízo Final, onde todos serão julgados. ATQM +180. FOR +2. INT +2. Chance de ativar +40% de dano contra Demônios por 7 segundos em ataques físicos ou mágicos. Conjunto do Julgamento: Dano físico e mágico contra mortos-vivos +30%. Dano de [Adoramus] +200% Custo de SP de [Adoramus] +30. Tempo de conjuração variável de [Magnus Exorcismus], [Esconjurar], [Adoramus], [Judex] e [Luz Divina] -50%. Tipo: Maça Ataque: 170 Peso: 120 Elemento: Sagrado Nível da Arma: 4 Nível Necessário: 130 Classes: Arcebispo Id: (20217) Véu das Mil e Uma Noites Este véu pertencia à Odalisca Cheirazedo, que adorava contar as histórias das Mil e uma Noites. Histórias essas estreladas por Aladino e seus amigos: o riquinho bastardo Alibabão e a ex-escrava Morgiovana, acompanhados também pelo gênio Ugh. Tipo: Visual Defesa: 0 Equipa em: Topo e Baixo Peso: 0 Nível Necessário: 1 Classes: Todas Changed Item Spoiler Alert: Id: (1657) Cajado da Afeição [2] Um cCajado que irradia a preocupação com o Bem-estar alheio. Adiciona 10% de bônus na Cura. criado para simbolizar a preocupação com o próximo. [/b]ATQM + 160,. INT + 2. Se usado em conjunto com a Túnica, Sapatos e Xale da Afeição aumenta o bônus[/color] Efetividade de cura +10%. Conjunto da Afeição: Efetividade de Ccura em 25% e o c+25%. Consumo de SP de [Cura em r] +20. Diminui em 2 segundos o tempo de conjuraçãoTempo de recarga de [Sacramentum], [Lauda Agnus] e [Lauda Ramus] -2 segundos. Tipo : Cajado Ataque : 30 Peso : 50 Nível da Arma : 3 Nível Necessário : 100 Classe: Arcebispo Id: (2007) Cajado do Açoite de Ouro [2] Um cCajado mágico cfeito em ouro com um açoite amarregado com o poder rodopiante do vento. Aumenta em 12% a eficiênciaem seu bastão. Emana o poder do vento. ATQM +230. INT +3. Dano[/b] de [Trovão de Júpiter. INT + 3, ATQM + 230. Quando você se equipa com o conjunto completo de itens do Açoite de Ouro (o cajado, o manto, os sapatos e o orbe), a eficiência de todos os feitiços do vento aumenta em 40%, a eficiência de todos os feitiços da terra diminui em 30% e a resistência a ataques de terra diminui em ] +12%.[/color] Conjunto do Açoite de Ouro: Dano das magias de Vento +40%. Dano das magias de Terra -30%. Resistência ao elemento Terra -50%. Tipo: Cajado de Duas Mãos Ataque: 30 Peso: 90 Propriedade: Vento Nível da Arma: 4 Nível Necessário: 100 Classe: Arcano Id: (2008) Cajado Aquático [2] Um cCajado mágico carregencantado com o poder congelante da água. Aumenta em 10% a eficiênciada água. ATQM +230. INT +3. Dano[/b] de [Lanças de Gelo] e [Rajada Congelante. INT + 3, ATQM + 230. Quando você se equipa com o conjunto completo de itens Aquáticos (o cajado, o manto, os sapatos e o orbe), a eficiência de todos os feitiços da água aumenta em 40%, a eficiência de todos os feitiços do vento diminui em 30% e a resistência a ataques de vento diminui em ] +10%.[/color] Conjunto Aquático: Dano das magias de Água +40%. Dano das magias de Vento -30%. Resistência ao elemento Vento -50%. Tipo: Cajado de Duas Mãos A Ataque: 30 Peso: 90 Propriedade: Água Nível da Arma: 4 Nível Necessário: 100 Classe: Arcano Id: (2009) Cajado Vermelho [2] Um cCajado mágico carregado com o poder incinerante do fogo. Aumenta em 10% a eficiênciaque inflama o poder do fogo. ATQM +230. INT +3. Dano[/b] de [Lanças de Fogo] e [Bolas de Fogo. INT + 3, ATQM + 230. Quando você se equipa com o conjunto completo de itens Vermelhos (o cajado, o manto, os sapatos e o orbe), a eficiênc] +10%.[/color] Conjunto Vermelho: Dano das magias de todos os feitiços do fogo aumenta em 40%, a eficiência de todos os feitiços da água diminui em 30% e a resistência a ataques de água diminui em Fogo +40%. Dano das magias de Água -30%. Resistência ao elemento Água -50%. Tipo: Cajado de Duas Mãos Ataque: 30 Peso: 90 Propriedade: Fogo Nível da Arma: 4 Nível Necessário: 100 Classe: Arcano Id: (2010) Cajado Florestal [2] Um cCajado mágico carregado com o poder maciço da terra. Aumenta em 10% a eficiênciainspirado na essência da terra. ATQM +230. INT +3. Dano[/b] de [Coluna de Pedra] e [Fúria da Terra. INT + 3, ATQM + 230. Quando você se equipa com o conjunto completo de itens Florestais (o cajado, o manto, os sapatos e o orbe), a eficiênc] +10%.[/color] Conjunto Florestal: Dano das magias de todos os feitiços da terra aumenta em 40%, a eficiência de todos os feitiços do fogo diminui em 30% e a resistência a ataques de fogo diminui em Terra +40%. Dano das magias de Fogo -30%. Resistência ao elemento Fogo -50%. Tipo: Cajado de Duas Mãos Ataque: 30 Peso: 90 Propriedade: Terra Nível da Arma: 4 Nível Necessário: 100 Classe: Arcano Id: (2467) Sapatos do Açoite de Ouro Um par de botas douradas de cano alto imbuídas comSapatos feitos em ouro com um açoite amarrado no fundo. Emana o poder do vento. [/b]DEFM + 2, HP mMáximo. + 500. Aumenta em 15% a resistência a ataques de vento.[/color] Resistência ao elemento Vento +15%. Tipo: Calçado Defesa: 12 Peso: 50 Nível Necessário: 100 Classe: Arcano Id: (2468) Sapatos Aquáticos Um par de botas azuis de cano alto imbuídaSapatos encantados com o poder da água. [/b]DEFM + 2, HP mMáximo. + 500. Aumenta em 15% a resistência a ataques de água.[/color] Resistência ao elemento Água +15%. Tipo: Calçado Defesa: 12 Peso: 50 Nível Necessário: 100 Classe: Arcano Id: (2469) Sapatos Vermelhos Um par de botas vermelhas de cano alto imbuídas coSapatos que inflamam o poder do fogo. [/b]DEFM + 2, HP mMáximo. + 500. Aumenta em 15% a resistência a ataques de fogo.[/color] Resistência ao elemento Fogo +15%. Tipo: Calçado Defesa: 12 Peso: 50 Nível Necessário: 100 Classe: Arcano Id: (2470) Sapatos Florestais Um par de botas turquesa de cano alto imbuídas com o poderSapatos inspirados na essência da terra. [/b]DEFM + 2, HP mMáximo. + 500. Aumenta em 15% a resistência a ataques de terra.[/color] Resistência ao elemento Terra +15%. Tipo: Calçado Defesa: 12 Peso: 50 Nível Necessário: 100 Classe: Arcano Id: (2471) Sapatos da Afeição Aumenta a tolerância contra Humanoides em 10% Diminui a tolerâSapatos criados para simbolizar a preocupação com o próximo. HP Máx. +500. Resistência contra Humanoides +10%. Resistê[/b]ncia contra todas as outras raças em 10% HP Máximo +5-10%.[/color][color=#0000[/]b][/color]00 Tipo : [/color]Sapato Defesa: 12 Peso : 30 Nível Necessário : 100 Classe: Arcebispo Id: (2472) Sapatos do Julgamento Aumenta o dSapatos para o dia do Juízo Final, onde todos serão julgados. SP Máx. +150. D[/b]ano de [Judex em 30%. Aumenta o consum] +30%.[/color] Cust[/b]o de SP de [Judex em 40. SP Máximo +15] +50.[/color][color=#00000[]/b][/color]0 Tipo : [/color]Calçados Defesa: 12 Peso : 30 Nível Necessário : 100 Classe: Arcebispo Id: (2475) Grevas de Ur [1] Grevas criadas ao purificar uma Runa Ur. [/b]SP Máximo. + 40. HP Máximo -7%. Aumenta o HP Máximo em 1% a cada[/color] HP +1% por[/b] refinamento acima do +8.[/color] Tipo : Calçado Defesa : 32 Peso : 90 Nível Necessário : 100 Classe : Cavaleiro Rúnico Id: (2476) Grevas de Peuz [1] Grevas criadas ao purificar uma Runa Peuz. [/b]SP Máximo. + 40. AGI -7. Aumenta [/color] [/b]AGI em +1 a cadra refinamento acima do +8.[/color] Tipo : Calçado Defesa : 32 Peso : 90 Nível Necessário : 100 Classe : Cavaleiro Rúnico Id: (2477) Botas dos Manuks [1] Botas que parecem viser do mundo das trevas. Novo Mundo. [/b]SOR + 3,3. SP Máximo. + 30.[/color] Tipo : Calçado Defesa : 18 Peso : 40 Nível Necessário : 100 Classe : Sicário Id: (2478) Botas de Nab [1] Botas que pertenceu a um assassino lendário. de um lendário assassino. [/b]Esquiva + 3,3. INT + 2.[/color] Tipo : Calçado Defesa : 18 Peso : 40 Nível Necessário : 100 Classe : Sicário Id: (2479) Sapatos das Asas da Luz [1] Botas do incrível arqueiro conheciSapatos decorados como Ícaro. plumas brancas. [/b]AGI + 2. Reduz o c[/color] C[/b]onsumo de SP da habilidade [Disparo Certeiro em 10.] -10.[/color] Tipo : Calçado Defesa : 18 Peso : 40 Nível Necessário : 100 Classe : Sentinela Id: (2480) Sapatos das Asas das Sombras [1] Botas que ajuda a manter a mente limpa e focada. INT + 2, Sapatos decorados com plumas pretas. INT +2. [/b]SP Máximo. + 5%.[/color] Tipo : Calçado Defesa : 18 Peso : 40 Nível Necessário : 100 Classe : Sentinela Id: (2569) Xale da Afeição Manto criado para simbolizar a preocupação com o próximo. [/b]Esquiva Perfeita +5 Tem a c.[/color] C[/b]hance de autoconjurar [Renovatio] nv. 1 ao receber ataquedanos físicos e mágicos.[/color] Tipo : Capa Defesa: 12 Peso : 30 Nível Necessário : 100 Classe: Arcebispo Id: (2570) Xale do Julgamento Xale para o dia do Juízo Final, onde todos serão julgados. [/b]Esquiva +5 Tem a c[/color]C[/b]hance de autoconjurar [Oratio] nv. 2 enquanto ataca fisica ou magicamente. Se o usuário souber um nível maior da habilidade, o nível aprendido será ativado.ou no maior nível aprendido ao receber danos físicos ou mágicos.[/color] Tipo : Capa Defesa: 12 Peso : 30 Nível Necessário : 100 Classe: Arcebispo Id: (2574) Manteau de Ur Um manto criado ao purificar uma Runa Ur. [/b]HP Máximo. + 2%. Reduz danos recebidos da propriedade Neutra em 10%.[/color] Resistência a Neutro +10%. Tipo : Capa Defesa : 20 Peso : 60 Nível Necessário : 100 Classe : Cavaleiro Rúnico Id: (2577) Capuz dos Manuks Capuz que parece viser do mundo das trevas. Novo Mundo [/b]Esquiva + 12, Aumenta em 1% o dano crítico por nível de refino..[/color] Dano crítico +1% por refinamento. Tipo : Capa Defesa : 13 Peso : 10 Nível Necessário : 100 Classe : Sicário Id: (2578) Capuz de Nab Capuz que pertenceu a um assassino lendário. Aumenta Esquiva e Ataque por nível de refino x2.de um lendário assassino. Esquiva e ATQ +2 a cada refinamento. Tipo : Capa Defesa : 13 Peso : 10 Nível Necessário : 100 Classe : Sicário Id: (2580) Sobrepeliz das Asas da Luz Manto do incrível arqueiro conhecido como Ícaro. ecorado com plumas brancas. [/b]AGI + 2,2. Esquiva + 10, C.[/color] Ao atacar fisicamente a distância, c[/b]hance de ativar Esquiva +20 por 7 segundos ao atacar fisicamente..[/color] Tipo : Capa Defesa : 15 Peso : 20 Nível Necessário : 100 Classe : Sentinela Id: (2581) Sobrepeliz das Asas das Sombras Manto que ajuda a manter a mente limpa e focada. decorado com plumas pretas. [/b]INT + 2. Adiciona [/color] [/b]Esquiva Perfeita +1 para cadaor refinamento acima do +6.[/color] Tipo : Capa Defesa : 15 Peso : 20 Nível Necessário : 100 Classe : Sentinela Id: (2859) Orbe do Açoite de Ouro Uma bola de cristal dourada imbuída comOrbe feita em ouro com um açoite amarrado ao seu redor. Emana o poder do vento. [/b]INT + 1, DEFM + 2. Aumenta em 15% a resistência a ataques de vento. Quando o usuário sofre ataques físicos/mágicos, existe a chance de lanç[/color] Resistência ao elemento Vento +15%. Chance de autoconjur[/b]ar [Trovão de Júpiter N] nv. 3. ao receber danos físicos ou mágicos.[/color] Tipo: Acessório Defesa: 2 Peso: 20 Nível Necessário: 100 Classe: Arcano Id: (2860) Orbe Aquática Uma bola de cristal azul imbuíOrbe encantada com o poder da água. [/b]INT + 1, DEFM + 2. Aumenta em 15% a resistência a ataques de água. Quando o usuário sofre ataque[/color] Resistência ao elemento Água +15%. Chance de autoconjurar [Congelar] nv. 3 ao receber danos físicos/ ou mágicos, existe a chance de lançar Congelar Nv. 3..[/color] Tipo: Acessório Defesa: 2 Peso: 20 Nível Necessário: 100 Classe: Arcano Id: (2861) Orbe Vermelha Uma bola de cristal ensanguentada imbuída comOrbe que inflama o poder do fogo. [/b]INT + 1, DEFM + 2. Aumenta em 15% a resistência a ataques de fogo. Quando o usuário sofre ataque[/color] Resistência ao elemento Fogo +15%. Chance de autoconjurar [Supernova] nv. 3 ao receber dano[/b]s físicos/ ou mágicos, existe a chance de lançar Supernova Nv. 3..[/color] Tipo: Acessório Defesa: 2 Peso: 20 Nível Necessário: 100 Classe: Arcano Id: (2862) Orbe Florestal Uma bola de cristal verde imbuída com o poderOrbe inspirada na essência da terra. [/b]INT + 1, DEFM + 2. Aumenta em 15% a resistência a ataques de terra. Quando o usuário sofre ataques físicos/mágicos, existe a chance de lanç[/color] Resistência ao elemento Terra +15%. Chance de autoconjur[/b]ar [Pântano dos Mortos N] nv. 3. ao receber danos físicos ou mágicos.[/color] Tipo: Acessório Defesa: 2 Peso: 20 Nível Necessário: 100 Classe: Arcano Id: (2883) Selo de Ur [1] Selo criado ao purificar uma Runa Ur. [/b]HP Máximo. + 2%, Reduz o consumo de SP das habilidades .[/color] Consumo de SP de [[/b]Perfurar em Espiral] e [Lança das Mil Pontas em 5.] -5.[/color] Tipo : Acessório Defesa : 4 Peso : 20 Nível Necessário : 100 Classe : Cavaleiro Rúnico Id: (2884) Selo de Peuz [1] Selo criado ao purificar uma Runa Peuz. [/b]ATQ + 20,. SP Máximo. + 20.[/color] Tipo : Acessório Defesa : 3 Peso : 20 Nível Necessário : 100 Classe : Cavaleiro Rúnico Id: (2886) Anel dos Manuks Anel que parece viser do mundo das trevas. Crítico +3. Reduz o cNovo Mundo. CRIT +3. C[/b]onsumo de SP da habilidade [Passo Sombrio em 5.] -5.[/color] Tipo : Acessório Defesa : 0 Peso : 10 Nível Necessário : 100 Classe : Sicário Id: (2887) Anel de Nab Anel que pertenceu a um assassino lendário. de um lendário assassino. [/b]ATQ + 10,. ATQM + 20.[/color] Tipo : Acessório Defesa : 0 Peso : 10 Nível Necessário : 100 Classe : Sicário Id: (2890) Broche das Asas da Luz Broche do incrível arqueiro conhecido como Ícaro. ecorado com plumas brancas. [/b]DES + 2. Ataque[/color] Dano[/b] a Ddistância +3%.[/color] Tipo : Acessório Defesa : 0 Peso : 10 Nível Necessário : 100 Classe : Sentinela Id: (2891) Broche das Asas das Sombras Broche que ajuda a manter a mente limpa e focada. INT + 2, decorado com plumas pretas. INT +2. [/b]Esquiva Perfeita +3.[/color] Tipo : Acessório Defesa : 0 Peso : 10 Nível Necessário : 100 Classe : Sentinela Id: (4760) Pedra da Conjuração 1 ATQM +2%, Diminui t. Tempo de conjuração fixa em o -1%. Id: (4766) ATQ+2% ATQ +2% Id: (4767) ATQ+3% ATQ +3% Id: (4786) DEFM +2 DEFM + 2 Id: (4787) DEFM +4 DEFM + 4 Id: (4788) DEFM +6 DEFM + 6 Id: (4789) DEFM +8 DEFM + 8 Id: (4790) DEFM + 10 DEFM + 10 Id: (4791) DEF +3 DEF + 3 Id: (4792) DEF +6 DEF + 6 Id: (4793) DEF +9 DEF + 9 Id: (4794) DEF + 12 DEF + 12 Id: (4795) HP + 100 HP + 100 Id: (4796) HP + 200 HP +200 Id: (4797) HP + 300 HP +300 Id: (4798) HP + 400 HP + 400 Id: (4799) HP + 500 HP + 500 Id: (4806) Pedra da Conjuração 3 ATQM +3%, Diminui t. Tempo de conjuração Ffixa em o -1%. Id: (4812) Pedra de Encantamento 4 ATQM +15, Diminui t. Tempo de conjuração em variável -10%. Id: (4813) Pedra de Encantamento 3 ATQM + 12, Diminui. Tempo de Cconjuração em variável -8%. Id: (4814) Pedra de Encantamento 2 ATQM + 9, Diminui9. Tempo de Cconjuração em variável -6%. Id: (4815) Pedra de Encantamento 1 ATQM+ 6, Diminui +6. Tempo de Cconjuração em variável -4%. Id: (4825) Espírito do Lutador 10 ATQ + 50, PrecisãoHIT + 15. Id: (4826) Pedra de Encantamento 5 ATQM +18, Diminui t. Tempo de conjuração em variável -10%. Id: (4827) Pedra de Encantamento 6 ATQM +21, Diminui. Tempo de Cconjuração em variável -10%. Id: (4828) Pedra de Encantamento 7 ATQM + 24. Diminui tTempo de conjuração em variável -10%. Id: (4829) Pedra de Encantamento 8 ATQM + 27. Diminui tTempo de conjuração em variável -10%. Id: (4830) Pedra de Encantamento 9 4825#ATQM + 50, HIT + 1530. Tempo de conjuração variável -10%. Id: (4831) Pedra de Encantamento 10 ATQM +50, Diminui. Tempo de Cconjuração em variável -20%. Id: (4853) Super Força FOR +1 para Asas sem refinamento. FOR +3 para Asas Refinadas em. Se o refino for +8, FOR +3. Se o refino for[/b] +89, ATQ +1% para Asas Refinadas em +9. Redução do tempo de conjuração em 7% e +1 de Velocidade de Ataque para Asas refinadas em +12.[/color] Se o refino for +12, VelAtq +1 e Conjuração Fixa -7%. Id: (4854) Super Agilidade AGI +1 para Asas sem refinamento. AGI +3 para Asas Refinadas em. Se o refino for +8, AGI +3. Se o refino for[/b] +89, ATQ +1% para Asas Refinadas em +9. Redução do tempo de conjuração em 7% e +1 de Velocidade de Ataque para Asas refinadas em +12.[/color] Se o refino for +12, VelAtq +1 e Conjuração Fixa -7%. Id: (4855) Super Vitalidade VIT +1 para Asas sem refinamento. VIT +3 para Asas Refinadas em. Se o refino for +8, VIT +3. Se o refino for[/b] +89, SP +1% para Asas Refinadas em +9. Redução do tempo de conjuração em 7% e +1 de Velocidade de Ataque para Asas refinadas em +12.[/color] Se o refino for +12, VelAtq +1 e Conjuração Fixa -7%. Id: (4856) Super Inteligência INT +1 para Asas sem refinamento. INT +3 para Asas Refinadas em. Se o refino for +8, INT +3. Se o refino for[/b] +89, ATQM +1% para Asas Refinadas em +9. Redução do tempo de conjuração em 7% e +1 de Velocidade de Ataque para Asas refinadas em +12.[/color] Se o refino for +12, VelAtq +1 e Conjuração Fixa -7%. Id: (4857) Super Destreza DES +1 para Asas sem refinamento. DES +3 para Asas Refinadas em. Se o refino for +8, DES +3. Se o refino for[/b] +89, ATQM +1% para Asas Refinadas em +9. Redução do tempo de conjuração em 7% e +1 de Velocidade de Ataque para Asas refinadas em +12.[/color] Se o refino for +12, VelAtq +1 e Conjuração Fixa -7%. Id: (4858) Super Sorte SOR +1 para Asas sem refinamento. SOR +3 para Asas Refinadas em. Se o refino for +8, SOR +3. Se o refino for[/b] +89, HP Máx. +1% para Asas Refinadas em +9. Redução do tempo de conjuração em 7% e +1 de Velocidade de Ataque para Asas refinadas em +12.