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  1. Changed Item Spoiler Alert: Id: (5104) Dark Blinkers Unbekannter Gegenstand, der näher untersucht werden muss. Kann mit einem Magnifier identifiziert werden.Eine Augenbinde die mit dunkler Magie verzaubert ist. Gibt Immunität gegen Blind und 2% Resistenz gegen Stun. Typ : Headgear Verteidigung : 0 Position : Middle Gewicht : 10 Jobs : Alle Klassen ausser Novice Id: (6097) Pumpkin Pie Id: (6097) Pumpkin Pie Id: (6097) Pumpkin Pie Id: (6097) Pumpkin Pie
  2. Changed Item Spoiler Alert: Id: (1311) Vecer Axe [2] Id: (1422) Hunting Spear [1] Ein für die Jagd geeigneter Speer mit einer Spitze, die wie ein Blatt geformt ist und nicht durch Stechen Schaden verursacht, sondern durch ihr großes Gewicht. Ignoriert DEF von Animaldie Verteidigung von Brute-Monsters n und fügt eine Chance hinzu, dass besiegte Feinde Meat fallen lassen. Jeder Angriff hat eine gewisse Chance, automatisch Lv. 3 Vital Strike zu zaubern. Gegenstandsklasseauzulösen. Waffenart: Spear ATKngriffsstärke: 180 Gewicht: 420 Waffen-Levelv.: 4 Benötigt Leveles Lv.: 60 Jobs: Transcendent Swordman Id: (1544) Lunakaligo [3] Eine alte, schwarze, und große Bratpfanne. Wenn reine STR größer als 77 ist, wird dem Gegner bei physischem Angriff mit 15%iger Möglichkeit Stun gezauberzugefügt und die Angriffsgeschwindigkeit wird um +4 erhöht. Lässt mit einer Wahrscheinlichkeit von 5% gekochte Gerichte fallen, wenn AnimalBrute-, Plant- oder Fish-Monster getötet werden. KlasseGegenstandsart: Mace Angriffsstärke: 110 Gewicht: 70 Waffen-Levelv.: 3 Benötigt Leveles Lv.: 50 Jobs: Transcendent Acolyte Id: (2755) Leihgegenstand Ein Ring, der spezielle Kräfte in allen Varianten besitzt. SieMan erhaälten 15 % mehr EXP von Animal Class Brute-Monstern. GegenstandsArt: Accessory Verteidigung: 0 Gewicht: 0 Benötigt Leveles Lv.: 1 Jobs: Alle Jobs Id: (2788) Bradium Earring [1] Id: (4355) Gremlin Card Fügt eine Chance hinzu, Bomber Steak fallen zu lassen, wenn Animal-artige Brute-Monster besiegt werden. Gegenstandsklasse: Card Verbunden mit: Accessory Gewicht: 1 Id: (5129) Bird Nest Ein geheimnisvolles Vogelnest, das dem Träger das Gefühl vermittelt zu fliegen. AGI +2 Fügt den Animal-Monstern 10% Toleranz hinzu. KlasseReduziert Schaden von Brute-Monstern um 10%. Gegenstandsart: Headgear Verteidigung: 1 Position: Upper Gewicht: 40 Benötigt Leveles Lv.: 55 Jobs: Alle Id: (5185) Laurel Crown [1] Id: (5192) Yellow Ribbon [1] Id: (5195) Red Ribbon [1] Id: (5197) White Ribbon [1] Id: (5203) Smiling Mask Id: (5205) Emperor's Laurel Crown Id: (5209) Holy Pin Hat by Usako Id: (5271) Phoenix Crown [1] Id: (5272) Smiling Mask Id: (5368) Wing Of Light Id: (5377) Gentleman's Pipe Id: (5391) Crunch Toast Id: (5438) Green Fillet Id: (5439) Red Fillet Id: (5440) Blue Fillet Id: (5441) White Fillet Id: (5447) Frog Hat Id: (5810) Protovich Hat Id: (5812) Water Of Expert Hat Id: (6010) Dig Dug Id: (7254) Digital Picture Printing Coupon Id: (7582) Jewel of Destruction Id: (7613) Small Rice Dough Id: (7849) Soul Crystal Id: (7851) Ticket fRO1 Id: (7852) Ticket fRO2 Id: (7853) Ticket fRO3 Id: (7941) Halloween Ticket Id: (9028) Solid Rice Cake Id: (12281) Treasure Box Id: (12701) Vieille Boite Bleue Id: (14244) Eine Kiste mit 1 Clamorous Ring. VBitte vorsichtig behandeln. Leihgegenstand für 7 Tage Dieser Gegenstand ist nicht erstattungsfähig. Ein Ring, der spezielle Kräfte in allen Varianten besitzt. SieMan erhaälten 15 % mehr EXP von Animal Class Brute-Monstern. GegenstandsArt: Accessory Verteidigung: 0 Gewicht: 0 Benötigt Leveles Lv.: 1 Jobs: Alle Jobs Dieser Gegenstand ist nicht erstattungsfähig. Gewicht: 1 Id: (14254) Eine Kiste mit 1 Clamorous Ring. VBitte vorsichtig behandeln. Leihgegenstand für 15 Tage Dieser Gegenstand ist nicht erstattungsfähig. Ein Ring, der spezielle Kräfte in allen Varianten besitzt. SieMan erhaälten 15 % mehr EXP von Animal Class Brute-Monstern. GegenstandsArt: Accessory Verteidigung: 0 Gewicht: 0 Benötigt Leveles Lv.: 1 Jobs: Alle Jobs Dieser Gegenstand ist nicht erstattungsfähig. Gewicht: 1 Id: (16015) Cat Club [3] Ein Club dere Keule, die einer Katzentatze ähnelt und nicht weh zu tun scheint. Verbesserwahrscheinlich nicht weh tut. Erhöht den Schaden gegen Animal an Brute-Monstern um 15%. Hat beim Angriff eine niedrige Chance dem Gegner den Status "Seduce" zuzufügen. Class Gegenstandsart: Club Attack Angriffsstärke: 88 WeigGewicht : 70 Weapon affen-Lv .: 1 Required LV Benötigtes Lv.: 1 Job s: Novice/Sword Man Class/Acolyte Class/Merchant Class Id: (18520) Jaty Crown Diese Krone kann nur von der Person getragen werden, der die Ehre des Stammes zu Teil wird. Verringert den Schaden von AnimalBrute- und Plant-Monstern um 5 %. Erhöht den Schaden gegen AnimalBrute- und Plant-Monster um 5 %. AGegenstandsart: Headgear Verteidigung: 1 Position: Upper Gewicht: 10 Benötigt Leveles Lv.: 1 Jobs: Alle Id: (18693) Sleeping Kitty Cat [1] Dieser Hut sieht wie eine schlafende Katze aus. Bitte nicht wecken. Erhöht den Schaden gegen Animal an Brute-Monster um 2%. AGegenstandsart : Headgear Verteidigung : 4 Position : Oben Gewicht : 20 Benötigtes Level v.: 20 Job : Alle außer Novizence
  3. Added Item Spoiler Alert: Id: (14746) Strongman Costume Box A box with a random Strong Man's costume item. An item can be acquired when used. Weight : 1 Id: (14746) Strongman Costume Box Une boite donnant un costume aléatoire de la panoplie Strongman. Poids : 1 Id: (14746) Strongman Costume Box Id: (14746) Strongman Costume Box A box with a random Strong Man's costume item. An item can be acquired when used. Weight : 1 Id: (14747) Food Costume Box A box with a random item from various foods and clothes. An item can be acquired when used. Weight : 1 Id: (14747) Food Costume Box Une boite donnant un costume aléatoire de la panoplie Nourriture. Poids : 1 Id: (14747) Food Costume Box Id: (14747) Food Costume Box A box with a random item from various foods and clothes. An item can be acquired when used. Weight : 1 Id: (14748) Elven Fashion Box A box with a glamorous random elf costume in it. An item can be acquired when used. Weight : 1 Id: (14748) Elven Fashion Box Une boite donnant un costume aléatoire de la panoplie Elfe. Poids : 1 Id: (14748) Elven Fashion Box Id: (14748) Elven Fashion Box A box with a glamorous random elf costume in it. An item can be acquired when used. Weight : 1 Id: (18740) C Hair Of The Strong A wig designed after a certain race whose hair changes when jumps over his limit. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Top Weight : 0 Required Lv. : 1 Job : All Id: (18740) C Hair Of The Strong Une perruque designée selon une certaine race dont les cheveux changent lorsqu'ils dépassent leurs limites. Ce n'est même pas leur forme finale. Type : Costume Défense : 0 Position : Top Poids : 0 Niveau requis : 1 Profession : Toutes Id: (18740) C Hair Of The Strong Id: (18740) C Hair Of The Strong A wig designed after a certain race whose hair changes when jumps over his limit. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Top Weight : 0 Required Lv. : 1 Job : All Id: (19551) C Elven Ears It is designed after fairy's long ear and when worn, it gives you the exact feeling of being wandering little fairies in the blue forest. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Middle Weight : 0 Required Lv. : 1 Job : All Id: (19551) C Elven Ears De longues oreilles de fées qui donnent l'impression que vous vous baladez dans la forêt bleue. Type : Costume Défense : 0 Position : Milieu Poids : 0 Niveau requis : 1 Profession : Toutes Id: (19551) C Elven Ears Id: (19551) C Elven Ears It is designed after fairy's long ear and when worn, it gives you the exact feeling of being wandering little fairies in the blue forest. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Middle Weight : 0 Required Lv. : 1 Job : All Id: (19665) C Poring Cake Cap A hat looking like a cake with Poring on top. I t gives you happiness even by worn on top of the head. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Top Weight : 0 Required Lv. : 1 Job : All Id: (19665) C Poring Cake Cap Un chapeau qui ressemble à un gâteau avec un Poring sur le dessus. Il vous rend heureux rien qu'en le portant. Type : Costume Défense : 0 Position : Top Poids : 0 Niveau requis : 1 Profession : Toutes Id: (19665) C Poring Cake Cap Id: (19665) C Poring Cake Cap A hat looking like a cake with Poring on top. I t gives you happiness even by worn on top of the head. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Top Weight : 0 Required Lv. : 1 Job : All Id: (19785) C Well Baked Toast Our close friend in the busy morning. Feels like we have to run when wearing this. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Bottom Weight : 0 Required Lv. : 1 Job : All Id: (19785) C Well Baked Toast Notre meilleur ami lors des matinées chargées. Vous avez envie de tout faire rapidement quand vous le portez. Type : Costume Défense : 0 Position : Bas Poids : 0 Niveau requis : 1 Profession : Toutes Id: (19785) C Well Baked Toast Id: (19785) C Well Baked Toast Our close friend in the busy morning. Feels like we have to run when wearing this. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Bottom Weight : 0 Required Lv. : 1 Job : All Id: (19913) C Poo Poo Hat Animal's feaces, or PoopÂ…It cannot be said directly so people call it 'that thing'. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Top Weight : 0 Required Lv. : 1 Job : All Id: (19913) C Poo Poo Hat Des excrements d'animaux... On ne peut pas en parler ouvertement avec les gens alors on le nomme ''ce truc''. Type : Costume Défense : 0 Position : Top Poids : 0 Niveau requis : 1 Profession : Toutes Id: (19913) C Poo Poo Hat Id: (19913) C Poo Poo Hat Animal's feaces, or PoopÂ…It cannot be said directly so people call it 'that thing'. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Top Weight : 0 Required Lv. : 1 Job : All Id: (19952) C Bubble Gum In Mouth A swallowing bubble gum. It can get bigger depending on the technique of beholder. Can make you look a little delinquent. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Bottom Weight : 0 Required Lv. : 1 Job : All Id: (19952) C Bubble Gum In Mouth Du chewing gum. La bulle peut être plus grosse selon votre technique. Peut vous faire ressembler à un délinquant. Type : Costume Défense : 0 Position : Bas Poids : 0 Niveau requis : 1 Profession : Toutes Id: (19952) C Bubble Gum In Mouth Id: (19952) C Bubble Gum In Mouth A swallowing bubble gum. It can get bigger depending on the technique of beholder. Can make you look a little delinquent. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Bottom Weight : 0 Required Lv. : 1 Job : All Id: (19992) C Chilly Breath It is so cold that white breath keeps coming out of the mouth. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Bottom Weight : 0 Required Lv. : 1 Job : All Id: (19992) C Chilly Breath Il fait si froid que de la fumée blanche semble sortir de votre bouche quand vous respirez. Type : Costume Défense : 0 Position : Bas Poids : 0 Niveau requis : 1 Profession : Toutes Id: (19992) C Chilly Breath Id: (19992) C Chilly Breath It is so cold that white breath keeps coming out of the mouth. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Bottom Weight : 0 Required Lv. : 1 Job : All Id: (20029) C Donut In Mouth A doughnut, everyone's favorite snack! It goes well with hot tea. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Bottom Weight : 0 Required Lv. : 1 Job : All Id: (20029) C Donut In Mouth Un donut, le snack que tout le monde préfère! Il va bien avec du thé chaud. Type : Costume Défense : 0 Position : Bas Poids : 0 Niveau requis : 1 Profession : Toutes Id: (20029) C Donut In Mouth Id: (20029) C Donut In Mouth A doughnut, everyone's favorite snack! It goes well with hot tea. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Bottom Weight : 0 Required Lv. : 1 Job : All Id: (20030) C Choco Donut In Mouth Doughnut got sweeter with melt chocolate! It goes well with hot tea. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Bottom Weight : 0 Required Lv. : 1 Job : All Id: (20030) C Choco Donut In Mouth Un donut mélangé avec du chocolat fondu! Il va bien avec du thé chaud. Type : Costume Défense : 0 Position : Bas Poids : 0 Niveau requis : 1 Profession : Toutes Id: (20030) C Choco Donut In Mouth Id: (20030) C Choco Donut In Mouth Doughnut got sweeter with melt chocolate! It goes well with hot tea. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Bottom Weight : 0 Required Lv. : 1 Job : All Id: (20118) C Hat Of Cake It is artificial, so be careful not to rush towards it and hurt your teeth. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Top Weight : 0 Required Lv. : 1 Job : All Id: (20118) C Hat Of Cake C'est un faux, alors faites attention de ne pas essayer d'en manger. Type : Costume Défense : 0 Position : Top Poids : 0 Niveau requis : 1 Profession : Toutes Id: (20118) C Hat Of Cake Id: (20118) C Hat Of Cake It is artificial, so be careful not to rush towards it and hurt your teeth. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Top Weight : 0 Required Lv. : 1 Job : All Id: (20141) C Observer A device for evaluating enemy's strength. When used against people, 5 is the number that usually appears. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Middle Weight : 0 Required Lv. : 1 Job : All Id: (20141) C Observer Un appareil pour mesurer la force de vos ennemis. Lorsqu'il est utilisé sur les gens, 5 est en général le nombre qui apparait. Type : Costume Défense : 0 Position : Milieu Poids : 0 Niveau requis : 1 Profession : Toutes Id: (20141) C Observer Id: (20141) C Observer A device for evaluating enemy's strength. When used against people, 5 is the number that usually appears. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Middle Weight : 0 Required Lv. : 1 Job : All Id: (20142) C Machoman Glasses Although it seems to be worn by rich women, only certain type of woman wears it. The reason is unknown. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Middle Weight : 0 Required Lv. : 1 Job : All Id: (20142) C Machoman Glasses Même si elles semblent être portées uniquement par les femmes riches, seul un certain type de femme en porte. La raison est inconnue. Type : Costume Défense : 0 Position : Milieu Poids : 0 Niveau requis : 1 Profession : Toutes Id: (20142) C Machoman Glasses Id: (20142) C Machoman Glasses Although it seems to be worn by rich women, only certain type of woman wears it. The reason is unknown. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Middle Weight : 0 Required Lv. : 1 Job : All Id: (20143) C Candy Cane In The Mouth A lollipop bitten in the mouth. Make sure to brush your teeth after having it. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Bottom Weight : 0 Required Lv. : 1 Job : All Id: (20143) C Candy Cane In The Mouth Une sucette sucrée, soyez sûr de vous brosser les dents après coup! Type : Costume Défense : 0 Position : Bas Poids : 0 Niveau requis : 1 Profession : Toutes Id: (20143) C Candy Cane In The Mouth Id: (20143) C Candy Cane In The Mouth A lollipop bitten in the mouth. Make sure to brush your teeth after having it. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Bottom Weight : 0 Required Lv. : 1 Job : All Id: (20144) C Ancient Elven Ear Accessory which makes you feel like a nature-loving fairies in the past. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Middle Weight : 0 Required Lv. : 1 Job : All Id: (20144) C Ancient Elven Ear Un accessoire qui vous fait ressembler à une fée qui aime la forêt. Type : Costume Défense : 0 Position : Milieu Poids : 0 Niveau requis : 1 Profession : Toutes Id: (20144) C Ancient Elven Ear Id: (20144) C Ancient Elven Ear Accessory which makes you feel like a nature-loving fairies in the past. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Middle Weight : 0 Required Lv. : 1 Job : All Changed Item Spoiler Alert: Id: (564) Rice Ball Id: (685) Ramadan A word which means 'September' in a desert country and a month of holy moon. During this period, everyone goes on a fast and lead an acentic life. Weight : 30 Id: (685) Ramadan Gâteau offert à la fin du Ramadan, qui est un mois sain pendant lequel on jeûne de l'aube jusqu'au couché du soleil. _ Poids : 30 Id: (685) Ramadan Ein Wort, das in einem Wüstenland für 'September' steht, dem Monat des heiligen Mondes. Während dieser Zeit gilt es zu fasten und ein ursprüngliches Leben zu führen. _ Gewicht: 30 Id: (685) Ramadan Çöl þehrinde 'Eylül' anlamýna gelen ve kutsal ay ayý. Bu dönemde herkes hýzlý ve merkez dýþý bir yaþam sürer. _ Aðýrlýk: 30 Id: (2550) Fisher's Muffler Id: (2782) Ring Of Wise King Id: (5131) Close Helmet Id: (5152) Phoenix Crown Id: (5198) Drooping Bunny Id: (5258) Dokebi's Wig [1] Id: (5263) Pagdayaw Id: (5269) Flying Angel Id: (5273) Happy Wig Id: (5274) Shiny Wig Id: (5275) Marvelous Wig Id: (5276) Fantastic Wig Id: (5277) Yellow Bandana Id: (5352) Poporing Hat Id: (5354) Songkok Id: (5355) Selendang Id: (5358) Peco-Peco Ears Id: (5360) Whikebine's Black Cat Ears Id: (5361) Gangster Scarf Id: (5363) Helm Of Abyss [1] Id: (5366) Love Dad Bandana Id: (5367) Hyegun Hat [1] Id: (5372) Koneko Hat Id: (5375) Orc Hero Headdress [1] Id: (5376) Flying Evil Wing [1] Id: (5378) Bunny Top Hat Id: (5385) Yoyo Hat Id: (5392) Louyang Cap [1] Id: (5393) Valentine Hat Id: (5400) Fox Hat Id: (5401) Black Framed Glasses Id: (5402) Mischievous Fairy Id: (5405) Filir Hat Id: (5406) Academy Freshman Hat Id: (5407) Academy Completion Hat [1] Id: (5827) Book File Hat [Event] All Stat +3 Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Position : Upper Weight : 10 Jobs : All Id: (5827) Book File Hat [Event] All Stat +3 Type : Headgear Defense : 1 Position : Haut Poids : 10 Profession : Toutes Id: (5827) Book File Hat [Event] All Stat +3 Gegenstandsart: Headgear Verteidigung : 1 Position: Oben Gewicht: 10 Jobs: Alle Id: (5827) Book File Hat [Event] All Stat +3 Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Position : Upper Weight : 10 Jobs : All Id: (7170) Tuxedo Id: (7228) Gold Bullion Id: (7229) Silver Bullion Id: (7230) Platinum Bullion Id: (7231) Gold Ore Id: (7232) Silver Ore Id: (7233) Mithril Ore Id: (7234) Spirit of Guild Id: (7235) Spirit of Charge Id: (7236) Spirit of Protection Id: (7237) Spirit of Association Id: (7238) Spirit of Coordination Id: (7239) Spirit of Advance Id: (7240) Spirit of Trust Id: (7241) Spirit of Union Id: (7242) Spirit of Combination Id: (7243) Spirit of Cooperation Id: (7244) Spirit of Solidarity Id: (7245) Spirit of Friendship Id: (7246) Spirit of Peace Id: (7247) Spirit of Determination Id: (7248) Spirit of Honor Id: (7249) Spirit of Service Id: (7250) Spirit of Glory Id: (7251) Spirit of Victory Id: (7285) Holy Threads A skein of threads which possesses a holy power within. Weight : 1 Id: (7609) Pumpkin Mojo Id: (12192) Pumpkin Pie Id: (19541) C Romantic White Flower A white little petal. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Bottom Weight : 0 Required Lv. : 1 Job : All Id: (19541) C Romantic White Flower Un petit pétale blanc. Type : Costume Défense : 0 Position : Bas Poids : 0 Niveau requis : 1 Profession : Toutes Id: (19541) C Romantic White Flower Id: (19541) C Romantic White Flower A white little petal. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Bottom Weight : 0 Required Lv. : 1 Job : All
  4. Changed Item Spoiler Alert: Id: (2881) Orlean's Necklace [1] A neckalce that fits perfectly with all the "Orlean" items. DEX +2, MATK +2%, If equipped with Orlean's Glove: MATK +2%, If equipped with Robe of Orlean: -15% cast time If equipped with Orlean's Plate: MATK increase after each upgrade of Orlean's Plate Slot : Accessory Weight : 10 Jobs : Tous Id: (2881) Orlean's Necklace [1] Un pendentif qui s'accorde parfaitement avec les autres équipements de la gamme "Orlean". DEX +2, MATK +2%, Si équippé avec Orlean's Glove: MATK +2%, Si équippé avec Robe of Orlean: -15% de temps de cast Si équippé avec Orlean's Plate: MATK augmente à chaque forge de l'Orlean's Plate Slot : Accessory Poids : 10 Profession : Tous Id: (2881) Orlean's Necklace [1] Ein Halsband das perfekt mit allen anderen "Orlean" Items zusammenpasst. DEX +2, MATK +2%, Wenn angelegt mit Orlean's Glove: MATK +2%, Wenn angelegt mit Robe of Orlean: -15% Cast Time Wenn angelegt mit Orlean's Plate: MATK verbessert sich nach jedem Upgrade von Orlean's Plate. Slot: Accessory Gewicht: 10 Job: Alle Id: (2881) Orlean's Necklace [1] "Orlean" eþyalarýyla oldukça uyumlu bir kolye. DEX +2, MATK +2%, Orlean's Glove ile birlikte giyilirse: MATK +2%, Robe of Orlean ile birlikte giyilirse: yetenek yapma süresi 15% azalýr Orlean's Plate ile birlikte giyilirse: Orlean's Plate'in arýtma seviyesine baðlý olarak büyü saldýrý gücünü arttýrýr Giyildiði Yer : Accessory Aðýrlýk: 10 Uygun Meslekler : Her Meslek Id: (4809) Fighting Spirit 3Lv3 ATK + 12 HIT + 4 Id: (4810) Fighting Spirit 2Lv2 ATK + 9 HIT + 3 Id: (4811) Fighting Spirit 1Lv1 ATK + 6 HIT + 2 Id: (5149) Silver Tiara Id: (5200) Coppola Id: (5210) Flying Angel Id: (5211) Ribbon Hat [1] Id: (5227) Red Deviruchi Hat Id: (5228) White Deviruchi Hat Id: (5229) Gray Deviruchi Hat Id: (5230) White Drooping Cat Id: (5231) Gray Drooping Cat Id: (5232) Pink Drooping Cat Id: (5233) Blue Drooping Cat Id: (5235) Gray Beanie Id: (5236) Blue Beanie Id: (5237) Pink Beanie Id: (5238) Red Mage Hat Id: (5239) White Mage Hat Id: (5240) Gray Mage Hat Id: (5241) Blue Mage Hat Id: (5242) Yellow Mage Hat Id: (5254) Deviling Hat [1] Id: (5261) Silver Tiara Id: (5358) Peco-Peco Ears An ornament wing created by Morgan Stanley's. AGI + 1, MDEF + 2 Class : Head Gear Defense : 1 Position : Middle Weight : 10 Required level :70 Jobs : All Id: (5358) Peco-Peco Ears Un ornement représentant des petites ailes de Pecopeco, créé par Morgan Stanley. AGI + 1, MDEF + 2 Type : Head Gear Défense : 1 Emplacement : Milieu Poids : 10 Niveau Requis :70 Profession : Toutes Id: (5358) Peco-Peco Ears Id: (5358) Peco-Peco Ears Morgan Stanley tarafýndan yaratýlmýþ süs kanadý. AGI + 1, MDEF + 2 Eþya Sýnýfý : Head Gear Savunma : 1 Kafadaki Konum : Middle Aðýrlýk: 10 Gerekli Seviye :70 Uygun Meslekler : Her Meslek Id: (5483) Odin Mask A mask worn once worn by Odin during a fierce battle between the gods and humans. Hit-10, Increases damage to Demihuman monsters by 6%. Class : Headgear Location: Middle & Lower Defense : 1 Weight : 10 Required Level : 50 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (5483) Odin Mask Un masque porté par Odin pendant une bataille entre les dieux et les humains. HIT-10, Augmente les dégâts infligés aux monstres DemiHuman de 6%. Slot : Head Gear Défense : 1 Emplacement : Milieu/Bas Poids : 10 Niveau requis : 50 Profession : Tous sauf Novice Id: (5483) Odin Mask Eine Maske die einst von Odin selbst im leidenschaftlichen Kampf zwischen den Göttern und den Menschen getragen wurde. Hit-10, Erhöht den Schaden, der Demi-Human Monster zugefügt wird, um 6%. Slot: Headgear Position: Middle & Lower Verteidigung: 1 Gewicht: 10 Benötigt Level: 50 Jobs: Alle außer Novice Id: (5483) Odin Mask Tanrýlar ve insanlar arasýndaki vahþi savaþta Odin tarafýndan giyilmiþ maske. Hit-10, Demihumanlara karþý olan hasarý 6% arttýrýr. Eþya Sýnýfý: Headgear Giyildiði Yer: Middle & Lower Savunma: 1 Aðýrlýk: 10 Gerekli Seviye: 50 Uygun Meslekler: Novice Hariç, Her Meslek Id: (5490) Anubis Helmadgear This ceremonial headdress holds the likeness of Anubis, god of the underworld. It is rumored that it empowers the wearer against powerful divine beings. Reduce damage from MVPs by 10%. Increase effectiveness of healing and healing items by 10%. Class : Headgear Defense : 8 Location : Upper, Mid Weight : 0 Required Level : 65 Jobs : All Id: (5490) Anubis Helmadgear Ce haut cérémonial contient la bienveillance d'Anubis, dieu du monde souterrain. D'après la rumeur il protège son porteur contre les êtres divins. Réduit les dégâts reçus des MVP de 10%. Augmente l'efficacité des sorts et items de soins de 10%. Slot : Head Gear Défense : 8 Emplacement : Haut/Milieu Poids : 0 Niveau requis : 65 Profession : Tous Id: (5490) Anubis Helmadgear Diese zeremonielle Kopfbedeckung sieht aus wie Anubis, Gott der Unterwelt. Es wird getuschelt, dass es die Kräfte seines Trägers gegen mächtige göttliche Kreaturen stärkt. Verringert den Schaden, der von MvPs zugefügt wird um 10%. Steigert die Effektivität von Heal-Fähigkeiten und Items um 10%. Slot: Headgear Verteidigung: 8 Position: Upper, Mid Gewicht: 0 Benötigt Level: 65 Jobs : Alle Id: (5490) Anubis Helmadgear Cehennem tanrýsý Anubis'e benzeyen tören baþlýðý. Kutsal yaratýklara karþý giyenini güçlendirdiði söyleniyor. MVP'lerden alýnan hasarý 10% azaltýr. Heal ve iyileþtirme eþyalarýnýn etkisini 10% arttýrýr. Eþya Sýnýfý : Headgear Savunma : 8 Kafadaki konum : Upper, Mid Aðýrlýk: 0 Gerekli Seviye : 65 Uygun Meslekler : Her Meslek Id: (5573) Dokkaebi Horn [1] Baby Dokkaebis starkes, hartes Horn. Manche sagen, es bringe Ihnen Wohlstand. Lässt mit geringer Wahrscheinlichkeit Juwelen fallen, wenn Monster getötet werden. Bei physischem Angriff wird, mit einer gewissen Wahrscheinlichkeit, Level-5 Mammonite aktiviert (Verbraucht Zenys, wenn aktiviert, ohne Zenys nicht verfügbar). Klasse: Headgear Verteidigung: 6 Position: Upper Gewicht: 10 Jobs: Alle Id: (5596) 4Leaf Clover In Mouth A 4-leaf clover placed in the mouth as a lucky charm. LUK +3. Gives a small chance to gain a Green Ale when killing monsters. If equipped with a Beer Hat, the drop chance is increased and gives a chance to obtain the three types of Saint Patrick drinks. Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Bottom Weight : 0 Jobs : All Id: (5596) Four 4Leaf Clover In Mouth Þans için aðzýnýzda tutabileceðiniz 4 yapraklý yonca. LUK +3. Canavarlarý yendiðinizde düþük þansla Green Ale düþer. Beer Hat ile birlikte giyildiðinde, düþme þansý artar ve 3 tip Saint Patrick içeceði elde etme þansý verir. Eþya Sýnýfý : Headgear Savunma : 2 Kafadaki konum : Bottom Aðýrlýk: 0 Uygun Meslekler : Her Meslek Id: (5597) Bubble Gum In Mouth Rental item (1 hour) Riesiger, wie ein Ballon aussehender Kaugummi. Sie können ihn sogar noch größer aufblasen! Vorsicht: Könnte auf andere prollig wirken. ATK + 5, MATK + 5. MDEF + 2. Bei Premium-Service: Droprate vergrößert. Klasse: Headgear Verteidigung: 2 Position: Lower Gewicht: 0 Jobs: Alle Id: (5662) Libra Crown Ein prachtvolles Diadem, hergestellt, um das 7te Zeichen des Tierkreises, Libra, die Waage, zu würdigen. Das Krönchen ist besetzt mit einem Opal, dem Geburtsstein derer, die unter diesem Zeichen geboren wurden. DEX +3, 7% Widerstand gegen Windangriffe. MATK + 3% für Level-7-Veredelung Zusätzlich MATK + 2% vom Veredelungs-Lv 9, wenn durch physischen Angriff beschädigt - aktiviert Frost Nova mit geringer Wahrscheinichkeit. Klasse: Headgear Verteidigung: 3 Position: Upper Gewicht: 30 Jobs: Alle Id: (5663) Libra Diadem Ein prachtvolles Diadem, das eigens hergestellt wurde, um das 7te Zeichen des Tierkreises, Libra, die Waage, zu würdigen. Das Krönchen ist besetzt mit einem Opal, dem Geburtsstein derer, die unter diesem Zeichen geboren wurden. ATK + 7. Wenn es auf 7 oder höher veredelt wird, besteht eine geringe Chance, wenn physisch angegriffen wird, automatisch Level-2 Warm Wind zu zaubern. Wenn es auf 9 oder höher veredelt wird, FLEE +5 und es steigert die physische Angriffsstärke um 3%. Klasse: Headgear Verteidigung: 3 Kopfhaltung: Upper Gewicht: 30 Benötigt Level: 1 Jobs: Alle Id: (5664) Filir's PWinionsg A cute headgear made in the form of Filir's wings, the most popular bird-like homunclus. Aspd +2%. Reduce the after-attack delay by 2%. Concept created during the Summer 2008 Create a headgear Contest. Created by Bara-chan Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Location : Mid Weight : 10 Required Level : 70 Jobs : All Id: (5664) Filir's PWinionsg Un joli chapeau en forme d'ailes de Filir, le plus populaire des homunculus volants. ASPD +2%. Réduit le délai de 2%. _ Crée durant le concours de création de hat en été 2008. Crée par Bara-chan _ Slot : Head Gear Défense : 1 Emplacement : Haut Poids : 10 Profession : Tous Id: (5664) Filir's PWinionsg Eine niedliche Kopfbedeckungen die aus den Federn von Filirs, die beliebtesten Vogel-ähnliche Homunculus', hergestellt wurde. Aspd +2%. Reduziert das after-attack delay um 2%. _ Das Konzept wurde während des Sommers 2008 im Rahmen eines Headgear Wettbewerb von Bara-chan erstellt _ Slot: Headgear Verteidigung: 1 Position: Mid Gewicht: 10 Benötigt Level: 70 Job : Alle Id: (5664) Filir's PWinionsg En popüler kuþ sýnýfý homunculus Filir'in kanatlarý þeklinde yapýlmýþ baþlýk. Aspd +2%. Saldýrý sonrasý gecikmeyi 2% azaltýr. _ Bara-Chan tarafýndan Þapka yarat etkinliði 2008 yazýnda yaratýlmýþ bir konseptir. _ Eþya Sýnýfý : Headgear Savunma : 1 Kafadaki konum : Mid Aðýrlýk: 10 Gerekli Seviye : 70 Uygun Meslekler : Her Meslek Id: (5674) Pig Moneycoinbox A piggy-bank which will make you feel good after saving many coins in it. Its cute design will make you to doubt to cut it off to open. Casting time after performing the skill will be increased 10%. When defeating a monster, it can get extra Zeny with a set probability. Cannot be upgraded. Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Location: Upper Weight : 100 Required Level : 10 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5674) Pig Moneycoinbox Une tirelire-cochon dont le bruit de la monnaie sonnante et trébuchante vous emplit de félicité. Votre seul regret est de devoir la briser pour l'ouvrir. Augmente le délai des sorts de 10%. Donne une chance d'obtenir des Zenys chaque fois que vous tuez un ennemi. Ne peut pas être forgé. Type : Headgear Défense : 3 Emplacement : Haut Poids : 100 Niveau Requis : 10 Profession : Toutes Id: (5674) Pig Moneycoinbox A piggy-bank which will make you feel good after saving many coins in it. Its cute design will make you to doubt to cut it off to open. Casting time after performing the skill will be increased 10%. When defeating a monster, it can get extra Zeny with a set probability. Cannot be upgraded. Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Location: Upper Weight : 100 Required Lv : 10 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5674) Pig Moneycoinbox Ýçerisinde çok fazla para biriktirdiðinde seni mutlu edecek kumbara. Sevimli tasarýmý onu kýrýp açman konusunda tereddüt etmene sebep oluyor. Yetenek gecikmesi 10% artar. Canavarlarý yendiðinizde ekstra Zeny kazanma þansý verir. Arýtýlamaz. Eþya Sýnýfý : Headgear Savunma : 3 Giyildiði Yer: Upper Aðýrlýk: 100 Gerekli Seviye : 10 Uygun Meslekler : Her Meslek Id: (5737) Potted MukaCactus Hat A hat looks like Muka in socrat desert. Have a chance to drop a Cactus Needle when a monster is killed. Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Location: Upper Weight : 30 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All jobs Id: (5737) Potted MukaCactus Hat Un chapeau qui ressemble à un Muka du désert de Sograt. A une chance de dropper une Cactus Needle à chaque monstre Plant tué. Slot : Head Gear Défense : 1 Emplacement : Haut Poids : 30 Profession : Tous Id: (5737) Potted MukaCactus Hat Ein Hut, der aussieht wie Muka, das Monster aus der Sograt Desert. Jedes Mal, wenn ein Plant Monster getötet wird, besteht die Möglichkeit Cactus Needle fallen zu lassen. Slot: Headgear Verteidigung: 1 Position: Upper Gewicht: 30 Benötigt Level: 1 Jobs : Alle Id: (5737) Potted MukaCactus Hat Socrat çölündeki Muka'ya benzeyen bir þapka. Plant canavarlarý yendiðinizde Cactus Needle düþürme þansý verir. Eþya Sýnýfý : Headgear Savunma : 1 Giyildiði Yer: Upper Aðýrlýk: 30 Gerekli Seviye : 1 Uygun Meslekler : Her Meslek Id: (5789) Thanatos's Mal Mask Thanatos Odium'un giydiði maske. Yüksek savunma saðlayan sevimli tasarýma sahiptir. VIT +1 Eþya Sýnýfý : Headgear Savunma : 3 Kafadaki konum : Top/Middle/Lower Aðýrlýk: 10 Gerekli Seviye : 30 Uygun Meslekler : Her Meslek Id: (5790) Holy Mom Love [1] Ein Hut der nur so vor Mutterliebe strotzt. Sie opfert sich selbst um zu helfen. Der erhaltene Schaden von Demi Human Monster und Undead Monster wir um 5% verringert. Erzeugt beim Erhalt von physikalischem Schaden Blessing Lv1 zu einer zufälligen Wahrscheinlichkeit. Gegenstandsart : Headgear Verteidigung : 0 Verteidigung : Top/Middle Gewicht : 50 Benötigtes Lv. : 45 Jobs : Alle Id: (5793) Life Ribbon A cute small green and yellow ribbon. It is subtly moving,suggesting that a spirit lives inside. When physically or magically attacking, there is a chance to gain +10 in all stats during 5 seconds. If refined to +7 or more, slightly increases the chance for the effects to appear and the duration. Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Jobs : All Id: (6396) Spiritual AugerAuger Of Spirit A tool which is consumed for making a soket. When succeeds in the Soket Enchant, it disappears. Weight : 1 Id: (6396) Spiritual AugerAuger Of Spirit Une tarière utilisée pour percer des trous. Il semble que Supairslaute Jr à Morroc puisse en faire bon usage. Poids : 1 Id: (12016) Speed Potion Id: (12017) Slow Potion Id: (12033) Box of Sunlight Enables the user to to detect any hidden[/color] enemies for 30 seconds. Weight : 20 Id: (12033) Box of Sunlight Permet à l'utilisateur de détecter les ennemis cachés pendant 30 secondes. _ Poids : 20 Id: (12033) Box of Sunlight Ermöglicht dem Benutzer, 30 Sekunden lang jegliche versteckten Feinde zu entdecken. _ Gewicht : 20 Id: (12033) Box of Sunlight Kullananýn 30 saniye boyunca gizlenmiþ düþmanlarý görmesini saðlar . _ Aðýrlýk: 20 Id: (12292) Unripe Yggdrasilberry An unripe fruit of the Yggdrasiltree. Recovers 20% HP. Weight : 20 Id: (12292) Unripe Yggdrasilberry Un fruit pas mûr de l'arbre Yggdrasil. Redonne 20% de HP. Poids : 20 Id: (12292) Unripe Yggdrasilberry Eine unreife Frucht vom Yggdrasilbaum. Regeneriert 20% HP. Gewicht : 20 Id: (12292) Unripe Yggdrasilberry An unripe fruit of the Yggdrasiltree. Recovers 20% HP. Weight : 20 Id: (12293) Dried Yggdrasilberry A dried fruit of the Yggdrasiltree. Recovers 20% SP. Weight : 20 Id: (12293) Dried Yggdrasilberry Un fruit sec de l'arbre Yggdrasil. Redonne 20% de SP. Poids : 20 Id: (12293) Dried Yggdrasilberry Eine getrocknete Frucht vom Yggdrasilbaum. Regeneriert 20% SP. Gewicht : 20 Id: (12293) Dried Yggdrasilberry A dried fruit of the Yggdrasiltree. Recovers 20% SP. Weight : 20 Id: (12532) Royal Jelly Box A box containing 100 Royal Jelly. Weight : 0 Id: (12532) Royal Jelly Box Une boite contenant 100 Royal Jelly. Poids : 0 Id: (12532) Royal Jelly Box Eine Box die 100 Royal Jelly enthält. Gewicht : 0 Id: (12532) Royal Jelly Box A box containing 100 Royal Jelly. Weight : 0 Id: (12697) RWC Celebration Firecracker ¥±II Special Firecracker to celebrate 2011 RWC. You will have 10 seconds fun! Weight : 2 Id: (12697) RWC Celebration Firecracker ¥±II Des feux d'artifices spéciaux pour célébrer le RWC 2011. Vous allez avoir 10 secondes de fun! Poids : 2 Id: (12697) RWC Celebration Firecracker ¥±II Special Firecracker to celebrate 2011 RWC. You will have 10 seconds fun! Weight : 2 Id: (12697) RWC Celebration Firecracker ¥±II 2011 RWC kutlamalarý için özel havai fiþek. 10 saniye boyunca eðlendirir! Aðýrlýk: 2 Id: (13553) Dungeon Tele Scroll 5 Box Une boite contenant 10 Dungeon Teleport Scroll, qui permettent de se téléporter vers différentes destinations. _ Poids : 1 Id: (15008) Flame Spirit Armor Ateþ tarafýndan kutsanmýþ bir zýrh. MDEF +1 Ateþ özelliði verir. Toprak tipi canavarlardan alýnan hasarý 5% azaltýr. Eþya Sýnýfý : Armor Savunma : 25 Aðýrlýk: 100 Uygun Meslekler : Her Meslek Id: (17122) Greedy Frog Box A box with a Greedy Frog inside. The hat will disappear after a full month (real time). Weight : 1 Id: (17122) Greedy Frog Box Une boite contenant une Greedy Frog. Le hat disparaitra au bout d'un mois (temps réel). Poids : 1 Id: (17122) Greedy Frog Box Eine Box die einen Greedy Frog enthält. Dieser Hut wird nach einem Monat verschwinden (Echtzeit). Gewicht: 1 Id: (17122) Greedy Frog Box Ýçerisinde Greedy Frog olan bir kutu. Þapka 1 ay sonunda kaybolacak. Aðýrlýk: 1 Id: (18527) Gloomy Pumpkin Hat Da ist etwas Flackerndes in den Augen. Ist es möglich, sie im Kopf zu tragen? Wenn Sie Monster töten, bekommen Sie zur regulären Droprate einen Kürbiskuchen. MDEF + 5 Klasse: Headgear Verteidigung: 5 Position: Upper Gewicht: 50 Benötigt Level: 45 Jobs: Alle Id: (18533) Honeybee Hat [1] A hat with honeybee stripes and a pair of feelers Smells sweet like honey. MDEF + 3 + 5% Physical and Magic damage to Insect type Monsters. + 5% Resistance from Insect type Monsters. Drops [Honey] in certain rate when defeating Insect type monsters. Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Location : Upper Weight : 10 Required Level : 50 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (18533) Honeybee Hat [1] Un chapeau avec des rayures d'abeilles et une paire d'antennes. Il a une odeur douce et sucré comme le miel. MDEF +3 Augmente de 5% les dommages physique et magique infligés aux monstres du type Insect. Augmente de 5% votre résistance contre les monstres du type Insect. Donne une chance d'obtenir un [Honey] lorsque vous tuez un monstre du type Insect. Type : Headgear Défense : 3 Position : Haut Poids : 10 Niveau requis : 50 Profession : Toutes Id: (18533) Honeybee Hat [1] Ein Hut, auf dem die Streifen einer Honigbiene abgebildet sind und Fühlern. Riecht sehr süßlich nach Hönig. MDEF + 3 + 5% physikalischen und magischen Schaden an Insect Monster. + 5% Verteidigung gegen Insect Monster. Man findet mit einer bestimmten Chance [Honey] im Kampf gegen Insect Monster Art : Headgear Verteidigung : 3 Position : Oben Gewicht : 10 Benötigtes Lv. L 50 Jobs : Alle Id: (18533) Honeybee Hat [1] Bal arisi çizgileri ve antenleri olan bir sapkadir Bal gibi tatli bir kokusu vardir. MDefense + 3 Insect türü canavarlara karsi + %5 Fiziksel ve Büyüsel hasar. Insect türü canavarlardan gelecek hasara karsi+ %5 Direnç. Belli bir oranda [Honey] düsürür ve bunu Insect türü yaratiklari yenerken yapar. Sinif: Headgear Savunma : 3 Konum : Upper Agirlik : 10 Gereken Sv : 50 Siniflar : Bütün Siniflar Id: (18534) Fancy Phantom Mask [1] A Phantom mask decorated with fancier ornament. High status people used to wear this to hide their status. STR + 1 + 5% Physical Damage - 1% Skill Delay MAXHP + 100 per 1 refine Lv. +20% [Mammonite] Damage Class : Headgear Defense : 5 Location : Upper-Mid Weight : 100 Required Level : 20 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (18534) Fancy Phantom Mask [1] Un Phantom Mask décoré d'ornement beaucoup plus luxueux. Les gens de la haute société le portait pour dissimuler leur status. STR +1 Augmente de 5% les dommages physique que vous infligé. Réduit de 1% votre Skill delay. MAXHP +100 par niveau de forge. Augmente de 20% vos dommages infligés avec le skill [Mammonite]. Type : Headgear Défense : 5 Position : Haut-Milieu Poids : 100 Niveau requis : 20 Profession : Toutes Id: (18534) Fancy Phantom Mask [1] Eine Phantom Maske, die mit prächtigen Ornamenten geschmückt ist. Sie wurde von Leuten aus der höheren Gesellschaft getragen, um ihren Status zu verbergen. STR + 1 + 5% Physikalischer Schaden - 1% Skill Verzögerung MAXHP + 100 für jedes Upgrade Lv. +20% [Mammonite] Schaden Art : Headgear Verteidigung : 5 Position : Oben Mitte Gewicht : 100 Benötigtes Lv. :20 Jobs : Alle Id: (18534) Fancy Phantom Mask [1] Renkli aksesuarlar ile süslenmis bir Phantom maskesi. Yüksek statülü insanlar bunu yüzlerini gizlemek için kullanirlar. STR + 1 + %5 Fiziksel Hasar - %1 Yetenek Bekleme Zamani arindirma Sv. için MAZHP +100 +20% [Mammonite] Hasar Sinif: Headgear Savunma : 5 Konum : Upper-Mid Agirlik : 100 Gereken Sv : 20 Siniflar : Bütün Siniflar Id: (18565) St PatrickLeprechaun Hat [1] Yardýmsever maceracýlar için neþeli bir kasket. STR + 1, INT + 1, MDEF + 4. [4Leaf Clove In Mouth Event Combo] Bir yaratýk öldürdüðünüz zaman rastgele bir þekilde Green Ale/Green Beer kazanma þansý. Bu þans her St. Patrick Hat arýtmasýnda artacaktýr. Sýnýf : HeadGear Savunma : 8 Konum : Üst Aðýrlýk : 30 Gereken Sv : 40 Meslek : Hepsi Id: (18580) Yggdrasil Crown A crown woven from Yggdrasil's Branches which represents new life after a sacrifice. Int +2, VIT +2. Can automatically cast Increase Agi, Blessing or Heal when magically attacked. If upgraded to +7 or more: The cast chance is increased. Slot : Head Gear Defense : 6 Location : Upper Weight : 20 Level Required : 70 Jobs : Tous Id: (18580) Yggdrasil Crown Une couronne créée à partir de branches d'Yggdrasil qui représente une nouvelle vie après un sacrifice. Int +2, VIT +2. Peut lancer automatiquement les sorts Increase Agi, Blessing ou Heal lorsque vous subissez des dégâts magiques. Si forgé à +7 ou plus: Cette chance augmente. Slot : Head Gear Défense : 6 Emplacement : Haut Poids : 20 Niveau requis : 70 Profession : Tous Id: (18580) Yggdrasil Crown Eine Krone die aus Yggdrasil-Zweigen geflochten wurde und das neue Leben nach einem Opfer darstellt. INT +2, VIT +2. Hat die Chance Increase Agi, Blessing oder Heal zu aktivieren, wenn du mit Zaubern angegriffen wirst. Wenn auf +7 oder höher verbessert: erhöht die Aktivierungs-Chancen. Slot: Head Gear Verteidigungsrate: 6 Kopfposition: Upper Gewicht: 20 Erforderliches Level: 70 Job : Alle Id: (18580) Yggdrasil Crown Yggdrasil'in dallarýndan örülme, kurbandan sonra yeni hayatý simgeleyen bir taç. Int +2, VIT +2. Büyü hasarý aldýðýnýzda Increase Agi, Blessing veya Heal yapma þansý verir. Eðer arýtma seviyesi 7 ve üzeri ise: Yetenekleri kullanma þansý artar. Giyildiði Yer : Head Gear Savunma : 6 Kafadaki konum : Upper Aðýrlýk: 20 Level Required : 70 Uygun Meslekler : Tous Id: (18597) Mercury Riser [1] Created for military purpose, this hat boosts your fighting abilities. ASPD +3%, Delay decreased by 3%. Increase your defense against Demi-Human attacks by 10%. Increase your attack against Demi-Human by 10%. If upgraded to +7 or +8: ASPD +2%, Delay decreased by 2%. If upgraded to +9 or more: ASPD +2%, Delay decreased by 2%. Slot : Head Gear Defense : 6 Location : Upper Weight : 40 Required level : 70 Jobs : All Id: (18597) Mercury Riser [1] Crée dans un unique but militaire, ce chapeau décuple vos capacités au combat. ASPD +3%, Délai réduit de 3%. Augmente la résistance aux attaques des Demi-Human de 10%. Augmente les dégâts infligés aux Demi-Human de 10%. Si forgé à +7 ou +8: ASPD +2%, Délai réduit de 2%. Si forgé à +9 ou plus: ASPD +2%, Délai réduit de 2%. Slot : Head Gear Défense : 6 Emplacement : Haut Poids : 40 Niveau requis : 70 Profession : Tous Id: (18597) Mercury Riser [1] Dieser Hut wurde für militärischen Zwecke erstellte und verbessert deine Kampffähigkeiten. ASPD +3%, Cool Down um 3% verringert. Verbessert deine Verteidigung gegen Angriffe von Demi-Humans um 10%. Verbessert deinen Angriffsschaden gegen Demi-Humans um 10%. Wenn auf +7 oder +8 verbessert: ASPD +2%, Cool Down um 2% verringert. Wenn auf +9 oder höher verbessert: ASPD +2%, Cool Down um 2% verringert. Slot: Head Gear Verteidigungsrate: 6 Kopfposition: Upper Gewicht: 40 Erforderliches Level: 70 Job: Alle Id: (18597) Mercury Riser [1] Askeri amaçlar için yaratýlmýþ, savaþ kabiliyetinizi arttýran þapka. ASPD +3%, Gecikmeyi 3% azaltýr. DemiHuman saldýrýlarýna karþý 10% direnç verir. DemiHumanlara karþý saldýrý gücünüzü 10% arttýrýr. Eðer arýtma seviyesi 7 veya 8 ise: Saldýrý Hýzý +2%, Gecikmeyi 2% azaltýr. Eðer arýtma seviyesi 9 ve üzeriyse: Saldýrý Hýzý +2%, Gecikmeyi 2% azaltýr. Giyildiði Yer : Head Gear Savunma : 6 Kafadaki konum : Upper Aðýrlýk: 40 Gerekli Seviye : 70 Uygun Meslekler : Her Meslek
  5. 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(31909) Id: (31909) Id: (31909) Changed Item Spoiler Alert: Id: (1464) Hallberd [2] Ein Speer mit stählerner Spitze und Axtklinge sowohl zum Stechen als auch zum Hacken. Waffenart: [color=#[/]color]777777Spear Angriffsstärke: 165 Gewicht: 250 Waffen-Level: {3|3} Erforderliches Level: 33 Jobs: Swordman Id: (4809) Fighting Spirit3 3Lv ATK + 12 HIT + 4 Id: (4810) Fighting Spirit2 2Lv ATK + 9 HIT + 3 Id: (4811) Fighting Spirit1 1Lv ATK + 6 HIT + 2 Id: (5358) Peco-Peco Ears Un ornement représentant des petites ailes de Pecopeco, créé par Morgan Stanley. AGI + 1, MDEF + 2 Type : Head Gear Défense : 1 Emplacement : Milieu Poids : 10 Niveau Requis :70 Profession : Toutes Id: (5358) Peco-Peco Ears Morgan Stanley tarafýndan yaratýlmýþ süs kanadý. AGI + 1, MDEF + 2 Eþya Sýnýfý : Head Gear Savunma : 1 Kafadaki Konum : Middle Aðýrlýk: 10 Gerekli Seviye :70 Uygun Meslekler : Her Meslek Id: (5483) Odin Mask Un masque porté par Odin pendant une bataille entre les dieux et les humains. HIT-10, Augmente les dégâts infligés aux monstres DemiHuman de 6%. Slot : Head Gear Défense : 1 Emplacement : Milieu/Bas Poids : 10 Niveau requis : 50 Profession : Tous sauf Novice Id: (5483) Odin Mask Eine Maske die einst von Odin selbst im leidenschaftlichen Kampf zwischen den Göttern und den Menschen getragen wurde. Hit-10, Erhöht den Schaden, der Demi-Human Monster zugefügt wird, um 6%. Slot: Headgear Position: Middle & Lower Verteidigung: 1 Gewicht: 10 Benötigt Level: 50 Jobs: Alle außer Novice Id: (5573) Dokkaebi Horn [1] Baby Dokkaebis starkes, hartes Horn. Manche sagen, es bringe Ihnen Wohlstand. Lässt mit geringer Wahrscheinlichkeit Juwelen fallen, wenn Monster getötet werden. Bei physischem Angriff wird, mit einer gewissen Wahrscheinlichkeit, Level-5 Mammonite aktiviert (Verbraucht Zenys, wenn aktiviert, ohne Zenys nicht verfügbar). Klasse: Headgear Verteidigung: 6 Position: Upper Gewicht: 10 Jobs: Alle Id: (5573) Dokkaebi Horn [1] Baby Dokkaebi'nin saðlam boynuzu. Söylenene göre parayý çekiyor. Düþmanlarý yendiðinizde düþük þansla jewelry düþürür, her fiziksel saldýrýda mammonite Lv5 yapma þansý verir.(Kullanýldýðýnda Zeny harcar, eðer yeterli Zeny'niz yoksa aktifleþmez.) Eþya Sýnýfý : Headgear Savunma : 6 Kafadaki Konum : Upper Aðýrlýk: 10 Uygun Meslekler : Her Meslek Id: (5596) 4Leaf Clover In Mouth A 4-leaf clover placed in the mouth as a lucky charm. LUK +3. Gives a small chance to gain a Green Ale when killing monsters. If equipped with a Beer Hat, the drop chance is increased and gives a chance to obtain the three types of Saint Patrick drinks. Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Bottom Weight : 0 Jobs : All Id: (5596) 4Four Leaf Clover In Mouth Þans için aðzýnýzda tutabileceðiniz 4 yapraklý yonca. LUK +3. Canavarlarý yendiðinizde düþük þansla Green Ale düþer. Beer Hat ile birlikte giyildiðinde, düþme þansý artar ve 3 tip Saint Patrick içeceði elde etme þansý verir. Eþya Sýnýfý : Headgear Savunma : 2 Kafadaki konum : Bottom Aðýrlýk: 0 Uygun Meslekler : Her Meslek Id: (5597) Bubble Gum In Mouth Rental item (1 hour) Riesiger, wie ein Ballon aussehender Kaugummi. Sie können ihn sogar noch größer aufblasen! Vorsicht: Könnte auf andere prollig wirken. ATK + 5, MATK + 5. MDEF + 2. Bei Premium-Service: Droprate vergrößert. Klasse: Headgear Verteidigung: 2 Position: Lower Gewicht: 0 Jobs: Alle Id: (5597) Bubble Gum In Mouth Kiralýk Eþya (1 hour) Büyük bir balon gibi gözüken sakýz. Daha da büyütebilirsin! Dikkat : Diðerleri varoþlara benzediðinizi düþünebilir. ATK + 5, MATK + 5. MDEF + 2. Eðer Premium Servis aktifse: Eþya düþme þansý artar. Eþya Sýnýfý : Headgear Savunma : 2 Kafadaki Konum : Lower Aðýrlýk: 0 Uygun Meslekler : Her Meslek Id: (5662) Libra Crown Ein prachtvolles Diadem, hergestellt, um das 7te Zeichen des Tierkreises, Libra, die Waage, zu würdigen. Das Krönchen ist besetzt mit einem Opal, dem Geburtsstein derer, die unter diesem Zeichen geboren wurden. DEX +3, 7% Widerstand gegen Windangriffe. MATK + 3% für Level-7-Veredelung Zusätzlich MATK + 2% vom Veredelungs-Lv 9, wenn durch physischen Angriff beschädigt - aktiviert Frost Nova mit geringer Wahrscheinichkeit. Klasse: Headgear Verteidigung: 3 Position: Upper Gewicht: 30 Jobs: Alle Id: (5662) Libra Crown 7. burç olan terazi burcunu onurlandýrýlmasý için yaratýlmýþ muazzam taç. Taca deðerli bir taþ olan opal takýlmýþtýr, bu burç altýnda doðanlarýn burçtaþýdýr. DEX +3, Rüzgar özellikli saldýrýlara karþý 7% direnç saðlar. Eðer arýtma seviyesi 7 ise MATK + 3% Eðer arýtma seviyesi 9 ve üzeri ise ekstra MATK + 2% ve gelen fiziksel hasar Frost Nova kullanma þansý verir. Eþya Sýnýfý : Headgear Savunma : 3 Giyildiði Yer: Upper Aðýrlýk: 30 Uygun Meslekler : Her Meslek Id: (5663) Libra Diadem Ein prachtvolles Diadem, das eigens hergestellt wurde, um das 7te Zeichen des Tierkreises, Libra, die Waage, zu würdigen. Das Krönchen ist besetzt mit einem Opal, dem Geburtsstein derer, die unter diesem Zeichen geboren wurden. ATK + 7. Wenn es auf 7 oder höher veredelt wird, besteht eine geringe Chance, wenn physisch angegriffen wird, automatisch Level-2 Warm Wind zu zaubern. Wenn es auf 9 oder höher veredelt wird, FLEE +5 und es steigert die physische Angriffsstärke um 3%. Klasse: Headgear Verteidigung: 3 Kopfhaltung: Upper Gewicht: 30 Benötigt Level: 1 Jobs: Alle Id: (5663) Libra Diadem 7. burç olan terazi burcunu onurlandýrýlmasý için yaratýlmýþ muazzam ufak taç. Taca deðerli bir taþ olan opal takýlmýþtýr, bu burç altýnda doðanlarýn burçtaþýdýr. ATK + 7. Eðer arýtma seviyesi 7 ve üzeri ise, her fiziksel saldýrýya Warm Wind lvl 2 kullanma þansý ekler. Eðer arýtma seviyesi 9 ve üzeri ise, FLEE + 5 ve fiziksel saldýrý gücünü 3% arttýrýr. Eþya Sýnýfý : Headgear Savunma : 3 Kafadaki Konum: Upper Aðýrlýk: 30 Gerekli Seviye : 1 Uygun Meslekler : Her Meslek Id: (5664) Filir's WPingions En popüler kuþ sýnýfý homunculus Filir'in kanatlarý þeklinde yapýlmýþ baþlýk. Aspd +2%. Saldýrý sonrasý gecikmeyi 2% azaltýr. _ Bara-Chan tarafýndan Þapka yarat etkinliði 2008 yazýnda yaratýlmýþ bir konseptir. _ Eþya Sýnýfý : Headgear Savunma : 1 Kafadaki konum : Mid Aðýrlýk: 10 Gerekli Seviye : 70 Uygun Meslekler : Her Meslek Id: (5737) CactusPotted Muka Hat Socrat çölündeki Muka'ya benzeyen bir þapka. Plant canavarlarý yendiðinizde Cactus Needle düþürme þansý verir. Eþya Sýnýfý : Headgear Savunma : 1 Giyildiði Yer: Upper Aðýrlýk: 30 Gerekli Seviye : 1 Uygun Meslekler : Her Meslek Id: (5789) Thanatos's Mal Mask Thanatos Odium'un giydiði maske. Yüksek savunma saðlayan sevimli tasarýma sahiptir. VIT +1 Eþya Sýnýfý : Headgear Savunma : 3 Kafadaki konum : Top/Middle/Lower Aðýrlýk: 10 Gerekli Seviye : 30 Uygun Meslekler : Her Meslek Id: (5790) Holy Mom Love [1] Ein Hut der nur so vor Mutterliebe strotzt. Sie opfert sich selbst um zu helfen. Der erhaltene Schaden von Demi Human Monster und Undead Monster wir um 5% verringert. Erzeugt beim Erhalt von physikalischem Schaden Blessing Lv1 zu einer zufälligen Wahrscheinlichkeit. Gegenstandsart : Headgear Verteidigung : 0 Verteidigung : Top/Middle Gewicht : 50 Benötigtes Lv. : 45 Jobs : Alle Id: (5790) Holy Mom Love [1] Bir annenin sevgisiyle dolu þapka. Sana yardým edebilmek için kendini feda etmiþ. DemiHuman ve Undeadlerden alýnan hasarý 5% azaltýr. Her fiziksel saldýrýnýn Blessing Lv1 yapma þansý vardýr. Eþya Sýnýfý : Headgear Savunma : 0 Kafadaki konum : Top/Middle Aðýrlýk: 50 Gerekli Seviye : 45 Uygun Meslekler : Her Meslek Id: (5793) Life Ribbon A cute small green and yellow ribbon. It is subtly moving,suggesting that a spirit lives inside. When physically or magically attacking, there is a chance to gain +10 in all stats during 5 seconds. If refined to +7 or more, slightly increases the chance for the effects to appear and the duration. Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Jobs : All Id: (5793) Life Ribbon Sevimli ufak yeþil ve sarý kurdele. Belli belirsiz kýmýldýyor, içerisinde bir ruh yaþýyor olmalý. Fiziksel veya büyüsel saldýrýlarýnýzda 5 saniye boyunca tüm statlarýnýzý 10 arttýrma þansý. Eðer arýtma seviyesi 7 ve üzeri ise, þansý ve süresini arttýrýr. Eþya Sýnýfý : Headgear Savunma : 2 Kafadaki Konum: Upper Aðýrlýk: 0 Uygun Meslekler : Her Meslek Id: (5827) Book File Hat [Event] All Stat +3 Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Position : Upper Weight : 10 Jobs : All Id: (5827) Book File Hat [Event] All Stat +3 Type : Headgear Defense : 1 Position : Haut Poids : 10 Profession : Toutes Id: (5827) Book File Hat [Event] All Stat +3 Gegenstandsart: Headgear Verteidigung : 1 Position: Oben Gewicht: 10 Jobs: Alle Id: (5827) Book File Hat [Event] All Stat +3 Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Position : Upper Weight : 10 Jobs : All Id: (6396) Auger Of SpiritSpiritual Auger A tool which is consumed for making a soket. When succeeds in the Soket Enchant, it disappears. Weight : 1 Id: (6396) Auger Of SpiritSpiritual Auger Une tarière utilisée pour percer des trous. Il semble que Supairslaute Jr à Morroc puisse en faire bon usage. Poids : 1 Id: (6396) Auger Of Spirit Ein Werkzeug, das zum Herstellen eines Soket benötigt wird. Es verschwindet, wenn das Soket Enchant erfolgreich gemeistert wird. Gewicht : 1 Id: (6446) Green Paper Strange Box'dan çýkmýþ þüpheli kaðýt. Aðýrlýk: 0 Id: (13553) Dungeon Tele Scroll 5 Box Une boite contenant 10 Dungeon Teleport Scroll, qui permettent de se téléporter vers différentes destinations. _ Poids : 1 Id: (13553) Dungeon Tele Scroll 5 Box Seni bir kez Nogg Road, Mjolnir Dead Pit, Umbala Dungeon, Einbroch Mine Dungeon, Payon Dungeon, Toy Dungeon, Glast Heim Underprison, Louyang Dungeon, Hermit's Checkers, Izlude Dungeon, Turtle Island Dungeon, Clock Tower B3F, Clock Tower 3F, Glast Heim Culvert 2F, Sphinx Dungeon 4F, Inside Pyramid 4F, Prontera Culvert 3F, Amatsu Dungeon 1F (Tatami Maze), Somatology Laboratory 1st Floor, veya Ayothaya Ancient Shrine 2F'e ýþýnlayabilecek bir scroll içeren kutu. _ Aðýrlýk: 1 Id: (15008) Flame Spirit Armor Ateþ tarafýndan kutsanmýþ bir zýrh. MDEF +1 Ateþ özelliði verir. Toprak tipi canavarlardan alýnan hasarý 5% azaltýr. Eþya Sýnýfý : Armor Savunma : 25 Aðýrlýk: 100 Uygun Meslekler : Her Meslek Id: (18527) Gloomy Pumpkin Hat Da ist etwas Flackerndes in den Augen. Ist es möglich, sie im Kopf zu tragen? Wenn Sie Monster töten, bekommen Sie zur regulären Droprate einen Kürbiskuchen. MDEF + 5 Klasse: Headgear Verteidigung: 5 Position: Upper Gewicht: 50 Benötigt Level: 45 Jobs: Alle Id: (18527) Gloomy Pumpkin Hat Sanki gözler titreþiyor. Kafaya giymek mümkün mü acaba? Canavarlarý yendiðinde Pumpkin Pie düþürme þansý verir. MDEF + 5 Eþya Sýnýfý : Headgear Savunma : 5 Giyildiði Yer: Upper Aðýrlýk: 50 Gerekli Seviye : 45 Uygun Meslekler : Her Meslek Id: (18533) Honeybee Hat [1] Un chapeau avec des rayures d'abeilles et une paire d'antennes. Il a une odeur douce et sucré comme le miel. MDEF +3 Augmente de 5% les dommages physique et magique infligés aux monstres du type Insect. Augmente de 5% votre résistance contre les monstres du type Insect. Donne une chance d'obtenir un [Honey] lorsque vous tuez un monstre du type Insect. Type : Headgear Défense : 3 Position : Haut Poids : 10 Niveau requis : 50 Profession : Toutes Id: (18533) Honeybee Hat [1] Ein Hut, auf dem die Streifen einer Honigbiene abgebildet sind und Fühlern. Riecht sehr süßlich nach Hönig. MDEF + 3 + 5% physikalischen und magischen Schaden an Insect Monster. + 5% Verteidigung gegen Insect Monster. Man findet mit einer bestimmten Chance [Honey] im Kampf gegen Insect Monster Art : Headgear Verteidigung : 3 Position : Oben Gewicht : 10 Benötigtes Lv. L 50 Jobs : Alle Id: (18533) Honeybee Hat [1] Bal arisi çizgileri ve antenleri olan bir sapkadir Bal gibi tatli bir kokusu vardir. MDefense + 3 Insect türü canavarlara karsi + %5 Fiziksel ve Büyüsel hasar. Insect türü canavarlardan gelecek hasara karsi+ %5 Direnç. Belli bir oranda [Honey] düsürür ve bunu Insect türü yaratiklari yenerken yapar. Sinif: Headgear Savunma : 3 Konum : Upper Agirlik : 10 Gereken Sv : 50 Siniflar : Bütün Siniflar Id: (18534) Fancy Phantom Mask [1] Un Phantom Mask décoré d'ornement beaucoup plus luxueux. Les gens de la haute société le portait pour dissimuler leur status. STR +1 Augmente de 5% les dommages physique que vous infligé. Réduit de 1% votre Skill delay. MAXHP +100 par niveau de forge. Augmente de 20% vos dommages infligés avec le skill [Mammonite]. Type : Headgear Défense : 5 Position : Haut-Milieu Poids : 100 Niveau requis : 20 Profession : Toutes Id: (18534) Fancy Phantom Mask [1] Eine Phantom Maske, die mit prächtigen Ornamenten geschmückt ist. Sie wurde von Leuten aus der höheren Gesellschaft getragen, um ihren Status zu verbergen. STR + 1 + 5% Physikalischer Schaden - 1% Skill Verzögerung MAXHP + 100 für jedes Upgrade Lv. +20% [Mammonite] Schaden Art : Headgear Verteidigung : 5 Position : Oben Mitte Gewicht : 100 Benötigtes Lv. :20 Jobs : Alle Id: (18534) Fancy Phantom Mask [1] Renkli aksesuarlar ile süslenmis bir Phantom maskesi. Yüksek statülü insanlar bunu yüzlerini gizlemek için kullanirlar. STR + 1 + %5 Fiziksel Hasar - %1 Yetenek Bekleme Zamani arindirma Sv. için MAZHP +100 +20% [Mammonite] Hasar Sinif: Headgear Savunma : 5 Konum : Upper-Mid Agirlik : 100 Gereken Sv : 20 Siniflar : Bütün Siniflar Id: (18565) LeprechaunSt Patrick Hat [1] Yardýmsever maceracýlar için neþeli bir kasket. STR + 1, INT + 1, MDEF + 4. [4Leaf Clove In Mouth Event Combo] Bir yaratýk öldürdüðünüz zaman rastgele bir þekilde Green Ale/Green Beer kazanma þansý. Bu þans her St. Patrick Hat arýtmasýnda artacaktýr. Sýnýf : HeadGear Savunma : 8 Konum : Üst Aðýrlýk : 30 Gereken Sv : 40 Meslek : Hepsi
  6. Added Item Spoiler Alert: Id: (6132) Ticket Incubus 1 Ticket Incubus = 1 Qpet Incubus (Pet Master, Market House) Id: (6132) Ticket Incubus 1 Ticket Incubus = 1 Qpet Incubus (Pet Master, Market House) Id: (6132) Ticket Incubus 1 Ticket Incubus = 1 Qpet Incubus (Pet Master, Market House) Id: (6132) Ticket Incubus 1 Ticket Incubus = 1 Qpet Incubus (Pet Master, Market House) Changed Item Spoiler Alert: Id: (2881) Orlean's Necklace [1] A neckalce that fits perfectly with all the "Orlean" items. DEX +2, MATK +2%, If equipped with Orlean's Glove: MATK +2%, If equipped with Robe of Orlean: -15% cast time If equipped with Orlean's Plate: MATK increase after each upgrade of Orlean's Plate Slot : Accessory Weight : 10 Jobs : Tous Id: (2881) Orleans Necklace [1] Un pendentif qui s'accorde parfaitement avec les autres équipements de la gamme "Orlean". DEX +2, MATK +2%, Si équippé avec Orlean's Glove: MATK +2%, Si équippé avec Robe of Orlean: -15% de temps de cast Si équippé avec Orlean's Plate: MATK augmente à chaque forge de l'Orlean's Plate Slot : Accessory Poids : 10 Profession : Tous Id: (2881) Orleans Necklace [1] Ein Halsband das perfekt mit allen anderen "Orlean" Items zusammenpasst. DEX +2, MATK +2%, Wenn angelegt mit Orlean's Glove: MATK +2%, Wenn angelegt mit Robe of Orlean: -15% Cast Time Wenn angelegt mit Orlean's Plate: MATK verbessert sich nach jedem Upgrade von Orlean's Plate. Slot: Accessory Gewicht: 10 Job: Alle Id: (2881) Orlean's Necklace [1] "Orlean" eþyalarýyla oldukça uyumlu bir kolye. DEX +2, MATK +2%, Orlean's Glove ile birlikte giyilirse: MATK +2%, Robe of Orlean ile birlikte giyilirse: yetenek yapma süresi 15% azalýr Orlean's Plate ile birlikte giyilirse: Orlean's Plate'in arýtma seviyesine baðlý olarak büyü saldýrý gücünü arttýrýr Giyildiði Yer : Accessory Aðýrlýk: 10 Uygun Meslekler : Her Meslek Id: (4809) Fighting Spirit3 ATK + 12 HIT + 4 Id: (4809) Fighting Spirit 3Lv3 ATK + 12 HIT + 4 Id: (4809) Fighting Spirit 3Lv3 ATK + 12 HIT + 4 Id: (4810) Fighting Spirit2 ATK + 9 HIT + 3 Id: (4810) Fighting Spirit 2Lv2 ATK + 9 HIT + 3 Id: (4810) Fighting Spirit 2Lv2 ATK + 9 HIT + 3 Id: (4811) Fighting Spirit1 ATK + 6 HIT + 2 Id: (4811) Fighting Spirit 1Lv1 ATK + 6 HIT + 2 Id: (4811) Fighting Spirit 1Lv1 ATK + 6 HIT + 2 Id: (5358) Peco-Peco Ears An ornament wing created by Morgan Stanley's. AGI + 1, MDEF + 2 Class : Head Gear Defense : 1 Position : Middle Weight : 10 Required level :70 Jobs : All Id: (5358) Peco-Peco Ears Un ornement représentant des petites ailes de Pecopeco, créé par Morgan Stanley. AGI + 1, MDEF + 2 Type : Head Gear Défense : 1 Emplacement : Milieu Poids : 10 Niveau Requis :70 Profession : Toutes Id: (5358) Peco-Peco Ears Id: (5358) Peco-Peco Ears Morgan Stanley tarafýndan yaratýlmýþ süs kanadý. AGI + 1, MDEF + 2 Eþya Sýnýfý : Head Gear Savunma : 1 Kafadaki Konum : Middle Aðýrlýk: 10 Gerekli Seviye :70 Uygun Meslekler : Her Meslek Id: (5396) Jasper Crest [1] Beautiful shining crest with gold and jewelry decorated. DEX+2 Increases damage done to Demon and Undead monsters by 5%. If the refine level is lower than 6, may inflict the status Bleeding to the player while attacking. If refined to 7 or more, DEX+1, STR+1, may inflict the status Bleeding to the target while attacking. If refined to 8 or more, DEX+1, STR+1 and increases ASPD to 190 during 5 seconds by low chance while physically attacking, or reduces cast time by 100% during 5 seconds while magically attacking. Class : Head Gear Defense : 2 Slot : Upper Weight : 70 Jobs : All Id: (5396) Jasper Crest [1] Altýn ve mücevherlerle süslü parlayan güzel taç. DEX+2 Demon ve Undead canavarlara karþý olan hasarý 5% arttýrýr. Eðer arýtma seviyesi 6'dan düþük ise, saldýrýyorken kullanýcýsý üzerinde Bleeding durumu yaratma þansý vardýr. Eðer arýtma seviyesi 7 ve üzeri ise, DEX+1, STR+1, saldýrýyorken düþman üzerinde Bleeding durumu yaratma þansý verir. Eðer arýtma seviyesi 8 ve üzeri ise, DEX+1, STR+1 ve fiziksel saldýrýyorken düþük þansla 5 saniye boyunca saldýrý hýzýný 190 yapar, veya büyüsel saldýrýyorken düþük þansla büyü yapma süresini 5 saniye boyunca 100% azaltýr. Eþya Sýnýfý : Head Gear Savunma : 2 Giyildiði Yer : Upper Aðýrlýk: 70 Uygun Meslekler : Her Meslek Id: (5483) Odin Mask Eine Maske die einst von Odin selbst im leidenschaftlichen Kampf zwischen den Göttern und den Menschen getragen wurde. Hit-10, Erhöht den Schaden, der Demi-Human Monster zugefügt wird, um 6%. Slot: Headgear Position: Middle & Lower Verteidigung: 1 Gewicht: 10 Benötigt Level: 50 Jobs: Alle außer Novice Id: (5490) Anubis Headgearlm Ce haut cérémonial contient la bienveillance d'Anubis, dieu du monde souterrain. D'après la rumeur il protège son porteur contre les êtres divins. Réduit les dégâts reçus des MVP de 10%. Augmente l'efficacité des sorts et items de soins de 10%. Slot : Head Gear Défense : 8 Emplacement : Haut/Milieu Poids : 0 Niveau requis : 65 Profession : Tous Id: (5490) Anubis Headgearlm Diese zeremonielle Kopfbedeckung sieht aus wie Anubis, Gott der Unterwelt. Es wird getuschelt, dass es die Kräfte seines Trägers gegen mächtige göttliche Kreaturen stärkt. Verringert den Schaden, der von MvPs zugefügt wird um 10%. Steigert die Effektivität von Heal-Fähigkeiten und Items um 10%. Slot: Headgear Verteidigung: 8 Position: Upper, Mid Gewicht: 0 Benötigt Level: 65 Jobs : Alle Id: (5490) Anubis Headgearlm Cehennem tanrýsý Anubis'e benzeyen tören baþlýðý. Kutsal yaratýklara karþý giyenini güçlendirdiði söyleniyor. MVP'lerden alýnan hasarý 10% azaltýr. Heal ve iyileþtirme eþyalarýnýn etkisini 10% arttýrýr. Eþya Sýnýfý : Headgear Savunma : 8 Kafadaki konum : Upper, Mid Aðýrlýk: 0 Gerekli Seviye : 65 Uygun Meslekler : Her Meslek Id: (5596) 4Leaf Clover In Mouth A 4-leaf clover placed in the mouth as a lucky charm. LUK +3. Gives a small chance to gain a Green Ale when killing monsters. If equipped with a Beer Hat, the drop chance is increased and gives a chance to obtain the three types of Saint Patrick drinks. Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Bottom Weight : 0 Jobs : All Id: (5664) Filir's WPingions A cute headgear made in the form of Filir's wings, the most popular bird-like homunclus. Aspd +2%. Reduce the after-attack delay by 2%. Concept created during the Summer 2008 Create a headgear Contest. Created by Bara-chan Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Location : Mid Weight : 10 Required Level : 70 Jobs : All Id: (5664) Filir's Pinions Eine niedliche Kopfbedeckungen die aus den Federn von Filirs, die beliebtesten Vogel-ähnliche Homunculus', hergestellt wurde. Aspd +2%. Reduziert das after-attack delay um 2%. _ Das Konzept wurde während des Sommers 2008 im Rahmen eines Headgear Wettbewerb von Bara-chan erstellt _ Slot: Headgear Verteidigung: 1 Position: Mid Gewicht: 10 Benötigt Level: 70 Job : Alle Id: (5674) Pig Moneyboxcoin Ýçerisinde çok fazla para biriktirdiðinde seni mutlu edecek kumbara. Sevimli tasarýmý onu kýrýp açman konusunda tereddüt etmene sebep oluyor. Yetenek gecikmesi 10% artar. Canavarlarý yendiðinizde ekstra Zeny kazanma þansý verir. Arýtýlamaz. Eþya Sýnýfý : Headgear Savunma : 3 Giyildiði Yer: Upper Aðýrlýk: 100 Gerekli Seviye : 10 Uygun Meslekler : Her Meslek Id: (5737) CactusPotted Muka Hat A hat looks like Muka in socrat desert. Have a chance to drop a Cactus Needle when a monster is killed. Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Location: Upper Weight : 30 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All jobs Id: (5790) Holy Mom Love [1] A hat full of mother's love. Sacrifice herself to help you. Damage from Demi-Human monsters and Undead Monsters reduced by 5%. When dealing physical attacks, activate Blessing Lv1 with random percentage. Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Location : Top/Middle Weight : 50 Required Level : 45 Jobs : All Id: (5793) Life Ribbon A cute small green and yellow ribbon. It is subtly moving,suggesting that a spirit lives inside. When physically or magically attacking, there is a chance to gain +10 in all stats during 5 seconds. If refined to +7 or more, slightly increases the chance for the effects to appear and the duration. Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Jobs : All Id: (6396) Auger Of Spirit A tool which is consumed for making a soket. When succeeds in the Soket Enchant, it disappears. Weight : 1 Id: (6396) Spiritual AugerAuger Of Spirit Une tarière utilisée pour percer des trous. Il semble que Supairslaute Jr à Morroc puisse en faire bon usage. Poids : 1 Id: (6396) Auger Of Spirit Ein Werkzeug, das zum Herstellen eines Soket benötigt wird. Es verschwindet, wenn das Soket Enchant erfolgreich gemeistert wird. Gewicht : 1 Id: (11502) Light Blue Potion Id: (12697) RWC Celebration Firecracker II¥± Special Firecracker to celebrate 2011 RWC. You will have 10 seconds fun! Weight : 2 Id: (12697) RWC Celebration Firecracker ¥± Special Firecracker to celebrate 2011 RWC. You will have 10 seconds fun! Weight : 2 Id: (12697) RWC Celebration Firecracker II¥± 2011 RWC kutlamalarý için özel havai fiþek. 10 saniye boyunca eðlendirir! Aðýrlýk: 2 Id: (13553) Dungeon Teleport Scroll 5 Box Seni bir kez Nogg Road, Mjolnir Dead Pit, Umbala Dungeon, Einbroch Mine Dungeon, Payon Dungeon, Toy Dungeon, Glast Heim Underprison, Louyang Dungeon, Hermit's Checkers, Izlude Dungeon, Turtle Island Dungeon, Clock Tower B3F, Clock Tower 3F, Glast Heim Culvert 2F, Sphinx Dungeon 4F, Inside Pyramid 4F, Prontera Culvert 3F, Amatsu Dungeon 1F (Tatami Maze), Somatology Laboratory 1st Floor, veya Ayothaya Ancient Shrine 2F'e ýþýnlayabilecek bir scroll içeren kutu. _ Aðýrlýk: 1 Id: (17122) Greedy Frog Box Eine Box die einen Greedy Frog enthält. Dieser Hut wird nach einem Monat verschwinden (Echtzeit). Gewicht: 1 Id: (17301) Summer Bride Box Unknown things will be in this scroll. There would be very surprising item when you open it. Weight : 1 Id: (17301) Summer Bride Box Ce parchemin mystérieux peut faire apparaitre un objet surprenant lorsque vous l'utilisez. Poids : 1 Id: (17301) Summer Bride Box Unbekannte Überraschungen verbergen in dieser Rolle. Man erhält ein zufälliges Item nach dem Öffnen. Gewicht: 1 Id: (17301) Summer Bride Box Unknown things will be in this scroll. There would be very surprising item when you open it. Weight : 1 Id: (18533) Honeybee Hat [1] Un chapeau avec des rayures d'abeilles et une paire d'antennes. Il a une odeur douce et sucré comme le miel. MDEF +3 Augmente de 5% les dommages physique et magique infligés aux monstres du type Insect. Augmente de 5% votre résistance contre les monstres du type Insect. Donne une chance d'obtenir un [Honey] lorsque vous tuez un monstre du type Insect. Type : Headgear Défense : 3 Position : Haut Poids : 10 Niveau requis : 50 Profession : Toutes Id: (18534) Fancy Phantom Mask [1] Un Phantom Mask décoré d'ornement beaucoup plus luxueux. Les gens de la haute société le portait pour dissimuler leur status. STR +1 Augmente de 5% les dommages physique que vous infligé. Réduit de 1% votre Skill delay. MAXHP +100 par niveau de forge. Augmente de 20% vos dommages infligés avec le skill [Mammonite]. Type : Headgear Défense : 5 Position : Haut-Milieu Poids : 100 Niveau requis : 20 Profession : Toutes Id: (18542) Love Guard [1] A fancy coif that seems to be worn during important events at the Catherdral. Additional 5% of effects to [Heal], [Santuary], [Potion Pitcher], [High Heal] and [Coluseo Heal]. When using [Heal], [Santuary], [Potion Pitcher], [High Heal], [Coluseo Heal] on others, your Recovery will increase by + 2%. If the refine level is higher than 6, your Recovery will once again be increased by +3%. Class : Headgear Defense : 10 Location : Upper-Mid Weight : 50 Required Level : 10 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (18549) Butterfly Hairpin [1] Id: (18555) General Helmet [1] Id: (18565) Leprechaun Hat [1] A festive cap for helpful adventurers STR + 1, INT + 1, MDEF + 4. [4Leaf Clove In Mouth Event Combo] Random chance to get a Green Ale/Green Beer when killing a monster. This chance will increase after each upgrade of the St Patrick Hat. Class : HeadGear Defense : 8 Position : Upper Weight : 30 Required Level : 40 Jobs : All Id: (18570) Ancient Gold Deco [1] Beautiful Golden accssory with ancient magic. It changes its power by the owner's class. if base Lv. 150, All State + 2. If Swordman, Merchant, Thief class, ATK + 8%, if magician, Acolyte, MATK + 8%, increase 7% of heal amount, if Archer, DEX + 3, increase long distance physical attack power 10%. Class : Helemt Defense : 7 Location : Upper Weight : 40 Required Lv. : 100 Job : For 3rd Job only/Kagerou/Oboro #eight : 0 Id: (18574) Lord of Death [1] The headgear made similarly from master of the dead's. MDEF + 5. Increase physical damage to boss monster by 10%. Increase damage from monster by 5%. Increase physical damage to boss monster by 1%, according to the refined level from 5. Class : Headgear Defense : 10 Location : Upper Weight : 100 Required Level : 70 Jobs : All Secret Effects (Required a set item) When equipped with [Abysmal Knight Card], physical damage to boss monster + 5%. If refined to 6 or higher, damage from monster -1% by the refine lv. -> Set Item Effect Refine 0 lv : physical damage to boss monster by +10+5%, damage from monster by +5% Refine 6 lv : physical damage to boss monster by +12+5%, damage from monster by +4% Refine 10 lv : physical damage to boss monster by +16+5%, damage from monster by +0% The card in special effect is only 1 limited. Caution!! Id: (18580) Yggdrasil Crown A crown woven from Yggdrasil's Branches which represents new life after a sacrifice. Int +2, VIT +2. Can automatically cast Increase Agi, Blessing or Heal when magically attacked. If upgraded to +7 or more: The cast chance is increased. Slot : Head Gear Defense : 6 Location : Upper Weight : 20 Level Required : 70 Jobs : Tous Id: (18580) Yggdrasil Crown Une couronne créée à partir de branches d'Yggdrasil qui représente une nouvelle vie après un sacrifice. Int +2, VIT +2. Peut lancer automatiquement les sorts Increase Agi, Blessing ou Heal lorsque vous subissez des dégâts magiques. Si forgé à +7 ou plus: Cette chance augmente. Slot : Head Gear Défense : 6 Emplacement : Haut Poids : 20 Niveau requis : 70 Profession : Tous Id: (18580) Yggdrasil Crown Eine Krone die aus Yggdrasil-Zweigen geflochten wurde und das neue Leben nach einem Opfer darstellt. INT +2, VIT +2. Hat die Chance Increase Agi, Blessing oder Heal zu aktivieren, wenn du mit Zaubern angegriffen wirst. Wenn auf +7 oder höher verbessert: erhöht die Aktivierungs-Chancen. Slot: Head Gear Verteidigungsrate: 6 Kopfposition: Upper Gewicht: 20 Erforderliches Level: 70 Job : Alle Id: (18580) Yggdrasil Crown Yggdrasil'in dallarýndan örülme, kurbandan sonra yeni hayatý simgeleyen bir taç. Int +2, VIT +2. Büyü hasarý aldýðýnýzda Increase Agi, Blessing veya Heal yapma þansý verir. Eðer arýtma seviyesi 7 ve üzeri ise: Yetenekleri kullanma þansý artar. Giyildiði Yer : Head Gear Savunma : 6 Kafadaki konum : Upper Aðýrlýk: 20 Level Required : 70 Uygun Meslekler : Tous Id: (18597) Mercury Riser [1] Created for military purpose, this hat boosts your fighting abilities. ASPD +3%, Delay decreased by 3%. Increase your defense against Demi-Human attacks by 10%. Increase your attack against Demi-Human by 10%. If upgraded to +7 or +8: ASPD +2%, Delay decreased by 2%. If upgraded to +9 or more: ASPD +2%, Delay decreased by 2%. Slot : Head Gear Defense : 6 Location : Upper Weight : 40 Required level : 70 Jobs : All Id: (18597) Mercury Riser [1] Crée dans un unique but militaire, ce chapeau décuple vos capacités au combat. ASPD +3%, Délai réduit de 3%. Augmente la résistance aux attaques des Demi-Human de 10%. Augmente les dégâts infligés aux Demi-Human de 10%. Si forgé à +7 ou +8: ASPD +2%, Délai réduit de 2%. Si forgé à +9 ou plus: ASPD +2%, Délai réduit de 2%. Slot : Head Gear Défense : 6 Emplacement : Haut Poids : 40 Niveau requis : 70 Profession : Tous Id: (18597) Mercury Riser [1] Dieser Hut wurde für militärischen Zwecke erstellte und verbessert deine Kampffähigkeiten. ASPD +3%, Cool Down um 3% verringert. Verbessert deine Verteidigung gegen Angriffe von Demi-Humans um 10%. Verbessert deinen Angriffsschaden gegen Demi-Humans um 10%. Wenn auf +7 oder +8 verbessert: ASPD +2%, Cool Down um 2% verringert. Wenn auf +9 oder höher verbessert: ASPD +2%, Cool Down um 2% verringert. Slot: Head Gear Verteidigungsrate: 6 Kopfposition: Upper Gewicht: 40 Erforderliches Level: 70 Job: Alle Id: (18597) Mercury Riser [1] Askeri amaçlar için yaratýlmýþ, savaþ kabiliyetinizi arttýran þapka. ASPD +3%, Gecikmeyi 3% azaltýr. DemiHuman saldýrýlarýna karþý 10% direnç verir. DemiHumanlara karþý saldýrý gücünüzü 10% arttýrýr. Eðer arýtma seviyesi 7 veya 8 ise: Saldýrý Hýzý +2%, Gecikmeyi 2% azaltýr. Eðer arýtma seviyesi 9 ve üzeriyse: Saldýrý Hýzý +2%, Gecikmeyi 2% azaltýr. Giyildiði Yer : Head Gear Savunma : 6 Kafadaki konum : Upper Aðýrlýk: 40 Gerekli Seviye : 70 Uygun Meslekler : Her Meslek Id: (18612) White Musang Hat [1] A hat of White Musang. STR + 2, VIT + 2, LUK + 1. Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Location : Upper Weight : 40 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Id: (18613) Black Musang Hat [1] A hat of Black Musang. INT + 2, DEX + 2, AGI + 1. Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Location : Upper Weight : 40 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Id: (18619) Thief Bandana A hood of ancient robbers in an island. Said to be able to get nimble hand when equipped. Short range physical attacks has a chance to trigger Snatcher lv 1 at certain rate. When equipped with Joker Card Snatcher 5 lv, AGI + 1, DEX + 1, INT - 1. Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Location : Upper Weight : 20 Required Level : 20 Jobs : All except Novice Id: (18620) Heart Eyepatch A pink heart-shaped eye patch. Seems like going well with a nurse¡¯s cap. Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Mid Weight : 5 Required Level : 20 Jobs : All Id: (18626) Gelato Hat [1] A cool ice cream carefully put on head. Able to use Frost Driver 1 lv. MHP + 300. Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Upper Weight : 20 Required Level : 40 Jobs : All Id: (19753) C Celestial Hat Class : Costume Defense : 0 Position : Upper Weight : 0 Required Lv. : 1 Id: (19753) C Celestial Hat Type : Costume Defense : 0 Position : Haut Poids : 0 Id: (19753) C Celestial Hat Gegenstandsart: Costume Verteidigung: 0 Position: Oben Gewicht: 0 Benötigtes Lv.: 1 Id: (19753) C Celestial Hat Class : Costume Defense : 0 Position : Upper Weight : 0 Required Lv. : 1 Id: (19754) C Good Wedding Veil Couples who have only true love can use this legendary veil. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Position : Upper-Mid Weight : 0 Required Lv. : 1 Jobs : All Id: (19754) C Good Wedding Veil Seuls les couples qui s'aiment vraiment peuvent utiliser cet objet légendaire. Type : Costume Defense : 0 Position : Haut/Milieu Poids : 0 Profession : Toutes Id: (19754) C Good Wedding Veil Nur Päärchen die sich wahraft lieben können diesen legendären Schleier tragen. Gegenstandsart: Costume Verteidigung: 0 Position: Oben Mitte Gewicht: 0 Required Lv.: 1 Jobs: Alle Id: (19754) C Good Wedding Veil Couples who have only true love can use this legendary veil. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Position : Upper-Mid Weight : 0 Required Lv. : 1 Jobs : All Id: (19755) C YinYang Earring Earring symbolizes Yin and Yang. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Position : Mid Weight : 0 Required Lv. : 1 Jobs : All Id: (19755) C YinYang Earring Des boucles d'oreilles qui symbolise le Yin et le Yang. Type : Costume Defense : 0 Position : Milieu Poids : 0 Required Lv. : 1 Profession : Toutes Id: (19755) C YinYang Earring Dieser Ohrring symbolisiert Yin und Yang. Gegenstandsart: Costume Verteidigung: 0 Position: Gewicht: 0 Benötigtes Lv.: 1 Jobs: Alle Id: (19755) C YinYang Earring Earring symbolizes Yin and Yang. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Position : Mid Weight : 0 Required Lv. : 1 Jobs : All Id: (19756) C Holy Mom Love Virgin Mary's affection is indwell in this hat. Give bless even with the sacrifice. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Position : Upper-Mid Weight : 0 Required Lv. : 1 Jobs : All Id: (19756) C Holy Mom Love L'affection de la vierge Marie est contenue dans ce chapeau. Type : Costume Defense : 0 Position : Haut/Milieu Poids : 0 Profession : Toutes Id: (19756) C Holy Mom Love Die Liebe der Jungfrau Maria ist diesem Hut inne. Verleiht Segen. Gegenstandsart: Costume Verteidigung: 0 Position: Oben-Mitte Gewicht: 0 Benötigtes Lv.: 1 Jobs: Alle Id: (19756) C Holy Mom Love Virgin Mary's affection is indwell in this hat. Give bless even with the sacrifice. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Position : Upper-Mid Weight : 0 Required Lv. : 1 Jobs : All Id: (19757) C Water Lily Crown Traning hat. Feels peaceful and stable when you put it on. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Position : Upper Weight : 0 Required Lv. : 1 Jobs : All Id: (19757) C Water Lily Crown Ce chapeau procure un sentiment de paix et de sérénité quand vous l'équipez. Type : Costume Defense : 0 Position : Haut Poids : 0 Profession : Toutes Id: (19757) C Water Lily Crown Trainingshut. Fühlt sich ruhig und stabil beim Tragen an. Gegenstandsart: Costume Verteidigung: 0 Position: Oben Gewicht: 0 Benötigtes Lv.: 1 Jobs: Alle Id: (19757) C Water Lily Crown Traning hat. Feels peaceful and stable when you put it on. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Position : Upper Weight : 0 Required Lv. : 1 Jobs : All Id: (19758) C King Frog Hat Shape of frog but this is waiting for the girl's true heart to remove the spell. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Position : Upper Weight : 0 Required Lv. : 1 Jobs : All Id: (19758) C King Frog Hat Un chapeau en forme de grenouille, celle ci patiente jusqu'à la venue d'une princesse au coeur pur pour lever sa malédiction. Type : Costume Defense : 0 Position : Haut Poids : 0 Profession : Toutes Id: (19758) C King Frog Hat Sieht aus wie ein Frosch der auf das wahre Herz einer Frau wartet, um ihn von seinem Fluch zu befreien. Gegenstandsart: Costume Verteidigung: 0 Position: Oben Gewicht: 0 Benötigtes Lv.: 1 Jobs: Alle Id: (19758) C King Frog Hat Shape of frog but this is waiting for the girl's true heart to remove the spell. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Position : Upper Weight : 0 Required Lv. : 1 Jobs : All Id: (19759) C Umbrella Hat Very colorful umbrella. It is very useful in rainy season. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Position : Upper Weight : 0 Required Lv. : 1 Jobs : All Id: (19759) C Umbrella Hat Un parapluie très coloré. Très utile par temps de pluie. Type : Costume Defense : 0 Position : Haut Poids : 0 Profession : Toutes Id: (19759) C Umbrella Hat Ein bunter Regenschirm. Sehr nützlich, wenn es regnet. Gegenstandsart: Costume Verteidigung: 0 Position: Oben Gewicht: 0 Benötigtes Lv.: 1 Jobs: Alle Id: (19759) C Umbrella Hat Very colorful umbrella. It is very useful in rainy season. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Position : Upper Weight : 0 Required Lv. : 1 Jobs : All Id: (19760) C Rainbow Veil Class : Costume Defense : 0 Position : Upper-Mid Weight : 0 Required Lv. : 1 Jobs : All Id: (19760) C Rainbow Veil Type : Costume Defense : 0 Position : Haut/Milieu Poids : 0 Profession : Toutes Id: (19760) C Rainbow Veil Gegenstandsart: Costume Verteidigung : 0 Position: Oben-Mitte Gewicht: 0 Benötigtes Lv.: 1 Jobs: Alle Id: (19760) C Rainbow Veil Class : Costume Defense : 0 Position : Upper-Mid Weight : 0 Required Lv. : 1 Jobs : All Id: (19761) C White Lily Class : Costume Defense : 0 Position : Upper Weight : 0 Required Lv. : 1 Jobs : All Id: (19761) C White Lily Type : Costume Defense : 0 Position : Haut Poids : 0 Profession : Toutes Id: (19761) C White Lily Gegenstandsart: Costume Verteidigung : 0 Position: Oben Gewicht: 0 Required Lv.: 1 Jobs: Alle Id: (19761) C White Lily Class : Costume Defense : 0 Position : Upper Weight : 0 Required Lv. : 1 Jobs : All Id: (19762) C Happy Peace Proof Class : Costume Defense : 0 Position : Upper Weight : 0 Required Lv. : 1 Jobs : All Id: (19762) C Happy Peace Proof Type : Costume Defense : 0 Position : Haut Poids : 0 Profession : Toutes Id: (19762) C Happy Peace Proof Gegenstandsart: Costume Verteidigung : 0 Position: Oben Gewicht: 0 Benötigtes Lv.: 1 Jobs: Alle Id: (19762) C Happy Peace Proof Class : Costume Defense : 0 Position : Upper Weight : 0 Required Lv. : 1 Jobs : All
  7. Changed Item Spoiler Alert: Id: (2881) Orlean's Necklace [1] Un pendentif qui s'accorde parfaitement avec les autres équipements de la gamme "Orlean". DEX +2, MATK +2%, Si équippé avec Orlean's Glove: MATK +2%, Si équippé avec Robe of Orlean: -15% de temps de cast Si équippé avec Orlean's Plate: MATK augmente à chaque forge de l'Orlean's Plate Slot : Accessory Poids : 10 Profession : Tous Id: (2881) Orlean's Necklace [1] Ein Halsband das perfekt mit allen anderen "Orlean" Items zusammenpasst. DEX +2, MATK +2%, Wenn angelegt mit Orlean's Glove: MATK +2%, Wenn angelegt mit Robe of Orlean: -15% Cast Time Wenn angelegt mit Orlean's Plate: MATK verbessert sich nach jedem Upgrade von Orlean's Plate. Slot: Accessory Gewicht: 10 Job: Alle Id: (4809) Fighting Spirit3 ATK + 12 HIT + 4 Id: (4809) Fighting Spirit3 3Lv ATK + 12 HIT + 4 Id: (4809) Fighting Spirit3 3Lv ATK + 12 HIT + 4 Id: (4809) Fighting Spirit3 ATK + 12 HIT + 4 Id: (4810) Fighting Spirit2 ATK + 9 HIT + 3 Id: (4810) Fighting Spirit2 2Lv ATK + 9 HIT + 3 Id: (4810) Fighting Spirit2 2Lv ATK + 9 HIT + 3 Id: (4810) Fighting Spirit2 ATK + 9 HIT + 3 Id: (4811) Fighting Spirit1 ATK + 6 HIT + 2 Id: (4811) Fighting Spirit1 1Lv ATK + 6 HIT + 2 Id: (4811) Fighting Spirit1 1Lv ATK + 6 HIT + 2 Id: (4811) Fighting Spirit1 ATK + 6 HIT + 2 Id: (5358) Peco-Peco Ears An ornament wing created by Morgan Stanley's. AGI + 1, MDEF + 2 Class : Head Gear Defense : 1 Position : Middle Weight : 10 Required level :70 Jobs : All Id: (5358) Peco-Peco Ears Un ornement représentant des petites ailes de Pecopeco, créé par Morgan Stanley. AGI + 1, MDEF + 2 Type : Head Gear Défense : 1 Emplacement : Milieu Poids : 10 Niveau Requis :70 Profession : Toutes Id: (5358) Peco-Peco Ears Morgan Stanley tarafýndan yaratýlmýþ süs kanadý. AGI + 1, MDEF + 2 Eþya Sýnýfý : Head Gear Savunma : 1 Kafadaki Konum : Middle Aðýrlýk: 10 Gerekli Seviye :70 Uygun Meslekler : Her Meslek Id: (5396) Jasper Crest [1] Beautiful shining crest with gold and jewelry decorated. DEX+2 Increases damage done to Demon and Undead monsters by 5%. If the refine level is lower than 6, may inflict the status Bleeding to the player while attacking. If refined to 7 or more, DEX+1, STR+1, may inflict the status Bleeding to the target while attacking. If refined to 8 or more, DEX+1, STR+1 and increases ASPD to 190 during 5 seconds by low chance while physically attacking, or reduces cast time by 100% during 5 seconds while magically attacking. Class : Head Gear Defense : 2 Slot : Upper Weight : 70 Jobs : All Id: (5396) Jasper Crest [1] Wundervoll leuchtende Haube, geschmückt mit Gold und Juwelen. DEX+2 Vergrößert den Schaden, der Demon und Undead Monsters zugefügt wird, um 5%. Wenn das Veredelungslevel kleiner als 6 ist, kann der Spieler, wenn er angreift, in den Bleeding-Status versetzt werden. Wenn auf 7 oder höher veredelt, DEX+1, STR+1, kann das Zielobjekt beim Angriff in den Bleeding-Status versetzen. Wenn auf 8 oder höher veredelt, DEX+1, STR+1 und vergrößert mit geringer Chance beim physischen Angreifen ASPD für 5 Sekunden auf 190, oder reduziert beim magischen Angreifen die Zauberzeit während 5 Sekunden um 100%. Typ: Head Gear Verteidigung: 2 Slot: Upper Gewicht: 70 Jobs: Alle Id: (5396) Jasper Crest [1] Altýn ve mücevherlerle süslü parlayan güzel taç. DEX+2 Demon ve Undead canavarlara karþý olan hasarý 5% arttýrýr. Eðer arýtma seviyesi 6'dan düþük ise, saldýrýyorken kullanýcýsý üzerinde Bleeding durumu yaratma þansý vardýr. Eðer arýtma seviyesi 7 ve üzeri ise, DEX+1, STR+1, saldýrýyorken düþman üzerinde Bleeding durumu yaratma þansý verir. Eðer arýtma seviyesi 8 ve üzeri ise, DEX+1, STR+1 ve fiziksel saldýrýyorken düþük þansla 5 saniye boyunca saldýrý hýzýný 190 yapar, veya büyüsel saldýrýyorken düþük þansla büyü yapma süresini 5 saniye boyunca 100% azaltýr. Eþya Sýnýfý : Head Gear Savunma : 2 Giyildiði Yer : Upper Aðýrlýk: 70 Uygun Meslekler : Her Meslek Id: (5483) Odin Mask Eine Maske die einst von Odin selbst im leidenschaftlichen Kampf zwischen den Göttern und den Menschen getragen wurde. Hit-10, Erhöht den Schaden, der Demi-Human Monster zugefügt wird, um 6%. Slot: Headgear Position: Middle & Lower Verteidigung: 1 Gewicht: 10 Benötigt Level: 50 Jobs: Alle außer Novice Id: (5483) Odin Mask Tanrýlar ve insanlar arasýndaki vahþi savaþta Odin tarafýndan giyilmiþ maske. Hit-10, Demihumanlara karþý olan hasarý 6% arttýrýr. Eþya Sýnýfý: Headgear Giyildiði Yer: Middle & Lower Savunma: 1 Aðýrlýk: 10 Gerekli Seviye: 50 Uygun Meslekler: Novice Hariç, Her Meslek Id: (5573) Dokkaebi Horn [1] Baby Dokkaebi'nin saðlam boynuzu. Söylenene göre parayý çekiyor. Düþmanlarý yendiðinizde düþük þansla jewelry düþürür, her fiziksel saldýrýda mammonite Lv5 yapma þansý verir.(Kullanýldýðýnda Zeny harcar, eðer yeterli Zeny'niz yoksa aktifleþmez.) Eþya Sýnýfý : Headgear Savunma : 6 Kafadaki Konum : Upper Aðýrlýk: 10 Uygun Meslekler : Her Meslek Id: (5596) 4Leaf Clover In Mouth A 4-leaf clover placed in the mouth as a lucky charm. LUK +3. Gives a small chance to gain a Green Ale when killing monsters. If equipped with a Beer Hat, the drop chance is increased and gives a chance to obtain the three types of Saint Patrick drinks. Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Bottom Weight : 0 Jobs : All Id: (5596) 4Leaf Clover In Mouth Þans için aðzýnýzda tutabileceðiniz 4 yapraklý yonca. LUK +3. Canavarlarý yendiðinizde düþük þansla Green Ale düþer. Beer Hat ile birlikte giyildiðinde, düþme þansý artar ve 3 tip Saint Patrick içeceði elde etme þansý verir. Eþya Sýnýfý : Headgear Savunma : 2 Kafadaki konum : Bottom Aðýrlýk: 0 Uygun Meslekler : Her Meslek Id: (5597) Bubble Gum In Mouth Kiralýk Eþya (1 hour) Büyük bir balon gibi gözüken sakýz. Daha da büyütebilirsin! Dikkat : Diðerleri varoþlara benzediðinizi düþünebilir. ATK + 5, MATK + 5. MDEF + 2. Eðer Premium Servis aktifse: Eþya düþme þansý artar. Eþya Sýnýfý : Headgear Savunma : 2 Kafadaki Konum : Lower Aðýrlýk: 0 Uygun Meslekler : Her Meslek Id: (5662) Libra Crown 7. burç olan terazi burcunu onurlandýrýlmasý için yaratýlmýþ muazzam taç. Taca deðerli bir taþ olan opal takýlmýþtýr, bu burç altýnda doðanlarýn burçtaþýdýr. DEX +3, Rüzgar özellikli saldýrýlara karþý 7% direnç saðlar. Eðer arýtma seviyesi 7 ise MATK + 3% Eðer arýtma seviyesi 9 ve üzeri ise ekstra MATK + 2% ve gelen fiziksel hasar Frost Nova kullanma þansý verir. Eþya Sýnýfý : Headgear Savunma : 3 Giyildiði Yer: Upper Aðýrlýk: 30 Uygun Meslekler : Her Meslek Id: (5663) Libra Diadem 7. burç olan terazi burcunu onurlandýrýlmasý için yaratýlmýþ muazzam ufak taç. Taca deðerli bir taþ olan opal takýlmýþtýr, bu burç altýnda doðanlarýn burçtaþýdýr. ATK + 7. Eðer arýtma seviyesi 7 ve üzeri ise, her fiziksel saldýrýya Warm Wind lvl 2 kullanma þansý ekler. Eðer arýtma seviyesi 9 ve üzeri ise, FLEE + 5 ve fiziksel saldýrý gücünü 3% arttýrýr. Eþya Sýnýfý : Headgear Savunma : 3 Kafadaki Konum: Upper Aðýrlýk: 30 Gerekli Seviye : 1 Uygun Meslekler : Her Meslek Id: (5664) Filir's Wing A cute headgear made in the form of Filir's wings, the most popular bird-like homunclus. Aspd +2%. Reduce the after-attack delay by 2%. Concept created during the Summer 2008 Create a headgear Contest. Created by Bara-chan Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Location : Mid Weight : 10 Required Level : 70 Jobs : All Id: (5664) Filir's WPingions Un joli chapeau en forme d'ailes de Filir, le plus populaire des homunculus volants. ASPD +2%. Réduit le délai de 2%. _ Crée durant le concours de création de hat en été 2008. Crée par Bara-chan _ Slot : Head Gear Défense : 1 Emplacement : Haut Poids : 10 Profession : Tous Id: (5664) Filir's WPingions Eine niedliche Kopfbedeckungen die aus den Federn von Filirs, die beliebtesten Vogel-ähnliche Homunculus', hergestellt wurde. Aspd +2%. Reduziert das after-attack delay um 2%. _ Das Konzept wurde während des Sommers 2008 im Rahmen eines Headgear Wettbewerb von Bara-chan erstellt _ Slot: Headgear Verteidigung: 1 Position: Mid Gewicht: 10 Benötigt Level: 70 Job : Alle Id: (5674) Pig Moneyboxcoin A piggy-bank which will make you feel good after saving many coins in it. Its cute design will make you to doubt to cut it off to open. Casting time after performing the skill will be increased 10%. When defeating a monster, it can get extra Zeny with a set probability. Cannot be upgraded. Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Location: Upper Weight : 100 Required Level : 10 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5674) Pig Moneyboxcoin Une tirelire-cochon dont le bruit de la monnaie sonnante et trébuchante vous emplit de félicité. Votre seul regret est de devoir la briser pour l'ouvrir. Augmente le délai des sorts de 10%. Donne une chance d'obtenir des Zenys chaque fois que vous tuez un ennemi. Ne peut pas être forgé. Type : Headgear Défense : 3 Emplacement : Haut Poids : 100 Niveau Requis : 10 Profession : Toutes Id: (5674) Pig Moneyboxcoin A piggy-bank which will make you feel good after saving many coins in it. Its cute design will make you to doubt to cut it off to open. Casting time after performing the skill will be increased 10%. When defeating a monster, it can get extra Zeny with a set probability. Cannot be upgraded. Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Location: Upper Weight : 100 Required Lv : 10 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5737) CactusPotted Muka Hat Un chapeau qui ressemble à un Muka du désert de Sograt. A une chance de dropper une Cactus Needle à chaque monstre Plant tué. Slot : Head Gear Défense : 1 Emplacement : Haut Poids : 30 Profession : Tous Id: (5737) CactusPotted Muka Hat Ein Hut, der aussieht wie Muka, das Monster aus der Sograt Desert. Jedes Mal, wenn ein Plant Monster getötet wird, besteht die Möglichkeit Cactus Needle fallen zu lassen. Slot: Headgear Verteidigung: 1 Position: Upper Gewicht: 30 Benötigt Level: 1 Jobs : Alle Id: (5790) Holy Mom Love [1] A hat full of mother's love. Sacrifice herself to help you. Damage from Demi-Human monsters and Undead Monsters reduced by 5%. When dealing physical attacks, activate Blessing Lv1 with random percentage. Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Location : Top/Middle Weight : 50 Required Level : 45 Jobs : All Id: (5790) Holy Mom Love [1] Bir annenin sevgisiyle dolu þapka. Sana yardým edebilmek için kendini feda etmiþ. DemiHuman ve Undeadlerden alýnan hasarý 5% azaltýr. Her fiziksel saldýrýnýn Blessing Lv1 yapma þansý vardýr. Eþya Sýnýfý : Headgear Savunma : 0 Kafadaki konum : Top/Middle Aðýrlýk: 50 Gerekli Seviye : 45 Uygun Meslekler : Her Meslek Id: (5793) Life Ribbon A cute small green and yellow ribbon. It is subtly moving,suggesting that a spirit lives inside. When physically or magically attacking, there is a chance to gain +10 in all stats during 5 seconds. If refined to +7 or more, slightly increases the chance for the effects to appear and the duration. Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Jobs : All Id: (5793) Life Ribbon Sevimli ufak yeþil ve sarý kurdele. Belli belirsiz kýmýldýyor, içerisinde bir ruh yaþýyor olmalý. Fiziksel veya büyüsel saldýrýlarýnýzda 5 saniye boyunca tüm statlarýnýzý 10 arttýrma þansý. Eðer arýtma seviyesi 7 ve üzeri ise, þansý ve süresini arttýrýr. Eþya Sýnýfý : Headgear Savunma : 2 Kafadaki Konum: Upper Aðýrlýk: 0 Uygun Meslekler : Her Meslek Id: (6396) Auger Of Spirit A tool which is consumed for making a soket. When succeeds in the Soket Enchant, it disappears. Weight : 1 Id: (6396) Auger Of SpiritSpiritual Auger Une tarière utilisée pour percer des trous. Il semble que Supairslaute Jr à Morroc puisse en faire bon usage. Poids : 1 Id: (6446) Green Paper Strange Box'dan çýkmýþ þüpheli kaðýt. Aðýrlýk: 0 Id: (11502) Light Blue Potion Id: (12697) RWC Celebration Firecracker II Special Firecracker to celebrate 2011 RWC. You will have 10 seconds fun! Weight : 2 Id: (12697) RWC Celebration Firecracker II¥± Des feux d'artifices spéciaux pour célébrer le RWC 2011. Vous allez avoir 10 secondes de fun! Poids : 2 Id: (12697) RWC Celebration Firecracker II¥± Special Firecracker to celebrate 2011 RWC. You will have 10 seconds fun! Weight : 2 Id: (13553) Dungeon Teleport Scroll 5 Box Seni bir kez Nogg Road, Mjolnir Dead Pit, Umbala Dungeon, Einbroch Mine Dungeon, Payon Dungeon, Toy Dungeon, Glast Heim Underprison, Louyang Dungeon, Hermit's Checkers, Izlude Dungeon, Turtle Island Dungeon, Clock Tower B3F, Clock Tower 3F, Glast Heim Culvert 2F, Sphinx Dungeon 4F, Inside Pyramid 4F, Prontera Culvert 3F, Amatsu Dungeon 1F (Tatami Maze), Somatology Laboratory 1st Floor, veya Ayothaya Ancient Shrine 2F'e ýþýnlayabilecek bir scroll içeren kutu. _ Aðýrlýk: 1 Id: (17122) Greedy Frog Box A box with a Greedy Frog inside. The hat will disappear after a full month (real time). Weight : 1 Id: (17122) Greedy Frog Box Une boite contenant une Greedy Frog. Le hat disparaitra au bout d'un mois (temps réel). Poids : 1 Id: (18527) Gloomy Pumpkin Hat Sanki gözler titreþiyor. Kafaya giymek mümkün mü acaba? Canavarlarý yendiðinde Pumpkin Pie düþürme þansý verir. MDEF + 5 Eþya Sýnýfý : Headgear Savunma : 5 Giyildiði Yer: Upper Aðýrlýk: 50 Gerekli Seviye : 45 Uygun Meslekler : Her Meslek Id: (18533) Honeybee Hat [1] A hat with honeybee stripes and a pair of feelers Smells sweet like honey. MDEF + 3 + 5% Physical and Magic damage to Insect type Monsters. + 5% Resistance from Insect type Monsters. Drops [Honey] in certain rate when defeating Insect type monsters. Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Location : Upper Weight : 10 Required Level : 50 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (18533) Honeybee Hat [1] Un chapeau avec des rayures d'abeilles et une paire d'antennes. Il a une odeur douce et sucré comme le miel. MDEF +3 Augmente de 5% les dommages physique et magique infligés aux monstres du type Insect. Augmente de 5% votre résistance contre les monstres du type Insect. Donne une chance d'obtenir un [Honey] lorsque vous tuez un monstre du type Insect. Type : Headgear Défense : 3 Position : Haut Poids : 10 Niveau requis : 50 Profession : Toutes Id: (18534) Fancy Phantom Mask [1] A Phantom mask decorated with fancier ornament. High status people used to wear this to hide their status. STR + 1 + 5% Physical Damage - 1% Skill Delay MAXHP + 100 per 1 refine Lv. +20% [Mammonite] Damage Class : Headgear Defense : 5 Location : Upper-Mid Weight : 100 Required Level : 20 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (18534) Fancy Phantom Mask [1] Un Phantom Mask décoré d'ornement beaucoup plus luxueux. Les gens de la haute société le portait pour dissimuler leur status. STR +1 Augmente de 5% les dommages physique que vous infligé. Réduit de 1% votre Skill delay. MAXHP +100 par niveau de forge. Augmente de 20% vos dommages infligés avec le skill [Mammonite]. Type : Headgear Défense : 5 Position : Haut-Milieu Poids : 100 Niveau requis : 20 Profession : Toutes Id: (18542) Love Guard [1] A fancy coif that seems to be worn during important events at the Catherdral. Additional 5% of effects to [Heal], [Santuary], [Potion Pitcher], [High Heal] and [Coluseo Heal]. When using [Heal], [Santuary], [Potion Pitcher], [High Heal], [Coluseo Heal] on others, your Recovery will increase by + 2%. If the refine level is higher than 6, your Recovery will once again be increased by +3%. Class : Headgear Defense : 10 Location : Upper-Mid Weight : 50 Required Level : 10 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (18549) Butterfly Hairpin [1] Id: (18555) General Helmet [1] Id: (18565) Leprechaun Hat [1] A festive cap for helpful adventurers STR + 1, INT + 1, MDEF + 4. [4Leaf Clove In Mouth Event Combo] Random chance to get a Green Ale/Green Beer when killing a monster. This chance will increase after each upgrade of the St Patrick Hat. Class : HeadGear Defense : 8 Position : Upper Weight : 30 Required Level : 40 Jobs : All Id: (18574) Lord of Death [1] The headgear made similarly from master of the dead's. MDEF + 5. Increase physical damage to boss monster by 10%. Increase damage from monster by 5%. Increase physical damage to boss monster by 1%, according to the refined level from 5. Class : Headgear Defense : 10 Location : Upper Weight : 100 Required Level : 70 Jobs : All Secret Effects (Required a set item) When equipped with [Abysmal Knight Card], physical damage to boss monster + 5%. If refined to 6 or higher, damage from monster -1% by the refine lv. -> Set Item Effect Refine 0 lv : physical damage to boss monster by +10+5%, damage from monster by +5% Refine 6 lv : physical damage to boss monster by +12+5%, damage from monster by +4% Refine 10 lv : physical damage to boss monster by +16+5%, damage from monster by +0% The card in special effect is only 1 limited. Caution!! Id: (18612) White Musang Hat [1] A hat of White Musang. STR + 2, VIT + 2, LUK + 1. Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Location : Upper Weight : 40 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Id: (18613) Black Musang Hat [1] A hat of Black Musang. INT + 2, DEX + 2, AGI + 1. Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Location : Upper Weight : 40 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Id: (18619) Thief Bandana A hood of ancient robbers in an island. Said to be able to get nimble hand when equipped. Short range physical attacks has a chance to trigger Snatcher lv 1 at certain rate. When equipped with Joker Card Snatcher 5 lv, AGI + 1, DEX + 1, INT - 1. Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Location : Upper Weight : 20 Required Level : 20 Jobs : All except Novice Id: (18620) Heart Eyepatch A pink heart-shaped eye patch. Seems like going well with a nurse¡¯s cap. Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Mid Weight : 5 Required Level : 20 Jobs : All Id: (18626) Gelato Hat [1] A cool ice cream carefully put on head. Able to use Frost Driver 1 lv. MHP + 300. Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Upper Weight : 20 Required Level : 40 Jobs : All Id: (18777) Aladdin Lamp [1] Genie's Lamp Replica. There is still Genie's spirit inside. All Stats + 3. When monster hunting, Dropping Milk, Ketupat Sayur, Ramadan with low possibility.LUK +10 Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Location : Upper W eight : 10 Job : All Id: (18777) Aladdin Lamp [1] Une reproduction de la lampe de Genie. Elle semble toujours contenir un peu de son esprit. [Event] Toutes stats +3. Lorsque vous éliminez un monstre, peut dropper du Milk, Honey, Ketupat Sayur ou Ramadan.LUK +10 Type : Headgear Défense : 3 Position : Haut Poids : 10 Professions : Toutes Id: (18777) Aladdin Lamp [1] Replik von DschinnieÂ’s Lampe. In ihr befindet sich immer noch der Geist von Genie. All Stats + 3. Event exklusiv] Beim Töten von Monstern kann mit geringer Chance Milk, Honey, Ramadan und Ketupat Sayur gefunden werden.LUK +10 Gegenstandsart : Headgear Verteidigung : 3 Location : ObenGewicht : 10 Benötigtes Lv. : 1 Job : Alle Id: (18777) Aladdin Lamp [1] Genie's Lamp Replica. There is still Genie's spirit inside. All Stats + 3. When monster hunting, Dropping Milk, Ketupat Sayur, Ramadan with low possibility.LUK +10 Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Location : Upper W eight : 10 Job : All Id: (18901) Seppl Hat [1] Un chapeau traditionnel qui est souvent porté lors des fêtes folkloriques. VIT+ 3, augmente la récupération de HP 10 % S'il est porté en même temps que l'item "Weißwurst", la récupération de SP est augmenté de 10%. Classe : Helmet Défense : 5 Position : Haut Poids : 50 Niveau Requis : 60 Profession : Tous Id: (18930) Gorilla Model Hat [1] A hat that is shaped like the biggest primate in Africa. STR +2. Creates a chance of casting Level 15 Bowling Bash while you are Physically attacking. Additional STR +3when upgraded to +11. Class : HeadGear Def : 10 Location : Upper Weight : 30 Req Lev : 30 Job : All Id: (18930) Gorilla Model Hat [1] En chapeau en forme du plus gros primate d'Afrique. STR +2. Donne une chance de lancer le sort Bowling Bash niveau 15 quand vous infligez une attaque physique. Si forgé à +11, ajoute STR +3. Type : Headgear Défense : 10 Position : Haut Poids : 30 Niveau requis : 30 Profession : Toutes Id: (18930) Gorilla Model Hat [1] Dieser Hut sieht wie der größte Primat in Afrika aus. STR +2. Löst zu einer bestimmten Chance Bowling Bash Lv. 15 aus beim Erleiden von physikalischem Schaden. Addiert STR +3 bei Upgrade-Level +11. Gegenstandsart: HeadGear Verteidigung: 10 Position: Oben Gewicht: 30 Benötigtes Lv. : 30 Job: Alle Id: (18930) Gorilla Model Hat [1] A hat that is shaped like the biggest primate in Africa. STR +2. Creates a chance of casting Level 15 Bowling Bash while you are Physically attacking. Additional STR +3when upgraded to +11. Class : HeadGear Def : 10 Location : Upper Weight : 30 Req Lev : 30 Job : All
  8. Changed Item Spoiler Alert: Id: (1290) Agent Katar [1] The Katar that the accessin who never lose targets in any situation used. He even used his luck to focus on the target. Increases Hit Success rate depending on Base Luck. Class : Katar Attack : 170 Weight : 120 Weapon Lv. : 3 Required Lv. : 100 Job : Guillotine Cross Id: (1290) Agent Katar [1] Un katar utilisé par un assassin qui ne ratait jamais ses cibles. Sa chance augmentait encore plus sa précision. Augmente le Hit selon la Base LUK. Type : Katar Puissance : 170 Poids : 120 Niveau arme : 3 Niveau requis : 100 Profession : Guillotine Cross Id: (1290) Agent Katar [1] The Katar that the accessin who never lose targets in any situation used. He even used his luck to focus on the target. Increases Hit Success rate depending on Base Luck. Class : Katar Attack : 170 Weight : 120 Weapon Lv. : 3 Required Lv. : 100 Job : Guillotine Cross Id: (1290) Agent Katar [1] The Katar that the accessin who never lose targets in any situation used. He even used his luck to focus on the target. Increases Hit Success rate depending on Base Luck. Class : Katar Attack : 170 Weight : 120 Weapon Lv. : 3 Required Lv. : 100 Job : Guillotine Cross Id: (1291) Guillotine Katar [1] In the far past, one of theGuillotine Cross used this to kill the betrayer. DEX + 2, FLEE - 30. Increases damage to Demihuman monsters by 50% Increases damage of Cross Impact by 30% Class : Katar Attack : 200 Weight : 150 Weapon Lv. : 4 Required Lv. : 140 Job : Guillotine Cross Id: (1291) Guillotine Katar [1] Dans un passé lointain, un Guillotine Cross utilisait cette arme pour tuer les traitres. DEX + 2, FLEE - 30. Augmente les dégâts infligés au montres de type Demi Human de 50% Augmente les dégâts infligés par Cross Impact de 30% Type : Katar Puissance : 200 Poids : 150 Niveau arme : 4 Niveau requis : 140 Profession : Guillotine Cross Id: (1291) Guillotine Katar [1] In the far past, one of theGuillotine Cross used this to kill the betrayer. DEX + 2, FLEE - 30. Increases damage to Demihuman monsters by 50% Increases damage of Cross Impact by 30% Class : Katar Attack : 200 Weight : 150 Weapon Lv. : 4 Required Lv. : 140 Job : Guillotine Cross Id: (1291) Guillotine Katar [1] In the far past, one of theGuillotine Cross used this to kill the betrayer. DEX + 2, FLEE - 30. Increases damage to Demihuman monsters by 50% Increases damage of Cross Impact by 30% Class : Katar Attack : 200 Weight : 150 Weapon Lv. : 4 Required Lv. : 140 Job : Guillotine Cross Id: (1293) Velum Jamadhar *Stats during WoE & PVP Reduces the target's Def and Mdef to 1 on successful hit. This effect does not work with skills. ASPD increases depending on upgrade level. (After-Delay) Class : Katar Attack Strength : 170 Weight : 120 Weapon Level : 4 Required Level : 95 Jobs : Assassin Classes Id: (1293) Velum Jamadhar *Stats pendant la WoE & PVP Augmente la DEF/MDEF pendant 5 secondes quand activé mais n'affecte pas les skills. Augmente l'ASPD (délai after cast) de 4% et augmente de 1% par forge. Type : Katar Puissance : 170 Poids : 120 Niveau arme : 4 Niveau requis : 95 Profession : Assassin Id: (1293) Velum Jamadhar *Stats während WoE & PVP Erhöht DEF/MDEF für 5 Sekunden nach Aktivierung außer bei Angriffen durch Skills. Erhöht Angriffsgeschwindigkeit (Cool-Down nach Angriffen) um 4% und außerdem um je 1% je Upgrade-Level. Gegenstandsart : Katar ATK : 170 Gewicht : 120 Waffen Lv. : 4 Benötigtes Lv. : 95 Jobs : Assassin Cls Id: (1293) Velum Jamadhar *Stats during WoE & PVP Reduces the target's Def and Mdef to 1 on successful hit. This effect does not work with skills. ASPD increases depending on upgrade level. (After-Delay) Class : Katar Attack Strength : 170 Weight : 120 Weapon Level : 4 Required Level : 95 Jobs : Assassin Classes Id: (1294) Velum Scare *Stats during WoE & PVP Reduces the target's SP by 10% on successful hit. (Skill attacks are not affected by this.) Class : Katar Attack Strength : 50 Weight : 120 Weapon Level : 4 Required Level : 95 Jobs : Assassin Classes Id: (1294) Velum Scare *Stats pendant la WoE & PVP Draine 10% de chaque attaque physique de la cible ennemie. (Les skills ne sont pas affectés.) Type : Katar Puissance : 50 Poids : 120 Niveau arme : 4 Niveau requis : 95 Profession : Assassin Id: (1294) Velum Scare *Stats während WoE & PVP Jeder Angriff zieht 10% der gegnerischen SP ab. (Angriffe durch Skills sind ausgeschlossen) Gegenstandsart : Katar ATK : 50 Gewicht : 120 Waffen Lv. : 4 Benötigtes Lv. : 95 Jobs : Assassin Cls Id: (1294) Velum Scare *Stats during WoE & PVP Reduces the target's SP by 10% on successful hit. (Skill attacks are not affected by this.) Class : Katar Attack Strength : 50 Weight : 120 Weapon Level : 4 Required Level : 95 Jobs : Assassin Classes Id: (1392) Ygnus Stale [1] A large axe made by a blacksmith from the fires of a volcano. Adds Ignition status while attacking physically while risking being burned as well. Not possible to destroy. Class : Axe Attack : 250 Weight : 190 Property : Fire Weapon Lv. : 4 Required Lv. : 95 Job : Transcendent Swordman and Merchant Classes Id: (1392) Ygnus Stale [1] Une grosse hache fabriquée par une forgeron à partir des flammes d'un volcan. Peut infliger Burning lorsque vous attaquez physiquement mais a une chance de vous bruler également. Indestructible. Type : Axe Puissance : 250 Poids : 190 Propriété : Fire Niveau arme : 4 Niveau requis : 95 Profession : Rebirth Swordman/Merchant Id: (1392) Ygnus Stale [1] A large axe made by a blacksmith from the fires of a volcano. Adds Ignition status while attacking physically while risking being burned as well. Not possible to destroy. Class : Axe Attack : 250 Weight : 190 Property : Fire Weapon Lv. : 4 Required Lv. : 95 Job : Transcendent Swordman and Merchant Classes Id: (1392) Ygnus Stale [1] A large axe made by a blacksmith from the fires of a volcano. Adds Ignition status while attacking physically while risking being burned as well. Not possible to destroy. Class : Axe Attack : 250 Weight : 190 Property : Fire Weapon Lv. : 4 Required Lv. : 95 Job : Transcendent Swordman and Merchant Classes Id: (1393) End Sektura [1] An axe made of arctic ice. When the short distance physical attacking, cast ice to yourself and enemies. Not possible to destroy. Class : Axe Attack : 250 Weight : 190 Property : Water Weapon Lv. : 4 Required Lv. : 95 Job : Transcendent Swordman and Merchant Classes Id: (1393) End Sektura [1] Une hache faites de glace arctique. Peut infliger Frozen lorsque vous attaquez physiquement mais a une chance de vous geler également. Indestructible. Type : Axe Puissance : 250 Poids : 190 Propriété : Water Niveau arme : 4 Niveau requis : 95 Profession : Rebirth Swordman/Merchant Id: (1393) End Sektura [1] An axe made of arctic ice. When the short distance physical attacking, cast ice to yourself and enemies. Not possible to destroy. Class : Axe Attack : 250 Weight : 190 Property : Water Weapon Lv. : 4 Required Lv. : 95 Job : Transcendent Swordman and Merchant Classes Id: (1393) End Sektura [1] An axe made of arctic ice. When the short distance physical attacking, cast ice to yourself and enemies. Not possible to destroy. Class : Axe Attack : 250 Weight : 190 Property : Water Weapon Lv. : 4 Required Lv. : 95 Job : Transcendent Swordman and Merchant Classes Id: (1395) Velum Buster *Stats during WoE & PVP Reduces the target's SP by 10% on successful hit. (Skill attacks are not affected by this.) Class : Two-handed Axe Attack Strength : 50 Weight : 250 Weapon Level : 4 Required Level : 95 Jobs : Swordman and Merchant Classes Id: (1395) Velum Buster *Stats pendant la WoE & PVP Draine 10% de chaque attaque physique de la cible ennemie. (Les skills ne sont pas affectés.) Type : Two-handed Axe Puissance : 50 Poids : 250 Niveau arme : 4 Niveau requis : 95 Profession : Swordman et Merchant Id: (1395) Velum Buster *Stats während WoE & PVP Jeder Angriff zieht 10% der gegnerischen SP ab. (Angriffe durch Skills sind ausgeschlossen) Gegenstandsart : Two-handed Axe ATK : 50 Gewicht : 250 Waffen Lv. : 4 Benötigtes Lv. : 95 Jobs : Swordman und Merchant Cls Id: (1395) Velum Buster *Stats during WoE & PVP Reduces the target's SP by 10% on successful hit. (Skill attacks are not affected by this.) Class : Two-handed Axe Attack Strength : 50 Weight : 250 Weapon Level : 4 Required Level : 95 Jobs : Swordman and Merchant Classes Id: (1396) Velum Guillotine *Stats during WoE & PVP Increases physical damage to enemy players by 40% bypasses 30% Def. If refined to +6 or higher, increases Axe Boomerang and Power Swing damage by 80% If refined to +9 or higher, increases damage to enemy players by additional 60%. Class : Two-handed Axe Attack Strength : 300 Weight : 550 Weapon Level : 4 Required Level : 95 Jobs : Swordman and Merchant Classes Id: (1396) Velum Guillotine *Stats pendant la WoE & PVP Augmente les dégâts aux joueurs ennemis de 40% et augmente la défense physique de 30%. Si forgé à +6 ou plus, augmente les dégâts de Axe Boomerang et Power Swing de 80%. Si forgé à +9 ou plus, augmente les dégâts aux joueurs ennemis de 60% supplémentaires. Type : Two-handed Axe Puissance : 300 Poids : 550 Niveau arme : 4 Niveau requis : 95 Profession : Swordman et Merchant Id: (1396) Velum Guillotine *Stats während WoE & PVP Erhöht den Schaden an feindlichen Spielern um 40% reduziert den Schaden von feindlichen Angriffen um 30%. Wenn Upgrade-Level +6 oder höher, dann erhöht sich der Schaden von Axe Boomerang und Power Swing um 80% Wenn Upgrade-Level +9 oder höher, dann erhöht sich der Schaden an feindlichen Spielern um zusätzliche 60%. Gegenstandsart : Two-handed Axe ATK : 300 Gewicht : 550 Waffen Lv. : 4 Benötigtes Lv. : 95 Jobs : Swordman and Merchant Cls Id: (1396) Velum Guillotine *Stats during WoE & PVP Increases physical damage to enemy players by 40% bypasses 30% Def. If refined to +6 or higher, increases Axe Boomerang and Power Swing damage by 80% If refined to +9 or higher, increases damage to enemy players by additional 60%. Class : Two-handed Axe Attack Strength : 300 Weight : 550 Weapon Level : 4 Required Level : 95 Jobs : Swordman and Merchant Classes Id: (1435) Cannon Spear [1] Decreases MaxSP by 100 Increases damage of Cannon Spear by 10% and additional increase on skill attack power by 3 times of refining Lv. Class : One-Handed Spear Attack : 180 Weight : 160 Weapon Lv. : 4 Required Lv. : 100 Job : Royal Guard Id: (1435) Cannon Spear [1] Diminue les MaxSP de 100 Augmente les dégâts de Cannon Spear de 10%. Toutes les 3 forges, les dégâts de Cannon Spear augmentent encore. Type : One-Handed Spear Puissance : 180 Poids : 160 Niveau arme : 4 Niveau requis : 100 Profession : Royal Guard Id: (1435) Cannon Spear [1] Decreases MaxSP by 100 Increases damage of Cannon Spear by 10% and additional increase on skill attack power by 3 times of refining Lv. Class : One-Handed Spear Attack : 180 Weight : 160 Weapon Lv. : 4 Required Lv. : 100 Job : Royal Guard Id: (1435) Cannon Spear [1] Decreases MaxSP by 100 Increases damage of Cannon Spear by 10% and additional increase on skill attack power by 3 times of refining Lv. Class : One-Handed Spear Attack : 180 Weight : 160 Weapon Lv. : 4 Required Lv. : 100 Job : Royal Guard Id: (1436) Velum Spear *Stats during WoE & PVP Increases damage to other players by 60% If refined to +6 or higher, increases Pinpoint Attack and Hundred Spears damage by 80%. If refined to +9 or higher, increases damage to enemy players by additional 30%. Class : Spear Attack Strength : 150 Weight : 85 Weapon Level : 4 Required Level : 95 Jobs: Swordman Classes Id: (1436) Velum Spear *Stats pendant la WoE & PVP Augmente vos dégâts de 60%. Si forgé à +6 ou plus, augmente les dégâts de Pinpoint Attack et Hundred Spears de 80%. Si forgé à +9 ou plus, augmente vos dégâts de 30% supplémentaires. Type : Spear Puissance : 150 Poids : 85 Niveau arme : 4 Niveau requis : 95 Jobs: Swordman Id: (1436) Velum Spear *Stats während WoE & PVP Erhöht den Schaden an feindlichen Spielern um 60%. Wenn Upgrade-Level +6 oder höher, dann erhöht sich der Schaden von Pinpoint Attack und Hundred Spears um 80%. Wenn Upgrade-Level +9 oder höher, dann erhöht sich der Schaden an feindlichen Spielern um zusätzliche 30%. Gegenstandsart : Spear ATK : 150 Gewicht : 85 Waffen Lv. : 4 Benötigtes Lv. : 95 Jobs: Swordman Cls Id: (1436) Velum Spear *Stats during WoE & PVP Increases damage to other players by 60% If refined to +6 or higher, increases Pinpoint Attack and Hundred Spears damage by 80%. If refined to +9 or higher, increases damage to enemy players by additional 30%. Class : Spear Attack Strength : 150 Weight : 85 Weapon Level : 4 Required Level : 95 Jobs: Swordman Classes Id: (1490) Giant Lance The mini size of spear from the Giants who were guardians in Ancient temple. There are no man brought this real power. ASPD - 10, when you release the equip SP - 600. add 20 sec on delay for reuse of Clashing Spiral. When pure STR is over 120, add ATK 300. Class : Two Handed Spear Attack : 20 Weight : 2000 Weapon Lv. : 4 Required Lv. : 140 Job : Rune Knight Id: (1490) Giant Lance La reproduction d'une lance utilisée par des géants, gardiens d'Ancient Temple. Aucun homme n'a pu révéler son vrai pouvoir. ASPD -10, quand vous la déséquippez SP -600. Ajoute 20 sec de delai sur Clashing Spiral. Lorsque la STR de base est au dessus de 120, donne ATK 300. Type :Two Handed Spear Puissance : 20 Poids : 2000 Niveau arme : 4 Niveau requis : 140 Profession : Rune Knight Id: (1490) Giant Lance Eine kleinere Form eines Speers der Riesen, die einst den alten Tempel bewacht haben. Niemand konnte bisher seine wahre Macht nutzen. ASPD - 10, beim Ablegen des Speers SP - 600. Addiert 20 Sekunden Verzögerung bei Clashing Spiral. Wenn der Basiswert von STR 120 oder höher ist, ATK + 300. Gegenstandsart : Two Handed Spear ATK : 20 Gewicht : 2000 Waffen Lv. : 4 Benötigtes Lv. : 140 Job : Rune Knight Id: (1490) Giant Lance The mini size of spear from the Giants who were guardians in Ancient temple. There are no man brought this real power. ASPD - 10, when you release the equip SP - 600. add 20 sec on delay for reuse of Clashing Spiral. When pure STR is over 120, add ATK 300. Class : Two Handed Spear Attack : 20 Weight : 2000 Weapon Lv. : 4 Required Lv. : 140 Job : Rune Knight Id: (1492) Velum Glaive *Stats during WoE & PVP Increases damage to other players by 80%. If refined to +6 or higher, increases Clashing Spiral damage by 100% and Overbrand damage by 50%. If refined to +9 or higher, has a chance of reflecting magic and physical attack damage back to the attacking enemy as well as a chance to cast Magic Mirror. Class : Spear Attack Strength : 250 Weight : 450 Weapon Level : 4 Required Level : 95 Jobs: Swordman Classes Id: (1492) Velum Glaive *Stats pendant la WoE & PVP Augmente vos dégâts de 80%. Si forgé à +6 ou plus, et les dégâts de Clashing Spiral de 100% et de Overbrand de 50%. Si forgé à +9 ou plus, a une chance de renvoyer les attaques physiques et magiques sur l'attaquant. Type : Spear Puissance : 250 Poids : 450 Niveau arme : 4 Niveau requis : 95 Jobs: Swordman Id: (1492) Velum Glaive *Stats während WoE & PVP Erhöht den Schaden an feindlichen Spielern um 80%. Wenn Upgrade-Level +6 oder höher, dann erhöht sich der Schaden von Clashing Spiral um 100% und Overbrand um 50%. Wenn Upgrade-Level +9 oder höher, ergibt sich eine Chance magische und physikalische Angriffe auf den Angreifer zurück zu werfen. Gegenstandsart : Spear ATK : 250 Gewicht : 450 Waffen Lv. : 4 Benötigtes Lv. : 95 Jobs: Swordman Cls Id: (1492) Velum Glaive *Stats during WoE & PVP Increases damage to other players by 80%. If refined to +6 or higher, increases Clashing Spiral damage by 100% and Overbrand damage by 50%. If refined to +9 or higher, has a chance of reflecting magic and physical attack damage back to the attacking enemy as well as a chance to cast Magic Mirror. Class : Spear Attack Strength : 250 Weight : 450 Weapon Level : 4 Required Level : 95 Jobs: Swordman Classes Id: (1584) Chilly Spell Book [2] One of the 4 property magic books which have High Socerer's study. [Part. ice] MATK + 160, DEX + 1. Increases damage from Diamond Dust and Cold Bolt spells 3 times more than refine level Also increase SP consumption 3 times more than refine Lv. Not possible to destroy. Class : Book Attack : 100 Weight : 100 Property : Water Weapon Lv. : 4 Required Lv. : 100 Job : Sorcerer Id: (1584) Chilly Spell Book [2] Un des 4 livres de magie sur des études de High Sorcerer [Sujet: Glace] MATK + 160, DEX + 1. Augmente les dégâts de Diamond Dust et Cold Bolt de 3 fois le taux de forge. Augmente la consommation de SP de 3 fois le taux de forge. Indestructible. Type : Book Puissance : 100 Poids : 100 Propriété : Water Niveau arme : 4 Niveau requis : 100 Profession : Sorcerer Id: (1584) Chilly Spell Book [2] One of the 4 property magic books which have High Socerer's study. [Part. ice] MATK + 160, DEX + 1. Increases damage from Diamond Dust and Cold Bolt spells 3 times more than refine level Also increase SP consumption 3 times more than refine Lv. Not possible to destroy. Class : Book Attack : 100 Weight : 100 Property : Water Weapon Lv. : 4 Required Lv. : 100 Job : Sorcerer Id: (1584) Chilly Spell Book [2] One of the 4 property magic books which have High Socerer's study. [Part. ice] MATK + 160, DEX + 1. Increases damage from Diamond Dust and Cold Bolt spells 3 times more than refine level Also increase SP consumption 3 times more than refine Lv. Not possible to destroy. Class : Book Attack : 100 Weight : 100 Property : Water Weapon Lv. : 4 Required Lv. : 100 Job : Sorcerer Id: (1586) Velum Bible *Stats during WoE & PVP Matk +125. Increases healing effectiveness from skills based on your base level. If refined to +6 or higher, removes re-use delay from Lauda Agnus, Lauda Ramus, and Clearance while increasing SP cost of these skills by 60. Class : Book Attack Strength : 110 Weight : 60 Weapon Level : 4 Required Level : 95 Jobs : Priest Class / Sage Class / Taekwon Master000000 Id: (1586) Velum Bible Matk +125. *Stats pendant la WoE & PVP Augmente les skills de soin selon votre base level. Si forgé à +6 ou plus, diminue le délai de Lauda Agnus, Lauda Ramus, et Clearance tout en augmentant leur cout en SP de 60. Type : Book Puissance : 110 Poids : 60 Niveau arme : 4 Niveau requis : 95 Profession : Priest Class / Sage Class / Star Gladiator000000 Id: (1586) Velum Bible Matk +125. *Stats während WoE & PVP Erhöht Heal-Skill basierend auf dem Base Level. Wenn Upgrade-Level +6 oder höher, reduziert sich der Cool-Down von Lauda Agnus, Lauda Ramus und Clearance. SP Kosten werden von diesen Skills um 60 erhöht. Gegenstandsart : Book ATK : 110 Gewicht : 60 Waffen Lv. : 4 Benötigtes Lv. : 95 Jobs : Priest Cls / Sage Cls / Taekwon Master000000 Id: (1586) Velum Bible *Stats during WoE & PVP Matk +125. Increases healing effectiveness from skills based on your base level. If refined to +6 or higher, removes re-use delay from Lauda Agnus, Lauda Ramus, and Clearance while increasing SP cost of these skills by 60. Class : Book Attack Strength : 110 Weight : 60 Weapon Level : 4 Required Level : 95 Jobs : Priest Class / Sage Class / Taekwon Master000000 Id: (1587) Velum Encyclopedia *Stats during WoE & PVP Increases damage to enemy players by 80% and bypasses 30% Def. Increases physical damage done to enemy players by 1% per upgrade level. If refined to +9 or higher, has a chance of activating increased attack power by 200 for 3 seconds. Class : Book Attack Strength : 130 Weight : 100 Weapon Level : 4 Required Level : 95 Jobs : Priest Class / Sage Class / Taekwon Master000000 Id: (1587) Velum Encyclopedia *Stats pendant la WoE & PVP Augmente les dégâts aux joueurs ennemis de 80% et augmente de 1% par niveau de forge. Augmente la défense physique de 30%. Si forgé à +9 ou plus, a une chance d'activer une augmentation de 200 pendant 3 secondes. Type : Book Puissance : 130 Poids : 100 Niveau arme : 4 Niveau requis : 95 Profession : Priest Class / Sage Class / Star Gladiator Id: (1587) Velum Encyclopedia *Stats während WoE & PVP Erhöht den Schaden an feindlichen Spielern um 80% und erhöht diesen zusätzlich um je 1% pro Upgrade-Level. Reduziert den Schaden von feindlichen Angriffen um 30%. Wenn Upgrade-Level +9 oder höher, ergibt sich eine Chance auf Angriffsgeschwindigkeit von 200 für 3 Sekunden. Gegenstandsart : Book ATK : 130 Gewicht : 100 Waffen Lv. : 4 Benötigtes Lv. : 95 Jobs : Priest Cls / Sage Cls / Taekwon Master000000 Id: (1587) Velum Encyclopedia *Stats during WoE & PVP Increases damage to enemy players by 80% and bypasses 30% Def. Increases physical damage done to enemy players by 1% per upgrade level. If refined to +9 or higher, has a chance of activating increased attack power by 200 for 3 seconds. Class : Book Attack Strength : 130 Weight : 100 Weapon Level : 4 Required Level : 95 Jobs : Priest Class / Sage Class / Taekwon Master000000 Id: (1659) Recovery Light [1] A staff only for healing skill. It has big healing power but owner's consumption is a lot too. MATK + 160. A staff that increases the potency of Heal and Archbishop Healing skills while increasing SP consumption depending on refine level. Not possible to destroy. Class : One handed Staff Attack : 30 Weight : 40 Property : Saint Weapon Lv. : 4 Required Lv. : 110 Job : Archbishop Id: (1659) Recovery Light [1] Un baton pour soigneur. Il possède un grand pouvoir de soin, mais demande beaucoup d'énergie. MATK + 160. Augmente la puissance de Heal et des sorts de soin des Archbishop tout en augmentant la consommation de SP selon le taux de forge. Indestructible Type : One handed Staff Puissance : 30 Poids : 40 Propriété : Saint Niveau arme : 4 Niveau requis : 110 Profession : Archbishop Id: (1659) Recovery Light [1] A staff only for healing skill. It has big healing power but owner's consumption is a lot too. MATK + 160. A staff that increases the potency of Heal and Archbishop Healing skills while increasing SP consumption depending on refine level. Not possible to destroy. Class : One handed Staff Attack : 30 Weight : 40 Property : Saint Weapon Lv. : 4 Required Lv. : 110 Job : Archbishop Id: (1659) Recovery Light [1] A staff only for healing skill. It has big healing power but owner's consumption is a lot too. MATK + 160. A staff that increases the potency of Heal and Archbishop Healing skills while increasing SP consumption depending on refine level. Not possible to destroy. Class : One handed Staff Attack : 30 Weight : 40 Property : Saint Weapon Lv. : 4 Required Lv. : 110 Job : Archbishop Id: (1661) Mental Destroyer Drains 5% SP from enemies while attacking. (Skill attacks are not affected by this option.) Increases SP consumption of skills by 100 Int +10, Matk +50, Mdef +20. If refined to +6 or higher, increases the SP drain of attacks. Can not be destroyed. Class : One hand staff Attack : 100 Increases SP consumption of skills by 100 Weight : 140 Weapon Level : 4 Required Level : 95 Jobs : High-Wizard classes Id: (1661) Mental Destroyer Draine 5% SP des ennemis quand vous attaquez. (Les skills ne sont pas affectés.) Augmente la consommation de SP des skills de 100. Int +10, Matk +50, Mdef +20. Si forgé à +6 ou plus, augmente la drain de SP. Indestructible. Type : One hand staff Puissance : 100 Augmente la consommation de SP de vos skills de 100 Poids : 140 Niveau arme : 4 Niveau requis : 95 Profession : High-Wizard Id: (1661) Mental Destroyer Jeder Angriff zieht 5% der gegnerischen SP ab. (Angriffe durch Skills sind ausgeschlossen) Erhöht de SP Verbrauch von Skills um 100 Int +10, Matk +50, Mdef +20. Wenn Upgrade-Level +6 oder höher, dann erhöht sich der SP Abzug bei Angriffen. Gewicht : 140 Waffen Lv. : 4 Benötigtes Lv. : 95 Jobs : High-Wizard Cls Id: (1661) Mental Destroyer Drains 5% SP from enemies while attacking. (Skill attacks are not affected by this option.) Increases SP consumption of skills by 100 Int +10, Matk +50, Mdef +20. If refined to +6 or higher, increases the SP drain of attacks. Can not be destroyed. Class : One hand staff Attack : 100 Increases SP consumption of skills by 100 Weight : 140 Weapon Level : 4 Required Level : 95 Jobs : High-Wizard classes Id: (1775) Siege Arrow S *Stats during WoE & PVP Porous mass produced arrows for War of Emperium. When used with Vellum Crossbow, increases ranged attacks against enemy players by 70% Class : Arrow Attack Strength : 45 Weight : 0.1 Property : Neutral Required Level : 130 Id: (1775) Siege Arrow S Flèche produite en masse pour la War of Emperium. *Stats pendant la WoE & PVP Quand utilisé avec Vellum Crossbow, augmente les attaques à longue portée de 70%. Type : Arrow Puissance : 45 Poids : 0.1 Property : Neutral Niveau requis : 130 Id: (1775) Siege Arrow S Massenproduktion von Pfeilen während War of Emperium. *Stats während WoE & PVP Wenn dies mit Vellum Crossbow benutzt wird, erhöht sich der Schaden von Fernangriffen um 70% Gegenstandsart : Arrow ATK : 45 Gewicht : 0.1 Property : Neutral Benötigtes Lv. : 130 Id: (1775) Siege Arrow S *Stats during WoE & PVP Porous mass produced arrows for War of Emperium. When used with Vellum Crossbow, increases ranged attacks against enemy players by 70% Class : Arrow Attack Strength : 45 Weight : 0.1 Property : Neutral Required Level : 130 Id: (1776) Siege Arrow A *Stats during WoE & PVP Mass produced arrows for War of Emperium. When used with Vellum Crossbow, increases ranged attacks against enemy players by 40% Class : Arrow Attack Strength : 30 Weight : 0.1 Property : Neutral Required Level : 95 Id: (1776) Siege Arrow A Flèche produite en masse pour la War of Emperium. *Stats pendant la WoE & PVP Quand utilisé avec Vellum Crossbow, augmente les attaques à longue portée de 40%. Type : Arrow Puissance : 30 Poids : 0.1 Property : Neutral Niveau requis : 95 Id: (1776) Siege Arrow A Massenproduktion von Pfeilen während War of Emperium. *Stats während WoE & PVP Wenn dies mit Vellum Crossbow benutzt wird, erhöht sich der Schaden von Fernangriffen um 40% Gegenstandsart : Arrow ATK : 30 Gewicht : 0.1 Property : Neutral Benötigtes Lv. : 95 Id: (1776) Siege Arrow A *Stats during WoE & PVP Mass produced arrows for War of Emperium. When used with Vellum Crossbow, increases ranged attacks against enemy players by 40% Class : Arrow Attack Strength : 30 Weight : 0.1 Property : Neutral Required Level : 95 Id: (1832) Velum Claw *Stats during WoE & PVP Increases physical damage to enemy players by 100% If refined to +8 or higher, increases damage to enemy players by an additional 20%. If refined to +10 or higher, auto-casts [Zen] after [Fury] and removes Cast Time of [Guillotine Fist] and Consumes 500 HP every 3 seconds. Class : Claw Attack Strength : 160 Weight : 65 Weapon Level : 4 Required Level : 95 Jobs : Priest / Monk Id: (1832) Velum Claw *Stats pendant la WoE & PVP Augmente les dégâts aux joueurs ennemis de 100%. Si forgé à +8 ou plus, augmente les dégâts aux joueurs ennemis de 20%. Si forgé à +10 ou plus, réduis le temps de cast de Guillotine Fist, quand vous utilisez Fury vous auto castez Zen niveau 1, consomme 500 HP toutes les 3 secondes. Type : Claw Puissance : 160 Poids : 65 Niveau arme : 4 Niveau requis : 95 Profession : Priest / Monk Id: (1832) Velum Claw *Stats während WoE & PVP Erhöht den Schaden an feindlichen Spielern um 100% Wenn Upgrade-Level +8 oder höher, erhöht den Schaden an feindlichen Spielern um 20%. Wenn Upgrade-Level +10 oder höher, reduziert sich die Cast-Zeit von Guillotine Fist. Auto-Cast von Zen und Fury Lv. 1. Reduziert 500 HP alle 3 Sekunden. Gegenstandsart : Claw ATK : 160 Gewicht : 65 Waffen Lv. : 4 Benötigtes Lv. : 95 Jobs : Priest / Monk Id: (1832) Velum Claw *Stats during WoE & PVP Increases physical damage to enemy players by 100% If refined to +8 or higher, increases damage to enemy players by an additional 20%. If refined to +10 or higher, auto-casts [Zen] after [Fury] and removes Cast Time of [Guillotine Fist] and Consumes 500 HP every 3 seconds. Class : Claw Attack Strength : 160 Weight : 65 Weapon Level : 4 Required Level : 95 Jobs : Priest / Monk Id: (2016) Velum Arc Wand *Stats during WoE & PVP Matk +220. Increases magic attack damage to enemy players by 25% and bypasses 25% Mdef. If refined to +6 or higher, increases magic attack damage done to enemy players by 15%. If refined to +9 or higher, reduces variable cast time by 20% and fixed cast time by 0.2 second. Class : Rod Attack Strength : 110 Weight : 80 Weapon Level : 4 Required Level : 95 Jobs: Mage, Acolyte Classes, and Soul Linker Id: (2016) Velum Arc Wand Matk +220. *Stats pendant la WoE & PVP Augmente la dégâts des attaques magiques aux joueurs ennemis de 25% et la défense magique de 25%. Si forgé à +6 ou plus, augmente le pourcentage des attaques magiques de 15%. Si forgé à +9 ou plus, diminue le temps de cast de 20% et le temps de cast fixe de 0.2sec. Type : Rod Puissance : 110 Poids : 80 Niveau arme : 4 Niveau requis : 95 Jobs: Mage, Acolyte, et Soul Linker Id: (2016) Velum Arc Wand Matk +220. *Stats während WoE & PVP Erhöht den magischen Schaden an feindlichen Spielern um 25% und reduziert feindliche magische Angriffe um 25%. Wenn Upgrade-Level +6 oder höher, erhöht sich der magische Angriff um 15%. Wenn Upgrade-Level +9 oder höher, reduziert sich die Cast-Zeit um 50% und reduziert fixe Cast-Zeit um 20%. Gegenstandsart : Rod ATK : 110 Gewicht : 80 Waffen Lv. : 4 Benötigtes Lv. : 95 Jobs: Mage, Acolyte Cls, and Soul Linker Id: (2016) Velum Arc Wand *Stats during WoE & PVP Matk +220. Increases magic attack damage to enemy players by 25% and bypasses 25% Mdef. If refined to +6 or higher, increases magic attack damage done to enemy players by 15%. If refined to +9 or higher, reduces variable cast time by 20% and fixed cast time by 0.2 second. Class : Rod Attack Strength : 110 Weight : 80 Weapon Level : 4 Required Level : 95 Jobs: Mage, Acolyte Classes, and Soul Linker Id: (2160) Giant Shield [1] It is made smilarly with Giant's shield who were Ancient Temple guardians. Legendary blacksmith put the guardians power on it. Reduce the damage 5% from big monsters, Add 5% of reduce amount when upgrading to 9Lv.. Class : Shield Defense : 130 Weight : 280 Required Lv. : 100 Job : 3rd job swordman class Id: (2160) Giant Shield [1] La reproduction d'un bouclier utilisé par des géants, gardiens d'Ancient Temple. Un forgeron légendaire y a insuflé la puissance des géants. Réduis les dégâts des gros monstres de 5%, cette réduction est augmentée de 5% si forgé à +9 Type :Shield Défense : 130 Poids : 280 Niveau requis : 100 Profession : 3rd job swordman class Id: (2160) Giant Shield [1] Dieser Gegenstand ähnelt dem Schild der Riesen, die einst den alten Tempel bewacht haben. Ein legendärer Blacksmith hat ihn mit ihrer Kraft besiegelt. Reduziert den Schaden von Large Monster um 5%, addiert weitere 5% ab Upgrade-Level 9. Gegenstandsart : Shield Verteidigung : 130 Gewicht : 280 Benötigtes Lv. : 100 Job : 3rd job Swordman Cls Id: (2160) Giant Shield [1] It is made smilarly with Giant's shield who were Ancient Temple guardians. Legendary blacksmith put the guardians power on it. Reduce the damage 5% from big monsters, Add 5% of reduce amount when upgrading to 9Lv.. Class : Shield Defense : 130 Weight : 280 Required Lv. : 100 Job : 3rd job swordman class Id: (2161) Geffenia Book Water [1] The forgotten continent, Geffenia's one of secret treature. There are not much people who can use this weapon's magic. INT + 1, MDEF + 2. If the pure INT is 120, MATK + 10, MHP + 800. When it is equipped with Lacryma Stick, the Floating Casting for Jack Frost, Frost Misty, and Storm Gust will be reduced 4times % more than shield refining rate. Class : Shield Defense : 30 Weight : 100 Required Lv. : 100 Job : Warlock Id: (2161) Geffenia Book Water [1] Un trésor secret de Geffenia, le continent oublié. Peu de personnes peuvent utiliser la magie de cette arme. INT + 1, MDEF + 2. Si l'INT de base est à 120, MATK + 10, MHP + 800. Quand équippé avec Lacryma Stick, le temps de cast variable de Jack Frost, Frost Misty, et Storm Gust sont réduis de 4 fois plus que le taux de forge du bouclier. Type :Shield Défense : 30 Poids : 100 Niveau requis : 100 Profession : Warlock Id: (2161) Geffenia Book Water [1] Ein geheimer Schatz der vergessenen Welt Geffenia. Nur wenige können die verborgene Macht dieser Waffe nutzen. INT + 1, MDEF + 2. Wenn der Basiswert von INT 120 oder höher ist, MATK + 10, MHP + 800. Zusammen mit Lacryma Stick ausgerüstet, reduziert sich die Cast-Zeit von Jack Frost, Frost Misty und Storm Gust um 4% pro Upgrade-Level. Gegenstandsart : Shield Verteidigung : 30 Gewicht : 100 Benötigtes Lv. : 100 Job : Warlock Id: (2161) Geffenia Book Water [1] The forgotten continent, Geffenia's one of secret treature. There are not much people who can use this weapon's magic. INT + 1, MDEF + 2. If the pure INT is 120, MATK + 10, MHP + 800. When it is equipped with Lacryma Stick, the Floating Casting for Jack Frost, Frost Misty, and Storm Gust will be reduced 4times % more than shield refining rate. Class : Shield Defense : 30 Weight : 100 Required Lv. : 100 Job : Warlock Id: (2162) Bible Of Promise2 [1] An ancient book of sacred songs handed down in the cathedral. Mdef +5, Allows the user to use Level 2 Odin's Power which increases Atk and Matk by 100 while lowering defense and Mdef by 20. Increases effectiveness of your Heal, Sanctuary and Potion Pitcher by 5%. Class : Shield Defense : 20 Weight : 50 Required Lv. : 140 Job : Archbishop Id: (2162) Bible Of Promise2 [1] Un vieux livre de chansons sacrées provenant d'une cathédrale. MDEF +5, permet d'utiliser Odin's Power qui augmente l'ATK et la MATK de 100 tout en diminuant votre DEF et votre MDEF de 20. Augmente l'efficacité de Heal, Sanctuary et Potion Pitcher de 5%. Type : Shield Défense : 20 Poids : 50 Niveau requis : 140 Profession : Archbishop Id: (2162) Bible Of Promise2 [1] An ancient book of sacred songs handed down in the cathedral. Mdef +5, Allows the user to use Level 2 Odin's Power which increases Atk and Matk by 100 while lowering defense and Mdef by 20. Increases effectiveness of your Heal, Sanctuary and Potion Pitcher by 5%. Class : Shield Defense : 20 Weight : 50 Required Lv. : 140 Job : Archbishop Id: (2162) Bible Of Promise2 [1] An ancient book of sacred songs handed down in the cathedral. Mdef +5, Allows the user to use Level 2 Odin's Power which increases Atk and Matk by 100 while lowering defense and Mdef by 20. Increases effectiveness of your Heal, Sanctuary and Potion Pitcher by 5%. Class : Shield Defense : 20 Weight : 50 Required Lv. : 140 Job : Archbishop Id: (2483) Siege Greave [1] *Stats during WoE & PVP Mdef +1. Reduces damage taken from enemy players by 2%. Class : Shoes Defense : 30 Weight : 75 Required Level : 95 Jobs : Swordman Class / Merchant Class Id: (2483) Siege Greave [1] Mdef +1. *Stats pendant la WoE & PVP Diminue les attaques des joueurs ennemis de 2%. Type : Shoes défense : 30 Poids : 75 Niveau requis : 95 Profession : Swordman / Merchant Id: (2483) Siege Greave [1] Mdef +1. *Stats während WoE & PVP Reduziert den Schaden von feindlichen Angriffen 2%. Gegenstandsart : Shoes Verteidigung : 30 Gewicht : 75 Benötigtes Lv. : 95 Jobs : Swordman Cls / Merchant Cls Id: (2483) Siege Greave [1] *Stats during WoE & PVP Mdef +1. Reduces damage taken from enemy players by 2%. Class : Shoes Defense : 30 Weight : 75 Required Level : 95 Jobs : Swordman Class / Merchant Class Id: (2484) Siege Boots [1] *Stats during WoE & PVP Mdef +5. Reduces damage taken from enemy players by 1%. Class : Shoes Defense : 20 Weight : 50 Required Level : 95 Jobs : Swordman / Merchant / Thief / Archer / Taekwon / Taekwon Master / Ninja Id: (2484) Siege Boots [1] Mdef +5. *Stats pendant la WoE & PVP Diminue les attaques des joueurs ennemis de 1%. Type : Shoes défense : 20 Poids : 50 Niveau requis : 95 Profession : Swordman / Merchant / Thief / Archer / Taekwon / Star Gladiator / Ninja Id: (2484) Siege Boots [1] Mdef +5. *Stats während WoE & PVP Reduziert den Schaden von feindlichen Angriffen 1%. Gegenstandsart : Shoes Verteidigung : 20 Gewicht : 50 Benötigtes Lv. : 95 Jobs : Swordman / Merchant / Thief / Archer / Taekwon / Taekwon Master / Ninja Id: (2484) Siege Boots [1] *Stats during WoE & PVP Mdef +5. Reduces damage taken from enemy players by 1%. Class : Shoes Defense : 20 Weight : 50 Required Level : 95 Jobs : Swordman / Merchant / Thief / Archer / Taekwon / Taekwon Master / Ninja Id: (2485) Siege Shoes [1] *Stats during WoE & PVP Mdef +10. Reduces damage taken from enemy players by 1%. Class : Shoes Defense : 15 Weight : 35 Required Level : 95 Jobs : Novice / Wizard / Acolyte / Soul Linker Id: (2485) Siege Shoes [1] Mdef +10. *Stats pendant la WoE & PVP Diminue les attaques des joueurs ennemis de 1%. Type : Shoes défense : 15 Poids : 35 Niveau requis : 95 Profession : Novice / Wizard / Acolyte / Soul Linker Id: (2485) Siege Shoes [1] Mdef +10. *Stats während WoE & PVP Reduziert den Schaden von feindlichen Angriffen 1%. Gegenstandsart : Shoes Verteidigung : 15 Gewicht : 35 Benötigtes Lv. : 95 Jobs : Novice / Wizard / Acolyte / Soul Linker Id: (2485) Siege Shoes [1] *Stats during WoE & PVP Mdef +10. Reduces damage taken from enemy players by 1%. Class : Shoes Defense : 15 Weight : 35 Required Level : 95 Jobs : Novice / Wizard / Acolyte / Soul Linker Id: (2582) Salvage Cape this wide Manteauhas a meaning of Salvation, there is all skill from east caster and western garment cutter. Possible to use Cicada Skin Shed 1Lv. Increase cool time 30sec of the skill, 2times more on SP consumption of all skills when equip, when releasing equipping SP - 1200. Class : Garmetn Defense : 1 Weight : 40 Required Lv. : 130 Job : Warlock/Archbishop Id: (2582) Salvage Cape Ce large manteau symbolise le Salut. Permet d'utiliser Cicaca Skin Shed niveau 1. Augmente le délai de ce skill de 30 sec, double la consommation de SP quand équippé, et enlève 1200 SP quand déséquippé. Type :Garmetn Défense : 1 Poids : 40 Niveau requis : 130 Profession : Warlock/Archbishop Id: (2582) Salvage Cape Dieser große Mantel bedeutet Erlösung und wurde zusammen von Magiern aus den westlichen und östlichen Ländern geschneidert. Erlaubt die Benutzung von Cicada Skin Shed Level 1 aber addiert 30 Sekunden Cool-Down auf diesen Skill. Wenn ausgerüstet, verdoppelt sich der SP Verbrauch aller Skills. Wenn der Gegenstand abgelegt wird, SP - 1200. Gegenstandsart : Garment Verteidigung : 1 Gewicht : 40 Benötigtes Lv. : 130 Job : Warlock/Archbishop Id: (2582) Salvage Cape this wide Manteauhas a meaning of Salvation, there is all skill from east caster and western garment cutter. Possible to use Cicada Skin Shed 1Lv. Increase cool time 30sec of the skill, 2times more on SP consumption of all skills when equip, when releasing equipping SP - 1200. Class : Garmetn Defense : 1 Weight : 40 Required Lv. : 130 Job : Warlock/Archbishop Id: (2586) Siege Manteau [1] *Stats during WoE & PVP Mdef +1. Reduces damage taken from enemy players by 2%. Class : Garment Defense : 32 Weight : 60 Required Level : 95 Jobs : All except Novice Id: (2586) Siege Manteau [1] Mdef +1. *Stats pendant la WoE & PVP Diminue les attaques des joueurs ennemis de 2%. Type : Garment défense : 32 Poids : 60 Niveau requis : 95 Profession : All except Novice Id: (2586) Siege Manteau [1] Mdef +1. *Stats während WoE & PVP Reduziert den Schaden von feindlichen Angriffen 2%. Gegenstandsart : Garment Verteidigung : 32 Gewicht : 60 Benötigtes Lv. : 95 Jobs : Alle außer Novice Id: (2586) Siege Manteau [1] *Stats during WoE & PVP Mdef +1. Reduces damage taken from enemy players by 2%. Class : Garment Defense : 32 Weight : 60 Required Level : 95 Jobs : All except Novice Id: (2587) Siege Muffler [1] *Stats during WoE & PVP Mdef +10. Reduces damage taken from enemy players by 1%. Class : Garment Defense : 15 Weight : 40 Required Level : 95 Jobs : All Id: (2587) Siege Muffler [1] Mdef +10. *Stats pendant la WoE & PVP Diminue les attaques des joueurs ennemis de 1%. Type : Garment défense : 15 Poids : 40 Niveau requis : 95 Profession : All Id: (2587) Siege Muffler [1] Mdef +10. *Stats während WoE & PVP Reduziert den Schaden von feindlichen Angriffen 1%. Gegenstandsart : Garment Verteidigung : 15 Gewicht : 40 Benötigtes Lv. : 95 Jobs : All Id: (2587) Siege Muffler [1] *Stats during WoE & PVP Mdef +10. Reduces damage taken from enemy players by 1%. Class : Garment Defense : 15 Weight : 40 Required Level : 95 Jobs : All Id: (2892) Assassin Handcuffs [1] A glove adding steels on fingers to arms. It is designed to defense and attack at the same time. MSP + 20, CRI + 3. When equipping together with Krishna, increase ATK + 50, attack power 50 % increase on Sonic Blow, FLEE - 30. When equipping together with Cakram, increase CRI + 4, and 40% of critical attack power, MHP - 10%. Class : Accssory Defense : 3 Weight : 40 Required Lv. : 100 Job : Guillotine Cross Id: (2892) Assassin Handcuffs [1] Un gant ajoutant de l'acier des doigts jusqu'au bras. Il est conçu pour la défense tout comme pour l'attaque. MSP + 20, CRI + 3. Si équippé avec Krishna, ATK +50, puissance de Sonic Blow +50%, Flee -30. Si équippé avec Cakram, Crit +4, +40% de puissance sur les critiques, MHP -10% Type :Accssory Défense : 3 Poids : 40 Niveau requis : 100 Profession : Guillotine Cross Id: (2892) Assassin Handcuffs [1] Dieser Handschuh verleiht stählerne Finger. Das soll bei Angriffen gleichzeitig zur Verteidigung dienen. MSP + 20, CRI + 3. Zusammen mit Krishna ausgerüstet erhöht sich ATK + 50, der Angriffswert von Sonic Blow um 50 % increase on Sonic Blow und FLEE - 30. Zusammen mit Cakram ausgerüstet erhöht sich CRI + 4, 40% des kritischen Angriffswert und MHP - 10%. Gegenstandsart : Accssory Verteidigung : 3 Gewicht : 40 Benötigtes Lv. : 100 Job : Guillotine Cross Id: (2892) Assassin Handcuffs [1] A glove adding steels on fingers to arms. It is designed to defense and attack at the same time. MSP + 20, CRI + 3. When equipping together with Krishna, increase ATK + 50, attack power 50 % increase on Sonic Blow, FLEE - 30. When equipping together with Cakram, increase CRI + 4, and 40% of critical attack power, MHP - 10%. Class : Accssory Defense : 3 Weight : 40 Required Lv. : 100 Job : Guillotine Cross Id: (2894) Glove Of Shura Image of Shiva, the glove that made of metal. If base Str is 120, increases attack power by 30. Str +5, MaxSP +6%, MaxHP - 6%. Class : Accessory Defense : 1 Weight : 40 Required Level : 130 Jobs : Sura Id: (2894) Glove Of Shura A l'image de Shiva, ce gant est fait en métal. Si base STR est à 120, augmente la puissance d'attaque de 30. Str +5, MaxSP +6%, MaxHP - 6%. Type : Accessory défense : 1 Poids : 40 Niveau requis : 130 Profession : Sura Id: (2894) Glove Of Shura Wenn der Basiswert von STR 120 oder höher ist, erhöht sich der Angriffswert um 30. Str +5, MaxSP +6%, MaxHP - 6%. Gegenstandsart : Accessory Verteidigung : 1 Gewicht : 40 Benötigtes Lv. : 130 Jobs : Sura Id: (2894) Glove Of Shura Image of Shiva, the glove that made of metal. If base Str is 120, increases attack power by 30. Str +5, MaxSP +6%, MaxHP - 6%. Class : Accessory Defense : 1 Weight : 40 Required Level : 130 Jobs : Sura Id: (2898) Black Rosary [1] A black rosary made from a rare black purified ore. Mdef +15. Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 10 Required Level : 90 Jobs : All Id: (2898) Black Rosary [1] Un rosaire noir fabriqué à partir d'une pierre noire très rare. Mdef +15. Type : Accessory défense : 0 Poids : 10 Niveau requis : 90 Profession : Toutes Id: (2898) Black Rosary [1] Ein schwarzer Rosenkranz der aus einem seltenen, dunkelm Erz gefertig wurde. Mdef +15. Gegenstandsart : Accessory Verteidigung : 0 Gewicht : 10 Benötigtes Lv. : 90 Jobs : All Id: (2898) Black Rosary [1] A black rosary made from a rare black purified ore. Mdef +15. Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 10 Required Level : 90 Jobs : All Id: (2899) Sound Amplifier [1] Increases damage of Metallic Sound by 150%. Increases SP consumption of Metallic Sound by 60. Decreases Fixed Casting time by 50%. Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 10 Required Level : 90 Jobs : Hunter / Bard / Dancer7770[/color] Id: (2899) Sound Amplifier [1] Augmente les dégâts de Metallic Sound de 150%. Augmente la consommation de SP de Metallic Sound de 60. Diminue le temps de cast fixe de 50%. Type : Accessory défense : 0 Poids : 10 Niveau requis : 90 Profession : Hunter / Bard / Dancer Id: (2899) Sound Amplifier [1] Erhöht den Schaden von Metallic Sound um 150%. Erhöht den SP Verbrauch von Metallic Sound um 60. Reduziert fixe Cast-Zeit um 50%. Gegenstandsart : Accessory Verteidigung : 0 Gewicht : 10 Benötigtes Lv. : 90 Jobs : Hunter / Bard / Dancer7770[/color] Id: (2899) Sound Amplifier [1] Increases damage of Metallic Sound by 150%. Increases SP consumption of Metallic Sound by 60. Decreases Fixed Casting time by 50%. Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 10 Required Level : 90 Jobs : Hunter / Bard / Dancer7770[/color] Id: (4809) Fighting Spirit3 ATK + 12 HIT + 4 Id: (4810) Fighting Spirit2 ATK + 9 HIT + 3 Id: (4811) Fighting Spirit1 ATK + 6 HIT + 2 Id: (4832) Expert Archer 1Lv Uzun menzillli saldiri 2%. Id: (4833) Expert Archer 2Lv Uzun menzillli saldiri 4%. Id: (4834) Expert Archer 3Lv Uzun menzillli saldiri 6%. Id: (5358) Peco-Peco Ears Un ornement représentant des petites ailes de Pecopeco, créé par Morgan Stanley. AGI + 1, MDEF + 2 Type : Head Gear Défense : 1 Emplacement : Milieu Poids : 10 Niveau Requis :70 Profession : Toutes Id: (5396) Jasper Crest [1] Wundervoll leuchtende Haube, geschmückt mit Gold und Juwelen. DEX+2 Vergrößert den Schaden, der Demon und Undead Monsters zugefügt wird, um 5%. Wenn das Veredelungslevel kleiner als 6 ist, kann der Spieler, wenn er angreift, in den Bleeding-Status versetzt werden. Wenn auf 7 oder höher veredelt, DEX+1, STR+1, kann das Zielobjekt beim Angriff in den Bleeding-Status versetzen. Wenn auf 8 oder höher veredelt, DEX+1, STR+1 und vergrößert mit geringer Chance beim physischen Angreifen ASPD für 5 Sekunden auf 190, oder reduziert beim magischen Angreifen die Zauberzeit während 5 Sekunden um 100%. Typ: Head Gear Verteidigung: 2 Slot: Upper Gewicht: 70 Jobs: Alle Id: (5483) Odin Mask A mask worn once worn by Odin during a fierce battle between the gods and humans. Hit-10, Increases damage to Demihuman monsters by 6%. Class : Headgear Location: Middle & Lower Defense : 1 Weight : 10 Required Level : 50 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (5490) Anubis Headgearlm This ceremonial headdress holds the likeness of Anubis, god of the underworld. It is rumored that it empowers the wearer against powerful divine beings. Reduce damage from MVPs by 10%. Increase effectiveness of healing and healing items by 10%. Class : Headgear Defense : 8 Location : Upper, Mid Weight : 0 Required Level : 65 Jobs : All Id: (5664) Filir's Wing En popüler kuþ sýnýfý homunculus Filir'in kanatlarý þeklinde yapýlmýþ baþlýk. Aspd +2%. Saldýrý sonrasý gecikmeyi 2% azaltýr. _ Bara-Chan tarafýndan Þapka yarat etkinliði 2008 yazýnda yaratýlmýþ bir konseptir. _ Eþya Sýnýfý : Headgear Savunma : 1 Kafadaki konum : Mid Aðýrlýk: 10 Gerekli Seviye : 70 Uygun Meslekler : Her Meslek Id: (5674) Pig Moneycoinbox Une tirelire-cochon dont le bruit de la monnaie sonnante et trébuchante vous emplit de félicité. Votre seul regret est de devoir la briser pour l'ouvrir. Augmente le délai des sorts de 10%. Donne une chance d'obtenir des Zenys chaque fois que vous tuez un ennemi. Ne peut pas être forgé. Type : Headgear Défense : 3 Emplacement : Haut Poids : 100 Niveau Requis : 10 Profession : Toutes Id: (5674) Pig Moneybox Ýçerisinde çok fazla para biriktirdiðinde seni mutlu edecek kumbara. Sevimli tasarýmý onu kýrýp açman konusunda tereddüt etmene sebep oluyor. Yetenek gecikmesi 10% artar. Canavarlarý yendiðinizde ekstra Zeny kazanma þansý verir. Arýtýlamaz. Eþya Sýnýfý : Headgear Savunma : 3 Giyildiði Yer: Upper Aðýrlýk: 100 Gerekli Seviye : 10 Uygun Meslekler : Her Meslek Id: (5881) Weißbier Hat [1] Yummy beer made of wheat and yeast. A secret recipe has been developed for hundreds of years. Note: You can be drunken because its taste is so so good! MaxHP + 3%, MaxSP + 3%, DEX - 10. With more than 7 refine level, MaxHP + 5%, MaxSP + 5%, DEX - 5. When equipped, you're doing someething strange because you're drunken. Class : Headgear Defense : 4 Location : Upper Weight : 30 Jobs : All Id: (5881) Weißbier Hat [1] Une délicieuse bière faite de blé et de levure. Sa recette secrète a été développée pendant des centaines d'années. Attention : Son goût peut vous enivrer ! MaxHP + 3%, MaxSP + 3%, DEX - 10. Avec un niveau de forge supérieur à 7 : MaxHP + 5%, MaxSP + 5%, DEX - 5. Quand cet objet est équipé, lÂ’ivresse rend son utilisateur maladroit. Type : Headgear Défense : 4 Emplacement : Haut Poids : 30 Profession : All Id: (5881) Weißbier Hat [1] Ein leckeres Bier, das nach dem Reinheitsgebot aus Weizen und Hefe gebraut wird. Das geheime Rezept wurde über hunderte von Jahren verfeinert. Man kann schnell betrunken sein, weil es so lecker schmeckt! MaxHP + 3%, MaxSP + 3%, DEX - 10. Upgrade Level 7 und höher: MaxHP + 5%, MaxSP + 5%, DEX - 5. Wenn ausgerüstet, können betrunken seltsame Dinge passieren. Class : Headgear Defense : 4 Location : Upper Weight : 30 Jobs : All Id: (5881) Weißbier Hat [1] Yulaf ve buðdaydan yapýlan çok leziz bir biradýr. Yüzyýllardan beri geliþtirilen çok gizli bir tarifi vardýr. Not: Tadý çok leziz olduðu için sarhoþ olabilirsiniz! MaxHP + %3, MaxSP + %3, DEX - 10. 7'den fazla olan arýndýrma seviyesi için, MaxHP + %5, MaxSP + %5, DEX - 5. Kuþanýldýðý zaman garip hareketler yapmanýza neden olur çünkü sarhoþsunuzdur. Sýnýf : Baþlýk Savunma : 4 Konum : Üst Aðýrlýk : 30 Meslekler : Hepsi Id: (6446) Green Paper Un papier vert suspect. Poids: 0 Id: (6469) Will of Warrior A collection of biological relics from various warriors Used for combining biological materials in a testing lab Weight : 1 Id: (6469) Will of Warrior Un ensemble de reliques biologiques qui viennent de divers guerriers. Utilsé pour combiner des matériaux biologiques dans un laboratoire de recherche Poids : 1 Id: (6469) Will of Warrior A collection of biological relics from various warriors Used for combining biological materials in a testing lab Weight : 1 Id: (6469) Will of Warrior A collection of biological relics from various warriors Used for combining biological materials in a testing lab Weight : 1 Id: (6470) Blood Thirst Reactionary forces causes the thirst for blood Used for combining biological materials in a testing lab Weight : 1 Id: (6470) Blood Thirst Un réactif qui donne soif de sang. Utilsé pour combiner des matériaux biologiques dans un laboratoire de recherche Poids : 1 Id: (6470) Blood Thirst Reactionary forces causes the thirst for blood Used for combining biological materials in a testing lab Weight : 1 Id: (6470) Blood Thirst Reactionary forces causes the thirst for blood Used for combining biological materials in a testing lab Weight : 1 Id: (6471) Ghost Chill The darkness of Nifflheim is lumped into this. Used for combining biological materials in a testing lab Weight : 1 Id: (6471) Ghost Chill Les ténèbres de Niflheim sont incrustées à l'intérieur. Utilsé pour combiner des matériaux biologiques dans un laboratoire de recherche Poids : 1 Id: (6471) Ghost Chill The darkness of Nifflheim is lumped into this. Used for combining biological materials in a testing lab Weight : 1 Id: (6471) Ghost Chill The darkness of Nifflheim is lumped into this. Used for combining biological materials in a testing lab Weight : 1 Id: (6488) Thanks Invest Ticket This item is account bound. A ticket that can be exchanged for various goods. Weight : 1 Id: (6488) Thanks Invest Ticket Cet item est lié au compte. Un ticket qui peut être échangé contre divers objets. Poids : 1 Id: (6488) Thanks Invest Ticket Dieser Gegenstand ist Account gebunden. Ein Ticket, das für verschiedene Gegenstände eingelöst werden kann. Gewicht : 1 Id: (6488) Thanks Invest Ticket This item is account bound. A ticket that can be exchanged for various goods. Weight : 1 Id: (6489) Cats Invest Certificate This item is account bound. A certificate given by the cats paw merchants to invest in certain perks. Weight : 1 Id: (6489) Cats Invest Certificate Cet item est lié au compte. Un certificat donné par les Cat Paw Merchants pour investir dans certains avantages. Poids : 1 Id: (6489) Cats Invest Certificate Dieser Gegenstand ist Account gebunden. Ein Zertifikat das von den Cat Merchants ausgestellt wurde. Damit kann in verschiedene Leistungen investiert werden. Gewicht : 1 Id: (6489) Cats Invest Certificate This item is account bound. A certificate given by the cats paw merchants to invest in certain perks. Weight : 1 Id: (11547) WoE Violet Potion *Stats during WoE & PVP Recovers a minimum of 500 HP and a minimum of 60 SP Weight : 8 Id: (11547) WoE Violet Potion *Stats pendant la WoE & PVP Rends un minimum de 500 HP et un minimum de 60 SP Poids : 8 Id: (11547) WoE Violet Potion *Stats während WoE & PVP Regeneriert mindestens 500 HP und mindestens 60 SP Gewicht : 8 Id: (11547) WoE Violet Potion *Stats during WoE & PVP Recovers a minimum of 500 HP and a minimum of 60 SP Weight : 8 Id: (11548) WoE White Potion *Stats during WoE & PVP The youngest leaves of the white organic herb are used to make this potion. Recovers 10% HP Weight : 8 Id: (11548) WoE White Potion *Stats pendant la WoE & PVP Les plus jeunes feuilles de l'herbe blanche sont utilisées pour fabriquer cette potion. Rends 10% HP Poids : 8 Id: (11548) WoE White Potion *Stats während WoE & PVP Die jüngsten Blätter einer biologisch angebauten Pflanze wurden für diesen Trank verwendet. Regeneriert 10% HP Gewicht : 8 Id: (11548) WoE White Potion *Stats during WoE & PVP The youngest leaves of the white organic herb are used to make this potion. Recovers 10% HP Weight : 8 Id: (11549) WoE Blue Potion *Stats during WoE & PVP The freshest blue organic herbs are used to make this potion. Recovers 10% SP Weight : 8 Id: (11549) WoE Blue Potion *Stats pendant la WoE & PVP L'herbe bleue la plus fraiche est utilisée pour fabriquer cette potion. Rends 10% SP Poids : 8 Id: (11549) WoE Blue Potion *Stats während WoE & PVP Frische Blätter einer biologisch angebauten Pflanze wurden für diesen Trank verwendet. Regeneriert 10% SP Gewicht : 8 Id: (11549) WoE Blue Potion *Stats during WoE & PVP The freshest blue organic herbs are used to make this potion. Recovers 10% SP Weight : 8 Id: (12033) Box of Sunlight Enables the user to to detect any hidden[/color] enemies for 30 seconds. Weight : 20 Id: (12033) Box of Sunlight Kullananýn 30 saniye boyunca gizlenmiþ düþmanlarý görmesini saðlar . _ Aðýrlýk: 20 Id: (12674) God Material Box A small, solid black lacquered box that contains several materials. Weight : 50 Id: (12674) God Material Box Une petite boite noire laquée qui contient divers matériaux. Poids : 50 Id: (12674) God Material Box Eine kleine, stabile und schwarz lackierte Schachtel, die verschiedene Materialien beinhaltet. Gewicht : 50 Id: (12674) God Material Box A small, solid black lacquered box that contains several materials. Weight : 50 Id: (12675) WoE Weapon Supply Box A supply box with various weapons stamped with the seal of a forgotten guild. Weight : 50 Id: (12675) WoE Weapon Supply Box Une boite d'aliments frappée par un sceau d'une guilde oubliée. Poids : 50 Id: (12675) WoE Weapon Supply Box Eine Vorratstruhe, die verschiedene Waffen mit dem Siegel einer vergessenen Gilde enthält. Gewicht : 50 Id: (12675) WoE Weapon Supply Box A supply box with various weapons stamped with the seal of a forgotten guild. Weight : 50 Id: (12676) WoE Violet Potion Box A box containing 50 different potions and theoretical studies for expensive weapons. Weight : 20 Id: (12676) WoE Violet Potion Box Une boite contenant 50 potions différentes et des études théoriques pour des armes très chères. Poids : 20 Id: (12676) WoE Violet Potion Box Eine Paket, die 50 verschiedene Tränke und theoretische Studien für teure Waffen enthält. Gewicht : 20 Id: (12676) WoE Violet Potion Box A box containing 50 different potions and theoretical studies for expensive weapons. Weight : 20 Id: (12677) WoE Arrow Quiver S A quiver that contains 200 WoE Arrow S. Required Level : 130. Weight : 10 Id: (12677) WoE Arrow Quiver S Un carquois qui contient 200 Siege Arrow S. Niveau requis : 130. Poids : 10 Id: (12677) WoE Arrow Quiver S Ein Köcher, der 200 Siege Arrow S beinhaltet. Benötigtes Lv. : 130. Gewicht : 10 Id: (12677) WoE Arrow Quiver S A quiver that contains 200 WoE Arrow S. Required Level : 130. Weight : 10 Id: (12678) WoE Arrow Quiver A A quiver that contains 200 WoE Arrow A. Required Level : 95 Weight : 10 Id: (12678) WoE Arrow Quiver A Un carquois qui contient 200 Siege Arrow A. Niveau requis : 95 Poids : 10 Id: (12678) WoE Arrow Quiver A Ein Köcher, der 200 Siege Arrow A beinhaltet. Benötigtes Lv. : 95 Gewicht : 10 Id: (12678) WoE Arrow Quiver A A quiver that contains 200 WoE Arrow A. Required Level : 95 Weight : 10 Id: (12679) WoE White Potion Box A box that contains WoE White Potions *Effects would be applied only PvP and WoE and town. Weight : 20 Id: (12679) WoE White Potion Box Une boite qui contient des WoE White Potion *Les effets ne fonctionneront qu'en PvP, WoE et en ville. Poids : 20 Id: (12679) WoE White Potion Box Dieses Paket enthält WoE White Potions Gewicht : 20 Id: (12679) WoE White Potion Box A box that contains WoE White Potions *Effects would be applied only PvP and WoE and town. Weight : 20 Id: (12680) WoE Blue Potion Box A box that contains WoE Blue Potions *Effects would be applied only PvP and WoE and town. Weight : 20 Id: (12680) WoE Blue Potion Box Une boite qui contient des WoE Blue Potion *Les effets ne fonctionneront qu'en PvP, WoE et en ville. Poids : 20 Id: (12680) WoE Blue Potion Box Dieses Paket enthält WoE Blue Potions Gewicht : 20 Id: (12680) WoE Blue Potion Box A box that contains WoE Blue Potions *Effects would be applied only PvP and WoE and town. Weight : 20 Id: (12683) WoE Violet Potion Box200 A box that contains WoE Violet Potions *Effects would be applied only PvP and WoE and town. Weight : 20 Id: (12683) WoE Violet Potion Box200 Une boite qui contient des WoE Violet Potion *Les effets ne fonctionneront qu'en PvP, WoE et en ville. Poids : 20 Id: (12683) WoE Violet Potion Box200 Dieses Paket enthält WoE Violet Potions Gewicht : 20 Id: (12683) WoE Violet Potion Box200 A box that contains WoE Violet Potions *Effects would be applied only PvP and WoE and town. Weight : 20 Id: (12697) RWC Celebration Firecracker II 2011 RWC kutlamalarý için özel havai fiþek. 