[/color] Se o refino for +12, VelAtq +1 e Conjuração Fixa -7%. Id: (4869) Anti-Atraso 1 Diminui 4% o tempo entrVelocidade de ataques +4%. Id: (4872) Anti-Atraso 2 Diminui 6% o tempo entrVelocidade de ataques +6%. Id: (4873) Anti-Atraso 3 Diminui 8% o tempo entrVelocidade de ataques +8%. Id: (4881) Anti-Atraso 4 Diminui 10% o tempo entrVelocidade de ataques +10%. Id: (5782) Elmo Espartano [1] Um elmo utilizado pelos soldados de Esparta, guerreiros famosos por serem capazes de lutar em qualquer tipo de ambiente. Aqueles que usam as armas típicas de Esparta dizem que a aerodinâmica deste elmo ajuda a manusear estes armamentos. Ou talvez, haja um pouco de espírito espartano nele. MHPM + 3%. Adiciona 3% de Dano Físico quando equipado com Pique. Adiciona 3% de Dano Físico quando equipado com Gladius. Adiciona DEF +2 e 5% de resistência a Ataques Físicos de todos os tipos quando equipado com Escudo Colossal. Tipo : Equipamento para Cabeça Defesa: 4 Equipa em : Topo, Meio, Baixo Peso : 70 Classe : Todas Id: (7608) Ticket dos Gatos Um Ticket criado pelo Prefeito Thomas, Ex-almirante de uma embarcação da Corporação da Pata de Gato. Trocando-o no NPC de Promoções Especiais (Prontera, coordenadas 141, 226), você tem a chance de conseguir Frutas dos Gatos ou Ira do Deus do Mar. ATENÇÃO: este Ticket será removido durante a manutenção do dia 230/08/16. O item obtido na troca com a NPC é aleatório! Boa sorte! Peso: 1 Id: (13990) Cx Man. Combate de Classe[10] Uma caixa contendo 10 Manual de Batalha de Classe. Manual de Combate - Aumenta a EXP de Classe ganha ao se derrotar monstros em +50% pelo período de 30 minutos. Não é cumulativo com outros itens de experiência e serviços como VIP. Peso: 1 Negociação: O item não pode ser derrubado e negociado, mas pode ser colocado na Kafra Peso: 1 Id: (15025) Manto do Açoite de Ouro Um mManto dourado enfeitado imbuído comfeito em ouro com um açoite amarrado em seu tecido. Emana o poder do vento. [/b]INT + 1,1. DEFM + 10. Reduz em 3 segundos o t[/color] Se a INT for 120 ou maior, INT +1. Tempo de conjuração variável de [Ira de Thor. INT + 1 quando a Inteligência base for igual a 120 ou mais.] -3 segundos.[/color] Tipo: Armadura Defesa: 40 Peso: 50 Propriedade: Vento Nível Necessário: 100 Classe: Arcano Id: (15026) Manto Aquático Um manto azul elegante imbuídoVestimenta encantada com o poder da água. [/b]INT + 1,1. DEFM + 10. Reduz em 3 segundos o t[/color] Se a INT for 120 ou maior, INT +1. Tempo de conjuração variável de [Nevasca. INT + 1 quando a Inteligência base for igual a 120 ou mais.] -3 segundos.[/color] Tipo: Armadura Defesa: 40 Peso: 50 Propriedade: Água Nível Necessário: 100 Classe: Arcano Id: (15027) Manto Vermelho Um manto vermelho elaborado imbuído comVestimenta que inflama o poder do fogo. [/b]INT + 1,1. DEFM + 10. Reduz em 3 segundos o t[/color] Se a INT for 120 ou maior, INT +1. T[/b]empo de conjuração variável de [Chuva de Meteoros. INT + 1 quando a Inteligência base for igual a 120 ou mais.] -3 segundos.[/color] Tipo: Armadura Defesa: 40 Peso: 50 Propriedade: Fogo Nível Necessário: 100 Classe: Arcano Id: (15028) Manto Florestal Um manto turquesa simples imbuído com o poderVestimenta inspirada na essência da terra. [/b]INT + 1,1. DEFM + 10. Reduz em 1 segundo o t[/color] Se a INT for 120 ou maior, INT +1. T[/b]empo de conjuração variável de [Fúria da Terra. INT + 1 quando a Inteligência base for igual a 120 ou mais.] -1 segundo.[/color] Tipo: Armadura Defesa: 40 Peso: 50 Propriedade: Terra Nível Necessário: 100 Classe: Arcano Id: (15029) Túnica da Afeição Túnica criada para simbolizar a preocupação com o próximo. Abençoa o usuário com a propriedade Sagrada. Diminui o cINT +1. DEFM +10. C[/b]onsumo de SP de [Clementia em 50 INT +1, DEFM +1] -50.[/color][color=#00000[]/b][/color]0 Tipo : [/color]MaVestimentoa Defesa: 22 Peso : 30 Nível Necessário : 100 Classe: Arcebispo Id: (15030) Túnica do Julgamento Túnica para o dia do Juízo Final, onde todos serão julgados. Abençoa o usuário com a propriedade sSombria. Aumenta a tolerância contra Demônio em 10% Diminui a tolerâFOR +1, INT +1, DEFM +10. Resistência contra Demônios +10%. Resistê[/b]ncia contra todas as outras raças em 10% FOR +1, INT +1, DEFM+1-10%.[/color][color=#00000[]/b][/color]0 Tipo : [/color]Vestimenta Defesa: 22 Peso : 30 Nível Necessário : 100 Classe: Arcebispo Id: (15036) Armadura de Ur Armadura criada ao purificar uma Runa Ur. [/b]DEFM + 10. Aumenta o HP Máximo de acordo com o refinamento. Reduz o dano recebido de[/color] HP +1% por refino. Resistência a[/b] Humanóoides e Elemento Neutro em 5%. Se usado em conjunto com as Grevas de Ur, Manteau de Ur e o Selo de Ur:Neutro +5%.[/color] Conjunto de Ur: HP Máximo. +14%, Aumenta o c. Consumo de SP em +10%. Reduz danos recebidos da propriedade Resistência a Neutra em o +10%. Aumenta o dano da habilidaDano de [Lança das Mil Pontas em 50%, habilita a habilidade de Templário ] +50%. Habilita [Bloqueio] nívelv. 1. Tipo : Armadura Defesa : 110 Peso : 300 Nível Necessário : 100 Classe : Cavaleiro Rúnico Id: (15037) Armadura de Peuz Armadura criada ao purificar uma Runa Peuz. [/b]DEFM + 10. ATQ + 20,. Esquiva + 17. Se usado em conjunto com as Grevas de Peuz, Manteau de Peuz e o Selo de Peuz: Aumenta o dano em Monstros de todos os tamanhos em [/color] Conjunto de Peuz: ATQ +10%. Consumo de SP das habilidades +10%. Aumenta o dano da habilidaDano de [Vento Cortante ] e [Onda de Choque em ] +100%. Chance de ativar a habilidade Explosão Rúnica e Dedicação, e adicionar Velocidade de Ataque +2 ao atacar fisicamente. Aumenta o consumo de SP em 10utoconjurar [Explosão Rúnica] ao atacar fisicamente. Velocidade de Ataque +2 por 10 segundos ao usar [Dedicação]. Tipo : Armadura Defesa : 110 Peso : 300 Nível Necessário : 100 Classe : Cavaleiro Rúnico Id: (15038) Vestimenta dos Manuks [1] Vestimenta que parece viser do mundo das trevas. Novo Mundo. [/b]SOR + 3. [/color] [/b]Chance de autoconjurar [Impacto Meteoro] no nível aprendido ao atacar fisicamente. Se usado em conjunto com o Capuz dos Manuks, Botas dos Manuks e Anel[/color] Conjunto[/b] dos Manuks:[/color] Esquiva +10,. Crítico +15. Aumenta o Ataque CRIT +15. Dano crítico em +40%. Aumenta o dano da habilidaDano de [Lâminas Retalhadoras em ] +20%. Aumenta em 10% o cConsumo de SP +10%. Tipo : Armadura Defesa : 45 Peso : 10 Nível Necessário : 100 Classe : Sicário Id: (15039) Vestimenta de Nab [1] Vestimenta que pertenceu a um assassino lendário. de um lendário assassino. [/b]FOR + 2,2. INT + 2. Se usado em conjunto com as Botas de Nab, Capuz de Nab e Anel de Nab,[/color] Conjunto de Nab: ATQ e ATQM +10%. CRIT -20. Sea FOR for 120 ou maior, ATQ +30. Chance de autoconjurar [Destruidor de Almas] no nível aprendido ao atacar fisicamente. Se For base for 120, ATQ +30. Aumento o dano em monstros de todos os tamanhos em 10%. Crítico - 20. Tipo : Armadura Defesa : 45 Peso : 10 Nível Necessário : 100 Classe : Sicário Id: (15042) Malha das Asas da Luz [1] Malha do incrível arqueiro conhecido como Ícaro. Aumenta o dano a distância em 2x o nível de refino. Aumenta Esquiva +1 por refinamento. Se usado em conjunto com as Sapatos das Asas da Luz, Sobrepeliz das Asas da Luz e Broche das Asas da Luz: Velocidade de Ataque +2, aumenta o dVestimenta decorada com plumas brancas. Dano a distância +2% por refino. Esquiva +1 por refino. Conjunto da Luz: Velocidade de Ataque +2. Dano a distância +50%. Dano da e [Tempestade de Flechas em ] +50%. Aumenta o dano a distância em 30Consumo de SP +10%. Chance de autoconjurar [Rajada de Flechas quando atacar com Arco] no nível aprendido ao atacar fisicamente em longas distâncias. Tipo : Armadura Defesa : 45 Peso : 10 Nível Necessário : 100 Classe : Sentinela Id: (15043) Malha das Asas das Sombras [1] Malha que ajuda a manter a mente limpa e focada. INT + 2, Aumenta ATQ em 3x o nível de refino. Se usado em conjunto com as Sapatos das Asas das Sombras, Sobrepeliz das Asas das Sombras e Broche das Asasdecorada com plumas pretas. INT +2. ATQ +3 a cada refino. Conjunto[/b] das Sombras:[/color] HP Máximo. +15%, . Esquiva Perfeita +20. Aumenta o d Dano da e [Bomba Relógio em ] +20%. Reduz em 30% o dano, exceto com armadilhas e Dano a distância -30%. Velocidade de Ataque - 7. Tipo : Armadura Defesa : 45 Peso : 10 Nível Necessário : 100 Classe : Sentinela Id: (16013) Maça do Julgamento [2] Uma maça que acerta como julgamento para expulsar o mal. Ataques físicos ou mágicos tem chance de aumentar oATQM +170. FOR +1. INT +1. Chance de ativar +20% de[/b] dano em mconstros do tipo Dêmonio em 20% por 7 segundos. ATQM + 170, FOR + 1, INT + 1. Se usado em conjunto com Túnica, Sapatos e Xale do Julgamento, aumenta dana Demônios por 7 segundos em ataques físicos ou mágicos.[/color] Conjunto do Julgamento: Dano físico e mágico contra Mmortos-vivos em +15%. Aumenta o dDano de [Adoramus em 200% e aumenta o c] +200% Custo de SP de [Adoramus em ] +30. Tipo: Maça Ataque : 170 Peso : 120 Nível da Arma : 3 Nível Necessário : 100 Classe: Arcebispo Id: (18626) Chapéu de Gelato [1] Um belíssimo sorvete muito saboroso servido cuidadosamente em sua cabeça. Habilita a utilização de 'Rajada Congelante' em Nível 01. MHPM + 300. Tipo: Equipamento para cabeça Defesa: 2 Equipa em : Topo Peso : 20 Nível necessário : 40 Classes : Todas [/SPOILER] Files Spoiler Alert: data\idnum2itemdesctable.txt data\idnum2itemdisplaynametable.txt data\idnum2itemresnametable.txt data\itemslotcounttable.txt data\num2itemdesctable.txt data\num2itemdisplaynametable.txt data\num2itemresnametable.txt data\sprite\아이템\아라비안베일.act data\sprite\아이템\아라비안베일.spr data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_아라비안베일.act data\sprite\악세사리\남\남_아라비안베일.spr data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_아라비안베일.act data\sprite\악세사리\여\여_아라비안베일.spr data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection\아라비안베일.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\item\아라비안베일.bmp Ragexe.exe
  12. Added Item Spoiler Alert: Id: (6521) 國王的證券 印上國王印章的證券,該證券可以直接兌換獎勵。 <NAVI>[國王專屬販賣機]<INFO>malangdo,234,187,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>[/color] 重量 : 0 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 0 Id: (6522) 國王的證券 印上國王印章的證券,但因為太老舊而模糊不清,看起來不能使用。 重量 : 0 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 0 Id: (6531) 國王的證券 印上國王印章的證券,可以兌換五張獎勵證券。 重量 : 0 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 0 Id: (19539) (服飾)女武神之翼 巴基力「女武神」之名的頭具, 裝備上去的玩家會感受到神的恩賜。 All State + 1。 系列 : 服飾裝備 位置 : 上中 重量 : 0 要求等級 : 1 裝備 : 全職業 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Costume Location : MiddleUpper Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Id: (19742) (服飾)金色小翅膀 傳說中擁有神聖力量的翅膀, 消滅怪物後獲得額外經驗值1%。 系列 : 服飾裝備 防禦 : 0 位置 : 中 重量 : 0 要求等級 : 1 裝備 : 全職業 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Middle Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Changed MsgStringTable Spoiler Alert: No MSG116MHP太低而無法使用該技能 No MSG117MSP太低而無法使用該技能 Item Spoiler Alert: Id: (15046) 城戰鋼鐵鎧甲 [1] MDEF + 5. ※ PvP, 攻城戰地區新增功能。 來自玩家的傷害 -2%。 精煉能力+6以上時,收到的治癒和部分恢復物品的性能 +12%。 精煉能力+9以上時,MHP + 25%。 與城戰長重靴, 城戰斗篷一起裝備時 VIT + 5,來自玩家的傷害再 -15%。 系列 : 鎧甲 防禦 : 85 重量 : 330 要求等級 : 95 裝備 : 劍士系列/商人系列/跆拳/拳聖 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Armor Defense : 85 Weight : 330 Required Level : 95 Id: (19649) (服裝飾)白色小貓咪耳飾 白色小貓咪耳朵髮飾。 系列: 服裝服飾防禦: 0 位置: 頭上 重量: 0 要求等級: 1 裝備: 全部職業 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Id: (19685) (服裝飾)閃亮的聖誕波利帽子 頭戴發光蹦蹦跳聖誕帽的波利,真是令人驚奇。 系列 : 服飾 防禦 : 0 位置 : 頭上 重量 : 0 要求等級 : 1 裝備 : 全職業 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Id: (19686) (服裝飾)聖誕玩偶髮箍 聖誕玩偶造型髮箍。 物理、魔法攻擊時有一定機率被'邪惡老公公'依附。 系列 : 服飾 防禦 : 0 位置 : 頭上 重量 : 0 要求等級 : 1 裝備 : 全職業 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Id: (19687) (服裝飾)新鮮玫瑰 雖然不知道是何時被摘下來擺飾的,卻總是鮮豔欲滴的美麗玫瑰。 系列 : 服飾 防禦 : 0 位置 : 頭上 重量 : 0 要求等級 : 1 裝備 : 全職業 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Id: (19697) (服裝飾)魯道夫的聖誕帽 改良成麋鹿也可以戴的聖誕帽。 系列 : 服飾 防禦 : 0 位置 : 頭上 重量 : 0 要求等級 : 1 裝備 : 全職業 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Id: (19701) (服裝飾)紅色無邊軟帽 深受貴婦喜愛的帽子,據說戴上此帽就會很想喝紅茶。 系列 : 服飾 位置 : 頭上 重量 : 0 要求等級 : 1 裝備 : 全職業 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Costume Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Id: (19707) (服裝飾)北極熊帽 狸貓加油讚從聖誕老人那強行借來的聖誕帽。 保暖效果很好,因此經常用在狸貓加油讚的露宿活動上。 系列 : 服飾 位置 : 頭上 重量 : 0 要求等級 : 1 裝備 : 全職業 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Costume Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Id: (19916) (服裝飾)黑貓禮帽 裝飾著黑貓的禮帽,可愛又帶頑皮的感覺。 系列 : 服裝服飾 位置 : 頭上重量 : 0 要求等級 : 1 裝備 : 全部職業 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Costume Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Id: (19955) (服裝飾)閃閃發光聖誕樹 在頭上閃閃發光的小型聖誕樹。 系列 : 服飾 防禦 : 0 位置 : 頭上 重量 : 0 要求等級 : 1 裝備 : 全職業 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Id: (19961) (服裝飾)符文頭箍 為搭配盧恩騎士的服裝而加工製作的符文魔力頭箍。 系列 :服裝服飾 防禦 : 0 位置 : 頭上 重量 :0 要求等級 : 1 裝備 : 全部職業 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Id: (19962) (服裝飾)主教冠 專為高級教士們儀式時所戴的帽子。 系列 :服裝服飾 防禦 : 0 位置 : 頭上 重量 :0 要求等級 : 1 裝備 : 全部職業 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Id: (19963) (服裝飾)螺絲起子髮夾(紅) 可輕易保管常用的工具及使用的專家專屬髮夾。 系列 :服裝服飾 防禦 : 0 位置 : 頭上 重量 :0 要求等級 : 1 裝備 : 全部職業 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Id: (19964) (服裝飾)螺絲起子髮夾(黃) 可輕易保管常用的工具及使用的專家專屬髮夾。 系列 :服裝服飾 防禦 : 0 位置 : 頭上 重量 :0 要求等級 : 1 裝備 : 全部職業 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Id: (19965) (服裝飾)影子冠冕 由影子工房的名設計師杜姆克嘔心瀝血所製作的迷你王冠。 系列 :服裝服飾 防禦 : 0 位置 : 頭上 重量 :0 要求等級 : 1 裝備 : 全部職業 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Id: (19966) (服裝飾)宮廷樂師天籟帽子 某位有名吟遊詩人的帽子,重點是在華麗和黑色的羽毛。 系列 :服裝服飾 防禦 : 0 位置 : 頭上 重量 :0 要求等級 : 1 裝備 : 全部職業 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Id: (19967) (服裝飾)麥得斯之耳語 有名基因學者 '包勃羅斯'著作裡的贈品,其中麥得斯的標誌非常可愛。 系列 :服裝服飾 防禦 : 0 位置 : 頭上 重量 :0 要求等級 : 1 裝備 : 全部職業 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Id: (19968) (服裝飾)魔力石帽子 裝飾著強大異界礦物的帽子,守護精靈'希姿'嘔心瀝血的傑作。 系列 :服裝服飾 防禦 : 0 位置 : 頭上 重量 :0 要求等級 : 1 裝備 : 全部職業 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Id: (19969) (服裝飾)燃燒之魂 專為邁向修羅之路者準備的象徵燃燒靈魂之帽子。 系列 :服裝服飾 防禦 : 0 位置 : 頭上 重量 :0 要求等級 : 1 裝備 : 全部職業 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Id: (19970) (服裝飾)徐風之耳語 收集精靈之力量而製成的祭禮帽。 系列 :服裝服飾 防禦 : 0 位置 : 頭上 重量 :0 要求等級 : 1 裝備 : 全部職業 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Id: (19971) (服裝飾)垂死天鵝 專為芭蕾舞女主角所製作的美麗羽毛頭飾。 系列 :服裝服飾 防禦 : 0 位置 : 頭上 重量 :0 要求等級 : 1 裝備 : 全部職業 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Id: (19972) (服裝飾)守護之冠 特別賜給以堅定守護為使命者的冠。 系列 :服裝服飾 防禦 : 0 位置 : 頭上 重量 :0 要求等級 : 1 裝備 : 全部職業 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Id: (19973) (服裝飾)骸骨頭箍 加工骨頭而成的陰森頭箍。 系列 :服裝服飾 防禦 : 0 位置 : 頭上 重量 :0 要求等級 : 1 裝備 : 全部職業 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Id: (19974) (服裝飾)斑紋兔連帽披肩 兔耳外型搭配偽裝色的連帽披肩。 系列 :服裝服飾 防禦 : 0 位置 : 頭上 重量 :0 要求等級 : 1 裝備 : 全部職業 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Id: (19976) (服裝飾)貓咪聖誕帽 居住在綿綿島的貓咪們在聖誕節時會戴的帽子。 系列 : 服飾 防禦 : 0 位置 : 頭上 重量 : 0 要求等級 : 1 裝備 : 全職業 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Id: (19982) (服裝飾)聖誕帽 租賃物品 使用紅布製成的奇特帽子,感覺好像哪個老人戴過的感覺,樣式有點老舊。 MaxHP +1000、MaxSP +100 ASPD +3 ATK +10%、MATK +10% 治癒增加10% 系列 : 服裝 防禦 : 0 位置 : 頭上 重量 : 0 要求等級 : 1 裝備 : 全職業 ====== auto-parsed ====== Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Id: (20222) (服裝飾)藍色雙絨球聖誕帽 很適合可愛小男孩的雙絨球聖誕帽。 系列 : 服飾 防禦 : 0 位置 : 頭上 重量 : 0 要求等級 : 1 裝備 : 全職業 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Files Spoiler Alert: data\book\7144.txt data\idnum2itemdesctable.txt data\idnum2itemdisplaynametable.txt data\idnum2itemresnametable.txt data\itemslotcounttable.txt data\luafiles514\lua files\skillinfoz\SkillDescript.lub data\luafiles514\lua files\skillinfoz\stateiconinfo.lub data\msgstringtable.txt data\num2itemdesctable.txt data\num2itemdisplaynametable.txt data\num2itemresnametable.txt Ragexe.exe
  13. Added Item Spoiler Alert: Id: (11737) サテ 細切りしたお肉を串に刺し、 炭で焼いて激辛ソースを かけたデワタの名産品。 口に放り込むと、 その辛さと美味さにあらゆる 者が目を覚ますという。 ――――――――――――― 使用すると、 [リザレクション]Lv2の 効果発動 ――――――――――――― 重量 : 2 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 2 Changed Item Spoiler Alert: Id: (2998) 輝く偏四角多面体 [1] 異世界で作られた 謎の偏四角多面体。 この世ならざる存在を 召喚する為の道具らしい。 ――――――――――――― 聖属性攻撃で 受けるダメージ - 10% ――――――――――――― [生ける炎の テンガロンハット]と 共に装備時、追加で 物理攻撃で 与えるダメージ + 9% Matk + 9% 人間形モンスターから 受けるダメージ - 5% [生ける炎の テンガロンハット]の 精錬値が7以上の時、追加で 人間形モンスターから 受けるダメージ - 5% ――――――――――――― [名状しがたき風の ハンチングキャップ]と 共に装備時、追加で 遠距離物理攻撃で 受けるダメージ - 5% 魔法攻撃で 受けるダメージ - 5% 人間形モンスターから 受けるダメージ - 5% [名状しがたき風の ハンチングキャップ]の 精錬値が7以上の時、追加で 人間形モンスターから 受けるダメージ - 5% ――――――――――――― [大いなる水の ニットキャップ]と 共に装備時、追加で 詠唱時間 - 15% 人間形モンスターから 受けるダメージ - 5% [大いなる水の ニットキャップ]の 精錬値が7以上の時、追加で 人間形モンスターから 受けるダメージ - 5% ――――――――――――― [無形なる地の シルクハット]と 共に装備時、追加で MaxHP + 5% [ホワイトスリムポーション] の回復量 + 10% 人間形モンスターから 受けるダメージ - 5% [無形なる地の シルクハット]の 精錬値が7以上の時、追加で 人間形モンスターから 受けるダメージ - 5% ――――――――――――― [生ける炎の盾]と 共に装備時、追加で 遠距離物理攻撃で 与えるダメージ + 10% ――――――――――――― [名状しがたき風の盾]と 共に装備時、追加で 移動速度増加 ――――――――――――― [大いなる水の盾]と 共に装備時、追加で スキルディレイ - 10% ――――――――――――― [無形なる地の盾]と 共に装備時、追加で MaxSP + 10% スキル使用時の 消費SP - 10% ――――――――――――― [沸騰する混沌の盾]と 共に装備時、追加で 不死・悪魔形モンスターから 受けるダメージ - 4% 人間形モンスターから 受けるダメージ - 3% ――――――――――――― 系列 : アクセサリー 防御 : 0 重量 : 10 要求レベル : 90 装備 : 全ての職業 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 10 Required Level : 90 Id: (11533) サテ(旧) 細切りしたお肉を串に刺し、 炭で焼いて激辛ソースを かけたデワタの名産品。 口に放り込むと、 その辛さと美味さにあらゆる 者が目を覚ますという。 ――――――――――――― 使用すると、 [リザレクション]Lv2の 効果発動サテ(旧)は、 使用することができません ――――――――――――― イズルードにいる NPC「サテ(旧)回収」に 持って行くと1個15Zenyで 引き取ってもらえます ――――――――――――― NPC「サテ(旧)回収」での サテ(旧)の引き取り期間は、 2016年12月20日(火) 定期メンテナンス開始まで となります ――――――――――――― サテ(旧)は、 NPC売却、倉庫への移動のみ 可能です ――――――――――――― 重量 : 20 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 0 Id: (17620) イベントチケットの箱 イベントチケットが 5枚入っている箱。 ――――――――――――― イベントチケットは 箱を開けてから 360時間後に自動的に 消滅します ――――――――――――― このアイテムの利用期間は、 2016年8月23日(火) 定期メンテナンス開始まで となります。 利用期間終了後に箱を あけた場合、 何も出現しません ――――――――――――― イベントチケットの箱は 倉庫への移動のみ可能です ――――――――――――― イベントチケット: フンギ族の村(大広間)にいる NPC「イベントチケット 交換機」に持って行くと 「ピニョン」と 交換してもらえる ――――――――――――― 重量 : 0 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 0 Id: (31093) [衣装] くわえランプ 不思議な光を放つ 衣装用の小さなランプ。 これを口にくわえれば 薄暗い場所でも安心して 冒険することができる。 ――――――――――――― 下記特殊効果は 2016年8月23日(火) 定期メンテナンス以降、 全て消滅する ――――――――――――― 装備することで キャラクターの姿を 小さくすることができる エフェクト(/effect)を OFFにしていると キャラクターの姿は 小さくならない ――――――――――――― [[衣装] くわえランプ]の 効果は、攻城戦・新攻城戦・ 攻城戦TEの砦内では 発揮されず、解除されます ――――――――――――― [[衣装] くわえランプ]は、 あらゆる取引、移動が できません ――――――――――――― 系列 : 衣装 位置 : 下段 重量 : 0 要求レベル : 1 装備 : 全ての職業 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Costume Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Files Spoiler Alert: data\buyingstoreitemlist.txt data\etcinfo.txt data\idnum2itemdesctable.txt data\idnum2itemdisplaynametable.txt data\idnum2itemresnametable.txt data\luafiles514\lua files\SignBoardList.lub data\mp3nametable.txt data\num2itemdesctable.txt data\num2itemdisplaynametable.txt data\num2itemresnametable.txt data\texture\유저인터페이스\bgi_temp.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\illust\jp_ev_information01.bmp data\texture\유저인터페이스\loading00.jpg data\texture\유저인터페이스\loading02.jpg data\texture\유저인터페이스\loading04.jpg
  14. Changed Item Spoiler Alert: Id: (1443) Crimson Spear [2] A one-handed spear with a reddish radiance. _ Type: Weapon Class: One-Handed Sword Attack: 90 Property: Neutral Weight: 90 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level: 170 Required Job: Swordman Jobs _ ATK + (Upgrade Level * Upgrade Level) up to a maximum Upgrade Level of 15. _ If the user's base level is 70 or higher, For every 10 base levels, ATK + 5. Id: (1498) Crimson Lance [2] A two-handed spear emitting a red aura. _ Type: Weapon Class: Two-Handed Spear Attack: 175 Property: Neutral Weight: 175 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level: 170 Required Job: Swordman Jobs _ ATK + (Upgrade Level * Upgrade Level) up to a maximum Upgrade Level of 15. _ If the user's base level is 70 or higher, For every 10 base levels, ATK + 5. Id: (1680) Crimson Rod [2] A one-handed staff with a reddish radiance. _ Type: Weapon Class: One-Handed Staff Attack: 60 Property: Neutral Weight: 60 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level: 170 Required Job: Novice Jobs, Acolyte Jobs, Mage Jobs, Soul Linker _ INT + 4 MATK + 70 MATK + (Upgrade Level * Upgrade Level) up to a maximum Upgrade Level of 15. This item is indestructible in battle. _ If the user's base level is 70 or higher, For every 10 base levels, MATK + 5. Id: (1839) Crimson Knuckle [2] A knuckle with a reddish radiance. _ Type: Weapon Class: Knuckle Attack: 100 Property: Neutral Weight: 100 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level: 170 Required Job: Priest Jobs, Monk Jobs _ ATK + (Upgrade Level * Upgrade Level) up to a maximum Upgrade Level of 15. _ If the user's base level is 70 or higher, For every 10 base levels, ATK + 5. Id: (1939) Crimson Violin [2] An instrument with a reddish radiance. _ Type: Weapon Class: Instrument Attack: 80 Property: Neutral Weight: 80 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level: 170 Required Job: Bard Jobs _ ATK + (Upgrade Level * Upgrade Level) up to a maximum Upgrade Level of 15. _ If the user's base level is 70 or higher, For every 10 base levels, ATK + 5. Id: (1995) Crimson Wire [2] A whip with a reddish radiance. _ Type: Weapon Class: Whip Attack: 80 Property: Neutral Weight: 80 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level: 170 Required Job: Dancer Jobs _ ATK + (Upgrade Level * Upgrade Level) up to a maximum Upgrade Level of 15. _ If the user's base level is 70 or higher, For every 10 base levels, ATK + 5. Id: (2025) Crimson Staff [2] A two-handed staff emitting a red aura. _ Type: Weapon Class: Two-Handed Staff Attack: 100 Property: Neutral Weight: 100 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level: 170 Required Job: Wizard Jobs, Soul Linker _ INT + 5 MATK + 150 MATK + (Upgrade Level * Upgrade Level) up to a maximum Upgrade Level of 15. This item is indestructible in battle. _ If the user's base level is 70 or higher, For every 10 base levels, MATK + 5. Id: (13127) Crimson Revolver [2] A pistol emitting a red aura. _ Type: Weapon Class: Pistol Attack: 100 Property: Neutral Weight: 100 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level: 170 Required Job: Gunslinger Jobs _ ATK + (Upgrade Level * Upgrade Level) up to a maximum Upgrade Level of 15. _ If the user's base level is 70 or higher, For every 10 base levels, ATK + 5. Id: (13327) Crimson Huuma Shuriken [2] A wind shuriken emitting a red aura. _ Type: Weapon Class: Huuma Attack: 100 Property: Neutral Weight: 100 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level: 170 Required Job: Ninja Jobs _ ATK + (Upgrade Level * Upgrade Level) up to a maximum Upgrade Level of 15. MATK + (Upgrade Level * Upgrade Level) / 2 up to a maximum Upgrade Level of 15. This item is indestructible in battle. _ If the user's base level is 70 or higher, For every 10 base levels, ATK + 5. Id: (13454) Crimson Sabre [2] A one-handed sword with a reddish radiance. _ Type: Weapon Class: One-Handed Sword Attack: 85 Property: Neutral Weight: 85 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level: 170 Required Job: Novice Jobs, Swordman Jobs, Merchant Jobs, Thief Jobs _ ATK + (Upgrade Level * Upgrade Level) up to a maximum Upgrade Level of 15. _ If the user's base level is 70 or higher, For every 10 base levels, ATK + 5. Id: (16040) Crimson Mace [2] A mace with a reddish radiance. _ Type: Weapon Class: Mace Attack: 80 Property: Neutral Weight: 80 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level: 170 Required Job: Novice Jobs, Swordman Jobs, Merchant Jobs, Acolyte Jobs _ ATK + (Upgrade Level * Upgrade Level) up to a maximum Upgrade Level of 15. This item is indestructible in battle. _ If the user's base level is 70 or higher, For every 10 base levels, ATK + 5. Id: (18130) Crimson Bow [2] A bow emitting a red aura. _ Type: Weapon Class: Bow Attack: 130 Property: Neutral Weight: 130 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level: 170 Required Job: Thief, Rogue Jobs, Archer Jobs _ ATK + (Upgrade Level * Upgrade Level) up to a maximum Upgrade Level of 15. _ If the user's base level is 70 or higher, For every 10 base levels, ATK + 5. Id: (21015) Crimson Twohand Sword [2] A two-handed sword emitting a red aura. _ Type: Weapon Class: Two-Handed Sword Attack: 170 Property: Neutral Weight: 170 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level: 170 Required Job: Swordman Jobs _ ATK + (Upgrade Level * Upgrade Level) up to a maximum Upgrade Level of 15. MATK + (Upgrade Level * Upgrade Level) / 2 up to a maximum Upgrade Level of 15. _ If the user's base level is 70 or higher, For every 10 base levels, ATK + 5. Id: (28007) Crimson Katar [2] A katar emitting a red aura. _ Type: Weapon Class: Katar Attack: 130 Property: Neutral Weight: 130 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level: 170 Required Job: Assassin Jobs _ ATK + (Upgrade Level * Upgrade Level) up to a maximum Upgrade Level of 15. _ If the user's base level is 70 or higher, For every 10 base levels, ATK + 5. Id: (28106) Crimson Twohand Axe [2] A two-handed axe emitting a red aura. _ Type: Weapon Class: Two-Handed Axe Attack: 200 Property: Neutral Weight: 200 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level: 170 Required Job: Swordman Jobs, Merchant Jobs _ ATK + (Upgrade Level * Upgrade Level) up to a maximum Upgrade Level of 15. This item is indestructible in battle. _ If the user's base level is 70 or higher, For every 10 base levels, ATK + 5. Id: (28604) Crimson Bible [2] A book with a reddish radiance. _ Type: Weapon Class: Book Attack: 45 Property: Neutral Weight: 45 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level: 170 Required Job: Priest Jobs, Sage Jobs, Taekwon Master _ ATK + (Upgrade Level * Upgrade Level) up to a maximum Upgrade Level of 15. MATK + (Upgrade Level * Upgrade Level) / 2 up to a maximum Upgrade Level of 15. _ If the user's base level is 70 or higher, For every 10 base levels, ATK + 5. Id: (28705) Crimson Dagger [2] A dagger with a reddish radiance. _ Type: Weapon Class: Dagger Attack: 55 Property: Neutral Weight: 55 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level: 170 Required Job: Novice Jobs, Swordman Jobs, Merchant Jobs, Thief Jobs, Mage Jobs, Archer Jobs, Soul Linker, Ninja Jobs _ ATK + (Upgrade Level * Upgrade Level) up to a maximum Upgrade Level of 15. MATK + (Upgrade Level * Upgrade Level) / 2 up to a maximum Upgrade Level of 15. _ If the user's base level is 70 or higher, For every 10 base levels, ATK + 5. Files Spoiler Alert: data\idnum2itemdesctable.txt data\idnum2itemdisplaynametable.txt data\idnum2itemresnametable.txt data\itemslotcounttable.txt data\num2itemdesctable.txt data\num2itemdisplaynametable.txt data\num2itemresnametable.txt data\questid2display.txt data\Thumbs.db
  15. Added Item Spoiler Alert: Id: (7768) Squid Id: (7769) Egg Yolk Id: (7772) String Id: (20106) Costume: Classic Hat Id: (20190) Costume: Chicken Hat Changed Item Spoiler Alert: Id: (19541) placeholdCostume: White Romantic Flower Id: (19959) placeholderCostume: Drooping Argiope Argiope put on top of head. Be careful, sometimes it might move fiercely. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Req Lvl. : 1 Job : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Files Spoiler Alert: data\idnum2itemdesctable.txt data\idnum2itemdisplaynametable.txt data\idnum2itemresnametable.txt data\itemslotcounttable.txt data\num2itemdesctable.txt data\num2itemdisplaynametable.txt data\num2itemresnametable.txt data\questid2display.txt data\Thumbs.db
  16. Added ItemRandOption Spoiler Alert: Id: 1 (VAR_MAXHPAMOUNT), Max HP + %d Id: 2 (VAR_MAXSPAMOUNT), Max SP + %d Id: 3 (VAR_STRAMOUNT), STR + %d Id: 4 (VAR_AGIAMOUNT), AGI + %d Id: 5 (VAR_VITAMOUNT), VIT + %d Id: 6 (VAR_INTAMOUNT), INT + %d Id: 7 (VAR_DEXAMOUNT), DEX + %d Id: 8 (VAR_LUKAMOUNT), LUK + %d Id: 9 (VAR_MAXHPPERCENT), Max HP + %d%% Id: 10 (VAR_MAXSPPERCENT), Max SP + %d%% Id: 11 (VAR_HPACCELERATION), HP Recovery + %d%% Id: 12 (VAR_SPACCELERATION), SP Recovery + %d%% Id: 13 (VAR_ATKPERCENT), ATK + %d%% Id: 14 (VAR_MAGICATKPERCENT), MATK + %d%% Id: 15 (VAR_PLUSASPD), ASPD + %d Id: 16 (VAR_PLUSASPDPERCENT), ASPD + %d%% Id: 17 (VAR_ATTPOWER), ATK + %d Id: 18 (VAR_HITSUCCESSVALUE), HIT + %d Id: 19 (VAR_ATTMPOWER), MATK + %d Id: 20 (VAR_ITEMDEFPOWER), DEF + %d Id: 21 (VAR_MDEFPOWER), MDEF + %d Id: 22 (VAR_AVOIDSUCCESSVALUE), FLEE + %d Id: 23 (VAR_PLUSAVOIDSUCCESSVALUE), Perfect Dodge + %d Id: 24 (VAR_CRITICALSUCCESSVALUE), CRIT + %d Id: 25 (ATTR_TOLERACE_NOTHING), Reduces damage taken from Neutral property attacks by %d%%. Id: 26 (ATTR_TOLERACE_WATER), Reduces damage taken from Water property attacks by %d%%. Id: 27 (ATTR_TOLERACE_GROUND), Reduces damage taken from Earth property attacks by %d%%. Id: 28 (ATTR_TOLERACE_FIRE), Reduces damage taken from Fire property attacks by %d%%. Id: 29 (ATTR_TOLERACE_WIND), Reduces damage taken from Wind property attacks by %d%%. Id: 30 (ATTR_TOLERACE_POISON), Reduces damage taken from Poison property attacks by %d%%. Id: 31 (ATTR_TOLERACE_SAINT), Reduces damage taken from Holy property attacks by %d%%. Id: 32 (ATTR_TOLERACE_DARKNESS), Reduces damage taken from Shadow property attacks by %d%%. Id: 33 (ATTR_TOLERACE_TELEKINESIS), Reduces damage taken from Ghost property attacks by %d%%. Id: 34 (ATTR_TOLERACE_UNDEAD), Reduces damage taken from Undead property attacks by %d%%. Id: 35 (ATTR_TOLERACE_ALL), Reduces damage taken from All property attacks by %d%%. Id: 36 (DAMAGE_PROPERTY_NOTHING_USER), Reduces physical damage taken from Neutral property monsters by %d%%. Id: 37 (DAMAGE_PROPERTY_NOTHING_TARGET), Increases physical damage on Neutral property monsters by %d%%. Id: 38 (DAMAGE_PROPERTY_WATER_USER), Reduces physical damage taken from Water property monsters by %d%%. Id: 39 (DAMAGE_PROPERTY_WATER_TARGET), Increases physical damage on Water property monsters by %d%%. Id: 40 (DAMAGE_PROPERTY_GROUND_USER), Reduces physical damage taken from Earth property monsters by %d%%. Id: 41 (DAMAGE_PROPERTY_GROUND_TARGET), Increases physical damage on Earth property monsters by %d%%. Id: 42 (DAMAGE_PROPERTY_FIRE_USER), Reduces physical damage taken from Fire property monsters by %d%%. Id: 43 (DAMAGE_PROPERTY_FIRE_TARGET), Increases physical damage on Fire property monsters by %d%%. Id: 44 (DAMAGE_PROPERTY_WIND_USER), Reduces physical damage taken from Wind property monsters by %d%%. Id: 45 (DAMAGE_PROPERTY_WIND_TARGET), Increases physical damage on Wind property monsters by %d%%. Id: 46 (DAMAGE_PROPERTY_POISON_USER), Reduces physical damage taken from Poison property monsters by %d%%. Id: 47 (DAMAGE_PROPERTY_POISON_TARGET), Increases physical damage on Poison property monsters by %d%%. Id: 48 (DAMAGE_PROPERTY_SAINT_USER), Reduces physical damage taken from Holy property monsters by %d%%. Id: 49 (DAMAGE_PROPERTY_SAINT_TARGET), Increases physical damage on Holy property monsters by %d%%. Id: 50 (DAMAGE_PROPERTY_DARKNESS_USER), Reduces physical damage taken from Shadow property monsters by %d%%. Id: 51 (DAMAGE_PROPERTY_DARKNESS_TARGET), Increases physical damage on Shadow property monsters by %d%%. Id: 52 (DAMAGE_PROPERTY_TELEKINESIS_USER), Reduces physical damage taken from Ghost property monsters by %d%%. Id: 53 (DAMAGE_PROPERTY_TELEKINESIS_TARGET), Increases physical damage on Ghost property monsters by %d%%. Id: 54 (DAMAGE_PROPERTY_UNDEAD_USER), Reduces physical damage taken from Undead property monsters by %d%%. Id: 55 (DAMAGE_PROPERTY_UNDEAD_TARGET), Increases physical damage on Neutral Undead monsters by %d%%. Id: 56 (MDAMAGE_PROPERTY_NOTHING_USER), Reduces magical damage taken from Neutral property monsters by %d%%. Id: 57 (MDAMAGE_PROPERTY_NOTHING_TARGET), Increases magical damage on Neutral property monsters by %d%%. Id: 58 (MDAMAGE_PROPERTY_WATER_USER), Reduces magical damage taken from Water property monsters by %d%%. Id: 59 (MDAMAGE_PROPERTY_WATER_TARGET), Increases magical damage on Water property monsters by %d%%. Id: 60 (MDAMAGE_PROPERTY_GROUND_USER), Reduces magical damage taken from Earth property monsters by %d%%. Id: 61 (MDAMAGE_PROPERTY_GROUND_TARGET), Increases magical damage on Earth property monsters by %d%%. Id: 62 (MDAMAGE_PROPERTY_FIRE_USER), Reduces magical damage taken from Fire property monsters by %d%%. Id: 63 (MDAMAGE_PROPERTY_FIRE_TARGET), Increases magical damage on Fire property monsters by %d%%. Id: 64 (MDAMAGE_PROPERTY_WIND_USER), Reduces magical damage taken from Wind property monsters by %d%%. Id: 65 (MDAMAGE_PROPERTY_WIND_TARGET), Increases magical damage on Wind property monsters by %d%%. Id: 66 (MDAMAGE_PROPERTY_POISON_USER), Reduces magical damage taken from Poison property monsters by %d%%. Id: 67 (MDAMAGE_PROPERTY_POISON_TARGET), Increases magical damage on Poison property monsters by %d%%. Id: 68 (MDAMAGE_PROPERTY_SAINT_USER), Reduces magical damage taken from Holy property monsters by %d%%. Id: 69 (MDAMAGE_PROPERTY_SAINT_TARGET), Increases magical damage on Holy property monsters by %d%%. Id: 70 (MDAMAGE_PROPERTY_DARKNESS_USER), Reduces magical damage taken from Shadow property monsters by %d%%. Id: 71 (MDAMAGE_PROPERTY_DARKNESS_TARGET), Increases magical damage on Shadow property monsters by %d%%. Id: 72 (MDAMAGE_PROPERTY_TELEKINESIS_USER), Reduces magical damage taken from Ghost property monsters by %d%%. Id: 73 (MDAMAGE_PROPERTY_TELEKINESIS_TARGET), Increases magical damage on Ghost property monsters by %d%%. Id: 74 (MDAMAGE_PROPERTY_UNDEAD_USER), Reduces magical damage taken from Undead property monsters by %d%%. Id: 75 (MDAMAGE_PROPERTY_UNDEAD_TARGET), Increases magical damage on Undead property monsters by %d%%. Id: 77 (BODY_ATTR_WATER), The user’s property becomes Level 1 Water. Id: 78 (BODY_ATTR_GROUND), The user’s property becomes Level 1 Earth. Id: 79 (BODY_ATTR_FIRE), The user’s property becomes Level 1 Fire. Id: 80 (BODY_ATTR_WIND), The user’s property becomes Level 1 Wind. Id: 81 (BODY_ATTR_POISON), The user’s property becomes Level 1 Poison. Id: 82 (BODY_ATTR_SAINT), The user’s property becomes Level 1 Holy. Id: 83 (BODY_ATTR_DARKNESS), The user’s property becomes Level 1 Shadow. Id: 84 (BODY_ATTR_TELEKINESIS), The user’s property becomes Level 1 Ghost. Id: 85 (BODY_ATTR_UNDEAD), The user’s property becomes Level 1 Undead. Id: 87 (RACE_TOLERACE_NOTHING), Reduces damage taken from Formless race attackers by %d%%. Id: 88 (RACE_TOLERACE_UNDEAD), Reduces damage taken from Undead race attackers by %d%%. Id: 89 (RACE_TOLERACE_ANIMAL), Reduces damage taken from Brute race attackers by %d%%. Id: 90 (RACE_TOLERACE_PLANT), Reduces damage taken from Plant race attackers by %d%%. Id: 91 (RACE_TOLERACE_INSECT), Reduces damage taken from Insect race attackers by %d%%. Id: 92 (RACE_TOLERACE_FISHS), Reduces damage taken from Fish race attackers by %d%%. Id: 93 (RACE_TOLERACE_DEVIL), Reduces damage taken from Demon race attackers by %d%%. Id: 94 (RACE_TOLERACE_HUMAN), Reduces damage taken from Demi-Human race attackers by %d%%. Id: 95 (RACE_TOLERACE_ANGEL), Reduces damage taken from Angel race attackers by %d%%. Id: 96 (RACE_TOLERACE_DRAGON), Reduces damage taken from Dragon race attackers by %d%%. Id: 97 (RACE_DAMAGE_NOTHING), Increases physical damage on Formless race targets by %d%%. Id: 98 (RACE_DAMAGE_UNDEAD), Increases physical damage on Undead race targets by %d%%. Id: 99 (RACE_DAMAGE_ANIMAL), Increases physical damage on Brute race targets by %d%%. Id: 100 (RACE_DAMAGE_PLANT), Increases physical damage on Plant race targets by %d%%. Id: 101 (RACE_DAMAGE_INSECT), Increases physical damage on Insect race targets by %d%%. Id: 102 (RACE_DAMAGE_FISHS), Increases physical damage on Fish race targets by %d%%. Id: 103 (RACE_DAMAGE_DEVIL), Increases physical damage on Demon race targets by %d%%. Id: 104 (RACE_DAMAGE_HUMAN), Increases physical damage on Demi-Human race targets by %d%%. Id: 105 (RACE_DAMAGE_ANGEL), Increases physical damage on Angel race targets by %d%%. Id: 106 (RACE_DAMAGE_DRAGON), Increases physical damage on Dragon race targets by %d%%. Id: 107 (RACE_MDAMAGE_NOTHING), Increases magical damage on Formless race targets by %d%%. Id: 108 (RACE_MDAMAGE_UNDEAD), Increases magical damage on Undead race targets by %d%%. Id: 109 (RACE_MDAMAGE_ANIMAL), Increases magical damage on Brute race targets by %d%%. Id: 110 (RACE_MDAMAGE_PLANT), Increases magical damage on Plant Plant targets by %d%%. Id: 111 (RACE_MDAMAGE_INSECT), Increases magical damage on Insect race targets by %d%%. Id: 112 (RACE_MDAMAGE_FISHS), Increases magical damage on Fish race targets by %d%%. Id: 113 (RACE_MDAMAGE_DEVIL), Increases magical damage on Demon race targets by %d%%. Id: 114 (RACE_MDAMAGE_HUMAN), Increases magical damage on Demi-Human race targets by %d%%. Id: 115 (RACE_MDAMAGE_ANGEL), Increases magical damage on Angel race targets by %d%%. Id: 116 (RACE_MDAMAGE_DRAGON), Increases magical damage on Dragon race targets by %d%%. Id: 117 (RACE_CRI_PERCENT_NOTHING), CRIT + (%d / 10) on Formless race targets. Id: 118 (RACE_CRI_PERCENT_UNDEAD), CRIT + (%d / 10) on Undead race targets. Id: 119 (RACE_CRI_PERCENT_ANIMAL), CRIT + (%d / 10) on Brute race targets. Id: 120 (RACE_CRI_PERCENT_PLANT), CRIT + (%d / 10) on Plant race targets. Id: 121 (RACE_CRI_PERCENT_INSECT), CRIT + (%d / 10) on Insect race targets. Id: 122 (RACE_CRI_PERCENT_FISHS), CRIT + (%d / 10) on Fish race targets. Id: 123 (RACE_CRI_PERCENT_DEVIL), CRIT + (%d / 10) on Demon race targets. Id: 124 (RACE_CRI_PERCENT_HUMAN), CRIT + (%d / 10) on Demi-Human race targets. Id: 125 (RACE_CRI_PERCENT_ANGEL), CRIT + (%d / 10) on Angel race targets. Id: 126 (RACE_CRI_PERCENT_DRAGON), CRIT + (%d / 10) on Dragon race targets. Id: 127 (RACE_IGNORE_DEF_PERCENT_NOTHING), Pierces %d%% of DEF on Formless race targets when performing a physical attack. Id: 128 (RACE_IGNORE_DEF_PERCENT_UNDEAD), Pierces %d%% of DEF on Undead race targets when performing a physical attack. Id: 129 (RACE_IGNORE_DEF_PERCENT_ANIMAL), Pierces %d%% of DEF on Brute race targets when performing a physical attack. Id: 130 (RACE_IGNORE_DEF_PERCENT_PLANT), Pierces %d%% of DEF on Plant race targets when performing a physical attack. Id: 131 (RACE_IGNORE_DEF_PERCENT_INSECT), Pierces %d%% of DEF on Insect race targets when performing a physical attack. Id: 132 (RACE_IGNORE_DEF_PERCENT_FISHS), Pierces %d%% of DEF on Fish race targets when performing a physical attack. Id: 133 (RACE_IGNORE_DEF_PERCENT_DEVIL), Pierces %d%% of DEF on Demon race targets when performing a physical attack. Id: 134 (RACE_IGNORE_DEF_PERCENT_HUMAN), Pierces %d%% of DEF on Demi-Human race targets when performing a physical attack. Id: 135 (RACE_IGNORE_DEF_PERCENT_ANGEL), Pierces %d%% of DEF on Angel race targets when performing a physical attack. Id: 136 (RACE_IGNORE_DEF_PERCENT_DRAGON), Pierces %d%% of DEF on Dragon race targets when performing a physical attack. Id: 137 (RACE_IGNORE_MDEF_PERCENT_NOTHING), Pierces %d%% of MDEF on Formless race targets when performing a magical attack. Id: 138 (RACE_IGNORE_MDEF_PERCENT_UNDEAD), Pierces %d%% of MDEF on Undead race targets when performing a magical attack. Id: 139 (RACE_IGNORE_MDEF_PERCENT_ANIMAL), Pierces %d%% of MDEF on Brute race targets when performing a magical attack. Id: 140 (RACE_IGNORE_MDEF_PERCENT_PLANT), Pierces %d%% of MDEF on Plant race targets when performing a magical attack. Id: 141 (RACE_IGNORE_MDEF_PERCENT_INSECT), Pierces %d%% of MDEF on Insect race targets when performing a magical attack. Id: 142 (RACE_IGNORE_MDEF_PERCENT_FISHS), Pierces %d%% of MDEF on Fish race targets when performing a magical attack. Id: 143 (RACE_IGNORE_MDEF_PERCENT_DEVIL), Pierces %d%% of MDEF on Demon race targets when performing a magical attack. Id: 144 (RACE_IGNORE_MDEF_PERCENT_HUMAN), Pierces %d%% of MDEF on Demi-Human race targets when performing a magical attack. Id: 145 (RACE_IGNORE_MDEF_PERCENT_ANGEL), Pierces %d%% of MDEF on Angel race targets when performing a magical attack. Id: 146 (RACE_IGNORE_MDEF_PERCENT_DRAGON), Pierces %d%% of MDEF on Dragon race targets when performing a magical attack. Id: 147 (CLASS_DAMAGE_NORMAL_TARGET), Increases physical damage on Normal protocol targets by %d%%. Id: 148 (CLASS_DAMAGE_BOSS_TARGET), Increases physical damage on Boss protocol targets by %d%%. Id: 149 (CLASS_DAMAGE_NORMAL_USER), Reduces damage taken from Normal protocol attackers by %d%%. Id: 150 (CLASS_DAMAGE_BOSS_USER), Reduces damage taken from Boss protocol attackers by %d%%. Id: 151 (CLASS_MDAMAGE_NORMAL), Increases magical damage on Normal protocol targets by %d%%. Id: 152 (CLASS_MDAMAGE_BOSS), Increases magical damage on Boss protocol targets by %d%%. Id: 153 (CLASS_IGNORE_DEF_PERCENT_NORMAL), Pierces %d%% of DEF on Normal protocol targets when performing a physical attack. Id: 154 (CLASS_IGNORE_DEF_PERCENT_BOSS), Pierces %d%% of DEF on Boss protocol targets when performing a physical attack. Id: 155 (CLASS_IGNORE_MDEF_PERCENT_NORMAL), Pierces %d%% of MDEF on Normal protocol targets when performing a magical attack. Id: 156 (CLASS_IGNORE_MDEF_PERCENT_BOSS), Pierces %d%% of MDEF on Boss protocol targets when performing a magical attack. Id: 157 (DAMAGE_SIZE_SMALL_TARGET), Increases physical damage on Small size targets by %d%%. Id: 158 (DAMAGE_SIZE_MIDIUM_TARGET), Increases physical damage on Medium size targets by %d%%. Id: 159 (DAMAGE_SIZE_LARGE_TARGET), Increases physical damage on Large size targets by %d%%. Id: 160 (DAMAGE_SIZE_SMALL_USER), Reduces damage taken from Small size attackers by %d%%. Id: 161 (DAMAGE_SIZE_MIDIUM_USER), Reduces damage taken from Medium size attackers by %d%%. Id: 162 (DAMAGE_SIZE_LARGE_USER), Reduces damage taken from Large size attackers by %d%%. Id: 163 (DAMAGE_SIZE_PERFECT), Recovers 100% of damage lost from size penalties. Id: 164 (DAMAGE_CRI_TARGET), Increases critical damage on targets by %d%%. Id: 165 (DAMAGE_CRI_USER), Reduces critical damage from attackers by %d%%. Id: 166 (RANGE_ATTACK_DAMAGE_TARGET), Increases long-ranged damage on targets by %d%%. Id: 167 (RANGE_ATTACK_DAMAGE_USER), Reduces damage taken from long-ranged attacks by %d%%. Id: 168 (HEAL_VALUE), Increases the recovery rate of recovery skills by %d%%. Id: 169 (HEAL_MODIFY_PERCENT), Increases the recovery rate of recovery skills received by %d%%. Id: 170 (DEC_SPELL_CAST_TIME), Variable Casting Time - %d%% Id: 171 (DEC_SPELL_DELAY_TIME), Reduces the cooldown of skills by %d%%. Id: 172 (DEC_SP_CONSUMPTION), %d%% SP drain when using skills, this one needs to be tested when implemented as it is not clear enough. Id: 175 (WEAPON_ATTR_NOTHING), Element: Neutral Id: 176 (WEAPON_ATTR_WATER), Element: Water Id: 177 (WEAPON_ATTR_GROUND), Element: Earth Id: 178 (WEAPON_ATTR_FIRE), Element: Fire Id: 179 (WEAPON_ATTR_WIND), Element: Wind Id: 180 (WEAPON_ATTR_POISON), Element: Poison Id: 181 (WEAPON_ATTR_SAINT), Element: Holy Id: 182 (WEAPON_ATTR_DARKNESS), Element: Shadow Id: 183 (WEAPON_ATTR_TELEKINESIS), Element: Ghost Id: 184 (WEAPON_ATTR_UNDEAD), Element: Undead Id: 185 (EnumVAR_LAST), END Map Spoiler Alert: 1@uns - The Last Room Music: bgm\163.mp3 un_bunker - Under Bunker Music: bgm\124.mp3 un_myst - Under Tunnel Music: bgm\121.mp3 1@lab - Center Lab Music: bgm\162.mp3 verus02 - R&D-WISH Music: bgm\161.mp3 verus01 - Lab-OPTATIO Music: bgm\161.mp3 un_bk_q - Under Bunker Music: bgm\122.mp3 NpcIdentity Spoiler Alert: Id: 3621 JT_EP16_2_MM_CUTIE Shadowfactor: , Size: , Effect: Id: 3622 JT_EP16_2_MM_S_GUARDS Shadowfactor: , Size: , Effect: Id: 3623 JT_EP16_2_MM_U_ENERGY_R Shadowfactor: , Size: , Effect: Id: 3624 JT_EP16_2_MM_U_ENERGY_G Shadowfactor: , Size: , Effect: Id: 3625 JT_EP16_2_MM_U_ENERGY_B Shadowfactor: , Size: , Effect: Id: 3626 JT_EP16_2_H_HUNTER_V Shadowfactor: , Size: , Effect: Id: 3627 JT_EP16_2_H_HUNTER_MD Shadowfactor: , Size: , Effect: Id: 3628 JT_EP16_2_H_HUNTER_EV Shadowfactor: , Size: , Effect: Id: 3629 JT_EP16_2_BROKEN_GUN Shadowfactor: , Size: , Effect: Id: 3630 JT_EP16_2_E_BOLKOBA Shadowfactor: , Size: , Effect: Id: 3631 JT_EP16_2_HUMAN_KIMERA Shadowfactor: , Size: , Effect: Id: 3632 JT_EP16_2_MATTER_KIMERA Shadowfactor: , Size: , Effect: Id: 3633 JT_EP16_2_VENOM_KIMERA Shadowfactor: , Size: , Effect: Id: 3635 JT_EVENT_KOBOLD Shadowfactor: , Size: , Effect: Id: 10179 JT_4_M_LAZY Shadowfactor: , Size: , Effect: Id: 10180 JT_4_M_GONY Shadowfactor: , Size: , Effect: Id: 10181 JT_4_M_ROOKIE Shadowfactor: , Size: , Effect: Id: 10182 JT_4_M_PHILOFONTES Shadowfactor: , Size: , Effect: Id: 10183 JT_4_F_ESTLOVELOY Shadowfactor: , Size: , Effect: Id: 10184 JT_4_F_LEEDSH Shadowfactor: , Size: , Effect: Id: 10185 JT_4_F_DIENE Shadowfactor: , Size: , Effect: Id: 10186 JT_4_F_COATNEIS Shadowfactor: , Size: , Effect: Id: 10187 JT_4_M_RUPERT Shadowfactor: , Size: , Effect: Id: 10188 JT_4_M_FALLENGONY Shadowfactor: , Size: , Effect: Id: 10189 JT_4_M_EISEN Shadowfactor: , Size: , Effect: Id: 10190 JT_4_F_DEADEVIL Shadowfactor: , Size: , Effect: Id: 10191 JT_4_F_HUNTER_EVIL Shadowfactor: , Size: , Effect: Id: 10192 JT_4_F_ELENA Shadowfactor: , Size: , Effect: Id: 10193 JT_4_F_ANYA Shadowfactor: , Size: , Effect: Id: 10194 JT_4_M_SEIREN_UC Shadowfactor: , Size: , Effect: Id: 10195 JT_4_M_GUNSLINGER2 Shadowfactor: , Size: , Effect: Id: 10196 JT_4_M_GUNSLINGER3 Shadowfactor: , Size: , Effect: Id: 10197 JT_4_M_REBELLION2 Shadowfactor: , Size: , Effect: Id: 10198 JT_4_M_REBELLION3 Shadowfactor: , Size: , Effect: Id: 10199 JT_4_F_GUNSLINGER2 Shadowfactor: , Size: , Effect: Id: 10200 JT_4_F_GUNSLINGER3 Shadowfactor: , Size: , Effect: Id: 10201 JT_4_F_REBELLION2 Shadowfactor: , Size: , Effect: Id: 10202 JT_4_F_REBELLION3 Shadowfactor: , Size: , Effect: Id: 10203 JT_4_M_ILYA Shadowfactor: , Size: , Effect: Item Spoiler Alert: Id: (2025) Crimson Staff [2] A two-handed staff emitting a red aura. _ Type: Weapon Class: Two-Handed Staff Attack: 100 Property: Neutral Weight: 100 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level: 1 Required Job: Wizard Jobs, Soul Linker _ INT + 5 MATK + 150 MATK + (Upgrade Level * Upgrade Level) up to a maximum Upgrade Level of 15. This item is indestructible in battle. _ If the user's base level is 70 or higher, For every 10 base levels, MATK + 5. Id: (4992) HP Absorption 1 Absorb 1% of damage dealt to enemy into HP with 1% chance. Id: (4993) SP Absorption 1 Absorb 1% of damage dealt to enemy into SP with 1% chance. Id: (6824) Laboratories Memory Record Id: (6825) Air Purifier Box Id: (6826) Fresh Grape Id: (6827) Intact Machine Component Id: (6828) Gravity Safety Device Id: (6832) Mysterious Part Id: (6943) ATK Stone(Upper) A stone with physical attack power. _ Type: Miscellaneous Class: Enchant Stone Weight: 10 Compounds On: Headgear (Upper) _ ATK + 1% _ <NAVI>[Lace La Zard]<INFO>mal_in01,20,107,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>[/color] Id: (6944) MATK Stone(Upper) A stone with magical attack power. _ Type: Miscellaneous Class: Enchant Stone Weight: 10 Compounds On: Headgear (Upper) _ MATK + 1% _ <NAVI>[Lace La Zard]<INFO>mal_in01,20,107,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>[/color] Id: (6945) STR Stone(Middle) A stone with health. _ Type: Miscellaneous Class: Enchant Stone Weight: 10 Compounds On: Headgear (Lower) _ Max HP + 1% _ <NAVI>[Lace La Zard]<INFO>mal_in01,20,107,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>[/color] Id: (6946) INT Stone(Middle) A stone with intelligence. _ Type: Miscellaneous Class: Enchant Stone Weight: 10 Compounds On: Headgear (Middle) _ INT + 1 _ <NAVI>[Lace La Zard]<INFO>mal_in01,20,107,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>[/color] Id: (6947) AGI Stone(Middle) A stone with agility. _ Type: Miscellaneous Class: Enchant Stone Weight: 10 Compounds On: Headgear (Middle) _ AGI + 1 _ <NAVI>[Lace La Zard]<INFO>mal_in01,20,107,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>[/color] Id: (6948) DEX Stone(Middle) A stone with dexterity. _ Type: Miscellaneous Class: Enchant Stone Weight: 10 Compounds On: Headgear (Middle) _ DEX + 1 _ <NAVI>[Lace La Zard]<INFO>mal_in01,20,107,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>[/color] Id: (6949) VIT Stone(Middle) A stone with vitality. _ Type: Miscellaneous Class: Enchant Stone Weight: 10 Compounds On: Headgear (Middle) _ VIT + 1 _ <NAVI>[Lace La Zard]<INFO>mal_in01,20,107,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>[/color] Id: (6950) LUK Stone(Middle) A stone with luck. _ Type: Miscellaneous Class: Enchant Stone Weight: 10 Compounds On: Headgear (Middle) _ LUK + 1 _ <NAVI>[Lace La Zard]<INFO>mal_in01,20,107,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>[/color] Id: (6951) HP Stone(Lower) A stone increase your Max HP Gives below stats to Costume lower slot. MaxHP + 1% <NAVI>[Aver De Dosh]<INFO>mal_in01,23,113,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>[/color] Weight : 10 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 10 Id: (6963) HP Absorption Stone(Garment) A stone with HP absorption ability. _ Type: Miscellaneous Class: Enchant Stone Weight: 10 Compounds On: Garment _ Adds a 1% chance of restoring 1% of damage as HP when performing a physical attack. _ <NAVI>[Lace La Zard]<INFO>mal_in01,20,107,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>[/color] Id: (6964) SP Absorption Stone(Garment) A stone with SP absorption ability. _ Type: Miscellaneous Class: Enchant Stone Weight: 10 Compounds On: Garment _ Adds a 1% chance of restoring 1% of damage as SP when performing a physical attack. _ <NAVI>[Lace La Zard]<INFO>mal_in01,20,107,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>[/color] Id: (11597) Metalbug Id: (13127) Crimson Revolver [2] A pistol emitting a red aura. _ Type: Weapon Class: Pistol Attack: 100 Property: Neutral Weight: 100 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level: 1 Required Job: Gunslinger Jobs _ ATK + (Upgrade Level * Upgrade Level) up to a maximum Upgrade Level of 15. _ If the user's base level is 70 or higher, For every 10 base levels, ATK + 5. Id: (13327) Crimson Huuma Shuriken [2] A wind shuriken emitting a red aura. _ Type: Weapon Class: Huuma Attack: 100 Property: Neutral Weight: 100 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level: 1 Required Job: Ninja Jobs _ ATK + (Upgrade Level * Upgrade Level) up to a maximum Upgrade Level of 15. MATK + (Upgrade Level * Upgrade Level) / 2 up to a maximum Upgrade Level of 15. This item is indestructible in battle. _ If the user's base level is 70 or higher, For every 10 base levels, ATK + 5. Id: (13454) Crimson Sabre [2] A one-handed sword with a reddish radiance. _ Type: Weapon Class: One-Handed Sword Attack: 85 Property: Neutral Weight: 85 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level: 1 Required Job: Novice Jobs, Swordman Jobs, Merchant Jobs, Thief Jobs _ ATK + (Upgrade Level * Upgrade Level) up to a maximum Upgrade Level of 15. _ If the user's base level is 70 or higher, For every 10 base levels, ATK + 5. Id: (16040) Crimson Mace [2] A mace with a reddish radiance. _ Type: Weapon Class: Mace Attack: 80 Property: Neutral Weight: 80 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level: 1 Required Job: Novice Jobs, Swordman Jobs, Merchant Jobs, Acolyte Jobs _ ATK + (Upgrade Level * Upgrade Level) up to a maximum Upgrade Level of 15. This item is indestructible in battle. _ If the user's base level is 70 or higher, For every 10 base levels, ATK + 5. Id: (18130) Crimson Bow [2] A bow emitting a red aura. _ Type: Weapon Class: Bow Attack: 130 Property: Neutral Weight: 130 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level: 1 Required Job: Thief, Rogue Jobs, Archer Jobs _ ATK + (Upgrade Level * Upgrade Level) up to a maximum Upgrade Level of 15. _ If the user's base level is 70 or higher, For every 10 base levels, ATK + 5. Id: (18997) Runaway Chip [1] It feels like being controlled by an unknown machine. _ Type: Headgear Position: Upper Defense: 0 Weight: 30 Required Level: 100 Required Job: All Jobs _ Max SP - 50% HIT + 50 FLEE + 50 _ Set Bonus Broken Chip 1 [1] Broken Chip 2 [1] Riot Chip [1] ATK + 50 MATK + 50 Movement Speed + 40% _ If Riot Chip [1] upgrade level is +9 or higher, Max HP + 10% Max SP + 50% Id: (19528) Costume: Iron Cain Specialized face armor that protects the jaw and teeth in battle. Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 30 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Headgear Defense : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 30 Id: (19643) Costume Wickebine Ears Wickebine's one of favorite ear cap. Cute and¡¦ just cute. <NAVI>[Designer Heidam]<INFO>mal_in01,20,124,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>[/color] Exchangeable for Costume Enchantment Stone Box5. Class : Costume Def : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Job : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Costume Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Id: (20113) Costume: Star Reading Hat . _ Type: Costume Position: Headgear (Upper) Weight: 0 Required Level: 1 Required Job: All Jobs Id: (20199) Costume Evil Marcher Hat A dark marching hat worn by members of an undead band from Niffleheim. <NAVI>[Designer Heidam]<INFO>mal_in01,20,124,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>[/color] Exchangeable for Costume Enchantment Stone Box5. Class : Costume Def : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Job : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Costume Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Id: (20200) Costume Rabbit Head Dress Hat with rabbit ears. <NAVI>[Designer Heidam]<INFO>mal_in01,20,124,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>[/color] Exchangeable for Costume Enchantment Stone Box5. Class : Costume Def : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Job : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Costume Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Id: (20201) Costume Banshee Master Kiss Kiss of Banshee Master. It could give the powerful force. <NAVI>[Designer Heidam]<INFO>mal_in01,20,124,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>[/color] Exchangeable for Costume Enchantment Stone Box5. Class : Costume Def : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Job : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Costume Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Id: (20202) Costume Deviruchi Balloon Hellium Ballon shaped like deviruchi. <NAVI>[Designer Heidam]<INFO>mal_in01,20,124,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>[/color] Exchangeable for Costume Enchantment Stone Box5. Class : Costume Def : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Job : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Costume Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Id: (20230) Costume Bankruptcy Mask A mask that showing the deep sorrows for losing everything. <NAVI>[Designer Heidam]<INFO>mal_in01,20,124,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>[/color] Exchangeable for Costume Enchantment Stone Box6. Class : Costume Def : 0 Location : Middle Lower Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Job : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Costume Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Id: (20231) Costume Snowman Hat A hat that is a constant reminder of the Winter season. <NAVI>[Designer Heidam]<INFO>mal_in01,20,124,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>[/color] Exchangeable for Costume Enchantment Stone Box6. Class : Costume Def : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Job : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Costume Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Id: (20232) Costume Celine Ribbon A luxurious ribbon with golden border. Had been abandoned by Kimi. <NAVI>[Designer Heidam]<INFO>mal_in01,20,124,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>[/color] Exchangeable for Costume Enchantment Stone Box6. Class : Costume Def : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Job : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Costume Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Id: (20233) Costume Golden Angel Statue of peeing baby angel. It's a bit embarrassing to wear it. <NAVI>[Designer Heidam]<INFO>mal_in01,20,124,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>[/color] Exchangeable for Costume Enchantment Stone Box6. Class : Costume Def : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Job : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Costume Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Id: (20273) Costume Soft Sheep Hat Cutie Sheep Hat. You don't want to hit his head. <NAVI>[Designer Heidam]<INFO>mal_in01,20,124,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>[/color] Exchangeable for Costume Enchantment Stone Box6. Class : Costume Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Job : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Costume Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Id: (20761) Costume Happiness Wings A wing for happy mood. <NAVI>[Designer Heidam]<INFO>mal_in01,20,124,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>[/color] Exchangeable for Costume Enchantment Stone Box5. Class : Costume Location : Garment Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Job : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Costume Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Id: (20762) Costume GreatDevil Wing Wing of Great Devel, the famous. <NAVI>[Designer Heidam]<INFO>mal_in01,20,124,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>[/color] Exchangeable for Costume Enchantment Stone Box6. Class : Costume Location : Garment Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Job : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Costume Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Id: (21015) Crimson Twohand Sword [2] A two-handed sword emitting a red aura. _ Type: Weapon Class: Two-Handed Sword Attack: 170 Property: Neutral Weight: 170 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level: 1 Required Job: Swordman Jobs _ ATK + (Upgrade Level * Upgrade Level) up to a maximum Upgrade Level of 15. MATK + (Upgrade Level * Upgrade Level) / 2 up to a maximum Upgrade Level of 15. _ If the user's base level is 70 or higher, For every 10 base levels, ATK + 5. Id: (22691) Record Piece Id: (22692) Record Piece Id: (22693) Record Piece Id: (22694) Record Piece Id: (22695) Record Piece Id: (22699) Test Reagent Id: (22868) Costume Enchantment Stone Box 5 A box that contains enchantment stones for costume equipment. _ Type: Consumable Class: Box Weight: 1 _ This box contains one of the following at random: ATK Stone (Upper) x1 MATK Stone (Upper) x1 STR Stone (Middle) x1 INT Stone (Middle) x1 AGI Stone (Middle) x1 DEX Stone (Middle) x1 VIT Stone (Middle) x1 LUK Stone (Middle) x1 HP Stone (Lower) x1 SP Absorption Stone (Upper) x1 Id: (22905) Costume Enchantment Stone Box 6 A box that contains enchantment stones for costume equipment. _ Type: Consumable Class: Box Weight: 1 _ This box contains one of the following at random: ATK Stone (Upper) x1 MATK Stone (Upper) x1 STR Stone (Middle) x1 INT Stone (Middle) x1 AGI Stone (Middle) x1 DEX Stone (Middle) x1 VIT Stone (Middle) x1 LUK Stone (Middle) x1 HP Stone (Lower) x1 HP Absorption Stone (Garment) x1 SP Absorption Stone (Garment) x1 SP Absorption Stone (Upper) x1 Id: (25000) SP Absorption Stone(Upper) A stone with SP absorption ability. _ Type: Miscellaneous Class: Enchant Stone Weight: 10 Compounds On: Headgear (Upper) _ Adds a 1% chance of restoring 1% of damage as SP when performing a physical attack. _ <NAVI>[Lace La Zard]<INFO>mal_in01,20,107,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>[/color] Id: (28007) Crimson Katar [2] A katar emitting a red aura. _ Type: Weapon Class: Katar Attack: 130 Property: Neutral Weight: 130 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level: 1 Required Job: Assassin Jobs _ ATK + (Upgrade Level * Upgrade Level) up to a maximum Upgrade Level of 15. _ If the user's base level is 70 or higher, For every 10 base levels, ATK + 5. Id: (28106) Crimson Twohand Axe [2] A two-handed axe emitting a red aura. _ Type: Weapon Class: Two-Handed Axe Attack: 200 Property: Neutral Weight: 200 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level: 1 Required Job: Swordman Jobs, Merchant Jobs _ ATK + (Upgrade Level * Upgrade Level) up to a maximum Upgrade Level of 15. This item is indestructible in battle. _ If the user's base level is 70 or higher, For every 10 base levels, ATK + 5. Id: (28326) Broken Chip 01 [1] It seems to have been broken in half during the uproar. _ Type: Accessory Defense: 0 Weight: 10 Required Level: 100 Required Job: All Jobs _ STR + 4 _ Set Bonus Broken Chip 1 [1] Broken Chip 2 [1] STR + 8 INT + 8 _ Set Bonus Broken Chip 1 [1] Broken Chip 2 [1] Riot Chip [1] ATK + 50 MATK + 50 Movement Speed + 40% _ If Riot Chip [1] upgrade level is +9 or higher, Max HP + 10% Max SP + 50% Id: (28327) Broken Chip 02 [1] It seems to have been broken in half during the uproar. _ Type: Accessory Defense: 0 Weight: 10 Required Level: 100 Required Job: All Jobs _ INT + 4 _ Set Bonus Broken Chip 1 [1] Broken Chip 2 [1] STR + 8 INT + 8 _ Set Bonus Broken Chip 1 [1] Broken Chip 2 [1] Riot Chip [1] ATK + 50 MATK + 50 Movement Speed + 40% _ If Riot Chip [1] upgrade level is +9 or higher, Max HP + 10% Max SP + 50% Id: (28604) Crimson Bible [2] A book with a reddish radiance. _ Type: Weapon Class: Book Attack: 45 Property: Neutral Weight: 45 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level: 1 Required Job: Priest Jobs, Sage Jobs, Taekwon Master _ ATK + (Upgrade Level * Upgrade Level) up to a maximum Upgrade Level of 15. MATK + (Upgrade Level * Upgrade Level) / 2 up to a maximum Upgrade Level of 15. _ If the user's base level is 70 or higher, For every 10 base levels, ATK + 5. Id: (28705) Crimson Dagger [2] A dagger with a reddish radiance. _ Type: Weapon Class: Dagger Attack: 55 Property: Neutral Weight: 55 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level: 1 Required Job: Novice Jobs, Swordman Jobs, Merchant Jobs, Thief Jobs, Mage Jobs, Archer Jobs, Soul Linker, Ninja Jobs _ ATK + (Upgrade Level * Upgrade Level) up to a maximum Upgrade Level of 15. MATK + (Upgrade Level * Upgrade Level) / 2 up to a maximum Upgrade Level of 15. _ If the user's base level is 70 or higher, For every 10 base levels, ATK + 5. Id: (29028) ATK + 1% ATK + 1%. Gives ATK + 2%, if ATK + 1% effect on Costume middle and lower slot. Id: (29030) MATK + 1% MATK + 1%. Gives MATK + 2%, if MATK + 1% effect on Costume middle and lower slot. Id: (29032) SP Absorption 1 Absorb 1% of damage dealt to enemy into SP with 1% chance. Changed Quest Spoiler Alert: Id: 5341 Limits of Journeys Info: You used Memory Record to embark on a journey forStart a journey using a Memory Record. This journey is possible up to 22 hours. Quickinfo: Time Llimit: 22 hours Id: 5342 Help Her Info: Vernok Saihugh has asked youReceive request to rhelievep Dr. Fressa from her lonely struggletoiling by herself from Bunker Sayhu. Quickinfo: Id: 5343 Headcount Info: Receive request from Dr. Fressa has asked you to couto help with conducting a current the number ofadcount of the Biological Eengineers. Quickinfo: Biological Eengineers Id: 5344 Headcount Info: Receive request from Dr. Fressa has asked you to couto help with conducting a current the number ofadcount of the Mechanical Engineers ians. Quickinfo: Mechanical Engineersian Id: 5345 Headcount Info: Receive request from Dr. Fressa has asked you to couto help with conducting a current the number of Equipment Technician[/s]adcount of the [/color] Facilities manager[/b]s[/color]. Quickinfo: Equipment TechniciansFacilities manager Id: 5346 Headcount Info: Receive request from Dr. Fressa has asked you to couto help with conducting a current the number ofadcount of the Chemical ExperSubstance Specialists. Quickinfo: Chemical ExpertsSubstance Specialist Id: 5347 Headcount Info: Biological Engineer Touring provided the number of Biological Engineers to youReceive current number of Bioengineers from Bioengineer Touring. Report to Dr. Fressa. Quickinfo: Report to Dr. Fressa.a Id: 5348 Headcount Complete Info: MRechanical Engineer Al provided the number of Mechanical Engineers to youeive current number of Mechanicians from Mechanician Al. Report to Dr. Fressa. Quickinfo: Report to Dr. Fressa.a Id: 5349 Headcount Complete Info: Equipment Technician Remodeling provided the number of Equipment Technicians to youReceive current number of Facilities managers from Facilities manager Remodeling. Report to Dr. Fressa. Quickinfo: Report to Dr. Fressa.a Id: 5350 Headcount Complete Info: Chemical Expert Carlsten provided the number of Chemical Experts to youReceive current number of Chemical Substance Specialists from Chemical Substance Specialist Karsten. Report to Dr. Fressa. Quickinfo: Report to Dr. Fressa.a Id: 5351 Limits of Journeys Info: You used Memory Record to embark on a journey forStart a journey using a Memory Record. This journey is possible up to 22 hours. Quickinfo: Time Llimit: 22 hours Id: 5352 Air Cleaning Unit Info: You have been askedReceived request to takmove Aair Purifiers to Equipment Technicians in 5 different locationscleaning units to five different locations where Facilities managers are waiting. (Locations:) C-0, F-1, F-2, I-0, Z-0 Quickinfo: Id: 5353 C-0 Delivery Complete Info: You dDelivered an Air Purifier to the Equipment Technician in Areair cleaning unit to facilities manager of Zone C-0. Quickinfo: Id: 5354 F-1 Delivery Complete Info: You dDelivered an Air Purifier to the Equipment Technician in Areair cleaning unit to facilities manager of Zone F-1. Quickinfo: Id: 5355 F-2 Delivery Complete Info: You dDelivered an Air Purifier to the Equipment Technician in Areair cleaning unit to facilities manager of Zone F-2. Quickinfo: Id: 5356 I-0 Delivery Complete Info: You dDelivered an Air Purifier to the Equipment Technician in Areair cleaning unit to facilities manager of Zone I-0. Quickinfo: Id: 5357 Z-0 Delivery Complete Info: You dDelivered an Air Purifier to the Equipment Technician in Areair cleaning unit to facilities manager of Zone Z-0. Quickinfo: Id: 5358 Limits of Journeys Info: You used Memory Record to embark on a journey forStart a journey using a Memory Record. This journey is possible up to 22 hours. Quickinfo: Time Llimit: 22 hours Id: 5359 Grape Harvest Info: Each box of grapes contains 30 clusters of grapes. Harvest 30 GOne Grape Box can apparently hold 30 bunches of grapes. Pick 30 fresh bunches of grapes fromat the farm. Quickinfo: 30 GFresh bunches of grapes Id: 5360 Grape Delivery Info: Deliver the fresh Gly picked grapes to Mechanical Engineerian Al. Quickinfo: Id: 5361 Grape Delivery Info: Deliver the fresh Gly picked grapes to Equipment Technician Facilities manager Remodeling. Quickinfo: Id: 5362 Grape Delivery Info: Deliver the fresh Gly picked grapes to Chemical ExperSubstance Specialist CKarlsten. Quickinfo: Id: 5363 Limits of Journeys Info: You used Memory Record to embark on a journey forStart a journey using a Memory Record. This journey is possible up to 22 hours. Quickinfo: Time Llimit: 22 hours Id: 5364 Convulsing Patient Suppression Info: The Nurse has asked you to subdue hysterical patients in the temporary infirmaryReceive request from Nurse to suppress patients in the temporary clinic showing symptoms of convulsion. Quickinfo: Id: 5365 Urgent News Info: Report to Dr. Fressa thaabout the convulsnews of drastic increase ing patients are becoming numerousshowing symptoms of convulsion. Quickinfo: Id: 5366 Limits of Journeys Info: You used Memory Record to embark on a journey forStart a journey using a Memory Record. This journey is possible up to 22 hours. Quickinfo: Time Llimit: 22 hours Id: 5367 Transport Necessities Info: Deliver the supplies to Area Z-2. GReceived request to transport goods to Zone Z-2 then go to Mechanical Engineer Al[/color] in the Machine Warehouseian Al[/color] and deliver thea message: You idiots, stop wasting valuable resources on making machines! saying, Quickinfo: Id: 5368 Goods delivery Complete Info: You dDelivered the supplierequested goods to AreaZone Z-2. Quickinfo: Id: 5369 Message Delivery Complete Info: You dDelivered therequested message to Mechanical Engineerian Al. Quickinfo: Id: 5370 Memory Record Info: You sSuccessfully finished thecompleted journey using a Memory Record journey. Quickinfo: Id: 7641 Access Permitted Info: Access approved for restricted areas 'Laboratories' and 'Research Facilities'.Free access to laboratories and research facilities is possible from now on. Quickinfo: Id: 7642 Explore Research facilities Info: Look around and search for things of special investigation and research value in the Research facilities area. Report even small but significant things to Ian Atnad Quickinfo: Id: 7643 Mysterious Piece Info: Found some kind of component in the Research facilities. Report to Ian Atnad. Quickinfo: Report to Ian Id: 7644 Record Player Info: Record player is needed to know the contents of Memory Record. Commander Arquien of the Paradise Squad knows the whereabouts of the record player. Quickinfo: Converse with Arquien Id: 7645 Piece of Memory Record Info: At least 5 pieces are needed to play Memory Record intact. Collect the rest of the Memory Records in the Research facilities and take them to Commander Arquien who came to the Verus excavation site. Quickinfo: 5 memory records Id: 7646 Play Memory Record Info: Converse with Commander Arquien after playing Memory Record Quickinfo: Operate record player Id: 7647 Report Memory Record Info: Report to Ian Atnad about what you found out about the Memory Records Quickinfo: Report to Ian Id: 7648 Memory Records of the Laboratories Info: Collect 5 'Memory Records of the laboratories' in the underground facility of the laboratories and take them to Arquien to find out the content. Quickinfo: 5 Memory Records of the laboratories Id: 7649 Report Memory Record Content Info: Report to Ian Atnad about the content known from the Memory Records of laboratories Quickinfo: Converse with Ian Id: 7650 Collect Memory Records of Research facilities Info: Collect 5 Memory Records in the research facilities and take them to Arquien to decipher the content Quickinfo: 5 memory records Id: 7651 One Memory a Day Info: Collect Memory Records only once a day. Go to Arquien at the promised time. Quickinfo: Id: 7652 Collect Memory Records of Laboratories Info: Collect 5 Memory Records in the laboratories and take them to Arquien to decipher the content Quickinfo: 5 Laboratories Memory Records Id: 7653 One Memory a Day 2 Info: Collect Memory Records in the laboratories only once a day. Go to Arquien at the promised time. Quickinfo: Id: 7654 Play Research facilities Memory Records Info: Find out content by playing record player. Quickinfo: Play record player Id: 7655 Play Laboratories Memory Records Info: Find out content by playing record player. Quickinfo: Play record player Id: 7656 Invitation of Rekenber Info: Rekenber has invited you to the corporate headquarters. Visit Rekenber Corporation Headquarters located in Rihrtarzen. Quickinfo: Converse with Tatio Id: 11379 Final Room Info: You have entered the final room. You can enter again after 23 hours. Quickinfo: Id: 11380 Final Room Info: Discovered a hidden area. Return to Fruit after taking care of the monster at the end of the dungeon. Quickinfo: Dispose of T_W_O Id: 11381 Vestige Info: Apparently there is an incredible device in the center. Go and investigate. Quickinfo: Investigate central device. Id: 11382 Vestige Info: Receive request to investigate underground bunker from Fruit. There seems to be a guide in the area so look for him. Quickinfo: Move to underground bunker Id: 11383 Vestige Info: See if there are things worth recovering in the underground bunker. Quickinfo: Investigate Underground Bunker Id: 11384 Vestige Info: Fond a room with a peculiar energy. Go in. Quickinfo: Into the room Id: 11385 Vestige Info: Found a suspicious door in the room. Go in. Quickinfo: Go in the door Id: 11386 Vestige Info: Arrived at a strange space. There seems to be a way to go back so go. Quickinfo: The way back Id: 11387 Vestige Info: Arrived at a strange room. Converse with company. Quickinfo: Converse with Du Id: 11388 Vestige Info: The way back is blocked. Keep going to the interior. Quickinfo: Move to the interior Id: 11389 Vestige Info: Picked up a strange note. A peculiar message is written. Quickinfo: Keep moving Id: 12346 Strange Ancient Science Info: Discussed with the researcher about the strangeness of ancient science. Quickinfo: Strange Ancient Science Id: 12347 Trace of Laboratory Access Info: The effects of the ancient science laboratory being accessed through dimensions is left. Quickinfo: Traces of Laboratory Access Id: 13195 Monthly Brigan Info: Find freshman reporter Trapp Quickinfo: Id: 13196 Monthly Brigan Info: Find Photo Journalist Sunny Kim Quickinfo: Id: 13197 Monthly Brigan Info: Find survivor Grizzly Grylls Quickinfo: Id: 13198 Monthly Brigan : Krotzel's Request Info: Look for team members Quickinfo: Id: 13199 Krotzel's Request - Complete Info: Quickinfo: Id: 13200 Monthly Brigan : Rookie's Request Info: Defeat surrounding Monsters Quickinfo: Id: 13201 Rookie's Request - Complete Info: Quickinfo: Id: 13202 Monthly Brigan : Photo Journalist's Request Info: Take care of surrounding Monsters Quickinfo: Id: 13203 Photo Journalist's Request - Complete Info: Quickinfo: Id: 13204 Monthly Brigan : Grylls' Request Info: Obtain 30 Metal bugs Quickinfo: Id: 13205 Grylls' Request - Complete Info: Quickinfo: [/SPOILER] Item Spoiler Alert: Id: (1443) Crimson Spear [2] [color=#=#7F0000]FF0000This item requires translation.[/color]808080A one-handed spear with a reddish radiance.[/color] _ Type: Weapon Class: One-Handed Sword Attack: 90 Property: Neutral Weight: 90 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level: 1 Required Job: Swordman Jobs _ ATK + (Upgrade Level * Upgrade Level) up to a maximum Upgrade Level of 15. _ If the user's base level is 70 or higher, For every 10 base levels, ATK + 5. Id: (1498) Crimson Lance [2] [color=#=#7F0000]FF0000This item requires translation.[/color]808080A two-handed spear emitting a red aura.[/color] _ Type: Weapon Class: Two-Handed Spear Attack: 175 Property: Neutral Weight: 175 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level: 1 Required Job: Swordman Jobs _ ATK + (Upgrade Level * Upgrade Level) up to a maximum Upgrade Level of 15. _ If the user's base level is 70 or higher, For every 10 base levels, ATK + 5. Id: (1680) Crimson Rod [2] [color=#=#7F0000]FF0000This item requires translation.[/color]808080A one-handed staff with a reddish radiance.[/color] _ Type: Weapon Class: One-Handed Staff Attack: 60 Property: Neutral Weight: 60 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level: 1 Required Job: Novice Jobs, Acolyte Jobs, Mage Jobs, Soul Linker _ INT + 4 MATK + 70 MATK + (Upgrade Level * Upgrade Level) up to a maximum Upgrade Level of 15. This item is indestructible in battle. _ If the user's base level is 70 or higher, For every 10 base levels, MATK + 5. Id: (1839) Crimson Knuckle [2] [color=#=#7F0000]FF0000This item requires translation.[/color]808080A knuckle with a reddish radiance.[/color] _ Type: Weapon Class: Knuckle Attack: 100 Property: Neutral Weight: 100 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level: 1 Required Job: Priest Jobs, Monk Jobs _ ATK + (Upgrade Level * Upgrade Level) up to a maximum Upgrade Level of 15. _ If the user's base level is 70 or higher, For every 10 base levels, ATK + 5. Id: (1939) Crimson Violin [2] [color=#=#7F0000]FF0000This item requires translation.[/color]808080An instrument with a reddish radiance.[/color] _ Type: Weapon Class: Instrument Attack: 80 Property: Neutral Weight: 80 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level: 1 Required Job: Bard Jobs _ ATK + (Upgrade Level * Upgrade Level) up to a maximum Upgrade Level of 15. _ If the user's base level is 70 or higher, For every 10 base levels, ATK + 5. Id: (1995) Crimson Wire [2] [color=#=#7F0000]FF0000This item requires translation.[/color]808080A whip with a reddish radiance.[/color] _ Type: Weapon Class: Whip Attack: 80 Property: Neutral Weight: 80 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level: 1 Required Job: Dancer Jobs _ ATK + (Upgrade Level * Upgrade Level) up to a maximum Upgrade Level of 15. _ If the user's base level is 70 or higher, For every 10 base levels, ATK + 5. Id: (4700) STR+1 STR+1 _ Id: (4710) INT+1 INT+1 _ Id: (4720) DEX+1 DEX+1 _ Id: (4730) AGI+1 AGI+1 _ Id: (4740) VIT+1 VIT+1 _ Id: (4750) LUK+1 LUK+1 _ Id: (17372) Wise Earring ShadowCostume Show Me The Zeny Box [color=#=#7F0000]ff0000Cannot be traded to other accounts.[/color] A box containing Wise Earring Shadow. _ Sacred earring protecting the owner. Enables user's potential ability. SP +50. When refine level is 7, MSP +1% increase. When refine level 9, additional MSP +1% increase. Class : Shadow Armor Location : Accessory Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Job : All This item cannot be refunded once it is opened. Weight : 1808080Thoughts of zeny cloud the mind.[/color] Adds the chance of gaining a certain amount of Zeny each time a monster is killed. Created to celebrate the launch of Ragnarok Clicker! http://goo.gl/gmmiZI Give one Costume:Show Me The Zeny when opened! Id: (17373) Athena Earring Shadow Boxugust Lucky Box 2016 Cannot be traded to other accounts. A box containing Athena Earring Shadow. _ Sacred earring protecting the owner. Enables user's potential ability. DEF + 10. When refine level is 7, DEF + 10 increase. When equipped with Athena Earring Shadow and Resist Spell Power Pendant Shadow, Non Elemental resistance 1% increase. When refine rate total is 15 , addtional Non Elemental resistance 1% increase. Class : Shadow Armor Location : Accessory Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Job : All This item cannot be refunded once it is opened. Weight : 1When Opened Gives one of the following 5cnt Battle Manual x 3 5cnt HE Bubble Gum 4cnt Bloody Dead Branch 100cnt Magic Power Scroll 30cnt Mental Potion Costume Iron Cain Costume Over Protector Costume Star Reading Hat Costume Red Under Rim Glasses Heroic Backpack Id: (17374) Cranial Shield Shadow BoxAugust Lucky Crate 2016 Cannot be traded to other accounts. A box containing Cranial Shield Shadow. _ Small extra shield gives you additional defense effect. Not really effective when worn alone. 1% damage decrease when attacked by human type monsters. When refine level is 7, additional 1% damage decrease when attacked by human type monsters. When refine level 9, additional 1% damage decrease when attacked by human type monsters. When equipped with Cranial Shield Shadow and Bloody Shoes Shadow, 3% exp increase when hunting human type monsters Class : Shadow Armor Location : Shield Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Job : All This item cannot be refunded once it is opened. Weight : 1Always Contains 1 Safe to 10 Certification. Contains 5 2016 August Lucky Boxes which when opened Gives one of the following 5cnt Battle Manual x 3 5cnt HE Bubble Gum 4cnt Bloody Dead Branch 100cnt Magic Power Scroll 30cnt Mental Potion Costume Iron Cain Costume Over Protector Costume Star Reading Hat Costume Red Under Rim Glasses Heroic Backpack Id: (19954) placeholderCostume 3D Glasses A mysterious glasses which shows objects in 3-dimentional. <NAVI>[Designer Heidam]<INFO>mal_in01,20,124,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>[/color] Exchangeable for Costume Enchantment Stone Box6. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Middle Weight : 0 Req Lvl.uired Level : 1 Job : All ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Costume Location : Middle Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Id: (20071) Costume Lost Wolf PuppyWorg In Mouth From 3-17-2016 to 6-01-2016 will increase Luk by 5 and enable the dropping of Green Ale Items. A lost wolf puppy, maybe you should carry it like its mother to comfort it.It seem he love his mother. <NAVI>[Designer Heidam]<INFO>mal_in01,20,124,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>[/color] Exchangeable for Costume Enchantment Stone Box6. Class : Costume Gear Defense : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required Lvevel : 1 Job : All Jobs ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Costume Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Id: (20130) Rental Underneath JurCostume Whisper Tall Hat This Rental Weapon is not Tradable 40% Bonus Attack Damage to Earth Element Targets A set of Arabian style blades that are worn on the back of both hands or on the forearms. This item is not Refinable Class : Katar Attack StrengthA long hat modeled after the shape of monster Whisper. <NAVI>[Designer Heidam]<INFO>mal_in01,20,124,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>[/color] Exchangeable for Costume Enchantment Stone Box5. Class : Costume Def : 1460 WeightLocation : 80Upper Weapon LevelWeight : 20 Required Level : 1 Jobs : Assassinll ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Costume Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Id: (20132) C Subject Auraostume Aura Vicious Mind Unknown aura that wrapped your body. <NAVI>[Designer Heidam]<INFO>mal_in01,20,124,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>[/color] Exchangeable for Costume Enchantment Stone Box5. Class : Costume_Equipment Defense : 0 Location : BottomLower Weight : 0 Required Lv.evel : 1 Job : All Jobs ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Costume Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Id: (20133) Rental Underneath Huuma Giant WheelCostume Poring Mascot This Rental Weapon is not Tradable 40% Bonus Attack Damage to Earth Element Targets A heavy, giant shuriken shaped like a bladed wheel. Each short range physical attack has a low chance of inflicting the Bleeding status on enemies. This item is not Refinable[/s]A hat inspired by the adorable Poring. [/color]<NAVI>[Designer Heidam]<INFO>mal_in01,20,124,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>[/color] Exchangeable for Costume Enchantment Stone Box5.[/b][/color] Class : HuCostumae Attack Def : 920 WeightLocation : 250Upper Weapon LevelWeight : 40 Required Level : 1 Jobs : NinjaAll ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Costume Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Id: (20239) Costume Large Ribbon Muffler A lLarge rRibbon muMeffler Type<NAVI>[Designer Heidam]<INFO>mal_in01,20,124,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>[/color] Exchangeable for Costume Enchantment Stone Box6. Class : Costume equipment DEFef : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Lv. req.Required Level : 1 ClassJob : All classes ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Costume Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Id: (20242) Costume Snowman's Scarfnow Hat A costume hat modeled after the snowman called Snownow keeping the town Lutie. Surprisingly, snow falls on your head when you wear it. Type<NAVI>[Designer Heidam]<INFO>mal_in01,20,124,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>[/color] Exchangeable for Costume Enchantment Stone Box6. Class : Costume equipment DEFef : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Lv. req.Required Level : 1 ClassJob : All classes ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Costume Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Id: (31091) Costume: Show Me The Zeny Thoughts of zeny cloud the mind. Adds the chance of gaining a certain amount of Zeny each time a monster is killed. Created to celebrate the launch of Ragnarok Clicker! http://goo.gl/gmmiZI Account Bound _ Type: Costume Position: Headgear (Upper) Weight: 1 Required Level: 1 Required Job: All Jobs [/SPOILER] Files Spoiler Alert: BGM\161.mp3 BGM\162.mp3 BGM\163.mp3 BGM\164.mp3 data\[email protected] data\[email protected] data\[email protected] data\[email protected] data\[email protected] data\[email protected] data\[email protected] data\[email protected] data\[email protected] data\idnum2itemdesctable.txt data\idnum2itemdisplaynametable.txt data\idnum2itemresnametable.txt data\indoorrswtable.txt data\itemslotcounttable.txt data\luafiles514\lua files\datainfo\AddRandomOption_F.lub data\luafiles514\lua files\datainfo\AddRandomOptionNameTable.lub data\luafiles514\lua files\datainfo\EnumVar.lub data\luafiles514\lua files\datainfo\JobIdentity.lub data\luafiles514\lua files\datainfo\jobname.lub data\luafiles514\lua files\datainfo\npcidentity.lub data\luafiles514\lua files\effecttool\[email protected] data\luafiles514\lua files\effecttool\verus01.lub data\mapnametable.txt data\model\verus\bnker_bal.rsm data\model\verus\bnker_bed_01.rsm data\model\verus\bnker_bed_02.rsm data\model\verus\bnker_bed_03.rsm data\model\verus\bnker_bed_04.rsm data\model\verus\bnker_box_01.rsm data\model\verus\bnker_box_02.rsm data\model\verus\bnker_box_03.rsm data\model\verus\bnker_box_04.rsm data\model\verus\bnker_cabi_01.rsm data\model\verus\bnker_cabi_02.rsm data\model\verus\bnker_cabi_03.rsm data\model\verus\bnker_cabi_04.rsm data\model\verus\bnker_ch_01.rsm data\model\verus\bnker_ch_02.rsm data\model\verus\bnker_con.rsm data\model\verus\bnker_dek_01.rsm data\model\verus\bnker_dek_02.rsm data\model\verus\bnker_exit.rsm data\model\verus\bnker_flp.rsm data\model\verus\bnker_flw.rsm data\model\verus\bnker_glass.rsm data\model\verus\bnker_lab_01.rsm data\model\verus\bnker_lab_02.rsm data\model\verus\bnker_lab_03.rsm data\model\verus\bnker_lab_04.rsm data\model\verus\bnker_ligt.rsm 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  17. Added Item Spoiler Alert: Id: (20219) Chapéu da Banda Sagrada Esse magnífico chapéu dourado foi dado como prêmio para o A Voz Ragnarök, um concurso musical elaborado em homenagem ao deus Bragi, no qual os jurados Charlie Marrom, Lulu Demos e Cláudia Café selecionavam o novo astro musical de Midgard. Tipo: Visual Defesa: 0 Equipa em: Topo Peso: 0 Nível Necessário: 1 Classes: Todas Id: (20220) Véu da Meia-Noite Dizem que este era o véu usado por Emília, a pobre noiva cadáver que, mesmo após falecer, ainda conseguiu se casar com o gótico menestrel Tom Burtin, depois que ele teve um pesadelo antes do Natal. Tipo: Visual Defesa: 0 Equipa em: Topo e Meio Peso: 0 Nível Necessário: 1 Classes: Todas Id: (20240) Flocos de Neve Quando você descobriu que tinha o poder de fazer nevar ao seu redor, por algum motivo sentiu uma incontrolável vontade de sair correndo escada acima cantando “Livre estou, livre estou...” Tipo: Visual Defesa: 0 Equipa em: Baixo Peso: 0 Nível Necessário: 1 Classes: Todas Id: (20324) Chapéu com Pombo Dizem que esse chapéu era usado por um justiceiro chamado Bastião que acabou desaparecendo na fábrica de robôs de Kiel Hyre. O que você mais gosta nele, contudo, é que um pombo acabou fazendo seu ninho dentro dele e agora te acompanha nas suas aventuras! Tipo: Visual Defesa: 0 Equipa em: Topo Peso: 0 Nível Necessário: 1 Classes: Todas Changed Item Spoiler Alert: Id: (0) Ticket promocional criado pela Corporação Kafra. Troque-o por um item aleatório no NPC Máquina de Promoções, encontrado em Prontera nas coordenadas 141 226. Esta promoção está disponível apenas até o dia 04/07, então troque-o agora mesmo! ATENÇÃO: Este ticket será removido durante a manutenção do dia 05/07. O item obtido na troca com o NPC é aleatório! Boa sorte! Peso: 1 Id: (7550) Ticket de Contribuição Um Ticket criado pelo Prefeito Thomas, Ex-almirante de uma embarcação da Corporação da Pata de Gato. Trocando-o no NPC de Promoções Especiais (Prontera, coordenadas 141, 226), você tem a chance de conseguir Frutas dos Gatos ou Ira do Deus do Mar. ATENÇÃO: e[/s]promocional permite a entrada nos Mapas Especiais somente para personagens com nível de base maior que 70. Para acessá-los, fale com o NPC Nanaru, localizado em Prontera (162, 326). Este Tticket será removidodesaparecerá durante a manutenção do diae 025/03/16. O item obtido na troca com a NPC é aleatório! Boa sorte!1/2016. Aproveite e divirta-se! [/color]Atenção! Este item não pode ser trocado, derrubado no chão, colocado no carrinho e nem no armazém.[/b][/color] Peso: 10 Id: (7608) Ticket de Promoçãoos Gatos Um Ticket promocional criado pela Corporação Kafra. Troque-o por um item aleatóricriado pelo Prefeito Thomas, Ex-almirante de uma embarcação da Corporação da Pata de Gato. Trocando-o no NPC Máquina de Promoções, encontrado em Especiais (Prontera nas, coordenadas 141, 226. Esta promoção está disponível apenas até o dia 04/07, então troque-o agora mesmo!), você tem a chance de conseguir Frutas dos Gatos ou Ira do Deus do Mar. [color=#=#7F0000]FFff0000ATENÇÃO: Eeste tTicket será removido durante a manutenção do dia 05/0723/08/16. O item obtido na troca com oa NPC é aleatório![/color] Boa sorte![/color] Peso: 1 Id: (12040) Pedra do Sábio Uma pedra encantada. Há rumores que ela pode transmutar qualquer material em ouro. _ Peso: 130 Id: (18523) Super Nimbus Uma pequena nuvem que relampeja e troveja constantemente em sua cabeça deixando-lhe elétrico. Chance de conjurar as habilidades Relâmpago Nv5 ou Tempestade de Raios Nv5 ao realizar ataques físicos de curta distância. Se o nível da habilidade for maior, a habilidade será lançada com o nível da habilidade do usuário. As chances de conjurar as habilidades aumentam de acordo com o nível da habilidade adquirido. Não pode ser refinado. Tipo : Equipamento para cabeça Defesa: 0 Equipa em : Topo Peso : 10 Nível necessário : 30 Classe : Todas as classes [/SPOILER]
  18. Added Item Spoiler Alert: Id: (14810) 神聖之力轉蛋 使用十字架做為基底且發著光,代表者內容物充滿著神聖的力量。 重量 : 1 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 1 Id: (14811) 惡魔之力轉蛋 小惡魔所使用的武器封印著,打開之後可以開起強力的邪惡武器。 重量 : 1 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 1 Id: (20168) (服飾)骷髏披風 據說死神常用的披掛。 可以給於周邊的人帶來不好運氣。 系列 : 服裝裝備 防禦 : 0 位置 : 上中下 重量 : 0 要求等級 : 1 裝備 : 全職業 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Costume Defense : 0 Location : UpperMiddleLower Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Id: (28903) 塔盾 [1] 完全被灣區的輕便又僵硬的正方型形狀的盾牌。他的厲害之處是可以在獨特的型態可以抵擋攻擊。 Flee + 5, 完全迴避 + 1。 每精煉3, 完全迴避額外+ 2 (可適用到精煉10) 每精煉10時MHP + 10%, MSP + 10%。 系列 : 盾牌 防禦 : 1 重量 : 50 要求等級 : 10 裝備 : 全職業 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Shield Defense : 1 Weight : 50 Required Level : 10 Changed ItemRandOption Spoiler Alert: Id: 35 (ATTR_TOLERACE_ALLBUTNOTHING), 對所有屬性攻擊的抗性 %d%% Item Spoiler Alert: Id: (506) 綠色藥水 將綠色的藥草搗碎製成的治療劑,可以治療陷入 毒與 沉默與 暗黑 與 混亂[color=#=#267F00]000000, [/color]幻覺[color=#[/]color]000000的狀態。 _ 重量 : 7 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 7 Id: (657) 菠色克藥水 可讓全身的血沸騰,變成狂戰士的狀態,是種非常厲害的藥水,服用時,可讓攻擊速度上升。 等級85級以上的角色才能使用,只有跆拳/拳聖/悟靈士/神槍手/反叛者/流氓/魔法師/巫師/劍士系列/商人系列只能使用。 重量 : 20 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 20 Id: (1164) 名刀 不知火 蘊含著邪惡氣息,被稱之為妖道的刀 ,不過他的威力不可被忽視。 必殺攻擊 + 30 攻擊速度增加 8%後延遲時間減少8% 很罕見的會對自己詛咒。 系列 : 雙手劍 攻擊 : 155 重量 : 100 武器等級 : 4 要求等級 : 48 裝備 : 劍士系列 專用 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : TwoHandedSword Attack : 155 Weight : 100 Weapon Level : 4 Required Level : 48 Id: (4302) 塔奧群卡卡片 MAXHP + 100%,DEF - 50, MDEF - 50。 固定有物理/魔法防禦力會扣一半。 系列 : 卡片 裝備 : 鎧甲 重量 : 1 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Card Compound on : Armor Weight : 1 Id: (4508) 黃金甲蟲卡片 ATK + 20,MHP - 1% 系列 : 卡片 裝備 : 裝飾品 重量 : 1 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Card Compound on : Accessory Weight : 1 Id: (4509) 黃金女王甲蟲卡片 INT + 3. 對昆蟲型敵人的傷害減少10%,精煉+9時額外減少5%。 系列 : 卡片 裝備 : 頭盔 重量 : 1 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Card Compound on : Headgear Weight : 1 Id: (5442) 自動領帶 [1] 套上去即可的領帶, 搭配紅暈更佳, VIT + 1 與紅暈同時搭配戴時, 攻速增加3%(攻擊後延遲時間3%減少3%). 變動詠唱時間3%減少. 命中率-5, SP消耗率+5%. 系列 : 頭盔 防禦 : 6 位置 : 上面 重量 : 10 要求等級 : 70 配戴 : 全職業 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Headgear Defense : 6 Location : Upper Weight : 10 Required Level : 70 Id: (5503) 兔子魔法帽 著名的魔術師戴過的帽子. 感覺好像會知道魔術技巧. DEX + 2, AGI + 2, MDEF + 1. 攻速增加(攻擊後延遲時間5%減少5%) 技能時候後延遲時間4%減少. 系列 : 頭盔 防衛 : 4 位置 : 上面 重量 : 80 要求等級 : 0 裝備 : 所有職業皆可裝備 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Headgear Location : Upper Weight : 80 Required Level : 0 Id: (14511) 輕盈菠色克藥水 讓全身的血液沸騰變成狂戰士狀態很厲害的藥水, 服用時會讓攻擊速度上升, 85等級以上的角色才能使用, 劍士系列 / 流氓 / 魔法師 / 巫師 / 只有跆拳/拳聖/悟靈士/神槍手/反叛者/流氓/魔法師/巫師/劍士系列/商人系列才能使用 _ 重量 : 2 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 2 Id: (15046) 城戰鋼鐵鎧甲 [1] MDEF + 5. ※ PvP, 攻城戰地區新增功能。 來自玩家的傷害 -2%。 精煉能力+6以上時,收到的治癒和部分恢復物品的性能 +12%。 精煉能力+9以上時,MHP + 25%。 與城戰重長靴, 城戰斗篷一起裝備時 VIT + 5,來自玩家的傷害再 -15%。 系列 : 鎧甲 防禦 : 85 重量 : 330 要求等級 : 95 裝備 : 劍士系列/商人系列/跆拳/拳聖 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Armor Defense : 85 Weight : 330 Required Level : 95 Id: (15047) 城戰戰袍 [1] MDEF + 10. ※ PvP, 攻城戰地區新增功能。 來自玩家的傷害 -2%。 精煉能力+6以上時,完全迴避 + 5,遭受的遠距離傷害 -20%。 精煉能力+9以上時,MHP + 15%。 與城戰重戰士長靴, 城戰斗篷一起裝備時 DEX + 5,來自玩家的傷害再 -15%。 系列 : 鎧甲 防禦 : 50 重量 : 75 要求等級 : 95 裝備 : 劍士系列/商人系列/盜賊系列/弓箭手系列/跆拳/拳聖/神槍手/忍者 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Armor Defense : 50 Weight : 75 Required Level : 95 Id: (15048) 城戰外袍 [1] MDEF + 20. ※ PvP, 攻城戰地區新增功能。 來自玩家的傷害 -2%。 精煉能力+6以上時,FLEE + 5,遭受遠距離傷害 -15% 。 精煉能力+9以上時,MHP + 1000, MSP + 100。 與城戰重長靴, 城戰披肩一起裝備時, INT + 5, MDEF + 10, 來自玩家的傷害再 -15%。 系列 : 鎧甲 防禦 : 40 重量 : 50 要求等級 : 95 裝備 : 初心者系列/魔法師系列/服事系列/悟靈士 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Armor Defense : 40 Weight : 50 Required Level : 95 Id: (19033) 龜裂的古代飾品 在無限空間中取得之有微妙氣息的防具。 MHP + 1000,精練值每 +3. 精煉+7時,MHP + 400 精煉+9時,MHP + 3600。 系列 : 頭具 防禦 : 2 位置 : 頭上重量 : 20 要求等級 : 100 裝備 : 全部職業 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Upper Weight : 20 Required Level : 100 Id: (19161) 女 波利氣球 綁上蝴蝶結更有女孩樣 VIT+2, LUK+2, MaxSP+50。 系列: 頭盔 防禦: 5 位置: 頭下 重量: 5 要求等級: 1 裝備: 全職業 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Headgear Defense : 5 Location : Lower Weight : 5 Required Level : 1
  19. Added Item Spoiler Alert: Id: (15165) 純白なマーチングハット [1] まじりけのない白に染まった マーチングハット。 使用者の精神力を武器に 宿らせ、念の力を付与する。 ――――――――――――― Str + 2 ――――――――――――― 物理攻撃命中時、 一定確率で60秒間、 武器に念属性を付与する ――――――――――――― [純白なマーチングハット]の 精錬値が1上がる度に 武器に念属性を付与する 確率が上昇 ――――――――――――― 系列 : 兜 防御 : 0 位置 : 上段 重量 : 30 要求レベル : 60 装備 : 全ての職業 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Headgear Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 30 Required Level : 60 Id: (17620) イベントチケットの箱 イベントチケットが 5枚入っている箱。 ――――――――――――― イベントチケットは 箱を開けてから 360時間後に自動的に 消滅します ――――――――――――― このアイテムの利用期間は、 2016年8月23日(火) 定期メンテナンス開始まで となります。 利用期間終了後に箱を あけた場合、 何も出現しません ――――――――――――― イベントチケットの箱は 倉庫への移動のみ可能です ――――――――――――― イベントチケット: フンギ族の村(大広間)にいる NPC「イベントチケット 交換機」に持って行くと 「ピニョン」と 交換してもらえる ――――――――――――― 重量 : 0 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 0 Id: (20182) [衣装] まだら卵殻 なんの卵かわからない まだら模様の卵で作られた 衣装用の帽子。 思いのほかゆとりがあり、 頭が多少大きくても 安心して着用する ことができる。 鎚で叩くとこわれるから 精錬はできない。 ――――――――――――― 系列 : 衣装 防御 : 0 位置 : 上段 重量 : 0 要求レベル : 1 装備 : 全ての職業 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Id: (28484) 反逆者のスカーフ [1] あらゆる銃を使いこなした という伝説のリベリオンが 着用していたスカーフ。 ――――――――――――― 物理攻撃で 与えるダメージ + 5% ――――――――――――― 詠唱時間 - 10% ――――――――――――― [ファイアーダンス]の 消費SP - 5 ――――――――――――― [エターナルチェーン]の 習得Lvが1上がる度に追加で [クイックドローショット]で 与えるダメージ + 5% ――――――――――――― [シャッターストーム]の 習得Lvが1上がる度に追加で [シャッターストーム]で 与えるダメージ + 10% [シャッターストーム]の 再使用待機時間 - 0.1秒 [ヒートバレル]の 再使用待機時間 - 4秒 ――――――――――――― [ドラゴンテイル]の 習得Lvが1上がる度に追加で クリティカル攻撃で 与えるダメージ + 3% ――――――――――――― [ドラゴンテイル]の 習得Lvが1以上の場合、 [クリムゾンマーカー]使用時 50秒間、追加で 物理攻撃命中時、一定確率で ドラゴンテイルミサイルを 1個消費して 敵にオートスペル [ドラゴンテイル]が 習得Lvで発動 [ドラゴンテイル]の 習得Lvが1上がる度に オートスペル [ドラゴンテイル]の 発動率が上昇 ――――――――――――― [ファイアーレイン]の 習得Lvが1上がる度に追加で スキルディレイ - 2% [ファイアーレイン]の 消費SP - 4 [ファイアーレイン]で 与えるダメージ + 5% ――――――――――――― [マススパイラル]の 習得Lvが1上がる度に追加で 攻撃速度 + 2% [マススパイラル]の 消費SP - 2 [マススパイラル]で 与えるダメージ + 5% ――――――――――――― 系列 : アクセサリー 防御 : 0 重量 : 40 要求レベル : 100 装備 : 全ての職業 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 40 Required Level : 100 Id: (28485) 上忍の腰帯 [1] 忍術に長けた有名な忍者が 装備していたという腰帯。 高級なエンブレムが 神秘的な光を放っており、 魔法のような力が 宿っているようだ。 ――――――――――――― 攻撃速度 + 5% ――――――――――――― 魔法攻撃で 与えるダメージ + 5% ――――――――――――― スキルディレイ - 5% ――――――――――――― [紅炎華]の 習得Lvが1上がる度に追加で [龍炎陣]で 与えるダメージ + 10% ――――――――――――― [氷閃槍]の 習得Lvが1上がる度に追加で [氷柱落し]で 与えるダメージ + 20% ――――――――――――― [風刃]の 習得Lvが1上がる度に追加で [朔風]で 与えるダメージ + 10% ――――――――――――― [幻術 -驚愕-]、 [幻術 -幻惑-]、 [幻術 -呪殺-]の 習得Lvが1上がる度に追加で 魔法攻撃時、 闇属性モンスターに 与えるダメージ + 4% ――――――――――――― 系列 : アクセサリー 防御 : 0 重量 : 10 要求レベル : 100 装備 : 全ての職業 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 10 Required Level : 100 Id: (28486) [レンタル] 輝く偏四角多面体 レンタルマシーンから 貸し出された防具。 一定時間経過すると 消滅してしまう。 ――――――――――――― 聖属性攻撃で 受けるダメージ - 10% ――――――――――――― [[レンタル] 沸騰する混沌の盾]と 共に装備時、追加で 不死・悪魔形モンスターから 受けるダメージ - 4% 人間形モンスターから 受けるダメージ - 3% ――――――――――――― [[レンタル] 輝く偏四角多面体]は、 NPC売却のみ可能です ――――――――――――― 系列 : アクセサリー 防御 : 0 重量 : 10 要求レベル : 90 装備 : 全ての職業 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 10 Required Level : 90 Id: (28918) 沸騰する混沌の盾 [1] 闇の神性を持つ邪神の力が 封じられた盾。 ――――――――――――― Mdef + 5 ――――――――――――― 闇属性攻撃で 受けるダメージ - 25% ――――――――――――― [沸騰する混沌の盾]の 精錬値が5以上の時、追加で Aspd + 1 [沸騰する混沌の盾]の 精錬値が7以上の時、追加で Aspd + 1 ――――――――――――― [輝く偏四角多面体]と 共に装備時、追加で 不死・悪魔形モンスターから 受けるダメージ - 4% 人間形モンスターから 受けるダメージ - 3% ――――――――――――― 系列 : 盾 防御 : 80 重量 : 50 要求レベル : 90 装備 : 全ての職業 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Shield Defense : 80 Weight : 50 Required Level : 90 Id: (28919) [レンタル] 沸騰する混沌の盾 レンタルマシーンから 貸し出された防具。 一定時間経過すると 消滅してしまう。 ――――――――――――― Mdef + 5 ――――――――――――― 闇属性攻撃で 受けるダメージ - 25% ――――――――――――― [[レンタル] 沸騰する混沌の盾]の 精錬値が5以上の時、追加で Aspd + 1 [[レンタル] 沸騰する混沌の盾]の 精錬値が7以上の時、追加で Aspd + 1 ――――――――――――― [[レンタル] 輝く偏四角多面体]と 共に装備時、追加で 不死・悪魔形モンスターから 受けるダメージ - 4% 人間形モンスターから 受けるダメージ - 3% ――――――――――――― [[レンタル] 沸騰する混沌の盾]は、 NPC売却のみ可能です ――――――――――――― 系列 : 盾 防御 : 80 重量 : 50 要求レベル : 90 装備 : 全ての職業 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Shield Defense : 80 Weight : 50 Required Level : 90 Id: (31035) [衣装] お金を失った者の心 すべてを失って破産した 商人の怨念が込められている という呪われた 衣装用のヘアバンド。 着用した者は お金を失った者の心を 感じることができる ようになり、 悲しみで全身が包まれて 絶望の淵に落ちたような 感覚になるが、 また立ち直ることができる という強烈な不屈の 闘志によって着用者の能力が 増幅される不思議な ヘアバンド。 ――――――――――――― 系列 : 衣装 防御 : 0 位置 : 上段 重量 : 0 要求レベル : 1 装備 : 全ての職業 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Id: (31036) [衣装] 使道の帽子 昔、遠い東の国で“使道”と 呼ばれた管理者が 被っていた衣装用の帽子。 ――――――――――――― 系列 : 衣装 防御 : 0 位置 : 上段 重量 : 0 要求レベル : 1 装備 : 全ての職業 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Id: (31037) [衣装] ベレー 淡い緑色の衣装用帽子で、 少し斜めになっている 所が格好いい。 ある有名な部隊の シンボルだったと言う。 ――――――――――――― 系列 : 衣装 防御 : 0 位置 : 上段 重量 : 0 要求レベル : 1 装備 : 全ての職業 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Id: (31094) [衣装] ダイスヘアバンド 頭にかぶる 衣装用のダイス。 魔法の力で出目を 変えることができるらしい。 ――――――――――――― 下記移動制限は 2016年9月20日 定期メンテナンス終了時に 全て消滅する ――――――――――――― [[衣装] ダイスヘアバンド]は、 倉庫移動のみ可能です ――――――――――――― 系列 : 衣装 防御 : 0 位置 : 上段 重量 : 0 要求レベル : 1 装備 : 全ての職業 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Changed Item Spoiler Alert: Id: (7381) イベントチケット フンギ族の村(大広間)にいる NPC「イベントチケット 交換機」に持って行くと 「ピニョン」と 交換してもらえる。 ――――――――――――― このアイテムの利用期間は、 2016年8月23日(火) 定期メンテナンス開始まで となります ――――――――――――― イベントチケットは倉庫への 移動のみ可能です ――――――――――――― 重量 : 0 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 0 Id: (19120) [レンタル] クイーン・アンズ・リベンジヴァナルガンドの兜 ファッショニスタによって セレクトされた 乙女力が高まる レンタル特定商人組合から 支給された装備品。 ――――――――――――― Str + 5 ――――――――――――― 物理攻撃で 与えるダメージ + 7%一定時間経過すると 消滅してしまう。 ――――――――――――― 物理攻撃命中時、 一定確率で敵に与えた ダメージの1%を HP・SPとして吸収 ――――――――――――― [[レンタル] クイーン・ アンズ・リベンジ ヴァナルガンドの兜]の 精錬値が5以上の時、追加で 物理攻撃で 与えるダメージHPの吸収量 + 2% 精錬値が7以上の時、追加で 物理攻撃で 与えるダメージ + 3%HPの吸収量 + 2%、 SPの吸収量 + 1%、 HPの吸収確率が上昇 精錬値が98以上の時、追加で 物理攻撃で 与えるダメージ + 4% 全てのモンスターに対し、 サイズによる 武器ダメージの ペナルティHP・SPの吸収確率が上昇 精錬値が9以上の時、追加で HPの吸収量 + 3%、 SPの吸収量 + 2%、 HP・SPの吸収確率が上昇 ――――――――――――― [邪竜の鎧]と 共に装備時、 [[レンタル] ヴァナルガンドの兜]の HP・SP吸収効果が発生動しない ――――――――――――― [[レンタル] クイーン・ アンズ・リベンジ]は、 あらゆる取引、移動が できません。 ヴァナルガンドの兜]は、 NPC売却のみ可能です ――――――――――――― 系列 : 兜 防御 : 710 位置 : 上段 重量 : 4150 要求レベル : 1080 装備 : 全ての職業 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Headgear Defense : 10 Location : Upper Weight : 150 Required Level : 80 Id: (19121) [レンタル] 聖職者の看護帽 ファッショニスタによって セレクトされた 乙女力が高まる レンタル装備品特定商人組合から 支給された装備。 一定時間経過すると 消滅してしまう。 ――――――――――――― [ヒール]、 [サンクチュアリ]、 [ポーションピッチャー]、 [ハイネスヒール]、 [コルセオヒール] 使用時、HP回復量 + 3% ――――――――――――― 詠唱が中断されない ――――――――――――― [[レンタル] 聖職者の 看護帽]の 精錬値が5以上の時、追加で [ヒール]、 [サンクチュアリ]、 [ポーションピッチャー]、 [ハイネスヒール]、 [コルセオヒール] 使用時、HP回復量 + 6% 精錬値が7以上の時、追加で [ヒール]、 [サンクチュアリ]、 [ポーションピッチャー]、 [ハイネスヒール]、 [コルセオヒール] 使用時、HP回復量 + 9% 精錬値が9以上の時、追加で [ヒール]、 [サンクチュアリ]、 [ポーションピッチャー]、 [ハイネスヒール]、 [コルセオヒール] 使用時、HP回復量 + 12% ――――――――――――― [クローチェスタッフ]と 共に装備時、 [クローチェスタッフ]の 精錬値が1上がる度に追加で [ヒール]、 [サンクチュアリ]、 [ポーションピッチャー]、 [ハイネスヒール]、 [コルセオヒール] 使用時、HP回復量 + 4% ――――――――――――― [ロザリオの首飾り]と 共に装備時、 [[レンタル] 聖職者の 看護帽]の 精錬値が1上がる度に追加で 完全回避 + 1 [ヒール]、 [サンクチュアリ]、 [ポーションピッチャー]、 [ハイネスヒール]、 [コルセオヒール] 使用時、HP回復量 + 2% ――――――――――――― [[レンタル] 聖職者の 看護帽]は、 あらゆる取引、移動が できません。NPC売却のみ可能です ――――――――――――― 系列 : 兜 防御 : 10 位置 : 上段 重量 : 50 要求レベル : 50 装備 : 全ての職業 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Headgear Defense : 10 Location : Upper Weight : 50 Required Level : 50 Id: (19122) [レンタル] 狐耳鈴リボンリス耳フード帽 ファッショニスタによって セレクトされた 乙女力が高まる レンタル装備品特定商人組合から 支給された装備。 一定時間経過すると 消滅してしまう。 ――――――――――――― Agispd + 21 攻撃速度 + 10% ――――――――――――― クリティカル攻撃で 与えるダメージ + 10% ――――――――――――― 全ての種族のDef 10%無視 ――――――――――――― 遠距離物理攻撃命中時、 一定確率で 5秒間モンスター [月夜花]に変身 ――――――――――――― [[レンタル] 狐耳鈴 リボン]の 精錬値が1上がる度に モンスター[月夜花]に 変身する確率が上昇 ――――――――――――― モンスター[月夜花]に 変身時、Cri + 100 遠距離物理Cri + 5 ――――――――――――― [[レンタル] リス耳フード帽]の 精錬値が5以上の時、追加で Aspd + 1 クリティカル攻撃で 与えるダメージ + 2% 全ての種族のDef 20%無視 遠距離物理攻撃時、 Cri + 10 [[レンタル] リス耳フード帽]の 精錬値が7以上の時、追加で Aspd + 1 クリティカル攻撃で 与えるダメージ + 56% [[レンタル] 狐耳鈴 リボン全ての種族のDef 30%無視 遠距離物理攻撃時、 Cri + 15 [[レンタル] リス耳フード帽]の 精錬値が69以上の時、 精錬値が1上がる度に追加で 遠距離物理追加で Aspd + 1 クリティカル攻撃で 与えるダメージ + 12% 全ての種族のDef 40%無視 遠距離物理攻撃時、 Cri + 20 物理攻撃命中時、 一定確率で5秒間、 クリティカル攻撃で 与えるダメージ + 100% ――――――――――――― [[レンタル] 狐耳鈴 リボン]は、 あらゆる取引、移動が できません。 リス耳フード帽]は、 NPC売却のみ可能です ――――――――――――― 系列 : 兜 防御 : 410 位置 : 上段 重量 : 420 要求レベル : 5100 装備 : 全ての職業 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Headgear Defense : 10 Location : Upper Weight : 20 Required Level : 100 Id: (19123) [レンタル] サバイバルサークレットマジカルフェザー ファッショニスタによって セレクトされた 乙女力が高まる レンタル特定商人組合から 支給された装備品。 ――――――――――――― Int + 3 ――――――――――――― 魔法攻撃で一定時間経過すると 消滅してしまう。 ――――――――――――― 魔法攻撃時、 聖・闇・念・毒・不死属性 モンスターに 与えるダメージ + 45% ――――――――――――― BaseLv99以下の時、 [[レンタル] サバイバル サークレット]の 精錬値が2上がる度に追加で Int + 1 BaseLv100以上の時、 [[レンタル] サバイバル サークレット]の 精錬値が1上がる度に追加で Int[[レンタル] マジカルフェザー]の 精錬値が5以上の時、 精錬値が1上がる度に追加で 魔法攻撃時、 聖・闇・念・毒・不死属性 モンスターに 与えるダメージ + 5% ――――――――――――― 物理攻撃命中時、 一定確率で敵に オートスペル [ホーリーライト]Lv1発動 ――――――――――――― [イムポシティオマヌス]の 習得Lvが1上がる度に [ホーリーライト]で 与えるダメージが増加 [ホーリーライト]の 消費SP + 15 ――――――――――――― [サバイバルロッド[1]]と 共に装備時、 [サバイバルロッド[1]]の 精錬値が1上がる度に追加で Matk + 10 [サバイバルロッド[1]]の 精錬値が10の時、 魔法攻撃命中時、 一定確率で5秒間、 詠唱時間 - 50% ――――――――――――― [[レンタル] サバイバル サークレット]は、 あらゆる取引、移動が できません。[/s]デーモンべイン]の 習得Lvが1上がる度に オートスペル [ホーリーライト]の 発動率が上昇 ――――――――――――― [応急手当]使用時、 10秒間、モンスター [ナサリン]に変身 アコライト(男)の場合、 [ナサリン]に変身時、追加で 変身呪文を唱える ――――――――――――― [/color]エフェクト装備のため、 エフェクト(/effect)を OFFにしていると 装備グラフィックのみ 表示される ――――――――――――― この装備は、衣装装備で エフェクト部分を 隠すことができない ――――――――――――― [[レンタル] マジカルフェザー]は、 NPC売却のみ可能です[/b][/color] ――――――――――――― 系列 : 兜 防御 : 105 位置 : 上段 重量 : 530 要求レベル : 510 装備 : 全ての職業 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Headgear Defense : 5 Location : Upper Weight : 30 Required Level : 10 [/SPOILER]
  20. Added Item Spoiler Alert: Id: (15181) 각성 낙원단 제복Ⅰ 낙원단의 성실한 단원에게만 지급되는 제복. 방오, 방수의 기능은 물론 다양한 사이즈가 준비되어 있다. ALL Status +1, MHP +700, MSP +100, MDEF +7. 제련불가. 계열 : 갑옷 방어 : 80 무게 : 0 요구 레벨 : 100 장착 : 전 직업 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Armor Defense : 80 Weight : 0 Required Level : 100 Job : All Id: (15182) 각성 낙원단 제복Ⅱ 낙원단의 능숙한 단원에게만 지급되는 제복. 방오, 방수의 기능은 물론 다양한 사이즈가 준비되어 있다. ALL Status +1, MHP +1100, MSP +120, MDEF +11. 제련불가. 계열 : 갑옷 방어 : 85 무게 : 0 요구 레벨 : 115 장착 : 전 직업 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Armor Defense : 85 Weight : 0 Required Level : 115 Job : All Id: (15183) 각성 낙원단 제복Ⅲ 낙원단의 훈련된 단원에게만 지급되는 제복. 방오, 방수의 기능은 물론 다양한 사이즈가 준비되어 있다. ALL Status +2 MHP +1100, MSP +120, MDEF +11. 제련불가. 계열 : 갑옷 방어 : 90 무게 : 0 요구 레벨 : 130 장착 : 전 직업 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Armor Defense : 90 Weight : 0 Required Level : 130 Job : All Id: (15184) 각성 낙원단 제복Ⅳ 낙원단의 베테랑 단원에게만 지급되는 제복. 방오, 방수의 기능은 물론 다양한 사이즈가 준비되어 있다. ALL Status +2 MHP +1500, MSP +150, MDEF +15. 제련불가. 계열 : 갑옷 방어 : 100 무게 : 0 요구 레벨 : 145 장착 : 전 직업 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Armor Defense : 100 Weight : 0 Required Level : 145 Job : All Id: (15185) 각성 낙원단 제복Ⅴ 낙원단의 완벽한 단원에게만 지급되는 제복. 방오, 방수의 기능은 물론 다양한 사이즈가 준비되어 있다. ALL Status +2 MHP +1500, MSP +150, MDEF +15, 무속성을 제외한 모든 속성 공격에 대한 내성 +5%. 제련불가. 계열 : 갑옷 방어 : 100 무게 : 0 요구 레벨 : 160 장착 : 전 직업 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Armor Defense : 100 Weight : 0 Required Level : 160 Job : All Id: (19164) 각성 낙원단 모자Ⅰ [1] 낙원단의 성실한 단원에게만 지급되는 모자. 기술과 디자인의 집약체로 낙원단원의 정체성을 보여준다. 물리 공격 시 높은 확률로 5초간 ATK +15. 마법 공격 시 높은 확률로 5초간 MATK +15. 7제련 이상일 경우, ATK +10, MATK +10. 9제련 이상일 경우, ALL Status +1. 12제련 이상일 경우, 10초당 SP 1% 회복. 계열 : 투구 방어 : 10 위치 : 상단 무게 : 0 요구 레벨 : 100 장착 : 전 직업 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Headgear Defense : 10 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required Level : 100 Job : All Id: (19165) 각성 낙원단 모자Ⅱ [1] 낙원단의 완벽한 단원에게만 지급되는 모자. 기술과 디자인의 집약체로 낙원단원의 정체성을 보여준다. 물리 공격 시 높은 확률로 5초간 ATK +30. 마법 공격 시 높은 확률로 5초간 MATK +30. 7제련 이상일 경우, ATK +15, MATK +15. 9제련 이상일 경우, ALL Status +2. 12제련 이상일 경우, 10초당 HP 2% 회복, 10초당 SP 1% 회복. 계열 : 갑옷 방어 : 10 무게 : 0 요구 레벨 : 160 장착 : 전 직업 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Armor Defense : 10 Weight : 0 Required Level : 160 Job : All Id: (19169) [카츄아]호랑이 왕 인형모자 [1] 삿갓을 쓰고, 담배를 문 호랑이 모습을 본딴 모자. '아주 오래된 옛날'이라는 표현의 일부분이기도 하다. STR + 2, DEX + 2. 동물형 적에게 10% 추가 데미지. 물리 공격 시 또는 물리 공격을 받을 시 드물게 호랑이 왕 '에드가'가 빙의. 빙의 상태에선 초당 SP를 5씩 잃게되나 일시적으로 맹수의 힘을 얻는다. 제련도에 따라 변신 확률과 맹수의 힘이 증가한다. 계열 : 투구 방어 : 6 위치 : 상단 무게 : 40 요구 레벨 : 99 장착 : 노비스를 제외한 전직업 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Headgear Defense : 6 Location : Upper Weight : 40 Required Level : 99 Job : AllExNovice Id: (20823) 각성 낙원단 망토Ⅰ 낙원단의 성실한 단원에게만 지급되는 망토. 멋진 디자인에 더해서 기능적 측면까지 보완됐다. 무속성 내성+10%, Flee+12 7제련 이상일 경우 MHP +500, 완전회피 +2. 9제련 이상일 경우 MHP +500, 무속성을 제외한 모든 속성에 대한 내성 +10%. 계열 : 걸칠것 방어 : 20 무게 : 0 요구 레벨 : 100 장착 : 전 직업 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Garment Defense : 20 Weight : 0 Required Level : 100 Job : All Id: (20824) 각성 낙원단 망토Ⅱ 낙원단의 훈련된 단원에게만 지급되는 망토. 멋진 디자인에 더해서 기능적 측면까지 보완됐다. 무속성 내성+10%, Flee+12, MHP +500, 완전회피 +2. 7제련 이상일 경우 MHP +500, 무속성을 제외한 모든 속성에 대한 내성 +10% 9제련 이상일 경우 무속성 내성 +5%. 계열 : 걸칠것 방어 : 25 무게 : 0 요구 레벨 : 130 장착 : 전 직업 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Garment Defense : 25 Weight : 0 Required Level : 130 Job : All Id: (20825) 각성 낙원단 망토Ⅲ 낙원단의 완벽한 단원에게만 지급되는 망토. 멋진 디자인에 더해서 기능적 측면까지 보완됐다. 모든 속성에 대한 내성+10%, Flee+12, MHP +1000, 완전회피 +2. 7제련 이상일 경우 무속성 내성 +5% 9제련 이상일 경우 탐욕 1Lv 사용 가능. 계열 : 걸칠것 방어 : 30 무게 : 0 요구 레벨 : 160 장착 : 전 직업 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Garment Defense : 30 Weight : 0 Required Level : 160 Job : All Id: (22122) 각성 낙원단 부츠Ⅰ 낙원단의 성실한 단원에게만 지급되는 부츠. 내구성과 디자인이 보강되어 모험에 최적화된 신발. ALL Status +1, HP 회복속도 +30%, SP 회복속도 +14%. 제련불가. 계열 : 신발 방어 : 22 무게 : 0 요구 레벨 : 100 장착 : 전 직업 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Shoes Defense : 22 Weight : 0 Required Level : 100 Job : All Id: (22123) 각성 낙원단 부츠Ⅱ 낙원단의 능숙한 단원에게만 지급되는 부츠. 내구성과 디자인이 보강되어 모험에 최적화된 신발. ALL Status +1, HP 회복속도 +36%, SP 회복속도 +18%. 제련불가. 계열 : 신발 방어 : 25 무게 : 0 요구 레벨 : 115 장착 : 전 직업 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Shoes Defense : 25 Weight : 0 Required Level : 115 Job : All Id: (22124) 각성 낙원단 부츠Ⅲ 낙원단의 훈련된 단원에게만 지급되는 부츠. 내구성과 디자인이 보강되어 모험에 최적화된 신발. ALL Status +2, HP 회복속도 +36%, SP 회복속도 +18%. 제련불가. 계열 : 신발 방어 : 27 무게 : 0 요구 레벨 : 130 장착 : 전 직업 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Shoes Defense : 27 Weight : 0 Required Level : 130 Job : All Id: (22125) 각성 낙원단 부츠Ⅳ 낙원단의 베테랑 단원에게만 지급되는 부츠. 내구성과 디자인이 보강되어 모험에 최적화된 신발. ALL Status +2, HP 회복속도 +40%, SP 회복속도 +20%. 제련불가. 계열 : 신발 방어 : 30 무게 : 0 요구 레벨 : 145 장착 : 전 직업 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Shoes Defense : 30 Weight : 0 Required Level : 145 Job : All Id: (22126) 각성 낙원단 부츠Ⅴ 낙원단의 완벽한 단원에게만 지급되는 부츠. 내구성과 디자인이 보강되어 모험에 최적화된 신발. ALL Status +2, HP 회복속도 +40%, SP 회복속도 +20%, SP 소모량 5% 감소. 제련불가. 계열 : 신발 방어 : 30 무게 : 0 요구 레벨 : 160 장착 : 전 직업 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Shoes Defense : 30 Weight : 0 Required Level : 160 Job : All Id: (25223) 낙원단 주화 낙원단 임무를 통해 얻을 수 있는 낙원단 통용 화폐. 특별한 아이템과 교환 할 수 있다. 무게 : 0 ====== auto-parsed ====== Weight : 0 Id: (28443) 힘의 낙원단 반지Ⅰ 낙원단에서 성실한 모험가들을 위해 준비한 힘의 반지. ATK +2%. 힘의 낙원단 목걸이Ⅰ, 각성 낙원단 부츠Ⅰ 와 함께 착용 시, 공격속도 증가(공격 후 딜레이 4% 감소), HIT +4, 힘의 낙원단 목걸이Ⅰ, 각성 낙원단 제복Ⅰ 과 함께 착용 시, ATK +20, 무속성을 제외한 모든 속성 공격에 대한 내성 +2%. 계열 : 악세사리 방어 : 0 무게 : 0 요구 레벨 : 100 장착 : 전 직업 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 100 Job : All Id: (28444) 힘의 낙원단 목걸이Ⅰ 낙원단에서 성실한 모험가들을 위해 준비한 힘의 목걸이. STR +1. 계열 : 악세사리 방어 : 0 무게 : 0 요구 레벨 : 100 장착 : 전 직업 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 100 Job : All Id: (28445) 힘의 낙원단 반지Ⅱ 낙원단에서 능숙한 모험가들을 위해 준비한 힘의 반지. ATK +3%. 힘의 낙원단 목걸이Ⅱ, 각성 낙원단 부츠Ⅱ 와 함께 착용 시, 공격속도 증가(공격 후 딜레이 8% 감소), HIT +8. 힘의 낙원단 목걸이Ⅱ, 각성 낙원단 제복Ⅱ 과 함께 착용 시, ATK +40, 무속성을 제외한 모든 속성 공격에 대한 내성 +4%. 계열 : 악세사리 방어 : 0 무게 : 0 요구 레벨 : 115 장착 : 전 직업 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 115 Job : All Id: (28446) 힘의 낙원단 목걸이Ⅱ 낙원단에서 능숙한 모험가들을 위해 준비한 힘의 목걸이. STR +2. 계열 : 악세사리 방어 : 0 무게 : 0 요구 레벨 : 115 장착 : 전 직업 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 115 Job : All Id: (28447) 힘의 낙원단 반지Ⅲ 낙원단에서 훈련된 모험가들을 위해 준비한 힘의 반지. ATK +4%. 힘의 낙원단 목걸이Ⅲ, 각성 낙원단 부츠Ⅲ 와 함께 착용 시, 공격속도 증가(공격 후 딜레이 8% 감소), HIT +8, 획득하는 경험치 +2%. 힘의 낙원단 목걸이Ⅲ, 각성 낙원단 제복Ⅲ 과 함께 착용 시, ATK +40, 무속성을 제외한 모든 속성 공격에 대한 내성 +4%, 획득하는 경험치 +2%. 계열 : 악세사리 방어 : 0 무게 : 0 요구 레벨 : 130 장착 : 전 직업 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 130 Job : All Id: (28448) 힘의 낙원단 목걸이Ⅲ 낙원단에서 훈련된 모험가들을 위해 준비한 힘의 목걸이. STR +3. 계열 : 악세사리 방어 : 0 무게 : 0 요구 레벨 : 130 장착 : 전 직업 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 130 Job : All Id: (28449) 힘의 낙원단 반지Ⅳ 낙원단에서 베테랑 모험가들을 위해 준비한 힘의 반지. ATK +5%. 힘의 낙원단 목걸이Ⅳ, 각성 낙원단 부츠Ⅳ 와 함께 착용 시, 공격속도 증가(공격 후 딜레이 10% 감소), HIT +10, 획득하는 경험치 +2%. 힘의 낙원단 목걸이Ⅳ, 각성 낙원단 제복Ⅳ 과 함께 착용 시, ATK +50, 무속성을 제외한 모든 속성 공격에 대한 내성 +5%, 획득하는 경험치 +2%. 계열 : 악세사리 방어 : 0 무게 : 0 요구 레벨 : 145 장착 : 전 직업 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 145 Job : All Id: (28450) 힘의 낙원단 목걸이Ⅳ 낙원단에서 베테랑 모험가들을 위해 준비한 힘의 목걸이. STR +4. 계열 : 악세사리 방어 : 0 무게 : 0 요구 레벨 : 145 장착 : 전 직업 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 145 Job : All Id: (28451) 힘의 낙원단 반지Ⅴ 낙원단에서 완벽한 모험가들을 위해 준비한 힘의 반지. ATK +5%, 힐 1Lv 사용 가능. 힘의 낙원단 목걸이Ⅴ, 각성 낙원단 부츠Ⅴ 와 함께 착용 시, 공격속도 증가(공격 후 딜레이 10% 감소), HIT +10, 획득하는 경험치 +2%, 이동속도 증가. 힘의 낙원단 목걸이Ⅴ, 각성 낙원단 제복Ⅴ 과 함께 착용 시, ATK +50, 무속성을 제외한 모든 속성 공격에 대한 내성 +5%, 획득하는 경험치 +2%, 캐스팅이 끊기지 않는다. 계열 : 악세사리 방어 : 0 무게 : 0 요구 레벨 : 160 장착 : 전 직업 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 160 Job : All Id: (28452) 힘의 낙원단 목걸이Ⅴ 낙원단에서 완벽한 모험가들을 위해 준비한 힘의 목걸이. STR +4. 텔레포테이션 1Lv 사용 가능. 계열 : 악세사리 방어 : 0 무게 : 0 요구 레벨 : 160 장착 : 전 직업 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 160 Job : All Id: (28453) 마법의 낙원단 반지Ⅰ 낙원단에서 성실한 모험가들을 위해 준비한 마법의 반지. MATK +2%. 마법의 낙원단 목걸이Ⅰ, 각성 낙원단 부츠Ⅰ 와 함께 착용 시, 캐스팅 시간 -3%, 스킬 딜레이 -3%. 마법의 낙원단 목걸이Ⅰ, 각성 낙원단 제복Ⅰ 과 함께 착용 시, MATK +20, 무속성을 제외한 모든 속성 공격에 대한 내성 +2%. 계열 : 악세사리 방어 : 0 무게 : 0 요구 레벨 : 100 장착 : 전 직업 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 100 Job : All Id: (28454) 마법의 낙원단 목걸이Ⅰ 낙원단에서 성실한 모험가들을 위해 준비한 마법의 목걸이. INT +1. 계열 : 악세사리 방어 : 0 무게 : 0 요구 레벨 : 100 장착 : 전 직업 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 100 Job : All Id: (28455) 마법의 낙원단 반지Ⅱ 낙원단에서 능숙한 모험가들을 위해 준비한 마법의 반지. MATK +3%. 마법의 낙원단 목걸이Ⅱ, 각성 낙원단 부츠Ⅱ 와 함께 착용 시, 캐스팅 시간 -6%, 스킬 딜레이 -6%. 마법의 낙원단 목걸이Ⅱ, 각성 낙원단 제복Ⅱ 과 함께 착용 시, MATK +40, 무속성을 제외한 모든 속성 공격에 대한 내성 +4%. 계열 : 악세사리 방어 : 0 무게 : 0 요구 레벨 : 115 장착 : 전 직업 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 115 Job : All Id: (28456) 마법의 낙원단 목걸이Ⅱ 낙원단에서 능숙한 모험가들을 위해 준비한 마법의 목걸이. INT +2. 계열 : 악세사리 방어 : 0 무게 : 0 요구 레벨 : 115 장착 : 전 직업 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 115 Job : All Id: (28457) 마법의 낙원단 반지Ⅲ 낙원단에서 훈련된 모험가들을 위해 준비한 마법의 반지. MATK +4%. 마법의 낙원단 목걸이Ⅲ, 각성 낙원단 부츠Ⅲ 와 함께 착용 시, 캐스팅 시간 -6%, 스킬 딜레이 -6%, 획득하는 경험치 +2%. 마법의 낙원단 목걸이Ⅲ, 각성 낙원단 제복Ⅲ 과 함께 착용 시, MATK +40, 무속성을 제외한 모든 속성 공격에 대한 내성 +4%, 획득하는 경험치 +2%. 계열 : 악세사리 방어 : 0 무게 : 0 요구 레벨 : 130 장착 : 전 직업 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 130 Job : All Id: (28458) 마법의 낙원단 목걸이Ⅲ 낙원단에서 훈련된 모험가들을 위해 준비한 마법의 목걸이. INT +3. 계열 : 악세사리 방어 : 0 무게 : 0 요구 레벨 : 130 장착 : 전 직업 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 130 Job : All Id: (28459) 마법의 낙원단 반지Ⅳ 낙원단에서 베테랑 모험가들을 위해 준비한 마법의 반지. MATK +5%. 마법의 낙원단 목걸이Ⅳ, 각성 낙원단 부츠Ⅳ 와 함께 착용 시, 캐스팅 시간 -8%, 스킬 딜레이 -8%, 획득하는 경험치 +2%. 마법의 낙원단 목걸이Ⅳ, 각성 낙원단 제복Ⅳ 과 함께 착용 시, MATK +50, 무속성을 제외한 모든 속성 공격에 대한 내성 +5%, 획득하는 경험치 +2%. 계열 : 악세사리 방어 : 0 무게 : 0 요구 레벨 : 145 장착 : 전 직업 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 145 Job : All Id: (28460) 마법의 낙원단 목걸이Ⅳ 낙원단에서 베테랑 모험가들을 위해 준비한 마법의 목걸이. INT +4. 계열 : 악세사리 방어 : 0 무게 : 0 요구 레벨 : 145 장착 : 전 직업 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 145 Job : All Id: (28461) 마법의 낙원단 반지Ⅴ 낙원단에서 완벽한 모험가들을 위해 준비한 마법의 반지. MATK +5%, 힐 1Lv 사용 가능. 마법의 낙원단 목걸이Ⅴ, 각성 낙원단 부츠Ⅴ 와 함께 착용 시, 캐스팅 시간 -8%, 스킬 딜레이 -8%, 획득하는 경험치 +2%, 이동속도 증가. 마법의 낙원단 목걸이Ⅴ, 각성 낙원단 제복Ⅴ 과 함께 착용 시, MATK +50, 무속성을 제외한 모든 속성 공격에 대한 내성 +5%, 획득하는 경험치 +2%, 캐스팅이 끊기지 않는다. 계열 : 악세사리 방어 : 0 무게 : 0 요구 레벨 : 160 장착 : 전 직업 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 160 Job : All Id: (28462) 마법의 낙원단 목걸이Ⅴ 낙원단에서 완벽한 모험가들을 위해 준비한 마법의 목걸이. INT +4, 텔레포테이션 1Lv 사용 가능. 계열 : 악세사리 방어 : 0 무게 : 0 요구 레벨 : 160 장착 : 전 직업 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 160 Job : All Id: (28463) 민첩의 낙원단 반지Ⅰ 낙원단에서 성실한 모험가들을 위해 준비한 민첩의 반지. 원거리 물리 공격력 +1%. 민첩의 낙원단 목걸이Ⅰ, 각성 낙원단 부츠Ⅰ 와 함께 착용 시, 공격속도 증가(공격 후 딜레이 4% 감소), HIT +4. 민첩의 낙원단 목걸이Ⅰ, 각성 낙원단 제복Ⅰ 과 함께 착용 시, ATK +20, 무속성을 제외한 모든 속성 공격에 대한 내성 +2%. 계열 : 악세사리 방어 : 0 무게 : 0 요구 레벨 : 100 장착 : 전 직업 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 100 Job : All Id: (28464) 민첩의 낙원단 목걸이Ⅰ 낙원단에서 성실한 모험가들을 위해 준비한 민첩의 목걸이. DEX +1. 계열 : 악세사리 방어 : 0 무게 : 0 요구 레벨 : 100 장착 : 전 직업 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 100 Job : All Id: (28465) 민첩의 낙원단 반지Ⅱ 낙원단에서 능숙한 모험가들을 위해 준비한 민첩의 반지. 원거리 물리 공격력 +2%. 민첩의 낙원단 목걸이Ⅱ, 각성 낙원단 부츠Ⅱ 와 함께 착용 시, 공격속도 증가(공격 후 딜레이 8% 감소), HIT +8. 민첩의 낙원단 목걸이Ⅱ, 각성 낙원단 제복Ⅱ 과 함께 착용 시, ATK +40, 무속성을 제외한 모든 속성 공격에 대한 내성 +4%. 계열 : 악세사리 방어 : 0 무게 : 0 요구 레벨 : 115 장착 : 전 직업 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 115 Job : All Id: (28466) 민첩의 낙원단 목걸이Ⅱ 낙원단에서 능숙한 모험가들을 위해 준비한 민첩의 목걸이. DEX +2. 계열 : 악세사리 방어 : 0 무게 : 0 요구 레벨 : 115 장착 : 전 직업 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 115 Job : All Id: (28467) 민첩의 낙원단 반지Ⅲ 낙원단에서 훈련된 모험가들을 위해 준비한 민첩의 반지. 원거리 물리 공격력 +3%. 민첩의 낙원단 목걸이Ⅲ, 각성 낙원단 부츠Ⅲ 와 함께 착용 시, 공격속도 증가(공격 후 딜레이 8% 감소), HIT +8, 획득하는 경험치 +2%. 민첩의 낙원단 목걸이Ⅲ, 각성 낙원단 제복Ⅲ 과 함께 착용 시, ATK +40, 무속성을 제외한 모든 속성 공격에 대한 내성 +4%, 획득하는 경험치 +2%. 계열 : 악세사리 방어 : 0 무게 : 0 요구 레벨 : 130 장착 : 전 직업 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 130 Job : All Id: (28468) 민첩의 낙원단 목걸이Ⅲ 낙원단에서 훈련된 모험가들을 위해 준비한 민첩의 목걸이. DEX +3. 계열 : 악세사리 방어 : 0 무게 : 0 요구 레벨 : 130 장착 : 전 직업 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 130 Job : All Id: (28469) 민첩의 낙원단 반지Ⅳ 낙원단에서 베테랑 모험가들을 위해 준비한 민첩의 반지. 원거리 물리 공격력 +4%. 민첩의 낙원단 목걸이Ⅳ, 각성 낙원단 부츠Ⅳ 와 함께 착용 시, 공격속도 증가(공격 후 딜레이 10% 감소), HIT +10, 획득하는 경험치 +2%. 민첩의 낙원단 목걸이Ⅳ, 각성 낙원단 제복Ⅳ 과 함께 착용 시, ATK +50, 무속성을 제외한 모든 속성 공격에 대한 내성 +5%, 획득하는 경험치 +2%. 계열 : 악세사리 방어 : 0 무게 : 0 요구 레벨 : 145 장착 : 전 직업 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 145 Job : All Id: (28470) 민첩의 낙원단 목걸이Ⅳ 낙원단에서 베테랑 모험가들을 위해 준비한 민첩의 목걸이. DEX +4. 계열 : 악세사리 방어 : 0 무게 : 0 요구 레벨 : 145 장착 : 전 직업 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 145 Job : All Id: (28471) 민첩의 낙원단 반지Ⅴ 낙원단에서 완벽한 모험가들을 위해 준비한 민첩의 반지. 원거리 물리 공격력 +4%, 힐 1Lv 사용 가능. 민첩의 낙원단 목걸이Ⅴ, 각성 낙원단 부츠Ⅴ 와 함께 착용 시, 공격속도 증가(공격 후 딜레이 10% 감소), HIT +10, 획득하는 경험치 +2%, 이동속도 증가. 민첩의 낙원단 목걸이Ⅴ, 각성 낙원단 제복Ⅴ 과 함께 착용 시, ATK +50, 무속성을 제외한 모든 속성 공격에 대한 내성 +5%, 획득하는 경험치 +2%, 캐스팅이 끊기지 않는다. 계열 : 악세사리 방어 : 0 무게 : 0 요구 레벨 : 160 장착 : 전 직업 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 160 Job : All Id: (28472) 민첩의 낙원단 목걸이Ⅴ 낙원단에서 완벽한 모험가들을 위해 준비한 민첩의 목걸이. DEX +4, 텔레포테이션 1Lv 사용 가능. 계열 : 악세사리 방어 : 0 무게 : 0 요구 레벨 : 160 장착 : 전 직업 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 160 Job : All Id: (28473) 회복의 낙원단 반지Ⅰ 낙원단에서 성실한 모험가들을 위해 준비한 회복의 반지. 자신이 사용하는 힐량 +2%. 회복의 낙원단 목걸이Ⅰ, 각성 낙원단 부츠Ⅰ 와 함께 착용 시, 캐스팅 시간 -3%, 스킬 딜레이 -3%. 회복의 낙원단 목걸이Ⅰ, 각성 낙원단 제복Ⅰ 과 함께 착용 시, MATK +20, 무속성을 제외한 모든 속성 공격에 대한 내성 +2%. 계열 : 악세사리 방어 : 0 무게 : 0 요구 레벨 : 100 장착 : 전 직업 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 100 Job : All Id: (28474) 회복의 낙원단 목걸이Ⅰ 낙원단에서 성실한 모험가들을 위해 준비한 회복의 목걸이. VIT +1. 계열 : 악세사리 방어 : 0 무게 : 0 요구 레벨 : 100 장착 : 전 직업 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 100 Job : All Id: (28475) 회복의 낙원단 반지Ⅱ 낙원단에서 능숙한 모험가들을 위해 준비한 회복의 반지. 자신이 사용하는 힐량 +3%. 회복의 낙원단 목걸이Ⅱ, 각성 낙원단 부츠Ⅱ 와 함께 착용 시, 캐스팅 시간 -6%, 스킬 딜레이 -6%. 회복의 낙원단 목걸이Ⅱ, 각성 낙원단 제복Ⅱ 과 함께 착용 시, MATK +40, 무속성을 제외한 모든 속성 공격에 대한 내성 +4%. 계열 : 악세사리 방어 : 0 무게 : 0 요구 레벨 : 115 장착 : 전 직업 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 115 Job : All Id: (28476) 회복의 낙원단 목걸이Ⅱ 낙원단에서 능숙한 모험가들을 위해 준비한 회복의 목걸이. VIT +2. 계열 : 악세사리 방어 : 0 무게 : 0 요구 레벨 : 115 장착 : 전 직업 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 115 Job : All Id: (28477) 회복의 낙원단 반지Ⅲ 낙원단에서 훈련된 모험가들을 위해 준비한 회복의 반지. 자신이 사용하는 힐량 +4%. 회복의 낙원단 목걸이Ⅲ, 각성 낙원단 부츠Ⅲ 와 함께 착용 시, 캐스팅 시간 -6%, 스킬 딜레이 -6%, 획득하는 경험치 +2%. 회복의 낙원단 목걸이Ⅲ, 각성 낙원단 제복Ⅲ 과 함께 착용 시, MATK +40, 무속성을 제외한 모든 속성 공격에 대한 내성 +4%, 획득하는 경험치 +2%. 계열 : 악세사리 방어 : 0 무게 : 0 요구 레벨 : 130 장착 : 전 직업 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 130 Job : All Id: (28478) 회복의 낙원단 목걸이Ⅲ 낙원단에서 훈련된 모험가들을 위해 준비한 회복의 목걸이. VIT +3. 계열 : 악세사리 방어 : 0 무게 : 0 요구 레벨 : 130 장착 : 전 직업 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 130 Job : All Id: (28479) 회복의 낙원단 반지Ⅳ 낙원단에서 베테랑 모험가들을 위해 준비한 회복의 반지. 자신이 사용하는 힐량 +5%. 회복의 낙원단 목걸이Ⅳ, 각성 낙원단 부츠Ⅳ 와 함께 착용 시, 캐스팅 시간 -8%, 스킬 딜레이 -8%, 획득하는 경험치 +2%. 회복의 낙원단 목걸이Ⅳ, 각성 낙원단 제복Ⅳ 과 함께 착용 시, MATK +50, 무속성을 제외한 모든 속성 공격에 대한 내성 +5%, 획득하는 경험치 +2%. 계열 : 악세사리 방어 : 0 무게 : 0 요구 레벨 : 145 장착 : 전 직업 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 145 Job : All Id: (28480) 회복의 낙원단 목걸이Ⅳ 낙원단에서 베테랑 모험가들을 위해 준비한 회복의 목걸이. VIT +4. 계열 : 악세사리 방어 : 0 무게 : 0 요구 레벨 : 145 장착 : 전 직업 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 145 Job : All Id: (28481) 회복의 낙원단 반지Ⅴ 낙원단에서 완벽한 모험가들을 위해 준비한 회복의 반지. 자신이 사용하는 힐량 +5%, 힐 1Lv 사용 가능. 회복의 낙원단 목걸이Ⅴ, 각성 낙원단 부츠Ⅴ 와 함께 착용 시, 캐스팅 시간 -8%, 스킬 딜레이 -8%, 획득하는 경험치 +2%, 이동속도 증가. 회복의 낙원단 목걸이Ⅴ, 각성 낙원단 제복Ⅴ 과 함께 착용 시, MATK +50, 무속성을 제외한 모든 속성 공격에 대한 내성 +5%, 획득하는 경험치 +2%, 캐스팅이 끊기지 않는다. 계열 : 악세사리 방어 : 0 무게 : 0 요구 레벨 : 160 장착 : 전 직업 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 160 Job : All Id: (28482) 회복의 낙원단 목걸이Ⅴ 낙원단에서 완벽한 모험가들을 위해 준비한 회복의 목걸이. VIT +4, 텔레포테이션 1Lv 사용 가능. 계열 : 악세사리 방어 : 0 무게 : 0 요구 레벨 : 160 장착 : 전 직업 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 160 Job : All Changed Item Spoiler Alert: Id: (20817) [보급형카츄아]모험가 배낭 [1] 보급형으로 출시된 배낭으로, 모험가들에게 꼭 필요한 물품이 들어있다. 이것 하나로 어디로 떠나든 안심이 될 것 같다. 탐욕 1Lv 사용가능. 7제련 시, 순수 STR 90 이상일 경우 ATK+20 (9제련 일 경우 +10 추가), 순수 INT 90 이상일 경우 MATK+30(9제련 일 경우 +20 추가), 순수 VIT 90 이상일 경우 무속성 공격에 대한 내성 5%(9제련 일 경우 5% 추가), 순수 AGI 90 이상일 경우 공격속도 증가(공격 후딜레이 8% 감소)(9제련 일 경우 ASPD+1 추가), 순수 DEX 90 이상일 경우 원거리 공격력 5% 증가(9제련 일 경우 5% 추가), 순수 LUK 90 이상일 경우 크리티컬 데미지 10% 증가(9제련 일 경우 5% 추가). 계열 : 걸칠것 방어 : 20 무게 : 20 요구 레벨 : 99 장착 : 전직업 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Garment Defense : 20 Weight : 20 Required Level : 99 Job : All Id: (28719) [보급형카츄아]라크마 [1] 보급형으로 출시된 단검으로 날카로운 검날에 서린 예기와 힐트에 장식된 보석이 주는 아름다움이 묘하게 어울린다. 3제련 시 마다 ATK, MATK + 40 증가. 6이상 제련 시 : 중형 몬스터에 대한 데미지 8% 증가. 낮은확률로 5초간 무기에 대한 크기 페널티가 사라짐. 9이상 제련 시 : 중형 몬스터에 대한 데미지 20% 증가. 12이상 제련 시 : 크기 페널티 사라짐이 상시 지속. [골드PC방에서 사용 시 추가 옵션] 매 타격당 SP 1씩 회복, 중형 몬스터에 대한 데미지 5% 추가 증가. 8이상 제련 시 : 크기 패널티 사라짐이 상시 지속. 9이상 제련 시 : 타격 시 낮은확률로 5초간 SP 2 추가 회복. 계열 : 단검 공격 : 45 무게 : 65 무기 레벨 : 3 요구 레벨 : 99 장착 : 노비스/검사계열/마법사계열/궁수계열/상인계열/도둑계열/소울링커/닌자 ====== auto-parsed ====== Itemclass : Dagger Attack : 45 Weight : 65 Weapon Level : 3 Required Level : 99 Job : Novice Class Swordman Class Mage Class Archer Class Merchant Class Thief Class Ninja Class Linker
  21. Files Spoiler Alert:
  22. Changed ItemRandOption Spoiler Alert: Id: 35 (ATTR_TOLERACE_ALLBUTNOTHING), 모든 속성(무속성 제외) 공격 내성 %d%% 증가 Files Spoiler Alert:
  23. Changed Skill Spoiler Alert: Id: (2466) Insígnia da Água Insígnia da Água Nível Máximo: 3 Pré requisitos: Invocar Varuna 3 Tipo: Chão Descrição: Cria uma Insígnia de Água em área de 3 x 3 células no chão. Recupera 1% do HP a cada 5 segundos se o alvo equipar uma armadura do elemento Água ou se for um monstro da propriedade Água. Reduz 1% de HP a cada 5 segundos se o alvo equipar uma armadura do elemento Fogo ou se for um monstro da propriedade Fogo. Todos os alvos na área da insígnia recebem 150% a mais de dano de ataques de Vento. Consome 1 Ponto Azul dependendo do nível da habilidade. [Nv 1]: Aumenta o ATQ da Varuna em 20%. Dobra a recuperação de HP e SP por 3 segundos [Nv 2]: Aumenta a efetividade de Cura em 10%. A propriedade da arma muda para Água. Aumenta o ATQ em 10%. [Nv 3]: Reduz o tempo de conjuração em 30% e aumenta o dano em 25% para ataques mágicos de Água Id: (2467) Insígnia do Vento Insígnia do Vento Nível Máximo: 3 Pré requisitos: Invocar Vayu 3 Tipo: Chão Descrição: Cria uma Insígnia de Vento em área de 3 x 3 células no chão. Recupera 1% do HP a cada 5 segundos se o alvo equipar uma armadura do elemento Vento ou se for um monstro da propriedade Vento. Reduz 1% de HP a cada 5 segundos se o alvo equipar uma armadura do elemento Água ou se for um monstro da propriedade Água. Todos os alvos na área da insígnia recebem 150% a mais de dano de ataques de Terra. Consome 1 Ponto Amarelo dependendo do nível da habilidade. [Nv 1]: Aumenta o ATQ da Vayu em 20%. Dobra a recuperação de HP e SP por 3 segundos [Nv 2]: Aumenta um pouco a Vel. de ATQ. A propriedade da arma muda para Vento. Aumenta o ATQ em 10%. [Nv 3]: Reduz o tempo entre conjurações em 50% e aumenta o dano em 25% para ataques mágicos de Vento Id: (2468) Insígnia da Terra Insígnia da Terra Nível Máximo: 3 Pré requisitos: Invocar Chandra 3 Tipo: Chão Descrição: Cria uma Insígnia de Terra em área de 3 x 3 células no chão. Recupera 1% do HP a cada 5 segundos se o alvo equipar uma armadura do elemento Terra ou se for um monstro da propriedade Terra. Reduz 1% de HP a cada 5 segundos se o alvo equipar uma armadura do elemento Vento ou se for um monstro da propriedade Vento. Todos os alvos na área da insígnia recebem 150% a mais de dano de ataques de Fogo. Consome 1 Ponto Verde dependendo do nível da habilidade. [Nv 1]: Aumenta o ATQ do Chandra em 20%. Dobra a recuperação de HP e SP por 3 segundos [Nv 2]: Increase MHP 500, DEF 50. A propriedade da arma muda para Terra. Aumenta o ATQ em 10%.. [Nv 3]: Aumenta o SP Máx. +50 e aumenta o dano em 25% para ataques mágicos de Terra Id: (2518) Cavalgar RelâmpagoTempestade Espiritual Tempestade Espiritual Nível Máximo: 5 Pré requisitos: Arremessar Esfera Espiritual 3 Tipo: Ofensiva Descrição: Atira Esferas Espirituais de modo a explodirem e causarem dano em um oponente. A quantidade de esferas consumidas depende do nível da habilidade. O dano aumenta de acordo com o número de Esferas Espirituais usadas. Causa dano adicional se o usuário usa uma arma de propriedade Vento. [Nv 1]: Alcance 5 x 5 / Consome 1 Esfera Espiritual [Nv 2]: Alcance 5 x 5 / Consome 2 Esferas Espirituais [Nv 3]: Alcance 7 x 7 / Consome 3 Esferas Espirituais [Nv 4]: Alcance 7 x 7 / Consome 4 Esferas Espirituais [Nv 5]: Alcance 9 x 9 / Consome 5 Esferas Espirituais Files Spoiler Alert:
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