10 saniye boyunca eðlendirir! Aðýrlýk: 2 Id: (13068) Saurel kira esyasi Deniz baligidir. Degisik yemekler yapmak için pisirilebilir. Çok sert dondurulmustur. MATK + 100. Kisa mesafeye saldirirken 7 saniyeligine ATK +30 verme sansi vardir. Büyülü bir saldiri yaparken belli bir santa 7 saniyeligine MATK +20 verme sansi varidir. Seviye 100 üzerindeyse ATK + 10, MATK +10 verir. Sinif : Biçak Saldiri : 160 Agirlik : 0 Silah Sv : 1 Gereken Sv : 50 Meslek : Sword Man Class/Magician Class/Archer Class/Merchant Class/Thief Class/Soul Linker/Ninja Id: (13069) Aztoe Nail Blue dagger that has opposite magic power in. MATK + 80. Has a chance of activating freeze status while physically attacking and increases the chance with each refine level Class : Dagger Attack : 160 Weight : 50 Property : Wind Weapon Lv. : 4 Required Lv. : 110 Job : Transcendent Novice, Swordman, Merchant, Thief Classes Id: (13069) Aztoe Nail Une dague bleue qui possède des magies opposées. MATK + 80. A une chance d'infliger l'altération Frozen lorsque vous attaquez physiquement, cette chance augmente le taux de forge. Type : Dagger Puissance : 160 Poids : 50 Propriété : Wind Niveau arme : 4 Niveau requis : 110 Profession : Rebirth Novice/Swordman/Merchant/Thief Id: (13069) Aztoe Nail Blue dagger that has opposite magic power in. MATK + 80. Has a chance of activating freeze status while physically attacking and increases the chance with each refine level Class : Dagger Attack : 160 Weight : 50 Property : Wind Weapon Lv. : 4 Required Lv. : 110 Job : Transcendent Novice, Swordman, Merchant, Thief Classes Id: (13069) Aztoe Nail Blue dagger that has opposite magic power in. MATK + 80. Has a chance of activating freeze status while physically attacking and increases the chance with each refine level Class : Dagger Attack : 160 Weight : 50 Property : Wind Weapon Lv. : 4 Required Lv. : 110 Job : Transcendent Novice, Swordman, Merchant, Thief Classes Id: (13070) Scarletto Nail Red dagger that has opposite magic power in. MATK + 80. Has a chance of activating curse status while physically attacking and increases the chance with each refine level. Class : Dagger Attack : 160 Weight : 50 Property : Fire Weapon Lv. : 4 Required Lv. : 110 Job : Transcendent Novice, Swordman, Merchant, Thief Classes Id: (13070) Scarletto Nail Une dague rouge qui possède des magies opposées. MATK + 80. A une chance d'infliger l'altération Curse lorsque vous attaquez physiquement, cette chance augmente avec le taux de forge. Type : Dagger Puissance : 160 Poids : 50 Propriété : Fire Niveau arme : 4 Niveau requis : 110 Profession : Rebirth Novice/Swordman/Merchant/Thief Id: (13070) Scarletto Nail Red dagger that has opposite magic power in. MATK + 80. Has a chance of activating curse status while physically attacking and increases the chance with each refine level. Class : Dagger Attack : 160 Weight : 50 Property : Fire Weapon Lv. : 4 Required Lv. : 110 Job : Transcendent Novice, Swordman, Merchant, Thief Classes Id: (13070) Scarletto Nail Red dagger that has opposite magic power in. MATK + 80. Has a chance of activating curse status while physically attacking and increases the chance with each refine level. Class : Dagger Attack : 160 Weight : 50 Property : Fire Weapon Lv. : 4 Required Lv. : 110 Job : Transcendent Novice, Swordman, Merchant, Thief Classes Id: (13072) Velum Damascus *Stats during WoE & PVP Reduces the target's Def and Mdef to 1 for 5 seconds on successful hit. (This effect does not work with skills) Increases ASPD depending on upgrade level. Class : Armor Attack Strength : 180 Weight : 100 Weapon Level : 4 Required Level : 95 Jobs: Novice, Swordman, Mage, Archer, Merchant, Thief Classes, Soul Linker, and Ninja Id: (13072) Velum Damascus *Stats pendant la WoE & PVP Augmente DEF/MDEF for 5 seconds when activated but does not affect skill attacks. Augmente Attack speed (after-attack delay) de 4% et Augmente de 1% per refine level. Type : Weapon Puissance : 180 Poids : 100 Niveau arme : 4 Niveau requis : 95 Jobs: Novice, Swordman, Mage, Archer, Merchant, Thief, Soul Linker, et Ninja Id: (13072) Velum Damascus *Stats während WoE & PVP Erhöht DEF/MDEF für 5 Sekunden nach Aktivierung außer bei Angriffen durch Skills. Erhöht Angriffsgeschwindigkeit (Cool-Down nach Angriffen) um 4% und außerdem um je 1% je Upgrade-Level. Gegenstandsart : Armor ATK : 180 Gewicht : 100 Waffen Lv. : 4 Benötigtes Lv. : 95 Jobs: Novice, Swordman, Mage, Archer, Merchant, Thief Cls, Soul Linker, and Ninja Id: (13072) Velum Damascus *Stats during WoE & PVP Reduces the target's Def and Mdef to 1 for 5 seconds on successful hit. (This effect does not work with skills) Increases ASPD depending on upgrade level. Class : Armor Attack Strength : 180 Weight : 100 Weapon Level : 4 Required Level : 95 Jobs: Novice, Swordman, Mage, Archer, Merchant, Thief Classes, Soul Linker, and Ninja Id: (15044) Green Operation Coat [1] A gown from a scholar who is gone crazy while studying about Homunculus for long time. DEX + 1, MSP + 30. When equipping with Scalpel and kill Human/Animal type of enamies, drop 'Immortal Heart', 'Alchol' and add drop rate by refining rate of Green_Operation_Coat. Class : Armor Defense : 66 Weight : 66 Required Lv. : 100 Job : Generic Id: (15044) Green Operation Coat [1] Une robe d'un savant qui est devenu fou à force d'étudier les Homunculus. DEX + 1, MSP + 30. Si équippé avec Scalpel et que vous éliminez un ennemi de type Demi-Human ou Animal, augmente le taux de drop de Immortal Heart et Alcohol par le taux de forge de l'équippement. Type :Armor Défense : 66 Poids : 66 Niveau requis : 100 Profession : Generic Id: (15044) Green Operation Coat [1] Die Robe eines Gelehrten der einst bei der Erforschung der Homunculi verrückt wurde. DEX + 1, MSP + 30. Zusammen mit Scalpel ausgerüstet erhöht sich die Chance beim Töten von Animal und Demi-Human Monster die Gegenstände 'Immortal Heart' 'Alchol' zu erhalten. Ein höheres Upgrade-Level erhöht diese Chance. Gegenstandsart : Armor Verteidigung : 66 Gewicht : 66 Benötigtes Lv. : 100 Job : Generic Id: (15044) Green Operation Coat [1] A gown from a scholar who is gone crazy while studying about Homunculus for long time. DEX + 1, MSP + 30. When equipping with Scalpel and kill Human/Animal type of enamies, drop 'Immortal Heart', 'Alchol' and add drop rate by refining rate of Green_Operation_Coat. Class : Armor Defense : 66 Weight : 66 Required Lv. : 100 Job : Generic Id: (15046) Siege Plate [1] *Stats during WoE & PVP Mdef +5. Reduces damage taken from enemy players by 2%. If refined to +6 or higher, increases healing effectiveness from potions by 12%. If refined to +9 or higher, MaxHP +25% If worn with WoE Greave and WoE Manteau, Vit +5, reduces damage taken from enemy players by an additional 15%. Class : Armor Defense : 85 Weight : 330 Required Level : 95 Jobs: Swordman, Merchant, Taekwon Boy/Girl, Taekwon Master Id: (15046) Siege Plate [1] Mdef +5. *Stats pendant la WoE & PVP Augmente défense to enemy players de 2%. Si forgé à +6 ou plus, augmente le soin de 12%. Si forgé à +9 ou plus, MaxHP +25% Si porté avec WOE Greave et WOE Manteau, VIT +5, réduit les dégâts des joueurs ennemis de 15% supplémentaires. Type : Armor défense : 85 Poids : 330 Niveau requis : 95 Jobs: Swordman, Merchant, Taekwon Boy/Girl, Star Gladiator Id: (15046) Siege Plate [1] Mdef +5. *Stats während WoE & PVP Reduziert den Schaden von feindlichen Angriffen um 2%. Wenn Upgrade-Level +6 oder höher, erhöhen sich Heal-Skills um 12%. Wenn Upgrade-Level +9 oder höher, MaxHP +25% Gegenstandsart : Armor Verteidigung : 85 Gewicht : 330 Benötigtes Lv. : 95 Jobs: Swordman, Merchant, Taekwon Boy/Girl, Taekwon Master Id: (15046) Siege Plate [1] *Stats during WoE & PVP Mdef +5. Reduces damage taken from enemy players by 2%. If refined to +6 or higher, increases healing effectiveness from potions by 12%. If refined to +9 or higher, MaxHP +25% If worn with WoE Greave and WoE Manteau, Vit +5, reduces damage taken from enemy players by an additional 15%. Class : Armor Defense : 85 Weight : 330 Required Level : 95 Jobs: Swordman, Merchant, Taekwon Boy/Girl, Taekwon Master Id: (15047) Siege Suits [1] *Stats during WoE & PVP Mdef +10. Reduces damage taken from enemy players by 2%. If refined to +6 or higher, Perfect Dodge +5 reduces ranged damage taken by enemy players by 20%. If refined to +9 or higher, MaxHP +15% If worn with WoE Boots and WoE Manteau, Dex +5, reduces damage taken from enemy players by an additional 15%. Class : Armor Defense : 50 Weight : 75 Required Level : 95 Jobs : Swordman / Merchant / Thief / Archer / Taekwon / Taekwon Master / Ninja Id: (15047) Siege Suits [1] MDEF + 10. *Stats pendant la WoE & PVP Augmente la défénse contre les joueurs de 2%. Si forgé à +6 ou plus, reduis la défense contre les attaques à longue portée de 20% tout en augmentant le FLEE de 5. Si forgé à +9 ou plus, MaxHP +15% Si porté avec WOE Boots et WOE Manteau, DEX +5, réduit les dégâts des joueurs ennemis de 15% supplémentaires. Type : Armor défense : 50 Poids : 75 Niveau requis : 95 Profession : Swordman / Merchant / Thief / Archer / Taekwon / Star Gladiator / Ninja Id: (15047) Siege Suits [1] MDEF + 10. *Stats während WoE & PVP Reduziert den Schaden von feindlichen Angriffen um 2%. Wenn Upgrade-Level +6 oder höher, reduziert sich der Schaden von Fernangriffen um 20% while und erhöht Flee um 50. Wenn Upgrade-Level +9 oder höher, MaxHP +15% Gegenstandsart : Armor Verteidigung : 50 Gewicht : 75 Benötigtes Lv. : 95 Jobs : Swordman / Merchant / Thief / Archer / Taekwon / Taekwon Master / Ninja Id: (15047) Siege Suits [1] *Stats during WoE & PVP Mdef +10. Reduces damage taken from enemy players by 2%. If refined to +6 or higher, Perfect Dodge +5 reduces ranged damage taken by enemy players by 20%. If refined to +9 or higher, MaxHP +15% If worn with WoE Boots and WoE Manteau, Dex +5, reduces damage taken from enemy players by an additional 15%. Class : Armor Defense : 50 Weight : 75 Required Level : 95 Jobs : Swordman / Merchant / Thief / Archer / Taekwon / Taekwon Master / Ninja Id: (15048) Siege Robe [1] *Stats during WoE & PVP Mdef +20. Reduces damage taken from enemy players by 2%. If refined to +6 or higher, Flee +5 reduces ranged damage taken by 15% If refined to +9 or higher, MaxHP +1000 MaxSP +100 If worn with WoE Shoes and WoE Muffler, Int +5, Mdef +10, reduces damage taken from enemy players by an additional 15%. Class : Armor Defense : 40 Weight : 50 Required Level : 95 Jobs : Novice / Wizard / Acolyte / Soul Linker Id: (15048) Siege Robe [1] MDEF + 20. *Stats pendant la WoE & PVP Augmente la défense contre les joueurs de 2%. Si forgé à +6 ou plus, reduis la défense contre les attaques à longue portée de 15% tout en augmentant le FLEE de 5. Si forgé à +9 ou plus, MaxHP +1000 MaxSP +100 Si porté avec WOE Shoes et WOE Muffler, INT +5, MDEF +10, réduit les dégâts des joueurs ennemis de 15% supplémentaires. Type : Armor défense : 40 Poids : 50 Niveau requis : 95 Profession : Novice / Wizard / Acolyte / Soul Linker Id: (15048) Siege Robe [1] MDEF + 20. *Stats während WoE & PVP Reduziert den Schaden von feindlichen Angriffen um 2%. Wenn Upgrade-Level +6 oder höher, reduziert sich der Schaden von Fernangriffen um 15% while und erhöht Flee um 5. Wenn Upgrade-Level +9 oder höher, MaxHP +1000 MaxSP +100 Gegenstandsart : Armor Verteidigung : 40 Gewicht : 50 Benötigtes Lv. : 95 Jobs : Novice / Wizard / Acolyte / Soul Linker Id: (15048) Siege Robe [1] *Stats during WoE & PVP Mdef +20. Reduces damage taken from enemy players by 2%. If refined to +6 or higher, Flee +5 reduces ranged damage taken by 15% If refined to +9 or higher, MaxHP +1000 MaxSP +100 If worn with WoE Shoes and WoE Muffler, Int +5, Mdef +10, reduces damage taken from enemy players by an additional 15%. Class : Armor Defense : 40 Weight : 50 Required Level : 95 Jobs : Novice / Wizard / Acolyte / Soul Linker Id: (16017) Bloody Cross A bloodly red cross mace with dark power. The red color looks creepy as if it absorb the blood. When the short distance physical attacking, it activates the Hell Inferno Lv.1 with certain rate. Increase the casting rate of the skill by the refine Lv. Class : Mace Attack : 170 Weight : 150 Property : Darkness Weapon Lv. : 4 Required Lv. : 100 Job : Transcendent Acolyte class Id: (16017) Bloody Cross Une mace rouge en croix qui possède des pouvoirs ténébreux. La couleur rouge est effrayante, comme si elle avait absorbé du sang. Lorsque vous attaquez physiquement, a une chance d'activer Hell Inferno niveau 1. Cette chance augmente avec le taux de forge. Type : Mace Puissance : 170 Poids : 150 Propriété : Darkness Niveau arme : 4 Niveau requis : 100 Profession : Rebirth Acolyte Id: (16017) Bloody Cross A bloodly red cross mace with dark power. The red color looks creepy as if it absorb the blood. When the short distance physical attacking, it activates the Hell Inferno Lv.1 with certain rate. Increase the casting rate of the skill by the refine Lv. Class : Mace Attack : 170 Weight : 150 Property : Darkness Weapon Lv. : 4 Required Lv. : 100 Job : Transcendent Acolyte class Id: (16017) Bloody Cross A bloodly red cross mace with dark power. The red color looks creepy as if it absorb the blood. When the short distance physical attacking, it activates the Hell Inferno Lv.1 with certain rate. Increase the casting rate of the skill by the refine Lv. Class : Mace Attack : 170 Weight : 150 Property : Darkness Weapon Lv. : 4 Required Lv. : 100 Job : Transcendent Acolyte class Id: (16020) Velum Stunner *Stats during WoE & PVP Decreases the target's Def and Mdef to 1 for 5 seconds on successful hit. (This effect does not work with skills) Increases Stun chance and ASPD depending on upgrade level. Class : Mace Attack Strength : 170 Weight : 150 Weapon Level : 4 Required Level : 95 Jobs: Novice, Swordman, Acolyte, and Merchant Classes Id: (16020) Velum Stunner *Stats pendant la WoE & PVP A une chance d'infliger Stun lorsque vous subissez une attaque physique. Augmente l'ASPD de 2%, augmente également de 1% par taux de forge. Augmente la DEF/MDEF pendant 5 secondes quand activé, mais n'affecte pas les skills. Type : Mace Puissance : 170 Poids : 150 Niveau arme : 4 Niveau requis : 95 Jobs: Novice, Swordman, Acolyte, et Merchant Id: (16020) Velum Stunner *Stats während WoE & PVP Löst mit einer bestimmten Chance Stun Status bei Angriffen aus. Löst mit einer bestimmten Chance Stun Status aus während man angegriffen wird. Erhöht ASPD um 2% und außerdem um je 1% pro Upgrade-Level. Erhöht DEF/MDEF für 5 Sekunden nach Aktivierung außer bei Angriffen durch Skills. Gegenstandsart : Mace ATK : 170 Gewicht : 150 Waffen Lv. : 4 Benötigtes Lv. : 95 Jobs: Novice, Swordman, Acolyte, and Merchant Cls Id: (16020) Velum Stunner *Stats during WoE & PVP Decreases the target's Def and Mdef to 1 for 5 seconds on successful hit. (This effect does not work with skills) Increases Stun chance and ASPD depending on upgrade level. Class : Mace Attack Strength : 170 Weight : 150 Weapon Level : 4 Required Level : 95 Jobs: Novice, Swordman, Acolyte, and Merchant Classes Id: (16021) Velum Flail *Stats during WoE & PVP Chance on hit to disable all healing effects from affecting the target for a duration. (This effect does not work with skills) Increases HIT and CRIT depending on upgrade level. Class : Mace Attack Strength : 170 Weight : 150 Weapon Level : 4 Required Level : 95 Jobs: Novice, Swordman, Acolyte, and Merchant Classes Id: (16021) Velum Flail *Stats pendant la WoE & PVP Augmente le Hit du taux de forge divisé par 2. Taux de critique +10 x taux de forge. Ajoute un état où le porteur de l'arme ne peut pas se remettre des blessures. Type : Mace Puissance : 170 Poids : 150 Niveau arme : 4 Niveau requis : 95 Jobs: Novice, Swordman, Acolyte, et Merchant Id: (16021) Velum Flail *Stats während WoE & PVP Erhöht Hit nach der Formel Upgrade-Level / 2. CRIT +10 x Upgrade-Level Fügt eine Chance hinzu, dass der Träger dieser Waffe nicht mehr von Angriffen erholen kann. Gegenstandsart : Mace ATK : 170 Gewicht : 150 Waffen Lv. : 4 Benötigtes Lv. : 95 Jobs: Novice, Swordman, Acolyte, and Merchant Cls Id: (16021) Velum Flail *Stats during WoE & PVP Chance on hit to disable all healing effects from affecting the target for a duration. (This effect does not work with skills) Increases HIT and CRIT depending on upgrade level. Class : Mace Attack Strength : 170 Weight : 150 Weapon Level : 4 Required Level : 95 Jobs: Novice, Swordman, Acolyte, and Merchant Classes Id: (16258) HD Bradium 5 Box5 Une boîte contenant 5 high density bradiums. La densité et la résistance ont été améliorées par d'innombrables expériences de la part des érudits de Midgard. Il semble que la difficulté demeure pour l'amélioration des armes. Quand tu rates l'amélioration de la défense d'une arme dont le niveau d'amélioration est supérieur à +10, elle n'est pas détruite ou ne disparaît pas. (Quand l'amélioration échoue, le niveau d'amélioration bénéficie d'un -1.) Poids : 1 Cet objet ne peut pas être retiré de l'abonnement ou remboursé. Poids : 1 Id: (16259) HD Carnium 5 Box5 Une boîte contenant 5 high density carniums. La densité et la résistance ont été améliorées par d'innombrables expériences de la part des érudits de Midgard. Il semble que la difficulté demeure pour l'amélioration des armes. Quand tu rates l'amélioration de la défense d'une arme dont le niveau d'amélioration est supérieur à +10, elle n'est pas détruite ou ne disparaît pas. (Quand l'amélioration échoue, le niveau d'amélioration bénéficie d'un -1.) Poids : 1 Cet objet ne peut pas être retiré de l'abonnement ou remboursé. Poids : 1 Id: (16260) HD Bradium 10 Box10 Une boîte contenant 10 high density bradiums. La densité et la résistance ont été améliorées par d'innombrables expériences de la part des érudits de Midgard. Il semble que la difficulté demeure pour l'amélioration des armes. Quand tu rates l'amélioration de la défense d'une arme dont le niveau d'amélioration est supérieur à +10, elle n'est pas détruite ou ne disparaît pas. (Quand l'amélioration échoue, le niveau d'amélioration bénéficie d'un -1.) Poids : 1 Cet objet ne peut pas être retiré de l'abonnement ou remboursé. Poids : 1 Id: (16261) HD Carnium 10 Box10 Une boîte contenant 10 high density carniums. La densité et la résistance ont été améliorées depuis bien longtemps. Il semble que la difficulté demeure pour l'amélioration de la défense des armes. Quand tu rates l'amélioration de la défense d'une arme dont le niveau d'amélioration est supérieur à +10, elle n'est pas détruite ou ne disparaît pas. (Quand l'amélioration échoue, le niveau d'amélioration bénéficie d'un -1.) Poids : 1 Cet objet ne peut pas être retiré de l'abonnement ou remboursé. Poids : 1 Id: (17106) Gym Membership Card 10Heavy Lifter Box Id: (17122) Greedy Frog Box Ýçerisinde Greedy Frog olan bir kutu. Þapka 1 ay sonunda kaybolacak. Aðýrlýk: 1 Id: (18109) Catapult [2] Increases the damage of Triangle Shot depending on refine level as well as increasing SP consumption of the skill. Class : Bow Attack : 150 Weight : 110 Weapon Lv. : 4 Required Lv. : 100 Job : Shadow Chaser Id: (18109) Catapult [2] Augmente les dégâts de Triangle Shot selon le taux de forge, et augmente la consommation en SP du skill. Type : Bow Puissance : 150 Poids : 110 Niveau arme : 4 Niveau requis : 100 Profession : Shadow Chaser Id: (18109) Catapult [2] Increases the damage of Triangle Shot depending on refine level as well as increasing SP consumption of the skill. Class : Bow Attack : 150 Weight : 110 Weapon Lv. : 4 Required Lv. : 100 Job : Shadow Chaser Id: (18109) Catapult [2] Increases the damage of Triangle Shot depending on refine level as well as increasing SP consumption of the skill. Class : Bow Attack : 150 Weight : 110 Weapon Lv. : 4 Required Lv. : 100 Job : Shadow Chaser Id: (18110) Big CrossBow [2] A very sensitive bow to use, and it is specialized on fusillade. Increases the damage of Arrow Storm 5 times more than refine level as well as increasing SP consumption of the skill. If pure AGI 120, ASPD + 1. Class : Bow Attack : 160 Weight : 90 Weapon Lv. : 4 Required Lv. : 110 Job : Ranger Id: (18110) Big CrossBow [2] Un arc très sensible, il est spécialisé dans les fusilades. Augmente les dégâts de Arrow Storm de 5 fois le taux de forge ainsi que la consommation en SP du skill. Si votre pure AGI est à 200, donne ASPD +1. Type : Bow Puissance : 160 Poids : 90 Niveau arme : 4 Niveau requis : 110 Profession : Ranger Id: (18110) Big CrossBow [2] A very sensitive bow to use, and it is specialized on fusillade. Increases the damage of Arrow Storm 5 times more than refine level as well as increasing SP consumption of the skill. If pure AGI 120, ASPD + 1. Class : Bow Attack : 160 Weight : 90 Weapon Lv. : 4 Required Lv. : 110 Job : Ranger Id: (18110) Big CrossBow [2] A very sensitive bow to use, and it is specialized on fusillade. Increases the damage of Arrow Storm 5 times more than refine level as well as increasing SP consumption of the skill. If pure AGI 120, ASPD + 1. Class : Bow Attack : 160 Weight : 90 Weapon Lv. : 4 Required Lv. : 110 Job : Ranger Id: (18111) Creeper Bow [2] A bow made with strong stem from devildom. By using spider web arrow, it ties enemies. DEX + 1, when physical attacking, activates autosell Spider web Lv.1 with certain rate. Class : Bow Attack : 150 Weight : 150 Weapon Lv. : 3 Required Lv. : 120 Job : 3rd job Archer Class Id: (18111) Creeper Bow [2] Un arc provenant d'une racine du monde des démons. DEX + 1 Quand vous attaquez physiquement, à une chance de lancer le sort Spider Web niveau 1. Type : Bow Puissance : 150 Poids : 150 Niveau arme : 3 Niveau requis : 120 Profession : 3rd class Archer Id: (18111) Creeper Bow [2] A bow made with strong stem from devildom. By using spider web arrow, it ties enemies. DEX + 1, when physical attacking, activates autosell Spider web Lv.1 with certain rate. Class : Bow Attack : 150 Weight : 150 Weapon Lv. : 3 Required Lv. : 120 Job : 3rd job Archer Class Id: (18111) Creeper Bow [2] A bow made with strong stem from devildom. By using spider web arrow, it ties enemies. DEX + 1, when physical attacking, activates autosell Spider web Lv.1 with certain rate. Class : Bow Attack : 150 Weight : 150 Weapon Lv. : 3 Required Lv. : 120 Job : 3rd job Archer Class Id: (18113) Velum Arbalest *Stats during WoE & PVP Decreases target's SP by 4% with every hit. (This effect does not work with skills) ASPD - 5. Class : Bow Attack Strength : 50 Weight : 110 Weapon Level : 4 Required Level : 95 Jobs: Archer Class, Thief and Rogue Jobs Id: (18113) Velum Arbalest *Stats pendant la WoE & PVP Draine 4% SP des joueurs ennemis. ASPD - 5. Type : Bow Puissance : 50 Poids : 110 Niveau arme : 4 Niveau requis : 95 Jobs: Archer, Thief et Rogue Id: (18113) Velum Arbalest *Stats während WoE & PVP Zieht 4% HP von feindlichen Spielern ab. ASPD - 5. Gegenstandsart : Bow ATK : 50 Gewicht : 110 Waffen Lv. : 4 Benötigtes Lv. : 95 Jobs: Archer Cls, Thief and Rogue Jobs Id: (18113) Velum Arbalest *Stats during WoE & PVP Decreases target's SP by 4% with every hit. (This effect does not work with skills) ASPD - 5. Class : Bow Attack Strength : 50 Weight : 110 Weapon Level : 4 Required Level : 95 Jobs: Archer Class, Thief and Rogue Jobs Id: (18114) Velum CrossBow *Stats during WoE & PVP Increases damage to enemy players by 30% and increases by 1% per refine level. Ignore 30% of physical defense 30%. Class : bow Weight : 110 Weapon Level : 4 Required Level : 95 Jobs: Archer Class, Thief and Rogue Jobs Id: (18114) Velum CrossBow *Stats pendant la WoE & PVP Augmente les dégâts infligés de 30% et augmente encore de 1% par taux de forge. Ignore 30% of physical defense 30%. Type : Bow Poids : 110 Niveau arme : 4 Niveau requis : 95 Jobs: Archer, Thief et Rogue Id: (18114) Velum CrossBow *Stats während WoE & PVP Erhöht den Schaden an feindlichen Spielern um 30% und erhöht diesen außerdem um je 1% pro Upgrade-Level. Gewicht : 110 Waffen Lv. : 4 Benötigtes Lv. : 95 Jobs: Archer Cls, Thief and Rogue Jobs Id: (18114) Velum CrossBow *Stats during WoE & PVP Increases damage to enemy players by 30% and increases by 1% per refine level. Ignore 30% of physical defense 30%. Class : bow Weight : 110 Weapon Level : 4 Required Level : 95 Jobs: Archer Class, Thief and Rogue Jobs Id: (18570) Ancient Gold Deco [1] Beautiful Golden accssory with ancient magic. It changes its power by the owner's class. if base Lv. 150, All State + 2. If Swordman, Merchant, Thief class, ATK + 8%, if magician, Acolyte, MATK + 8%, increase 7% of heal amount, if Archer, DEX + 3, increase long distance physical attack power 10%. Class : Helemt Defense : 7 Location : Upper Weight : 40 Required Lv. : 100 Job : For 3rd Job only/Kagerou/Oboro Id: (18570) Ancient Gold Deco [1] Un bel accessoire en or enchanté. Son pouvoir change selon son possésseur. Si votre Base level est à 150, Toutes stats +2. Si vous êtes Swordman, Merchant ou Thief, ATK + 8%, si Magician ou Acolyte, MATK + 8%, augmente la puissance du soin de 7%, si Archer, DEX + 3, augmente la puissance des attaque à longue portée de 10%. Type :Helemt Défense : 7 Location : Upper Poids : 40 Niveau requis : 100 Profession : 3rd Job/Kagerou/Oboro Id: (18570) Ancient Gold Deco [1] Ein prächtiges, goldenes Accesoire, das alte Magie in sich trägt. Seine Kraft ändert sich durch die Job Cls des Trägers. Wenn Base Lv. 150, alle Stats + 2. Swordman, Merchant und Thief Cls erhalten ATK + 8%. Magician und Acolyte Cls erhalten MATK + 8%, die Heal-Menge steigt um 7% .Archer Cls erhalten DEX + 3 und der Angriffschaden von Fernattacken steigt um 10%. Gegenstandsart : Helmet Verteidigung : 7 Location : Upper Gewicht : 40 Benötigtes Lv. : 100 Job : Nur 3rd Job/Kagerou/Oboro Id: (18570) Ancient Gold Deco [1] Beautiful Golden accssory with ancient magic. It changes its power by the owner's class. if base Lv. 150, All State + 2. If Swordman, Merchant, Thief class, ATK + 8%, if magician, Acolyte, MATK + 8%, increase 7% of heal amount, if Archer, DEX + 3, increase long distance physical attack power 10%. Class : Helemt Defense : 7 Location : Upper Weight : 40 Required Lv. : 100 Job : For 3rd Job only/Kagerou/Oboro Id: (18901) Seppl Hat [1] Un chapeau traditionnel qui est souvent porté lors des fêtes folkloriques. VIT+ 3, augmente la récupération de HP 10 % S'il est porté en même temps que l'item "Weißwurst", la récupération de SP est augmenté de 10%. Classe : Helmet Défense : 5 Position : Haut Poids : 50 Niveau Requis : 60 Profession : Tous Id: (19695) OutfitC Kettle Hat Basinizin üstüne koyabileceginiz bir su isiticisi. Sizi iyi savunabilir ama eger çok fazla hareket ederseniz içindeki sular dökülebilir. Sinif : Kostüm Savunma : 0 Konum : Alt Agirlik : 0 Gereken SV : 1 Meslek : Hepsi Id: (19709) OutfitC Yellow Ribbon Eski bir bayraktan yapilmis olan bir kurdale. Basinin bir tarafina yerlestirilir. Sinif : Kostüm Savunma : 0 Konum : Alt Agirlik : 0 Gereken SV : 1 Meslek : Hepsi Id: (19724) OutfitC Deproteai Doll Hat Kafra Deprotai sekline verilmis bir baslik! Bütük oglanlar günde 20 kere Kafra hizmetlerini kullanabilmek için onun pesindedir. Sinif : Kostüm Savunma : 0 Konum : Alt Agirlik : 0 Gereken SV : 1 Meslek : Hepsi Id: (21001) Velum Claymore *Stats during WoE & PVP Increases damage to enemy players by 80% and bypasses 30% Def. If refined to +6 or higher, increases physical damage to enemy players by an additional 40%. If refined to +9 or higher, has a chance of reflecting damage of physical and magic attacks as well as a chance to cast Magic Mirror. Class : Two-handed Sword Attack Strength : 260 Weight : 350 Weapon Level : 4 Required Level : 95 Jobs: Swordman Class Id: (21001) Velum Claymore *Stats pendant la WoE & PVP Augmente les dégâts infligés de 80% Augmente la défense de 30% Si forgé à +6 ou plus, augmente les dégâts infligés de 40% en plus. Si forgé à +9 ou plus, a une chance de renvoyer les dégâts physiques et magiques. Type : Two-handed Sword Puissance : 260 Poids : 350 Niveau arme : 4 Niveau requis : 95 Jobs: Swordman Id: (21001) Velum Claymore *Stats während WoE & PVP Erhöht den Schaden an feindlichen Spielern um 80% Reduziert den Schaden von feindlichen Angriffen um 30% Wenn Upgrade-Level +6 oder höher, erhöht den Schaden an feindlichen Spielern um zusätzliche 40%. Wenn Upgrade-Level +9 oder höher, ergibt sich eine Chance magische und physikalische Angriffe auf den Angreifer zurück zu werfen. Gegenstandsart : Two-handed Sword ATK : 260 Gewicht : 350 Waffen Lv. : 4 Benötigtes Lv. : 95 Jobs: Swordman Cls Id: (21001) Velum Claymore *Stats during WoE & PVP Increases damage to enemy players by 80% and bypasses 30% Def. If refined to +6 or higher, increases physical damage to enemy players by an additional 40%. If refined to +9 or higher, has a chance of reflecting damage of physical and magic attacks as well as a chance to cast Magic Mirror. Class : Two-handed Sword Attack Strength : 260 Weight : 350 Weapon Level : 4 Required Level : 95 Jobs: Swordman Class Id: (21002) Velum Katzbalger *Stats during WoE & PVP Decreases target's HP by 8% per hit. (This effect does not work with skills) Class : Two-handed Sword Attack Strength : 100 Weight : 250 Weapon Level : 4 Required Level : 95 Jobs: Swordman Class Id: (21002) Velum Katzbalger *Stats pendant la WoE & PVP Draine 8% des dégâts infligés aux joueurs. Type : Two-handed Sword Puissance : 100 Poids : 250 Niveau arme : 4 Niveau requis : 95 Jobs: Swordman Id: (21002) Velum Katzbalger *Stats während WoE & PVP Zieht 8% HP pro Angriff von feindlichen Spielern ab. Gegenstandsart : Two-handed Sword ATK : 100 Gewicht : 250 Waffen Lv. : 4 Benötigtes Lv. : 95 Jobs: Swordman Cls Id: (21002) Velum Katzbalger *Stats during WoE & PVP Decreases target's HP by 8% per hit. (This effect does not work with skills) Class : Two-handed Sword Attack Strength : 100 Weight : 250 Weapon Level : 4 Required Level : 95 Jobs: Swordman Class
  9. Changed Item Spoiler Alert: Id: (501) Red Potion A potion made from grinded Red Herbs that restores about 45 HP. _ Weight : 7 Id: (502) Orange Potion A potion made from grinded Red and Yellow Herbs that restores about 105 HP. _ Weight : 10 Id: (503) Yellow potion A potion made from grinded Yellow Herbs that restores about 175 HP. _ Weight : 13 Id: (504) White Potion A potion made from grinded White Herbs that restores about 325 HP. _ Weight : 15 Id: (505) Blue Potion A potion made from grinded Blue Herbs that restores about 60 SP. _ Weight : 15 Id: (506) Green Potion A potion which cures Poison, Silence, Blind and Chaos effects. _ Weight : 7 Id: (507) Red Herb A weak medicinal herb which heals wounds. Recovers a little HP. _ Weight : 3 Id: (508) Yellow Herb A valuable medicinal herb which efficiently heals wounds. Recovers a little HP. _ Weight : 5 Id: (509) White Herb A valuable medicinal herb which greatly heals wounds. Recovers a little HP. _ Weight : 7 Id: (510) Blue Herb A very valuable medicinal herb whose unique aroma gratifies one's spirit. Recovers a little SP. _ Weight : 7 Id: (511) Green Herb A valuable medicinal herb which counteracts the effects of poison. _ Weight : 3 Id: (512) Apple A round, edible fruit that, when eaten once a day, keeps the doctor away. Recovers a small amount of HP. _ Weight : 2 Id: (513) Banana A sweet tasting tropical fruit made famous by its use in slapstick comedy and practical jokes. Recovers a small amount of HP. _ Weight : 2 Id: (514) Grape Clustered berries with smooth skin that can be fermented to make wine. Recovers a small amount of SP. _ Weight : 2 Id: (515) Carrot An orange root that is supposedly good for your vision. Despite the Beta Carotene, kids don't care much for it. Recovers a small amount of HP. _ Weight : 2 Id: (516) Potato A tuber that can be fried, baked, boiled mashed, even eaten. Recovers a small amount of HP. _ Weight : 2 Id: (517) Meat A leg of meat that's been cooked to near perfection. Recovers a small amount of HP. _ Weight : 15 Id: (518) Honey A sweet product made by bees that is endowed with yummy flavor and medicinal uses. Recovers a small amount of HP and SP. _ Weight : 10 Id: (519) Milk Pasteurized and bottled cow milk that is chock full of bovine goodness. Recovers a small amount of HP. _ Weight : 3 Id: (520) Hinalle Leaflet Leaf cut from a Hinalle Plant which has a cool, fresh scent. It can ease pain and reinvigorate. Recovers a suitable amount of HP. _ Weight : 1 Id: (521) Aloe Leaflet Leaf cut from an Aloe plant. Recovers a suitable amount of HP. _ Weight : 2 Id: (522) Mastela Fruit A shiny, purple fruit picked from the boughs of the Mastela tree. Recovers a great amount of HP. _ Weight : 3 Id: (523) Holy Water Blessed water used in sacred ceremonies. Cures Cursed status. _ Weight : 3 Id: (525) Panacea A mystic remedy for all illnesses. Cures every abnormal status. _ Weight : 10 Id: (526) Royal Jelly Highly nutritious jelly secreted from honeybees that they only feed to larvae and future queens. Cures every abnormal status; Recovers 250 HP. _ Weight : 15 Id: (528) Monster's Feed Processed food that is normally fed to monsters. Recovers a small amount of HP. _ Weight : 15 Id: (529) Candy A confection of sugar, chocolate and other flavorings. Kids love it! Recovers 45 HP. _ Weight : 3 Id: (530) Candy Cane A striped cane of peppermint candy. Sugar daddies love it! Recovers 105 HP. _ Weight : 4 Id: (531) Apple Juice Bottled apple juice that's easy to digest. Recovers a suitable amount of HP. _ Weight : 4 Id: (532) Banana Juice Bottled banana juice that's easy to digest. Recovers a suitable amount of HP. _ Weight : 4 Id: (533) Grape Juice Bottled grape juice that's easy to digest. Recovers a suitable amount of SP. _ Weight : 4 Id: (534) Carrot Juice Bottled carrot juice that's easy to digest. Recovers a suitable amount of HP. _ Weight : 4 Id: (535) Pumpkin A large orange fruit grown from a vine that's used in baking pies and a few other dishes. Recovers a small amount of HP. _ Weight : 2 Id: (536) Ice Cream Deliciously frosty ice cream that can cause brain freeze if you eat too much too quickly. Recovers a suitable amount of HP. _ Weight : 8 Id: (537) Pet Food Sterilized food that has been fortified with vitamins and minerals. Some Cute Pets will feed on this. Weight : 1 Id: (538) Well-baked Cookie A warm, scrumptious cookie. Restores a suitable amount of HP. Weight : 3 Id: (539) Piece of Cake A sweet slice of cake covered in icing and topped with a cherry. Recovers a suitable amount of HP. Weight : 10 Id: (540) Falcon Food Food intended for Falcons, but it's actually tasty enough for humans to eat. Weight : 5 Id: (541) PecoPeco Food Food manufactured to feed Peco Pecos, but will suffice for desperately hungry humans as well. Weight : 5 Id: (544) Raw Fish A raw, fresh fish. Weight : 3 Id: (545) Condensed Red Potion A condensed red potion. _ Weight : 2 Id: (546) Condensed Yellow Potion A condensed yellow potion. _ Weight : 3 Id: (547) Condensed White Potion A condensed white potion. _ Weight : 5 Id: (548) Cheese A palatable food with a unique scent that restores a small amount of SP. _ Weight : 5 Id: (549) Yam A kind of plant root used as food that restores a great amount of HP. It's advised to eat this slowly with water, or to bake it beforehand. _ Weight : 8 Id: (550) Rice Cake A snack made out of rice that doesn't contain any fat. Some women love having this snack. _ Weight : 1 Id: (551) Sushi An Eastern delicacy, in which various types of raw fish is placed on top of rice. The rice is marinated in vinegar then wrapped in dried seaweed. _ Weight : 5 Id: (552) Ketupat A type of food that is usually eaten by people in a country after their abstinence ceremony. _ Weight : 1 Id: (553) Bao A type of dough that is filled with grinded meat, usually served hot. People living in eastern countries have enjoyed eating this food for a long time. _ Weight : 5 Id: (554) Mochi Soft and warm rice cake. _ Weight : 8 Id: (555) Traditional Rice Cake A type of food that is made of rice powder. There are many recipes to make this food, all of them absolutely delicious. _ Weight : 2 Id: (556) Rice Cake Stick A thin stick of rice cake which is moist and sticky. _ Weight : 1 Id: (557) Neatly Sliced Rice Cake A bag of sliced rice cake. Can be cooked in various ways. _ Weight : 1 Id: (558) Chocolate Fried and grinded Cacao that is solidified with Milk and cacao paste. Delicious and bittersweet. _ Weight : 2 Id: (559) Hand-made Chocolate A collection of chocolates that are gathered and arranged to make a beautiful item. This is often used in courtship, and sometimes even used effectively. _ Weight : 8 Id: (560) Handmade White Chocolate White chocolate which is used to propose to a girl by a boy during White Day. _ Weight : 8 Id: (561) White Chocolate A white cacao. _ Weight : 8 Id: (562) Doublecrust Swiss Fondue kRO event item. _ Weight : 15 Id: (563) Doublecrust Swiss Fondue kRO event item. _ Weight : 15 Id: (564) Rice Ball A lump of rice which can be eaten for lunch. _ Weight : 3 Id: (566) Tom Yum Goong A type of soup wich is regarded as one of the three famous soups in the world. It has a spicy, sweet and sour taste with shrimps, lemons and chilees. _ Weight : 15 Id: (567) Shrimp A shellfish which has a long tail and many legs. When cooked, the color of body changes into red and its flesh is very tasty with a unique scent. Recovers a little HP _ Weight : 4 Id: (568) Lemon A bright yellow fruit with very sour juice and a fresh scent. Recovers a little SP _ Weight : 4 Id: (569) Novice Potion An exclusive red potion for Novices! Restore a little HP. _ Weight : 1 Id: (570) Lucky Candy A candy which is rumored to bring luck to whomever eats it. _ Weight : 3 Id: (571) Lucky Candy Cane A candy cane which is rumored to bring luck to whomever eats it. _ Weight : 4 Id: (572) Lucky Cookie A cookie which is rumored to bring luck to whomever eats it. Weight : 3 Id: (573) Chocolate Drink A kind of drink made from chocolate and milk from one of the Royal Court Dessert Specialist's recipes. Although the Dessert Chef wishes for people to drink this treat elegantly, it's usually gulped down, enjoyed with hand sloppily placed on the waist. _ Weight : 15 Id: (574) Egg An egg from a bird. It's full of nutrition, making it an ideal food for growing children.Recover a small amount of HP . _ Weight : 3 Id: (575) 2nd Anniversary Cake A big, tasty slice of cake made in celebration of Ragnarok's second anniversary. Restores HP. Weight : 10 Id: (576) Prickly Fruit A freshly scented, thorny fruit from a tree that restores a small amount of HP and SP. Weight : 4 Id: (577) Bag of Grain Dried grains that are commonly used in the cuisines of many countries. Restores a small amount of HP. [/s][/color] Weight : 2 Id: (579) Fresh Fish A fresh fish that can be cooked in a variety of ways. Restores a small amount of HP. [/s][/color] Weight : 2 Id: (580) Bread Freshly leavened bread that gives off a wholesome scent. Restores a small amount of HP. [/s][/color] Weight : 2 Id: (581) Edible Mushroom An edible mushroom that can be eaten raw or cooked. Restores a small amount of HP. [/s][/color] Weight : 2 Id: (582) Orange A sweet citrus fruit that can be eaten raw, juiced, or cooked as a jam. Restores a small amount of HP and SP. [/s][/color] Weight : 2 Id: (583) KETUPAT SAYUR Made traditional cookery of ketupat served to celebrate idul fitri feast day of Ramadan. _ Weight : 15 Id: (584) Fish Cake Soup A bowl filled with hot, hearty fish broth and a generous helping of fish cake. _ Weight : 6 Id: (587) Red Prickly Fruit A freshly scented, thorny fruit from a tree that restores a small amount of HP and SP. Weight : 4 Id: (590) Bretzel Looks so yummy that you will feel like to have a bite instantly. Recover a small amount of HP. Weight : 2 Id: (591) Caviar Pancake A pancake topped with caviar. Average people have trouble telling the difference between fine caviar and common frog spawn eggs. Cures all abnormal statuses, recovers HP and SP. _ Weight : 15 Id: (592) Jam Pancake A pancake topped with strawberry jam. This looks much more delicious than plain strawberries alone. Cures all abnormal statuses, recovers HP and SP. _ Weight : 15 Id: (593) Honey Pancake A very sweet pancake topped with honey. Cures all abnormal statuses, recovers HP and SP. _ Weight : 15 Id: (594) Sour-Cream Pancake A pancake in which sour cream is one of the main ingredients. Biting into just once will make your eyes water. Cures all abnormal statuses, recovers HP and SP. _ Weight : 15 Id: (595) Mushroom Pancake A pancake made with mushrooms that has a light taste that everyone seems to like. Cures all abnormal statuses, recovers HP and SP. _ Weight : 15 Id: (598) Light Red Potion A red potion that has been condensed to reduce its weight and increase its effectiveness. _ Weight : 1 Id: (599) Light Orange Potion An orange potion that has been condensed to reduce its weight and increase its effectiveness. _ Weight : 1 Id: (601) Fly Wing An enchanted fly's wing that instantly sends its user to a random spot when waved in the air. Instant teleport. _ Weight : 5 Id: (602) Butterfly Wing An enchanted butterfly's wing that instantly sends its user to his Save Point when waved in the air. Instant teleport to character's Save Point. _ Weight : 5 Id: (603) Old Blue Box A mysterious blue box that seems to hold something inside, but you'll have to open it to find out. _ Weight : 20 Id: (604) Dead Branch A twig which contains the mysterious power of eternity. It can summon a living creature... _ Weight : 5 Id: (605) Anodyne A medicine made from grinded Mint that is used to ease pain and relax muscle tension. It's a popular painkiller because of its potency. _ Weight : 10 Id: (606) Aloevera A basic herbal emollient made from Aloe extract. Despite its stench and sour taste, it's addictive if regularly eaten. _ Weight : 10 Id: (607) Yggdrasilberry Fruit from the Yggdrasil tree which brings life to our world. Its fantastic taste is full of life. Fully restores HP and SP. _ Weight : 30 Id: (608) Yggdrasil Seed Seed from the Yggdrasil tree which holds our world together. It has a weird, energizing pungence. Restores one half of maximum HP and SP. _ Weight : 30 Id: (609) Amulet A forbidden talisman that can reanimate the dead, resulting in a walking corpse or undead zombie. _ Weight : 10 Id: (610) Yggdrasil Leaf Leaf from the Yggdrasil tree which maintains the mortal coil. It can bring life to fallen characters. _ Weight : 10 Id: (611) Magnifier A magnifying glass used for scrutinizing objects. Appraises unidentified items and equipment. _ Weight : 5 Id: (612) Mini Furnace A disposable, miniature blast furnace that can be easily carried. Used to manufacture metals. _ Weight : 20 Id: (613) Iron Hammer A disposable hammer made out of well-tempered steel. Necessary tool in crafting Level 1 Weapons. _ Weight : 20 Id: (614) Golden Hammer A disposable hammer made out of pure gold. Necessary tool in crafting Level 2 Weapons. _ Weight : 30 Id: (615) Oridecon Hammer A disposable hammer made out of Oridecon. Necessary tool in crafting Level 3 Weapons. _ Weight : 40 Id: (616) Old Card Album An antique album in which the power of a mysterious Card item is contained... _ Weight : 5 Id: (617) Old Purple Box An old purple box holding contents that are a mystery until it is opened. _ Weight : 20 Id: (618) Worn Out Scroll A rolled up piece of parchment, now brittle with age, on which faded text can scarcely be read. _ Weight : 2 Id: (619) Unripe Apple An apple that isn't ripe enough for humans to eat. Poring finds it to be very tasty. Class : Taming Item Weight : 5 Id: (620) Orange Juice A small bottle of orange juice. Drops finds it to be very tasty. Class : Taming Item Weight : 5 Id: (621) Bitter Herb An herb that is too bitter for the human palate. Poporing finds it to be very tasty. Class : Taming Item Weight : 5 Id: (622) Rainbow Carrot A fragrant carrot colored with all the hues of the rainbow. Lunatic finds it to be very tasty. Class : Taming Item Weight : 5 Id: (623) Earthworm the Dude A rather suave looking earthworm gifted with womanizing debonairness. Picky finds him to be quite delicious. Class : Taming Item Weight : 5 Id: (624) Rotten Fish A rotting, dirty fish that attracts flies. Chonchon finds it to be very tasty. Class : Taming Item Weight : 5 Id: (625) Rusty Iron A rusty piece of iron that would only interest scavengers and vermin. Steel Chonchon finds it to be very tasty. Class : Taming Item Weight : 5 Id: (626) Monster Juice A fetid drink made of monster blood. Hunter Fly finds it to be very tasty. Class : Taming Item Weight : 5 Id: (627) Sweet Milk Sweet, luscious, full bodied milk. Savage Bebe finds it to be very tasty. Class : Taming Item Weight : 5 Id: (628) Well-Dried Bone A tough, chewy bone that has been dried in the sun. Baby Desert Wolf finds it to be very tasty. Class : Taming Item Weight : 5 Id: (629) Singing Flower A flower that has been miraculously blessed with the gift of song. Rocker is inexplicably drawn to its sweet melodies. Class : Taming Item Weight : 5 Id: (630) Dew Laden Moss A dewy, green moss that grows in cool places. Spore finds it quite delectable. Class : Taming Item Weight : 5 Id: (631) Deadly Noxious Herb A plant that contains poisons that would harm most living creatures. Poison Spore is known to savor its flavor. Class : Taming Item Weight : 5 Id: (632) Fatty Chubby Earthworm An earthworm that stopped caring about its figure years ago. Peco Peco loves the way that it tastes. Class : Taming Item Weight : 5 Id: (633) Sweet Potato A baked sweet potato with an appetizing scent. Smokie loves eating this. Class : Taming Item Weight : 5 Id: (634) Tropical Banana A premium quality banana grown in the tropics. Yoyo finds it irresistable; forever will it be his one weakness. Class : Taming Item Weight : 5 Id: (635) Orc Trophy A trophy awarded to the bravest of Orcs. Orc Warriors are compelled to claim it as their very own. Class : Taming Item Weight : 5 Id: (636) No Recipient An old, heartfelt letter that has never been delivered since it has no recipient. Munak is inexplicably drawn to this item. Class : Taming Item Weight : 5 Id: (637) Old Broom A generations old broom that is handed down within a family. Dokebi is drawn to it for some reason. Class : Taming Item Weight : 5 Id: (638) Silver Knife of Chastity A silver knife that is a symbol of a virgin's chastity. Sohee loves collecting these. Class : Taming Item Weight : 5 Id: (639) Armlet of Obedience A fancy, intricately decorated bracelet. Isis is lured by its regal beauty. Class : Taming Item Weight : 5 Id: (640) Shining Stone A stone that softly glimmers with faint light. Petite is drawn to its gentle sparkle. Class : Taming Item Weight : 5 Id: (641) Contract in Shadow A contract drawn in darkness. Deviruchi is compelled to claim this item as its own. Class : Taming Item Weight : 5 Id: (642) Book of the Devil A forbidden book in which the secret for summoning high level demons is detailed. Baphomet Jr. cannot resist its power. Class : Taming Item Weight : 5 Id: (643) Pet Incubator A portable incubator that is used to hatch Cute Pet monster eggs. _ Weight : 3 Id: (644) Gift Box A box that contains some sort of present. Weight : 20 Id: (645) Concentration Potion A potent medicine that stimulates concentration. Temporarily increases Attack Speed. [/s][/color] Jobs : All Weight : 10 Id: (656) Awakening Potion A special tonic that combats the effects of drowsiness. Temporarily increases Attack Speed. Required Level : 40 Jobs : All except Acolyte, Priest, Bard, and Dancer Jobs Weight : 15 Id: (657) Berserk Potion Remarkably powerful medicine that stimulates circulation and amplifies quickness. Temporarily increases Attack Speed. Required Level : 85 Jobs : Swordman and Merchant Classes; Rogue, Mage, and Wizard Jobs Weight : 20 Id: (658) Tribal Solidarity A symbol of solidarity that evokes a feeling of nobility to those who see it. Weight : 50 Id: (659) Her Heart An old book rumored to be enchanted by a girl whose name has been forgotten with time. For some reason, Bongun is drawn to it. Weight : 5 Id: (660) Forbidden Red Candle A candle that may have a mysterious purpose. Class : Taming Item Weight : 5 Id: (661) Soft Apron A soft apron that is double stitched for better quality. Favorite item of the Alice monster. Class : Taming Item Weight : 5 Id: (662) Authoritative Badge A badge made out of bronze that was used in an ancient asian country. It was given to government officials who went on business trips and they could use this badge to rent horses anywhere. Temporarily increases Movement Speed. _ Weight : 3 Id: (664) Gift Box A box which contains a gift. Weight : 20 Id: (665) Gift Box A box which contains a gift. Weight : 20 Id: (666) Gift Box A box which contains a gift. Weight : 20 Id: (667) Gift Box A box which contains a gift. Weight : 20 Id: (668) Red Envelope A red envelope which is given to children on New Year's Day. It seems to contain something that will make its recipient very happy. _ Weight : 2 Id: (669) Tempting Rice-Cake Soup A soup made with pieces of rice cake. It is said that having a bowl of this soup on New Year's Day will make you one year older. Young children would abuse this custom to reach legal driving age until the law was changed. _ Weight : 10 Id: (670) Bag of Gold Coins A bag filled with gold coins. _ Weight : 40 Id: (671) Gold Coin A coin made of gold. _ Weight : 4 Id: (672) Bag of Bronze Coins A bag filled with bronze coins. _ Weight : 40 Id: (673) Bronze Coin A coin made of bronze. _ Weight : 4 Id: (674) Mithril Coin A coin made of mythril. _ Weight : 4 Id: (675) Silver Coin A coin made of silver. _ Weight : 4 Id: (676) Bag of Silver Coins A bag filled with silver coins. _ Weight : 40 Id: (677) Platinum Coin A coin made of platinum. _ Weight : 4 Id: (678) Poison Bottle A skeleton shaped bottle which contains deadly poison. _ Weight : 10 Id: (679) Gold Pill An herbal medicine from an old eastern country that is rumored to cure every illness. _ Weight : 30 Id: (684) Durian A tropical delicacy known as the king of fruits. It's big, green and heavy, and is covered in thorns. Its odor may offend some people, but it tastes delicious. ATK +10, MATK +10 _ Weight : 30 Id: (685) Ramadan A word which means 'September' in a desert country and a month of holy moon. During this period, everyone goes on a fast and lead an acentic life. _ Weight : 30 Id: (686) Level 3 Earth Spike A spell scroll which was made by the essence of ancient magic. Allows to use Level 3 Earth Spike. _ Weight : 1 Id: (687) Level 5 Earth Spike A spell scroll which was made by the essence of ancient magic. Allows to use Level 5 Earth Spike. _ Weight : 1 Id: (688) Level 3 Cold Bolt A spell scroll which was made by the essence of ancient magic. Allows to use Level 3 Cold Bolt. _ Weight : 1 Id: (689) Level 5 Cold Bolt A spell scroll which was made by the essence of ancient magic. Allows to use Level 5 Cold Bolt. _ Weight : 1 Id: (690) Level 3 Fire Bolt A spell scroll which was made by the essence of ancient magic. Allows to use Level 3 Fire Bolt. _ Weight : 1 Id: (691) Level 5 Fire Bolt A spell scroll which was made by the essence of ancient magic. Allows to use Level 5 Fire Bolt. _ Weight : 1 Id: (692) Level 3 Lightening Bolt A spell scroll which was made by the essence of ancient magic. Allows to use Level 3 Lightening Bolt. _ Weight : 1 Id: (693) Level 5 Lightening Bolt A spell scroll which was made by the essence of ancient magic. Allows to use Level 5 Lightening Bolt. _ Weight : 1 Id: (694) Level 3 Soul Strike A spell scroll which was made by the essence of ancient magic. Allows to use Level 3 Soul Strike. _ Weight : 1 Id: (695) Level 5 Soul Strike A spell scroll which was made by the essence of ancient magic. Allows to use Level 5 Soul Strike. _ Weight : 1 Id: (696) Level 1 Fire Ball A spell scroll which was made by the essence of ancient magic. Allows to use Level 1 Fire Ball. _ Weight : 1 Id: (697) Level 5 Fire Ball A spell scroll which was made by the essence of ancient magic. Allows to use Level 5 Fire Ball. _ Weight : 1 Id: (698) Level 1 Fire Wall A spell scroll which was made by the essence of ancient magic. Allows to use Level 1 Fire Wall. _ Weight : 1 Id: (699) Level 5 Fire Wall A spell scroll which was made by the essence of ancient magic. Allows to use Level 5 Fire Wall. _ Weight : 1 Id: (700) Level 1 Frost Diver A spell scroll which was made by the essence of ancient magic. Allows to use Level 1 Frost Diver. _ Weight : 1 Id: (701) Ora Ora A trap that uses sticky, sweet scented liquid to lure and ensnare Thief Bugs. Handy if bugs are totally infesting a home. _ Weight : 20 Id: (702) Animal Gore Bottled blood from a freshly slain beast. It's usually used to lure other animals. _ Weight : 10 Id: (703) Hinalle A common plant with a mildly curative effect, its leaves can give a nice and smoothing sensation. _ Weight : 1 Id: (704) Aloe A rare plant with curative properties that only grows deep in the forest during certain times of the year. _ Weight : 1 Id: (705) Clover A plant with three heart shaped leaves that is plentiful in meadows. _ Weight : 1 Id: (706) Four Leaf Clover An extremely rare clover with four leaves. Legends say that merely holding a Four Leaf Clover is a sign of great fortune to come. _ Weight : 1 Id: (707) Singing Plant A mysterious plant that sings melancholic songs under a full moon. Legend says it's a woman grieving over the loss of her lover that has been reborn. _ Weight : 1 Id: (708) Ment A white flower containing oils that can relieve pain and aches. Strangely, only a few remember how to use it to cause memory loss. _ Weight : 1 Id: (709) Izidor A powerful hallucinogen once ground and eaten, the growing of Izidor has been prohibited because of its awesome addictiveness. _ Weight : 1 Id: (710) Illusion Flower Rarely seen by humans, this flower supposedly shines brilliantly under the light of the moon. _ Weight : 1 Id: (711) Shoot A delicate and fragile plant that is still in the early stages of growth. _ Weight : 1 Id: (712) Flower An ordinary, thornless wildflower that doesn't have any particular scent. _ Weight : 1 Id: (713) Empty Bottle An empty bottle that can be used for carrying liquid. _ Weight : 2 Id: (714) Emperium Merely owning this gloriously resplendent gem is said to be a sign of being chosen by fate to wield great power. _ Weight : 100 Id: (715) Yellow Gemstone An enchanted crystal that is used in conjuction with certain magic spells. Once used, it is powerless and immediately destroyed. _ Weight : 3 Id: (716) Red Gemstone An enchanted crystal that is used in conjuction with certain magic spells. Once used, it is powerless and immediately destroyed. _ Weight : 3 Id: (717) Blue Gemstone An enchanted crystal that is used in conjuction with certain magic spells. Once used, it is powerless and immediately destroyed. _ Weight : 3 Id: (718) Garnet A dark red jewel that is the birthstone for people born in January. _ Weight : 10 Id: (719) Amethyst A purple jewel that is the birthstone for people born in February. _ Weight : 10 Id: (720) Aquamarine A clear, sky blue jewel that is the birthstone for people born in March. _ Weight : 10 Id: (721) Emerald A brilliant, green jewel that is the birthstone for people born in May. _ Weight : 10 Id: (722) Pearl A pink jewel that is the birthstone for people born in June. _ Weight : 10 Id: (723) Ruby A deep maroon jewel that is the birthstone for people born in July. ___ _ Weight : 10 Id: (724) Cursed Ruby A ruby containing mysterious powers. _ Weight : 10 Id: (725) Sardonyx An onyx with alternating brown and white bands of sard. It's the birthstone for people born in August. _ Weight : 10 Id: (726) Sapphire A dark blue gem that is the birthstone for people born during September. _ Weight : 10 Id: (727) Opal A gem displaying an array of brilliant colors that is the birthstone for people born in October. _ Weight : 10 Id: (728) Topaz A golden gem that is the birthstone for people born in November. _ Weight : 10 Id: (729) Zircon A dazzling white-blue gem that is the birthstone for the month of December. _ Weight : 10 Id: (730) 1carat Diamond A small, twinkling and transparent gem that can be sold at a good price. _ Weight : 10 Id: (731) 2carat Diamond A medium size, sparkling transparent gem that can be sold at a high price. _ Weight : 10 Id: (732) 3carat Diamond A huge, dazzling gem that can be sold at an outrageous price. _ Weight : 10 Id: (733) Cracked Diamond A damaged diamond with obvious imperfections that won't sell for much zeny. _ Weight : 10 Id: (734) Red Frame A red frame that would make a nice present. _ Weight : 20 Id: (735) Chung Jah Ancient Korean porcelain made of blue ceramic and crafted by a true master. _ Weight : 50 Id: (736) China A clean, white plate crafted by a Chinese master. It's a nice present for the ladies. _ Weight : 30 Id: (737) Black Ladle A black colored ladle, made out of an especially strong glowing material. _ Weight : 5 Id: (738) Pencil Case A case for containing pencils. It'd be a nice gift for artists, writers, students and the like _ Weight : 10 Id: (739) Rouge Make-up for rich women that is made of extracts from plants and animals. When applied to the skin, it shines in a lustrous, attractive red color. _ Weight : 1 Id: (740) Puppet A cute cotton doll that's a favorite for little girls. _ Weight : 10 Id: (741) Poring Doll A doll made to resemble a Poring monster. Everyone likes it for its cuteness. _ Weight : 10 Id: (742) Chonchon Doll A doll made in the image of a Chonchon monster. Most people feel a little repulsed by this doll... _ Weight : 10 Id: (743) Spore Doll A doll that looks just like a Spore monster. _ Weight : 10 Id: (744) Bouquet A bunch of flowers that is given to express love, thanks or appreciation. _ Weight : 5 Id: (745) Wedding Bouquet A small bouquet thrown by brides during the wedding ceremony. The single woman who catches it is the next to be married, supposedly. _ Weight : 5 Id: (746) Glass Bead A toy for young boys that's sort of like a marble. But not really. _ Weight : 5 Id: (747) Crystal Mirror A gorgeous mirror made with polished crystal that is considered an essential for every woman. _ Weight : 5 Id: (748) Witherless Rose A symbol of eternal love, this enchanted rose will never wither. However, it is rare and expensive. _ Weight : 1 Id: (749) Frozen Rose Sculpted out of ice by masters in the Arctic, this unique and beautiful rose makes a great gift. _ Weight : 1 Id: (750) Baphomet Doll A doll made to resemble Baphomet, enemy of all that is righteous. It is a dollmaker's masterpiece. _ Weight : 10 Id: (751) Osiris Doll A doll made to resemble Osiris, king of darkness. Without a doubt, it is a dollmaker's masterpiece. _ Weight : 10 Id: (752) Rocker Doll A doll made to resemble Rocker, the grasshopper that loves to play its violin in the fields. _ Weight : 10 Id: (753) Yoyo Doll A doll made to resemble one of the Yoyos. These intelligent monkeys live in groups and are very familiar with humans. _ Weight : 10 Id: (754) Racoon Doll A doll made to resemble Smokie, the racoon that possibly has the power of invisibility. _ Weight : 10 Id: (756) Rough Oridecon Raw ore that mostly consists of Oridecon metal. _ Weight : 20 Id: (757) Rough Elunium Raw ore that mostly consists of Elunium metal. _ Weight : 20 Id: (901) Daenggie A braided pigtail that has been cut from the head of a young girl. _ Weight : 1 Id: (902) Tree Root Some roots from trees can be used as medicine, but most of them are fibrous enough to be used as rope. _ Weight : 1 Id: (903) Reptile Tongue Merely a severed reptile's tongue. _ Weight : 1 Id: (904) Scorpion Tail A tail severed from a scorpion. _ Weight : 1 Id: (905) Stem Some stems from plants can be used to in making certain medicines. _ Weight : 1 Id: (906) Pointed Scale A single scale from a Worm Tail monster. _ Weight : 1 Id: (907) Resin A viscous plant substance used in the production of certain types of goods. _ Weight : 1 Id: (908) Spawn Frog eggs. _ Weight : 1 Id: (909) Jellopy A small crystallization created by some monsters. _ Weight : 1 Id: (910) Garlet A small crystallization created by some monsters. _ Weight : 1 Id: (911) Scell A small crystallization created by some monsters. _ Weight : 1 Id: (912) Zargon A small crystallization created by some monsters. _ Weight : 1 Id: (913) Tooth of Bat Farmiliar's sharpened tooth. _ Weight : 1 Id: (914) Fluff A clump of monster fur and fuzz that can be used to make thread and fabric. _ Weight : 1 Id: (915) Chrysalis Skin from a larva that has been shed or peeled off. _ Weight : 1 Id: (916) Feather of Birds A bird's feather that can be used in decor or in fabric creation. _ Weight : 1 Id: (917) Talon A sharp talon from a bird's foot. _ Weight : 1 Id: (918) Sticky Webfoot A webbed foot cut from a monster's hind leg. _ Weight : 1 Id: (919) Animal Skin Animal hide that can be used in making clothes, coverings or beddings. _ Weight : 1 Id: (920) Wolf Claw A claw severed from a wolf's paw. _ Weight : 1 Id: (921) Mushroom Spore A spore discharged from a mushroom. _ Weight : 1 Id: (922) Orc's Fang A cuspid wrenched out of from a gruesome Orc's jaw. _ Weight : 1 Id: (923) Evil Horn Baphomet's horn is a symbol representing evil. _ Weight : 1 Id: (924) Powder of Butterfly Butterfly wing powder that sparkles with the power of fantasy. _ Weight : 1 Id: (925) Bill of Birds A bird's beak. Waste not want not. _ Weight : 1 Id: (926) Snake Scale Scales from a snake that can be used to make some rather flamboyant clothes. _ Weight : 1 Id: (928) Insect Feeler Antennae that serve as sense organs for insects. _ Weight : 1 Id: (929) Immortal Heart A heart which will never stop beating. It contains some sort of dreadful power. _ Weight : 1 Id: (930) Rotten Bandage Old, dirty bandage that's so soiled, it's almost worthless. _ Weight : 1 Id: (931) Orcish Voucher A small sculpture that serves as the token for every true Orc Warrior. _ Weight : 1 Id: (932) Skel-Bone A bone taken from an Undead skeleton. _ Weight : 1 Id: (934) Memento A box that is buried with the dead. It contains gems and someone's mementos... _ Weight : 1 Id: (935) Shell A hard shell that used to protect a monster. _ Weight : 1 Id: (936) Scale Shell A shell-like piece of tough monster skin that is covered with hard scales. _ Weight : 1 Id: (937) Venom Canine A sharp, poisonous fang from a monster. _ Weight : 1 Id: (938) Sticky Mucus Mysteriously sticky liquid. _ Weight : 1 Id: (939) Bee Sting A stinger from a hornet or bee. _ Weight : 1 Id: (940) Grasshopper's Leg A Rocker's hind leg. _ Weight : 1 Id: (941) Nose Ring A ring placed in a cow's nose so that it can be steered more easily. _ Weight : 1 Id: (942) Yoyo Tail A prehensile tail from a Yoyo. _ Weight : 1 Id: (943) Solid Shell A solid, durable shell taken from a monster. _ Weight : 1 Id: (944) Horseshoe A ''U'' shaped piece of iron fitted on a horse's hoof for its protection. _ Weight : 1 Id: (945) Raccoon Leaf A leaf that gives Smokies the power to change form and become invisible. _ Weight : 1 Id: (946) Snail's Shell A hard, spiral shaped shell used by Snails. _ Weight : 1 Id: (947) Horn Hard and sharp horn from a monster's head. _ Weight : 1 Id: (948) Bear's Footskin A lazy bear's foot that supposedly has a unique flavor and the power to restore male vigor. _ Weight : 1 Id: (949) Feather A feather that boasts full, lustrous barbs used for making clothes of the highest quality. _ Weight : 1 Id: (950) Heart of Mermaid The heart of a mermaid. _ Weight : 1 Id: (951) Fin A fish monster's fin. _ Weight : 1 Id: (952) Cactus Needle A sharp needle from a Muka cactus monster. _ Weight : 1 Id: (953) Stone Heart A heart constructed entirely out of stone. _ Weight : 1 Id: (954) Shining Scale A shimmering, reflective scale. _ Weight : 1 Id: (955) Worm Peeling Shed skin from worms and insects. _ Weight : 1 Id: (956) Gill Part of a fish's breathing apparatus. _ Weight : 1 Id: (957) Decayed Nail A putrid, incredibly pungent corpse's nail. _ Weight : 1 Id: (958) Horrendous Mouth A complete set of corpse's teeth. Well, as complete as it can get. _ Weight : 1 Id: (959) Stinky Scale A nasty scale with a horribly offensive odor. _ Weight : 1 Id: (960) Nipper A crustacean's claw. _ Weight : 1 Id: (961) Conch The shell of a marine mollusk. _ Weight : 1 Id: (962) Tentacle A flexible, prehensile and boneless appendage. _ Weight : 1 Id: (963) Sharp Scale A scale that is much sharper than a razor. _ Weight : 1 Id: (964) Crab Shell A hard crab shell that smells horrible. _ Weight : 1 Id: (965) Clam Shell A hard shell taken from a dead clam. _ Weight : 1 Id: (966) Clam Flesh Muscular and fatty clam tissue that can be cooked in all sorts of ways. _ Weight : 1 Id: (967) Turtle Shell A hard shell that obviously failed to protect a turtle. _ Weight : 1 Id: (968) Heroic Emblem An emblem given to an Orc Warrior that is proof of his heroism. _ Weight : 1 Id: (969) Gold A valuable metal in bullion form. It's used to make coins, jewelry and gaudy false teeth. _ Weight : 20 Id: (970) Alcohol This colorless liquid is the secret behind the addictiveness of beers and wine. 200 Proof. _ Weight : 3 Id: (971) Detrimindexta A liquid with unique scientific properties. It's difficult to mix in water and is normally diluted in a solution. _ Weight : 3 Id: (972) Karvodailnirol A liquid with interesting characteristics and many possible applications. _ Weight : 3 Id: (973) Counteragent A mixture of chemical substances that can only be produced by geniuses. _ Weight : 7 Id: (974) Mixture A special compound that has applications that can only be understood by keen minds schooled in science. _ Weight : 7 Id: (975) Scarlet Dyestuffs Red colored dye that is made from grinded Red Herbs. _ Weight : 15 Id: (976) Lemon Dyestuffs Yellow colored dye that is made out of ground Yellow Herbs. _ Weight : 15 Id: (978) Cobaltblue Dyestuffs Blue colored dye that is made from ground Blue Herbs. _ Weight : 15 Id: (979) Darkgreen Dyestuffs Green colored dye that is made out of ground Green Herbs. _ Weight : 15 Id: (980) Orange Dyestuffs Orange colored dye that was made from grinding Red and Yellow Herbs together. _ Weight : 15 Id: (981) Violet Dyestuffs Purpled colored dye that is made by grinding Blue and Red Herbs. _ Weight : 15 Id: (982) White Dyestuffs White colored dye that is made out of grinded White Herbs. _ Weight : 15 Id: (983) Black Dyestuffs Black colored dye made from various grinded herbs. _ Weight : 15 Id: (984) Oridecon Pure Oridecon metal. Widely known as the Blessed Metal, it can increase the damage of weapons once welded to them. Used to temper Level 3 and 4 weapons. _ Weight : 20 Id: (985) Elunium A very light, non-toxic metal used for refining and toughening Armor. _ Weight : 20 Id: (986) Anvil A smithing tool on which heated metals are placed so that they can be shaped by hammering. Used in the making of common products. _ Weight : 50 Id: (987) Oridecon Anvil An anvil, made of pure Oridecon, that's used to make quality goods. _ Weight : 70 Id: (988) Golden Anvil An anvil, made of pure Gold, that's used in the manufacture of high quality products. _ Weight : 90 Id: (989) Emperium Anvil An anvil, made of pure Emperium, that's used to manufacture products of the highest quality. _ Weight : 100 Id: (990) Red Blood A vivid red ore that glows from inside with an orange yellow light. Possesses the Fire property and can form the enchanted stone, Flame Heart, when refined. _ Weight : 5 Id: (991) Crystal Blue A sky colored ore that glows with the light of the deep ocean depths. Possesses the Water property and forms the enchanted stone, Mystic Frozen, when refined. _ Weight : 5 Id: (992) Wind of Verdure A lemon colored ore that contains a pale, greenish light. Possesses the Wind property and forms the enchanted stone, Rough Wind, when refined. _ Weight : 5 Id: (993) Green Live A blue-green ore imbued with a faint, mesmerizing light. Possesses the Earth property and forms the enchanted stone, Great Nature, when refined. _ Weight : 5 Id: (994) Flame Heart A dark red, heart shaped stone enchanted with the Fire property. _ Weight : 30 Id: (995) Mystic Frozen A light blue, crystal stone enchanted with the Water property. _ Weight : 30 Id: (996) Rough Wind A pale green, lightning bolt shaped stone imbued with the Wind property. _ Weight : 30 Id: (997) Great Nature A citrus colored, bud shaped stone enchanted with the Earth property. _ Weight : 30 Id: (998) Iron Malleable, silver-white metal that's very light weight and easy to temper. Commonly used to create arms and other goods. _ Weight : 5 Id: (999) Steel An iron and carbon alloy known for its structural durability and usually used in the crafting of high-quality arms. _ Weight : 10 Id: (1000) Star Crumb A small stellar crystal, fallen from the heavens, which can be used to craft strengthened weapons. _ Weight : 10 Id: (1001) Star Dust Stardust which can form a Star Crumb after being refined. _ Weight : 1 Id: (1002) Iron Ore An impure ore that forms Iron after being refined. _ Weight : 15 Id: (1003) Coal A black mineral substance that can form Steel once it is combined with Iron. _ Weight : 5 Id: (1004) Chivalry Emblem A token which shows a knight's loyalty to his lord. _ Weight : 10 Id: (1005) Hammer of Blacksmith A hammer for the Blacksmith class that is used for refining. _ Weight : 80 Id: (1006) Old Magicbook A spell book containing powerful, ancient magic. _ Weight : 3 Id: (1007) Necklace of Wisdom A mysterious necklace that is rumored to possess the power of clairvoyance. _ Weight : 4 Id: (1008) Necklace of Oblivion A necklace given from a master once one earns the honor of joining the Assassin Guild. _ Weight : 10 Id: (1009) Hand of God A figure of a hand that contains great religious symbolism. _ Weight : 10 Id: (1010) Phracon A metal that can be used to strengthen and upgrade Level 1 Weapons. _ Weight : 20 Id: (1011) Emveretarcon A metal that can be used to strengthen and upgrade Level 2 Weapons. _ Weight : 20 Id: (1012) Frill Some skin from the neck of a lizard which lives in the desert. _ Weight : 1 Id: (1013) Rainbow Shell A bug shell that reflects the colors of the rainbow. _ Weight : 1 Id: (1014) Ant Jaw A tough, sharp jaw from an ant. _ Weight : 1 Id: (1015) Tongue A tongue cut from a Monster. It has a disgusting coating of sticky saliva. _ Weight : 1 Id: (1016) Rat Tail A thin rat's tail. _ Weight : 1 Id: (1017) Mole Whiskers Whiskers from a mole. _ Weight : 1 Id: (1018) Mole Claw A mole's claw that is sturdy enough to dig into the ground. _ Weight : 1 Id: (1019) Trunk A woody stem from a tree that's useful for lumber. _ Weight : 1 Id: (1020) Black Hair Lustrous, well brushed hair cut from some virgin. _ Weight : 1 Id: (1021) Dokebi Horn Horns from a Dokebi which are rumored to bring great fortune to their owner. _ Weight : 1 Id: (1022) Nine Tails A set of tails that used to belong to a Nine Tail fox. But not anymore, apparently. _ Weight : 1 Id: (1023) Fish Tail A tail severed from a fish monster. _ Weight : 1 Id: (1024) Squid Ink Bottled black fluid from Marse the squid that seems to have failed its purpose of providing self defense. _ Weight : 1 Id: (1025) Cobweb A sticky spider's web made of surprisingly strong threadlike fibers. _ Weight : 1 Id: (1026) Acorn A tough, woody shelled nut from an oak tree. _ Weight : 1 Id: (1027) Porcupine Quill Sharp, hollow quills which used to cover and protect some porcupine. _soft, furry, nice and refa Weight : 1 Id: (1028) Mane Bristly, tough hair cut from a wild boar. _ Weight : 1 Id: (1029) Tiger Skin A tiger's hide that's soft, furry, nice and feral. _ Weight : 1 Id: (1030) Tiger's Footskin A tiger's paw that's widely known to the elderly as the King of Invigorators. _ Weight : 1 Id: (1031) Mantis Scythe A sharp, front limb severed from a Mantis. _ Weight : 1 Id: (1032) Maneater Blossom A carnivorous flower with a digestive system very much like the humans. _ Weight : 1 Id: (1033) Maneater Root Roots, which resemble human legs, that almost look capable of walking. _ Weight : 1 Id: (1034) Blue Hair Hair cut from a Kobold that appears bristly but is actually downy soft. _ Weight : 1 Id: (1035) Dragon Canine A dragon's cuspid that is sharp enough to pierce through dragon scales. _ Weight : 1 Id: (1036) Dragon Scale An iridescent dragon's scale that is tough enough to protect from weather and most forms of harm. _ Weight : 1 Id: (1037) Dragon Tail A tail cut off from a dragon that, sadly, will never grow back. _ Weight : 1 Id: (1038) Little Evil Horn Horns sliced off the head of a little demon. _ Weight : 1 Id: (1039) Little Evil Wing Wings from a little demon which look like those of a small bat. _ Weight : 1 Id: (1040) Elder Pixie's Moustache A moustache shaved off an old dwarf that has somehow maintained its entire shape and form. _ Weight : 1 Id: (1041) Lantern A carriable case with glass panes that allow some contained light to illuminate dark areas. _ Weight : 1 Id: (1042) Bug Leg A hind leg that has been cut from a bug. _ Weight : 1 Id: (1043) Orc Claw A thick, sharpened fingernail from an Orc. _ Weight : 1 Id: (1044) Zenorc's Fang A cuspid pulled out of a cursed Orc's mouth. _ Weight : 1 Id: (1045) Cultish Masque A ceremonial mask used by an ancient shaman. _ Weight : 1 Id: (1046) Scorpion Nipper A sharp forelimb claw removed from a scorpion. _ Weight : 1 Id: (1047) Dead Medusa A Medusa's head that, naturally, looks pretty sad and depressed. _ Weight : 1 Id: (1048) Horrendous Hair Some of Medusa's hair, which is essentially just a bunch of snakes. _ Weight : 1 Id: (1049) Skirt of Virgin A traditional skirt that symbolizes virginity. _ Weight : 1 Id: (1050) Tendon A bunch of tough, strong tendons. _ Weight : 1 Id: (1051) Detonator A weird organic clump that seems to be the brain for a Marine Sphere monster. _ Weight : 1 Id: (1052) Single Cell A single, functioning cell taken from some monster. _ Weight : 1 Id: (1053) Ancient Tooth A sharp, serrated tooth pulled from the mouth of a giant deep sea fish. _ Weight : 1 Id: (1054) Ancient Lips A set of fat lips cut from a giant deep sea fish. _ Weight : 1 Id: (1055) Earthworm Peeling A shed skin peeling from an earthworm. _ Weight : 1 Id: (1056) Grit A cubic grain of sand that brightly sparkles. _ Weight : 1 Id: (1057) Moth Dust Bottled powder from the wings of a moth. _ Weight : 1 Id: (1058) Moth Wings A set of wings cut from a moth. _ Weight : 1 Id: (1059) Fabric A piece of nearly transparent fabric. _ Weight : 1 Id: (1060) Golden Hair A beautiful lock of golden human hair. _ Weight : 1 Id: (1061) Witch Starsand A bottle of sand that sparkles like the stars and is usually found in witch broom bristles. _ Weight : 1 Id: (1062) Jack o' Pumpkin A pumpkin with a carved, spooky face. _ Weight : 1 Id: (1063) Fang A sharp cuspid yanked from some monster's mouth. _ Weight : 1 Id: (1064) Reins Ring placed into a horse's pierced nose to help steer it in a certain direction. _ Weight : 1 Id: (1065) Trap Necessary item for Trap related skills. _ Weight : 1 Id: (1066) Fine-grained Trunk A tree trunk of wood with an excellent grain. _ Weight : 1 Id: (1067) Solid Trunk A tree trunk of wood that is nice and solid. _ Weight : 1 Id: (1068) Barren Trunk A tree trunk of wood that is pretty low quality. _ Weight : 1 Id: (1069) Orange Net Mushroom A sticky, smelly and poisonous mushroom that's commonly used in medicinal purposes. _ Weight : 1 Id: (1070) Orange Gooey Mushroom A rubbery scented, gooey mushroom commonly used in medicinal purposes. _ Weight : 1 Id: (1071) Unknown Test Tube A test tube that contains some sort of unidentified fluid. _ Weight : 3 Id: (1072) Delivery Message It's a personal letter written by Mahnsoo, chief of the Merchant Guild. _ Weight : 1 Id: (1073) Voucher A delivery voucher with the serial number: 2485741 _ Weight : 1 Id: (1074) Voucher A delivery voucher with the serial number: 2328137 _ Weight : 1 Id: (1075) Voucher A delivery voucher with the serial number: 2989396 _ Weight : 1 Id: (1076) Voucher A delivery voucher with the serial number: 2191737 _ Weight : 1 Id: (1077) Voucher A delivery voucher with the serial number: 3012685 _ Weight : 1 Id: (1078) Voucher A delivery voucher with the serial number: 3487372 _ Weight : 1 Id: (1079) Voucher A delivery voucher with the serial number: 3318702 _ Weight : 1 Id: (1080) Voucher A delivery voucher with the serial number: 3543625 _ Weight : 1 Id: (1081) Delivery Box A small, wooden box marked with the word ''Fragile.'' _ Weight : 120 Id: (1082) Delivery Box A small, wooden box marked with the word ''Fragile.'' _ Weight : 120 Id: (1083) Delivery Box A small, wooden box marked with the word ''Fragile.'' _ Weight : 120 Id: (1084) Kafra Pass A special, one-time use ticket that allows you to use any one of the Kafra Services free of charge. _ Weight : 1 Id: (1085) Unknown Test Tube A test tube that contains an unidentified substance. _ Weight : 3 Id: (1086) Unknown Test Tube A test tube that contains an unidentified substance. _ Weight : 3 Id: (1087) Unknown Test Tube A test tube that contains an unidentified substance. _ Weight : 3 Id: (1088) Morroc Solution A test tube that contains Morroc solution. _ Weight : 3 Id: (1089) Payon Solution A test tube that contains Payon solution. _ Weight : 3 Id: (1090) Unknown Test Tube A test tube that contains an unidentified substance. _ Weight : 3 Id: (1091) Delivery Box A small, wooden box marked with the word ''Fragile.'' _ Weight : 120 Id: (1092) Empty Test Tube An empty test tube that can be used to contain some kind of solution. _ Weight : 2 Id: (1093) Empty Potion Bottle An empty bottle that can be used to contain potions. _ Weight : 1 Id: (1094) Short Daenggie A short lock of braided hair. _ Weight : 1 Id: (1095) Clock Hand A set of hands taken from the face of a clock. _ Weight : 1 Id: (1096) Round Shell A round shell that looks like it has been rolled up. _ Weight : 1 Id: (1097) Worn Out Page A worn, tattered page torn from an old book. _ Weight : 1 Id: (1098) Manacles Wrist restraints that are usually used on prisoners. _ Weight : 1 Id: (1099) Worn-out Prison Uniform An old, used prison uniform. _ Weight : 1 Id: (1101) Sword [3] A basic one-handed sword. Weapon Class : Sword Attack Strength: 25 Weight : 50 Weapon Level: 1 Required Level : 2 Jobs : Novice, Swordman, Merchant and Thief Classes Id: (1102) Sword [4] A basic one-handed sword. Weapon Class : Sword Attack Strength: 25 Weight : 50 Weapon Level: 1 Required Level : 2 Jobs : Novice, Swordman, Merchant and Thief Classes Id: (1103) Sword A basic one-handed sword. Weapon Class : Sword Attack Strength: 25 Weight : 50 Weapon Level: 1 Required Level : 2 Jobs : Novice, Swordman, Merchant and Thief Classes Id: (1104) Falchion [3] A one-handed sword with a rounded blade. Weapon Class : Sword Attack Strength: 39 Weight : 60 Weapon Level: 1 Required Level : 2 Jobs : Novice, Swordman, Merchant and Thief Classes Id: (1105) Falchion [4] A one-handed sword with a rounded blade. Weapon Class : Sword Attack Strength: 39 Weight : 60 Weapon Level: 1 Required Level : 2 Jobs : Novice, Swordman, Merchant and Thief Classes Id: (1106) Falchion A one-handed sword with a rounded blade. Weapon Class : Sword Attack Strength: 39 Weight : 60 Weapon Level: 1 Required Level : 2 Jobs : Novice, Swordman, Merchant and Thief Classes Id: (1107) Blade [3] A one-handed sword with a thick, flat blade. Weapon Class : Sword Attack Strength: 53 Weight : 70 Weapon Level: 1 Required Level : 2 Jobs : Novice, Swordman, Merchant and Thief Classes Id: (1108) Blade [4] A one-handed sword with a thick, flat blade. Weapon Class : Sword Attack Strength: 53 Weight : 70 Weapon Level: 1 Required Level : 2 Jobs : Novice, Swordman, Merchant and Thief Classes Id: (1109) Blade A one-handed sword with a thick, flat blade. Weapon Class : Sword Attack Strength: 53 Weight : 70 Weapon Level: 1 Required Level : 2 Jobs : Novice, Swordman, Merchant and Thief Classes Id: (1110) Rapier [2] A one-handed sword with an elegant blade and crossguard. Weapon Class : Sword Attack Strength: 70 Weight : 50 Weapon Level: 2 Required Level : 14 Jobs : Novice, Swordman, Merchant and Thief Classes Id: (1111) Rapier [3] A one-handed sword with an elegant blade and crossguard. Weapon Class : Sword Attack Strength: 70 Weight : 50 Weapon Level: 2 Required Level : 14 Jobs : Novice, Swordman, Merchant and Thief Classes Id: (1112) Rapier A one-handed sword with an elegant blade and crossguard. Weapon Class : Sword Attack Strength: 70 Weight : 50 Weapon Level: 2 Required Level : 14 Jobs : Novice, Swordman, Merchant and Thief Classes Id: (1113) Scimiter [2] A strong, swift one-handed sword with a curved blade. Weapon Class : Sword Attack Strength: 85 Weight : 70 Weapon Level: 2 Required Level : 14 Jobs : Novice, Swordman, Merchant and Thief Classes Id: (1114) Scimiter [3] A strong, swift one-handed sword with a curved blade. Weapon Class : Sword Attack Strength: 85 Weight : 70 Weapon Level: 2 Required Level : 14 Jobs : Novice, Swordman, Merchant and Thief Classes Id: (1115) Scimiter [3] A strong, swift one-handed sword with a curved blade. Weapon Class : Sword Attack Strength: 85 Weight : 70 Weapon Level: 2 Required Level : 14 Jobs : Novice, Swordman, Merchant and Thief Classes Id: (1116) Katana [3] A straight bladed sword that the Japanese samurai depended on during battle. Weapon Class : Two-handed Sword Attack Strength: 60 Weight : 100 Weapon Level: 1 Required Level : 4 Jobs : Swordman Class Id: (1117) Katana [4] A straight bladed sword that the Japanese samurai depended on during battle. Weapon Class : Two-handed Sword Attack Strength: 60 Weight : 100 Weapon Level: 1 Required Level : 4 Jobs : Swordman Class Id: (1118) Katana A straight bladed sword that the Japanese samurai depended on during battle. Weapon Class : Two-handed Sword Attack Strength: 60 Weight : 100 Weapon Level: 1 Required Level : 4 Jobs : Swordman Class Id: (1119) Tsurugi [1] One of the most powerful one-handed swords, the Tsurugi was favored by the Japanese samurai. Weapon Class : Sword Attack Strength: 130 Weight : 120 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 27 Jobs : Swordman, Merchant, and Thief Classes Id: (1120) Tsurugi [2] One of the most powerful one-handed swords, the Tsurugi was favored by the Japanese samurai. Weapon Class : Sword Attack Strength: 130 Weight : 120 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 27 Jobs : Swordman, Merchant, and Thief Classes Id: (1121) Tsurugi One of the most powerful one-handed swords, the Tsurugi was favored by the Japanese samurai. Weapon Class : Sword Attack Strength: 130 Weight : 120 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 27 Jobs : Swordman, Merchant, and Thief Classes Id: (1122) Ring Pommel Saber [2] A one-handed sword with an elaborately designed hilt. Weapon Class : Sword Attack Strength: 100 Weight : 90 Weapon Level: 2 Required Level : 14 Jobs : Swordman, Merchant, and Thief Classes Id: (1123) Haedonggum [1] A one-handed, ancient Korean sword that is said to have the mysterious power to control minds. INT + 3 Weapon Class : Sword Attack Strength: 120 Weight : 90 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 27 Jobs : Swordman, Merchant, and Thief Classes Id: (1124) Orcish Sword Crafted by Orcish smiths and used by Orc Warriors, this one-handed sword is symbolic to the Orc tribe. Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts). Weapon Class : Sword Attack Strength: 90 Weight : 80 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 5 Jobs : Novice, Swordman, Merchant and Thief Classes Id: (1125) Ring Pommel Saber [3] A one-handed sword with an elaborately designed hilt. Weapon Class : Sword Attack Strength: 100 Weight : 90 Weapon Level: 2 Required Level : 14 Jobs : Swordman, Merchant, and Thief Classes Id: (1126) Saber [2] A heavy one-handed cavalry sword with a slightly curved blade. Weapon Class : Sword Attack Strength: 115 Weight : 100 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 27 Jobs : Swordman, Merchant, and Thief Classes Id: (1127) Saber [3] A heavy one-handed cavalry sword with a slightly curved blade. Weapon Class : Sword Attack Strength: 115 Weight : 100 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 27 Jobs : Swordman, Merchant, and Thief Classes Id: (1128) Haedonggum [2] A one-handed, ancient Korean sword that is said to have the mysterious power to control minds. INT + 3 Weapon Class : Sword Attack Strength: 120 Weight : 90 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 27 Jobs : Swordman, Merchant, and Thief Classes Id: (1129) Flamberge A powerful one-handed sword with a decoratively wavy, flame-like blade. Weapon Class : Sword Attack Strength: 150 Weight : 150 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 27 Jobs : Knight, Crusader Id: (1130) Nagan A one-handed sword topped with several extra edges for making wounds deeper and more unsightly. Increases damage against Demihuman monsters by 5% Enables use of Level 5 Double Attack. Weapon Class : Sword Attack Strength: 120 Weight : 50 Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 40 Jobs : Swordman, Merchant, and Thief Classes Id: (1131) Ice Falchion A one-handed, formal dress sword imbued with the Water property. Automatically casts Level 3 Cold Bolt by chance. Enables use of Level 3 Cold Bolt. Freeze monsters by 5% chance when hit. Freeze its owner by 1% chance when used. Weapon Class : Sword Attack Strength: 100 Weight : 60 Property: Water Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 40 Jobs : Swordman, Merchant, and Thief Classes Id: (1132) Edge A one-handed sword with an extremely sharp blade that can cause the Coma effect by low chance. Places Curse effect on its target by a 3% chance. Weapon Class : Sword Attack Strength: 115 Weight : 70 Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 40 Jobs : Swordman, Merchant, and Thief Classes Id: (1133) Fireblend A one-handed, formal dress sword imbued with the Fire property. Automatically casts Level 3 Fire Bolt by chance. Enables use of Level 3 Fire Bolt. Weapon Class : Sword Attack Strength: 100 Weight : 50 Property: Fire Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 40 Jobs : Swordman, Merchant, and Thief Classes Id: (1134) Caesar's Sword A one-handed sword which looks just like a pair of scissors. Increase damage inflicted on Plant monsters by 25%. Pierces Defense of Plant monsters. Weapon Class : Sword Attack Strength: 140 Weight : 70 Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 40 Jobs : Swordman, Merchant, and Thief Classes Id: (1135) Cutlus A one-handed sword popularized by its use by sea adventurers. Enables use of Level 5 Bash. STR + 2 DEF + 1 Weapon Class : Sword Attack Strength: 150 Weight : 90 Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 40 Jobs : Swordman, Merchant, and Thief Classes Id: (1136) Solar Sword A one-handed sword adorned with an engraving of the sun, symbolizing battle spirit and vigor. Regains 1% of damage inflicted on its target as as HP with each attack. Regains 1 % of the damage inflicted on its target as HP with each attack. Drains 15 SP from its owner every 10 seconds. Weapon Class : Sword Attack Strength: 85 Weight : 120 Property: Fire Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 40 Jobs : Swordman, Merchant, and Thief Classes Id: (1137) Excalibur The one-handed sword of Arthurian legend, it supposedly selects its owner by its own will to wield its holy powers. LUK +10 DEX -1 Weapon Class : Sword Attack Strength: 150 Weight : 120 Property: Holy Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 40 Jobs : Swordman, Merchant, and Thief Classes Id: (1138) Mysteltainn A one-handed sword inspired by the legendary twig said to have killed Baldur, god of light. similar to the legendary twig which was rumored to have murdered Baldur, the God of Light. Causes Stone Curse effect by low chance. Increase damage inflicted on Ghost property by 15%. DEX +3 Weapon Class : Sword Attack Strength: 170 Weight : 100 Property: Shadow Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 40 Jobs : Swordman, Merchant, and Thief Classes Id: (1139) Tirfing A one-handed sword said to bring a horrific fate to whoever wields it. Drains 35 HP every 10 seconds. Weapon Class : Sword Attack Strength: 200 Weight : 100 Property: Shadow Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 40 Jobs : Swordman, Merchant, and Thief Classes Id: (1140) Byeollungum A giant one-handed sword used by ancient Korean war generals. Increase damage inflicted on boss monsters by 50%. Increase damage received by normal monsters by 10%. All Stats +2 Weapon Class : Sword Attack Strength: 150 Weight : 90 Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 40 Jobs : Swordman, Merchant, and Thief Classes Id: (1141) Immaterial Sword A one-handed, formless sword imbued with the Ghost property that can derange the enemy's mind. Drains 30% of target's SP by a low chance. Each attack drains 1 SP from owner. Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts). Weapon Class : Sword Attack Strength: 140 Weight : 90 Property: Ghost Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 40 Jobs : Swordman, Merchant, and Thief Classes Id: (1142) Jeweled Sword A sword that has a beautiful, transparent blade and a hilt adorned with a princely jewel. Weapon Class : Sword Attack Strength: 104 Weight : 220 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 68 Jobs : Swordman, Merchant, and Thief Classes Id: (1143) Gaia Sword An enchanted sword that draws ore out from fallen monsters. Weapon Class : Sword Attack Strength: 115 Weight : 250 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 74 Jobs : Swordman, Merchant, and Thief Classes Id: (1144) Sashimi An extremely sharp, thin bladed sword that is very efficient when slicing fish to make Japanese cuisine. Increases Sushi drop chance when killing Fish monsters by 40%. Weapon Class : Sword Attack Strength: 75 Weight : 140 Property:Wind Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 48 Jobs : Swordman, Merchant, and Thief Classes Id: (1145) Holy Avenger A sword that symbolizes the Lord's holy retribution. Enchanted with Holy Property. Class : Sword ATK: 125 Weight : 135 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 75 Jobs : Crusader Id: (1146) Town Sword [1] A common, humbly made sword that is intended for the use of those without any special sword expertise. Class : One Handed Sword Attack Strength: 100 Weight : 80 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 30 Jobs : Novice Class Id: (1147) Town Sword [2] A common, humbly made sword that is intended for the use of those without any special sword expertise. Class : One Handed Sword Attack Strength: 100 Weight : 80 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 30 Jobs : Novice Class Id: (1148) Star Dust Blade [1] A spectacular sword with a blade forged out of meteorite that shines with starlight during the night. Has a 5% chance of causing Stun effect on enemies with each attack. Cannot be destroyed in battle. Class : One Handed Sword Attack Strength: 140 Weight : 100 Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 45 Jobs : Novice Class Id: (1149) Flamberge [2] A beautiful, wavy bladed dagger that inflicts especially excruciating pain. Class : Sword Attack Strength: 150 Weight : 150 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 27 Jobs : Knight, Crusader Id: (1151) Slayer [2] A fearsome sword that has slain many a warrior in battle. Weapon Class : Two-handed Sword Attack Strength: 90 Weight : 130 Weapon Level: 2 Required Level : 18 Jobs : Swordman Class Id: (1152) Slayer [3] A fearsome sword that has slain many a warrior in battle. Weapon Class : Two-handed Sword Attack Strength: 90 Weight : 130 Weapon Level: 2 Required Level : 18 Jobs : Swordman Class Id: (1153) Slayer A fearsome sword that has slain many a warrior in battle. Weapon Class : Two-handed Sword Attack Strength: 90 Weight : 130 Weapon Level: 2 Required Level : 18 Jobs : Swordman Class Id: (1154) Bastard Sword [2] A straight bladed sword that can be brutally swung just like a baseball bat. Weapon Class : Two-handed Sword Attack Strength: 115 Weight : 160 Weapon Level: 2 Required Level : 18 Jobs : Swordman Class Id: (1155) Bastard Sword [3] A straight bladed sword that can be brutally swung just like a baseball bat. Weapon Class : Two-handed Sword Attack Strength: 115 Weight : 160 Weapon Level: 2 Required Level : 18 Jobs : Swordman Class Id: (1156) Bastard Sword A straight bladed sword that can be brutally swung just like a baseball bat. Weapon Class: : Two-handed Sword Attack Strength: 115 Weight : 160 Weapon Level: 2 Required Level : 18 Jobs : Swordman Class Id: (1157) Two-handed Sword [1] A mighty, yet awfully basic, two-handed sword. Weapon Class : Two-handed Sword Attack Strength: 160 Weight : 220 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 33 Jobs : Swordman Class Id: (1158) Two-handed Sword [2] A mighty, yet awfully basic, two-handed sword. Weapon Class : Two-handed Sword Attack Strength: 160 Weight : 220 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 33 Jobs : Swordman Class Id: (1159) Two-handed Sword A mighty, yet awfully basic, two-handed sword. Weapon Class : Two-handed Sword Attack Strength: 160 Weight : 220 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 33 Jobs : Swordman Class Id: (1160) Broad Sword [1] A sword with a wide, double sided blade. DEF + 5 Weapon Class : Two-handed Sword Attack Strength: 140 Weight : 200 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 33 Jobs : Swordman Class Id: (1161) Balmung Sword wielded by mighty GOD-POING, the lawless heroine. INT + 20 , LUK + 20 Weapon Class : Two-handed Sword Attack Strength: 250 Weight : 100 Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 48 Jobs : All Id: (1162) Broad Sword [2] A sword with a wide, double sided blade. DEF + 5 Weapon Class : Two-handed Sword Attack Strength: 140 Weight : 200 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 33 Jobs : Swordman Class Id: (1163) Claymore Large, double-edged broad sword that was used by the Scottish highlanders. Weapon Class : Two-handed Sword Attack Strength: 180 Weight : 250 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 33 Jobs : Knight, Crusader Id: (1164) Muramasa An oriental sword named after a legendary Japanese swordsmith. Curses its owner by a low chance. Critical rate +30% Increases Attack Speed by 8% Weapon Class : Two-handed Sword Attack Strength: 155 Weight : 100 Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 48 Jobs : Swordman Class Id: (1165) Masamune An oriental sword that is the masterpiece of an ancient Japanese smith. Decreases all Defense applied on owner by half. Attack Speed +2 STR -5 Weapon Class : Two-handed Sword Attack Strength: 200 Weight : 100 Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 48 Jobs : Swordman Class Id: (1166) Dragon Slayer A giant sword, rumored to be made from a dragon's tooth, that can easily cut through dragon scales. Increases damage inflicted on Dragon monsters by 15%. Pierces defense of Dragon monsters. Weapon Class : Two-handed Sword Attack Strength: 150 Weight : 130 Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 48 Jobs : Swordman Class Id: (1167) Schweizersabel A two-handed, formal dress sword imbued with the Wind property. Automatically casts Level 3 Lightning Bolt by chance. DEF +1 Weapon Class : Two-handed Sword Attack Strength: 160 Weight : 160 Property: Wind Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 48 Jobs : Swordman Class Id: (1168) Zweihander An enormous, two-handed sword. Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts). Weapon Class : Two-handed Sword Attack Strength: 200 Weight : 220 Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 48 Jobs : Swordman Class Id: (1169) Executioner A gruesome sword used to behead criminals judged with the death penalty. Pierces Defense of Demihuman monsters. Increases damage inflicted on Demihuman monsters by 20%, but increases damage received by Demihuman monsters by 10%. Weapon Class : Two-handed Sword Attack Strength: 155 Weight : 220 Property: Shadow Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 48 Jobs : Swordman Class Id: (1170) Katzbalger A sword with a unique, ''S'' shaped hilt. VIT + 5 , DEF + 10 Weapon Class : Two-handed Sword Attack Strength: 175 Weight : 200 Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 48 Jobs : Swordman Class Id: (1171) Zweihander [2] An enormous sword that can only be swung using both hands. Indestructible in battle. [/s][/color] Class : Two-handed Sword Attack Strength: 200 Weight : 220 Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 48 Jobs : Swordman Class Id: (1172) Claymore [2] A simple, two-handed sword adorned with a cross shaped hilt. Class : Two-handed Sword Attack Strength: 180 Weight : 250 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 33 Jobs : Knight, Crusader Id: (1174) Executioner Rental Item A gruesome sword used to behead criminals judged with the death penalty. Pierces Defense of Demihuman monsters. Increases damage inflicted on Demihuman monsters by 20%, but increases damage received by Demihuman monsters by 10%. This item cannot be Dropped or Traded. Weapon Class : Two-handed Sword Attack Strength: 190 Weight : 0 Property: Shadow Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 1 Jobs : Swordman Class Id: (1175) Blade Of Atroce [1] A massive sword wielded by Atroce that is much too large to be handled by ordinary warriors. CRI +10%. Destroys enemy armor if the wearer's STR is 80 or greater. Item Class : Two-Handed Sword ATK: 200 Weight : 350 Weapon LV: 4 Required Level : 55 Jobs : Transcendent Swordman Classes Id: (1176) Muscle Cutter [2] A weapon that is designed to easily slice the muscles of monsters. Each attack has a chance of inflicting the Bleeding Status and auto casting Decrease AGI Lv.1 on the targeted enemy. Item Class : Two-Handed Sword ATK: 160 Weight : 220 Weapon LV: 4 Required Level : 55 Jobs : Transcendent Swordman Classes Id: (1178) Schweizersabel [2] A two-handed, formal dress sword imbued with the Wind property. Automatically casts Level 3 Lightning Bolt by chance. DEF +1 Weapon Class : Two-handed Sword Attack Strength: 160 Weight : 160 Property: Wind Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 48 Jobs : Swordman Class Id: (1179) Executioner [1] A gruesome sword used to behead criminals judged with the death penalty. Pierces Defense of Demihuman monsters. Increases damage inflicted on Demihuman monsters by 20%, but increases damage received by Demihuman monsters by 10%. Weapon Class : Two-handed Sword Attack Strength: 155 Weight : 220 Property: Shadow Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 48 Jobs : Swordman Class Id: (1180) Dragon Slayer [2] A giant sword, rumored to be made from a dragon's tooth, that can easily cut through dragon scales. Increases damage inflicted on Dragon monsters by 15%. Pierces defense of Dragon monsters. Weapon Class : Two-handed Sword Attack Strength: 150 Weight : 130 Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 48 Jobs : Swordman Class Id: (1181) Tae Goo Lyeon [2] This is known as the sword of a brave man from the orient. Perfect Dodge +10. If player is Job Level 70: has a chance of receiving ATK + 50 for 10 seconds when physically attacked. If upgrade level is 9 +, skill cast time and after-casting delay decreases by 20%. Weapon Class : Two-handed Sword Attack Strength: 250 Weight : 200 Property: Neutral Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 90 Jobs : Transcendent Swordman only Id: (1182) Bloody Eater [2] A magical sword which releases a dismal black aura. When dealing physical damage, has a low chance of gaining CRI +100 and ATK +50 for 5 seconds. Recover 100 HP when killing an enemy. Weapon Class : Two-handed Sword Attack Strength: 200 Weight : 120 Property: Ghost Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 50 Jobs : Swordman Class Id: (1183) Assaulter's Katzbalger A Two-handed Sword made to rush at the enemy's position, especially designed for battles against Demihumans. STR + 2 Increases Physical Attack Strength towards Demihuman monsters by 55%. Ignores Physical Defense from Demihuman monsters by 20%. Indestructible. Weapon Class : Two-handed Sword Attack Strength: 200 Weight : 0 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 80 Jobs : Swordman Class Id: (1184) Assaulter's Katzbalger A Two-handed Sword made to rush at the enemy's position, especially designed for battles against Demihumans. CRI +20 Increases Physical Attack Strength to Demihuman monsters by 55%. Increases Critical damage by 20%. Indestructible. Weapon Class : Two-handed Sword Attack Strength: 200 Weight : 0 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 80 Jobs : Swordman Class Id: (1185) Violet Fear [2] A huge violet Two-Handed Sword that's made from the Twin Swords of Naght Sieger. Has a chance to ignore the defense of one's opponent. Has a chance of autocasting Lv. 3 Meteor Storm and/or Lv. 5 Frost Nova with each physical attack. Weapon Class : Two-handed Sword Attack Strength: 275 Weight : 220 Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 80 Jobs : Transcendent Swordman Class Id: (1188) Veteran Sword [1] A sword that only allows for its swordmaster to use it. Str + 1, Dex + 1 When 'Bash' is mastered, the skill's attack power increases by 50%. When 'Bowling Bash' is mastered, the skill's attack power increases by 50%. Class : Two-Handed Sword Attack : 180 Weight : 200 Weapon Level : 4 Required Level : 80 Jobs : Swordman Class Only Id: (1189) Krasnaya [3] A strong-looking sword which resembles the shape of a Claymore. Its handgrip is decorated with red colors from the High Class Knights. When Str is over 95, Atk + 20. Class : Two-Handed Sword Attack : 200 Weight : 380 Weapon Level:2 Required Level : 50 Jobs : Transcendent Swordman Classes Id: (1191) Alca Bringer A reddish wide two-handed sword. Attack Speed increases by +1. for every 2 upgrade level, Weapon Class : Two-handed Sword Attack Strength : 280 Weight : 340 Weapon Level : 3 Required Level : 100 Jobs : Third SwordmanClass Id: (1198) Hairtail rental item cutlassfish and oceanic fish. Called as Do Er from logn knife shape. It is freezed so cold. CRI + 20, Critical Damage 50% increase. when Attack, it delivers freeze at regular rate. if base lv is over 100, ATK + 50 Class : Both Hands Sword Attack : 220 Weight : 0 Weapon Lv : 1 Required Lvevel : 50 Jobs : SwordmanClass Id: (1201) Knife [3] A simple knife. Weapon Class : Dagger Attack Strength: 17 Weight : 40 Weapon Level: 1 Required Level : NA1 Jobs : Novice, Swordman, Mage, Archer, Merchant, Thief Classes, Soul Linker, and Ninja Id: (1202) Knife [4] A simple knife. Weapon Class : Dagger Attack Strength: 17 Weight : 40 Weapon Level: 1 Required Level : NA1 Jobs : Novice, Swordman, Mage, Archer, Merchant, Thief Classes, Soul Linker, and Ninja Id: (1203) Knife A simple knife. Weapon Class : Dagger Attack Strength: 17 Weight : 40 Weapon Level: 1 Required Level : NA1 Jobs : Novice, Swordman, Mage, Archer, Merchant, Thief Classes, Soul Linker, and Ninja Id: (1204) Cutter [3] A knife used for cutting enemies. Weapon Class : Dagger Attack Strength: 30 Weight : 50 Weapon Level: 1 Required Level : NA1 Jobs : Novice, Swordman, Mage, Archer, Merchant, Thief Classes, Soul Linker, and Ninja Id: (1205) Cutter [4] A knife used for cutting enemies. Weapon Class : Dagger Attack Strength: 30 Weight : 50 Weapon Level: 1 Required Level : NA1 Jobs : Novice, Swordman, Mage, Archer, Merchant, Thief Classes, Soul Linker, and Ninja Id: (1206) Cutter A knife used for cutting enemies. Weapon Class : Dagger Attack Strength: 30 Weight : 50 Weapon Level: 1 Required Level : NA1 Jobs : Novice, Swordman, Mage, Archer, Merchant, Thief Classes, Soul Linker, and Ninja Id: (1207) Main Gauche [3] A French dagger that is usually held in the left hand to parry attacks. Weapon Class : Dagger Attack Strength: 43 Weight : 60 Weapon Level: 1 Required Level : NA1 Jobs : Novice, Swordman, Mage, Archer, Merchant, Thief Classes, Soul Linker, and Ninja Id: (1208) Main Gauche [4] A French dagger that is usually held in the left hand to parry attacks. Weapon Class : Dagger Attack Strength: 43 Weight : 60 Weapon Level: 1 Required Level : NA1 Jobs : Novice, Swordman, Mage, Archer, Merchant, Thief Classes, Soul Linker, and Ninja Id: (1209) Main Gauche A French dagger that is usually held in the left hand to parry attacks. Weapon Class : Dagger Attack Strength: 43 Weight : 60 Weapon Level: 1 Required Level : NA1 Jobs : Novice, Swordman, Mage, Archer, Merchant, Thief Classes, Soul Linker, and Ninja Id: (1210) Dirk [2] An ancient knife used by highlanders in Scotland. Weapon Class : Dagger Attack Strength: 59 Weight : 50 Weapon Level: 2 Required Level : 12 Jobs : Novice, Swordman, Mage, Archer, Merchant, Thief Classes, Soul Linker, and Ninja Id: (1211) Dirk [3] An ancient knife used by highlanders in Scotland. Weapon Class : Dagger Attack Strength: 59 Weight : 50 Weapon Level: 2 Required Level : 12 Jobs : Novice, Swordman, Mage, Archer, Merchant, Thief Classes, Soul Linker, and Ninja Id: (1212) Dirk An ancient knife used by highlanders in Scotland. Weapon Class : Dagger Attack Strength: 59 Weight : 50 Weapon Level: 2 Required Level : 12 Jobs : Novice, Swordman, Mage, Archer, Merchant, Thief Classes, Soul Linker, and Ninja Id: (1213) Dagger [2] Knife used for stabbing. Weapon Class : Dagger Attack Strength: 73 Weight : 60 Weapon Level: 2 Required Level : 12 Jobs : Novice, Swordman, Mage, Archer, Merchant, Thief Classes, Soul Linker, and Ninja Id: (1214) Dagger [3] Knife used for stabbing. Weapon Class : Dagger Attack Strength: 73 Weight : 60 Weapon Level: 2 Required Level : 12 Jobs : Novice, Swordman, Mage, Archer, Merchant, Thief Classes, Soul Linker, and Ninja Id: (1215) Dagger Knife used for stabbing. Weapon Class : Dagger Attack Strength: 73 Weight : 60 Weapon Level: 2 Required Level : 12 Jobs : Novice, Swordman, Mage, Archer, Merchant, Thief Classes, Soul Linker, and Ninja Id: (1216) Stiletto [2] A long, thin blade that is known to be used as a concealed weapon by Assassins. Weapon Class : Dagger Attack Strength: 87 Weight : 70 Weapon Level: 2 Required Level : 12 Jobs : Novice, Swordman, Mage, Archer, Merchant, Thief Classes, Soul Linker, and Ninja Id: (1217) Stiletto [3] A long, thin blade that is known to be used as a concealed weapon by Assassins. Weapon Class : Dagger Attack Strength: 87 Weight : 70 Weapon Level: 2 Required Level : 12 Jobs : Novice, Swordman, Mage, Archer, Merchant, Thief Classes, Soul Linker, and Ninja Id: (1218) Stiletto A long, thin blade that is known to be used as a concealed weapon by Assassins. Weapon Class : Dagger Attack Strength: 87 Weight : 70 Weapon Level: 2 Required Level : 12 Jobs : Novice, Swordman, Mage, Archer, Merchant, Thief Classes, Soul Linker, and Ninja Id: (1219) Gladius [2] A strong dagger that is usually crafted by traditional artisans. Weapon Class : Dagger Attack Strength: 105 Weight : 70 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 24 Jobs : Swordman, Mage, Archer, Merchant, Thief Classes, Soul Linker, and Ninja Id: (1220) Gladius [3] A strong dagger that is usually crafted by traditional artisans. Weapon Class : Dagger Attack Strength: 105 Weight : 70 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 24 Jobs : Swordman, Mage, Archer, Merchant, Thief Classes, Soul Linker, and Ninja Id: (1221) Gladius A strong dagger that is usually crafted by traditional artisans. Weapon Class : Dagger Attack Strength: 105 Weight : 70 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 24 Jobs : Swordman, Mage, Archer, Merchant, Thief Classes, Soul Linker, and Ninja Id: (1222) Damascus [1] A lethal knife made of a special metal that can easily cut straight into the heart of an enemy. The blade cannot be damaged in battle. Weapon Class : Dagger Attack Strength: 118 Weight : 80 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 24 Jobs : Swordman, Mage, Archer, Merchant, Thief Classes, Soul Linker, and Ninja Id: (1223) Fortune Sword A knife with a gold handle that is said to bring great fortune to whoever holds it. Perfect Dodge + 20 LUK + 5 Weapon Class : Dagger Attack Strength: 90 Weight : 50 Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 24 Jobs : Swordman, Mage, Archer, Merchant, Thief Classes, Soul Linker, and Ninja Id: (1224) Swordbreaker A powerful dagger that is specially constructed to destroy the enemy's weapon by a low chance. Weapon Class : Dagger Attack Strength: 70 Weight : 100 Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 36 Jobs : Swordman, Mage, Archer, Merchant, Thief Classes, Soul Linker, and Ninja Id: (1225) Mailbreaker An incredibly sharp dagger built to puncture and destroy an enemy's armor by a low chance. Weapon Class : Dagger Attack Strength: 40 Weight : 100 Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 36 Jobs : Swordman, Mage, Archer, Merchant, Thief Classes, Soul Linker, and Ninja Id: (1226) Damascus [2] A lethal knife made of a special metal that can easily cut straight into the heart of an enemy. The blade cannot be damaged in battle. Weapon Class : Dagger Attack Strength: 118 Weight : 80 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 24 Jobs : Swordman, Mage, Archer, Merchant, Thief Classes, Soul Linker, and Ninja Id: (1227) Weeder Knife A blade created to cut down stubborn weeds. 15% additional tolerance against Plant monsters. Increases damage inflicted on Plant monsters by 15%. Pierces Defense of Plant monsters. Weapon Class : Dagger Attack Strength: 80 Weight : 40 Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 36 Jobs : Swordman, Mage, Archer, Merchant, Thief Classes, Soul Linker, and Ninja Id: (1228) Combat Knife Military combat knife made for battles against Demihuman monsters. Decreases damage received by DemiHuman monsters by 10%, but increases damage received by Demon monsters by 10%. Pierces Defense of Demihuman monsters. Weapon Class : Dagger Attack Strength: 80 Weight : 40 Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 36 Jobs : Swordman, Mage, Archer, Merchant, Thief Classes, Soul Linker, and Ninja Id: (1229) Kitchen Knife A domestic knife used for cooking by housewives. Critical rate +30% Increases damage against Demihuman monsters by 3%. Adds 50% additional chance of dropping Meat each time a Brute monster is killed. Weapon Class : Dagger Attack Strength: 75 Weight : 50 Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 36 Jobs : Swordman, Mage, Archer, Merchant, Thief Classes, Soul Linker, and Ninja Id: (1230) Ice pick An ice pick that's usually used for piercing solid ice or wood. Deals more damage depending on the target's Defense. Weapon Class : Dagger Attack Strength: 80 Weight : 60 Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 36 Jobs : Swordman, Mage, Archer, Merchant, Thief Classes, Soul Linker, and Ninja Id: (1231) Bazerald A formal dress dagger, engraved with luxurious emblems, that's usually worn on special occasions. INT +5 MATK +10%5 Weapon Class : Dagger Attack Strength: 70 Weight : 50 Property: Fire Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 36 Jobs : Swordman, Mage, Archer, Merchant, Thief Classes, Soul Linker, and Ninja Id: (1232) Assassin Dagger A dagger commonly used by Assassins. Slightly increases Attack Speed. Max SP +15% Max HP +20% Weapon Class : Dagger Attack Strength: 140 Weight : 60 Property: Shadow Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 36 Jobs : Assassin Id: (1233) Exorciser A ceremonial dagger that possesses the power to defeat evil and is used in performing exorcisms. Pierces Defense of Demon monsters. 5% additional tolerance against Demon monsters. Increases damage from Demihuman monsters by 10%. Weapon Class : Dagger Attack Strength: 90 Weight : 70 Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 36 Jobs : Swordman, Mage, Archer, Merchant, Thief Classes, Soul Linker, and Ninja Id: (1234) Moonlight Dagger A dagger imbued with lunar spirit and the power to drain an enemy's soul. Regain 3 SP with each attack. Max SP +10% Weapon Class : Dagger Attack Strength: 50 Weight : 70 Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 36 Jobs : Swordman, Mage, Archer, Merchant, Thief Classes, Soul Linker, and Ninja Id: (1235) Azoth A dagger that symbolizes the potential of Alchemy. It adds the low chance of transforming all monsters, aside from Boss monsters, with each attack. Weapon Class : Dagger Attack Strength: 110 Weight : 70 Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 36 Jobs : Alchemist Id: (1236) Sucsamad A specialty dagger made by a small, mysterious, desert dwelling tribe. Increases damage inflicted on Earth property by 10%. Increases damage inflicted on Wind property by 10%. Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts). Weapon Class : Dagger Attack Strength: 140 Weight : 80 Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 36 Jobs : Swordman, Mage, Archer, Merchant, Thief Classes, Soul Linker, and Ninja Id: (1237) Grimtooth A cursed dagger forged out of monster tooth that is known to cause insanity to whoever may wield it. Reduces all Defenses applied to owner by half. Decreases all defenses applied to its owner by half. Dodge rate +10% Perfect dodge +5 Weapon Class : Dagger Attack Strength: 180 Weight : 80 Property: Neutral Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 36 Jobs : Swordman, Mage, Archer, Merchant, Thief Classes, Soul Linker, and Ninja Id: (1238) Zeny Knife A dagger that steals zeny from monsters upon their defeat. Weapon Class : Dagger Attack Strength: 64 Weight : 120 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 70 Jobs : Swordman, Mage, Archer, Merchant, Thief Classes, Soul Linker, and Ninja Id: (1239) Poison Knife A dreadful dagger whose blade has been soaked in toxin. Enable a high chance of inflicting the Poison status with each attack. (Planned to implement in the near future.) Weapon Class : Dagger Attack Strength: 64 Weight : 80 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 65 Jobs : Swordman, Mage, Archer, Merchant, Thief Classes, Soul Linker, and Ninja Id: (1240) Princess Knife A beautiful dagger that is rumored to have been used by an ancient princess to protect herself. All Stats +1 Weapon Class : Dagger Attack Strength: 84 Weight : 40 Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 1 Jobs : Swordman, Mage, Archer, Merchant, Thief Classes, Soul Linker, and Ninja Id: (1241) Cursed Dagger A dagger possessed by evil and given power by hatred and malice. Curse an enemy by a low chance. Class : Dagger ATK: 55 Weight : 40 Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 85 Jobs : Mage and Soul Linker Id: (1242) Dagger of Counter A dagger that has a high chance to do critical damage to a target. Increases critical rate. Class : Dagger ATK: 75 Weight : 55 Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 55 Jobs : Mage and Soul Linker Id: (1243) Novice Main-Gauche An exclusive Main Gauche for new adventurers. Impossible to refine this item. Class : Dagger ATK: 45 Weight : 0.1 Weapon Level: 1 Required Level : NA1 Jobs : Novice Id: (1244) Holy Dagger A dagger blessed with holy water that can be effective in combat against evil demonic forces. Class : Dagger Damage: 100 Weight : 80 Property: Holy Weapon level: 4 Requirementd Level : 55 Jobs : Thief Class and Ninja Id: (1245) Cinquedea [1] A wide bladed short sword that was crafted in a western country. Class : Dagger Attack Strength: 110 Weight : 70 Property: Neutral Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 30 Jobs : Novice Class Id: (1246) Cinquedea [2] A wide bladed short sword that was crafted in a western country. Class : Dagger Attack Strength: 110 Weight : 70 Property: Neutral Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 30 Jobs : Novice Class Id: (1247) Kindle Dagger A dagger that can be effectively used to start a fire. Class : Dagger Attack Strength: 39 Weight : 60 Property: Fire Weapon Level: 1 Required Level : N/A Jobs : All except Acolyte Class Id: (1248) Obsidian Dagger An extremely sharp dagger made from pure obsidian glass that shines eerily. Class : Dagger Attack Strength: 39 Weight : 60 Property: Earth Weapon Level: 1 Required Level : N/A Jobs : All except Acolyte Class Id: (1249) Fisherman's Dagger A dagger used by fishermen to catch shellfish and oysters from the ocean. Class : Dagger Attack Strength: 39 Weight : 60 Property: Water Weapon Level: 1 Required Level : N/A Jobs : All except Acolyte Class Id: (1250) Jur [2] A set of Arabian style blades that are worn on the back of both hands or on the forearms. Weapon Class : Katar Attack Strength: 125 Weight : 80 Weapon Level: 2 Required Level : 18 Jobs : Assassin Id: (1251) Jur [3] A set of Arabian style blades that are worn on the back of both hands or on the forearms. Weapon Class : Katar Attack Strength: 125 Weight : 80 Weapon Level: 2 Required Level : 18 Jobs : Assassin Id: (1252) Katar [1] A set of daggers in which the blades are positioned above the knuckles for use in close range combat. DEX +1 Weapon Class : Katar Attack Strength: 148 Weight : 120 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 33 Jobs : Assassin Id: (1253) Katar [2] A set of daggers in which the blades are positioned above the knuckles for use in close range combat. Dex + 1 Weapon Class : Katar Attack Strength: 148 Weight : 120 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 33 Jobs : Assassin Id: (1254) Jamadhar A specially made Katar with two blades that move like scissors to reveal a third blade from within. Weapon Class : Katar Attack Strength: 165 Weight : 150 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 33 Jobs : Assassin Id: (1255) Jamadhar [1] A specially made Katar with two blades that move like scissors to reveal a third blade from within. Weapon Class : Katar Attack Strength: 165 Weight : 150 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 33 Jobs : Assassin Id: (1256) Katar of Frozen Icicle A Katar fashioned from a cold, sharp icicle. Inflict the Frozen status on enemies by a low chance. Class : Katar Attack Strength: 105 Weight : 120 Property: Water Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 55[/color] [/s][/color] Jobs : Assassin Id: (1257) Katar of Quaking A Katar sculpted from earth. Inflict the Blind status on enemies by a low chance. Class : Katar Attack Strength: 105 Weight : 120 Property: Earth Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 55[/color] [/s][/color] Jobs : Assassin Id: (1258) Katar of Raging Blaze A Katar molded from an inferno. Inflict the Silence status on enemies by a low chance. Class : Katar Attack Strength: 105 Weight : 120 Property: Fire Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 55[/color] [/s][/color] Jobs : Assassin Id: (1259) Katar of Piercing Wind A Katar forged with the power of stormy winds. Inflict the Sleep status on enemies by a low chance. Class : Katar Attack Strength: 105 Weight : 120 Property: Wind Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 55[/color] [/s][/color] Jobs : Assassin Id: (1260) Sharpened Legbone of Ghoul A Katar crafted from a ghoul's femur that still radiates a dark, deathly aura. Class : Katar Attack Strength: 150 Weight : 170 Property: Undead Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 65[/color] [/s][/color] Jobs : Assassin Id: (1261) Infiltrator A lethal Katar that has been perfectly designed to carry out quick assasinations. DEF +3, Dodge Rate +5% Perfect Dodge +2 Class : Katar Attack Strength: 140 Weight : 150 Property: Neutral Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 75[/color] [/s][/color] Jobs : Assassin Id: (1262) Loki's Nail A double bladed katar that inflicts incurable wounds. Has a low chance of causing Bleeding effect on enemies in battle. Class : Katar Attack Strength: 115 Weight : 120 Property: Neutral Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 55 Jobs : Assassin Id: (1263) Unholy Touch A katar said to be purely forged out of the resentment of the dead. Has a low chance of causing Curse effect on enemies in battle. Cannot be upgraded. Critical -1 Class : Katar Attack Strength: 151 Weight : 125 Property: Shadow Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 70 Jobs : Assassin Id: (1264) Specialty Jur [4] Although this katar has an increased number of slots, this weapon is hard to handle and is known to cause injury to those who wield it. Has a low chance of causing the Bleeding effect on its user. Class : Katar Attack Strength: 90 Weight : 80 Weapon Level: 1 Jobs : Assassin Id: (1265) Bloody Roar This katar, known for being effective against humans, is rumored to give a beastial roar when drenched in blood, hence its name. Ignores Defense of Demihuman monsters. Prevents natural HP/SP restoration of its user. Class : Katar Attack Strength: 120 Weight : 100 Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 75 Jobs : Assassin Id: (1266) Infiltrator [1] A lethal Katar that has been designed for quick assassinations. Inflicts 50% more damage [/s][/color] to Demihuman targets. Perfect Dodge +2 Dodge Rate +5 DEF +3 Class : Katar Attack Strength: 140 Weight : 150 Property: Neutral Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 75 Jobs : Assassin Id: (1268) Wild Beast Claw [1] A katar crafted from the body of a huge beast, and the wounds it inflicts are very difficult to heal. Has a certain chance of inflicting fatal blows to enemies. Reduces the effect of Heal, Sanctuary, Potion Pitcher, and other recovery items by 20%; increasing this weapon's Upgrade Level to 9 or greater decreases healing effects by 40%. Item Class : Katar ATK: 160 Weight : 145 Weapon LV: 4 Required Level : 55 Jobs : Assassin Cross Id: (1269) Inverse Scale A Katar made from a dragon's scale. Inflicts abnormal statuses to enemies within a 5*5 cell when attacking. Holy property. Item Class : Katar ATK: 140 Weight : 150 Weapon LV: 4 Required Level : 55 Jobs : Assassin Cross Id: (1270) Drill Katar [1] A Katar fitted with spinning drills instead of blades, making it ideal for destroying armor. HIT +30. Has a chance of autocasting full divest. Item Class : Katar ATK: 110 Weight : 140 Weapon LV: 4 Required Level : 55 Jobs : Assassin Cross Id: (1271) Blood Tears [2] A Katar that can attack at longer ranges with fearsome power. Has a certain chance of inflicting the Bleeding status to all enemies in a 5*5 cell area. This range increases to a 11*11 cell area if this weapon is refined to Upgrade Level 9 or greater. Item Class : Katar ATK: 120 Weight : 170 Weapon LV: 4 Required Level : 55 Jobs : Assassin Cross Id: (1275) Katar of Frozen Icicle [3] A Katar fashioned from a cold, sharp icicle. Inflict the Frozen status on enemies by a low chance. Class : Katar Attack Strength: 105 Weight : 120 Property: Water Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 55[/color] [/s][/color] Jobs : Assassin Id: (1276) Katar of Quaking [3] A Katar sculpted from earth. Inflict the Blind status on enemies by a low chance. Class : Katar Attack Strength: 105 Weight : 120 Property: Earth Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 55[/color] [/s][/color] Jobs : Assassin Id: (1277) Katar of Raging Blaze [3] A Katar molded from an inferno. Inflict the Silence status on enemies by a low chance. Class : Katar Attack Strength: 105 Weight : 120 Property: Fire Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 55[/color] [/s][/color] Jobs : Assassin Id: (1278) Katar of Piercing Wind [3] A Katar forged with the power of stormy winds. Inflict the Sleep status on enemies by a low chance. Class : Katar Attack Strength: 105 Weight : 120 Property: Wind Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 55[/color] [/s][/color] Jobs : Assassin Id: (1279) Carnage Katar A particularly modified Katar created for battles against Demihumans. It makes for a battlefield full of blood and terrible crimes if equipped by a Master Assassin. STR + 1, DEX + 1, LUK + 1 Increases Physical Attack Strength towards Demihuman monsters by 70%. Ignores Physical Defense from Demihuman monsters by 20%. Indestructible. Weapon Class : Katar Attack Strength: 130 Weight : 0 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 80 Jobs : Assassin Id: (1280) Carnage Katar A particularly modified Katar created for battles against Demihumans. It can be used for terrible crimes if equipped by a Master Assassin. STR + 1, DEX + 1, LUK + 1 Increases Physical Attack Strength towards Demihuman monsters by 70%. Increases Critical damage by 20%. Increases Attack Speed by 5% Indestructible. Weapon Class : Katar Attack Strength: 130 Weight : 0 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 80 Jobs : Assassin Id: (1284) Krishna [2] A katar decorated in black. It requires huge strength just to wave it. Damage of 'Grim Tooth' increases by 10%. Close ranged physical attacks will randomly autocast 'Sonic Blow' Lv. 1. (Player's learned Lv. of skill will be activated.) Class : Katar Attack : 120 Weight : 120 Weapon Level:3 Required Level : 50 Jobs : Assassin Cross Only Id: (1285) Chakram [2] A rare design for a katar, its design has the meaning of 'transmigration'. When the Katar Mastery skill is mastered, Hit +10, and attack power of 'Meteor Assault' increases by 20%. Class : Katar Attack : 130 Weight : 100 Weapon Level:3 Required Level : 50 Jobs : Assassin Cross Only Id: (1287) Durga [1] A katar that is specially designed for high-speed attack. Weapon Class : Katar Attack Strength : 190 Weight : 120 Weapon Level : 3 Required Level : 100 Jobs : GuillotineCross Only Id: (1301) Axe [3] A common axe. Weapon Class : Axe Attack Strength: 38 Weight : 80 Weapon Level: 1 Required Level : 3 Jobs : Novice, Swordman, Merchant and Thief Classes Id: (1302) Axe [4] A common axe. Weapon Class : Axe Attack Strength: 38 Weight : 80 Weapon Level: 1 Required Level : 3 Jobs : Novice, Swordman, Merchant and Thief Classes Id: (1303) Axe A common axe. Weapon Class : Axe Attack Strength: 38 Weight : 80 Weapon Level: 1 Required Level : 3 Jobs : Novice, Swordman, Merchant and Thief Classes Id: (1304) Orcish Axe An axe crafted by Orcish smiths for Orcish warriors. Weapon Class : Axe Attack Strength: 75 Weight : 150 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 3 Jobs : Novice, Swordman, and Merchant Classes; Assassin Job Id: (1305) Cleaver A heavy, broad bladed hatchet used by butchers. Increases damage against Demihuman monsters by 5%. Adds 30% additional chance of dropping Meat each time a Brute monster is killed. Weapon Class : Axe Attack Strength: 140 Weight : 120 Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 44 Jobs : Swordman and Merchant Classes Id: (1306) War Axe [1] A bloodthirsty axe that has aided many warriors in battle. DEX +2 , LUK +2 Weapon Class : Axe Attack Strength: 140 Weight : 420 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 76 Jobs : Blacksmith and Alchemist Jobs Id: (1307) Windhawk An axe that summons winds around its user, giving it unprecedented attack speed. Increases ATK Speed by 5%. Class : One Handed Axe Attack Strength: 115 Weight : 150 Weapon Level: 2 Required Level : 14 Jobs : Swordman, Merchant, and Thief Class Id: (1309) Orcish Axe [4] An axe crafted by Orcish smiths for Orcish warriors. Weapon Class : Axe Attack Strength: 75 Weight : 150 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 3 Jobs : Novice, Swordman, and Merchant Classes; Assassin Job Id: (1311) Vecer Axe [2] A luxurious axe decorated in red. It creates wind with a unique sound when you wave it. If Luk is over 90, Atk +20. If Dex is over 90, Cri +5. If both Luk and Dex are both over 90, gives an additional 15% damage when using the skill 'Mammonite'. Class : One-Handed Axe Attack : 140 Weight : 150 Weapon Level:3 Required Level : 50 Jobs : Transcendent Swordman/Merchant Classes Id: (1351) Battle Axe [3] A sturdy two-handed axe useful for defeating many foes. Weapon Class : Axe Attack Strength: 80 Weight : 150 Weapon Level: 1 Required Level : 3 Jobs : Swordman and Merchant Classes Id: (1352) Battle Axe [4] A sturdy, two-handed axe created for fighting multiple enemies at once. Weapon Class : Axe Attack Strength: 80 Weight : 150 Weapon Level: 1 Required Level : 3 Jobs : Swordman and Merchant Classes Id: (1353) Battle Axe A sturdy, two-handed axe created for fighting multiple enemies at once. Weapon Class : Axe Attack Strength: 80 Weight : 150 Weapon Level: 1 Required Level : 3 Jobs : Swordman and Merchant Classes Id: (1354) Hammer [2] A really big hammer. Weapon Class : Axe Attack Strength: 120 Weight : 200 Weapon Level: 2 Required Level : 16 Jobs : Swordman and Merchant Classes Id: (1355) Hammer [3] A really big hammer. Weapon Class : Axe Attack Strength: 120 Weight : 200 Weapon Level: 2 Required Level : 16 Jobs : Swordman and Merchant Classes Id: (1356) Hammer A really big hammer. Weapon Class : Axe Attack Strength: 120 Weight : 200 Weapon Level: 2 Required Level : 16 Jobs : Swordman and Merchant Classes Id: (1357) Buster [1] A powerful axe that lives up to its mighty appearance. Weapon Class : Axe Attack Strength: 155 Weight : 220 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 30 Jobs : Swordman and Merchant Classes Id: (1358) Buster [2] A powerful axe that lives up to its mighty appearance. Weapon Class : Axe Attack Strength: 155 Weight : 220 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 30 Jobs : Swordman and Merchant Classes Id: (1359) Buster A powerful axe that lives up to its mighty appearance. Weapon Class : Axe Attack Strength: 155 Weight : 220 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 30 Jobs : Swordman and Merchant Classes Id: (1360) Two-handed Axe [1] A two-handed, double bladed axe. Weapon Class : Axe Attack Strength: 185 Weight : 250 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 30 Jobs : Swordman and Merchant Classes Id: (1361) Two-handed Axe [2] A two-handed, double bladed axe. Weapon Class : Axe Attack Strength: 185 Weight : 250 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 30 Jobs : Swordman and Merchant Classes Id: (1362) Two-handed Axe A two-handed, double bladed axe. Weapon Class : Axe Attack Strength: 185 Weight : 250 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 30 Jobs : Swordman and Merchant Classes Id: (1363) Bloody Axe A terrifying axe that is said to fill the entire battlefield with blood once it cuts flesh. Increases Movement Speed when equipped. STR + 10 Weapon Class : Axe Attack Strength: 170 Weight : 400 Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 44 Jobs : Swordman and Merchant Classes Id: (1364) Great Axe A humongous, double bladed axe. Mammonite skill will shove its target 5 cells back when Great Axe is equipped. Stun +15% Weapon Class : Axe Attack Strength: 187 Weight : 180 Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 44 Jobs : Swordman and Merchant Classes Id: (1365) Sabbath An axe which is said to eradicate the darkness in mislead hearts and guide them to the afterlife. Increases Critical attack on Undead monsters by 50%. Causes Coma effect on Demon monsters by a low chance. Weapon Class : Axe Attack Strength: 120 Weight : 230 Property: Shadow Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 44 Jobs : Swordman and Merchant Classes Id: (1366) Light Epsilon A Greek ceremonial axe that possesses the power of holiness. Increases damage inflicted on Demon monsters by 3%. Enables use of Level 3 Heal. Weapon Class : Axe Attack Strength: 180 Weight : 230 Property: Holy Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 44 Jobs : Swordman and Merchant Classes Id: (1367) Slaughter An axe used for the mass slaugher of enemy forces. Pierces Defense of Brute monsters. Causes Coma effect on Brute monsters by a low chance. Weapon Class : Axe Attack Strength: 120 Weight : 250 Property: Earth Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 44 Jobs : Swordman and Merchant Classes Id: (1368) Tomahawk A light axe imbued with the Wind property which can be hurled at enemies. Enables use of Tomahawk Throwing. (Planned for implementation in the near future.) Weapon Class : Axe Attack Strength: 165 Weight : 250 Property: Wind Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 44 Jobs : Swordman and Merchant Classes Id: (1369) Guillotine A huge guillotine blade welded to a handle for active decapitation. Causes Coma effect on Demi-Human monsters. Regain 2 SP for each attack on a Demihuman monster and 20 SP for each killed Demihuman monster. Weapon Class : Axe Attack Strength: 215 Weight : 300 Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 44 Jobs : Swordman and Merchant Classes Id: (1370) Doom Slayer A gigantic and ridiculously heavy axe that requires great strength to use it properly. Reduces Attack Speed by 40%, and doubles SP consumption of skills. If base STR is 95 or greater, this weapon adds ATK +340, a 30% chance of inflicting the Stun status and a low chance of destroying [/s][/color] the enemy's armor with each physical attack. _ Weapon Class : Axe Attack Strength 10 Weight : 600 Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 80 Jobs : Swordman and Merchant Classes Id: (1371) Doom Slayer [1] A gigantic and ridiculously heavy axe that requires great strength to use it properly. Reduces Attack Speed by 40%, and doubles SP consumption of skills. If base STR is 95 or greater, this weapon adds ATK +340, a 30% chance of inflicting the Stun status and a low chance of destroying [/s][/color] the enemy's armor with each physical attack. _ Weapon Class : Axe Attack Strength 10 Weight : 600 Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 80 Jobs : Swordman and Merchant Classes Id: (1372) Light Epsilon Rental Item A Greek ceremonial axe that possesses the power of holiness. STR +10, Holy property, Enables use of Lvl 3 Heal [/s][/color] Increases damage inflicted on Devil monsters by 3%. [/s][/color] Increases Movement Speed. This item cannot be Dropped or Traded. Weapon Class : Axe Attack Strength: 229 Weight : 0 Property: Holy Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 1 Jobs : Swordman and Merchant Classes Id: (1374) Tomahawk Rental Item A light axe imbued with the Wind property which can be hurled at enemies. Enables use of Tomahawk Throwing. This item cannot be Dropped or Traded. Weapon Class : Axe Attack Strength: 200 Weight : 0 Property: Wind Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 1 Jobs : Swordman and Merchant Classes Id: (1375) Bardiche [2] A long bladed axe that's effective in melee combat. Reduces damage from Mid size monsters by 13% and Large size monsters by 15%. Item Class : Axe ATK: 200 Weight : 250 Weapon LV: 3 Required Level : 70 Jobs : Transcendent Swordman and Merchant Classes Id: (1376) Heart Breaker [1] A special Two-Handed Axe that was crafted by a great blacksmith; it seems capable of destroying any kind of armor. CRI +20, +5% Attack Speed. CRI bonus raises as weapon's Upgrade Level is increased. Has a chance of auto casting Lv.3 Hammerfall when worn by Mastersmiths and Biochemists. Item Class : Axe ATK: 175 Weight : 200 Weapon LV: 4 Required Level : 70 Jobs : Transcendent Swordman and Merchant Classes Id: (1377) Hurricane Fury [1] A massive Two-Handed Axe that is embedded with an orb imbued with the power of a hurricane. Reduces damage from Mid size monsters by 10%; raising this weapon's Upgrade Level will increase the amount by which this damage is reduced and add an Attack Speed bonus. Each attack has a chance of inflicting a fixed amount of damage to all enemies within a 15*15 cell area, and knock them 7 cells backward. Item Class : Axe ATK: 332 Weight : 350 Weapon LV: 4 Required Level : 80 Jobs : Transcendent Swordman and Merchant Classes Id: (1379) Insane Battle Axe A terrifying two-handed axe that is said to stimulate the nerves in order to kill Demihumans, once it's in the wearer's hands. STR + 3 Increases Physical Attack Strength towards Demihuman monsters by 55%. Ignores physical defense from Demihuman monsters by 20%. Indestructible. Weapon Class : Axe Attack Strength: 200 Weight : 0 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 80 Jobs : Swordman,Merchant Id: (1380) Insane Battle Axe A terrifying two-handed axe that is said to stimulate the nerves in order to kill Demihumans, once it's in the wearer's hands. STR + 3 Increases Physical Attack Strength towards Demihuman monsters by 55%. When attacking, has a chance to destroy your enemy's armor by 100% for 3 seconds. Indestructible. Weapon Class : Axe Attack Strength: 200 Weight : 0 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 80 Jobs : Swordman,Merchant Id: (1383) Additional 10% damage on Undead monsters. Add the chance of auto casting Lv. 5 Blessing on the wearer with each attack. Holy Property. Item Class : Axe Attack Strength : 200 Weight : 150 Weapon Level : 4 Required Level : 60 Jobs : Merchant Class Id: (1384) Veteran Axe [2] An axe made out of the metal which the Ancient God of Blacksmiths gave to humans. Vit + 2, If someone handy with metals uses this axe, it will show their incredible power. Autocasts 'Magnum Break' Lv. 3 when using 'Hammer Fall' by 5% probability. Forging Dagger Master Atk +10 Forging Sword Master Atk +10 Forging Two-Handed Sword Master Atk +10 Forging Knuckle Master Atk +10 Forging Spear Master Atk +10 Forging Axe Master Atk +10 Forging Mace Master Atk +10 Class : Two-Handed Axe Attack : 250 Weight : 300 Weapon Level : 3 Required Level : 80 Jobs : Merchant Classes Only Id: (1385) Bradium Stonehammer A stone hammer made out of Bradium. Stun % increases by 5% when using 'Hammer Fall'. Stun % increases by 2% for every 1 refine level when using 'Hammer Fall'. Class : Two-Handed Axe Attack : 210 Weight : 270 Weapon Level : 4 Required Level : 75 Jobs : Mastersmith Id: (1387) Giant Axe [1] This giant axe seems like it's impossible to pick up and wave. The attack power of 'High Speed Cart Ram' increases by 15%. When Str is over 95, Hit + 10, Apsd + 3% (after-attack delay). Class : Two-Handed Axe Attack : 330 Weight : 400 Weapon Level:3 Required Level : 50 Jobs : Transcendent Swordman/Merchant Classes Id: (1401) Javelin [3] A light spear that can be thrown in an attack. It'll probably be safer to keep holding on to it, though. Weapon Class : Spear Attack Strength: 28 Weight : 70 Weapon Level: 1 Required Level : 4 Jobs : Swordman Class Id: (1402) Javelin [4] A light spear that can be thrown in an attack. It'll probably be safer to keep holding on to it, though. Weapon Class : Spear Attack Strength: 28 Weight : 70 Weapon Level: 1 Required Level : 4 Jobs : Swordman Class Id: (1403) Javelin A light spear that can be thrown in an attack. It'll probably be safer to keep holding on to it, though. Weapon Class : Spear Attack Strength: 28 Weight : 70 Weapon Level: 1 Required Level : 4 Jobs : Swordman Class Id: (1404) Spear [3] A basic spear that allows slightly longer ranged melee attacks. Weapon Class : Spear Attack Strength: 44 Weight : 85 Weapon Level: 1 Required Level : 4 Jobs : Swordman Class Id: (1405) Spear [4] A basic spear that allows slightly longer ranged melee attacks. Weapon Class : Spear Attack Strength: 44 Weight : 85 Weapon Level: 1 Required Level : 4 Jobs : Swordman Class Id: (1406) Spear A basic spear that allows slightly longer ranged melee attacks. Weapon Class : Spear Attack Strength: 44 Weight : 85 Weapon Level: 1 Required Level : 4 Jobs : Swordman Class Id: (1407) Pike [3] A long spear that is generally issued to foot soldiers. Weapon Class : Spear Attack Strength: 60 Weight : 100 Weapon Level: 1 Required Level : 4 Jobs : Swordman Class Id: (1408) Pike [4] A long spear that is generally issued to foot soldiers. Weapon Class : Spear Attack Strength: 60 Weight : 100 Weapon Level: 1 Required Level : 4 Jobs : Swordman Class Id: (1409) Pike A long spear that is generally issued to foot soldiers. Weapon Class : Spear Attack Strength: 60 Weight : 100 Weapon Level: 1 Required Level : 4 Jobs : Swordman Class Id: (1410) Lance A spear that is commonly used by mounted knights. Weapon Class : Spear Attack Strength: 185 Weight : 250 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 33 Jobs : Swordman Class Id: (1411) Lance A spear that is commonly used by mounted knights. Weapon Class : Spear Attack Strength: 185 Weight : 250 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 33 Jobs : Swordman Class Id: (1412) Lance A spear that is commonly used by mounted knights. Weapon Class : Spear Attack Strength: 185 Weight : 250 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 33 Jobs : Swordman Class Id: (1413) Gungnir A legendary spear that is known for its ability to never miss its target. Has a 25% chance of performing a guided attack that a target can't evade. Accuracy rate +30% Weapon Class : Spear Attack Strength: 120 Weight : 50 Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 4 Jobs : Swordman Class Id: (1414) Gelerdria A special spear imbued with the Earth property. Max HP +800 Max SP - 50 Weapon Class : Spear Attack Strength: 145 Weight : 70 Property: Earth Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 48 Jobs : Swordman Class Id: (1415) Brocca A spear that has been made to puncture any armor worn by enemies. Increases damage inflicted on Neutral property by 25% Pierces Defense of its target. Weapon Class : Spear Attack Strength: 85 Weight : 85 Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 48 Jobs : Swordman Class Id: (1416) Tjungkuletti A spear with the power to drain the souls of enemies it has defeated. Regains 1 SP with each attack and 5 SP each time an enemy is killed. Weapon Class : Spear Attack Strength: 100 Weight : 100 Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 48 Jobs : Swordman Class Id: (1417) Poll Axe [1] An axe head mounted on a long pole, this weapon was especially made to break through thick armored plates. STR +1 , INT +2 , DEX +1 Weapon Class : Spear Attack Strength: 160 Weight : 380 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 71 Jobs : Swordman Class Id: (1418) Gungnir [2] A legendary spear that is famous for never missing its target. Each strike has a 10% chance of being an inescapable attack. Increases Accuracy by 30%. Class : Spear Attack Strength: 120 Weight : 50 Property: Wind Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 4 Jobs : Swordman Class Id: (1419) Poll Axe Rental Item A weapon consisting of an axe head mounted on a long pole that is designed to break through thick armor. STR +1, INT +2, DEX +1 This item cannot be Dropped or Traded. Weapon Class : Spear Attack Strength: 195 Weight : 0 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 1 Jobs : Swordman Class Id: (1420) Long Horn [1] A spear fashioned from a unicorn's horn, enabling it to neutralize poisons and inflict deep wounding. Has a certain chance of inflicting the Bleeding status to enemies, and neutralizes Poison effects on the wearer. Cannot be damaged in battle. Holy property. Has a low chance of auto casting Lv.2 Assumption on the wearer with each enemy attack when worn with Valkyrja's Shield. Item Class : Spear ATK: 150 Weight : 100 Weapon LV: 4 Required Level : 65 Jobs : Transcendent Swordman Classes Id: (1421) Battle Hook [1] A spear that is tipped with a hook that can push and pull enemies. Has a 5% chance of inflicting the Stun status to enemies, and increases damage to Demihuman enemies by 20%. Enables use of Lv.3 Pierce. Item Class : Spear ATK: 140 Weight : 90 Weapon LV: 4 Required Level : 65 Jobs : Transcendent Swordman Classes Id: (1422) Hunting Spear [1] A spear with a leaf shaped point that is designed for hunting, causing damage with its heavy weight instead of stabbing. Ignores DEF of Animal monsters, and adds a chance that defeated enemies will drop Meat. Each attack has a certain chance of auto casting Lv.3 Vital Strike. Item Class : Spear ATK: 180 Weight : 420 Weapon LV: 4 Required Level : 60 Jobs : Transcendent Swordman Classes Id: (1425) Assaulter Spear A special spear made for charging at the enemy's position. It is especially designed for battles against Demihumans. STR + 2 Increases Physical Attack Strength towards Demihuman monsters by 95%. Ignores Physical Defense from Demihuman monsters by 20%. If worn by Crusader or Paladin, ASPD +20%. Indestructible. Weapon Class : Spear Attack Strength: 60 Weight : 0 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 80 Jobs : Swordman Class Id: (1426) Glorious Spear Increases Physical Attack Strength to Demihuman monster by 95%.. Ignores physical defense from Demihuman monster by 20%. Indestructible. * Additional Weapon Refining Level Option +6 Refining 5% increase in ignoring Defense of Demihuman monster 5% increase in Attack Speed [Slaughter] Lv 1 +9 Refining Knight Class : When using [Pierce] skill, inflicts [Fatal Wound] Lv.2 to the enemy at a certain rate Crusader Class : When attacking normally, inflicts an auto-spell of [Pressure] at a certain rate Increase in Attack Speed by 5% Class : One-Handed Spear Attack : 130 Weight : 0 Weapon Level : 4 Required Level : 80 Jobs : Swordman Class Jobs Id: (1433) Imperial Spear [1] A beautiful spear engraved with patterns of the Rune Kingdom. 20% ATK increase of Cannon Spear and Banishing Point. Additional 3% ATK increase for every +2 upgrades. When used together with Imperial Guard, ATK of Grand Cross and Genesis Ray increase by 10%. MATK + 40 Class : One-handed Spear Attack: 180 Weight : 180 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 102 Jobs : Crusader Id: (1451) Guisarme [2] Topped with a curved blade and puncturing spike, this spear can topple a mounted warrior in the hands of a highly skilled expert. Weapon Class : Spear Attack Strength: 84 Weight : 100 Weapon Level: 2 Required Level : 18 Jobs : Swordman Class Id: (1452) Guisarme [3] Topped with a curved blade and puncturing spike, this spear can topple a mounted warrior in the hands of a highly skilled expert. Weapon Class : Spear Attack Strength: 84 Weight : 100 Weapon Level: 2 Required Level : 18 Jobs : Swordman Class Id: (1453) Guisarme Topped with a curved blade and puncturing spike, this spear can topple a mounted warrior in the hands of a highly skilled expert. Weapon Class : Spear Attack Strength: 84 Weight : 100 Weapon Level: 2 Required Level : 18 Jobs : Swordman Class Id: (1454) Glaive [2] A spear with a huge swordlike spearhead. Weapon Class : Spear Attack Strength: 104 Weight : 120 Weapon Level: 2 Required Level : 18 Jobs : Swordman Class Id: (1455) Glaive [3] A spear with a huge swordlike spearhead. Weapon Class : Spear Attack Strength: 104 Weight : 120 Weapon Level: 2 Required Level : 18 Jobs : Swordman Class Id: (1456) Glaive A spear with a huge swordlike spearhead. Weapon Class : Spear Attack Strength: 104 Weight : 120 Weapon Level: 2 Required Level : 18 Jobs : Swordman Class Id: (1457) Partizan [1] A spear topped with a double edged blade with two side blades. Weapon Class : Spear Attack Strength: 124 Weight : 200 Weapon Level: 2 Required Level : 18 Jobs : Swordman Class Id: (1458) Partizan [2] A spear topped with a double edged blade with two side blades. Weapon Class : Spear Attack Strength: 124 Weight : 200 Weapon Level: 2 Required Level : 18 Jobs : Swordman Class Id: (1459) Partizan A spear topped with a double edged blade with two side blades. Weapon Class : Spear Attack Strength: 124 Weight : 200 Weapon Level: 2 Required Level : 18 Jobs : Swordman Class Id: (1460) Trident [2] A triple pronged spear that can also be used for fishing. Weapon Class : Spear Attack Strength: 150 Weight : 120 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 33 Jobs : Swordman Class Id: (1461) Trident [3] A triple pronged spear that can also be used for fishing. Weapon Class : Spear Attack Strength: 150 Weight : 120 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 33 Jobs : Swordman Class Id: (1462) Trident A triple pronged spear that can also be used for fishing. Weapon Class : Spear Attack Strength: 150 Weight : 120 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 33 Jobs : Swordman Class Id: (1463) Hallberd [1] A spear with a steel spike and axe-blade which enable both piercing and hacking. Weapon Class : Spear Attack Strength: 165 Weight : 250 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 33 Jobs : Swordman Class Id: (1464) Hallberd [2] A spear with a steel spike and axe-blade which enable both piercing and hacking. Weapon Class : Spear Attack Strength: 165 Weight : 250 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 33 Jobs : Swordman Class Id: (1465) Hallberd A spear with a steel spike and axe-blade which enable both piercing and hacking. Weapon Class : Spear Attack Strength: 165 Weight : 250 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 33 Jobs : Swordman Class Id: (1466) Crescent Scythe A heavy scythe that is usually carried by the Grim Reaper. Critical Rate +30% Accuracy +10 Weapon Class : Spear Attack Strength: 180 Weight : 250 Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 48 Jobs : Swordman Class Id: (1467) Bill Guisarme A spear with a hooked blade that has proven ddd its versatility in battle. Increases damage inflicted on Brute monsters by 10%. Increases damage against Demihuman monsters by 5%. Weapon Class : Spear Attack Strength: 183 Weight : 100 Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 48 Jobs : Swordman Class Id: (1468) Zephyrus A spear imbued with the Wind property. Automatically casts Level 3 Thunder Storm by chance. Causes Mute effect to target by a low chance. Weapon Class : Spear Attack Strength: 170 Weight : 200 Property: Wind Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 48 Jobs : Swordman Class Id: (1469) Longinus's Spear A legendary spear owned by the tragic soldier, Longinus. Increases damage inflicted on Demihuman and Angel monsters by 10%. Weapon Class : Spear Attack Strength: 180 Weight : 250 Property: Shadow Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 48 Jobs : Swordman Class Id: (1470) Brionac A spear that radiates with the warm, glowing light of pure holiness. Enables use of Level 5 Heal. Automatically cast Level 3 Soul Strike by chance. Enables use of Level 5 Heal. Weapon Class : Spear Attack Strength: 190 Weight : 300 Property: Holy Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 48 Jobs : Swordman Class Id: (1471) Hellfire A spear imbued with the Fire property and enchanted with the power to summon flame. STR +3 Automatically cast level 5 Fire Ball by chance. Weapon Class : Spear Attack Strength: 200 Weight : 350 Property: Fire Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 48 Jobs : Swordman Class Id: (1472) Soul Staff A high quality, two-handed staff that amplifies psychic power. INT +5, AGI +2 MATK +15% Weapon 200 Class : Two-Handed Staff Attack Strength: 25 Weight : 140 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 73 Jobs : Mage Class and Soul Linker Id: (1473) Wizardry Staff Rumored to have been crafted by an ancient wizard, this staff contains awesome energies. MATK +15%200 INT +6, DEX +2 Weapon Class : Two-Handed Staff Attack Strength: 120 Weight : 240 Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 90 Jobs : Mage Class and Soul Linker Id: (1474) Gae Bolg A spear, created from the body of a dead giant sea creature, topped with a jagged blade that leaves deep wounds. Ignores Dragon monsters' Defense. Inflicts 10% more damage on Boss monsters. Class : Two Handed Spear Attack Strength: 160 Weight : 200 Property: Neutral Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 60 Jobs : Swordman Class Id: (1476) Crescent Scythe [1] A frightening crescent shaped scythe that can kill a man with but a single swing. Critical Rate +30% Accuracy +10 Class : Spear Attack Strength: 180 Weight : 250 Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 48 Jobs : Swordman Class Id: (1477) Phantom Spear The creator of this formidable Two-Handed Spear sacrificed his own life to forge it, resulting in a curse that will try to dominate the wearer's soul. Increases damage to Shadow, Demon, and Undead monsters by 20%, and will reduce damage from these monsters by 10%. Absorbs 50 HP upon defeating enemies. Inflicts the Confuse status to the wearer by a certain chance. Item Class : Spear ATK: 170 Weight : 200 Weapon LV: 4 Required Level : 75 Jobs : Swordman Id: (1478) Ahlspiess An auger shaped spear that is designed for striking the weak points of an enemy. Ignores physical DEF, and has a certain chance of auto casting Lv.5 Pierce. Inflicts 10% additional damage to Demihuman enemies. Item Class : Spear ATK: 120 Weight : 100 Weapon LV: 4 Required Level : 65 Jobs : Knight and Crusader Jobs Id: (1479) Spectral Spear [1] The creator of this formidable Two-Handed Spear sacrificed his own life to forge it, resulting in a curse that will try to dominate the wearer's soul. Increases damage to Shadow, Demon, and Undead monsters by 20%, and will reduce damage from these monsters by 10%. Absorbs 50 HP upon defeating enemies. Inflicts the Confuse status to the wearer by a certain chance. Item Class : Spear ATK: 170 Weight : 200 Weapon LV: 4 Required Level : 75 Jobs : Swordman Id: (1480) Gae Bolg [2] A spear, created from the body of a dead giant sea creature, topped with a jagged blade that leaves deep wounds. Ignores Dragon monsters' Defense. Inflicts 10% more damage on Boss monsters. Class : Two Handed Spear Attack Strength: 160 Weight : 200 Property: Neutral Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 60 Jobs : Swordman Class Id: (1481) Zephyrus [3] A spear imbued with the Wind property. Automatically casts Level 3 Thunder Storm by chance. Causes Mute effect to target by a low chance. Weapon Class : Spear Attack Strength: 170 Weight : 200 Property: Wind Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 48 Jobs : Swordman Class Id: (1482) Assaulter Lance A Two-handed Spear made to rush at the enemy's position, especially designed for battles against Demihumans. STR + 2 Increases Physical Attack Strength to Demihuman monsters by 25%. Ignores Physical Defense from Demihuman monsters. Indestructible. Weapon Class : Two Handed Spear Attack Strength: 160 Weight : 0 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 80 Jobs : Swordman Class Id: (1489) Spearfish rental item a spearfish and oceanic fish. It is well known for delicious fish It is pretty freezed when using pierce, spiral pierce, it gives critical damage at high rate. And also make freeze itself by low rate. Spiral Pierce Attack increase 100% , Inspiration Attack 50% . ( Effect of Inspiration will disappear once unequipped) if base level is over 100 , add ATK + 30 . Class : Both Hands Spear Attack : 220 Weight : 0 Weapon Lv : 1 Required Lvevel : 50 Jobs : SwordmanClass Id: (1501) Club [3] A heavy bludgeon that makes a handy weapon in a pinch. Weapon Class : Mace Attack Strength: 23 Weight : 70 Weapon Level: 1 Required Level : 2 Jobs : Novice, Swordman, Acolyte, and Merchant Classes Id: (1502) Club [4] A heavy bludgeon that makes a handy weapon in a pinch. Weapon Class : Mace Attack Strength: 23 Weight : 70 Weapon Level: 1 Required Level : 2 Jobs : Novice, Swordman, Acolyte, and Merchant Classes Id: (1503) Club A heavy bludgeon that makes a handy weapon in a pinch. Weapon Class : Mace Attack Strength: 23 Weight : 70 Weapon Level: 1 Required Level : 2 Jobs : Novice, Swordman, Acolyte, and Merchant Classes Id: (1504) Mace [3] A flanged, solid club that is effective for simple smashing. Weapon Class : Mace Attack Strength: 37 Weight : 80 Weapon Level: 1 Required Level : 2 Jobs : Novice, Swordman, Acolyte, and Merchant Classes Id: (1505) Mace [4] A flanged, solid club that is effective for simple smashing. Weapon Class : Mace Attack Strength: 37 Weight : 80 Weapon Level: 1 Required Level : 2 Jobs : Novice, Swordman, Acolyte, and Merchant Classes Id: (1506) Mace A flanged, solid club that is effective for simple smashing. Weapon Class : Mace Attack Strength: 37 Weight : 80 Weapon Level: 1 Required Level : 2 Jobs : Novice, Swordman, Acolyte, and Merchant Classes Id: (1507) Smasher [2] Basically a big hammer with spikes, this mace is excellent for breaking all sorts of things. Weapon Class : Mace Attack Strength: 54 Weight : 100 Weapon Level: 2 Required Level : 14 Jobs : Novice, Swordman, Acolyte, and Merchant Classes Id: (1508) Smasher [3] Basically a big hammer with spikes, this mace is excellent for breaking all sorts of things. Weapon Class : Mace Attack Strength: 54 Weight : 100 Weapon Level: 2 Required Level : 14 Jobs : Novice, Swordman, Acolyte, and Merchant Classes Id: (1509) Smasher [3] Basically a big hammer with spikes, this mace is excellent for breaking all sorts of things. Weapon Class : Mace Attack Strength: 54 Weight : 100 Weapon Level: 2 Required Level : 14 Jobs : Novice, Swordman, Acolyte, and Merchant Classes Id: (1510) Flail [2] With a spiked metal ball that freely swings from a chain, a flail is a very intimidating weapon. Weapon Class : Mace Attack Strength: 69 Weight : 90 Weapon Level: 2 Required Level : 14 Jobs : Swordman, Acolyte, and Merchant Classes Id: (1511) Flail [3] With a spiked metal ball that freely swings from a chain, a flail is a very intimidating weapon. Weapon Class : Mace Attack Strength: 69 Weight : 90 Weapon Level: 2 Required Level : 14 Jobs : Swordman, Acolyte, and Merchant Classes Id: (1512) Flail [3] With a spiked metal ball that freely swings from a chain, a flail is a very intimidating weapon. Weapon Class : Mace Attack Strength: 69 Weight : 90 Weapon Level: 2 Required Level : 14 Jobs : Swordman, Acolyte, and Merchant Classes Id: (1513) Morning Star [1] A metal club topped with a solid steel ball that's covered in spikes. Weapon Class : Mace Attack Strength: 110 Weight : 150 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 27 Jobs : Swordman, Acolyte, and Merchant Classes Id: (1514) Morning Star [2] A metal club topped with a solid steel ball that's covered in spikes. Weapon Class : Mace Attack Strength: 110 Weight : 150 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 27 Jobs : Swordman, Acolyte, and Merchant Classes Id: (1515) Morning Star [2] A metal club topped with a solid steel ball that's covered in spikes. Weapon Class : Mace Attack Strength: 110 Weight : 150 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 27 Jobs : Swordman, Acolyte, and Merchant Classes Id: (1516) Sword Mace A deadly mace topped with 3 extremely sharp blades on its end. Weapon Class : Mace Attack Strength: 130 Weight : 120 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 27 Jobs : Swordman, Acolyte, and Merchant Classes Id: (1517) Sword Mace [1] A specialty weapon that beautifully combines combines the power of swords and maces. Weapon Class : Mace Attack Strength: 130 Weight : 120 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 27 Jobs : Swordman, Acolyte, and Merchant Classes Id: (1518) Sword Mace [1] A specialty weapon that beautifully combines combines the power of swords and maces. Weapon Class : Mace Attack Strength: 130 Weight : 120 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 27 Jobs : Swordman, Acolyte, and Merchant Classes Id: (1519) Chain [2] A simple flail that consists of a thin mace attached to a chain of iron links. Weapon Class : Mace Attack Strength: 84 Weight : 80 Weapon Level: 2 Required Level : 14 Jobs : Swordman, Acolyte, and Merchant Classes Id: (1520) Chain [3] A simple flail that consists of a thin mace attached to a chain of iron links. Weapon Class : Mace Attack Strength: 84 Weight : 80 Weapon Level: 2 Required Level : 14 Jobs : Swordman, Acolyte, and Merchant Classes Id: (1521) Chain [3] A simple flail that consists of a thin mace attached to a chain of iron links. Weapon Class : Mace Attack Strength: 84 Weight : 80 Weapon Level: 2 Required Level : 14 Jobs : Swordman, Acolyte, and Merchant Classes Id: (1522) Stunner A huge, unwieldy club that can knock enemies unconscious. Causes Stun effect to enemies by 10% chance. Weapon Class : Mace Attack Strength: 140 Weight : 200 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 27 Jobs : Acolyte Class Id: (1523) Spike A flail, entirely covered in spikes, that swings wildly and haphazardly in battle. Reduces all Defenses applied to owner by 2/3. Critical Rate + 40% Weapon Class : Mace Attack Strength: 85 Weight : 70 Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 40 Jobs : Acolyte Class Id: (1524) Golden Mace [1] A mace forged out of pure gold. Increases damage inflicted on Undead monsters by 10%. Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts). Weapon Class : Mace Attack Strength: 110 Weight : 80 Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 40 Jobs : Acolyte Class Id: (1525) Long Mace A long, thin mace built like a spear. Capable of damaging enemies up to 3 cells away from its owner. 10% additional tolerance against long range attack. Weapon Class : Mace Attack Strength: 135 Weight : 80 Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 40 Jobs : Acolyte Class Id: (1526) Slash A hefty mace with curved, sharp blades. Increases damage inflicted on Undead monsters by 15%. A heavy mace. 15 % additional damage on Undead monsters. 5% more EXP rewarded when defeating Undead monsters. Causes Coma effect on Undead by a low chance. Weapon Class : Mace Attack Strength: 145 Weight : 100 Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 40 Jobs : Acolyte Class Id: (1527) Quadrille A heavy and powerful iron mace with a rounded top. Increases damage against Undead, Demihuman and Earth property by 10%. Weapon Class : Mace Attack Strength: 165 Weight : 90 Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 40 Jobs : Acolyte Class Id: (1528) Grand Cross A cruciform mace that was blessed by the pope of the Rune-Midgarts kingdom. Regains 1 SP with each attack against an Undead monster and 3 SP each time an Undead is killed. Automatically casts Level 3 Turn Undead by chance. Weapon Class : Mace Attack Strength: 140 Weight : 150 Property: Holy Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 40 Jobs : Acolyte Class Id: (1529) Iron Driver A heavy, round headed mace intended for use in athletic competitions, but has proven to be effective in battle. A mace intended Weapon Class : Mace Attack Strength: 155 Weight : 300 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 78 Jobs : Priest and Monk Jobs Id: (1530) Mjolnir A facsimile of the mighty hammer wielded by Thor, god of thunder. Increases Attack Speed. DEX +450 , STR +15 Weapon 20. Adds a chance to activate Splash Damage for a short duration when physically attacking. Adds a chance to cast Thunderstorm Level 10 when physically attacking. Class : Mace Property :Wind Attack Strength: 250 Weight : 600 Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 95 Jobs : Swordman and Merchant Classes Id: (1531) Wrench A heavy tool with many practical applications. Enable a chance of randomly inflicting the Stun, Blind, Poison or Frozen statuses with each attack. Weapon Class : Mace Attack Strength: 115 Weight : 250 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 55 Jobs : Acolyte Class Id: (1532) Stunner [2] A blow from this hefty mace can cause someone to black out. Each strike [/s][/color] has a 10% chance to inflict the Stun effect. [/s][/color] Class : Mace Attack Strength: 140 Weight : 200 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 27 Jobs : Acolyte Class Id: (1534) Wrench Rental Item A heavy tool with many practical applications. Enable a chance of randomly inflicting the Stun, Blind, Poison or Frozen statuses with each attack. This item cannot be Dropped or Traded. Weapon Class : Mace Attack Strength: 150 Weight : 0 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 1 Jobs : Acolyte Class Id: (1535) Hollgrehenn's Hammer [1] A hammer that was used by Hollgren to refine weapons and armor; it looks bulky and powerful, but it doesn't seem to be fully dependable. Adds a low chance of destroying the weapons and armor of enemies. This chance is greatly increased when the Mastersmith Card is compounded to this weapon, but adds a low chance of breaking the wearer's equipment. Adds an ATK +44 bonus if the wearer's STR stat is 44 or greater. Item Class : Mace ATK: 4 Weight : 44 Weapon LV: 4 Required Level : 44 Jobs : Swordman, Acolyte, and Merchant Classes Id: (1538) Spike [2] A flail, entirely covered in spikes, that swings wildly and haphazardly in battle. Reduces all Defenses applied to owner by 2/3. Critical Rate + 40% Weapon Class : Mace Attack Strength: 85 Weight : 70 Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 40 Jobs : Acolyte Class Id: (1539) Golden Mace [2] A mace forged out of pure gold. Increases damage inflicted on Undead monsters by 10%. Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts). Weapon Class : Mace Attack Strength: 110 Weight : 80 Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 40 Jobs : Acolyte Class Id: (1540) Grand Cross [1] A cruciform mace that was blessed by the pope of the Rune-Midgarts kingdom. Regains 1 SP with each attack against an Undead monster and 3 SP each time an Undead is killed. Automatically casts Level 3 Turn Undead by chance. Weapon Class : Mace Attack Strength: 140 Weight : 150 Property: Holy Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 40 Jobs : Acolyte Class Id: (1541) Nemesis A large silver mace, made for exorcisms. Additional 10% damage to Demon and Shadow monsters. Has a chance of autocasting Lv1 Signum Crusis when physically attacked. The level of Signum Crusis increases by upgrade level. Has a chance of adding ATK + 50 during 20 seconds when physically attacked. Weapon Class : Mace Attack Strength: 120 Weight : 90 Property:Holy Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 60 Jobs : Acolyte Classes Id: (1542) Battlefield Morning Star A deadly mace that is usually worn by the best fighter; it seems to be capable of damaging through an enemy's armor. It is especially designed for battles against Demihumans. STR + 1, DEX + 1 Increases Physical Attack Strength towards Demihuman monsters by 75%. Ignores Physical Defense from Demihuman monsters by 20%. Indestructible. Weapon Class : Mace Attack Strength: 105 Weight : 0 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 80 Jobs : Novice, Swordman, Merchant, Acolyte Id: (1543) Battlefield Morning Star A deadly mace that is usually worn by the best fighter; it seems to be capable of damaging through an enemy's armor. It is especially designed for battles against Demihumans. STR + 1, DEX + 1 Increases Physical Attack Strength towards Demihuman monsters by 75%. When melee attacking, has a chance to inflict the Stun effect for 6 secs. Indestructible. Weapon Class : Mace Attack Strength: 105 Weight : 0 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 80 Jobs : Novice, Swordman, Merchant, Acolyte Id: (1548) Veteran Hammer [2] A hard hammer made out of the pieces of a meteorite from space. Ancient clerics said it to be blessed by the Gods. Heal amount increases by 1% for every 1 level of 'Divine Protection' learned. Cri + 2% for every level of 'Mace Mastery'. Int + 1, Luk + 1 Class : Mace Attack : 160 Weight : 180 Weapon Level : 3 Required Level : 80 Jobs : Acolyte Class Id: (1549) Pilebuncker When using a pile bunker, a huge iron skewer pops up and stabs an enemy, and then it draws back. Weapon Class : Mace Attack Strength : 450 Weight : 300 Weapon Level : 3 Required Level : 99 Jobs : Mechanic only Id: (1550) Book [3] A book that's been put together sturdily enough to be wielded as a weapon in an emergency situation. Weapon Class : Book Attack Strength: 85 Weight : 60 Weapon Level: 2 Required Level : 14 Jobs : Priest, Sage, Taekwon Master Id: (1551) Bible [2] A book containing a compilation of ancient and sacred writings. INT + 2 Weapon Class : Book Attack Strength: 115 Weight : 100 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 27 Jobs : Priest, Sage, Taekwon Master Id: (1552) Tablet [1] A marble tablet on which the wise words of the ancients have been engraved and immortalized. Weapon Class : Book Attack Strength: 125 Weight : 80 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 27 Jobs : Priest, Sage, Taekwon Master Id: (1553) Book of Billows A hefty book with a hard cover that has been enchanted with the Water property. Class : Book Attack Strength: 90 Weight : 75 Property: Water Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 27 Jobs : Priest Sage, and Taekwon Master Id: (1554) Book of Mother Earth A hefty book with a hard cover that has been enchanted with the Earth property. Class : Book Attack Strength: 90 Weight : 75 Property: Earth Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 27 Jobs : Priest Sage, and Taekwon Master Id: (1555) Book of the Blazing Sun A hefty book with a hard cover that has been enchanted with the Fire property. Class : Book Attack Strength: 90 Weight : 75 Property: Fire Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 27 Jobs : Priest Sage, and Taekwon Master Id: (1556) Book of Gust of Wind A hefty book with a hard cover that has been enchanted with the Wind property. Class : Book Attack Strength: 90 Weight : 75 Property: Wind Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 27 Jobs : Priest Sage, and Taekwon Master Id: (1557) Book of the Apocalypse A book that details prophesies concerning the end of the world. Increases damage on Earth, Water, Fire and Wind property monsters by 7% and Holy property monsters by 5%. Class : Book Attack Strength: 120 Weight : 80 Property: Shadow Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 40 Jobs : Priest Sage, and Taekwon Master Id: (1558) Girl's Diary [1] A cute diary in which the innermost thoughts of a young girl have been recorded, but you can never bear to open it. Increases damage on Bongun monster by 150%. Class : Book Attack Strength: 60 Weight : 30 Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 40 Jobs : Priest Sage, and Taekwon Master Id: (1559) Legacy of Dragon A book in which the origin and history of dragons is written. It's a treasure that is said to be passed among the dragon race. Ignores Dragon monsters' Defense. Gain 10 SP each time a Dragon monster is killed. INT + 3 Class : Book Attack Strength: 130 Weight : 70 Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 70 Jobs : Priest, Sage, and Taekwon Master Id: (1560) Sage's Diary [2] The diary of a great sage, published with him never knowing. If MATK +120 If user has at least 50 STR, diary adds +15% MATK and +5% ATK Speed. +5% ASPD. If user has at least 70 INT points, diary adds +5% MATK. Class : Book Attack Strength: 100 Weight : 110 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 60 Jobs : Priest, Sage, and Taekwon Master Id: (1561) Hardcover Book [1] A thick and heavy hardcover book that could really do some hurt if swung around. STR + 3, DEX + 2. Class : Book Attack Strength: 140 Weight : 150 Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 55 Jobs : Priest, Sage, and Taekwon Master Id: (1562) Bible Of Battlefield [1] A book containing the History of many wars and the dreams of the strategists that took part in them. Add a 1% chance of auto casting Level 3 Blessing on the user when attacking. If the user has Blessing, it will cast it at the user level. INT + 3 Impossible to refine this item. TypeClass : Book Power : 110 Weight : 70 Required Lvevel : 80 Jobs : Priest/Sage/Star Gladiator Id: (1563) Sage's Dirary Rental Item The diary of a great sage that was published [/s][/color] without him ever knowing. MATK +20%140, Increases Attack Speed by 5% This item cannot be Dropped or Traded. Weapon Class : Book Attack Strength: 135 Weight : 0 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 1 Jobs : Priest, Sage, Taekwon Master Id: (1564) Giant Encyclopedia [2] An encyclopedia distributed by a Prontera publisher that is famous for using solid binding in their books. Those struck by this book will swear the binding is diamond hard. MATK +15%00, INT +3, DEX +2, CRI +20. CRI bonus increases according to the wearer's LUK. Item Class : Book ATK: 110 Weight : 200 Weapon LV: 3 Required Level : 70 Jobs : Priest and Sage Classes; Taekwon Master Job Id: (1565) Ledger Of Death [2] These books are used by demons to kill the living by writing their names in the pages, and a few of these were lost and ended up in human hands. The last name, ''Hollg--'' looks like it wasn't completed. Maybe the demon changed his mind? MATK +15%00, STR +3, INT +3, LUK -20. Has a certain chance of inflicting the Coma status to Demihuman enemies. This weapon's Attack Speed bonus depends on its Upgrade Level. Damages and curses all onscreen enemies when worn by Sages and Professors. Item Class : Book ATK: 137 Weight : 100 Weapon LV: 4 Required Level : 85 Jobs : Priest and Sage Classes; Taekwon Master Job Id: (1568) Book of Billows [3] A hefty book with a hard cover that has been enchanted with the Water property. Class : Book Attack Strength: 90 Weight : 75 Property: Water Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 27 Jobs : Priest Sage, and Taekwon Master Id: (1569) Book of Mother Earth [3] A hefty book with a hard cover that has been enchanted with the Earth property. Class : Book Attack Strength: 90 Weight : 75 Property: Earth Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 27 Jobs : Priest Sage, and Taekwon Master Id: (1570) Book of Blazing Sun [3] A hefty book with a hard cover that has been enchanted with the Fire property. Class : Book Attack Strength: 90 Weight : 75 Property: Fire Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 27 Jobs : Priest Sage, and Taekwon Master Id: (1571) Book of Gust of Wind [3] A hefty book with a hard cover that has been enchanted with the Wind property. Class : Book Attack Strength: 90 Weight : 75 Property: Wind Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 27 Jobs : Priest Sage, and Taekwon Master Id: (1572) Principles of Magic [2] This helps students study and build a strong foundation of using magic. If you're having trouble... - Author : Sage S. MATK + 20%160, INT + 3, Increase SP Recovery Rate by 5%. If equipped with Librarian Glove and Pocket Watch, INT +5, HP +700, ASPD +5%. Item Class : Book ATK : 60 Weight : 30 Property : Neutral Weapon LV : 3 Required Level : 6030 Jobs : Priest, Sage, Taekwon Master Id: (1573) Ancient Magic [2] A book with a Very impressive phrase,'There is no royal road to learning.' on its cover. "Practice makes perfect. If you keep trying, you'll be an expert before you know it." MATK + 15%40. When equipped along with Mage Coat, MDEF +8, MaxSP +10%, INT +4 Item Class : Book ATK : 30 Weight : 70 Property : Neutral Weapon LV : 3 Required Level : 70 Jobs : Priest, Sage, Taekwon Master Id: (1574) Battle Strategy Book A battlefield book written by ancient strategists from a far east country. It is still being studied by many militarists. STR + 2, INT + 1, MATK + 125% Increases Physical Attack Strength towards Demihuman monsters by 75%. Ignores Physical Defense from Demihuman monsters by 20%. Indestructible. Weapon Class : Book Attack Strength: 90 Weight : 0 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 80 Jobs : Priest, Sage, Taekwon Master Id: (1575) Battle Strategy Book A battlefield book written by ancient strategists from a far east country. It is still being studied by many militarists. STR + 2, INT + 1, MATK + 125% Ignores Magical Defense from Demihuman monsters by 25%. Indestructible. Weapon Class : Book Attack Strength: 90 Weight : 0 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 80 Jobs : Priest, Sage, Taekwon Master Id: (1576) Glorious Tablet MATK + 15%5 Increases Physical Attack Strength to Demihuman monster by 80%.. Ignores Physical defense from Demihuman monster by 25%. Indestructible. * Additional Weapon Refining Level Option +6 Refining 5% increase in ignoring Physical Defense of Demihuman monster [Slaughter] Lv 1 +9 Refining Increase ATK by 200 for 3 sec. when attacking and synchronizing the weapon at a certain rate Class : Book Attack : 90 Weight : 0 Weapon Level : 4 Required Level : 80 Jobs : Priest/Sage/Star Jobs Id: (1577) Glorious Apocalypse MATK + 15%5 Increases Physical Attack Strength to Demihuman monster by 80%.. Ignores Magical defense from Demihuman monster by 25%. Indestructible. * Additional Weapon Refining Level Option +6 Refining 5% increase in ignoring Magical Defense of Demihuman monster +9 Refining Matk 5% increase Casting Time reduces by 5% Cast Delay reduces by 5% Class : Book Attack : 90 Weight : 0 Weapon Level : 4 Required Level : 80 Jobs : Priest/Sage/Star Jobs Id: (1596) Earth Pedigree Book [2] A book that is sealed with the power of Earth. MATK +130. INT 3. Earth Spike/Heaven's Drive damages +5%. Additional Earth Spike/Heaven's Drive damages +1% per upgrade level. Indestructible. Class : Book Atk : 90 Weight : 40 Weapon Lev : 4 Req Lev : 27 Job : Priest Class/Sage Class/Taekwon Master Id: (1596) Earth Pedigree Book [2] Un livre scellé par le pouvoir de la Terre. MATK +130. INT 3. Dégâts de Earth Spike/Heaven's Drive +5%. Dégâts additionnels de Earth Spike/Heaven's Drive +1% par forge. Indestructible. Type : Book Puissance : 90 Poids : 40 Niveau Arme : 4 Niveau requis : 27 Profession : Priest/Sage/Star Gladiator Id: (1596) Earth Pedigree Book [2] Dieses Buch wurde mit der Macht der Erde versiegelt. MATK +130. INT 3. Addiert 5% Schaden bei Earth Spike/Heaven's Drive. Addiert zusätzlich 1% Schaden bei Earth Spike/Heaven's Drive je Upgrade-Level Unzerstörbar. Gegenstandsart: Book Attack : 90 Gewicht: 40 Weapon Level: 4 Benötigtes Lv. : 27 Job: Priest Class/Sage Class/Taekwon Master Id: (1596) Earth Pedigree Book [2] A book that is sealed with the power of Earth. MATK +130. INT 3. Earth Spike/Heaven's Drive damages +5%. Additional Earth Spike/Heaven's Drive damages +1% per upgrade level. Indestructible. Class : Book Atk : 90 Weight : 40 Weapon Lev : 4 Req Lev : 27 Job : Priest Class/Sage Class/Taekwon Master Id: (1601) Rod [3] A simple magic wand. MATK +15% Weapon 30 Class : Rod Attack Strength: 15 Weight : 40 Weapon Level: 1 Required Level : NA1 Jobs : Novice, Mage, Acolyte Classes, and Soul Linker Id: (1602) Rod [4] A simple magic wand. MATK + 15 % Weapon 30 Class : Rod Attack Strength: 15 Weight : 40 Weapon Level: 1 Required Level : NA1 Jobs : Novice, Mage, Acolyte Classes, and Soul Linker Id: (1603) Rod A simple magic wand. MATK + 15 % Weapon 30 Class : Rod Attack Strength: 15 Weight : 40 Weapon Level: 1 Required Level : NA1 Jobs : Novice, Mage, Acolyte Classes, and Soul Linker Id: (1604) Wand [2] A rough-hewn wand that's effective enough for the casting of magic spells. INT + 1 , MATK + 15 % Weapon 45 Class : Rod Attack Strength: 25 Weight : 40 Weapon Level: 2 Required Level : 12 Jobs : Novice, Mage, Acolyte Classes, and Soul Linker Id: (1605) Wand [3] A rough-hewn wand that's effective enough for the casting of magic spells. INT + 1 , MATK + 15 % Weapon 45 Class : Rod Attack Strength: 25 Weight : 40 Weapon Level: 2 Required Level : 12 Jobs : Novice, Mage, Acolyte Classes, and Soul Linker Id: (1606) Wand A rough-hewn wand that's effective enough for the casting of magic spells. INT + 1 , MATK + 15 % Weapon 45 Class : Rod Attack Strength: 25 Weight : 40 Weapon Level: 2 Required Level : 12 Jobs : Novice, Mage, Acolyte Classes, and Soul Linker Id: (1607) Staff [2] A wooden staff adorned with an enchanted jewel. MATK +15%70 INT +2 Weapon Class : Rod Attack Strength: 40 Weight : 40 Weapon Level: 2 Required Level : 12 Jobs : Mage, Acolyte Classes, and Soul Linker Id: (1608) Staff [3] A wooden staff adorned with an enchanted jewel. MATK +15%70 INT +2 Weapon Class : Rod Attack Strength: 40 Weight : 40 Weapon Level: 2 Required Level : 12 Jobs : Mage, Acolyte Classes, and Soul Linker Id: (1609) Staff A wooden staff adorned with an enchanted jewel. MATK +15%70 INT +2 Weapon Class : Rod Attack Strength: 40 Weight : 40 Weapon Level: 2 Required Level : 12 Jobs : Mage, Acolyte Classes, and Soul Linker Id: (1610) Arc Wand [1] An ornate, elegantly crafted wand that grants powerful magical energy. MATK +15%95 INT +3 Weapon Class : Rod Attack Strength: 60 Weight : 40 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 24 Jobs : Mage, Acolyte Classes, and Soul Linker Id: (1611) Arc Wand [2] An ornate, elegantly crafted wand that grants powerful magical energy. MATK +15%95 INT +3 Weapon Class : Rod Attack Strength: 60 Weight : 40 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 24 Jobs : Mage, Acolyte Classes, and Soul Linker Id: (1612) Arc Wand An ornate, elegantly crafted wand that grants powerful magical energy. MATK +15%95 INT +3 Weapon Class : Rod Attack Strength: 60 Weight : 40 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 24 Jobs : Mage, Acolyte Classes, and Soul Linker Id: (1613) Mighty Staff A rare staff that can convert psychic energy into brute strength. Consumes 2 SP with each physical attack. MATK +15%00 STR + 10 Weapon Class : Rod Attack Strength: 130 Weight : 70 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 24 Jobs : Mage, Acolyte Classes, and Soul Linker Id: (1614) Wand of Occult A shamanic wand topped with a goat's skull that enhances magic attack power. MATK + 105% INT +3 Weapon Class : Rod Attack Strength: 75 Weight : 70 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 24 Jobs : Mage, Acolyte Classes, and Soul Linker Id: (1615) Evil Bone Wand Since evil spirits possess this wand of human bone, its suffocatingly accursed aura can be sensed by those who wield it. MATK +15%10 INT +4 Weapon Class : Rod Attack Strength: 40 Weight : 70 Property:Undead Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 24 Jobs : Mage, Acolyte Classes, and Soul Linker Id: (1616) Wing Staff A staff containing a wind fairy that grants its user the essense of speed. Reduces spell cast time by 5%. MATK +115% Class : Staff Attack Strength: 60 Weight : 50 Property:Wind Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 40 Jobs : Mage Class and Soul Linker Id: (1617) Survivor's Rod A staff developed through the united efforts of the Mage Guild and Prontera Church. There are two different versions of this staff intended to help new trainees. DEX +2, MATK +15%120 HP +300 Class : Staff Attack Strength: 50 Weight : 100 Property:Neutral Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 24 Jobs : Mage Class and Soul Linker Id: (1618) Survivor's Rod [1] A staff developed through the united efforts of the Mage Guild and Prontera Church. There are two different versions of this staff intended to help new trainees. DEX + 3, MATK + 15%120 HP + 400. Class : Staff Attack Strength: 50 Weight : 100 Property:Neutral Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 24 Jobs : Mage Class and Soul Linker Id: (1619) Survivor's Rod A staff developed through the united efforts of the Mage Guild and Prontera Church. There are two different versions of this staff intended to help new trainees. INT +2, MATK +15%20 HP +300 Class : Staff Attack Strength: 50 Weight : 100 Property:Neutral Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 24 Jobs : Mage Class and Soul Linker Id: (1620) Survivor's Rod [1] A staff developed through the united efforts of the Mage Guild and Prontera Church. There are two different versions of this staff intended to help new trainees. INT + 3, MATK + 15%20 HP + 400. Class : Staff Attack Strength: 50 Weight : 100 Property:Neutral Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 24 Jobs : Mage Class and Soul Linker Id: (1621) Hypnotist's Staff [1] A staff with a hynpotizing effect that can even make a Novice feel just like a High Wizard. Sort of. INT + 1, MATK + 25%.120 Class : Staff Attack Strength: 70 Weight : 50 Property:Neutral Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 30 Jobs : Novice Class Id: (1622) Hypnotist's Staff [2] A staff with a hynpotizing effect that can even make a Novice feel just like a High Wizard. Sort of. INT + 1, MATK + 25%.120 Class : Staff Attack Strength: 70 Weight : 50 Property:Neutral Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 30 Jobs : Novice Class Id: (1623) Rental Item A rare staff that can convert psychic energy into brute strength. Consumes 1 SP with each physical attack. STR + 10 ,INT + 4, MATK +100 Weapon Class : Staff Attack Strength : 165 Weight : 0 Weapon Level : 3 Required Level : 1 Jobs : Mage Class, Acolyte Class, Soul Linker Id: (1624) Lich's Bone Wand [2] A wand crafted from a powerful Lich's skull that will curse anyone that threatens its true owner. MATK +20%170, INT +1, DEX +1. Has a low chance of cursing all onscreen enemies each time the wearer is physically attacked; this chance can be raised by increasing this weapon's Upgrade Level. Additional MATK +3% and Max SP +300 bonus if Upgrade Level is 9 or greater. Undead property. Item Class : Staff ATK: 60 Weight : 80 Weapon LV: 3 Required Level : 70 Jobs : Trascendent Mage and Acolyte Classes Id: (1625) Healing Staff A healing staff made out of twigs from the Yggdrasil tree. There is an engraving in an ancient language that reads, ''Health and longevity.'' MATK +105. Increases Recovery Rate of the Heal and Sanctuary skills depending on this weapons' Upgrade Level. Holy property. Item Class : Staff ATK: 10 Weight : 40 Weapon LV: 3 Required Level : 55 Jobs : Acolyte Job Id: (1626) Piercing Staff A staff inset with a gem that constantly emits waves that can disrupt the MDEF of enemies. MATK +145%, INT +4. Ignores 10% of enemy MDEF when performing magic attacks; this percentage [/s][/color] is raised by increasing this weapon's Upgrade Level. Item Class : Staff ATK: 80 Weight : 50 Weapon LV: 3 Required Level : 70 Jobs : Trascendent Mage and Acolyte Classes Id: (1629) Gentleman Staff [1] A staff once used by a very gentle man somewhere long ago. A very narrow sword is hidden inside the staff. MATK+125%. DEX + 1. 000000 When equipped along with Magician Hat, DEX +2, INT +2, SP Recovery Rate +5%. Magical Attack increases depending on the degree of refining. Item Class : Staff ATK : 40 Weight : 50 Property : Neutral Weapon Level : 4 Required Level : 50 Jobs : Magician, Acolyte, Soul Linker Id: (1630) Release of Wish A staff made of Crystal. It shines beautifully against the light. This staff can also help the holder recover from damage. MATK+125%, INT + 3. 5% increase in Recovery when using Recovery Skill. Has a low chance of restoring an amount of HP & SP when Magically attacked. Item Class : Staff ATK : 30 Weight : 50 Property : Neutral Weapon Level : 3 Required Level : 50 Jobs : Magician only Id: (1631) Holy Stick [1] A holy stick which is made of Rune of Odin, specialized for exorcisms. MATK + 15%40 Reduces of casting time for Holy Light, Turn Undead, and Magnus Exorcismus by 25%. Weapon Class : Rod Attack Strength: 50 Weight : 50 Property: Holy Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 70 Jobs : Priest, Monk Id: (1632) Warlock's Magic Wand A Rod that has been modified for brave magicians who face enemies in battle. It is especially designed for battles against Demihumans. MATK + 125%, INT + 4, Dex + 3 Ignores Magic Defense from Demihuman monsters by 25%. Enables a 5% chance to inflict the Stun effect when using magical attacks. Indestructible. Weapon Class : Rod Attack Strength: 70 Weight : 0 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 80 Jobs : Mage, Acolyte, Soul Linker Id: (1633) Warlock's Battle Wand A Rod that has been modified for brave magicians who face enemies in battle. It is especially designed for battles against Demihumans. MATK + 125%, INT + 3, Dex + 3 Increases Magic Damage against Demihuman monsters by 15%. Enables a 5% chance to inflict the Stun effect when using magical attacks. Indestructible. Weapon Class : Rod Attack Strength: 70 Weight : 0 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 80 Jobs : Mage, Acolyte, Soul Linker Id: (1634) Strong Recovery Wand A Rod that is intended to heal people during battle. It provides special treatment to serious wounds. MATK + 125% Increases the Recovery Rate of Heal, Sanctuary by 14% when they are cast by the wearer. Restores 5 SP every 10 sec. Indestructible. Weapon Class : Rod Attack Strength: 70 Weight : 0 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 80 Jobs : Mage, Acolyte, Soul Linker Id: (1635) Speedy Recovery Wand A Rod that is intended to heal people during battle. It has been optimized to heal more rapidly. MATK + 125%, INT + 3, DEX + 2 Reduces Cast Delay by 15%. Restores 5 SP every 10 sec. Indestructible. Weapon Class : Rod Attack Strength: 70 Weight : 0 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 80 Jobs : Mage, Acolyte, Soul Linker Id: (1636) Thorn Staff of Darkness A staff which is covered with thorns, containing strong meanings of sorcery. MATK + 20%160, INT + 3, DEX + 3 Each upgrade level adds magic defense bypassing to your magic attacks and reduces cast delay of all skills. Weapon Class : Rod Attack Strength: 60 Weight : 70 Property:Shadow Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 75 Jobs : Transcendent Mage, Acolyte Id: (1637) Eraser A staff that causes the enemy's mental distraction. MATK + 20%170, INT + 3, Dex + 2 SP Recovery increase by 8%. When magically attack, takes away 20% SP of all enemies within 11*11 cells around itself. If Refining Level is over 10, takes away 60% SP of all enemies within 19*19 cells around itself. Class : Staff Attack : 80 Weight : 50 Weapon Level : 4 Required Level : 70 Jobs : Transcendent Wizard / Acolyte Class Id: (1640) Glorious Arc Wand Matk+ 135% Increases Magical Attack Strength to Demihuman monster by 15%.. Ignores Magical defense from Demihuman monster by 25%. Indestructible. * Additional Weapon Refining Level Option +6 Refining 5% increase in ignoring Magical Defense of Demihuman monster +9 Refining Matk 5% increase Casting Time reduces by 5% Cast delay reduces by 5% Class : Staff Attack : 70 Weight : 0 Weapon Level : 4 Required Level : 80 Jobs : Wizard Class/Acolyte Class Jobs Id: (1641) Glorious Cure Wand MATK + 135% 14% increase in the amount of recovery when using [Heal] and [Sanctuary]. Delay reduces by 10% after using skills. Indestructible. * Additional Weapon Refining Level Option +6 Refining 5% increase in the amount of Recovery [Bless] Lv 1 +9 Refining When using [Heal] skill, inflicts and auto-spell of [Heal] Lv.10 to the enemy at a certain rate. +10 Refining 10% increase in the amount of Recovery Class : Staff Attack : 70 Weight : 0 Weapon Level : 4 Required Level : 80 Jobs : Wizard Class/Acolyte Class Jobs Id: (1643) Dead Tree Cane Staff [1] A staff made out of magical wood. It possesses huge magical power, but it will make you look like an elder. Int + 4. Depending on refine level INT may increase but MHP and MSP may decrease. If refined to +6 or higher, Int increases by 1 per level, and MaxHP -200, MaxSP -100. Matk + 15%5 Class : Staff Attack : 100 Weight : 10 Weapon Level : 4 Required Level : 70 Jobs : Mage Class / Acolyte Class / Soul Linker Id: (1646) Lacryma Stick [2] A highclass mage's staff decorated with rich tail-feathers. It has been especially treated for the ice elemental magical spell, 'Stormgust'. Matk + 15%80 Int +4, Mdef +1 for each refine level Stormgust's damage increases by 1% for each refine level. If refined to +10, casting speed of 'Stormgust' decreases by 8%. Class : One-Handed Staff Attack : 30 Weight : 50 Required Level : 50 Jobs : Transcendent Mage Classes Id: (1647) Croce Staff [1] The official staff for High Class Clerics. It is decorated with a red Prontera Cathedral Emblem. Matk + 175%, Int +4. Holy Elemental. When using 'Heal', randomly autocasts Lv. 1 'Blessing' to self. ('Blessing' skill will be cast with the player's learned skill Level.) Class : One-Handed Staff Attack : 30 Weight : 50 Required Level : 50 Jobs : Transcendent Acolyte Classes Id: (1648) Bordeaux Staff A short, simply designed staff; like a baton. A jewel, with the power of justice, is set on it. Matk + 15%80, Int +2, Dex +1. When mastering 'Dragonology', consumed SP amount is decreased by 15%, Int +3. Class : One-Handed Staff Attack : 30 Weight : 50 Required Level : 50 Jobs : Transcendent Mage Classes Id: (1649) Rafini Staff A staff which is crafted by a stone that is often used when Raffine Tribe put magic power into it. Fixed Casting decreases by 1% for every upgrade level. (It's not duplicated with card's or other parts' decreasing effect.) MATK + 180. Weapon Class : Staff Attack Strength : 30 Weight : 50 Weapon Level : 3 Required Level : 100 Jobs : Third Magician/Acolyte Class Id: (1650) P.Staff1 A staff that is made by Paradise Team itself. A basic item for a beginning magician. INT + 2 , MATK + 125 Cannot be upgraded. Weapon Class : Staff Attack Strength : 60 Weight : 0 Weapon Level : 2 Required Level : 26 Jobs : Magician Class/Acolyte Class Id: (1651) P.Staff2 A staff that is made by Paradise Team itself. A basic item for a beginning magician. INT + 3, MATK + 150 Cannot be upgraded. Weapon Class : Staff Attack Strength : 60 Weight : 0 Weapon Level : 2 Required Level : 26 Jobs : Magician Class/Acolyte Class Id: (1657) Wand Of Affection A Staff that radiates concern for the welfare of others. Adds 10% Heal Bonus. MATK + 160, INT + 2. If worn with Robes, Shoes, and Robe of Mercy Increase Heal Bonus by an additional 25% and SP consumption of 'Heal' by 20. Subtract 2 seconds from the reuse delay of Sacrement, Lauda Agnus and Lauda Ramus. TypeClass : Staff Attack : 30 Weight : 50 Weapon Level : 4 Required Level : 100 Jobs : "Archbishop Id: (1660) Empowered Wand Of Affection [1] A Staff that radiates concern for the welfare of others. Adds 20% Heal Bonus. MATK + 180, INT + 4. If worn with Robes, Shoes, and Robe of Mercy Increase Heal Bonus by an additional 45% and SP consumption of 'Heal' by 50. Subtract 3 seconds from the reuse delay of Sacrement, Lauda Agnus and Lauda Ramus. TypeClass : Staff Attack : 30 Weight : 50 Weapon Level : 4 Required Level : 130 Jobs : "Archbishop Id: (1670) RWC Memory Staff [1] A Memory Staff which has an amazing magic power in celebration of 2012 RWC. When equipped with RWC Memorial Pendant, a hidden Magic spell gets unleashed. MATK + 30, When refine level is above 3, MATK + 30. When refine level is above 6, increases damage to all monsters by 5%. When refine level is above 9, increases damage to all monsters by 5%. Every magic attack gets a chance to automatically cast [Magic Amplification] Level 1. When equipped with RWC 2012 Pendant, MATK +5 for every weapon refinement. Class : One Handed Staff Attack : 25 Weight : 50 Weapon Level : 3 Required Lvevel. : 1 Jobs : MagicianClass/AcolyteClass/Soul Linker Id: (1676) Baculum Daemonicum [2] An infernal staff from hell. Only true demons are able control it's full power. People say that a Prince from Hell used this weapon for his army. Decrease aftercast delay 10%. With more than Base LV 100, MATK +30. With more than 9 refine level, Blind can be activated by a certain chance. SP consumption will be decreasd 10% when using skills. MATK + 150 Class : One handed Staff Attack : 60 Weight : 120 Weapon LV : 4 Required LVevel : 80 Jobs : Magician, Acolyte, Soul Linker Id: (1701) Bow [3] A common bow. Weapon Class : Bow Attack Strength: 15 Weight : 50 Weapon Level: 1 Required Level : 4 Jobs : Archer Class; Thief and Rogue Jobs Id: (1702) Bow [4] A common bow. Weapon Class : Bow Attack Strength: 15 Weight : 50 Weapon Level: 1 Required Level : 4 Jobs : Archer Class; Thief and Rogue Jobs Id: (1703) Bow A common bow. Weapon Class : Bow Attack Strength: 15 Weight : 50 Weapon Level: 1 Required Level : 4 Jobs : Archer Class; Thief and Rogue Jobs Id: (1704) Composite Bow [3] An average bow that is mostly used for small game hunting. Weapon Class : Bow Attack Strength: 29 Weight : 60 Weapon Level: 1 Required Level : 4 Jobs : Archer Class; Thief and Rogue Jobs Id: (1705) Composite Bow [4] An average bow that is mostly used for small game hunting. Weapon Class : Bow Attack Strength: 29 Weight : 60 Weapon Level: 1 Required Level : 4 Jobs : Archer Class; Thief and Rogue Jobs Id: (1706) Composite Bow An average bow that is mostly used for small game hunting. Weapon Class : Bow Attack Strength: 29 Weight : 60 Weapon Level: 1 Required Level : 4 Jobs : Archer Class; Thief and Rogue Jobs Id: (1707) Great Bow [2] A simply constructed bow that offers well balanced performance. Weapon Class : Bow Attack Strength: 50 Weight : 100 Weapon Level: 2 Required Level : 18 Jobs : Archer Class; Thief and Rogue Jobs Id: (1708) Great Bow [3] A simply constructed bow that offers well balanced performance. Weapon Class : Bow Attack Strength: 50 Weight : 100 Weapon Level: 2 Required Level : 18 Jobs : Archer Class; Thief and Rogue Jobs Id: (1709) Great Bow A simply constructed bow that offers well balanced performance. Weapon Class : Bow Attack Strength: 50 Weight : 100 Weapon Level: 2 Required Level : 18 Jobs : Archer Class; Thief and Rogue Jobs Id: (1710) Cross Bow [2] A specially made bow that uses a firing mechanism to launch arrows at enemies. Weapon Class : Bow Attack Strength: 65 Weight : 90 Weapon Level: 2 Required Level : 18 Jobs : Archer Class; Thief and Rogue Jobs Id: (1711) Cross Bow [3] A specially made bow that uses a firing mechanism to launch arrows at enemies. Weapon Class : Bow Attack Strength: 65 Weight : 90 Weapon Level: 2 Required Level : 18 Jobs : Archer Class; Thief and Rogue Jobs Id: (1712) Cross Bow A specially made bow that uses a firing mechanism to launch arrows at enemies. Weapon Class : Bow Attack Strength: 65 Weight : 90 Weapon Level: 2 Required Level : 18 Jobs : Archer Class; Thief and Rogue Jobs Id: (1713) Arbalest Bow [1] A powerful siege weapon that is, in essense, a huge crossbow. DEX +2 Weapon Class : Bow Attack Strength: 90 Weight : 100 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 33 Jobs : Archer Class; Thief and Rogue Jobs Id: (1714) Gakkung Bow [1] A bow made famous by its use by Goongso, a legendary Korean archer that used this bow's power to smite his enemies. Weapon Class : Bow Attack Strength: 100 Weight : 110 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 33 Jobs : Archer Class; Thief and Rogue Jobs Id: (1715) Arbalest [2] A powerful siege weapon that is, in essense, a huge crossbow. DEX +2 Weapon Class : Bow Attack Strength: 90 Weight : 100 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 33 Jobs : Archer Class; Thief and Rogue Jobs Id: (1716) Gakkung Bow [2] A bow made famous by its use by Goongso, a legendary Korean archer that used this bow's power to smite his enemies. Weapon Class : Bow Attack Strength: 100 Weight : 110 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 33 Jobs : Archer Class; Thief and Rogue Jobs Id: (1718) Hunter Bow A mighty bow that can only be effectively used [/s][/color] by Hunters and Snipers. Weapon Class : Bow Attack Strength: 125 Weight : 110 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 33 Jobs : Hunter Id: (1719) Roguemaster's Bow A bow, created just for Thieves, that has great attacking range. Weapon Range: 11 cells Weapon Class : Bow Attack Strength: 75 Weight : 50 Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 48 Jobs : Thief Id: (1720) Rudra Bow A bow imbued with the sacred essense of Rudra, one of the ancient gods. Adds 50% tolerance to the Poison, Curse, Silence, Chaos and Blind statuses. Enables the use of Level 1 Heal and Level 1 Cure. INT +5 Weapon Class : Bow Attack Strength: 150 Weight : 120 Property: Holy Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 48 Jobs : Archer Class; Rogue Job Id: (1721) Repeating Crossbow [1] A rapid fire crossbow that can shoot many arrows in a short span of time. Class : Bow ATK: 95 Weight : 200 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 65 Jobs : Thief, Hunter, and Rogue Jobs Id: (1722) Ballista A giant bow which was used in ancient battles. Class : Bow ATK: 145 Weight : 350 Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 77 Jobs : Hunter, Bard, and Dancer Jobs Id: (1723) Luna Bow [2] A bow crafted out of moonstone with an attached blade that allows its user to block and counter enemy attacks. The drawback is that this bow is quite heavy. DEF +2 if not upgraded. DEF +3 if upgraded to +6. DEF +5 if upgraded to +9. Class : Bow Attack Strength: 100 Weight : 200 Property: Neutral Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 30 Jobs : Hunter Id: (1724) Dragon Wing A bow constructed out of dragon bone and made to look like dragon wings. Ignores Dragon monsters' Defense. Has 3% chance of gaining Oridecon Arrow each time it kills a Dragon monster. Class : Bow Attack Strength: 100 Weight : 120 Property: Neutral Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 60 Jobs : Archer Class; Thief and Rogue Jobs Id: (1725) Minstrel Bow [1] A musicial instrument that has been modified into a bow. INT +2, SP Recovery +10% Class : Bow Damage: 120 Weight : 170 Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 70 Jobs : Hunter/Bard/Dancer Id: (1726) Hunter Bow [1] A mighty bow that can only be effectively used by Hunters. Class : Bow Attack Strength: 125 Weight : 150 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 33 Jobs : Hunter Id: (1727) Ballista [1] A huge bow whose designed was inspired by the giant siege weapons used to raze entire castles. Class : Bow Attack Strength: 145 Weight : 350 Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 77 Jobs : Hunter, Bard, and Dancer Id: (1728) Rental Item A giant bow which was used in ancient battles. When ranged-attacking, increases damage by 20% Weapon Class : Bow Attack Strength : 194 Weight : 0 Weapon Level : 4 Required Level : 1 Jobs : Hunter, Bard, Dancer Id: (1729) Rudra Bow Rental Item A bow imbued with the sacred essense of Rudra, one of the ancient gods. Adds 50% tolerance to the Poison, Curse, Silence, Chaos and Blind statuses. Enables the use of Level 1 Heal and Level 1 Cure. INT +5 This item cannot be Dropped or Traded. Weapon Class : Bow Attack Strength: 185 Weight : 0 Property: Holy Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 1 Jobs : Archer Class; Rogue Job Id: (1730) Burning Bow [1] A flaming bow that seems dangerous to grasp. Increases tolerance to Fire property attacks by 10%, and increases damage of attacks with Fire Arrows by 25%. Item Class : Bow ATK: 95 Weight : 140 Weapon LV: 3 Required Level : 55 Jobs : Archer Classes and Rogue Job Id: (1731) Freezing Bow [1] A frozen bow whose drawstring seems too solid to be pulled. Has a certain chance of freezing enemies, and increases damage of attacks with Crystal Arrows by 25%. Item Class : Bow ATK: 100 Weight : 140 Weapon LV: 3 Required Level : 55 Jobs : Archer Classes and Rogue Job Id: (1732) Earthen Bow [1] A bow that is perfectly balanced in every aspect. Increases damage of attacks with Stone Arrows by 25%. Has a certain chance of inflicting the Darkness status to enemies. Item Class : Bow ATK: 105 Weight : 140 Weapon LV: 3 Required Level : 55 Jobs : Archer Classes and Rogue Job Id: (1733) Gale Bow [1] A light bow that has been enhanced with the power of whirlwinds. Increases damage of attacks with Arrows of Wind by 25%. Each physical attack has a certain chance of auto casting Lv.5 Wind Blade; this chance is increased when the wearer's INT is 40 or greater. Item Class : Bow ATK: 95 Weight : 140 Weapon LV: 3 Required Level : 55 Jobs : Archer Classes and Rogue Job Id: (1734) Orc Archer Bow A large, powerful bow used by Orc Archers. Adds a chance of defeating enemies dropping Iron Arrows. Increases ranged damage of attacks with Steel Arrows by 50%. Item Class : Bow ATK: 120 Weight : 160 Weapon LV: 3 Required Level : 65 Jobs : Archer Classes and Rogue Job Id: (1736) Double Bound [3] A slim and smooth bow specialized for double attacks. When attacking, has a chance of autocasting Double Strafe of the level currently learned. Weapon Class : Bow Attack Strength: 70 Weight : 90 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 70 Jobs : Sniper only Id: (1737) Ixion Wings [1] A beautiful bow shaped as a pair of pure white wings. Has a chance of increasing ASPD by 7% for 7 seconds when attacked. Chance increases depending on refine level. Weapon Class : Bow Attack Strength: 135 Weight : 30 Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 70 Jobs : Sniper only Id: (1738) Battle CrossBow A Crossbow that has been designed to deal more damage to Demihuman monsters. DEX + 2 Increases Physical Attack Strength towards Demihuman monsters by 55%. Ignores Physical Defense from Demihuman monsters by 20%. Indestructible. Weapon Class : Bow Attack Strength: 100 Weight : 0 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 80 Jobs : Thief Classes,Archer Id: (1739) Battle CrossBow A Crossbow that has been designed to deal more damage to Demihuman monsters. DEX + 2, INT + 10 Increases Physical Attack Strength towards Demihuman monsters by 55%. Indestructible. Weapon Class : Bow Attack Strength: 100 Weight : 0 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 80 Jobs : Thief Classes,Archer Id: (1746) Elven Bow [1] It's made after a bow of ancient forest watching tribe. DEX + 2. Weapon Class : Bow Attack Strength : 160 Weight : 150 Weapon Level : 3 Required Level : 100 Jobs : Third Archer Class Id: (1747) P.Bow1 A bow that is made by Paradise Team itself. It's remodeled for a person who seeks for first archer. Cannot be upgraded. Weapon Class : Bow Attack Strength : 82 Weight : 0 Weapon Level : 2 Required Level : 26 Jobs : Archer Class/Thief/Rogue Id: (1748) P.Bow2 A rich bow that is made by Paradise Team itself. It is suitable for intermediates who have handled a bow before. cannot be upgraded. Weapon Class : Bow Attack Strength : 120 Weight : 0 Weapon Level : 2 Required Level : 40 Jobs : Archer Class/Thief/Rogue Id: (1750) Arrow A common arrow. Weapon Item Class : Arrow Attack Strength: 25 Weight : 0.1 Property: Neutral Id: (1751) Silver Arrow An arrow tipped with a silver point enchanted with the power of holiness. Weapon Item Class : Arrow Attack Strength: 30 Weight : 0.2 Property: Holy Id: (1752) Fire Arrow A flaming arrow that will inflict Fire property damage. Weapon Item Class : Arrow Attack Strength: 30 Weight : 0.2 Property: Fire Id: (1753) Steel Arrow An arrow constructed from hardened steel. Item Class : Arrow Attack Strength: 40 Weight : 0.2 Property: Neutral Id: (1754) Crystal Arrow An arrow made of blue crystal imbued with the power of Water. Item Class : Arrow Attack Strength: 30 Weight : 0.2 Property: Water Id: (1755) Arrow of Wind An arrow enchanted by the power of the Wind. Item Class : Arrow Attack Strength: 30 Weight : 0.2 Property: Wind Id: (1756) Stone Arrow An arrow made of stone imbued with the power of Earth. Item Class : Arrow Attack Strength: 30 Weight : 0.2 Property: Earth Id: (1757) Immaterial Arrow A shining arrow that doesn't have a discernable shape. Item Class : Arrow Attack Strength: 30 Weight : 0.1 Property: Ghost Id: (1758) Stun Arrow A thick, heavy arrow. Inflict the Stun status on targets by a low chance. Item Class : Arrow Attack Strength: 1 Weight : 0.3 Property: Neutral Id: (1759) Frozen Arrow An arrow enchanted with the power of ice. Inflict the Frozen status on targets by a low chance. Item Class : Arrow Attack Strength: 1 Weight : 0.3 Property: Water Id: (1760) Flash Arrow An arrow that explodes with a flash of light upon impact. Inflicts the Blind status on targets by a low chance. Item Class : Arrow Attack Strength: 1 Weight : 0.3 Property: Neutral Id: (1761) Cursed Arrow An arrow enchanted with curse magic. Inflict the Curse status on targets by a low chance. Item Class : Arrow Attack Strength: 1 Weight : 0.3 Property: Neutral Id: (1762) Rusty Arrow An old, rusty arrow. Item Class : Arrow Attack Strength: 30 Weight : 0.2 Property: Poison Id: (1763) Poison Arrow An arrow whose tip has been dipped in lethal poison. Inflict the Poison status on targets by a low chance. Item Class : Arrow Attack Strength: 1 Weight : 0.3 Property: Poison Id: (1764) Sharp Arrow An arrow with topped with a serrated blade. Increases Critical Attack Rate. Item Class : Arrow Attack Strength: 10 Weight : 0.3 Property: Neutral Id: (1765) Oridecon Arrow A very powerful arrow made out of Oridecon. Item Class : Arrow Attack Strength: 50 Weight : 0.3 Property: Neutral Id: (1766) Arrow of Counter Evil An arrow that is said to have the might to counter evil. Item Class : Arrow Attack Strength: 50 Weight : 0.3 Property: Holy Id: (1767) Arrow of Shadow An arrow imbued with the power of darkness. Item Class : Arrow Attack Strength: 30 Weight : 0.2 Property: Shadow Id: (1768) Sleep Arrow An arrow that can render targets unconscious. Inflict the Sleep status on targets by a low chance. Item Class : Arrow Attack Strength: 1 Weight : 0.3 Property: Neutral Id: (1769) Mute Arrow An arrow coated with a chemical that will paralyze a target's mouth. Inflict the Silence status on targets by a low chance. Item Class : Arrow Attack Strength: 1 Weight : 0.3 Property: Neutral Id: (1770) Iron Arrow Forged out of iron, this arrow will inflict more damage than one crafted of wood. Item Class : Arrow Attack Strength: 30 Weight : 0.1 Property: Neutral Id: (1771) Venom Knife A throwing knife laced with toxin that can inflict the Poison effect to enemies. Class : Throwing Dagger Damage: 30 Weight : 0.5 Property: Neutral Id: (1772) Holy Arrow A metal arrow blessed with holy water. Inflicts [/s][/color] 5% more damage against Demon race monsters. Class : Arrow Attack Strength: 50 Weight : 0.2 Property: Holy Id: (1773) Elven Arrow Arrows once used by the ancient elves guarding the forest. Increases Ranged Attack by 50%, when used together with an Elven Bow. TypeClass : Arrow Attack : 45 Weight : 0.1 Property : None1 Required Level : 100 Id: (1774) Hunting Arrow Strong and rough arrows ideal for hunting large animals. Increases Ranged Attack by 50%, when used together with a Hunter Bow. TypeClass : Arrow Attack : 35 Weight : 0.1 Property : None1 Id: (1801) Waghnak [3] A common, yet effective claw that's also known as the ''Tiger Fang.'' Weapon Class : Claw Attack Strength: 30 Weight : 40 Weapon Level: 1 Required Level : N/A Jobs : Priest and Monk Jobs Id: (1802) Waghnak [4] A common, yet effective claw that's also known as the ''Tiger Fang.'' Weapon Class : Claw Attack Strength: 30 Weight : 40 Weapon Level: 1 Required Level : N/A Jobs : Priest and Monk Jobs Id: (1803) Knuckle Dusters [2] A protective covering that shields the back of the hand and forearm, and has raised studs for offensive purposes. Weapon Class : Claw Attack Strength: 50 Weight : 45 Weapon Level: 2 Required Level : 12 Jobs : Priest and Monk Jobs Id: (1804) Knuckle Dusters [3] A protective covering that shields the back of the hand and forearm, and has raised studs for offensive purposes. Weapon Class : Claw Attack Strength: 50 Weight : 45 Weapon Level: 2 Required Level : 12 Jobs : Priest and Monk Jobs Id: (1805) Studded Knuckles [2] Silver, spiked knuckles with diamond studs that are usually worn by the best fighters in a tribe. Weapon Class : Claw Attack Strength: 65 Weight : 45 Weapon Level: 2 Required Level : 12 Jobs : Priest and Monk Jobs Id: (1806) Studded Knuckles [3] Silver, spiked knuckles with diamond studs that are usually worn by the best fighters in a tribe. Weapon Class : Claw Attack Strength: 65 Weight : 45 Weapon Level: 2 Required Level : 12 Jobs : Priest and Monk Jobs Id: (1807) Fist A weapon made in the form of a human fist which effectively inflicts damage on enemies. Weapon Class : Claw Attack Strength: 115 Weight : 65 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 24 Jobs : Priest and Monk Jobs Id: (1808) Fist [1] A weapon made in the form of a human fist which effectively inflicts damage on enemies. Weapon Class : Claw Attack Strength: 115 Weight : 65 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 24 Jobs : Priest and Monk Jobs Id: (1809) Claw [1] A weapon with three long steel claws that have proven effective in close combat. STR + 2 Weapon Class : Claw Attack Strength: 86 Weight : 50 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 24 Jobs : Priest and Monk Jobs Id: (1810) Claw [2] A weapon with three long steel claws that have proven effective in close combat. STR + 2 Weapon Class : Claw Attack Strength: 86 Weight : 50 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 24 Jobs : Priest and Monk Jobs Id: (1811) Finger [1] Claws shaped like human fingers with long, sharp nails. Weapon Class : Claw Attack Strength: 97 Weight : 50 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 24 Jobs : Priest and Monk Jobs Id: (1812) Finger [2] Claws shaped like human fingers with long, sharp nails. Weapon Class : Claw Attack Strength: 97 Weight : 50 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 24 Jobs : Priest and Monk Jobs Id: (1813) Kaiser Knuckle A claw blessed by Zephyrus, god of the west wind. Inflicts 5% additional damage on Undead monsters and 10% additional damage on Earth, Water, Fire and Wind property monsters. Weapon Class : Claw Attack Strength: 110 Weight : 45 Property:WindWeapon Level: 4 Required Level : 36 Jobs : Priest and Monk Jobs Id: (1814) Berserk A claw imbued with the essense of madness. Increases Attack Speed.[color=#=#7F0000]FFFFFF [/color] Weapon000000 Class : Claw Attack Strength: 120 Weight : 50 Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 36 Jobs : Priest and Monk Jobs Id: (1815) Hatii Claw [1] A blood stained weapon created from the claws of Hatii, keeper to the door the netherworld. Decreases MAX HP by 2%. Has a low chance of causing Bleeding effect to monsters in battle. Class : Claw Attack Strength: 152 Weight : 55 Property:Shadow Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 70 Jobs : Priest, Monk Id: (1816) Berserk [1] A pair of fierce claws that possesses its wearer, compelling him to draw fresh blood. Greatly increases Attack Speed. [/s][/color] Class : Claw Attack Strength: 120 Weight : 50 Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 36 Jobs : Priest, Monk Id: (1817) Rental Item A claw blessed by Zephyrus, god of the west wind. Inflicts 5% additional damage on Undead monsters and 10% additional damage on Earth, Water, Fire and Wind property monsters. Attack Speed + 12% Weapon Class : Finger Attack Strength : 159 Weight : 0 Weapon Level : 4 Required Level : 1 Jobs : Priest, Monk Id: (1818) Magma Fist [3] A knuckle made of superheated lava that has a special lining so that it can be worn. Each attack has a low chance of auto casting Lv.5 Endow Blaze on the wearer. Item Class : Claw ATK: 80 Weight : 65 Weapon LV: 3 Required Level : 75 Jobs : Priest and Monk Classes Id: (1819) Iceicle Fist [3] A knuckle made of extremely cold ice that has a special lining so that it can be worn. Each attack has a low chance of auto casting Lv.5 Endow Tsunami on the wearer. Item Class : Claw ATK: 80 Weight : 65 Weapon LV: 3 Required Level : 75 Jobs : Priest and Monk Classes Id: (1820) Electric Fist [3] A knuckle imbued with the power of lightning that occasionally shocks enemies. Each attack has a low chance of auto casting Lv.5 Endow Tornado on the wearer. Item Class : Claw ATK: 80 Weight : 65 Weapon LV: 3 Required Level : 75 Jobs : Priest and Monk Classes #lightning that Id: (1821) Seismic Fist [3] A knuckle imbued with the power of Mother Earth that can be used to crush your enemies. Each attack has a low chance of auto casting Lv.5 Endow Quake to the wearer. Item Class : Claw ATK: 80 Weight : 65 Weapon LV: 3 Required Level : 75 Jobs : Priest and Monk Classes Id: (1822) Barrage Fist [4] The magic words engraved on these gloves can grant incredible power to the Monk that wears them. Increases damage of Raging Trifecta Blow, Raging Quadruple Blow, and Raging Thrust by 15%. Item Class : Claw ATK: 30 Weight : 50 Weapon LV: 3 Required Level : 60 Jobs : Priest and Monk Classes Id: (1823) Battle Fist Battle Gloves used by combatants in the field of battle. Its wearer is never exhausted because it brings unlimited power once worn. STR + 2, AGI + 1 Increases Physical Attack Strength towards Demihuman monsters by 95%. Ignores Physical Defense from Demihuman monsters by 20%. Each physical attack adds the chance of auto casting Zen skill. Indestructible. Weapon Class : Claw Attack Strength: 30 Weight : 0 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 80 Jobs : Priest, Monk Id: (1824) Battle Fist Battle Gloves used by combatants in the field of battle. Its wearer is never exhausted because it brings unlimited power once worn. STR + 2, INT + 1 Increases Physical Attack Strength towards Demihuman monsters by 95%. Reduces Guillotine Fist casting time by 25%. Has a chance of negating Guillotine Fist casting time for 6 secs. Indestructible. Weapon Class : Claw Attack Strength: 30 Weight : 0 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 80 Jobs : Priest, Monk Id: (1837) Iron Nail [1] An arm-length gauntlet with giant claws attached to it. The claws can penetrate even the thickest gloves. Ignores the enemy's Physical Defense. -5% Attack Speed. Attack Speed +1% every 2 upgrade levels. Learn Level 5 Raging Quadruple Blow to receive ATK +20. Learn Level 5 Raging Thrust to receive ATK +20. Learn Level 5 Glacier Fist to receive ATK +20. Learn Level 5 Chain Crush Combo to receive ATK 40. Class : Knuckle Atk : 100 Weight : 150 Weapon Lev : 3 Req Lev : 50 Job : Priest/Monk Id: (1837) Iron Nail [1] Un gant long comme le bras avec des griffes attachées au bout. Ignore la défense phyisique ennemie. -5% ASPD. ASPD +1% toutes les deux forges. Si vous avez appris Raging Quadruple Blow niveau 5, ATK +20. Si vous avez appris Raging Thrust niveau 5, ATK +20. Si vous avez appris Glacier Fist niveau 5, ATK +20. Si vous avez appris Chain Crush Combo niveau 5, ATK +40. Type : Knuckle Puissance : 100 Poids : 150 Niveau Arme : 3 Niveau requis : 50 Profession : Priest/Monk Id: (1837) Iron Nail [1] Eine armlange Waffe mit großen Krallen. Die Krallen können die dicksten Handschuhe durchdringen. Ignoriert physikalische Verteidigung eines Gegners. -5% ASPD. Addiert ASPD + 1% jedes 2. Upgrade-Level. Wenn Raging Quadruple Blow Lv. 5 erlernt wurde addieren sich ATK +20. Wenn Raging Thrust Lv. 5 erlernt wurde addieren sich ATK +20. Wenn Glacier Fist Lv. 5 erlernt wurde addieren sich ATK +20. Wenn Chain Crush Lv. 5 erlernt wurde addieren sich ATK +40. Gegenstandsart: Knuckle Atk : 100 Gewicht: 150 Weapon Level: 3 Benötigtes Lv. : 50 Job: Priest/Monk Id: (1837) Iron Nail [1] An arm-length gauntlet with giant claws attached to it. The claws can penetrate even the thickest gloves. Ignores the enemy's Physical Defense. -5% Attack Speed. Attack Speed +1% every 2 upgrade levels. Learn Level 5 Raging Quadruple Blow to receive ATK +20. Learn Level 5 Raging Thrust to receive ATK +20. Learn Level 5 Glacier Fist to receive ATK +20. Learn Level 5 Chain Crush Combo to receive ATK 40. Class : Knuckle Atk : 100 Weight : 150 Weapon Lev : 3 Req Lev : 50 Job : Priest/Monk Id: (1901) Violin [3] The classical stringed instrument favored by [/s][/color] Rocker, the grasshopper monster who'd rather play music than do actual work. Weapon Class : Musical Instrument Attack Strength: 50 Weight : 70 Weapon Level: 1 Required Level : 2 Jobs : Bard Id: (1902) Violin [4] The classical stringed instrument favored by [/s][/color] Rocker, the grasshopper monster who'd rather play music than do actual work. Weapon Class : Musical Instrument Attack Strength: 50 Weight : 70 Weapon Level: 1 Required Level : 2 Jobs : Bard Id: (1903) Mandolin [2] A small, stringed instrument used in Baroque, Classical, [/s][/color] country and folk music. Weapon Class : Musical Instrument Attack Strength: 90 Weight : 40 Weapon Level: 2 Required Level : 14 Jobs : Bard Id: (1904) Mandolin [3] A small, stringed instrument used in Baroque, Classical, [/s][/color] country and folk music. Weapon Class : Musical Instrument Attack Strength: 90 Weight : 40 Weapon Level: 2 Required Level : 14 Jobs : Bard Id: (1905) Lute [2] A classical plucked string instrument that is incredibly difficult [/s][/color] to tune and adjust. Weapon Class : Musical Instrument Attack Strength: 105 Weight : 50 Weapon Level: 2 Required Level : 14 Jobs : Bard Id: (1906) Lute [3] A classical plucked string instrument that is incredibly difficult [/s][/color] to tune and adjust. Weapon Class : Musical Instrument Attack Strength: 105 Weight : 50 Weapon Level: 2 Required Level : 14 Jobs : Bard Id: (1907) Guitar A six stringed musical [/s][/color] instrument that is played by plucking the strings [/s][/color] with fingers or a pick. Weapon Class : Musical Instrument Attack Strength: 142 Weight : 90 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 27 Jobs : Bard Id: (1908) Guitar [1] A six-stringed musical [/s][/color] instrument that is played by plucking the strings [/s][/color] with fingers or a pick. Weapon Class : Musical Instrument Attack Strength: 142 Weight : 90 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 27 Jobs : Bard Id: (1909) Harp [1] A stringed instrument known for the beautiful sound of each note that is played. INT +2 Weapon Class : Musical Instrument Attack Strength: 114 Weight : 90 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 27 Jobs : Bard Id: (1910) Harp [2] A stringed instrument known for the beautiful sound of each note that is played. INT +2 Weapon Class : Musical Instrument Attack Strength: 114 Weight : 90 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 27 Jobs : Bard Id: (1911) Gumoongoh [1] A traditional chordophone, favored by the aristocracy in days past, which plays deep, subtle notes. Weapon Class : Musical Instrument Attack Strength: 126 Weight : 130 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 27 Jobs : Bard Id: (1912) Gumoongoh [2] A traditional chordophone, favored by the aristocracy in days past, which plays deep, subtle notes. Weapon Class : Musical Instrument Attack Strength: 126 Weight : 130 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 27 Jobs : Bard Id: (1913) Electric Guitar An electric guitar which amplifies its user's power. Enables use of lvl 1 Jupitel Thunder INT +2, AGI +1 Musical Instrument Attack: 110 Weight : 180 Property:Wind Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 70 Jobs : Bard Id: (1914) Burning Passion Guitar A magically dazzling guitar that bewitches its user to play songs of passion once it's held in his hands. Class : Musical Instrument Attack Strength: 110 Weight : 90 Property:Fire Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 27 Jobs : Bard Id: (1915) Loner's Guitar A guitar which makes a depressing sound when strummed, and is said to have been played by a bard who spend his entire life in complete loneliness. Class : Musical Instrument Attack Strength: 110 Weight : 90 Property: Water Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 27 Jobs : Bard Id: (1916) Green Acre Guitar According to rumor, this quaint guitar can be used to communicate with stones and even the very earth itself. Class : Musical Instrument Attack Strength: 110 Weight : 90 Property:Earth Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 27 Jobs : Bard Id: (1917) Gentle Breeze Guitar A magical guitar which fills the one who plays it with a desire for traveling. Class : Musical Instrument Attack Strength: 110 Weight : 90 Property:Wind Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 27 Jobs : Bard Id: (1918) Oriental Lute An ancient lute seen on display in oriental towns such as Payon, Amatsu or Kunlun. Nowadays, no one really knows how to play it. Increases the attack strength of Arrow Vulcan and Melody Strike skills by 10%. Class : Musical Instrument Attack Strength: 150 Weight : 120 Property:Neutral Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 65 Jobs : Bard Id: (1919) Bass Guitar [1] An instrument that produces low pitched sound. Recovers 3 SP for each enemy defeated. Has a chance to cast Lv.3 Heaven's Drive each time the wearer is attacked. Each attack has the chance to inflict all enemies within a 5*5 cell area with the Confused status. Item Class : Instrument ATK: 130 Weight : 150 Weapon LV: 3 Required Level : 70 Jobs : Minstrel Job Id: (1920) Berserk Guitar When musicians play this legendary instrument, their consciousness is fully absorbed, returning only once they've realized that they've finished their performance. Increases Attack Speed by 100% at the cost of reducing HP Recovery Rate by 100%, heavily reducing DEX, and losing 50 HP every 5 seconds. Item Class : Instrument ATK: 10 Weight : 180 Weapon LV: 4 Required Level : 70 Jobs : Minstrel Job Id: (1922) Oriental Lute [2] An ancient lute seen on display in oriental towns such as Payon, Amatsu or Kunlun. Nowadays, no one really knows how to play it. Increases the attack strength of Arrow Vulcan and Melody Strike skills by 10%. Class : Musical Instrument Attack Strength: 150 Weight : 120 Property:Neutral Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 65 Jobs : Bard Id: (1923) Battlefield Guitar A guitar which was created to encourage armies amidst battle. It looks useful for battles against Demihumans. DEX + 2 Increases Physical Attack Strength towards Demihuman monsters by 95%. Ignores Physical Defense from Demihuman monsters by 20%. Indestructible. Weapon Class : Musical Instrument Attack Strength: 50 Weight : 0 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 80 Jobs : Bard Id: (1924) Battlefield Guitar A guitar which was created to encourage armies amidst battle. It looks useful for battles against Demihumans. DEX + 2 Increases Physical Attack Strength towards Demihuman monsters by 95%. Increase Damage of Arrow Vulcan by 20%. Indestructible. Weapon Class : Musical Instrument Attack Strength: 50 Weight : 0 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 80 Jobs : Bard Id: (1950) Rope [3] A strong, thick cord composed of tightly braided fiber. Weapon Class : Whip Attack Strength: 45 Weight : 40 Weapon Level: 1 Required Level : 3 Jobs : Dancer Id: (1951) Rope [4] A strong, thick cord composed of tightly braided fiber. Weapon Class : Whip Attack Strength: 45 Weight : 40 Weapon Level: 1 Required Level : 3 Jobs : Dancer Id: (1952) Whip [2] A standard whip that's perfect for adventuring Dancers. Weapon Class : Whip Attack Strength: 80 Weight : 30 Weapon Level: 2 Required Level : 16 Jobs : Dancer Id: (1953) Whip [3] A standard whip that's perfect for adventuring Dancers. Weapon Class : Whip Attack Strength: 80 Weight : 30 Weapon Level: 2 Required Level : 16 Jobs : Dancer Id: (1954) Wire Whip [2] A whip made of a flexible wire attached to an iron handle. Weapon Class : Whip Attack Strength: 95 Weight : 100 Weapon Level: 2 Required Level : 16 Jobs : Dancer Id: (1955) Wire Whip [3] A whip made of a flexible wire attached to an iron handle. Weapon Class : Whip Attack Strength: 95 Weight : 100 Weapon Level: 2 Required Level : 16 Jobs : Dancer Id: (1956) Rante Whip A whip with a spiked [/s][/color] ball attached at the end. Weapon Class : Whip Attack Strength: 135 Weight : 90 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 30 Jobs : Dancer Id: (1957) Rante Whip [1] A whip with a spiked [/s][/color] ball attached at the end. Weapon Class : Whip Attack Strength: 135 Weight : 90 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 30 Jobs : Dancer Id: (1958) Tail Whip [1] A whip fashioned out of [/s][/color] an animal's tail that is said to bring good luck. [/s][/color] LUK + 3 Weapon Class : Whip Attack Strength: 105 Weight : 70 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 30 Jobs : Dancer Id: (1959) Tail Whip [2] A whip fashioned out of [/s][/color] an animal's tail that is said to bring good luck. [/s][/color] LUK + 3 Weapon Class : Whip Attack Strength: 105 Weight : 70 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 30 Jobs : Dancer Id: (1960) Whip [1] A fairly common and very normal whip. Weapon Class : Whip Attack Strength: 120 Weight : 70 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 30 Jobs : Dancer Id: (1961) Whip [2] A fairly common and very normal whip. Weapon Class : Whip Attack Strength: 120 Weight : 70 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 30 Jobs : Dancer Id: (1962) Lariat Whip A hefty whip made from toughened snakeskin. DEX +5, AGI +1 Weapon Class : Whip Attack Strength: 100 Weight : 40 Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 44 Jobs : Dancer Id: (1963) Rapture Rose Constructed purely of thorny stems from rosebushes, this whip has a 50% chance of inflicting the Poison status on its target with each attack. Weapon Class : Whip Attack Strength: 115 Weight : 30 Property: Poison Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 44 Jobs : Dancer Id: (1964) Chemeti Whip A powerful whip made of steel chain for heavy duty battles. Critical Rate +5% Perfect Dodge +2 Dodge +10% Weapon Class : Whip Attack Strength: 135 Weight : 70 Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 44 Jobs : Dancer Id: (1965) Red Flame Whip A whip made from the tough leather of a Fire property monster. Class : Whip Attack Strength: 110 Weight : 70 Property:Fire Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 30 Jobs : Dancer Id: (1966) Icicle Whip A whip created from enchanted icicles that are eternally frozen. Class : Whip Attack Strength: 110 Weight : 70 Property: Water Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 30 Jobs : Dancer Id: (1967) Gaia Whip A whip fashioned out of tough tree roots that have been braided together. Class : Whip Attack Strength: 110 Weight : 70 Property:Earth Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 30 Jobs : Dancer Id: (1968) Skipping Rope A skipping rope with wooden handles. Increases Critical Attack Rate by 20%. Class : Whip Attack Strength: 120 Weight : 40 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 30 Jobs : Dancer Id: (1969) Blade Whip A wire in which blade fragments are interwoven, making this whip as sharp as a sword. Has 3% chance of causing Bleeding effect on enemies with each attack. Class : Whip Attack Strength: 140 Weight : 120 Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 30 Jobs : Dancer Id: (1970) Queen's Whip This whip is the best of the best. Increases attack strength of Arrow Vulcan and Slinging Arrow skills by 10%. Class : Whip Attack Strength: 150 Weight : 110 Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 65 Jobs : Dancer Id: (1972) Electric Eel [2] A whip made from a slippery electric eel. INT +2, AGI +2. Each attack has a certain chance of auto casting Lv.3 Jupitel Thunder and Arrow Vulcan; the skill level of Arrow Vulcan that is cast depends on this weapon's Upgrade Level. Wind property. Item Class : Whip ATK: 100 Weight : 200 Weapon LV: 4 Required Level : 70 Jobs : Gypsy Job Id: (1973) Foot Of The Sea Witch [1] A whip made from the foot of an evil witch who lived in the sea to the west and was feared for her ability to siphon her enemies' energy. Recovers 5 SP for each defeated enemy. Has a certain chance of auto casting Lv.3 Frost Nova each time the wearer is attacked. Each attack has a chance of inflicting the Silence status to all enemies within a 5*5 cell area. Item Class : Whip ATK: 110 Weight : 150 Weapon LV: 4 Required Level : 70 Jobs : Gypsy Job Id: (1974) Carrot Whip A whip that rewards the wearer when she does her best. Each attack has a certain chance of auto casting Increase AGI to the wearer; the skill level cast depends on this weapon's Upgrade Level. Item Class : Whip ATK: 185 Weight : 130 Weapon LV: 4 Required Level : 70 Jobs : Gypsy Job Id: (1976) Queen's Whip [2] The best of the best whips. Increase 10% attack strength of Arrow Vulcan, Slinging Arrow skills by 10%. Class : Whip Attack Strength : 150 Weight : 110 Weapon Level : 4 Required Level : 65 Available Jobs : Dancer Id: (1977) Battle Lariat An especially made whip for battling against Demihumans; this whip is strong enough to cut their flesh. DEX + 2 Increases Physical Attack Strength towards Demihuman monsters by 95%. Ignores Physical Defense from Demihuman monsters by 20%. Indestructible. Weapon Class : Whip Attack Strength: 50 Weight : 0 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 80 Jobs : Dancer Id: (1978) Battle Lariat An especially made whip for battling against Demihumans; this whip is strong enough to cut their flesh. DEX + 2 Increases Physical Attack Strength towards Demihuman monsters by 95%. Increase Arrow Vulcan Damage by 20%. Indestructible. Weapon Class : Whip Attack Strength: 50 Weight : 0 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 80 Jobs : Dancer Id: (2000) Staff of Destruction [1] A tremendously powerful Two-Handed Staff that can only be wielded by someone who is spiritually strong. MATK +25%80, INT +3, AGI +10. Reduces Cast Time of Mystic Amplification by 50%. Increases MATK by 1% for every 2 Upgrade Levels, but raising the Upgrade Level also increases SP Consumption. Has a chance of auto casting Lv.5 Jupitel Thunder with each enemy attack; this chance can be increased by raising the weapon's Upgrade Level. Item Class : Staff ATK: 130 Weight : 250 Weapon LV: 4 Required Level : 80 Jobs : High Wizard Job Id: (2001) Divine Cross This staff is made of two parts that can be recombined to form a cross that will endow Holy power to its user. MATK +15%210. DEX +4. Reduces damage from Undead and Demon monsters by 15%. Holy property. Additional MATK +10%, DEX +2, and 10% damage reduction from Undead and Demon monsters when worn with Spiritual Ring. Item Class : Staff ATK: 120 Weight : 150 Weapon LV: 4 Required Level : 70 Jobs : Priest and Monk Classes Id: (2002) Glorious Staff Matk+ 15%210 Increases Physical Attack Strength to Demihuman monster by 15%.. Ignores magical defense from Demihuman monster by 25%. Indestructible. * Additional Weapon Refining Level Option Matk increases per Refining degree +6 Refining Matk 5% increase [Desctruction] Lv 1 +9 Refining When using [Lord of Vermilion] Lv.10, [Meteor Storm] Lv.10 or [Storm Gust] Lv.10, inflicts itself an auto-spell of [Safety wall] Lv.10 at a certain rate. Class : Two-Handed Staff Attack : 70 Weight : 0 Weapon Level : 4 Required Level : 80 Jobs : Wizard Class/Acolyte Class Jobs Id: (2004) Kronos This piece's upper part is decorated with a golden dragon and a crystal with strong magical power compressed into it. It looks nice, but it's too heavy to easily carry around. Matk +240%, Int +3, MaxHP +300 For every 2 refine Levels, Int +1, MaxHP +50. When attacking with a magical spell has a chance of adding Matk +12% and consumed SP decreases by 20% for 5 seconds. Class : Two-Handed Staff Attack : 30 Weight : 100 Required Level : 50 Jobs : Transcendent Mage Classes Id: (2005) Dea Staff [1] The image of the Sacred Goddess of Light is carved onto this long staff. Matk + 15%220, Int +6, Vit +2. Holy Elemental. Has a chance of Recovering 200 SP when using 'Heal'. Increases Matk by 1% for every +2 refine level. Class : Two-Handed Staff Attack : 30 Weight : 100 Weapon Level:3 Required Level : 50 Jobs : Transcendent Acolyte Classes Id: (2006) A staff that possesses holy force and holds bright sunshine in it. INT + 6. SP + 150, MATK + 18%50. Item Class : Two-handed Staff Attack Strength : 80 Weight : 190 Required Level : 60 Jobs : Mage Class Id: (2007) Golden Rod Staff [2] A magic staff charged with whirling power of wind. Increases the effectiveness of Jupitel Thunder by 12%. INT + 3, MATK + 230. When you equip a whole set of Golden Rod items - the staff, the robe, the shoes, and the orb, the effectiveness of all the wind spells is increased by 40%, the effectiveness of all the earth spells is decreased by 30%, and resistance to earth attacks is decreased by 50%. TypeClass : Two-handed Staff Attack : 30 Weight : 90 Property : Wind Weapon Level : 4 Required Level : 100 Jobs : Warlock Id: (2008) Aqua Staff [2] A magic staff charged with freezing power of water. Increases the effectiveness of Cold Bolt and Frost Diver by 10%. INT + 3, MATK + 230. When you equip a whole set of Aqua items - the staff, the robe, the shoes, and the orb, the effectiveness of all the water spells is increased by 40%, the effectiveness of all the wind spells is decreased by 30%, and resistance to wind attacks is decreased by 50%. TypeClass : Two-handed Staff Attack : 30 Weight : 90 Property : Water Weapon Level : 4 Required Level : 100 Jobs : Warlock Id: (2009) Crimson Staff [2] A magic staff charged with blazing power of fire. Increases the effectiveness of Fire Bolt and Fire Ball by 10%. INT + 3, MATK + 230. When you equip a whole set of Crimson items - the staff, the robe, the shoes, and the orb, the effectiveness of all the fire spells is increased by 40%, the effectiveness of all the water spells is decreased by 30%, and resistance to water attacks is decreased by 50%. TypeClass : Two-handed Staff Attack : 30 Weight : 90 Property : Fire Weapon Level : 4 Required Level : 100 Jobs : Warlock Id: (2010) Forest Staff [2] A magic staff charged with massive power of earth. Increases the effectiveness of Earth Spike and Heaven's Drive by 10%. INT + 3, MATK + 230. When you equip a whole set of Forest items - the staff, the robe, the shoes, and the orb, the effectiveness of all the earth spells is increased by 40%, the effectiveness of all the fire spells is decreased by 30%, and resistance to fire attacks is decreased by 50%. TypeClass : Two-handed Staff Attack : 30 Weight : 90 Property : Earth Weapon Level : 4 Required Level : 100 Jobs : Warlock Id: (2011) Empowered Golden Rod Staff [1] A magic staff charged with massive power of wind. Increase Jupitel Thunder damage by 30%. INT + 5, MATK + 270. If worn with Golden Robe, Golden Shoes, and Golden Orb Increase Wind Magic damage by 60%. Lower Earth Magic damage by 60% and resistance to Earth by 50%. TypeClass : Two-handed Staff Attack : 30 Weight : 90 Element : Wind Weapon Level : 4 Required Level : 130 Jobs : Warlock Id: (2012) Empowered Aqua Staff [1] A magic staff charged with freezing power of water. Increases the effectiveness of Cold Bolt and Frost Diver by 30%. INT + 5, MATK + 270. When you equip a whole set of Aqua items - the staff, the robe, the shoes, and the orb, the effectiveness of all the water spells is increased by 60%, the effectiveness of all the wind spells is decreased by 60%, and resistance to wind attacks is decreased by 50%. TypeClass : Two-handed Staff Attack : 30 Weight : 90 Element : Water Weapon Level : 4 Required Level : 130 Jobs : Warlock Id: (2013) Empowered Crimson Staff [1] A magic staff charged with blazing power of fire. Increases the effectiveness of Fire Bolt and Fire Ball by 30%. INT + 5, MATK + 270. When you equip a whole set of Crimson items - the staff, the robe, the shoes, and the orb, the effectiveness of all the fire spells is increased by 60%, the effectiveness of all the water spells is decreased by 60%, and resistance to water attacks is decreased by 50%. TypeClass : Two-handed Staff Attack : 30 Weight : 90 Element : Fire Weapon Level : 4 Required Level : 130 Jobs : Warlock Id: (2014) Empowered Forest Staff [1] A magic staff charged with massive power of earth. Increases the effectiveness of Earth Spike and Heaven's Drive by 30%. INT + 5, MATK + 270. When you equip a whole set of Forest items - the staff, the robe, the shoes, and the orb, the effectiveness of all the earth spells is increased by 60%, the effectiveness of all the fire spells is decreased by 60%, and resistance to fire attacks is decreased by 50%. TypeClass : Two-handed Staff Attack : 30 Weight : 90 Element : Earth Weapon Level : 4 Required Level : 130 Jobs : Warlock Id: (2101) Guard A square shield that is small, yet effective in combat. Item Class : Shield Defense Rate: 320 Weight : 30 Jobs : All Id: (2102) Guard [1] A square shield that is small, yet effective in combat. Item Class : Shield Defense Rate: 320 Weight : 30 Jobs : All Id: (2103) Buckler A rounded shield that readily absorbs impact from attacks. Item Class : Shield Defense Rate: 40 Weight : 60 Jobs : Swordman, Acolyte, Merchant, and Thief Classes; Bard and Dancer Jobs Id: (2104) Buckler [1] A rounded shield that readily absorbs impact from attacks. Item Class : Shield Defense Rate: 40 Weight : 60 Jobs : Swordman, Acolyte, Merchant, and Thief Classes; Bard and Dancer Jobs Id: (2105) Shield A well crafted shield which most kinds of attack cannot penetrate. Item Class : Shield Defense Rate: 60 Weight : 130 Jobs : Swordman Class Id: (2106) Shield [1] A well crafted shield which most kinds of attack cannot penetrate. Item Class : Shield Defense Rate: 60 Weight : 130 Jobs : Swordman Class Id: (2107) Mirror Shield A shield with a surface constructed of mirror that might reflect harmful magic. MDEF + 5 Item Class : Shield Defense Rate: 45 Weight : 100 Jobs : Swordman Class and Taekwon Master Id: (2108) Mirror Shield [1] A shield with a surface constructed of mirror that might reflect harmful magic. MDEF + 5 Item Class : Shield Defense Rate: 45 Weight : 100 Jobs : Swordman Class and Taekwon Master Id: (2109) Memory Book A magic book filled with long, impractical spells that is so large, it can actually be used just like a shield. INT +1 , MDEF +2 Weapon Class : Shield Defense : 325 Weight : 100 Jobs : Mage Class and Soul Linker Id: (2110) Holy Guard A blessed guard with God's symbol engraved on it. VIT +2, MDEF +2, Unavailable for item upgrade Class : Shield Defense Rate: 5110 Weight : 140 Required Level : 68 Jobs : Crusader Id: (2111) Sacred Mission A symbolic shield, rumored to have been given from God to his messenger. INT +2, VIT +3, MDEF +3, Indestructible Class : Shield Defense Rate: 5120 Weight : 140 Required Level : 83 Jobs : Crusader Id: (2112) Novice Guard An exclusive shield for new adventurers. Impossible to refine this item. Class : Shield Defense Rate: 320 Weight : 0.1 Required Level : NA1 Jobs : Novice Id: (2113) Novice Shield [1] A cute shield made out of a special metal for the Novice class. Reduce all property damage by 20%, with the exception of Neutral property damage. Class : Shield Defense : 320 Weight : 100 Required Level : 40 Jobs : Novice Class Id: (2114) Stone Buckler [1] A stone shield which Thor obtained by killing Hrungnir, king of giants. It possesses the powers of giants which rival the might of the gods. Reduces damage from Large sized monsters by 5%. Magni Set Magni's Hat Stone Buckler Odin's Blessing +2 STR +5 MDEF +5 DEF Swordsman cClass : +6 Additional Defense Class : Shield Defense : 345 Weight : 150 Required Level : 65 Jobs : All except Novice Class Id: (2115) Valkyrja's Shield [1] A shield used by Gna, messenger of Freyja, when she served as a Valkyrie. Adds 20% resistance to Water, Fire, Undead and Shadow properties. MDEF +5 Frigg's Set Fricca's Circlet Valkyrja's Shield Odin's Blessing +2 DEF +5 MDEF All upgrade levels of the Shield and Circlet adds to MDEF Instead of Def. Class : Shield Defense : 80 Weight : 50 Required Level : 65 Jobs : All except Novice Class Id: (2116) Angelic Guard [1] Super Novice Guardian Angel's shield which contains holy power that can nullify evil. Reduces damage from Demon monsters by 5%. Class : Shield Defense : 30 Weight : 50 Required Level : 20 Jobs : Novice Class Id: (2117) Arm Guard A wrist protector, designed exclusively for the Ninja class, that is padded with a steel plate for increased defense and durability. Class : Shield DEFefense : 50 Weight : 15 Required Level : 20 Jobs :Ninja Id: (2118) Arm Guard [1] A wrist protector, designed exclusively for the Ninja class, that is padded with a steel plate for increased defense and durability. Class : Shield DEFefense : 50 Weight : 15 Required Level : 20 Jobs :Ninja Id: (2119) Advanced Arm Guard A wrist protector, designed exclusively for the Ninja class, that has been enhanced with high Magic Defense [/s][/color] by a gifted artisan. MDEF +5. Class : Shield DEFefense : 45 Weight : 15 Required Level : 50 Jobs :Ninja Id: (2120) Advanced Arm Guard [1] A wrist protector, designed exclusively for the Ninja class, that has been enhanced with high Magic Defense [/s][/color] by a gifted artisan. MDEF +5. Class : Shield DEFefense : 45 Weight : 15 Required Level : 50 Jobs :Ninja Id: (2121) Memory Book [1] A spellbook that is impractically huge, and more useful as a shield than as a spell reference. INT +1, MDEF +2 Class : Shield Defense : 325 Weight : 100 Jobs : Mage Class; Soul Linker Job Id: (2122) Platinum Shield A magnificent platinum shield that is rumored to be able to reflect harmul magic. Reduces damage from Mid and Large sized mosnters by 15%, and reduces damage from Undead monsters by 10%. Has a 40% chance to reflect magic for 2 seconds with each magic spell attack. MDEF +5 Item Class : Shield Defense : 95 Weight : 120 Required Level : 68 Jobs : All Transcendent Jobs except Novice Id: (2123) Orleans's Plate [1] A shiny, round steel plate used for serving food. 5% chance of reflecting magic. MDEF +2. Cast Time reduced by 10% when worn with Orlean's Gloves. Item Class : Shield Defense : [color=#=#267F00]77777775[/color] Weight : 100 Required Level : 55 Jobs : All Transcendent Jobs except Novice Id: (2124) Thorny Shield [1] A rough shield covered in spikes that deters rushing enemies. MDEF +2. When worn with Bison Horn: Bison Set Thorny Buckler Bison Horn +10% Aspd Bonus +5% Reflect Melee damage Item Class : Shield Defense : 85 Weight : 100 Required Level : 55 Jobs : All Transcendent Jobs except Novice Id: (2125) Strong Shield [1] A massive shield that can withstand any attack, but it lacks shock absorption. Prevents knock-back effect, but increases Physical and Magic damage to the wearer by 20%. Item Class : Shield Defense : 490 Weight : 250 Required Level : 75 Jobs : Transcendent Swordman, Merchant, and Thief Classes Id: (2128) Sacred Mission [1] A symbolic shield, rumored to have been given from God to his messenger. INT +2, VIT +3, MDEF +3, Indestructible Class : Shield Defense Rate: 5120 Weight : 140 Required Level : 83 Jobs : Crusader Id: (2129) Exorcism Bible A thick book that contains basic skills for the clergy. HP, SP Recovery 3%. INT + 1. When equipped with Holy Stick, Magnus Exorcismus attack strength increases by 20%. Adds a low chance of auto casting Lv1 Turn Undead skill when receiving damage. Weapon Class : Shield Defense : 580 Weight : 60 Required Level : 50 Jobs : Priest, Monk Id: (2130) Cross Shield [1] A big and thick cross-shaped shield. STR + 1. Increase SP Consumption of skills by 10%. Increases damage when using Rapid Smiting and Shield Boomerang by 30%. Item Clsss : Shield Defense : 6130 Weight : 200 Required Level : 80 Jobs : Crusader Jobs Id: (2131) Magic Bible Vol1 [1] A thick book which is full of unknown words. It seems to be published in series. MDEF + 3. INT + 2. Has a chance of inflicting the Stun status when receiving physical damage. Item Class : Shield Defense : 218 Weight : 100 Required Level : 70 Jobs : Transcendent Mage Classes Id: (2133) Tournament Shield [1] A Tournament Shield that you could put the lance on top of it. Very efficiant to defend oneself, since the shield can be used with the lance at the same time. Damage increases by 1% against all monsters. When equipped with Long Horn, Battle Hook, Hunting Spear, damage increases by 4% against all monsters. If equipped to the Lord Knight, Attack Speed reduces by 5%. Class : Shield Defense : 105 Weight : 100 Required Level : 50 Jobs : Transcendent SwordmanClass Id: (2134) Shield of Naga [1] A hard, firm looking shield made of scales of Naga. Scales are very sharp as blades. MDEF + 3 When physically damaged, reflects the physical damage for 5 sec. at a certain rate. The rate of the damage reflection increases by 3% per refining point increase of the shield. Class : Shield Defense : 35 Weight : 50 Jobs : 2nd Transcendent Class Id: (2135) Shadow Guard [1] A small-sized black shield you can wear on your arm. When equipped with Shadow Walk, it casts Blind on enemies at a high rate. Gives a chance of getting FLEE +20 for 10 sec. when attacked. Class : Shield Defense : 452 Weight : 80 Required Level : 70 Jobs : Stalker Id: (2137) Rental Item A shield used by Gne, the messenger of Freyja while she served as a Valkyrie. Reduces damage from Demihuman monsters by 30% MaxHP + 5% Adds 20% resistance against Water, Fire Property attacks. Item Class : Shield Defense : 5 Weight : 0 Required Level : 95 Jobs : All Transcendent Jobs except Novice Id: (2138) Bradium Shield [1] A heavy and strong shield made out of Bradium. MaxHP + 500, Agi -1. The attack power of the skill 'Shield Boomerang' increases by 60%. Class : Shield Defense : 598 Weight : 180 Required Level : 65 Jobs : 2nd Transcendent Job Classes Id: (2139) Flame Thrower It sends out a hot flames that it burns enemies out in a short time. Weapon Class : Shield Def Defense : 60 Weight : 200 Required Level : 99 Jobs : Mechanic only Id: (2140) Energy Rune Guard [1] A wing shaped guard nailed with a luxurious bluish energy rune. A clear energy comes out that it stimulates spirit. Whole SP +2 Weapon Class : Shield Defense : 70 Weight : 0 Required Level : 0 Jobs : SwordmanWeapon Class Id: (2141) Rental Item A spiritual shield granted by Freya. It appears very sturdy, but it will eventually disappear and return to Freya's realm, Folkvangr. Reduce damage from Medium-sized monsters by 25% Item Class : Shield Defense : 5 Weight : 30 Required Level : 20 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2142) Rental Item A spiritual shield granted by Freya. It appears very sturdy, but it will eventually disappear and return to Freya's realm, Folkvangr. Reduce damage from Medium-sized monsters by 25% Item Class : Shield Defense : 5 Weight : 30 Required Level : 20 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2143) Rental Item A spiritual shield granted by Freya. It appears very sturdy, but it will eventually disappear and return to Freya's realm, Folkvangr. Reduce damage from Medium-sized monsters by 25% Item Class : Shield Defense : 5 Weight : 30 Required Level : 20 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2144) Rental Item A spiritual shield granted by Freya. It appears very sturdy, but it will eventually disappear and return to Freya's realm, Folkvangr. Reduce damage from Medium-sized monsters by 25% Item Class : Shield Defense : 5 Weight : 30 Required Level : 20 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2146) Siver Guard [1] A shield which is a guard covered with thin mixed silver and steel. It looks good when it reflects lights. Weapon Class : Shield Defense : 60 Weight : 30 Required Level : 22 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2147) Round Buckler [1] A round-shape shield that is used generally. It has heightened a defense power by adding ernium thick at the round part. Weapon Class : Shield Defense : 90 Weight : 60 Required Level : 22 Jobs : All Transcendent Jobs except Novice Id: (2148) Rosa Shield [1] A shield made by crafting the metal from the outer world. It looks like a bloomed flower due to the metal pieces rounded on it. Weapon Class : Shield Defense : 130 Weight : 130 Required Level : 100 Jobs : 3rd class of Swordman Id: (2149) [1] MHP + 3% Class : Shield DEF Defense : 25 Weight : 15 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2150) [1] MHP + 3% Class : Shield DEF Defense : 645 Weight : 30 Required Level : 1 Jobs : Swordman Class, Acolyte Class, Merchant Class, Thief Class, Bard, Dancer Id: (2151) [1] MHP + 3% Class : Shield DEF Defense : 865 Weight : 65 Required Level : 1 Jobs : Swordman Class Id: (2153) Imperial Guard [1] A beautiful shield engraved with the patterns of the Rune Kingdom. MDEF + 5. 20% ATK increase of Shield Press. Every upgrade above level 6 increases ATK by 2%. Class : Shield Defense : 120 Weight : 250 Required Level : 102 Jobs : Crusader Id: (2156) Bible of Promise(1st Vol.) [1] An ancient book of sacred songs handed down in the cathedral. It is said to have sold like hotcakes, published as one of a series. Allows the user to use Level 1 Odin's Power. TypeClass : Shield Defense : 10 Weight : 50 Required Level : 110 Jobs : Archbishop Id: (2168) Immuned Shield [1] Very unique, square formed shield with a special jewel on it which protects from the physical power. When the refine level gets +5 or higher, per refine level, increases 1% of tolerance against Neutral attack. Class : Shield Defense : 55 Weight : 70 Required Level : 165 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2188) Svalinn [1] The name of this shield surrounded by chilling cold energy means "freeze." +10% resistance against Water attacks. Every 3 upgrade levels increase Max HP by 1% and Water Resistance by 5%. MDEF +5. Class : Shield Def : 80 Weight : 50 Req Lev : 65 Job : All Id: (2188) Svalinn [1] Le nom de ce bouclier entouré d'énergie froide signifie ''Geler''. +10% resistance contre les attaques de propriété Water. Toutes les 3 forges, augmente les MHP de 1% et la résistance aux attaques Water de 5%. MDEF +5. Type : Shield Défense : 80 Poids : 50 Niveau requis : 65 Profession : Toutes Id: (2188) Svalinn [1] Der Name dieses Schildes wird von Kälte umhüllt und bedeutet "gefrieren". +10% resistance against Water attacks. Addiert Max HP um 3% und Verteidigung gegen Wasser um 5% jedes 3. Upgrade-Level. MDEF +5. Gegenstandsart: Shield Verteidigung: 80 Gewicht: 50 Benötigtes Lv. : 65 Job: Alle Id: (2188) Svalinn [1] The name of this shield surrounded by chilling cold energy means "freeze." +10% resistance against Water attacks. Every 3 upgrade levels increase Max HP by 1% and Water Resistance by 5%. MDEF +5. Class : Shield Def : 80 Weight : 50 Req Lev : 65 Job : All Id: (2190) Ancient Shield Of Aeon [1] A shield made in honor of the fallen warrior of Asgard. MHP + 500, MSP + 50 Increases resistance from all properties by 10% If refined to 14 and above, enables use of Stone Curse Level 5 TypeClass : Shield Defense : 5 Weight : 20 Required Level : 130 Jobs : 3rd Job Classes Only Id: (2201) Sunglasses Glasses with special, darkened lenses that block ultraviolet light. Increases resistance to Blind status by 5%. Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 0 Head PosiLocation: Mid Weight : 10 Jobs : All Id: (2202) Sunglasses [1] Glasses with special, darkened lenses that block ultraviolet light. Increases resistance to Blind status by 5%. Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 0 Head PosiLocation: Mid Weight : 10 Jobs : All Id: (2203) Glasses Prescription glasses worn to compensate for defects in vision. Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 0 Head PosiLocation: Mid Weight : 10 Jobs : All Id: (2204) Glasses [1] Prescription glasses worn to compensate for defects in vision. Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 0 Head PosiLocation: Mid Weight : 10[/color] [/s][/color] Jobs : All Id: (2205) Diver Goggles Sturdy goggles worn by ocean divers. Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 0 Head PosiLocation: Mid Weight : 10 Jobs : All Id: (2206) Wedding Veil A transparent veil worn by brides on the day of their wedding. MDEF + 5 Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 0 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 10 Jobs : Female Only All Id: (2207) Fancy Flower A floral decoration used to adorn the head. Reduces damage from Plant monsters by 10%. Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 0 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 10[/color] [/s][/color] Jobs : All Id: (2208) Ribbon A hairpin made from indigo blue satin that wards off harmful magic. MDEF + 3 Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 1 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 10[/color] [/s][/color] Jobs : All Id: (2209) Ribbon [1] A hairpin made from indigo blue satin that wards off harmful magic. MDEF + 3 Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 1 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 10[/color] [/s][/color] Jobs : All Id: (2210) Hair Band A simple hairband that holds hair in place quite neatly. It's a very cute look for girls, but dudes, on the other hand... Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 1 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 10[/color] [/s][/color] Jobs : All Id: (2211) Bandana A common, ivory colored bandana. Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 1 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 10[/color] [/s][/color] Jobs : All Id: (2212) Eye Patch A patch used to cover one eye. Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 0 Head PosiLocation: Mid Weight : 10[/color] [/s][/color] Jobs : All Id: (2213) Kitty Band A hairband that gives one the appearance of having ears like a cat. Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 2 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 10[/color] [/s][/color] Jobs : All Id: (2214) Bunny Band A hairband that gives one the appearance of having rabbit ears, a lasting symbol of extremely good luck. LUK + 2 Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 2 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 10[/color] [/s][/color] Jobs : All Id: (2215) Flower Band A fragrant hairband crafted from only the daintiest of flowers. Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 2 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 10[/color] [/s][/color] Jobs : All Id: (2216) Biretta A stiff, squarish formal hat usually worn by clerics. Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 48 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 10 Jobs : Acolyte Class Id: (2217) Biretta [1] A stiff, squarish formal hat usually worn by clerics. Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 48 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 10 Jobs : Acolyte Class Id: (2218) Flu Mask A mask that is worn by people with the flu to prevent spreading sickness to others. Adds 10% resistance to the Silence status. Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 0 Head PosiLocation: Lower Weight : 10 Jobs : All Id: (2219) Flu Mask A mask that is worn by people with the flu to prevent spreading sickness to others. Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 0 Head PosiLocation: Lower Weight : 10 Jobs : All Id: (2220) Hat A simple, pink hat. Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 2 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 20[/color] [/s][/color] Jobs : All Id: (2221) Hat [1] A simple, pink hat. Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 2 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 20[/color] [/s][/color] Jobs : All Id: (2222) Turban A small, tight fitting headdress made of fine silk. Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 3 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 30 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (2223) Turban [1] A small, tight fitting headdress made of fine silk. Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 3 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 30 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (2224) Goggles A pair of goggles designed for pilots in order to reduce vision impairment when traveling at very high speeds. Item Class : Headgear Head PosiLocation: Upper, Mid Defense Rate: 5 Weight : 30 Jobs : Swordman, Archer, Merchant, and Thief Classes Id: (2225) Goggles [1] A pair of Goggles especially created for pilots to reduce impaired vision while riding at high speeds. Item Class : Headgear Head PosiLocation: Upper & Mid Defense Rate: 5 Weight : 30 Jobs : Swordman, Archer, Merchant, and Thief Classes Id: (2226) Cap A brimless hat that offers very little in the way of fashion, but does provide decent defense. Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 47 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 40 Jobs : Swordman, Archer, Merchant, and Thief Classes Id: (2227) Cap [1] A brimless hat that offers very little in the way of fashion, but does provide decent defense. Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 47 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 40 Jobs : Swordman, Archer, Merchant, and Thief Classes Id: (2228) Helm This steel helmet, made in the style worn by roman soldiers, offers great protection, covering most of the head. Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 613 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 60 Jobs : Swordman Class Id: (2229) Helm [1] This steel helmet, made in the style worn by roman soldiers, offers great protection, covering most of the head. Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 613 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 60 Jobs : Swordman Class Id: (2230) Gemmed Sallet A jeweled headdress that wards off harmful magic. MDEF +3 Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 48 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 50 Jobs : Swordman, Merchant, and Thief Classes Id: (2231) Gemmed Sallet [1] A jeweled headdress that wards off harmful magic. MDEF +3 Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 48 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 50 Jobs : Swordman, Merchant, and Thief Classes Id: (2232) Circlet A jeweled, metal band worn on the head that wards off the effects of harmful magic. MDEF +3 Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 36 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 30 Jobs : Mage, Acolyte Classes, and Soul Linker Id: (2233) Circlet [1] A jeweled, metal band worn on the head that wards off the effects of harmful magic. MDEF +3 Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 36 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 30 Jobs : Mage, Acolyte Classes, and Soul Linker Id: (2234) Tiara A jeweled coronet said to grant the wisdom of an ancient queen that had worn it. INT +2 Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 47 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 40 Required Level : 45 Jobs : Female Only All except Novice Job Id: (2235) Crown A crown adorned with gorgeous jewels that is said to be worn by a wise, ancient king who will grant his wisdom to the wearer. INT +2 Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 47 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 40 Required Level : 45 Jobs : Male Only All except Novice Job Id: (2236) Santa Hat A red, pompom topped cap that is associated with Santa Claus's legend. It brings luck and magic protection to whoever wears it. MDEF + 1 , LUK + 1 Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 1 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 10[/color] [/s][/color] Jobs : All Id: (2239) Monocle An aristrocratically stylish lense that is worn for only one eye. Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 0 Head PosiLocation: Mid Weight : 10[/color] [/s][/color] Jobs : All Id: (2241) Grampa Beard A white colored moustache, symbol of experience and well aged sophistication. Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 0 Head PosiLocation: Lower Weight : 10[/color] [/s][/color] Jobs : All Id: (2242) Purple Glasses High quality sunglasses that effectively block glare from the sun. Adds 10% resistance to the Blind status. Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 12 Head PosiLocation: Mid Weight : 10[/color] [/s][/color] Jobs : All Id: (2243) Geek Glasses A pair of glasses that make the wearer's eyes look like they're spinning without focus. Adds 15% resistance to the Blind status. Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 1 Head PosiLocation: Mid Weight : 10[/color] [/s][/color] Jobs : All Id: (2244) Big Ribbon An over-sized red ribbon that contains hidden magical power. MDEF + 3 Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 23 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 20 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (2245) Sweet Gent A dark colored and very stylish hat that was popularized by smooth crooners. Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 35 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 40 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (2246) Golden Gear A helmet forged from pure gold which blocks attacks effectively, but is also unaffordable. Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 5 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 90 Required Level : 40 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (2247) Romantic Gent An ivory hat worn by classy men during classy occasions. Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 35 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 40 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (2248) Western Grace A broad brimmed casual hat, usually worn by cowboys and ranchers, that is rustically stylish. Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 35 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 40 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (2249) Coronet A small decorative crown, fashioned out of pure gold, worn by members of nobility. INT + 1 Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 35 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 30 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (2250) Cute Ribbon A small, decorative ribbon for the head. Max SP + 20 Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 12 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 10 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (2251) Monk Hat A ceremonial hat worn by monks that contains a sacred force which offers protection from evil. MDEF +3 Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 510 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 10 Jobs : Acolyte Class Id: (2252) Wizard Hat A mystic hat, made specifically for wizards, which amplifies pyschic power. Max SP +100 Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 47 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 30 Jobs : Mage Class and Soul Linker Id: (2253) Sunflower Peculiar headgear designed to look like a sunflower. Reduces damage from Insect monsters by 10%. Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 1 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 10 Jobs : All Id: (2254) Angel Wing A headband adorned with what appears to be the wings of an angel. It contains holiness that blesses the wearer's soul and offers protection from dark forces. Reduces damage from Demon monsters by 3%. AGI +1, LUK +1. MDEF +3 Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 24 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 10 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (2255) Evil Wing A headgear that look like the wings of a Demon. Demonic power increases the wearer's strength and offers protection from sacred powers. STR + 1 , MDEF + 2 Reduce damage taken from Angel monsters by 3 %. Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 36 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 10 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (2256) Majestic Goat A helmet, made to look like mighty goat horns, that can increase the strength of its wearer. STR +1 Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 59 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 80 Jobs : Swordman, Merchant Classes, Taekwon Boy/Girl, Taekwon Master Id: (2257) Unicorn Horn A pristinely white horn worn on the forehead that makes one look like a unicorn. Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 24 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 10 Jobs : All Id: (2258) Spiky Band A headband with two dangerously fashionable spikes. Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 612 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 100 Required Level : 50 Jobs : Swordman Acolyte, Merchant, Thief Classes, Taekwon Boy/Girl, Taekwon Master Id: (2259) Mini Propeller A headgear topped with a fashionably experimental propeller. Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 1 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 10 Jobs : All Id: (2260) Mini Glasses Glasses worn by true sophisticates. Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 1 Head PosiLocation: Mid Weight : 10 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (2261) Army Cap A squad cap issued by the Prontera Military. Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 48 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 40 Jobs : Swordman, Merchant, and Thief Classes Id: (2262) Clown Nose A fashion accessory used in clown or town drunk disguises. Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 0 Head PosiLocation: Lower Weight : 10 Jobs : All Id: (2263) Zorro Masque A mask patterned after the one worn by a fencer of legendary repute who always kept his identity as a wealthy don secret. Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 0 Head PosiLocation: Mid Weight : 10 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (2264) Munak Hat An exact replica of the turban worn by Munak, complete with a queue and talisman. Reduces damage from Undead monsters by 10%. Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 5 Head PosiLocation: Upper,Mid,Lower Weight : 30 Jobs : All Id: (2265) Gangster Mask This mask marked with an ''X'' is a popular fashion item for bona fide street toughs. Adds 15% resistance to the Silence status. Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 0 Head PosiLocation: Lower Weight : 10 Jobs : All Id: (2266) Iron Cain Specialized face armor that protects the jaw and teeth in battle. Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 14 Head PosiLocation: Lower Weight : 30 Required Level : 50 Jobs : Swordman Class Id: (2267) Cigarette A narrow, short roll of finely cut tobacco wrapped in thin paper. Reduces damage from Insect monsters by 3%. Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 0 Head PosiLocation: Lower Weight : 10 Jobs : All except Novice Job (Parental Advisory) Id: (2268) Pipe A refined, wooden pipe used for smoking high quality tobacco. Reduces damage from Insect monsters by 3%. Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 0 Head PosiLocation: Lower Weight : 10 Jobs : All except except Novice Job (Parental Advisory) Id: (2269) Romantic Flower A delicate flower that is placed in the mouth for romantic seduction. Reduces damage from Plant monsters by 3%. Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 0 Head PosiLocation: Lower Weight : 10 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (2270) Romantic Leaf A slender leaf that is placed in the mouth for a seductive look. Reduces damage from Plant monsters by 3%. Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 0 Head PosiLocation: Lower Weight : 10 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (2271) Jack be Dandy A pair of glasses that are worn on the head for a more charming appearance, instead of vision related purposes. Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 1 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 10 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (2272) Stop Post A signpost that declares its wearer's desire that people should stop whatever they are doing. Causes catastrophes during wedding ceremonies. Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 1 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 40 Jobs : All Id: (2273) Doctor Band A headband worn by doctors in the past during medical examinations. INT + 1 Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 35 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 10 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (2274) Ghost Bandana A traditional Japanese headpiece associated with the afterlife. AGI + 2 Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 0 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 10 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (2275) Red Bandana A boldly red bandana that was possibly left over from the 80's. Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 24 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 10 Jobs : All Id: (2276) Angled Glasses A pair of glasses with lenses that are angled up and outward. Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 12 Head PosiLocation: Mid Weight : 10 Jobs : All Id: (2277) Nurse Cap A cap worn by nurses both great and small. INT + 1 Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 14 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 10 Jobs : Acolyte Class Id: (2278) Mr. Smile A simple mask with a smile carved into it. Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 1[color=#=#7F0000]FFFFFF [/color] Head Posi000000 Location: Mid,Lower Weight : 10 Jobs : All Id: (2279) Bomb Wick A wick-like ornament worn on top of the head for a dangerous look. Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 1 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 10 Jobs : All Id: (2280) Sakkat A rustic hat knit from rough reeds and bamboos that shields against the rain and the glare of the sun. Ssaurabi, the ancient Korean warrior, was known to wear one of these. AGI +1 Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 34 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 30 Jobs : All Id: (2281) Opera Masque A mysterious mask traditionally worn by opera phantoms. Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 2[color=#=#7F0000]FFFFFF [/color] Head Posi000000 Location: Mid,Lower Weight : 20 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (2282) Halo A spiritual symbol that typically appears over the heads of those who are holy. Increases resistance to the Holy property by 15%. Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 0 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 10 Jobs : All Id: (2283) Ear Muffs Ear coverings, linked by a headband, that protect the wearer's ears from the cold. Increases resistance to Curse status by 10%. Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 34 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 20[/color] [/s][/color] Jobs : All Id: (2284) Antlers A set of deer antlers that humans, finally, can proudly wear. Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 48 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 50 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (2285) Apple of Archer A headgear made in the honor of the legendary archer who shot an apple, on top of a friend's head, from a long distance. DEX + 3 Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 01 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 20 Required Level : 30 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (2286) Elven Ears A fashion accessory that gives ears that vaunted, elvish look. For some, it is an incredible turn-on. Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 0 Head PosiLocation: Mid Weight : 10 Required Level : 70 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (2287) Pirate Bandana A bandana that is the mark of the lawless pirates of the oceans. STR + 1 Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 34 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 10 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (2288) Mr. Scream A mask that expresses anguish and despair borne of insanity. Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 1 Head PosiLocation: Mid,Lower Weight : 10 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (2289) Poo Poo Hat A hat which looks just like fecal matter that is guaranteed to end a date on a tragic note. Reduces damage from Demihuman monsters by 10%. Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 0 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 70 Jobs : All Id: (2290) Funeral Hat Traditional Korean headdress worn during funeral ceremonies by the bereaved family and close friends. Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 1 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 10 Jobs : All Id: (2291) Masquerade A black leather mask, shaped like butterfly wings, that increases damage inflicted upon Demihuman monsters by 3%. Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 0 Head PosiLocation: Mid Weight : 10 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (2292) Welding Mask A durable mask made from a fat metal plate that is usually worn by welders and Blacksmiths. Increases resistance to Fire property by 10%. Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 2 Head PosiLocation: Mid,Lower Weight : 30 Required Level : 50 Jobs : Merchant Class Id: (2293) Pretend Murdered A stage prop that creates the illusion that the wearer has a knife sticking out of his head. Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 1 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 10 Jobs : All Id: (2294) Stellar A small, star shaped hairclip that makes a great present for ladies. Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 1 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 10 Jobs : All Id: (2295) Blinker A face mask that is worn by those who have trouble sleeping. Adds resistance to the Blind status. Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 0 Head PosiLocation: Mid Weight : 10 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (2296) Binoculars A special optical tool that enables one to observe objects from a great distance. DEX + 1 Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 12 Head PosiLocation: Mid Weight : 10 Required Level : 50 Jobs : Archer Class Id: (2297) Goblin Mask A mask worn by Goblins to scare and intimidate unsuspecting enemies. Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 1 Head PosiLocation: Mid,Lower Weight : 10 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (2298) Green Feeler Large insect antennae that humans can wear. Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 23 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 10 Jobs : All Id: (2299) Orc Helm A hardy helmet that was crafted by the most expert of Orcish smiths. Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 59 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 50 Jobs : Swordman, Merchant, and Thief Classes Id: (2301) Cotton Shirt A simple, sturdily made shirt of cotton. Item Class : Armor Defense Rate: 10 Weight : 10 Jobs : All Id: (2302) Cotton Shirt [1] A simple, sturdily made shirt of cotton. Item Class : Armor Defense Rate: 10 Weight : 10 Jobs : All Id: (2303) Jacket A jacket made out of mediocre leather. Item Class : Armor Defense Rate: 215 Weight : 20 Jobs : All Id: (2304) Jacket [1] A jacket made out of mediocre leather. Item Class : Armor Defense Rate: 215 Weight : 20 Jobs : All Id: (2305) Adventurer's Suit A light, comfortable suit made just for young adventurers. Item Class : Armor Defense Rate: 320 Weight : 30 Jobs : All Id: (2306) Adventurer's Suit [1] A light, comfortable suit made just for young adventurers. Item Class : Armor Defense Rate: 320 Weight : 30 Jobs : All Id: (2307) Mantle A cloak that is simple, yet elegant. Item Class : Armor Defense Rate: 437 Weight : 60 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (2308) Mantle [1] A cloak that is simple, yet elegant. Item Class : Armor Defense Rate: 437 Weight : 60 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (2309) Coat A long coat that provides remarkable warmth in cold weather. Item Class : Armor Defense Rate: 542 Weight : 120 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (2310) Coat [1] A long coat that provides remarkable warmth in cold weather. Item Class : Armor Defense Rate: 542 Weight : 120 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (2311) Mink Coat [1] A fur coat that is actually made using hides from Lunatics. Item Class : Armor Defense Rate: 630 Weight : 230 Required Level : 30 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (2312) Padded Armor Armor constructed of solid metal plates that have been padded on the inside for comfort. Item Class : Armor Defense Rate: 735 Weight : 280 Jobs : Swordman, Merchant, and Thief Classes Id: (2313) Padded Armor [1] Armor constructed of solid metal plates that have been padded on the inside for comfort. Item Class : Armor Defense Rate: 735 Weight : 280 Jobs : Swordman, Merchant, and Thief Classes Id: (2314) Chain Mail Heavy mail made entirely of polished, metal chain links. Item Class : Armor Defense Rate: 855 Weight : 330 Jobs : Swordman, Merchant, and Thief Classes Id: (2315) Chain Mail [1] Heavy mail made entirely of polished, metal chain links. Item Class : Armor Defense Rate: 855 Weight : 330 Jobs : Swordman, Merchant, and Thief Classes Id: (2316) Full Plate Heavy, solid armor made of durable plates of impenetrable metal. Item Class : Armor Defense Rate: 170 Weight : 450 Required Level : 40 Jobs : Swordman Class Id: (2317) Full Plate [1] Heavy, solid armor made of durable plates of impenetrable metal. Item Class : Armor Defense Rate: 170 Weight : 450 Required Level : 40 Jobs : Swordman Class Id: (2318) Lord's Clothes [1] Formal clothing made in a Renaissance style that evokes thoughts of romance and elegance. INT + 1 , MDEF + 5 Item Class : Armor Defense Rate: 859 Weight : 250 Required Level : 70 Jobs : Merchant Class Id: (2319) Glittering Jacket [1] A jacket covered in fake, yet glamorous, rhinestones that is favored by hipsters and lounge singers. Adds a 3% chance of causing Blind status to enemies with each attack. MDEF +5 Item Class : Armor Defense Rate: 758 Weight : 250 Required Level : 60 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (2320) Formal Suit [1] A formal suit for males. Item Class : Armor Defense Rate: 540 Weight : 30 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (2321) Silk Robe A finely woven, silk robe that has been enchanted with magic. MDEF + 10 Item Class : Armor Defense Rate: 320 Weight : 40 Jobs : Swordman, Mage, Acolyte, Merchant Classes, and Soul Linker Id: (2322) Silk Robe [1] A finely woven, silk robe that has been enchanted with magic. MDEF + 10 Item Class : Armor Defense Rate: 320 Weight : 40 Jobs : Swordman, Mage, Acolyte, Merchant Classes, and Soul Linker Id: (2323) Scapulare A blessed outer garment worn by clerics for religious ceremonies. Item Class : Armor Defense Rate: 24 Weight : 40 Jobs : Acolyte Class Id: (2324) Scapulare [1] A blessed outer garment worn by clerics for religious ceremonies. Item Class : Armor Defense Rate: 24 Weight : 40 Jobs : Acolyte Class Id: (2325) Saint's Robe A robe that has been baptized with saintly power. MDEF +5 Item Class : Armor Defense Rate: 650 Weight : 60 Jobs : Acolyte and Merchant Classes Id: (2326) Saint's Robe [1] A robe that has been baptized with saintly power. MDEF +5 Item Class : Armor Defense Rate: 650 Weight : 60 Jobs : Acolyte and Merchant Classes Id: (2327) Holy Robe A robe that emanates an aura of holiness. Increases resistance to Demon monsters by 15% and resistance against Shadow property by 10%. MDEF + 5 Item Class : Armor Defense Rate: 57 Weight : 170 Required Level : 60 Jobs : Acolyte Class Id: (2328) Wooden Mail Armor constructed out of wood. Item Class : Armor Defense Rate: 425 Weight : 100 Jobs : Swordman and Merchant Classes Id: (2329) Wooden Mail [1] A simple set of armor carved out of solid wood. Item Class : Armor Defense Rate: 425 Weight : 100 Jobs : Swordman and Merchant Classes Id: (2330) Tights Skintight, form fitting clothing that allows easy movement. DEX +1 Item Class : Armor Defense Rate: 627 Weight : 50 Required Level : 45 Jobs : Archer Class Id: (2331) Tights [1] Skintight, form fitting clothing that allows easy movement. DEX +1 Item Class : Armor Defense Rate: 627 Weight : 50 Required Level : 45 Jobs : Archer Class Id: (2332) Silver Robe A robe knit out of silver thread. Item Class : Armor Defense Rate: 423 Weight : 70 Jobs : Mage Class and Soul Linker Id: (2333) Silver Robe [1] A robe knit out of silver thread. Item Class : Armor Defense Rate: 423 Weight : 70 Jobs : Mage Class and Soul Linker Id: (2334) Mage Coat An exclusive robe for Mage Class characters that contains magic power. MDEF +5 , INT +1 Item Class : Armor Defense Rate: 540 Weight : 60 Required Level : 50 Jobs : Mage Class and Soul Linker Id: (2335) Thief Clothes Extremely light clothes outfitted with many pockets, making it handy for stashing stolen goods. AGI +1 Item Class : Armor Defense Rate: 640 Weight : 10 Jobs : Thief Class and Ninja Id: (2336) Thief Clothes [1] Extremely light clothes outfitted with many pockets, making it handy for stashing stolen goods. AGI +1 Item Class : Armor Defense Rate: 640 Weight : 10 Jobs : Thief Class and Ninja Id: (2337) Ninja Suit A suit for assassins that allows the wearer to move more quickly and stealthily. AGI +1, MDEF +3 Ninja Shinobi armor set Ninja Suit Shinobi Sash Set bonus +300 HP -20% SP consumption Item Class : Armor Defense Rate: 758 Weight : 150 Required Level : 50 Jobs : Thief Class & Ninja Id: (2338) Wedding Dress A wedding dress that is immaculately white. MDEF +15 Item Class : Armor Defense Rate: 10 Weight : 500 Jobs : Female Only All except Novice Job Id: (2339) Pantie A risque undergarment that is comfortable to wear, but offers very little in the way of defense. Item Class : Armor Defense Rate: 422 Weight : 10 Jobs : All Id: (2340) Novice Breastplate [1] A piece of armor that covers the chest of a Novice. Class : Armor Defense Rate: 4 Weight : 50 Required Level : 10 Jobs : Novice Id: (2341) Legion Plate Armor An extremely heavy piece of armor worn by members of the Legion. Class : Armor Defense Rate: 1179 Weight : 550 Required Level : 70 Jobs : Crusader Id: (2342) Legion Plate Armor [1] An extremely heavy piece of armor worn by members of the Legion. Class : Armor Defense Rate: 1179 Weight : 550 Required Level : 70 Jobs : Crusader Id: (2343) Robe of Cast A robe which aids its wearer in reducing magic casting time. Reduce 3 % casting delay. Class : Armor Defense Rate: 540 Weight : 110 Required Level : 75 Jobs : Wizard, Sage, and Soul Linker Id: (2344) Lucius's Fierce Armor of Volcano An armor that is enchanted with the Fire Property. Class : Armor Defense Rate: 425 Weight : 220 Required Level : 45 Jobs : Swordman and Merchant Classes Id: (2345) Lucius's Fierce Armor of Volcano [1] An armor that is enchanted with the Fire Property. Class : Armor Defense Rate: 425 Weight : 220 Required Level : 45 Jobs : All Jobs except Novice Id: (2346) Saphien's Armor of Ocean An armor that is enchanted with the Water Property. Class : Armor Defense Rate: 425 Weight : 220 Required Level : 45 Jobs : Swordman and Merchant Classes Id: (2347) Saphien's Armor of Ocean [1] An armor that is enchanted with the Water Property. Class : Armor Defense Rate: 425 Weight : 220 Required Level : 45 Jobs : All Jobs except Novice Id: (2348) Aebecee's Raging Typhoon Armor An armor that is enchanted with the Wind Property. Class : Armor Defense Rate: 425 Weight : 220 Required Level : 45 Jobs : Swordman and Merchant Classes Id: (2349) Aebecee's Raging Typhoon Armor [1] An armor that is enchanted with the Wind Property. Class : Armor Defense Rate: 425 Weight : 220 Required Level : 45 Jobs : All Jobs except Novice Id: (2350) Claytos Cracking Earth Armor An armor that is enchanted with the Earth Property. Class : Armor Defense Rate: 425 Weight : 220 Required Level : 45 Jobs : Swordman and Merchant Classes Id: (2351) Claytos Cracking Earth Armor [1] An armor that is enchanted with the Earth Property. Class : Armor Defense Rate: 425 Weight : 220 Required Level : 45 Jobs : All Jobs except Novice Id: (2352) Tattered Novice Ninja Suit An exclusive armor for new adventurers. Impossible to refine this item. Class : Armor Defense Rate: 425 Weight : 0.1 Required Level : NA1 Jobs : Novice Id: (2353) Odin's Blessing [1] The main component of the Hermod Armor set. Class : Armor Defense : 653 Weight : 250 Required Level : 65 Id: (2354) Goibne's Armor An armor that was accidentally enchanted by Goibne the blacksmith when he spilled the mystic ale of life all over it. VIT +2, Max HP +10%. Class : Armor Defense : 758 Weight : 350 Required Level : 54 Jobs : All except Novice Class Id: (2355) Angelic Protection [1] Super Novice Guardian Angel's robe. MDEF + 20. Angel's Protection Set Angel's Kiss Angelic Protection Angelic Cardigan Angel's Reincarnation Angelic Guard HP +900 SP +100 A low Chance of casting level 1 Assumptio when attacked physically. Class : Armor Defense : 425 Weight : 60 Required Level : 40 Jobs : Novice Class Id: (2356) Blessed Holy Robe [1] A blessed holy robe that protects its wearer from being tainted by evil. Adds +80% Blind resistance, MDEF +5. Class : Armor Defense : 45 Weight : 250 Required Level : 70 Jobs : Priest, Monk Id: (2357) Valkyrian Armor [1] A set of shining white armor worn by Valkyries, [/s][/color] the battle maidens that serve the god Odin. Increases resistance to Mute status when worn by Mage, Archer, and Acolyte Classes. Increases resistance to Stun status when worn by Swordman, Merchant, and Thief Classes. Cannot be destroyed in battle. All Stats +1. Valkyrian Armor Set Valkyrie Helm Valkyrie Armor Valkyrie Manteau Valkyrie Shoes All Stats +1 Class : Armor DEFefense : 655 Weight : 280 Jobs :All Transcendent Classes except Novice Id: (2358) An evening dress worn by an Angel. You will feel blessed when you wear it. LUK + 4. Item Class : Armor Defense : 5 Weight : 100 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2359) Ninja Suit [1] A sneaking suit that enables its wearer to move more quickly and stealthily. AGI + 1, MDEF + 3 Ninja Shinobi armor set Ninja Suit Shinobi Sash Set bonus +300 HP -20% SP consumption Class : Armor Defense : 758 Weight : 150 Required Level : 50 Jobs : Thief Class & Ninja Id: (2360) Robe of Cast [1] A robe that enhances the wearer's magic casting capability. Reduces Cast Time of skills by 3%. Class : Armor Defense : 540 Weight : 110 Required Level : 75 Jobs : Wizard, Sage, and Soul Linker Jobs Id: (2364) Meteor Plate [1] This plate armor was forged using mysterious materials from a meteor. Adds 30% tolerance to Stun and Freeze statuses. Item Class : Armor Defense : 1085 Weight : 300 Required Level : 55 Jobs : Transcendent Swordman and Merchant Classes Id: (2365) Robes Of Orleans [1] A uniform that was once worn by a chef that was obsessed with cleanliness. Nobody could stop him once he started talking about cuisine. Wearer's magic cannot be interrupted (except during WoE) at the cost of increasing Cast Time by 15%. Item Class : Armor Defense : 215 Weight : 30 Required Level : 55 Jobs : All Transcendent Jobs except Novice Id: (2366) Divine Cloth [1] A holy garment that has been purified by a series of religious rituals. Increases tolerance to Curse, Silence, Stun, Sleep, and Stone Curse statuses by 5%. Item Class : Armor Defense : 650 Weight : 150 Required Level : 55 Jobs : All Transcendent Jobs except Novice Id: (2367) Sniping Suit [1] A sniping suit that stimulates all the muscles used in firing arrows, increasing accuracy while reducing stress on the body. CRI +6 with additional CRI bonus determined by LUK stat. MDEF +5. Skill Delay reduced by 23%. Item Class : Armor Defense : 542 Weight : 75 Required Level : 50 Jobs : Sniper Job Id: (2371) Pantie [1] A risque undergarment that is comfortable to wear, but offers very little in the way of defense. Item Class : Armor Defense Rate: 422 Weight : 10 Jobs : All Id: (2372) Mage Coat [1] An exclusive robe for Mage Class characters that contains magic power. MDEF +5 , INT +1 Item Class : Armor Defense Rate: 540 Weight : 60 Required Level : 50 Jobs : Mage Class and Soul Linker Id: (2373) Holy Robe [1] A robe that emanates an aura of holiness. Increases resistance to Demon monsters by 15% and resistance against Shadow property by 10%. MDEF + 5 Item Class : Armor Defense Rate: 57 Weight : 170 Required Level : 60 Jobs : Acolyte Class Id: (2374) Diabolus Robe [1] A robe which is decorated with unknown letters. The wearer feels like they're learning a new language. MaxSP +150, MDEF +5 Reduces casting delay by 10% Increases effectiveness of Heal skill by 6%. When equipped with Diabolus Ring, MATK +3%, Increases attack to all monsters by 3%. Weapon Class : Armor Defense : 657 Weight : 30 Required Level : 5560 Jobs : Transcendent Archer, Mage, Acolyte Id: (2375) Diabolus Armor [1] An Armor which is made of an unknown metal in the human-world. Mysterious power is hidden in the armor. STR +2, DEX +1, MaxHP +150. Tolerance to Stun and Stone +5%. When equipped with Diabolus Ring, MATK +3%, Increases attack to all monsters by 3%. Weapon Class : Armor Defense : 79 Weight : 60 Jobs : Transcendent Swordman, Merchant, Thief Id: (2376) Assaulter Plate [1] Designed for brave warriors who face enemies at the forefront. It gives off multiple effects when compounded as a set. Reduces damage from Demihuman monsters by 2%. MaxHP +150, MDEF +2. 000000 When equipped with Battle Greaves and Captain's Manteau, Increases damage received from all non-Demihuman monsters times 3. VIT +3, MaxHP +12%. Heal skill and recovery item effect increase by 10%. When the wearer receives physical damage, has a chance of restoring 6,000 HP for 10 seconds. Weapon Class : Armor Defense : 57 Weight : 0 Required Level : 80 Jobs : Swordman, Merchant, Taekwon Boy/Girl, Taekwon Master Id: (2377) Elite Engineer Armor [1] Designed to be used by outstanding warriors who have remarkable attack skills. It gives off multiple effects when compounded as a set. Reduces damage from Demihuman monsters by 2%. MHP +150, MDEF +2, f000000 When equipped with Combat Greaves and Captain's Manteau, STR +3, MaxHP 12% Increases Mammonite Damage by 20%. Increases HP Restoration of Heal and Potion Pitcher by 10%. Increases damage from non-Demihuman monsters times 3. Indestructible. Weapon Class : Armor Defense : 750 Weight : 0 Required Level : 80 Jobs : Merchant Id: (2378) Assassin Robe [1] If you desire to move more quickly, this might help. It gives off multiple effects when compounded as a set. Reduces damage from Demihuman monsters by 2%. MaxHP +150, MDEF +2, 000000 When equipped with Battle Greaves and Captain's Manteau, AGI +3. MaxHP +12%, Critical Rate +5%, ASPD +5% Increases damage from non-Demihuman monsters times 3. When attacking physically has a chance of restoring 3,000 HP for 10 seconds. Weapon Class : Armor Defense : 741 Weight : 0 Required Level : 80 Jobs : Thief Classes and Ninja Id: (2379) Warlock's Battle Robe [1] A Battle Robe that helps increase the possibility of survival. It gives off multiple effects when compounded as a set. Reduces damage from Demihuman monsters by 2%. MaxHP +150, MDEF +2, 000000 When equipped with Combat Boots and Commander's Manteau, INT +3. MaxHP +12%. Adds 20% resistance to Stun. Increases damage from all non-Demihuman monsters times 3. When receiving physical damage, has a chance of enchanting Armor with the Ghost property for 10 seconds. Weapon Class : Armor Defense : 36 Weight : 0 Required Level : 80 Jobs : Mage Id: (2380) Medic's Robe [1] Designed to be used by responsible warriors who take charge of the survival of the guild or party. It gives off multiple effects when compounded as a set. Reduces damage from Demihuman monsters by 2%. MaxHP +150, MDEF +2. 000000 When equipped with Combat Boots and Commander's Manteau, INT +3. MaxHP +12%. Reduces Holy Light casting time by 50%. Increases damage from all non-Demihuman monsters times 3. Increases HP Restoration of Heal and Sanctuary by 6% when they are cast by the wearer. When receiving physical damage, has a chance of enchanting Armor with the Ghost property for 10 seconds. Weapon Class : Armor Defense : 325 Weight : 0 Required Level : 80 Jobs : Acolyte Id: (2381) Elite Archer Suit [1] If you desire to become an accurate and efficient warrior in battle, this might help. It gives off multiple effects when compounded as a set. Reduces damage from Demihuman monsters by 2%. MaxHP +150, MDEF +2. 000000 When equipped with Combat Boots and Commander's Manteau, DEX +3, MaxHP +12%. Reduces long ranged Damage by 10% and cast delay by 25%. Increases damage from all non-Demihuman monsters times 3. Weapon Class : Armor Defense : 35 Weight : 0 Required Level : 80 Jobs : Archer Id: (2382) Elite Shooter Suit [1] If you are a true Gunslinger, you might want this suit! It gives off multiple effects when compounded as a set. Reduces damage from Demihuman monsters by 2%. MHP +150, MDEF +2. 000000 When equipped with Battle Boots and Sheriff's Manteau, DEX +3, MaxHP +12%. Reduces long ranged Damage by 10% and cast delay by 25%. Increases damage from all non-Demihuman monsters times 3. Weapon Class : Armor Defense : 325 Weight : 0 Required Level : 80 Jobs : Gunslinger Id: (2383) Brynhild Brynhild is one of the valiant valkyries, meaning 'the warrior's armor'. Base level*20 MHP increase. Base Lv*5 MSP increase. Physical attack power +10%, Magic attack power +10%. MDEF + 10 Cannot be knocked back. Cannot be refined, or destroyed. TypeClass : Armor Def Defense : 120 Weight : 40 Required lvLevel : 94 Class : All Id: (2386) Chameleon Armor A miraculous Armor that can change its ability according to the ability of the wearer. Increases HP and SP as much as the certain value of the base level. When magically attacked, the armor actives with its own ability at a certain chance and all kinds of magic is not effective to the wearer for 2 seconds. If worn by Swordman/Merchant/Thief Class, DEF + 3 If worn by Wizard/Acolyte/Archer Class, MDEF + 5 Class : Armor Defense : 55 Weight : 170 Required Level : 70 Jobs : 2nd Transcendent Class Id: (2387) Sprint Mail [1] Very nimble looking armor that lets you gallop as fast as you could. It looks like a running shirt, while it has the function of an armor. Vit + 1. HP Recovery increases by 5% Improves the effectiveness of receiving Heals and Recovery items by 3% Class : Armor Defense : 320 Weight : 100 Required Level : 70 Jobs : 2nd Transcendent Class Id: (2388) Kandura [1] Common outfit in the Middle East Asia. It is specially designed for the weather. AGI + 1 FLEE + 5, Attack Speed + 2% Class : Armor Defense : 436 Weight : 30 Required Level : 70 Jobs : Assassin Cross Id: (2389) Armor of Naga [1] An armor made of Nana's scales. Very sharp and shiny that it seems to hurt anything goes near it. MDEF + 2 When the wearer physically attacks the enemy, it gives ATK + 20 at a certain rate. Class : Armor Defense : 45 Weight : 100 Required Level : 70 Jobs : 2nd Transcendent Class Id: (2390) Improved Tights [1] A brand new Tights developed by Rekenber Corporation. Made of very advanced material which fits tightly to the body. MDEF + 2. Perfect Dodge + 3 Class : Armor Defense : 638 Weight : 40 Required Level : 75 Jobs : Transcendent Archer Class Id: (2391) Life Link [1] A holy armor made by the Godness in order to cure the chosen warrior. Increases the speed of natural recovery of the wearer. vit + 2. MDEF + 5 HP Natual Recovery Speed increases by 50% Class : Armor Defense : 975 Weight : 350 Required Level : 82 Jobs : Transcendent Swordman Class Id: (2393) Novice Adventurer Suit [1] A light, comfortable suit made just for young adventurers. Item Class : Armor Defense Rate: 845 Weight : 0 Jobs : Novice Id: (2394) Glorious Suit HP + 20% 7% additional resistance to the attack from Demi-Human monsters. When equipped with Glorious Shoes and Glorious Muffler, attack strength to all enemies increase by 5%, MATK +5%, and gives 3% increase in the recovery amount of using Heal, Potion Pitcher, Sanctuary. Never gets freezed. Class : Armor Defense : 10 Weight : 0 Required Level : 81 Jobs : All Jobs except Novice Id: (2395) Glorious Public Suit HP + 600, SP Recovery rate increases by 10% Class : Armor Defense : 10 Weight : 0 Required Level : 61 Jobs : All Jobs except Novice Id: (2396) Glorious Supplied Suit HP + 500 Class : Armor Defense : 10 Weight : 0 Jobs : All Jobs except Novice Id: (2399) Dragon Vest [1] Inner wear made out of a draco's mane. Mdef + 3 When equipped with Dragon Manteau: Agi +5 / Flee +15 Class : Armor Defense : 320 Weight : 50 Jobs : All Transcendent Job Classes Id: (2401) Sandals Cute, feminine shoes that are a part of the standard schoolgirl's uniform. Fortunately, these are unisex. Item Class : FootgearShoes Defense Rate:15 Weight : 20[/color] [/s][/color] Jobs : All Id: (2402) Sandals [1] Cute, feminine shoes that are a part of the standard schoolgirl's uniform. Fortunately, these are unisex. Item Class : FootgearShoes Defense Rate:15 Weight : 20[/color] [/s][/color] Jobs : All Id: (2403) Shoes A pair of shoes made of supple, high quality leather. Item Class : FootgearShoes Defense Rate: 210 Weight : 40 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (2404) Shoes [1] A pair of shoes made of supple, high quality leather. Item Class : FootgearShoes Defense Rate: 210 Weight : 40 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (2405) Boots A pair of heavy leather boots, padded with Lunatic fur, that is suited to warriors. Item Class : FootgearShoes Defense Rate: 416 Weight : 60 Jobs : Swordman, Archer, Merchant, Thief Classes, Taekwon Boy/Girl, Taekwon Master, and Gunslinger Id: (2406) Boots [1] A pair of heavy leather boots, padded with Lunatic fur, that is suited to warriors. Item Class : FootgearShoes Defense Rate: 416 Weight : 60 Jobs : Swordman, Archer, Merchant, Thief Classes, Taekwon Boy/Girl, Taekwon Master, and Gunslinger Id: (2407) Crystal Pumps A pair of feminine high heeled shoes made of fine crystal. Usually, these are worn only on special occasions. LUK + 5 , MDEF + 10 Item Class : FootgearShoes Defense Rate: 05 Weight : 10 Jobs : Female Only All except Novice Job Id: (2408) Shackles These steel shackles were clamped on the ankles to prevent some prisoner from escaping. Item Class : FootgearShoes Defense Rate: 318 Weight : 300[/color] [/s][/color] Jobs : All Id: (2409) High Heels Striped high heeled shoes said to have been worn by a wicked witch since they enhanced her magical powers. MDEF + 5 Item Class : FootgearShoes Defense Rate: 24 Weight : 60 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (2410) Sleipnir Named after Odin's trusty steed, these shoes also mimic Sleipnir's powers. Increase Movement Speed. SP Recovery +125% Max HP/SP +120% MDEF +10 Weapon INT+25 Class : Shoes Defense : 540 Weight : 350 Required Level : 94 Jobs : All Id: (2411) Greaves Steel boots which offer dependable foot protection. Class : Shoes Defense Rate: 527 Weight : 75 Required Level : 65 Jobs : Knight and Crusader Jobs Id: (2412) Greaves [1] Steel boots which offer dependable foot protection. Class : Shoes Defense Rate: 527 Weight : 75 Required Level : 65 Jobs : Knight and Crusader Jobs Id: (2413) Safety Boots Light, sturdy shoes with steel covers to protect its wearer's feet from harm. Impossible to refine this item. Class : Shoes Defense Rate: 6 Weight : 35 Required Level : 30 Jobs : Swordman Id: (2414) Novice Slippers Exclusive shoe for new adventurers Impossible to refine this item. Class : Shoes Defense Rate: 25 Weight : 0.1 Required Level : NA1 Jobs : Novice Id: (2415) Bunny Slipper [1] A pair of slippers which enhances a girl's cuteness. Secretly worn by pretty boys. LUK +3 Female Only Class : Shoes Defense : 3 Weight : 30 Required Level : 30 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (2416) Novice Shoes [1] A pair of shoes made exclusively for brand new adventurers. MAX HP +5%. Class : Shoes Defense : 28 Weight : 50 Required Level : 40 Jobs : Novice Class Id: (2417) Fricco's Shoes A pair of shoes that were blessed by Freyr, the god of earth and the son of Njord. His blessing would release its owner from pain. Increase value of Red, Orange, Yellow and White Potion by 20%, adds Agi+ 2. If the owner is equipped with the armor set, it adds Agi+ 3, MHP/MSP + 5%. Njord's Armor Set Fricco's Shoes Falcon Muffler Odin's Blessing AGI +3 Max HP/SP +5% Class : Shoes Defense : 312 Weight : 50 Required Level : 65 Jobs : All except Novice Class Id: (2418) Vidar's Boots The boots worn by Vidar, son of Odin, when he killed the Fenrir Wolf. These represent the great physical and mental strength Vidar displayed in that epic final battle. Max HP/Max SP +9%. Class : Shoes Defense : 413 Weight : 65 Required Level : 65 Jobs : All except Novice Class Id: (2419) Goibne's Greaves A pair of shoes rumored to be forged by Goibne in response to competition from his rival, Dulb. Max HP/Max SP +5%. MDEF +3. Class : Shoes Defense : 413 Weight : 70 Required Level : 54 Jobs : All except Novice Class Id: (2420) Angel's Reincarnation [1] Heavenly sandals worn by the Guardian Angel of Super Novices. Max HP + 100. Class : Shoes Defense : 28 Weight : 70 Required Level : 25 Jobs : Novice Class Id: (2421) Valkyrian Shoes [1] A pair of shoes worn by the Valkyries, Odin's battle maidens. These shoes grow more powerful [/s][/color] as the wearer improves his own abilities. Increases Max HP by (Base Level*5) when worn by Mage, Archer, and Acolyte Classes. Increases Max SP by (Job Level*2) when worn by Swordman, Merchant, and Thief Classes. Cannot be destroyed in battle. Valkyrian Armor Set Valkyrie Helm Valkyrie Armor Valkyrie Manteau Valkyrie Shoes All Stats +1 Class : Shoes DEFefense : 413 Weight : 50 Jobs :All Transcendent Classes except Novice Id: (2422) High Fashion Sandals [1] Jeweled, golden strapped sandals that offer a casual, yet [/s][/color] fashionable, comfort. MDEF +10 Class : Shoes Defense : 27 Weight : 20 Jobs : Mage and Acolyte Classes; Soul Linker Job Id: (2423) Variant Shoes Although it seems that whoever made these shoes tried to fix his mistakes, he didn't make these as well as he hoped. Increase Max HP and SP by 20%. Increasing the Upgrade Level will reduce Max SP and HP bonus, but will increase DEF bonus. Item Class : Shoes Def Defense : 13 Weight : 50 Required Level : 85 Jobs : All Transcendent Jobs except Novice Id: (2424) Tidal Shoes [1] This pair of shoes was designed with a waterproof coating that prevents slippage in wet areas. Adds 5% tolerance to Water property attacks, + 5% HP Recovery. Adds +10% Max HP when worn with Wool Scarf. Item Class : Shoes Def Defense : 13 Weight : 30 Required Level : 55 Jobs : All Transcendent Jobs except Novice Id: (2425) Black Leather Boots A pair of boots made of light, resilient leather that makes you want to run when you wear them. AGI +1. Additional AGI +2 when Upgrade Level is 9 or greater. Item Class : Shoes Defense : 416 Weight : 50 Required Level : 55 Jobs : All Transcendent Jobs except Novice Id: (2426) Shadow Walk Shadowy shoes made using dark forces, and enchanted with a spell to protect their wearer when danger approaches. MDEF +10. Has a certain chance of auto casting Lv.3 Cloaking when hit by magic attacks. If the wearer has learned a higher level of Cloaking, those levels of Cloaking will be auto cast instead. If the wearer has not learned Lv. 3 Cloak the wearer cannot move away from walls. Item Class : Shoes Defense : 0 Weight : 200 Required Level : 75 Jobs : All Transcendent Jobs except Novice Id: (2429) Iron Boots Shoes which are solidly made and heavy. Item Class : Shoes Defense : 5 Weight : 150 Jobs : Swordman, Merchant, Thief Classes, Archer Id: (2430) Iron Boots Shoes which are solidly made and heavy. Item Class : Shoes Defense : 5 Weight : 80 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2432) Highheels [1] Striped high heeled shoes said to have been worn by a wicked witch since they enhanced her magical powers. MDEF + 5 Item Class : FootgearShoes Defense Rate: 210 Weight : 60 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (2433) Diabolus Boots [1] Mysterious boots that automatically adjust their size to the wearer's size. They seem alive. Increases MaxHP by 10 times your Base Level. When worn with Diabolus Manteau, MaxHP +6%. Weapon Class : Shoes Defense : 415 Weight : 25 Jobs : Above Transcendent 2-1 Classes Id: (2434) Black Leather Boots [1] A pair of boots made of light, resilient leather that makes you want to run when you wear them. AGI +1. Additional AGI +2 when Upgrade Level is 9 or greater. Item Class : Shoes Defense : 416 Weight : 50 Required Level : 55 Jobs : All Transcendent Jobs except Novice Id: (2435) Battle Greave [1] A Greave that optimizes the quality of one's ability for battle. Reduces damage from Demihuman monsters by 1%. MaxHP + 100. MDEF + 1. Weapon Class : Shoes Defense : 415 Weight : 0 Required Level : 80 Jobs : Swordman, Merchant, Thief Classes, Ninja, Taekwon Boy/Girl and Taekwon Master Id: (2436) Combat Boots [1] Shoes that are comfortable and solidly made for battle. Reduces damage from Demihuman monsters by 1%. MaxHP + 100. MDEF + 1. Weapon Class : Shoes Defense : 39 Weight : 0 Required Level : 80 Jobs : Mage, Acolyte, Archer, Soul Linker Id: (2437) Battle Boots [1] They don't look any different than other boots, but they are designed exclusively for Gunslingers. Reduces damage from Demihuman monsters by 1%. MaxHP + 100. MDEF + 1. Weapon Class : Shoes Defense : 39 Weight : 0 Required Level : 80 Jobs : Gunslinger Id: (2440) Sprint Shoes [1] Very useful for running. Tighten the strips and you're off to run! AGI + 1. SP Recovery increases by 5% When worn with Sprint Mail and Ring, 7% increase in each MHP/MSP, Skill delay reduces by 3% before using the skill, Skill delay recudes by 15% after using the skill Class : Shoes Defense : 210 Weight : 30 Jobs : 2nd Transcendent Class Id: (2441) A sandals received as a gift from Comodo Environmental Commission. It seems to match perfect with Comodo beach. STR + 1, INT + 1, AGI + 1 + 10% resistance to Fire property and + 5 Flee when worn with Beach Manteau Class : Shoes DEF Defense : 0 Weight : 20 Jobs : All Id: (2443) Fisher's Boots A waterproof boots. Decrease fishing casting time by 2 seconds. TypeClass : Shoes Defense : 0 Weight : 25 Jobs : All Id: (2445) Glorious Public Shoes HP, SP + 5% Class : Shoes Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 61 Jobs : All Jobs except Novice Id: (2446) Glorious Supplied Shoes HP + 5% Class : Shoes Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Jobs : All Jobs except Novice Id: (2450) Vital Tree Shoes Shoes made out of the stem of the Tree of Life. They are comfortable and provide life energy to the wearer. HP recovery speed increases by 5%. MaxHP +10% Recover 30 HP every 10 seconds. Received/used heal/recovery items' effects increased by 5%. Mdef + 3, Vit + 2 Class : FootwearShoes Defense : 416 Weight : 50 Required Level : 60 Jobs : All Transcendent Job Classes except Novice Classes Id: (2451) Rental Item A pair of spiritual sandals granted by Freya. It appears very sturdy, but it will eventually disappear and return to Freya's realm, Folkvangr. MaxHP + 8%, MaxSP + 8%. Item Class : Shoes Defense : 5 Weight : 40 Required Level : 20 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2452) Rental Item A pair of spiritual sandals granted by Freya. It appears very sturdy, but it will eventually disappear and return to Freya's realm, Folkvangr. MaxHP + 8%, MaxSP + 8%. Item Class : Shoes Defense : 5 Weight : 40 Required Level : 20 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2453) Rental Item A pair of spiritual sandals granted by Freya. It appears very sturdy, but it will eventually disappear and return to Freya's realm, Folkvangr. MaxHP + 8%, MaxSP + 8%. Item Class : Shoes Defense : 5 Weight : 40 Required Level : 20 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2454) Rental Item A pair of spiritual sandals granted by Freya. It appears very sturdy, but it will eventually disappear and return to Freya's realm, Folkvangr. MaxHP + 8%, MaxSP + 8%. Item Class : Shoes Defense : 5 Weight : 40 Required Level : 20 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2456) Paradise Team Boots1 A boots that is provided only for members of the Paradise Team. Untiring shoes that is optimized for a long-walk adventure. HP recovery +10%. SP recovery +2%. cannot be upgraded. Weapon Class : Shoes Defense : 14 Weight : 0 Required Level : 12 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2457) Paradise Team Boots2 A boots that is provided only for members of the Paradise Team. Untiring shoes that is optimized for a long-walk adventure. HP recovery +12% SP recovery +4% cannot be upgraded. Weapon Class : Shoes Defense : 16 Weight : 0 Required Level : 26 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2458) Paradise Team Boots3 A boots that is provided only for members of the Paradise Team. Untiring shoes that is optimized for a long-walk adventure. HP recovery +14% SP recovery +6% cannot be upgraded. Weapon Class : Shoes Defense : 18 Weight : 0 Required Level : 40 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2461) [1] MHP + 3% Class : Shoes DEFefense : 7 Weight : 40 Required Level : 65 Jobs : Knight, Crusader Id: (2463) Feral Boots This item cannot be traded with others. It has a message inscribed - Feline boots of a forgotten era, with both an unpolished and polished beauty. Unable to Refine or Destroy. Class : Shoes Defense : 12 Weight : 0 Required Level : 75 Jobs : All Id: (2464) Let the ass-kicking commence! STR + 1, INt + 1, DEX + 1. Increase MaxHP +10%, Increase MaxSP +5% Reduce damage from Demi-Humans by 2% When worn with No Fear Underwear and No Fear Belt-Cannot be frozen, Increase EXP Gain by 5%. Item Class : Shoes Defense : 6 Weight : 0 Required Level : 20 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2465) Dance Shoes [1] Shoes fit for dancing. AGI + 1, increases ASPD (delay after attacking decreases by 2%). Reduces SP consumption of Swing Dance by 32. Class : Shoes Defense : 15 Weight : 30 Required Level : 105 Jobs : Bard and Dancer Id: (2467) Golden Rod Shoes [1] A pair of golden long boots imbued with power of wind. MDEF + 2, MHP + 500, Increases resistance to wind attacks by 15%. TypeClass : Shoes Defense : 12 Weight : 50 Required Level : 100 Jobs : Warlock Id: (2468) Aqua Shoes [1] A pair of sea-blue long boots imbued with power of water. MDEF + 2, MHP + 500, Increases resistance to water attacks by 15%. TypeClass : Shoes Defense : 12 Weight : 50 Required Level : 100 Jobs : Warlock Id: (2469) Crimson Shoes [1] A pair of red long boots imbued with power of fire. MDEF + 2, MHP + 500, Increases resistance to fire attacks by 15% TypeClass : Shoes Defense : 12 Weight : 50 Required Level : 100 Jobs : Warlock Id: (2470) Forest Shoes [1] A pair of turquoise long boots imbued with power of earth. MDEF + 2, MHP + 500, Increases resistance to earth attacks by 15% TypeClass : Shoes Defense : 12 Weight : 50 Required Level : 100 Jobs : Warlock Id: (2471) Shoes Of Affection Decreases tolerance to all races by 10% Increases tolerance to Demihumans by 10% MaxHP +500 TypeClass : Shoes Defense : 12 Weight : 30 Required Level : 100 Jobs : Archbishop Id: (2472) Shoes Of Judgement Decreases tolerance to all races by 10% Increases tolerance to Demon and Undead by 10% MaxSP +150 TypeClass : Shoes Defense : 12 Weight : 30 Required Level : 100 Jobs : Archbishop Id: (2475) Ur's Greaves [1] Greaves made by purifying an Ur Rune. MaxSP + 40. Reduces MaxHP by 7%. Refine rate reduces the MaxHP reduction by 1% for each level up to +8. Class : Shoes Defense : 32 Weight : 90 Required Level : 100 Jobs : Rune Knight Id: (2476) Peuz's Greaves [1] Greates made by purifying a Peuz Rune. MaxSP + 40. Reduces AGI by 7. Refine rate reduces the AGI reduction by 1% for each level up to +8. Class : Shoes Defense : 32 Weight : 90 Required Level : 100 Jobs : Rune Knight Id: (2477) Sapha Shoes [1] Shoes that have long been known to be from the world of darkness. LUK + 3, MSP + 30. Class : Shoes Defense : 18 Weight : 40 Required Level : 100 Jobs : Guillotine Cross Id: (2478) Nab Shoes [1] An assassin's famous historical relic. FLEE + 3, INT + 2. Class : Shoes Defense : 18 Weight : 40 Required Level : 100 Jobs : Guillotine Cross Id: (2479) White Wing Boots [1] Shoes of the brilliant archer guild known as Icarus. AGI + 2. Reduces the SP cost of Aimed Bolt by 10. Class : Shoes Defense : 18 Weight : 40 Required Level : 100 Jobs : Ranger Id: (2480) Black Wing Boots [1] An ancient artifact that helps maintain clear mental focus. INT + 2, MSP + 5%. Class : Shoes Defense : 18 Weight : 40 Required Level : 100 Jobs : Ranger Id: (2492) Bangungot Boots(Bayani) [1] Ominous boots emitting Bangungot's revenge and powerful hatred of humans. MDEF +1 increase per 1 refinement. Speed increased with 12 refinement and above. Class : Shoes Defense : 10 Weight : 60 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2495) Egir Shoes [1] Shoes from Egir, god of Ocean. It seems filling out the power that you don't have enough. not possible to destroy. when Magician, Archer and Acolyte class are equipped, it increases MHP 5 times more than its Base LV. When Swordman, Merchant and Thief class are equpped, it increases MSP 2 times more than it Job Lv. Class : FootwearShoes Defense : 13 Weight : 30 Required Lvevel. : 110 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2501) Hood A simple, soft garment that covers the head and neck. Item Class : Garment Defense Rate: 14 Weight : 20 Jobs : All Id: (2502) Hood [1] A simple, soft garment that covers the head and neck. Item Class : Garment Defense Rate: 14 Weight : 20 Jobs : All Id: (2503) Muffler A warm scarf that is worn around the neck and shoulders. Item Class : Garment Defense Rate: 28 Weight : 40 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (2504) Muffler [1] A warm scarf that is worn around the neck and shoulders. Item Class : Garment Defense Rate: 28 Weight : 40 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (2505) Manteau A long, loose cape-like garment that protects its wearer from harsh weather. Item Class : Garment Defense Rate: 413 Weight : 60 Jobs : Swordman, Merchant, Thief Classes, and Taekwon Boy/Girl, Taekwon Master Id: (2506) Manteau [1] A long, loose cape-like garment that protects its wearer from harsh weather. Item Class : Garment Defense Rate: 413 Weight : 60 Jobs : Swordman, Merchant, Thief Classes, and Taekwon Boy/Girl, Taekwon Master Id: (2507) Ancient Cape A fancy cape said to have once been worn by marquises long ago. AGI + 1 Item Class : Garment Defense Rate: 29 Weight : 60 Required Level : 40 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (2508) Ragamuffin Manteau An old, worn-out cape that can protect its wearer from mystical harm, no matter how powerful it may be. Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts). MDEF + 10 Item Class : Garment Defense Rate: 14 Weight : 50 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (2509) Survivor's Manteau A manteau which protects its wearer from the elements. VIT +10 Class : Garment Defense Rate: 10 Weight : 55 Required Level : 75 Jobs : Mage and Soul Linker Id: (2510) Somber Novice Hood An exclusive garment for new adventurers. Impossible to refine this item. Class : Garment Defense Rate: 24 Weight : 0.1 Required Level : NA1 Jobs : Novice Id: (2511) Skeleton Manteau A manteau which is worn by soldier skeletons. STR +2, DEX +2, LUK +2. INT -3, VIT -3, AGI -4. Class : Garment Defense : 1 Weight : 70 Requirementd Level : 75 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (2512) Novice Manteau [1] A cute, durable and lightweight manteau for beginning adventurers. Reduces Neutral property damage by 10%. Class : Garment Defense : 27 Weight : 50 Required Level : 40 Jobs : Novice Class Id: (2513) Heavenly Maiden Robe [1] A faint, transparent robe decorated with a beautiful pattern worn by celestial maidens when they fly through the heavens. Class : Garment Defense : 318 Weight : 50 Required Level : 80 Jobs : All except Novice Class Id: (2514) Pauldron [1] A pair of heavy shoulder coverings that provide effective protection in combat. Class : Garment Defense : 25 Weight : 80 Required Level : 80 Jobs : Swordman, Merchant, and and Thief Classes Id: (2515) Eagle Wing [1] A robe which once helped the god Odin escape a fatal threat. If the Wing Staff is also equipped, this robe will increase the user's Movement Speed. Class : Garment Defense : 12 Weight : 30 Required Level : 85 Jobs : Mage Class and Soul Linker Id: (2516) Falcon Muffler A muffler owned by Freyja, daughter of Njord, that was often borrowed by Loki. Wearing it makes its wearer as nimble as a falcon in flight. Perfect Dodge +5. Flee Rate +15. Class : Garment Defense : 38 Weight : 40 Required Level : 65 Jobs : All except Novice Class Id: (2517) Vali's Manteau A manteau once owned by Vali, son of Odin. It represents Vali's fighting spirit which allowed him to defeat Hoedr the warrior despite his blindness. Reduces Neutral property damage by 15%. Class : Garment Defense : 413 Weight : 60 Required Level : 65 Jobs : All except Novice Class Id: (2518) Morpheus's Shawl A shawl marked with ancient conjuration patterns that is one of the three keys for releasing the seal that binds Morpheus. MDEF +3, Max SP +10% Class : Garment Defense : 38 Weight : 60 Required Level : 33 Jobs : All except Id: (2519) Morrigane's Manteau A manteau made from gray crow feathers that were enchanted through the power of Morrigane, whose incarnation is the gray crow. LUK +2, Perfect Dodge +8. Class : Garment Defense : 39 Weight : 60 Required Level : 61 Jobs : All except Novice Class Id: (2520) Goibne's Spaulders Goibne's very first creation, his much prized and precious armor. Reduces long range physical damage by 10%. VIT +1, MDEF +2. Class : Garment Defense : 311 Weight : 70 Required Level : 54 Jobs : All except Novice Class Id: (2521) Angelic Cardigan [1] The Super Novice Guardian Angel's warm and comforatble cardigan. Increases natural HP Recovery by 5%. Class : Garment Defense : 25 Weight : 40 Required Level : 20 Jobs : Novice Class Id: (2522) Undershirt Lightweight armor made from 100% real cotton that is actually quite durable. MDEF +1. If the owner is also equipped with Pantie, this garment adds AGI +5 and Flee Rate +10. Class : Garment Defense : 25 Weight : 15 Jobs : All Id: (2523) Undershirt [1] Lightweight armor made from 100% real cotton that is actually quite durable. MDEF +1. If the owner is also equipped with Pantie, this garment adds AGI +5 and Flee Rate +10. Class : Garment Defense : 25 Weight : 15 Jobs : All Id: (2524) Valkyrian Manteau [1] A manteau that is worn by the Valkyries, Odin's battle maidens. Adds Perfect Dodge +5 when worn by Mage, Archer, and Acolyte Classes. Upgrading this [/s][/color] armor will increase the existing Perfect Dodge bonus, adding Perfect Dodge +2 for each Upgrade Level. Enables a 5% chance of reflecting damage back to enemies when worn by Swordman, Merchant, and Thief Classes. Upgrading this [/s][/color] armor will increase the damage reflection rate by 2% for each Upgrade Level. Cannot [/s][/color] be destroyed in battle. Valkyrian Armor Set Valkyrie Helm Valkyrie Armor Valkyrie Manteau Valkyrie Shoes All Stats +1 Class : Garment Defense : 10 Weight : 50 Jobs :All Transcendent Classes except Novice Id: (2525) Ancient Cape [1] A fancy cape fashioned after those worn by genteel marquises of a bygone age. AGI +1 Class : Garment Defense : 29 Weight : 60 Required Level : 40 Jobs : All except Novice [/s] [/color] Id: (2527) Dragon Breath [1] A garment that's so warm, it makes the wearer feel as if a dragon is breathing on him. Reduces damage from Dragon monsters by 15%. Increases damage by 5% when worn with Dragon Slayer, Dragon Killer, Gae Bolg. Item Class : Garment Defense : 416 Weight : 60 Required Level : 48 Jobs : All Transcendent Jobs except Novice Id: (2528) Wool Scarf [1] A scarf made from the highest quality wool that feels so comforting and cozy when you're exhausted. MDEF +4. Item Class : Garment Defense : 311 Weight : 50 Required Level : 55 Jobs : All Transcendent Jobs except Novice Id: (2529) Crest Of The Rider A symbol worn by runners that just makes you want to sprint when you wear it. AGI +2. Flee +10 when worn with Black Leather Boots. Item Class : Garment Defense : 413 Weight : 50 Required Level : 55 Jobs : All Transcendent Jobs except Novice Id: (2530) Crest Of The Rider [1] A symbol worn by runners that just makes you want to sprint when you wear it. AGI +2. Flee +10 when worn with Black Leather Boots. Item Class : Garment Defense : 413 Weight : 50 Required Level : 55 Jobs : All Transcendent Jobs except Novice Id: (2531) Wolfheiden [1] A mysterious cape with a protective spell that can convert the wearer's magic defense to physical defense. Each physical attack against the wearer has a chance reducing physical damage by 20% for 2 seconds at the cost of reducing MDEF by 20%. Item Class : Garment Defense : 13 Weight : 70 Required Level : 70 Jobs : Transcendent Swordman, Merchant, and Thief Classes Id: (2532) Mithril Magic Manteau [1] A mysterious cape with a protective spell that converts the wearer's DEF to MDEF. MDEF +3. When receiving magic damage, there is a chance that for 2 seconds magic damage will be reduced by 20% at the cost of reducing defense by 20%. Item Class : Garment Defense : 38 Weight : 40 Required Level : 70 Jobs : Transcendent Wizard, Acolyte, and Archer Classes Id: (2536) Skin of Ventus [1] Lucifer's skin, cursed by the devil's language. It can be worn as a robe. MDEF +2, MaxHP +200, FLEE +10 Weapon Class : Garment Defense : 27 Weight : 25 Required Level : 60 Jobs : All Jobs except Novice Id: (2537) Diabolus Manteau [1] A manteau with an endless dark shape waving near it. Only those who overcome fear can wear this manteau. Decreases Neutral property damage by 5%. MaxHP + 100 Increases Physical Damage to Satan Morocc by 10%. 000000 When equipped with Diabolus Boots, MaxHP +6%. Weapon Class : Garment Defense : 15 Weight : 25 Jobs : Above Transcendent 2-1 Classes Id: (2538) Captain's Manteau [1] A dignified, splendid Manteau that is provided to any warrior who brings great honor from the battlefield. Reduces damage from Demihuman monsters by 1%. MaxHP + 50. MDEF + 1. Weapon Class : Garment Defense : 428 Weight : 0 Required Level : 80 Jobs : Swordman, Merchant, Thief Classes, Ninja, Taekwon Boy/Girl and Taekwon Master Id: (2539) Commander's Manteau [1] A Manteau that is provided to any superior commander who has the outstanding ability to support their base. Reduces damage from Demihuman monsters by 1%. MaxHP + 50. MDEF + 1. Weapon Class : Garment Defense : 320 Weight : 0 Required Level : 80 Jobs : Mage, Acolyte, Archer, Soul Linker Id: (2540) Sheriff's Manteau [1] A Manteau imbued with tension and the mysterious spirit of desolate wilderness. Reduces damage from Demihuman monsters by 1%. MaxHP + 50. MDEF + 1. Weapon Class : Garment Defense : 320 Weight : 0 Required Level : 80 Jobs : Gunslinger Id: (2541) Asprika A wing made of all lights that exist in the world. It's name means 'Light of the gods'. 30% immunity from physicall attacks of all attributes. FLEE + 30, MDEF + 5. Enables use of the skill Teleport Lv1. Adds resistance to physical attacks in all elements by 30%. Can not be refined and destroyed. TypeClass : ManteauGarment Defense : 540 Weight : 40 Required lvLevel : 94 Class : All Id: (2542) Flame Manteau of Naght Sieger [1] A Manteau of Flame that Naght Sieger wore. MaxHP 5%, MDEF + 2 Increases MATK 1%. Additional 2% physical damage to Fire monsters. Weapon Class : Garment Defense : 416 Weight : 70 Required Level : 70 Jobs : All Transcendent Jobs except Novice Id: (2544) Leadther of Tendrilion [1] Leather of Tendrilion with plant stems sticking out of it. 5% increase in resistant to the attack with Earth and Water property 5% increase in resistant to animal or plant monsters Class : Garment Defense : 314 Weight : 50 Jobs : 2nd Transcendent Class Id: (2545) Musika [1] An outfit for the priests in order to protect the exorcists at Prontera Church. MDEF + 3. When physically attacked from a close distance, inflicts Lv.1 Heal to the wearer himself at a certain rate. If higher level is learned, inflicts with the level the wearer learned. Class : Garment Defense : 210 Weight : 50 Required Level : 70 Jobs : High Priest Id: (2546) [1] A manteau received as a gift from Comodo Environmental Commission. It seems to match perfect with Comodo beach. STR + 1, INT + 1 + 10% resistance to Fire property and + 5 Flee when worn with Beach Sandals Class : Garment DEF Defense : 0 Weight : 60 Jobs : All Id: (2548) Rental Item A scarf, usually worn around the neck and shoulders for warmth. Reduces damage from Demihuman monsters by 10% MaxHP + 10% Add 5% resistance against Water, Fire, Holy, Shadow Property attacks. Item Class : Garment Defense : 5 Weight : 0 Required Level : 95 Jobs : All Transcendent Jobs except Novice Id: (2549) Glorious Muffler HP + 5% Increase in resistance against the attack from Demi-Human monsters by 5% Class : Garment Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 81 Jobs : All Jobs except Novice Id: (2553) Dragon Manteau [1] Manteau from a Draco's mane. Agi +1, Mdef +5 Class : ClothesGarment Defense : 514 Weight : 100 Jobs : All Transcendent Job Classes except Novice Classes Id: (2554) Nydhorgg's Shadow Garb [1] Made from a scale of Nidhoggur's Shadow, it still possesses its strong power. Mdef +3, Increases resistance to all elemental properties by 7%. MaxSP increases by (Base level / 3) + (refine level x 10). With 1% probablity, recovers 1% amount of given damage to SP. Class : Garment Defense : 25 Weight : 40 Required Level : 90 Jobs : All Transcendent Job Classes except Novice Classes Id: (2555) Rental Item A spiritual scarf granted by Freya. It appears very sturdy, but it will eventually disappear and return to Freya's realm, Folkvangr. Flee +15, Reduce damage from Neutral property by 15% Item Class : RobeGarment Defense : 04 Weight : 40 Required Level : 20 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2556) Rental Item A spiritual scarf granted by Freya. It appears very sturdy, but it will eventually disappear and return to Freya's realm, Folkvangr. Flee +15, Reduce damage from Neutral property by 15% Item Class : RobeGarment Defense : 04 Weight : 40 Required Level : 20 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2557) Rental Item A spiritual scarf granted by Freya. It appears very sturdy, but it will eventually disappear and return to Freya's realm, Folkvangr. Flee +15, Reduce damage from Neutral property by 15% Item Class : RobeGarment Defense : 04 Weight : 40 Required Level : 20 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2558) Rental Item A spiritual scarf granted by Freya. It appears very sturdy, but it will eventually disappear and return to Freya's realm, Folkvangr. Flee +15, Reduce damage from Neutral property by 15% Item Class : RobeGarment Defense : 04 Weight : 40 Required Level : 20 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2560) Paradise Team Manteau A manteau which is only for a Paradise Team member. A good flattering back feature. None property tolerance 10%. cannot be upgraded. Weapon Class : Garment Defense : 14 Weight : 0 Required Level : 12 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2561) [1] MHP + 3% Class : Garment DEF Defense : 39 Weight : 10 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2562) [1] MHP + 3% Class : Garment DEF Defense : 413 Weight : 20 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs except Novice Id: (2563) [1] MHP + 3% Class : Garment DEF Defense : 618 Weight : 30 Required Level : 1 Jobs : Swordman,Merchant,Thief Classes,Taekwon Class Id: (2564) Feral Tail This item cannot be traded with others. It has a message inscribed - A symbol of valor made with the tail of a savage beast. Unable to Refine or Destroy. TypeClass : RobeGarment Defense : 16 Weight : 0 Required Lvevel : 75 Class : All Job Class Id: (2565) Beach Towel [1] A colorful beach towel used as protection from the sun. MDEF +3, FLEE +7 Resistance to Neutral property attacks +7%, Class : For wearingGarment Defense : 2 Weight : 10 Required Lvevel : 1 Jobs : All Id: (2568) Loki's Muffler This item cannot be traded between accounts. A red scarf worn out from long use. AGI + 1. Increases the effectiveness of the skill 'Cross Impact' by 5%. Cannot be refined. TypeClass : Outerwear Defense : 10 Weight : 40 Required Level : 100 Jobs : All Id: (2569) Shawl Of Affection An item said to be worn by a priest who in ancient times saved countless lives on the battlefield. Perfect Dodge +5 Has a chance of casting Renovatio Level 1 while being physically or magically attacked. TypeClass : ManteauGarment Defense : 12 Weight : 30 Required Level : 100 Jobs : Archbishop Id: (2570) Shawl Of Judgement An item said to be used by a priest who in ancient times fought against the hordes of demons. Flee +5 Has a chance of casting Oratio Level 2 while being physically or magically attacked If a higher level of this skill is learned then that level will activate. TypeClass : ManteauGarment Defense : 12 Weight : 30 Required Level : 100 Jobs : Archbishop Id: (2574) Ur's Manteau A manteau created by Ur Runestones MHP + 2%, Increases tolerance to Neutral property attacks by 10%. Class : Garment Defense : 20 Weight : 60 Required Level : 100 Jobs : Rune Knight Id: (2575) Peuz's Manteau A manteau created by refining Peuz Runestones FLEE + 10, CRI + 10. Class : Garment Defense : 16 Weight : 60 Required Level : 100 Jobs : Rune Knight Id: (2576) Bravery Bag [1] A bag for brave adventures. With this bag, you feel safe. Class : garment Defense : 20 Weight : 20 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Allows to use the skill Greed If refined to +7 or +8: - If STR > 89: ATK+20 - If AGI > 89: ASPD +8% - If VIT > 89: Reduces incoming Neutral damages by 5% - If INT > 89: MATK+30 - If DEX > 89: Increase physical Long Range attack by 5% - If LUK > 89: Incease critical damage by 10% If refined to +9 or higher: - If STR > 89: ATK+30 - If AGI > 89: ASPD +8%, ASPD +1 - If VIT > 89: Reduces incoming Neutral damages by 10% - If INT > 89: MATK+50 - If DEX > 89: Increase physical Long Range attack by 10% - If LUK > 89: Incease critical damage by 15% Id: (2577) Sapha Hood A manteau that contains the reliquery remains of an ancient Assassin FLEE + 12, Increases CRI by 1% per refine level. Class : Garment Defense : 13 Weight : 10 Required Level : 100 Jobs : Guillotine Cross Id: (2578) Nab Hood An ancient relic that belonged to an unknown Assassin Increases Flee and Attack Power per refine level times 2 Class : Garment Defense : 13 Weight : 10 Required Level : 100 Jobs : Guillotine Cross Id: (2580) White Wing Manteau A manteau from an archer guild known as Icarus AGI + 2, FLEE + 10, Has a chance of activating FLEE +20 for 7 seconds while physically attacking. Class : Garment Defense : 15 Weight : 20 Required Level : 100 Jobs : Ranger Id: (2581) Black Wing Manteau A cloak that helps maintain clear mental focus. INT + 2. Adds perfect dodge +1 for every refine level above level 6. Class : Garment Defense : 15 Weight : 20 Required Level : 100 Jobs : Ranger Id: (2589) Fallen Angel Wing [1] Dark wings from a fallen angel. LUK +2 Increase resistance to damage dealt by Human type monsters by 10%. Increase resistance to damage dealt by Dark attacks by 30%. Decreases resistance to Holy attacks by 30%. Class : Garment Defense : 18 Weight : 20 Req level : 1 Jobs : All jobs Id: (2590) Buwaya Sack Cloth Clothes tailored from Buwaya's kidnapping sack. Full of vindictive spirits that cannot rest in peace. Healing capacity and healing item effect increases 1% per 3 refinement. 10% damage decrease from Water, Earth, Fire and Wind Converter monsters. Class : Garment Defense : 8 Weight : 20 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2591) Buwaya Sack Cloth(Bayani) [1] Clothes tailored from Buwaya's kidnapping sack. Full of vindictive spirits that cannot rest in peace. Healing capacity and healing item effect increases 1% per 3 refinement. 10% damage decrease from Water, Earth, Fire and Wind Converter monsters. Class : Garment Defense : 8 Weight : 20 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2601) Ring A metal band worn on the finger which strangely increases its wearer's strength. STR + 2 Item Class : Accessory Defense Rate: 0 Weight : 10 Required Level : 20 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (2602) Earring Jewelry, worn on the earlobe, that increases its wearer's intelligence. INT + 2 Item Class : Accessory Defense Rate: 0 Weight : 10 Required Level : 20 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (2603) Necklace A necklace once worn by an ancient queen that enhances the vitality of whoever wears it. VIT + 2 Item Class : Accessory Defense Rate: 0 Weight : 10 Required Level : 20 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (2604) Glove A specially made covering worn on the hands to improve one's grip on weapons. DEX + 2 Item Class : Accessory Defense Rate: 0 Weight : 10 Required Level : 20 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (2605) Brooch Mystic jewelry that attaches to clothing by means of a pin. AGI + 2 Item Class : Accessory Defense Rate: 0 Weight : 10 Required Level : 20 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (2607) Clip [1] A versatile accessory that you can attach to pretty much anything. SP + 10 Item Class : Accessory Defense Rate: 0 Weight : 10 Jobs : All Id: (2608) Rosary A string of beads used to count the number of repetitions that prayers are recited. LUK + 2 , MDEF + 5 Item Class : Accessory Defense Rate: 0 Weight : 10 Required Level : 20 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (2609) Skull Ring A weird ring adorned with a skull in which the words, ''Forever, until death...'' are engraved. Giving this as a gift might send a mixed message. Item Class : Accessory Defense Rate: 0 Weight : 10 Jobs : All Id: (2610) Gold Ring A fairly common ring made of gold. Item Class : Accessory Defense Rate: 0 Weight : 10 Jobs : All Id: (2611) Silver Ring A simple, modest ring fashioned out of silver. Item Class : Accessory Defense Rate: 0 Weight : 10 Jobs : All Id: (2612) Flower Ring A quaint, pretty ring made of wildflowers. Item Class : Accessory Defense Rate: 0 Weight : 10 Jobs : All Id: (2613) Diamond Ring A ring adorned with a large ''diamond,'' the rock known to be a girl's best friend. Sadly, these so-called diamonds fetch a hefty price. Item Class : Accessory Defense Rate: 0 Weight : 10 Jobs : All Id: (2614) Eye of Dullahan ... Item Reduces damage from Undead and Demon monsters by 4%. Gain immunity to poison status. Class : Accessory Defense Rate: 0 Weight : 10 Required Level : 50 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (2615) Safety Ring A strange ring that curiously raises its wearer's defense. DEF +3 , MDEF +35 Item Class : Accessory Defense Rate: 05 Weight : 10 Required Level : 40 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (2616) Critical Ring An esoteric ring which enables its wearer to amplify his hidden power. Critical Rate +5 Item Class : Accessory Defense Rate: 0 Weight : 5 Required Level : 40 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (2617) Celebrant's Mitten Gloves blessed with holiness that increases its wearer's intelligence. INT + 1 Item Class : Accessory Defense Rate: 1 Weight : 10 Required Level : 35 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (2618) Matyr's Leash Matyr's leash. AGI + 1 Item Class : Accessory Defense Rate: 1 Weight : 10 Required Level : 35 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (2619) Bow Thimble A finger accessory for archers which helps improve their accuracy. Increases damage inflicted with Bow class weapons. Item Class : Accessory Defense Rate: 0 Weight : 10 Required Level : 65 Jobs : Archer Class Id: (2620) Rogue's Treasure An exclusive ring for the Thief class. Increases the success rate of the Steal skill. Item f Base Str > 89: Hit+10, Flee+10 If Base Agi > 89: Atk+10, Crit+10 If worn together with Cold Heart: Increase damage against medium sized monsters by 8% If worn together with Black Cat: Increase damage against large sized monsters by 8% Class : Accessory Defense Rate: 0 Weight : 10 Required Level : 70 Jobs : Thief Class and Ninja Id: (2621) Ring [1] An ancient ring. STR +1 Class : Accessory Defense Rate: 0 Weight : 20 Required Level : 90 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (2622) Earring [1] An ancient earring. INT +1 Class : Accessory Defense Rate: 0 Weight : 20 Required Level : 90 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (2623) Necklace [1] An ancient necklace. VIT +1 Class : Accessory Defense Rate: 0 Weight : 20 Required Level : 90 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (2624) Glove [1] An ancient mitten. DEX +1 Class : Accessory Defense Rate: 0 Weight : 20 Required Level : 90 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (2625) Brooch [1] An ancient brooch. AGI +1 Class : Accessory Defense Rate: 0 Weight : 20 Required Level : 90 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (2626) Rosary [1] An ancient rosary. LUK +1 , MDEF +3 Class : Accessory Defense Rate: 0 Weight : 20 Required Level : 90 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (2627) Belt [1] A simple, very practical belt that has little fashion value. Class : Accessory Defense Rate: 0 Weight : 120 Required Level : 25[/color] [/s][/color] Jobs : All Id: (2628) Novice Armlet [1] An easy to wear bracelet made just for young Novices. Class : Accessory Defense Rate: 0 Weight : 20 Jobs : Novice Id: (2629) Megingjard A reproduction of the girdle of might that Thor wore to enhance his prodigious strength. STR +40, MDEF +7. Weapon Further increase STR by Baselevel divided by 5. If user has 120 base STR, increases damage against Boss monsters by 10%. Class : Accessory Defense : 2 Weight : 800 Required Level : 94 Jobs : All Id: (2630) Brisingamen An imitation of the necklace worn by the beautiful goddess Freya. STR +6, AGI +6, INT +610 VIT +6, LUK +10 Weapon . MDEF +5. Increase recovery rate of Healing Skills by 6%. Class : Accessory Defense : 1 Weight : 150 Required Level : 94 Jobs : All Id: (2631) Celebration Ring A ring that is given to a baby that becomes a year old. (Event item that will disappear after August 31, 2003) All Stats +5 Class : Accessory Defense Rate: 0 Weight : 1 Required Level : NA1 Jobs : All Id: (2634) Wedding Ring A wedding ring for a Groom which symbolizes ever-lasting love. _ Weight : 0 Id: (2635) Wedding Ring A wedding ring for a Bride which symbolizes ever-lasting trust. _ Weight : 0 Id: (2636) Lotto Pass A golden ring which has been subtly engraved. The inscription says 'To my sweet Melys'. _ring-shaped pass which allows you to collect Lotto Balls when killing monsters. Weight : 10 Id: (2637) Engraved Silver Ring A silver ring which has been subtly engraved. The inscription says 'To my sweet Melys'. _ Weight : 10 Id: (2638) Sacred Incense A incense bag which is carried to avoid bad things. STR +1, LUK +1 Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 10 Required Level : NA1 Jobs : All Id: (2639) Occult Incense A incense bag which is carried to ward off evil. INT +1, AGI +1 Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 10 Required Level : NA1 Jobs : All Id: (2640) Kafra Ring A mysterious ring rumored to be worn by Kafra Employees. STR, AGI, INT, LUK +1 Class : Accessory Defense : 1 Weight : 20 Required Level : NA1 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (2641) Fashion Hip Sack A fashionable hip sack which is ideal for merchants who have to carry many goods with them. STR +2 Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 70 Requirementd Level : 50 Jobs : Merchant Id: (2642) Serin's Gold Ring A beautiful golden ring engraved with the words, 'In celebration of Serin's 17th birthday.' Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Requirementd Level : N/A Jobs : All Id: (2643) Serin's Gold Ring A beautiful golden ring engraved with the words, 'In celebration of Serin's 17th birthday.' Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 100 Requirementd Level : N/A Jobs : All Id: (2644) The Sign A captivatingly beautiful artifact rewarded by the gods to a chosen warrior. However, it seems to be more than just a voucher that grants entrance into Valhalla... Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Requirementd Level : N/A Jobs : All Id: (2645) Moonlight Ring An enchanted ring that was forged by the dead under the moonlight. Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 20 Requirementd Level : 60 Jobs : Thief Classes, Ninja Id: (2646) Bunch of Carnation A carnation bouquet given as gifts to mothers. All Stats +3 Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 10 Jobs : All Id: (2647) Nile Rose [1] An extremely rare jewel attached to a solid silver chain bracelet symbolizing strength, growth and energy. This bracelet was crafted to mark iRO's second anniversary. HP +10 Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 10 Jobs : All Id: (2648) Morpheus's Ring A ring, enchanted with the power of the Fate Stone, that is one of the three keys for the seal which binds Morpheus. INT +1, Max SP +5% Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 10 Required Level : 33 Jobs : All except Novice Class Id: (2649) Morpheus's Bracelet A bracelet, rumored to be a memento of Morpheus's beloved, that is one of the three keys for the seal which binds Morpheus. INT +1, Max SP +5% Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 10 Required Level : 33 Jobs : All except Novice Class Id: (2650) Morrigane's Belt The belt that Morrigane kept as a memento of CuChulain after he perished in battle. ATK +5, Critical Attack Rate +3. Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 20 Required Level : 61 Jobs : All except Novice Class Id: (2651) Morrigane's Pendant The pendant that ChuChulain gave to Morrigane when they were both still in love. It's symoblic of her endless devotion, as she stood by his side even after he had abandoned her. STR +2, Critical Attack Rate +3. Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 20 Required Level : 61 Jobs : All except Novice Class Id: (2652) Goddess of Fortune's Cursed Brooch A cursed brooch which, ironically, was owned by the goddess of fortune. Critical Attack Rate +6%. Has a low chance of auto casting the Curse effect on its owner in battle. Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 10 Required Level : 40 Jobs : All Id: (2654) Shinobi Sash A sash that is said to have been owned by a renown ninja. With its embroidered emblem of nobility, it seems to contain some strange and mysterious power. Ninja Shinobi armor set Ninja Suit Shinobi Sash Set bonus +300 HP -20% SP consumption Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 30 Required Level : 30 Jobs : Thief Id: (2655) Bloodied Shackle Ball A heavy steel ball attached to a shackle that was supposed to keep prisoners from escaping in an earlier era. However, prisoners outfitted with this ball managed to use it as a weapon. If Shackle is also equipped, this Accessory adds ATK +50 and will reduce damage by 20% but only when fighting Zombie Prisoners and Skel Prisoners. Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 400 Jobs : All except Novice Class Id: (2656) Armor Charm A mysterious, ancient artifact that can endow normal armor with great defensive power, although it does make the wearer feel very sluggish. Max HP +50. When owner is also equipped with Padded Armor, Armor Charm adds DEF +5 and Max HP +150. Class : Accessory Defense : 1 Weight : 100 Jobs : Swordman, Merchant, and Thief Classes Id: (2657) Laboratory Permit A pass for Regenschirm Laboratory employees that should allow you access around the lab. Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 10 Jobs : All Id: (2658) Nile Rose [1] A bracelet on which the Hellion's jewel is affixed in order to seal its evil power. HP + 10 Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 10 Jobs : All Id: (2659) Vesper Core 01 An object which seems to be part of the Vesper. Possesses a mysterious power that enables its owner to clear his mind. MDEF +3, INT +2, Max SP + 5%. Class : Accessory Defense : 1 Weight : 50 Jobs:[/s] :[/color]2-1 or 2-2 Transcendent Classes Id: (2660) Vesper Core 02 An object which seems to be part of the Vesper. Possesses a mysterious power that grants great strength to its owner. MDEF +3, STR +3, ATK +10 Class : Accessory Defense : 1 Weight : 50 Jobs:[/s] :[/color]2-1 or 2-2 Transcendent Classes Id: (2661) Vesper Core 03 An object which seems to be part of the Vesper. Possesses a mysterious power that grants agility to he who wears it. MDEF +3, AGI +3, Flee +5 Class : Accessory Defense : 1 Weight : 50 Jobs:[/s] :[/color]2-1 or 2-2 Transcendent Classes Id: (2662) Vesper Core 04 An object which seems to be part of the Vesper. Possesses a mysterious power that endows the owner with greater accuracy and dexterity. MDEF +3, DEX +3, Hit +10 Class : Accessory Defense : 1 Weight : 50 Jobs:[/s] :[/color]2-1 or 2-2 Transcendent Classes Id: (2664) To be a fashionista you need this Scarf to complete your style. DEX + 2, INT + 1 Item Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 20 Required Level : 75 Jobs : All Jobs except Novice Id: (2665) Exorcising Ring A symbol of faith to servants of God, this ring possesses a holy power that can repel evil. Increase EXP from Undead and Demon monsters by 5%. MDEF +1 Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 50 Required Level : 60 Jobs : Acolyte Class Id: (2666) Lantern of Hope A coconut oil lamp in which a dim light that repels evil is burning. Adds +10% [/s][/color] Blind resistance, +2 STR. Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 10 Required Level : N/A Jobs : All Id: (2667) Renown Archer's Gloves A pair of gloves that enhance the wearer's concentration, enabling him to perform amazing feats of hitting accuracy. Accuracy +5, Critical +5, DEX +1 Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 30 Required Level : 60 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (2671) Bow Thimble [1] A thimble for archers that enhances their shooting accuracy. Increases damage inflicted with Bow Class Weapons. Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 10 Required Level : 65 Jobs : Archer Class Id: (2677) Spiritual Ring A beautiful ring imbued with strange spiritual powers that result in surprising effects when worn with the right items. INT +2, DEX +1. Spirtual Wizardry Set Spiritual Ring Wizardry Staff or Soul Staff +6% MATK +2 DEX Reduce spell casting time by a percentage according to the headgear's upgrade level. Spiritual Exorcism Set Spiritual Ring Clip or Rosary Magnus Exorcismus Damage +30% +50% Heal damage on Undead monsters SP Recovery +9% Item Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 10 Jobs : All Id: (2678) Ring Of Flame Lord A ring imbued with the power of the fire spirit [/s][/color] king, which can be used to strengthen the wearer's weapon. This ring forms a matching set with the Ring of Resonance. STR +2, VIT +1, ATK +15. [/s][/color] Increases resistance to Fire property attacks by [/s][/color] 10%. Adds a chance to auto cast various skills with each physical attack. When worn with the Ring of Resonance, this ring adds the Auto Spell ability. Item Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 10 Jobs : 2-2 Transcendent Class Id: (2679) Ring Of Resonance A ring that resonates with the Ring of Flame Lord: together, they form a matching set. AGI +2, VIT +1. MDEF +2. [/s][/color] Adds a chance of auto casting various skills [/s][/color] with each physical attack. Item Class : Accessory Defense : 2 Weight : 10 Jobs : 2-2/2-1 Transcendent Class Id: (2680) Lesser Elemental Ring A ring that holds the power of lesser elemental spirits, but its true effect is unknown. All Stats +1. Item Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 10 Jobs : All Id: (2682) A mysterious ring that is blessed by the Spirit of Water. Class : Accessory Defense : 1 Weight : 10 Required Level : 20 Jobs : All except Novice Id: (2683) A mysterious ring that is blessed by the Spirit of Fire. Class : Accessory Defense : 1 Weight : 10 Required Level : 20 Jobs : All except Novice Id: (2684) A mysterious ring that is blessed by the Spirit of Wind. Class : Accessory Defense : 1 Weight : 10 Required Level : 20 Jobs : All except Novice Id: (2685) A mysterious ring that is blessed by the Spirit of Earth. Class : Accessory Defense : 1 Weight : 10 Required Level : 20 Jobs : All except Novice Id: (2686) Rental Item A fashion accessory that gives ears that vaunted, elvish look. For some, it is an incredible turn-on. INT + 1 Item Class : Helmet Defense : 2 Head PosiLocation : Mid Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Except Novice Id: (2687) Rental Item Small flower made of Steel. Has a low chance to cast Recovery Lv.1 when the wearer receives physical damage. Item Class : Helmet Defense : 1 Head PosiLocation : Lower Weight : 0 Jobs : All Except Novice Id: (2688) Rental Item An esoteric ring which enables its wearer to amplify his hidden power. Critical + 10% Item Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Except Novice Id: (2689) Rental Item An ancient earring. INT + 3 Item Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Except Novice Id: (2690) Rental Item An ancient earring. STR + 4 Item Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Except Novice Id: (2691) Rental Item An ancient necklace. VIT + 4 Item Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Except Novice Id: (2692) Rental Item An ancient mitten. DEX + 4 Item Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Except Novice Id: (2693) Rental Item An ancient brooch. AGI + 4 Item Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Except Novice Id: (2694) Rental Item An ancient rosary. LUK + 4, MDEF + 5 Item Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Except Novice Id: (2695) Rental Item A strange ring that curiously raises its wearer's defense. DEF +8, MDEF +8 Item Class : Accessory Defense : 5 Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Except Novice Id: (2696) Rental Item An object which seems to be part of the Vesper. Possesses a mysterious power that enables its owner to clear his mind. MDEF + 3, INT + 2 , MAX SP + 5%. Item Class : Accessory Defense : 1 Id: (2697) Rental Item An object which seems to be part of the Vesper. Possesses a mysterious power that grants great strength to its owner. MDEF + 3, STR +3 ATK + 10 Item Class : Accessory Defense : 1 Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All except Novice Id: (2698) Rental Item An object which seems to be part of the Vesper. Possesses a mysterious power that grants agility to he who wears it. MDEF + 3, AGI +3 FLEE + 5 Item Class : Accessory Defense : 1 Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All except Novice Id: (2699) Rental Item An object which seems to be part of the Vesper. Possesses a mysterious power that endows the owner with greater accuracy and dexterity. MDEF + 3, DEX + 3 HIT + 10 Item Class : Accessory Defense : 1 Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All except Novice Id: (2700) Red Silk Seal Red silk that a female saint could use to seal evil. Reduced chance of being inflicted with the Confused status when worn with Spectral Spear. Item Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 10 Required Level : 60 Jobs : Transcendent Swordman Classes Id: (2701) Orleans's Glove [1] A pair of gloves that were once worn by a palace chef. Wearing these make you feel as if you could draw upon the dexterity that chef used in cooking. DEX +2, MATK +3% Cast Time reduced by 10% when worn with Orlean's Server. Item Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 10 Required Level : 90 Jobs : All Transcendent Jobs except Novice Id: (2702) Horn Of The Buffalo [1] An ornament made from wild bison horns. AGI +2. When worn with Thorny Buckler: Bison Set Thorny Buckler Bison Horn +10% Aspd Bonus +5% Reflect Melee damage Item Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 10 Required Level : 90 Jobs : All Transcendent Jobs except Novice Id: (2703) Expert Ring [1] Beings that obtained ultimate power found a way to maximize their abilities by attaining a deep understanding of themselves, knowing that power always has its cost. Skill Delay reduced by 5% at the cost of increasing SP Consumption by 5%. Item Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 15 Required Level : 50 Jobs : All Transcendent Jobs except Novice Id: (2707) GUSLI This musical instrument that came from a myterious aged man. It sounds very beautiful. Class : Accessories Defense Rate : 0 Weight : 10 Applicable jJobs : Every job Id: (2710) A leg iron, long time ago, it used to make don't move of panther prisoner. However, the prisoner used his leg iron as his weapon. ATK + 30. Weapon Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Jobs : All Jobs Except Novice Id: (2715) Skull Ring [1] A weird ring adorned with a skull in which the words, ''Forever, until death...'' are engraved. Giving this as a gift might send a mixed message. Item Class : Accessory Defense Rate: 0 Weight : 10 Jobs : All Id: (2716) Librarian Glove [1] A glove which is a favorite item among librarians. SP + 20. If equipped with a Pocket Watch and an Ancient Magic or Principles of Magic weapon, INT +5, HP +700, ASPD +5%. Item Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 10 Required Level : 80 Jobs : Wizard, Sage, Soul Linker Id: (2717) Pocket Watch A silver-colored watch with connecting chain. If equipped with a Monocle and Memory Book, HP and SP recovery speed increased by 15%, MATK +7%. 000000 If equipped with Librarian's Gloves and a Book weapon, INT +5, HP +700, Attack Speed +5%. Item Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 20 Required Level : 80 Jobs : Mage Jobs Id: (2718) Lunatic Brooch [1] A crescent-shaped golden shining brooch. When equipped with Luna Bow, DEX +1, SP +50, SP recovery rate +10%. Item Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 20 Required Level : 65 Jobs : Archer Class Jobs Id: (2719) Iron Wrist A strong steel wrist protector. Increases damage of Bash and Mammonite by 6%. Item Class : Accessory Defense : 1 Weight : 70 Required Level : 50 Jobs : Swordman, Merchant Class Jobs Id: (2720) Medal of Honor A medal rewarded to honorable warriors. ATK +5%, MATK +5%. HIT +10. MaxHP +500. MaxSP + 50. Has a low chance of inflicting Stun when attacking an enemy with short ranged physical attacks. Weapon Class : Accessory Defense : 1 Weight : 0 Required Level : 70 Jobs : Swordman / Taekwon Master Id: (2721) Medal of Honor A medal rewarded to honorable warriors. ATK +5%, MATK +5%. FLEE +10. MaxHP +300. MaxSP + 80. Has a chance of inflicting the Poison status when attacking an enemy with short ranged physical attacks. Weapon Class : Accessory Defense : 1 Weight : 0 Required Level : 70 Jobs : Thief Classes and Ninja Id: (2722) Medal of Honor A medal rewarded to honorable warriors. ATK +5%, MATK +5%, MDEF +6, MaxHP +600. Has a chance of inflicting the Silence status when attacking an enemy with short ranged physical attacks. Weapon Class : Accessory Defense : 1 Weight : 0 Required Level : 70 Jobs : Acolyte Classes Id: (2723) Medal of Honor A medal rewarded to honorable warriors. ATK +5%, MATK +5%, MDEF +6, MaxHP +600. Has a chance of inflicting the Stone status when the wearer receives physical damage. Weapon Class : Accessory Defense : 1 Weight : 0 Required Level : 70 Jobs : Mage Classes, Soul Linker Id: (2724) Medal of Honor A medal rewarded to honorable warriors. ATK +5%, MATK +5%, CRI +10, MaxHP +300, MSP +80. Has a chance of inflicting the Blind status when attacking an enemy with long ranged physical attacks. Weapon Class : Accessory Defense : 1 Weight : 0 Required Level : 70 Jobs : Archer Classes Id: (2725) Medal of Honor A medal rewarded to honorable warriors. ATK +5%, MATK +5%, ASPD +10%, MaxHP +500, MaxSP +50. Has a chance of inflicting the Curse status when attacking an enemy with short ranged physical attacks. Weapon Class : Accessory Defense : 1 Weight : 0 Required Level : 70 Jobs : Merchant Classes Id: (2726) Icarus Wings A brooch shaped like beautiful white wings for the Icarus members. SP + 50. DEX + 3. Weapon Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 10 Required Level : 70 Jobs : Sniper only Id: (2727) Bowman Scarf A nice arm-wrapping red scarf. SP + 50. DEX + 3. When equipped with Icarus Wings, SP skill consumption decreases by 25%. Item Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 20 Required Level : 70 Jobs : Sniper only Id: (2728) Cursed Hand [1] A dried bone hand. It releases a feeling of mystery. HIT + 10, Increases HP recovery by 20%. When dealing physical damage, has a 3% chance to Autocast Lv.1 Fatal Wound. Weapon Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 5 Required Level : 80 Jobs : All Jobs except Novice Id: (2729) Diabolus Ring [1] A ring with mysterious letters carved into it. It is so beautiful, it fascinates all people. MaxHP+100, MaxSP+100. Increases effectiveness of Heal skill by 5%. Increases Physical Damage to Satan Morocc by 10%. Weapon Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 5 Jobs : Above Transcendent 2-1 Classes Id: (2730) Seal of Continental Guard [1] A royal gift to a member of the Continental Guard. MaxHP + 50 Attack Speed +3%. Weapon Accountbound. Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 5 Required Level : 80 Jobs : All Jobs except Novice Id: (2731) Morroc Charm Stone [1] One of the royal gifts which are given to the members of the Morocc Dispatch. MaxSP + 50, Reduces casting delay by 1%. Weapon Accountbound. Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 5 Required Level : 80 Jobs : All Jobs except Novice Id: (2732) Morroc Ring [1] One of the royal gifts which are given to the members of the Morocc Dispatch. CRI + 5. Weapon Accountbound. Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 5 Required Level : 80 Jobs : All Jobs except Novice Id: (2733) Sheriff Badge A badge rewarded to honorable warriors. ATK +5%, MATK +5%, CRI +10, MHP +300, MSP +80. Has a chance of inflicting the Darkness status when receiving long ranged physical attacks. Weapon Class : Accessory Defense : 1 Weight : 0 Required Level : 80 Jobs : Gunslinger Id: (2734) Directive A directive letter about the mission from the canyon battle. It will disappear after 1 hour. _ Weight : 0 Id: (2735) Directive A directive letter about the mission from the arena battle. It will disappear after 1 hour. _ Weight : 0 Id: (2741) All In One Ring Rental Item A Jewelry Ring that contains a 3 Seal Magic Spell. Enables use of Level 1 Heal and Level 1 Teleport. Casting cannot be interrupted. All Stats +1. Increases casting time by 10%. This item cannot be Dropped or Traded. Item Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 [/s][/color] Jobs : All Id: (2742) Lucky Clip Premium Item A legendary clip used as a lucky charm! Increase the drop rate. Slot : Accessoire Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Jobs : All Id: (2751) A badge which can get when they graduate the probationary period of magical school with high grade. Just a symbolic meaning only for probationer magicians? INT + 2, MATK + 3%, MHP + 100. Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 10 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2753) Rental Item A ring that has special power in each shape. Receive 15% more EXP from Neutral monsters. Item Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2754) Rental Item A ring that has special power in each shape. Receive 15% more EXP from Undead monsters. Item Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2755) Rental Item A ring that has special power in each shape. Receive 15% more EXP from Animal Class monsters. Item Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2756) Rental Item A ring that has special power in each shape. Receive 15% more EXP from Plant monsters. Item Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2757) Rental Item A ring that has special power in each shape. Receive 15% more EXP from Insect type monsters. Item Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2758) Rental Item A ring that has special power in each shape. Receive 15% more EXP from Fish type monsters. Item Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2759) Rental Item A ring that has special power in each shape. Receive 15% more EXP from Demon monsters. Item Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2760) Rental Item A ring that has special power in each shape. Receive 15% more EXP from Demi Human monsters. Item Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2761) Rental Item A ring that has special power in each shape. Receive 15% more EXP from Angel type monsters. Item Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2762) Rental Item A ring that has special power in each shape. Receive 15% more EXP from Dragon type monsters. Item Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2763) Rental Item A unique ring adorned with skull. Engraved are the words 'Forever, until Death....' ATK + 5%, MATK + 5% MaxHP + 5%, Cast Delay reduced by 5% Enables use of Lv.1 Sight. Item Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 95 Jobs : All Transcendent Jobs except Novice Id: (2764) Small Fishing Rod A small size of fishing rod. Decrease fishing casting time by 3 seconds. TypeClass : Fishing Rod Weight : 25 Jobs : All Id: (2775) Lure Fish lure artificially made. Decrease the fishing casting time by 1 seconds. TypeClass : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 10 Jobs : All Id: (2777) Shaman Ring [1] A ring worn only by those belonging to the Shaman order. It can teleport it's wearer in Glast Heim with the help of Sapphires. Sapphires can be found at the Entrance to Glast Heim, Chivalry, St. Abbey, and Culvert. MaxHP +50, SP recovery +3%. Shaman Set Shaman Ring Shaman's Hair Ornament Shaman Earring. MHP +300, Matk +5%, Increases resistance to Neutral property by 5%. Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 10 Required lvLevel : 30 Jobs : All Id: (2778) Shaman Earrings Int +2. Shaman Set Shaman Ring Shaman's Hair Ornament Shaman Earring. MHP +300, Matk +5%, Increases resistance to Neutral property by 5%. Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 10 Required lvLevel : 30 Jobs : All Id: (2779) Dark Knight Belt A belt once worn by a Knight shrouded in darkness that gives strength to those who wear it. Str +2, Agi +1. Dark Knight Set Dark Knight Mask Dark Knight Belt Dark Knight Glove Matk +15%, Int +5, 10% of the damage is decreased when attacked by angel-type monsters. Class : Accessory Defense : 1 Weight : 50 Required lvLevel : 80 Jobs : All Id: (2780) Dark Knight Glove A glove worn by a cursed Dark Knight. When attacking, increase the ASPD by 2% for 10 seconds with a low chance. Dark Knight Set Dark Knight Mask Dark Knight Belt Dark Knight Glove Matk +15%, Int +5, 10% of the damage is decreased when attacked by angel-type monsters. Class : Accessory Defense : 1 Weight : 50 Required lvLevel : 80 Jobs : All Id: (2781) Aumdura's Benefit [1] Hidden within this monster's tooth is the ability to extract energy. Receive 5% more exp when defeating monsters while receiving 5% more damage from normal attacks. Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 10 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Id: (2782) Ring Of Wise King A ring imitating the legendary ring of the Ancient Wise King who used to communicate with animals. Rune-Midgart's Magical Power, Schwarzwalt's technology, and Arunafeltz's linguistic ability are put together in this ring. By equipping this ring, you can talk freely with the people of in Ash Vacuum. MaxHP +50, MaxSP +20. Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 10 Jobs : All Classes Id: (2783) Eye Stone Ring [1] A ring with a small bead set in. It feels like the bead is watching you. Cri +2, MaxSP +25. Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 10 Required Level : 70 Jobs : All Classes except Novice Id: (2787) Waterdrop Brooch [1] A brooch made out of tear drops of the Aqua Elemental. Increases resistance to Water property by 5%. MaxHP +801%, Mdef + 2 Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 20 Required Level : 75 Jobs : All Transcendent Job Classes except Novice Classes Id: (2788) Bradium Earring [1] A warm-felt earring made out of Bradium Ore. Matk +2%5, Int + 1, Dex +1 Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 20 Required Level : 60 Jobs : All Transcendent Job Classes except Novice Classes Id: (2789) Bradium Ring [1] A very tough ring made out of Bradium Ore. ATK +5, Str +1, Vit +1, Increases attack damage on all monsters by 2%. Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 20 Required Level : 60 Jobs : All Transcendent Job Classes except Novice Classes Id: (2790) Bradium Brooch [1] A brooch made out of Bradium Ore. Flee +4, Agi +1,. Aspd increases by 2% (after-attack delay)If Base Agi >119 add CRIT +4 Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 20 Required Level : 60 Jobs : All Transcendent Job Classes except Novice Classes Id: (2794) Magic Stone Ring [1] A bluish ring engraved with a mysterious rune. You can feel a mysterious energy from the sparkling rune. STR + 2. Weapon Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 0 Jobs : SwordmanWeapon Class Id: (2795) Green Apple Ring A wing that granted to Green Apples that have done 3rd job change. When accustomed to the job, it wouldn't be needed. Weapon Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 99 Jobs : Every Job Except Novice Id: (2796) Magic Stone Ring A stone with a latent enormous magic power. Weapon Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 20 Required Level : 99 Jobs : MagicianWeapon Class Id: (2797) Magical Stone A stone with a latent enormous magic power. Weapon Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 20 Required Level : 99 Jobs : MagicianWeapon Class Id: (2798) Will Of Exhausted Worrior A necklace with holy but rough energy. Weapon Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 20 Required Level : 99 Jobs : Priest/Monk Id: (2800) Accelerator [1] A part to use for Mechanic Magic Gear skill, acceleration. AGI + 2. Weapon Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 10 Required Level : 99 Jobs : Mechanic only Id: (2801) Hovering Booster [1] A component to use Mechanic Magic Gear Skill, Hovering. AGI + 1. Weapon Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 200 Required Level : 99 Jobs : Mechanic only Id: (2802) Suicidal Device [1] A component to use Mechanic Magic Gear Skill, Self Destruction. Weapon Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 100 Required Level : 99 Jobs : Mechanic only Id: (2803) Shape Shifter [1] An accessory item to use Mechanic Magic Gear Skill, Shape Shift. INT + 3. Weapon Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 50 Required Level : 99 Jobs : Mechanic only Id: (2804) Cooling Device [1] A component to use Mechanic Magic Gear Skill, Emergency Cool. DEX + 1. Weapon Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 250 Required Level : 99 Jobs : Mechanic only Id: (2805) Magnetic Field Generator [1] A component to use Mechanic Magic Gear Skill, Magnetic Field. DEX + 1. Weapon Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 600 Required Level : 99 Jobs : Mechanic only Id: (2806) Barrier Builder [1] A component to use Mechanic Magic Gear Skill, Neutral Barrier. DEX + 1. Weapon Class : Accessory Defense : 3 Weight : 800 Required Level : 99 Jobs : Mechanic only Id: (2807) Repair Kit [1] A component to use Mechanic Magic Gear Skill, Repair. Weapon Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 40 Required Level : 99 Jobs : Mechanic only Id: (2808) Camouflage Generator [1] An armor to use Mechanic Magic Gear Skill, Stealth Field. AGI + 3. Weapon Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 100 Required Level : 99 Jobs : Mechanic only Id: (2809) High Quality Cooler [1] A component to use Mechanic Magic Gear Skill, Emergency Cool. DEX + 1. Weapon Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 250 Required Level : 99 Jobs : Mechanic only Id: (2810) Special Cooler [1] A component to use Mechanic Magic Gear Skill, Emergency Cool. DEX + 1. Weapon Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 250 Required Level : 99 Jobs : Mechanic only Id: (2811) Rental Item A spiritual bracelet granted by Freya. It appears very sturdy, but it will eventually disappear and return to Freya's realm, Folkvangr. All stats +1. Item Class : Accessory Defense : 1 Weight : 20 Required Level : 20 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2812) Rental Item A spiritual bracelet granted by Freya. It appears very sturdy, but it will eventually disappear and return to Freya's realm, Folkvangr. All stats +1. Item Class : Accessory Defense : 1 Weight : 20 Required Level : 20 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2813) Rental Item A spiritual bracelet granted by Freya. It appears very sturdy, but it will eventually disappear and return to Freya's realm, Folkvangr. All stats +1. Item Class : Accessory Defense : 1 Weight : 20 Required Level : 20 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2814) Rental Item A spiritual bracelet granted by Freya. It appears very sturdy, but it will eventually disappear and return to Freya's realm, Folkvangr. All stats +1. Item Class : Accessory Defense : 1 Weight : 20 Required Level : 20 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2819) Swordman Manual A guidebook that enables to experience basic skills of Swordman. SP + 100. Weapon Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 10 Required Level : 1 Jobs : Novice Class Id: (2820) Thief Manual A guidebook that enables to experience basic skills of Thief. SP + 100. Weapon Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 10 Required Level : 1 Jobs : Novice Class Id: (2821) Acolyte Manual A guidebook that enables to experience basic skills of Acolyte. SP + 100. Weapon Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 10 Required Level : 1 Jobs : Novice Class Id: (2822) Archer Manual A guidebook that enables to experience basic skills of Archer. SP + 100. Weapon Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 10 Required Level : 1 Jobs : Novice Class Id: (2823) Merchant Manual A guidebook that enables to experience basic skills of Merchant. SP + 100. Weapon Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 10 Required Level : 1 Jobs : Novice Class Id: (2824) Mage Manual A guidebook that enables to experience basic skills of Magician. SP + 100. Weapon Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 10 Required Level : 1 Jobs : Novice Class Id: (2825) Shaman Earrings Int +2. Shaman Set Shaman Ring Shaman's Hair Ornament Shaman Earring. MHP +300, Increase tolerance to Neutral property by 5%, Skill casting cannot be interrupted by damage from enemies but increases cast-time by 15%. Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 10 Required lvLevel : 30 Jobs : All Id: (2826) Dark Knight Belt A belt once worn by a Knight shrouded in darkness that gives dexterity to those who wear it. Dex +2, Agi +1 Dark Knight Set Dark Knight Mask Dark Knight Belt Dark Knight Glove Matk +15%, Int +5, 10% of the damage is decreased when attacked by angel-type monsters. Class : Accessory Defense : 1 Weight : 50 Required lvLevel : 80 Jobs : All Id: (2827) Dark Knight Glove A glove worn by a cursed Dark Knight. When attacked, has a chance of increasing MaxHP by 10% for 10 seconds. Dark Knight Set Dark Knight Mask Dark Knight Belt Dark Knight Glove Matk +15%, Int +5, 10% of the damage is decreased when attacked by angel-type monsters. Class : Accessory Defense : 1 Weight : 50 Required lvLevel : 80 Jobs : All Id: (2828) [1] MHP + 3%. MSP + 50. Class : Accessory DEF Defense : 0 Weight : 10 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2829) Enable to use [Greed] skill. Class : Accessory DEF Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 10 Jobs : All Jobs except Novice Id: (2833) Rental Item An awesome ring that is only given to the members of the Order of Odin. All State + 1. Enable to use new skill called "Odin's Recall" Item Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2845) Strap this on and shut them up! MDEF + 2, ATK + 5%, MATK +5%. Reduce damage from Demi-Humans by 2% When worn with No Fear Shoes and No Fear Underwear-Cannot be frozen, Increase EXP Gain by 5%. Item Class : Accessory Defense : 2 Weight : 0 Required Level : 20 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2853) Telekinetic Orb An orb filled with liquid of unknown powers. INT + 3, MDEF + 1, MSP + 30. 10% ATK increase of Soul Expansion and Psychic Wave, SP of each skill increased by 50. Class : Accessory Defense : 2 Weight : 20 Required Level : 110 Jobs : All except Novice Id: (2854) Alchemy Glove [1] A white glove made especially for fire magic. Gives off a faint burnt smell. INT + 1, MDEF + 2. 10% increase of all Fire attacks. Low chance to trigger Lv 5 Auto-spell Fire Ball with every physical or magic attack. Decreases tolerance to all Water magic attacks by 20%. Decreases tolerance to all Water physical attacks by 30%. Class : Accessory Defense : 1 Weight : 10 Required Level : 125 Jobs : All except Novice Id: (2855) Whikebain's Black Tail Morocc twon Hyuke's black tail style. It doesn't seem to be moving. ASPD +3%, CRIT +7%. If equipped with Whikebain's Ears, increases critical damage by 10%. If Whikebain's Ears are refined to 7 or more, CRIT +5. Class : Accessory Weight : 10 Required LVevel : 45 Jobs : All Id: (2858) Pendant Of Guardian This item cannot be traded between accounts. A pendant with black wings. It possesses mysterious power. Allows the user to use the skill [Call of Guardian]. TypeClass : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 70 Jobs : All Id: (2859) Golden Rod Orb A golden crystal ball imbued with power of wind. INT + 1, MDEF + 2. Increases resistance to wind attacks by 15%. Has a certain chance of casting LV 3 Jupitel Thunder when hit by physical/magical attacks. TypeClass : Accessory Defense : 2 Weight : 20 Required Level : 100 Jobs : Warlock Id: (2860) Aqua Orb A sea-blue crystal ball imbued with power of water. INT + 1, MDEF + 2. Increases resistance to water attacks by 15%. Has a certain chance of casting LV 3 Frost Nova when hit by physical/magical attacks. TypeClass : Accessory Defense : 2 Weight : 20 Required Level : 100 Jobs : Warlock Id: (2861) Crimson Orb A bloody crystal ball imbued with power of fire. INT + 1, MDEF + 2. Increases resistance to fire attacks by 15% Has a certain chance of casting LV 3 Sightrasher when hit by physical/magical attacks. TypeClass : Accessory Defense : 2 Weight : 20 Required Level : 100 Jobs : Warlock Id: (2862) Forest Orb A green crystal ball imbued with power of earth. INT + 1, MDEF + 2. Increases resistance to earth attacks by 15% Has a certain chance of casting LV 3 Quagmire when hit by physical/magical attacks. TypeClass : Accessory Defense : 2 Weight : 20 Required Level : 100 Jobs : Warlock Id: (2864) Light Of Cure This item cannot be traded between accounts. An old but shiny gold ring entwined with rings. It is rumored to be a relic of a saint. VIT + 2, Increases the effectiveness of healing skills by 2%. Allows the user to enchant items with effects related to Highness Heal. TypeClass : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 110 Jobs : Archbishop Id: (2865) Seal Of Cathedral This item cannot be traded between accounts. A thick ring mounted with a purple stone, given to a training priest. INT + 2, Increases the effectiveness of healing skills by 2%. Allows the user to enchant items with effects related to Coluseo Heal. TypeClass : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 110 Jobs : Archbishop Id: (2866) Ring Of Archbishop This item cannot be traded between accounts. A ring mounted with clear mysterious stone. It is rumored to be a relic of a religious leader. DEX + 2, Increases the effectiveness of healing skills by 2%. Allows the user to enchant items with effects related to the effectiveness of healing skills. TypeClass : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 110 Jobs : Archbishop Id: (2872) G Honor Certificate a certificate that it gurantee cat gamer members. It has ability to record the match . Class : accessory d Defencse : 0 Weight : 0 Required Lvevel : 0 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2873) Cat Hand Glove [1] a souvenir for Malang do, it makes you happy when equipped VIT + 1, AGI + 1, DEX + 1, LUK + 1. Class : accessory d Defencse : 5 Weight : 10 Required Lvevel : 1 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2874) Buffalo Horn [1] An ornament made with Buffalo's horn. You can feel wild buffalo's power just by looking at it. Aspd + 1 Additional Aspd + 1 When equipped with Bison Horn, Class : Accessory DEFefense : 0 Weight : 10 Required Lvevel : 10 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2881) Orlean's Necklace [1] A neckalce that fits perfectly with all the "Orlean" items. DEX +2, MATK +2%, If equipped with Orlean's Glove: MATK +2%, If equipped with Robe of Orlean: -15% cast time If equipped with Orlean's Plate: MATK increase after each upgrade of Orlean's Plate Slot : Accessory Weight : 10 Jobs : Tous Id: (2883) Ur's Seal [1] A seal created by refining an Ur Runestone MHP + 2%, Reduces the SP cost of Spiral Pierce and Hundred Spears by 5. Class : Accessory Defense : 4 Weight : 20 Required Level : 100 Jobs : Rune Knight Id: (2884) Peuz's Seal [1] A seal created by refining a Peuz Runestone ATK + 20, MSP + 20. Class : Accessory Defense : 3 Weight : 20 Required Level : 100 Jobs : Rune Knight Id: (2886) Sapha Ring A ring that has long been known to be from the world of darkness. Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 10 Required Level : 100 Jobs : Guillotine Cross Id: (2887) Nab Ring An assassin's famous historical relic ATK + 10, MATK + 20. Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 10 Required Level : 100 Jobs : Guillotine Cross Id: (2890) White Wing Brooch An accessory that belonged to the DEX + 2, Ranged Attack Damage +3% Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 10 Required Level : 100 Jobs : Ranger Id: (2891) Black wing Brooch Black wings to help maintain clear mental focus. INT + 2, Perfect Dodge +3. Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 10 Required Level : 100 Jobs : Ranger Id: (2907) Buwaya Agimat Tattoo Agimat Tattoo with a huge Alligator pattern. It is told that the one who owns this tattoo will possess extreme power. MATK +7% increase and Fixed Casting 7% decrease. Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 10 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2911) Bangungot Agimat Tattoo Agimat Tattoo with a plump lady pattern. It is told that the one who owns this tattoo will possess extreme power. Healing others 4% increase, healing from others 7% increaseIncrease effectiveness of Healing skills by 4%, received Heals by 7%. Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 10 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2959) Fidelity Necklace [1] A dog pendant necklace represents connection with the master. AGI + 2. Decrease 3% damage from animal type monsters. Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 30 Required LVevel : 50 Jobs : All Id: (2966) RWC Memorial Ring A Gold ring which has an amazing power inside, made in celebration of '2012 RWC'. ATK + 1%. When equipped with RWC Memorial Pendant, ATK + 4%, MATK + 4%. Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 20 Required Lvevel. : 1 Jobs : All Id: (2967) RWC Memorial Ring [1] A Gold ring which has an amazing power inside, made in celebration of '2012 RWC'. ATK + 1%. When equipped with RWC Memorial Pendant, ATK + 4%, MATK + 4%. Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 20 Required Lvevel. : 1 Jobs : All Id: (2968) RWC Memorial Pendant A Gold pendant which has an amazing power inside, made in celebration of '2012 RWC'. MATK + 1%. When equipped with RWC Memorial Ring, ATK + 4%, MATK + 4%. Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 20 Required Lvevel. : 1 Jobs : All Id: (2969) RWC Memorial Pendant [1] A Gold pendant which has an amazing power inside, made in celebration of '2012 RWC'. MATK + 1%. When equipped with RWC Memorial Ring, ATK + 4%, MATK + 4%. Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 20 Required Lvevel. : 1 Jobs : All Id: (2985) Gyges Ring [1] A gold ring that has the ability to make its wearer invisible. Shepherd Gyges used this ring to murder his king and take his queen. INT 3. MATK 30. Lets you use Level 1 Hiding. Class : Accessary Defense : 0 Weight : 10 Req Lev : 50 Jobs : All Id: (4001) Poring Card LUK +2 Perfect Dodge +1 Item Class : Card Compound on: Armor Weight : 1 Id: (4002) Fabre Card VIT +1 Max HP +100 Item Class : Card Compound on: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4003) Pupa Card Max HP +700 Item Class : Card Compound on: Armor Weight : 1 Id: (4004) Drops Card DEX +1 Accuracy +3 Item Class : Card Compound on: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4005) Santa Poring Card Increase damage of attacks inflicted on Shadow property by 20%. Item Class : Card Compound on: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4006) Lunatic Card LUK +1 Critical Rate +1 Perfect Dodge +1 Item Class : Card Compound on: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4007) Pecopeco Egg Card Increase damage of attacks inflicted on Formless monsters by 20%. Item Class : Card Compound on: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4008) Picky Card STR +1 ATK +10 Item Class : Card Compound on: Armor Weight : 1 Id: (4009) Chonchon Card AGI +1 Flee Rate +2 Item Class : Card Compound on: FootgearShoes Weight : 1 Id: (4010) Willow Card Max SP +80 Item Class : Card Compound on: Headgear Weight : 1 Id: (4011) Picky Egg Card VIT +1 Max HP +100 Item Class : Card Compound on: Armor Weight : 1 Id: (4012) Thiefbug Egg Card Max HP +400 Item Class : Card Compound on: Shield Weight : 1 Id: (4013) Andre Egg Card Max HP +5% Item Class : Card Compound on: Shield Weight : 1 Id: (4014) Roda Frog Card Max HP +400 Max SP +50 Item Class : Card Compound on: Armor Weight : 1 Id: (4015) Condor Card Flee Rate +10 Item Class : Card Compound on: Garment Weight : 1 Id: (4016) Thief Bug Card AGI +1 Item Class : Card Compound on: Armor Weight : 1 Id: (4017) Savage Bebe Card Enable a 5% chance of inflicting the Stun status on an enemy with each attack. Item Class : Card Compound on: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4018) Andre Larva Card INT +1 Max SP +10 Item Class : Card Compound on: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4019) Hornet Card STR +1 ATK +3 Item Class : Card Compound on: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4020) Familiar Card Enable a 5% chance of inflicting the Blind status on an enemy with each attack. ATK +5 Item Class : Card Compound on: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4021) Rocker Card DEX +1 ATK +5 Item Class : Card Compound on: Armor Weight : 1 Id: (4022) Spore Card VIT +2 Item Class : Card Compound on: Accessory Weight : 1 Id: (4023) Baby Desertwolf Card INT +1 Item Class : Card Compound on: Armor Weight : 1 Id: (4024) Plankton Card Enable a 5% chance of inflicting the Sleep status on an enemy with each attack. ATK +5 Item Class : Card Compound on: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4025) Skeleton Card Enable a 2% chance of inflicting the Stun status on an enemy with each attack. ATK +10 Item Class : Card Compound on: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4026) Female Thiefbug Card AGI +1 Flee Rate +1 Item Class : Card Compound on: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4027) Kukre Card AGI +2 Item Class : Card Compound on: Accessory Weight : 1 Id: (4028) Tarou Card STR +2 Item Class : Card Compound on: Accessory Weight : 1 Id: (4029) Wolf Card ATK +15 Critical Rate +1 Item Class : Card Compound on: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4030) Mandragora Card Increase damage inflicted upon Wind property monsters by 20%. Item Class : Card Compound on: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4031) Pecopeco Card Max HP +10 % Item Class : Card Compound on: Armor Weight : 1 Id: (4032) Ambernite Card DEF +2 Item Class : Card Compound on: Shield Weight : 1 Id: (4033) PoPoring Card Enable use of Level 1 Detoxify. Item Class : Card Compound on: Accessory Weight : 1 Id: (4034) Wormtail Card DEX +2 Item Class : Card Compound on: Accessory Weight : 1 Id: (4035) Hydra Card Increase damage on Demihuman monsters by 20%. Item Class : Card Compound on: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4036) Muka Card HP Recovery +10% Item Class : Card Compound on: Accessory Weight : 1 Id: (4037) Snake Card Enable a 5% chance of inflicting the Poison status on an enemy with each attack. ATK +5 Item Class : Card Compound on: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4038) Zombie Card HP Recovery +20% Item Class : Card Compound on: FootgearShoes Weight : 1 Id: (4039) Stainer Card Increase resistance to Silence status by 20%. Item Class : Card Compound on: Headgear Weight : 1 Id: (4040) Creamy Card Enable use of Level 1 Teleport. Item Class : Card Compound on: Accessory Weight : 1 Id: (4041) Coco Card Increase resistance to Sleep status by 20%. DEF +1 Item Class : Card Compound on: Headgear Weight : 1 Id: (4042) Steel Chonchon Card Increase resistance to Wind property attacks by 10%. DEF +2 Item Class : Card Compound on: Armor Weight : 1 Id: (4043) Andre Card ATK +20 Item Class : Card Compound on: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4044) Smokie Card Enable use of Level 1 Hiding. Item Class : Card Compound on: Accessory Weight : 1 Id: (4045) Horn Card Reduce damage from long ranged attacks by 35%. Item Class : Card Compound on: Shield Weight : 1 Id: (4046) Martin Card Increase resistance to Blind status by 20%. Item Class : Card Compound on: Headgear Weight : 1 Id: (4047) Ghostring Card Enchant an Armor with the Ghost property. Reduce HP Recovery by 25%. Item Class : Card Compound on: Armor Weight : 1 Id: (4048) Poison Spore Card Enable use of Level 3 Envenom. Item Class : Card Compound on: Accessory Weight : 1 Id: (4049) Vadon Card Increase damage inflicted upon Fire property monsters by 20%. Item Class : Card Compound on: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4050) Male Thiefbug Card AGI +2 Item Class : Card Compound on: FootgearShoes Weight : 1 Id: (4051) Yoyo Card AGI +1 Perfect Dodge +5 Item Class : Card Compound on: Accessory Weight : 1 Id: (4052) Elder Willow Card INT +2 Item Class : Card Compound on: Headgear Weight : 1 Id: (4053) Vitata Card Enable use of Level 1 Heal. Increase SP consumption of all skills by 25%. Item Class : Card Compound on: Accessory Weight : 1 Id: (4054) Angeling Card Blesses an Armor with the Holy property. Item Class : Card Compound on: Armor Weight : 1 Id: (4055) Marina Card Enable a 5% chance of inflicting the Frozen status on an enemy with each attack. ATK +5 Item Class : Card Compound on: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4056) Dustiness Card Increase resistance to the Wind property by 30%. Flee Rate +5 Item Class : Card Compound on: Garment Weight : 1 Id: (4057) Metaller Card Enable a 5% chance of inflicting the Mute status on an enemy with each attack. ATK +5 Item Class : Card Compound on: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4058) Thara Frog Card Reduce damage from Demihuman monsters by 30%. Item Class : Card Compound on: Shield Weight : 1 Id: (4059) Soldier Andre Card Reduce damage from Plant monsters by 30%. Item Class : Card Compound on: Shield Weight : 1 Id: (4060) Goblin Card Increase damage on Brute monsters by 20%. Item Class : Card Compound on: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4061) Cornutus Card Make an Armor indestructible inbattle. DEF +1 Item Class : Card Compound on: Armor Weight : 1 Id: (4062) Anacondaq Card Increase damage on Poison property monsters by 20%. Item Class : Card Compound on: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4063) Caramel Card Increase damage on Insect monsters by 20%. Item Class : Card Compound on: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4064) Zerom Card DEX +3 Item Class : Card Compound on: Accessory Weight : 1 Id: (4065) Kaho Card Increase damage on Earth property monsters by 20%. Item Class : Card Compound on: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4066) Orc Warrior Card Reduce damage from Brute monsters by 30%. Item Class : Card Compound on: Shield Weight : 1 Id: (4067) Megalodon Card Increase resistance to the Frozen status by 20%. DEF +1 Item Class : Card Compound on: Shield Weight : 1 Id: (4068) Scorpion Card Increase damage on Plant monsters by 20%. Item Class : Card Compound on: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4069) Drainliar Card Increase damage on Water property monsters by 20%. Item Class : Card Compound on: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4070) Eggyra Card SP Recovery +15% Item Class : Card Compound on: FootgearShoes Weight : 1 Id: (4071) Orc Zombie Card Increase resistance to Undead property attacks by 30%. Flee Rate +5 Item Class : Card Compound on: Garment Weight : 1 Id: (4072) Golem Card Make a weapon indestructible in battle. Weapon can still be destroyed during upgrade attempts. ATK +5 Item Class : Card Compound on: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4073) Pirate Skel Card Enable use of Level 5 Discount. Item Class : Card Compound on: Accessory Weight : 1 Id: (4074) Bigfoot Card Reduce damage from Insect monsters by 30%. Item Class : Card Compound on: Shield Weight : 1 Id: (4075) Argos Card Increase resistance against Stone Curse status by 20%. DEF +1 Item Class : Card Compound on: Shield Weight : 1 Id: (4076) Magnolia Card Enable a 5% chance of inflicting the Curse status on an enemy with each attack. ATK +5 Item Class : Card Compound on: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4077) Phen Card Enable skill casting that cannot be interrupted by damage from enemies at the cost of increasing Cast Delay by 25%. Item Class : Card Compound on: Accessory Weight : 1 Id: (4078) Savage Card VIT +3 Item Class : Card Compound on: Armor Weight : 1 Id: (4079) Mantis Card STR +3 Item Class : Card Compound on: Accessory Weight : 1 Id: (4080) Flora Card Increase damage on Fish monsters by 20%. Item Class : Card Compound on: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4081) Hode Card Increase resistance to Earth property attacks by 30%. Flee Rate +5 Item Class : Card Compound on: Garment Weight : 1 Id: (4082) Desert Wolf Card Increase damage inflicted on Small size monsters by 15%. ATK +5 Item Class : Card Compound on: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4083) Rafflesia Card Reduce damage from Fish monsters by 30%. Item Class : Card Compound on: Shield Weight : 1 Id: (4084) Marine Sphere Card Enable use of Level 3 Magnum Break. Item Class : Card Compound on: Accessory Weight : 1 Id: (4085) Orc Skeleton Card Increase damage on Holy property monsters by 20%. Item Class : Card Compound on: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4086) Soldier Skeleton Card Critical Rate +9% Item Class : Card Compound on: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4087) Giearth Card Gain immunity to the Chaos status. Increase resistance to Earth property attacks by 15%. Item Class : Card Compound on: Headgear Weight : 1 Id: (4088) Frilldora Card Enable use of Level 1 Cloaking. Item Class : Card Compound on: Garment Weight : 1 Id: (4089) Swordfish Card Enchant an Armor with the Water property. DEF +1 Item Class : Card Compound on: Armor Weight : 1 Id: (4090) Munak Card Increase resistance to the Stone Curse status by 15% and Earth property attacks by 5%. DEF +1 Tragic Trio Card Set Munak Card Bongun Card Yao Jun Card All Stats +1 Item Class : Card Compound on: Shield Weight : 1 Id: (4091) Kobold Card Critical Rate +4% STR +1 Item Class : Card Compound on: Accessory Weight : 1 Id: (4092) Skel Worker Card Increase damage inflicted on Medium size monsters by 15%. ATK +5 Item Class : Card Compound on: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4093) Obeaune Card Enable use of Level 1 Cure. Item Class : Card Compound on: Accessory Weight : 1 Id: (4094) Archer Skeleton Card Increase damage with Bow class weapons by 10%. Item Class : Card Compound on: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4095) Marse Card Increase resistance against Water property by 30%. Flee Rate +5 Item Class : Card Compound on: Garment Weight : 1 Id: (4096) Zenorc Card Enable a 4% chance of inflicting the Poison status on an enemy with each attack. ATK +10 Item Class : Card Compound on: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4097) Matyr Card Max HP +10% AGI +1 Item Class : Card Compound on: FootgearShoes Weight : 1 Id: (4098) Dokebi Card Enchant an Armor with the Wind property. DEF +1 Item Class : Card Compound on: Armor Weight : 1 Id: (4099) Pasana Card Enchant an Armor with the Fire property. DEF +1 Item Class : Card Compound on: Armor Weight : 1 Id: (4100) Sohee Card Max SP +15% SP Recovery +3% Item Class : Card Compound on: FootgearShoes Weight : 1 Id: (4101) Sandman Card Enchant an Armor with the Earth property. DEF +1 Item Class : Card Compound on: Armor Weight : 1 Id: (4102) Whisper Card Flee Rate +20 Increase damage from Ghost property attacks by 50%. Item Class : Card Compound on: Garment Weight : 1 Id: (4103) Horong Card Enable use of Level 1 Sight. Item Class : Card Compound on: Accessory Weight : 1 Id: (4104) Requiem Card Enable a 5% chance of inflicting the Chaos status on an enemy with each attack. Item Class : Card Compound on: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4105) Marc Card Gain protection from the Frozen status and increase resistance to Water property by 5%. Item Class : Card Compound on: Armor Weight : 1 Id: (4106) Mummy Card Accuracy +20 Item Class : Card Compound on: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4107) Verit Card Max HP/SP +8% Item Class : Card Compound on: FootgearShoes Weight : 1 Id: (4108) Myst Card Increase resistance to the Poison property by 30%. Flee Rate +5 Item Class : Card Compound on: Garment Weight : 1 Id: (4109) Jakk Card Increase resistance to the Fire property by 30%. Flee Rate +5 Item Class : Card Compound on: Garment Weight : 1 Id: (4110) Ghoul Card Increase resistance to Poison status by 20%. Item Class : Card Compound on: Headgear Weight : 1 Id: (4111) Strouf Card Increase damage on Demon monsters by 20%. Item Class : Card Compound on: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4112) Marduk Card Gain immunity to the Silence status. Item Class : Card Compound on: Headgear Weight : 1 Id: (4113) Marionette Card Increase resistance to Ghost property by 30%. Flee Rate +5 Item Class : Card Compound on: Garment Weight : 1 Id: (4114) Argiope Card Enchant an Armor with the Poison property. DEF +1 Item Class : Card Compound on: Armor Weight : 1 Id: (4115) Hunter Fly Card Enable a 3% chance of gaining 15% of the damage inflicted on an enemy as HP with each attack. Item Class : Card Compound on: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4116) Isis Card Increase resistance to the Shadow property by 30%. Flee Rate +5 Item Class : Card Compound on: Garment Weight : 1 Id: (4117) Sidewinder Card Enable Level 1 Double Attack on compounded weapon. If character has learned Double Attack, that skill's level affects this card's effect. Item Class : Card Compound on: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4118) Earth Petite Card Increase damage on Dragon monsters by 20%. Item Class : Card Compound on: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4119) Bathory Card Enchant an Armor with the Shadow property. Item Class : Card Compound on: Armor Weight : 1 Id: (4120) Sky Petite Card Reduce damage from Dragon monsters by 30%. Item Class : Card Compound on: Shield Weight : 1 Id: (4121) Phreeoni Card Accuracy +100 Item Class : Card Compound on: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4122) Deviruchi Card Gain immunity to the Blind status. STR +1 Item Class : Card Compound on: Headgear Weight : 1 Id: (4123) Eddga Card Enable effect of the Endure skill so long as the Footgear to which this card is compounded is equipped. Max HP -25% Item Class : Card Compound on: FootgearShoes Weight : 1 Id: (4124) Medusa Card Gain immunity to the Stone Curse status. Reduce damage from Demon monsters by 15%. Item Class : Card Compound on: Shield Weight : 1 Id: (4125) Deviace Card Increase damage on Demihuman, Brute, Plant and Insect monsters by 7%. Item Class : Card Compound on: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4126) Minorous Card Increase damage inflicted on Large size monsters by 15%. ATK +5 Item Class : Card Compound on: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4127) Nightmare Card Gain immunity to the Sleep status. AGI +1 Item Class : Card Compound on: Headgear Weight : 1 Id: (4128) Golden Thiefbug Card Nullify all magic spells, including supportive skills, that target character at the cost of doubling [/s][/color] SP Consumption cost when using skills. Item Class : Card Compound on: Shield Weight : 1 Id: (4129) Bapho Jr. Card AGI +3 Critical Rate +1% Item Class : Card Compound on: Garment Weight : 1 Id: (4130) Scorpion King Card Increase damage on Undead monsters by 20%. Item Class : Card Compound on: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4131) Moonlight Flower Card Enable faster Movement Speed so long as the Footgear to which this card is compounded is equipped. Item Class : Card Compound on: FootgearShoes Weight : 1 Id: (4132) Mistress Card Nullify the Gemstone requirement of certain spells at the cost of increasing SP Consumption by 25% when using skills. Item Class : Card Compound on: Headgear Weight : 1 Id: (4133) Raydric Card Increase resistance to Neutral property attacks by 20%. Item Class : Card Compound on: Garment Weight : 1 Id: (4134) Dracula Card Enable a 10% chance of gaining 5% of the damage inflicted upon an enemy as SP with each attack. Item Class : Card Compound on: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4135) Orc Lord Card Reflect 30% of all physical damage back to the enemy which inflicted it. Item Class : Card Compound on: Armor Weight : 1 Id: (4136) Khalitzburg Card Reduce damage from Demon monsters by 30%. Item Class : Card Compound on: Shield Weight : 1 Id: (4137) Drake Card Nullify reduction in damage inflicted on monsters resulting from monster's size. Item Class : Card Compound on: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4138) Anubis Card Reduce damage from Angel monsters by 30%. Item Class : Card Compound on: Shield Weight : 1 Id: (4139) Joker Card Enable use of Level 1 Steal. Item Class : Card Compound on: Accessory Weight : 1 Id: (4140) Abysmal Knight Card Increase damage on Boss monsters by 25%. Item Class : Card Compound on: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4141) Evil Druid Card Enchant an Armor with the Undead property. INT +1, DEF +1 Item Class : Card Compound on: Armor Weight : 1 Id: (4142) Doppelganger Card Enable faster Attack Speed so long as the weapon to which this card is compounded is equipped. Item Class : Card Compound on: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4143) Orc Hero Card Gain immunity to the Stun status. VIT +3 Item Class : Card Compound on: Headgear Weight : 1 Id: (4144) Osiris Card Enable full HP/SP restoration when resurrected. Item Class : Card Compound on: Accessory Weight : 1 Id: (4145) Berzebub Card Reduce Cast Time for skills by 30%. Item Class : Card Compound on: Accessory Weight : 1 Id: (4146) Maya Card Enable a 50% chance of reflecting or redirecting Magic spells, aside from skills which target the ground, cast on the character. Item Class : Card Compound on: Shield Weight : 1 Id: (4147) Baphomet Card Endow a weapon with damage that will splash 9 cells around the character with each attack. Accuracy -10 Item Class : Card Compound on: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4148) Pharaoh Card Reduce SP Consumption of skills by 30%. Item Class : Card Compound on: Headgear Weight : 1 Id: (4149) Gargoyle Card Gargoyle Card. Add the chance of gaining 'Lightning' item each time an Insect monster is killed. Class : Card Slot: Accessory Weight : 1 Id: (4150) Goat Card Goat Card. Add DEF +2, MDEF +5 if the armor is upgraded no higher than +5. Class : Card Slot: Armor Weight : 1 Id: (4151) Gajomart Card Gajomart Card. Receive 10% more Experience Points from Plant monsters. Receive 20% more damage from Plant monsters. Class : Card Slot: Shoes Weight : 1 Id: (4152) Galapago Card Galapago Card. Add the chance of gaining Apple/Banana/Carrot Juice each time an Insect monster is killed. Juice item restores 50% more HP. Class : Card Slot: Accessory Weight : 1 Id: (4153) Crab Card Crab Card. Inflict 30% more damage [/s][/color] on Aster. ATK +5. Beach Card Set Shell Fish Card Crab Card Aster Card +30% damage on Water Property monsters 30% chance of Gaining 'Raw Fish' each time a Fish Monster is killed. Class : Card Slot: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4154) Dumpling Kid Card Dumpling Kid Card. Add the chance of gaining 'Candy/Candy Cane' item each time a Demi Human monster is killed. Candy and Candy Cane restore 50% more HP. Class : Card Slot: Accessory Weight : 1 Id: (4155) Goblin Leader Card Goblin Leader Card. Inflict 30% more damage on Goblins. Class : Card Slot: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4156) Goblin Steamrider Card Goblin Steamrider Card. Inflict 10% more damage with Critical Attack. Critical +7 on Neutral monsters. Class : Card Slot: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4157) Goblin Archer Card Goblin Archer Card. Inflict 10% more damage with Critical Attack. Critical +7 on Undead monsters. Class : Card Slot: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4158) Sky Deleter Card Sky Deleter Card. Disable natural HP Recovery. Gain 100 HP each time a monster is killed by Physical Melee Attack. Class : Card Slot: Armor Weight : 1 Id: (4159) Nine Tail Card Nine Tail Card. AGI +2. Add Flee Rate +20 if the garment is upgraded up to +9 or higher. Class : Card Slot: Garment Weight : 1 Id: (4160) Firelock Soldier Card Firelock Soldier Card. STR +2. Max HP, Max SP +10% if the shoes is upgraded up to +9 or higher. Class : Card Slot: Shoes Weight : 1 Id: (4161) Grand Peco Card Grand Peco Card. Add the chance of auto casting level 1 Gloria skill on the user when receiving Physical Damage. DEF +3, VIT +3 if the user is equipped with an item compounded to the Peco Peco card. Class : Card Slot: Helmet Weight : 1 Id: (4162) Grizzly Card Grizzly Card. Add the chance of auto casting 'Blind' on an enemy when the user receives Physical Damage. If the user is equipped with an item compounded to the Big Foot card, the blinding chance will be increased. Class : Card Slot: Armor Weight : 1 Id: (4163) Gryphon Card Gryphon Card. Flee Rate +2, Critical +7. If worn by Swordman Class characters, it adds the chance of auto casting level 5 Bowling Bash skill on enemy when attacking. Class : Card Slot: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4164) Gullinbursti Card Gullinbursti Card. Receive 10% more experience points each time a Fish monster is killed. Receive 20% more damage from Fish monsters. Class : Card Slot: Shoes Weight : 1 Id: (4165) Gig Card Gig Card. Gain 5 SP each time an Insect monster is killed by Physical Melee Attack. Drain 5 SP as the weapon is unequipped. Class : Card Slot: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4166) Nightmare Terror Card Nightmare Terror Card. Add the chance of auto casting 'Curse' on an enemy when the user receives Physical Damage. If the user is equipped with an item compounded to the Nightmare card, the cursing chance will be increased. Class : Card Slot: Armor Weight : 1 Id: (4167) Nereid Card Nereid Card. Gain 5 SP each time a Brute monster is killed by Physical Melee Attack. Drain 5 SP as the weapon is unequipped. Class : Card Slot: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4168) Dark Lord Card Dark Lord Card. Add the chance of auto casting level 5 Meteor Storm skill on an enemy when the user receives Physical Damage. If the user is equipped with an item compounded to the Dark Illusion card, it adds Max HP, Max SP +20%. Class : Card Slot: Shoes Weight : 1 Id: (4169) Dark Illusion Card Dark Illusion Card. Max HP, Max SP -10%. Reduce spell casting time by 10%. If the user is equipped with an item compounded to the Dark Lord card, it reduces spell casting time by 20%. Class : Card Slot: Helmet Weight : 1 Id: (4170) Dark Frame Card Dark Frame Card. Add the chance of auto casting 'Stone Curse' on an enemy when the user receives Physical Damage. Class : Card Slot: Armor Weight : 1 Id: (4171) Dark Priest Card Dark Priest Card. Add the 5% chance of decreasing enemy's SP amount by 10% when attacking. If worn by Sage or Scholar, it gains 1 SP every time when doing Physical Attack on monsters. Class : Card Slot: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4172) The Paper Card The Paper Card. Inflict 20% more damage with Critical Attack. Drain 1 SP every time when attacking. Thief Card Set Wanderer Card Wild Rose Card Shinobi Card Zhu Po Long Card The Paper Card AGI +5 STR +5 ASPD +5% +1 SP per attack Disable the Auto-Snatch ability of the Wanderer Card Thief Class Bonus: No Gemstones required to use certain skills. Class : Card Slot: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4173) Demon Fungus Card Demon Fungus Card. Add the chance of casting 'Sleep' on an enemy when the user receives Physical Damage. Class : Card Slot: Armor Weight : 1 Id: (4174) Deviling Card Deviling Card. Add 50% more tolerance against Neutral Property Attack. Receive 50% more damage from other Property Attack. Class : Card Slot: Garment Weight : 1 Id: (4175) Poisonous Toad Card Poisonous Toad Card. Add the chance of auto casting level 1 Envenom on an enemy when the user inflicts Physical Damage. Class : Card Slot: Accessory Weight : 1 Id: (4176) Dullahan Card Dullahan Card. Inflict 10% more damage with Critical Attack. Critical +7 on Dragon monsters. Class : Card Slot: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4177) Dryad Card Dryad Card. Add the chance of gaining 'Green Live' item each time a Plant monster is killed. Add 10% more tolerance against Earth Property Attack. Class : Card Slot: Helmet Weight : 1 Id: (4178) Dragon Tail Card Dragon Tail Card. AGI +1, Flee Rate +10. Inflict 5% more damage with Double Strafe and Arrow Shower skill. Class : Card Slot: Garment Weight : 1 Id: (4179) Dragon Fly Card Dragon Fly Card. AGI +1. Add Flee Rate +18 if the user is equipped with an item compounded to the Chon Chon card. Class : Card Slot: Garment Weight : 1 Id: (4180) Driller Card Driller Card. Gain 5 SP each time a Dragon monster is killed by Physical Melee Attack. Drain 5 SP as the weapon is unequipped. Class : Card Slot: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4181) Disguise Card Disguise Card. Add the chance of auto casting 'Mute' on an enemy when the user receives Physical Damage. The chance of casting 'Mute' is increased if the user has 77 or more VIT points. Class : Card Slot: Armor Weight : 1 Id: (4182) Diabolic Card Diabolic Card. Gain 5 SP each time a Devil monster is killed by Physical Melee Attack. Drain 5 SP as the weapon is unequipped. Class : Card Slot: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4183) Vagabond Wolf Card Vagabond Wolf Card. STR +1. Add Flee Rate +18 if the user is equipped with an item compounded to the Wolf Card. Class : Card Slot: Garment Weight : 1 Id: (4184) Lava Golem Card Lava Golem Card. Inflict 30% more damage on Golems. Class : Card Slot: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4185) Rideword Card Rideword Card. INT +1. INT +1, MDEF +1 if worn by Acolyte Class characters. Class : Card Slot: Helmet Weight : 1 Id: (4186) Raggler Card Raggler Card. STR +1, VIT +1. Class : Card Slot: Shoes Weight : 1 Id: (4187) Raydric Archer Card Raydric Archer Card. Add the chance of gianing 'Piece of Vindictive Spirit' item each time a Devil monster is killed. Class : Card Slot: Accessory Weight : 1 Id: (4188) Leib Olmai Card Leib Olmai Card. Add the chance of gaining 'Red Blood' item each time a Brute monster is killed. Add 10% more tolerance against Fire Property Attack. Class : Card Slot: Helmet Weight : 1 Id: (4189) Wraith Dead Card Wraith Dead Card. Add the chance of auto casting 'Curse' on an enemy when the user receives Physical Damage. Class : Card Slot: Armor Weight : 1 Id: (4190) Wraith Card Wraith Card. Add the chance of gaining 'Wraith Laughter' item each time an Undead monster is killed. Class : Card Slot: Accessory Weight : 1 Id: (4191) Loli Ruri Card Loli Ruri Card. Add the chance of auto casting level 3 Heal skill on the user when receiving Physical Damage. Wizard Card Set Loli Ruri Card Parasite Card Miyabi Doll Card Evil Nymph Harpy Card Bloody Butterfly Card +500 HP +5 MDEF +5 DEF +10% Damage using the Cold Bolt, Fire Bolt, Lightning Bolt skills. Mage Class only Bonuses +3% MATK 15% Faster Cast Class : Card Slot: Armor Weight : 1 Id: (4192) Rotar Zairo Card Rotar Zairo Card. Inflict 10% more damage with Critical Attack. Critical +7 on Fish monsters. Class : Card Slot: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4193) Lude Card Lude Card. Has 20% chance of auto casting Level 1 Endure on Novice or Super Novice when receiving Physical Damage. If the user is equipped with an item to the Quve card, it adds +300 Max HP. Class : Card Slot: Accessory Weight : 1 Id: (4194) Rybio Card Rybio Card. Add the chance of auto casting 'Stun' on an enemy when the user receives Physical Damage. The chance of casting 'Stun' is increased if the user has 77 or more DEX points. Class : Card Slot: Armor Weight : 1 Id: (4195) Leaf Cat Card Leaf Cat Card. Add the chance of gaining 'Crystal Blue' item each time a Fish or Shellfish monster is killed. Add 10% more tolerance against Water Property Attack. Class : Card Slot: Helmet Weight : 1 Id: (4196) Marin Card Marin Card. Add the chance of gaining 'Jellopy or Large Jellopy' item each time a monster is killed. Class : Card Slot: Accessory Weight : 1 Id: (4197) Mastering Card Mastering Card. LUK +1. Add Flee Rate +18 if the user is equipped with an item compounded to the Poring card. Class : Card Slot: Garment Weight : 1 Id: (4198) Maya Purple Card Maya Purple Card. Enable its user to detect hidden monsters. Class : Card Slot: Helmet Weight : 1 Id: (4199) Merman Card Merman Card. Increase HP/SP Recovery by 10%. Hunter Card Set Cruiser Card Anolian Card Alligator Card Dragon Tail Card Merman Card +20% Ranged Attack Damage AGI +5 DEX +3 +20% Seeking Attack (which never miss its target) Archer Class Bonus: A low chance of auto casting Coma on Brute class monsters when attacking. +5% EXP from Brute class monsters. Class : Card Slot: Shoes Weight : 1 Id: (4200) Megalith Card Megalith Card. MDEF +7 if the shoes is upgraded no higher than +5. Class : Card Slot: Shoes Weight : 1 Id: (4201) Majoruros Card Majoruros Card. Add the chance of auto casting 'Stun' on an enemy when the user receives Physical Attack. Class : Card Slot: Armor Weight : 1 Id: (4202) Mao Guai Card Mao Guai Card. Inflict 20% more damage on Ghost Property. Class : Card Slot: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4203) Mutant Dragonoid Card Mutant Dragonoid Card. ATK +15. Add the chance of auto casting level 3 Fire Ball on an enemy while doing Physical Attack. If the user has mastered the skill at levl 10, it will cast level 10 Fire Ball. Class : Card Slot: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4204) Mini Demon Card Mini Demon Card. Receive 10% more Experience Points from Brute Monsters. Receive 20% more damage from Brute Monsters. Class : Card Slot: Shoes Weight : 1 Id: (4205) Mimic Card Mimic Card. Add the chance of gaining 'Old Blue Box' item each time a monster is killed. Class : Card Slot: Accessory Weight : 1 Id: (4206) Myst Case Card Myst Case Card. Add the chance of gaining 'Gift Box' each time a monster is killed. Class : Card Slot: Helmet Weight : 1 Id: (4207) Mysteltainn Card Mysteltainn Card. Receive 25% less damage from small size monsters. DEF +1. Class : Card Slot: Shield Weight : 1 Id: (4208) Miyabi Doll Card Miyabi Doll Card. Max SP +10%. Inflict 5% more damage with Frost Diver skill. Class : Card Slot: Shoes Weight : 1 Id: (4209) Violy Card Violy Card. Add the chance of auto casting level 1 Unbarring Octave on an enemy when doing Physical Attack. If the user has mastered the skill at level 5, it will cast level 5 Unbarring Octave. Class : Card Slot: Accessory Weight : 1 Id: (4210) Wanderer Card Wanderer Card. Add the chance of auto casting level 1 Snatch on an enemy when doing Physical Attack. If worn by Thief Class characters, it adds Flee Rate +20. Class : Card Slot: Garment Weight : 1 Id: (4211) Vocal Card Vocal Card. MDEF +3. If the user is equipped with an item compounded to the Rocker card, it adds Flee Rate +18. Class : Card Slot: Garment Weight : 1 Id: (4212) Bongun Card Bongun Card. Add the chance of auto casting level 1 Bash on an enemy when doing Physical Attack. The Bash skill shoves the enemy 5 cells back. Receive 100% more damage from Munak. Class : Card Slot: Accessory Weight : 1 Id: (4213) Brilight Card Brilight Card. Add the chance of auto casting 'Mute' on an enemy when the user receives Physical Damage. Class : Card Slot: Armor Weight : 1 Id: (4214) Bloody Murderer Card Bloody Murderer Card. Inflict 10% more damage with Critical Attack. Critical +7 on Insect monsters. Class : Card Slot: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4215) Blazzer Card Blazzer Card. Add the chance of gaining a Food item each time a monster is killed. Class : Card Slot: Accessory Weight : 1 Id: (4216) Sasquatch Card Sasquatch Card. Add the chance of freezing an enemy when the user receives Physical Damage. Class : Card Slot: Armor Weight : 1 Id: (4217) Enchanted Peach Tree Card Enchanted Peach Tree Card. Add the chance of auto casting level 1 Heal on the user when doing Physical Attack. If the user has mastered the skill at level 10, it will cast level 10 Heal. Class : Card Slot: Shield Weight : 1 Id: (4218) Succubus Card Succubus Card. VIT -3, Max HP +1000 and HP natural recovery -20%. If the user is equipped with an item compounded to the Inccubus card, it adds VIT +4 and HP natural recovery +30%. Class : Card Slot: Armor Weight : 1 Id: (4219) Sage Worm Card Sage Worm Card. Add the chance of gaining a Gemstone item each time a monster is killed. Class : Card Slot: Accessory Weight : 1 Id: (4220) Solider Card Solider Card. DEF +2, MDEF +2. Class : Card Slot: Armor Weight : 1 Id: (4221) Skeleton General Card Skeleton General Card. Receive 10% more Experience Points from Insect monsters. Receive 20% more damage from Insect monsters. Class : Card Slot: Shoes Weight : 1 Id: (4222) Skel Prisoner Card Skel Prisoner Card. Add the chance of auto casting 'Sleep' on an enemy when the user receives Physical Damage. The chance of casting 'Sleep' is increased if the user is equipped with an item compounded to the Skeleton card. Class : Card Slot: Armor Weight : 1 Id: (4223) Stalactic Golem Card Stalactic Golem Card. Add 20% more tolerance against Stun. DEF +1 Class : Card Slot: Helmet Weight : 1 Id: (4224) Stem Worm Card Stem Worm Card. Add the chance of gaining 'Shower' item each time a Brute monster is killed. Class : Card Slot: Accessory Weight : 1 Id: (4225) Stone Shooter Card Stone Shooter Card. Accuracy +10, ATK +10. Class : Card Slot: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4226) Sting Card Sting Card. DEF +2, MDEF +5 if the shield is upgraded up to +9 or higher. Class : Card Slot: Shield Weight : 1 Id: (4227) Spring Rabbit Card Spring Rabbit Card. Add the chance of gaining 'Meat or Monster's Feed' item each time a Brute monster is killed. Meat and Monster's Feed restore 50% more HP. Class : Card Slot: Accessory Weight : 1 Id: (4228) Sleeper Card Sleeper Card. Add the chance of gaining 'ZZZ' item each time a Fish or Shellfish monster is killed. Class : Card Slot: Accessory Weight : 1 Id: (4229) Tower Keeper Card Tower Keeper Card. INT +1, Reduce Skill Casting Time by 5%. Clocktower Card Set Tower Keeper Card Punk Card Alarm Card Clock Card DEF +3 MDEF +3 Class : Card Slot: Helmet Weight : 1 Id: (4230) Shinobi Card Shinobi Card. AGI +1. Add the chance of auto casting level 5 Cloaking on the user when receiving Physical Damage. If the user has not learned level 3 or higher Cloaking skill or if the user is not an Assassin, this card allows the user to use the skill only when being near to a wall. Class : Card Slot: Accessory Weight : 1 Id: (4231) Mi Gao Card Mi Gao Card. Receive 50% less damage from Guardians during War of Emperium(Guild Siege) hours. Class : Card Slot: Shield Weight : 1 Id: (4232) Hermit Plant Card Hermit Plant Card. Add the chance of gaining 'Red/Yellow/White Herb' item each time a Plant monster is killed. Herb items restore 50% more HP. Class : Card Slot: Accessory Weight : 1 Id: (4233) Baby Leopard Card Baby Leopard Card. LUK +3. If worn by Merchant Class characters, their armors cannot be damaged. Class : Card Slot: Armor Weight : 1 Id: (4234) Anolian Card Anolian Card. Add the chance of auto casting level 1 Improve Concentration on the user when receiving Physical Damage. If the user has mastered the skill at level 10, it will cast level 10 Improve Concentration. Class : Card Slot: Armor Weight : 1 Id: (4235) Christmas Cookie Card Christmas Cookie Card. Receive 10% more Experience Points from Angel monsters. Receive 20% more damage from Angel monsters. Class : Card Slot: Shoes Weight : 1 Id: (4236) Amon Ra Card Amon Ra Card. All Stats +1. Add the chance of casting level 10 Kyrie Eleison around the user when reciving Physical Damage. The chance of casting the skill is increased if the user has 99 INT points. Class : Card Slot: Shoes Weight : 1 Id: (4237) Owl Duke Card Owl Duke Card. Add the chance of auto casting level 3 Impositio Manus on the user when doing Physical Attack. If the user is equipped with an item compounded to the Owl Baron card, it adds the chance of auto casting level 5 Lightning Bolt on an enemy when doing Physical Attack. Class : Card Slot: Accessory Weight : 1 Id: (4238) Owl Baron Card Owl Baron Card. Add the chance of auto casting level 1 Lex Aeterna on an enemy when doing Physical Attack. Class : Card Slot: Accessory Weight : 1 Id: (4239) Iron Fist Card Iron Fist Card. Receive 10% more Experience Points from Neutral monsters. Receive 20% more damge from Neutral monsters. Class : Card Slot: Shoes Weight : 1 Id: (4240) Arclouze Card Arclouze Card. DEF +2 and MDEF +3 if the shield is upgraded no higher than +5. Class : Card Slot: Shield Weight : 1 Id: (4241) Arc Angeling Card Arc Angeling Card. Max HP +300. Increase HP/SP Recovery by 100%, if the user has 77 or more LUK points. Class : Card Slot: Helmet Weight : 1 Id: (4242) Apocalipse Card Apocalipse Card. VIT +2. Max HP +800 if the armor is upgraded up to +9 or higher. Class : Card Slot: Armor Weight : 1 Id: (4243) Antonio Card Antonio Card. Has a high chance of casting level 1 Teleport on the user when taken Physical Damage. Class : Card Slot: Armor Weight : 1 Id: (4244) Alarm Card Alarm Card. Add the chance of auto casting level 1 Sight around the user when receiving Physical Damage. Max HP +300, VIT +1. Class : Card Slot: Shoes Weight : 1 Id: (4245) Am Mut Card Am Mut Card. Receive 10% more Experience Points from Demi Human monsters. Receive 20% more damage from Demi Human monsters. Class : Card Slot: Shoes Weight : 1 Id: (4246) Assaulter Card Assaulter Card. Inflict 10% more damage with Critical Attack. Critical +7 on Demi Human monsters. Swordman Card Set Assaulter Card Permeter Card Solider Card Freezer Card Heater Card Set Bonus: A chance to cast level 1 Weapon Perfection when attacking. HP Regen +50% A chance of gaining 'Red Potion' each time a monster is killed. Max HP +20% STR +10 Swordman Class : +50% HP Restoration when using Red, Yellow, and White Potions. Class : Card Slot: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4247) Aster Card Aster Card. Inflict 30% more damage on Shell Fishes. ATK +5. Class : Card Slot: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4248) Ancient Mummy Card Ancient Mummy Card. Add the chance of auto casting level 5 Signum Crucis on an enemy when the user receives Physical Damage. If the user is equipped with an item compounded to the Mummy card, it adds Seeking Attack (which never miss its target) +20. Class : Card Slot: Shield Weight : 1 Id: (4249) Ancient Worm Card Ancient Worm Card. Receive 10% more Experience Points from Devil monsters. Receive 20% more damage from Devil monsters. Class : Card Slot: Shoes Weight : 1 Id: (4250) Executioner Card Executioner Card. Receive 25% less damage from large size monsters. DEF +1. Class : Card Slot: Shield Weight : 1 Id: (4251) Elder Card Elder Card. Inflict 40% more damage on Guardians during World of Emperium hours. Class : Card Slot: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4252) Alligator Card Alligator Card. Receive 5% less damage from Long Ranged Physical Attack. Class : Card Slot: Accessory Weight : 1 Id: (4253) Alice Card Alice Card. Receive 40% less damage from Boss monsters. Receive 40% more damage from normal monsters. Class : Card Slot: Shield Weight : 1 Id: (4254) Ogretooth Card Ogretooth Card. Receive 25% less damage from medium size monsters. DEF +1. Class : Card Slot: Shield Weight : 1 Id: (4255) Orc Lady Card Orc Lady Card. Inflict 30% more damage on Every Orc except Orc Lord and Orc Hero. Class : Card Slot: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4256) Orc Archer Card Orc Archer Card. Add the chance of gaining 'Orc's Breath' item each time a Demi Human monster is killed. Class : Card Slot: Accessory Weight : 1 Id: (4257) Wild Rose Card Wild Rose Card. AGI +1. Perfect Dodge +5 if worn by Thief Class characters. Class : Card Slot: Shoes Weight : 1 Id: (4258) Evil Nymph Card Evil Nymph Card. INT +1, Max SP +50. Class : Card Slot: Helmet Weight : 1 Id: (4259) Wooden Golem Card Wooden Golem Card. Increase HP Recovery by 30%, DEF +1. Class : Card Slot: Armor Weight : 1 Id: (4260) Wootan Shooter Card Wootan Shooter Card. Add 20% more tolerance against Chaos. DEF +1. Class : Card Slot: Helmet Weight : 1 Id: (4261) Wootan Fighter Card Wootan Fighter Card. Add 20% more tolerance against Bleeding. DEF +1. Class : Card Slot: Helmet Weight : 1 Id: (4262) Cloud Hermit Card Cloud Hermit Card. Add the chance of gaining 'Black Cloud' item each time a Plant monster is killed. Class : Card Slot: Accessory Weight : 1 Id: (4263) Samurai Spector Card Samurai Spector Card. Ignore normal monster's defense when attacking. Disable its user's natural HP recovery and drain 666 HP every 10 seconds. Drain 999 HP as the weapon is unequipped. Class : Card Slot: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4264) Wind Ghost Card Wind Ghost Card. Add the chance of casting level 3 Jupitel Thunder on an enemy when doing Physical Attack. If the user has mastered the skill at level 10, it will cast level 10 Jupitel Thunder. Class : Card Slot: Accessory Weight : 1 Id: (4265) Jing Guai Card Jing Guai Card. Add the chance of gaining 'Radiance' item each time Angel monster is killed. Class : Card Slot: Accessory Weight : 1 Id: (4266) Eclipse Card Eclipse Card. VIT +1. Add Flee Rate +18 if the user is equipped with an item compounded to the Lunatic card. Class : Card Slot: Garment Weight : 1 Id: (4267) Explosion Card Explosion Card. Recieve 10% more Experience Points from Dragon monsters. Receive 20% more damage from Dragon monsters. Class : Card Slot: Shoes Weight : 1 Id: (4268) Injustice Card Injustice Card. Add the chance of auto casting level 1 Sonic Blow on an enemy when doing Physical Attack. If the user is equipped with an item compounded to the Zealotus card, it adds ATK +20 and LUK +3. Class : Card Slot: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4269) Incubus Card Incubus Card. INT -3, Max SP +150 and SP natural recovery -20%. If the user is equipped with an item compounded to the Succubus card, it adds INT +4 and SP natural recovery +30%. Class : Card Slot: Helmet Weight : 1 Id: (4270) Giant Spider Card Giant Spider Card. Add the chance of poisoning an enemy when the user receives Physical Damage. Class : Card Slot: Armor Weight : 1 Id: (4271) Giant Hornet Card Giant Hornet Card. Add the chance of gaining 'Wind of Verdure' item each time an Insect monster is killed. Add 10% more tolerance against Wind Property Attack. Class : Card Slot: Helmet Weight : 1 Id: (4272) Zhu Po Long Card Zhu Po Long Card. AGI +1, Critical +3. Class : Card Slot: Accessory Weight : 1 Id: (4273) Shell Fish Card Shell Fish Card. Inflict 30% more damage on Crabs. ATK +5. Class : Card Slot: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4274) Zombie Master Card Zombie Master Card. Gain 5 SP each time an Undead monster is killed by Physical Melee Attack. Drain 5 SP as the weapon is unequipped. Class : Card Slot: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4275) Zombie Prisoner Card Zombie Prisoner Card. Receive 10% more Experience Points from Undead monsters. Receive 20% more damage from Undead monsters. Class : Card Slot: Shoes Weight : 1 Id: (4276) Lord of The Dead Card Lord of The Dead Card. Add the chance of auto casting 'Coma' on an enemy. Add the chance of auto casting 'Stun, Curse, Mute, Poison or Bleeding' in random when attacking the enemy with short ranged Physical attack. Class : Card Slot: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4277) Zealotus Card Zealotus Card. LUK +2. Inflict 10% more damage with Slinging Arrow and Melody Strike skill. Class : Card Slot: Shield Weight : 1 Id: (4278) Gibbet Card Gibbet Card. Add MDEF +5 if the headgear to which the Gibbet Card is compounded has an Upgrade Level no greater than +5. Class : Card Slot: Helmet Weight : 1 Id: (4279) Earth Deleter Card Earth Deleter Card. Diable SP natural recovery. Gain 10 SP each time a monster is killed by Physical Melee Attack. Drain 100 SP as the armor is unequipped. Class : Card Slot: Armor Weight : 1 Id: (4280) Geographer Card Geographer Card. Add the chance of auto casting level 2 Blessing on the user when receiving Physical Damage. Auto cast level 10 Blessing instead of level 2, if level 10 Blessing is learned. Acolyte Card Set Geographer Card Rideword Card Cookie Card Enchanted Peach Tree Card Fur Seal Card VIT +10 -10% Cast Time -10% SP Consumption Acolyte Class Bonus: -30% damage from Undead and Demon monsters. +5% EXP from Demon and Undead monsters. Class : Card Slot: Armor Weight : 1 Id: (4281) Zipper Bear Card Zipper Bear Card. ATK +30. Drain 1 SP each time the user is attacking. If worn by Merchant Class characters, their weapons cannot be damaged. Class : Card Slot: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4282) Tengu Card Tengu Card. Add the chance of gaining a restorative item each time a monster is killed. Class : Card Slot: Accessory Weight : 1 Id: (4283) Greatest General Card Greatest General Card. Add the chance of gaining Spirit Sphere or Coin when doing Physical Attack. If worn by Acolyte Class characters, the chance is increased. Class : Card Slot: Accessory Weight : 1 Id: (4284) Chepet Card Chepet Card. Add the chance of auto casting level 5 Heal on an enemy when doing Physical Attack. Class : Card Slot: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4285) Choco Card Choco Card. Perfect Dodge +5, Flee Rate +10. Class : Card Slot: Garment Weight : 1 Id: (4286) Karakasa Card Karakasa Card. Add the chance of auto casting Chaos on an enemy when the user receives Physical Damage. The chance is increased if the user has 77 or more STR points. Class : Card Slot: Armor Weight : 1 Id: (4287) Kapha Card Kapha Card. MDEF +8 if the garment is upgraded no higher than +5. Class : Card Slot: Garment Weight : 1 Id: (4288) Carat Card Carat Card. INT +2. This card also adds an additional +150 Max SP bonus if the headgear to which the Carat Card is compounded has been upgraded to Upgrade Level +9 or higher. Class : Card Slot: Helmet Weight : 1 Id: (4289) Caterpillar Card Caterpillar Card. Gain 5 SP each time a Plant monster is killed by Physical Melee Attack. Drain 5 SP as the weapon is unequipped. Class : Card Slot: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4290) Cat O' Nine Tails Card Cat O' Nine Tails Card. Add 5% chance of reflecting magic damage. MDEF +3. Class : Card Slot: Shoes Weight : 1 Id: (4291) Kobold Leader Card Kobold Leader Card. Inflict 30% more damage on Kobolds. Class : Card Slot: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4292) Kobold Archer Card Kobold Archer Card. Inflict 10% more damage with Critical Attack. Critical +7 on Plant monsters. Class : Card Slot: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4293) Cookie Card Cookie Card. LUK +2. Inflict 10% more damage with Holy Light skill. Class : Card Slot: Accessory Weight : 1 Id: (4294) Quve Card Quve Card. Add the chance of auto casting Level 1 Increase AGI on Novice or Super Novice when Physical Damage is received. If the user is equipped with an item which is compounded to the Lude card, it adds +60 Max SP. Class : Card Slot: Accessory Weight : 1 Id: (4295) Kraben Card Kraben Card. Add the chance of casting Blind on an enemy when the user receives Physical Damage. Class : Card Slot: Armor Weight : 1 Id: (4296) Cramp Card Cramp Card. Add the chance of gaining a certain amount of Zeny each time a monster is killed. If the user is equipped with an item compounded to the Tarou card, it adds STR +3. Class : Card Slot: Helmet Weight : 1 Id: (4297) Cruiser Card Cruiser Card. Inflict 10% more damage with Critical Attack. Critical +7 on Brute monsters. Class : Card Slot: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4298) Creamy Fear Card Creamy Fear Card. Add the chance of casting Chaos on an enemy when the user receives Physical Damage. Class : Card Slot: Armor Weight : 1 Id: (4299) Clock Card Clock Card. Automatically cast level 3 Guard on the user when receiving Damage. If the user has mastered the skill at level 10, it will cast level 10 Guard. Class : Card Slot: Armor Weight : 1 Id: (4300) Chimera Card Chimera Card. Add the chance of poisoning an enemy when the user receives Physical Damage. The chance is increased if worn by Assassin or Assassin Cross characters. Class : Card Slot: Armor Weight : 1 Id: (4301) Killer Mantis Card Killer Mantis Card. Add the chance of auto casting Bleeding on an enemy when the user receives Physical Damage. Class : Card Slot: Armor Weight : 1 Id: (4302) Tao Gunka Card Tao Gunka Card. Max HP +100%, DEF - 50 and MDEF - 50. Class : Card Slot: Armor Weight : 1 Id: (4303) Giant Whisper Card Giant Whisper Card. Flee Rate+10. ATK +20 if the user has 80 or more STR points. Max HP +3% if the user has 80 or more VIT points. Critical +3 if the user has 80 or more LUK points. Class : Card Slot: Garment Weight : 1 Id: (4304) Tamruan Card Tamruan Card. Inflict 10% more damage with Smite and Shield Boomerang skills. DEF +2. Class : Card Slot: Shield Weight : 1 Id: (4305) Turtle General Card Turtle General Card. ATK +20%. Add the chance of auto casting level 10 Magnum Break on enemy when doing Physical Attack. Class : Card Slot: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4306) Toad Card Toad Card. Perfect Dodge +1. If the user is equipped with an item compounded to the Roda Frog card, it adds Flee +18. Class : Card Slot: Garment Weight : 1 Id: (4307) Beetle King Card Beetle King Card. Gain 5 SP each time a Fish monster is killed by Physical Melee Attack. Drain 5 SP as the weapon is unequipped. Class : Card Slot: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4308) Tri Joint Card Tri Joint Card. Gain 5 SP each time a Neutral monster is killed by Physical Melee Attack. Drain 5 SP as the weapon is unequipped. Class : Card Slot: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4309) Parasite Card Parasite Card. DEF +1. Add 5% more tolerance against Neutral Attack. Class : Card Slot: Shield Weight : 1 Id: (4310) Panzer Goblin Card Panzer Goblin Card. Inflict 10% more damage with Critical Attack. Critical +7 on Devil monsters. Class : Card Slot: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4311) Permeter Card Permeter Card. Add 15% more tolerance against Shadow Property Attack. Add 15% more tolerance against Undead Property Attack. Class : Card Slot: Helmet Weight : 1 Id: (4312) Fur Seal Card Fur Seal Card. Accuracy +10, Flee Rate +3. If worn by Acolyte Class characters, it adds Critial +9 on Devil and Undead monsters. Class : Card Slot: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4313) Punk Card Punk Card. Automatically cast level 1 Quagmire around the user when receiving Physical Damage. If the user has mastered the skill at level 5, it will cast level 5 Quagmire. Class : Card Slot: Garment Weight : 1 Id: (4314) Penomena Card Penomena Card. Receive 30% less damage from Formless monsters. Class : Card Slot: Shield Weight : 1 Id: (4315) Pest Card Pest Card. Add the chance of auto casting Stone Curse on an enemy when the user receives Physical Damage. The chance is increased if the user has 77 or more INT points. Class : Card Slot: Armor Weight : 1 Id: (4316) False Angel Card False Angel Card. Gain 5 SP each time an Angel monster is killed by Physical Melee Attack. Drain 5 SP as the weapon is unequipped. Class : Card Slot: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4317) Mobster Card Mobster Card. Inflict 15% more damage with Critical Attack. If worn by Thief Class characters, it adds Critical +4. Class : Card Slot: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4318) Stormy Knight Card Stormy Knight Card. Add the chance of auto casting level 1 Storm Gust on enemy when doing Physical Attack. Has 20% chance of Freezing an enemy when attacking. Class : Card Slot: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4319) Freezer Card Freezer Card. Max HP +300. Inflict 10% more damage with Bash skill if the shoes is upgraded up to +9 or higher. Class : Card Slot: Shoes Weight : 1 Id: (4320) Bloody Knight Card Bloody Knight Card. Add the chance of casting level 1 Meteor Storm on an enemy when doing Physical Attack. Class : Card Slot: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4321) Hylozoist Card Hylozoist Card. Add the chance of transmogrifying a monster while fighting. Merchant Card Set Zipper Bear Card Baby Leopard Card Raggler Card Myst Case Card Heirozoist Card LUK +10 +20% Mammonite Damage + 2 SP per attack. Merchant Class Bonus: 20% chance of reflecting Magic spells. A chance of gaining 'Old Purple Box' each time a monster is killed. Class : Card Slot: Accessory Weight : 1 Id: (4322) High Orc Card High Orc Card. Reflect 5% of every Physical Attack Damage. DEF +1. Class : Card Slot: Shield Weight : 1 Id: (4323) Hatii Bebe Card Hatii Bebe Card. Add the chance of auto casting level 3 Frost Diver on an enemy when doing Physical Attack. If the user is equipped with an item compounded to the Hatii card, the chance is greatly increased. Class : Card Slot: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4324) Hatii Card Hatii Card. Has 50% chance of Freezing an enemy when the user receives Physical Damage. Class : Card Slot: Armor Weight : 1 Id: (4325) Harpy Card Harpy Card. Add 15% more tolerance against Neutral Attack. Inflict 5% more damage with Napalm Beat skill. Class : Card Slot: Garment Weight : 1 Id: (4326) Sea-Otter Card Sea-Otter Card. Add the chance of gaining 'Sushi or Raw Fish' item each time a Fish monster is killed. Sushi and Raw Fish items restore 50% more HP. Class : Card Slot: Accessory Weight : 1 Id: (4327) Bloody Butterfly Card Bloody Butterfly Card. Spell casting cannot be interrupted. Increase spell casting time by 30%. Inflict 5% more damage with Fire Wall skill. Class : Card Slot: Accessory Weight : 1 Id: (4328) Yao Jun Card Yao Jun Card. Flee Rate +15, Critical +1. Class : Card Slot: Garment Weight : 1 Id: (4329) Phendark Card Phendark Card. Gain 5 SP each time a Demi Human monster is killed by Physical Melee Attack. Drain 5 SP as the weapon is unequipped. Class : Card Slot: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4330) Evil Snake Lord Card Evil Snake Lord Card. Never be affected by Blind and Curse effect. INT +3. Class : Card Slot: Helmet Weight : 1 Id: (4331) Heater Card Heater Card. Critical +3. If worn by Swordman Class characters, Perfect Dodge +3. Class : Card Slot: Accessory Weight : 1 Id: (4332) Waste Stove Card ATK +5, INT +1 Monk Card Set Rideword Card Cookie Card Fur Seal Card Waste Stove Card STR +3 SP +80 ATT +25 A chance of casting level 5 Signum Crusis with each physical attack. Guillotine Fist Damage +10% Monk Class Bonus: Uninterruptable Cast SP consumpion -10%. Item Class : Card Compound on: Armor Weight : 1 Id: (4333) Venomous Card Adds a high chance of inflicting the Poison status to the attacking enemy and this card's wearer each time the wearer [/s][/color] is physically attacked. Item Class : Card Compound on: Armor Weight : 1 Id: (4334) Noxious Card Adds 10% resistance against long ranged attacks, and reduces Neutral Property damage by 10%. Item Class : Card Compound on: Garment Weight : 1 Id: (4335) Pitman Card Increases damage of Earth Spike and Heaven's Drive by 5%. Drains 50 SP when compounded weapon is unequipped. Item Class : Card Compound on: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4336) Ungoliant Card Adds immunity to the Bleeding status, and increases HP Recovery by 10%. Item Class : Card Compound on: Helmet Weight : 1 Id: (4337) Porcellio Card ATK +25, DEF -5 Item Class : Card Compound on: Armor Weight : 1 Id: (4338) Obsidian Card Adds 1 VIT for every 18 points of base DEX. Item Class : Card Compound on: Armor Weight : 1 Id: (4339) Mineral Card ATK -25, DEF+3 Item Class : Card Compound on: Armor Weight : 1 Id: (4340) Teddy Bear Card Reduces damage from Undead enemies by 30%. Item Class : Card Compound on: Shield Weight : 1 Id: (4341) Metaling Card Adds a chance of autocasting Lv.1 Divest Weapon each time the wearer physically attacks. Item Class : Card Compound on: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4342) RSX-0806 Card VIT +3 Adds immunity to the Knockback effect. Compounded armor is indestructible, but it can still be destroyed by failed upgrade attempts. Item Class : Card Compound on: Armor Weight : 1 Id: (4343) Holden Card LUK +2 Alchemist Card Set Zipper Bear Card Baby Leopard Card Raggler Card Muka Card Holden Card STR +4 +20% Mammonite Damage +1 SP per attack. +7% Max HP/SP Alchemist Class Bonus: A chance of auto casting level 1 Adrenaline Rush when attacking physically. A low chance of obtaining Glistening Coat and/or Stem when defeating monsters. Item Class : Card Compound on: Helmet Weight : 1 Id: (4344) Anopheles Card Adds a chance of dropping Tentacle Cheese Gratin when defeating Insect type monsters. Item Class : Card Compound on: Accessory Weight : 1 Id: (4345) Hill Wind Card Increases damage of Thunderstorm, Jupitel Thunder, and Lord of Vermilion skills by 5%. Drains 50 [/s][/color] SP when the compounded weapon is unequipped. Item Class : Card Compound on: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4346) Egnigem Cenia Card Adds 1 STR for every 18 points of base INT. Item Class : Card Compound on: Armor Weight : 1 Id: (4347) Armeyer Dinze Card Adds a chance of dropping Clam Soup when defeating Fish type monsters. Item Class : Card Compound on: Accessory Weight : 1 Id: (4348) Wickebine Tres Card Adds a chance of autocasting Lv.1 Strip Armor each time the wearer physically attacks. Rogue Card Set Wanderer Card Wild Rose Card Shinobi Card Stainer Card Wickebine Tres Card STR +6 AGI +4 Backstab Damage +10% A chance of auto casting level 5 Strip Armor if level 5 Strip Armor is learned. Rogue Class Bonus: -20% SP Consumption Disables the Auto-Snatch ability of the Wanderer Card. Item Class : Card Compound on: Accessory Weight : 1 Id: (4349) Errende Ebecee Card Adds a chance of autocasting Lv.1 Pneuma each time the wearer is physically attacked. Item Class : Card Compound on: Accessory Weight : 1 Id: (4350) Laurell Weinder Card Increases damage of Frost Nova and Storm Gust skills by 3%. Drains 50 SP when compounded weapon is unequipped. Item Class : Card Compound on: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4351) Kavach Icarus Card Flee +10 When the compounded garmet's upgrade level is lower than 5, this this card adds Perfect Dodge +1 and an additional Flee +10. Item Class : Card Compound on: Garment Weight : 1 Id: (4352) Boss Egnigem Card Restores 50 HP and 10 SP every 10 seconds, and increases Max HP and Max SP by 10%. Item Class : Card Compound on: Shoes Weight : 1 Id: (4353) Remover Card Increases HP Recovery by 10%. Adds HP +800, [/s][/color] but this bonus decreases as the compounded armor's [/s][/color] upgrade level increases. Item Class : Card Compound on: Armor Weight : 1 Id: (4354) Gemini-S58 Card Adds 30% resistance to the Stun status if the wearer's base AGI is 90 or greater, and adds 50% resistance to the Stone and Sleep statuses if base VIT is 80 or greater. Item Class : Card Compound on: Helmet Weight : 1 Id: (4355) Gremlin Card Adds a chance of dropping Bomber Steak when defeating Animal type monsters. Item Class : Card Compound on: Accessory Weight : 1 Id: (4356) Beholder Card Enables use of Lv.1 Cast Cancel. Item Class : Card Compound on: Accessory Weight : 1 Id: (4357) Lord Knight Card Enables use of Lv.1 Berserk. Reduces Max HP by 50%. Item Class : Card Compound on: Helmet Weight : 1 Id: (4358) Seyren Windsor Card STR -6. Adds an amount of STR equal to the compounded [/s][/color] helmet's upgrade level. Item Class : Card Compound on: Helmet Weight : 1 Id: (4359) Assassin Cross Card Enables use of Lv.3 Cloaking. Item Class : Card Compound on: Garment Weight : 1 Id: (4360) Eremes Guile Card Critical +10 against Demihuman enemies. Item Class : Card Compound on: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4361) MasterSmith Card Adds a 10% chance of destroying an enemy's weapon and a 7% chance [/s][/color] of destroying its armor each time the wearer physically attacks. Item Class : Card Compound on: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4362) Howard Alt-Eisen Card Reduces Attack Speed by 5%, but adds Accuracy +30. Item Class : Card Compound on: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4363) High Priest Card Adds a chance of autocasting Lv. 1 Assumptio on the wearer each time the wearer is physically or magically attacked. Item Class : Card Compound on: Armor Weight : 1 Id: (4364) Margaretha Sorin Card INT +1. Adds a chance of autocasting Lv.5 Lex Divina on the attacking enemy each time the wearer is magically attacked. Item Class : Card Compound on: Helmet Weight : 1 Id: (4365) High Wizard Card Increases Cast Time by 10%, and reduces SP Recovery by 100%, but the wearer's attacks will ignore the MDEF of regular monsters. Drains 2,000 SP when the compounded Helmet is unequipped. Item Class : Card Compound on: Helmet Weight : 1 Id: (4366) Kathryne Keyron Card Reduces Cast Time by a percentage equal to the compounded helmet's upgrade level. If the upgrade level is 9 or greater, then this card will increase Magic Attack Strength by 2%. _ Cast Time with card= Original Cast Time - (Original Cast Time * [/s][/color] Helmet Upgrade Level/100) Item Class : Card Compound on: Helmet Weight : 1 Id: (4367) Sniper Card Adds a 5% chance of absorbing 20% of the physical damage inflicted on an enemy by the wearer as HP, but also reduces HP Recovery by 100%. Item Class : Card Compound on: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4368) Cecil Damon Card Increases Attack Speed by 5%, but also decreases Accuracy by 30. Item Class : Card Compound on: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4369) Venatu Card Adds 1 LUK for every 18 points of base AGI. Item Class : Card Compound on: Armor Weight : 1 Id: (4370) Dimik Card VIT -5. The compounded armor's upgrade level affects this card's VIT bonus. Item Class : Card Compound on: Armor Weight : 1 Id: (4371) Archdam Card ATK +10. Increases Cast Time by 20%. Crusader Card Set Archdam Card Permeter Card Freezer Card Heater Card Crusader Card set bonus is INT +1 STR +1 DEF +2 SP Recovery +10% +10% Rapid Smiting and Martyr's Reckoning Damage Cast Speed +10% Crusader/Paladin Only Bonus: Armor becomes Holy Property. Item Class : Card Compound on: Armor Weight : 1 Id: (4372) White Lady Card Increases the effect of the Heal, Sanctuary, [/s][/color] and Potion Pitcher skills by 30% when they are cast by the wearer, but also increases SP Consumption by 15%. Item Class : Card Compound on: Helmet Weight : 1 Id: (4373) Green Maiden Card LUK -5. Adds an amount of LUK and CRIT equal to the coumpounded garment's upgrade level. [/s][/color] Item Class : Card Compound on: Garment Weight : 1 Id: (4374) Vesper Card DEX +2. Ignores 30% of Boss Monster's Magic Defense Rate when inflicting magic attacks against them. Item Class : Card Compound on: Helmet Weight : 1 Id: (4375) Orc Baby Card Flee Rate +10. Adds 10% resistance to Neutral property attacks. [/s][/color] When the compounded garmet's upgrade level is 9 or greater, these bonuses are increased to Flee Rate +15 and +15% Neutral property resistance. Item Class : Card Compound on: Garment Weight : 1 Id: (4376) Lady Tanee Card Increases Max SP by 50%, but reduces Max HP by 40%. Adds a low chance of dropping Bananas when defeating monsters. Increases effect of Bananas by 100%. Item Class : Card Compound on: Shoes Weight : 1 Id: (4377) Grove Card Adds a chance of dropping Fruit Mix when defeating Formless monsters. Item Class : Card Compound on: Accessory Weight : 1 Id: (4378) Gold Acidus Card Increases Max HP and Max SP by 4%. When the compounded shoes's upgrade level is no greater than 4, these bonuses are increased to Max HP +8% and Max SP +8%, and adds SP and HP Recovery +5%. Item Class : Card Compound on: Shoes Weight : 1 Id: (4379) Blue Acidus Card SP +40. When the compounded Helmet's upgrade level is no greater than 4, the bonus is increased to SP +80, and adds SP Recovery +5%. Item Class : Card Compound on: Helmet Weight : 1 Id: (4380) Red Ferus Card Increases damage of the Fire Pillar and Meteor Storm skills by 5%. Drains 50 SP when the compounded weapon is unequipped. Item Class : Card Compound on: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4381) Green Ferus Card VIT +1, Max HP +10%. Bard/Dancer Card Set Cruiser Card Anolian Card Alligator Card Dragon Tail Card Green Ferus Card Dex +5 +5% Arrow Vulcan Damage +10% Melody Strike Damage +10% Slinging Arrow Damage Bard or Dancer Class Bonus: A low chance of auto casting level 2 Tarot Card of Fate when hit by a melee attack. Item Class : Card Compound on: Shoes Weight : 1 Id: (4382) Yellow Novus Card HP +500. Increases HP Recovery by 10%. Sage Card Set Yellow Novus Card Evil Nymph Card Miyabi Doll Card Bloody Butterfly Card Harpy Card +3 INT +10% Thunderstorm Damage +10% Heaven's Drive Damage Sage only Bonuses +20% chance to reflect Magic 20% Faster Cast Adds a low chance of dropping Red or Yellow Gemstones when defeating monsters. Item Class : Card Compound on: Armor Weight : 1 Id: (4383) Red Novus Card Adds a high chance of confusing the attacking enemy each time the wearer is physically attacked. Item Class : Card Compound on: Armor Weight : 1 Id: (4384) Hydrolancer Card Adds a high chance of autocasting Lv. 1 Spell Breaker each time the wearer physically attacks. Item Class : Card Compound on: Accessory Weight : 1 Id: (4385) Dragon Egg Card Adds a chance of dropping Honey Herbal Tea when defeating Dragon type monsters. Item Class : Card Compound on: Accessory Weight : 1 Id: (4386) Detardeurus Card MDEF -20. Adds a chance of autocasting Lv. 1 Magnetic Earth each time the wearer is magically attacked, and adds protection against Frozen status. Item Class : Card Compound on: Armor Weight : 1 Id: (4387) Ancient Mimic Card Adds 1 AGI for every 18 points of base LUK. Item Class : Card Compound on: Armor Weight : 1 Id: (4388) Death Word Card Increases damage of the Napalm Beat, Soul Strike, and Napalm Vulcan skills by 5%. Drains 50 SP when the compounded weapon is unequipped. Item Class : Card Compound on: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4389) Plasma Card Adds a chance of dropping Fireproof, Coldproof, Earthproof, and Thunderproof Potions when defeating monsters. Item Class : Card Compound on: Accessory Weight : 1 Id: (4390) Breeze Card ATK +5. Adds a 5% chance of inflicting the Bleeding status each time the wearer physically attacks. Item Class : Card Compound on: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4391) Baroness of Retribution Card Adds a chance of dropping Fried Sweet Potatoes when defeating [/s][/color] Angel type monsters. Item Class : Card Compound on: Accessory Weight : 1 Id: (4392) Dame of Sentinel Card Adds 1 DEX for every 18 points of base VIT. Item Class : Card Compound on: Armor Weight : 1 Id: (4393) Mistress of Shelter Card Adds 1 INT for every 18 points of base STR. Item Class : Card Compound on: Armor Weight : 1 Id: (4394) Lady Solace Card When worn by Priest class characters, this card adds a chance of autocasting Lv. 5 Grand Cross. Item Class : Card Compound on: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4395) Maero of Thanatos Card ATK +5. Adds a chance of autocasting Lv. 3 Decrease AGI with each physical attack. Item Class : Card Compound on: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4396) Odium of Thanatos Card AGI -5. Adds an amount of AGI equal to the compounded Shoes's upgrade level. Item Class : Card Compound on: Shoes Weight : 1 Id: (4397) Despero of Thanatos Card INT -6. Adds an amount of INT equal to the compounded Shield's upgrade level. [/s][/color] Item Class : Card Compound on: Shield Weight : 1 Id: (4398) Dolor of Thanatos Card Increases Magic Damage against Angel type monsters by 10%. Item Class : Card Compound on: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4399) Memory of Thanatos Card Enchants compounded weapon with the Occult Impaction skill effect. [/s][/color] Each attack drains 1 SP. DEF -30, Flee -30. Item Class : Card Compound on: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4400) Aliza Card Add a chance of autocasting Charming Wink each time the wearer is physically attacked. When worn by Dancer class characters, this chance increases to 10%. Item Class : Card Compound on: Armor Weight : 1 Id: (4401) Alicel Card Flee +10, DEF -5 Item Class : Card Compound on: Armor Weight : 1 Id: (4402) Aliot Card When equipped by Swordman, Merchant, and Thief class characters, this card adds STR +2 and Max HP +5%. When equipped by Archer class characters, this card adds INT +2 and Max SP +5%. Item Class : Card Compound on: Garment Weight : 1 Id: (4403) Kiel-D-01 Card Reduces Cast Delay of all skills by 30%. Item Class : Card Compound on: Helmet Weight : 1 Id: (4404) Skogul Card Adds a high chance of inflicting the Bleeding status to the attacking enemy each time the wearer is physically attacked. [/s][/color] Item Class : Card Compound on: Armor Weight : 1 Id: (4405) Frus Card Adds a chance of reflecting magic spells with a success rate equal to the compounded armor's upgrade level multiplied [/s][/color] by 2. When worn by Mage class characters, [/s][/color] this card adds MDEF +3. Item Class : Card Compound on: Armor Weight : 1 Id: (4406) Skeggiold Card Increases Magic Damage against Demon monsters by 2%. Item Class : Card Compound on: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4407) Randgris Card Increases Physical Attack Strength by 10%. Adds a chance of autocasting Lv. 1 Dispell with each physical attack. Compounded weapon is indestructible, but it can still be destroyed by failed upgrade attempts. Item Class : Card Compound on: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4408) Gloom Under Night Card Increases Physical damage to Holy, Shadow, Angel, and Demon monsters by 40%. Item Class : Card Slot: Armor Weight : 1 Id: (4409) Agav Card MATK +5%, DEF -10, If wearer is a Mage class character: Max SP +100 Item Class : Card Slot: Armor Weight : 1 Id: (4410) Echio Card ATK +15 If wearer is a Swordman class character: MaxHP +500 Item Class : Card Slot: Armor Weight : 1 Id: (4411) Vanberk Card STR +2. Each attack has a chance of adding a CRI +100 bonus for 5 seconds. Item Class : Card Slot: Helm Weight : 1 Id: (4412) Isilla Card INT +2. Each magic attack has a chance of reducing Cast Time by 50% and +30 Flee for 5 seconds. Item Class : Card Slot: Helm Weight : 1 Id: (4413) Hodremlin Card Reduces damage from Small, Mid, and Large size monsters by 15%. Has a chance of adding a Perfect Dodge +30 bonus for 10 seconds each time the wearer receives physical or magic damage. Item Class : Card Slot: Shield Weight : 1 Id: (4414) Seeker Card MDEF +10. Enables use of Lv.1 Stone Curse. Adds 30% tolerance to Stone Curse status. Item Class : Card Slot: Shield Weight : 1 Id: (4415) Snowier Card Adds a high chance that defeated monsters will drop Ice Cream. Increases Recovery Rate of Ice Cream by 100%. Item Class : Card Slot: Accessory Weight : 1 Id: (4416) Siroma Card Reduces Cast Time of Cold Bolt skill by 25%, and increases that Cold Bolt's damage by 25%. Item Class : Card Slot: Accessory Weight : 1 Id: (4417) Ice Titan Card VIT +2. Has a chance to add a DEF +10 bonus for 10 seconds when the wearer receives physical or magic damage. Item Class : Card Slot: Shoes Weight : 1 Id: (4418) Gazeti Card Adds a chance of auto casting Lv.2 Cold Bolt with each physical attack. Item Class : Card Slot: Accessory Weight : 1 Id: (4419) Ktullanux Card Increases damage to Fire monsters by 50%, and adds a chance of auto casting Lv.10 Frost Nova when the wearer receives physical [/s][/color] or magic damage. Item Class : Card Slot: Armor Weight : 1 Id: (4420) Muscipular Card Has a chance of auto casting Lv.1 Heal and Lv.1 Increase AGI to the wearer each time the wearer receives short range physical damage. Item Class : Card Slot: Shield Weight : 1 Id: (4421) Drosera Card CRI +15 bonus when performing long ranged physical attacks. Item Class : Card Slot: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4422) Roween Card Flee +5, Perfect Dodge +3. Increases damage to Water monsters by 10%. Adds a CRI +15 bonus to Fish monsters. Item Class : Card Slot: Garment Weight : 1 Id: (4423) Galion Card Hit +5. Increases damage to Water monsters by 5%. Item Class : Card Slot: Accessory Weight : 1 Id: (4424) Stapo Card Enables use of Find Stone and Stone Fling skills. Item Class : Card Slot: Accessory Weight : 1 Id: (4425) Atroce Card ATK +25. Has a chance of increasing Attack Speed by 100% with each physical attack for 5 seconds. Item Class : Card Slot: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4426) Byorgue Card If the wearer is a Rogue or Stalker, ATK +10% MATK +10% Item Class : Card Slot: Armor Weight : 1 Id: (4427) Sword Guardian Card When compounded into a One-Handed or Two-Handed Sword, CRI +5, Hit +5, increases power of Bowling Bash skill by 25% Item Class : Card Slot: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4428) Bow Guardian Card When compounded to a Bow, CRI+5, Hit +5, increases the power of the Arrow Shower skill by 50%. Item Class : Card Slot: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4429) Salamander Card Increases damage of the Fire Pillar and Meteor Storm skills by 40%. Item Class : Card Slot: Garment Weight : 1 Id: (4430) Ifrit Card ATK, CRI, HIT is increased depending on the wearer's job level. Has a low chance of Autocasting Earthquake Lv.10 when receiving physical attack. Item Class : Card Slot: Accessory Weight : 1 Id: (4431) Kasa Card Has a chance of auto casting Fire Ball Lv.5 or Fire Bolt Lv.5 with each physical attack. Item Class : Card Slot: Garment Weight : 1 Id: (4432) Magmaring Card ATK +5. Increases damage to Earth monsters by 5%, CRI +15 bonus against Plant monsters. CRI +15 bonus against Brute monsters. Item Class : Card Slot: Garment Weight : 1 Id: (4433) Imp Card Reduces Cast Time and Increases damage of Fire Bolt skill by 25%. Item Class : Card Slot: Accessory Weight : 1 Id: (4434) Knocker Card Increases damage to formless monsters by 5%. Has a low chance that defeated formless monsters will drop Rough Oridecons or Rough Eluniums. Item Class : Card Slot: Helm Weight : 1 Id: (4435) Zombie Slaughter Card Increases physical and magic damage to Demihuman enemies by 1%. Recovers 50 HP each time a monster is defeated by melee attack. Combined with the Ragged Zombie Card will recover 2 SP each time a demihuman monster is defeated by melee attack. Item Class : Card Slot: Shoes Weight : 1 Id: (4436) Ragged Zombie Card Increases physical and magic damage to Demihuman enemies by 1% with a CRI +5 bonus. Adds a low chance of inflicting the Bleeding status to the wearer; wearing with the Zombie Slaughter Card will recover 2 SP each time a demihuman monster is defeated by melee attack. Slot: Accessory Weight : 1 Id: (4437) Hell Poodle Card Hit +1. Increases Recovery Rate of Meat item by 100%. Each short range physical attack has a low chance of inflicting the Bleeding status to enemies. Item Class : Card Slot: Accessory Weight : 1 Id: (4438) Banshee Card If the wearer is a Mage class character. MaxSP +100 MaxHP -100 Increases damage of Soul Strike, Napalm Beat, and Napalm Vulcan by 20%. Item Class : Card Slot: Helm Weight : 1 Id: (4439) Flame Skull Card Increases tolerance to Stun, Curse, Darkness, and Stone Curse statuses by 30%. Inflicts the Stun, Curse, Darkness, or Stone Curse statuses on enemies inflicting short range physical attacks on the wearer. Item Class : Card Slot: Shield Weight : 1 Id: (4440) Necromancer Card When compounded to a Rod, INT +1 and ignores 2% of the MDEF of enemies. Item Class : Card Slot: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4441) Fallen Bishop Card MATK +10%. Reduces Max SP by 50%. Increases magic damage to Demihuman and Angel monsters by 50%. Item Class : Card Slot: Shoes Weight : 1 Id: (4442) Tatacho Card Reduce 20% damage from Neutral Property Monsters. Increase 5% damage to Neutral Property Monsters. Weapon Class : Card Slot: Shield Weight : 1 Id: (4443) Aqua Elemental Card Reduce 20% damage from Water Property Monsters. Increase 5% damage to Water Property Monsters. Weapon Class : Card Slot: Shield Weight : 1 Id: (4444) Draco Card Reduce 20% damage from Earth Property Monsters. Increase 5% damage to Earth Property Monsters. Weapon Class : Card Slot: Shield Weight : 1 Id: (4445) Luciola Vespa Card Reduce 20% damage from Wind Property Monsters. Increase 5% damage to Wind Property Monsters. Weapon Class : Card Slot: Shield Weight : 1 Id: (4447) Centipede Card Reduce 20% damage from Poison Property Monsters. Increase 5% damage to Poison Property Monsters. Weapon Class : Card Slot: Shield Weight : 1 Id: (4448) Cornus Card Reduce 20% damage from Holy Property Monsters. Increase 5% damage to Holy Property Monsters. Weapon Class : Card Slot: Shield Weight : 1 Id: (4449) Dark Shadow Card Reduce 20% damage from Shadow Property Monsters. Increase 5% damage to Shadow Property Monsters. Weapon Class : Card Slot: Shield Weight : 1 Id: (4450) Banshee Master Card INT + 1, MATK + 10. Weapon Class : Card Slot: Armor Weight : 1 Id: (4451) Ant Buyanne Card MATK + 100. Weapon Class : Card Slot: Armor Weight : 1 Id: (4452) Centipede Larva Card INT + 1, MATK + 3. Weapon Class : Card Slot: Armor Weight : 1 Id: (4453) Hilsrion Card ATK + 25. Weapon Class : Card Slot: Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4525) Kraken Card FLEE + 10. [hiding] 1Lv, [sudden attack] 1Lv available. [sudden attack] can have blood at regular rate Class : Card Location : ClothesGarment Weight : 1 Id: (4700) STR+1 STR+1 _ Id: (4701) STR+2 STR+2 _ Id: (4702) STR+3 STR+3 _ Id: (4703) STR+4 STR+4 _ Id: (4704) STR+5 STR+5 _ Id: (4705) STR+6 STR+6 _ Id: (4706) STR+7 STR+7 _ Id: (4707) STR+8 STR+8 _ Id: (4708) STR+9 STR+9 _ Id: (4709) STR+10 STR+10 _ Id: (4710) INT+1 INT+1 _ Id: (4711) INT+2 INT+2 _ Id: (4712) INT+3 INT+3 _ Id: (4713) INT+4 INT+4 _ Id: (4714) INT+5 INT+5 _ Id: (4715) INT+6 INT+6 _ Id: (4716) INT+7 INT+7 _ Id: (4717) INT+8 INT+8 _ Id: (4718) INT+9 INT+9 _ Id: (4719) INT+10 INT+10 _ Id: (4721) DEX+2 DEX+2 _ Id: (4722) DEX+3 DEX+3 _ Id: (4723) DEX+4 DEX+4 _ Id: (4724) DEX+5 DEX+5 _ Id: (4725) DEX+6 DEX+6 _ Id: (4726) DEX+7 DEX+7 _ Id: (4727) DEX+8 DEX+8 _ Id: (4728) DEX+9 DEX+9 _ Id: (4729) DEX+10 DEX+10 _ Id: (4730) AGI+1 AGI+1 _ Id: (4731) AGI+2 AGI+2 _ Id: (4732) AGI+3 AGI+3 _ Id: (4733) AGI+4 AGI+4 _ Id: (4734) AGI+5 AGI+5 _ Id: (4735) AGI+6 AGI+6 _ Id: (4736) AGI+7 AGI+7 _ Id: (4738) AGI+9 AGI+9 _ Id: (4739) AGI+10 AGI+10 _ Id: (4740) VIT+1 VIT+1 _ Id: (4741) VIT+2 VIT+2 _ Id: (4742) VIT+3 VIT+3 _ Id: (4743) VIT+4 VIT+4 _ Id: (4744) VIT+5 VIT+5 _ Id: (4745) VIT+6 VIT+6 _ Id: (4746) VIT+7 VIT+7 _ Id: (4747) VIT+8 VIT+8 _ Id: (4748) VIT+9 VIT+9 _ Id: (4749) VIT+10 VIT+10 _ Id: (4750) LUK+1 LUK+1 _ Id: (4751) LUK+2 LUK+2 _ Id: (4752) LUK+3 LUK+3 _ Id: (4753) LUK+4 LUK+4 _ Id: (4754) LUK+5 LUK+5 _ Id: (4755) LUK+6 LUK+6 _ Id: (4756) LUK+7 LUK+7 _ Id: (4757) LUK+8 LUK+8 _ Id: (4758) LUK+9 LUK+9 _ Id: (4759) LUK+10 LUK+10 _ Id: (4809) Fighting Spirit3 ATK + 12 HIT + 4 Id: (4810) Fighting Spirit2 ATK + 9 HIT + 3 Id: (4811) Fighting Spirit1 ATK + 6 HIT + 2 Id: (4832) Expert Archer 1Lv Fernkampfangriffe werden erhöht um 2%. Id: (4832) Expert Archer 1 Uzun menzillli saldiri 2%. Id: (4833) Expert Archer 2Lv Fernkampfangriffe werden erhöht um 4%. Id: (4833) Expert Archer 2 Uzun menzillli saldiri 4%. Id: (4834) Expert Archer 3Lv Fernkampfangriffe werden erhöht um 6%. Id: (4834) Expert Archer 3 Uzun menzillli saldiri 6%. Id: (5001) Headset A strange device that was invented by an old craftsman, but has just recently been completed by his grandson. Increases resistance against the Curse status by 10%. An incomplete device created by an old craftsman. Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 3 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 20 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (5002) Jewel Crown This crown, adorned with precious gems, is generally worn by monarchs as a symbol of their rule. INT +2, LUK +1, MDEF +3 Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 4 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 60 Required Level : 60 Jobs : Swordman, Merchant, and Thief Classes Id: (5003) Joker Jester A comical hat worn by clowns and jesters that [/s][/color] is rumored to protect its wearer from magic. LUK +2, MDEF +5 Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 1 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 10 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (5004) Oxygen Mask Ideal for situations is poisonous or polluted, this mask supplies pure oxygen to its wearer. Increases resistance to the Poison status by 20%. Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 0 Head PosiLocation: Lower Weight : 20 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (5005) Gas Mask A special mask that filters out poisons from the air. Increases resistance against the Poison status by 30%. Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 1 Head PosiLocation: Mid,Lower Weight : 10 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (5006) Machoman's Glasses 70's tough guy style sunglasses that give its wearer a manly swagger. Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 1 Head PosiLocation: Mid Weight : 10 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (5007) Grand Circlet An exquisitely made circlet, typically worn [/s][/color] by rulers or gentry. STR +1 , INT +1 LUK +1 , MDEF +4 Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 37 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 20 Required Level : 55 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (5008) Puppy Love A wreath of wildflowers made by a woman in love. Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 01 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 10 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (5009) Safety Helmet A durable safety helmet created to offer some protection from accidents. Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts). MDEF + 3 Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 3 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 50 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (5010) Indian Fillet A traditional headdress worn by native peoples. Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 35 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 10 Jobs : All Id: (5011) Aerial A mysterious object, possibly a device, that was discovered in the depths of the ocean. [/s][/color] Nobody knows what it is. Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 3 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 10 Jobs : All Id: (5012) Ph.D Hat A ceremonial hat worn during one's graduation. Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 3 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 10 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (5013) Lord Kaho's Horn A special headgear created specifically for Lord Kaho... Whoever he is. STR +5 , INT +5 VIT +10 , AGI +10 LUK +20 , MDEF +10 Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 5 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 10 Jobs : All Id: (5014) Fin Helm Helment accessories that look just like fins. Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 2 Head PosiLocation: Mid Weight : 30 Required Level : 65 Jobs : Swordman Class Id: (5015) Egg Shell A peculiar hat that makes it wearer look freshly hatched. Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 36 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 20[/color] [/s][/color] Jobs : All Id: (5016) Boy's Cap A black cap that is usually worn by boys attending schools that require uniforms. Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 2 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 10 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (5017) Bone Helm An incredibly heavy, yet almost impenetrable helmet constructed of bone. Increases damage received from Shadow property attacks by 15%. Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 715 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 80 Required Level : 70 Jobs : Swordman and Merchant Classes Id: (5018) Feather Bonnet A fabulous, feathered hat that turns men into womanizers and women into manizers. AGI +1 Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 4 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 30 Jobs : Archer Class Id: (5019) Corsair A flamboyant hat worn only by the strongest of pirates. VIT +1 Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 5 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 50 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (5020) Kafra Band The most recognizable piece of the standard Kafra Employee uniform. MDEF +3 Weapon Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 50 Jobs : All Id: (5021) Grief for Greed A unique headgear that symbolizes a merchant's grief. INT +1 , DEX +1 Weapon Class : Headgear Defense : 4 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 120 Required Level : 38 Jobs : Merchant Class Id: (5022) Hat of the Sun God A hat that is said to have been worn by the god of the sun. STR +3 , INT +2 Weapon Class : Headgear Defense : 4 Head PosiLocation: Upper/Mid Weight : 240 Jobs : 2-1 and 2-2 Classes Id: (5023) Parcel Hat A large piece of cloth, usually polka dotted, that is wrapped around goods which are then carried on the head. Weapon Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 100 Jobs : Merchant Class Id: (5024) Cake Hat A birthday cake replica that won't fit a Dancer inside, but it's almost just as much fun to wear it on top of your head. Almost. Weapon Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 150 Jobs : All Id: (5025) Helm of Angel A wondrous helmet adorned with angel wings that was made by a smithing genius. AGI +1, LUK +1, MDEF +3 Weapon Class : Headgear Defense : 5 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 160 Required Level : 74 Jobs : 2-1 and 2-2 Classes Id: (5026) Chef Hat A hat designed to cool a chef's head in a hot kitchen. DEX +1 Weapon Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 30 Required Level : 50 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (5027) Mage Hat A stylish formal hat that talented magicians usually wear during a show. INT +2, SP +150 Weapon Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 30 Jobs : Mage Class and Soul Linker Id: (5028) Candle A large, slightly used candlestick that can be worn on the head by via a strap attachment. Weapon Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 15 Jobs : All Id: (5029) Spore Hat A headgear made in the form of a Spore's head. Weapon Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 90 Required Level : 20 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (5030) Panda Hat A cute and cuddly headgear made in the [/s][/color] form of a Panda's head. Weapon Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 80 Required Level : 40 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (5031) Mine Hat A durable safety helmet with a special flashlight attachment [/s][/color] for exploring dark areas. DEX +2 Weapon Class : Headgear Defense : 4 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 150 Required Level : 55 Jobs : Swordman Acolyte, Merchant, and Thief Classes Id: (5032) Sunday Hat A fashionable, wide brimmed hat that's perfect for blocking the glare of the sun. Weapon Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 80 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (5033) Raccoon Hat A hat created in the form of Smokie the Raccoon Monster. Weapon Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 90 Required Level : 50 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (5034) Bulb Band A hair band with a light bulb attached to it. Weapon Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 50 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (5035) Poring Hat A hat created in the form of the Poring monster. Weapon Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 70 Required Level : 38 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (5036) Cross Hat A hairband with a cross mounted on top. Weapon Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 25 Required Level : 10 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (5037) Nut Shell A hat made out of half of a nut shell. Although it's solid and provides excellent dDefencse, it is very delicate. Therefore it is may easily break when trying to refine this item. Weapon Class : Headgear Defense : 4 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 15 Required Level : 5 Jobs : All Id: (5038) Deviruchi Hat A hat created in the form of the Deviruchi monster. STR +1 , INT +1 Weapon Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 80 Required Level : 64 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (5039) Rainbow Eggshell A mysteriously colorful egg shell. It is impossible to upgrade this item. Weapon Class : Headgear Defense : 4 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 40 Required Level : 19 Jobs : All Id: (5040) Blush Two red dots that can be worn on the face to give a blushing impression. Weapon Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Head PosiLocation: Mid Weight : 10 Jobs : All Id: (5041) Heart Hairpin A cute hairpin with a heart attached to it. Makes its wearer look adorable and charming. Weapon Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 10 Jobs : All Id: (5042) Bao Bao Well-known item which has been rumored to have been worn by a great woman warrior in ancient times. Weapon Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 15 Required Level : 14 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (5043) Opera Phantom Mask A mask rumored to have been worn by a romantic hero with an unknown fate. Weapon Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Head PosiLocation: Mid Weight : 20 Required Level : 20 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (5044) Wing of Diablo Widely stretched wings. Weapon Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 35 Required Level : 45 Jobs : ... Id: (5045) Magician Hat A hat worn by magicians. Rabbits are usually pulled out of this hat. Pretty stout, it won't be destroyed easily. DEX +1 , AGI +1 , SP +50 Weapon Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 50 Required Level : 50 Jobs : Mage, Acolyte Classes, and Soul Linker Id: (5046) Bongun Hat A hat worn by Bongun the monster. For some reason, there's an amulet which has been torn in half. Weapon Class : Headgear Defense : 5 Head PosiLocation: Upper/Mid/Lower Weight : 30 Jobs : All Id: (5047) Fashionable Glasses A pair of fashionable sunglasses. Weapon Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 10 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (5048) Cresent Hairpin A hairpin in the shape of a crescent. Weapon Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 10 Jobs : All Id: (5049) Striped Hairband A striped hair band which is good for preventing hair from covering the eyes. Weapon Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 15 Jobs : All Id: (5050) Wonder Nutshell A head piece made out of a wondrous nutshell that has been cut in half. Weapon Class : Headgear Defense : 5 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 30 Required Level : 30 Jobs : All Id: (5051) Pussy Cat Bell A bell which can be used as a necklace, and makes a clear sound when it rings. It makes its wearer look harmless and adorable. Weapon Class : Headgear Defense : 5 Head PosiLocation: Lower Weight : 10 Jobs : ... Id: (5052) Blue Hairband A blue colored hair band worn with a rakish slant. Weapon Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 15 Jobs : All Id: (5053) Sphinx Hat A traditional Egyptian head piece that symbolizes the Egyptian gods. STR +2 Weapon Class : Headgear Defense : 5 Head PosiLocation: Upper/Lower Weight : 300 Required Level : 65 Jobs : Swordman Id: (5055) Novice False Eggshell An exclusive helmet for new adventurers. Impossible to refine this item. Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 3 Weight : 0.1 Required Level : NA1 Jobs : Novice Id: (5056) Fruit of Love Hairpin with three red berries attached which symbolize the self, family and neighbor. The stem uniting the three berries together symbolizes society. This hairpin appears to represent cooperation and trust of humankind. Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Location: Upper Weight : 20 Jobs : All Id: (5057) Black Cat Ears A hairband with tiny little black ears attached. It's a copy of the hairband of Wickebine in Morroc. Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Location: Upper Weight : 20 Required Level : 45 Jobs : All Id: (5058) Drooping Cat A cute kitty doll which can be worn on top of the head. MDEF +15 Tolerance against Curse +30% Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Location: Upper Weight : 50 Required Level : NA1 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (5059) Teddybear Hat A hat made to look like a teddy bear's face. It makes a nice present. Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Location: Upper Weight : 80 Required Level : 50 Jobs : All Id: (5060) Party Hat A festive hat for celebrations and any kind of party. LUK +1 Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Location: Upper Weight : 30 Required Level : NA1 Jobs : All Id: (5061) Flower Hairpin A hairpin with a red flower attached. It helps hold hair in place. Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Location: Upper Weight : 10 Required Level : NA1 Jobs : All Id: (5062) Straw Hat A hat knitted together with straw. AGI +1 Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Location: Upper Weight : 20 Required Level : 50 Jobs : All Id: (5063) Giant Band Aid A hair accessory which looks just like two crossed band aids. Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Location: Upper Weight : 10 Required Level : NA1 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (5064) Smokie Leaf A leaf which rumored to be worn by the Smokie monster for transformations. Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Location: Upper Weight : 10 Required Level : NA1 Jobs : All Id: (5065) Blue Fish A headgear which looks just like a scrumptious fish. It even has the same smell! Increase 10 % damage against Fish monsters. Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Location: Upper Weight : 50 Required Level : 50 Jobs : All Id: (5066) Succubus Horn A headgear which resembles the horns of Succubus. INT +1 MDEF +10 Class : Headgear Defense : 4 Location: Upper Weight : 80 Required Level : 70 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (5067) Sombrero A traditional Mexican hat with a wide, round brim. AGI +1 Class : Headgear Defense : 4 Location: Upper Weight : 35 Required Level : NA1 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (5068) Evil Wing Ears An ear accessory made with Evil Wing. STR +1 Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Location: Mid Weight : 10 Required Level : 70 Jobs : All Id: (5069) Kitsune Mask A mask rumored to have been worn by certain assassins in order to hide themselves. AGI +1 LUK +1 Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Location: Upper Weight : 30 Required Level : NA1 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (5070) Hot-blooded Headband A headgear which symbolizes hot-blooded challenge and battle vigor. STR +2 Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Location: Upper Weight : 10 Required Level : NA1 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (5071) Indian Headband A tribal headgear adorned with a long, white feather. DEX +1 Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Location: Upper Weight : 20 Required Level : NA1 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (5072) Incubus Horn A headgear which resembles the horns of Incubus. AGI +1 MDEF +10 Class : Headgear Defense : 4 Location: Upper Weight : 80 Required Level : 70 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (5073) Model Training Hat A headgear made of a book topped with an apple. Wear it to learn glamourous posture. DEX +2 Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Location: Upper Weight : 70 Required Level : NA1 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (5074) Angel Wing Ears An ear accesory that looks just like white, beautiful angel wings. STR +1 Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Location: Mid Weight : 10 Required Level : 70 Jobs : All Id: (5075) Cowboy Hat A cowboy hat. It makes men look manlier, and is cute when worn by women. Class : Headgear Defense : 4 Location: Upper Weight : 50 Required Level : NA1 Jobs : All Id: (5076) Beanie A knit beanie that protects from the cold. Makes some wearers look cute and gives other wearers street cred. LUK +1 Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Location: Upper Weight : 35 Required Level : NA1 Jobs : All Id: (5077) Tulip Hairpin A tiny little hairpin shaped like a tulip. Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Location: Upper Weight : 10 Required Level : NA1 Jobs : All Id: (5078) Sea-Otter Hat A hat which looks like the face of a sea-otter. VIT +1 Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Location: Upper Weight : 80 Required Level : 50 Jobs : All Id: (5079) X Hairpin A hair accessory that looks like an 'X.' Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Location: Upper Weight : 10 Required Level : NA1 Jobs : All Id: (5080) Crown of Ancient Queen A hair ornament worn by ancient queens. Class : Headgear Defense : 4 Location: Upper Weight : 40 Required Level : 45 Jobs : All Id: (5081) Crown of Mistress A crown which is made after the one worn by Mistress. INT +2 SP +100 Indestructible Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Location: Upper Weight : 10 Required Level : 75 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (5082) Decorative Mushroom A headgear which you can obtain by chance when you put your head for a prolonged period of time in a dark, damp place. Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Location: Upper Weight : 10 Required Level : NA1 Jobs : All Id: (5083) Red Ribbon A big red ribbon made in the style of the one worn by a legendary female shaman who loved nature. MDEF +10 Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Location: Upper Weight : 20 Required Level : 45 Jobs : All Id: (5084) Lazy Smokie A headgear made to look like an annoyed Smokie exhausted by the summer heat. +20% tolerance against Sleep Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Location: Upper Weight : 50 Required Level : NA1 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (5085) Small Ribbons A pair of small red ribbons which can be used to decorate the hair of little girls. Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Location: Mid Weight : 10 Required Level : 45 Jobs : All Id: (5086) Alarm Mask A mask which resembles the face of an Alarm monster. +50% tolerance against Blind Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Location: Mid, Lower Weight : 10 Required Level : NA1 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (5087) Poker Face A mask with a blank expression on it. Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Location: Mid, Lower Weight : 10 Required Level : NA1 Jobs : All Id: (5088) Surprised Mask A mask with a surprised expression on it. Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Location: Mid, Lower Weight : 10 Required Level : NA1 Jobs : All Id: (5089) Annoyed Mask A mask with an annoyed expression on it. Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Location: Mid, Lower Weight : 10 Required Level : NA1 Jobs : All Id: (5090) Goblin Leader Mask A mask worn by the Goblin leader. It looks so ferocious, it's ridiculous. Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Location: Mid, Lower Weight : 10 Required Level : NA1 Jobs : All Id: (5091) Decorative Golden Bell A hair accessory which is made after Sohee's golden bell. Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Location: Upper, Mid Weight : 20 Required Level : 35 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (5092) Coif A tight-fitting cap worn under a veil, usually worn by nuns. Class : Headgear Defense : 5 Location: Upper, Mid Weight : 30 Required Level : 65 Jobs : Priest and Assassin Jobs Id: (5093) Coif [1] A tight-fitting cap worn under a veil, usually worn by nuns. SP +100 Class : Headgear Defense : 5 Location: Upper, Mid Weight : 30 Required Level : 65 Jobs : Priest and Assassin Jobs Id: (5094) Helmet of Orc Hero A headgear bestowed only to true Orc Heroes. STR [/s][/color]+2, VIT +1 Class : Headgear Defense : 5 Location: Upper, Mid Weight : 90 Required Level : 55 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (5096) Assassin Mask A dark mask worn by assassinators. Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Location: Lower Weight : 10 Required Level : 70 Jobs : Priest and Assassin Jobs Id: (5097) Chapeau d'Anniversaire A festive party hat for celebrating the Holiday Season. Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Location: Upper Weight : 40 Required Level : NA1 Jobs : All Id: (5098) Tiger Mask A mask rumored to make its wearer ferociously aggressive. STR +3 HP +100 Indestructible Impossible to Upgrade Cannot be Dropped, or Tradable Can be placed in Kafra Storage Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Location: Upper, Mid Weight : 40 Required Level : 50 Jobs : All Id: (5099) Neko Mimi A cute cat-looking hat which enhances its wearer's look. Has a cat tail which emphasises the appearance. LUK +2 MDEF +10 Reduce 5% of damage taken from Brute monsters. Cannot be Dropped, or Tradable Can be placed in Kafra Storage Class : Helmet Defense : 1 Location: Upper Weight : 30 Requirementd Level : None1 Jobs : All Id: (5100) Sales Banner A banner which has a word 'Sale' written on the surface. Seems to be useful when used for opening a vending shop. STR +1, AGI +1, LUK +1 Class : Helmet Defense : 1 Location: Upper Weight : 80 Requirementd Level : 75 Jobs : All Id: (5101) Takius's Blindfold A Commemorative blindfold named after the most famous of Sages; Takius from the Ragnarok Anime. Class : Head Gear Defense : 0 Slot : Mid Weight : 10 Jobs : All Id: (5102) Blank Eyes A special item, bundled with the Ragnarok Battle Package, that makes its wearer look absent-minded. Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Location: Middle Weight : 10 Jobs : All Id: (5103) Sunflower Hairpin A hairpin adorned with a sunflower. AGI+2, Critical+5% Impossible to upgrade. Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Location: Upper Weight : 60 Requirementd Level : 30 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (5104) Dark Blinkers A blinder enchanted with dark magic that adds immunity to Blind and 2% tolerance to Stun effect. Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Location: Middle Weight : 10 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (5105) 2nd Anniversary Hat An appetizing looking Cake Hat that has been created to celebrate Ragnarok Online's second anniversary. DEX +1, SP +80 Class : Helmet Defense : 1 Location: Upper Weight : 100 Required Level : 24 Jobs : All Id: (5106) 2nd Anniversary Hat A festive party hat for celebrating Ragnarok's second anniversary and given as a small gift to express thanks to all of RO's loyal players. LUK + 1 Class : Helmet Defense : 3 Location: Upper Weight : 30 Required Level : N/A Jobs : All Id: (5107) Crunch Toast A noble helmet created in the proud image of crunchy toast. Wearing it makes you feel just like a part of a balanced breakfast. Class : Helmet Defense : 0 Location: Lower Weight : 5 Required Level : N/A Jobs : All Id: (5108) Renown Detective's Cap [1] This type of cap is known to have been worn by a world famous detective. It feels like a Pipe would perfectly complement this cap for some reason. Class : Helmet Defense : 3 Location: Upper Weight : 35 Required Level : N/A Jobs : All Id: (5109) Red Bonnet A bonnet favored by women of nobility. Wearing it supposedly causes inexplicable cravings for tea, but that might just be an aristocratic thing. Class : Helmet Defense : 2 Location: Upper Weight : 40 Required Level : N/A Jobs : All Id: (5110) Baby Pacifier A hat that looks just like a pacifier. Wearing it really brings you back to the good old days of hanging in the crib. Class : Helmet Defense : 0 Location: Lower Weight : 5 Required Level : N/A Jobs : All Id: (5111) Galapago Cap A cute looking cap that makes its wearer look just like Galapago the penguin, and the rim, which looks like a beak, actually blocks UV rays. Adds a low chance of gaining Anodyne each time a monster is killed. Class : Helmet Defense : 2 Location: Upper Weight : 50 Required Level : 55 Jobs : All Id: (5112) Super Novice Hat A hat that happens to match the Super Novice costume... Absolutely perfectly. All Stats +1. Class : Helmet Defense : 4 Location: Upper Weight : 40 Required Level : 40 Jobs : Novice Class Id: (5113) Angry Snarl A headgear that finally allows its wearer to express inner rage or slight disgust. Breathe new life into your Bunny and Kitty Band by looking like an angry kitty. Or bunny. Class : Helmet Defense : 0 Location: Lower Weight : 5 Required Level : N/A Jobs : All Id: (5114) Bucket Hat A trendy hat whose design is based on the old style hats that used to be worn by men enlisted in the military. Class : Helmet Defense : 3 Location: Upper Weight : 30 Required Level : N/A Jobs : All Id: (5115) Winter Hat A furry hat that is an all time favorite during the winter season. Increase resistance to the Frozen status by 10%. Class : Helmet Defense : 3 Location: Upper Weight : 50 Required Level : N/A Jobs : All Id: (5116) Banana Hat A hat made in the image of a banana peel, the key ingredient for the most basic practical joke since time immemorial. Just looking at it causes a primal reaction of pure rage. Adds chance of auto casting Level 3 Provoke on enemies in battle. Class : Helmet Defense : 1 Location: Upper Weight : 20 Required Level : N/A Jobs : All Id: (5117) Mystic Rose A hat that looks just like a white rose which enhances the beauty of its wearer. Reduces damage from Plant monsters by 2%. Class : Helmet Defense : 0 Location: Upper Weight : 10 Required Level : N/A Jobs : All Id: (5118) Puppy Headband A cute headband that looks just like a pair of adorable puppy ears. Class : Helmet Defense : 2 Location: Upper Weight : 10 Required Level : N/A Jobs : All Id: (5119) Super Novice Hat [1] A hat that happens to match the Super Novice costume... Absolutely perfectly. All Stats +1. Class : Helmet Defense : 4 Location: Upper Weight : 40 Required Level : 40 Jobs : Novice Class Id: (5120) Bucket Hat [1] A trendy hat whose design is based on the old style hats that used to be worn by men enlisted in the military. Class : Helmet Defense : 3 Location: Upper Weight : 30 Required Level : N/A Jobs : All Id: (5121) Zealotus Mask This mask, which is symbolic of Zealotus, mistress of the Glast Heim Underground Prison, makes its wearer feel like looking down on normal human peons. Increases damage against Demihuman monsters by 5% and reduces damage from Demihuman monsters by 5%. Class : Helmet Defense : 3 Location: Upper, Mid Weight : 40 Required Level : 70 Jobs : All except Novice Class Id: (5122) Magni's Cap Once owned by Magni, son of Thor, the wearer of this cap is supposedly granted a measure of Magni's awesome might. STR +2. Class : Helmet Defense : 59 Location: Upper Weight : 100 Required Level : 65 Jobs : All except Novice Class Magni Set Magni's Hat Stone Buckler Odin's Blessing +2 STR +5 MDEF +5 DEF Swordman Class : Additional +6 DEF (Total 11 DEF) Id: (5123) Ulle's Cap [1] A woolen hunting cap once worn by Ulle, god of hunting. Just wearing it makes you feel like you can hunt down any beast. DEX +2, AGI +1. Class : Helmet Defense : 3 Location: Upper Weight : 50 Required Level : 65 Jobs : All except Novice Class Id: (5124) Fricca's Circlet A circlet blessed by Freyja, mother of Baldur. MDEF +10 INT +2 Max SP +50 Frigg's Set Fricca's Circlet Valkyrja's Shield Odin's Blessing +2 DEF +5 MDEF All upgrade levels of the Shield and Circlet adds to MDEF Instead of DEF. Class : Helmet Defense : 3 Location: Upper Weight : 30 Required Level : 65 Jobs : All except Novice Class Id: (5125) Angel's Kiss [1] A hair ornament that was kissed by the Super Novice's Guardian Angel. Increases natural SP Recovery by 3%. Class : Helmet Defense : 3 Location: Upper Weight : 30 Required Level : 50 Jobs : Novice Class Id: (5126) Morpheus's Hood A hood that is one of the three keys to the seal which binds Morpheus. INT +2. Morpheus's Set Morpheus's Hood Morpheus's Shawl Morpheus's Ring Morpheus's Bracelet +5 INT +11 MDEF +20% SP Uninteruptible Cast 25% Slower Cast Class : Helmet Defense : 1 Location: Upper Weight : 20 Required Level : 33 Jobs : All except Novice Class Id: (5127) Morrigane's Helm A helm that was once owned by Morrigane, the goddess of war. LUK +2, ATK +3. Morrigane's Set Morrigane's Helm Morrigane's Manteau Morrigane's Pendant Morrigane's Belt STR +2 LUK +9 ATK +18 Critical Attack Rate +13 Perfect Dodge +13 Class : Helmet Defense : 4 Location: Upper Weight : 50 Required Level : 61 Jobs : All except Novice Class Id: (5128) Goibne's Helm One of the few armors that was forged by Goibe the blacksmith. It is said that the gods valued his armors more than the weapons he had forged. VIT +3, MDEF +3. Goibne's Armor Set Goibne's Spaulders Goibne's Greaves Goibne's Armor Goibne's Helm VIT +5 Max HP +15% Max SP +5% DEF +5 MDEF +5 +10% Resistance to Water, Wind, Earth, and Fire property Class : Helmet Defense : 5 Location: Upper Weight : 50 Required Level : 54 Jobs : All except Novice Class Id: (5129) Bird Nest A mysterious bird's nest that makes the wearer feel like flying. AGI +2 Adds10% tolerance to the Animal monsters. Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Location : Upper Weight : 40 Required Level : 55 Jobs : All Id: (5132) Angeling Hat A hat, made especially to look like a certain monster that looks like an angel, but it hates the whole human race. Reduce damage taken from DemiHuman monster by 10%. You can't upgrade this item. Class : Head Gear Defense : 2 Slot : Upper Weight : 70 Jobs : All Id: (5133) Sheep Hat A hat that looks like a sheep's head that is so adorable, an enemy might change his mind about attacking. Reflects 5% physical damage. Impossible to Upgrade Cannot be Dropped, or Tradable Can be placed in Kafra Storage Class : Helmet Defense : 1 Location: Upper Weight : 15 Required Level : 50 Jobs : Acolyte Class Id: (5134) Pumpkin-Head Wearing this gives you the urge to shamelessly bounce around and cackle like a Jakk. Reduces damage from Demon monsters by 5%. Class : Head Gear Defense : 2 Head PosiLocation : Upper Weight : 20 Required lvLevel : NA1 Applicable Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5135) Cyclop's Eye A unique eye protector that seems to increase the wearer's spritual energy. Max SP +50 Class : Helmet Defense : 0 Location: Mid Weight : 20 Required Level : 75 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (5136) Louise's Santa Hat A Santa Hat that has been revamped by designer Louise Kim. Adds a low chance of automatically casting Level 10 Blessing and Level 5 Gloria on the wearer after being attacked. LUK +1, MDEF +1. (These bonuses will only be in effect during iRO 2005 Christmas Event.) Weapon Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Location: Upper Weight : 10 Jobs : All Id: (5137) Alice Doll [1] A hat adorned with an Alice doll. When worn, it seems like Alice is cheering you on from the top of your head. ''Be strong, master!'' +10% damage against Demihuman monsters, and has low chance of casting Sleep on its wearer. STR +1. Cannot be upgraded. Cannot be Dropped, or Tradable Can be placed in Kafra Storage Class : Headgear DEFefense : 0 Location: Upper Weight : 50 Level Requirementd Level : 30 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (5138) Magic Eyes A hat that looks like the eyes of a dark mage, which are rumored to blink sometimes. Reduce Cast Time by 10% and increase SP Consumption by 20%. MDEF + 5. Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Location : Upper _ Weight : 30 Required Level : 30 Jobs : Magician Class/Soul Linker Id: (5139) Hibiscus A flower said to be as beautiful as a fairy in a far east country, and usually used as a medicinal herb. DEX +1, INT +1 MDEF +5. Cannot be upgraded. Cannot be Dropped, or Tradable Can be placed in Kafra Storage Class : Headgear DEFefense : 0 Location: Upper Weight : 20 Level Requirementd Level : 10 Jobs : All Id: (5140) Charming Ribbon [1] A pretty red ribbon decorated with a pink heart in the middle. Reduce damage from Undead and Demon monsters by 5%. Cannot be Dropped, or Tradable Can be placed in Kafra Storage Class : Headgear DEFefense : 1 Location: Upper Weight : 40 Level Requirementd Level : 10 Jobs : All Id: (5141) Marionette Doll [1] A Marionette doll that gives you strange chills when you wear [/s][/color] it on your head. STR +1 Class : Headgear DEFefense : 0 Location: Upper Weight : 40 Level Requirementd Level : 30 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (5142) Crescent Helm A sturdy, decorative hat worn by military generals in a far east country. VIT +1. Reduce Demihuman monster damage by 5%. Cannot be Dropped, or Tradable Can be placed in Kafra Storage Class : Headgear DEFefense :8 Location: Upper, Mid Weight : 300 Level Requirementd Level : 50 Jobs : Swordman and Merchant Classes Id: (5143) Kabuki Mask [1] A traditional hat that is mainly worn in plays performed in a far east country. Add +30% resistance to Mute status. Class : Headgear DEFefense :5 Location: Upper, Mid, Lower Weight :100 Level Requirementd Level : 10 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (5144) It seems like a Hat but specially redesigned for the gamblers. LUK + 5 Weapon Class : Headgear Defencse Rate : 2 Equipped On : Upper Weight : 20 Applicable Jobs : Every Job Id: (5146) Elephant Hat Symbolic animal of Thailand. The elephant is the largest, a sweet and innocent animal. VIT + 1 Reduce damage taken from Brute monsters by 7%. Allows to use Level 1 Waterball. Class : Head Gear Defense : 0 Head PosiLocation : Upper Weight : 50 Jobs : All jobs Id: (5147) Baseball Cap [1] Cap worn to keep the sun from your eyes. Item Class : Head Gear Defense : 3 Equipped On : Upper Weight : 20 Jobs : All Id: (5148) Phrygian Cap A hat made for a national holiday of some western nation. INT + 2. Class : Head Gear Defense : 0 Emplacement: Upper Weight : 50 Jobs : All Id: (5150) Festival Jester A hat made specially to commemorate an event. Produced in the color of the national flag. Class : Head Gear Defense : 1 Slot : Upper Weight : 10 Jobs : Tous sauf Novice Id: (5151) Note Headphone [1] A cool looking set of headphones that have earmuffs designed to resemble music notes. Adds 10% tolerance to the Stun and Frozen effects. MDEF+3 Class :Headgear Defense : 4 Location: Upper, Mid Weight : 20 Jobs : All Id: (5154) Metaboli Sunglasses Fashionable yet strict-looking sunglasses which is usually worn by the Metaboli players. Class : Head Gear Defense : 3 Slot : Mid Weight : 10 Jobs : All Id: (5155) A fake white colored moustache, symbol of experience and well aged sophistication. ATK + 20 Item Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 10 Jobs : All Id: (5156) Father's mask. Would be useful when caught a flu. MATK + 1%. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 10 Available Jobs : All Id: (5157) Orc Helm [1] A surprisingly durable helmet that was crafted by expert Orcish smiths. Class : Helmet Defense : 5 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 50 Jobs : Swordman, Merchant, and Thief Classes Id: (5158) Monk Hat [1] A flat hat worn by priests and monks that is comfortable and protective. MDEF +3 Class : Helmet Defense : 5 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 10 Jobs : Acolyte Class Id: (5159) Golden Gear [1] A gaudy helmet forged from pure gold that effectively provides more defense for a really, really high price. Indestructible in battle. Class : Helmet Defense : 5 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 90 Required Level : 40 Jobs : All except Novice[/color] [/s][/color] [/s][/color] Id: (5160) Majestic Goat [1] A helmet that has been fashioned to give its wearer the appearance of having mighty goat horns. It's a helm that evokes power! STR +1 Class : Helmet Defense : 5 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 80 Jobs : Swordman and Merchant Classes; Taekwon Boy/Girl and Taekwon Master Jobs Id: (5161) Spiky Band [1] A headband with two dangerously fashionable [/s][/color] spikes that somehow make it much stronger than more durable looking helms. Class : Helmet Defense : 6 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 100 Required Level : 50 Jobs : Swordman, Acolyte, Merchant, and Thief Classes; Taekwon Boy/Girl[/color] [/s][/color] and Taekwon Master Jobs Id: (5162) Bone Helm [1] An incredibly heavy helmet, constructed of solid bone, that makes [/s][/color] it nearly impenetrable. Damage received from Shadow property attacks [/s][/color] is increased by 15%. Class : Helmet Defense : 7 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 80 Required Level : 70 Jobs : Swordman and Merchant Classes Id: (5163) Corsair [1] A flamboyant hat worn only by the strongest pirates. VIT +1 Class : Helmet Defense : 5 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 50 Jobs : All except Novice [/s][/color] Id: (5164) Tiara [1] A jeweled corornet that is said to grant its wearer the wisdom of a queen that had once worn it. INT +1 Class : Helmet Defense : 4 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 40 Required Level : 45 Jobs : All except Novice [/s][/color] Id: (5165) Crown [1] A jeweled crown that is said to grant the wisdom of a sagacious, ancient king that had once worn it. INT +1 Class : Helmet Defense : 4 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 40 Required Level : 45 Jobs : All except Novice [/s][/color] Id: (5166) Sphinx Hat [1] A traditional Egyptian headgear that pays homage to the Egyptian gods. Cannot be upgraded. STR +2 Class : Helmet Defense : 5 Head PosiLocation: Upper,Lower Weight : 300 Required Level : 65 Jobs : Swordman Class Id: (5167) Munak Hat [1] An exact replica of Munak's turban, complete [/s][/color] with queue and talisman. Reduces damage from Undead monsters by 10%. [/s][/color] Cannot be upgraded. Class : Helmet Defense : 5 Head PosiLocation: Upper,Mid,Lower Weight : 30 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5168) Bongun Hat [1] A hat worn by Bongun the monster, but for some reason, its amulet [/s][/color] has been torn in half. Cannot be upgraded. Class : Helmet Defense : 5 Head PosiLocation: Upper,Mid,Lower Weight : 30 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5169) Bride Mask [1] A white mask with red blush that is worn by the actor playing the bride in a Korean play. Adds LUK +2 and Critical +5% to Taekwon Class. Class : Helmet Defense : 4 Head PosiLocation: Upper,Mid Weight : 50 Required Level : 40 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5170) Feather Beret A fancy, feathered cap made of smooth, sky blue material. Reduces damage from Demihuman enemies by 10%. MDEF +1 Class : Helmet Defense : 1 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 60 Jobs : All except Novice [/s][/color] Id: (5171) Valkyrie Helm [1] An ornate, winged helmet worn by the warrior maidens that serve Odin. MDEF +5 Valkyrian Armor Set Valkyrie Helm Valkyrie Armor Valkyrie Manteau Valkyrie Shoes All Stats +1 Class : Helmet Defense : 5 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 100 Jobs : All Transcendent Classes except Novice Id: (5172) Beret A bright green, flattened cap that represents bravery. Reduces damage from Demihuman enemies by 10%. Cannot be upgraded. [/s][/color] Class : Helmet Defense : 0 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 70 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5173) Magistrate Hat [1] A hat that was once worn by Satto, an official from an ancient eastern land. Adds AGI +1, HP Recovery [/s][/color] +3% to Taekwon Class. Class : Helmet Defense : 3 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 40 Required Level : 60 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5174) Ayam [1] A red, silken hat that is supposed to be worn by women, but men can wear it too. Adds INT +1, SP Recovery [/s][/color] +3% to Taekwon Class. Class : Helmet Defense : 3 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 40 Required Level : 60 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5175) Censor Bar It's basically a black mosiac to place over your eyes to totallyprotect your identity. Careful though, it doesn't mask your voice. Adds 5% tolerance to Curse. MDEF +1, Accuracy -5 Class : Helmet Defense : 0 Head PosiLocation: Mid Weight : 10 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5176) Hahoe Mask A traditional oriental mask that is always perpetualy smiling. Adds LUK +1 and Perfect [/s][/color] Dodge +2 to Taekwon Class. Class : Helmet Defense : 2 Head PosiLocation: Mid,Lower Weight : 10 Required Level : 30 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5177) Mythical Lion Mask [1] An oriental lion mask with menacing, angry eyes. For Taekwon [/s][/color] Class wearers, it adds DEX +2, chance to inflict [/s][/color] the Stun status with each Physical Melee Attack, and adds Attack Strength*2 when the item is upgraded. Class : Helmet Defense : 5 Head PosiLocation: Upper,Mid Weight : 50 Required Level : 40 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5179) A tiara that has shimmering gold color. A big star in the middle of tiara is impressive INT + 2. Class : Headgear Defencse : 0 Equipped on : Upper Weight : 10 Available Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5180) A hat made for a national holiday of somewhere in western country. VIT + 1. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Upper Weight :10 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5181) Helm Of Darkness [1] A forboding helmet that hides part of the face. People wearing this have the appearance of Beelzebub. STR + 2 Class : Head Gear Defense : 3 Slot : Upper/Mid Weight : 50 Lvl required : 50 Jobs : Swordman/Merchant/Thief Id: (5182) Puppy Hat A small brown-colored dog that sits atop your head. It's so cute you'd be barking mad to remove it. AGI + 1. Auto casts Gloria Lv1 with low percent chance; if AGI is over 77, the cast increases to Lv3. Cannot be upgraded. Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Location : Upper _ Weight : 50 Required Level : 30 Jobs : All Id: (5183) Nest Hat A bird's nest with a newly hatched baby bird. It takes certain responsibility to keep the baby bird. DEX + 1, AGI + 1. Adds 10% tolerance to Stun. Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Upper Weight : 50 Required Level : 10 Jobs : All Id: (5184) Captain Hat Once owned by a famous captain, this hat is now [/s][/color] a symbol of leadership and courage. Adds 5% tolerance to Water Property attacks. Class : Helmet Defense : 4 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 50 Required Level : 30 Jobs : All except Novice [/s] [/color] Id: (5186) Geographer Decoration A Geographer which is made for decorative purposes as a headgear. INT + 1. Auto casts Heal Lv1 with low chance when receiving short-range physical attacks. Cannot be upgraded. Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Location : Upper Weight : 50 Required Level : 30 Jobs : All Id: (5187) Twin Ribbon [1] A red ribbon with a white flower. It makes girls prettier. MSP + 30, MDEF + 3. Decreases 20% of all physical damage for 2 seconds with low chance when physically attacked. However, MDEF decreased 20% for 2 seconds. Decreases 20% of all magical damage for 2 seconds with low chance when magically attacked. However, DEF decreased 20% for 2 seconds. Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Location : Upper Weight : 20 Required Level : 30 Jobs : All Id: (5188) Minstrel Hat A hat worn by a legendary troubadour. INT + 1, DEX + 1. Class : Head Gear Defense : 2 Slot : Upper Weight : 50 Requirementd Level : 50 Jobs : All Id: (5189) Autumn Leaves Looks like leaves falling in autumn. You feel something like a brisk autumn breeze when you use it. Maximum HP + 40 Maximum SP + 40 Class : Head Gear Defense : 0 Slot : Upper Weight : 10 Jobs : All Id: (5191) Black Ribbon [1] A long piece of black satin tied together into a neat little ribbon that wards off harmful magic. MDEF + 3 Class : Head Gear Defense : 1 Slot : Upper Weight : 50 Required Lvevel : 30 Jobs : All Id: (5192) Yellow Ribbon [1] A long piece of cloth rolled into a butterfly shape. It's usually worn by girls, so if a guy wears it, he might be mistaken for a girl. MDEF + 3 Class : Head Gear Defense : 1 Position : Upper Weight : 50 Required level : 30 Jobs : All Id: (5193) Green Ribbon [1] A long piece of black satin tied together into a neat little ribbon that wards off harmful magic. MDEF + 3 Class : Head Gear Defense : 1 Slot : Upper Weight : 50 Required Lvevel : 30 Jobs : All Id: (5194) Pink Ribbon [1] A long piece of black satin tied together into a neat little ribbon that wards off harmful magic. MDEF + 3 Class : Head Gear Defense : 1 Slot : Upper Weight : 50 Required Lvevel : 30 Jobs : All Id: (5195) Red Ribbon [1] A long piece of cloth rolled into a butterfly shape. It's usually worn by girls, so if a guy wears it, he might be mistaken for a girl. MDEF + 3 Class : Head Gear Defense : 1 Position : Upper Weight : 50 Required level : 30 Jobs : All Id: (5196) Orange Ribbon [1] A long piece of black satin tied together into a neat little ribbon that wards off harmful magic. MDEF + 3 Class : Head Gear Defense : 1 Slot : Upper Weight : 50 Required Lvevel : 30 Jobs : All Id: (5197) White Ribbon [1] A long piece of cloth rolled into a butterfly shape. It's usually worn by girls, so if a guy wears it, he might be mistaken for a girl. MDEF + 3 Class : Head Gear Defense : 1 Position : Upper Weight : 50 Required level : 30 Jobs : All Id: (5198) Drooping Bunny A cute bunny doll which can be worn on top of the head. DEX + 1, Flee Rate + 2 Class : Head Gear Defense : 1 Head PosiLocation : Upper Weight : 10 Weight : All jobs Id: (5202) A pumpkin hat with special functions. It has Jack's spirit in it. It makes wearer to feel excited like Jack. Reduces 5% of damage from demon monsters. Item cClass : Headgear Defense rate : 3 Head posiLocation: Upper Weight : 20 Required lvLevel : Any Applicable Jobs : All Id: (5203) Smiling Mask A mask with mischievous expressions, suitable to be worn by kids. Class : Head Gear Defense : 2 Position : Middle/LOwer Weight : 20 Jobs : All Id: (5204) A deer's nose which resembles Rudolph's shining nose. It shines brightly. Tolerance to Blind 30%, Adds a low chance of getting cookie bags when a monster gets killed. Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate : 0 Head PosiLocation : Lower Weight : 10 Jobs : All Id: (5206) White Petal A cute and romantic white flower that is fashionable and functional at the same time. Increases defense against Plant monsters by 3%. Class : Head Gear Defense : 0 Slot : Bottom Weight : 10 Jobs : Tous sauf Novice Id: (5207) Angel Blessing A dazzling beautiful golden ring which is blessed by an angel. It is given to a great believer. Increases resistance to the Holy Property by 5%. LUK +1 Impossible to refine this item. Class : Head Gear Defense : 0 Slot : Upper Weight : 10 Jobs : All Id: (5208) Rideword Hat [1] A hat designed to mimic the look of a terrible magic book which attacks people. When physically attacking, there is a 5% chance to recover 8% of your damage as HP. When physically attacking, there is a 1% chance to recover 4% of your damage as SP. If upgraded at +9 or more, the amount of HP/SP recovered is multiplied by 2. Drains 10 HP every 5 seconds while equipped. Class : Head Gear Defense : 2 Slot : Upper Weight : 30 Required Lvevel : 40 Jobs : Tous sauf Novice Id: (5212) Solar Panels [1] It seems like one can receive the signal from another planet when you are wearing it. However, it's just merely a feel. The vision of wearer seems to be wider with it. Max HP +50, Max SP +10 Enables use of Level 1 Ruwach. Class : Head Gear Defense : 3 Slot : Upper Weight : 100 Lvl required : 30 Jobs : All Id: (5213) Black Rabbit Hairband A hairband for your sexiness! All guys will look at you differently once you wear this. 100% increase of sexiness. AGI + 2, MDEF+3 Class : Headgear Defense : 4 Location : Upper Weight : 20 Jobs : All Id: (5214) Cat Helm A hat inspired by the adorable Moonlight Flower. Be sure to hand-wash to prolong the soft Nine Tail Fur lining. Dex +2 Has a chance of casting Lvl 1 Agi Up while attacking. Location: Upper-Middle headgear Defense : 3 Jobs : All _ Weight : 20 Id: (5215) A beautiful winged shape hat made of a circlet which is glued with the feathers of angels. The soft touch of the feathers makes one's action swift and agile without knowing it. DEX + 1 , INT + 1.MDEF + 3 Reduces 3% damage received from Demon class monsters. (All transferable methods except kafra storage are locked) Item Class : Headgear Defense : 4 Head PosiLocation : Upper Weight : 10 Jobs : All Jobs except Novice Id: (5216) Headgear made according to the wings on the demon's back. It is said that when you wear it, you will feel yourself getting stronger. STR + 1 , AGI + 1, Flee + 3 Reduces 3% damage received from Demon class monsters. (All transferable methods except kafra storage are locked) Item Class : Headgear Defense : 6 Head PosiLocation : Upper Weight : 10 Jobs : All Jobs except Novice Id: (5217) Evolved Magestic Goat A headgear fashioned after the horns of a goat that captures the attention of onlookers. It has a certain religious meaning to some people. STR +2. Cannot be traded or dropped, but can be placed in Kafra Storage. [/s][/color] Item Class : Headgear Defense : 5 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 80 Jobs : Swordman and Merchant Classes; Taekwon Boy, Taekwon Girl, and Taekwon Master Jobs Id: (5218) Evolved Bunny Band A hare accessory that looks just like bunny ears. This may seem like This may seem like inappropriate, risque attire, but only if you travel in those kinds of circles. INT +2. Cannot be traded or dropped, but can be placed in Kafra Storage. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 10 Jobs : All Id: (5219) A doll that is made to be carried around on your head. It's just your illusion if you ever hear a cat meowing or feel the cat moving on top of your head. MDEF + 18,Flee + 3 (All transferable methods except kafra storage are locked) Item Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Head PosiLocation : Upper Weight : 50 Required Level : None1 Jobs : All Jobs except Novice Id: (5220) Evolved Pipe Just say no. Especially if you're underage. VIT +1. Reduce damage from Brute class monsters by 5%. Cannot be traded or dropped, but can be placed in Kafra Storage. Impossible to Upgrade Item Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Head PosiLocation: Lower Weight : 10 Jobs : Novices can't smoke, but as for everyone else... Id: (5221) Evolved Small Ribbons A pair of small red hairbands that makes girls look really cute when they wear them. Flee +5. Cannot be traded or dropped, but can be placed in Kafra Storage. Impossible to Upgrade Item Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Head PosiLocation: Middle Weight : 10 Required Level : 45 Jobs : All Id: (5222) Evolved Blue Fish A headgear that looks just like a scrumptious [/s][/color] fish. It even has the same smell! AGI +1, DEX +1. Cannot be dropped or traded, but can be placed in Kafra Storage. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 50 Required Level : 50 Jobs : All Id: (5223) Accessory that is made according to the head accessories of the famous Sohee. The giant bells bring out the wearer's cuteness. AGI + 2 (All transferable methods except kafra storage are locked) Item Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Head PosiLocation : Upper, Middle Weight : 20 Required Level : 35 Jobs : All Jobs except Novice Id: (5224) Headgear that is only given to the true Orc Hero. This is the proof of the most valiant warrior among the Orc clan. STR + 2 VIT + 1 MHP + 10% (All transferable methods except kafra storage are locked) Item Class : Headgear Defense : 5 Head PosiLocation : Upper, Middle Weight : 90 Required Level : 55 Jobs : All Jobs except Novice Id: (5225) Holy Marcher Hat [1] A hat, when equipped, that plays holy music and refresh its wearer.The wearer of this holy hat is guarded by an angel. Add a 1% chance of auto casting Level 5 Angelus when attacking. MDEF +2 Class : Head Gear Defense : 2 Slot : Upper Weight : 20 Lvl required : 10 Jobs : All Id: (5226) Advanced Mini Propeller This hat makes the wearer feel as if he is floating on air. AGI +2, DEX +1, Dodge +10. This headgear's upgrade level affects the percentage of Cast Time reduction. Cannot be Dropped, or Tradable Can be placed in Kafra Storage Series: Headgear Defense : 2 Position: Upper Weight : 20 Jobs : All Id: (5243) Ear Muffs Hat [1] A hat made from animal fur. They keep your ears warm in the bitter cold of winter. Class : Headgear Defense rate : 2 Head Slot : Upper Weight : 80 Jobs : All Id: (5252) Drooping Nine Tail A hat made to resemble the monster, Nine tails. proud of its great heat-retainablity. AGI + 1, DEX + 1 Add a 3% chance of auto casting Level 1 Gloria on the user when the user receives Physical Damage. Class : Head Gear Defense : 1 Slot : Upper Weight : 30 Lvl required : 20 Jobs : All Id: (5253) Drooping Lif [1] A hat of a drooping Lif Doll. It was made by by a hatter who could not obtain a real Lif of her own. Int +1 MDef increases based on the refine level. Class : Head Gear Defense : 1 Slot : Upper Weight : 20 Required Lvevel : 20 Jobs : All Id: (5256) Valkyrie Feather Band [1] Headband made of Valkyrie's feathers. The power of Valkyrie flows in the person who equips it. INT + 1 Add a 1% chance of auto casting Level 1 Heal on the user when the user receives Physical Damage. Class : Head Gear Defense : 1 Slot : Upper Weight : 10 Required Lvevel : 20 Jobs : All Id: (5257) Soul Ring A halo and a pair of wings that are floating above a head. The item makes the wearer to look like a spirit that is walking on the earth. MDEF +2 Add a 1% chance of auto casting Level 1 Assumptio on the user when the user receives Physical Damage. Class : Head Gear Defense : 2 Slot : Upper Weight : 30 Lvl required : 20 Jobs : All Id: (5260) A Hat worn by Cookie Xmas, 'the idol of Toy Dungeon'. It covers the ears to protect from cold weather. AGI + 1 Perfect Dodge + 5, Inflict 5% more damage with Critical Attack. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Upper Weight : 50 Available Jobs : All Id: (5262) A gold headgear with star in the middle gorgeously glittering its color. STR + 2 Indestructible. If worn by Swordman, Merchant or Thief classes and the character's base DEX is lower than 55, DEX bonus increases according to the wearer's JOBLEVEL. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Upper Weight : 50 Jobs : All Id: (5265) Rental Item A headgear made in the honor of the legendary archer who shot an apple, on top of a friend's head, from a long distance. DEX + 4 Item Class : Helmet Defense : 12 Head PosiLocation : Upper Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Except Novice Id: (5266) Rental Item A hairband that gives one the appearance of having rabbit ears, a lasting symbol of extremely good luck. Reduces damage from Demihuman monsters by 10%, MDEF + 5 Item Class : Helmet Defense : 13 Head PosiLocation : Upper Weight : 0 Jobs : All Id: (5267) Rental Item A rustic hat knit from rough reeds and bamboos that shields against the rain and the glare of the sun. Ssaurabi, the ancient Korean warrior, was known to wear one of these. AGI + 3 Item Class : Helmet Defense : 14 Head PosiLocation : Upper Weight : 0 Jobs : All Id: (5268) Rental Item An exquisitely made circlet, typically worn [/s][/color] by rulers or gentry. STR + 3 , INT + 3 LUK + 3 , MDEF + 4 Item Class : Helmet Defense : 14 Head PosiLocation : Upper Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Except Novice Id: (5270) Autumn Leaves [1] Looks like leaves falling in autumn. You feel something like a brisk autumn breeze when you use it. Perfect Dodge + 5 Class : Head Gear Defense : 1 Slot : Upper Weight : 10 Jobs : All Id: (5283) Chick Hat A hat adorned with a cute chick that brings feelings of joy to those [/s][/color] that see it hopping. Adds 3% resistance to Demihuman and Animal Class monsters. Cannot be upgraded. Enables Lv. 2 Double Attack. Max HP and SP +50 Cannot be Dropped, or Tradable Can be placed in Kafra Storage Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 10 Required Lvevell: 10 Jobs : All Id: (5284) Water Lily Crown [1] A training cap that lends a sense of quiet and stability to the wearer. DEX +1, AGI +1, Magic Defense +3. Increases HP Recovery by 5% and SP Recovery by [/s][/color] 3%. Cannot be upgraded. Cannot be Dropped, or Tradable Can be placed in Kafra Storage Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 20 Required Lvevell: 30 Jobs : All Id: (5285) Vane Hairpin [1] A hairpin that looks like a spinning windmill, [/s][/color] but it doesn't generate any power, though. AGI +2. Cannot be upgraded. Cannot be Dropped, or Tradable Can be placed in Kafra Storage Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 30 Required Lvevell: 30 Jobs : All Id: (5286) Pecopeco Hairband A hairband with PecoPeco wings that lends you a PecoPeco's speed. Increases Movement Speed, but increases ASPD by 5% and decreases Cast Time by 5%. Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 10 Jobs : All Id: (5287) Summer Hat [1] A hat that's perfect for vacationing, and shields the wearer's face from UV rays. VIT +1. Cannot be upgraded. Cannot be Dropped, or Tradable Can be placed in Kafra Storage Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 20 Required Lvevell: 30 Jobs : All Id: (5288) Red Glasses A must-have item for those that care about appearances: it can increase your beauty threefold. MDEF +5, INT +1. Impossible to Upgrade Cannot be Dropped, or Tradable Can be placed in Kafra Storage Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Head PosiLocation: Mid Weight : 10 Required Lvevell: 10 Jobs : All Id: (5289) Vanilmirth Hat A cold, soft hat that is [/s][/color] shaped like a Vanilmirs. Has a certain chance of auto-casting a Lv.1 Bolt skill with each melee attack. Magic Defense +5. Cannot be [/s][/color] upgraded. Indestructible. Cannot be Dropped, or Tradable Can be placed in Kafra Storage Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 100 Required Lvevell: 30 Jobs : All Id: (5290) Drooping Bunny A cute rabbit doll that [/s][/color] can be worn on the head. DEX +1, Flee +2. Cannot be Dropped, or Tradable Can be placed in Kafra Storage Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 10 Jobs : All Id: (5291) Kettle Hat A sturdy pot worn on the head that overflows [/s][/color] with water if shaken. Has a chance of auto- casting Lv.2 Deluge or Lv.3 Waterball with each attack. Cannot be Dropped, or Tradable Can be placed in Kafra Storage Class : Headgear Defense : 4 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 60 Required Lvevell: 30 Jobs : All Id: (5292) Dragon Skull A helmet made from a dragon's skull that provides protection against dragons. Decreases damage from Dragon Class monsters by 5%. Cannot be Dropped, or Tradable Can be placed in Kafra Storage Class : Headgear Defense : 5 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 80 Required Lvevell: 50 Jobs : All Id: (5293) Ramen Hat Delicious noodles worn on the head that can be eaten when food is especially scarce. There's nothing like a good bowl of ramen. Nothing. DEX +4. Cannot be upgraded. Has a chance to auto-cast Lv.1 Dex- Decrease each time the wearer is attacked. Cannot be Dropped, or Tradable Can be placed in Kafra Storage Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 50 Required Lvevell: 30 Jobs : All Id: (5294) Whisper Mask A mask shaped like a Whisper that feels like [/s][/color] its always massaging your face so it might be [/s][/color] good for your skin. AGI +3. Increase Ghost damage by 10%. Cannot be upgraded. Cannot be Dropped, or Tradable Can be placed in Kafra Storage Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Head PosiLocation: Upper, Mid, Lower Weight : 10 Required Lvevell: 10 Jobs : All Id: (5300) Bullock Helm Fighter hat of legend that was decorated with an emerald.Only the truly brave can wear it. Max HP +100 Class : Head Gear Defense : 2 Slot : Upper Weight : 80 Lvl required : 45 Jobs : All Id: (5301) Victory Hairband A Ribbon made specially for Day of Victory. Class : Head Gear Defense : 0 Slot : Upper Weight : 10 Jobs : All Id: (5302) Flower Lily The hat that resembles a blooming lotus. It is beautiful and graceful. Class : Head Gear Defense : 1 Slot : Upper Weight : 10 Jobs : All Id: (5303) Flower Crown Wreath, assembled during the day of summer solstice. It protects owner from the evil forces. MDEF + 5, MSP + 50 Class : Head Gear Defense : 1 Slot : Upper Weight : 30 Jobs : All Id: (5304) Executioner Hood [1] The purple T-shirt which fit into shadowed human face. Add a 7% resistance against Curse status. Protect its user from Blind. A small chance to cast Evil Land on you when you're suffering a physical attack. Class : Head Gear Defense : 4 Slot : Upper/Mid/Bottom Weight : 80 Lvl required : 30 Jobs : All Id: (5305) Pirate Dagger A small silver knife that is held between your teeth to allow free use of your hands. Reward for helping Pirate Captain Wesley during the 2007 4th anniversary celebration. ATK+5 Class : Headgear DEFefense : 0 Location: Lower Weight : 10 Jobs : Every Job Id: (5306) Freya's Crown Crown of Goddess Freyja. Transparent crystal in the middle shines in various colors. Reduces damage from DemiHuman monster by 5%. Impossible to refine this item. Class : Head Gear Defense : 312 Slot : Upper Weight : 50 Jobs : Tous sauf Novice Id: (5307) Carmen Miranda's Hat A hat made with tropical fruits. It looks delicious. MDEF + 3 Auto casts Charming Wink with low chance when attacked. Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Location : Upper Weight : 40 Jobs : All Id: (5308) Brazil National Flag Hat [1] Brazilia independence celebration hat. Increases Movement Speed when equipped. Class : Head Gear Defense : 3 Slot : Upper Weight : 30 Jobs : All Id: (5310) Shining Electric Bulb [1] A hairband decorate with small lamp. Make feel safe when at darkness. Increase resistance to the Shadow Property by 10%. Enables use of Level 1 Sight. Class : Head Gear Defense : 3 Slot : Upper Weight : 10 Jobs : All Id: (5311) Large Hibiscus [1] A hairpin make by the biggest Chinese rose. Only can found at Ayothaya. MDEF +15. Class : Head Gear Defense : 1 Slot : Upper Weight : 10 Jobs : All Id: (5312) Ayothaya King's Hat [1] An ancient helm of Ayothaya's fighter. The braver actually can wear. Increase damage on DemiHuman monster by 5%. STR + 1 Class : Head Gear Defense : 5 Slot : Upper Weight : 10 Jobs : Swordman/Merchant/Thief Id: (5313) Diadem [1] A crown decorate with jewel of love. Rumor who wear it will meet real love. INT + 1, MATK + 3% Reduce Casting Time by 3%. Class : Head Gear Defense : 3 Slot : Upper/Mid Weight : 10 Jobs : All Id: (5314) Hockey Mask A mask for playing Hockey when wear it and then feel like hold weapon. Increase damage on DemiHuman monster by 5%. Class : Head Gear Defense : 1 Slot : Mid/Bottom Weight : 10 Lvl required : 50 Jobs : All Id: (5315) Observer An equipment can check energy. Look like where come from another world. Enables use of Level 1 Estimation. Class : Head Gear Defense : 1 Slot : Mid Weight : 10 Lvl required : 35 Jobs : All Id: (5316) Umbrella Hat A fancy umbrella that doesn't need a hand and is very handy during monsoon. It prevents you getting wet and also gives you a festival mood. Reduces getting 3% damage from Water Property Attack.. Class : Head Gear Defense : 2 Slot : Upper Weight : 10 Lvl required : 50 Jobs : All Id: (5317) Fisherman's Hat This sturdy and fireproof light yellow hat is fisherman's favorite. It protects your head from passing rain or sunlight. Add a 5% chance of auto casting Level 3 Waterball 3 on the enemy when attacking. Class : Head Gear Defense : 2 Slot : Upper Weight : 10 Lvl required : 50 Jobs : All Id: (5318) Poring Party Hat A little party Poring to take anywhere, put it on your head and dance, sing, drink! But with moderation, because once laid down, this poring can laugh at you. VIT +1 Class : Head Gear Defense : 2 Slot : Upper Weight : 70 Jobs : All Id: (5319) Hello Mother Hat A blue lovely hat for the love of mother. LUK + 3 Class : Head Gear Defense : 2 Slot : Upper Weight : 20 Lvl required : 10 Jobs : Tous sauf Novice Id: (5321) Latecomer Bandana A special bandana that shows the courage of Indonesian patriots. Add a low chance of gaining Honey when a monster gets killed. Class : Head Gear Defense : 4 Slot : Upper Weight : 50 Jobs : All Id: (5322) Kerchief Wonderful Kerchief for that loved. Class : Head Gear Defense : 2 Slot : Upper Weight : 10 Lvl required : 24 Jobs : All Id: (5324) Little Angel Doll A doll looks like an angel. It is used as a sacrifice when Blacksmiths perform a worship for the God. DEX + 3 Add a chance of auto casting Level 3 Grand Cross 3 on the user when the user receives Physical Damage. Class : Head Gear Defense : 2 Slot : Upper Weight : 30 Lvl required : 10 Jobs : All Id: (5325) Robo Eye A weird item that spreads a strange-shaped beam around the eyes. It seems to have been made in outer space. ATK, MATK + 2%, Dex + 1 Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Location : Mid Weight : 20 Required Level : 10 Jobs : All Id: (5328) As an ear accessory is made of black wings, feels proud of grace and charisma from devil. Wearer feels like get mystery power through the wing. STR + 1 Weapon Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Item Position : Middle Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5331) A big hat is used to captain of pirate. To honor for captain made as huge so it's look like a pirate ship. But, it's too old. VIT + 3, INT+ 3. Weapon Class : Headgear Defense : 10 Item Position : Upper Weight : 0 Jobs : All Jobs Except Novice Id: (5332) Loki Mask A mask that imbued with the sweet whispers of Loki. Perfect Dodge + 3 Class : Head Gear Defense : 2 Slot : Mid/Bottom Weight : 20 Lvl required : 20 Jobs : All Id: (5333) Radio Antenna A hat designed to transmit electric waves. Sometimes it receives electric waves from external worlds. MDEF + 2 Able to use Lightning_Bolt Lv1. Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Upper Weight : 150 Required Level : 60 Jobs : All Id: (5334) Angeling Wanna Fly Angeling hat with the pathetic mind of an Angeling who wants to fly. LUK + 2 MDEF + 2 Cannot be upgraded. Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 70 Required Level : 38 Jobs : All Id: (5335) Jumping Poring A Poring hat that feels like hopping on top of your head. It brings fortune to the wearer. LUK + 1 Cannot be upgraded and destroyed. Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Upper Weight : 30 Jobs : All Id: (5336) Guildsman Recruiter Hat A helm with Guild Member wanted ad on it. Won't you join us? Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Upper Weight : 70 Required Level : 10 Jobs : All Id: (5337) Party Recruiter Hat A helm with a Party Member wanted ad on it. Let's level up together!! Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Upper Weight : 70 Required Level : 10 Jobs : All Id: (5338) Bf Recruiter Hat A helm with boyfriend wanted ad on it. Let's introduce her to a boy! Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Upper Weight : 70 Required Level : 10 Jobs : All Id: (5339) Friend Recruiter Hat A helm with friend wanted ad on it. Do you have many friends? Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Upper Weight : 70 Required Level : 10 Jobs : All Id: (5340) Defolty Doll Hat [1] So hot! A headgear with the figure of Kafra Defolty! Numerous users are using Kafra storage more than 20 times a day, fascinated by her smiling face. Decreases 5% damage from Demihuman monsters. Autocasts Lv 10 Angelus when physically attacked within short range. Cannot be upgraded. Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 50 Required Level : 60 Jobs : All Id: (5341) Glaris Doll Hat [1] So hot! A headgear with the figure of Kafra Glaris! Fascinated by her mature appearance, her advocates call her a teacher. Decreases 5% damage from Demihuman monsters. Recovers HP 50 when a monster is killed by magical attack. Cannot be upgraded. Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 50 Required Level : 60 Jobs : All Id: (5342) Sorin Doll Hat [1] So hot! A headgear with the figure of Kafra Sorin! Her cute appearance made the price of this hat rise at the auction place. Decreases 5% damage from Demihuman monsters. Increases ATK + 50 for 10 seconds with low chance when physically attacked. Cannot be upgraded. Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 50 Required Level : 60 Jobs : All Id: (5343) Telling Doll Hat [1] So hot! A headgear with the figure of Kafra Telling! She is such an active and hard-working lady. So she became the most favorite Kafra among users. Decreases 5% damage from Demihuman monsters. Increases 10% HP recovery rate when White Potion or White Slim Potion is used. Cannot be upgraded. Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 50 Required Level : 60 Jobs : All Id: (5344) Bennit Doll Hat [1] So hot! A headgear with the figure of Kafra Bennit! She has a boyish look, but her hobby is knitting and reading romance novels. She is fully supported by male users who like the short-cut style. Decreases 5% damage from Demihuman monsters. Increases attack speed 5% for 30 seconds with low chance when physically attacked. Cannot be upgraded. Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 50 Required Level : 60 Jobs : All Id: (5345) W Doll Hat [1] So hot! A headgear with the figure of Kafra W! There is a rumor that an assassin association wants to scout her, because there are so many guys who become frightened and faint when she calls them. Decreases 5% damage from Demihuman monsters. Additional 5% damage to Undead monsters when dealing physical and magical attacks. Cannot be upgraded. Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 50 Required Level : 60 Jobs : All Id: (5346) Gf Recruiter Hat A helm with a girlfriend wanted ad on it. Let's introduce him to a girl! Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Upper Weight : 70 Required Level : 10 Jobs : All Id: (5347) Ph.D Hat [1] A ceremonial hat worn during one's graduation. Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 3 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 10 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (5348) Big Ribbon [1] An over-sized red ribbon that contains hidden magical power. MDEF + 3 Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 2 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 20 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (5349) Boy's Cap [1] A black cap that is usually worn by boys attending schools that require uniforms. Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 2 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 10 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (5350) Pirate Bandana [1] A bandana that is the mark of the lawless pirates of the oceans. STR + 1 Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 3 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 10 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (5351) Sunflower [1] Peculiar headgear designed to look like a sunflower. Reduces damage from Insect monsters by 10%. Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 1 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 10 Jobs : All Id: (5352) Poporing Hat It looks like a Poporing, but don't worry about the poison! Class : Head Gear Defense : 2 Position : Upper/Middle Weight : 70 Jobs : All Id: (5353) Hat of the Sun God [1] A hat that is said to have been worn by the god of the sun. STR +3 , INT +2 Weapon Class : Headgear Defense : 4 Head PosiLocation: Upper/Mid Weight : 240 Jobs : 2-1 and 2-2 Classes Id: (5356) Festival Pumpkin Hat A pumpkin hat for celebrating Halloween: wear it when you go trick-or-treating! All Stats +3. Increase Physical and Magical Attack Strength against Devil monsters by 5%. Class : Helmet Defense : 3 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 20 Jobs : All Id: (5357) Wings Of Victory A hair ornament made from Valkyrie's Feathers and precious gems. Rumored to protect it's wearer from any harm. MDEF +10. Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts). Class : Head Gear Defense : 10 Slot : Upper/Mid Weight : 20 Jobs : All Id: (5358) Peco-Peco Ears Un ornement représentant des petites ailes de Pecopeco, créé par Morgan Stanley. AGI + 1, MDEF + 2 Type : Head Gear Défense : 1 Emplacement : Milieu Poids : 10 Niveau Requis :70 Profession : Toutes Id: (5358) Peco-Peco Ears Id: (5358) Peco-Peco Ears Morgan Stanley tarafýndan yaratýlmýþ süs kanadý. AGI + 1, MDEF + 2 Eþya Sýnýfý : Head Gear Savunma : 1 Kafadaki Konum : Middle Aðýrlýk: 10 Gerekli Seviye :70 Uygun Meslekler : Her Meslek Id: (5362) Ninja Scroll A scroll used by Ninjas to cast spells. MATK + 1% Class : Head Gear Defense : 0 Slot : Bottom Weight : 20 Lvl required : 60 Jobs : All Id: (5364) Dark Snake Lord Hat [1] Le chapeau de Evil Snake Lord. Lorsque vous le portez, vous vous sentez l'ame d'un empereur. STR +1, INT +1, AGI +2. Class : Head Gear Defense : 2 Slot : Upper Weight : 50 Lvl required : 60 Jobs : All Id: (5365) Fried Egg [1] What looks like a sunny side up egg on your head is really a furious magnolia monster. Enables use of Level 1 Flasher. Adds 5% resistance to the Stun. Impossible to refine this item. Class : Head Gear Defense : 3 Slot : Upper Weight : 100 Jobs : All Id: (5370) Orchid Hairband A hair band made by orchid and it smells like a scent of a flower. INT + 1 Class : Head Gear Defense : 1 Slot : Upper Weight : 20 Jobs : All Id: (5371) Judge Hat The helmet worned by capable judge. It exsist for justice. LUK +1, SP +30. Class : Head Gear Defense : 2 Slot : Upper/Mid Weight : 30 Jobs : All Id: (5374) Gigantic Magestic Goat A headgear forged from the horns of the Unsealed Baphomet. Increases Physical Damage to Demihuman monsters by 12%. Increases ATK depending on the wearer's job level. Weapon Class : Headgear Defense : 5 Location : Upper Weight : 80 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5379) Balloon Hat [1] A large knitted hat that can be used to conceal long hair. Magic attack increases with each refine level. Class : Head Gear Defense : 3 Slot : Upper Weight : 80 Jobs : All Id: (5380) Fish Head Hat A gaping fish head fashioned into a hat. A nasty stench is released whenever it opens its mouth. Adds a low chance of automatically casting Lv.1 Endow Tsunami with each physical attack. Cannot be Dropped, or Tradable Can be placed in Kafra Storage Class : Helmet Defense : 1 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 40 Jobs : All Id: (5381) SantaPoring Cap [1] A cute hat made from a hopping Poring wearing a Santa's Hat. Adds 3% additional Darkness property damage to monsters, and reduces Darkness property attacks from enemies by 3%. MDEF +2. Cannot be upgraded. Cannot be Dropped, or Tradable Can be placed in Kafra Storage Class : Helmet Defense : 2 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 10 Jobs : All Id: (5382) Bell Ribbon [1] A cute ribbon adorned with jinglilng bells. Has a chance to give a Snow Powder when killing a Fish type monster. Enables use of Lv.1 Angelus. VIT +1. Cannot be Dropped, or Tradable Can be placed in Kafra Storage Class : Helmet Defense : 3 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 20 Jobs : All Id: (5384) Twin Pompom by JB. [1] A cute hat which it protects you from the cold weather and will give you an ultra-cute look! Designed by the famous stylist JB. Class : Head Gear Defense : 1 Slot : Upper Weight : 10 Jobs : All Id: (5386) Protovich BandNewYear Suit Hat Ein Haarband, dass jedem zeigt, dass man an den Experimenten von Professor Protovich teilnimmt. Erhöht die erhaltenen Experience vom Protovich Hunting Quest um 10% pro Upgrade Level. Gegenstandsart : Headgear Verteidigung : 7 Position : Top Gewicht : 70 Jobs : Alle Id: (5387) Neko Mimi Kafra [1] A hairband that mixes Kafra Style and Cat Hairband Style. It looks so cute! Inflicts a random abnormal status to an enemy when physically attacked. MDEF + 5 Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Location : Upper Weight : 20 Required Level : 30 Jobs : All Id: (5390) Frozen Twin Pompom A hat which comes from the coldness. It protects you from snow storms. Increase resistance to the Freeze status by 30%. Slot : Head Gear Defense : 2 Slot : Upper Weight : 10 Jobs : All Id: (5394) Bubble Gum Low Premium Item A tasty chewing-gum, it smells very good! Increase the experience earned by defeating monsters. Slot : Headgear Defense : 0 Slot : Bottom Weight : 0 Jobs : All Id: (5395) Tiraya Bonnet [1] A souvenir hat to celebarate the 4th Anniversary of Europe Ragnarok Online. VIT +1 Give a chance to drop Blue Herbs every time a monster is killed. Class : Head Gear Defense : 2 Slot : Upper Weight : 50 Jobs : All Id: (5396) Jasper Crest [1] Beautiful shining crest with gold and jewelry decorated. DEX+2 Increases damage done to Demon and Undead monsters by 5%. If the refine level is lower than 6, may inflict the status Bleeding to the player while attacking. If refined to 7 or more, DEX+1, STR+1, may inflict the status Bleeding to the target while attacking. If refined to 8 or more, DEX+1, STR+1 and increases ASPD to 190 during 5 seconds by low chance while physically attacking, or reduces cast time by 100% during 5 seconds while magically attacking. Class : Head Gear Defense : 2 Slot : Upper Weight : 70 Jobs : All Id: (5403) Fish In Mouth A fish that can bite inside your mouth. It smells bad, but it won't be rottened by special processes. When the wearer kills a monster, they will get a low chance to drop Fresh Fish. Increases 25% of recover rate of Fresh Fish. Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 20 Required Level : 30 Jobs : All Id: (5404) Blue Ribbon [1] The symbol of an honor student! Auto casts Lv2 Improve Concentration with low chances when physically attacked. Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Location : Upper Weight : 10 Required Level : 45 Jobs : All Id: (5410) Looks like you are wearing paper bag on your head! Decreases 4% damage from Demihuman monsters. Adds 4% resistance to the Stun status. MHP + 100 Item Class : Headgear Defense : 6 Location : Upper,Mid,Lower Weight : 20 Jobs : All Id: (5411) A hairband that is shaped of white snake. DEX + 2 Item Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Upper Weight : 50 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5415) A special hat created to celebrate 5th year anniversary of RO in the Philippines (Item feature will disappear after September 30, 2008.) MDEF, CRI, FLEE, Perfect Dodge + 5 ASPD + 5% Reduces floating casting Time by 5% Skill Delay reduced by 5% Item Class : Headgear Defense : 5 Location : Upper Weight : 100 Required Lvevel. : 40 Available Jobs : All Id: (5420) Mask of Ifrit, the spiritual owner of fire. Rumored to rule a power of the fire. STR + 1, INT + 1, Mdef + 5 Increase 10% resistence against Fire Property attacks. Decrease 10% resistence against Water Property attacks. Enables use of Lv.1 Sight. Autospell Meteor Storm Lv.3 by a certain chance when receiving physical attack. Autospell Fire Bolt Lv.3 by a certain chance when dealing physical damage. Unable to refine. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 812 Location : Upper,Mid,Lower Weight : 0 Required Level : 70 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Class Id: (5421) Ifrit's Ear A headgear which imitates an ears of Ifrit, the spiritual owner of fire. STR + 1, Mdef + 3 Increase damage of Fire Bolt, Fire Pillar, Meteor Storm skill by 2%. Increase damage of Bash, Pierce, Magnum Break skill by 2%. Increase 5% resistence against Fire Property attacks. Reduce 5% resistence against Water Property attacks. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Location : Mid Weight : 0 Required Level : 70 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Class Id: (5429) [1] A hobgoblin's cute hat. Increases HP and SP recovery rate by 5%. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Upper Weight : 10 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5436) Bride's Corolla A neatly made wedding corolla. A huge silk ribbon is attached to the back of it. Luk +3. Mdef +2 Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Equip : Upper Weight : 20 Jobs : All Classes Id: (5437) Fairy Flower [1] A lotus flower which fairies wear on their heads. Int +1. Mdef +1 Decreases damage from Insect type monsters by 5%. Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Equip : Upper Weight : 20 Jobs : All Classes Id: (5438) Green Fillet A small Green ribbon emphasizes one's cuteness while wearing this hairband. SP +20. Unrefinable. Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Equip : Upper Weight : 10 Jobs : All Classes except Novice Id: (5439) Red Fillet A small Red ribbon emphasizes one's cuteness while wearing this hairband. SP +20. Unrefinable. Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Equip : Upper Weight : 10 Jobs : All Classes except Novice Id: (5440) Blue Fillet A small Blue ribbon emphasizes one's cuteness while wearing this hairband. SP +20. Unrefinable. Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Equip : Upper Weight : 10 Jobs : All Classes except Novice Id: (5441) White Fillet A small White ribbon emphasizes one's cuteness while wearing this hairband. SP +20. Unrefinable. Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Equip : Upper Weight : 10 Jobs : All Classes except Novice Id: (5442) Necktie [1] A salaryman's necktie worn as a headband. Vit + 1 When equipped with [Blush], Attack Speed Increases(Delay after attacking reduces by 3%),Variable Casting Speed reduces by 3%. Hit -5. Sp Consume increases by 5%. Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Equip : Upper Weight : 10 Required Level : 70 Jobs : All Classes Id: (5443) Statue Of Baby Angel [1] Statue of a baby angel that could be embarrassing to wear if you're insecure. Mdef +2 Randomly auto-casts 'Recovery Lv.1' when attacked physically. If upgraded from +4 to +5: Stats +1 If upgraded from +6 to +7: Stats +2 If upgraded from +8 to +9: Stats +3 If upgraded at +10: Stats +4 Class : Headgear Defense : 6 Equip : Upper Weight : 60 Jobs : All Classes Id: (5444) Hair Brush A bright red brush worn as a last-minute accessory. Cri +6 Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Equip : Upper Weight : 10 Jobs : All Classes Id: (5445) Candy Cane In The Mouth A very sweet candy cane. Brush your teeth after eating this. SP +5 Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Equip : Lower Weight : 10 Jobs : All Classes Id: (5446) Catfoot Hairpin [1] A hairpin which resembles the shape of a cat's paw. Flee +5, Perfect Dodge +3. Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Equip : Upper Weight : 20 Jobs : All Classes Id: (5447) Frog Hat A hat which resembles the Frog God. But even the God of all frogs looks exactly like any other frog. Physical and Magical Attack damage done to Insect type monsters increased by 12%. Mdef +1 Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Equip : Upper Weight : 50 Required Level : 70 Jobs : All Classes Id: (5448) Soloplay Box1 [1] A cardbox box with holes in it. You can show others how you can adventure solo, no problem. Enables the use of 'Lv 1. Scribble'. Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Equip : Upper-Mid-Lower Weight : 30 Jobs : All Classes Id: (5449) Soloplay Box2 [1] A box with a peep hole. You can show others how you can adventure solo, no problem. Enables the use of 'Lv 1. Scribble'. Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Equip : Upper-Mid-Lower Weight : 30 Jobs : All Classes Id: (5451) [1] A legendary Dragon helm, inspired god of Dragon. Only RPC Top guild members can have this special helm. Increases Attack Speed by 10%. ALL STATUS + 3 5 % additional damage on Demi-Human monsters. Cannot be upgraded. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 7 Item Position : Upper Weight : 250 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5452) [1] A legendary Dragon helm, inspired god of Dragon. Only RPC second place guild members can have this special helm. Increases Attack Speed by 7%. ALL STATUS + 2 3 % additional damage on Demi-Human monsters. Cannot be upgraded. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 5 Item Position : Upper Weight : 250 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5453) [1] A legendary Dragon helm, inspired god of Dragon. Only RPC third place guild members can have this special helm. Increases Attack Speed by 5%. ALL STATUS + 2 1 % additional damage on Demi-Human monsters. Cannot be upgraded. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Item Position : Upper Weight : 250 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5457) It looks like a pet rabbit that you can put on your head. Quite soft! ATK, MATK + 5. If upgrade is to 5 or higher, ATK and MATK are increaded by 1 according to the upgrade level. Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 30 Required lvLevel : 1 Jobs : All except Novice Id: (5462) Spiked Scarf VIT + 1. Reduces damage from Demi-Human class monsters by 1%, Increases damage to Demi-Human class monsters by 1%. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Location : Lower Weight : 10 Required Level : 90 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5463) Rainbow Scarf INT + 1. MDEF + 2. MATK + 1% Item Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Location : Lower Weight : 10 Required Level : 90 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5464) Zaha Doll Hat [1] A doll resemble to fairly 'Baek-so-jin' INT + 3, MDEF + 9. 10% magic damage to Undead type monsters When use magic attack or being attacked by magic, fairly,'Bac-so-jin' will be possesed. While you are possesed, you will lose 10 SP per sec but you will gain more magical power. higer refine level will increase possesed time and power. Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All but novice Id: (5465) [1] A clear and wide sky is motivated. if you wear this hat in a gloomy day, you can feel refresh. LUK + 2 If refined to 5 or higher, increase LUK additional with-5 refine level . Class : Headgear DEFefense : 3 Location : Upper Weight : 50 Required Level : 40 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5466) Wind Milestone [1] A cap of post man who delivers letters with heart. Magic in the cap protects the wearer not to lose their way. Enables use of Level 1 Teleport.AGI + 2 Class : Head Gear Defense : 2 Slot : Upper Weight : 10 Required Lvevel : 30 Jobs : All Id: (5467) Helm Of Dragon A headgear made by the hard scale of Dragon. The wearer of this headgear can get the great power of Dragon. Adds 20% damage to the dragon monster. Cause a certain abnormal status to all enemies in 5x5 cell when physical attack, by low chance. Class : Head Gear Defense : 510 Slot : Upper Weight : 200 Required Lvevel : 50 Jobs : All Id: (5468) Parade Cap [1] A cap which makes the wearer very happy to go on a parade. Skill delay - 5%. Reduces casting delay refine level - 5% if upgraded at +6. Class : Head Gear Defense : 3 Slot : Upper Weight : 80 Jobs : All Id: (5469) It's cavrved a commander's attitude like 'all for one, one for all'. STR + 2 Adds a chance of auto casting Lv.1 Adrenaline Rush each time the wearer physically attacks. Class : Headgear DEFefense : 2 Location : Upper Weight : 30 Required Level : 30 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5470) Eyes Of Darkness An eye cover which has gloomy eyes on it. It looks fixed, but someone says the eyes moves sometimes. Never get Blindness. DEX + 1 Class : Head Gear Defense : 1 Slot : Upper Weight : 10 Required Lvevel : 50 Jobs : All Id: (5471) Hairband Of Reginleif A head accessory which is named after Valkyrie Reginleif. If someone wear this, they can get the bless of god. Increase resistance against Water, Fire, Undead, Ghost Property by 5%. Class : Head Gear Defense : 1 Slot : Mid Weight : 80 Required Lvevel : 50 Jobs : All Id: (5474) Notice Board -Away From Keyboard- It shows that nobody is around computer. If you are unavailable, you can show this message to your peers. Class : Headgear DEFefense : 2 Location : Upper Weight : 70 Required Level : 10 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5475) Cube Mask A mask that locked away evil powers. All Stats +1. Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Location : Middle, Bottom Weight : 10 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Id: (5476) Hairband Of Grandpeco A hair accessory is made of Grandpeco's feather. It allow to use only brave lead in his body. STR + 2. MHP - 10% Increase 15% attack against to ORC Warrior, ORC lady, ORC babe, High ORC, ORC sketelon and ORC zombie. Class : Head Gear Defense : 2 Slot : Upper/Mid Weight : 80 Required Lvevel : 30 Jobs : All Id: (5477) Greedy Frog A frog who loves items more than everything. Increase the drop rate. Slot : Head Gear Defense : 1 Slot : Upper Weight : 0 Jobs : All Id: (5478) A Classic hat. STR + 2, MHP + 300 Item Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Location : Upper Weight : 50 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5479) Shaman's Hair Decoration A hair ornament with pink feathers of a Shaman. MaxHP +50, Mdef +3, Increases resistance to Neutral property by 5%. Shaman Set Shaman Ring Shaman's Hair Ornament Shaman Earring. MaxHP +300, Matk +5%, Increases resistance to Neutral property by 5%. Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Head PosiLocation : Upper Weight : 30 Required lvLevel : 30 Jobs : All Id: (5480) Bijofnil Wings [1] A hat made to honor Bijofnil, the legendary bird that lives above the Yggdrasil tree. Adds the chance of auto casting level 3 Impositio Manus on its wearer when physically attacking. Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Location : Upper Weight : 100 Required lvLevel : 30 Jobs : All Id: (5481) Hermode Cap [1] A cap worn by a desert assassin who fought with incredible speed. Aspd +10%, Atk-20, Matk-10%. Class : Headgear Location: Upper Defense : 1 Weight : 100 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Id: (5482) Dark Knight Mask A mask worn by a knight that used dark magic to curse anyone who wore it but him. Str +3. Dark Knight Set Dark Knight Mask Dark Knight Belt Dark Knight Glove Matk +15%, Int +5, 10% of the damage is decreased when attacked by angel-type monsters. Class : Headgear Defense : 5 Head PosiLocation : Upper-Mid-Low Weight : 300 Required lvLevel : 80 Jobs : All Id: (5483) Odin Mask A mask worn once worn by Odin during a fierce battle between the gods and humans. Hit-10, Increases damage to Demihuman monsters by 6%. Class : Headgear Location: Middle & Lower Defense : 1 Weight : 10 Required Level : 50 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (5490) Anubis Headgear This ceremonial headdress holds the likeness of Anubis, god of the underworld. It is rumored that it empowers the wearer against powerful divine beings. Reduce damage from MVPs by 10%. Increase effectiveness of healing and healing items by 10%. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 8 Location : Upper, Mid Weight : 0 Required Level : 65 Jobs : All Id: (5491) [1] Not many people can stand a hot and steamy sand storm that is from far north Brazil. But these natives are well known for standing against heat and humidity with less water and food. STR + 2. Add 10 % resistance to Fire Property attacks. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Location : Upper Weight : 80 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5495) Covered with mighty power of Thor, the strongest god among a war at Jushin. A small portion of Thor's mighty power is granted to the one who possesses this helm. The power within a Skyblue-feather must be used on good purposes, and the power within a Gray hoof has to be used with caution on every occasion. Flee + 5 All Stat + 1 Cannot be upgraded. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 6 Location : Upper Weight : 50 Required Level : 75 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5496) Dice Hat [1] Props for the table game. It used to be a tool of gamble. Sum of the each sides of symmetry is always 7. LUK + 4. Gives 1% chance per Refine Level to automatically cast Heal on you or the enemy when physically attacking. The spell level also equals to the Refine Level. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Location : Upper Weight : 30 Required Level : 50 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5499) Is there anyone in this world who doesn't like pizza?? Even a fierce monster won't be able to refuse this tasty food. You can provoke monsters by wearing this hat. Enables use of Lv. 1 Provoke Item Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 60 Required Level : 0 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5500) Ice Cream Hat Having Ice-cream is the best way to escape the heat! Be careful, your brain might be frozen! Enables use of Level 3 Frost Diver. MDEF + 3 Item Class : Head Gear Defense : 1 Location : Haut Weight : 30 Required Level : 30 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5504) A specially made wedding veil to celebrate the sixth year anniversary of RO. It is also used to show "someone's love and affection". MDEF + 10 Item Class : Headgear Defense : 5 Location : Upper,Mid,Lower Weight : 50 Required Level : 70 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5508) Shark Hat Sharks are amazingly gentle creatures if you stay away from their food supply. Str +1, Agi +2, Mdef +1 Increases Damage to Water Property by 5%. Increases Damage taken by Water Property monsters by 10%. Designed by Parjure. TypeClass : Headgear Defense : 3 Slot : Upper Weight : 50 Jobs : All Id: (5509) A hand-shape hat made by mud. It feels weird when you wear it. STR + 2, VIT + 1, MDEF + 3. Randomly auto casts 'Earth Spike LV 1' when attacked physically. Damage from the Earth Property Monsters reduced by 5%. Damage from the Fire Property Monsters increased by 5%. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 5 Location : Upper Weight : 100 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5511) [1] A circlet made of samambaia leaf. Increase 8% SP recover rate. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 5 Item Position : Upper,Middle Weight : 100 Required Lvevel : 30 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5512) Aquarius Diadem This diadem honors Aquarius, the 11th astrological sign in the zodiac calendar. STR + 2, FLEE + 10, Increases resistance to Wind status by 7%. If upgraded at +8: DEF + 1, ATK + 18. Class : Head Gear Defense : 36 Slot : Upper Weight : 30 Required Lvevel : 70 Jobs : All Id: (5513) Aquarius Crown This crown honors Aquarius, the 11th astrological sign in the zodiac calendar. STR + 2, FLEE + 10, Increases resistance to Wind status by 5%. If upgraded at +7: DEF + 1, ATK + 15. Class : Head Gear Defense : 36 Slot : Upper Weight : 30 Required Lvevel : 70 Jobs : All Id: (5514) Pisces Diadem [1] This diadem honors Pisces, the 12th astrological sign in the zodiac calendar. INT + 2, MDEF + 5, Increases resistance to Water status by 7%. If upgraded at +7: INT +3, MATK + 2%. Class : Head Gear Defense : 36 Slot : Upper Weight : 30 Required Lvevel : 70 Jobs : All Id: (5515) Pisces Crown [1] This crown honors Pisces, the 12th astrological sign in the zodiac calendar. Its power increases defense from Water attacks. Int +2, Mdef +3, Increases resistance to Water attacks by 5%. If refined to 7 or higher, DEF +1, Matk +2%. Class : Head Gear Defense : 36 Slot : Upper Weight : 30 Required Lvevel : 70 Jobs : All Id: (5516) Hawk Eyes An artificial eye ball which glitters sharply. DEX + 1, Adds 3% of Long Distance ATK Weapon Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Weight : 100 Required Level : 0 Jobs : Sniper Only Id: (5517) Hwak Eyes An artificial eye ball which glitters sharply. Weapon Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Weight : 100 Required Level : 0 Jobs : ArcherWeapon Class Id: (5518) A headgear made from the horns of Baphomet. 12% additional tolerance against Demi-Human monsters. Increase certain amount of ATK based on wearer's Job lv. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 5 Location : Upper Weight : 80 Required Level : 50 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5519) [1] You seems to sing a song like Bard. INT +2. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Item Position: Upper Weight : 80 Required Lvevel : 1 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5520) Rabbit Earmuffs [1] Celebrate the year of the rabbit and keep your ears warm at the same time. Matk +4%, Damage against all monster types increases by 4%. Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Location : Upper & Middle Weight : 4 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Id: (5526) Lady Tanee Doll A doll molded out of a Lady Tanee. AGI + 2, FLEE + 3, Reduces damage received with a wind elemental attacks by 5%, Banana is dropped randomly when the wearer kills a monster. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Upper Weight : 30 Required Level : 60 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5527) Lunatic Hat A hat molded out of a fuzzy Lunatic. LUK + 5, MDEF + 2, Perfect Dodge + 5, here's a chance to get a Rainbow Carrot when hunting a Animal-Type Monster. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Upper Weight : 30 Required Level : 0 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5528) King Frog Hat [1] Looks like an ugly frog but a handsome price is its inside and waiting for a lady who can cure him. AGI + 1. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Upper Weight : 50 Required Level : 30 Jobs : All Jobs except Novice Id: (5529) [1] People say it is made of Satan Morroc's bone. But nobody can confirm whether it is true or not. DEX + 3. 5% Tolerance to non-elemental attacks. Allows the wearer to use 'Frost Nova LV. 1'. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 6 Location : Upper, Mid Weight : 60 Required Level : 70 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5530) Corvus Hat [1] A black Raven Cap that has black beak and feathers. It is so black. Class : Head Gear Defense : 3 Slot : Upper Weight : 10 Required Lvevel : 30 Jobs : All Id: (5531) Dragon En Torpeur [1] A cute dragon is fast asleep on your head. He wouldn't wake up whatever you do. Designed by Surein. Class : Head Gear Defense : 3 Slot : Upper Weight : 10 Jobs : All Id: (5532) Pirate Dagger It hang the knife in mouth to be able to battle under water. It's dangerous so, give caution to children. Reflict 1% when get damage of short range physical attack. Class : Head Gear Defense : 0 Slot : Bottom Weight : 10 Jobs : All Id: (5533) Emperor Wreath [1] A Laurel Wreath is used to king. It's symbol of glory and victory. ALL Stat + 1. If upgraded at +7 or more, Atk +3%, MAtk +3%, Aspd +3%, cast time -5%. If upgraded at +9 or more, Atk +3%, MAtk +3%, delay -5%. Class : Head Gear Defense : 6 Slot : Upper Weight : 80 Required Lvevel : 80 Jobs : All Id: (5534) Fox Hat A mask is modeled on white fox. One of east aisa country believes fox as god. AGI + 1, Perfect Flee + 2. Class : Head Gear Defense : 1 Slot : Mid/Bottom Weight : 10 Required Lvevel : 70 Jobs : All Id: (5535) [1] A Military Cap designed classic shape for military purpose. STR + 1, VIT + 1, AGI + 1, MSP + 50. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 5 Location : Upper Weight : 50 Required Level : 0 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5537) Quati Hat [1] A Cute kwati tail hat, you can feel the scent of the forest and nature of Kwati. AGI + 3 Impossible to refine this item. Class : Head Gear Defense : 1 Slot : Upper Weight : 70 Required Lvevel : 45 Jobs : All Id: (5538) Tucan Hat [1] A Tucano with bright yellow beak. It makes you look attractive. DEX + 3 Impossible to refine this item. Class : Head Gear Defense : 2 Slot : Upper/Mid Weight : 60 Required Lvevel : 45 Jobs : All Id: (5539) Jaguar Hat [1] A mask of the king of the amazon Jungle, known as Jaguar. The person who equip it is rumored to receive a blessing of nature. MDEF + 2. Enables use of Level 1 Crazy Uproar. Class : Head Gear Defense : 4 Slot : Upper/Mid/Bottom Weight : 40 Required Lvevel : 25 Jobs : All Id: (5540) Rental Item A spiritual circlet granted by Freya. It appears very sturdy, but it will eventually disappear and return to Freya's realm, Folkvangr. STR + 1, INT + 1, DEX + 1. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 4 Location : Upper Weight : 70 Required Level : 20 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5541) Rental Item A spiritual circlet granted by Freya. It appears very sturdy, but it will eventually disappear and return to Freya's realm, Folkvangr. STR + 1, INT + 1, DEX + 1. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 4 Location : Upper Weight : 70 Required Level : 20 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5542) Rental Item A spiritual circlet granted by Freya. It appears very sturdy, but it will eventually disappear and return to Freya's realm, Folkvangr. STR + 1, INT + 1, DEX + 1. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 4 Location : Upper Weight : 70 Required Level : 20 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5543) Rental Item A spiritual circlet granted by Freya. It appears very sturdy, but it will eventually disappear and return to Freya's realm, Folkvangr. STR + 1, INT + 1, DEX + 1. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 4 Location : Upper Weight : 70 Required Level : 20 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5545) Aries Diadem [1] A magnificent diadem created to pay tribute to the 1st sign of the zodiac, Aries the Ram. Attached to the crown is a Diamond gemstone, the birthstone for those born under this sign. Its power increases defense from Fire attacks. VIT +2, Increases resistance to Fire Property by 5%. If refined to 7 or higher, DEF +2 and VIT +1. Class : Head Gear Defense : 23 Slot : Upper Weight : 40 Required Lvevel : 71 Jobs : All Id: (5546) Aries Crown [1] A magnificent crown created to pay tribute to the 1st sign of the zodiac, Aries the Ram. Attached to the crown is a Diamond gemstone, the birthstone for those born under this sign. Its power increases defense from Fire attacks. LUK +2, Increases resistance to Fire Property by 5%. If refined to 7 or higher, perfect Flee +2 and LUK +1. Class : Head Gear Defense : 23 Slot : Upper Weight : 40 Required Lvevel : 71 Jobs : All Id: (5547) RJC Flower Katusa [1] A Katusa has small and slim flower. Increase 15% damage of EARTHSPIKE, HEAVENDRIVE. Reduce 25% casting time of these skills. Based on each of +1 refine lv, increase 1% damage of EARTHSPIKE, HEAVENDRIVE. Class : Head Gear Defense : 1 Slot : Upper Weight : 20 Required Lvevel : 70 Jobs : All Id: (5548) Scarlet Rose The crimson of the roses in your mouth. The thorn which is dangerous to remove? DEX + 1. Add a chance to drop a Witherless Rose when killing monsters. Class : Head Gear Defense : 0 Slot : Bottom Weight : 10 Required Lvevel : 50 Jobs : All Id: (5549) Taurus Diadem [1] A magnificent diadem created to pay tribute to the 2nd sign of the zodiac, Taurus the Bull. Give the Stun to opponent as regular chance when get a physical attack. MATK + 2%, Reduce 2% delay time after casting skill. If refined to 7 or higher, DEX + 1, add MATK +1%. Class : Head Gear Defense : 3 Slot : Upper Weight : 30 Required Lvevel : 70 Jobs : All Id: (5550) Taurus Crown [1] A magnificent crown created to pay tribute to the 2nd sign of the zodiac, Taurus the Bull. Gve the Stun to opponent as regular chance when use a physical attack. ATK + 2%, Reduce 2% delay time after casting skill. If refined to 7 or higher, STR + 1, add ATK +1%. Class : Head Gear Defense : 3 Slot : Upper Weight : 30 Required Lvevel : 70 Jobs : All Id: (5552) Rental Item Limited Promo! Summer Festival Grand Circlet! 4 weeks rental item. STR + 3, INT + 3, MDEF + 3. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 8 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required Level : 0 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5553) Rental Item Limited Promo! Summer Festival Bunny Band! 4 weeks rental item. MDEF + 4, Reduces damage from Demihuman monsters by 9%. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 7 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required Level : 0 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5554) Ridiculous Octopus with a gentleman's hat. It feels like it's making fun of me as I look at it. AGI +2, Low chance of autocast Lv.5 [Provoke] when attacked physically. Indestructable. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Location : Upper Weight : 20 Required Level : 20 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5555) Leaf Cat Hat A hat which resembles cute Leat Cat. A power to cure is dwelling inside. AGI + 2, Low chance of autocast Lv.3 [Heal] on self when attacked physically. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Location : Upper Weight : 10 Required Level : 0 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5556) Very warm hat which a monster 'Fur Seal' is wearing. INT + 1, Low chance of autocast Lv. 1 [Frost Nova] when attacked physically. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Location : Upper,Mid,Lower Weight : 50 Required Level : 55 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5558) [1] This hat is a legend to the people from whild festival world. Low chance of dropping 'Blue Herb' when hunt a Plant type monster. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Location : Upper Weight : 10 Required Level : 30 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5563) Dolor Hat [1] A Dolor of Thanatos laying on your head. It's rumored that the doll is trying to speak with his owner. Randomly cast Lex Aeterna when you deal physical attacks. Cannot be destroyed. Class : Head Gear Defense : 3 Slot : Upper Weight : 10 Jobs : All Id: (5564) [1] A deceptive crown that was once used to summon monsters. INT + 4, Cast-time reduced by 10%. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Location : Upper, Mid Weight : 30 Required Level : 85 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5568) A Bonnet looks like a cute rabbit that made by legendary hat maker. It looks so soft and weak but it might have extraordinary things inside of it. INT + 2, Reduce casting delay by 3%. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 4 Location : Upper, Mid Weight : 100 Required Level : 0 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5569) Gemini Diadem [1] A magnificent Diadem created to pay tribute to the 3rd sign of the zodiac, Gemini the Twins. Attached to the diadem is an Alexandrite gemstone, the birthstone for those born under this sign. AGI + 2, FLEE + 5, Increase resistance to Wind Property by 5%. If refined to 7 or higher, HIT + 5, ATK + 10. Class : Head Gear Defense : 0 Slot : Upper Weight : 30 Jobs : All Id: (5570) Gemini Crown [1] A magnificent Diadem created to pay tribute to the 3rd sign of the zodiac, Gemini the Twins. Attached to the crown is an Alexandrite gemstone, the birthstone for those born under this sign. AGI + 2, CRI + 3, Increase resistance to Wind Property by 5%. If refined to 7 or higher CRI + 5, ATK + 10. Class : Head Gear Defense : 0 Slot : Upper Weight : 30 Jobs : All Id: (5574) A popular snack while taking tests. It makes one look more studious but, it's days may be numbered if it stays in somebody's mouth any longer. HIT + 3. When equipped with a concentration cap, it gives DEX + 2, DEF + 2. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Location : low Weight : 10 Required Level : 10 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5575) Onigiri Hat [1] Made with love, this onigiri is very tasty. Designed by Sheikh. Class : Head Gear Defense : 3 Slot : Upper Weight : 10 Required Lvevel : 30 Jobs : All Id: (5577) Dark Knight Mask A mask worn by a knight that used dark magic to curse anyone who wore it but him. Dex +3. Dark Knight Set Dark Knight Mask Dark Knight Belt Dark Knight Glove Matk +15%, Int +5, 10% of the damage is decreased when attacked by angel-type monsters. Class : Headgear Defense : 5 Head PosiLocation : Upper-Mid-Low Weight : 300 Required lvLevel : 80 Jobs : All Id: (5578) A hat that is given to brave sailors. AGI + 2. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Item Position : Upper Weight : 1 Required Lvevel : 0 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5579) [1] A rustic hat made of bamboo that was worn by a heroic wandering adventurer. It shadows your eyes with its wide brim. AGI + 2. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Upper, Mid Weight : 30 Required Level : 70 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5580) Red Beret This cap is symbolic of the manpower Increase physical damage by 5% toward human monster. Decrease physical damage by 5% from human monster. cClass : headgear Defense : 0 position: upper Weight : 70 Required LVevel : 1 jJobs : All Id: (5581) Cancer Diadem [1] A magnificent diadem created to pay tribute to the 4th sign of the zodiac, Cancer the Crab. Attached to the crown is a Ruby gemstone, the birthstone for those born under this sign. INT + 2, 5% resistance against to water property attack. If refined to 7 or higher, MATK + 2%, Increase 3% Heal and recover item effect. Class : Head Gear Defense : 0 Slot : Upper Weight : 30 Jobs : All Id: (5582) Cancer Crown [1] A magnificent diadem created to pay tribute to the 4th sign of the zodiac, Cancer the Crab. Attached to the crown is a Ruby gemstone, the birthstone for those born under this sign. STR + 2, 5% resistance against to water property attack. If refined to 7 or higher, DEF + 1, ATK + 15, FLEE + 7. Class : Head Gear Defense : 0 Slot : Upper Weight : 30 Jobs : All Id: (5583) Paradise Team Hat A hat that is provided only for members of the Paradise Team. It's designed to go well with a suit. Weapon Class : Helmet Defense : 5 À§Ä¡: Upper Weight : 0 Required Level : 12 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5584) Majestic Evil Horn Two small evil horns. Resistance to Demon Race +3%. Can absorb Hp and SP from foes when attacking. Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Location: Upper Weight : 40 Jobs : All Id: (5588) Leo Crown A magnificent crown created to pay tribute to the 5th sign of the zodiac, Leo the Lion. Attached to the crown is a Peridot gemstone, the birthstone for those born under this sign. Str +2, Increase Resistance to Fire Property by 5%. If refined to 7 or higher, Flee +10, Def +1, Has a low chance of auto-casting Lv 4 Mild Wind. Class : Head Gear Defense : 3 Slot : Upper Weight : 30 Jobs : All Id: (5589) Leo Diadem A magnificent diadem created to pay tribute to the 5th sign of the zodiac, Leo the Lion. Dex +2, Increase Resistance to Fire Property by 5%. If refined to 7 or higher, Flee +10, Aspd +3%, Has a low chance of adding splash damage on basic attacks for 10 seconds. Class : Head Gear Defense : 3 Slot : Upper Weight : 30 Jobs : All Id: (5591) Desert Prince [1] This hat is coming from an old soldier who used to live in the desert. Designed by Roman. Class : Head Gear Defense : 3 Slot : Upper Weight : 10 Required Lvevel : 30 Jobs : All Id: (5592) Sigrun's Wing Ear adornments that symbolize rebirth. They have the ability to change its effects depending on the job of the wearer. If worn by a Swordman, Merchant, Thief or Taekwon Classes, Str +1. If worn by a Mage, Acolyte, Ninja or Soul Linker Classes, Int +1. If worn by Archer or Gunslinger Classes, Dex +1. If worn by Novice Class, MaxHP +80, MaxSP +30. Class : Head Gear Defense : 2 Slot : Mid Weight : 10 Required Lvevel : 80 Jobs : All Id: (5596) Four 4Leaf Clover In Mouth A 4-leaf clover placed in the mouth as a lucky charm. LUK +3. Gives a small chance to gain a Green Ale when killing monsters. If equipped with a Beer Hat, the drop chance is increased and gives a chance to obtain the three types of Saint Patrick drinks. Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Bottom Weight : 0 Jobs : All Id: (5598) Virgo Crown A magnificent crown created to pay tribute to the 6th sign of the zodiac, Virgo the Virgin. Attached to the crown is a Sapphire gemstone, the birthstone for those born under this sign. Dex +2, Aspd +1%. If refined to 7 or higher, Resistance to Earth Property +5%, While attacking, has a chance of adding Dex +20 for 6 seconds. Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Location: Upper Weight : 30 Jobs : All Id: (5599) Virgo Diadem [1] A magnificent diadem created to pay tribute to the 6th sign of the zodiac, Virgo the Virgin. Attached to the crown is a Sapphire gemstone, the birthstone for those born under this sign. Aspd +3%, Resistance to Earth Property +5%. If refined to 7 or higher, Has a low chance of casting Excruciating Palm while physically attacking. Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Location: Upper Weight : 30 Jobs : All Id: (5609) Chung Hairband [1] When you have it, you can feel a splendid aristocratic atmosphere of chung. LUK + 3. When you are under physical attack, it uses Lv5 Mammonite skill by low chance. (if you donÂ’t have zeny, it doesn't work.) Class : Head Gear Defense : 5 Slot : Upper Weight : 50 Required Lvevel : 60 Jobs : All Id: (5610) Ice Wing Ear This is earrings which made of ice and special compound. whe you wear it, you can feel cool! LUK + 1. When you are under attack, it uses Lv5 autospell coldbolt skill by low chance. Class : Head Gear Defense : 0 Slot : Mid Weight : 10 Required Lvevel : 10 Jobs : All Id: (5611) Turtle Hat The hat formed a cute turtle doll. AGI + 1. When you are under attack, it decreases Lv3 autospell agility skill by low chance. Class : Head Gear Defense : 0 Slot : Upper Weight : 10 Required Lvevel : 10 Jobs : All Id: (5654) Holy Marching Hat [1] A beautiful marching hat with holiness. STR +2. Give Holy property effect as regular chance for 90 seconds when use physical attack. Class : Head Gear Defense : 2 Slot : Upper Weight : 20 Required Lvevel : 10 Jobs : All Id: (5655) A hat that Dark Snake Lord wears. Feels like being a king when wear this. INT + 2, AGI + 2, DEX-2. When do magical attack, have some chance of decreasing the casting time by 50% for 5 seconds and FLEE + 30. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Upper Weight : 50 Required Level : 60 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5656) Scooter Hat [1] An equipment for safe when you ride scooter. It's too strong to be broken. Unbreakable. Class : Head Gear Defense : 7 Slot : Upper Weight : 100 Required Lvevel : 50 Jobs : All Id: (5657) Captain Pipe An antique pipe for making a perfect fashion of captain. When you have it with captain hat, Physical attack increases as number of refinement. Class : Head Gear Defense : 0 Slot : Bottom Weight : 10 Required Lvevel : 30 Jobs : All Id: (5658) Imp Hat A friendly Imp that has a random chance of endowing your attacks with lvl 1 Endow Blaze while dealing physical attacks. Class : Head Gear Defense : 1 Slot : Upper Weight : 40 Jobs : All Id: (5659) Sleepr Hat A baby Sleeper monster from the Sograt desert that has a random chance of endowing your attacks with lvl 1 Endow Quake while dealing physical attacks. Class : Head Gear Defense : 1 Slot : Upper Weight : 40 Jobs : All Id: (5660) Gryphon Hat A brave Gryphon hovers above giving a random chance of endowing your attacks with lvl 1 Endow Tornado while dealing physical attacks. Class : Head Gear Defense : 1 Slot : Upper Weight : 40 Jobs : All Id: (5662) Libra Crown [1] A magnificent diadem created to pay tribute to the 7th sign of the zodiac, Libra the Balance. Attached to the crown is an Opal gemstone, the birthstone for those born under this sign. DEX +3, 7% Resistance to wind attack MATK + 3% for 7 Lv refine Additional MATK + 2% from refine Lv 9, when physical attack damaged - activate Frost Nova with low percentage. Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Location: Upper Weight : 30 Jobs : All Id: (5663) Libra Diadem [1] A magnificent diadem created to pay tribute to the 7th sign of the zodiac, Libra the Balance. Attached to the crown is an Opal gemstone, the birthstone for those born under this sign. ATK + 7. If refined to 7 or higher, has a low chance of autocasting Warm Wind lvl 2 when physically attacking. If refined to 9 or higher, FLEE + 5 and increases the physical attack power by 3%. Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 30 Required lvLevel : 1 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5664) Filir's Wing A cute headgear made in the form of Filir's wings, the most popular bird-like homunclus. Aspd +2%. Reduce the after-attack delay by 2%. _ Concept created during the Summer 2008 Create a headgear Contest. Created by Bara-chan _ Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Location : Mid Weight : 10 Required Level : 70 Jobs : All Id: (5667) Skull Hood [1] A hood with a Skull. It's really frightening! Designed by Kyosou. Class : Head Gear Defense : 2 Slot : Upper Weight : 0 Required Lvevel : 30 Jobs : All Id: (5668) A pumpkin hat for Halloween event. It has the mysterious power that brings cookies. MDEF + 5. When hunting monsters, drops Pumpkin Pie with some chance. Class : Headgear Defense : 5 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 0 Required lvLevel : 1 Jobs : All Id: (5674) Pig Moneybox A piggy-bank which will make you feel good after saving many coins in it. Its cute design will make you to doubt to cut it off to open. Casting time after performing the skill will be increased 10%. When defeating a monster, it can get extra Zeny with a set probability. Cannot be upgraded. Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Location: Upper Weight : 100 Required Lvevel : 10 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5674) Pig Moneyboxcoin Une tirelire-cochon dont le bruit de la monnaie sonnante et trébuchante vous emplit de félicité. Votre seul regret est de devoir la briser pour l'ouvrir. Augmente le délai des sorts de 10%. Donne une chance d'obtenir des Zenys chaque fois que vous tuez un ennemi. Ne peut pas être forgé. Type : Headgear Défense : 3 Emplacement : Haut Poids : 100 Niveau Requis : 10 Profession : Toutes Id: (5674) Pig Moneycoinbox A piggy-bank which will make you feel good after saving many coins in it. Its cute design will make you to doubt to cut it off to open. Casting time after performing the skill will be increased 10%. When defeating a monster, it can get extra Zeny with a set probability. Cannot be upgraded. Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Location: Upper Weight : 100 Required Lv : 10 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5674) Pig Moneycoinbox Ýçerisinde çok fazla para biriktirdiðinde seni mutlu edecek kumbara. Sevimli tasarýmý onu kýrýp açman konusunda tereddüt etmene sebep oluyor. Yetenek gecikmesi 10% artar. Canavarlarý yendiðinizde ekstra Zeny kazanma þansý verir. Arýtýlamaz. Eþya Sýnýfý : Headgear Savunma : 3 Giyildiði Yer: Upper Aðýrlýk: 100 Gerekli Seviye : 10 Uygun Meslekler : Her Meslek Id: (5676) Scorpio Crown A magnificent crown created to pay tribute to the 8th sign of the zodiac, Scorpio the Scorpion. Attached to the crown is a Topaz gemstone, the birthstone for those born under this sign. ATK +5, ASPD +3%. Water resist + 5%. If refined at +7: Can cast Level 3 Mild Wind when you're dealing physical attacks. If refined at +8: ASPD +2%. If refined at +9: Can cast Level 5 Frost Nova when you're dealing physical attacks. If refined at +10: ASPD +2%, ATK +5. Class : Head Gear Defense : 3 Slot : Upper Weight : 30 Jobs : All but Novice Id: (5677) Scorpio Diadem [1] A magnificent diadem created to pay tribute to the 8th sign of the zodiac, Scorpio the Scorpion. Attached to the crown is a Topaz gemstone, the birthstone for those born under this sign. Dex + 2. If refined to 7, Dex +1, Atk +5. Class : Head Gear Defense : 3 Slot : Upper Weight : 30 Jobs : All but Novice Id: (5680) Hawk Eyes This headgear makes you more sensitive and you could get high concentration. HIT + 10. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Location : Mid Weight : 10 Required Level : 10 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5690) Red Wing Hat [1] A red driver's hat decorated with white wings. Str +1, Int +1, Dex +1. If refined to 7, increase Atk and Matk by 2%. If refined to 9, additional increase Atk and Matk by 2%. Class : Head Gear Defense : 0 Slot : Upper Weight : 60 Required Lvevel : 1 Jobs : All Id: (5737) Cactus Hat A hat looks like Muka in socrat desert. Have a chance to drop a Cactus Needle when a monster is killed. Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Location: Upper Weight : 30 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All jobs Id: (5738) Snowman Hat [1] A hat that is a constant reminder of the Winter season. Str +1, Int +1, Mdef +3, Increases resistance to Water property by 7%. When killing monsters, has a low chance of dropping Buche De Noel or Candy Canes. When dealing physical or magical damage, has a low chance of activating Lv 1 Frost Joker. If refined to 8, activates Lv 5 Frost Joker. Class : Head Gear Defense : 4 Slot : Upper Weight : 30 Jobs : All Id: (5742) Rudolph Santa Hat A red christmas hat with 2 reindeer horns! Increase 100% of the recuperative powers of Piece of Cake and Well-baked Cookie items. Slot : Head Gear Slot : Head Gear Defense : 5 Slot : Upper Weight : 40 Required Level : 10 Jobs : All Id: (5761) Sloth Hat [1] This cute Sloth must think you look like a tree. At least it warms the top of your head. AGI + 2. Chance to use the skill Sonic Blow lvl 5 when you attack physically in short distance . Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Weapon position: Upper Weight : 80 Required Lvevel : 1 Jobs : All Id: (5762) Duneyrr Hat A hat similar to the MVP Duneyrr. ALL State + 1, MDEF + 5. 2% resistence to human and animal monsters. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 5 Location : Upper Weight : 10 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5764) Love Rabbit Hood [1] A hood made by a renowned doll maker with the love toward bunnies. Autocasts level 3 [Gloria] by certain rate when phyical attack. If base AGI is at least 80, Autocasting rate will increase. Unable to Refine Class : Headgear DEFefense : 1 Location : Upper, Mid, Lower Weight : 30 Required Lvevel : 10 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5766) Amistr Cap Smooth fluffy cap inspired by Homunculus' Amistr. Vit + 5. When receiving physical attack, all damage decrease by 20% for 2 seconds(random chance), Mdef decrease by 20%. Class : Headgear Defense : 4 Location: Upper Weight : 50 Required LVevel : 50 Jobs : All Id: (5767) Samurai Mask Amatsu warrior Samurai wearing mask during the War time. Increase pysical attack damage + 1%. Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Location: Lower Weight : 50 Required Level : 50 Jobs : All Id: (5768) Sakura Coronet [1] The Coronet which is pinky shining. MaxSP + 25. When you wear this with Centimental_Flower, you could get INT + 1, if refined lv is over 7, you could get MaxSP + 1% in every each lv. When you wear this with Romantic_White_Flower, you could get DEX + 1, if refined lv is over 5, you could get decreased skill delay by 1% in every each lv. When you wear this with Centimental_Leaf, STR + 1, if refined lv is over 3, you would 1% decreased SP in every each lv. cClass : headgear dDefense : 1 position: upper wWeight : 80 Required LVevel : 1 jJobs : All Id: (5770) Splash Hat [1] A cute Pouring who's jumping on your head. AGI +3 Can enchant your weapon with Wind property for 3 mins when you're dealing physical attacks. Class : Head Gear Defense : 3 Slot : Upper Weight : 10 Jobs : All but Novice Id: (5772) This is the hat worn by great Admirals of the navy fleet that defends the port of Alberta. Only those who have spent a lot of time helping the people of Alberta can earn this honorable hat. 10% reduced damage from Demi-human. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Location : Upper Weight : 50 Required Level : 95 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5773) This is a navy blue beret worn by the elite soldiers of the Navy of Alberta. It is very effective when battling pirates on the high seas. 10% reduced damage from Demi-human. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Location : Upper Weight : 50 Required Level : 95 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5774) A bandana usually worn by the first mate of a pirate ship. It commands respect from the crew and is effective when dealing with other pirates. 10% reduced damage from Demi-human. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Location : Upper Weight : 50 Required Level : 95 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5776) Blazing Sun Blazing small Sun. Much powerful than it looks. Eye protection recommended. Skill [Fire Bolt], [Fire Ball] casting time- 5%, Damage + 5%. Skill [Fire Wall], [Meteor Storm] Damage + 3%. Skill using SP + 5%. Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Location: Upper Weight : 50 Jobs : All Id: (5777) Remover Hat A replica of a fireman helmet. Not as durable as the real one. MDEF +1 Gives a chance to drop [Empty Bottle], [Ditrimindexta], [Karvodailnirol] when defeating Neutral type monsters. Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Upper Weight : 80 Required Lvevel : 30 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5778) Blue Arara Hat [1] A blue arara, who symbolize the amazon rainforest. STR +2 ASPD +5% when you're dealing physical attacks. Class : Head Gear Defense : 3 Slot : Upper Weight : 10 Jobs : All but Novice Id: (5781) Persica [1] A hairpin made by aromatic floral leaf which is known as a first symbol of spring. Can not be upgraded. MaxSp + 20, Flee +1 If combines with 'Centimental Flower', give MaxSP + 30, INT + 1. If combines with 'Centimental Leaf', give Flee +2, LUK + 1. Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 10 Required Levelv : 0 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5782) Hoplite Helmet [1] A Helm used in ancient western country that was famous for close formation and tight defense. MaxHP + 3% Additional 3% of Physical Damage when equipped with [Pike] Additional 3% of Physical Damage when equipped with [Gradius] DEF +2 and additional 5% resistance for all property physical attack when equipped with [Strong Shield] Class : Headgear DEFefense : 4 Location : Upper, Mid, Lower Weight : 70 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5783) [1] A hairband that attracts men. You can wear it when you want to look sexy. Your sexyness increases to 100 % STR+ 1, INT + 1, DEX + 2, If refined to 9, increase ATK and MATK by 2%. If refined to 10, increase ATK and MATK by 2% in addition. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 20 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5784) [1] A hairband that attracts men. You can wear it when you want to look sexy. Your sexyness increases to 100 % STR+ 1, INT + 2, DEX + 1, If refined to 9, increase ATK and MATK by 2%. If refined to 10, increase ATK and MATK by 2% in addition. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 20 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5785) [1] A hairband that attracts men. You can wear it when you want to look sexy. Your sexyness increases to 100 % STR+ 2, INT + 1, DEX + 1, If refined to 9, increase ATK and MATK by 2%. If refined to 10, increase ATK and MATK by 2% in addition. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 20 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5788) 3D Glasses Mysterious glasses which are said to show objects stereoscopically. Increase 4% of the Magical Damage inflicted to Nothing type monsters. Decrease 5% of the damage getting from Nothing type monsters. Class : Helm Defense : 1 Location : Middle Weight : 20 Required Lvevel : 10 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5789) Thanatos's Mal Mask Thanatos Odium wore mask. Cute design with high def rate. VIT +1 Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Location : Top/Middle/Lower Weight : 10 Required Level : 30 Jobs : All Id: (5792) Fish Pin A fish-shaped pin. It's pretty but doesn't seem very powerful. Decreases damage from fish-type monsters by 1%. TypeClass : Headgear Defense : 3 Location: Upper Weight : 10 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Id: (5795) Red Dress Hat [1] An adorable hat which is always worn on the side of head. If the wearer carries an umbrella with this hat on, the wearer will look as if one is going for a picnic. MDEF + 7 Increases ATK, MATK 4%, effectiveness of Heal skill 5%. Additional ATK, MATK 2% effectiveness of Heal skill 2%, when upgraded lv 7 or more. STR + 2, INT + 2 Slot : Head Gear Defense : 2 Position : Upper Weight : 20 Required level : 20 Jobs : All Id: (5801) Pretty red ribbon. You can feel the sweetness of love. All stats + 2. Reduce 10 % of the damage taken from Demi Human Monsters. Adds a chance to use Lv.5 Heal automatically when the wearer is physically attacked. (A chance of auto casting Lv.10 Heal if Lv.10 Heal is learned.) Class : Headgear Defense : 5 Location : Upper Weight : 10 Jobs : All Id: (5802) [1] An animal representing Thailand. It's huge but very innocent and kind to human. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Location : Upper Weight : 50 Available Jobs : All Id: (5807) The cap which makes you look better in the fest. TypeClass : Headgear Defencse : 1 Equipped on : Upper Weight : 10 Required Lvevel. : 50 Profession : All except Novice Id: (5808) Dark Bacilium [1] A strong diadem which has been covered by the face of Satan Morocc. It can be possessed only by the ones who have overcome the fear of Satan Morocc. Adds 20% tolerance to Stone, Freeze, and Stun. Each upgrade level increases tolerance by 2%. Weapon Class : Headgear Defense : 5 Location : Upper, Mid, Lower Weight : 25 Jobs : Above Transcendent 2-1 Classes Id: (5811) Santa Beard A beard that makes you want to laugh like Santa Claus: it does make you look more like him. Class : Helmet Defense : 0 Head PosiLocation: Lower Weight : 10 Jobs : All Id: (5814) An headgear which is made of many kinds of property rings. It looks very luxurious and charming. Reduce all damage from Demi-humans by 10%, Reduce damage from Water, Fire, Wind by 5%, Reduce damage from Ghost property monsters by 10%, Increase damage against Ghost property Demi-humans by 50%. 30 days Rental Item. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Upper,Mid,Lower Weight : 0 Required Level : 20 Jobs : All Jobs Except Novice Id: (5817) Valentine's Emblem A special gift for the most famous person. ATK +5% MATK +3% All stat +2 Flee +10 Aspd +1 Increase the power of Heal, Potion Pitcher and healing items. MDEF + 3 (This item will last fo 1 full year.) TypeClass : Accessory Defense : 3 Weight : 0 Jobs : All Id: (5829) An ordinary armor, nobody knows that it can be refined or not. Item Class : Armor Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 30 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5830) Enhanced version of Sakkat from the Midgard Crowd Control event. Reduce damage from Demi-Human by 10% Item Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 1 Required Level : 60 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5831) Enhanced version of Big Ribbon from the Midgard Crowd Control event. Reduce damage from Demi-Human by 10% Item Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 1 Required Level : 60 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5832) Enhanced version of Vane Hairpin from the Midgard Crowd Control event. Reduce damage from Demi-Human by 10% Item Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 1 Required Level : 60 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5833) Enhanced version of Sunday Hat from the Midgard Crowd Control event. Reduce damage from Demi-Human by 10% Item Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 1 Required Level : 60 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5834) Enhanced version of Crown from the Midgard Crowd Control event. Reduce damage from Demi-Human by 10% Item Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 1 Required Level : 60 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5835) Enhanced version of Tiara from the Midgard Crowd Control event. Reduce damage from Demi-Human by 10% Item Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 1 Required Level : 60 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5836) Enhanced version of Boy's Cap from the Midgard Crowd Control event. Reduce damage from Demi-Human by 10% Item Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 1 Required Level : 60 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5837) Enhanced version of Sunglasses from the Midgard Crowd Control event. Reduce damage from Demi-Human by 2% Item Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Mid Weight : 1 Required Level : 70 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5838) Enhanced version of Fin Helm from the Midgard Crowd Control event. Reduce damage from Demi-Human by 2% Item Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Mid Weight : 1 Required Level : 70 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5839) Enhanced version of Blush from the Midgard Crowd Control event. Reduce damage from Demi-Human by 2% Item Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Mid Weight : 1 Required Level : 70 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5840) Enhanced version of Elven Ears from the Midgard Crowd Control event. Reduce damage from Demi-Human by 2% Item Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Mid Weight : 1 Required Level : 70 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5841) Norn's Winged Hat [1] A hat with a beautiful feather. Protect from 3% of magical attacks. Class : Head Gear Defense : 1 Slot : Upper Weight : 10 Required Lvevel : 30 Jobs : All Id: (5848) Robin Eyepatch A simple mask that you can use to disguise yourself with. Well, at least your eyes won't look the same. Class : Head Gear Defense : 0 Slot : Mid Weight : 0 Jobs : All Id: (5849) Doctor Hairband Wearing this will help disguise you as a real doctor. Warning: This is just a costume. Un-licensed medical service is against the law. Class : Head Gear Defense : 0 Slot : Upper Weight : 0 Jobs : All Id: (5851) 30 days Rental Item. A hat that holds spirit of sun. Reduce Demi-human damage by 10%. Add chance to cast Lv1 ¡°Sight¡± skill or Lv1 ¡°Sight Thrasher¡± when being hit by physical or magical attacks. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Location : Upper,Middle Weight : 0 Required Level : 60 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5852) Easter Egg Shell A colorful egg shell that seems fragile but has mysterious healing power within. Mdef -7. Recover 1% HP every 10 seconds. If refined to +7, Flee +2. If refined to +9, recover 1% SP every 10 seconds. Class : Head Gear Defense : -7 Slot : Upper Weight : 50 Jobs : All Id: (5856) Worldcup Hat of Passion A hat which makes you feel the air of festivity. Play all over the ground with amazing vitality!! STR+ 2, DEX+ 21, INT+ 1, VIT+ 2, DEX+ 2, AGI+ 2, LUK+ 2. MDEF+1. Class : Head Gear Defense : 1 Slot : Upper Weight : 0 Jobs : All Id: (5857) Worldcup Hat of Fight A hat which makes you feel the air of festivity. Throw a great shot with the outstanding strength!! STR+ 2, INT+ 21, VIT+ 21, DEX+ 2, AGI+ 2, LUK+ 2. MDEF+1. Class : Head Gear Defense : 1 Slot : Upper Weight : 0 Jobs : All Id: (5858) Worldcup Hat of Victory A hat which makes you feel the air of festivity. Make the other team overwhelmed with your smart strategy!! INT+ 2, DEX+ 2STR+ 1, INT+ 2, VIT+ 1, DEX+ 2, AGI+ 2, LUK+ 2. MDEF+1. Class : Head Gear Defense : 1 Slot : Upper Weight : 0 Jobs : All Id: (5859) Worldcup Hat of Honor A hat which makes you feel the air of festivity. Fight to death for the moment of glory!! All statsLL STATE + 3. MDEF+1. Class : Head Gear Defense : 1 Slot : Upper Weight : 0 Jobs : All Id: (5860) Enhanced version of Army Cap from the Midgard Crowd Control event. Reduce damage from Demi-Human by 10% Item Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Location: Upper Weight : 10 Required Level : 60 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5861) Enhanced version of Kafra Band from the Midgard Crowd Control event. Reduce damage from Demi-Human by 10% Item Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Location: Upper Weight : 10 Required Level : 60 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5862) Enhanced version of Sweet Gent from the Midgard Crowd Control event. Reduce damage from Demi-Human by 10% Item Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Location: Upper Weight : 10 Required Level : 60 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5863) Enhanced version of Zoro Mask from the Midgard Crowd Control event. Reduce damage from Demi-Human by 2% Item Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Location: Mid Weight : 10 Required Level : 70 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5873) Helmet Of Siegfried [1] A helmet which has been worn by a legendary dragon slayer. This hat is made of real dragon wings and a piece of dragon skin. Wearing this hat makes you feel epic and powerful. Increase resistance to Neutral Property attacks by 5%. Resistance +5% to dragon enemies. Cast [Assumptio] by certain chance when receiving physical damage. All Stat + 5. Impossible to destroy. Class : Headgear Defense : 7 Position : Upper Weight : 60 Required Lvevel. : 60 Jobs : Rebirth Swordman/Merchant Class Id: (5874) Circlet Of Kriemhild [1] The golden falcon is a sign of destiny and will protect its ower from evil forces. It has been worn by a brave woman. The power of this circet makes you feel very brave. Increase resistance to Neutral Property attacks by 5%. Resistance +5% to dragon enemies. Cast [Kyrie Eleison] by certain chance when receiving physical damage. All Stat + 5. Impossible to destroy. Class : Headgear Defense : 6 Position : Upper Weight : 60 Required Lvevel. : 60 Jobs : Rebirth Archer/Thief Class Id: (5875) Diadem Of Bruenhild [1] This diadem has been worn by a heroic woman. The legend says she had supernatural powers. You can feel a strong magic flow when wearing it. Increase resistance to Neutral Property attacks by 5%. Resistance +5% to dragon enemies. Cast [Endure] by certain chance when receiving physical damage. All Stat + 5. Impossible to destroy. Class : Headgear Defense : 6 Position : Upper Weight : 60 Required Lvevel. : 60 Jobs : Rebirth Magician/Acolyte Class Id: (6000) Ashes of Darkness A dark ash imbued with mysterious magical power and darkness. _ Weight : 0 Id: (6001) Essence of Fire An essence of fire that is holding the pure spirit of Thor, god of thunder. It has the mysterious force to restrain vices and darkness. _ Weight : 1 Id: (6002) Token of Apostle A token that certifies the aspiration of its owner to obey all evil; and proves a member of the diabolists. _ Weight : 1 Id: (6003) Pendant of Spirit A pendant that was been used to confine wandered souls from unknown places. _ Weight : 1 Id: (6004) Cursed Baphomet Doll A Doll imbued with Baphomet's curse. It seems to be compounded with something. _ Weight : 1 Id: (6009) Big Fan of Magic Magical Fan that can stir up a strong wind. Let's try it under the cherry blossom tree. _ Weight : 0 Id: (6010) Dig Dug Pickaxe which can be used as an weapon. _ Weight : 1 Id: (6017) Svartalfheim Certificate A ticket who can be used to access to the Svartalfheim. _ Weight : 10 Id: (6020) Fur Beautiful Silver colored fur that can be sold to merchant NPC at a high price. _ Weight : 1 Id: (6021) Peaked Hat Small, red colored Peaked Hat that can be sold to merchant NPC at a high price. _ Weight : 1 Id: (6022) Hard Skin Gray colored Hard Skin. Too hard that it seems impossible to be even processed. It can be sold to merchant NPC at a high price. _ Weight : 1 Id: (6023) Mystic Horn Beautiful long, white colored horn with the very strong magical power. It can be sold to merchant NPC at a high price. _ Weight : 1 Id: (6026) Marriage Covenant This written oath professes undying love, loyalty, and union. Forever in life, and eternally beyond death. _ Cannot be Dropped or Traded. _ Weight : 1 Id: (6027) Crystal Of Feardoom A crystal bearing strong force of darkness. Blood stain on the surface looks full of darkness. It gives the feeling of evil. _ Weight : 0 Id: (6028) Sealed Scroll Sealed scroll hiding magical spells. _ Weight : 0 Id: (6029) Morocc Tracing Log The is a record of tracing Raiyan Moore who was the leader of unsealing Satan Morocc along with the investigation of the Crack of Dimension. Pretty messy for a report to be submitted to the superior office. Writer: Echinacea, Kid, Rin _ Weight : 0 Id: (6030) Glitering Paper My heart's pounding! Where is the treasure paper? _ Weight : 1 Id: (6031) Glitering Paper You're lucky! Run to Pierre before too late! _ Weight : 1 Id: (6032) Horn of Hilsrion A hard horn grows on Hilsrion's head. _ Weight : 1 Id: (6033) Horn of Tendrilion A hard horn grows on Tendrilion's head. _ Weight : 1 Id: (6034) Weird Part A very worn-out piece of some part. _ Weight : 0 Id: (6035) Decaying Stem An old, decaying stem of a plant. _ Weight : 0 Id: (6036) Meeting Invitation Rune-Midgard's investigator, Ryosen has filled out this Meeting Invitation. The agenda and the schedule of the meeting are written. _ Weight : 1 Id: (6037) Messy File A bundle of files ripped and crumpled everywhere. Some of the papers are sticking out of the bunch. _ Weight : 1 Id: (6038) Neat Report Very nicely sorted document file. A small thanks note is attached on the bottom of the file. _ Weight : 1 Id: (6039) Piece Of Fish A piece of raw fish. This is cats' favorite food. _ Weight : 1 Id: (6040) Part of a Report Looks like a part of the expedition's report. Some parts are destroyed and wrinkled that can hardly be recognized. _ Weight : 1 Id: (6041) Strong Vine Strong looking vine. Looks useful for various use. _ Weight : 5 Id: (6042) Ordinary Branch Strong looking branch. Looks useful for various use. _ Weight : 1 Id: (6043) Letter from Lugen A letter to the close friend, Otto. Lugen wrote a letter since he couldn't spare any time to meet up with him. _ Weight : 1 Id: (6044) Letter from Otto The reply letter to Lugen. You can feel their close friendship. _ Weight : 1 Id: (6045) Supply Box A box with various supplies. Many living supplies with the articles of comfort are contained. _ Weight : 0 Id: (6046) Clothing Dye Coupon If you give this coupon to the NPC, she will dye your costume. _ Weight : 0 Id: (6047) If you give this coupon to the NPC, she will dye your costume to its original color. _ Weight : 0 Id: (6048) Unidentified Mineral A mineral never found in Midgard. Most labs want to study it. _ Weight : 1 Id: (6049) Marlin A fish called Marlin. But, it looks a bit different from what you saw in a book. _ Weight : 1 Id: (6051) Gray Hollow Unknown mineral which is not found in Midgards. Looks like it has some unknown magical power inside. _ Weight : 1 Id: (6058) Amber Pearl A pearl for Ambernite, give it to Mayu and her Qpet in Geffen. Weight : 1 Id: (6059) New Year 2012 Box A box sealed by magic who will summon an unknown item. Give it to the Bandit Manchot in the Market House who's the only one to be able to break the seal of this box. Weight : 1 Id: (6073) Dragon's Mane Mysterious blue mane of a dragon. It is used for decoration, due to its beautiful color and silky touch. _ Weight : 0 Id: (6074) Bazett's Order Slightly worn notes. Be careful not to lose any pages! _ Weight : 0 Id: (6075) Crystalized Teardrop The one and only tear drop of the Aqua Elemental. _ Weight : 0 Id: (6076) Portable Toolbox A toolbox that consists of portable tools for collecting ores or plants. They include a small rockhammer and a radar. _ Weight : 0 Id: (6077) Rough Mineral Roughly collected ore. _ Weight : 0 Id: (6078) Stone Fragment Small fragments of the broken stone. _ Weight : 0 Id: (6079) Flower Of Alfheim A wild flower easily found in Alfheim. _ Weight : 0 Id: (6080) Manuk Coin Currency used in Manuk. _ Weight : 0 Id: (6081) Splendide Coin Currency used in the Splendide Outpost. _ Weight : 0 Id: (6082) Spirit Of Alfheim Perfume made from distilled flowers of Alfheim. It smells cozy and nostalgic. _ Weight : 0 Id: (6083) A tiny capsule which contains a cute doll. _ Weight : 1 Id: (6084) Bradium Fragments Fragmented Bradium's piece. Laphines were experimenting on it and its quality is now different from the refined Bradium at Manuk. _ Weight : 0 Id: (6085) Shaggy Muffler A Muffler made out of unacquainted materials and techniques. It is the Manuk Sapha tribe's favorite muffler. It's worn out. The name is inscribed on the tip of the muffler. _ Weight : 0 Id: (6086) Withered Flower A completely withered flower. Wonder how it looked when it was at its full-bloom. _ Weight : 1 Id: (6087) Spiritual Crystal Brightly shining jewel of a very small size. Some of the rare ones are blessed by fairies. _ Weight : 1 Id: (6088) Spiritual Crystal Brightly shining jewel of a very small size. Some of the rare ones are blessed by fairies. _ Weight : 1 Id: (6089) Dark Piece A bead that keeps the dusk and the darkness inside. It feels like you could look beyond the universe through it, if you were to look closely. _ Weight : 1 Id: (6090) Refined Bradium Purified Bradium which is the Ore of another world. It looks like ice, but it's warm. _ Weight : 5 Id: (6091) Darkred Scale Piece A huge magical bloody-red dragon scale. Luckily, it doesn't smell fishy. _ Weight : 1 Id: (6092) A piece of crystal which sings and seems enchanted to memorize songs. _ Weight : 1 Id: (6093) Draco's Egg A draco's egg about to be hatched. If you take good care of it, you may have the chance to see a baby draco. _ Weight : 0 Id: (6095) Flavored Alcohol A traditional drink which smells like fresh flowers. _ Weight : 1 Id: (6098) Small Snow Flower It looks like a thin ice cookie, slightly bigger than the snow flower. _ Weight : 1 Id: (6100) Damp Darkness A small lump of Darkness. No one knows how this lump is created. _ Weight : 1 Id: (6101) This attendance card can not be replaced with cash. _ Weight : 0 Id: (6102) Report from Splendide expedition in order to brief atmosphere in Splendide. Every details about Splendide were written. _ Weight : 0 Id: (6103) Report from Manuk expedition in order to brief atmosphere in Manuk. Every details about Manuk were written. _ Weight : 0 Id: (6104) Big Cell Sort of big crystal which can be received from some monsters. Rare but not too valuable. _ Weight : 1 Id: (6108) Apple Pudding Pudding tastes like an unripe apple. _ Weight : 1 Id: (6111) Mystic Stone A mysterious stone which is holding the magic. _ Weight : 1 Id: (6112) Fresh Plant Nicely chopped greens. It smells fresh plant. _ Weight : 1 Id: (6115) Bun Nice size of bun for kids to eat. _ Weight : 1 Id: (6116) Congratulation! Beautiful Succubus will be always with you! Enable to exchange it with 1 Succubus Egg. _ Weight : 0 Id: (6117) Congratulation! Pretty Imp will be always with you! Enable to exchange it with 1 Imp Egg. _ Weight : 0 Id: (6118) Congratulation! Cute Chung E will be always with you! Enable to exchange it with 1 Chung E Egg. _ Weight : 0 Id: (6120) Face Paint A paint that is safe for skin. It's used for body painting. _ Weight : 2 Id: (6121) Makeover Brush A brush that can draw a little and delicate picture. Exclusively for body painting. _ Weight : 0 Id: (6122) Paint Brush A brush which is wide and has a long hand grip. Exclusively for ground graffiti. _ Weight : 0 Id: (6123) Surface Paint A paint with a vivid and intense color. Exclusively for ground graffiti. _ Weight : 3 Id: (6124) Wolf Flute A very tiny flute. It sounds like a wolf that is tamed by a ranger. _ Weight : 0 Id: (6127) A purity stone that can remove the aftereffect of the Endless Tower at a time. You can enter the Endless Tower without any restriction with it. _ Weight : 0 Id: (6128) Antidote An antidote for Guillotine Cross only. _ Weight : 0 Id: (6144) Regrettable Tears A heartbreaking tear for others. Sometimes a miracle happens by this tear. _ Weight : 0.2 Id: (6145) Vulcan Bullet A bullet which is used for a skill use. _ Weight : 0.2 Id: (6146) Magic Gear Fuel A fuel that is used for a large number of Magic Gear skill. Strong skills consumes more fuels. _ Weight : 3 Id: (6147) Liquid Condensed Bullet A bullet which effuses a cold air. _ Weight : 0.3 Id: (6424) Halloween Spiritpiece A spirit which should have gone to beyond the grave became a crystal due of the seal. wWeight : 0 Id: (6425) Halloween Certificate Recieved a proof that have liberated a spirit. You can get rewards if brings to the magician wWeight : 0 Id: (6446) Green Paper Suspicious paper out of Strange Box wWeight : 0 Id: (6446) Green Paper Un papier vert suspect. Poids: 0 Id: (6446) Green Paper Verdächtiges Papier, das aus der Strange Box stammt. Gewicht: 0 Id: (6446) Green Paper Strange Box'dan çýkmýþ þüpheli kaðýt. Aðýrlýk: 0 Id: (6447) Red Paper A paper which Red Paper rainning on a Green Paper wWeight : 0 Id: (6448) White Paper A paper wich White paper snowing on a Red paper wWeight : 0 Id: (6449) Casual Diary Causal diary that is about ordinary daily life of average kid wWeight : 0 Id: (6450) Honest Diary Honest diary that is about right things that good kid has done in a day wWeight : 0 Id: (6496) Tikbalang's Thick Spine Tikbalang's thick and tough spine. Sell to a collection dealer. _ Weight : 1 Id: (6497) Lesser Agimat Paper that protects a player from harm's way or casts special abilities. A faint energy can be felt. _ Weight : 5 Id: (6498) Jejellopy Looks similar to a Large Jellopy but with a shinier crystal. _ Weight : 1 Id: (6499) Ancient Grudge Paper that protects a player from harm's way or casts special abilities. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7001) Mould Powder A handful of soft, powdery mold that is strangely silken to the touch. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7002) Ogre Tooth A tooth extracted from the mouth of a proud Orc Warrior. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7003) Anolian Skin A sticky piece of Anolian skin. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7004) Mud Lump A gloppy, unpleasant lump of wet, dirty mud. [/s] [/color] Weight : 1 Id: (7005) Skull A skull taken from a corpse. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7006) Wing of Red Bat A wing from a red bat. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7007) Claw of Rat A toe nail from a huge, disease ridden rodent. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7008) Stiff Horn A tough horn that might break, but will never bend. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7009) Glitter Shell A shell that sparkles with dazzling light. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7010) Tail of Steel Scorpion A stinger ripped out of the body of a steel scorpion. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7011) Claw of Monkey A monkey's claw that was used to peel many a banana. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7012) Tough Scalelike Stem A stem with a tough surface that feels like it's covered with thick, protective scales. [/s] [/color] Weight : 1 Id: (7013) Coral Reef A small chunk of a reef formed by corals in clear, tropical waters. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7014) Old Portrait An old, fragile portrait of a girl that you can't quite identify, although she seems very pretty. _ Weight : 10 Id: (7015) Memory Bookmark An old leaf that can be used as a bookmark or to remind its owner of something quite important. _ Weight : 2 Id: (7016) Bent Spoon A spoon that looks like it was used to dig some sort of underground tunnel... _ Weight : 2 Id: (7017) Executioner's Glove A glove worn when performing executions that has absorbed all sorts of memories that are related to death and obligation. _ Weight : 3 Id: (7018) Young Twig A fresh, young twig that evokes feelings of purity and innocence. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7019) Loki's Whispers A strange object in which the seductive whispers of Loki can be faintly heard... _ Weight : 1 Id: (7020) Mother's Nightmare A mother's nightmares that have been given physical form. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7021) Foolishness of the Blind A symbol of Hod, the blind god who was tricked into killing his brother Balder, god of light. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7022) Broken Sword Handle An old hilt broken off a heavy sword. _ Weight : 3 Id: (7023) Blade of Darkness A blade imbued with a suffocating aura that repels the light. _ Weight : 4 Id: (7024) Bloody Edge A blade stained with blood that can't be cleansed. _ Weight : 4 Id: (7026) Clock Tower Key An ornate key that can open what is locked in the Clock Tower. _ Weight : 3 Id: (7027) Key of Underground The key that can unlock the underground door in the Clock Tower. _ Weight : 3 Id: (7029) Admission for Duel Admission to watch a duel between honorable combatants. _ Weight : 0 Id: (7030) Claw of Desert Wolf A claw pried from a Desert Wolf's paw. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7031) Old Frying Pan An old frying pan that has outlived its usefulness. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7032) Piece of Egg Shell An eggshell fragment that protected its egg to the final, tragic end. [/s] [/color] Weight : 1 Id: (7033) Poison Spore A clump of spores from a toxic mushroom. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7034) Red Stocking A Christmas stocking from which presents were stolen through a hole made in the bottom. Weight : 1 Id: (7035) Matchstick A phosphorus tipped stick that can be used to start a fire. Weight : 1 Id: (7036) Fang of Hatii A sharp fang dislodged from Hatii's mouth. Weight : 1 Id: (7037) Coupon A coupon that can be redeemed for a service or to receive a discount. Weight : 1 Id: (7038) Yarn A wound up ball of fluffy knitting yarn. Weight : 1 Id: (7039) Newbie Tag An identification tag that certifies that its owner is a Novice. Weight : 1 Id: (7040) Megaphone A funnel shaped device that is used to amplify one's voice. Weight : 1 Id: (7041) Fine Grit A crystal made entirely of fine sand. Weight : 1 Id: (7042) Leather Bag of Infinity A mysterious leather bag that seems to contain a limitless supply of sand. Weight : 1 Id: (7043) Fine Sand Sand whose grains are so fine that it cannot be gathered with bare hands. Weight : 1 Id: (7044) Vigorgra An awesome tonic that brings enormous vigor to he who imbibes it. Weight : 1 Id: (7045) Magic Paint Paint that has been endowed with magical qualities. Weight : 1 Id: (7046) Cart Parts A set of disassembled parts for making a cart. Weight : 1 Id: (7047) Alice's Apron An apron worn by the Alice monster. Weight : 1 Id: (7048) Talon of Griffon A Griffon's sharp talon. Weight : 1 Id: (7049) Stone Just a simple stone that you can pick up around anywhere. Weight : 3 Id: (7050) Cotton Mat A sturdy mat woven from cotton. Weight : 1 Id: (7051) Silk Mat A fine, luxurious mat knit woven from very expensive silk. Weight : 1 Id: (7052) Old Papers Old, discarded and crumpled paper. Weight : 1 Id: (7053) Cyfar A blue crystal that faintly shines with muddled light. Weight : 1 Id: (7054) Brigan A rare, red mineral. Weight : 1 Id: (7055) Animal Poop Animal feces which make a horrible gift for a girl, or anyone for that matter. Weight : 5 Id: (7056) Payment Statement for Kafra Employee A payment statement for the Kafra Employees. Weight : 5 Id: (7057) Gjallar A great bugle made from an animal's horn whose thunderous sound can be heard for miles. Weight : 50 Id: (7058) Gleipnir Impossibly strong thread woven from the sound of a cat's footsteps, woman's moustache, stone root, fish spirit, bird sputem and bear sinew. Weight : 50 Id: (7059) Free Ticket for Kafra Storage A ticket that entitles the bearer to use the Kafra Storage one time without paying any fee. Weight : 1 Id: (7060) Free Ticket for Kafra Transportation A ticket that entitles the bearer to use the Kafra Teleport Service one time free of charge. Weight : 1 Id: (7061) Free Ticket for the Cart Service A ticket that entitles the bearer to use the Kafra Pushcart Rental Service one time without incurring the usual fee. Weight : 1 Id: (7062) Broken Turtle Shell A sturdy, solid turtle's shell. Weight : 1 Id: (7063) Soft Feather A feather that is soft enough to be used as stuffing in a quilt. Weight : 1 Id: (7064) Wing of Dragonfly A dragonfly wing. Weight : 1 Id: (7065) Sea-otter Fur Sea otter fur that is soft and downy enough to be used in making clothing. Weight : 1 Id: (7066) Ice Cubic A miraculous lump of ice that wil never melt. Weight : 1 Id: (7067) Stone Fragment A small piece of rock that has been broken from a larger stone. Weight : 1 Id: (7068) Burnt Tree A burnt piece of wood that seems to have little practical value, despite the fact that shops will still buy it for zeny. Weight : 1 Id: (7069) Destroyed Armor Pieces of armor that have been damaged beyond repair. Weight : 1 Id: (7070) Broken Shell A damaged turtle's shell. In ancient times, turtle shells were used to foretell the future. Weight : 1 Id: (7071) Tattered Clothes Worn out clothes. Weight : 1 Id: (7072) Old Shuriken An old, rusty shuriken that has little hope of being thrown by an awesome ninja. Weight : 1 Id: (7073) Freya's Jewel A sparkling clear gemstone said to have been formed from the tears of the goddess Freya. Weight : 50 Id: (7074) Thor's Gauntlets A pair of steel gauntlets rumored to have been worn by Thor, god of thunder, when wielding Mjolnir. Unfortunately, they're impossible to wear. Weight : 50 Id: (7075) Iron Maiden An instrument used for torture. Weight : 50 Id: (7076) Wheel of the Unknown A curious wheel whose actual purpose is truly mysterious. Weight : 50 Id: (7077) Silver Ornament An ornament made with silver. Weight : 50 Id: (7078) Wrath of Valkyrie The pure rage of the Valkyries, female warriors in Norse myth, that has condensed into physical form. Weight : 50 Id: (7079) Feather of Angel Wing A feather from an angel's wing. Weight : 50 Id: (7080) Cat Tread The sound of cat footsteps that has been materialized into physical form. Weight : 50 Id: (7081) Woman's Moustache Weird facial hair from the faces of women. Weight : 50 Id: (7082) Root of Stone Actual roots from a stone that are a rare commodity since most stones are proven not to have roots at all. Weight : 50 Id: (7083) Spirit of Fish A transparent blue bottle that contains the spirit of a fish. Weight : 50 Id: (7084) Sputum of Bird A bottle containing bird sputum, a very rare item considering that almost all birds do not even salivate. Weight : 50 Id: (7085) Sinew of Bear A small bunch of amazingly rare bear sinew. Weight : 50 Id: (7086) Emblem of the Sun God A golden, shining bead that is a symbol of the god of the sun. Weight : 50 Id: (7087) Breath of Spirit Exhaled from a spirit, this breath causes the living to feel an unnatural chill. Weight : 50 Id: (7088) Snow Crystal A crystal of ice that has fallen from the sky with the snow. Weight : 50 Id: (7089) Omen of Tempest A strange orb that can be used to predict when windstorms will occur. Weight : 50 Id: (7090) Ripple A conic receptacle that contains a single ripple from the ocean. Weight : 50 Id: (7091) Billow A sculpture of a huge billow rushing towards the shore. Weight : 50 Id: (7092) Drifting Air A gorgeous sculpture made by an artist who claimed to be able to sense forms within the drifting air. Weight : 50 Id: (7093) Cogwheel A cogwheel used in a machine. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7094) Fragment A strange object with metal pieces attached to it. It could be a piece of a very large machine. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7095) Metal Fragment An unidentified metal fragment. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7096) Lava A chunk of lava that containing minerals. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7097) Burning Heart A stone heart that is aflame with magic. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7098) Live Coal A live coal. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7099) Worn-out Magic Scroll An old, worn-out magic scroll that is extremely valuable to the Mage Academy. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7100) Sharp Leaf A sharp leaf. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7101) PecoPeco Feather A rare feather from the wing of a Peco Peco. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7102) Nightmare A mysterious stone rumored to bring nightmares to its owner. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7103) Unknown Liquid Bottle A bottle carrying unidentified liquid. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7104) False Angel Wing A wing from a phony angel. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7105) False Heaven Ring A heavenly halo from a phony angel. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7106) Antelope Horn A impressive horn from an antelope. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7107) Antelope Skin Some dirty fur from an antelope. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7108) Piece of Shield A piece of shield that looks strong and durable. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7109) Shining Spear Blade A shiny spear blade. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7110) Broken Sword A damaged sword that no longer looks usable. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7111) Slick Paper Smooth, sleek paper that looks suitable for writing love letters. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7112) Sharp Paper Incredibly sharp, and stout paper that looks as though it could be used like a knife. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7113) Broken Pharaoh Emblem A broken emblem of Pharaoh that seems to possess some mysterious power. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7114) Masque of Tutankhamen A golden masque that is rumored to be worn by an ancient Egyptian king. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7115) Harpy Feather A feather from a Harpy. The Harpy's wings are effective in paralyzing its enemies. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7116) Harpy Talon A Talon from a Harpy. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7117) Torn Magic Book An old magic book that is seriously damaged. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7118) Torn Scroll A piece of a scroll. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7119) Bacillus Aerobic bacteria. Often resides on metal chains. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7120) Burning Horseshoe A burning horseshoe. Should probably only be shod on a burning horse. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7121) Honey Pot An empty pot that carried honey once upon a time, but contains sweet goodness no longer. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7122) Burning Hair Tussled red hair that [/s][/color] looks like it's on fire. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7123) Dragon Skin A piece of skin from a dragon. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7124) Sand Clump A lump of wet sand. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7125) Scorpion Claw A claw from a scorpion. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7126) Large Jellopy A huge jellopy. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7127) Alcohol Creation Guide A book with instructions for creating Alcohol. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7128) Bottle Grenade Creation Guide A book with instructions for creating Bottle Grenades. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7129) Acid Bottle Creation Guide A book with instructions for creating Acid Bottles. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7130) Plant Bottle Creation Guide A book with instructions for catching Floras and trapping them in bottles. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7131) Marine Sphere Creation Guide A book with instructions for catching Marine Spheres and trapping them in bottles. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7132) Glistening Coat Creation Guide A book with instructions for creating Glistening Coats. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7133) Condensed Potion Creation Guide A book with instructions for creating Condensed Potions. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7134) Medicine Bowl A porcelain bowl used for grinding herbs or other substances to make medicine. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7135) Bottle Grenade A bottle containing flammable liquid. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7136) Acid Bottle A bottle holding highly corrosive acid. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7137) Plant Bottle A bottle containing a dormant Flora. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7138) Marine Sphere Bottle A bottle containing a dormant Marine Sphere. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7139) Glistening Coat A bottle which contains shining liquid. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7140) Seed of Life A seed filled with vitality. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7141) Morning Dew of Yggdrasil Morning dew gathered from Yggdrasilberries. It glimmers faintly with the gentle light of life. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7142) Embryo An embryo. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7143) Glass Tube An empty tube that can hold a creature. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7144) Potion Creation Guide A book that describes how to create potions. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7145) Ragnarok T-shirt A cotton shirt with the Ragnarok logo printed on it. The owner of this T-shirt can apply for an event by talking to Kurt in front of the Prontera castle. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7146) Vacation Ticket A ticket which allows its owner to apply for a summer vacation event. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7147) Jasmine A beautiful flower with a unique fragrance. Serves a number of purposes, and can be used in various teas. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7148) Mother's Letter A letter written with loving words by a warm hearted mother to her children. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7149) Yellow Plate A polished plate made out of yellow clay. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7150) Piece of Bamboo A piece of bamboo from a bamboo tree. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7151) Oil Paper A piece of yellowish paper with a waxy surface that repels water. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7152) Glossy Hair A tied bunch of shining human hair. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7153) Worn-out Kimono A beautiful but worn-out kimono. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7154) Poisonous Powder A bottle of poisonous powder which may poison enemies when mixed with water or alcohol. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7155) Poisonous Toad Skin A piece of skin from the back of a poisonous toad. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7156) Broken Shuriken A broken shuriken that is no longer useful. Usually, it is a lethal weapon used by ninjas. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7157) Dark Mask Dark colored mask made from fabric. Used to cover the entire face. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7158) Broken Liquor Jar A piece of a broken liquor jar on which the tempting scent of alcohol still lingers. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7159) Tengu Nose A nose part of the mask that the Tengu monster wears. The nose attached on this redish mask is quite long and ugly. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7160) Feudal Lord Permit An authorized ticket which allows its owner to enter a prohibited area. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7161) Black Bear Skin A bad smelling piece of skin peeled from a black bear. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7162) Cloud Crumb A bottle which contains cloud crumbs. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7163) Hard Feeler A sharp, solid feeler. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7164) Solid Peach A peach that is so stout and solid, that it appears it can even withstand blows from a sword. Inedible, but might make a good weapon. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7165) Transparent Celestial Robe A transparent celestial robe which is made with very light and soft fabric. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7166) Soft Silk A expensive fabric that is knit with high quality silk threads. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7167) Strange Steel Piece Unidentified piece of steel which is possibly used as a hinge for something. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7168) Giant Butterfly Wing Wings from a giant butterfly. However, it does not seem to have the same ability as a butterfly wing. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7169) Ba Gua A talisman with a Yin-Yang symbol carved in the middle of it. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7170) Tuxedo A formal suit which is usually worn by the Groom during a wedding ceremony. Although it enhances its wearer's looks, some people refer to it as a penguin suit. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7171) Leopard Skin Peeled off leopard skin. There is a rumor of a man who ruled the jungle, wearing this skin as a loincloth. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7172) Leopard Claw A sharp claw extracted from a leopard. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7174) Packing Ribbon Long and thin lace used to decorate a gift box. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7175) Packing Paper Shiny, beautiful paper used to decorate a gift box. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7177) Crumb of Sobbing Starlight Pieces of sobbing starlight. It might be possible to assemble them together. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7178) Sobbing Starlight A beautiful jewel that was named after a star in the sky. Sometimes, it seems to show ancient letters from behind. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7179) Proof of Donation A certificate that shows its owner donated money to the poor. Authenticated with Tristram the 3rd's signature. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7180) Hahn Sukbong's Recommendation A recommendation letter given to Jamgeum as a token of Sukbong's gratitute for her favor. Jamgeum informed Sukbong of his mother's news. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7181) Receipt A small paper which is used as a proof of purchase. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7182) Cacao A nut from the Cacao tree that is naturally found in warm climes. It must be dried into cacao beans, fried and then ground to become cacao paste. Chocolate is made by solidying the cacao paste with milk. The fat extracted from the cacao paste is used as cacao butter, so it's not ready to eat yet. _ Weight : 2 Id: (7183) Letter from Sister A letter written by a younger sister to her brother. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7184) Piano Key A white key which was came from a broken piano. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7185) Quiz Entry A ticket that is needed to participate in an OX quiz. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7186) Thin Trunk A thin trunk which is used by people to climb up to higher places. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7187) Festival Mask A mask that is worn during festivals. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7188) Brown Root A tree root that still has soil clinging to it. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7189) Wooden Heart An artificial heart made out of wood which is used to give life to a Wooden Golem. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7190) Solid Husk An insect husk that seems very hard and stout. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7191) Lamp A beautiful lamp made with red paper. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7192) Vane A vane with sharp blades suspected to be used for assassinations. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7193) Sprout A sprout grown out of a vegetable seed. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7194) Soft Blade of Grass A very soft blade of grass. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7195) Slingshot A tool consisting of a Y-shaped wooden stick with an elastic band between the arms. Used to attack distant objects. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7196) Shoulder Protector A primitive protector made out of wood that is worn on the shoulders. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7197) Tough Vines A tough vine which can be used as rope. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7198) Huge Leaf A huge leaf which can be worn one's head in the rain. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7199) Unknown Coupon A coupon with an unidentified purpose. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7200) Elastic Band An amazing length of flexible material which returns to its original form after being stretched. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7201) Log A piece of wood that seems like it could be made into something. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7202) Pincher of Beetle A pincher from a beetle. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7203) Strong Branch A tree branch which can be used in various ways as a simple tool. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7204) Gunpowder Explosive powder. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7205) Piece of Black Cloth A piece of jet black cloth that cannot be seen in the dark. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7206) Black Cat Doll A doll which resembles a black cat that almost seems alive. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7207) Old Manteau A old, exhausted manteau. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7208) Rusty Kitchen Knife A dull edged, rusty kitchen knife stained with blood. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7209) Helm of Dullahan A helm that is said to be worn by Dullahan. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7210) Armor Piece of Dullahan A broken piece of an armor said to be worn by Dullahan. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7211) Fragment of Rossata Stone A broken piece of a stone with writing carved in an ancient language. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7212) Hung Doll A doll hung on a rope that appears to hold some sort of cursed spell. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7213) Needle Packet A packet, made with fabric, that is used to hold needles in place. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7214) Bat Cage A cage which is used to hold a bat. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7215) Broken Needle Pieces of a broken needle. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7216) Red Muffler A red-colored fabric worn around the neck to protect its wearer from the cold. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7217) Spool A sewing tool on which thread is wound. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7218) Decomposed Rope An old, rotten rope. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7219) Striped Sock A sock decorated with various colored stripes. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7220) Ectoplasm Green translucent liquid that is disgustingly sticky. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7221) Tangled Chains A clump of chains that are hard to untangle. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7222) Wooden Gnarl A gnarl of a tree. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7223) Contorted Self-Portrait A self-portrait of someone contorting his facial expression. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7224) Stone of Sage An enchanted stone rumored to transmute matter into gold. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7225) Pumpkin Lantern A funny lantern made with a pumpkin, carved with a smily face, containing a lit candle. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7226) Pellet A small, round pill that looks like it will taste bitter. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7227) TCG Card Ragnarok Trading Card. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7228) Gold Bullion A bar of pure gold which can be used as currency. _ Weight : 30 Id: (7229) Silver Bullion A bar of pure silver which can be used as currency. _ Weight : 30 Id: (7230) Platinum Bullion A bar of pure platinum. Platinum is a very rare metal and is more valuable than gold. _ Weight : 30 Id: (7231) Gold Ore An ore containing gold which can be purified to make gold. _ Weight : 15 Id: (7232) Silver Ore An ore containing silver which can be purified to make silver. _ Weight : 15 Id: (7233) Mithril Ore An ore containing mythril which can be purified to make mythril. _ Weight : 15 Id: (7234) Spirit of Guild A statue which stands for the comradeship of guilds men _ Weight : 1 Id: (7235) Spirit of Charge A statue honoring the spirit of brave warriors _ Weight : 1 Id: (7236) Spirit of Protection A statue made in recognition of protective warriors. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7237) Spirit of Association A statue symbolizing the spirit of cooperation. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7238) Spirit of Coordination A statue which stands for the spirit of harmony. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7239) Spirit of Advance A statue honoring exemplary leadership. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7240) Spirit of Trust A statue which symbolizes trust. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7241) Spirit of Union A statue honoring the spirit of beginners. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7242) Spirit of Combination A statue which stands for teamwork. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7243) Spirit of Cooperation A statue which describes spirit of assistance. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7244) Spirit of Solidarity A statue symbolizing the spirit of unity for a common cause. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7245) Spirit of Friendship A statue which stands for friendship. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7246) Spirit of Peace A statue symbolizing peace. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7247) Spirit of Determination A statue which symbolizes challenge. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7248) Spirit of Honor A statue which stands for honor. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7249) Spirit of Service A statue which stands for sacrifice. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7250) Spirit of Glory A statue which symbolizes the joy of achievement. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7251) Spirit of Victory A statue which signifies the spirit of emerging victorious. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7252) Eastern Medicine An herbal medicine which is used in the eastern countries. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7253) Golden Korean Flag A golden Korean national flag. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7254) Digital Picture Printing Coupon Let you to receive a Deviruchi's Egg when you talk to the Pet Master in Morroc. Don't forgot to feed your pet if you do not want to lose. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7255) Mystic Orb A red orb engraved with the word ''Hsien'' that is said to be from the East God's territory and to have the power to cure any disease. There are rumors that this orb has other hidden powers. _ Weight : 10 Id: (7256) Mystic Orb A red orb engraved with the word ''State'' that is said to be from the East God's territory and to have the power to cure any disease. There are rumors that this orb has other hidden powers. _ Weight : 10 Id: (7257) Mystic Orb A red orb engraved with the word ''Life'' that is said to be from the East God's territory and to have the power to cure any disease. There are rumors that this orb has other hidden powers. _ Weight : 10 Id: (7258) Mystic Orb A red orb engraved with the word ''Doctrine'' that is said to be from the East God's territory and to have the power to cure any disease. There are rumors that this orb has other hidden powers. _ Weight : 10 Id: (7259) Mystic Orb A red orb with an engraving that reads ''All around.'' It's said to be from the East Sea God's territory and can cure any disease. There are rumors that it also contains other powers... _ Weight : 10 Id: (7260) Mystic Orb A red orb engraved with the word ''Year'' that is said to be from the East God's territory and to have the power to cure any disease. There are rumors that this orb has other hidden powers. _ Weight : 10 Id: (7261) Mystic Orb A red orb with an engraving that reads ''Good Luck.'' It's said to be from the East Sea God's territory and can cure any disease. There are rumors that it also contains other powers... _ Weight : 10 Id: (7262) Fan of Cat Monster A folding fan which is very useful in summer. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7263) Stone of Cat's Eye A gem which looks like the eye of a cat. It's very rare and beautiful. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7264) Dried Sand Dry sand which can be easily found on the street. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7265) Dragon Horn A decorative horn from a dragon mask. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7266) Denture from Dragon Mask A tooth cut from a dragon mask. It seems to be made from a different material than the rest of the mask, which is wooden. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7267) Tiger Undies A panty made of tiger skin. It looks warm, yet wild and untamed. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7268) Baby Ghost Sprit A kind of spirit that has a red ribbon on its head. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7269) Baby Bib A soft cloth which is worn around the neck of an infant to protect the chest from spilled milk and baby drool. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7270) Baby Milk Bottle Milk that is bottled for infants. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7271) Novice Figure Ragnarok Novice Figure. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7272) Rice Ball Doll A doll which resembles a lump of rice. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7273) RWC Necklace A golden necklace made for celebrating RWC. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7274) Translated Ancient Language "The door leading to the great power can be found under the twilight sky from the tower of the heaven. The key to the door will be the grass living under the Sun." _ Weight : 1 Id: (7275) Record of Ancient Language Paper with writing in an ancient language obtained from 'Sobbing Starlight.' _ Weight : 1 Id: (7276) Doodled Message A message made of pictures doodled by a small child. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7277) Munak Doll A doll made in the appearance of a young girl. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7278) Letter to Wife A letter written by a husband to his wife. It describes how anxious he is her. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7279) Vita500 Lid kRO event item. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7280) Passe An entry for Quiz event. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7281) Passe An entry for Quiz event. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7282) Passe An entry for Quiz event. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7283) Passe An entry for Quiz event. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7284) Passe An entry for Quiz event. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7285) Holy Threads A skein of threads which possesses a holy power within. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7286) Red Chile A kind of spice in a vivid red color. Adds a spicy taste in food. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7287) Holier Threads A skein of threads enchanted with a holier power than a normal holy threads. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7288) Engagement Ring A solid, beautiful engagement ring which a word 'Slave of Love' is etched within. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7289) Peridot A gemstone which is also called as 'Olivine'. Symbolizes the peace of mind and wisdom. _ Weight : 10 Id: (7290) Phlogopite A pearl gray gemstone which means 'like fire'. Symbolizes motherly love. _ Weight : 10 Id: (7291) Agate A very hard stone which is used to make jewellery. Symbolizes protection and stability. _ Weight : 10 Id: (7292) Muscovite A silicate mineral which has a pearly luster. Symbolizes motivation recovery. _ Weight : 10 Id: (7293) Rose Quartz A pinkish quartz which is used as a gemstone or as an ornamental stone. Symbolizes self-esteem. _ Weight : 10 Id: (7294) Turquoise A bluish green stone which is commonly used as a gem or an ornamental stone. Symbolizes mental power. _ Weight : 10 Id: (7295) Citrin A topaz which used to be belived as a frozen ice by the ancient people. Symbolizes communicative conversation and mental calm. _ Weight : 10 Id: (7296) Pyroxene A group of crystallin silicate mineral common in igneous and metamorphic rocks. Symbolizes cure and restoration. _ Weight : 10 Id: (7297) Biotite A common dark mica. Symbolizes spiritual support. _ Weight : 10 Id: (7298) Fig Leaf An emergency clothes made with two giant leaves. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7299) Straw Basket A basket made with straws. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7300) Gemstone An ore of gems. There are many minerals mixed within the ore, it would be possible to extract various gems from it. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7301) Tassel A bunch of short and red threads which seems to be used for decorating the hilt of a sword. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7302) Krathong A small boat made with banana leaves and decorated with flowers. It is used for making a wish or comforting a spirit. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7303) Straw Rice Bag A bag made out of straw that is used to store rince within. _ Weight : 80 Id: (7304) Witch's Spell Scroll A worn out scroll with illegible text written in an ancient language. The only word you can read is 'Kirkana.' _ Weight : 1 Id: (7305) Symbol of the Nine Realms An emblem which signifies the authority to rule over the nine realms of the dead. Seers can sense its ominous powers. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7306) Piece of Spirit A strange object which looks like a tiny soul is flickering from within. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7307) Spiritual Whispers A curious object that almost seems alive, especially since it faintly whispers to you. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7308) Witch's Tonic An enchanted tonic that causes the loss of key memories of your past. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7309) Crow Wing A crow's wing that can temporarily grant a person the power of flight. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7310) Free Ticket for Peco Ride A ticket that can be used once to waive the fee for a Peco Peco rental. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7311) Free Ticket for Flyship A ticket that can be used once to waive the fee for riding the Airship. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7312) Jubilee A crystallization, dropped from monsters, whose name means joyous celebration. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7313) Witch's Medal A medal rewarded to honorable witches. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7314) The Sign A voucher that allows entrance into Valhalla. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7315) Dark Crystal Fragment A sharp, shiny fragment broken off a dark crystal. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7316) Insect Leg A severed bug's leg that is as sharp as a scythe. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7317) Rusty Screw A rusty screw that has come off a machine. It might be usuable if it were polished enough. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7318) Old Pick A tool used to break rocks or the ground. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7319) Used Iron Plate A battered iron plate that seems to have fallen off some machine. It might be handy for covering a hole in another machine. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7320) Dust Pollutant Very small, dry particles, dispersed widely in the air, are a major cause of environmental pollution. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7321) Crystal Fragment A small piece of a pretty crystal that looks like it has a symbol of an eye in its center. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7322) Toxic Gas Poisonous gas that can be very harmful, if not lethal, when inhaled. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7323) Battered Kettle This kettle isn't in the best condition, but it can still be used. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7325) Flexible Tube A long, thin, pipe-like tube made to transport liquids or gases. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7326) Fluorescent Liquid A sticky, flourescent liquid which glows in the darkness. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7327) Flashlight A flashlight that used to be attached to a miner's helmet. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7328) Legend of Songkran Written in an ancient, [/s][/color] forgotten language, this simple scroll contains [/s][/color] the legend of Songkran. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7329) Old Bronze Key A small bronze key. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7331) Heaven Flower An extremely rare flower that only blooms in heaven. It is believed to bring incredibly good luck to its owner. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7332) Complete Tablet A solid tablet that is cold to the touch. Weight : 1 Id: (7333) Prontera Tablet ''In the town of Prontera, I fell sick. I needed something from the land of trees to make my blood thick...'' --The First Man [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (7334) Payon Tablet ''We're on our way now. Soon, we will venture to the desert in high spirits...'' --The Second Man [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (7335) Morroc Tablet ''There is a strange feeling in the air here, almost as if I can do magic myself...'' --The Third Man [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (7336) Geffen Tablet ''We ventured north of the beautiful giant Jolnir flower. That's where we began our journey...'' --The Fourth Man [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (7337) Eye of Hellion Hellion Revenant Eye. [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (7340) Will of the Darkness A dark oval stone with seven red eyes that's believed to act as a sort of nucleus for some monsters. Weight : 5 Id: (7341) Old Pendant An old pendant, which seems to have been damaged with age, that makes one shudder with a feeling of dread upon looking at it for some inexplicable reason. Weight : 1 Id: (7342) File Folder A file folder that holds unknown documents. Weight : 1 Id: (7343) Sealed File Folder A file folder, protected by some sort of seal, that contains some kind of unknown documents. Weight : 1 Id: (7344) Shinokas Case File A file containing all of the details of the Shinokas case. Weight : 1 Id: (7345) Handcuffs A pair of metal restraints which still seem to smell of blood. Weight : 1 Id: (7346) Ymir's Heart Piece One of the pieces of Ymir's Heart which have been used to power the Airships and Guardians. It glows with a strange and unearthly light. Weight : 1 Id: (7347) Research Chart A chart, written in a language you can't recognize, that details the history of research. Weight : 1 Id: (7348) Membership Card A card for members of the ''Secret Wind'' organization. Weight : 1 Id: (7349) Archive Permit A permit which allows the holder to enter the archive. The number ''738495'' is written on the back. Weight : 1 Id: (7350) Pass Holding on to this pass will grant you authorization to enter a certain area. Weight : 1 Id: (7351) Friend's Diary An old diary in which many petty, personal secrets have been written. Weight : 1 Id: (7352) Transparent Plate A marvelous see-through plate that is light, solid and has strange writing in an unknown language etched on the surface. Weight : 1 Id: (7353) Transparent Plate A marvelous see-through plate that is light, solid and has strange writing in an unknown language etched on the surface. Weight : 1 Id: (7354) Transparent Plate A marvelous see-through plate that is light, solid and has strange writing in an unknown language etched on the surface. Weight : 1 Id: (7355) Transparent Plate A marvelous see-through plate that is light, solid and has strange writing in an unknown language etched on the surface. Weight : 1 Id: (7356) Crest Piece A piece of an ancient crest, whose purpose is unknown, that has many spikes nailed on its backside. Weight : 1 Id: (7357) Crest Piece A piece of an ancient crest, whose purpose is unknown, that has many spikes nailed on its backside. Weight : 1 Id: (7358) Crest Piece A piece of an ancient crest, whose purpose is unknown, that has many spikes nailed on its backside. Weight : 1 Id: (7359) Crest Piece A piece of an ancient crest, whose purpose is unknown, that has many spikes nailed on its backside. Weight : 1 Id: (7360) Festival Ticket A ticket for the Kafra Corp's event. Can't be traded or stored. _ Weight : 0 Id: (7361) Lotto Ball 01 The number ''1'' is written on this Lotto Ball. [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (7362) Lotto Ball 02 The number ''2'' is written on this Lotto Ball. [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (7363) Lotto Ball 03 The number ''3'' is written on this Lotto Ball. [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (7364) Lotto Ball 04 The number ''4'' is written on this Lotto Ball. [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (7365) Lotto Ball 05 The number ''5'' is written on this Lotto Ball. [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (7366) Lotto Ball 06 The number ''6'' is written on this Lotto Ball. [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (7367) Lotto Ball 07 The number ''7'' is written on this Lotto Ball. [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (7368) Lotto Ball 08 The number ''8'' is written on this Lotto Ball. [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (7369) Lotto Ball 09 The number ''9'' is written on this Lotto Ball. [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (7370) Lotto Ball 10 The number ''10'' is written on this Lotto Ball. [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (7371) Lotto Ball 11 The number ''11'' is written on this Lotto Ball. [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (7372) Lotto Ball 12 The number ''12'' is written on this Lotto Ball. [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (7373) Lotto Ball 13 The number ''13'' is written on this Lotto Ball. [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (7374) Lotto Ball 14 The number ''14'' is written on this Lotto Ball. [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (7375) Lotto Ball 15 The number ''15'' is written on this Lotto Ball. [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (7376) Lotto Ball 16 The number ''16'' is written on this Lotto Ball. [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (7377) Lotto Ball 17 The number ''17'' is written on this Lotto Ball. [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (7378) Lotto Ball 18 The number ''18'' is written on this Lotto Ball. [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (7379) Lotto Ball 19 The number ''19'' is written on this Lotto Ball. [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (7380) Lotto Ball 20 The number ''20'' is written on this Lotto Ball. [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (7381) Lotto Ball 21 The number ''21'' is written on this Lotto Ball. [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (7382) Lotto Ball 22 The number ''22'' is written on this Lotto Ball. [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (7383) Lotto Ball 23 The number ''23'' is written on this Lotto Ball. [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (7384) Lotto Ball 24 The number ''24'' is written on this Lotto Ball. [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (7385) Lotto Ball 25 The number ''25'' is written on this Lotto Ball. [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (7386) Lotto Ball 26 The number ''26'' is written on this Lotto Ball. [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (7387) Lotto Ball 27 The number ''27'' is written on this Lotto Ball. [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (7388) Lotto Ball 28 The number ''28'' is written on this Lotto Ball. [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (7389) Lotto Ball 29 The number ''29'' is written on this Lotto Ball. [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (7390) Lotto Ball 30 The number ''30'' is written on this Lotto Ball. [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (7391) Lotto Ball 31 The number ''31'' is written on this Lotto Ball. [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (7392) Lotto Ball 32 The number ''32'' is written on this Lotto Ball. [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (7393) Lotto Ball 33 The number ''33'' is written on this Lotto Ball. [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (7394) Lotto Ball 34 The number ''34'' is written on this Lotto Ball. [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (7395) Lotto Ball 35 The number ''35'' is written on this Lotto Ball. [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (7396) Lotto Ball 36 The number ''36'' is written on this Lotto Ball. [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (7397) Lotto Ball 37 The number ''37'' is written on this Lotto Ball. [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (7398) Lotto Ball 38 The number ''38'' is written on this Lotto Ball. [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (7416) Letter of Recommendation A well written letter of recommendation that is recognized by the Assassin Guild. [/s][/color] Id: (7417) Written Request(A) A written request from the Dandelion Organization, asking you to capture Raiyan Moore, who is suspected [/s][/color] of kidnapping children from the Dandelion daycare center. [/s][/color] Reward: 1 Wrapped Mask Id: (7418) Written Request(B) A written request from Mr. R, asking you to protect him and help complete his research, which should help in finding the children missing from Morroc. Request Reward: 1 Jewelry Box [/s][/color] Id: (7419) Embryo Creation Guide A reference for Alchemists in which the Embryo creation formula is written. [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (7420) Skull A skull in which someone's name has been carved. [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (7421) Red Key A thin, transparent, and shining red key. [/s][/color] Id: (7422) Yellow Key A thin, transparent, and shining yellow key. [/s] [/color] Id: (7423) Blue Key A thin, transparent, and shining blue key. [/s][/color] Id: (7424) Green Key A thin, transparent, and shining green key. [/s][/color] Id: (7425) Black Key A thin, transparent, and shining black key. [/s][/color] Id: (7426) Red Charm Stone A mysterious red colored charm stone in which fantastic powers are stored. [/s][/color] Id: (7427) Yellow Charm Stone A mysterious yellow colored charm stone in which fantastic powers are stored. [/s][/color] Id: (7428) Blue Charm Stone A mysterious blue colored charm stone in which fantastic powers are stored. [/s][/color] Id: (7429) Green Charm Stone A mysterious green colored charm stone in which fantastic powers are stored. [/s][/color] Id: (7430) Black Charm Stone A mysterious black colored charm stone in which fantastic powers are stored. [/s][/color] Id: (7431) Pile of Books A heavy pile of books. [/s][/color] Id: (7432) Leather Pouch A sturdy, leather pouch used to contain goods. _ Id: (7433) Blank Scroll A blank scroll on which magic spells can be written. These blanks were developed by the Schweicherbil Magic Academy. [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (7434) Elemental Potion Creation Guide ''Even Porings can craft Elemental-Proof Potions with my handy, easy to read reference.'' Author: Pisrik Quve [/s][/color] Coldproof Potion 3 Hearts of Mermaid 1 Blue Gemstone [/s][/color] Thunderproof Potion 3 Moth Dust 1 Blue Gemstone [/s][/color] Earthproof Potion 2 Large Jellopies 1 Yellow Gemstone [/s][/color] Fireproof Potion 2 Frills 1 Red Gemstone [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (7435) Golden Ornament A beautiful golden ornament that seems to be created by an otherworldly power. [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (7436) Fragment of Agony A fragment that is the manifestation of sheer agony. [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (7437) Fragment of Misery A fragment that is the manifestation of pure misery. [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (7438) Fragment of Hatred A fragment that is the manifestation of intense hatred. [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (7439) Fragment of Despair A fragment that is the manifestation of unfathomable despair. [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (7440) Red Feather A large, yet light, white feather that has a red gleam. [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (7441) Blue Feather A large, yet light, white feather that has a blue gleam. [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (7442) Cursed Seal A dark heart stamped with a bloody seal. [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (7443) Three-Headed Dragon's Head The head from a fearsome three-headed dragon that still looks [/s][/color] very threatening. [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (7444) Treasure Box An ancient treasure box filled with old coins, ornaments, and jewelry. [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (7445) Green Bijou A beautiful green bijou that is symbolic of the earth. In the East, people believe that this bijou can help wishes come true. [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (7446) Blue Bijou A beautiful blue bijou that is symbolic of the ocean. In the East, people believe that this bijou can help wishes come true. [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (7447) Red Bijou A beautiful red bijou that is symbolic of firey blaze. In the East, people believe that this bijou can help wishes come true. [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (7448) Yellow Bijou A beautiful golden bijou that totally captivates the eye and mind. People in the East believe that this bijou can help dreams become true. [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (7449) Bloody Page Its surface is marked with old, dried blood stains... [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (7450) Skeletal Armor Piece A broken piece of armor that was worn by a ghostly swordsman. Weight : 1 Id: (7451) Fire Dragon Scale A red dragon's scale that seems to possess some kind of magical power. [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (7452) Yellow Spice A yellow spice that adds a unique scent and flavor to almost any food. [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (7453) Sweet Sauce A very sweet sauce that accentuates the flavor of foods, but is quite disgusting when drunk by itself. [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (7454) Savory Sauce A speical sauce that enhances the savory quality of most foods. [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (7455) Spicy Sauce An extremely spicy hot sauce that can make people cry just by smelling it. [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (7456) Red Spice A spicy flavoring that complements few foods, but is a necessary ingredient for some dishes. [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (7457) Cooking Oil Healthy cooking oil that is used for stir frying or deep frying. [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (7459) Ramadan An unique cake which is usually used to give Felicitation at idul fitri feast day of Ramadan _ Weight : 1 Id: (7460) Niflheim Express Ticket An express ticket to Niflheim, the realm of the dead that is forbidden to the living. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7461) Blue A Card A card with the letter A printed on it. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7462) Blue E Card A card with the letter E printed on it. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7463) Blue F Card A card with the letter F printed on it. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7464) Blue H Card A card with the letter H printed on it. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7465) Blue L Card A card with the letter L printed on it. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7466) Blue N Card A card with the letter N printed on it. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7467) Blue O Card A card with the letter O printed on it. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7468) Blue P Card A card with the letter P printed on it. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7469) Blue U Card A card with the letter U printed on it. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7470) Blue W Card A card marked with the letter ''W'' which is used for special events. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7471) Blue Y Card A card marked with the letter ''Y'' which is used for special events. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7472) Level 1 Cookbook Level 1 Recipes ''Don't panic if you're alone in the wilderness. This book will help you [/s][/color] to survive on your own.'' [/s][/color] Fried Grasshopper Legs 5 Grasshopper Legs 1 Old Frying Pan 1 Cooking Oil [/s][/color] Grape Juice Herb Tea 3 Grapes 2 Red Potions [/s][/color] Honey Grape Juice 1 Honey 2 Grapes 1 Red Potion [/s][/color] Frog Eggs and Squid Ink Soup 1 Bag of Grain 10 Spawns 1 Squid Ink [/s][/color] Steamed Crab Nippers 10 Nippers 10 Green Herbs 1 Yellow Potion [/s][/color] Fried Monkey Tails 5 Yoyo Tails 1 Old Frying Pan 1 Cooking Oil [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (7473) Level 2 Cookbook Level 2 Recipes ''Anyone can make tasty, homestyle cooking with these recipes.'' [/s][/color] Seasoned Sticky Webfoot[/color] [/s][/color] 20 Sticky Webfoots 10 Green Herbs 10 Yellow Herbs 1 Savory Sauce [/s][/color] Autumn Red Tea 5 Blue Herbs 10 Red Herbs 10 Yellow Herbs [/s][/color] Chocolate Mousse Cake 10 Cacao 1 Piece of Cake 1 Milk 1 China [/s][/color] Smooth Noodles 1 Bag of Grain 1 Savory Sauce 5 Jack o' Pumpkins 3 Carrots [/s][/color] Assorted Seafood 10 Clam Fleshes 5 Gills 5 Fins 1 Fresh Fish [/s][/color] Mixed Juice 3 Apple Juices 2 Carrot Juices 1 Grape Juice 2 Orange Juices [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (7474) Level 3 Cookbook Level 3 Recipes ''Enjoy the recipes of this bestseller among housewives and culinary adepts. Have fun!'' [/s][/color] Bomber Steak 4 Meats 1 Old Frying Pan 10 Green Herbs 5 Red Chiles 1 Spicy Sauce [/s][/color] Honey Herbal Tea 2 Honey 10 White Herb 1 Yellow Spice [/s][/color] Fruit Mix 5 Apples 5 Bananas 5 Oranges 5 Strawberries 1 Yellow Spice [/s][/color] Tentacle Cheese Gratin 10 Tentacles 10 Cheeses 5 Yams 1 Sweet Sauce [/s][/color] Clam Soup 20 Clam Fleshes 10 Conches 1 Honey 1 Sweet Sauce [/s][/color] Fried Sweet Potato 10 Potatos 10 Yams 1 Sweet Potato 1 Sweet Sauce [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (7475) Level 4 Cookbook Level 4 Recipes ''This book is not for beginners. Prepare irresistable dishes that [/s][/color]are fit for nobility!'' [/s][/color] Herb Marinade Beef 5 Meats 3 Red Herbs 2 Yellow Herbs 3 Green Herbs 1 Sweet Sauce 1 Lemon [/s][/color] Morroc Fruit Wine 10 Strawberries 4 Lemons 10 Oranges 2 Alcohols 5 Grapes [/s][/color] Cream Sandwich 5 Breads 15 Milks 10 Cheeses 10 Yellow Herbs 1 Meat 1 Sweet Sauce [/s][/color] Lutie Cold Noodle 3 Bags of Grain 1 Spicy Sauce 10 Ice Cubics 10 Carrots 10 Jack o' Pumpkins [/s][/color] Seasoned Jellyfish 30 Tentacles 10 White Herbs 10 Soft Leaves 1 Old Frying Pan 20 Squid Inks [/s][/color] Steamed Ancient Lips 10 Ancient Lips 10 Raccoon Leaves 10 White Herbs 5 Fresh Fishes 2 Sweet Sauces [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (7476) Level 5 Cookbook Level 5 Recipes ''Recipes for expert chefs--create cuisine with transcendent scents and flavors! Good luck!'' [/s][/color] Lutie Lady's Pancake 10 Potatos 2 Honeys 1 Cooking Oil 3 Carrots 1 Bag of Grain [/s][/color] Mastela Fruit Wine 4 Mastela Fruits 1 Blue Potion 2 Alcohols 2 Lemons 1 Yellow Spice [/s][/color] Green Salad 2 Hinale Leaflets 3 Aloe Leaflets 10 Sharp Leaves 6 Huge Leaves 1 Sweet Sauce 1 Yellow Spice [/s][/color] Steamed Bat Wing in Pumpkin 20 Red Bat Wings 20 Pumkin Heads 1 Pot 10 Hinale Leaflets 10 Red Herbs [/s][/color] Spicy Fried Bao 20 Baos 10 Yellow Herbs 1 Spicy Sauce 1 Red Spice 20 Green Herbs [/s][/color] Fried Scorpion Tails 20 Scorpion Tails 10 Bug Leg 10 Huge Leaf 2 Old Frying Pan 1 Cooking Oil [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (7477) Level 6 Cookbook Level 6 Recipes ''The secrets of cooking [/s][/color] in any circumstance are contained in this book. Use them wisely...'' [/s][/color] Shiny Marinade Beef 10 Meats 2 Honeys 1 Yellow Herb 1 Mastela Fruit 20 Shining Scales [/s][/color] Red Mushroom Wine 3 Edible Mushrooms 3 Grape Juices 20 Mushroom Spores 1 Alcohol 1 Red Spice [/s][/color] Peach Cake 20 Solid Peaches 10 Pieces of Cake 10 Cheeses 10 Milks 5 Orange Juices 1 Sweet Sauce [/s][/color] Chile Shrimp Gratin 20 Red Chiles 20 Shrimps 1 Sweet Sauce 20 Lemons [/s][/color] Awfully Bitter Bracer 20 Brown Roots 10 Maneater Roots 20 Mushroom Spores 1 Cooking Oil 2 Honeys 1 Edible Mushroom [/s][/color] Lucky Soup 5 Reptile Tongues 5 Tongues 10 Clovers 10 Witch Starsands 1 Aloe [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (7478) Level 7 Cookbook Level 7 Recipes ''Create delicious foods that will satisfy even starving appetites.'' [/s][/color] Whole Roast 10 Meats 1 Live Coal 2 Coals 1 Spicy Sauce 15 Trunks 10 White Herbs [/s][/color] Special Royal Jelly Herbal Tea: 4 Royal Jellys 2 Honeys 5 White Herbs 10 Hinale Leaflets 1 Yellow Spice [/s][/color] Soul Haunted Bread 10 Breads 5 Mastela Fruits 1 Sweet Sauce 5 Ments 5 Amulets 2 Unripe Apples [/s][/color] Steamed Alligator with Vegetable 10 Anolian Skins 10 Jack o' Pumpkins 10 Carrots 10 Aloe Leaflets 10 Yellow Herbs 1 Yellow Spice [/s][/color] Sumptuous Feast 10 Fish Tails 5 Aloe Leaflets 10 Manes 2 Fresh Fishes 10 Pet Foods 1 Sweet Sauce [/s][/color] Assorted Shish Kebob 10 Scale Skins 5 Gills 10 Soft Leaves 5 Meats 10 Edible Mushrooms 10 Clam Fleshes [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (7479) Level 8 Cookbook Level 8 Recipes ''The recipes within should only be attempted [/s][/color] by an experienced chef.'' [/s][/color] Bearfoot Special 20 Bear's Footskins 10 Carrots 10 Jack o' Pumpkins 2 Aloe Leaflets 1 Hinale Leaflet 1 Savory Sauce [/s][/color] Royal Family Tea 4 Prickly Fruits 10 Hinale Leaflets 3 Yggdrasil Leaves 10 Aloe Leaflets 6 Royal Jellys 1 Yellow Spice [/s][/color] Special Toast 10 Breads 2 Royal Jellys 5 Meats 10 Strawberries 1 Spicy Sauce 10 Cheeses 1 Sweet Sauce [/s][/color] Incredibly Spicy Curry 1 Aloe Vera 1 Spicy Sauce 10 Meats 10 Hinale Leaflets 10 Jack o' Pumpkins 10 Carrots [/s][/color] Giant Burito 20 Fig Leaves 20 Meats 5 Rainbow Carrots 10 Jack o' Pumpkins 1 Savory Sauce 2 Bags of Grain [/s][/color] Strawberry Rice Ball 10 Strawberries 5 Bags of Grain 10 Fig Leaves 1 Yellow Spice 2 Red Spice 1 Savory Sauce [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (7480) Level 9 Cookbook Level 9 Recipes ''Caution! Chefs without sufficient skill may cause harm in attempting the following recipes.'' [/s][/color] Tendon Satay 40 Tendons 1 Pot 10 Cheeses 1 Spicy Sauce 2 Coals 30 Green Herbs 10 Squid Inks [/s][/color] Tristram 12: 10 Yggdrasil Leaves 10 Oranges 5 Alcohols 4 Royal Jellys 2 Blue Potions 1 Yellow Spice 10 Aloe Leaflets [/s][/color] Heavenly Fruit Juice 5 Unripe Apples 10 Oranges 10 Strawberries 1 Red Spice 1 Tropical Banana 5 Grape Juices 2 Alcohols [/s][/color] Special Meat Stew: 10 Meats 5 Royal Jellys 20 Shoots 4 Savory Sauces 5 Yellow Herbs 10 White Herbs 5 Red Herbs [/s][/color] Ascending Dragon Soup 10 Dragon Skins 20 Dragon Tails 3 Yggdrasil Leaves 6 Royal Jellys 1 Spicy Sauce 1 Red Spice 1 Fatty Chubby Earthworm [/s][/color] Blood Flavored Soda 1 Animal Gore 2 Anodynes 2 Aloe Veras 2 Alcohols 6 Royal Jellys 1 Red Spice 10 Apple Juices [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (7481) Level 10 Cookbook Level 10 Recipes ''The book details the classified culinary secrets of Prontera's greatest royal chefs. True masters only.'' [/s][/color] Steamed Tongue 20 Tongues 1 Pot 1 Alcohol 2 Aloe Vera 1 Spicy Sauce 5 Royal Jellys 10 Yggdrasil Leaves 2 Blue Potions [/s][/color] Dragon Breath Cocktail 10 Maneater Roots 1 Singing Plant 5 Aloe Leaflets 5 Royal Jellys 5 Lemons 5 Prickly Fruits 1 Yggdrasilberry 10 Blue Herb [/s][/color] Hwergelmir's Tonic 1 Yggdrasilberries 10 Ice Cubics 10 Bacilluses 4 Royal Jellys 3 Concentration Potions [/s][/color] 5 Alcohols 2 Prickly Fruits 1 Illusion Flower [/s][/color] Steamed Desert Scorpions[/color] [/s][/color] 20 Scorpion Tails 20 Scorpion Claws 2 Aloe Veras 3 Yggdrasil Leaves 3 Bitter Herbs 10 Royal Jellys 1 Spicy Sauce 1 Pot [/s][/color] Immortal Stew 20 Immortal Hearts 10 Mementos 1 Yggdrasil Seed 2 Anodynes 10 Hearts of Mermaid 2 Spicy Sauces 10 Amulets 2 Bitter Herbs [/s][/color] Cooked Nine Tail's Tails 10 Nine Tails 2 Four Leaf Cloves 10 Maneater Roots 10 Sharp Leaves 4 Yggdrasil Leaves 1 Savory Sauce 1 Yellow Spice 2 Izidors [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (7482) Pot A round, fairly deep cooking vessel covered by a lid with a handle. [/s] [/color] Weight : 1 Id: (7483) Key of the Seal The key that can be used to release the 9th Geffenia Seal. [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (7485) Cloud General Grant the acces to the 2nd level. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7486) Wind General Grant the acces to the 3rd level. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7487) Culinary Wine A bottle of fine, sweet scented culinary wine obtained from the Juno Pub. _ Id: (7488) Delivery Package A delivery package containing a bag of flour and eggs that must be handled very carefully. _ Id: (7489) Cottage Key A extra key for Kyel Hyre's Cottage that will let you enter [/s][/color] through the back door, allowing you to avoid the cottage keeper. _ Id: (7490) Letter to Elly A letter that is labeled, ''To Elly,'' and closed with a distinctive red seal. _ Id: (7491) Steel Box A steel box with a tiny keyhole on its lid. Its contents must be what Kyel Hyre wanted to give to Elly. _ Id: (7492) Yellow Key Card A flat, translucent yellow keycard that enables access to the secret path near the dormitory on the Kyel Hyre Academy campus. _ Id: (7493) Golden Key Elly's golden key which can be used to open a special box. _ Id: (7494) Luxurious Button A shiny and elegant gold button engraved with a beautiful rose. _ Id: (7495) Blue Key Card A flat, translucent blue keycard that enables access to Allysia's hideout in Kyel Hyre's factory. _ Id: (7496) Red Key Card A flat, translucent red keycard that enables access to a [/s][/color] specific restricted area. _ Id: (7497) Metal Fragment A peculiar looking metallic fragment. _ Id: (7498) The Rosimier's Mansion Keys A keyring that has many of the keys used [/s][/color] for the Rosimier Mansion. _ Id: (7499) Family Portrait A portrait of an elite, high class family with 4 members. _ Id: (7500) Woman's Portrait A portrait of beautiful woman named Allysia. Her warm, welcoming smile can be felt in the depths of your heart. _ Id: (7501) K.H's Letter A letter written by a man with the initials, [/s][/color] K.H., for a woman named Allysia. [/s][/color] ''Please don't believe in James, I'm sure he is lying. I am the one that really loves you. I may be poor now, but once I succeed in this reseach, I can become even richer than him! I beg you, come and see me tonight where we first met. I'll be waiting for you. --K.H. August 19'' [/color]_ Id: (7502) James's Note A letter addressed to Allysia, and written [/s][/color] by a man named James. [/s][/color] ''Dearest Allysia, Believe me, I was just as surprised to learn that my family engaged me to Ms. Cerinee. I'm sorry I hurt you, but I've decided that you are the one I want. Meet me tomorrow night, and we'll run away so that we can finally be together, my love. --James, August 19th." [/color]_ Id: (7503) Man's Portrait A portrait of a young man that looks fairly depressed. _ Id: (7504) Power Device A complex mechanical device that can disrupt [/s][/color] the energy in a robot. _ Id: (7505) Toy Key Card An elaborate toy key made of plastic. _ Id: (7506) Black Key Card A flat and transparent black key which enables [/s][/color] access to a front door. _ Id: (7507) Solid Iron Piece A square piece of rusty iron. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7508) Allysia's Ring The engagement ring [/s][/color] that belonged to Allysia. _ Id: (7509) Luxurious Key Card A fancy, rainbow colored key that enables access to Kyel Hyre's Factory and Laboratory. _ Id: (7510) Valhala's Flower An enigmantic flower that can only be seen within Valhalla, the sacred battlegrounds of the ancient gods. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7511) Rune of the Darkness A dark rune with ancient writing engraved inside it. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7512) Burnt Part A burnt part of some device. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7513) Pocket Watch An old silver pocket watch. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7514) Monster Ticket A certificate given to Monster Race bettors that enable them to check the monster on which they wagered. This can only be used in Hugel's Monster Race Arena. _ Id: (7515) Marvelous Medal A medal crafted from a rare and mysterious metal that can only be found in Hugel. These metals cannot be traded or given to other players. _ This item cannot be dropped, traded, mailed or vended. _ Id: (7516) Green Key Card A flat, translucent green keycard that enables access to a secret safe. _ Id: (7517) Gold Coin A magical coin that is extremely valuable to leprechauns since it can be used to fill their famous pots of gold. _ Weight : 10 Id: (7521) Flame Stone A bead, imbued with the Fire property, that is used as a catalyst by Ninjas when performing some of their skills. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7522) Ice Stone A bead, imbued with the Water property, that is used as a catalyst by Ninjas when performing some of their skills. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7523) Wind Stone A bead, imbued with the Wind property, that is used as a catalyst by Ninjas when performing some of their skills. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7524) Shadow Orb An orb that is used as a catalyst to enable [/s][/color] a Ninja to realize his latent abilities and skills. _ Weight : 2 Id: (7525) A ticket for a summer festival. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7526) Manuscript Paper A part of Joshua's missing manuscript. It's full of meaningful [/s][/color] content that really touches the soul. _ Id: (7540) Lotto Ball 39 The number ''39'' is written on this Lotto Ball. [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (7541) Lotto Ball 40 The number ''40'' is written on this Lotto Ball. [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (7542) Lotto Ball 41 The number ''41'' is written on this Lotto Ball. [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (7543) Lotto Ball 42 The number ''42'' is written on this Lotto Ball. [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (7544) Lotto Ball 43 The number ''43'' is written on this Lotto Ball. [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (7545) Lotto Ball 44 The number ''44'' is written on this Lotto Ball. [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (7546) Lotto Ball 45 The number ''45'' is written on this Lotto Ball. [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (7547) Football Everybody cheers when you kick this ball into the 'net'. People tell us not to touch it by the hands. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7548) Soccer Shoes When you are running with these bumpy soles, you'll never be slippery. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7550) Quest Ticket A ticket of great value. Collect them and you'll be able to exchange them for great items. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7552) Pack Ticket A ticket that can be used to play to 'Bandit Manchot'. Give it a try! _ Weight : 1 Id: (7553) A fragrant pink flower that represents awareness and naivety. _ Id: (7554) A red and white striped candle. _ Id: (7555) A green aromatic stick. _ Id: (7561) Glacial Heart A frozen heart that will give you chills if you touch it. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7562) Ice Scale A scale made of thin ice that won't melt for some reason. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7563) Bloody Rune A glowing, blood red rune that has a symbol engraved on it. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7564) Rotten Meat A rotting piece of meat that is definitely [/s][/color] unsafe for you to eat. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7565) Sticky Poison Sticky, poisonous fluid from plants that can be used in many different ways. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7566) Will of Red Darkness A stone embedded with seven bright red eyes. Looking at it makes you feel uneasy. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7567) Suspicious Hat A hat that covers the entire face, but it has two holes that you can see through. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7568) White Mask A spooky mask that effectively conceals the wearer's identity. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7569) Wind Hammer A strong, sturdy hammer imbued with the power of wind. _ Id: (7570) Temple Lottery Ticket A lottery ticket that is given to those that make donations to the temple in Rachel, Cheshrumnir. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7571) Bruspetti's Diary An effeminate diary with the word, ''Bruspetti'' [/s][/color] written on the cover. Perhaps that is the name of its owner? _ Id: (7572) Ashy Necklace A necklace that was supposedly crafted by skilled Dwarves. _ Id: (7573) Sparkling Necklace A glowing necklace enchanted with an ancient magic. _ Id: (7574) Freezing Snow Powder A very cold powder enchanted with very powerful ice magic. You risk freezing youself if you touch it. _ Id: (7575) Red Colored Gem A red gem. _ Weight : 5 Id: (7576) Blue Colored Gem A blue gem. _ Weight : 5 Id: (7577) Yellow Colored Gem A yellow gem. _ Weight : 5 Id: (7582) Jewel of Destruction A jewel rumored to make the one who bears it evil. You feel a powerful force of darkness. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7588) Pack Ticket A ticket that can be used to play to 'Bandit Manchot' Give it a try! _ Weight : 1 Id: (7597) Master Fish Stone A stone with a very special aura. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7599) Oblivion Stone The letter D card which could be good for learning letters for the first time. It's frequently used for event. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7600) The letter K card which could be good for learning letters for the first time. It's frequently used for event. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7601) The letter S card which could be good for learning letters for the first time. It's frequently used for event. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7604) Flour A fine powder made from a grain called 'Wheat'. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7605) Chicken Egg Egg of a kind of bird species. Tasty, nutritious and is very suitable for kid's meal. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7606) Legendary coin bestowed by the gods as a reward for heroic deeds. It is the only type of bribe accepted by Heimdall guardian of the Rainbow Bridge to Asgard, the realm of the gods. _ Weight : 0 Id: (7613) Small Rice Dough Small amount of warm glutinous rice filling. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7619) Enriched Elunium Concentrated Elunium that has been buried deep underground. Used as a material to strengthen armor. Enhances a chance of successful upgrade. Only Suhnbi is capable of refining with this material. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7620) Enriched Oridecon Dense Oridecon that has been buried deep underground. Used as a material to strengthen weapons. Enhances a chance of successful upgrade. Only Suhnbi is capable of refining with this material. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7621) Token of Siegfried A certificate imbued with the power of the invulnerable Ziegfried which allows its bearer [/s][/color] to overcome death. Revives the dead character. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7622) New Style Coupon A special ticket used at the hairdresser. For those who want to have a different style. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7623) New name for new adventure! A ticket for Name Change Service. _ Weight : 0 Id: (7636) A bottle that holds magical power of monster 'Shining Plant'. Weight : 0 Id: (7704) Broken Thermometer A device that can measure the ground's temperature. However, its readings don't seem very reliable. _ Weight : 0 Id: (7705) Note of Geologist A note written by a Geologist. _ 1WN 2ES 2EC _1WN 2ES 2EC Weight : 0 Id: (7712) The new Nokia 5500 Sport features a stainless body for enhanced durability with resistance to shock, water, and dust elements. Use for Ragna Nokia Festival. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7719) Autumn Box A box sealed by magic who will summon an unknown item. Give it to the Bandit Manchot in the Market House who's the only one to be able to break the seal of this box. Weight : 1 Id: (7720) Gold Coin A peculiar gold coin that doesn't resemble any currency that you can recognize. Still, it'd make for some impressive bling. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7721) Treasure Box A treasure box that belongs to a would-be pirate J Roger in Comodo. _ Weight : 80 Id: (7722) Debt Note A loan document that includes the amount lended and the signatures of the loaner and lendee. _ Weight : 0 Id: (7723) Diamond of Ruin A precisely crafted diamond that emits an ominous vibe; it seems that it would be incredibly valuable. Weight : 0 Id: (7724) Forbidden Secret Art A book that contains forbidden secrets of alchemy and magic that is usually kept [/s][/color] safe in Prontera Library. _ Weight : 0 Id: (7725) Unlucky Emerald A strangely shaped emerald that brings an impending sense of great misfortune to whomever holds it. _ Weight : 0 Id: (7726) Token of King The perfectly crafted, intricate, and official royal seal of the King of the Rune-Midgarts Kingdom. _ Weight : 0 Id: (7729) It's a symbol of respect and admiration that's given only to those that truly deserve it. Some say it's a fair imitation of a police officer's badge. _ Weight : 10 Id: (7730) Mission Certificate 1 A ticket proving that the bearer has completed a mission. This certificate is required to begin a new mission. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7731) Mission Certificate 2 A ticket proving that the bearer has completed a mission. This certificate is required to begin a new mission. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7732) Mission Certificate 3 A ticket proving that the bearer has completed a mission. This certificate is required to begin a new mission. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7733) Mission Certificate 4 A ticket proving that the bearer has completed a mission. This certificate is required to begin a new mission. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7734) Mission Certificate 5 A ticket proving that the bearer has completed a mission. This certificate is required to begin a new mission. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7735) Mission Certificate 6 A ticket proving that the bearer has completed a mission. This certificate is required to begin a new mission. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7736) Mission Certificate 7 A ticket proving that the bearer has completed a mission. This certificate is required to begin a new mission. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7737) Mission Certificate 8 A ticket proving that the bearer has completed a mission. This certificate is required to begin a new mission. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7738) Mission Certificate 9 A ticket proving that the bearer has completed a mission. This certificate is required to begin a new mission. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7739) Mission Certificate 10 A ticket proving that the bearer has completed a mission. This certificate is required to begin a new mission. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7740) Mission Certificate 11 A ticket proving that the bearer has completed a mission. This certificate is required to begin a new mission. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7741) Mission Certificate 12 A ticket proving that the bearer has completed a mission. This certificate is required to begin a new mission. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7742) A jar of Kaong harvested from Palm Trees. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7743) A jar of Gulaman made from strawberry flavored gelatin. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7744) A jar of ¡°Leche Flan¡± made from creamy eggs and milk. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7745) A jar of ¡°Ube¡± made from yummy sweet purple yams. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7746) A jar of Sago made of Tapioca cooked in brown sugar. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7747) A jar of ¡°Langka¡± made of sweetened Jackfruit. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7748) A jar of ¡°Sweet Beans¡± made of sweetened Kidney beans. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7749) A jar of ¡°Sweet bananas¡± made of firm and ripe bananas cooked in sugar syrup. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7750) A jar of ¡°Macapuno¡± made from young coconut meat cooked in sugar syrup. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7751) Old White Cloth A worn-out white cloth that can be sold to Merchant NPCs. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7752) Clattering Skull A clattering skull that occasionally breaks out in song that can be sold to Merchant NPCs. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7753) Broken Farming Utensil A seemingly useless farming tool that can be sold to Merchant NPCs. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7754) Broken Crown An antique crown that was once worn by the ruler of an ancient kingdom; it used to sparkle with magnificence. It can be sold to Merchant NPCs. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7755) Research Note Much of the writing on this note isn't legible since it's badly damaged. _ Weight : 0 Id: (7756) Sealed Book A book whose contents are locked behind a tight seal. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7760) Yaga's Magic Book Aged Lady Yaga's magic book which tells the reader how to practice the strongest dark arts. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7761) Magic Gourd Bottle A marvelous bottle that can carry human languages inside. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7762) Yaga's Pestle The Aged Lady Yaga always carries this. All of the markings on it have been rubbed off. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7763) Sticky Herb It has a sticky liquid that makes you feel bad. It can be used as glue by grinding it. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7764) High Strength Adhesive It's the highest strength adhesive, which can stick anything together. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7765) Babayaga's Secret Medicine This is a unique liquid made by Babayaga. It makes sure that winter does not come again! _ Weight : 1 Id: (7770) Sweet Rice Steamed glutinous rice that is used to make dumplings. Weight : 1 Id: (7773) A badge indicating that the wearer is currently participated in the war. It was taken off from a failure of the battle. _ Id: (7776) Gym Pass A Gym Pass that can be given to a special NPC to learn a skill that will increase your [/s][/color] Maximum Weight Capacity by 200 for each skill level. This special skill can only be learned up to Level 10. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7794) The Crow of Destiny The Oliver Hilpert novel that received the Youngest Literary Award of Honor. _ Weight : 0 Id: (7795) Mami's Photo Album Mammi's photo album that contained various pictures of Mammi, who used to be the envoy of Public Relations in Morroc. On the cover, it says, "Love and a true heart message from Angel Mammi, just for you!" _ Weight : 1 Id: (7796) Author's Autograph Oliver Hilpert's autograph is on this note. You can recognize his poor handwriting. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7797) Author's Memo "Ancient Weapon - unknown motive. Seclusion - the letter from a lady disciple. Stepmother - karma from a previous life?" _ Weight : 1 Id: (7798) Fragment of Darkness A dark fragment imbued with a gloomy spirit. Once you stare into it, you might feel absorbed into it. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7799) Crystal of Darkness A dark crystal which is hiding heavy shadows inside of it. You might feel a strong dangerous power from this crystal. When you are close to it, you could realize something is sucking all the power from the near atmosphere. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7803) A manual that explains the effective way of the battle for Novices! If you give this manual to the special NPC, you can get Triple Exp. Requires Base Level no higher than 40. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7820) Piece of Morocc Skin It seems like a piece of Morocc skin. There is a burned mark on the edge of it. _ Weight : 0 Id: (7826) Continental Guard Paper It certifies that this adventurer has enough power and courage to be a member of the Continental Guard. _ Continental Guard. Balrog. _ Weight : 0 Id: (7828) Bravery Badge A badge that is provided to warriors who have brought great honor from the Battlefield. _ Id: (7829) Valor Badge A badge that is provided to warriors who have brought great honor from the Battlefield. _ Id: (7849) Soul Crystal This signal is modified of the soul... _ Weight : 1 Id: (7851) Ticket fRO1 Ticket giving you a chance to win a gift exception. Visit http://www.ragnarokeurope.com/ for more information. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7852) Ticket fRO2 Ticket giving you a chance to win a gift exception. Visit http://www.ragnarokeurope.com/ for more information. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7853) Ticket fRO3 Ticket giving you a chance to win a gift exception. Visit http://www.ragnarokeurope.com/ for more information. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7854) Slot Emblem A emblem who symbolize the power of weapon's slot. Give it to Mr and Mme Supairslaute in Morroc. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7869) Rice Pouch A sack that contains rice. _ Weight : 10 Id: (7876) Golden Key A golden shiny key. _ Weight : 5 Id: (7877) Red Ring Mashenka!/s ring. It seems to have a sad story. _ Weight : 10 Id: (7878) Lusalka's Hair Hair of the water fairy, who drowned on the eve of her marriage. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7879) Golden Thread A spool wrapped with golden fine thread. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7880) Babayaga's Silver Spoon Babayaga's silver spoon stolen by pirates. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7881) Mystery Magic Book A mysterious magic book published by MOMOTARO Publishing. _ Weight : 5 Id: (7882) Sharp Branch A branch broken off from a needle-leaf tree. _ Weight : 0 Id: (7883) Wooden Flute A flute made by a shepherd who has an amazing talent for music. _ Weight : 0 Id: (7891) A cute mug crafted by hand. _ Weight : 10 Id: (7905) A new type of ROK Star badge. _ Weight : 10 Id: (7906) A poppy wreath placed at a location of strong personal meaning to commemorate the memories of events and people that have shaped your life. _ Id: (7908) Louise's Beauty Coupon A hairstyling coupon that can be redeemed for a one time free hairstyle change service from Artist Louise during the event period. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7909) Stolen Cookie A cookie that was stolen from the factory in Lutie. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7910) Stolen Candy A candy that was stolen from the factory in Lutie. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7911) Yulia's Hat Yulia claims that this hat was stolen from her by a strange, suspicious man in the middle of the night. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7915) A coin made of bronze. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7916) A coin made of silver. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7918) A chunk of memory from Thanatos. _ Weight : 10 Id: (7921) A something that contains the power of Dragon. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7922) RWC event ticket. Let's celebrate RWC in Philippines! If you give it to RWC event NPC, you would get some gifts. _ Weight : 0 Id: (7931) Posison Kit Basic tools for poison making are all stocked. It's a gift set for you who dreamed of making poison. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7932) Poison Herb Nerium Fragile. You'll get into trouble when attracted by a red beautiful flower and fragrance. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7933) Poison Herb Rantana Fragile. The red berry ripened but the fragrance seems like 'it' of a domestic animal. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7934) Poison Herb Makulata Fragile. It's not a green tea even it uses the very end of a young leaf. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7935) Poison Herb Seratum Fragile. It does not have any scent unlike a beautiful figure. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7936) Poison Herb Scopolia Fragile. The purplish, small, and cute flower seems charming but when you touch, it's very itchy. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7937) Poison Herb Amoena Fragile. It seems a weed that grows anywhere but it looks dangerous. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7938) Light Granule A golden crystal. It seems very warm such as sunshine has been put into. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7939) Elder Branch A little branch that is extracted from an old tree grown up in a sacred place. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7940) Special Alloy Trap A trap that is reformed for hunters whose weights were a burden. _ Weight : 0.2 Id: (7946) Gold Ring Of Valentine Give this to your dream girl! _ Weight : 0 Id: (7947) Silver Ring Of Valentine Give this to your dream boyr! _ Weight : 0 Id: (7948) Box An ordinary box, there's nothing more to say about it. _ Weight : 1 Id: (7960) Ancient Coin A weird silver coin from suspicious women. It is very important to her. Weight : 0 Id: (9001) Poring Egg An egg in which a Poring Cute Pet rests. Can be hatched by using a Pet Incubator. Class : Monster Egg Id: (9002) Drops Egg An egg in which a Drops Cute Pet rests. Can be hatched by using a Pet Incubator. Class : Monster Egg Id: (9003) Poporing Egg An egg containing a Poporing Cute Pet. Can be hatched by using a Pet Incubator. Class : Monster Egg Id: (9004) Lunatic Egg An egg containing a Lunatic Cute Pet. Can be hatched by using a Pet Incubator. Class : Monster Egg Id: (9005) Picky Egg An egg containing a Picky Cute Pet. Can be hatched by using a Pet Incubator. Class : Monster Egg Id: (9006) Chonchon Egg A Chonchon Cute Pet rests inside this egg. Can be hatched by using a Pet Incubator. Class : Monster Egg Id: (9007) Steel Chonchon Egg An egg in which a Steel Chonchon Cute Pet rests. Can be hatched by using a Pet Incubator. Class : Monster Egg Id: (9008) Hunter Fly Egg An egg in which a Hunter Fly Cute Pet rests. Can be hatched by using a Pet Incubator. Class : Monster Egg Id: (9009) Savage Bebe Egg An egg in which a Savage Bebe Cute Pet rests. Can be hatched by using a Pet Incubator. Class : Monster Egg Id: (9010) Baby Desert Wolf Egg An egg that contains a Baby Desert Wolf Cute Pet. Can be hatched by using a Pet Incubator. Class : Monster Egg Id: (9011) Rocker Egg An egg that contains a Rocker Cute Pet. Can be hatched by using a Pet Incubator. Class : Monster Egg Id: (9012) Spore Egg An egg in which a Spore Cute Pet rests. Can be hatched by using a Pet Incubator. Class : Monster Egg Id: (9013) Poison Spore Egg An egg in which a Poison Spore Cute Pet rests. Can be hatched by using a Pet Incubator. Class : Monster Egg Id: (9014) PecoPeco Egg An egg that contains a Peco Peco Cute Pet. Can be hatched by using a Pet Incubator. Class : Monster Egg Id: (9015) Smokie Egg An egg in which a Smokie Cute Pet rests. Can be hatched by using a Pet Incubator. Class : Monster Egg Id: (9016) Yoyo Egg An egg in which a Yoyo Cute Pet rests. Can be hatched by using a Pet Incubator. Class : Monster Egg Id: (9017) Orc Warrior Egg An egg in which an Orc Warrior Cute Pet lies dormant. Can be hatched by using a Pet Incubator. Class : Monster Egg Id: (9018) Munak Egg An egg in which a Munak Cute Pet rests. Can be hatched by using a Pet Incubator. Class : Monster Egg Id: (9019) Dokebi Egg An egg in which a Dokebi Cute Pet rests. Can be hatched by using a Pet Incubator. Class : Monster Egg Id: (9020) Sohee Egg An egg that contains a Sohee Cute Pet. Can be hatched by using a Pet Incubator. Class : Monster Egg Id: (9021) Isis Egg An egg that contains an Isis Cute Pet. Can be hatched by using a Pet Incubator. Class : Monster Egg Id: (9022) Green Petite Egg An egg in which a Green Petite Cute Pet rests. Can be hatched by using a Pet Incubator. Class : Monster Egg Id: (9023) Deviruchi Egg An egg in which a Deviruchi Cute Pet lies dormant. Can be hatched by using a Pet Incubator. Class : Monster Egg Id: (9024) Bapho Jr. Egg An egg in which a Baphomet Jr. Cute Pet lies dormant. Can be hatched by using a Pet Incubator. Class : Monster Egg Id: (9025) Bongun Egg An egg in which a Bongun is resting. Can be hatched by using a Pet Incubator. Class : Monster Egg Id: (9026) Zealotus Egg An egg that holds a Zealotus. Can be hatched by using a Pet Incubator. TypeClass : Pet Egg Id: (9027) Alice Egg An egg in which an Alice rests. Can be hatched by using a Pet Incubator. TypeClass : Pet Egg Id: (9029) An egg that has Cute-pet Santa Goblin sleeping in it. You can wake it with [Pet Incubator]. If intimacy is higher than friendly, then it gives HP + 30, increases resistance against water property attack by 1%. Item Class : Monster's egg Id: (9030) Green Maiden Egg An egg of Green Maiden. Can be hatched by using a [Pet Incubator]. DEF + 1, Reduces damage from DemiHuman enemies by 1%. TypeClass : Pet Egg Weight : 0 Id: (9038) New Year Doll Egg An egg in which the New Year Doll Cute Pet is sleeping. You can wake it up with a [Portable Incubator.] [/s][/color] Class : Pet Egg Id: (9039) Bacsojin Egg An egg of Bacsojin. Can be hatched by using a [Pet Incubator]. TypeClass : Pet Egg Weight : 0 Id: (9040) Civil Servant Egg An egg of Green Maiden. Can be hatched by using a [Pet Incubator]. MaxSP +10. TypeClass : Pet Egg Weight : 0 Id: (9041) Leaf Cat Egg An egg of Leaf Cat. Can be hatched by using a [Pet Incubator]. Decreases damage from Brute monster by 3%. TypeClass : Pet Egg Weight : 0 Id: (9042) Loli Ruri Egg An egg of Loli Ruri. Can be hatched by using a [Pet Incubator]. Adds chance of auto casting Level 1 Heal on the user when the user receives Physical Damage. MaxHP +3%. TypeClass : Pet Egg Weight : 0 Id: (9043) Marionette Egg An egg of Marionette. Can be hatched by using a [Pet Incubator]. SP Recovery +3%. TypeClass : Pet Egg Weight : 0 Id: (9044) Shinobi Egg An egg of Shinobi. Can be hatched by using a [Pet Incubator]. AGI +2. TypeClass : Pet Egg Weight : 0 Id: (9045) Whisper Egg An egg of Whisper. Can be hatched by using a [Pet Incubator]. FLEE +7, DEF -3. TypeClass : Pet Egg Weight : 0 Id: (9046) Goblin Leader Egg An egg of Goblin Leader. Can be hatched by using a [Pet Incubator]. Increases damage against DemiHuman monster by 3%. TypeClass : Pet Egg Weight : 0 Id: (9047) Wicked Nymph Egg An egg of Wicked Nymph. Can be hatched by using a [Pet Incubator]. MaxSP +30, SP Recovery +5%. TypeClass : Pet Egg Weight : 0 Id: (9048) Miyabi Ningyo Egg An egg of Miyabi Ningyo. Can be hatched by using a [Pet Incubator]. INT + 1, Reduce Casting Time by 3%. TypeClass : Pet Egg Weight : 0 Id: (9049) Dullahan Egg An egg of Dullahan. Can be hatched by using a [Pet Incubator]. CRIT + 5%. TypeClass : Pet Egg Weight : 0 Id: (9050) Medusa Egg An egg of Medusa. Can be hatched by using a [Pet Incubator]. VIT + 1, Increase resistance to Stone Curse status by 5%. TypeClass : Pet Egg Weight : 0 Id: (9051) Stone Shooter Egg An egg of Stone Shooter. Can be hatched by using a [Pet Incubator]. Add a 3% resistance against Fire Property attacks. TypeClass : Pet Egg Weight : 0 Id: (9052) Incubus Egg An egg of Incubus. Can be hatched by using a [Pet Incubator]. MaxSP + 5%. TypeClass : Pet Egg Weight : 0 Id: (9053) Golem Egg An egg of Golem. Can be hatched by using a [Pet Incubator]. HP + 100, FLEE - 5. TypeClass : Pet Egg Weight : 0 Id: (9054) Nightmare Terror Egg An egg of Nightmare Terror. Can be hatched by using a [Pet Incubator]. TypeClass : Pet Egg Weight : 0 Id: (9055) Succubus Egg An egg of Succubus. Can be hatched by using a [Pet Incubator]. 2% chance to drain HP equivalent to attack. TypeClass : Pet Egg Weight : 0 Id: (9056) Imp Egg An egg of Imp. Can be hatched by using a [Pet Incubator]. Fire Element Resistance + 2%, Damage to Fire Element monster + 1 % TypeClass : Pet Egg Weight : 0 Id: (9058) Snow Rabbit Egg It's an egg where cutepet Snow Rabbit has fallen asleep in. With a portable incubator, you can wake up a sleeping monster. During event, exp increases 5% if carried together with Snow Rabbit for hunting Class : Qpet Egg Id: (9059) Tikbalang Egg Qpet Tikbalang egg. Hatch the egg to awaken the monster with the [Pet Incubator]. Damage to Bakonawa, Bangungot, and Buwaya 10% increase. MDEF + 3. TypeClass : Monster Egg Id: (10001) Skull Helm A pristine helmet made from an animal skull. Class : Cute Pet Armor Applicable Pet: Baphomet Jr. Id: (10002) Monster Oxygen Mask A protective mask for tiny Cute Pets. Class : Cute Pet Armor Applicable Pets: Chonchon, Steel Chonchon, Hunter Fly Id: (10003) Transparent Head Protector A round, bubble-like helmet that offers magical protection to Cute Pets. Class : Cute Pet Armor Applicable Pet: Baby Desert Wolf Id: (10004) Pacifier A rubber device that helps babies endure teething, but can also be used to silence noisy Cute Pets. Class : Cute Pet Armor Applicable Pet: Deviruchi Id: (10005) Wig A multi-colored wig usually worn by clowns. Class : Cute Pet Armor Applicable Pet: Dokebi Id: (10006) Queen's Hair Ornament A hair accessory, said to be worn by an ancient queen, that is fitting for vain, yet glamorous, Cute Pets. Class : Cute Pet Armor Applicable Pet: Isis Id: (10007) Silk Ribbon A cute ribbon knit from smooth silk that would look cute on a fluffy Cute Pet. Class : Cute Pet Armor Applicable Pet: Lunatic Id: (10008) Punisher A club that, in the olden days, was used to punish stupidity in classrooms. Class : Cute Pet Armor Applicable Pet: Munak Id: (10009) Wild Flower A wildflower whose scent is so nice that even the most savage of warriors will admit to enjoying its fragrance. Class : Cute Pet Armor Applicable Pet: Orc Warrior Id: (10010) Battered Pot An old cooking pot that is just perfect (?) for placing on a Peco Peco's head. Class : Cute Pet Armor Applicable Pet: Peco Peco Id: (10011) Stellar Hairpin A hairpin decorated with cute little stars. Class : Cute Pet Armor Applicable Pet: Green Petite Id: (10012) Tiny Egg Shell A cup shaped fragment of eggshell that would fit on top of a baby chick's head. Class : Cute Pet Armor Applicable Pet: Picky Id: (10013) Backpack A backpack made especially for short, round shaped, bouncy children or Cute Pets. Class : Cute Pet Armor Applicable Pet: Poring, Drops, Poporing Id: (10014) Rocker Glasses A pair of eyeglasses that make its wearer look like a total geek. Class : Cute Pet Armor Applicable Pet: Rocker Id: (10015) Green Lace Green lace that can be worn by a baby, or even a pig. Class : Cute Pet Armor Applicable Pet: Savage Bebe Id: (10016) Golden Bell A golden bell that can be worn in the hair of an adorable Cute Pet. Class : Cute Pet Armor Applicable Pet: Sohee Id: (10017) Bark Shorts A pair of crude shorts made from rough tree bark. Class : Cute Pet Armor Applicable Pets: Spore, Poison Spore Id: (10018) Monkey Circlet A circlet made to fit a monkey, just like in the old Monkey Hero tales. Class : Cute Pet Armor Applicable Pet: Yoyo Id: (10019) Red Scarf A very stylish crimson muffler inspired by the one worn by a retro hero. Class : Cute Pet Armor Applicable Pet: Smokie Id: (10020) Grave Keeper's Sword A ceremonial sword used by gravekeepers to lead the dead to the great beyond. Class : Cute Pet Armor Applicable Pet: Bongun Id: (11000) History book of Prontera A book documenting the history of Prontera. There's a whole chapter dedicated to Tristan III. _ Weight : 0 Id: (11001) Adventure Story Vol.1 A new novel from best selling author, Mihir. _ Weight : 1 Id: (11002) Chef King Orleans Vol.1 A famous novel by a kRO player that was published in Monthly RO [/s][/color] that's entitled ''Genius Chef Orleans Takes on the World!'' _ Weight : 1 Id: (11003) Kafra Legend Vol.1 A famous novel by a kRO player that was published in Monthly RO that's about the Kafra Corporation. _ Weight : 1 Id: (11004) Old Book A worn-out, dusty, and badly damaged book that's missing its cover.[color=#=#7F0000]FFFFFF [/color] _[color=#[/]color]000000 Weight : 1 Id: (11005) Rune Royal Family Book A suspicious book stamped with the seal of the Rune-Midgarts Kingdom. The page with information about the [/s][/color] author has been torn out. _ Weight : 1 Id: (11006) Blood Flower Vol.1 A book published in Arunafeltz, the country that worships the goddess Freya. This story used to be of mouth, but has been [/s][/color] religiously embellished in printed form. _ Weight : 1 Id: (11007) Blood Flower Vol.2 A book published in Arunafeltz, the country that worships the goddess Freya. This story used to be of mouth, but has been [/s][/color] religiously embellished _ Weight : 1 Id: (11008) Biographical Dictionary Copy Edition A book of notes that contains a partial copy of a giant biographical dictionary. _ Weight : 1 Id: (11009) Adventure Story Vol.2 Volume two of the Assassin adventure series written by Mihir, a popular fiction author. _ Weight : 1 Id: (11011) Varmunt's Note Doctor Varmunt's notebook. Short memos are written in hand writing. Most of them are about Thanatos Tower and Historical relics that he discovered. _ Weight : 0 Id: (11012) Expedition Report The first report of the expedition with the Commander's seal. The report records all the information related to ecological environment, situations of the species and the expedition in another world. _ Weight : 1 Id: (11013) Expedition Report Vol1 Expedition Report Vol.1, sorted by Abidal. The information on the expedition's settlement and occupation are all written in here. _ Weight : 1 Id: (11014) Expedition Report Vol2 Expedition Report Vol.2 which reports the crack of dimension and the traces of Satan Morocc. _ Weight : 1 Id: (11015) Expedition Report Vol3 Expedition Report Vol.3 which reports the ecological environment and the species. _ Weight : 1 Id: (11016) Expedition Report Vol4 Expedition Report Vol.4 which reports the internal situation of the expedition and the investigation. It also introdues the future plans. _ Weight : 1 Id: (11018) Splendide Selling Item Splendide Selling Item _ Weight : 1 Id: (11019) Splendide Selling Item Manuk Selling Item _ Weight : 1 Id: (11500) Light Yellow Potion A yellow potion that has been condensed to reduce its weight and increase its effectiveness. _ Weight : 1 Id: (11501) Light White Potion A white potion that has been condensed to reduce its weight and increase its effectiveness. _ Weight : 1 Id: (11503) Siege White Potion A potion made from grinded White Herbs that restores about400~500 HP. HP Affected by Regeneration Potion. _ Weight : 3 Id: (11504) Siege Blue Potion A potion made from grinded Blue Herbs that restores about 50~70SP. _ Weight : 3 Id: (11550) Pumpkin Cake A sweet and yummy cake made of pumpkins. Recover about 5% of your HP and SP _ Weight : 4 Id: (11717) Yogurt Yogurt made by milk. MaxSP + 5% for 3 mins, SP recovery + 10%. Recovery SP for a certain amount. Weight : 14 Required Lvevel. : 1 Id: (12000) Level 5 Frost Diver A spell scroll which was made by the essence of ancient magic. Allows to use Level 5 Frost Diver. _ Weight : 1 Id: (12001) Level 3 Heal A holy paper which was baptized by a noble priest. Allows to use Level 3 Heal. _ Weight : 1 Id: (12002) Level 5 Heal A holy paper which was baptized by a noble priest. Allows to use Level 5 Heal. _ Weight : 1 Id: (12003) Level 1 Teleport A holy paper which was baptized by a noble priest. Allows to use Level 1 Teleport. _ Weight : 1 Id: (12004) Quiver A quiver which contains 500 normal arrows within. _ Weight : 25 Id: (12005) Iron Arrow Quiver A quiver which contains 500 iron arrows within. _ Weight : 25 Id: (12006) Steel Arrow Quiver A quiver which contains 500 steel arrows within. _ Weight : 25 Id: (12007) Oridecon Arrow Quiver A quiver which contains 500 oridecon arrows within. _ Weight : 25 Id: (12008) Fire Arrow Quiver A quiver which contains 500 fire arrows within. _ Weight : 25 Id: (12009) Silver Arrow Quiver A quiver which contains 500 silver arrows within. _ Weight : 25 Id: (12010) Wind Arrow Quiver A quiver which contains 500 wind arrows within. _ Weight : 25 Id: (12011) Stone Arrow Quiver A quiver which contains 500 stone arrows within. _ Weight : 25 Id: (12012) Crystal Arrow Quiver A quiver which contains 500 crystal arrows within. _ Weight : 25 Id: (12013) Shadow Arrow Quiver A quiver which contains 500 shadow arrows within. _ Weight : 25 Id: (12014) Immaterial Arrow Quiver A quiver which contains 500 immaterial arrows within. _ Weight : 25 Id: (12015) Rusty Arrow Quiver A quiver which contains 500 rusty arrows within. _ Weight : 25 Id: (12016) Speed Potion A potion which increases the moving speed of a character for a duration. _ Weight : 10 Id: (12017) Slow Potion A potion which decreases the moving speed of a character for a duration. _ Weight : 10 Id: (12018) Firecracker A playstuff which makes beatiful fireworks in the sky when it is lit. _ Weight : 2 Id: (12019) Holy Egg A decorative egg, traditionally exchanged with other people, which symbolizes rebirth. Can be used to resurrect dead people. _ Weight : 15 Id: (12020) Cursed Water A bottle of cursed water. _ Weight : 3 Id: (12021) Pork Savory pork that is very tempting. _ Weight : 1 Id: (12022) Galbi Delicious beef specially marinated in soy sauce. _ Weight : 1 Id: (12023) Wrapped Box A wrapped box that seems to contain a gift. Weight : 20 Id: (12024) Red Pouch Most people who see this pretty red pouch are seized by the urge to open it and see what's inside. _ Weight : 5 Id: (12025) Easter Country An egg that seems to contain something inside. According to the custom, balancing one of these eggs on its end without any support is a sign of good luck. _ Weight : 20 Id: (12026) Easter Bueno An egg that seems to contain something inside. According to the custom, balancing one of these eggs on its end without any support is a sign of good luck. _ Weight : 20 Id: (12027) Giggling Box Restores an amount of HP equal to 9% of the user's Max HP, but each use has a 30% chance of inflicting the [/s][/color] Curse status on the user for 30 seconds. [/s][/color] Weight : 20 Id: (12028) Box of Thunder Increases the user's Movement Speed by 100% [/s][/color] for a 20 second duration. [/s][/color] Weight : 20 Id: (12029) Box of Gloom Automatically casts Level 1 Improve Concentration on the user. [/s][/color] Weight : 20 Id: (12030) Box of Resentment Adds +20 ATK for 60 seconds. _ Weight : 20 Id: (12031) Box of Drowsiness Adds +20 MATK for 60 seconds. _ Weight : 20 Id: (12032) Box of Storms Imbues the user's weapon with the Water property for 3 minutes. _ Weight : 20 Id: (12033) Box of Sunlight Enables the user to to detect any hidden [/s][/color] enemies for 30 seconds. _ Weight : 20 Id: (12033) Box of Sunlight Permet à l'utilisateur de détecter les ennemis cachés pendant 30 secondes. _ Poids : 20 Id: (12033) Box of Sunlight Ermöglicht dem Benutzer, 30 Sekunden lang jegliche versteckten Feinde zu entdecken. _ Gewicht : 20 Id: (12033) Box of Sunlight Kullananýn 30 saniye boyunca gizlenmiþ düþmanlarý görmesini saðlar . _ Aðýrlýk: 20 Id: (12034) Box of Panting Restores an amount of SP equal to 9% of the user's Max SP, but each use has a 30% chance of inflicting the Mute effect on the user for 30 seconds. _ Weight : 20 Id: (12035) Lotto Box 01 A sealed box containing a Lotto Ball from numbers 1-9. [/s][/color] Weight : 2 Id: (12036) Lotto Box 02 A sealed box containing a Lotto Ball from numbers 10-18. [/s][/color] Weight : 2 Id: (12037) Lotto Box 03 A sealed box containing a Lotto Ball from numbers 19-27. [/s][/color] Weight : 2 Id: (12038) Lotto Box 04 A sealed box containing a Lotto Ball from numbers 28-36. [/s][/color] Weight : 2 Id: (12039) Lotto Box 05 A sealed box containing a Lotto Ball from numbers 37-45. [/s][/color] Weight : 2 Id: (12040) Stone of Sage An enchanted stone rumored to transmute any matter into gold. _ Weight : 1 Id: (12041) Fried Grasshopper Legs A dish that is easy and convenient for beginner chefs; it has a fresh, grassy taste, strangely enough. STR +1 [/s][/color] Weight : 6 Id: (12042) Seasoned Sticky Webfoot A dish that looks slightly unappetizing, but its taste and scent [/s][/color] are quite pleasant. STR +2 [/s][/color] Weight : 50 Id: (12043) Bomber Steak It looks like an ordinary steak, but it is explosively flavorful and juicy. STR +3 [/s][/color] Weight : 50 Id: (12044) Herb Marinade Beef Tender beef that has been marinated with herbs and sauces, using [/s][/color] a secret Payon recipe. STR +4 [/s][/color] Weight : 50 Id: (12045) Lutie Lady's Pancake A sweet pancake made by Thachentze, the kind lady chef living in Lutie. STR +5 [/s][/color] Weight : 50 Id: (12046) Grape Juice Herbal Tea A sweetly scented tea made by mixing herbs and grape juice. INT +1 [/s][/color] Weight : 10 Id: (12047) Autumn Red Tea A tea made with 3 different herbs that give it a refreshingly strong scent, but also give it a bland flavor. INT + 2 [/s][/color] Weight : 50 Id: (12048) Honey Herbal Tea An invigoratingly hot herbal whose flavor is enhanced with the sweetness of honey. INT +3 [/s][/color] Weight : 50 Id: (12049) Morroc Fruit Wine A sweet and sour fruit wine that was invented by a merchant from Morroc. Ladies love it. INT + 4 [/s][/color] Weight : 30 Id: (12050) Mastela Fruit Wine Wine distilled from Mastela fruit that helps the drinker to maintain clarity of thought. INT +5 [/s][/color] Weight : 40 Id: (12051) Steamed Crab Nippers A simple dish made from steamed crab nippers and herbs. VIT + 1 [/s][/color] Weight : 10 Id: (12052) Assorted Seafood Assorted seafood that makes people that live near the sea feel very homesick. Unless, of course, they're eating this food at home. VIT +2 Weight : 20 Id: (12053) Clam Soup A soup made with boiled clam meat. VIT +3 [/s][/color] Weight : 30 Id: (12054) Seasoned Jellyfish Steamed tenacles flavored with herbs and squid ink dressing that, weirdly enough, is [/s][/color] a delicious health food. VIT +4 [/s][/color] Weight : 50 Id: (12055) Spicy Fried Bao A bao that is fried and seasoned with spicy sauce. If you're not used to spicy food, [/s][/color] it's not a good idea to eat too many. VIT +5 [/s][/color] Weight : 80 Id: (12056) Frog Egg Squid Ink Soup A soup made with squid ink broth and frog eggs that most people can't eat until they close their eyes. AGI +1 [/s][/color] Weight : 10 Id: (12057) Smooth Noodle Incredibly smooth, slick, and slippery noodles that are very difficult to eat. AGI +2 [/s][/color] Weight : 10 Id: (12058) Tentacle Cheese Gratin Cheese gratin with steamed tentacles mixed into it for a unique flavor. AGI +3 [/s][/color] Weight : 50 Id: (12059) Lutie Cold Noodle Spicy, cold noodles garnished with sliced pumpkin. AGI +4 [/s][/color] Weight : 40 Id: (12060) Steamed Bat Wing in Pumpkin Steamed pumpkin and Red Bat Wings wrapped in a Hinale leaflet that have a combined flavor that is... indescribable. AGI + 5 [/s][/color] Weight : 50 Id: (12061) Honey Grape Juice A special mixed drink of grape juice and honey that has a sweet and sour taste. DEX +1 [/s][/color] Weight : 10 Id: (12062) Chocolate Mousse Cake A special chocolate mousse cake with a [/s][/color] smooth luxurious flavor that even Charles Orleans would be proud of. DEX +2 [/s][/color] Weight : 20 Id: (12063) Fruit Mix A mix of various, crisp fruit flavored with light, sweet syrup. DEX +3 [/s][/color] Weight : 20 Id: (12064) Cream Sandwich A hearty sandwich made with slices of freshly baked bread, ground meat and cream cheese that is a favorite dish to eat for lunch. DEX +4 [/s][/color] Weight : 50 Id: (12065) Green Salad A trendy green salad that is topped with sweet Umbala dressing. DEX +5 [/s][/color] Weight : 20 Id: (12066) Fried Monkey Tails Lightly spiced monkey tails deep fried in oil that are popular as a side dish for drinking. LUK +1 [/s][/color] Weight : 6 Id: (12067) Mixed Juice A cocktail mixed from various fruit juices. LUK +2 [/s][/color] Weight : 20 Id: (12068) Fried Sweet Potato Crunchy, fried sweet potatoes topped with light syrup. LUK +3 [/s][/color] Weight : 50 Id: (12069) Steamed Ancient Lips Steamed fish with ancient lips wrapped in a fresh leaf that is supposedly good for a man's vigor. LUK +4 [/s][/color] Weight : 50 Id: (12070) Fried Scorpion Tails A fried tail from a scorpion, which is said to be the most nutritious and tasty part of a scorpion. There are trace bits of poison, so don't eat too much. LUK +5 [/s][/color] Weight : 40 Id: (12071) Shiny Marinade Beef A marinated beef dish whose spendorous flavor can only be described as...shiny. STR +6 [/s][/color] Weight : 80 Id: (12072) Whole Roast A great meal for meat lovers, this roast is spiced up with a special sauce. STR +7 [/s][/color] Weight : 100 Id: (12073) Bearfoot Special One of the finest dishes from Louyang, a delicacy made from a bear's meaty foot. STR +8 [/s][/color] Weight : 50 Id: (12074) Tendon Satay A fresh and juicy satay made from thick tendons. STR +9 [/s][/color] Weight : 100 Id: (12075) Steamed Tongue The epitome of Louyang cuisine. It's ingredients may be hard to find, but culinarily speaking, it's a masterpiece. STR +10 [/s][/color] Weight : 100 Id: (12076) Red Mushroom Wine A fragrant grape wine mixed with Red Mushrooms. INT +6 [/s][/color] Weight : 30 Id: (12077) Special Royal Jelly Herbal Tea An herbal tea mixed with royal jelly that has a pungent scent, but a refreshing flavor. INT +7 [/s][/color] Weight : 80 Id: (12078) Royal Family Tea A sweetly scented tea, one of Charles Orleans's specialties, that is regularly enjoyed by the royal family. INT +8 [/s][/color] Weight : 100 Id: (12079) Tristram 12 One of the most exquisite drinks ever created that was presented in celebration of the coronation of King Tristram III. INT +9 [/s][/color] Weight : 100 Id: (12080) Dragon Breath Cocktail A cocktail with an unforgettable flavor as impressive as a [/s][/color] dragon's breath. INT +10 [/s][/color] Weight : 100 Id: (12081) Awfully Bitter Bracer A strange medicine said to have as much healing power as its bitterness. VIT +6 [/s][/color] Weight : 50 Id: (12082) Sumptuous Feast A magnificent feast fit for gods that would make mortals cry tears of joy. VIT +7 [/s][/color] Weight : 40 Id: (12083) Giant Burito A jumbo sized burrito for jumbo sized appetites. VIT +8 [/s][/color] Weight : 100 Id: (12084) Ascending Dragon Soup A spicy soup with dragon meat whose flavor gives one the sensation of flight. VIT +9 [/s][/color] Weight : 100 Id: (12085) Immortal Stew A stew with a funky smell that looks quite suspicious, but it really does give the feeling of immortality. VIT +10 [/s][/color] Weight : 100 Id: (12086) Chile Shrimp Gratin Shrimp and chile gratin that is so spicy, it burns. AGI +6 [/s][/color] Weight : 80 Id: (12087) Steamed Alligator with Vegetable A special Umbala dish made with steamed alligator meat wrapped in vegetables. AGI +7 [/s][/color] Weight : 80 Id: (12088) Incredibly Spicy Curry A spicy curry with a spice known to have the flavor of patience. Fortunately, the taste is balanced with pumpkin. AGI +8 [/s][/color] Weight : 100 Id: (12089) Special Meat Stew Louyang's specialty stew laced with all sorts of meat that has a tempting scent AGI +9 [/s][/color] Weight : 100 Id: (12090) Steamed Desert Scorpions One of the four best dishes in the Sograt Desert, this scorpion dish is cooked using the heat of the desert sands. AGI +10 [/s][/color] Weight : 100 Id: (12091) Peach Cake A sweet and lightly scrumptious cake made with peaches grown in Kunlun. DEX +6 [/s][/color] Weight : 80 Id: (12092) Soul Haunted Bread A deliciously sweet bread, haunted by flavor. DEX +7 [/s][/color] Weight : 80 Id: (12093) Special Toast Large toasted bread garnished with huge amounts of meat, cheese, and vegetables. It's so big, no one has ever finished it. DEX +8 [/s][/color] Weight : 100 Id: (12094) Heavenly Fruit Juice Heavenly tasting juice that makes the drinker feel refreshed and relaxed. DEX +9 [/s][/color] Weight : 50 Id: (12095) Hwergelmir's Tonic Named after the legendary spring believed to be the source of the world's rivers, this beverage is famous for its amazing taste. DEX +10 [/s][/color] Weight : 100 Id: (12096) Lucky Soup A soup that is rumored to bring good luck when it is eaten hot. LUK +6 [/s][/color] Weight : 30 Id: (12097) Assorted Shish Kebob Marinated meat and vegetables roasted on a skewer. LUK +7 [/s][/color] Weight : 80 Id: (12098) Strawberry Flavored Rice Ball A riceball garnished with strawberries that give it an unexpectedly delicious taste. LUK +8 [/s][/color] Weight : 40 Id: (12099) Blood Flavored Soda A strangely sweet drink that children seem to like, although the aftertaste is pretty gross. LUK +9 [/s][/color] Weight : 100 Id: (12100) Cooked Nine Tail's Tails A rare specialty dish [/s][/color] from Payon that bestows luck on those fortunate enough to eat it. LUK +10 [/s][/color] Weight : 50 Id: (12103) Bloody Branch An ancient, gnarled branch with a contract written in blood upon the bark that can summon stronger creatures than regular Dead Branches. [/s][/color] Weight : 20 Id: (12104) Random Quiver An unlabeled arrow quiver. Produces arrows of a randomly chosen property. [/s][/color] Weight : 20 Id: (12105) Taming Gift Set A beautifully decorated gift set that contains a taming item and Pet Armor. Produces a random Pet Armor and taming item. [/s][/color] Weight : 20 Id: (12106) Jewelry Box A beautiful Jewelry Box that contains an Accessory. Produces a random Accessory item. [/s][/color] Weight : 20 Id: (12107) Wrapped Mask A mask that has been carefully wrapped. Produces a random Mask item. [/s][/color] Weight : 20 Id: (12108) Scroll Package A scroll that has been packaged and carefully wrapped. Produces a random Magic Scroll item. [/s][/color] Weight : 20 Id: (12109) Poring Box A wrapped box stamped [/s][/color] with the Poring seal. You can faintly hear rustling coming from inside of it. [/s][/color] Weight : 20 Id: (12110) First Aid Kit A first aid kit that should contain potions, although they're known to hold other things... Produces a random Potion item. [/s][/color] Weight : 20 Id: (12111) Bundle of Food A bundle of food that contains various dishes. Produces a random food item. [/s][/color] Weight : 20 Id: (12112) Tropical Sograt A delicious alcoholic beverage made with exotic fruits found only in Morroc. It's very sweet, so people can get drunk off it without realizing it. [/s][/color] Weight : 10 Id: (12113) Vermilion on the Beach A scarlet colored cocktail, favored by the ladies, that gives the drinker the feeling [/s][/color] of lounging on the beach. [/s][/color] Weight : 10 Id: (12114) Elemental Converter Temporarily enchant the user's weapon with the Fire property. [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (12115) Elemental Converter Temporarily enchant the user's weapon with the Water property. [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (12116) Elemental Converter Temporarily enchant the user's weapon with the Earth property. [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (12117) Elemental Converter Temporarily enchant the user's weapon with the Wind property. [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (12118) Fireproof Potion A potion that will temporarily increase the user's resistance to the Fire property at [/s][/color] the cost of increasing damage from the Water property for the potion's active duration. [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (12119) Coldproof Potion A potion that will temporarily increase the user's resistance to the Water property at [/s][/color] the cost of increasing damage from the Wind property for the potion's active duration. [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (12120) Earthproof Potion A potion that will temporarily increase the user's resistance to the Earth property at [/s][/color] the cost of increasing damage from the Fire property for the potion's active duration. [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (12121) Thunderproof Potion A potion that will temporarily increase the user's resistance to the Wind property at [/s][/color] the cost of increasing damage from the Earth property for the potion's active duration. [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (12122) Sesame Pastry Doughy, chewy snacks made out of pine pollen, chestnut flour and honey, which enhance the flavor of teas. Embossed with the characters for safety, luck and longevity, these cookies are made to wish good fortune to those who eat them. Temporarily increases Hit by 30. _ Weight : 7 Id: (12123) Honey Pastry These traditional crackers from a nation in the far East are made of mixed flour, honey and sweet liquor. Temporarily adds +30 to Flee Rate. _ Weight : 7 Id: (12124) Rainbow Cake A colorful rice cake that is used as a party food in the far East. Temporarily adds +10 ATK and MATK. _ Weight : 7 Id: (12125) Outdoor Cooking Kit A cooking kit that is designed for outdoor use. It's a little crude, but it's also portable. [/s][/color] Weight : 2 Id: (12126) Home Cooking Kit A cooking kit designed for use in the home. It's sophisticated enough for you to craft meals with [/s][/color] that homemade quality. [/s][/color] Weight : 3 Id: (12127) Professional Cooking Kit A professional cooking kit that only great chefs generally use to make food of professional quality. These are wasted on mere tyros. [/s][/color] Weight : 3 Id: (12128) Royal Cooking Kit A cooking kit said to be used by chefs working in the royal palace to craft nobly exquisite dishes. [/s][/color] Weight : 7 Id: (12129) Fantastic Cooking Kit The legendary cooking kit that is said to make any recipe wondrously, sublimely delicious. [/s][/color] Weight : 7 Id: (12130) Cookie Bag A bag, stuffed with various snacks, that generally coveted by those with a sweet tooth. _ Weight : 7 Id: (12131) Lucky Potion A drink that is already past its expiration date, and no longer has any potency. Or does it? [/s][/color] Weight : 10 Id: (12132) Santa's Bag A small, red bag that magically changes your clothes into a Santa Suit for 10 minutes. _ Weight : 20 Id: (12134) Red Envelope A Red envelope filled with good fortune, given by married couples to friends and family to celebrate new beginnings. Weight : 1 Id: (12135) Green Ale A wonderfully refreshing drink that may cause stumbling and regrettably hazy memories of the night before when drank in excess. Recovers 100% of Max HP and SP, but has a 10% chance of casting the Chaos effect on its user. _ Weight : 15 Id: (12144) Lightning Sphere Pack A bullet cartridge that contains 500 Lightning Spheres. _ Weight : 35 Id: (12145) Blind Sphere Pack A bullet cartridge that contains 500 Blind Spheres. _ Weight : 35 Id: (12146) Poison Sphere Pack A bullet cartridge that contains 500 Poison Spheres. _ Weight : 35 Id: (12147) Freezing Sphere Pack A bullet cartridge that contains 500 Freezing Spheres. _ Weight : 35 Id: (12148) Flare Sphere Pack A bullet cartridge that contains 500 Flare Spheres. _ Weight : 35 Id: (12149) Cartridge A bullet cartridge that contains 500 regular Bullets. _ Weight : 25 Id: (12150) Blood Cartridge A bullet cartridge that contains 500 Bloody Bullets. _ Weight : 25 Id: (12151) Silver Cartridge A bullet cartridge that contains 500 Silver Bullets. _ Weight : 25 Id: (12153) Bow Mercenary Scroll1 Summon a 1st Grade Bow Mercenary. _ Weight : 10 Id: (12154) Bow Mercenary Scroll2 Summon a 2nd Grade Bow Mercenary. _ Weight : 10 Id: (12155) Bow Mercenary Scroll3 Summon a 3rd Grade Bow Mercenary. _ Weight : 10 Id: (12156) Bow Mercenary Scroll4 Summon a 4th Grade Bow Mercenary. _ Weight : 10 Id: (12157) Bow Mercenary Scroll5 Summon a 5th Grade Bow Mercenary. _ Weight : 10 Id: (12158) Bow Mercenary Scroll6 Summon a 6th Grade Bow Mercenary. _ Weight : 10 Id: (12159) Bow Mercenary Scroll7 Summon a 7th Grade Bow Mercenary. _ Weight : 10 Id: (12160) Bow Mercenary Scroll8 Summon a 8th Grade Bow Mercenary. _ Weight : 10 Id: (12161) Bow Mercenary Scroll9 Summon a 9th Grade Bow Mercenary. _ Weight : 10 Id: (12162) Bow Mercenary Scroll10 Summon a 10th Grade, which is the top rank, Bow Mercenary. _ Weight : 0 Id: (12163) SwordMercenary Scroll1 Summon a 1st Grade Sword Mercenary. _ Weight : 10 Id: (12164) SwordMercenary Scroll2 Summon a 2nd Grade Sword Mercenary. _ Weight : 10 Id: (12165) SwordMercenary Scroll3 Summon a 3rd Grade Sword Mercenary. _ Weight : 10 Id: (12166) SwordMercenary Scroll4 Summon a 4th Grade Sword Mercenary. _ Weight : 10 Id: (12167) SwordMercenary Scroll5 Summon a 5th Grade Sword Mercenary. _ Weight : 10 Id: (12168) SwordMercenary Scroll6 Summon a 6th Grade Sword Mercenary. _ Weight : 10 Id: (12169) SwordMercenary Scroll7 Summon a 7th Grade Sword Mercenary. _ Weight : 10 Id: (12170) SwordMercenary Scroll8 Summon a 8th Grade Sword Mercenary. _ Weight : 10 Id: (12171) SwordMercenary Scroll9 Summon a 9th Grade Sword Mercenary. _ Weight : 10 Id: (12172) SwordMercenary Scroll10 Summon a 10th Grade, which is the top rank, Sword Mercenary. _ Weight : 0 Id: (12173) SpearMercenary Scroll1 Summon a 1st Grade Spear Mercenary. _ Weight : 10 Id: (12174) SpearMercenary Scroll2 Summon a 2nd Grade Spear Mercenary. _ Weight : 10 Id: (12175) SpearMercenary Scroll3 Summon a 3rd Grade Spear Mercenary. _ Weight : 10 Id: (12176) SpearMercenary Scroll4 Summon a 4th Grade Spear Mercenary. _ Weight : 10 Id: (12177) SpearMercenary Scroll5 Summon a 5th Grade Spear Mercenary. _ Weight : 10 Id: (12178) SpearMercenary Scroll6 Summon a 6th Grade Spear Mercenary. _ Weight : 10 Id: (12179) SpearMercenary Scroll7 Summon a 7th Grade Spear Mercenary. _ Weight : 10 Id: (12180) SpearMercenary Scroll8 Summon a 8th Grade Spear Mercenary. _ Weight : 10 Id: (12181) SpearMercenary Scroll9 Summon a 9th Grade Spear Mercenary. _ Weight : 10 Id: (12182) SpearMercenary Scroll10 Summon a 10th Grade, which is the top rank, Spear Mercenary. _ Weight : 0 Id: (12183) Holy Arrow Quiver A quiver that contains 500 Holy Arrows. _ Weight : 25 Id: (12184) Mercenary Red Potion An HP Potion provided by the Mercenary Guild that can only be used for Mercenaries; it cannot restore HP for players. Recovers 1,000 HP for targeted Mercenary. _ Weight : 10 Id: (12185) Mercenary Blue Potion An SP Potion provided by the Mercenary Guild that can only be used for Mercenaries; it cannot restore SP for players. Recovers 100 SP for targeted Mercenary. _ Weight : 10 Id: (12195) Plain Rice Cake Delicious cookies whose taste contains just a bit of liquor. Restores a small amount of SP. _ Weight : 10 Id: (12196) Substantial Rice Cake A white Rice Cake that makes you feel full once you eat it. Restores a small amount of HP. _ Weight : 10 Id: (12197) Salty Rice Cake A salty Rice Cake. Restores a small amount of HP and SP. _ Weight : 10 Id: (12198) Lucky Rice Cake A Rice Cake that is flavored with a hint of Vanilla. LUK +21. _ Weight : 10 Id: (12202) Steamed Tongue A very pricey Louyang dish that tastes absolutely superb. STR +10, 30 minute duration. _ Weight : 10 Id: (12204) Dragon Breath Cocktail A cocktail whose unforgettable flavor is as potent as the breath of a dragon. INT +10, 30 minute duration. _ Weight : 10 Id: (12205) Hwergelmir's Tonic This beverage is named after the legendary spring that is believed to be the source of the world's rivers, and is famous for its pure, [/s][/color] amazing taste. DEX +10, 30 minute duration. _ Weight : 10 Id: (12206) Cooked Nine Tail A rare, specialty Payon dish that bestows [/s][/color] luck to those fortunate enough to eat it. LUK +10, 30 minute duration. _ Weight : 10 Id: (12207) Immortal Stew A funkly smelling, suspicious looking stew that really does make you feel like an immortal when you eat it. VIT +10, 30 minute duration. _ Weight : 10 Id: (12208) Battle Manual This well written, detailed manual explains effective battle methods. EXP rate increases to 150% for 30 minutes. _ Weight : 1 Id: (12209) Insurance A life insurance certificate issued by Kafra Headquarters. This item loses its effect once the player receives its benefit. If the character dies within 30 minutes after using this item, there will be no EXP loss penalty. _ Weight : 1 Id: (12211) Kafra Card A Kafra name card issued by the Kafra Headquarters. Using this card will call up the Kafra Service. _ Weight : 1 Id: (12212) Giant Fly Wing An enchanted, giant wing from an ancient creatures. Enables instant teleportation of many people when [/s][/color] used by a Party Master. _ Weight : 1 Id: (12213) Neuralizer Pressing the button on this stick will flash blinding light that seems to cause memory loss. Resets the Skill Tree and gives the corresponding [/s][/color] number of Skill Points. This item can only be used in town, and the character must carry 0 weight, and cannot be [/s][/color] equipped with a Pushcart, Falcon, or PecoPeco. Cannot be used by Novice Class. _ Weight : 0 Id: (12214) Convex Mirror A clean convex mirror that can be used to detect the appearance of Boss Monsters. 10 minute duration that is canceled [/s][/color] when the player leaves the map or logs out. Lord of the Dead, and Boss Monsters in the Bio Lab, Ktullanux, Memory of Thanatos, and some other event MVP monsters cannot be detected by using this item. _ Weight : 1 Id: (12215) Level 10 Blessing Scroll A scroll in which a single use of Level 10 Blessing has been recorded. Caution-- This item won't work while your character is casting a spell or skill. _ Weight : 1 Id: (12216) Level 10 Agility Scroll A scroll in which a single use of Level 10 Increase AGI has been recorded. Caution-- This item won't work while your character is casting a spell or skill. This item consumes 15 HP and will be ineffective if the character has fewer than 15 HP. _ Weight : 1 Id: (12217) Level 5 Aspersio Scroll A scroll in which a single use of Level 5 Aspersio has been recorded. If there is no Holy Water, scroll will be damaged when used. Caution-- This item won't work while your character is casting a spell or skill. _ Weight : 1 Id: (12218) Level 5 Assumptio Scroll A scroll in which a single use of Level 5 Assumptio has been recorded. Caution-- This item won't work while your character is casting a spell or skill. _ Weight : 1 Id: (12219) Level 10 Wind Walk Scroll A scroll in which a single use of Level 10 Wind Walker has been recorded. Caution-- This item won't work while your character is casting a spell or skill. _ Weight : 1 Id: (12220) Level 10 Adrenaline Scroll A scroll in which a single use of Level 5 Adrenaline Rush has been recorded. If the user is not equipped with an Axe, the scroll will be when used. _ Weight : 1 Id: (12221) Megaphone A suspicious looking piece of machinery that allows server wide broadcasting. _ Weight : 1 Id: (12232) Gingerbread Square flat pastry from the milk, the flour, the honey and other products. The rate of movement and attack is increased for 15 minutes. _ Weight : 15 Id: (12241) Mercenary Concentration Potion A Concentration Potion for Mercenaries that slightly increases Attack Speed. _ Weight : 10 Id: (12242) Mercenary Awakening Potion An Awakening Potion for Mercenaries that [/s][/color] increases Attack Speed. _ Weight : 10 Id: (12243) Mercenary Berserk Potion A Berserk Potion for Mercenaries that greatly increases Attack Speed. _ Weight : 10 Id: (12245) Green Ale A frothy green ale brewed by Al O'Vbeer. Restores 100% HP. _ Weight : 15 Id: (12246) Magic Card Album Powerful spirits are sealed within this album. What will happen if the seal is undone? _ Weight : 5 Id: (12247) Halohalo A glass of sweetened fruits and desserts served with crushed ice and lots of milk. A Filipino dessert that never fails to help quench the summer heat. All Stats +3 for 10 minute duration. Limited to Level 20 or above players. _ Weight : 10 Id: (12259) Miracle Tonic An enchanted tonic that made by a dream flower. _ Weight : 0 Id: (12269) Tasty Pink Ration Foodstuffs prepared for urgent situations. Don't eat too fast, you might choke on it. ATK + 15 for 10 minutes. _ Weight : 7 Id: (12270) Tasty White Ration Foodstuffs prepared for urgent situations. Don't eat too fast, you might choke on it. MATK + 15 for 10 minutes. _ Weight : 7 Id: (12271) Military Ration A Meal Ready to Eat. Improved Ration A, which is convenient for a busy life. Don't be so sure about the taste. Restores amount of HP by 5% _ Weight : 7 Id: (12272) Military Ration B Meal Ready to Eat Improved Ration B, which is convenient for a busy life. Don't be so sure about the taste. HIT + 33 for 10 minutes. _ Weight : 7 Id: (12273) Military Ration C Improved Meals Ready to EatC, which is convenient for a busy life. Don't be so sure about the taste. FLEE + 33 for 10 minutes. _ Weight : 7 Id: (12281) Treasure Box A strange treasure box... There is a surpise inside ! _ Weight : 1 Id: (12282) Pearl Bag A bag with 10 Amber Pearl inside. Weight : 1 Id: (12283) Pearl Bag50 A bag with 50 Amber Pearl inside. Weight : 1 Id: (12298) SP Consumption Reduction Potion Reduced SP consumption of skills by 15% for 1 hour. _ Weight : 1 Id: (12299) Mega Resist Potion Increased resistance using potion pitcher. Adds 10% resistance to the Stun, Freeze, Stone, Sleep, Silence, Blind, Curse, Poison, Bleeding, Confusion for 1 hour. Weight : 1 Id: (12310) Spray of Flowers Une branche fleurie de cerisier. On dirait que votre corps devient plus liger grbce ` elle. Augmente votre Flee de 10 pendant 5 minutes. _ Weight : 5 Id: (12311) Huge Spray of Flowers a branch of cherry blossom Tree with full-blown cherry blossoms. It feels like your body lightens with rich scent of a flower when you wave it. Increases Flee by 10 points for 5 minutes _ Weight : 10 Id: (12317) Snow Powder A magic powder that gives the appearance that it is snowing when used. _ Weight : 1 Id: (12319) Rune Strawberry Cake A snack sent from Rune-Midgards. Be careful not to let anybody taste the cake without even asking. ATK, MATK +5 for 10 minutes. _ Weight : 30 Id: (12320) Schwartzwald Pine Jubilee A snack sent from Schwartzwald. Ice cold fruit juice quenches your throat and cools your whole body. HIT +10, FLEE +20 for 10 minutes. _ Weight : 30 Id: (12321) Arunafeltz Desert Sandwich A snack sent from Arunafeltz. This sandwich helps developing stamina with its spicy taste. Critical +7 for 10 minutes. _ Weight : 30 Id: (12322) Chocolate Pie A pie covered with sweet chocolate. This sure looks not pretty but the taste is excellent. It reminds you of the taste of homemade pie. HP, SP 5% Recovery. _ Weight : 30 Id: (12323) Novice Fly Wing An enchanted fly's wing that instantly sends its user to a random spot when waved in the air. Instant teleport. _ Weight : 0 Id: (12324) Novice Butterfly Wing An enchanted butterfly's wing that instantly sends its user to his Save Point when waved in the air. Instant teleport to character's Save Point. _ Weight : 0 Id: (12328) Charm Of Happiness ... Adds + 10 stat every 20 seconds. _ Weight : 10 Id: (12333) Ansila A crystal that is shining with mysterious color. When used, you recover 15% of MaxSP. _ Weight : 1 Id: (12341) Special Alloy Trap Box A box that is filled with a hundred of reformed traps. _ Weight : 10 Id: (12342) Manuk's Opportunity Supplement made by the Manuk Research Center. It is officially recommended to the Mine Workers. Physical Attack Damage done to the monsters in Manuk Area increases by 10% for 10 minutes. (Nepenthes, Centipede, Centipede Larva, Hillslion, Tatacho, Hardrock Mammoth) _ Weight : 5 Id: (12343) Manuk's Courage Supplement made by the Manuk Research Center. It is officially recommended to the Mine Workers. Physical & Magical Damage from the monsters in Manuk Area decreased by 10% for 10minutes. (Nepenthes, Centipede, Centipede Larva, Hillslion, Tatacho, Hardrock Mammoth) _ Weight : 5 Id: (12344) Pinguicula's Fruit Jam Sweet Jam made out of a Pinguicula's fruit. Physical Attack Damage done to the monsters in Splendide Area increases by 10% for 10 minutes. (Pinguicula, Luciola Vespa, Cornus, Naga, Tendrillion) _ Weight : 5 Id: (12345) Luciola's Honey Jam Jam made out of Luciola's Honey and Herb. Physical & Magical Damage from the monsters in Splendide Area decrease by 10% for 10 minutes. (Pinguicula, Luciola Vespa, Cornus, Naga, Tendrillion) _ Weight : 5 Id: (12346) Unripe Acorn Puckery unripe acorn. It's best not to eat this. _ Weight : 0 Id: (12347) Acorn Jelly Jelly made out of unripe acorn flour. Usually acorn jelly is delicately-flavored, but this is quite sour tasting. _ Weight : 5 Id: (12348) Manuk's Faith Supplement made by the Manuk Research Center. It is officially recommended to the Mine Workers. Magical Attack Damage done to the monsters in Manuk Area increases by 10% for 10 minutes. (Nepenthes, Centipede, Centipede Larva, Hillslion, Tatacho, Hardrock Mammoth) _ Weight : 5 Id: (12352) Dungeon Teleport VIP Scroll A parchment which allows to teleport to highest level dungeons. List of the available dungeons : Bio Lab (2nd floor) Ice Dungeon (3rd floor) Odin Temple (3rd floor) Thor Volcano (3rd floor) Abyss Lake (3rd) Juperos Ruins (2nd floor) _ Weight : 0 Id: (12353) Small Bottle A tiny bottle with water in it that's almost freezing. Gives Water-Elemental endowment to weapon for 90 seconds. _ Weight : 1 Id: (12354) Buche De Noel A chocolate roll cake in the form of firewood covered with snow. When you see it, you can feel Christmas is coming. Increases HP & SP restoration by 3%, Hit +3 and Critical +7 for 10 minutes. wWeight : 5 Id: (12380) Job Change Flute A flute that emits high frequency sounds only to a wolf. A disposable. _ Weight : 1 Id: (12382) Ancient Language Scroll A scroll written with unknown language. _ Weight : 1 Id: (12383) Vulcan Bullet Magazine A magazine with a thousand Vulcan Bullets. It's portable. _ Weight : 50 Id: (12533) BlueHerb Box Blue herbs are compressed in the box. Please take care to open it. wWeight : 0 Attention - You could lose the items when you have too many or heavy items! Id: (12699) Tikbalang Harness Special belt made to control Tikbalang as a servant. Be careful since Tikbalang will struggle violently when used. TypeClass : Taming Item Weight : 5 Id: (12700) Inside-out Shirt Common shirt turned inside out. Used to break Tikbalang's curse that makes people get lost. Can warp back to the 'Port Malaya' village when used directly. _ Weight : 1 Id: (12701) Vieille Boite Bleue It's a well-known item. This box seems slightly different... _ Weight : 20 Id: (12702) Old Bleu Box A mysterious blue box whose appearance resembles Old Blue Box. It seems to hold something inside, but you'll have to open it to find out. _ Weight : 20 Id: (12708) Lucky Cookie Cookie that contains a note of fortune. It is said that the note is used to tell your fortune. Provide effect of Cast Level 3 Impositio Manus when used. _ Weight : 10 Id: (12710) Guyak Pudding Once eat the pudding while it's cold, it soothes summer heat for a while. Increases Movement Speed 5 minutes for 2 period of the character. _ Weight : 20 Id: (12712) Green Beer A green fresh beer. Restores 100% SP. Weight : 15 Id: (12715) [This item will be removed from the game 1 week after the event is ended.] A chest that seems to contain something extremely valuable. Let's see whats inside. _ Weight : 0 Id: (12717) Paralysis A poison that paralyzes senses. It continues for 300 seconds and decreases Attack speed(After attack delay increases for 10%),-10% of Dodge, movement speed cuts in half. _ Weight : 2 Id: (12718) Leech End A poison which has the same ingredient with a leech. It consumes some HP for 300 seconds. _ Weight : 2 Id: (12719) Oblivion Curse An ash powder that makes one to the state of oblivion. Oblivion continues for 300 seconds. At the state of oblivion, SP doesn't recover naturally, and cannot be canceled by Lex Divine or Green Potion. You cannot use the skill while caught by oblivion ashes. _ Weight : 2 Id: (12720) Death Hurt A poison that pollutes a wound. When a target is caught by this poison for 300 seconds, and gets recovery skill, the effect decreases by 20%. It's duplicated with existing fatal wound effect. _ Weight : 2 Id: (12721) Toxin A poison that numbs nerves. It continues for 300 seconds, and generates damage motion for one time by every 3 seconds. This ignores the weapons or card options which don't disconnect spell. _ Weight : 2 Id: (12722) Pyrexia A poison that causes a fever. For 300 seconds, it spells darkness that can't be unspelled by any ways, and causes hallucination. Gets 100 damages for one second, and while getting damages if casting was ongoing, the casting also can be cancelled. _ Weight : 2 Id: (12723) Magic Mushroom A poison that has the effect of laughing mushroom. For the whole 300 seconds, one loses 3% of HP for every 4 seconds and starts to use skills randomly. _ Weight : 2 Id: (12724) Venom Bleed A poison that drops whole physical strength. MHP decreases 15% for 15 seconds. _ Weight : 2 Id: (12725) Nosiege Runestone This item is trade locked. At the moment of use, it removes most of abnormal state and debuff which were spelled on you, and prevents any abnormal state or debuff effects for 60 seconds. Also you get +25% of HP recovery. [Applicable Abnormal Status] Stun / Sleep / Curse / Poison / Darkness / Silence / Bleed / Confuse / Freeze / Deep Sleep / Ignite / Congeal / Deep Freeze - Poison of Guillotine Cross - Marsh of Abyss - Mandragora Howling Maximum carrying amount :20 _ Weight : 10 Id: (12726) Rhydo Runestone This item is trade locked. Using the rune stone, draws out maximum power of player's weapon and limited to short ranged physical attack, strikes a fierce blow to enemy. 20% chance of equipped weapon to be destroyed after casting the skill. This effect is automatically canceled if equipment is changed, removed, or player does not attack for 30 seconds. Maximum carrying amount :20 _ Weight : 10 Id: (12727) Verkana Runestone This item is trade locked. When operating, it summons 2~4 magic shields in random around an operator. This shield follows operator's DEF ability and each shield has 1000 HP. The shield dissapears if it receives damage more than its HP and player receives the rest of the damage. Maximum carrying amount :20 _ Weight : 10 Id: (12728) Isia Runestone This item is trade locked. Maximizes a user's cell activation that HP recovery skill or potion effect increases 1.5 times. In the opposite, it generates instability of mind that SP does not naturally recover while activating and the effect of SP recovery potion decreases to a half. Maximum carrying amount :20. _ Weight : 10 Id: (12729) Asir Runestone This item is trade locked. Stimulates a fighting spirit that it increases ATK of the user and members of a party that the user belongs to. The operator gets increase of ATK as much as the number of the party, and the members of the party get a quarter increase of ATK the operator got. Also the player gets a small increase in ASPD. Maximum carrying amount :20. _ Weight : 10 Id: (12730) Urj Runestone This item is trade locked. It fills with magic in spirit by using the Runstone's powerful magical strength. It recovers user's SP for 60 for every 10 seconds during 3 minutes. Maximum carrying amount :20 _ Weight : 10 Id: (12731) Turisus Runestone This item is trade locked. It heightens a user's power and attack strength tremendously by a Giant's power which was put into the rune stone. A user's STR is increased with 30. Limited to physical attack, a player can hit an enemy with 3 times of damages by 15% chance. Power adjustment is difficult that while attacking, the player's weapon can be destroyed with minimal probability. Maximum carrying amount :20 _ Weight : 10 Id: (12732) Pertz Runestone This item is trade locked. Momentarily discharge a destructible power in Rune Stone. Generates a powerful shock wave around yourself (7 x 7 cells) and gives damages to all targets in those extent. The amount of damage is decided according to caster's INT. All targets who receive damage get knocked back 7 cells. Casting of this skill does not get canceled by receiving damage from enemy while casting. Maximum carrying amount :20 _ Weight : 10 Id: (12733) Hagalas Runestone This item is trade locked. Sacrificing portion of HP, changes your skin very solidly like a stone by a rune magic. When used, DEF, MDEF is increased and it destroys weapons of enemies attacking by a fixed probability. The effect dissapears when the HP of skin is all consumed or duration time ends. For monsters, it reduces the attack power of the monster. This skill cannot be used for a boss monster. Maximum carrying amount :20 _ Weight : 10 Id: (12734) Quality Rough Runestone A rune stone with luxurious color. _ Weight : 10 Id: (12735) Ancient Rough Runestone A rune stone that seems to be made in ancient times. _ Weight : 10 Id: (12736) Mystic Rough Runestone A rune stone with mysterious color. _ Weight : 10 Id: (12737) General Rough Runestone A rune stone that is used generally. _ Weight : 10 Id: (12738) Rare Rough Runestone A rune stone that is very rare. _ Weight : 10 Id: (12742) Valentine Gift Box A box holding a ring. The perfect gift for the Valentine's day! _ Weight : 0 Id: (12743) Valentine Gift Box A box holding a ring. The perfect gift for the Valentine's day! _ Weight : 0 Id: (12744) Chocolate Box A well decorated chocolate box _ Weight : 0 Id: (12774) A empty bottle looks like perfect for capturing monster 'Shining Plant'. Weight : 0 Id: (12775) Greater Agimat of Ancient Spirit Totem with powerful abilities to aggressively fight against demons. Emits powerful, holy energy. 10% increase of physical and magical damage to demon monsters for 20 min. _ Weight : 60 Id: (12900) Battle Manual Box A box that contains 10 Battle Manuals. _ Battle Manual - Increases [/s][/color] EXP rate to 150% for a 30 minute duration. _ Weight : 1 Id: (12901) Insurance Package A box that contains 10 Life Insurance certificates. _ Life Insurance - Nullifies EXP penalty if user is killed within [/s][/color] 30 minutes of this item's use. Each certificate is valid for a one time use. _ Weight : 1 Id: (12902) A box with 10 tasty bubble gums. _ Bubble gum-The item's drop rate increases by 100% for 30 minutes. _ Weight : 1 Id: (12903) Steamed Tongue Box A box containing 10 STR +10 dishes. _ Weight : 1 Id: (12904) Steamed Desert Scorpions Box A box containing 10 AGI +10 dishes. _ Weight : 1 Id: (12905) Dragon Breath Cocktail Box A box containing 10 INT +10 dishes. _ Weight : 1 Id: (12906) Hwergelmir's Tonic Box A box containing 10 DEX +10 dishes. _ Weight : 1 Id: (12907) Cooked Nine Tail Box A box containing 10 LUK +10 dishes. _ Weight : 1 Id: (12908) Immortal Stew Box A box containing 10 VIT +10 dishes. _ Weight : 1 Id: (12909) Kafra Card Box A box containing 10 Kafra Name Cards. _ Kafra Name Card - Summons the Kafra Service when used. _ Weight : 1 Id: (12910) Giant Fly Wing Box A light box containing 200 Giant Fly Wings. _ Giant Fly Wing - Enables instant teleportation of a party to random areas when used by a Party Master. _ Weight : 1 Id: (12911) Neuralizer Box A box containing 1 Shining Stick. Extremely fragile! _ Shining Stick - Resets Skill Tree, and gives Skill Point compensation. _ Weight : 1 Id: (12912) A box with 10 convex mirrors. Fragile! _ The person in possession of the mirror can detect the appearance of the boss monsters. It has 10 minutes duration and the effect is removed when the player goes out of the map after using the item or quit the game. Some of the MVP monsters can not be detected. _ Weight : 1 Id: (12913) Blessing Scroll Box A box containing 20 Blessing Scrolls. (Lvl 10 Blessing) _ Weight : 1 Id: (12914) Increase Agility Scroll Box A box containing 20 Agi Scrolls. (Lvl 10 Increase AGI) _ Weight : 1 Id: (12915) Aspersio Scroll Box A box containing 20 Aspersio Scrolls. (Lvl 5 Aspersio) _ Weight : 1 Id: (12916) Assumptio Scroll Box A box containing 20 Assumptio Scrolls. (Lvl 5 Assumptio) _ Weight : 1 Id: (12917) Wind Walk Scroll Box A box containing 20 Wind Walker Scrolls. [/s][/color] (Lvl 10 Wind Walker Scrolls) _ Weight : 1 Id: (12918) Adrenaline Rush Scroll Box A box containing 20 Adrenaline Rush Scrolls. (Lvl 5 Adrenaline Rush) _ Weight : 1 Id: (12919) A box with 10 megaphones. _ Megaphone-Allows server-wide broadcasting. _ Weight : 1 Id: (12920) Enriched Elunium Box A box containing 10 Concentrated Eluniums. _ Concentrated Elunium - Increases rate of refining an armor without breaking it. _ Weight : 1 Id: (12921) Enriched Oridecon Box A box containing 10 Concentrated Oridecons. _ Concentrated Oridecon - Increases rate of refining a weapon without breaking it. _ Weight : 1 Id: (12922) Token of Siegfried Box A box containing 10 Tokens of Ziegfried.[color=#=#7F0000]FFFFFF [/color] _[color=#[/]color]000000 Token of Ziegfried - Revives dead character when used. [/color]_ Weight : 1 Id: (12923) A box that contains 1 Pet Egg Scroll, there are chances to obtain a red deviruchi cap or other items when opened (All transferable methods except trade, kart, kafra storage are locked) _ Weight : 1 Id: (12924) A box that contains 1 Pet Egg Scroll, there are chances to obtain a Red Wizardry Hat or other items when opened (All transferable methods except trade, kart, kafra storage are locked) _ Weight : 1 Id: (12925) Gashapon that provides different kinds of special item. It is said that you might be able to obtain Red Deviruchi Cap from it. (All transferable methods except kafra storage are locked) _ Weight : 1 Id: (12929) A box that contains 1 Pet Egg Scroll, there are chances to obtain a Pink Drooping Kitty or other items when opened (All transferable methods except trade, kart, kafra storage are locked) _ Weight : 1 Id: (12930) A box that contains 1 Pet Egg Scroll, there are chances to obtain a Pink Fur Hat or other items when opened (All transferable methods except trade, kart, kafra storage are locked) _ Weight : 1 Id: (12931) A box that contains 1 Pet Egg Scroll, there are chances to obtain a Animated Mini Propeller and White Wizardry Hat or other items when opened (All transferable methods except trade, kart, kafra storage are locked) _ Weight : 1 Id: (12932) Pet Egg Scroll that looks solid. It is said that you might be able to obtain Pink Drooping Kitty (All transferable methods except kafra storage are locked) _ Weight : 1 Id: (12933) An average looking Pet Egg Scroll. It is said that you might be able to obtain Pink Fur Hat (All transferable methods except kafra storage are locked) _ Weight : 1 Id: (12934) A strange looking Pet Egg Scroll. It is said that you might be able to obtain Mini Propeller and White Wizardry Hat (All transferable methods except kafra storage are locked) _ Weight : 1 Id: (12935) A box that contains 1 Infiltrator. Handle with care. _ 7days Rental Item This item is not refunable. Weight : 1 Id: (12936) A box that contains 1 Muramasa. Handle with care. _ 7days Rental Item This item is not refunable. Weight : 1 Id: (12937) A box that contains 1 Excalibur. Handle with care. _ 7days Rental Item This item is not refunable. Weight : 1 Id: (12938) Combat Knife Box A box that contains 1 Combat Knife. Please handle with care. _ Weight : 1 Id: (12939) Dagger of Counter Box A box that contains: Rental Item 1 Dagger of Counter Duration: 7 Days after opening A dagger that has a high chance of inflicting critical damage to its target. Critical + 90% This item cannot be Dropped or Traded. Weapon Class : Dagger Attack Strength: 209 Weight : 1 Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 1 Jobs : Mage Class, Soul Linker Job Id: (12940) A box that contains 1 Kaiser Knuckle. Handle with care. _ 7days Rental Item This item is not refunable. Weight : 1 Id: (12941) Poll Axe Box A box that contains: Rental Item 1 Poll Axe Duration: 7 Days after opening A weapon consisting of an axe head mounted on a long pole that is designed to break through thick armor. STR +1, INT +2, DEX +1 This item cannot be Dropped or Traded. Weapon Class : Spear Attack Strength: 195 Weight : 1 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 1 Jobs : Swordman Class Id: (12942) A box that contains 1 Mighty Staff. Handle with care. _ 7days Rental Item This item is not refunable. Weight : 1 Id: (12943) Light Epsilon Box A box that contains: Rental Item 1 Light Epsilon Duration: 7 Days after opening A Greek ceremonial axe that possesses the power of holiness. STR +10, Holy property, Enables use of Lvl 3 Heal [/s][/color] Increases damage inflicted on Devil monsters by 3%. [/s][/color] Increases Movement Speed. This item cannot be Dropped or Traded. Weapon Class : Axe Attack Strength: 229 Weight : 1 Property: Holy Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 1 Jobs : Swordman and Merchant Classes Id: (12944) A box that contains 1 Ballista. Handle with care. _ 7days Rental Item This item is not refunable. Weight : 1 Id: (12945) Sage's Diary Box A box that contains: Rental Item 1 Sage's Diary Duration: 7 Days after opening The diary of a great sage that was published [/s][/color] without him ever knowing. MATK +20%, Increases Attack Speed by 5% This item cannot be Dropped or Traded. Weapon Class : Book Attack Strength: 135 Weight : 1 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 1 Jobs : Priest, Sage, Taekwon Master Id: (12946) Asura Box A box that contains: Rental Item 1 Asura Duration: 7 Days after opening A legendary dagger that is said to have been given to mankind [/s][/color] by the gods. MATK + 15%. This item cannot be Dropped or Traded. Item Class : Dagger Attack Strength: 120 Weight : 1 Weapon Level: 1 Required Level : 1 Jobs : Ninja Id: (12947) A box that contains 1 Apple of Archer. Handle with care. _ 14days Rental Item This item is not refunable. Weight : 1 Id: (12948) A box that contains 1 Bunny Band. Handle with care. _ 14days Rental Item This item is not refunable. Weight : 1 Id: (12949) A box that contains 1 Sakkat. Handle with care. _ 14days Rental Item This item is not refunable. Weight : 1 Id: (12950) A box that contains 1 Grand Circlet. Handle with care. _ 14days Rental Item This item is not refunable. Weight : 1 Id: (12951) A box that contains 1 Elven Ear. Handle with care. _ 14days Rental Item This item is not refunable. Weight : 1 Id: (12952) A box that contains 1 Steel Flower. Handle with care. _ 14days Rental Item This item is not refunable. Weight : 1 Id: (12953) A box that contains 1 Critical Ring. Handle with care. _ 7days Rental Item This item is not refunable. Weight : 1 Id: (12954) A box that contains 1 Earring. Handle with care. _ 7days Rental Item This item is not refunable. Weight : 1 Id: (12955) A box that contains 1 Ring. Handle with care. _ 7days Rental Item This item is not refunable. Weight : 1 Id: (12956) A box that contains 1 Necklace. Handle with care. _ 7days Rental Item This item is not refunable. Weight : 1 Id: (12957) A box that contains 1 Glove. Handle with care. _ 7days Rental Item This item is not refunable. Weight : 1 Id: (12958) A box that contains 1 Brooch. Handle with care. _ 7days Rental Item This item is not refunable. Weight : 1 Id: (12959) A box that contains 1 Rosary. Handle with care. _ 7days Rental Item This item is not refunable. Weight : 1 Id: (12960) A box that contains 1 Safety Ring. Handle with care. _ 7days Rental Item This item is not refunable. Weight : 1 Id: (12961) A box that contains 1 Vesper Core 01. Handle with care. _ 7days Rental Item This item is not refunable. Weight : 1 Id: (12962) A box that contains 1 Vesper Core 02. Handle with care. _ 7days Rental Item This item is not refunable. Weight : 1 Id: (12963) A box that contains 1 Vesper Core 03. Handle with care. _ 7days Rental Item This item is not refunable. Weight : 1 Id: (12964) A box that contains 1 Vesper Core 04. Handle with care. _ 7days Rental Item This item is not refunable. Weight : 1 Id: (12965) A box containing Level 1 Emergency Call Scroll. Enable to summon 7 online Guild Member. Only applicable for Guild Leader. This item is not refundable. _ Weight : 1 Id: (12966) A box containing Level 2 Emergency Call Scroll. Enable to summon 12 online Guild Member. Only applicable for Guild Leader. This item is not refundable. _ Weight : 1 Id: (12967) A box containing Level 3 Emergency Call Scroll. Enable to summon 20 online Guild Member. Only applicable for Guild Leader. This item is not refundable. _ Weight : 1 Id: (12968) Level 1 Emergency Call Scroll. Enable to summon 7 online Guild Member. Only applicable for Guild Leader. _ Weight : 1 Id: (12969) Level 2 Emergency Call Scroll. Enable to summon 12 online Guild Member. Only applicable for Guild Leader. _ Weight : 1 Id: (12970) Level 3 Emergency Call Scroll. Enable to summon 20 online Guild Member. Only applicable for Guild Leader. _ Weight : 1 Id: (12971) A box containing 10 warp scrolls. Allows to teleport to Prontera, Geffen, Aldebaran, or Izlude. _ Weight : 1 Id: (12972) A box containing 10 warp scrolls. Allows to teleport to Payon, Alberta, Morocc, or Comodo. _ Weight : 1 Id: (12973) A box containing 10 warp scrolls. Allows to teleport to Louyang, Amatsu, Kunlun, or Ayothaya. _ Weight : 1 Id: (12974) A box containing 10 warp scrolls. Allows to teleport to Lutie, Umbala, or Niffleheim. _ Weight : 1 Id: (12975) A box containing 10 warp scrolls. Allows to teleport to Yuno, Einbroch, Lighthalzen, or Hugel. _ Weight : 1 Id: (12976) A box containing 10 warp scrolls. Allows to teleport to Rachel. _ Weight : 1 Id: (12977) A scroll with writings in unknown language. Allows to teleport to Prontera, Geffen, Aldebaran, or Izlude. _ Weight : 1 Id: (12978) A scroll with writings in unknown language. Allows to teleport to Payon, Alberta, Morocc, or Comodo. _ Weight : 1 Id: (12979) A scroll with writings in unknown language. Allows to teleport to Louyang, Amatsu, Kunlun, or Ayothaya. _ Weight : 1 Id: (12980) A scroll with writings in unknown language. Allows to teleport to Lutie, Umbala, or Niffleheim. _ Weight : 1 Id: (12981) A scroll with writings in unknown language. Allows to teleport to Yuno, Einbroch, Lighthalzen, or Hugel. _ Weight : 1 Id: (12982) A scroll with writings in unknown language. Allows to teleport to Rachel. _ Weight : 1 Id: (12983) A box that contains 1 Pet Egg Scroll with the chance of obtaining an Evolved Orc Hero Helm or other Evolved Headgears. _ Weight : 1 Id: (12984) A box that contains 1 Pet Egg Scroll with the chance of obtaining a Succubus Card, Incubus Card, or Evolved Headgear. _ Weight : 1 Id: (12985) A box that contains 1 Pet Egg Scroll with the chance of obtaining a Silver Tiara, Neuralizer, or Evolved Headgear. _ Weight : 1 Id: (12986) A box that contains 1 Pet Egg Scroll with the chance of obtaining a Dark Illusion Card, Dark Lord Card, or Neuralizer. _ Weight : 1 Id: (12987) A box that contains 1 Pet Egg Scroll with the chance of obtaining an Injustice Card, Zherlthsh Card, or Evolved Headgear. _ Weight : 1 Id: (12988) A box that contains 1 Pet Egg Scroll with the chance of obtaining Slippers, an Owl Baron Card, or an Owl Duke Card. _ Weight : 1 Id: (12989) A Pet Egg Scroll that seems to contain some dangerous items. You might get something fairly nice if you use it. Cannot be traded or dropped, but can be placed in Kafra Storage. _ Weight : 1 Id: (12990) A Pet Egg Scroll that seems to contain holy items. You might get something fairly nice if you use it. Cannot be traded or dropped, but can be placed in Kafra Storage. _ Weight : 1 Id: (12991) A Pet Egg Scroll that seems to contain items that look special, but are a bit broken. You might get something fairly nice if you use it. Cannot be traded or dropped, but can be placed in Kafra Storage. _ Weight : 1 Id: (12992) A Pet Egg Scroll that seems to contain some mysterious items. You might get something fairly nice if you use it. Cannot be traded or dropped, but can be placed in Kafra Storage. _ Weight : 1 Id: (12993) A Pet Egg Scroll that seems to contain elegant items. You might get something fairly nice if you use it. Cannot be traded or dropped, but can be placed in Kafra Storage. _ Weight : 1 Id: (12994) A Pet Egg Scroll that seems to contain some beautiful items. You might get something fairly nice if you use it. Cannot be traded or dropped, but can be placed in Kafra Storage. _ Weight : 1 Id: (12995) A box designed to preserve its contents, 15 White Herbs. _ Weight : 1 Id: (12996) A box designed to preserve its contents, 15 Blue Herbs. _ Weight : 1 Id: (12997) A box designed to retain the sterling condition of the 5 Elunium that is contained inside it. _ Weight : 1 Id: (12998) A box designed to retain the sterling condition of the 5 Oridecons that are contained inside it. _ Weight : 1 Id: (12999) A box containing 10 Dead Branches. It is radiating some dangerous energy. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13000) Jujube Dagger The hilt of this dagger is made from the wood of a Jujube tree struck by lightning, somehow imbuing this dagger with its power. Class : Dagger Attack Strength: 39 Weight : 60 Property: Wind Weapon Level: 1 Required Level : N/A Jobs : All except Acolyte Class Id: (13001) Dragon Killer Crafted from a dragon's fang, this dagger can easily slash through tough dragon hide. Ignores the Defense of Dragon monsters and increases experience reward for defeating Dragon monsters by 10%. Class : Dagger Attack Strength: 110 Weight : 90 Property: Neutral Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 60 Jobs : All except Acolyte Class Id: (13002) Ginnungagap A dagger with an unnaturally dark colored blade. Those who hold it instinctively sense the danger and risk of wielding this weapon. Has 5% chance of causing Blind effect on enemies, as well as a 0.5% chance of causing Blind effect on its user, in battle. Class : Dagger Attack Strength: 148 Weight : 70 Property: Shadow Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 70 Jobs : All except Acolyte Class Id: (13003) Cowardice Blade [1] A dagger invented by a cowardly Assassin who was always held resentment about being unable to equip a shield. DEF + 5. Class : Dagger Attack Strength: 80 Weight : 70 Property: Neutral Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 55 Jobs : Thief Class and Ninja Id: (13004) Cowardice Blade [2] A dagger invented by a cowardly Assassin who was always held resentment about being unable to equip a shield. DEF + 5. Class : Dagger Attack Strength: 80 Weight : 70 Property: Neutral Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 55 Jobs : Thief Class and Ninja Id: (13006) Khukri A dagger whose hilt is crafted from black dragon scale, a material [/s][/color] rumored to possess the power of darkness. Each short range a low chance of cursing the target. physical attack has Class : Dagger ATK: 150 Weight : 60 Property:Shadow Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 65 Jobs :Ninja Id: (13007) Jitte A practical mace topped with a hook that can be used to wrench a weapon out of an enemy's hands. Each short range physical attack has a low chance of destroying the target's weapon. Class : Dagger ATK: 70 Weight : 40 Weapon Level: 2 Required Level : 35 Jobs :Ninja Id: (13008) Jitte [1] A practical mace topped with a hook that can be used to wrench a weapon out of an enemy's hands. Each short range physical attack has a low chance of destroying the target's weapon. Class : Dagger ATK: 70 Weight : 40 Weapon Level: 2 Required Level : 35 Jobs :Ninja Id: (13009) Kamaitachi A legendary weapon with extremely sharp blades. Critical +3, Attack Speed +3%. Class : Dagger ATK: 125 Weight : 90 Property:Wind Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 70 Jobs :Ninja Id: (13010) Asura [2] A legendary dagger that is said to have been given to mankind by the gods. MATK +10%50 Class : Dagger ATK: 50 Weight : 60 Weapon Level: 1 Required Level : 12 Jobs :Ninja Id: (13011) Asura [3] A legendary dagger that is said to have been given to mankind by the gods. MATK +10%50 Class : Dagger ATK: 50 Weight : 60 Weapon Level: 1 Required Level : 12 Jobs :Ninja Id: (13012) Murasame [1] A famous sword that is said to be sharp enough to divide oceans or cut through the air to make it bleed water. Add Critical +10 against [/s][/color] Demihuman monsters when inflicting short [/s][/color] range physical attacks. Class : Dagger ATK: 95 Weight : 70 Property:Water Weapon Level: 2 Required Level : 24 Jobs :Ninja Id: (13013) Murasame [2] A famous sword that is said to be sharp enough to divide oceans or cut through the air to make it bleed water. Add Critical +10 against [/s][/color] Demihuman monsters when inflicting short [/s][/color] range physical attacks. Class : Dagger ATK: 95 Weight : 70 Property:Water000000 Weapon Level: 2 Required Level : 24 Jobs :Ninja Id: (13014) Hakujin A dagger that has a shining white blade crafted of bone, and is designed for stabbing, rather than slashing. Each short range physical attack has a low chance of auto casting Level 1 Heal on its user. Class : Dagger ATK: 120 Weight : 80 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 42 Jobs :Ninja Id: (13015) Hakujin [1] A dagger that has a shining white blade crafted of bone, and is designed for stabbing, rather than slashing. Each short range physical attack has a low chance of auto casting Level 1 Heal on its user. Class : Dagger ATK: 120 Weight : 80 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 42 Jobs :Ninja Id: (13016) Poison Knife [2] A fearsome dagger with a burgundy blade that is coated with potent poison. Each physical melee attack has a chance [/s][/color] to inflict Poison status. Class : Dagger Attack Strength: 64 Weight : 80 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 65 Jobs : Swordman, Mage, Archer, Merchant, and Thief Classes; Soul Linker and Ninja Jobs Id: (13017) Ice Pick [1] A thin, sharp weapon that looks capable of penetrating armor. Inflicts more damage depending on the target's Defense. Class : Dagger Attack Strength: 70 Weight : 60 Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 36 Jobs : Swordman, Mage, Archer, Merchant, and Thief Classes; Soul Linker and Ninja Jobs Id: (13018) Sucsamad [1] A dagger that has been crafted in the ancient, [/s][/color] traditional ways of a small desert tribe. Indestructible in battle, [/s][/color] and inflicts 10% more damage on Earth and Wind property targets. Class : Dagger Attack Strength: 140 Weight : 80 Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 36 Jobs : Swordman, Mage, Archer, Merchant, and Thief Classes; Soul Linker and Ninja Jobs Id: (13019) Ginnungagap [1] A black bladed dagger whose darkness seems to warn of impending danger. Each strike has [/s][/color] a 5% chance of inflicting the Blind effect on the [/s][/color] targeted enemy, and a 0.5% chance of inflicting [/s][/color] the Blind effect on the dagger's wielder. Class : Dagger Attack Strength: 148 Weight : 70 Property: Shadow Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 70 Jobs : All except Acolyte Class Id: (13021) Combat Knife Rental Item A military combat knife designed for killing humanoids. Ignores Demihuman monster physical defense. [/s][/color] Reduces damage from Demihuman monsters by 10%, but increases damage inflicted by Devil monsters by 10%. Restores 3 SP when hitting a monster. Max SP +10%. Weapon Class : Dagger Attack Strength: 129 Weight : 0 Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 1 Jobs : Swordman, Merchant, Thief Classes; Soul Linker and Ninja Jobs Id: (13022) Dagger of Counter Rental Item A dagger that has a high chance of inflicting critical damage to its target. Critical + 90% This item cannot be Dropped or Traded. Weapon Class : Dagger Attack Strength: 209 Weight : 0 Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 1 Jobs : Mage Class, Soul Linker Job Id: (13023) Asura Rental Item A legendary dagger that is said to have been given to mankind [/s][/color] by the gods. MATK + 15%98. This item cannot be Dropped or Traded. Item Class : Dagger Attack Strength: 120 Weight : 0 Weapon Level: 1 Required Level : 1 Jobs : Ninja Id: (13026) Moonlight Dagger Rental Item A dagger imbued with lunar spirit and the power to drain an enemy's soul. Regain 3 SP with each attack. Max SP +10% This item cannot be Dropped or Traded. Weapon Class : Dagger Attack Strength: 85 Weight : 0 Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 1 Jobs : Swordman, Mage, Archer, Merchant, Thief Classes, Soul Linker, and Ninja Id: (13027) Mes [3] A small, light, and sharp sword that is optimized for swift strikes. Has a certain chance of inflicting the Bleeding status to enemies. Item Class : Dagger ATK: 120 Weight : 50 Weapon LV: 4 Required Level : 55 Jobs : Transcendent Swordman, Mage, Archer, Merchant, and Thief Classes Id: (13028) Tooth Blade [1] A dentist's scalpel that is intended to treat patient's teeth, but it can also be used offensively to impend the victim's ability to speak. Has a certain chance of increasing the Cast Time of all enemies in a 5*5 cell area by 20%; this bonus increases to a 11*11 cell area and 40% Cast Time increase if this weapon [/s][/color] is refined to Upgrade Level 9 or greater. Item Class : Dagger ATK: 130 Weight : 70 Weapon LV: 4 Required Level : 55 Jobs : Transcendent Swordman, Mage, Archer, Merchant, and Thief Classes Id: (13030) Dragon Killer [2] Crafted from a dragon's fang, this dagger can easily slash through tough dragon hide. Ignores the Defense of Dragon monsters and increases experience reward for defeating Dragon monsters by 10%. Class : Dagger Attack Strength: 110 Weight : 90 Property: Neutral Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 60 Jobs : All except Acolyte Class Id: (13031) Swordbreaker [3] A powerful dagger that is specially constructed to destroy the enemy's weapon by a low chance. Weapon Class : Dagger Attack Strength: 70 Weight : 100 Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 36 Jobs : Swordman, Mage, Archer, Merchant, Thief Classes, Soul Linker, and Ninja Id: (13032) Mailbreaker [3] An incredibly sharp dagger built to puncture and destroy an enemy's armor by a low chance. Weapon Class : Dagger Attack Strength: 40 Weight : 100 Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 36 Jobs : Swordman, Mage, Archer, Merchant, Thief Classes, Soul Linker, and Ninja Id: (13033) Assassin Dagger [1] A dagger commonly used by Assassins. Slightly increases Attack Speed. Max SP +15% Max HP +20% Weapon Class : Dagger Attack Strength: 140 Weight : 60 Property: Shadow Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 36 Jobs : Assassin Id: (13034) Twilight of Desert [2] One of a pair of daggers made for the Assassin's Guild. When paired with Sandstorm, SP + 20, MaxHP + 5%, HIT + 10. Extra 30% damage inflicted to large monsters. Has a chance of activating 190 ASPD for 7 seconds. Item Class : Dagger ATK : 130 Weight : 60 Property : Neutral Weapon Level : 2 Required Level : 70 Jobs : Assassin Cross Id: (13035) Sandstorm [4] One of a pair of daggers made for the Assassin's Guild. When paired with Desert Twilight, SP + 20, MaxHP + 5%, HIT + 10. Extra 30% damage inflicted to large monsters. Has a chance of activating 190 ASPD for 7 seconds. Item Class : Dagger ATK : 50 Weight : 60 Property : Neutral Weapon Level : 2 Required Level : 70 Jobs : Assassin Cross Id: (13036) Assassin Damascus A dagger especially used for assassinations such as killing Demihumans. STR + 1, AGI + 1 Increases Physical Attack Strength towards Demihuman monsters by 75%. Ignores Physical Defense from Demihuman monsters by 20%. If worn by Ninja, Rogue, or Stalker Class characters, it adds MATK + 15%90. Indestructible. Weapon Class : Dagger Attack Strength: 120 Weight : 0 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 80 Jobs : Novice, Swordman, Mage, Archer, Merchant, Thief Classes, Soul Linker, and Ninja Id: (13037) Assassin Damascus A dagger especially used for assassinations such as killing Demihumans. STR + 1, AGI + 1 Increases Physical Attack Strength towards Demihuman monsters by 75%. Has a chance of enchanting compounded weapons with the Occult Impaction skill effect for 6 sec. when attacking. If worn by Ninja, Rogue, Stalker Class characters, it adds MATK + 15%90. Indestructible. Weapon Class : Dagger Attack Strength: 120 Weight : 0 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 80 Jobs : Novice, Swordman, Mage, Archer, Merchant, Thief Classes, Soul Linker, and Ninja Id: (13046) Krieg [3] This dagger is intended to give more pain, rather than killing the target, with its thorny shape. When using 'Back Stab', high probability of bleeding, and skill damage increases by 15%. Class : Dagger Attack : 110 Weight : 50 Weapon Level:2 Required Level : 50 Jobs : Transcendent Thief Classes Id: (13047) Weihna [2] The name means 'War'. Its saw-shaped blade is covered with poison. When using 'Ambush' has high chance of poisoning the target. When attacking with close ranged physical attacks, Atk increases by 10% randomly for 5 seconds. Class : Dagger Attack : 135 Weight : 50 Weapon Level:3 Required Level : 50 Jobs : Transcendent Thief Classes Id: (13050) P.Dagger1 A practical dagger that is made by Paradise Team itself. It would be helpful at the beginning. MATK + 60 cannot be upgraded. Weapon Class : Dagger Attack Strength : 124 Weight : 0 Weapon Level : 2 Required Level : 26 Jobs : Novice/Swordman Class/Magician Class/Archer Class/Merchant Class/Thief Class/Soul Linker/Ninja Id: (13051) P.Dagger2 A practical dagger that is made by Paradise Team itself. It's suitable for an intermediate who has handled a dagger before. MATK + 70 cannot be upgraded. Weapon Class : Dagger Attack Strength : 158 Weight : 0 Weapon Level : 2 Required Level : 40 Jobs : Novice/SwordmanWeapon Class/Magician Weapon Class/Archer Weapon Class/Merchant Weapon Class/Thief Weapon Class Id: (13067) Caress [1] A long time ago, manufacture process for the holy sword of Jaty tribe in Dewata island was disappeared but it reproduced by Whitesmith Gatti again. Absorb 10% of the damage which effected to the monster when physical attacks into own HP. MATK + 70. Class : Dagger Attack : 107 Weight : 70 Weapon Lv. : 3 Required Lvevel. : 30 Jobs : Swordman, Mage, Archer, Merchant, and Thief Classes; Soul Linker and Ninja Id: (13068) Saurel Rental item Sea fish. Can be cooked in different food. Frozen really hard. MATK + 100. When attacking in short distance, gives ATK +30 for 7 sec with certain rate. When magical attacking, MATK +20 for 7 sec with certain rate. When base Lvl is over Lvl 100, add ATK + 10, MATK + 10. Class : Dagger Attack : 160 Weight : 0 Weapon Lv : 1 Required Lvevel : 50 Jobs : Sword Man Class/Magician Class/Archer Class/Merchant Class/Thief Class/Soul Linker/Ninja Id: (13092) RWC Memory Knife [1] A Gold knife made in celebration of 2012 RWC. The logo of RWC is carved. Increases ATK and MATK by 20 for every 3 refinements. When refine level is above 6, increases damage to all monsters by 5%. When refine level is above 9, increases damage to all monsters by 5%. When physically attacking, gives a low chance to automatically cast [Weapon Perfection] Level 1. When equipped with RWC Memorial Ring, ATK +10 for every weapon refinement. When equipping with RWC Memorial Pendant, MATK +10 for every weapon refinement. Class : Knife Attack : 50 Weight : 65 Weapon Level : 3 Required Lvevel. : 1 Jobs : Novice/SwordmanClass/MagicianClass/ArcherClass/MerchantClass/ThiefClass/Soul Linker/Ninja Id: (13100) Six Shooter [1] A six chambered pistol that is the most basic weapon for Gunslingers. Hit - 10. Class : Pistol ATK: 30 Weight : 40 Weapon Level: 1 Required Level : 10 Jobs :Gunslinger Id: (13101) Six Shooter [2] A six chambered pistol that is the most basic weapon for Gunslingers. Hit - 10. Class : Pistol ATK: 30 Weight : 40 Weapon Level: 1 Required Level : 10 Jobs :Gunslinger Id: (13102) Crimson Bolt [1] A bloody red pistol that is rumored to be cursed. Hit - 10. Class : Pistol ATK: 45 Weight : 45 Weapon Level: 2 Required Level : 35 Jobs :Gunslinger Id: (13103) Crimson Bolt [2] A bloody red pistol that is rumored to be cursed. Hit - 10. Class : Pistol ATK: 45 Weight : 45 Weapon Level: 2 Required Level : 35 Jobs :Gunslinger Id: (13104) Garrison [1] A rare pistol that is only produced when it is specially ordered. [/s][/color] The engraving of its creator's name can be used by experts to authenticate this gun. Hit - 10. Class : Pistol ATK: 70 Weight : 50 Weapon Level: 2 Required Level : 55 Jobs :Gunslinger Id: (13105) Garrison [2] A rare pistol that is only produced when it is specially ordered. [/s][/color] The engraving of its creator's name can be used by experts to authenticate this gun. Hit - 10. Class : Pistol ATK: 70 Weight : 50 Weapon Level: 2 Required Level : 55 Jobs :Gunslinger Id: (13106) Gold Lux A decorative, beautiful [/s][/color] golden pistol that commands attention. Enables a low chance of automatically casting [/s][/color] Coin Flip with each attack. Autocast Coin Flip will be equal to the Coin Flip skill level that the user has learned. Hit - 10. Class : Pistol ATK: 20 Weight : 50 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 12 Jobs :Gunslinger Id: (13107) Western Outlaw [2] A highly accurate and rapid firing gun that was made in the memory of all the Gunslingers that had braved the unexplored wilderness. The Hit and Attack Speed bonuses of this weapon depend on the wearer's AGI. Item Class : Pistol ATK: 68 Weight : 58 Weapon LV: 3 Required Level : 70 Jobs : Gunslinger only Id: (13108) Soldier Revolver A Pistol made for short and medium ranged battles against Demihumans. It seems to be capable of doing damage even through a bulletproof vest. DEX +2, Accuracy -10 Increases Physical Attack Strength towards Demihuman monsters by 55%. Ignores Physical Defense from Demihuman monsters by 20%. Has a chance of Increasing Attack Speed by 100% for 3 seconds. Indestructible. Weapon Class : Pistol Attack Strength: 70 Weight : 0 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 80 Jobs : Gunslinger Id: (13112) P.Revolver1 A revolver that is made by Paradise Team itself., For anyone who is a Gunslinger can handle it. Hit-5. cannot be upgraded. Weapon Class : Pistol Attack Strength : 44 Weight : 0 Weapon Level : 2 Required Level : 26 Jobs : Gunslinger Id: (13113) P.Revolver2 A revolver that is made by Paradise Team itself. It's suitable for an intermediate. Hit-5. cannot be upgraded. Weapon Class : Pistol Attack Strength : 60 Weight : 0 Weapon Level : 2 Required Level : 40 Jobs : Gunslinger Id: (13150) Branch [3] A practical firearm with a long gun barrel which increases its range and accuracy. Class : Rifle ATK: 50 Weight : 50 Weapon Level: 1 Required Level : 1 Jobs :Gunslinger Id: (13151) Cyclone [1] A high performance rifle whose shots have long range and great power. Hit +10, Critical +10%. Class : Rifle ATK: 120 Weight : 70 Weapon Level: 2 Required Level : 24 Jobs :Gunslinger Id: (13152) Cyclone [2] A high performance rifle whose shots have long range and great power. Hit +10, Critical +10%. Class : Rifle ATK: 120 Weight : 70 Weapon Level: 2 Required Level : 24 Jobs :Gunslinger Id: (13153) Dusk [1] An advanced rifle with reinforced explosive power. Just as the dusk marks the day's end, this gun also draws life to a close. Hit +10, Critical +10% Class : Rifle ATK: 150 Weight : 75 Weapon Level: 2 Required Level : 56 Jobs :Gunslinger Id: (13154) Rolling Stone [1] A heavy shotgun whose shots sound like flint striking against steel. [/s][/color] Inflicts splashed damage. Class : Shotgun ATK: 135 Weight : 90 Weapon Level: 1 Required Level : 14 Jobs :Gunslinger Id: (13155) Black Rose [1] A dark, stylish shotgun [/s][/color] that has been modified so that it rapidly fires [/s][/color] bullets from two muzzles to maximize it power. [/s][/color] Inflicts splashed damage. Class : Shotgun ATK: 180 Weight : 90 Weapon Level: 2 Required Level : 35 Jobs :Gunslinger Id: (13156) Gate Keeper As the most powerful, readily available shotgun, this weapon has been nicknamed, ''A Gunslinger's best friend.'' Each attack inflicts splashed damage, and has a low chance of casting [/s][/color] Level 6 Spread Shot. Class : Shotgun ATK: 210 Weight : 100 Weapon Level: 2 Required Level : 55 Jobs :Gunslinger Id: (13157) Drifter [1] A Gatling Gun whose name evokes the image of a lonely traveler. Class : Gatling Gun ATK: 50 Weight : 230 Weapon Level: 2 Required Level : 55 Jobs :Gunslinger Id: (13158) Butcher A Gatling Gun imbued [/s][/color] with enormous destructive power. Adds +10 Critical [/s][/color] against Brute monsters. Class : Gatling Gun ATK: 75 Weight : 250 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 68 Jobs :Gunslinger Id: (13159) Butcher [1] A Gatling Gun imbued [/s][/color] with enormous destructive power. Adds +10 Critical [/s][/color] against Brute monsters. Class : Gatling Gun ATK: 75 Weight : 250 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 68 Jobs :Gunslinger Id: (13160) Destroyer A top of the line, high performance grenade launcher. Each short ranged physical attack has a low chance of destroying an enemy's armor. Class : Grenade Launcher ATK: 220 Weight : 120 Weapon Level: 2 Required Level : 52 Jobs :Gunslinger Id: (13161) Destroyer [1] A top of the line, high performance grenade launcher. Each short ranged physical attack has a low chance of destroying an enemy's armor. Class : Grenade Launcher ATK: 220 Weight : 120 Weapon Level: 2 Required Level : 52 Jobs :Gunslinger Id: (13162) Inferno [1] A grenade launcher that propels bullets with blazing hellfire. Class : Grenade Launcher ATK: 280 Weight : 125 Weapon Level: 2 Required Level : 65 Jobs :Gunslinger Id: (13163) Long Barrel A sniping rifle with a lengthened barrel for improved accuracy. Critical +20%, Attack Speed -3%. Adds a low chance of autocasting Lv. 5 Tracking with each physical attack. Weapon Class : Rifle Attack Strength 150 Weight : 100 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 70 Jobs : Gunslinger Id: (13164) Long Barrel [1] A sniping rifle with a lengthened barrel for improved accuracy. Critical +20%, Attack Speed -3%. Adds a low chance of autocasting Lv. 5 Tracking with each physical attack. Weapon Class : Rifle Attack Strength 150 Weight : 100 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 70 Jobs : Gunslinger Id: (13165) Jungle Carbine A rifle with a shorter barrel to better suit it for close quarter battles such as in the jungle or indoors. Critical +4%, ASPD +10%. Reduces Accuracy by a value equal to 1/3 of the character's base DEX. Weapon Class : Rifle Attack Strength 170 Weight : 70 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 70 Jobs : Gunslinger Id: (13166) Jungle Carbine [1] A rifle with a shorter barrel to better suit it for close quarter battles such as in the jungle or indoors. Critical +4%, ASPD +10%. Reduces Accuracy by a value equal to 1/3 of the character's base DEX. Weapon Class : Rifle Attack Strength 170 Weight : 70 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 70 Jobs : Gunslinger Id: (13167) Gate Keeper-DD The barrel of the original Gate Keeper is made out of pure Oridecon, making it very durable. DEX +1. Splash damage. Adds a low chance of auto casting Lv. 6 Spread Shot with each attack. Increasing this weapon's upgrade level adds a DEF bonus.[color=#=#7F0000]FFFFFF [/color] Weapon000000 Class : Shotgun Attack Strength 200 Weight : 130 Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 70 Jobs : Gunslinger Id: (13168) Thunder P [1] A sawed off shotgun that fires shots more rapidly like a pistol at the cost of reduced accuracy. HIT -5. Splash damage. Increases Attack Speed by 20%. Weapon Class : Shotgun Attack Strength 80 Weight : 70 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 70 Jobs : Gunslinger Id: (13169) Thunder P [2] A sawed off shotgun that fires shots more rapidly like a pistol at the cost of reduced accuracy. HIT -5. Splash damage. Increases Attack Speed by 20%. Weapon Class : Shotgun Attack Strength 80 Weight : 70 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 70 Jobs : Gunslinger Id: (13170) Lever Action Rifle [2] A highly efficient rifle with an ornate barrel that is capable of firing penetrating blasts, but takes a long time to reload. Hit +20, CRI +50. Reduces Attack Speed by 5%. Item Class : Rifle ATK: 138 Weight : 77 Weapon LV: 3 Required Level : 70 Jobs : Gunslinger Job Id: (13171) Soldier Rifle A Rifle made for short and medium ranged battles against Demihumans, that enables a reduction to the targeting delay; as it is designed to limit the trembling of the shooter's hands. DEX +2, Accuracy +10, Critical +10 Increases Physical Attack Strength towards Demihuman monsters by 75%. Ignores Physical Defense from Demihuman monsters by 20%. Reduce Tracking skill cast time by 25%. Indestructible. Weapon Class : Rifle Attack Strength: 50 Weight : 0 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 80 Jobs : Gunslinger Id: (13172) Soldier GatlingGun A specialized Gatling Gun made for battles against Demihumans; occasionally, it shoots high-powered bullets. DEX + 2 Increases Physical Attack Strength towards Demihuman monsters by 35%. Ignores Physical Defense from Demihuman monsters by 20%. Has a chance of adding 80 ATK for 6 seconds, but due to the recoil will drain 120 HP every second. Indestructible. Weapon Class : Gatling Gun Attack Strength: 80 Weight : 0 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 80 Jobs : Gunslinger Id: (13173) Soldier Shotgun A Shotgun that has a great attack in short ranged battles against Demihumans. It shows a wide variety of strength between each attack. DEX + 2, Inflicts splash attack. Increases Physical Attack Strength towards Demihuman monsters by 55%. Ignores Physical Defense from Demihuman monster by 20%. Has a chance of adding 80 ATK for 6 seconds, but drains 100 HP every second. Indestructible. Weapon Class : Shotgun Attack Strength: 100 Weight : 0 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 80 Jobs : Gunslinger Id: (13174) Soldier Grenade Launcher A Grenade Launcher that shows great fire-power in battles against Demihumans. DEX + 2 Increases Physical Attack Strength towards Demihuman monsters by 35%. Ignores Physical Defense from Demihuman monsters by 20%. Has a chance of adding 300 ATK for 9 seconds, but drains 120 HP every second. Indestructible. Weapon Class : Grenade Launcher Attack Strength: 300 Weight : 0 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 80 Jobs : Gunslinger Id: (13200) Bullet A small metal bullet that can be fired from [/s][/color] a gun to damage enemies. Class : Bullet ATK: 10 Weight : 0.2 Property:Neutral Id: (13201) Silver Bullet A small silver bullet [/s][/color] imbued with holy power. Class : Bullet ATK: 15 Weight : 0.2 Property:Holy Id: (13202) Bloody Shell A bloody red bullet that may cause the Bleeding effect on an enemy by a low chance. Class : Bullet ATK: 30 Weight : 0.2 Property:Neutral Id: (13203) Flare Sphere A grenade launcher bullet imbued with the Fire property. Class : Bullet ATK: 50 Weight : 0.5 Property:Fire Id: (13204) Lightning Sphere A grenade launcher bullet imbued with the Wind property. Class : Bullet ATK: 50 Weight : 0.5 Property:Wind Id: (13205) Poison Sphere A grenade launcher bullet that contains deadly poison; has a low chance of inflicting [/s][/color] the Poison status on enemies. Class : Bullet ATK: 50 Weight : 0.5 Property:Poison Id: (13206) Blind Sphere A grenade launcher bullet imbued with the Shadow property; has a low chance of inflicting the Blind status on enemies. Class : Bullet ATK: 50 Weight : 0.5 Property:Shadow Id: (13207) Freezing Sphere A grenade launcher bullet imbued with the Water property. Class : Bullet ATK: 50 Weight : 0.5 Property:Water Id: (13208) GongBug crustacean and an arthropod type. It is so hard when attack , it give stun at regular rate Class : bullet attack : 50 Weight : 0.5 properties : none1 Id: (13250) Shuriken A cross shaped dagger that is small enough to [/s][/color] conceal in your hand. Class : Throwing Weapon ATK: 10 Weight : 0.5 Property:Neutral Id: (13251) Nimbus Shuriken A shuriken that is rumored to show its true power during a rainstorm. Class : Throwing Weapon ATK: 30 Required Level : 20 Weight : 0.5 Property:Neutral Id: (13252) Flash Shuriken A shuriken that can be thrown at the speed of light. Class : Throwing Weapon ATK: 45 Required Level : 40 Weight : 0.5 Property:Neutral Id: (13253) Sharp Leaf Shuriken A sharp shuriken that is surprisingly as thin as a leaf. Class : Throwing Weapon ATK: 70 Required Level : 60 Weight : 0.5 Property:Neutral Id: (13254) Thorn Needle Shuriken A dreadful shuriken with thorn like barbs that hook into its target, making them painful to pull out. Class : Throwing Weapon ATK: 100 Required Level : 80 Weight : 0.5 Property:Neutral Id: (13255) Icicle Kunai A kunai imbued with freezing cold. Class : Throwing Weapon ATK: 30 Weight : 2 Property:Water Id: (13256) Black Earth Kunai An Earth property kunai that inflicts blunt trauma upon targeted enemies. Class : Throwing Weapon ATK: 30 Weight : 2 Property:Earth Id: (13257) High Wind Kunai A Wind property kunai [/s][/color] that is especially sharp. Class : Throwing Weapon ATK: 30 Weight : 2 Property:Wind Id: (13258) Heat Wave Kunai An explosive kunai that will inflict splashed damage around its target. Class : Throwing Weapon ATK: 30 Weight : 2 Property:Fire Id: (13259) Fell Poison Kunai A kunai coated with deadly poison that has a low chance of inflicting the Poison status on a targeted enemy when used in a long range physical attack. Class : Throwing Weapon ATK: 30 Weight : 2 Property:Poison Id: (13291) Starfish Echinodermata , Start fish. it looks like a star. It is stiff, so it might canbe used as a Shuriken. GIives Stun effect with certain rate when attacking Class : Throwing weapon Attack : 110 Required Lvevel : 50 Weight : 0.5 TypeClass : Nothing Id: (13292) Dried Squid A squid which dried for so long. Even possible to use forYou can even use it as Kunai. GIves Blind with certain rate Class : Throwing weapon Attack : 50 Weight : 2 TypeClass : NothingType Id: (13293) Flying Fish A flying fish. A rumor says that it flies with its big fin. iIt is frozen, so even possible to use foryou can even use it as Kunai. Gives scar with certain rate. Class : Throwing weapon Attack : 50 Weight : 2 TypeClass : NothingType Id: (13300) Huuma Wing Shuriken A famous Huuma Ninja weapon that is shaped like a wing. AGI - 1, DEX - 2. Class : Huuma ATK: 150 Weight : 300 Property:Wind Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 65 Jobs :Ninja Id: (13301) Huuma Giant Wheel Shuriken [3] A heavy, giant shuriken shaped like a bladed wheel. Each short range physical attack has a low chance of inflicting the Bleeding [/s][/color] status on enemies. Class : Huuma ATK: 50 Weight : 250 Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 42 Jobs :Ninja Id: (13302) Huuma Giant Wheel Shuriken [4] A heavy, giant shuriken shaped like a bladed wheel. Each short range physical attack has a low chance of inflicting the Bleeding [/s][/color] status on enemies. Class : Huuma ATK: 50 Weight : 250 Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 42 Jobs :Ninja Id: (13303) Huuma Blaze Shuriken A Fire property Huuma shuriken that sparks like a firecracker when [/s][/color] it strikes enemies. Each short range physical attack has a low chance of auto casting Level 5 Fire Ball. DEX -2. Class : Huuma ATK: 185 Weight : 150 Property:Fire Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 55 Jobs :Ninja Id: (13304) Spirit Of Kamaitachi [2] The Huuma Calm Mind enables the wearer to remain collected in any tense situation. Increases damage of Throw Huuma Shuriken skill by 30%, and its casting cannot be interrupted. Item Class : Huuma ATK: 112 Weight : 155 Weapon LV: 3 Required Level : 70 Jobs : Ninja Id: (13305) Huuma Front Shuriken Huuma Shuriken that holds great strength and brings extraordinary power in battles against Demihumans. STR + 2, DEX + 1 Increases Physical Attack Strength towards Demihuman monsters by 95%. Ignores Physical Defense from Demihuman monsters by 20%. Indestructible. Weapon Class : Huuma Attack Strength: 55 Weight : 0 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 80 Jobs : Ninja Id: (13306) Huuma Front Shuriken Huuma Shuriken that holds great strength and brings extraordinary power in battles against Demihumans. STR + 2, DEX + 1 Increases Physical Attack Strength towards Demihuman monsters by 95%. Has a chance of increasing Attack Strength to Throw Huuma Shuriken and Killing Stroke by 100% for 10 seconds. Indestructible. Weapon Class : Huuma Attack Strength: 55 Weight : 0 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 80 Jobs : Ninja Id: (13307) Glorious Shuriken Increases Physical Attack Strength to Demihuman monster by 95%.. Ignores physical defense from Demihuman monster by 20%. MATK + 15%90 Increase damage by 100% of [Throw Huuma Shuriken] and [Killing Strike] for 10 sec. when attacking and synchronizing the weapon by 5% Indestructible. * Additional Weapon Refining Level Option +6 Refining 5% increase in ignoring Defense of Demihuman monster [Slaughter] Lv 2 +9 Refining When using [Killing Strike], auto-spell [Heal] Lv.10 is activated to itself When using [Throw Huuma Shuriken], [Fatal Wound] Lv.2 is inflicted to the enemay at a certain rate. Class : Huuma Attack : 55 Weight : 0 Weapon Level : 4 Required Level : 80 Jobs : Ninja Jobs Id: (13400) Cutlus [1] A practical sword that is typically used by sailors. Enables use of Level 5 Bash. STR +2, DEF +1 Class : Sword Attack Strength: 150 Weight : 90 Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 40 Jobs : Swordman, Merchant, and Thief Classes Id: (13401) Rental Item The one-handed sword of Arthurian legend, it supposedly selects its owner by its own will to wield its holy powers. INT +10 LUK +10 Weapon Class : Sword Attack Strength : 199 Weight : 0 Property : Holy Weapon Level : 4 Required Level : 1 Jobs : Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Thief Class Id: (13402) Cutlas Rental Item A one-handed sword popularized by its use by sea adventurers. Enables use of Level 5 Bash. STR + 2 DEF + 1 This item cannot be Dropped or Traded. Weapon Class : Sword Attack Strength: 185 Weight : 0 Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 1 Jobs : Swordman, Merchant, and Thief Classes Id: (13403) Solar Sword Rental Item A one-handed sword adorned with an engraving of the sun, symbolizing battle spirit and vigor. Regains 1% of the damage inflicted on its target as HP with each attack. Drains 15 SP from its owner every 10 seconds. This item cannot be Dropped or Traded. Weapon Class : One-handed Sword Attack Strength: 120 Weight : 0 Property: Fire Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 1 Jobs : Swordman, Merchant, and Thief Classes Id: (13404) Platinum Shotel [1] A fearsome weapon with a uniquely curved blade. CRI +50%. Item Class : Sword ATK: 130 Weight : 150 Weapon LV: 4 Required Level : 55 Jobs : Transcendent Swordman, Merchant, and Thief Classes Id: (13405) Curved Blade [2] A thick, flexible sword forged from an elastic alloy. Increases Attack Speed by 10%, and has a chance of inflicting the Curse status to enemies. Item Class : Sword ATK: 125 Weight : 80 Weapon LV: 4 Required Level : 55 Jobs : Transcendent Swordman, Merchant, and Thief Classes Id: (13407) A cruel sword has lots of blade. If get hurt from it, looks really dangerous and serious. + 40 % damage to Human monster. When use physical attack, affects as double attack as 5 LV (Thief class affects such as learned level) Weapon Class : Sword Attack Strength : 148 Weight : 0 Weapon Level : 4 Required Level : 1 Jobs : Swordman, Merchant and Thief Classes Id: (13410) Gladiator Blade A sword favored by gladiators, it is especially designed for battles against Demihumans. STR + 1, DEX + 1 Increases Physical Attack Strength towards Demihuman monsters by 75%. Ignores Physical Defense from Demihuman monsters by 20%. Indestructible. Weapon Class : One Handed Sword Attack Strength: 115 Weight : 0 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 80 Jobs : Novice, Swordman, Merchant, Thief Classes Id: (13411) Gladiator Blade A sword favored by gladiators, it is especially designed for battles against Demihumans. STR + 1, DEX + 1 MATK + 10%74 Increases Physical Attack Strength towards Demihuman monsters by 75%. Indestructible. Weapon Class : One Handed Sword Attack Strength: 115 Weight : 0 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 80 Jobs : Novice, Swordman, Merchant, Thief Classes Id: (13412) Twin Edge of Naght Sieger [3] One of the twin swords of Naght Sieger. The blue blade shows the sharpness of this sword. Has a chance to ignore the defense of one's opponent. Enables the use Lv. 5 Frost Diver. Weapon Class : Sword Attack Strength: 150 Weight : 150 Property: Water Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 75 Jobs : Transcendent Swordman, Merchant, Thief Classes Id: (13413) Twin Edge of Naght Sieger [3] One of the twin swords of Naght Sieger. The red blade shows the destructive power of this sword. Has a chance to ignore the defense of one's opponent. Enables the use of Lv. 3 Meteor Storm. Weapon Class : Sword Attack Strength: 160 Weight : 150 Property: Fire Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 75 Jobs : Transcendent Swordman, Merchant, Thief Classes Id: (13414) Elemental Sword [3] A magical sword that bears 4 different properties of nature. Very effective to the enemies with properties other than Water, Wind, Earth and Fire. STR + 2, INT + 4, Dex + 1, MATK + 95% 10% additional damage to Monsters without any property. When attacking, gives additional bolt magic attack at a certain rate. Class : One Handed Sword Attack : 105 Weight : 120 Weapon Level : 3 Required Level : 70 Jobs : Transcendent Swordman / Merchant / Thief Class Id: (13417) Glorious Rapier INT + 6 MATK + 10%80 Indestructible. * Additional Weapon Refining Level Option +(Refining Degree - 5) Int. Increase +6 Refining SP consume reduces by 10%. +9 Refining INT + 5 Class : One Handed Sword Attack : 130 Weight : 0 Weapon Level : 4 Required Level : 80 Jobs : Novice Class/Swordman Class/Merchant Class/Theif Class/Ninja Jobs Id: (13418) Glorious Holy Avenger INT + 6 MATK + 10%80 * Additional Weapon Refining Level Option +(Refining Degree - 5) Int Increase +6 Refining SP Consume reduces by 10% +9 Refining When using [Pressure] skill, auto-spell [Lex Aeterna] Lv.1 is activated. +10 Refining Int + 5 Class : One-Handed Sword Attack : 130 Weight : 0 Weapon Level : 4 Required Level : 80 Jobs : Swordman Class/Merchant Class Jobs Id: (13421) Ruber [1] This short sword has been heavily improved for easy-use. It looks better with its Ruby decoration in the grip. When attacking in close-range, the attack power of 'Bowling Bash' and 'Bash' increases by 20% for 15 seconds with low probability. Class : One-Handed Sword Attack : 170 Weight : 150 Weapon Level:3 Required Level : 50 Jobs : Transcendent Swordman/Merchant Classes Id: (13423) P.Sabre1 A one-hand sword that is made by Paradise Team itself. A weapon that can be used by anyone easily. cannot be upgraded. Weapon Class : Sword Attack Strength : 147 Weight : 0 Weapon Level : 2 Required Level : 26 Jobs : SwordmanWeapon Class/Merchant Weapon Class/Thief Weapon Class Id: (13424) P.Sabre2 A one-handed sword that is made by Paradise Team itself. It's suitable for an intermediate. cannot be upgraded. Weapon Class : Sword Attack Strength : 170 Weight : 0 Weapon Level : 2 Required Level : 40 Jobs : SwordmanWeapon Class/Merchant Weapon Class/Thief Weapon Class Id: (13444) Pala [1] Slightly Increased ASPD (Decrease 8% of delay after attack) Class : Sword Attack : 190 wWeight : 70 Weapon Lv. : 3 Requried lv. : 1 Jobs : SwordmanClass/MerchantClass/ThiefClass Id: (13449) Gladius Daemonicus [2] An infernal sword from hell. Only true demons are able control it's full power. People say that a Prince from Hell used this weapon for his army. Increase attack speed.(Decrease the aftercast delay 10%). With 9 refine level, when attacking physically ASPD + 3 for 5 sec by a certain chance. Class : Sword Attack : 130 Weight : 120 Weapon LV : 4 Required LVevel : 80 Jobs : Swordman, Thief, Merchant Id: (13505) Executioner Box A box that contains: Rental Item 1 Executioner Duration: 7 Days after opening. A gruesome sword used to behead criminals judged with the death penalty. Pierces Defense of Demihuman monsters. Increases damage inflicted on Demihuman monsters by 20%, but increases damage received by Demihuman monsters by 10%. This item cannot be Dropped or Traded. Weapon Class : Two-handed Sword Attack Strength: 190 Weight : 1 Property: Shadow Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 1 Jobs : Swordman Class Id: (13507) Tomahawk Box A box that contains: Rental Item 1 Tomahawk Duration: 7 Days after opening. A light axe imbued with the Wind property which can be hurled at enemies. Enables use of Tomahawk Throwing. This item cannot be Dropped or Traded. Weapon Class : Axe Attack Strength: 200 Weight : 1 Property: Wind Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 1 Jobs : Swordman and Merchant Classes Id: (13508) Rudra Bow Box A box that contains: Rental Item 1 Rudra Bow Duration: 7 Days after opening. A bow imbued with the sacred essense of Rudra, one of the ancient gods. Adds 50% tolerance to the Poison, Curse, Silence, Chaos and Blind statuses. Enables the use of Level 1 Heal and Level 1 Cure. INT +5 This item cannot be Dropped or Traded. Weapon Class : Bow Attack Strength: 185 Weight : 1 Property: Holy Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 1 Jobs : Archer Class; Rogue Job Id: (13509) Cutlas Box A box that contains: Rental Item 1 Cutlas Duration: 7 Days after opening. A one-handed sword popularized by its use by sea adventurers. Enables use of Level 5 Bash. STR + 2 DEF + 1 This item cannot be Dropped or Traded. Weapon Class : Sword Attack Strength: 185 Weight : 1 Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 1 Jobs : Swordman, Merchant, and Thief Classes Id: (13510) Solar Sword Box A box that contains: Rental Item 1 Solar Sword Duration: 7 Days after opening. A one-handed sword adorned with an engraving of the sun, symbolizing battle spirit and vigor. Regains 1% of the damage inflicted on its target as HP with each attack. Drains 15 SP from its owner every 10 seconds. This item cannot be Dropped or Traded. Weapon Class : One-handed Sword Attack Strength: 120 Weight : 1 Property: Fire Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 1 Jobs : Swordman, Merchant, and Thief Classes Id: (13513) Moonlight Dagger Box A box that contains: Rental Item 1 Moonlight Dagger Duration: 7 Days after opening. A dagger imbued with lunar spirit and the power to drain an enemy's soul. Regain 3 SP with each attack. Max SP +10% This item cannot be Dropped or Traded. Weapon Class : Dagger Attack Strength: 85 Weight : 71 Weapon Level: 4 Required Level : 1 Jobs : Swordman, Mage, Archer, Merchant, Thief Classes, Soul Linker, and Ninja Id: (13514) Wrench Box A box that contains: Rental Item 1 Wrench Duration: 7 Days after opening. A heavy tool with many practical applications. Enable a chance of randomly inflicting the Stun, Blind, Poison or Frozen statuses with each attack. This item cannot be Dropped or Traded. Weapon Class : Mace Attack Strength: 150 Weight : 1 Weapon Level: 3 Required Level : 1 Jobs : Acolyte Class Id: (13516) A box that contains 5 Royal Jelly inside. This item is not refundable. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13517) A box containing 3 Yggdrasilberries. It is well known as a heath food. This item is not refundable. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13525) Zeny Pet Egg Scroll Box A box contains 1 zeny scroll that provides you random amount of zeny. This item is not refundable. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13531) Box containing 50 Light Red Potion. Double click to open the contents. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13532) Box containing 50 Light Orange Potion. Double click to open the contents. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13533) Box containing 50 Light Yellow Potion. Double click to open the contents. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13534) Box containing 50 Light White Potion. Double click to open the contents. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13535) Box containing 20 Light Center Potion. Double click to open the contents. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13536) Box containing 20 Light Awakening Potion. Double click to open the contents. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13537) Box containing 20 Light Berserk Potion. Double click to open the contents. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13538) A box containing scroll which enables using LV 10 Meteor Storm skill. You can feel the great magical force from the box. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13539) A box containing scroll which enables using LV 10 Storm Gust skill. You can feel the great magical force from the box. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13540) A box containing scroll which enables using LV 10 Lord of Vermilion skill. You can feel the great magical force from the box. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13541) Lex Aeterna Scroll Box A box containing scroll which enables using Lex Aeterna skill. You can feel the power of holy spell from the box. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13542) A box containing scroll which enables using LV5 Magnificat skill. You can feel the power of holy spell from the box. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13543) A box containing scroll which enables using LV 5 Chemical Protection Helm skill. You can also get 1 Coating Bottle for free. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13544) A box containing scroll which enables using LV 5 Chemical Protection Shield skill. You can also get 1 Coating Bottle for free. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13545) A box containing scroll which enables using LV 5 Chemical Protection Armor skill. You can also get 1 Coating Bottle for free. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13546) A box containing scroll which enables using LV 5 Chemical Protection Weapon skill. You can also get 1 Coating Bottle for free. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13547) A box containing 5 repair weapon scrolls which enables using LV1 repair weapon skill. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13548) A box containing 10 big buns.This big buns recovers all of your HP. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13549) A box containing 10 bitter pills.This pills recovers all of your SP. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13550) A box containing 10 slices of fish. It is the slice of a very rare fish that can barely be caught once a year. It recovers your HP and SP. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13551) A box containing 10 piece of rice cake. It gives you +10 ATK for 30 min. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13552) A box containing 10 piece of pastry which is made of liquor and grains. It gives you +10 MATK for 30 min. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13553) Dungeon Teleport Scroll 5 Box A box containing a special scroll that can transport you once to Nogg Road, Mjolnir Dead Pit, Umbala Dungeon, Einbroch Mine Dungeon, Payon Dungeon, Toy Dungeon, Glast Heim Underprison, Louyang Dungeon, Hermit's Checkers, Izlude Dungeon, Turtle Island Dungeon, Clock Tower B3F, Clock Tower 3F, Glast Heim Culvert 2F, Sphinx Dungeon 4F, Inside Pyramid 4F, Prontera Culvert 3F, Amatsu Dungeon 1F (Tatami Maze), Somatology Laboratory 1st Floor, or Ayothaya Ancient Shrine 2F. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13553) Dungeon Teleport Scroll 5 Box Eine Kiste, die eine besondere Schriftrolle enthält, die Sie einmal zum/zur Nogg Road, Mjolnir Dead Pit, Umbala Dungeon, Einbroch Mine Dungeon, Payon Dungeon, Toy Dungeon, Glast Heim Underprison, Louyang Dungeon, Hermit's Checkers, Izlude Dungeon, Turtle Islund Dungeon, Clock Tower B3F, Clock Tower 3F, Glast Heim Culvert 2F, Sphinx Dungeon 4F, Inside Pyramid 4F, Prontera Culvert 3F, Amatsu Dungeon 1F (Tatami Maze), Somatology Laboratory 1st Floor oder Ayothaya Ancient Shrine 2F bringen kann. _ Gewicht: 1 Id: (13569) A box containing 10 PVP Teleport Scrolls. A scroll with writings in unknown language. Allows to teleport to entrance of PVP arena. This item is not refundable. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13571) A light box containing 100 Giant Fly Wings. _ Giant Fly Wing-Enables instant teleportation of a party to random areas when used by a Party Master. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13572) Hwergelmir's Tonic 30 Box This box has 30 DEX+10 dish. It's specially protected for saving. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13574) Nine Tail Dish 30 Box This box has 30 LUK+10 dish. It's specially protected for saving. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13578) Stew Of Immortality 30 Box This box has 30 VIT+10 dish. It's specially protected for saving. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13592) Steamed Scorpion 30 Box This box has 30 AGI+10 dish. It's specially protected for saving. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13596) Dragon Breath Cocktail 30 Box This box has 30 INT+10 dish. It's specially protected for saving. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13604) Steamed Tongue 30 Box This box has 30 STR+10 dish. It's specially protected for saving. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13621) Greed Scroll 30 Box A box containing 30 Greed Scrolls, which each enable a single cast of Greed. This scroll has the same restrictions as the normal casting of Greed; some maps do not allow Greed to be used. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13623) Greed Scroll 100 Box This Item cannot be traded with other accounts. A box containing 100 Greed Scrolls. _ Greed Scroll - Enables a single cast of Greed. _ Once this box is open, it won't be refunded. Weight : 1 Id: (13623) Greed Scroll 100 Box Id: (13623) Greed Scroll 100 Box Id: (13623) Greed Scroll 100 Box This Item cannot be traded with other accounts. A box containing 100 Greed Scrolls. _ Greed Scroll - Enables a single cast of Greed. _ Once this box is open, it won't be refunded. Weight : 1 Id: (13634) 1Hour Package Vol 1 A box is written "To you who want to get huge effect for 1 hour!" It includes: 2 Battle Manual, 2 items STR and AGI, 15 Agi Up Scroll, 15 Blessing Scroll, 1 Kafra Card and 1 Token Of Siegfried. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13635) 1Hour Package Vol 2 A box is written "To you who want to get huge effect for 1 hour!" It includes: 2 Battle Manual, 2 items STR and VIT, 15 Agi Up Scroll, 15 Blessing Scroll, 1 Kafra Card and 1 Token Of Siegfried. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13636) 1Hour Package Vol 3 A box is written "To you who want to get huge effect for 1 hour!" It includes: 2 Battle Manual, 2 items INT and DEX, 15 Agi Up Scroll, 15 Blessing Scroll, 1 Kafra Card and 1 Token Of Siegfried. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13638) 1Hour Package Vol 5 A box is written "To you who want to get huge effect for 1 hour!" It includes: 2 Battle Manual, 2 items STR and INT, 15 Agi Up Scroll, 15 Blessing Scroll, 1 Kafra Card and 1 Token Of Siegfried. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13639) 1Hour Package Vol 6 A box is written "To you who want to get huge effect for 1 hour!" It includes: 2 Battle Manual, 2 items STR and AGI, 24 Adrenaline Scroll, 20 Aspersio Scroll, 20 Holy Water, 1 Kafra Card et 1 Token Of Siegfried. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13640) 2Hour Package Vol 1 A box is written "To you who want to get huge effect for 2 hour!" It includes: 4 Battle Manual, 4 items STR and AGI, 30 Agi Up Scroll, 30 Blessing Scroll, 2 Kafra Card and 2 Token Of Siegfried. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13641) 2Hour Package Vol 2 A box is written "To you who want to get huge effect for 2 hour!" It includes: 4 Battle Manual, 4 items STR and VIT, 30 Agi Up Scroll, 30 Blessing Scroll, 2 Kafra Card and 2 Token Of Siegfried. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13642) 2Hour Package Vol 3 A box is written "To you who want to get huge effect for 2 hour!" It includes: 4 Battle Manual, 4 items INT and DEX, 30 Agi Up Scroll, 30 Blessing Scroll, 2 Kafra Card and 2 Token Of Siegfried. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13643) 2Hour Package Vol 4 A box is written "To you who want to get huge effect for 2 hour!" It includes: 4 Battle Manual, 4 items INT and VIT, 30 Agi Up Scroll, 30 Blessing Scroll, 2 Kafra Card and 2 Token Of Siegfried. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13644) 2Hour Package Vol 5 A box is written "To you who want to get huge effect for 2 hour!" It includes: 4 Battle Manual, 4 items STR and INT, 30 Agi Up Scroll, 30 Blessing Scroll, 2 Kafra Card and 2 Token Of Siegfried. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13645) 2Hour Package Vol 6 A box is written "To you who want to get huge effect for 2 hour!" It includes: 4 Battle Manual, 4 items STR and AGI, 48 Adrenaline Scroll, 40 Aspersio Scroll, 40 Holy Water, 2 Kafra Card et 2 Token Of Siegfried. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13694) A box that contains 1 'Freyja Crown' in it. _ Crown of Goddess Freyja. Transparent crystal in the middle shines in various colors. Reduces damage from Demi-human monsters by 8%. Autospell 'Frost Dive' Lv.5 by a certain chance when receiving physical attack. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Location : Upper Jobs : All This item is not refundable. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13695) A box with 10 pieces of Basic Field Manual inside. _ Basic Field Manual-EXP when hunting monsters is increased by 1.25 for 30 minutes. This item is not refundable. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13696) A box with 10 pieces of Advanced Field Manual inside. _ Advanced Field Manual-EXP when hunting monsters is increased by 2 for 30 minutes. This item is not refundable. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13704) Dark Pet Egg Scroll that contains various items inside. This item is not refundable. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13705) Cat's Eye Scroll that contains various items inside. This item is not refundable. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13706) Red Pet Egg Scroll that contains various items inside. This item is not refundable. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13707) Gold Pet Egg Scroll that contains various items inside. This item is not refundable. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13710) Gym Pass Box A box that contains a special Gym Pass that can be given to special NPC to learn [/s][/color] a skill that will increase Maximum Weight Capacity [/s][/color] by 200 for each skill level, but can only be learned up to Skill Level 10. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13711) Small Life Potion 10 Box A box that contains 10 Small Life Potions. These potions restore an amount of HP equal to 5% of your Max HP every 5 seconds for a 10 minute duration. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13712) Small Life Potion 30 Box A box that contains 30 Small Life Potions. These potions restore an amount of HP equal to 5% of your Max HP every 5 seconds for a 10 minute duration. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13713) Small Life Potion 50 Box A box that contains 50 Small Life Potions. These potions restore an amount of HP equal to 5% of your Max HP every 5 seconds for a 10 minute duration. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13714) Medium Life Potion 10 Box A box that contains 10 Medium Life Potions. [/s][/color] These potions restore an amount of HP equal to 7% of your Max HP every 4 seconds for a 10 minute duration. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13715) Medium Life Potion 30 Box A box that contains 30 Medium Life Potions. [/s][/color] These potions restore an amount of HP equal to 7% of your Max HP every 4 seconds for a 10 minute duration. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13716) Medium Life Potion 50 Box A box that contains 50 Medium Life Potions. [/s][/color] These potions restore an amount of HP equal to 7% of your Max HP every 4 seconds for a 10 minute duration. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13717) Abrasive 5 Box A box that contains 5 Abrasives. Each Abrasive increases Critical Rate by 30 for [/s][/color] a 5 minute duration. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13718) Abrasive 10 Box A box that contains 10 Abrasives. Each Abrasive increases Critical Rate by 30 for [/s][/color] a 5 minute duration. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13719) Regeneration Potion 5 Box A box that contains 5 Regeneration Potions. [/s][/color] Each potion increases the HP recovery effect of other potions and the Heal skill by 20% [/s][/color] for a 30 minute duration. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13720) Regeneration 10 Box A box that contains 10 Regeneration Potions. [/s][/color] Each potion increases the HP recovery effect of other potions and the Heal skill by 20% [/s][/color] for a 30 minute duration. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13721) A box containing 10 scrolls with dungeon map coordiations written on it. You will be move to the designated place by using the scroll. You can choose from "Nogg Road" "Mjolnir Dead Pit" "Umbala Dungeon" "Einbroch Mine Dungeon" "Payon Dungeon" "Toy Dungeon" "Glast Heim Underprison" "Louyang Dungeon" "Hermit's Checkers" "Izlude Dungeon" "Turtle Island Dungeon" "Clock Tower B3f" "Clock Tower 3f" "Glast Heim Culvert 2f" "Sphinx Dungeon 4f" "Inside Pyramid 4f" "Prontera Culvert 3f" "Amatsu Dungeon 1f (Tatami Maze)" "Somatology Laboratory 1st floor" "Ayothya Ancient Shrine 2nd floor" Warining-After usuing it, unless you choose the destination in 1 minute, it will get useless. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13738) Glass of Illusion 5 Box A box containing 5 Wine Glass Of Illusion. Wine Glass Of Illusion - Provides +20 Perfect Dodge for 1 minute. Cooldown for 5 minutes. Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also, this item is not refundable. Weight : 1 Id: (13739) Glass of Illusion 10 Box A tradeable box containing 10 Glass of illusion: A glass of illusion made from morning dew from an Illusion Flower. Drink the dew to create an illusion that will make it more difficult for enemies to hit you. Increases your Perfect Dodge by 20 for 1 minute. Only one may be consumed per 5 minutes. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13740) A box containing 5 Shadow Armor Scrolls. Gives Shadow property to a character for 30 minutes. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13741) A box containing 10 Shadow Armor Scrolls. Gives Shadow property to a character for 30 minutes. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13742) A box containing 30 Shadow Armor Scrolls. Gives Shadow property to a character for 30 minutes. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13743) A box containing 5 Holy Armor Scrolls. Gives Holy property to a character for 30 minutes. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13744) A box containing 10 Holy Armor Scrolls. Gives Holy property to a character for 30 minutes. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13745) A box containing 30 Holy Armor Scrolls. Gives Holy property to a character for 30 minutes. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13746) Small Defense Potion 10 Box A box that contains 10 Small Defense Potions. Each potion adds 3% resistance to Physical Attacks for a 1 minute duration. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13747) Small Defense Potion 30 Box A box that contains 30 Small Defense Potions. Each potion adds 3% resistance to Physical Attacks for a 1 minute duration. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13748) Small Defense Potion 50 Box A box that contains 50 Small Defense Potions. Each potion adds 3% resistance to Physical Attacks for a 1 minute duration. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13749) Big Defense Potion 10 Box A box that contains 10 Big Defense Potions. Each potion adds 3% resistance to Physical Attacks for a 3 minute duration. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13750) Big Defense Potion 30 Box A box that contains 30 Big Defense Potions. Each potion adds 3% resistance to Physical Attacks for a 3 minute duration. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13751) Big Defense Potion 50 Box A box that contains 50 Big Defense Potions. Each potion adds 3% resistance to Physical Attacks for a 3 minute duration. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13752) Small Magic Defense Potion 10 Box A box that contains 10 Small Magic Defense Potions. Each potion adds 3% resistance to Magical Attacks for 1 minute. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13753) Small Magic Defense Potion 30 Box A box that contains 30 Small Magic Defense Potions. Each potion adds 3% resistance to Magical Attacks for 1 minute. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13754) Small Magic Defense Potion 50 Box A box that contains 50 Small Magic Defense Potions. Each potion adds 3% resistance to Magical Attacks for 1 minute. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13755) Big Magic Defense Potion 10 Box A box that contains 10 Big Magic Defense Potions. Each potion adds 3% resistance to Magical Attacks for 3 minutes. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13756) Big Magic Defense Potion 30 Box A box that contains 30 Big Magic Defense Potions. Each potion adds 3% resistance to Magical Attacks for 3 minutes. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13757) Big Magic Defense Potion 50 Box A box that contains 50 Big Magic Defense Potions. Each potion adds 3% resistance to Magical Attacks for 3 minutes. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13758) A box with 20 300% Battle Manual inside. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13766) A box has 1 Nagan. Use caution of damage! Rent period is for 1 week. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13771) A box has 1 Bloody Roar. Use caution of damage! Rent period is for 1 week. Rental Item _ Weight : 1 Id: (13779) A box has 1 Evil Wing Ears. Use caution of damage! Rental period is for 2 weeks. Rental Item _ Weight : 1 Id: (13782) A box has 1 Corsair. Use caution of damage! Rental period is for 2 weeks. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13783) A box has 1 Bloodied Shackle Ball.Use caution of damage! Rent period is for 1 week. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13804) A box with 10 'I LOVE YOU!' Fire crackers inside. _ Phrase 'I LOVE YOU!' pops out with Fire cracker. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13805) A box with 10 'HAPPY WHITEDAY!' Fire crackers inside. _ Phrase 'HAPPY WHITEDAY!' pops out with Fire cracker. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13806) A box with 10 'HAPPY VALENTINE's DAY!' Fire crackers inside. _ Phrase 'HAPPY VALENTINE's DAY!' pops out with Fire cracker. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13807) A box with 10 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY!' Fire crackers inside. _ Phrase 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY!' pops out with Fire cracker. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13808) A box with 10 'MERRY CHRISTMAS!' Fire crackers inside. _ Phrase 'MERRY CHRISTMAS!' pops out with Fire cracker. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13809) A box containing 100 Blue Gemstones. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13810) Blue Potion Box A box containing 25 Light Blue Potions. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13811) A box containing 6 kinds of Lv 1 Dishes. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13812) A box containing 6 kinds of Lv 2 Dishes. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13813) A box containing 6 kinds of Lv 3 Dishes. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13815) A box with 10 rings inside. Taming item for 'Knife Goblin'. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13816) A box with 10 rings inside. Taming item for 'Flail Goblin'. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13817) A box with 10 rings inside. Taming item for 'Hammer Goblin'. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13818) A box with 10 holy marbles inside. Taming item for 'Red Deleter'. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13819) A box with 10 burning stones inside. Taming item for 'Diabolic'. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13820) A box with 10 skulls inside. Taming item for 'Wanderer'. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13845) A mystery travel sack left behind by a legendary adventurer. It seems to contain valuable items in it. Let's check out. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13846) A mystery travel sack left behind by a legendary adventurer. It seems to contain valuable items in it. Let's check out. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13847) A mystery travel sack left behind by a legendary adventurer. It seems to contain valuable items in it. Let's check out. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13848) A mystery travel sack left behind by a legendary adventurer. It seems to contain valuable items in it. Let's check out. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13849) It contains 5 scrolls that recorded about legendary history of Rune-Midgard. Allows to teleport to "Prontera" "Geffen" "Payon" "Morroc" "Aldebaran" "Alberta". Warning: After use, if you don't select any, it will not active its effectiveness. This item is not refundable. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13850) It contains 10 scrolls that recorded about legendary history of Rune-Midgard. Allows to teleport to "Prontera" "Geffen" "Payon" "Morroc" "Aldebaran" "Alberta". Warning: After use, if you don't select any, it will not active its effectiveness. This item is not refundable. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13851) It contains 5 scrolls that recorded about legendary history of Schwarzwald Republic. Allows to teleport to "Juno" "Lightharlzen" "Einbroch" "Hugel". Warning: After use, if you don't select any, it will not active its effectiveness. This item is not refundable. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13852) It contains 10 scrolls that recorded about legendary history of Schwarzwald Republic. Allows to teleport to "Juno" "Lightharlzen" "Einbroch" "Hugel". Warning: After use, if you don't select any, it will not active its effectiveness. This item is not refundable. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13853) It contains 5 scrolls that recorded about legendary history of Rachel. Allows to teleport to "Veins" "Rachel". Warning: After use, if you don't select any, it will not active its effectiveness. This item is not refundable. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13854) It contains 10 scrolls that recorded about legendary history of Rachel. Allows to teleport to "Veins" "Rachel". Warning: After use, if you don't select any, it will not active its effectiveness. This item is not refundable. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13855) It contains 5 scrolls that recorded about history of localizing village. Allows to teleport to "Ayotaya" "Amatsu" "Louyang" "Gonryun". Warning: After use, if you don't select any, it will not active its effectiveness. This item is not refundable. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13856) It contains 10 scrolls that recorded about history of localizing village. Allows to teleport to "Ayotaya" "Amatsu" "Louyang" "Gonryun". Warning: After use, if you don't select any, it will not active its effectiveness. Warning: After use, if you don't select any, it will not active its effectiveness. This item is not refundable. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13857) A Box contains 5 funny popping candies. Must need to brush teeth after having this candy otherwise you would get a cavity. ATK + 20 for 1 minute, Adds Attack Speed by 25% , enable to Endure all the time. Decrease 100 Hp in every 10 seconds and has 3 minutes of cool time after use. When player's character becomes combat ineffective, the item buff effect will wear off. This item is not refundable. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13858) Sparkling Candy Box10 A Box contains 10 funny popping candies. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13859) Directive Envelope A A sealed paper envelope. It seems to contain an important message in it. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13860) Directive Envelope B A sealed paper envelope. It seems to contain an important message in it. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13861) A box contains 4 Field Manuals. This item is not refundable. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13862) A box contains 2 Field Manuals, LV10 Blessing Scrolls and LV10 Agil Scrolls 15 each. This item is not refundable. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13870) New Style Coupon Box A box holding a New Style Coupon. For those who want to have a different style. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13871) A 'Powerful Wizard' card package for Magician job classes. Contains 'Bloody Butterfly', 'Parasite', 'Harpy', 'Miyabi Ningyo', 'Wicked Nymph' and 'Loli Ruri' card. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13872) A 'Great Priest' card package for Acolyte job classes. Contains 'Rideword', 'Fur Seal', 'Live Peach Tree', 'Geographer' and 'Cookie' card. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13873) A 'Sharp Shooter' card package for Archer job classes. Contains 'Cruiser', 'Anolian', 'Merman', 'Dragon Tail' and 'Alligator' Card. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13874) A 'Brave Warrior' card package for Swordsman job classes. Contains 'Freezer', 'Heater', 'Solider', 'Permeter' and 'Assaulter' Card. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13875) A 'Sly Thief' card package for Thief job classes. Contains 'Shinobi', 'Wander Man', 'Wild Rose', 'The Paper' and 'Dancing Dragon' Card. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13876) A 'Master of Zeny' card package for Merchant job classes. Contains 'Myst Case', 'Zipper Bear', 'Raggler', 'Baby Leopard', 'Hydrolancer' Card. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13877) A 'Divinity of Clock tower' card package. Contains 'Alarm', 'Clock', 'Punk', 'Clock Tower Manager' Card. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13878) A 'Majority of Geffenia' card package. Contains 'Incubus' and 'Succubus' card. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13879) A card package containing 'Owl Baron' and 'Owl Duke' Card. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13880) A ghost card package. Contains 'Lude' and 'Quve' Card. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13881) A nightmare card package. Contains 'Nightmare' and 'Nightmare Terror' Card. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13882) A CURSE status card package. Contains 4 Magnolia Cards. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13883) A SLEEP status card package. Contains 4 Plankton cards. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13884) A FREEZE status card package. Contains 4 Marina cards. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13885) A STUN status card package for weapons. Contains 4 Savage Bebe cards. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13886) A SILENCE status card package for weapons. Contains 4 Metaller cards. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13887) A BLIND status card package for weapons. Contains 4 Familiar cards. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13888) A CHAOS status card package for weapons. Contains 4 Requiem cards. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13889) A box containing 10 Eluniuims. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13890) A box containing 10 Oridecons. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13891) A box containing 10 Fire Elemental Converters for your weapon. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13892) A box containing 10 Water Elemental Converters for your weapon. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13893) A box containing 10 Wind Elemental Converters for your weapon. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13894) A box containing 10 Earth Elemental Converters for your weapon. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13896) A box containing 5 Mimic Summon Books. Mercenary disappears when its owner has drained all energy. This item is not refundable. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13897) A box containing 5 Disguise Summon Books. Mercenary disappears when its owner has drained all energy. This item is not refundable. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13898) A box containing 5 Alice Summon Books. Mercenary disappears when its owner has drained all energy. This item is not refundable. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13899) A box containing 10 Mimic Summon Books. Mercenary disappears when its owner has drained all energy. This item is not refundable. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13900) A box containing 10 Disguise Summon Books. Mercenary disappears when its owner has drained all energy. This item is not refundable. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13901) A box containing 10 Alice Summon Books. Mercenary disappears when its owner has drained all energy. This item is not refundable. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13902) A box that contains 1 Fish Head Hat, a gaping fish head fashioned into a hat. A nasty stench is released whenever it opens its mouth. Adds a low chance of automatically casting Lv.1 Endow Tsunami with each physical attack. Class : Helmet Defense : 1 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 40 Jobs : All _ Weight : 1 Id: (13903) A box that contains 1 Santa Poring Hat, a cute hat made from a hopping Poring wearing a Santa's Hat. Adds 3% additional Darkness property damage to monsters, and reduces Darkness property attacks from enemies by 3%. MDEF +2. Cannot be upgraded. Class : Helmet Defense : 2 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 10 Jobs : All _ Weight : 1 Id: (13904) A box that contains 1 Bell Ribbon, a cute ribbon adorned with jingling bells. Enables use of Lv.1 Angelus. VIT +1. Class : Helmet Defense : 3 Head PosiLocation: Upper Weight : 20 Jobs : All _ Weight : 1 Id: (13905) A box containing Field Manuals, Bubble Gums and Life Insurances 10 each. This item is not refundable. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13906) A box containing White, Gray, Pink, Blue and Yellow Drooping Kitties 1 each. This item is not refundable. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13907) A box containing Field Manuals, Bubble Gums and Life Insurances 5 each. This item is not refundable. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13908) A box containing Red, White and Gray Deviruchi Caps 1 each. This item is not refundable. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13909) A box containing 3 Convex Mirrors, 1 Token Of Ziegfried, 1 Bubble Gum and 1 Megaphone in it. This item is not refundable. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13910) A box containing Dragon Breath Cocktails, Hwergelmir's Tonics and Cooked Nine Tail's Tails 10 each. This item is not refundable. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13911) A sweet and lovely scroll that has something good for you. This item is not refundable. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13918) A box containing 1 'Koneko Hat' in it. A magical kitty hat which shows various expressions in its face. Reduces Cast Delay of all skills by 3 %. MATK + 3 %, MSP + 3%. MDEF + 3 Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Location : Upper Weight : 50 Jobs : All This item is not refundable. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13919) A box containing 1 'Baphomet Horns' in it. A headgear made from the horns of Baphomet. Inflicts 12% more damage to Demi-Human. Increase certain amount of ATK based on wearer's Job lv. Class : Headgear Defense : 5 Location : Upper Weight : 80 Jobs : All This item is not refundable. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13920) A box containing 1 'Flying Evil Wing' in it. An unholy Satanic Chain forged with an incantation. SP + 120. Adds a chance of casting curse on the user when receiving Physical Damage. Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Location : Upper Weight : 10 Jobs : All This item is not refundable. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13921) A box containing 1 'Gentleman's Pipe' in it. A long smoking pipe used by gentlemen and nobility. Reduce Damage from Demi-Human by 2%. Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 10 Jobs : All This item is not refundable. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13922) A box containing 1 'Bunny Top Hat' in it. An energetic Bunny Band perfect for a magic show. AGI + 3. Adds a chance to cast lv 5 Increase Agi when user receives physical damage. Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 30 Jobs : All This item is not refundable. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13923) A box containing 1 'Dark Randgris Helm' in it. A helm laced with the power of Valkyrie Randgris. It helps its wearer to concentrate better. Dex + 4, Mdef + 1 Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Upper, Mid Weight : 30 Jobs : All This item is not refundable. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13924) A box containing 1 'Orc Hero Headdress' in it. A true Orc Hero's headgear. It's so big and heavy that it might hurt your neck. STR + 3 Adds a chance to cast lv 3 Power Thrust when dealing physical damage. Class : Headgear Defense : 5 Location : Upper, Mid Weight : 90 Jobs : All This item is not refundable. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13925) A mouse scroll that captured mouse's nimbleness. This item is not refundable. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13926) A gift box with cards only for Crusaders. Contains 'Archdam', 'Permeter', 'Freezer' and 'Heater' Card. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13927) A gift box with cards only for Alchemist. Contains 'Zipper Bear', 'Baby Leopard', 'Holden', 'Raggler' and 'Muka' Card. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13928) A gift box with cards only for Rogue. Contains 'Stainer', 'Wanderer', 'Wild Rose', Shinobi' and 'Wickebine Tres' Card. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13929) A gift box with cards only for Bard and Dancer. Contains 'Cruiser', 'Anolian', 'Dragon Tail', 'Green Ferus' and 'Alligator' Card. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13930) A gift box with cards only for Sage. Contains 'Yellow Novus', 'Evil Nymph', 'Harpy', 'Miyabi Doll' and 'Bloody Butterfly' Card. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13931) A gift box with cards only for Monk. Contains 'Fur Seal', 'Waste Stove', 'Rideword' and 'Cookie' Card. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13932) A box containing 4 'Hill Wind' Cards. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13933) A box containing 4 'Laurell Weinder' Cards. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13934) A box containing 4 'Red Ferus' Cards. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13935) A box containing 4 'Death Word' Cards. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13936) A box containing 4 'Pitman' Cards. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13937) A box that contains 1 'Robo Eye' in it. _ Unusual item, probably made from outer space somewhere. Weird beams emerges around eyes when worn. ATK, MATK + 2%, Dex + 1 Item Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Location : Mid Required Level : 10 Jobs : All This item is not refundable. Weight : 1 Id: (13940) WoE Teleport Scroll 100 Box A box containing 100 teleport scrolls that warp you to the Siege Areas. Valkyrie Realms Britoniah Greenwood Lake Luina Valkfreyja Nidhoggur _ Cannot be sold. Weight : 1 Id: (13941) A random item scroll. This item is not refundable. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13945) A collecting gift box for Knight. Full Plate[1], Shield[1], Boots[1], Manteau[1], Pupa Card 1, Raydric Card 1, Clip 2, Helm[1], Iron Cain 1. This item is not refundable. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13946) A collecting gift box for Magician. Silk Robe[1], Guard[1], Shoes[1], Muffler[1], Pupa Card 1, Phen Card 1, Clip 2, Mage Hat 1. This item is not refundable. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13947) A collecting gift box for Acolyte. Saint's Robe[1], Buckler[1], Shoes[1], Muffler[1], Pupa Card 1, Sohee Card 1, Clip 2, Biretta[1]. This item is not refundable. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13948) A collecting gift box for Archer. Tights[1]. Gakkung[2], Boots[1], Muffler[1], Zerom Card 1, Whisper Card 1, Clip 2, Apple of Archer 1. This item is not refundable. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13949) A collecting gift box for Merchant. Chain Mail[1], Buckler[1], Boots[1], Manteau[1], Pupa Card 1, Raydric Card 1, Clip 2, Money Loser's Grief 1. This item is not refundable. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13950) A collecting gift box for Thief. Thief Clothes[1], Buckler[1], Boots[1], Manteau[1], Matyr Card 1, Whisper Card 1, Clip 2, Ghost Bandana 1. This item is not refundable. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13953) All In One Ring Box A box that contains: Rental Item 1 All In One Ring Duration: 7 Days after opening. A Jewelry Ring that contains a 3 Seal Magic Spell. Enables use of Level 1 Heal and Level 1 Teleport. Casting cannot be interrupted. All Stats +1. Increases casting time by 10%. This item cannot be Dropped or Traded. Item Class : Accessory Defense : 1 Weight : 1 Required Level : 1 [/s][/color] Jobs : All Id: (13960) A box containing 1 Ticket of Identification. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13968) Bubble Gum Low Box A box holding a Bubble Gum Low, increasing the experience earned by defeating monsters. It will only last for 24 hours. _ Weight : 0 Id: (13969) Lucky Clip Box A box holding a Lucky Clip, increasing the drop rate. _ Weight : 0 Id: (13970) A box containing 10 Irons. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13971) A box containing 10 Steels. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13972) A box containing 10 Coals. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13973) A box containing 30 poison bottles. Handle with care. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13974) A spell scroll that seems to contain variety kinds of special item. This item is not refundable. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13987) A box with 5 Rough Oridecons inside. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13988) A box with 50 Rough Oridecons inside. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13990) A box with 10 pieces of Job Manual inside. Job Manual-Job Exp rate is increased to 50% for 30 minutes. This item is not refundable. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13994) A box containing 5 Speed Potions. This item is not refundable. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13995) A box containing 10 Speed Potions. This item is not refundable. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13996) A box containing 100 Big Buns. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13997) A box containing 500 Big Buns. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13998) A box containing 500 Giant Fly Wings. _ Weight : 1 Id: (13999) A box containing 100 Pills. _ Weight : 1 Id: (14000) A box containing 500 Pills. _ Weight : 1 Id: (14001) A box containing 25 Siege White Potions and 10 Siege Blue Potions. Siege White Potion-Heals 400~500 Hit Point. HP Affected by Regeneration Potion. Siege Blue Potion-Restores 50-70 SP _ Weight : 1 Id: (14002) A box containing 50 Siege White Potions and 20 Siege Blue Potions. Siege White Potion-Heals 400~500 Hit Point. HP Affected by Regeneration Potion. Siege Blue Potion-Restores 50-70 SP _ Weight : 1 Id: (14003) A box containing 100 Siege White Potions and 50 Siege Blue Potions. Siege White Potion-Heals 400~500 Hit Point. HP Affected by Regeneration Potion. Siege Blue Potion-Restores 50-70 SP _ Weight : 1 Id: (14005) A box containing 5 Poison Bottles. _ Weight : 1 Id: (14229) A special promo Scroll that will be selling just during lovely spring! It will bring you a sweet smell of good luck! This item is not refundable. _ Weight : 1 Id: (14232) A fruit Box that contains 10 Yggdrasilberries which are well-known for longevity. This item is not refundable. _ Weight : 1 Id: (14234) A box that contains 25 Dead Branch inside. This item is not refundable. _ Weight : 1 Id: (14236) A box containing 20 STR+10 dishes. _ Weight : 1 Id: (14237) A box containing 20 AGI + 10 dishes. _ Weight : 1 Id: (14238) A box containing 20 VIT +10 dishes. _ Weight : 1 Id: (14239) A box containing 20 INT + 10 dishes. _ Weight : 1 Id: (14240) A box containing 20 DEX +10 dishes. _ Weight : 1 Id: (14241) A box containing 20 LUK +10 dishes. _ Weight : 1 Id: (14242) A box containing 1 Neutral Ring in it. Handle with care. 7days Rental Item A ring that has special power in each shape. Receive 15% more EXP from Neutral monsters. Item Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs This item is not refundable. Weight : 1 Id: (14243) A box containing 1 Hallow Ring in it. Handle with care. 7days Rental Item A ring that has special power in each shape. Receive 15% more EXP from Undead monsters. Item Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs This item is not refundable. Weight : 1 Id: (14244) A box containing 1 Clamorous Ring in it. Handle with care. 7days Rental Item A ring that has special power in each shape. Receive 15% more EXP from Animal Class monsters. Item Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs This item is not refundable. Weight : 1 Id: (14245) A box containing 1 Chemical Ring in it. Handle with care. 7days Rental Item A ring that has special power in each shape. Receive 15% more EXP from Plant monsters. Item Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs This item is not refundable. Weight : 1 Id: (14246) A box containing 1 Insecticide Ring in it. Handle with care. 7days Rental Item A ring that has special power in each shape. Receive 15% more EXP from Insect type monsters. Item Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs This item is not refundable. Weight : 1 Id: (14247) A box containing 1 Fisher Ring in it. Handle with care. 7days Rental Item A ring that has special power in each shape. Receive 15% more EXP from Fish type monsters. Item Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs This item is not refundable. Weight : 1 Id: (14248) A box containing 1 Decussate Ring in it. Handle with care. 7days Rental Item A ring that has special power in each shape. Receive 15% more EXP from Demon monsters. Item Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs This item is not refundable. Weight : 1 Id: (14249) A box containing 1 Bloody Ring in it. Handle with care. 7days Rental Item A ring that has special power in each shape. Receive 15% more EXP from Demi Human monsters. Item Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs This item is not refundable. Weight : 1 Id: (14250) A box containing 1 Satanic Ring in it. Handle with care. 7days Rental Item A ring that has special power in each shape. Receive 15% more EXP from Angel type monsters. Item Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs This item is not refundable. Weight : 1 Id: (14251) A box containing 1 Dragon Ring in it. Handle with care. 7days Rental Item A ring that has special power in each shape. Receive 15% more EXP from Dragon type monsters. Item Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs This item is not refundable. Weight : 1 Id: (14252) A box containing 1 Neutral Ring in it. Handle with care. 15days Rental Item A ring that has special power in each shape. Receive 15% more EXP from Neutral monsters. Item Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs This item is not refundable. Weight : 1 Id: (14253) A box containing 1 Hallow Ring in it. Handle with care. 15days Rental Item A ring that has special power in each shape. Receive 15% more EXP from Undead monsters. Item Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs This item is not refundable. Weight : 1 Id: (14254) A box containing 1 Clamorous Ring in it. Handle with care. 15days Rental Item A ring that has special power in each shape. Receive 15% more EXP from Animal Class monsters. Item Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs This item is not refundable. Weight : 1 Id: (14255) A box containing 1 Chemical Ring in it. Handle with care. 15days Rental Item A ring that has special power in each shape. Receive 15% more EXP from Plant monsters. Item Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs This item is not refundable. Weight : 1 Id: (14256) A box containing 1 Insecticide Ring in it. Handle with care. 15days Rental Item A ring that has special power in each shape. Receive 15% more EXP from Insect type monsters. Item Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs This item is not refundable. Weight : 1 Id: (14257) A box containing 1 Fisher Ring in it. Handle with care. 15days Rental Item A ring that has special power in each shape. Receive 15% more EXP from Fish type monsters. Item Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs This item is not refundable. Weight : 1 Id: (14258) A box containing 1 Decussate Ring in it. Handle with care. 15days Rental Item A ring that has special power in each shape. Receive 15% more EXP from Demon monsters. Item Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs This item is not refundable. Weight : 1 Id: (14259) A box containing 1 Bloody Ring in it. Handle with care. 15days Rental Item A ring that has special power in each shape. Receive 15% more EXP from Demi Human monsters. Item Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs This item is not refundable. Weight : 1 Id: (14260) A box containing 1 Satanic Ring in it. Handle with care. 15days Rental Item A ring that has special power in each shape. Receive 15% more EXP from Angel type monsters. Item Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs This item is not refundable. Weight : 1 Id: (14261) A box containing 1 Dragon Ring in it. Handle with care. 15days Rental Item A ring that has special power in each shape. Receive 15% more EXP from Dragon type monsters. Item Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs This item is not refundable. Weight : 1 Id: (14283) Marriage Covenant Box A box that contains 1 Written Oath of Marriage, to be used on your wedding day. _ Weight : 1 Id: (14284) A box that contains 1 'Muffler' in it. Available for 1 week. A scarf, usually worn around the neck and shoulders for warmth. Reduces damage from Demihuman monsters by 10% MaxHP + 10% Add 5% resistance against Water, Fire, Holy, Shadow Property attacks. Item Class : Garment Defense : 5 Weight : 0 Required Level : 95 Jobs : All Transcendent Jobs except Novice _ Weight : 1 Id: (14285) A box that contains 1 'Valkyrja's_Shield' in it. Available for 1 week. A shield used by Gne, the messenger of Freyja while she served as a Valkyrie. Reduces damage from Demihuman monsters by 30% MaxHP + 5% Adds 20% resistance against Water, Fire Property attacks. Item Class : Shield Defense : 5 Weight : 0 Required Level : 95 Jobs : All Transcendent Jobs except Novice _ Weight : 1 Id: (14286) A box that contains 1 'Skull Ring' in it. Available for 1 week. A unique ring adorned with skull. Engraved are the words 'Forever, until Death....' ATK + 5%, MATK + 5% MaxHP + 5%, Cast Delay reduced by 5% Enables use of Lv.1 Sight. Item Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 95 Jobs : All Transcendent Jobs except Novice _ Weight : 1 Id: (14287) A box that contains items for WoE Barricade Repair. It contains 30 Trunks, 10 Steels, 10 Emveretarcons and 5 Oridecons. _ Weight : 1 Id: (14288) A box that contains items for WoE Guardian Stone Repair. It contains 1 Oridecon, 1 Elunium, 30 Stones, 5 Blue Gemstones, 5 Yellow Gemstones and 5 Redy Gemstones. _ Weight : 1 Id: (14290) A box that contains 1 coupon to dye your clothes to the original color. This item is not refundable and also not transferable. _ Weight : 1 Id: (14296) A happiness from an angel. You will find full of happiness once you open it. _ Weight : 1 Id: (14297) A darkness gift from an evil. Handle with care in opening it. Don't provoke the evil. _ Weight : 1 Id: (14298) Everyone likes surprises. You might be surprised once you open it. _ Weight : 1 Id: (14300) A box that contains 1 'Mask of Ifrit' in it. Mask of Ifrit, the spiritual owner of fire. Rumored to rule a power of the fire. STR + 1, INT + 1, Mdef + 5 Increase 10% resistence against Fire Property attacks. Decrease 10% resistence against Water Property attacks. Enables use of Lv.1 Sight. Autospell Meteor Storm Lv.3 by a certain chance when receiving physical attack. Autospell Fire Bolt Lv.3 by a certain chance when dealing physical damage. Unable to refine. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 8 Location : Upper,Mid,Lower Weight : 0 Required Level : 70 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Class This item is not refunable. _ Weight : 1 Id: (14301) A box that contains 1 'Ear of Ifrit' in it. A headgear which imitates an ears of Ifrit, the spiritual owner of fire. STR + 1, Mdef + 3 Increase damage of Fire Bolt, Fire Pillar, Meteor Storm skill by 2%. Increase damage of Bash, Pierce, Magnum Break skill by 2%. Increase 5% resistence against Fire Property attacks. Reduce 5% resistence against Water Property attacks. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Location : Mid Weight : 0 Required Level : 70 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Class This item is not refundable. _ Weight : 1 Id: (14302) A box that contains 1 'Filir Hat' in it. _ A gentle Filir. He's way too gentle that he doesn't attack at all. Reflects 1% physical damange. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Location : Upper Required Level : 80 Jobs : All This item is not refundable. _ Weight : 1 Id: (14303) A box that contains 1 'Angel Spirit' in it. _ A golden mask rumored to be worn by some ancient Goddess. ATK, MATK + 2%. STR + 1 Item Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Location : Mid Required Level : 30 Jobs : All This item is not refundable. _ Weight : 1 Id: (14304) A box that contains 1 'Scuba Mask' in it. _ Scuba Mask for divers. If you wear it on land, people might think you need mental medication. Adds 10% resistence against Water Property attacks. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Location : Mid Jobs : All This item is not refundable. _ Weight : 1 Id: (14305) A box that contains 1 'Neko Mimi Kafra Band' in it. _ A hairband that gives the appearance of Kafra style and Kitty hairband. It would look pretty when worn. MDEF + 5 Inflict various abnormal status by certain chance when receiving physical attack. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Location : Upper Required Level : 30 Jobs : All This item is not refundable. _ Weight : 1 Id: (14306) RWC special scroll, it is quite collectable. _ Weight : 1 Id: (14307) RWC special edition Scroll. It is worth having to remember all honors of RWC each year. _ Weight : 1 Id: (14308) An Ardor Scroll that inspires you to be brave and have a passion. _ Weight : 1 Id: (14314) A box that contains 10 'Phreeoni Scrolls' in it. A Scroll that imbued with great force of Monster Phreeoni. HIT + 100 for 3 minutes. This item is not refundable. _ Weight : 1 Id: (14315) A box that contains 10 'Ghostring Scroll' in it. A Scroll that imbued with great force of Monster Ghostring. Gives Ghost property to a character for 1 minute. This item is not refundable. _ Weight : 1 Id: (14316) Love Scroll. If you are waiting for love, you definitely need this scroll. _ Weight : 1 Id: (14317) Bacsojin Scroll. If you are lucky, you will be suprised once you open it. _ Weight : 1 Id: (14343) A box that contains 1 Spiked Scarf. _ This item is not refundable. Weight : 1 Id: (14344) A box that contains 1 Rainbow Scarf. _ This item is not refundable. Weight : 1 Id: (14345) Various animals are inside of it! Please handle with care, you might get bit! _ Weight : 1 Id: (14359) A box that contains 10 'Tao Gunka Scroll' in it. A Scroll that imbued with great force of Monster Tao Gunka. Increase MaxHP +100% for 3 minutes. Def-50, Mdef-50 This item is not refundable. _ Weight : 1 Id: (14360) A box that contains 10 'Mistress Scroll' in it. A Scroll that imbued with great force of Monster Mistress. Enables of casting certain spells without gemstones for 3 minutes. SP consumption of skills increase by 25%. This item is not refundable. _ Weight : 1 Id: (14361) A box that contains 10 'Orc Hero Scroll' in it. A Scroll that imbued with great force of Monster Orc Hero. Immunity to Stun for 1 minute. This item is not refundable. _ Weight : 1 Id: (14362) A box that contains 10 'Orc Lord Scroll' in it. A Scroll that imbued with great force of Monster Orc Lord. Reflects 30% of all physical damage taken for 3 minutes. This item is not refundable. _ Weight : 1 Id: (14363) A heart shaped scroll. You will feel warm heart once you open it. _ Weight : 1 Id: (14375) A box that contains 1 Celestial Axe. _ Weight : Id: (14376) A box that contains 1 Angeling Potion. _ Weight : Id: (14377) A box that contains 1 Shout Megaphone. _ Weight : Id: (14379) A box that containing a Love Daddy hat. _ Weight : 1 Id: (14380) A box containing 1 'Anubis Headgear' in it. _ Weight : 1 Id: (14394) A box which contains 1 Cute Santa Hat. _ An Santa hat with two pony tails at the back. It will protect you from the cold weather. LUK + 3. Gives 20% tolerance against Curse. Increase attack speed by 2% and decrease casting delay by 2%. Drop " Piece of Cake, Candy, Candy Cane" as low chance when hunt the mosters. It adds low chance of giving CRI +50 for 10 seconds when physically attacking. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Upper Weight : 20 Required Level : 20 Jobs : All Jobs This item is not refundable. Weight : 1 Id: (14395) A box that contains 1 Master's Hat. _ This hat reminds us of the brilinat pilot. DEX + 1. MHP + 100. Increase long distance physical attack by 7%. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Location : Upper Weight : 30 Required Level : 60 Jobs : All Jobs This item is not refundable. Weight : 1 Id: (14407) Fancy, beautiful decorated scroll. We can feel Christmas is coming! _ Weight : 1 Id: (14408) NewYear Scroll A scroll is decorated with raising sun image. _ Weight : 1 Id: (14422) Shaman's Document Box A box that contains 1 Shaman's Document in it. _ Weight : 1 Id: (14423) Broken Sword Box A box that contains 1 Broken Sword in it. _ Weight : 1 Id: (14424) Bijofnil Feather Box A box that contains 1 Bijofnil Feather in it. _ Weight : 1 Id: (14425) A box contains 1 New Pagdayaw in it. _ Weight : 1 Id: (14438) A box containing 1 Honglyun's Sword. _ Weight : Id: (14439) A box containing 1 Power of Thor. _ Weight : Id: (14440) Random Lotto Box A sealed box containing a random Lotto Ball from numbers 1-45. _ Weight : 1 Id: (14441) A box containing 1 King Tiger Doll Hat. _ Weight : Id: (14442) A box containing 1 Wolf King Helm. _ Weight : Id: (14443) A box containing 1 Pizza Hat. _ Weight : Id: (14444) A Box with an Ice Cream Hat inside. _ Weight : Id: (14459) A box containing 1 Rabbit Magic Hat. _ Weight : Id: (14460) A box containing 1 Chinese Wedding Veil. _ Weight : Id: (14461) A box containing 1 Asara Fairy Hat. _ Weight : Id: (14466) Valentine's Emblem Box A special gift for the more beautiful person of valentine's day. _ Weight : 0 Id: (14469) Scroll to celebrate the 'Year of Cattle'. _ Weight : 1 Id: (14485) A box which contains 1 Academy Badge. _ A badge which can get when they graduate the probationary period of magical school with high grade. Just a symbolic meaning only for probationer magicians? INT + 2, MATK + 3%, MHP + 100. Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 10 Jobs : All Jobs Weight : 1 Id: (14486) A box which contains 1 Clergyman Grad Hat. _ A hat which can get when they graduate the clergyman school with high grade. There's saying that this hat is suitable only for the man who has strong belief for god. INT + 1, DEX + 2, VIT + 1. Reduces 5% of casting delay after use a skill. Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Location : Upper Weight : 50 Jobs : All Jobs Weight : 1 Id: (14487) A box which contains 1 Magician Grad Hat. _ A hat which can get when they graduate the magician school with high grade. There's a saying that this hat can be a standard for distingusihing a elite magician. INT + 2, DEX + 2. Autocast Lv 1 Assumptio for yourself by low chance when magical attack. Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Location : Upper Weight : 50 Jobs : All Jobs Weight : 1 Id: (14490) Shark Hat Box A box holding un Shark Hat _ Sharks are amazingly gentle creatures if you stay away from their food supply. Str +1, Agi +2, Mdef +1 Increases Damage to Water Property by 5%. Increases Damage taken by Water Property monsters by 10%. TypeClass : Headgear Defense : 3 Slot : Upper Weight : 50 Jobs : All Cet item ne peut faire l'objet d'un remboursement. _ Weight : 1 Id: (14493) A Box with a Sting Hat inside. _ This item is not refundable. Weight : 1 Id: (14494) A box has a 1 samambaia hat. _ Weight : 1 Id: (14495) A box that contains 1 Aquarius Diadem in it. _ A diadem that represents Aquarius which is the 11th sign of Zodiac. An amethyst, the birtstone, is embedded on it. STR + 2, FLEE + 10, Increase resistance against wind property attack by 5%. If refined higher than +7 DEF + 1, ATK + 15. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Location : Upper Weight : 30 Required Level : 70 Jobs : All Jobs Weight : 1 Id: (14496) A box that contains 1 Aquarius Crown in it. _ A crowm that represents Aquarius which is the 11th sign of Zodiac. An amethyst, the birthstone, is embedded on it. STR + 2, FLEE + 10, Increase resistance against wind property attack by 5%. If refined higher than +7 DEF + 1, ATK + 15. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Location : Upper Weight : 30 Required Level : 70 Jobs : All Jobs Weight : 1 Id: (14497) A box that contains 1 Pisces Diadem in it. _ A diadem that represents Pisces which is the 12th sign of Zodiac. An aquamarine, the birthstone, is embedded on it. INT + 1, MDEF + 3, Increase resistance against water property attack by 5%. If refined higher than +7 MDEF + 1, MATK + 2%. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Location : Upper Weight : 30 Required Level : 70 Jobs : All Jobs Weight : 1 Id: (14498) A box that contains 1 Pisces Crown in it. _ A crown that represents Pisces which is the 12th sign of Zodiac. An aquamarine, the birthstone, is embedded on it. STR + 1, DEF + 2, Increase resistance against water property attack by 5%. If refined higher than +7 DEF + 1, ATK + 2%. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Location : Upper Weight : 30 Required Level : 70 Jobs : All Jobs Weight : 1 Id: (14499) A box has a 1 peacock Reather. _ Weight : 1 Id: (14508) A Pet Egg Scroll that seems to contain valuable things. You might get some amount of zeny randomly if you use it. _ Weight : 1 Id: (14509) A potent medicine that stimulates concentration. Temporarily increases Attack Speed. [/s][/color] Applicable Jobs : All Weight : 10 Id: (14510) A special tonic that combats the effects of drowsiness. Temporarily increases Attack Speed. Required Levelvl: 40 Applicable Jobs : All except Acolyte, Priest, Bard and Dancer Weight : 15 Id: (14511) Remarkably powerful medicine that stimulates circulation and amplifies quickness. Temporarily increases Attack Speed. Required Levelvl: 85 Applicable Jobs : Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Rogue, Mage, Wizard Weight : 20 Id: (14512) A scroll which enables using LV 10 Meteor Storm skill. You can feel the great magical power from it. _ Weight : 1 Id: (14513) A scroll which enables using LV 10 Storm Gust skill. You can feel the cold magical force from the scroll. _ Weight : 1 Id: (14514) A scroll which enables using LV 10 Lord of Vermilion skill. You can feel the great magical force from the scroll. _ Weight : 1 Id: (14515) Lex Aeterna Scroll A scroll which enables using LV 1 Lex Aeterna skill. You can feel the power of holy spell from the box. _ Weight : 1 Id: (14516) A scroll which enables using LV 5 Magnificat skill. It has beautiful letters written on the scroll. _ Weight : 1 Id: (14517) A scroll which enables using LV 5 Chemical Protection Helm skill. It has some mysterious letters written on the scroll. _ Weight : 1 Id: (14518) A scroll which enables using LV 5 Chemical Protection Shield skill. It has some mysterious letters written on the scroll. _ Weight : 1 Id: (14519) A scroll which enables using LV 5 Chemical Protection Armor skill. It has some mysterious letters written on the scroll. _ Weight : 1 Id: (14520) A scroll which enables using LV 5 Chemical Protection Weapon skill. It has some mysterious letters written on the scroll. _ Weight : 1 Id: (14521) A scroll which enables using LV 1 Repair Weapon skill. It has some mysterious letters written on the scroll. _ Weight : 1 Id: (14522) A delicious looking bun which is big enough for two person to eat together. It recovers your HP. _ Weight : 1 Id: (14523) A very bitter pill. It is made with traditional recipe which has been handed down from the family of who have 5000 years of tradition in pharmacy. Don't swallow it once. You should chew it slowly in order to recover your SP. _ Weight : 1 Id: (14524) A slice of a very rare fish that can barely be caught once a year. It has the scent of blue sea. It recovers your SP and HP. _ Weight : 1 Id: (14525) A chewy delicious rice cake. It gives you +10 ATK for 30 min. No one knows why the rice cake has this special function. _ Weight : 1 Id: (14526) A traditional pastry which is made of liquors and grains. It gives you +10 MATK for 30 min. No one knows why the pastry has this special function. _ Weight : 1 Id: (14527) Dungeon Teleport Scroll A scroll on which many dungeon map coordinates have been recorded. If you tear it up, it can transport you once to Nogg Road, Mjolnir Dead Pit, Umbala Dungeon, Einbroch Mine Dungeon, Payon Dungeon, Toy Dungeon, Glast Heim Underprison, Louyang Dungeon, Hermit's Checkers, Izlude Dungeon, Turtle Island Dungeon, Clock Tower B3F, Clock Tower 3F, Glast Heim Culvert 2F, Sphinx Dungeon 4F, Inside Pyramid 4F, Prontera Culvert 3F, Amatsu Dungeon 1F (Tatami Maze), Somatology Laboratory 1st Floor, or Ayothaya Ancient Shrine 2F. _ Weight : 0 Id: (14528) A scroll with writings in unknown language. Allows to teleport to entrance of PVP arena. _ Weight : 1 Id: (14529) Greed Scroll Enables a single cast of Greed. Cannot be traded or dropped. Weight : 1 Id: (14532) A manual that explains the effective way of the battle. It is a very detailed and well composed manual. EXP when hunting monsters is increased by 1.25 for 30 minutes. _ Weight : 1 Id: (14533) Superior BattleManual A manual that explains the effective way of the battle. It is a very detailed and well composed manual. Exp rate is increased by 100% for 30 minutes _ Weight : 1 Id: (14534) Small Life Potion A sizeable bottle of Yggdrasil Tree Sap that is effective in healing wounds. Restores an amount of HP equal of 7% of your Max HP every 4 seconds for a 10 minute duration. _ Weight : 1 Id: (14535) Medium Life Potion A sizeable bottle of Yggdrasil Tree Sap that is effective in healing wounds. Restores an amount of HP equal of 7% of your Max HP every 4 seconds [/s][/color] for a 10 minute duration. _ Weight : 1 Id: (14536) Abrasive An abrasive that adds sharpness to a weapon. Increases Critical Rate by 30 for 5 minutes. _ Weight : 1 Id: (14537) Regeneration Potion A magic potion made with alchemy and magic. [/s][/color] A Rosary is rumored to be one of the secret ingredients in making this potion. Increases the HP recovery effect of some potions and the Heal skill by 20% for 30 minutes. _ Weight : 1 Id: (14538) Glass Of Illusion A glass of illusion made from morning dew from an Illusion Flower. Drink the dew to create an illusion that will make it more difficult for enemies to hit you. Increases your Perfect Dodge by 20 for 1 minute. Only one may be consumed per 5 minutes. _ Weight : 1 Id: (14539) A enchanted scroll endowed with Shadow Armor Magic. This scroll gives you the Shadow Armor around your body. Gives Shadow property to a character for 30 minutes. _ Weight : 1 Id: (14540) A enchanted scroll endowed with Holy Armor Magic. This scroll gives you the Holy Armor around your body. Gives Holy property to a character for 30 minutes. _ Weight : 1 Id: (14541) Small Defense Potion A secret potion made using tough dragon scales. Adds 3% resistance to Physical Attacks for 1 minute. _ Weight : 1 Id: (14542) Big Defense Potion A secret potion made using tough dragon scales. Adds 3% resistance to Physical Attacks for 3 minutes. _ Weight : 1 Id: (14543) Small Magic Defense Potion A secret potion made using pixie mustache. Adds 3% resistance to Magical Attacks for 1 minute. _ Weight : 1 Id: (14544) Big Magic Defense Potion A secret potion made using pixie mustache. Adds 3% resistance to Magical Attacks for 3 minutes. _ Weight : 1 Id: (14545) A manual that explains the effective way of the battle. It is a very detailed and well composed manual. The EXP rate is increased to 300% for 30 minutes. _ Weight : 1 Id: (14546) Phrase 'I LOVE YOU!' pops out with Fire cracker. Flammable. Keep out of reach of children. _ Weight : 2 Id: (14547) Phrase 'HAPPY WHITEDAY!' pops out with Fire cracker. Flammable. Keep out of reach of children. _ Weight : 2 Id: (14548) Valentine's Day Firecracker A firecracker that shows 'VALENTINE'S DAY!'. Danger, keep children away from it. _ Weight : 2 Id: (14549) Phrase 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY!' pops out with Fire cracker. Flammable. Keep out of reach of children. _ Weight : 2 Id: (14550) Xmas Firecracker Phrase 'MERRY CHRISTMAS!' pops out with Fire cracker. Flammable. Keep out of reach of children. Weight : 1 Id: (14551) A dish that is easy and convenient for beginner chefs; it has a fresh, grassy taste, strangely enough. STR +1 [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (14552) A dish that looks slightly unappetizing, but its taste and scent [/s][/color] are quite pleasant. STR +2 [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (14553) It looks like an ordinary steak, but it is explosively flavorful and juicy. STR +3 [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (14554) A sweetly scented tea made by mixing herbs and grape juice. INT +1 [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (14555) A tea made with 3 different herbs that give it a refreshingly strong scent, but also give it a bland flavor. INT + 2 [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (14556) An invigoratingly hot herbal whose flavor is enhanced with the sweetness of honey. INT +3 [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (14557) A simple dish made from steamed crab nippers and herbs. VIT + 1 [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (14558) Assorted seafood that makes people that live near the sea feel very homesick. Unless, of course, they're eating this food at home. VIT +2 [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (14559) A soup made with boiled clam meat. VIT +3 [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (14560) A soup made with squid ink broth and frog eggs that most people can't eat until they close their eyes. AGI +1 [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (14561) Incredibly smooth, slick, and slippery noodles that are very difficult to eat. AGI +2 [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (14562) Cheese gratin with steamed tentacles mixed into it for a unique flavor. AGI +3 [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (14563) A special mixed drink of grape juice and honey that has a sweet and sour taste. DEX +1 [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (14564) A special chocolate mousse cake with a [/s][/color] smooth luxurious flavor that even Charles Orleans would be proud of. DEX +2 [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (14565) A mix of various, crisp fruit flavored with light, sweet syrup. DEX +3 [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (14566) Lightly spiced monkey tails deep fried in oil that are popular as a side dish for drinking. LUK +1 [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (14567) A cocktail mixed from various fruit juices. LUK +2 [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (14568) Crunchy, fried sweet potatoes topped with light syrup. LUK +3 [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (14575) Lutie Lady's Pancake A special cake which made by Thachentze, a cookery from Lutie. STR +5 [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (14576) Mastela Fruit Wine Wine distilled from Mastela fruit that helps the drinker to maintain clarity of thought. INT +5 [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (14577) Spicy Fried Bao A bao that is fried and seasoned with spicy sauce. If you're not used to spicy food, it's not a good idea to eat too many. VIT +5 [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (14579) Green Salad A trendy green salad that is topped with sweet dressing add passion eat. DEX +5 [/s][/color] Weight : 1 Id: (14582) A scroll that recorded about legendary history of Rune-Midgard. Allows to teleport to "Prontera" "Geffen" "Payon" "Morroc" "Aldebaran" "Alberta". Warning: After use, if you don't select any, it will not active its effectiveness. _ Weight : 1 Id: (14583) A scroll that recorded about legendary history of Schwarzwald Republic. Allows to teleport to "Juno" "Lightharlzen" "Einbroch" "Hugel". Warning: After use, if you don't select any, it will not active its effectiveness. _ Weight : 1 Id: (14584) A scroll that recorded about legendary history of Rachel. Allows to teleport to "Veins" "Rachel". Warning: After use, if you don't select any, it will not active its effectiveness. _ Weight : 1 Id: (14585) A scroll that recorded about history of localizing village. Allows to teleport to "Ayotaya" "Amatsu" "Louyang" "Gonryun". Warning: After use, if you don't select any, it will not active its effectiveness. _ Weight : 1 Id: (14586) Sparkling Candy Must need to brush teeth after having this candy otherwise you would get a cavity. ATK + 20 for 1 minute, Adds Attack Speed by 25% , enable to Endure all the time. Decrease 100 Hp in every 10 seconds and has 3 minutes of cool time after use. When a character is incapable of combat, the effect of item disappears. _ Weight : 1 Id: (14588) Party Blessing 10 Scroll A scroll in which a single use of Level 10 Party Blessing has been recorded. Will cast on all party members within a certain range. _ Weight : 1 Id: (14589) Party Increase Agi 10 Scroll A scroll in which a single use of Level 10 Party Increase AGI has been recorded. Will cast on all party members within a certain range. _ Weight : 1 Id: (14590) Party Assumptio 5 Scroll A scroll in which a single use of Level 5 Party Assumptio has been recorded. Will cast on all party members within a certain range. _ Weight : 1 Id: (14592) Job Manual When Battle manual is used, increase 50% of job EXP in 30min.It is considered to push the boundaries. _ Weight : 1 Id: (14595) Unsealed Magic Spell Unsealed paper full of magic spell related to transferring. By using the spell, the user can be transferred to a certain place. _ Weight : 0 Id: (14596) Pierre's Treasurebox A box full of something heavy. _ Weight : 10 Id: (14597) Phreeoni Scrool The scroll that have the power of Phreeoni. HIT + 100 for 3mins. _ Weight : 1 Id: (14598) Ghostring Scroll The scroll that have the power of Ghostring. The attribute of body would be changed into Ghost for 1 min. _ Weight : 1 Id: (14600) Mental Potion A potion that will make you full of spirit. Increases 10% MaxSP for 30 minutes. SP consumption - 10%. Weight : 1 Id: (14601) Tyr's Blessing A potion that possesses the spirit of Tyr, the god of battle. Increases ATK & MATK by 20 for 5 minutes. HIT + 30, Flee Rate + 30 Caution!- Item's active duration and ability will not work properly when it is being used with Honey Pastry, Sesame Pastry and Rainbow Cake. Item option disappears when its owner has drained all energy. Weight : 1 Id: (14602) Tao Gunka Scroll The scroll that have the power of monster Taogun ka. MaxHP + 100%, Def -50, Mdef -50 for 3 mins. _ Weight : 1 Id: (14603) Mistress Scroll The scroll that have the power of monster Mistress. The magic to use Gemstone would be available without consuming for 1 min. SP + 25% when you cast the skill. _ Weight : 1 Id: (14604) Orc Hero Scroll The scroll that have the power of monster Orc Hero. Never got Stun for 1 min. _ Weight : 1 Id: (14605) Orc Lord Scroll The scroll that have the power of monster Orc Load. Reflect 30% of attack for 3 mins. _ Weight : 1 Id: (14611) Medium Defence Potion This Item cannot be traded with other accounts. A potion made out of a dragon's strong skin which acts as a special medicine. Increase tolerance to physical attacks by 3% for 3 min. The effect vanishes when the player dies or gets dispelled. _ Weight : 1 Id: (14612) Medium Magic Defence Potion This Item cannot be traded with other accounts. A potion made out of a elf's mustache which acts as a special medicine. Increase tolerance to magical attacks by 3% for 2 min. The effect vanishes when the player dies or gets dispelled. _ Weight : 1 Id: (15000) Bone Plate [1] Dark Plated Armor covered with sharp bones. When attacking has a 1% chance of autocasting 'Bleeding' around 5x5 cells of the player. Ignore 10% of the Def from Demi-human & Animal type monsters. Str +1, Mdef +3 Class : Armor Defense : 760 Weight : 100 Required Level : 85 Jobs : Transcendent Thief Classes Id: (15002) Rune Plate [1] An armor with solid plate material adorned with gorgeous runes and jewels. Unlike the appearance it's very light and solid that it feels such as the energy of magic is winding around whole body. Weapon Class : Armor Defense : 95 Weight : 0 Required Level : 99 Jobs : SwordmanWeapon Class Id: (15003) Rental Item A spiritual robe granted by Freya. It appears very sturdy, but it will eventually disappear and return to Freya's realm, Folkvangr. MaxHP + 700. Item Class : Armor Defense : 7 Weight : 30 Required Level : 20 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (15004) Rental Item A spiritual robe granted by Freya. It appears very sturdy, but it will eventually disappear and return to Freya's realm, Folkvangr. MaxHP + 700. Item Class : Armor Defense : 7 Weight : 30 Required Level : 20 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (15005) Rental Item A spiritual robe granted by Freya. It appears very sturdy, but it will eventually disappear and return to Freya's realm, Folkvangr. MaxHP + 700. Item Class : Armor Defense : 7 Weight : 30 Required Level : 20 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (15006) Rental Item A spiritual robe granted by Freya. It appears very sturdy, but it will eventually disappear and return to Freya's realm, Folkvangr. MaxHP + 700. Item Class : Armor Defense : 7 Weight : 30 Required Level : 20 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (15008) Flame Spirit Armor An armor blessed by Fire. MDEF +1 Gives Fire Property. Reduces damage from earth type monsters for 5%. Class : Armor Defense : 25 Weight : 100 Jobs : All Id: (15009) Paradise TeamUniform1 A suit that is only provided for members of the Paradise Team. There are various sizes that tall people don't have to worry about it. MHP + 100, MSP + 10. cannot be upgraded. Weapon Class : Armor Defense : 35 Weight : 0 Required Level : 12 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (15010) Paradise TeamUniform2 A suit that is only provided for members of the Paradise Team. There are various sizes that tall people don't have to worry about it. MHP + 200, MSP + 20. cannot be upgraded. Weapon Class : Armor Defense : 46 Weight : 0 Required Level : 26 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (15011) Paradise TeamUniform3 A suit that is only provided for members of the Paradise Team. There are various sizes that tall people don't have to worry about it. MHP + 300, MSP + 30, MDEF + 5. cannot be upgraded. Weapon Class : Armor Defense : 58 Weight : 0 Required Level : 40 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (15012) Puente Robe [1] A snow white robe on which spells are embroidered. Reduce the Fix Casting Time by 3%. (Only the biggest effect of the fix casting is implemented.) Increase the effect of the Heal that its wearer casts by 5%. Weapon Class : Armor Defense : 42 Weight : 40 Required Level : 22 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (15013) Claire Suits [1] A suite for an adventurer to maximize the defense and fit. Weapon Class : Armor Defense : 58 Weight : 280 Required Level : 22 Jobs : All Transcendent Jobs except Novice Id: (15014) Ebone Armor [1] A armor made of a metal called Opcidium. The decoration of a black crystal looks profound. Weapon Class : Armor Defense : 93 Weight : 450 Required Level : 100 Jobs : 3rd class of Swordman Id: (15015) [1] MHP + 3% Class : Armor DEFefense : 25 Weight : 15 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (15016) [1] MHP + 3% Class : Armor DEFefense : 47 Weight : 60 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs except Novice Id: (15017) [1] MHP + 3%, MDEF + 5. Class : Armor DEFefense : 855 Weight : 30 Required Level : 1 Jobs : Acolyte Class, Merchant Class Id: (15018) [1] MHP + 3%, DEX + 1. Class : Armor DEFefense : 832 Weight : 25 Required Level : 45 Jobs : Archer Class Id: (15019) [1] MHP + 3%, AGI + 1. Class : Armor DEFefense : 845 Weight : 10 Required Level : 1 Jobs : Thief Class Id: (15020) [1] MHP + 3% Class : Armor DEFefense : 160 Weight : 165 Required Level : 1 Jobs : Knight, Crusader Id: (15021) [1] MHP + 3% Class : Armor DEFefense : 745 Weight : 15 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs except Novice Id: (15022) Made for the best surfer. STR + 4, INT + 4, MDEF + 3. Increase 20% the resistance to water property atk. Class : Armor Defense : 1 Weight : 10 Required Lvevel : 1 Jobs : All Id: (15024) Army Padding A jacket worn inside an overcoat. Mora Villagers call it 'Army Padding.' TypeClass : Armor Defense : 10 Weight : 1 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Id: (15025) Golden Rod Robe An ornate golden robe imbued with power of winds. INT + 1, MDEF + 10. Decreases the variable casting time of Lord of Vermilion by 3 seconds, INT + 1 when unmodified INT is 120 or more. TypeClass : Armor Defense : 40 Weight : 50 Property : Wind Required Level : 100 Jobs : Warlock Id: (15026) Aqua Robe An elegant blue robe imbued with power of water. INT + 1, MDEF + 10. Decreases the variable casting time of Storm Gust by 3 seconds, INT + 1 when unmodified INT is 120 or more. TypeClass : Armor Defense : 40 Weight : 50 Property : Water Required Level : 100 Jobs : Warlock Id: (15027) Crimson Robe An elaborate red robe imbued with power of fire. INT + 1, MDEF + 10. Decreases the variable casting time of Meteor Storm by 3 seconds, INT + 1 when unmodified INT is 120 or more. TypeClass : Armor Defense : 40 Weight : 50 Property : Fire Required Level : 100 Jobs : Warlock Id: (15028) Forest Robe A simple turquoise robe imbued with power of earth. INT + 1, MDEF + 10. Decreases the variable casting time of Heaven's Drive by 1 second, INT + 1 when unmodified INT is 120 or more. TypeClass : Armor Defense : 40 Weight : 50 Property : Earth Required Level : 100 Jobs : Warlock Id: (15029) Robe Of Affection Blesses the wearer with the Holy Property Decreases SP Consumption of Clementia by 50 Int +1, Mdef +10 TypeClass : Garment Defense : 22 Weight : 30 Required Level : 100 Jobs : Archbishop Id: (15030) Robe Of Judgement Blesses the wearer with the Shadow Property Increases damage of Judex skill by 30% Decreases SP Consumption of Judex skill by 40 Str +1, Int +1, Mdef +10 TypeClass : Garment Defense : 22 Weight : 30 Required Level : 100 Jobs : Archbishop Id: (15032) Tidung [1] An armor made with animal leather. Jaty tribe uses it during the battle. Decrease 5%of attack damage from all monsters. MDEF + 10. 15% of additional tolerance to stun and freezing. Class : Armor Defense : 2 Weight : 50 Required Lvevel. : 1 Jobs : All except Novice Id: (15036) Ur's Plate Armor created by purifying Ur runestones. MDEF + 10. Increases MaxHP per refine level and tolerance to Demi-human and Neutral property damage by 5%. MaxHP +14%, Increases damage of Hundred Spears by 50%, enables Crusader skill Guard Level 1 Class : Armor Defense : 110 Weight : 300 Required Level : 100 Jobs : Rune Knight Id: (15037) Peuz's Plate Armor created by purifying Peuz runestones. MDEF + 10. ATK + 20, FLEE + 17. If worn with Ur Greaves, Shoes and accessory, Increases damage to all monster sizes by 10%. Increases damage of Wind Cutter and Sonic Wave by 100%. Has a chance of activating Spear Dynamo and adding 2 Aspd while physically attacking. Increases SP costs of skills by 10. Class : Armor Defense : 110 Weight : 300 Required Level : 100 Jobs : Rune Knight Id: (15038) Sapha's Cloth [1] Armor that contains the reliquery remains of an ancient Assassin. LUK + 3, Has a chance of auto-casting Meteor Assault level 1 while physically attacking. If higher level of this skill is learned then it will be cast. If worn with Greaves, shoes and accessory, Flee +10, Critical +15, Increases damage of Cross Impact by 20 Increases SP costs of skills by 10 Class : Armor Defense : 45 Weight : 10 Required Level : 100 Jobs : Guillotine Cross Id: (15039) Nab's Cloth [1] An assassin's famous historical relic. STR + 2, INT + 2. If worn with Greaves, shoes and accessory, Has a chance of auto-casting Soul Destroyer level 1 while physically attacking. If higher level of this skill is learned then it will be cast. If base STR is 120, +30 Atk. Increases damage to all monster sizes by 10% CRI - 20. Class : Armor Defense : 45 Weight : 10 Required Level : 100 Jobs : Guillotine Cross Id: (15042) White Wing Suits [1] Armor of the brilliant archer guild known as Icarus. Increases ranged attack damage by 2x refine level. Increases Flee by 1 per refine level. If worn together with White Wing Boots, White Wing Manteau and White Wing Brooch, Increases Aspd by 2, Increases damage of Arrow Storm by 50%. Increases ranged attack damage by 30. Has a chance of auto-casting double strafe while attacking with a ranged weapon. Class : Armor Defense : 45 Weight : 10 Required Level : 100 Jobs : Ranger Id: (15043) Black Wing Suits [1] An ancient armor that helps maintain clear mental focus. INT + 2, Increases Atk by 3x refine level. If worn with greaves, shoes, and accessory, MaxHP +15%, Perfect Dodge +20, Increases damage of Cluster Bomb by 20% Decreases attack damage by 30% and, Aspd - 7. Class : Armor Defense : 45 Weight : 10 Required Level : 100 Jobs : Ranger Id: (15051) Bakonawa Scale Armor Armor made from Bakonawa Scale. Lets off a mysterious moonlight effect. 1% damage decrease from boss monsters per 2 refinement. All stance gaints +1. Class : Armor Defense : 55 Weight : 50 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (15052) Bakonawa Scale Armor(Bayani) [1] Armor made from Bakonawa Scale. Lets off a mysterious moonlight effect. 1% damage decrease from boss monsters per 2 refinement. All stance gaints +2. Class : Armor Defense : 55 Weight : 50 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (15061) Egir Armor [1] An Armor from Egir, god of Ocean. Beatiful shape like a mermaid, it looks like it can swim in the water. All stats + 1. not possible to destroy. When Magician, Archer and Acolyte class are equipped, Silence tolerance increase 50%. When Swordman, Merchant and Thief class are equipped, Stun tolerance increase 50%. Class : Armor Defense : 55 Weight : 260 Required Lvevel. : 110 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (16000) Erde [2] This mace's shape is inspired by a Snake, which symbolizes the fountain of knowledge. MaxSP +50. The attack power of 'Acid Terror' and 'Bomb' increases by 20%. Every potion's recovery amount increases by 10%. Class : Mace Attack : 130 Weight : 50 Weapon Level:3 Required Level : 50 Jobs : Transcendent Swordman/Merchant/Acolyte Classes Id: (16001) Red Square Bag [2] The official bag of the Alchemist Society. Its unique design and bright red color is popular among women. MaxHP +200. The attack power of 'Acid Terror' and 'Bomb' increases by 20%. If Str is over 90, has a 5% chance of adding Stun with close-ranged physical attacks. When a monster is killed, it has a chance of droping a random potion. Class : Mace Attack : 130 Weight : 50 Required Level : 50 Jobs : Transcendent Swordman/Merchant/Acolyte Classes Id: (16003) Carga Mace [2] A heavy mace with blade meaning 'big ringing' in Safa's language. Weapon Class : Mace Attack Strength : 175 Weight : 150 Weapon Level : 3 Required Level : 100 Jobs : Third Merchant/Acolyte Class Id: (16004) P.Mace1 A beginner's mace that is made by the Paradise Team exclusively. cannot be upgraded. Weapon Class : Mace Attack Strength : 142 Weight : 0 Weapon Level : 2 Required Level : 26 Jobs : Swordman Class/Acolyte Class/Merchant Weapon Class Id: (16005) P.Mace2 A mace that is made by the Paradise Team. cannot be upgraded. Weapon Class : Mace Attack Strength : 163 Weight : 0 Weapon Level : 2 Required Level : 40 Jobs : Swordman Class/Acolyte Class/Merchant Weapon Class Id: (16013) Mace Of Judgement [2] A mace that strikes like the Judges gavel in deciding the fate of evil. Physical and Magical Attacks have a chance to increase damage by 20% to Demon monsters for 7 seconds. MATK + 140, STR + 1, INT + 1. If worn with Judgement Golves, Shoes and Shawl, increase Damage against Undead by 15%. Increase damage of Adoramus by 200%, and increase SP cost of Adoramus by 30. TypeClass : Mace Attack : 170 Weight : 120 Weapon Level : 4 Required Level : 100 Jobs : "Archbishop Id: (16015) Cat Club [3] A cat hand shaped club which doesn't seem hurt. Increase 15% damages for Animal enemies. When P.Asamage against Animal monsters by 15%. When physically attacking, gives "seduce" status to enemies with low chance. Class : Club Attack : 88 Weight : 70 Weapon Lv : 1 Required LVevel : 1 Jobs : Novice/Sword Man Class/Acolyte Class/Merchant Class Id: (16016) Tuna Rantal item A big sea fish. The high qualitry fish that use for everywhere. Frozen really hard. When attacking in short distanence, gives stun or auto spell Bash 5Lvlevel 5 with high chance.(if over 5Lv, it runs as you (or higher level if learned) and gives freezing status with low chance to yourself. iIf base Lvl is over Lvl 100, add ATK + 20. Class : club Attack : 180 Weight : 0 Weapon Lv : 1 Required LVevel : 50 Jobs : Sword Man Class/AcolyteClass/Merchant Class Id: (16018) Empowered Mace Of Judgement [1] A mace that strikes like the Judges gavel in deciding the fate of evil. Physical and Magical Attacks have a chance to increase damage by 40% to Demon monsters for 7 seconds. MATK + 180, STR + 2, INT + 2. If worn with Judgement Golves, Shoes and Shawl, increase Damage against Undead by 30%. Increase damage of Adoramus by 200%, and increase SP cost of Adoramus by 30. TypeClass : Mace Attack : 170 Weight : 120 Weapon Level : 4 Required Level : 130 Jobs : "Archbishop Id: (16026) RWC Memory Mace [1] A Gold Mace made in celebration of 2012 RWC. When equipped with RWC Memorial Ring, a hidden power gets unleashed. Increases ATK by 30 for every 3 weapon refinements. When refine level is above 6, increases damage to all monsters by 5%. When refine level is above 9, increases damage to all monsters by 5%. When physically attacking, gives a low chance to automatically cast [Weapon Perfection] Level 1. When equipped with RWC Memorial Ring, ATK+5 for every weapon refinement. Class : Mace Attack : 100 Weight : 80 Weapon Level : 3 Required Lvevel. : 1 Jobs : SwordmanClass/AcolyteClass/MerchantClass Id: (16131) A Box with a Lady Tanee Doll inside. _ Weight : 1 Id: (16132) A Box with a Lunatic Hat inside. _ Weight : 1 Id: (16133) A Box with a Sunshine Staff inside. _ Weight : 1 Id: (16134) A Box with a King Frog Hat inside. _ Weight : 1 Id: (16135) A Box with a Satan's Bone Hat inside. _ Weight : 1 Id: (16192) Quati Hat Box A box holdinf a Quati Hat _ Weight : 1 Id: (16193) Tuca Hat Box A box holding a Tucan Hat _ Weight : 1 Id: (16194) Jaguar Hat Box A box holding a Jaguar Hat _ Weight : 1 Id: (16196) A box that contains 1 Freya's Spiritual Shield. 7 days Rental Item _ Weight : 1 Id: (16197) A box that contains 1 Freya's Spiritual Shield. 30 days Rental Item _ Weight : 1 Id: (16198) A box that contains 1 Freya's Spiritual Shield. 60 days Rental Item _ Weight : 1 Id: (16199) A box that contains 1 Freya's Spiritual Shield. 90 days Rental Item _ Weight : 1 Id: (16200) A box that contains 1 Freya's Spiritual Robe. 7 days Rental Item _ Weight : 1 Id: (16201) A box that contains 1 Freya's Spiritual Robe. 30 days Rental Item _ Weight : 1 Id: (16202) A box that contains 1 Freya's Spiritual Robe. 60 days Rental Item _ Weight : 1 Id: (16203) A box that contains 1 Freya's Spiritual Robe. 90 days Rental Item _ Weight : 1 Id: (16204) A box that contains 1 Freya's Spiritual Scarf. 7 days Rental Item _ Weight : 1 Id: (16205) A box that contains 1 Freya's Spiritual Scarf. 30 days Rental Item _ Weight : 1 Id: (16206) A box that contains 1 Freya's Spiritual Scarf. 60 days Rental Item _ Weight : 1 Id: (16207) A box that contains 1 Freya's Spiritual Scarf. 90 days Rental Item _ Weight : 1 Id: (16208) A box that contains 1 Freya's Spiritual Sandals. 7 days Rental Item _ Weight : 1 Id: (16209) A box that contains 1 Freya's Spiritual Sandals. 30 days Rental Item _ Weight : 1 Id: (16210) A box that contains 1 Freya's Spiritual Sandals. 60 days Rental Item _ Weight : 1 Id: (16211) A box that contains 1 Freya's Spiritual Sandals. 90 days Rental Item _ Weight : 1 Id: (16212) A box that contains 1 Freya's Spiritual Circlet. 7 days Rental Item _ Weight : 1 Id: (16213) A box that contains 1 Freya's Spiritual Circlet. 30 days Rental Item _ Weight : 1 Id: (16214) A box that contains 1 Freya's Spiritual Circlet. 60 days Rental Item _ Weight : 1 Id: (16215) A box that contains 1 Freya's Spiritual Circlet. 90 days Rental Item _ Weight : 1 Id: (16216) A box that contains 1 Freya's Spiritual Bracelet. 7 days Rental Item _ Weight : 1 Id: (16217) A box that contains 1 Freya's Spiritual Bracelet. 30 days Rental Item _ Weight : 1 Id: (16218) A box that contains 1 Freya's Spiritual Bracelet. 60 days Rental Item _ Weight : 1 Id: (16219) A box that contains 1 Freya's Spiritual Bracelet. 90 days Rental Item _ Weight : 1 Id: (16226) A box contains 1 Aries Diadem in it. _ Weight : 1 Id: (16227) A box contains 1 Aries Crown in it. _ Weight : 1 Id: (16228) RJC Flower Katusa Box A box holding 1 RJC Flower Katusa. _ Weight : 1 Id: (16229) A box contains 1 Scarlet Rose in it. _ Weight : 1 Id: (16230) Taurus Diadem Box A box holding 1 Taurus Diadem _ Weight : 1 Id: (16231) Taurus Crwon Box A box holding 1 Taurus Crown _ Weight : 1 Id: (16232) A box containing 1 Hairband Of Reginleif in it. _ Weight : 1 Id: (16233) A box that contains 1 Festival Grand Circlet. _ Weight : 1 Id: (16234) A box that contains 1 Festival Bunny Band. _ Weight : 1 Id: (16235) A Box with a Octopus Hat inside. _ Weight : 1 Id: (16236) A Box with a Leaf Cat Hat inside. _ Weight : 1 Id: (16237) A Box with a Fur Seal Hat inside. _ Weight : 1 Id: (16238) A Box with a Wild Rose Hat inside. _ Weight : 1 Id: (16239) A Box with a Saci's Hat inside. _ Weight : 1 Id: (16240) A box that contains 1 Whikebain's Black Ears. _ The black ears which is used by Whikebain. Increase critical attack damage by 10%. When you magically attack monsters, you could ignore the magical def for 5 sec in high rate. FLEE + 10. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Upper Weight : 20 Required Level : 45 Jobs : All Jobs This item is not refundable. Weight : 1 Id: (16244) Dolor Hat Box A box holding un Dolor Hat. _ Weight : 1 Id: (16246) A box containing 1 Crown of Deceit _ Weight : 1 Id: (16253) A Rabbit scroll that has rabbit ears on the top of Egg. _ Weight : 1 Id: (16254) Energizing Potion Box A box contains 5 Energizing Potion in it. Boost your condition for temporary battle power up. 1.5L pack will be out soon. For 2 minutes, ATK, MATK + 2%. Heal and item recovery effect +10% Effect goes away when player goes down or Dispell the item effect. _ This item is not refundable. Weight : 1 Id: (16256) Rag DS Helm Box A box that contains 1 Hermode Cap, 1 Aumdura's Benefit and 1 Odin Mask. _ Weight : 1 Id: (16258) HD Bradium 5 Box5 Une boîte contenant 5 high density bradiums. La densité et la résistance ont été améliorées par d'innombrables expériences de la part des érudits de Midgard. Il semble que la difficulté demeure pour l'amélioration des armes. Quand tu rates l'amélioration de la défense d'une arme dont le niveau d'amélioration est supérieur à +10, elle n'est pas détruite ou ne disparaît pas. (Quand l'amélioration échoue, le niveau d'amélioration bénéficie d'un -1.) Poids : 1 Cet objet ne peut pas être retiré de l'abonnement ou remboursé. Poids : 1 Id: (16258) HD Bradium 5 Box5 Eine Kiste mit 5 High Density Bradiums. Dichte und Stabilität wurden durch viele Experimente der Gelehrten von Midgard verbessert. Das Aufrüsten von Waffen wird anscheinend immer schwieriger. Wenn Sie beim Aufrüsten von Verteidigungswaffen mit einem Aufrüstungslevel von über +10 einen Fehlschlag erleiden, werden die Waffen nicht zerstört oder verschwinden. (Wenn das Aufrüsten fehlschlägt, wird das Aufrüstungslevel um -1 verringert.) Gewicht: 1 Die Subskription für diesen Gegenstand kann nicht widerrufen oder erstattet werden. Gewicht: 1 Id: (16258) HD Bradium 5 Box5 5 adet high density bradium içeren kutu. Midgard'ýn araþtýrmacýlarý tarafýndan yoðunluðu ve sertliði, birçok araþtýrmanýn sonucu olarak arttýrýlmýþtýr. Zor silah arýtmalarý için gerekli. Arýtma seviyesi 10'un üzerindeki bir silahýnýn arýtmasý baþarýsýz olduðunda, silah yokolmaz veya parçalanamaz. (Arýtma iþlemi baþarýsýz olduðunda silahýn arýtma seviyesi 1 azalýr) Aðýrlýk : 1 Bu eþya üyelik ücretiyle alýnamaz ve geri verilemez. Id: (16259) HD Carnium 5 Box5 Une boîte contenant 5 high density carniums. La densité et la résistance ont été améliorées par d'innombrables expériences de la part des érudits de Midgard. Il semble que la difficulté demeure pour l'amélioration des armes. Quand tu rates l'amélioration de la défense d'une arme dont le niveau d'amélioration est supérieur à +10, elle n'est pas détruite ou ne disparaît pas. (Quand l'amélioration échoue, le niveau d'amélioration bénéficie d'un -1.) Poids : 1 Cet objet ne peut pas être retiré de l'abonnement ou remboursé. Poids : 1 Id: (16259) HD Carnium 5 Box5 Eine Kiste mit 5 High Density Carniums. Dichte und Stabilität wurden durch viele Experimente der Gelehrten von Midgard verbessert. Das Aufrüsten von Waffen wird anscheinend immer schwieriger. Wenn Sie beim Aufrüsten von Verteidigungswaffen mit einem Aufrüstungslevel von über +10 einen Fehlschlag erleiden, werden die Waffen nicht zerstört oder verschwinden. (Wenn das Aufrüsten fehlschlägt, wird das Aufrüstungslevel um -1 verringert.) Gewicht: 1 Die Subskription für diesen Gegenstand kann nicht widerrufen oder erstattet werden. Gewicht: 1 Id: (16259) HD Carnium 5 Box5 5 adet high density carnium içeren kutu. Midgard'ýn araþtýrmacýlarý tarafýndan yoðunluðu ve sertliði, birçok araþtýrmanýn sonucu olarak arttýrýlmýþtýr. Zor zýrh arýtmalarý için gerekli. Arýtma seviyesi 10'un üzerindeki bir zýrhýn arýtmasý baþarýsýz olduðunda, zýrh yokolmaz veya parçalanamaz. (Arýtma iþlemi baþarýsýz olduðunda zýrhýn arýtma seviyesi 1 azalýr) Aðýrlýk : 1 Bu eþya üyelik ücretiyle alýnamaz ve geri verilemez. Id: (16260) HD Bradium 10 Box10 Une boîte contenant 10 high density bradiums. La densité et la résistance ont été améliorées par d'innombrables expériences de la part des érudits de Midgard. Il semble que la difficulté demeure pour l'amélioration des armes. Quand tu rates l'amélioration de la défense d'une arme dont le niveau d'amélioration est supérieur à +10, elle n'est pas détruite ou ne disparaît pas. (Quand l'amélioration échoue, le niveau d'amélioration bénéficie d'un -1.) Poids : 1 Cet objet ne peut pas être retiré de l'abonnement ou remboursé. Poids : 1 Id: (16260) HD Bradium 10 Box10 Eine Kiste mit 10 High Density Bradiums. Dichte und Stabilität wurden durch viele Experimente der Gelehrten von Midgard verbessert. Das Aufrüsten von Waffen wird anscheinend immer schwieriger. Wenn Sie beim Aufrüsten von Verteidigungswaffen mit einem Aufrüstungslevel von über +10 einen Fehlschlag erleiden, werden die Waffen nicht zerstört oder verschwinden. (Wenn das Aufrüsten fehlschlägt, wird das Aufrüstungslevel um -1 verringert.) Gewicht: 1 Die Subskription für diesen Gegenstand kann nicht widerrufen oder erstattet werden. Gewicht: 1 Id: (16260) HD Bradium 10 Box10 10 adet high density bradium içeren kutu. Midgard'ýn araþtýrmacýlarý tarafýndan yoðunluðu ve sertliði, birçok araþtýrmanýn sonucu olarak arttýrýlmýþtýr. Zor silah arýtmalarý için gerekli. Arýtma seviyesi 10'un üzerindeki bir silahýnýn arýtmasý baþarýsýz olduðunda, silah yokolmaz veya parçalanamaz. (Arýtma iþlemi baþarýsýz olduðunda silahýn arýtma seviyesi 1 azalýr) Aðýrlýk : 1 Bu eþya üyelik ücretiyle alýnamaz ve geri verilemez. Id: (16261) HD Carnium 10 Box10 Une boîte contenant 10 high density carniums. La densité et la résistance ont été améliorées depuis bien longtemps. Il semble que la difficulté demeure pour l'amélioration de la défense des armes. Quand tu rates l'amélioration de la défense d'une arme dont le niveau d'amélioration est supérieur à +10, elle n'est pas détruite ou ne disparaît pas. (Quand l'amélioration échoue, le niveau d'amélioration bénéficie d'un -1.) Poids : 1 Cet objet ne peut pas être retiré de l'abonnement ou remboursé. Poids : 1 Id: (16261) HD Carnium 10 Box10 Eine Kiste mit 10 High Density Craniums. Zur Verbesserung von Dichte und Stabilität wurde es lange Zeit komprimiert. Das Aufrüsten von Waffen wird anscheinend immer schwieriger. Wenn Sie beim Aufrüsten von Verteidigungswaffen mit einem Aufrüstungslevel von über +10 einen Fehlschlag erleiden, werden die Waffen nicht zerstört oder verschwinden. (Wenn das Aufrüsten fehlschlägt, wird das Aufrüstungslevel um -1 verringert.) Gewicht: 1 Die Subskription für diesen Gegenstand kann nicht widerrufen oder erstattet werden. Gewicht: 1 Id: (16261) HD Carnium 10 Box10 10 adet high density carnium içeren kutu. Midgard'ýn araþtýrmacýlarý tarafýndan yoðunluðu ve sertliði, birçok araþtýrmanýn sonucu olarak arttýrýlmýþtýr. Zor zýrh arýtmalarý için gerekli. Arýtma seviyesi 10'un üzerindeki bir zýrhýn arýtmasý baþarýsýz olduðunda, zýrh yokolmaz veya parçalanamaz. (Arýtma iþlemi baþarýsýz olduðunda zýrhýn arýtma seviyesi 1 azalýr) Aðýrlýk : 1 Bu eþya üyelik ücretiyle alýnamaz ve geri verilemez. Id: (16266) Red Beret Box A box that contains 1 Red Beret in it. Weight : 1 Id: (16267) HE Battle Manual Box A box containing 10 High Efficiency Battle Manuals. _ High Efficiency Battle Manual-This well written, detailed manual explains High Efficiency battle methods. EXP rate increases to 200% for 15 minutes. Weight : 1 Id: (16268) HE Bubble Gum Box A box containing 10 High Efficiency Bubble Gums. _ High Efficiency Bubble Gum-Item drop rate increases by 200% for 15 minutes. _ Weight : 1 Id: (16305) A box that cotains 1 Upgrade Guard. A Guard molded out of Elunium and pure gold mixture. MHP + 3% Class : Shield DEFefense : 5 Weight : 15 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs This item is not refundable. Weight : 1 Id: (16307) A box that cotains 1 Upgrade Buckler. A Buckler molded out of Elunium and pure gold mixture. MHP + 3% Class : Shield DEFefense : 6 Weight : 30 Required Level : 1 Jobs : Swordman Class, Acolyte Class, Merchant Class, Thief Class, Bard, Dancer This item is not refundable. Weight : 1 Id: (16309) A box that cotains 1 Upgrade Shield. A Shield molded out of Elunium and pure gold mixture. MHP + 3% Class : Shield DEFefense : 8 Weight : 65 Required Level : 1 Jobs : Swordman Class This item is not refundable. Weight : 1 Id: (16311) A box that cotains 1 Upgrade Shoes. A Shoes molded out of Elunium and pure gold mixture. MHP + 3% Class : Shoes DEFefense : 4 Weight : 20 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs except Novice This item is not refundable. Weight : 1 Id: (16313) A box that cotains 1 Upgrade Boots. A Boots molded out of Elunium and pure gold mixture. MHP + 3% Class : Shoes DEFefense : 6 Weight : 30 Required Level : 1 Jobs : Swordman,Merchant,Thief Classes,Archer,Taekwon Class,Gunslinger This item is not refundable. Weight : 1 Id: (16315) A box that cotains 1 Upgrade Greave. A Greave molded out of Elunium and pure gold mixture. MHP + 3% Class : Shoes DEFefense : 7 Weight : 40 Required Level : 65 Jobs : Knight, Crusader This item is not refundable. Weight : 1 Id: (16317) A box that cotains 1 Upgrade Hood. A Hood molded out of Elunium and pure gold mixture. MHP + 3% Class : Garment DEFefense : 3 Weight : 10 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs This item is not refundable. Weight : 1 Id: (16319) A box that cotains 1 Upgrade Muffler. A Muffler molded out of Elunium and pure gold mixture. MHP + 3% Class : Garment DEFefense : 4 Weight : 20 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs except Novice This item is not refundable. Weight : 1 Id: (16321) A box that cotains 1 Upgrade Manteau. A Manteau molded out of Elunium and pure gold mixture. MHP + 3% Class : Garment DEFefense : 6 Weight : 30 Required Level : 1 Jobs : Swordman,Merchant,Thief Classes,Taekwon Class This item is not refundable. Weight : 1 Id: (16323) A box that cotains 1 Upgrade Clip. A Clip molded out of Elunium and pure gold mixture. MHP + 3%. MSP + 50. Class : Accessory DEFefense : 0 Weight : 10 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs This item is not refundable. Weight : 1 Id: (16327) A box that cotains 1 Upgrade Adventure Suit. An Adventure Suit molded out of Elunium and pure gold mixture. MHP + 3% Class : Armor DEFefense : 5 Weight : 15 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs This item is not refundable. Weight : 1 Id: (16329) A box that cotains 1 Upgrade Coat. A Coat molded out of Elunium and pure gold mixture. MHP + 3% Class : Armor DEFefense : 7 Weight : 60 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs except Novice This item is not refundable. Weight : 1 Id: (16331) A box that cotains 1 Upgrade Saint Robe. A Saint Robe molded out of Elunium and pure gold mixture. MHP + 3%, MDEF + 5. Class : Armor DEFefense : 8 Weight : 30 Required Level : 1 Jobs : Acolyte Class, Merchant Class This item is not refundable. Weight : 1 Id: (16333) A box that cotains 1 Upgrade Tights. Tights molded out of Elunium and pure gold mixture. MHP + 3%, DEX + 1. Class : Armor DEFefense : 8 Weight : 25 Required Level : 45 Jobs : Archer Class This item is not refundable. Weight : 1 Id: (16335) A box that cotains 1 Upgrade Thief Cloth. A Thief Cloth molded out of Elunium and pure gold mixture. MHP + 3%, AGI + 1. Class : Armor DEFefense : 8 Weight : 10 Required Level : 1 Jobs : Thief Class This item is not refundable. Weight : 1 Id: (16337) A box that cotains 1 Upgrade Mail. A Mail molded out of Elunium and pure gold mixture. MHP + 3% Class : Armor DEFefense : 10 Weight : 165 Required Level : 1 Jobs : Knight, Crusader This item is not refundable. Weight : 1 Id: (16339) A box that cotains 1 Upgrade Formal Dress. A Formal Dress molded out of Elunium and pure gold mixture. MHP + 3% Class : Armor DEFefense : 7 Weight : 15 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs except Novice This item is not refundable. Weight : 1 Id: (16341) A box that cotains 1 Greed Clip. Enable to use [Greed] skill. Class : Accessory DEFefense : 0 Weight : 0 Required Level : 10 Jobs : All Jobs except Novice Weight : 1 Id: (16362) Sigrun's Wing Box A box holding 1 Sigrun's Wing. _ Weight : 1 Id: (16363) Sigrun's Wing Box A box holding 1 Sigrun's Wing. _ Weight : 1 Id: (16416) Taurus Diadem Box A box holding 1 Taurus Diadem _ Weight : 1 Id: (16417) Taurus Crwon Box A box holding 1 Taurus Crown _ Weight : 1 Id: (16463) A Box with NoFear Belt inside. 90 days Rental Item This item is not refundable. _ Weight : 1 Id: (16464) A Box with NoFear Shoes inside. 90 days Rental Item This item is not refundable. _ Weight : 1 Id: (16465) A Box with NoFear Underwear inside. 90 days Rental Item This item is not refundable. _ Weight : 1 Id: (16543) Snowman Hat Box A box holding 1 Snowman Hat. _ Weight : 1 Id: (16544) Snowman Hat Box A box holding 1 Snowman Hat. _ Weight : 1 Id: (16563) Superior BattleManual Box A box holding 5 Superior BattleManual. _ Exp rate is increased by 100% for 30 minutes _ Weight : 1 Id: (16575) A box contains 1 2011 Pagdayaw in it. _ An headgear which is made of many kinds of property rings. It looks very luxurious and charming. Reduce all damage from Demi-humans by 10%, Reduce damage from Water, Fire, Wind by 5%, Reduce damage from Ghost property monsters by 10%, Increase damage against Ghost property Demi-humans by 50%. 30 days Rental Item. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Upper,Mid,Lower Weight : 0 Required Level : 20 Jobs : All Jobs Except Novice Weight : 1 Id: (16683) Boarding Halter Box A box that contains 1 Halter Lead. Once opened, the item inside expires after 30 days. An animal halter lead that summons a creature to ride on. Mount creatures increase movement speed by 25%. When this item expires, so does the mount. Weight : 1 Id: (16741) Hairtail Box1 a box that has cutlassfish ( one hour available) rental item this is pretty freezed CRI + 20, critical damage 50% increase when Attack, it give freeze at regular rate to enemy. when Base LV over 100 , ATK + 50 . Class : Both HandsSword Attack : 220 Weight : 0 Weapon Lv : 1 Required Lvevel : 50 Jobs : SwordmanClass For this item, the cancellation of purchase of refund is not allowed Weight : 1 Id: (16742) Hairtail Box2 a box that has cutlassfish ( 7days available) rental item this is pretty freezed CRI + 20, critical damage 50% increase when Attack, it give freeze at regular rate to enemy. when Base LV over 100 , ATK + 50 . Class : Both HandsSword Attack : 220 Weight : 0 Weapon Lv : 1 Required Lvevel : 50 Jobs : SwordmanClass For this item, the cancellation of purchase of refund is not allowed Weight : 1 Id: (16743) Spearfish Box1 a box that has a spearfish. (1hour available) rental item a spearfish and oceanic fish. It is well known for delicious fish It is pretty freezed when using pierce, spiral pierce, it gives critical damage at high rate. And also make freeze itself by low rate. Spiral Pierce Attack increase 100% , Inspiration Attack 50% . ( Effect of Inspiration will disappear once unequipped) if base level is over 100 , add ATK + 30 . Class : Both HandsSpear Attack : 220 Weight : 0 Weapon Lv : 1 Required Lvevel : 50 Jobs : SwordmanClass For this item, the cancellation of purchase of refund is not allowed Weight : 1 Id: (16744) Spearfish Box2 a box that has a spearfish. (7days available) rental item a spearfish and oceanic fish. It is well known for delicious fish It is pretty freezed when using pierce, spiral pierce, it gives critical damage at high rate. And also make freeze itself by low rate. Spiral Pierce Attack increase 100% , Inspiration Attack 50% . ( Effect of Inspiration will disappear once unequipped) if base level is over 100 , add ATK + 30 . Class : Both HandsSpear Attack : 220 Weight : 0 Weapon Lv : 1 Required Lvevel : 50 Jobs : SwordmanClass For this item, the cancellation of purchase of refund is not allowed. Weight : 1 Id: (16745) Saurel Box1 a box that has a horse mackerel (1 hour available) rental item it is amazingly freezed MATK + 100. when closer physical Attack, ATK + 30 for 7 sec when magical Attack, MATK + 20 for 7 sec if base level is over 100 ?, ATK + 10, MATK + 10 e Class : Sword Attack : 160 Weight : 0 Weapon Lv : 1 Required Lvevel : 50 Jobs : SwordmanClass/magicianClass/archerClass/merchantClass/ThiefClass/soul linker/ninja For this item, the cancellation of purchase of refund is not allowed. Weight : 1 Id: (16746) Saurel Box2 a box that has a horse mackerel (7 days available) rental item it is amazingly freezed MATK + 100. when closer physical Attack, ATK + 30 for 7 sec when magical Attack, MATK + 20 for 7 sec if base level is over 100 ?, ATK + 10, MATK + 10 Class : Sword Attack : 160 Weight : 0 Weapon Lv : 1 Required Lvevel : 50 Jobs : SwordmanClass/magicianClass/archerClass/merchantClass/ThiefClass/soul linker/ninja For this item, the cancellation of purchase of refund is not allowed. Weight : 1 Id: (16747) Tuna Box1 a box that has butter fish (1 hour available) rental item it is amazingly freezed when closer physical Attack, it cats stun or auto spell bash 5 Lv.(if over 5Lv, will cast as leared LV) make freeze itself at low rate if Base LV over 100 , ATK + 20. Class : blunt Attack : 180 Weight : 0 Weapon Lv : 1 Required Lvevel : 50 Jobs : SwordmanClass/acolyteClass/merchantClass For this item, the cancellation of purchase of refund is not allowed. Weight : 1 Id: (16748) Tuna Box2 a box that has butter fish (7 days available) rental item it is amazingly freezed when closer physical Attack, it cats stun or auto spell bash 5 Lv.(if over 5Lv, will cast as leared LV) make freeze itself at low rate if Base LV over 100 , ATK + 20. Class : ?? Attack : 1800d Weight : 0 Weapon Lv : 1 Required Lvevel : 50 Jobs : SwordmanClass/acolyteClass/merchantClass For this item, the cancellation of purchase of refund is not allowed. Weight : 1 Id: (16749) Malang Crab Box1 a box that has snow crab from malang area (1 hour available) rental item usually, lives in sand or mud LUK + 3, critical damage increase 50%. if base LV over100, distance physical Attack 20% add Class : bow Attack : 120 Weight : 0 Weapon Lv : 1 Required Lvevel : 50 Jobs : archerClass/Thief/RogueClass For this item, the cancellation of purchase of refund is not allowed. Weight : 1 Id: (16750) Malang Crab Box2 a box that has snow crab from malang area (7 days available) rental item usually, lives in sand or mud LUK + 3, critical damage increase 50%. if base LV over100, distance physical Attack 20% add Class : bow Attack : 120 Weight : 0 Weapon Lv : 1 Required Lvevel : 50 Jobs : archerClass/Thief/RogueClass For this item, the cancellation of purchase of refund is not allowed. Weight : 1 Id: (16751) Spotty Eel Box1 Box containing 1 spotty eel. (Available 1 hour) Rental item Spotty eel that appeared on Malangdo beach. It is always elastic and trying to make body 1 line. That is why we can use it toas arrow. AGI + 3, ASPD is added +2 for 5 seconds with consistent probability. when doing long distance physical Attack. Add long distance physical attack 20% when the base level is over 100. Class : Arrow Attack : 180 Weight : 0 Weapon lvl : 1 Required lvLevel : 50 Jobs : Hunter/Bard/Dancer Opened item is not refundable Weight : 1 Id: (16752) Spotty Eel Box2 Box containing 1 spotty eel. (Available 7 days) Rental item Spotty eel that appeared on Malangdo beach. It is always elastic and trying to make body 1 line. That is why we can use it toas arrow. AGI + 3, ASPD is added +2 for 5 seconds with consistent probability. when doing long distance physical Attack. Add long distance physical attack 20% when the base level is over 100. Class : Arrow Attack : 180 Weight : 0 Weapon lvl : 1 Required lvLevel : 50 Jobs : Hunter/Bard/Dancer Opened item is not refundable Weight : 1 Id: (16763) Seagod's Protection Box2 Box containing 1 Seagod's protection. (Available 7 days) Rental item Token of Seagod's protection. Giving strong ability to survice from violent wave in the deep sea. Weight : 1 Opened item is not refundable Weight : 1 Id: (16764) Seagod's Protection Box3 Box containing 1 Seagod's protection. (Available 15 days) Rental item Token of Seagod's protection. Giving strong ability to survice from violent wave in the deep sea. Weight : 1 Opened item is not refundable Weight : 1 Id: (16765) Octopus Hstick Box Box containing 1 Octopus Hunting stick. (Available 23 hours) Specifically created to hunt king octopus. Weight : 0 Opened item is not refundable Weight : 1 Id: (16766) Octopus Hstick Box2 Box containing 1 Octopus Hunting stick. (Available 3 days) Specifically created to hunt king octopus. Weight : 0 Opened item is not refundable Weight : 1 Id: (16767) Octopus Hstick Box3 Box containing 1 Octopus Hunting stick. (Available 7 days) Specifically created to hunt king octopus. Weight : 0 Opened item is not refundable Weight : 1 Id: (16770) Silvervine Box10 Box containing 10 Silvervine Fruits. A small amount of canned food is included as a bonus. Sunkissed Silvervine Fruit. Human think that is normal and tastes bad but it is valuable in Malangdo. Weight : 0 Opened item is not refundable Weight : 1 Id: (16771) Silvervine Box40 Box containing 40 Silvervine Fruits. A small amount of canned food is included as a bonus. Sunkissed Silvervine Fruit. Human think that is normal and tastes bad but it is valuable in Malangdo. Weight : 0 Opened item is not refundable Weight : 1 Id: (16979) Silvervine Box4 Box containing 4 Silvervine Fruits. A small amount of canned food is included as a bonus. Sunkissed Silvervine Fruit. Human think that is normal and tastes bad but it is valuable in Malangdo. Weight : 0 Opened item is not refundable Weight : 1 Id: (17013) Malang Woe Encard Box Box containing 1 Octopus Hunting stick and seagod's protection (Available 23 hours) Opened item is not refundable Weight : 1 Id: (17106) Gym Membership Card 10Heavy Lifter Box Id: (17106) Heavy LifterGym Membership Card 10 Box Id: (17146) Depressed Alice doll Box A box with 1 Depressed Alice doll in it. For this item, the cancellation of purchase or refund is not allowed. _ Weight : 1 Id: (17147) Ribbon Chef Box A box with 1 Ribbon Chef hat in it. For this item, the cancellation of purchase or refund is not allowed. _ Weight : 1 Id: (17152) Ribbon of bride Box A box with 1 Ribbon of bride in it. For this item, the cancellation of purchase or refund is not allowed. _ Weight : 1 Id: (17251) Unlimited Wing Of Fly 3Day Box This Item cannot be traded with other accounts. A box which contains 1 unlimited Fly Wing that can be used for 3 days. _ Rental Item This Item cannot be traded with other accounts. Casts a spell similar to a Fly Wing. Enable to Warp on a Random Spot on the map. Weight : 0 _ Once this box is open, it won't be refunded. Weight : 1 Id: (17253) RWC Memorial Ring Box This Item cannot be traded with other accounts. A box which 1 RWC Memorial Ring. _ A Gold ring which has an amazing power inside, made in celebration of '2012 RWC'. ATK + 1%. When equipped with RWC Memorial Pendant, ATK + 4%, MATK + 4%. Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 20 Required Lvevel. : 1 Jobs : All _ Once this box is open, it won't be refunded. Weight : 1 Id: (17254) RWC Memorial Pendant Box This Item cannot be traded with other accounts. A box which contains 1 RWC Memorial Pendant. _ A Gold pendant which has an amazing power inside, made in celebration of '2012 RWC'. MATK + 1%. When equipped with RWC Memorial Ring, ATK + 4%, MATK + 4%. Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 20 Required Lvevel. : 1 Jobs : All _ Once this box is open, it won't be refunded. Weight : 1 Id: (17262) Defense Potion Set Box This Item cannot be traded with other accounts. A box which contains 30 Medium physical and 30 Medium magical defense potions. You can also get a RWC 2012 scroll for celebrating RWC. _ M Physical Defense Potion - Increases tolerance to physical attacks by 3% for 2 min. M Magical Defense potion- Increases tolerance to magical attacks by 3% for 2 min. _ Once this box is open, it won't be refunded. Weight : 1 Id: (17270) STR Biscuit Stick Box A box contains 20 STR Bicuit Stick _ unable to trade with other accounts A special stick-shaped snack. STR + 15 for 30 min. As a bonus, Random ATK(11~111) will be increased for 10 min. STR won't be piled up with cash food and you will receive higher option.0 _ You can not refund once you open this box. Weight : 1 Id: (17271) VIT Biscuit Stick Box A box contains 20 VIT Bicuit Stick _ unable to trade with other accounts A special stick-shaped snack. VIT+15 for 30 min As a bonus, Random (11 ~ 33%) amount of HP will be recovered when this item consumed. VIT won't be piled up with cash food and you will receive higher option.0 _ You can not refund once you open this box. Weight : 1 Id: (17272) AGI Biscuit Stick Box A box contains 20 AGI Bicuit Stick _ unable to trade with other accounts A special stick-shaped snack. AGI+15 for 30 min As a bonus, Random (11~33) FLEE will be increased for 10 min. AGI won't be piled up with cash food and you will receive higher option. _ You can not refund once you open this box. Weight : 1 Id: (17273) INT Biscuit Stick Box A box contains 20 INT Bicuit Stick _ unable to trade with other accounts A special stick-shaped snack. INT+15 for 30 min As a bonus, Random (11~111) MATK will be increased for 10 min. INT won't be piled up with cash food and you will receive higher option. _ You can not refund once you open this box. Weight : 1 Id: (17274) DEX Biscuit Stick Box A box contains 20 DEX Bicuit Stick _ unable to trade with other accounts A special stick-shaped snack. DEX+15 for 30 min. as a bonus, Random (11~33) HIT will be increased for 10 min. DEX won't be piled up with cash food and you will receive higher option. _ You can not refund once you open this box. Weight : 1 Id: (17275) LUK Biscuit Stick Box A box contains 20 LUK Bicuit Stick _ unable to trade with other accounts A special stick-shaped snack. LUK+15 for 30 min As a bonus, Random (11~33) amount of CRI will be increased for 10 min. LUK won't be piled up with cash food and you will receive higher option. _ You can not refund once you open this box. Weight : 1 Id: (17305) Costama Spring Party You never know what is inside this scrawl. But, if you open it, I bet you will be surprised! _ Weight : 1 Id: (17327) CostumeBox1 Box item that you could get the old-fashioned equipments randomly for costume. Once this box is open, it won't be refunded. wWeight : 1 Id: (17328) CostumeBox2 Box item that you could get the old-fashioned equipments randomly for costume. Once this box is open, it won't be refunded. wWeight : 1 Id: (17329) CostumeBox3 Box item that you could get the old-fashioned equipments randomly for costume. Once this box is open, it won't be refunded. wWeight : 1 Id: (17330) CostumeBox4 Box item that you could get the old-fashioned equipments randomly for costume. Once this box is open, it won't be refunded. wWeight : 1 Id: (18000) Cannon Ball A consumable item to use Mechanic Magic Gear Skill, Arm's Cannon. Weapon Class : Cannonball Attack Strength : 100 Weight : 1 Property : None1 Id: (18001) Holy Cannon Ball A consumable item to use Mechanic Magic Gear Skill, Arm's Cannon. Weapon Class : Cannonball Attack Strength : 120 Weight : 1 Property : Holy Id: (18002) Dark Cannon Ball A consumable item to use Mechanic Magic Gear Skill, Arm's Cannon. Weapon Class : Cannonball Attack Strength : 120 Weight : 1 Property : shadow Id: (18003) Soul Cannon Ball A consumable item to use Mechanic Magic Gear Skill, Arm's Cannon. Weapon Class : Cannonball Attack Strength : 120 Weight : 1 Property : Ghost Id: (18004) Iron Cannon Ball A consumable item to use Mechanic Magic Gear Skill, Arm's Cannon. Weapon Class : Cannonball Attack Strength : 250 Weight : 1 Property : Neutral Id: (18107) Malang Snow Crab rental item a kind of crab living in sand or mud. LUK + 3, critical damage 50%. if base lv over 100 , distance physical Attack 20% Class : bow Attack : 120 Weight : 0 Weapon Lv : 1 Required Lvevel : 50 Jobs : archerClass/Thief/RogueClass Id: (18108) Brindle Eel rental item an eel from malando beach AGI + 3, if distant physical Attack, ASPD + 2 for 5 sec if base lv over 100 , distance physical Attack 20% Class : bow Attack : 180 Weight : 0 Weapon Lv : 1 Required Lvevel : 50 Jobs : Hunter Class/Bard Class/Dancer Class Id: (18125) Arcus Daemonicus [2] An infernal bow from hell. Only true demons are able control it's full power. People say that a Prince from Hell used this weapon for his army. Increase attack damage +50% when equipped with shadow arrows. With more than 9 refine level, ASPD + 1, decrease SP consumption 20% when using skills. Class : Bow Attack : 130 Weight : 100 Weapon LV : 4 Required LVevel : 80 Jobs : Archer, Rogue Id: (18504) Anubis Helm J A hat designed after Anubis, the God of Death. It seems to belong to people who made mummies. It will reduce your Def and MDef by 50%. Has a chance to inflict Stone Status to enemies in a 11*11 cell area when you are taking physical or magic damage. Class : Headgear Location : Upper, Mid, Lower DEFefense : 0 Weight : 100 Required Level : 70 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (18507) Elven Ears [1] A fashion accessory that gives ears that vaunted, elvish look. For some, it is an incredible turn-on. Item Class : Headgear Defense Rate: 0 Head PosiLocation: Mid Weight : 10 Required Level : 70 Jobs : Every Job except Novice Id: (18508) Garuda Hat [1] A hat that was unique and very rare, made from the sheet of the legendary birds feather, Garuda. LUK +10, HIT +10. Reduce casting spell delay by 5%. Reduce damage from All type monster by 5%. When upgrade this hat more than 6, there's a chance 1% to get Mastela Fruit when killing monsters. If refined more 1 level, increase the chance by more 1%. Class : Head Gear Defense : 4 Slot : Upper Weight : 10 Required Lvevell: 30 Jobs : All but Novice Id: (18509) RWC 2010 Indonesia [1] A Special Cap with a neon sign above, dedicated to Celebrating RWC 2010 in Indonesia, ASPD +1, ATK +3%, MATK +3, LUK +5, Critical +10. Increase resistance against human type monster by 10% Increase the healing effect of Red Potion and White Potion by 100% Class : Head Gear Defense : 6 Slot : Upper Weight : 10 Required Lvevell: 15 Jobs : All but Novice Id: (18510) Bloody Angel Wings These are the bloodstained wings of a fallen angel acquired from the Betrayal of Emperium event. Reduce 10% damage from Demi-humans. Can't be refined. Item Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required Level : 60 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (18511) Bloody Angel Feathers These are the bloodstained feathers of a fallen angel acquired from the Betrayal of Emperium event. When worn with Bloody Angel Wings: Increase damage to Angels by 3%, MaxHP +2%, MaxSP +1% Item Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Location : Mid Weight : 0 Required Level : 60 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (18520) Jaty Crown The crown only the person who receives tribal honor can wear. Decrease 5% of damage from animal and plant types of monsters. Increase 5% of damage to animal and plant types of monsters. Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Location: Upper Weight : 10 Required Lvevel. : 1 Jobs : All Id: (18527) Gloomy Pumpkin Hat There's something wavering in the eyes. Is it possible to wear in head? when killing monsters, get a pumpkin pie at the regular drop rate. MDEF + 5 Class : Headgear Defense : 5 Location: Upper Weight : 50 Required Level : 45 Jobs : All Id: (18529) Drooping Wild Rose [1] A hat that designed after Wild Rose who was famous for it's quick speed. MaxHP - 10% ASPD + 3% When equipped with [Fish In Mouth], autocasts [Greed] in certain percentage during physical attack. Class : Headgear DEFefense : 5 Location : Upper-Mid Weight : 50 Required Lvevel : 30 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (18532) Heart Ribbon Hairband A cute hairband decorated with a heart shaped ornament in one side. Class : Headgear Defencse : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 10 Required Level : 10 Jobs : All Id: (18533) Honeybee Hat [1] A hat with honeybee stripes and a pair of feelers Smells sweet like honey. MDEF + 3 + 5% Physical and Magic damage to Insect type Monsters. + 5% Resistance from Insect type Monsters. Drops [Honey] in certain rate when defeating Insect type monsters. Class : Headgear DEFefense : 3 Location : Upper Weight : 10 Required Lvevel : 50 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (18533) Honeybee Hat [1] Bal arisi çizgileri ve antenleri olan bir sapkadir Bal gibi tatli bir kokusu vardir. MDefense + 3 Insect türü canavarlara karsi + %5 Fiziksel ve Büyüsel hasar. Insect türü canavarlardan gelecek hasara karsi+ %5 Direnç. Belli bir oranda [Honey] düsürür ve bunu Insect türü yaratiklari yenerken yapar. Sinif: Headgear Savunma : 3 Konum : Upper Agirlik : 10 Gereken Sv : 50 Siniflar : Bütün Siniflar Id: (18534) Fancy Phantom Mask [1] A Phantom mask decorated with fancier ornament. High status people used to wear this to hide their status. STR + 1 + 5% Physical Damage - 1% Skill Delay MAXHP + 100 per 1 refine Lv. +20% [Mammonite] Damage Class : Headgear DEFefense : 5 Location : Upper-Mid Weight : 100 Required Lvevel : 20 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (18534) Fancy Phantom Mask [1] Renkli aksesuarlar ile süslenmis bir Phantom maskesi. Yüksek statülü insanlar bunu yüzlerini gizlemek için kullanirlar. STR + 1 + %5 Fiziksel Hasar - %1 Yetenek Bekleme Zamani arindirma Sv. için MAZHP +100 +20% [Mammonite] Hasar Sinif: Headgear Savunma : 5 Konum : Upper-Mid Agirlik : 100 Gereken Sv : 20 Siniflar : Bütün Siniflar Id: (18536) Foxtail a wanderer style item MATK + 10, all fixed casting reduce 0.1sec Class : Headgear dDefencse : 0 location: ?? Weight : 1000 Required Lvevel : 1 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (18537) Malangdo Hat [1] a souvenir hat from Malang do FLEE + 6 Class : Headgear dDefencse : 5 location: Upper Weight : 10 Required Lvevel : 1 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (18539) Skull Cap [1] A black hat decorated with skull shaped ornament. MATK+2% When refine lv is higher than 4, MATK + 3%. When refine lv is higher than 6, additional MATK + 3% When equipped with Elven Ears[1], SP consumption - 3%. Bonus: When equipped with either Bone Wand or Thorn Staff, MATK +10 by refine level. If upgraded at +10, cast time of Floating decreased by 10% Class : Headgear DEFefense : 5 Location : Upper Weight : 40 Required Lvevel : 10 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (18540) Evil Mask A mask worn by warrior who was called the Devil in the past. Attack Speed + 1%. SP - 1 per 2 sec. Bonus: When equipped with either Inccubus Horn or Succubus Horn, ASPD +1, Attack Speed +9%,SP -3 per 2 sec. Class : Headgear DEFefense : 3 Location : Mid-Lower Weight : 100 Required Lvevel : 10 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (18541) Little Feather Hat [1] A small light feathered hat commonly worn by hunters and adventurers. DEX + 2. Critical Damage + 10%, When equipped with Sharp Arrow, + 5% of Critical damage, and if refine lv of the hat is higher than 6, addtional + 5% increase in Critical damage. Bonus : When equipped with refine lv 10 Falken Blitz, -50% casting time for Sharp Shooting. Class : Headgear DEFefense : 1 Location : Upper Weight : 50 Required Lvevel : 130 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (18542) Love Guard [1] Katedraldaki önemli etkinliklerde giyilen lüks takke. [Heal], [Santuary], [Potion Pitcher], [High Heal] ve [Coluseo Heal] yeteneklerinin gücünü 5% arttirir. Baskalari üzerinde [Heal], [Santuary], [Potion Pitcher], [High Heal], [Coluseo Heal] kullandiginda, gerikazanimin 2% artar. Eger aritma seviyesi 6dan yüksek ise, gerikazanimin ayrica 3% artar. Sinif : Headgear Savunma : 10 Konum : Üst-Orta Agirlik : 50 Gerekli Seviye : 10 Uygun Meslekler: Tüm Meslekler Id: (18549) Butterfly Hairpin [1] Id: (18550) Asgard Bless [1] The holy wing is gossiped about its godly power. All State + 2. tolerance for all type of element by 5%. recover HP 2% and SP 1% in every 10 sec. cClass : headgear dDefense : 3 location: upper wWeight : 30 Rq Lv : 30 Jobs : All Id: (18553) Mini Tree A shiny mini tree Increase 20% against darkness, stun,curze,chaos. Can get christmas bundle at regular drop rate. Class : headgear Defense : 5 Location: Upper Weight : 5 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All jobs Id: (18555) General Helmet [1] Id: (18556) Symbol of Angel Cannot be traded with others A glasses which proves the member of the Angel side. All State + 1. Able to receive the Hate Much in a certain rate from the messenger of the Devil. Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Location : Mid Weight : 0 Req. Lv : 1 Jobs : All Id: (18557) Symbol of Devil Cannot be traded with others A sunglasses which proves the member of the Devil side. All State + 1. Able to receive the Love Much in a certain rate from the messenger of the Angel. Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Location : Mid Weight : 0 Req. Lv : 1 Jobs : All Id: (18563) Heart Wing Hairband [1] A girlish hairband decorated with little heart wings and laces. Decrease 5% of delay after skill, and 10% of SP consumption by skill. And both effect will be increase 3% by each refine 3Lv. Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 30 Required Lvevel : 50 Jobs : All Id: (18565) Leprechaun Hat [1] A festive cap for helpful adventurers STR + 1, INT + 1, MDEF + 4. [4Leaf Clove In Mouth Event Combo] Random chance to get a Green Ale/Green Beer when killing a monster. This chance will increase after each upgrade of the St Patrick Hat. Class : HeadGear Defense : 8 Position : Upper Weight : 30 Required LVevel : 40 Jobs : All Id: (18565) Leprechaun Hat [1] Yardýmsever maceracýlar için neþeli bir kasket. STR + 1, INT + 1, MDEF + 4. [4Leaf Clove In Mouth Event Combo] Bir yaratýk öldürdüðünüz zaman rastgele bir þekilde Green Ale/Green Beer kazanma þansý. Bu þans her St. Patrick Hat arýtmasýnda artacaktýr. Sýnýf : HeadGear Savunma : 8 Konum : Üst Aðýrlýk : 30 Gereken Sv : 40 Meslek : Hepsi Id: (18573) White Feather [1] Beret nicely decorated with white feathers. HIT + 20, MHP - 10%. If refined to 5 or higher, HIT - 10, MHP + 10%. When incresed by 2 at each refinement, HIT - 3, MHP + 3%. Class : Headgear Defencse : 2 Location : UpperWeight : 50 Required Level : 30 Jobs : All Secret Effects (Required a set item) When equipped with [Evolved Smoking Pipe] and white feathers refined to 5 or higher, Hit + 1¡¢MaxHP + 2% at every 2 refinements. Id: (18574) Lord of Death [1] The headgear made similarly from master of the dead's. MDEF + 5. Increase physical damage to boss monster by 10%. Increase damage from monster by 5%. Increase physical damage to boss monster by 1%, according to the refined level from 5. Class : Headgear Defencse : 10 Location : Upper Weight : 100 Required Level : 70 Jobs : All Secret Effects (Required a set item) When equipped with [Abysmal Knight Card], physical damage to boss monster + 5%. If refined to 6 or higher, damage from monster -1% by the refine lv. -> Set Item Effect Refine 0 lv : physical damage to boss monster by +10+5%, damage from monster by +5% Refine 6 lv : physical damage to boss monster by +12+5%, damage from monster by +4% Refine 10 lv : physical damage to boss monster by +16+5%, damage from monster by +0% The card in special effect is only 1 limited. Caution!! Id: (18574) Lord of Death [1] Ölü bir ustanin basindan yapilmis olan bir basliktir. MDefense + 5. Boss canavarlara karsi olan hasari %10 arttirir. Canavarlardan gelen hasari %5 arttirir. Boss canavarlara karsi olan fizikslk hasari %1 arttirir, bunu 5'ten yüksek olan arindirma seviyesine göre yapar. Sinif: Headgear Savunma : 10 Konum : Upper Agirlik : 100 Gereken Seviye : 70 Siniflar : Hepsi Gizli Etkiler (Set esyasi olarak gereklidir) [Abysmal Knight Card] ile birlikte takilinca boss canavarlara karsi verilen fiziksel hasar %5 artar. Eger 6 ya da daha yüksek bir seviyeye kadar arindirilirsa canavarlardan gelen hasar arindirma seviyesine göre -%1 olur -> Set esyasi etkisi Arindirma 0 Sv : Boss canavarlara karsi olan hasari %10+5 arttirir.Canavarlardan gelen hasari %5 arttirir. Arindirma 6 Sv : Boss canavarlara karsi olan hasari %12+5 arttirir.Canavarlardan gelen hasari %4 arttirir. Arindirma 10 Sv : Boss canavarlara karsi olan hasari %16+5 arttirir.Canavarlardan gelen hasari %5 arttirir. ¡Ø¡Ø£ºKartin sosyal etkisi sadece 1 tanede limitlidir. Dikkat! Id: (18575) Wunderkammer [1] Mysterious box. Eyebrows are already drawn up. Not refined, MDEF + 10. Short range physical attacks has a chance to trigger a random skill. Class : Headgear Defencse : 10 Location : Upper,Mid,Lower Weight : 50 Required Level : 20 Jobs : All Secret Effects (Required a set item) When equipped with [Lesser Elemental Ring(ItemCode : 2680)], Hindsight¡¸Weapon Perfection Lv2(1%)¡¹addtionally with any Hindsight of either Lesser Elemental Ring or Wunderkammer. Id: (18580) Yggdrasil Crown A crown woven from Yggdrasil's Branches which represents new life after a sacrifice. Int +2, VIT +2. Can automatically cast Increase Agi, Blessing or Heal when magically attacked. If upgraded to +7 or more: The cast chance is increased. Slot : Head Gear Defense : 6 Location : Upper Weight : 20 Level Required : 70 Jobs : Tous Id: (18581) Red Tiger Mask Said this mask makes naive person become a warrior. STR + 3 HP + 100 Refining is not allowed. Class : Headgear Defencse : 2 Location : Upper,Mid Weight : 40 Required Level : 50 Jobs : All Id: (18583) Navy Drooping Kitty A doll made up to put on head. It just mood like hearing miaow or feeling movements. MDEF + 15 Tolerance to Curse 30% Class : Headgear Defencse : 3 Location : Upper Weight : 50 Required Level : N/A Jobs : All except Novice Id: (18585) Orange Bunny Band [1] A hairband that attracts men. You can wear it when you want to look sexy. Your sexiness increases to 100% VIT + 3, INT + 2, STR + 1 If refined to 9, increase ATK and MATK by 2% If refined to 12, reduce fix casting time by 10% Class : Headgear Defencse : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 1 Required Level : 1 jJobs : all jobs Id: (18586) Violet Bunny Band [1] A hairband that attracts men. You can wear it when you want to look sexy. Your sexiness increases to 100% VIT + 2, INT + 3, STR + 1 If refined to 9, increase ATK and MATK by 2% If refined to 12, reduce fix casting time by 10% Class : Headgear Defencse : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 1 Required Level : 1 jJobs : all jobs Id: (18587) Blue Bunny Band [1] A hairband that attracts men. You can wear it when you want to look sexy. Your sexiness increases to 100% VIT + 2, INT + 1, STR + 3. If refined to 9, increase ATK and MATK by 2% If refined to 12, reduce fix casting time by 10% Class : Headgear Defencse : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 1 Required Level : 1 jJobs : all jobs Id: (18588) Silvah Bunny Band [1] A hairband that attracts men. You can wear it when you want to look sexy. Your sexiness increases to 100% VIT + 1, INT + 3, STR + 2 If refined to 9, increase ATK and MATK by 2% If refined to 12, reduce fix casting time by 10% Class : Headgear Defencse : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 1 Required Level : 1 jJobs : all jobs Id: (18595) Horn Of Ancient [1] Two horns which seem to be very old, still very powerful. Increases damage against Boss type monsters of 10%. Increases defense against Boss type monsters of 10%. If upgraded to +7 or more: Can give you 100 ATK for 10 seconds if you inflict melee damage. If upgraded to +9 or more: Additional 10% of attack and defense agains Boss type monsters. Slot : Head Gear Defense : 5 Location : Haut Weight : 40 Required level : 50 Jobs : All Id: (18597) Mercury Riser [1] Created for military purpose, this hat boosts your fighting abilities. ASPD +3%, Delay decreased by 3%. Increase your defense against Demi-Human attacks by 10%. Increase your attack against Demi-Human by 10%. If upgraded to +7 or +8: ASPD +2%, Delay decreased by 2%. If upgraded to +9 or more: ASPD +2%, Delay decreased by 2%. Slot : Head Gear Defense : 6 Location : Upper Weight : 40 Required level : 70 Jobs : All Id: (18599) Black Devil's Mask A grotesque headgear which covers a half of a person's face. But don't you worry. The part of eyes are open so you can see well. All Stat + 2. Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Location : Medium Weight : 10 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (18600) Cat Ears Beret [1] This is very cute beret with cat ears! You will feel like a cat yourself. ATK + 5%. When the refine level gets +5 or higher, per refine level, increases 1% of Physical damage on Demi-human monsters, and reduces 1% of physical damage from Demi-human monsters. Class : Headgear Defense : 5 Location : Upper Weight : 30 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (18601) Red Bread Hat [1] A lovely red hat for lovely girls. MATK + 5%, MDEF + 5. When the refine level gets +5 or higher, per refine level, increases 1% of Magical damage on Demi-human monsters, and reduces 1% of magical damage from Demi-human monsters.. Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 30 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (18603) Black Devil's Mask [1] A grotesque headgear which covers a half of a person's face. But don't you worry. The part of eyes are open so you can see well. All Stat + 1. Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Location : Medium Weight : 10 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (18612) White Musang Hat [1] A hat of White Musang. STR + 2, VIT + 2, LUK + 1. Class : Headgear Defencse : 3 Location : Upper Weight : 40 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Id: (18612) White Musang Hat [1] White Mustang sapkasi. STR + 2, VIT + 2, LUK + 1. Sinif: Headgear Savunma : 3 Konum : Upper Agirlik : 40 Gereken Seviye : 1 Siniflar : Hepsi Id: (18613) Black Musang Hat [1] A hat of Black Musang. INT + 2, DEX + 2, AGI + 1. Class : Headgear Defencse : 3 Location : Upper Weight : 40 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Id: (18613) Black Musang Hat [1] Siyah Mustang sapkasi. INT + 2, DEX + 2, AGI + 1. Sinif: Headgear Savunma : 3 Konum : Upper Agirlik : 40 Gereken Seviye : 1 Siniflar : Hepsi Id: (18614) Grim Reaper Hat [1] A mask to wear on head feels dignity of Grim Reaper. FLEE + 3. Class : Headgear Defencse : 2 Location : Upper Weight : 20 Required Level : 20 Jobs : All Id: (18620) Heart Eyepatch A pink heart-shaped eye patch. Seems like going well with a nurse¡¯s cap. Class : Headgear Defencse : 2 Location : Mid Weight : 5 Required Level : 20 Jobs : All Id: (18620) Heart Eyepatch Pembe kalp seklinde olan göz bandi. Sanki bir nurse¡¯s cap ile ,iyi gider. Sinif: Headgear Savunma : 2 Konum : Mid Agirlik : 5 Gereken Seviye : 20 Siniflar : Hepsi Id: (18626) Gelato Hat [1] A cool ice cream carefully put on head. Able to use Frost Driver 1 lv. MHP + 300. Class : Headgear Defencse : 2 Location : Upper Weight : 20 Required Level : 40 Jobs : All Id: (18626) Gelato Hat [1] Kafa üstüne dikkatlice konulmus soguk bir dondurma. Frost Driver 1 Sv. kullanabilir MHP + 300. Sinif: Headgear Savunma : 2 Konum : Upper Agirlik : 20 Gereken Seviye : 40 Siniflar : All Id: (18630) Drooping Alicel A cute doll of a drooping Alicel from the Robot Factory. Increases damage to Demihuman and Demon monsters by 10%. If refined to +7 or higher, has a low chance of adding 100% Aspd for 7 seconds. Class : Headgear Defense : 6 Location : Upper Weight : 50 Required Lvevel : 70 Jobs : All except novice Id: (18631) Ribbon Chef hat Sensual Chef hat made in cute concept art. Goes well with casual outfit. DEX+3, LUK+1. Drops Outdoor/Home/Professional/Royal/Fantastic Cooking Kit by random percentage when +7 enchant and above. Class : Headgear Defense : 5 Location : Upper Weight : 30 Required Lvevel : 70 Jobs : All Id: (18636) Ribbon of bride A ribbon expressing happiness for the new married bride. Makes you feel more sensitive. DEX+1. When being attacked, activates 1 level WINKCHARM skill for certain percentage. Class : Headgear Defense : 6 Location : Upper Weight : 20 Required Lvevel : 730 Jobs : All Id: (18642) Scissorhand Model A hat which looks like Scissors from the rock-paper-scissors game. AGI + 1. Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 20 Required Lvevel : 20 Location : All except Novice Id: (18643) Rockhand Model A hat which looks like Rock from the rock-paper-scissors game. STR + 1. Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 20 Required Lvevel : 20 Location : All except Novice Id: (18644) Paperhand Model A hat which looks like Paper from the rock-paper-scissors game. LUK + 2. Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 20 Required Lvevel : 20 Location : All except Novice Id: (18656) Witch's Pumpkin Hat A tattered witch hat adorned with a baby pumpkin. Str +2, Int +2, Mdef +10. Increase Damage against Undead and Demon monsters by 15%. Bonus effects when worn with Mr. Smile, Hahoe Mask, Alarm Mask, Opera Mask or Cube Mask. Mr. Smile: Adds a chance of gaining Pumpkin Pies when killing monsters. Hahoe Mask: Increased Aspd and adds a chance of adding 50 Atk while attacking. Alarm Mask: Increases the healing power of Pumpkin and Well-Baked Cookies and has a chance of receiving those items while attacking. Opera Mask: Increases Flee by 10 and adds a chance of stunning your enemy while attacking. Cube Mask: Atk and Matk +30 and adds a chance of gaining Pumpkin Pie, Well-Baked Cookie, Candy or Candy Canes while attacking. Class : Headgear Defense : 10 Location : Upper Weight : 30 Required Level : 20 Jobs : All Id: (18659) Boitata Hat [1] A hat imbued with the power of the mythical creature, Boitata. INT+3, STR + 3, MDEF + 10 Gives physical attacks a chance to automatically cast [Sonic Blow] Lv 5 and enchant weapon with fire property for 3 minutes. When equipped with Boitata Armor, increases damage dealt to Earth property monsters by 10% and enchants the armor with fire property. Class : Headgear Defense : 5 Location : Upper-Mid Weight : 0 Required Lvevel : 0 Jobs : All Id: (18662) Antler Fedora Gentleman's hat decorated by an antler. Used in parties and festivals. INT + 3. Class : Helm DEFefense : 3 Location : Upper Weight : 40 Required Level : None1 Jobs : All class except novice Id: (18665) Orange In Mouth According to custom of a certain tribe, holding an orange in mouth brings a good luck. Class : Helm DEFefense : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 20 Required Level : 20 Jobs : All class except novice Id: (18666) CD In Mouth It feels as if massive data stored in compact disc is absorbed into the brain through mouth. Class : Helm DEFefense : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 20 Required Level : 20 Jobs : All class except novice Id: (18668) Droopy Turtle Hat [1] A hat that curses nearby people to be lazy. Can use Slow AGI LV3. Class : Helm DEFefense : 1 Location : Upper Weight : 30 Required Level : None1 Jobs : All Class Id: (18670) Handkerchief In Mouth Nipping this handkerchief makes people feel compassion. 3% reduced damage from human type monsters. Class : Helm DEFefense : 1 Location : Lower Weight : 10 Required Level : 12 Jobs : All Class Id: (18673) Drooping Pope Hat [1] This headgear is a hat of Alunaphelz pope! MDEF + 1, Increase recovering SP speed 2%. With Blush, increase recovering SP speed 3% No refine Class : headgear Defense : 0 Location: upper wWeight : 30 Req Level : 1 Jobs : All Id: (18676) 64-type Glasses A pair of glasses that was worn by a famous entomologist. +4% Magic damage on Insect monsters. +5% resistance against Insect monsters. Cannot be upgraded. Indestructible. Class : HeadGear Def : 0 Location : Middle Weight : 20 Req Lev : 10 Job : All Id: (18676) 64-type Glasses Une paire de lunettes porté par un célèbre entomologiste. Ajoute +4% de dégâts sur les monstres de type Insect. Ajoute +5% de résistance aux monstres de type Insert. Ne peut pas être forgé, ni détruit. Type : Headgear Défense : 0 Position : Milieu Poids : 20 Niveau requis : 10 Profession : Toutes Id: (18676) 64-type Glasses Diese Brille wurde von einem berühmten Insektenkundler getragen. Addiert 4% magischen Schaden an Insect Monster. Addiert 5% Verteidigung gegen Insect Monster. Kann nicht verbessert werden. Unzerstörbar. Gegenstandsart: HeadGear Verteidigung: 0 Position: Mitte Gewicht: 20 Benötigtes Lv. : 10 Job: Alle Id: (18676) 64-type Glasses A pair of glasses that was worn by a famous entomologist. +4% Magic damage on Insect monsters. +5% resistance against Insect monsters. Cannot be upgraded. Indestructible. Class : HeadGear Def : 0 Location : Middle Weight : 20 Req Lev : 10 Job : All Id: (18682) Teardrop an accessory attached below eye Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Location : Mid Weight : 10 Req Level : none1 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (18683) Carrot In Mouth A carrot which was found near a rabbit dead from hunger. Increases damage dealt to Plant monsters by 3%. When equipped with Bunny Hairband, enables use of [High Jump] Lv 1 skill. Unable to refine. Class : Accessory Defense : 1 Weight : 20 Required Level : none1 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (18692) Mike Hat [1] When attend open audition for singers, let this hat wear. Yourself and mic in a body may appeal to judge. DEX + 2, LUK + 1. Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Location : Upper Weight : 20 Jobs : All Jobs except Novice Id: (18693) Sleeping Kitty Cat [1] Hat that refer to shape of sleeping cat. If you wake up sleeping cat, you will be suffered. Add 2% damage to animal type monsters. Class : Headgear Defense : 4 Location : Upper Weight : 20 Required Level : 20 Jobs : All Jobs except Novice Id: (18702) Shaving Cream It is coated lots of cream like a Santa Claus but doesn't want to shave. Refine unavailable. Class : Headgear Defense : 1 Location : Lower Weight : 5 Required Level : 10 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (18703) Stem In Mouth Stem of plant that has efficacy of neutralization. Bitter to taste Increase 20% tolerance to poison. Refine unavailable. Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 5 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (18728) Egir Helm [1] A Helmet from Egir, god of Ocean. If the whole set of Egir are gathered, it will show the power of the Sea. Class : Headgear Defense : 10 Location : Upper Weight : 80 Required Lvevel. : 110 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (18754) Blood Sucker Cursed mask inspired by creepy vampire fang. Drains life it will. Can drain 5% HP out of the damage given to the enemy. Disables autorecovery for HP and SP. Cannot be refined nor destroyed Class : Helm Defense : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 30 Required LVevel : 40 Jobs : All Id: (18756) Black Shiba Inu Hat [1] Inspired by traditional asian hunting dog. Very royal to its master with solid wariness. ATK + 30. Extra 10% damage when attacking animal type monsters. Equipping with Fidelity Necklace item, certain chance of shape shiting to 'Atroce' when getting or doing physical attack. Drains 5 SP per seconds. Shape shifting chance goes up based on the refine rate of this item. Class : Helm Defense : 6 Location : Upper Weight : 40 Required LVevel : 50 Jobs : All Id: (18821) Rainbow Feather Decoration [1] A Rainbow Feather decoration made in celebration of '2012 RWC'. ATK + 1%, MATK + 1%. Increases ATK and MATK by 1% for every 3 refinements. When equipped with RWC Memorial Ring, increases ATK by 1% for every 2 refinements. When equipped with RWC Memorial Pendant, increases MATK by 1% for every 2 refinements. Class : Helmet Defense : 5 Location : Upper Weight : 30 Required Lvevel. : 1 Jobs : All Id: (18832) Rolf Von Gigue the666th A celebration hat for the sworn of 666th Gigue family grand master. Certain chance of activating 2 LV Adrenalin Rush skill when performing physical attacks. 2 LV Adrenalin Rush skill activation chance goes up when playing with Cute pet, Baphomet junior. Extra 2 LV Adrenalin Rush skill activation chance goes up when friendly rate is "best friend". Class : Helm Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 30 Required LVevel : 1 Jobs : All Id: (18841) Small Poring Band [1] Small Porings are so cute. Refined 3 times, Attack speed + 2% (Decrease attack delay) When killed monsters, EXP + 3%. Refined 10, ASPD + 1. Class : Helmet Defense : 8 Position : Upper Weight : 35 Required Lvevel. : 1 Jobs : All Id: (18842) Hat Of Girl [1] Hat to protect you from the Sun. Refined 3, INT + 2. Decrease 7% damage from human style monsters. MaxHP - 3%. Class : Helmet Defense : 8 Position : Upper Weight : 35 Required Lvevel. : 1 Jobs : All Id: (18843) Small Deviling Hat [1] Porings are having a party. Decrease 5% damage from human style monsters. Refined over 8, MaxHP + 1% per 1 refinement. Class : Helmet Defense : 7 Position : Upper Weight : 35 Required Lvevel. : 1 Jobs : All Id: (18844) Blue Poring Bubble Blue Porings fly on the sky. All State + 2, Dodge + 2. Class : Helmet Defense : 5 Position : bottomWeight : 5 Required Lvevel. : 1 Jobs : All Id: (18845) Banshee Master Kiss Kiss of Banshee Master. It could give the powerful force. When be attacked, Resistance + 100% 3 seconds in 1% chance. MaxSP + 3%. Class : Helmet Defense : 5 Position : bottom Weight : 20 Required Lvevel. : 1 Jobs : All Id: (18855) Aviator Hat A hat that was worn by Santos-Dumont, Brazil's father of aviation. AGI + 3, INT + 3. Creates a chance of adding Wind Attribute to your weapon for 3 minutes while you are Physically attacking. Class : HeadGear Def : 10 Location : Upper Weight : 10 Req Lev : 1 Job : All Id: (18855) Aviator Hat A hat that was worn by Santos-Dumont, Brazil's father of aviation. AGI + 3, INT + 3. Creates a chance of adding Wind Attribute to your weapon for 3 minutes while you are Physically attacking. Class : HeadGear Def : 10 Location : Upper Weight : 10 Req Lev : 1 Job : All Id: (18856) W King Tiger Doll Hat A hat that is shaped like a tiger with a sahkkat on his head and a pipe in his mouth. In Korea, smoking tigers are synonymous with ancient times, as in, "Once upon a time when tigers smoked..." STR + 2, DEX + 2. 10% additional damage on Animal monsters. Transforms you into Eddga, king of tigers, while you are Physically attacking or when you receive Physical damage. During the transformation, 5 SP is consumed each second in exchange for the beastly power temporarily bestowed upon you. The transformation chance and the power increase in proportion to the item's upgrade level. Class : HeadGear Def : 10 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Req Lev : 1 Job : All Id: (18856) W King Tiger Doll Hat Un chapeau en forme de tigre avec un shakkat sur la tête et une pipe dans la bouche. En Corée, les tigres qui fument rappellent les temps passés, comme dans, "Il était une fois quand les tigres fumaient..." STR + 2, DEX + 2. Inflige 10% de dégâts en plus sur les monstres de type Animal. Vous transforme en Eddga, le roi des tigres, quand vous attaquez physiquement ou que vous recevez des dégâts physiques. Pendant la transformation, 5 SP sont consommés en échange de votre pouvoir bestial temporaire. La chance de transformation augmente avec le taux de forge. Type : Headgear Défense : 10 Position : Haut Poids : 0 Profession : Toutes Id: (18856) W King Tiger Doll Hat Ein Hut, der wie ein Tiger mit einem Sahkat auf dem Kopf und einer Pfeife um Mund aussieht. In Korea sind rauchende Tiger das Symbol einer antiken Zeit und der Redewendung 'Als Tiger einst noch geraucht haben...' STR + 2, DEX + 2. Addiert 10% mehr Schaden an Brute Monster. Verwandelt dessen Träger bei physikalischen Angriffen in Eddga, den König der Tiger. Während der Verwandlung wird jede Sekunde 5 SP verbraucht um die Macht der Bestie in sich freizusetzen. Die Chance auf Verwandlung und dessen Kraft hängt von dem Upgrade-Level des Gegenstandes ab. Gegenstandsart: HeadGear Verteidigung: 10 Position: Oben Gewicht: 0 Benötigtes Lv. : 1 Job: Alle Id: (18856) W King Tiger Doll Hat A hat that is shaped like a tiger with a sahkkat on his head and a pipe in his mouth. In Korea, smoking tigers are synonymous with ancient times, as in, "Once upon a time when tigers smoked..." STR + 2, DEX + 2. 10% additional damage on Animal monsters. Transforms you into Eddga, king of tigers, while you are Physically attacking or when you receive Physical damage. During the transformation, 5 SP is consumed each second in exchange for the beastly power temporarily bestowed upon you. The transformation chance and the power increase in proportion to the item's upgrade level. Class : HeadGear Def : 10 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Req Lev : 1 Job : All Id: (18861) Zaha Doll Hat [1] This simulated Zaha hat looks great on anyone, regardless of his or her hairstyle. Heal, Coluseo Heal, Highness Heal, Sanctuary, and Aid Potion effectiveness +15%. SP consumption +15%. Indestructible. Class : HeadGear Def : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 10 Req Lev : 50 Job : All Id: (18861) Zaha Doll Hat [1] Cette fausse Zaha va bien à tout le monde, qu'importe votre coupe de cheveux. Augmente l'efficacité de Heal, Coluseo Heal, Highness Heal, Sanctuary, et Aid Potion de +15%. Consommation de SP +15%. Indestructible. Type : Headgear Défense : 0 Position : Haut Poids : 10 Niveau requis : 50 Profession : Toutes Id: (18861) Zaha Doll Hat [1] Diese Kopfbedeckung ähnelt Zaha und steht jedem sehr gut, unabhängig von der Frisur. Effektivität von Heal, Coluseo Heal, Highness Heal, Sanctuary und Aid Potion erhöht sich um 15%. SP consumption +15%. Unzerstörbar. Gegenstandsart: HeadGear Verteidigung: 0 Position: Oben Gewicht: 10 Benötigtes Lv. : 50 Job: Alle Id: (18861) Zaha Doll Hat [1] This simulated Zaha hat looks great on anyone, regardless of his or her hairstyle. Heal, Coluseo Heal, Highness Heal, Sanctuary, and Aid Potion effectiveness +15%. SP consumption +15%. Indestructible. Class : HeadGear Def : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 10 Req Lev : 50 Job : All Id: (18864) Earth Goddess Flower This flower decoration blessed by the goddess of earth protects its wearer against Earth damage. +15% resistance against Earth attacks. Additional 5% resistance bonus when upgraded to +8 and above. Lets you use Level 5 Earth Spike. VIT +2. Class : HeadGear Def : 6 Location : Upper Weight : 25 Req Lev : 1 Job : All Id: (18864) Earth Goddess Flower Cette fleur bénie par la déesse de la terre protège son porteur contre les dégâts de terre. +15% de résistance aux dégâts de propriété Earth. Ajoute +5% de cette résistance si forgé à +8. Permet d'utiliser Earth Spike niveau 5. VIT +2. Type : Headgear Défense : 6 Position : Haut Poids : 25 Profession : Toutes Id: (18864) Earth Goddess Flower Diese Dekoration wurde durch eine Göttin gesegnet die Mutter Erde und dessen Träger vor Erd Schaden beschützen wird. +15% Verteidigung gegen Earth Angriffe. Zusätzlicher Bonus von 5% mit Upgrade-Level 8 und höher. Ermöglicht die Benutzung von Earth Spike Lv. 5. VIT +2. Gegenstandsart: HeadGear Verteidigung: 6 Position: Oben Gewicht: 25 Benötigtes Lv. : 1 Job: Alle Id: (18864) Earth Goddess Flower This flower decoration blessed by the goddess of earth protects its wearer against Earth damage. +15% resistance against Earth attacks. Additional 5% resistance bonus when upgraded to +8 and above. Lets you use Level 5 Earth Spike. VIT +2. Class : HeadGear Def : 6 Location : Upper Weight : 25 Req Lev : 1 Job : All Id: (18868) Assassin Mask A mask that is worn by a group of Eastern assassins. It's shaped like a skull to notify victims of their imminent death. CRI +5. Class : HeadGear Def : 2 Location : MiddleLow Weight : 50 Req Lev : 70 Job : All Id: (18868) Assassin Mask Un masque porté par un groupe d'asssassins de l'Est. Il est en forme de tête de mort pour montrer aux victimes que leur mort est imminente. CRIT +5. Type : Headgear Défense : 2 Position : Milieu/Bas Poids : 50 Niveau requis : 70 Profession : Toutes Id: (18868) Assassin Mask Eine Maske, die einst von Attetätern aus dem Osten getragen wurden. Sieht aus wie ein Totenkopf um den Opfern den sofortigen Tod zu signalisieren. CRI +5. Gegenstandsart: HeadGear Verteidigung: 2 Position: Mitte-Low Gewicht: 50 Benötigtes Lv. : 70 Job: Alle Id: (18868) Assassin Mask A mask that is worn by a group of Eastern assassins. It's shaped like a skull to notify victims of their imminent death. CRI +5. Class : HeadGear Def : 2 Location : MiddleLow Weight : 50 Req Lev : 70 Job : All Id: (18873) Sweet Valentine Heart shape yellow hat celebrating 2013 Valentine day. MHP + 7% MSP + 7% Random chance self 10Lv Blessing skill effect to user when getting physical damage (Event period only). Typ: Headgear Defense : 1 Slot: Upper Weight : 10 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Id: (18882) Kannam On Head A headgear that is shaped like a gourd bowl used for drawing water. Creates a chance of casting Level 12 Deluge when you receive Physical damage. When upgraded to +3 or above, randomly casts Level 1 Waterball when you receive Physical damage. Waterball's level increases by 1 every 3 upgrade levels. MDEF +5. Class : HeadGear Def : 5 Location : Upper Weight : 20 Req Lev : 20 Job : All Id: (18882) Kannam On Head Un chapeau en forme de bol utilisé pour transporter de l'eau. Donne une chance de lancer Deluge niveau 1 lorsque vous recevez des dégâts physiques. Si forgé à +3 ou plus, peut lancer le sort Waterball niveau 1 quand vous recevez des dégâts physiques. Le niveau du Waterball lancé augmente de 1 toutes les 3 forges. MDEF +5. Type : Headgear Défense : 5 Position : Haut Poids : 20 Niveau requis : 20 Profession : Toutes Id: (18882) Kannam On Head Diese Kopfbedeckung sieht aus wie eine krugförmige Schale und wird dazu verwendet, um Wasser zu holen. Löst zu einer bestimmten Chance Deluge Lv. 12 beim Erleiden physikalischer Angriffen aus. Wenn das Upgrade-Level höher als 3 ist, wird zufällig beim Erleiden on physikalischen Angriffen Waterball Lv. 1 ausgelöst. Das Level von Waterball erhöht sich jedes 3. Upgrade-Level. MDEF +5. Gegenstandsart: HeadGear Verteidigung: 5 Position: Oben Gewicht: 20 Benötigtes Lv. : 20 Job: Alle Id: (18882) Kannam On Head A headgear that is shaped like a gourd bowl used for drawing water. Creates a chance of casting Level 12 Deluge when you receive Physical damage. When upgraded to +3 or above, randomly casts Level 1 Waterball when you receive Physical damage. Waterball's level increases by 1 every 3 upgrade levels. MDEF +5. Class : HeadGear Def : 5 Location : Upper Weight : 20 Req Lev : 20 Job : All Id: (18885) Jejecap A colorful headgear for JeJemon. It created a massive trend locally during 2010-2011 era. INT + 3, STR + 2 Increase resistance against human type monsters by 11% Increase the healing effect of Mastela Fruit by 70% TypeClass : Headgear Defense : 8 Location : Upper Weight : 10 Required Level : 70 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (18887) Aqua Bunny Band [1] A hairband that attracts individuals. You can wear it when you want to look sexy. Sexiness increases by 100% VIT + 3, MDEF + 5, MATK + 2% If refined to 9, MDEF + 5 and MATK 4% If refined to 12, reduce fix casting time by 10% TypeClass : Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Upper Weight : 10 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (18888) Maroon Bunny Band [1] A hairband that attracts individuals. You can wear it when you want to look sexy. Sexiness increases by 100% INT +5 LUK + 5 ATK +2% MATK + 5% If refined to 9, increase ATK and MATK by 4% If refined to 12, reduce fix casting time by 10% TypeClass : Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Upper Weight : 10 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (18889) Golden Bunny Band [1] A hairband that attracts individuals. You can wear it when you want to look sexy. Sexiness increases by 100% AGI + 5, LUK + 5, ATK + 5% If refined to 9, increase ATK and MATK by 5% If refined to 12, reduce fix casting time by 10% TypeClass : Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Upper Weight : 10 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (18890) Gray Bunny Band [1] A hairband that attracts individuals. You can wear it when you want to look sexy. Sexiness increases by 100% INT + 5, LUK + 5, ATK + 2%, MATK + 5% If refined to 9, ATK and MATK increase 4%. If refined to 12, decrease stat casting time 10% TypeClass : Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required Level : 1 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (18891) Husky Hat [1] A hat made to look like a husky's face. Makes you want to pet it. ATK + 5%, MATK +5% When physically attacked, adds 1% chance to cast Wind Walk Level 5 For every refine, increases chance to cast Wind Walk by 0.3% Winner of pRO's Headgear-making contest 2012 Created by Cyber Pikachu of pRO Valkyrie Server TypeClass : Headgear Defense : 5 Location : Upper Weight : 50 Required Level : 70 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (18892) Ufo Poring Hat [1] I come in peace! Take me to your leader, Poring!!! MDEF, CRI FLEE, HIT, and Perfect Dodge + 5 if refined to 7, reduce cast time by 5% if refined to 9, skill delay reduce by 5% , ASPD + 5% Winner of pRO's Headgear-making contest 2012 Created by Frans of pRO New Loki Server TypeClass : Headgear Defense : 5 Location : Upper Weight : 100 Required Level : 10 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (18893) Dragon Claw Helm [1] I feel the power of a flame dragon flowing inside me! Increase resistance against Dragon and Demi-human by 8% Increases healing effect of Meat by 200% if refined to 12, increase MHP + 7%, MSP + 3% Winner of pRO's Headgear-making contest 2012 Created by bladetip of pRO Valkyrie Server TypeClass : Headgear Defense : 5 Location : Upper Weight : 100 Required Level : 10 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (18894) Rainbow Star "Walk on a rainbow trail; walk on a trail of song, and all about you will be beauty. There is a way out of every dark mist, over a rainbow trail. - Robert Motherwell" Reduces damage from Demi-human by 5% Concept by Clarissa Morgenstern of pRO New Chaos Server TypeClass : Headgear Defense : 5 Location : Mid Weight : 50 Required Level : 70 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (18895) Celestial Dark Flame "Come Fairies, take me out of this dull world, for I would ride with you upon the wind and dance upon the mountains like a flame! - William Butler Yeats" Increases resistance from Fire Property by 8% Concept by Chorvaqueen of pRO Valhalla Server TypeClass : Headgear Defense : 5 Location : Mid Weight : 20 Required Level : 50 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (18896) Pterios Fins "No one ever approaches perfection except by stealth, and unknown to themselves. - William Hazzlit" Increases resistance from Fire Property by 8% Concept by -*[FS]Evaine*- of pRO Valkyrie Server TypeClass : Headgear Defense : 5 Location : Mid Weight : 20 Required Level : 50 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (18898) Yggdrasil Herald Crown [1] This item is Account Bound. A gorgeous crown made with Trunk of Yggdrasil imbued with the power of Mother Nature to the heralds of Philippine Ragnarok Online. All Stat + 5, MHP + 100, MSP + 50 If refined to 8 and above, adds 1% to MHP and reduces fix casting time by 1% for every refine level TypeClass : Headgear Defense : 6 Location : Upper Weight : 20 Required Level : 60 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (18900) Weisswurst A traditional sausage which tastes very delicious with sweet mustard. MaxHP + 50 Class : Helmet Defense : 1 Position : Lower Weight : 10 Required Lvevel. : 60 Jobs : All Id: (18901) Seppl Hat [1] A traditional hat which is often worn during folk festivals. VIT+ 3, Increase HP recovery by 10 % If worn with Weißwurst Sp recovery will be increased by 10% Class : Helmet Defense : 5 Position : Upper Weight : 50 Required Lvevel. : 60 Jobs : All Id: (18908) Isabella Red Ear [1] Children's favorite Isabella's red hat. STR +5. Max HP +5%. -10% damage from Fire monsters. ASPD +1 when upgraded to +9. Additional ASPD +1 every 2 upgrade levels after +9. Class : HeadGear Defense : 8 Location : Upper Weight : 30 Req Lev : 1 Jobs : All Id: (18909) Isabella Brown Ear [1] Children's favorite Isabella's brown hat. Max HP +10%. -5% damage from Human monsters. MATK +2 per upgrade level. Class : HeadGear Defense : 8 Location : Upper Weight : 30 Req Lev : 1 Jobs : All Id: (18910) Isabella Blue Ear [1] Children's favorite Isabella's blue hat. -5% damage from Human monsters. +10% damage on Medium monsters. When upgraded to +12, reflects 5% of Physical damage received. Class : HeadGear Defense : 8 Location : Upper Weight : 30 Req Lev : 1 Jobs : All Id: (18918) Long Octopus Balloon A cute balloon that is shaped like an octopus latching onto its wearer with its suction disks. VIT +1. INT +1. MSP +30. Cannot be upgraded. Indestructible. Class : HeadGear Def : 5 Location : Lower Weight : 20 Req Lev : 1 Job : All Id: (18918) Long Octopus Balloon Un ballon en forme de pieuvre qui s'accroche à son porteur avec ses ventouses. VIT +1. INT +1. MSP +30. Ne peut pas être ni forgé ni détruit. Type : Headgear Défense : 5 Position : Lower Poids : 20 Profession : Toutes Id: (18918) Long Octopus Balloon Ein niedlicher Ballon, der wie aussieht als ob er sich auf seinem Träger mit seinen Saugnäpfen angekleben möchte. VIT +1. INT +1. MSP +30. Kann nicht verbessert werden. Unzerstörbar. Gegenstandsart: HeadGear Verteidigung: 5 Position: Unten Gewicht: 20 Benötigtes Lv. : 1 Job: Alle Id: (18918) Long Octopus Balloon A cute balloon that is shaped like an octopus latching onto its wearer with its suction disks. VIT +1. INT +1. MSP +30. Cannot be upgraded. Indestructible. Class : HeadGear Def : 5 Location : Lower Weight : 20 Req Lev : 1 Job : All Id: (18920) Bork An interesting hat made of felt that comes from a far-away land. Worn by skilled soldiers, this hat brings a sense of confidence to the wearer. reduced 5% damage from Human. If refined to +7, 5% more damage to Human and if refined to +9, 3% more damage to Human addtionally. Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Position : Upper Weight : 10 Required Lvevel. : 1 Jobs : All Id: (18929) Elephant Model Hat [1] A hat that is shaped like the biggest land mammal. DEX +2. Creates a chance of casting Level 5 Storm Gust when you receive Physical damage. Additional DEX +1when upgraded to +8. Additional DEX +1 every 2 upgrade levels after +8. Class : HeadGear Def : 10 Location : Upper Weight : 30 Req Lev : 30 Job : All Id: (18929) Elephant Model Hat [1] Un chapeau en forme du plus gros mammifère terrestre. DEX +2. Donne une chance de lancer le sort Storm Gust niveau 5 quand vous recevez une attaque physique. Si forgé à +8, ajoute DEX +1. Toutes les deux forges après +8, ajoute DEX +1. Type : Headgear Défense : 10 Position : Haut Poids : 30 Niveau requis : 30 Profession : Toutes Id: (18929) Elephant Model Hat [1] Dieser Hut sieht wie das größte Säugetier auf Erden aus. DEX +2. Löst zu einer bestimmten Chance Storm Gust Lv. 5 aus beim Erleiden von physikalischem Schaden. Addiert DEX +1 bei Upgrade-Level 8. Addiert DEX +1 jedes 2. Upgrade ab Level +8. Gegenstandsart: HeadGear Verteidigung: 10 Location : Oben Weight : 30 Benötigtes Lv. : 30 Job : Alle Id: (18929) Elephant Model Hat [1] A hat that is shaped like the biggest land mammal. DEX +2. Creates a chance of casting Level 5 Storm Gust when you receive Physical damage. Additional DEX +1when upgraded to +8. Additional DEX +1 every 2 upgrade levels after +8. Class : HeadGear Def : 10 Location : Upper Weight : 30 Req Lev : 30 Job : All Id: (18930) Gorilla Model Hat [1] A hat that is shaped like the biggest primate in Africa. STR +2. Creates a chance of casting Level 1 Bowling Bash while you are Physically attacking. Additional STR +3when upgraded to +11. Class : HeadGear Def : 10 Location : Upper Weight : 30 Req Lev : 30 Job : All Id: (18930) Gorilla Model Hat [1] En chapeau en forme du plus gros primate d'Afrique. STR +2. Donne une chance de lancer le sort Bowling Bash niveau 1 quand vous infligez une attaque physique. Si forgé à +11, ajoute STR +3. Type : Headgear Défense : 10 Position : Haut Poids : 30 Niveau requis : 30 Profession : Toutes Id: (18930) Gorilla Model Hat [1] Dieser Hut sieht wie der größte Primat in Afrika aus. STR +2. Löst zu einer bestimmten Chance Bowling Bash Lv. 1 aus beim Erleiden von physikalischem Schaden. Addiert STR +3 bei Upgrade-Level +11. Gegenstandsart: HeadGear Verteidigung: 10 Position: Oben Gewicht: 30 Benötigtes Lv. : 30 Job: Alle Id: (18930) Gorilla Model Hat [1] A hat that is shaped like the biggest primate in Africa. STR +2. Creates a chance of casting Level 1 Bowling Bash while you are Physically attacking. Additional STR +3when upgraded to +11. Class : HeadGear Def : 10 Location : Upper Weight : 30 Req Lev : 30 Job : All Id: (18931) Lion Model Hat [1] A hat shaped like the predatory feline mammal that is popularly known as the king of the beasts. INT +2. Creates a chance of casting Level 5 Meteor Storm when you receive Physical damage. Additional INT +1when upgraded to +8. Additional INT +1 every 2 upgrade levels after +8. Class : HeadGear Def : 10 Location : Upper Weight : 30 Req Lev : 30 Job : All Id: (18931) Lion Model Hat [1] En chapeau en forme du prédateur félin qui est souvent désigné comme le roi des animaux. INT +2. Donne une chance de lancer le sort Meteor Storm niveau 5 quand vous recevez une attaque physique. Si forgé à +8, ajoute INT +1. Toutes les deux forges après +8, ajoute INT +1. Type : Headgear Défense : 10 Position : Haut Poids : 30 Niveau requis : 30 Profession : Toutes Id: (18931) Lion Model Hat [1] Dieser Hut sieht wie ein katzenartiges Säugetier aus, der auch als König der Tiere bekannt ist. INT +2. Löst zu einer bestimmten Chance Meteor Storm Lv. 5 aus beim Erleiden von physikalischem Schaden. Addiert INT +1 bei Upgrade-Level 8. Addiert INT +1 jedes 2. Upgrade ab Level +8. Gegenstandsart: HeadGear Verteidigung: 10 Position: Oben Gewicht: 30 Benötigtes Lv. : 30 Job: Alle Id: (18931) Lion Model Hat [1] A hat shaped like the predatory feline mammal that is popularly known as the king of the beasts. INT +2. Creates a chance of casting Level 5 Meteor Storm when you receive Physical damage. Additional INT +1when upgraded to +8. Additional INT +1 every 2 upgrade levels after +8. Class : HeadGear Def : 10 Location : Upper Weight : 30 Req Lev : 30 Job : All Id: (18932) Rhino Model Hat [1] A hat shaped like the equine mammal that is naturally armed with thick skin and strong, intimidating horns. VIT 2. Creates a chance of casting Level 5 Lord of Vermilion when you receive Physical damage. Additional VIT +1 per upgrade level at +11 and above. Weight : 30 Id: (18932) Rhino Model Hat [1] Un chapeau en forme du mammifère qui est naturellement armé avec une peau épaisse et de puissantes et intimidantes cornes. VIT 2. Donne une chance de lancer le sort Lord of Vermilion niveau 5 quand vous recevez une attaque physique. Si forgé à +11, ajoute VIT +1 par forge supplémentaire. Type : Headgear Défense : 10 Position : Haut Poids : 30 Niveau requis : 30 Profession : Toutes Id: (18932) Rhino Model Hat [1] Dieser Hut sieht wie ein pferdeartiges Säugetier aus und hat von Natur aus eine dicke Haut und einschüchternde Hörner. VIT 2. Löst zu einer bestimmten Chance Lord of Vermilion Lv. 5 aus beim Erleiden von physikalischem Schaden. Addiert VIT +1 je Uprade-Level ab +11. Gewicht: 30 Id: (18932) Rhino Model Hat [1] A hat shaped like the equine mammal that is naturally armed with thick skin and strong, intimidating horns. VIT 2. Creates a chance of casting Level 5 Lord of Vermilion when you receive Physical damage. Additional VIT +1 per upgrade level at +11 and above. Weight : 30 Id: (18987) God Jormungandr Hat [1] Jörmungandr the Midgard Serpent, give him some blood to activate his power. All Status +2. Cast time, delay after using skills - 5%. Reduce damage from Human type monster -10%. With using Blood in Skull, recovery +50%. With more than 7 refine LV, ASPD +1, added Blood in Skull recovery +50%. With more than 10 refine LV, added cast time and delay after using skills -5% Class : Headgear Defense : 5 Location : Upper Weight : 10 Jobs : All jobs Id: (19524) C Green Feeler Grasshopper's Green feelers. Class : Costume Position : upper wWeight : 0 Required Lvevel. : 1 Jobs : All Id: (19527) C Sharp Gear Hairband that have 2 small white horns. Class : Costume Position : upper wWeight : 0 Required Lvevel. : 1 Jobs : All Id: (19540) C Rabbit Earplug Cute small earplugs shaped like a white bunny. Class : Costume Location : Upper Mid Weight : 0 Required LVevel : 1 Jobs : all Jobs Id: (19549) C Magestic Goat A headgear shaped like a horn of a goat. You can attract everyone with this! It contains many religious meanings. Class : Costume Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required LVevel : 1 Jobs : all jobs Id: (19556) C Kabuki Mask A traditional artistic mask from the very far east. Class : Costume Location : Upper Mid Lower Weight : 0 Required LVevel : 1 Jobs : all jobs Id: (19589) Fallen Angel's beloning A beatiful helm shaped as a rising angel's wing. Wearing this item makes you feel little bit dizzy, but soon it will fresh you up. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required LVevel : 1 Jobs : All Id: (19598) C Wondering Wolf Helm A headgear shaped like Vegabond, who was the strongest among all wolves in Payon. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Mid Weight : 0 Required LVevel : 1 Jobs : all jobs Id: (19607) Love Chick Hat The power of love made change to this chick. Need delicate care. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required LVevel : 1 Jobs : All Id: (19621) C Ear Of Devils Wing The accessory decorated with black wings, you can feel the charistma of devil. You could feel you had the mysterious power from it. Class : Costume Position : middle wWeight : 0 Required Lvevel. : 1 Jobs : All Id: (19624) C Round Eyes Special item that can display as main character of Ragnarok Battle. Small and round eyes are very cute. Class : Costume Position : middle wWeight : 0 Required Lvevel. : 1 Jobs : All Id: (19629) C Tiara The accessory that used to equipped by the Queen. This could make you feel clear by the magic. Class : Costume Position : upper wWeight : 0 Required Lvevel. : 1 Jobs : All Id: (19643) C Whikebain Ears Whikebain's black cat ears. Very cute. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Position : Upper Weight : 0 Required Lvevel. : 1 Jobs : All Id: (19649) White Kitten Ears A white kitten looking cute hairlace. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required LVevel : 1 Jobs : All Id: (19650) Costume Rainbow Feather Decoration A Rainbow Feather decoration made in celebration of '2012 RWC'. Class : ClothesGarment Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required Lvevel. : 1 Jobs : All Id: (19655) C Tiraya Bonnet Long and big bonnet. We don't know when we use this hat. Class : Costume Position : upper wWeight : 0 Required Lvevel. : 0 Jobs : All Id: (19661) Sweet Bonnet Sweet bonnet Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required LVevel : 1 Jobs : All Id: (19662) C Magician Hat Magician's hat. It seems that we have the rabbits from it. Class : Costume Position : upper wWeight : 0 Required Lvevel. : 1 Jobs : All Id: (19676) C Rainbow Poring Hat Colorful Poring hat. We don't know the real color of it. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Position : Upper Weight : 0 Required Lvevel. : 1 Jobs : All Id: (19677) C Soulless Wing A mysterious ring floating above your head. It feels like that you don't have a soul?! Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required LVevel : 1 Jobs : all Jobs Id: (19678) C Bell Ribbon Cutty ribbon that have small bells. You could hear the sound of bell. Class : Costume Position : upper wWeight : 1 Required Lvevel. : 1 Jobs : All Id: (19679) C Round Eyes J White round eyes make you look innocent and cute. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Middle Weight : 0 Required LVevel : 1 Jobs : all Jobs Id: (19680) C Tongue Mask A funny mask that children love to put on. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Mid Lower Weight : 0 Required LVevel : 1 Jobs : all Jobs Id: (19681) C Silver Tiara A silver shining hair accessory with a star at the center. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required LVevel : 1 Jobs : all Jobs Id: (19682) C Santa Poring Hat A cute santa poring is tumbling on your head! Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required LVevel : 1 Jobs : all Jobs Id: (19683) C Sweet Candy The sweetest yummy candy for good children. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required LVevel : 1 Jobs : all Jobs Id: (19684) C Happy Wig A funky afro wig! The warmer your head, the warmer your heart. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required LVevel : 1 Jobs : all Jobs Id: (19685) Shiny Santa Poring Hat What a pretty Poring shape hat with bling bling santa hat on. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required LVevel : 1 Jobs : All Id: (19688) C Katusa A hair band decorated with small flowers. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required LVevel : 1 Jobs : all jobs Id: (19689) C Ati Atihan Hat A bling bling majestic headgear made by various kinds of rings. Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Location : Upper Mid Lower Weight : 0 Required LVevel : 1 Jobs : all jobs Id: (19690) C Dark Snake Lord Hat J A hat of Dark Snake Lord. You can be an emperor with this. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required LVevel : 1 Jobs : all jobs Id: (19691) C Blue Ribbon A blue ribbon symbolized of the elite! Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required LVevel : 1 Jobs : all jobs Id: (19692) C Antique Pipe J An old pipe needed for the perfect captain fashion. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required LVevel : 1 Jobs : all jobs Id: (19693) C Triple Poring Hat A cute hat stacked with popular monster porings. It seems that Angeling, Mastering and Poring are standing in a line. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required LVevel : 1 Jobs : all jobs Id: (19694) C Vane Hairpin A traditional hairpin shaped like a windmill spining round. You can feel the wind with it. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required LVevel : 1 Jobs : all jobs Id: (19695) C Kettle Hat A kettle put on your head. It depends you well but water can overflow if you move too hard. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required LVevel : 1 Jobs : all jobs Id: (19695) COutfit Kettle Hat Basinizin üstüne koyabileceginiz bir su isiticisi. Sizi iyi savunabilir ama eger çok fazla hareket ederseniz içindeki sular dökülebilir. Sinif : Kostüm Savunma : 0 Konum : Alt Agirlik : 0 Gereken SV : 1 Meslek : Hepsi Id: (19696) C Friend Mochiring Hat C_Friend_Mochiring_Hat Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required LVevel : 1 Jobs : all jobs Id: (19709) C Yellow Ribbon A ribbon made by an old flag. You can put it on one side of your head. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required LVevel : 1 Jobs : all jobs Id: (19709) COutfit Yellow Ribbon Eski bir bayraktan yapilmis olan bir kurdale. Basinin bir tarafina yerlestirilir. Sinif : Kostüm Savunma : 0 Konum : Alt Agirlik : 0 Gereken SV : 1 Meslek : Hepsi Id: (19710) C Wings Of Victory A hair accessory made of Valkyrie's feathers and precious jewelry. It can protect you from every harmness. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Mid Weight : 0 Required LVevel : 1 Jobs : all jobs Id: (19712) C Little Angel Doll A doll shaped like an angel. It is used to worship Odin by the blacksmith guild of dwarf. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required LVevel : 1 Jobs : all jobs Id: (19713) C Lucky Clover A fresh lucky clover. It brings you with a good luck. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required LVevel : 1 Jobs : all jobs Id: (19714) C Lady Tanee Doll A cute doll shaped like Lady Tanee. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required LVevel : 1 Jobs : all jobs Id: (19715) C Scarf A scarf with a mysterious wind. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required LVevel : 1 Jobs : all jobs Id: (19716) C Alice Doll A doll shaped like a popular monster Alice. She says 'Master, cheer up' on your head. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required LVevel : 1 Jobs : all jobs Id: (19717) C Ribbon Pink A butterfly shaped ribbon for girls, or pretty boys can wear it. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required LVevel : 1 Jobs : all jobs Id: (19718) C Gothic Head Dress C_Gothic_Head_Dress Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required LVevel : 1 Jobs : all jobs Id: (19718) C Gothic Head Dress C_Gothic_Head_Dress Sinif : Kostüm Savunma : 0 Konum : Alt Agirlik : 0 Gereken SV : 1 Meslek : Hepsi Id: (19721) C Darkness Helm An elegant black wings which are spreading wide. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required LVevel : 1 Jobs : all jobs Id: (19722) C Black Glasses A black bold glasses. This is it- item for this season! Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Mid Weight : 0 Required LVevel : 1 Jobs : all jobs Id: (19723) C Sacred Torch Coronet A crown with holy fire. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required LVevel : 1 Jobs : all jobs Id: (19724) C Deprotai Doll Hat A headgear shaped like Kafra Deprotai! All boys are chasing her so they can use Kafra service 20 times per day. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required LVevel : 1 Jobs : all jobs Id: (19724) COutfit Deprotaie Doll Hat Kafra Deprotai sekline verilmis bir baslik! Bütük oglanlar günde 20 kere Kafra hizmetlerini kullanabilmek için onun pesindedir. Sinif : Kostüm Savunma : 0 Konum : Alt Agirlik : 0 Gereken SV : 1 Meslek : Hepsi Id: (19725) C Bread Bag2 A festival hat shaped like a bread bag. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Mid Lower Weight : 0 Required LVevel : 1 Jobs : all jobs Id: (19726) C Scarlet Rose A bloody red rose in your lips. You should remove its thorns. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required LVevel : 1 Jobs : all jobs Id: (19727) C Deviling Hat A hat designed like Deviling. His sharp eyes are the best point for your fashion! Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required LVevel : 1 Jobs : all jobs Id: (19728) C Tare Zonda C_Tare_Zonda Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required LVevel : 1 Jobs : all jobs Id: (19729) C Neko Mimi Kafra A stylish hairband shaped like Kafra's and cat's ears. It's double the cuteness! Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required LVevel : 1 Jobs : all jobs Id: (19733) C Panda Cap Panda shaped hat, very cute and very popular to girls. Class : Costume Position : upper wWeight : 0 Required Lvevel. : 1 Jobs : All Id: (19737) C Corsair K Big hat for captain pirate. This could show the prestige of captian pirates, but itÂ’s worn out much.t Class : Costume Position : upper wWeight : 0 Required Lvevel. : 1 Jobs : All Id: (19743) C Anubis Helm J A hat sculpted like Anubis, an egyptian god of the dead. It belongs to the holy priests who make a mummy. Class : Costume Location: Upper Mid Lower Weight : 0 Required LVevel : 1 Jobs : all Jobs Id: (19744) C Black Tail Ribbon Black and big ribbon, very neat and tidy. Class : Costume Position : upper wWeight : 0 Required Lvevel. : 1 Jobs : All Id: (19745) C Holy Marching Hat J A marching hat with sacred force. Class : Costume Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required LVevel : 1 Jobs : all Jobs Id: (19746) C Cap Of Blindness A purple hoody with a deep shade. Red eyes in the dark hoody make people scary. Class : Costume Location : Upper Mid Lower Weight : 0 Required LVevel : 1 Jobs : all Jobs Id: (19747) C Tha Despero Mask J A mask worn by the despair of Thanatos. It seems very popular of its cute design. Class : Costume Location : Mid Lower Weight : 0 Required LVevel : 1 Jobs : all Jobs Id: (19748) C Diadem A headgear jewelled with love jewels. You can find your true love with wearing it. Class : Costume Location : Upper Mid Weight : 0 Required LVevel : 1 Jobs : all Jobs Id: (19749) C Gold Spirit Chain A splendid soul ring with angel's blessing given to sincere believers. Class : Costume Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required LVevel : 1 Jobs : all Jobs Id: (19750) C Saint Frill Ribbon A white huge ribbon looks tidy. Class : Costume Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required LVevel : 1 Jobs : all Jobs Id: (19751) C Light Darkness Crown A myterious crown decorated with a white left-wing and a black right-wing. Class : Costume Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required LVevel : 1 Jobs : all Jobs Id: (19752) C Shelter Wing Ears A wing-shaped accessory with purple roses. Class : Costume Location : Middle Weight : 0 Required LVevel : 1 Jobs : all Jobs Id: (19767) C Home Cherry Blossom A cute hair accessory decorated with cherry blossoms and bells. It reminds you of old memories. Class : Costume Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required LVevel : 1 Jobs : all Jobs Id: (19768) C Sakura Coronet A pink flowered wreath. Class : Costume Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required LVevel : 1 Jobs : all Jobs Id: (19769) C Mischievous Fairy A headgear looks like the ears of a mischievous fairy. Class : Costume Location : Middle Weight : 0 Required LVevel : 1 Jobs : all Jobs Id: (19770) C Japan Winecup An oriental glass with various colors. Take your free time with this. Class : Costume Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required LVevel : 1 Jobs : all Jobs Id: (19771) C Butterfly Hairpin A beautiful hairpin looks like a blue butterfly. Class : Costume Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required LVevel : 1 Jobs : all Jobs Id: (19772) C Honeybee Hat An interesting hat decorated with honeybee-like stripes and feelers. You feel like gathering the honey! Class : Costume Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required LVevel : 1 Jobs : all Jobs Id: (19773) C Angeling Hairpin A cute hairpin shaped like an angeling. When wearing this, you feel like a feather. Class : Costume Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required LVevel : 1 Jobs : all Jobs Id: (19774) C Emperor Wreath J A laurel wreath used for the coronation of the emperor. It symbolizes glory and victory. Class : Costume Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required LVevel : 1 Jobs : all Jobs Id: (19775) C Marvelous Wig A funky afro wig that is so so popular to teenagers! You can dance disco with it any time! Class : Costume Location : Upper Mid Weight : 0 Required LVevel : 1 Jobs : all Jobs Id: (19776) C Tomboy Fairy A headgear looks like the ears of a mischievous fairy. Class : Costume Location : Middle Weight : 0 Required LVevel : 1 Jobs : all Jobs Id: (19781) C Ear Of Angel's Wing Ear accessory that shape of the white and beautiful angel. You could feel the mysterious power from it. Class : Costume Position : middle wWeight : 0 Required Lvevel. : 1 Jobs : All Id: (19789) C Sweet Gents Hat for gentlemen. It could how the sweet and gentle nature of middle age men. Class : Costume Position : upper wWeight : 0 Required Lvevel. : 1 Jobs : All Id: (19826) C Ice Wing Ear Earings made by the ice and special combinations. You could forget the hot weather with this. Class : Costume Position : middle wWeight : 0 Required Lvevel. : 1 Jobs : All Id: (19827) C Amistr Cap Homunculus 'Amistr' shaped hat. Class : Costume Position : upper wWeight : 0 Required Lvevel. : 1 Jobs : All Id: (19828) C Fedora Long time ago, the private soldiers equipped this kind of hat. Class : Costume Position : upper wWeight : 0 Required Lvevel. : 1 Jobs : All Id: (19829) C Straw Hat Straw hat for the summer. You would like to harvest with it. Class : Costume Position : upper wWeight : 0 Required Lvevel. : 1 Jobs : All Id: (19830) C Sunglasses Black Glasses to protect your eyes. It also good for your fashion. Class : Costume Position : middle wWeight : 0 Required Lvevel. : 1 Jobs : All Id: (19831) C Filir Hat Quiet Filir. But it would not attack because it is really quiet. Class : Costume Position : upper wWeight : 0 Required Lvevel. : 1 Jobs : All Id: (19832) C Poring Hat Popular monster Poring's hat. It never made by rubber gloves! Class : Costume Position : upper wWeight : 0 Required Lvevel. : 1 Jobs : All Id: (19833) C Fillet The small ribbon to fix the hair, very very cute. Class : Costume Position : upper wWeight : 0 Required Lvevel. : 1 Jobs : All Id: (19834) C Baseball Cap Hat to protect your eyes from hot sun. Class : Costume Position : upper wWeight : 0 Required Lvevel. : 1 Jobs : All Id: (19835) C Lif Doll Hat Lif Doll shaped hat, you could feel like the doll is looking at you. This could be very popular to person who like the little girl. Class : Costume Position : upper wWeight : 0 Required Lvevel. : 1 Jobs : All Id: (19836) C L Magestic Goat Huge horn from goat shaped helmet. Shamanistic meaning is enough in here. Class : Costume Position : upper wWeight : 0 Required Lvevel. : 1 Jobs : All Id: (19837) C Asara Fairy Hat Hat who person who performed ancestral rites. Asara Fairy shaped hat. Class : Costume Position : upper-middle wWeight : 0 Required Lvevel. : 1 Jobs : All Id: (19838) C Fox Hat Anyone seems like cunning with this mask. Class : Costume Position : upper-mid-lower wWeight : 0 Required Lvevel. : 1 Jobs : All Id: (19839) C Vanilmirth Hat Homunculus 'Vanilmirth' shaped hat. Very cold and soft. Class : Costume Position : upper wWeight : 0 Required Lvevel. : 1 Jobs : All Id: (19840) C Helm Of Sun Hat decorated by the big gold wings which symbolized Sun. We don't know how to walk with it. Class : Costume Position : upper-middle wWeight : 0 Required Lvevel. : 1 Jobs : All Id: (19841) C Dragonhelm Copper Legendary Helmet. Class : Costume Position : upper wWeight : 0 Required Lvevel. : 1 Jobs : All Id: (19842) C Puppy Hat Very cute with the dark brown color dog. Class : Costume Position : upper wWeight : 0 Required Lvevel. : 1 Jobs : All Id: (19852) C Galapago Cap Galapago shaped hat. The beak could be very good for protect the sunshine. Class : Costume Position : upper wWeight : 0 Required Lvevel. : 1 Jobs : All Id: (19854) C Ear Of Black Cat Black and small cat shaped hardband. It looks like Wickebine from Moroc, but is would not move at all. Class : Costume Position : upper wWeight : 0 Required Lvevel. : 1 Jobs : All Id: (19903) C Witchs Hat old and dark witch's hat which is enchanted by Witch. Contralily. Contrastively, bright orange colored pumpkin mascot is cute. It grants - 10% of variable casting time effect only on event period. Class : Costume Armor Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required Lvevel : 1 Jobs : All jobs Id: (19917) C Gloomy Pumpkin Hat A pumpkin hat with gloomy mood. it will grant movement speed up bonus only on event period. Class : Costume Armor Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required Lvevel : 1 Jobs : All jobs Id: (19918) C Lude Mask A mask of Lude, mascot of Niffleheim. it will grant 20% of healing effects (heal and potion) only on event period. Class : Costume Armor Location : Middle Low Weight : 0 Required Lvevel : 1 Jobs : All jobs Id: (19919) C Cube Mask A mask of Cube, mascot of Niffleheim. it will grant attack speed up bonus only on event period. (- 10% of delay after attack.) Class : Costume Armor Location : Middle-low Weight : 0 Required Lvevel : 1 Jobs : All jobs Id: (19920) C Adv Whisper Mask A mask of Whisper, which is fortified more. It grants FLEE + 20 bonus only on event period. Class : Costume Armor Location : Upper-Middle-Low Weight : 0 Required Lvevel : 1 Jobs : All jobs Id: (20700) Egir Manteau [1] A mantle from Egir, god of Ocean. It protects owner with blessing of the Sea. not possible to destroy. When Magician, Acolyte class are equipped, Complete Evasion + 5. Increase complete evasion 2 times more than refining. When Swordman, Merchant and Thief are equipped, reflecting rate of short physical damages + 5%. increase Damage reflecting rate 2 times more than refining. Class : Garment Defense : 10 Weight : 30 Required Lvevel. : 110 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (28319) Cauda Daemonica [1] A cute tail that makes you look like a demon. Be careful of demons who lost their tails... they might haunt you in order to get yours! When equipped with Horn_Of_Ancient, decrease damage 10% when being attacked by boss monsters. When equipped with Horn_Of_Succubus, LUK +2. When attacking physically, transform into "Succubus" for 5 sec by a certain chance. While being a Succubus, SP 5 recovery per every hit when attacking enemies physically. Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 20 Required LVevel : 80 Jobs : all jobs Id: (31504) Pack Alice Egg A strange egg capable to create an Alice Ticket, food and Incubators. _ Weight : 0 Id: (31505) Pack Poring Egg A strange egg capable to create a Poring Ticket, his accessory as well as food and Incubators. _ Weight : 0 Id: (31506) Pack Smokie Egg A strange egg capable to create a Smokie Ticket, his accessory as well as food and Incubators. _ Weight : 0 Id: (31525) Pack New Year Doll Egg A strange egg capable to create a New Year Doll Ticket, food and Incubators. _ Weight : 0 Id: (31526) Ticket New Year Doll A ticket which can be exchange to Pet Master in Morroc which will give you a New Year Doll egg. _ Weight : 1 Id: (32339) Pantie A risque undergarment that is comfortable to wear, but offers very little in the way of defense.TypeClass : Armor Defense : 4 Weight : 10 Jobs : All Id: (32522) Undershirt [1] Lightweight armor made from 100% real cotton that is actually quite durable. MDEF +1. If the owner is also equipped with Pantie, this garment adds AGI +5 and Flee +10. Slot : Garment Defense : 2 Weight : 15 Jobs : All Id: (32550) Ticket Deleter Give this ticket to the Pet Master in Morrocthe Market House to get a Deleter Egg. Weight : 10 Id: (32551) Ticket Diabolic Give this ticket to the Pet Master in Morrocthe Market House to get a Diabolic Egg. Weight : 10 Id: (32552) Ticket Wanderer Give this ticket to the Pet Master in Morrocthe Market House to get a Wanderer Egg. Weight : 10 Id: (32600) Lucky Clip Light Premium Item A clip created by a beginner magician, it will only last for 1 hour. Increase the drop rate. Slot : Accessoire Defense : 0 Weight : 0 Jobs : All Id: (32601) Bubble Gum Light Box A very old box holding a Bubble Gum Light, increasing the experience earned by defeating monsters. It will only last for 1 hour. _ Weight : 0 Id: (32602) Lucky Clip Light Box A very old box holding a Lucky Clip Light, increasing the drop rate. It will only last for 1 hour. _ Weight : 0 Id: (32603) Bubble Gum Light Premium Item A cheap chewing-gum, it will only have a good taste for 1 hour. Increase the experience earned by defeating monsters. Slot : Headgear Defense : 0 Slot : Bottom Weight : 0 Jobs : All Id: (32604) Bubble Gum Magic Box A little magic box who can hold much more than expected. Inside, you'll find a pack of Bubble Gum Low Box, who increase the experience earned by defeating monsters. _ Weight : 0 Id: (32605) Lucky Clip Magic Box A little magic box who can hold much more than expected. Inside, you'll find a pack of Lucky Clip Box, who increase the drop rate. _ Weight : 0 Id: (32606) Demi Magic Box A little magic box who can hold much more than expected. Inside, you'll find a pack of Bubble Gum Low Box and Lucky Clip Box. _ Weight : 0 Id: (32607) Bubble Light Magic Box A little magic box who can hold much more than expected. Inside, you'll find a pack of Bubble Gum Light Box, who increase the experience earned by defeating monsters. _ Weight : 0 Id: (32608) Lucky Light Magic Box A little magic box who can hold much more than expected. Inside, you'll find a pack of Lucky Clip Light Box, who increase the drop rate. _ Weight : 0 Id: (32609) Bubble Sweet Gum Premium Item A chewing-gum filed with a sweet blue liquid. It has a 4 hours garantee! Increase the experience earned by defeating monsters. Slot : Headgear Defense : 0 Slot : Bottom Weight : 0 Jobs : All Id: (32610) Bubble Sweet Gum Box A well wrapped box. Inside, you'll find a Bubble Sweet Gum who's increasing the experience earned by defeating monsters. _ Weight : 0 Id: (32611) Katana [4] A straight bladed sword that the Japanese samurai depended on during battle. TypeClass : Two-Handed Sword Power : 60 Weight : 100 Weapon Lvl : 1 Required Lvevel : 4 Jobs : Swordman Id: (32612) Bubble Gum Medium Box This tiny box is holding 5 Bubble Gum Sweet Box. Nobody know how this box could contain so many things. _ Weight : 0 Id: (32613) Lucky Clip Medium Box This tiny box is holding 5 Lucky Clip Box. Nobody know how this box could contain so many things. _ Weight : 0 Id: (32614) Tsurugi [2] One of the most powerful one-handed swords, the Tsurugi was favored by the Japanese samurai. TypeClass : Sword Power : 130 Weight : 120 Weapon Lvl : 3 Required Lvevel : 27 Jobs : Swordman /Merchant /Thief Id: (32615) Dungeon Teleport VIP Scroll Box A box containing 10 Dungeon Teleport VIP Scroll, which allow to teleport to highest level dungeons. _ Weight : 1 Id: (32617) Damascus [2] A lethal knife made of a special metal that can easily cut straight into the heart of an enemy. The blade cannot be damaged in battle. TypeClass : Dagger Power : 118 Weight : 80 Weapon Lvl : 3 Required Lvevel : 24 Jobs : Swordman /Magician /Archer /Merchant /Thief Id: (32618) Katar [2] A set of daggers in which the blades are positioned above the knuckles for use in close range combat. Dex +1 TypeClass : Katar Power : 148 Weight : 120 Weapon Lvl : 3 Required Lvevel : 33 Jobs : Assassin Id: (32619) Axe [4] A common axe. TypeClass : Axe Power : 38 Weight : 80 Weapon Lvl : 1 Required Lvevel : 3 Jobs : Novice /Swordman /Merchant /Assassin Id: (32620) Two Handed Axe [2] A two-handed, double bladed axe. TypeClass : Axe Power : 185 Weight : 250 Weapon Lvl : 3 Required Lvevel : 30 Jobs : Swordman /Merchant Id: (32621) Pike [4] A long spear that is generally issued to foot soldiers. TypeClass : Spear Power : 60 Weight : 100 Weapon Lvl : 1 Required Lvevel : 4 Jobs : Swordman Id: (32622) Trident [3] A triple pronged spear that can also be used for fishing. TypeClass : Spear Power : 150 Weight : 120 Weapon Lvl : 3 Required Lvevel : 33 Jobs : Swordman Id: (32623) Diablo Healinium Box A dakr box who seems to be alive. If you manage to open it, you'll find a Diablo Healinium inside._ _ Weight : 0 Id: (32624) Pack Alchemist Box A sealed box by talismans which contain very useful objects for the Alchemist class. However she can be open by everyone. _ Weight : 0 Id: (32625) Pack Assassin Box A sealed box by talismans which contain very useful objects for the Assassin class. However she can be open by everyone. _ Weight : 0 Id: (32626) Pack Bard Box A sealed box by talismans which contain very useful objects for the Bard class. However she can be open by everyone. _ Weight : 0 Id: (32627) Pack Blacksmith Box A sealed box by talismans which contain very useful objects for the Blacksmith class. However she can be open by everyone. _ Weight : 0 Id: (32628) Pack Crusader Box A sealed box by talismans which contain very useful objects for the Crusader class. However she can be open by everyone. _ Weight : 0 Id: (32629) Pack Dancer Box A sealed box by talismans which contain very useful objects for the Dancer class. However she can be open by everyone. _ Weight : 0 Id: (32630) Pack Gunslinger Box A sealed box by talismans which contain very useful objects for the Gunslinger class. However she can be open by everyone. _ Weight : 0 Id: (32631) Pack Hunter Box A sealed box by talismans which contain very useful objects for the Hunter class. However she can be open by everyone. _ Weight : 0 Id: (32632) Pack Knight Box A sealed box by talismans which contain very useful objects for the Knight class. However she can be open by everyone. _ Weight : 0 Id: (32633) Pack Monk Box A sealed box by talismans which contain very useful objects for the Monk class. However she can be open by everyone. _ Weight : 0 Id: (32634) Pack Ninja Box A sealed box by talismans which contain very useful objects for the Ninja class. However she can be open by everyone. _ Weight : 0 Id: (32635) Pack Priest Box A sealed box by talismans which contain very useful objects for the Priest class. However she can be open by everyone. _ Weight : 0 Id: (32636) Pack Rogue Box A sealed box by talismans which contain very useful objects for the Rogue class. However she can be open by everyone. _ Weight : 0 Id: (32637) Pack Sage Box A sealed box by talismans which contain very useful objects for the Sage class. However she can be open by everyone. _ Weight : 0 Id: (32638) Pack Soul Linker Box A sealed box by talismans which contain very useful objects for the Soul Linker class. However she can be open by everyone. _ Weight : 0 Id: (32639) Pack Star Gladiator Box A sealed box by talismans which contain very useful objects for the Star Gladiator class. However she can be open by everyone. _ Weight : 0 Id: (32640) Pack Super Novice Box A sealed box by talismans which contain very useful objects for the Super Novice class. However she can be open by everyone. _ Weight : 0 Id: (32641) Pack Wizard Box A sealed box by talismans which contain very useful objects for the Wizard class. However she can be open by everyone. _ Weight : 0 Id: (32642) Book [3] A book that's been put together sturdily enough to be wielded as a weapon in an emergency situation. TypeClass : Book Power : 85 Weight : 60 Weapon Lvl : 2 Required Lvevel : 14 Jobs : Priest/Sage Id: (32643) Rod [4] A simple magic wand. MATK +15% TypeClass : Rod Power : 15 Weight : 40 Weapon Lvl : 1 Required Lvevel : N/A Jobs : Novice /Magician /Acolyte Id: (32644) Arc Wand [2] An ornate, elegantly crafted wand that grants powerful magical energy. INT +3 , MATK +15% TypeClass : Rod Power : 60 Weight : 40 Weapon Lvl : 3 Required Lvevel : 24 Jobs : Magician /Acolyte Id: (32645) Cross Bow [3] A specially made bow that uses a firing mechanism to launch arrows at enemies. TypeClass : Bow Power : 65 Weight : 90 Weapon Lvl : 2 Required Lvevel : 18 Jobs : Archer /Thief/Rogue Id: (32646) Waghnak [4] A common, yet effective claw that's also known as the "Tiger Fang". TypeClass : Claw Power : 30 Weight : 40 Weapon Lvl : 1 Required Lvevel : N/A Jobs : Priest/Monk Id: (32647) Violin [4] The classical stringed instrument favored by Rocker, the grasshopper monster who'd rather play music than do actual work. TypeClass : Musical Instrument Power : 50 Weight : 70 Weapon Lvl : 1 Required Lvevel : 2 Jobs : Bard Id: (32648) Whip [2] A fairly common and very normal whip. TypeClass : Whip Power : 120 Weight : 70 Weapon Lvl : 3 Required Lvevel : 30 Jobs : Dancer Id: (32649) Guard [1] A square shield that is small, yet effective in combat. TypeClass : Shield Defense : 3 Weight : 30 Jobs : Tous les Jobs Id: (32650) Crimson Bolt [2] A bloody red revolver that is rumored to be cursed. Hit - 10. TypeClass : Pistolet ATK: 45 Weight : 45 Weapon Lvl : 2 Lv. Requis: 35 Profession:Gunslinger Id: (32651) Buckler [1] A rounded shield that readily absorbs impact from attacks. TypeClass : Shield Defense : 4 Weight : 60 Jobs : Swordman /Acolyte /Merchant /Thief /Bard/Dancer Id: (32652) Arm Guard A wrist protector, designed exclusively for the Ninja class, that is padded with a steel plate for increased defense and durability. TypeClass : Shield DEFefense : 5 Weight : 15 Lv. Requis: 20 Profession:Ninja Id: (32653) Alice Doll [1] A hat adorned with an Alice doll. When worn, it seems like Alice is cheering you on from the top of your head. ''Be strong, master!'' +10% damage against Demihuman monsters, and has low chance of casting Sleep on its wearer. Str +1. Cannot be upgraded. Slot : Head Gear Defense : 0 Slot : Upper Weight : 50 Required Lvevel : 30 Jobs : All except Novice Id: (32654) Silver Tiara [1] A head decoration made out of shiny silver with a star in the center. INT + 2 Class : Head Gear Defense : 0 Slot : Upper Weight : 10 Jobs : All Id: (32655) Black Rose [1] A dark, stylish shotgun that has been modified so that it rapidly fires bullets from two muzzles to maximize it power. Inflicts splashed damage. TypeClass : Shotgun ATK: 180 Weight : 90 Weapon Lvl : 2 Lv. Requis: 35 Profession:Gunslinger Id: (32656) Coat [1] A long coat that provides remarkable warmth in cold weather. TypeClass : Armor Defense : 5 Weight : 120 Jobs : Tous les Jobs, sauf Novice Id: (32657) Chain Mail [1] Heavy mail made entirely of polished, metal chain links. TypeClass : Armor Defense : 8 Weight : 330 Jobs : Swordman /Merchant /Thief Id: (32658) Silk Robe [1] A finely woven, silk robe that has been enchanted with magic. MDEF +10 TypeClass : Armor Defense : 3 Weight : 40 Jobs : Swordman /Magician /Acolyte /Merchant Id: (32659) Saint Robe [1] A robe that has been baptized with saintly power. MDEF +5 TypeClass : Armor Defense : 6 Weight : 60 Jobs : Acolyte /Merchant Id: (32660) Shoes [1] A pair of shoes made of supple, high quality leather. TypeClass : Foot Gear Defense : 2 Weight : 40 Jobs : Tous sauf Novice Id: (32661) Diablo Healinium Premium Item A dark cloack who's fading away. In the end, you won't be able to use it, so hurry up and equip it!_ A une petite chance de vous lancer automatiquement le skill Heal level 3 lorsque vous subissez des digbts physiques. Slot : Garment Defense : 2 Weight : 0 Jobs : All Id: (32662) Muffler [1] A warm scarf that is worn around the neck and shoulders. TypeClass : Garment Defense : 2 Weight : 40 Jobs : Tous sauf Novice Id: (32663) Manteau [1] A long, loose cape-like garment that protects its wearer from harsh weather. TypeClass : Garment Defense : 4 Weight : 60 Jobs : Swordman /Merchant /Thief Id: (32674) Classical Adventurer Pack A sealed box by talismans which contain an All in One Ring and very useful objects for training. _ Weight : 0 Id: (32675) Adventurer Rudra Pack A sealed box by talismans which contain a Refined Rudra Bow and very useful objects for training. _ Weight : 0 Id: (32676) Adventurer Solar Pack A sealed box by talismans which contain a Refined Solar Sword and very useful objects for training. _ Weight : 0 Id: (32680) Starter Pack 2 A sealed box by talismans which contain very useful objects to start. _ Weight : 0 Id: (32701) Clip [1] A versatile accessory that you can attach to pretty much anything. SP +10 TypeClass : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 10 Jobs : Tous les Jobs Id: (32707) Belt [1] A simple, very practical belt that has little fashion value. TypeClass : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 120 Required Lvevel : 25 Jobs : Tous les Jobs Id: (32708) Ticket Alice A ticket which can be exchange to Pet Master in Morroc which will give you an Alice egg. _ Weight : 1 Id: (32709) Ticket Poring A ticket which can be exchange to Pet Master in Morroc which will give you a Poring egg. _ Weight : 1 Id: (32710) Ticket Smokie A ticket which can be exchange to Pet Master in Morroc which will give you a Smokie egg. _ Weight : 1 [/SPOILER]
  10. Changed Item Spoiler Alert: Id: (4809) Fighting Spirit3 ATK + 12 HIT + 4 Id: (4810) Fighting Spirit2 ATK + 9 HIT + 3 Id: (4811) Fighting Spirit1 ATK + 6 HIT + 2 Id: (4832) Expert Archer 1Lv Fernkampfangriffe werden erhöht um 2%. Id: (4832) Expert Archer 1Lv Uzun menzillli saldiri 2%. Id: (4833) Expert Archer 2Lv Fernkampfangriffe werden erhöht um 4%. Id: (4833) Expert Archer 2Lv Uzun menzillli saldiri 4%. Id: (4834) Expert Archer 3Lv Fernkampfangriffe werden erhöht um 6%. Id: (4834) Expert Archer 3Lv Uzun menzillli saldiri 6%. Id: (5358) Peco-Peco Ears Id: (5358) Peco-Peco Ears Morgan Stanley tarafýndan yaratýlmýþ süs kanadý. AGI + 1, MDEF + 2 Eþya Sýnýfý : Head Gear Savunma : 1 Kafadaki Konum : Middle Aðýrlýk: 10 Gerekli Seviye :70 Uygun Meslekler : Her Meslek Id: (5386) NewYear Suit HatProtovich Band Ein Haarband, dass jedem zeigt, dass man an den Experimenten von Professor Protovich teilnimmt. Erhöht die erhaltenen Experience vom Protovich Hunting Quest um 10% pro Upgrade Level. Gegenstandsart : Headgear Verteidigung : 7 Position : Top Gewicht : 70 Jobs : Alle Id: (5596) 4Four Leaf Clover In Mouth A 4-leaf clover placed in the mouth as a lucky charm. LUK +3. Gives a small chance to gain a Green Ale when killing monsters. If equipped with a Beer Hat, the drop chance is increased and gives a chance to obtain the three types of Saint Patrick drinks. Class : Headgear Defense : 2 Location : Bottom Weight : 0 Jobs : All Id: (5674) Pig Moneyboxcoin A piggy-bank which will make you feel good after saving many coins in it. Its cute design will make you to doubt to cut it off to open. Casting time after performing the skill will be increased 10%. When defeating a monster, it can get extra Zeny with a set probability. Cannot be upgraded. Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Location: Upper Weight : 100 Required Lv : 10 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (5674) Pig Moneyboxcoin Ýçerisinde çok fazla para biriktirdiðinde seni mutlu edecek kumbara. Sevimli tasarýmý onu kýrýp açman konusunda tereddüt etmene sebep oluyor. Yetenek gecikmesi 10% artar. Canavarlarý yendiðinizde ekstra Zeny kazanma þansý verir. Arýtýlamaz. Eþya Sýnýfý : Headgear Savunma : 3 Giyildiði Yer: Upper Aðýrlýk: 100 Gerekli Seviye : 10 Uygun Meslekler : Her Meslek Id: (5789) Thanatos's Mal Mask Thanatos Odium wore mask. Cute design with high def rate. VIT +1 Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Location : Top/Middle/Lower Weight : 10 Required Level : 30 Jobs : All Id: (5856) Worldcup Hat of Passion A hat which makes you feel the air of festivity. Play all over the ground with amazing vitality!! STR+ 1, INT+ 1, VIT+ 2, DEX+ 2, AGI+ 2, LUK+ 2.2, DEX+ 2 MDEF+1. Class : Head Gear Defense : 1 Slot : Upper Weight : 0 Job : All Id: (5856) Worldcup Hat of Passion Un chapeau qui a vraiment l'air festif. C'est le symbole même de la Passion! STR+ 1, INT+ 1, VIT+ 2, DEX+ 2, AGI+ 2, LUK+ 2.2, DEX+ 2 MDEF+1. Type : Head Gear Défense : 1 Emplacement : Haut Poids : 0 Profession : Toutes Id: (5856) Worldcup Hat of Passion Ein Hut, der Sie in Feierstimmung versetzt. Sie fühlen sich ausgelassen und voller Lebenskraft!!! STR+ 1, INT+ 1, VIT+ 2, DEX+ 2, AGI+ 2, LUK+ 2.2, DEX+ 2 MDEF+1. Typ: Head Gear Verteidigung: 1 Slot: Upper Gewicht: 0 Jobs: Alle Id: (5856) Worldcup Hat of Passion Festival havasýný hissetmene sebep olan þapka. Tüm bu enerjile kendini yerden yere at!! STR +1, INT +1, VIT +2, DEX +2, AGI +2, LUK +2.2, DEX +2 MDEF +1. Eþya Sýnýfý : Head Gear Savunma : 1 Giyildiði Yer : Upper Aðýrlýk: 0 Uygun Meslekler : Her Meslek Id: (5857) Worldcup Hat of Fight A hat which makes you feel the air of festivity. Throw a great shot with the outstanding strength!! STR+ 2, INT+ 12, VIT+ 1, DEX+ 2, AGI+ 2, LUK+ 2.2 MDEF+1. Class : Head Gear Defense : 1 Slot : Upper Weight : 0 Job : All Id: (5857) Worldcup Hat of Fight Un chapeau qui a vraiment l'air festif. C'est le symbole même du Combat! STR+ 2, INT+ 12, VIT+ 1, DEX+ 2, AGI+ 2, LUK+ 2.2 MDEF+1. Type : Head Gear Défense : 1 Emplacement : Haut Poids : 0 Profession : Toutes Id: (5857) Worldcup Hat of Fight Ein Hut, der Sie in Feierstimmung versetzt. Geben Sie ein rauschendes Fest voll unbändiger Tatkraft!!! STR+ 2, INT+ 12, VIT+ 1, DEX+ 2, AGI+ 2, LUK+ 2.2 MDEF+1. Typ: Head Gear Verteidigung: 1 Slot: Upper Gewicht: 0 Jobs: Alle Id: (5857) Worldcup Hat of Fight Festival havasýný hissetmene sebep olan þapka. Ýnanýlmaz güçle bir fýrlatýþ yap!! STR +2, INT +12, VIT +1, DEX +2, AGI +2, LUK +2.2 MDEF +1. Eþya Sýnýfý : Head Gear Savunma : 1 Giyildiði Yer : Upper Aðýrlýk: 0 Uygun Meslekler : Her Meslek Id: (5858) Worldcup Hat of Victory A hat which makes you feel the air of festivity. Make the other team overwhelmed with your smart strategy!! STR+ 1, INT+ 2, VIT+ 1, DEX+ 2, AGI+ 2, LUK+ 2.INT+ 2, DEX+ 2 MDEF+1. Class : Head Gear Defense : 1 Slot : Upper Weight : 0 Job : All Id: (5858) Worldcup Hat of Victory Un chapeau qui a vraiment l'air festif. C'est le symbole même de la Victoire! STR+ 1, INT+ 2, VIT+ 1, DEX+ 2, AGI+ 2, LUK+ 2.INT+ 2, DEX+ 2 MDEF+1. Type : Head Gear Défense : 1 Emplacement : Haut Poids : 0 Profession : Toutes Id: (5858) Worldcup Hat of Victory Ein Hut, der Sie in Feierstimmung versetzt. Das andere Team ist überwältigt von ihrer klugen Strategie!!! STR+ 1, INT+ 2, VIT+ 1, DEX+ 2, AGI+ 2, LUK+ 2.INT+ 2, DEX+ 2 MDEF+1. Typ: Head Gear Verteidigung: 1 Slot: Upper Gewicht: 0 Jobs: Alle Id: (5858) Worldcup Hat of Victory Festival havasýný hissetmene sebep olan þapka. Diðer takýmý akýllý stratejin ile ez!! STR +1, INT +2, VIT +1, DEX +2, AGI +2, LUK +2.INT+ 2, DEX+ 2 MDEF +1. Eþya Sýnýfý : Head Gear Savunma : 1 Giyildiði Yer : Upper Aðýrlýk: 0 Uygun Meslekler : Her Meslek Id: (5859) Worldcup Hat of Honor A hat which makes you feel the air of festivity. Fight to death for the moment of glory!! ALL STATEll stats + 3. MDEF+1. Class : Head Gear Defense : 1 Slot : Upper Weight : 0 Job : All Id: (5859) Worldcup Hat of Honor Un chapeau qui a vraiment l'air festif. C'est le symbole même de l'Honneur! ALL STATEToutes stats + 3. MDEF+1. Type : Head Gear Défense : 1 Emplacement : Haut Poids : 0 Profession : Toutes Id: (5859) Worldcup Hat of Honor Ein Hut, der Sie in Feierstimmung versetzt. Kämpfen Sie bis zum Tod für Ihre Sternstunde!!! ALL STATEll stats + 3. MDEF+1. Typ: Head Gear Verteidigung: 1 Slot: Upper Gewicht: 0 Jobs: Alle Id: (6446) Green Paper Verdächtiges Papier, das aus der Strange Box stammt. Gewicht: 0 Id: (6446) Green Paper Strange Box'dan çýkmýþ þüpheli kaðýt. Aðýrlýk: 0 Id: (12033) Box of Sunlight Enables the user to to detect any hidden enemies for 30 seconds. _ Weight : 20 Id: (12033) Box of Sunlight Kullananýn 30 saniye boyunca gizlenmiþ düþmanlarý görmesini saðlar . _ Aðýrlýk: 20 Id: (13553) Dungeon Teleport Scroll 5 Box A box containing a special scroll that can transport you once to Nogg Road, Mjolnir Dead Pit, Umbala Dungeon, Einbroch Mine Dungeon, Payon Dungeon, Toy Dungeon, Glast Heim Underprison, Louyang Dungeon, Hermit's Checkers, Izlude Dungeon, Turtle Island Dungeon, Clock Tower B3F, Clock Tower 3F, Glast Heim Culvert 2F, Sphinx Dungeon 4F, Inside Pyramid 4F, Prontera Culvert 3F, Amatsu Dungeon 1F (Tatami Maze), Somatology Laboratory 1st Floor, or Ayothaya Ancient Shrine 2F. _ Weight: 1 Id: (13553) Dungeon Teleport Scroll 5 Box Eine Kiste, die eine besondere Schriftrolle enthält, die Sie einmal zum/zur Nogg Road, Mjolnir Dead Pit, Umbala Dungeon, Einbroch Mine Dungeon, Payon Dungeon, Toy Dungeon, Glast Heim Underprison, Louyang Dungeon, Hermit's Checkers, Izlude Dungeon, Turtle Islund Dungeon, Clock Tower B3F, Clock Tower 3F, Glast Heim Culvert 2F, Sphinx Dungeon 4F, Inside Pyramid 4F, Prontera Culvert 3F, Amatsu Dungeon 1F (Tatami Maze), Somatology Laboratory 1st Floor oder Ayothaya Ancient Shrine 2F bringen kann. _ Gewicht: 1 Id: (15008) Flame Spirit Armor An armor blessed by Fire. MDEF +1 Gives Fire Property. Reduces damage from earth type monsters for 5%. Class : Armor Defense : 25 Weight : 100 Jobs : All Id: (16258) HD Bradium 5 Box Une boîte contenant 5 high density bradiums. La densité et la résistance ont été améliorées par d'innombrables expériences de la part des érudits de Midgard. Il semble que la difficulté demeure pour l'amélioration des armes. Quand tu rates l'amélioration de la défense d'une arme dont le niveau d'amélioration est supérieur à +10, elle n'est pas détruite ou ne disparaît pas. (Quand l'amélioration échoue, le niveau d'amélioration bénéficie d'un -1.) Poids : 1 Cet objet ne peut pas être retiré de l'abonnement ou remboursé. Poids : 1 Id: (16258) HD Bradium 5 Box5 Eine Kiste mit 5 High Density Bradiums. Dichte und Stabilität wurden durch viele Experimente der Gelehrten von Midgard verbessert. Das Aufrüsten von Waffen wird anscheinend immer schwieriger. Wenn Sie beim Aufrüsten von Verteidigungswaffen mit einem Aufrüstungslevel von über +10 einen Fehlschlag erleiden, werden die Waffen nicht zerstört oder verschwinden. (Wenn das Aufrüsten fehlschlägt, wird das Aufrüstungslevel um -1 verringert.) Gewicht: 1 Die Subskription für diesen Gegenstand kann nicht widerrufen oder erstattet werden. Gewicht: 1 Id: (16258) HD Bradium 5 Box5 5 adet high density bradium içeren kutu. Midgard'ýn araþtýrmacýlarý tarafýndan yoðunluðu ve sertliði, birçok araþtýrmanýn sonucu olarak arttýrýlmýþtýr. Zor silah arýtmalarý için gerekli. Arýtma seviyesi 10'un üzerindeki bir silahýnýn arýtmasý baþarýsýz olduðunda, silah yokolmaz veya parçalanamaz. (Arýtma iþlemi baþarýsýz olduðunda silahýn arýtma seviyesi 1 azalýr) Aðýrlýk : 1 Bu eþya üyelik ücretiyle alýnamaz ve geri verilemez. Id: (16259) HD Carnium 5 Box Une boîte contenant 5 high density carniums. La densité et la résistance ont été améliorées par d'innombrables expériences de la part des érudits de Midgard. Il semble que la difficulté demeure pour l'amélioration des armes. Quand tu rates l'amélioration de la défense d'une arme dont le niveau d'amélioration est supérieur à +10, elle n'est pas détruite ou ne disparaît pas. (Quand l'amélioration échoue, le niveau d'amélioration bénéficie d'un -1.) Poids : 1 Cet objet ne peut pas être retiré de l'abonnement ou remboursé. Poids : 1 Id: (16259) HD Carnium 5 Box5 Eine Kiste mit 5 High Density Carniums. Dichte und Stabilität wurden durch viele Experimente der Gelehrten von Midgard verbessert. Das Aufrüsten von Waffen wird anscheinend immer schwieriger. Wenn Sie beim Aufrüsten von Verteidigungswaffen mit einem Aufrüstungslevel von über +10 einen Fehlschlag erleiden, werden die Waffen nicht zerstört oder verschwinden. (Wenn das Aufrüsten fehlschlägt, wird das Aufrüstungslevel um -1 verringert.) Gewicht: 1 Die Subskription für diesen Gegenstand kann nicht widerrufen oder erstattet werden. Gewicht: 1 Id: (16259) HD Carnium 5 Box5 5 adet high density carnium içeren kutu. Midgard'ýn araþtýrmacýlarý tarafýndan yoðunluðu ve sertliði, birçok araþtýrmanýn sonucu olarak arttýrýlmýþtýr. Zor zýrh arýtmalarý için gerekli. Arýtma seviyesi 10'un üzerindeki bir zýrhýn arýtmasý baþarýsýz olduðunda, zýrh yokolmaz veya parçalanamaz. (Arýtma iþlemi baþarýsýz olduðunda zýrhýn arýtma seviyesi 1 azalýr) Aðýrlýk : 1 Bu eþya üyelik ücretiyle alýnamaz ve geri verilemez. Id: (16260) HD Bradium 10 Box Une boîte contenant 10 high density bradiums. La densité et la résistance ont été améliorées par d'innombrables expériences de la part des érudits de Midgard. Il semble que la difficulté demeure pour l'amélioration des armes. Quand tu rates l'amélioration de la défense d'une arme dont le niveau d'amélioration est supérieur à +10, elle n'est pas détruite ou ne disparaît pas. (Quand l'amélioration échoue, le niveau d'amélioration bénéficie d'un -1.) Poids : 1 Cet objet ne peut pas être retiré de l'abonnement ou remboursé. Poids : 1 Id: (16260) HD Bradium 10 Box10 Eine Kiste mit 10 High Density Bradiums. Dichte und Stabilität wurden durch viele Experimente der Gelehrten von Midgard verbessert. Das Aufrüsten von Waffen wird anscheinend immer schwieriger. Wenn Sie beim Aufrüsten von Verteidigungswaffen mit einem Aufrüstungslevel von über +10 einen Fehlschlag erleiden, werden die Waffen nicht zerstört oder verschwinden. (Wenn das Aufrüsten fehlschlägt, wird das Aufrüstungslevel um -1 verringert.) Gewicht: 1 Die Subskription für diesen Gegenstand kann nicht widerrufen oder erstattet werden. Gewicht: 1 Id: (16260) HD Bradium 10 Box10 10 adet high density bradium içeren kutu. Midgard'ýn araþtýrmacýlarý tarafýndan yoðunluðu ve sertliði, birçok araþtýrmanýn sonucu olarak arttýrýlmýþtýr. Zor silah arýtmalarý için gerekli. Arýtma seviyesi 10'un üzerindeki bir silahýnýn arýtmasý baþarýsýz olduðunda, silah yokolmaz veya parçalanamaz. (Arýtma iþlemi baþarýsýz olduðunda silahýn arýtma seviyesi 1 azalýr) Aðýrlýk : 1 Bu eþya üyelik ücretiyle alýnamaz ve geri verilemez. Id: (16261) HD Carnium 10 Box Une boîte contenant 10 high density carniums. La densité et la résistance ont été améliorées depuis bien longtemps. Il semble que la difficulté demeure pour l'amélioration de la défense des armes. Quand tu rates l'amélioration de la défense d'une arme dont le niveau d'amélioration est supérieur à +10, elle n'est pas détruite ou ne disparaît pas. (Quand l'amélioration échoue, le niveau d'amélioration bénéficie d'un -1.) Poids : 1 Cet objet ne peut pas être retiré de l'abonnement ou remboursé. Poids : 1 Id: (16261) HD Carnium 10 Box10 Eine Kiste mit 10 High Density Craniums. Zur Verbesserung von Dichte und Stabilität wurde es lange Zeit komprimiert. Das Aufrüsten von Waffen wird anscheinend immer schwieriger. Wenn Sie beim Aufrüsten von Verteidigungswaffen mit einem Aufrüstungslevel von über +10 einen Fehlschlag erleiden, werden die Waffen nicht zerstört oder verschwinden. (Wenn das Aufrüsten fehlschlägt, wird das Aufrüstungslevel um -1 verringert.) Gewicht: 1 Die Subskription für diesen Gegenstand kann nicht widerrufen oder erstattet werden. Gewicht: 1 Id: (16261) HD Carnium 10 Box10 10 adet high density carnium içeren kutu. Midgard'ýn araþtýrmacýlarý tarafýndan yoðunluðu ve sertliði, birçok araþtýrmanýn sonucu olarak arttýrýlmýþtýr. Zor zýrh arýtmalarý için gerekli. Arýtma seviyesi 10'un üzerindeki bir zýrhýn arýtmasý baþarýsýz olduðunda, zýrh yokolmaz veya parçalanamaz. (Arýtma iþlemi baþarýsýz olduðunda zýrhýn arýtma seviyesi 1 azalýr) Aðýrlýk : 1 Bu eþya üyelik ücretiyle alýnamaz ve geri verilemez. Id: (17106) Heavy LifterGym Membership Card 10 Box Id: (18533) Honeybee Hat [1] Bal arisi çizgileri ve antenleri olan bir sapkadir Bal gibi tatli bir kokusu vardir. MDefense + 3 Insect türü canavarlara karsi + %5 Fiziksel ve Büyüsel hasar. Insect türü canavarlardan gelecek hasara karsi+ %5 Direnç. Belli bir oranda [Honey] düsürür ve bunu Insect türü yaratiklari yenerken yapar. Sinif: Headgear Savunma : 3 Konum : Upper Agirlik : 10 Gereken Sv : 50 Siniflar : Bütün Siniflar Id: (18534) Fancy Phantom Mask [1] Renkli aksesuarlar ile süslenmis bir Phantom maskesi. Yüksek statülü insanlar bunu yüzlerini gizlemek için kullanirlar. STR + 1 + %5 Fiziksel Hasar - %1 Yetenek Bekleme Zamani arindirma Sv. için MAZHP +100 +20% [Mammonite] Hasar Sinif: Headgear Savunma : 5 Konum : Upper-Mid Agirlik : 100 Gereken Sv : 20 Siniflar : Bütün Siniflar Id: (18542) Love Guard [1] Katedraldaki önemli etkinliklerde giyilen lüks takke. [Heal], [Santuary], [Potion Pitcher], [High Heal] ve [Coluseo Heal] yeteneklerinin gücünü 5% arttirir. Baskalari üzerinde [Heal], [Santuary], [Potion Pitcher], [High Heal], [Coluseo Heal] kullandiginda, gerikazanimin 2% artar. Eger aritma seviyesi 6dan yüksek ise, gerikazanimin ayrica 3% artar. Sinif : Headgear Savunma : 10 Konum : Üst-Orta Agirlik : 50 Gerekli Seviye : 10 Uygun Meslekler: Tüm Meslekler Id: (18549) Butterfly Hairpin [1] Id: (18555) General Helmet [1] Id: (18565) Leprechaun Hat [1] Yardýmsever maceracýlar için neþeli bir kasket. STR + 1, INT + 1, MDEF + 4. [4Leaf Clove In Mouth Event Combo] Bir yaratýk öldürdüðünüz zaman rastgele bir þekilde Green Ale/Green Beer kazanma þansý. Bu þans her St. Patrick Hat arýtmasýnda artacaktýr. Sýnýf : HeadGear Savunma : 8 Konum : Üst Aðýrlýk : 30 Gereken Sv : 40 Meslek : Hepsi Id: (18574) Lord of Death [1] Ölü bir ustanin basindan yapilmis olan bir basliktir. MDefense + 5. Boss canavarlara karsi olan hasari %10 arttirir. Canavarlardan gelen hasari %5 arttirir. Boss canavarlara karsi olan fizikslk hasari %1 arttirir, bunu 5'ten yüksek olan arindirma seviyesine göre yapar. Sinif: Headgear Savunma : 10 Konum : Upper Agirlik : 100 Gereken Seviye : 70 Siniflar : Hepsi Gizli Etkiler (Set esyasi olarak gereklidir) [Abysmal Knight Card] ile birlikte takilinca boss canavarlara karsi verilen fiziksel hasar %5 artar. Eger 6 ya da daha yüksek bir seviyeye kadar arindirilirsa canavarlardan gelen hasar arindirma seviyesine göre -%1 olur -> Set esyasi etkisi Arindirma 0 Sv : Boss canavarlara karsi olan hasari %10+5 arttirir.Canavarlardan gelen hasari %5 arttirir. Arindirma 6 Sv : Boss canavarlara karsi olan hasari %12+5 arttirir.Canavarlardan gelen hasari %4 arttirir. Arindirma 10 Sv : Boss canavarlara karsi olan hasari %16+5 arttirir.Canavarlardan gelen hasari %5 arttirir. ¡Ø¡Ø£ºKartin sosyal etkisi sadece 1 tanede limitlidir. Dikkat! Id: (18612) White Musang Hat [1] White Mustang sapkasi. STR + 2, VIT + 2, LUK + 1. Sinif: Headgear Savunma : 3 Konum : Upper Agirlik : 40 Gereken Seviye : 1 Siniflar : Hepsi Id: (18613) Black Musang Hat [1] Siyah Mustang sapkasi. INT + 2, DEX + 2, AGI + 1. Sinif: Headgear Savunma : 3 Konum : Upper Agirlik : 40 Gereken Seviye : 1 Siniflar : Hepsi Id: (18620) Heart Eyepatch Pembe kalp seklinde olan göz bandi. Sanki bir nurse¡¯s cap ile ,iyi gider. Sinif: Headgear Savunma : 2 Konum : Mid Agirlik : 5 Gereken Seviye : 20 Siniflar : Hepsi Id: (18626) Gelato Hat [1] Kafa üstüne dikkatlice konulmus soguk bir dondurma. Frost Driver 1 Sv. kullanabilir MHP + 300. Sinif: Headgear Savunma : 2 Konum : Upper Agirlik : 20 Gereken Seviye : 40 Siniflar : All Id: (19718) C Gothic Head Dress C_Gothic_Head_Dress Sinif : Kostüm Savunma : 0 Konum : Alt Agirlik : 0 Gereken SV : 1 Meslek : Hepsi
  11. Added Item Spoiler Alert: Id: (2961) Magic Carpet Beautiful green magic carpet. Fly in the sky. AGI +1. Available Lv2 'Teleport' This item is not tradable. Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 80 Required Level : 70 Job : All Id: (2961) Magic Carpet Joli tapis magique vert. Il peut voler dans les airs. AGI +1. Permet d'utiliser le skill Teleport Niveau 2 Non échangeable. Type : Accessory Défense : 0 Poids : 80 Niveau requis : 70 Profession : Toutes Id: (2961) Magic Carpet Schöner, grüner, magischer Teppich. Fliegt am Himmel. AGI +1. Erlaubt den Gebrauch von 'Teleport' Level 2. Dieser Gegenstand ist nicht handelbar. Gegenstandsart : Accessory Verteidigung : 0 Gewicht : 80 Benötigtes Lv. : 70 Job : Alle Id: (2961) Magic Carpet Beautiful green magic carpet. Fly in the sky. AGI +1. Available Lv2 'Teleport' This item is not tradable. Class : Accessory Defense : 0 Weight : 80 Required Level : 70 Job : All Id: (6626) Genie Powder This item is not tradable. Very thin and fine powder that even can't be touched. Weight : 0 Id: (6626) Genie Powder Non échangeable. Poudre très fine qui ne peut même pas être touchée. Poids : 0 Id: (6626) Genie Powder Dieser Gegenstand ist nicht handelbar. Sehr feiner, fast gasförmiger Puder, den man kaum berühren kann. Gewicht : 0 Id: (6626) Genie Powder This item is not tradable. Very thin and fine powder that even can't be touched. Weight : 0 Id: (6627) Genie Lamp This item is not tradable. Lamp that makes strange words. However, don't understand what that mean it is. Weight : 0 Id: (6627) Genie Lamp Non échangeable. Une lampe depuis laquelle vous entendez sortir des mots étranges, mais vous n'en saisissez pas le sens. Poids : 0 Id: (6627) Genie Lamp Dieser Gegenstand ist nicht handelbar. Eine Lampe, die ein seltsames Raunen von sich gibt. Man kann die einzelnen Worte nicht verstehen. Gewicht : 0 Id: (6627) Genie Lamp This item is not tradable. Lamp that makes strange words. However, don't understand what that mean it is. Weight : 0 Id: (6628) Flash Light This item is not tradable. Flash light that used by battery. Ivention of century! Weight : 0 Id: (6628) Flash Light Non échangeable. Une lampe torche à piles. L'invention du siècle! Poids : 0 Id: (6628) Flash Light Dieser Gegenstand ist nicht handelbar. Eine Batterie betriebene Taschenlampe. Die Erfindung des Jahrhunderts! Gewicht : 0 Id: (6628) Flash Light This item is not tradable. Flash light that used by battery. Ivention of century! Weight : 0 Id: (6629) Strange Lantern This item is not tradable. it feels strange lantern. Weight : 0 Id: (6629) Strange Lantern Non échangeable. Une lanterne étrange. Poids : 0 Id: (6629) Strange Lantern Dieser Gegenstand ist nicht handelbar. Eine seltsame Laterne. Gewicht : 0 Id: (6629) Strange Lantern This item is not tradable. it feels strange lantern. Weight : 0 Id: (6630) Wish Box This item is not tradable. Genie's gift. If someone open this box, he will never be hungry. Weight : 0 Id: (6630) Wish Box Un cadeau de Genie. Si quelqu'un ouvre cette boîte, il n'aura plus jamais faim. Poids : 0 Id: (6630) Wish Box Dieser Gegenstand ist nicht handelbar. Geschenk von Genie. Solange sie von jemanden geöffnet wird, hat er niemals Hunger. Gewicht : 0 Id: (6630) Wish Box This item is not tradable. Genie's gift. If someone open this box, he will never be hungry. Weight : 0 Id: (8855) A hat that was worn by Santos-Dumont, Brazil's father of aviation. AGI + 3, INT + 3. Creates a chance of adding Wind Attribute to your weapon for 3 minutes while you are Physically attacking. Class : HeadGear Def : 10 Location : Upper Weight : 10 Req Lev : 1 Job : All Id: (8855) Un chapeau porté par Santos-Dumont, le père de l'aviation brésilienne. AGI + 3, INT + 3. Donne une chance de donner l'élément Wind à votre arme pendant 3 mins lorsque vous attaquez physiquement. Type : HeadGear Défense : 10 Position : Haut Poids : 10 Profession : Toutes Id: (8855) A hat that was worn by Santos-Dumont, Brazil's father of aviation. AGI + 3, INT + 3. Creates a chance of adding Wind Attribute to your weapon for 3 minutes while you are Physically attacking. Class : HeadGear Def : 10 Location : Upper Weight : 10 Req Lev : 1 Job : All Id: (11528) Kanafeh Very sweet desert just like vermicelli and pastry. Recover HP 300, SP 240. Weight : 20 Id: (11528) Kanafeh Un dessert très doux un peu comme de la vermicelle et des patisseries. Redonne 300HP, 240SP. Poids : 20 Id: (11528) Kanafeh Sehr süßes Dessert genau wie Nudeln und Gebäck. Regeneriert 300 HP und 240 SP. Gewicht: 20 Id: (11528) Kanafeh Very sweet desert just like vermicelli and pastry. Recover HP 300, SP 240. Weight : 20 Id: (11714) Ma'amoul Very tasty home-made Maamoul. Good smell. Recover a lot of HP. Weight : 0 Id: (11714) Ma'amoul Un Maamoul fabriqué maison. Ca sent bon! Redonne beaucoup de HP. Poids : 0 Id: (11714) Ma'amoul Sehr leckeres und hausgemachtes MAAMOUL. Riecht sehr gut. Regeneriert sehr viel HP. Gewicht: 0 Id: (11714) Ma'amoul Very tasty home-made Maamoul. Good smell. Recover a lot of HP. Weight : 0 Id: (18777) Aladdin Lamp [1] Genie's Lamp Replica. There is still Genie's spirit inside. All Stats + 3. When monster hunting, Dropping Milk, Ketupat Sayur, Ramadan with low possibility. Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Location : Upper W eight : 10 Job : All Id: (18777) Aladdin Lamp [1] Une reproduction de la lampe de Genie. Elle semble toujours contenir un peu de son esprit. [Event] Toutes stats +3. Lorsque vous éliminez un monstre, peut dropper du Milk, Honey, Ketupat Sayur ou Ramadan. Type : Headgear Défense : 3 Position : Haut Poids : 10 Professions : Toutes Id: (18777) Aladdin Lamp [1] Replik von DschinnieÂ’s Lampe. In ihr befindet sich immer noch der Geist von Genie. All Stats + 3. Event exklusiv] Beim Töten von Monstern kann mit geringer Chance Milk, Honey, Ramadan und Ketupat Sayur gefunden werden. Gegenstandsart : Headgear Verteidigung : 3 Location : ObenGewicht : 10 Benötigtes Lv. : 1 Job : Alle Id: (18777) Aladdin Lamp [1] Genie's Lamp Replica. There is still Genie's spirit inside. All Stats + 3. When monster hunting, Dropping Milk, Ketupat Sayur, Ramadan with low possibility. Class : Headgear Defense : 3 Location : Upper W eight : 10 Job : All Changed Item Spoiler Alert: Id: (5369) Wing of Darkness Id: (18855) Aviator Hat Dieser Hut wurde einst von Santos-Dumont, Brasiliens Vater der Luftfahrt, getragen. AGI + 3, INT + 3. Addiert zu einer bestimmten Chance Wind Eigenschaft auf die getragene Waffe für 3 Minuten während man Angegriffen wird. Gegenstandsart: HeadGear Verteidigung: 10 Position: Oben Gewicht: 10 Benötigtes Lv. : 1 Job: Alle Id: (18857) Curupira Hat [1] A hat that is shaped like Curupira, the guardian of forests and animals. The piercing sound of his whistle disorientates poachers and illegal loggers, causing them to get lost in the forests. DEX 3. Creates a chance of Confusing enemies while you are Physically attacking. Class : HeadGear Def : 20 Location : Upper Weight : 10 Req Lev : 1 Job : All Id: (18857) Curupira Hat [1] En chapeau en forme de Curupira, le gardien des forets et des animaux. Le son de son sifflement désoriente les chasseurs et les bucherons illégaux qui finissent par se perdre en foret. DEX 3. Donne une chance d'infliger l'altération Confusion sur les ennemis lorsque vous attaquez physiquement. Type : HeadGear Défense : 20 Position : Upper Poids : 10 Profession : Toutes Id: (18857) Curupira Hat [1] Ein Hut, der wie Curupira, der Wächter der Wälder und der Tiere aussieht. Das stechende Geräusch seier Pfeife vertreibt Wilderer und illegale Holzfäller und lässt diese im Wald verirren. DEX 3. Verwirrt Gegner zu einer bestimmten Chance während man sie physikalisch angreift. Gegenstandsart: HeadGear Verteidigung: 20 Position: Oben Gewicht: 10 Benötigtes Lv. : 1 Job: Alle Id: (18857) Curupira Hat [1] A hat that is shaped like Curupira, the guardian of forests and animals. The piercing sound of his whistle disorientates poachers and illegal loggers, causing them to get lost in the forests. DEX 3. Creates a chance of Confusing enemies while you are Physically attacking. Class : HeadGear Def : 20 Location : Upper Weight : 10 Req Lev : 1 Job : All Id: (18863) Exorcist Robe [1] This robe, once worn by a famous exorcist, instantly improves your resistance to unholy creatures. Every 3 upgrade levels increase Undead Resistance by 5%. For the Acolyte classes, the Resistance bonus increases to 10%. MDEF +5. Class : Armor Def : 57 Weight : 170 Req Lev : 60 Job : All Id: (18863) Exorcist Robe [1] Cette robe, autrefois portée par un exorciste renommé, augmente votre résistance aux créatures maléfiques. Toutes les 3 forges, le niveau de résistance aux monstres de type Undead augmente de 5%. Pour les classes Acolyte, ce bonus passe à 10%. MDEF +5. Type : Armor Défense : 57 Poids : 170 Niveau requis : 60 Profession : Toutes Id: (18863) Exorcist Robe [1] Diese Robe wurde von einem berühmten Exorzisten getragen und verbessert die Verteidigung gegen unheilige Kreaturen. Erhöht Verteidigung gegen Undead um 5% jedes 3. Upgrade-Level. Bei Acolycte Cls wird dieser Bonus auf 10% erhöht. MDEF +5. Gegenstandsart: Armour Verteidigung: 57 Gewicht: 170 Benötigtes Lv. : 60 Job: Alle Id: (18863) Exorcist Robe [1] This robe, once worn by a famous exorcist, instantly improves your resistance to unholy creatures. Every 3 upgrade levels increase Undead Resistance by 5%. For the Acolyte classes, the Resistance bonus increases to 10%. MDEF +5. Class : Armor Def : 57 Weight : 170 Req Lev : 60 Job : All Id: (18878) Palace Guard Cap [1] A hat worn by a select group of guards who will fight fearlessly in a hail of bullets. +5% resistance against Neutral attacks. +5% resistance against Ranged attacks. Additional Neutral Resistance +1% per upgrade level at +6 and above. Additional Ranged Resistance +1% per upgrade level at +6 and above. Indestructible. Class : HeadGear Def : 15 Location : Upper Weight : 100 Req Lev : 50 Job : All Id: (18878) Palace Guard Cap [1] Un chapeau porté par un groupe limité de gardes qui combattent sans peur au milieu des balles. +5% resistance contre les attaques Neutral. +5% resistance contre les attaques à longue portée. Si forgé à +6 ou plus, ajoute +1% aux précédentes résistances à chaque forge. Indestructible. Type : HeadGear Position : Haute Poids : 100 Niveau requis : 50 Profession : Toutes Id: (18878) Palace Guard Cap [1] Dieser Hut wird von einer ausgewählten Wachtruppe getragen, die nicht davor zurückschrecken sich in den Kugelhagel zu stürzen um zu kämpfen. Addiert 5% Verteidigung gegen Neutrale Angriffe. +5% Verteidigung gegen Fernangriffe. Zusätzliche Verteidigung gegen neutrale Angriffe um 1% je Upgrade-Level ab +6 Zusätzliche Verteidigung gegen Fernangriffe um 1% je Upgrade-Level ab +6 Unzerstörbar. Gegenstandsart: HeadGear Verteidigung: 15 Position: Oben Gewicht: 100 Benötigtes Lv. : 50 Job: Alle Id: (18878) Palace Guard Cap [1] A hat worn by a select group of guards who will fight fearlessly in a hail of bullets. +5% resistance against Neutral attacks. +5% resistance against Ranged attacks. Additional Neutral Resistance +1% per upgrade level at +6 and above. Additional Ranged Resistance +1% per upgrade level at +6 and above. Indestructible. Class : HeadGear Def : 15 Location : Upper Weight : 100 Req Lev : 50 Job : All Id: (18917) LoveLove Balloon It's a way of expressing love. It fills you with the giddy excitement that only new lovers feel. All stats +1. Cannot be upgraded. Indestructible. Class : HeadGear Def : 5 Location : Lower Weight : 20 Req Lev : 1 Job : All Id: (18917) LoveLove Balloon Un moyen d'exprimer son amour. Il vous donne ce sentiment d'excitation que seuls les nouveaux amoureux connaissent. Toutes stats +1. Ne peut pas être forgé. Indestructible. Type : HeadGear Défense : 5 Position : Lower Poids : 20 Profession : Toutes Id: (18917) LoveLove Balloon Es ist eine Möglichkeit um seine Liebe auszudrücken. Gibt seinem Träger das Gefühl von Schmetterlingen im Bauch. Alle Stats +1. Kann nicht verbessert werden. Unzerstörbar. Gegenstandsart: HeadGear Verteidigung: 5 Position: Unten Gewicht: 20 Benötigtes Lv. : 1 Job: Alle Id: (18917) LoveLove Balloon It's a way of expressing love. It fills you with the giddy excitement that only new lovers feel. All stats +1. Cannot be upgraded. Indestructible. Class : HeadGear Def : 5 Location : Lower Weight : 20 Req Lev : 1 Job : All
  12. Added Item Spoiler Alert: Id: (4867) MHP+3% MHP+3% Id: (4867) MHP+3% MHP+3% Id: (4867) MHP+3% MHP+3% Id: (4867) MHP+3% MHP+3% Id: (17301) Id: (17301) Id: (17301) Id: (17301) Id: (19753) Id: (19753) Id: (19753) Id: (19753) Id: (19754) Id: (19754) Id: (19754) Id: (19754) Id: (19755) Id: (19755) Id: (19755) Id: (19755) Id: (19756) Id: (19756) Id: (19756) Id: (19756) Id: (19757) Id: (19757) Id: (19757) Id: (19757) Id: (19758) Id: (19758) Id: (19758) Id: (19758) Id: (19759) Id: (19759) Id: (19759) Id: (19759) Id: (19760) Id: (19760) Id: (19760) Id: (19760) Id: (19761) Id: (19761) Id: (19761) Id: (19761) Id: (19762) Id: (19762) Id: (19762) Id: (19762)
  13. Changed Item Spoiler Alert: Id: (1387) Giant Axe [1] This giant axe seems like it's impossible to pick up and wave. The attack power of 'High Speed Cart Ram' increases by 15%. When Str is over 95, AtkHit + 10, Apsd + 3% (after-attack delay). Class : Two-Handed Axe Attack : 330 Weight : 400 Weapon Level:3 Required Level : 50 Job : Transcendent Swordman/Merchant Classes Id: (1387) Giant Axe [1] Cette hache est tellement imposante qu'elle parait impossible à porter et manipuler. Augmente la puissance d'attaque de 'High Speed Cart Ram' de 15%. Si STR supérieure à 90, AtkHit + 10, Aspd + 3% Type : Two-Handed Axe Attaque : 330 Poids : 400 Niveau arme :3 Niveau requis : 50 Job : Transcendent Swordman/Merchant Classes Id: (1387) Giant Axe [1] Bu dev baltayý kaldýrýp sallamasý imkansýz gibi. High Speed Cart Ram yeteneðinin saldýrý gücü 15% artar. STR 95'in üzerinde ise, AtkHit + 10, Apsd + 3%. Eþya Sýnýfý : Two-Handed Axe Saldýrý Gücü : 330 Aðýrlýk: 400 Silah Seviyesi:3 Gerekli Seviye : 50 Uygun Meslekler : Transcendent Swordman/Merchant Sýnýflarý Id: (1596) Earth Pedigree Book [2] Id: (1596) Earth Pedigree Book [2] Id: (1596) Earth Pedigree Book [2] Id: (1596) Earth Pedigree Book [2] Id: (1837) Iron Nail [1] Id: (1837) Iron Nail [1] Id: (1837) Iron Nail [1] Id: (1837) Iron Nail [1] Id: (2188) Svalinn [1] Id: (2188) Svalinn [1] Id: (2188) Svalinn [1] Id: (2188) Svalinn [1] Id: (2985) Gyges Ring [1] A gold ring that has the ability to make its wearer invisible. Shepherd Gyges used this ring to murder his king and take his queen. INT 3. MATK 30. Lets you use Level 1 Hiding. Class : Accessary Def : 0 Weight : 10 Req Lev : 50 Job : All Id: (2985) Gyges Ring [1] Un anneau en or qui a la capacité de rendre son porteur invisible. Shepherd Gyges l'a utilisé pour tuer son roi et prendre sa reine. INT 3. MATK 30. Permet d'utiliser Hiding niveau 1 Type : Accessory Défense : 0 Poids : 10 Niveau requis : 50 Profession : Toutes Id: (2985) Gyges Ring [1] Ein goldener Ring, der den Träger unsichtbar machen kann. Schäfer Shepherd Gyges hat diesen Ring benutzt um seinen König und seine Königin zu töten. INT 3. MATK 30. Ermöglicht die Benutzung von Hiding Lv. 1 Gegenstandsart: Accessary Verteidigung: 0 Gewicht: 10 Benötigtes Lv. : 50 Job: Alle Id: (2985) Gyges Ring [1] A gold ring that has the ability to make its wearer invisible. Shepherd Gyges used this ring to murder his king and take his queen. INT 3. MATK 30. Lets you use Level 1 Hiding. Class : Accessary Def : 0 Weight : 10 Req Lev : 50 Job : All Id: (6055) Plus-Plus Box A box sealed by magic who will summon an unknown item. Give it to the Bandit Manchot in the Market House who's the only one to be able to break the seal of this box. Weight : 1 Id: (6055) Plus-Plus Box Une boite scellée par la magie qui une fois ouverte invoquera un item inconnu. Apportez-la au Bandit Manchot de la Market House qui est réputé dans le domaine de l'annulation de sceaux. Poids : 1 Id: (6055) Plus-Plus Box Eine durch Zauberei versiegelte Kiste, die einen unbekannten Gegenstand kommen lässt. Geben Sie sie dem Banditen Manchot in Market House, der als Einziger in der Lage ist, das Siegel dieser Kiste aufzubrechen. Gewicht : 1 Id: (6055) Plus-Plus Box Büyüyle mühürlenmiþ, açýldýðýnda bilinmeyen bir eþya çýkaracak kutu. Bunu Market House'taki Bandit Manchot'a ver. Mührü kýrabilecek tek kiþi o. Aðýrlýk: 1 Id: (6228) +9 Weapon refine deedGuarantee Weapon9Up A ticket who can be used to upgrade weapons from +8 to +9 without any risks. Give it to Mr Sanzaichec. Weight : 0 Id: (6228) +9 Weapon refine deedGuarantee Weapon9Up Id: (6228) +9 Weapon refine deedGuarantee Weapon9Up Id: (6228) +9 Weapon refine deedGuarantee Weapon9Up Silahý +8'den +9'e risksiz bir þekilde arýtmak için kullanýlabilecek bir kupon. Mr Sanzaichec'e ver. Aðýrlýk: 0 Id: (6229) Guarantee Weapon8Up Un ticket permettant de forger des armes sans risque de casse de +7 à +8. Les maîtres forgerons s'arrachent ces items, et parmi eux, Mr Sanzaichec de Morrocla Market House en est le plus fervant collectionneur. Poids : 0 Id: (6230) Guarantee Weapon7Up Un ticket permettant de forger des armes sans risque de casse de +6 à +7. Les maîtres forgerons s'arrachent ces items, et parmi eux, Mr Sanzaichec de Morrocla Market House en est le plus fervant collectionneur. Poids : 0 Id: (6231) +6 Weapon refine deedGuarantee Weapon6Up A ticket who can be used to upgrade weapons from +5 to +6 without any risks. Give it to Mr Sanzaichec. Weight : 0 Id: (6231) +6 Weapon refine deedGuarantee Weapon6Up Id: (6231) +6 Weapon refine deedGuarantee Weapon6Up Id: (6231) +6 Weapon refine deedGuarantee Weapon6Up Silahý +5'den +6'e risksiz bir þekilde arýtmak için kullanýlabilecek bir kupon. Mr Sanzaichec'e ver. Aðýrlýk: 0 Id: (6232) +9 Armor refine deedGuarantee Armor9Up A ticket who can be used to upgrade armors from +8 to +9 without any risks. Give it to Mr Sanzaichec. Weight : 0 Id: (6232) +9 Armor refine deedGuarantee Armor9Up Id: (6232) +9 Armor refine deedGuarantee Armor9Up Id: (6232) +9 Armor refine deedGuarantee Armor9Up Zýrhý +8'den +9'e risksiz bir þekilde arýtmak için kullanýlabilecek bir kupon. Mr Sanzaichec'e ver. Aðýrlýk: 0 Id: (6233) Guarantee Armor8Up A ticket who can be used to upgrade armors to from +7 to +8 without any risks. Give it to Mr Sanzaichec. Weight : 0 Id: (6233) Guarantee Armor8Up Un ticket permettant de forger des armures sans risque de casse de +7 à +8. Les maîtres forgerons s'arrachent ces items, et parmi eux, Mr Sanzaichec de Morrocla Market House en est le plus fervant collectionneur. Poids : 0 Id: (6234) Guarantee Armor7Up A ticket who can be used to upgrade armors to from +6 to +7 without any risks. Give it to Mr Sanzaichec. Weight : 0 Id: (6234) Guarantee Armor7Up Un ticket permettant de forger des armures sans risque de casse de +6 à +7. Les maîtres forgerons s'arrachent ces items, et parmi eux, Mr Sanzaichec de Morrocla Market House en est le plus fervant collectionneur. Poids : 0 Id: (6235) +6 Armor refine deedGuarantee Armor6Up A ticket who can be used to upgrade armors from +5 to +6 without any risks. Give it to Mr Sanzaichec. Weight : 0 Id: (6235) +6 Armor refine deedGuarantee Armor6Up Id: (6235) +6 Armor refine deedGuarantee Armor6Up Id: (6235) +6 Armor refine deedGuarantee Armor6Up Zýrhý +5'den +6'e risksiz bir þekilde arýtmak için kullanýlabilecek bir kupon. Mr Sanzaichec'e ver. Aðýrlýk: 0 Id: (6238) +11 Weapon refine deedGuarantee Weapon11Up A ticket who can be used to upgrade weapons from +10 to +11 without any risks. Give it to Mr Sanzaichec. Weight : 0 Id: (6238) +11 Weapon refine deedGuarantee Weapon11Up Id: (6238) +11 Weapon refine deedGuarantee Weapon11Up Id: (6238) +11 Weapon refine deedGuarantee Weapon11Up Silahý +10'den +11'e risksiz bir þekilde arýtmak için kullanýlabilecek bir kupon. Mr Sanzaichec'e ver. Aðýrlýk: 0 Id: (6239) Guarantee Armor11Up A ticket who can be used to upgrade armors from +10 to +11 without any risks. Give it to Mr Sanzaichec. Weight : 0 Id: (6239) Guarantee Armor11Up Un ticket permettant de forger des armures sans risque de casse de +10 à +11. Les maîtres forgerons s'arrachent ces items, et parmi eux, Mr Sanzaichec de la Market House en est le plus fervant collectionneur. Poids : 0 Id: (6239) Guarantee Armor11Up Ein Ticket, mit dem man Rüstungen von +10 auf +11 ohne Risiko verbessern kann. Bring es zu Mr. Sanzaichec. Weight : 0 Id: (6239) Guarantee Armor11Up Zýrhý +10'den +11'e risksiz bir þekilde arýtmak için kullanýlabilecek bir kupon. Mr Sanzaichec'e ver. Aðýrlýk: 0 Id: (18857) Curupira Hat [1] Id: (18857) Curupira Hat [1] Id: (18857) Curupira Hat [1] Id: (18857) Curupira Hat [1] Id: (18861) Zaha Doll Hat [1] Id: (18861) Zaha Doll Hat [1] Id: (18861) Zaha Doll Hat [1] Id: (18861) Zaha Doll Hat [1] Id: (18863) Exorcist Robe [1] Id: (18863) Exorcist Robe [1] Id: (18863) Exorcist Robe [1] Id: (18863) Exorcist Robe [1] Id: (18878) Palace Guard Cap [1] Id: (18878) Palace Guard Cap [1] Id: (18878) Palace Guard Cap [1] Id: (18878) Palace Guard Cap [1] Id: (18908) Isabella Red Ear [1] Children's favorite Isabella's red hat. STR +5. Max HP +5%. -10% damage from Fire monsters. ASPD +1 when upgraded to +9. Additional ASPD +1 every 2 upgrade levels after +9. Class : HeadGear Def : 8 Location : Upper Weight : 30 Req Lev : 1 Job : All Id: (18908) Isabella Red Ear [1] Le chapeau rouge d'Isabella préféré des enfants. STR +5. Max HP +5%. -10% dégats des monstres de type Fire. ASPD +1 si forgé à +9. Toutes les deux forges, ASPD +1 après +9. Type : HeadGear Défense : 8 Position : Haut Poids : 30 Profession : Toutes Id: (18908) Isabella Red Ear [1] Bei Kindern eine beliebte Kopfbedeckung von Isabella. STR +5. Max HP +5%. -10% Schaden von Fire Monster ASPD +1 bei Upgrade-Level 9. Zusätzlich ASPD +1 jedes 2. Upgrade-Level ab Lv. 9 Gegenstandsart: HeadGear Verteidigung: 8 Position: Oben Gewicht: 30 Benötigtes Lv. : 1 Job: Alle Id: (18908) Isabella Red Ear [1] Children's favorite Isabella's red hat. STR +5. Max HP +5%. -10% damage from Fire monsters. ASPD +1 when upgraded to +9. Additional ASPD +1 every 2 upgrade levels after +9. Class : HeadGear Def : 8 Location : Upper Weight : 30 Req Lev : 1 Job : All Id: (18909) Isabella Brown Ear [1] Children's favorite Isabella's brown hat. Max HP +10%. -5% damage from Human monsters. MATK +2 per upgrade level. Class : HeadGear Def : 8 Location : Upper Weight : 30 Req Lev : 1 Job : All Id: (18909) Isabella Brown Ear [1] Le chapeau marron d'Isabella préféré des enfants. Max HP +10%. -5% dégats des monstres de type Human. MATK +2 par niveau de forge. Type : HeadGear Défense : 8 Position : Haut Poids : 30 Profession : Toutes Id: (18909) Isabella Brown Ear [1] Bei Kindern eine beliebte Kopfbedeckung von Isabella. Max HP +10%. -5% Schaden von Human Monster. MATK +2 pro Upgrade-Level Gegenstandsart: HeadGear Verteidigung: 8 Position: Oben Gewicht: 30 Benötigtes Lv. : 1 Job: Alle Id: (18909) Isabella Brown Ear [1] Children's favorite Isabella's brown hat. Max HP +10%. -5% damage from Human monsters. MATK +2 per upgrade level. Class : HeadGear Def : 8 Location : Upper Weight : 30 Req Lev : 1 Job : All Id: (18910) Isabella Blue Ear [1] Children's favorite Isabella's blue hat. -5% damage from Human monsters. +10% damage on Medium monsters. When upgraded to +12, reflects 5% of Physical damage received. Class : HeadGear Def : 8 Location : Upper Weight : 30 Req Lev : 1 Job : All Id: (18910) Isabella Blue Ear [1] Le chapeau bleu d'Isabella préféré des enfants. -5% dégats des monstres de type Human. +10% dégats sur les monstres Medium. Si forgé à +12, renvoie 5% des dégats physiques reçus. Type : HeadGear Défense : 8 Position : Haut Poids : 30 Profession : Toutes Id: (18910) Isabella Blue Ear [1] Bei Kindern eine beliebte Kopfbedeckung von Isabella. -5% Schaden von Human Monster. +10% mehr Schaden Medium Monster. Wenn das Upgrade-Level +12 oder höher ist werden 5% des erlittenen physikalischen Schadens reflektiert. Gegenstandsart: HeadGear Verteidigung: 8 Position: Oben Gewicht: 30 Benötigtes Lv. : 1 Job: Alle Id: (18910) Isabella Blue Ear [1] Children's favorite Isabella's blue hat. -5% damage from Human monsters. +10% damage on Medium monsters. When upgraded to +12, reflects 5% of Physical damage received. Class : HeadGear Def : 8 Location : Upper Weight : 30 Req Lev : 1 Job : All Id: (18929) Elephant Model Hat [1] Id: (18929) Elephant Model Hat [1] Id: (18929) Elephant Model Hat [1] Id: (18929) Elephant Model Hat [1] Id: (18930) Gorilla Model Hat [1] Id: (18930) Gorilla Model Hat [1] Id: (18930) Gorilla Model Hat [1] Id: (18930) Gorilla Model Hat [1] Id: (18931) Lion Model Hat [1] Id: (18931) Lion Model Hat [1] Id: (18931) Lion Model Hat [1] Id: (18931) Lion Model Hat [1] Id: (18932) Rhino Model Hat [1] Id: (18932) Rhino Model Hat [1] Id: (18932) Rhino Model Hat [1] Id: (18932) Rhino Model Hat [1]
  14. Changed Item Spoiler Alert: Id: (506) Green Potion Potion guérissant les statuts Poison, Silence, Blind et Chaos. _ Poids : 7 Id: (1676) Baculum Daemonicum [2] An infernal staff from hell. Only true demons are able control it's full power. People say that a Prince from Hell used this weapon for his army. Decrease aftercast delay 10%. With more than Base LV 100, MATK +30. With more than 9 refine level, Blind can be activated by a certain chance. SP consumption will be decreasd 10% when using skills. MATK + 150 ClassType : One handed Staff Attack : 60 WeightPoids : 120 Weapon LV : 4 Required LV : 80 Jobs : Magician, Acolyte, Soul Linker Id: (4524) King Dramoh Card STR + 2, increase STR+1 per 3 refine for sword Class Class : Card Location : Headgear Weight : 1 Id: (4524) King Dramoh Card STR + 2, donne STR + 1 toutes les 3 upgrades pour les classes Swordman Type : Card Position : Headgear Poids : 1 Id: (4524) King Dramoh Card STR + 2, erhöht STR + 1 jedes 3. Upgrade-Level bei Schwertwaffen. Gegenstandsart: Card Position: Headgear Gewicht: 1 Id: (4524) King Dramoh Card STR + 2, increase STR+1 per 3 refine for sword Class Class : Card Location : Headgear Weight : 1 Id: (4525) Kraken Card FLEE + 10. [hiding] 1Lv, [sudden attack] 1Lv available. [sudden attack] can have blood at regular rate Class : Card Location : Clothes Weight : 1 Id: (4525) Kraken Card FLEE + 10. Permet d'utiliser [Hiding] niveau 1, [Raid] niveau 1. [Raid] peut infliger Bleeding. Type : Card Position : Garment Poids : 1 Id: (4525) Kraken Card FLEE + 10. Erlaubt die Benutzung von [Hiding] und [Raid] Lv. 1 [Raid] kann zu einer bestimmten Chance Bleeding auslösen. Gegenstandsart: Card Position: Clothes Gewicht: 1 Id: (4525) Kraken Card FLEE + 10. [hiding] 1Lv, [sudden attack] 1Lv available. [sudden attack] can have blood at regular rate Class : Card Location : Clothes Weight : 1 Id: (4526) Odd Coelacanth Card MSP + 5%, MDEF + 50. Class : Card Location : armor Weight : 1 Id: (4526) Odd Coelacanth Card MSP + 5%, MDEF + 50. Type : Card Position : Armor Poids : 1 Id: (4526) Odd Coelacanth Card MSP + 5%, MDEF + 50. Gegenstandsart: Card Position: Armor Gewicht: 1 Id: (4526) Odd Coelacanth Card MSP + 5%, MDEF + 50. Class : Card Location : armor Weight : 1 Id: (4527) Black Coelacanth Card MHP + 10%, DEF + 100. Class : Card Location : armor Weight : 1 Id: (4527) Black Coelacanth Card MHP + 10%, DEF + 100. Type : Card Position : Armor Poids : 1 Id: (4527) Black Coelacanth Card MHP + 10%, DEF + 100. Gegenstandsart: Card Position: Armor Gewicht: 1 Id: (4527) Black Coelacanth Card MHP + 10%, DEF + 100. Class : Card Location : armor Weight : 1 Id: (4528) Mutant Coelacanth Card MATK + 2%, per 2 refine MATK + 1%, MHP - 1%. Class : Card Location : Headgear Weight : 1 Id: (4528) Mutant Coelacanth Card MATK + 2%, donne MATK + 1% toutes les 2 upgrades, MHP - 1%. Type : Card Position : Headgear Poids : 1 Id: (4528) Mutant Coelacanth Card MATK + 2%. Jedes 2. Upgrade-Level MATK + 1%, MHP - 1%. Gegenstandsart: Card Position: Headgear Gewicht: 1 Id: (4528) Mutant Coelacanth Card MATK + 2%, per 2 refine MATK + 1%, MHP - 1%. Class : Card Location : Headgear Weight : 1 Id: (4529) Cruel Coelacanth Card ATK + 2%, per 2 refine ATK + 1%, MSP - 1%. Class : Card Location : Headgear Weight : 1 Id: (4529) Cruel Coelacanth Card ATK + 2%, donne ATK + 1% toutes les 2 upgrades, MSP - 1%. Type : Card Position : Headgear Poids : 1 Id: (4529) Cruel Coelacanth Card ATK + 2%. Jedes 2. Upgrade-Level ATK + 1%, MSP - 1%. Gegenstandsart: Card Position: Headgear Gewicht: 1 Id: (4529) Cruel Coelacanth Card ATK + 2%, per 2 refine ATK + 1%, MSP - 1%. Class : Card Location : Headgear Weight : 1 Id: (4530) Siorava Card LUK + 2, per 3 refineLUK + 1 for merchant class Class : Card Location : Headgear Weight : 1 Id: (4530) Siorava Card LUK + 2, donne LUK + 1 toutes les 3 upgrades pour les classes Merchant Type : Card Position : Headgear Poids : 1 Id: (4530) Siorava Card LUK + 2. Jedes 3. Upgrade-Level LUK + 1 bei Merchant Cls. Gegenstandsart: Card Position: Headgear Gewicht: 1 Id: (4530) Siorava Card LUK + 2, per 3 refineLUK + 1 for merchant class Class : Card Location : Headgear Weight : 1 Id: (4531) Red Eruma Card cast curse when attack. Class : Card Location : Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4531) Red Eruma Card Peut infliger Curse lorsque vous attaquez. Type : Card Position : Weapon Poids : 1 Id: (4531) Red Eruma Card Kann zu einer bestimmten Chance Curse auslösen bei magischen Angriffen. Gegenstandsart: Card Position: Weapon Gewicht: 1 Id: (4531) Red Eruma Card cast curse when attack. Class : Card Location : Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4532) Wild Rider Card AGI + 1. cast agility increase 1lv for himself. Class : Card Location : shoes Weight : 1 Id: (4532) Wild Rider Card AGI + 1. Peut lancer Increase Agility niveau 1 lorsque vous infligez des dégâts physiques. Type : Card Position : Shoes Poids : 1 Id: (4532) Wild Rider Card AGI + 1. Kann zu seiner bestimmten Chance Agi Up Lv. 1 auslösen bei physikalischen Angriffen. Gegenstandsart: Card Position: Shoes Gewicht: 1 Id: (4532) Wild Rider Card AGI + 1. cast agility increase 1lv for himself. Class : Card Location : shoes Weight : 1 Id: (4533) Mini Octopus Card cast black when magic attack Class : Card Location : Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4533) Mini Octopus Card Peut infliger le status Blind lorsque vous infligez des dégâts magiques. Type : Card Position : Weapon Poids : 1 Id: (4533) Mini Octopus Card Kann zu einer bestimmten Chance Blind Status auslösen bei magischen Angriffen. Gegenstandsart: Card Position: Weapon Gewicht: 1 Id: (4533) Mini Octopus Card cast black when magic attack Class : Card Location : Weapon Weight : 1 Id: (4534) Giant Octopus Card MHP + 12%. [waterball] 5Lv available. Class : Card Location : armor Weight : 1 Id: (4534) Giant Octopus Card MHP + 12%. Permet d'utiliser [Waterball] niveau 5. Type : Card Position : Armor Poids : 1 Id: (4534) Giant Octopus Card MHP + 12%. Erlaubt die Benutzung von von [Waterball] Lv. 5. Gegenstandsart: Card Position: Armor Gewicht: 1 Id: (4534) Giant Octopus Card MHP + 12%. [waterball] 5Lv available. Class : Card Location : armor Weight : 1 Id: (5366) Love Dad Bandana This hat is for memorial of 80 year old king to be upon the throne. All stats +23 Class : Head Gear Defense : 3 Position : Upper Weight : 20 Jobs : All Id: (5366) Love Dad Bandana Un chapeau en l'honneur des 80 ans de règne du King Baz-Ton. Toutes stats +25 Type : Head Gear Défense : 3 Emplacement : Haut Poids : 20 Profession : Toutes Id: (5366) Love Dad Bandana Tahtta 80. yaþýný kutlayan kral için yapýlmýþ þapka. Tüm statlar +25 Eþya Sýnýfý : Head Gear Savunma : 3 Kafadaki Konum : Upper Aðýrlýk: 20 Uygun Meslekler : Her Meslek Id: (5569) Gemini Diadem [1] A magnificent Diadem created to pay tribute to the 3rd sign of the zodiac, Gemini the Twins. Attached to the crowndiadem is an Alexandrite gemstone, the birthstone for those born under this sign. AGI + 2, FLEE + 5, Increase resistance to Wind Property by 5%. If refined to 7 or higher, HIT + 5, ATK + 10. Class : Head Gear Defense : 0 Slot : Upper Weight : 30 Job : All Id: (5569) Gemini Diadem [1] Ein zauberhaftes Diadem, erschaffen, um dem 3. Tierkreiszeichen, dem Zwilling, Tribut zu zollen. In die Kroneas Diadem eingelassen befindet sich ein Alexandrit, der Geburtsstein der unter diesem Zeichen Geborenen. AGI + 2, FLEE + 5, Erhöht Widerstandskraft gegen Wind Property um 5%. Wenn veredelt auf 7 oder höher, HIT + 5, ATK + 10. Typ: Head Gear Verteidigung: 0 Slot: Upper Gewicht: 30 Jobs: Alle Id: (5873) Helmet Of Siegfried [1] A helmet which has been worn by a legendary dragon slayer. This hat is made of real dragon wings and a piece of dragon skin. Wearing this hat makes you feel epic and powerful. Increase resistance to Neutral Property attacks by 5%. Resistance +5% to dragon enemies. Cast [Assumptio] by certain chance when receiving physical damage. All State + 5. Lose HP 600 per 4 sec. Impossible to destroy. Class : Headgear Defense : 7 Position : Upper Weight : 60 Required Lv. : 60 Jobs : Rebirth Swordman/Merchant Class Id: (5873) Helmet Of Siegfried [1] Un casque qui a été porté par un chasseur de dragon légendaire. Ce casque a été confectionné à partir d'ailes et morceau de peaux de dragon. Porter ce casque te fait sentir puissant et invincible. Augmente la resistance contre les attaques propriété Neutal de 5%. Augmente la résistance contre les monstres de type Dragon de 5%. A une certaine chance de déclencher [Assumptio] quand tu reçois des dégâts physiques. Toutes les statistiques +5. Déclenche une perte de 600HP toutes les 4 secondes. Ne peut pas être détruit. Type : Headgear Défense : 7 Emplacement : Haut Poids : 60 Niveau requis : 60 Profession : Rebirth Swordman/Merchant Class Id: (5873) Helmet Of Siegfried [1] Dieser Helm wurde einst von einem legendären Drachentöter getragen. Dieser Helm wurde aus echten Drachenflügeln und echter Drachenhaut gefertigt. Das Tragen dieses Helms lässt einen episch und allmächtig fühlen. Erhöht den Widerstand gegen Neutral Eigenschaft um 5%. Widerstand +5% gegen Dragon Monster. Löst [Assumptio] mit einer bestimmten Chance aus, wenn man physikalisch angegriffen wird. Alle Stats + 5. Verringert 600 HP alle 4 Sekunden. Unzerstörbar. Art : Headgear Verteidigung : 7 Position : Oben Gewicht : 60 Benötigtes Lv. : 60 Jobs : Rebirth Swordman/Merchant Class Id: (5873) Helmet Of Siegfried [1] Efsanevi ejder katili tarafindan takilmis bir migfer. Bu migfer gerçek ejder kanatlarindan yapilmistir. Bunu giymek kendiniszi epik ve harika hissetmenizi saglar.. Dogal Türü hasarlara karsi direnciniz %5 arttirir. Dragon türü yaratiklara karsi +%5 direnç saglar. Fiziksel saldiri alirken [Assumptio] 'i belli bir sansla yapar. Bütün Nitelikler + 5.Her 4 saniyeler 600 HP kaybedersiniz. Yok edilemez. Sinif : Baslik Savunma : 7 Konum :Üst Agirlik : 60 Gereken Sv. : 60 Meslekler : Rebirth Swordman/Merchant Siniflari Id: (5874) Circlet Of Kriemhild [1] The golden falcon is a sign of destiny and will protect its ower from evil forces. It has been worn by a brave woman. The power of this circet makes you feel very brave. Increase resistance to Neutral Property attacks by 5%. Resistance +5% to dragon enemies. Cast [Kyrie Eleison] by certain chance when receiving physical damage. All State + 5. Lose HP 400 per 4 sec. Impossible to destroy. Class : Headgear Defense : 6 Position : Upper Weight : 60 Required Lv. : 60 Jobs : Rebirth Archer/Thief Class Id: (5874) Circlet Of Kriemhild [1] Le focon doré est un signe de la destiné et protège son porteur contre les forces du mal. Il a été porté par une femme courageuse. Sa puissance te fait resentir très brave. Augmente la resistance contre les attaques propriété Neutal de 5%. Augmente la résistance contre les monstres de type Dragon de 5%. A une certaine chance de déclencher [Kyrie Eleison] quand tu reçois des dégâts physiques. Toutes les statistiques +5. Déclenche une perte de 400HP toutes les 4 secondes. Ne peut pas être détruit. Type : Headgear Défense : 6 Emplacement : Haut Poids : 60 Niveau requis : 60 Profession : Rebirth Archer/Thief Class Id: (5874) Circlet Of Kriemhild [1] Der goldene Falke ist ein Zeichen des Schicksals und wird seinen Träger vor dunklen Mächten beschützen. Er wurde von einer mutigen Frau getragen. Die Macht dieses Kopfschmuckes verleiht das Gefühl von Tapferkeit und Mut. Erhöht den Widerstand gegen Neutral Eigenschaft um 5%. Widerstand +5% gegen Dragon Monster. Löst [Kyrie Eleison] mit einer bestimmten Chance aus, wenn man physikalisch angegriffen wird. Alle Stats + 5. Verringert 400 HP alle 4 Sekunden. Unzerstörbar. Art : Headgear Verteidigung : 6 Position : Oben Gewicht : 60 Benötigtes Lv. : 60 Jobs : Rebirth Archer/Thief Class Id: (5874) Circlet Of Kriemhild [1] Altin sahin kaderin simgesidir ve sahibini kötücül güçlerden korur. Bu cesur bir kadin tarafindan kusanilmis. Bu taçi giyen kisi kendisini çok cesur hisseder. Dogal Türü zarara karsi direnci %5 arttirir. Dragon türü yaratiklara karsi direnci %5 arttirir. Fiziksel hasar alindiginda belli bir sansla [Kyrie Eleison] büyüsü yapma sansi vardir. Bütün Nitelikler + 5. Her 4 saniyeler için 400 HP kaybedersiniz. Yok edilemez. Sinif : Baslik Savunma : 6 Konum :Üst Agirlik : 60 Gereken Sv. : 60 Meslekler : Rebirth Archer/Thief Siniflari Id: (5875) Diadem Of Bruenhild [1] This diadem has been worn by a heroic woman. The legend says she had supernatural powers. You can feel a strong magic flow when wearing it. Increase resistance to Neutral Property attacks by 5%. Resistance +5% to dragon enemies. Cast [Endure] by certain chance when receiving physical damage. All State + 5. Lose HP 300 per 4 sec. Impossible to destroy. Class : Headgear Defense : 6 Position : Upper Weight : 60 Required Lv. : 60 Jobs : Rebirth Magician/Acolyte Class Id: (5875) Diadem Of Bruenhild [1] Ce diademe a été porté par une femme heroïque. La légende dit qu'elle avait des pouvoirs surnaturels. Tu sentiras un flux magique quand tu le porteras. Augmente la resistance contre les attaques propriété Neutal de 5%. Augmente la résistance contre les monstres de type Dragon de 5%. A une certaine chance de déclencher [Endure] quand tu reçois des dégâts physiques. Toutes les statistiques +5. Déclenche une perte de 300HP toutes les 4 secondes. Ne peut pas être détruit. Type : Headgear Défense : 6 Emplacement : Haut Poids : 60 Niveau requis : 60 Profession : Rebirth Magician/Acolyte Class Id: (5875) Diadem Of Bruenhild [1] Dieses Diadem wude einst von einer heldenhaften Frau getragen. Laut der Legende besitzt sie übernatürliche Kräfte. Beim Tragen dieser Krone lässt mit mächtiger Magie durchströmen. Erhöht den Widerstand gegen Neutral Eigenschaft um 5%. Widerstand +5% gegen Dragon Monster. Löst [Endure] mit einer bestimmten Chance aus, wenn man physikalisch angegriffen wird. Alle Stats + 5. Verringert 300 HP alle 4 Sekundene. Unzerstörbar. Art : Headgear Verteidigung : 6 Position : Oben Gewicht : 60 Benötigtes Lv. : 60 Jobs : Rebirth Magician/Acolyte Class Id: (5875) Diadem Of Bruenhild [1] Bu taç çok kahraman bir kadin tarafindana takilmistir. Efsane onun doga üstü güçleri oldugunu söyler. Onu taktiginiz zaman ondan akan kuvvetli büyü gücünü hissedersiniz. Dogal Türü zarara karsi direnci %5 arttirir. Dragon türü yaratiklara karsi direnci %5 arttirir. Fiziksel hasar alindiginda [Endure] büyüsünü yapma sansi vardir. Bütün Nitelikler + 5. Her 4 saniyeler için 300 HP kaybedersiniz. Yok edilemez. Sinif : Baslik Savunma : 6 Konum :Üst Agirlik : 60 Gereken Sv. : 60 Meslekler : Rebirth Magician/Acolyte Siniflari Id: (6096) Fish With Blue Back Id: (6096) Fish With Blue Back Id: (6096) Fish With Blue Back Id: (6096) Fish With Blue Back Id: (6105) Morning Dew Id: (6105) Morning Dew Id: (6105) Morning Dew Id: (6105) Morning Dew Id: (6106) Well Ripened Berry Id: (6106) Well Ripened Berry Id: (6106) Well Ripened Berry Id: (6106) Well Ripened Berry Id: (6107) Sunset On The Rock Id: (6107) Sunset On The Rock Id: (6107) Sunset On The Rock Id: (6107) Sunset On The Rock Id: (6109) Plant Neutrient Id: (6109) Plant Neutrient Id: (6109) Plant Neutrient Id: (6109) Plant Neutrient Id: (6110) Vital Flower Id: (6110) Vital Flower Id: (6110) Vital Flower Id: (6110) Vital Flower Id: (7766) Bok Choy Id: (7766) Bok Choy Id: (7766) Bok Choy Id: (7766) Bok Choy Id: (7821) Green Apple A tasty green apple. Great food for Goblin. Weight : 1 Id: (7821) Green Apple Une pomme verte savoureuse. Recommandée pour les Goblins. Poids : 1 Id: (7821) Green Apple Ein leckerer grüner Apfel. Gut für Goblin. Gewicht: 1 Id: (7821) Green Apple Lezzetli yeþil elma. Goblin için mükemmel yiyecek. Aðýrlýk : 1 Id: (9033) Flail Goblin Egg An egg that has Cute-pet Flail Goblin sleeping in it. You can wake it with [Pet Incubator]. Class : Monster Egg Id: (9033) Flail Goblin Egg Un Âśuf dans lequel repose un compagnon Flail Goblin tout mignon. Tu peux le réveiller avec 1 [Pet Incubator]. Classe : Oeuf de monstre Id: (9033) Flail Goblin Egg Ein Ei, auf dem Cute-Pet Flail Goblin schläft. Sie können ihn mit dem [Pet Incubator] aufwecken. Art: Monster Egg Id: (9033) Flail Goblin Egg Ýçerisinde sevimli Flail Goblin uyuyan yumurta. Yumurtasýndan çýkarmak için [Pet Incubator] kullanabilirsiniz. Eþya Sýnýfý : Yaratýk Yumurtasý Id: (13449) Gladius Daemonicus [2] An infernal sword from hell. Only true demons are able control it's full power. People say that a Prince from Hell used this weapon for his army. Increase attack speed.(Decrease the aftercast delay 10%). With 9 refine level, when attacking physically ASPD + 3 for 5 sec by a certain chance. ClassType : Sword Attack : 130 WeightPoids : 120 Weapon LV : 4 Required LV : 80 Jobs : Swordman, Thief, Merchant Id: (14533) Superior BattleManual A manual that explains the effective way of the battle. It is a very detailed and well composed manual. Exp rate is increased toby 100% for 30 minutes _ Weight : 1 Id: (16563) Superior BattleManual Box A box holding 5 Superior BattleManual. _ Exp rate is increased toby 100% for 30 minutes _ Weight : 1 Id: (16751) Spotty Eel Box1 Une box contenant 1 anguille tachetée. (1 heure) Rental item Une anguille tachetée qui apparait sur les plages de Malangdo. C'est toujours élastique, et essaie de ressembler à une ligne. C'est pourquoi on peut l'utiliser comme flèche. AGI + 3, probabilité d'ajouter +2 pendant 5 secondes à l'ASPD lors d'une attaque à distance. Si le level de base est au dessus de 100, l'attaque à distance augmente de 20%. Classe : Arrow Attaque : 180 WeightPoids : 0 Lvl de l'arme : 1 Lvl requis : 50 Jobs : Hunter/Bard/Dancer Item non remboursable Poids : 1 Id: (16752) Spotty Eel Box2 Une box contenant 1 anguille tachetée. (7 jours) Rental item Une anguille tachetée qui apparait sur les plages de Malangdo. C'est toujours élastique, et essaie de ressembler à une ligne. C'est pourquoi on peut l'utiliser comme flèche. AGI + 3, probabilité d'ajouter +2 pendant 5 secondes à l'ASPD lors d'une attaque à distance. Si le level de base est au dessus de 100, l'attaque à distance augmente de 20%. Classe : Arrow Attaque : 180 WeightPoids : 0 Lvl de l'arme : 1 Lvl requis : 50 Jobs : Hunter/Bard/Dancer Item non remboursable Poids : 1 Id: (18125) Arcus Daemonicus [2] An infernal bow from hell. Only true demons are able control it's full power. People say that a Prince from Hell used this weapon for his army. Increase attack damage +50% when equipped with shadow arrows. With more than 9 refine level, ASPD + 1, decrease SP consumption 20% when using skills. ClassType : Bow Attack : 130 WeightPoids : 100 Weapon LV : 4 Required LV : 80 Jobs : Archer, Rogue Id: (28319) Cauda Daemonica [1] A cute tail that makes you look like a demon. Be careful of demons who lost their tails... they might haunt you in order to get yours! When equipped with Horn_Of_Ancient, decrease damage 10% when being attacked by boss monsters. When equipped with Horn_Of_Succubus, LUK +2. When attacking physically, transform into "Succubus" for 5 sec by a certain chance. While being a Succubus, SP 5 recovery per every hit when attacking enemies physically. ClassType : Accessory Defense : 0 WeightPoids : 20 Required LV : 80 Jobs : all jobs
  15. Added Item Spoiler Alert: Id: (1596) Earth Pedigree Book Id: (1596) Earth Pedigree Book Id: (1596) Earth Pedigree Book Id: (1596) Earth Pedigree Book Id: (1837) Iron Nail Id: (1837) Iron Nail Id: (1837) Iron Nail Id: (1837) Iron Nail Id: (2188) Svalinn Id: (2188) Svalinn Id: (2188) Svalinn Id: (2188) Svalinn Id: (2985) Gyges Ring Id: (2985) Gyges Ring Id: (2985) Gyges Ring Id: (2985) Gyges Ring Id: (4524) King Dramoh Card Id: (4524) King Dramoh Card Id: (4524) King Dramoh Card Id: (4524) King Dramoh Card Id: (4525) Kraken Card Id: (4525) Kraken Card Id: (4525) Kraken Card Id: (4525) Kraken Card Id: (4526) Odd Coelacanth Card Id: (4526) Odd Coelacanth Card Id: (4526) Odd Coelacanth Card Id: (4526) Odd Coelacanth Card Id: (4527) Black Coelacanth Card Id: (4527) Black Coelacanth Card Id: (4527) Black Coelacanth Card Id: (4527) Black Coelacanth Card Id: (4528) Mutant Coelacanth Card Id: (4528) Mutant Coelacanth Card Id: (4528) Mutant Coelacanth Card Id: (4528) Mutant Coelacanth Card Id: (4529) Cruel Coelacanth Card Id: (4529) Cruel Coelacanth Card Id: (4529) Cruel Coelacanth Card Id: (4529) Cruel Coelacanth Card Id: (4530) Siorava Card Id: (4530) Siorava Card Id: (4530) Siorava Card Id: (4530) Siorava Card Id: (4531) Red Eruma Card Id: (4531) Red Eruma Card Id: (4531) Red Eruma Card Id: (4531) Red Eruma Card Id: (4532) Wild Rider Card Id: (4532) Wild Rider Card Id: (4532) Wild Rider Card Id: (4532) Wild Rider Card Id: (4533) Mini Octopus Card Id: (4533) Mini Octopus Card Id: (4533) Mini Octopus Card Id: (4533) Mini Octopus Card Id: (4534) Giant Octopus Card Id: (4534) Giant Octopus Card Id: (4534) Giant Octopus Card Id: (4534) Giant Octopus Card Id: (18676) 64-type Glasses Id: (18676) 64-type Glasses Id: (18676) 64-type Glasses Id: (18676) 64-type Glasses Id: (18855) Aviator Hat Id: (18855) Aviator Hat Id: (18855) Aviator Hat Id: (18855) Aviator Hat Id: (18856) W King Tiger Doll Hat Id: (18856) W King Tiger Doll Hat Id: (18856) W King Tiger Doll Hat Id: (18856) W King Tiger Doll Hat Id: (18857) Curupira Hat Id: (18857) Curupira Hat Id: (18857) Curupira Hat Id: (18857) Curupira Hat Id: (18861) Zaha Doll Hat Id: (18861) Zaha Doll Hat Id: (18861) Zaha Doll Hat Id: (18861) Zaha Doll Hat Id: (18863) Exorcist Robe Id: (18863) Exorcist Robe Id: (18863) Exorcist Robe Id: (18863) Exorcist Robe Id: (18864) Earth Goddess Flower Id: (18864) Earth Goddess Flower Id: (18864) Earth Goddess Flower Id: (18864) Earth Goddess Flower Id: (18868) Assassin Mask Id: (18868) Assassin Mask Id: (18868) Assassin Mask Id: (18868) Assassin Mask Id: (18878) Palace Guard Cap Id: (18878) Palace Guard Cap Id: (18878) Palace Guard Cap Id: (18878) Palace Guard Cap Id: (18882) Kannam On Head Id: (18882) Kannam On Head Id: (18882) Kannam On Head Id: (18882) Kannam On Head Id: (18908) Isabella Red Ear Id: (18908) Isabella Red Ear Id: (18908) Isabella Red Ear Id: (18908) Isabella Red Ear Id: (18909) Isabella Brown Ear Id: (18909) Isabella Brown Ear Id: (18909) Isabella Brown Ear Id: (18909) Isabella Brown Ear Id: (18910) Isabella Blue Ear Id: (18910) Isabella Blue Ear Id: (18910) Isabella Blue Ear Id: (18910) Isabella Blue Ear Id: (18917) LoveLove Balloon Id: (18917) LoveLove Balloon Id: (18917) LoveLove Balloon Id: (18917) LoveLove Balloon Id: (18918) Long Octopus Balloon Id: (18918) Long Octopus Balloon Id: (18918) Long Octopus Balloon Id: (18918) Long Octopus Balloon Id: (18929) Elephant Model Hat Id: (18929) Elephant Model Hat Id: (18929) Elephant Model Hat Id: (18929) Elephant Model Hat Id: (18930) Gorilla Model Hat Id: (18930) Gorilla Model Hat Id: (18930) Gorilla Model Hat Id: (18930) Gorilla Model Hat Id: (18931) Lion Model Hat Id: (18931) Lion Model Hat Id: (18931) Lion Model Hat Id: (18931) Lion Model Hat Id: (18932) Rhino Model Hat Id: (18932) Rhino Model Hat Id: (18932) Rhino Model Hat Id: (18932) Rhino Model Hat Card Spoiler Alert: Id: 4525 Id: 4525 Id: 4525 Id: 4525 Id: 4528 Id: 4528 Id: 4528 Id: 4528 Id: 4529 Id: 4529 Id: 4529 Id: 4529 Id: 4531 Id: 4531 Id: 4531 Id: 4531 Id: 4532 Id: 4532 Id: 4532 Id: 4532 Id: 4533 Id: 4533 Id: 4533 Id: 4533 Id: 4534 Id: 4534 Id: 4534 Id: 4534 Changed Card Spoiler Alert: Id: 4524 Id: 4524 Id: 4524 Id: 4524 Id: 4526 Id: 4526 Id: 4526 Id: 4526 Id: 4527 Id: 4527 Id: 4527 Id: 4527 Id: 4530 Id: 4530 Id: 4530 Id: 4530
  16. Changed Item Spoiler Alert: Id: (5737) Cactus Hat Un chapeau qui ressemble à un Muka du désert de Sograt. A une chance de dropper une Cactus Needle à chaque monstre Plant tué. Slot : Head Gear Défense : 1 Emplacement : Haut Poids : 30 Profession : Tous Id: (5737) Cactus Hat Ein Hut, der aussieht wie Muka, das Monster aus der Sograt Desert. Vorsicht! Die Gefahr sich an den Kaktusnadeln zu stechen ist sehr gross!Jedes Mal, wenn ein Plant Monster getötet wird, besteht die Möglichkeit Cactus Needle fallen zu lassen. Slot: Headgear Verteidigung: 1 Position: Upper Gewicht: 30 Benötigt Level: 1 Jobs : Alle Id: (5737) Cactus Hat Socrat çölündeki Muka'ya benzeyen bir þapka. CPlant canavarlarý yendiðinizde Cactus Needle düþürme þansý verir. Eþya Sýnýfý : Headgear Savunma : 1 Giyildiði Yer: Upper Aðýrlýk: 30 Gerekli Seviye : 1 Uygun Meslekler : Her Meslek
  17. Changed Item Spoiler Alert: Id: (1562) Bible Of Battlefield [1] A book containing the History of many wars and the dreams of the strategists that took part in them. Add a 1% chance of auto casting Level 3 Blessing on the user when attacking. If the user has Blessing, it will cast it at the user level. INT + 3 Impossible to refine this item. Type : Book Power : 110 Weight : 70 Required Lvl : 80 Job : Priest/Sage/Star Gladiator Id: (1562) Bible Of Battlefield [1] Un livre contenant l'Histoire de nombreuses guerres et les rêves des stratèges qui y ont pris part. Donne 1% de chance de lancer automatiquement le sort Blessing lvl 3 lorsque vous attaquez. Si vous avez déjà Blessing, il sera lancé au niveau où vous le possédez. INT +3 Ne peut pas être forgé. Type : Book Puissance : 110 Poids : 70 Niveau requis: 80 Profession : Priest/Sage/Star Gladiator Id: (1562) Bible Of Battlefield [1] Ein Buch, in dem die Legenden vieler Kriege und Visionen von Strategen, die dabei waren, geschrieben sind. Fügt eine Chance von 1% hinzu, Level 3 Blessing auszulösen, während der Benutzer angreift. Falls der Benutzer Blessing beherrscht, wird das Blessing seines Levels ausgelöst. INT + 3 Dieser Gegenstand kann nicht verbessert werden. Art : Book ATK : 110 Gewicht : 70 Benötigtes Lv. : 80 Jobs : Priest/Sage/Star Gladiator Id: (1562) Bible Of Battlefield [1] A book containing the History of many wars and the dreams of the strategists that took part in them. Add a 1% chance of auto casting Level 3 Blessing on the user when attacking. If the user has Blessing, it will cast it at the user level. INT + 3 Impossible to refine this item. Type : Book Power : 110 Weight : 70 Required Lvl : 80 Job : Priest/Sage/Star Gladiator Id: (5213) Black Rabbit EarsHairband A hairband for your sexiness! All guys will look at you differently once you wear this. 100% increase of sexiness. AGI + 2, MDEF+3 Class : Headgear Def : 4 Location : Upper Weight : 20 Job : All Id: (5213) Black Rabbit EarsHairband Un serre tête pour votre sex appeal! Les garçons vous regarderont differement lorsque vous le porterez. Donne 100% de sex appeal en plus. AGI + 2, MDEF+3 Type : Headgear Def : 4 Position : Haut Poids : 20 Profession : Toutes Id: (5213) Black Rabbit EarsHairband Ein Haarband, das sehr sexy aussieht! Alle Jungs werden dich durch das Tragen begehren. Erhöht Sexappeal um 100% AGI + 2, Mdef+3 Art : Headgear Verteidigung : 4 Position : oben Gewicht : 20 Job : All Id: (5213) Black Rabbit EarsHairband A hairband for your sexiness! All guys will look at you differently once you wear this. 100% increase of sexiness. AGI + 2, MDEF+3 Class : Headgear Def : 4 Location : Upper Weight : 20 Job : All Id: (5778) Blue Arara Hat [1] A blue arara, who symbolize the amazon rainforest. STR +2 ASPD +5% when you're dealing physical attacks. Class : Head Gear Defense : 3 Slot : Upper Weight : 10 Job : All but Novice Id: (5778) Blue Arara Hat [1] Amazon yaðmur ormanlarýný simgeleyen mavi bir arara. STR +2 Fiziksel saldýrý yapýyorken saldýrý hýzýný 5% arttýrýr. Eþya Sýnýfý : Head Gear Savunma : 3 Giyildiði Yer : Upper Aðýrlýk: 10 Uygun Meslekler : Novice hariç her meslek Id: (9031) Spring Rabbit Egg Un Âśuf dans lequel se trouve un Qpet Eclips;e. Peut être éclos en utilisant un Pet Incubator. Type : Monster Egg
  18. Changed Item Spoiler Alert: Id: (561) White Chocolate Id: (561) White Chocolate Bir beyaz kakA white cacao. _ AðýrlýkWeight : 8 Id: (5213) Rabbit Ears Hair lace specially designed for the sexy you! You will capture the attention of other males when you wear it Sexy rating will be increased by 100%!A hairband for your sexiness! All guys will look at you differently once you wear this. 100% increase of sexiness. AGI + 2, MDEF +3 Class : Head Ggear Defense : 24 SlotLocation : Upper Weight : 20 Job : All Id: (5213) Rabbit Ears Une paire d'oreilles de lapin qui vous rend vraiment plus sexy! Vous capturez l'attention des autres males lorsque vous le portez, votre sex appeal augmente de 100%! serre tête pour votre sex appeal! Les garçons vous regarderont differement lorsque vous le porterez. Donne 100% de sex appeal en plus. AGI + 2, MDEF +3 Type : Head Ggear Défense Def : 24 Position : Haut Poids : 20 Profession : Toutes Id: (5213) Rabbit Ears Ein Haarband, das speziell für Sie sexy Person entworfen wurde! Sie werden die Aufmerksamkeit anderer Männer fesseln, wenn Sie es tragen. Sexy-Rating wird um 100% erhöht!ehr sexy aussieht! Alle Jungs werden dich durch das Tragen begehren. Erhöht Sexappeal um 100% AGI + 2, MDEF +3 Typdef+3 Art : Head Ggear Verteidigung : 24 SlotPosition : Upperoben Gewicht : 20 Jobs : Alle Id: (5213) Rabbit Ears Seksi olman için tasarlanmýþ bir saç baðý! Giydiðinde seksiliðin 100% artacak ve tüm erkeklerin dikkati senin üzerinde olacak!!A hairband for your sexiness! All guys will look at you differently once you wear this. 100% increase of sexiness. AGI + 2, MDEF +3 Eþya SýnýfýClass : Head Ggear Savunma Def : 24 Giyildiði YerLocation : Upper Aðýrlýk Weight : 20 Uygun Meslekler : Her Meslek[/s]Job : [/color]All[/b][/color] Id: (9031) Spring Rabbit Egg An egg of Spring Rabbitin which an Eclipse Cute Pet rests. Can be hatched by using a [[/b]Pet Incubator]. Type : [/color]Pet Egg[/s][/color]. WeightClass : 0Monster Egg Id: (9031) Spring Rabbit Egg Un oeÂśuf d'un monstre Spring Rabbit. Peut éclore avec un [ans lequel se trouve un Qpet Eclips; Peut être éclos en utilisant un [/b]Pet Incubator][/color]. Type : PetMonster Egg Poids : 0 Id: (9031) Spring Rabbit Egg Id: (9031) Spring Rabbit Egg Bir Spring Rabbit yumurtasý. Pet Incubator ile doðurabilirsiniz. Eþya Sýnýfý : Pet Egg[/s]An egg in which an Eclipse Cute Pet rests. Can be hatched by using a [/color]Pet Incubator[/b][/color]. AðýrlýkClass : 0Monster Egg Id: (12124) Rainbow Cake A colorful rice cake that is used as a party food in the far East. Temporarily adds + 10 ATK and MATK. _ Weight : 7 Id: (12124) Rainbow Cake Uzak doðuda parti yiyeceði olarak kullanýlan renkli pirinç kekleri. Geçici olarakA colorful rice cake that is used as a party food in the far East. Temporarily adds +10 ATK veand MATK saðlar. _ AðýrlýkWeight : 7 [/SPOILER]
  19. Changed Item Spoiler Alert: Id: (2873) Cat Hand Glove [1] a souvenir for Malang do, it makes you happy when equipped VIT + 1, AGI + 1, DEX + 1, LUK + 1. Class : accessory defence : 5 Weight : 10 Required Lv : 1 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2873) Cat Hand Glove [1] Un souvenir pour Malangdo, il vous rend heureux une fois équippé. VIT + 1, AGI + 1, DEX + 1, LUK + 1. Classe : accessory Défense : 5 Poids : 10 Lv requis : 1 Jobs : Toutes Id: (2873) Cat Hand Glove [1] Ein Souvenir aus Malang do. Gibt Freude beim Tragen. VIT + 1, AGI + 1, DEX + 1, LUK + 1. Art : Accessory Verteidigung : 5 Gewicht : 10 Benötigtes Lv. : 1 Jobs : Alle Id: (2873) Cat Hand Glove [1] Malangdo'dan alinma bir ani esyasi. Kusanildiginda sizi mutlu eder. VIT + 1, AGI + 1, DEX + 1, LUK + 1. Sinif : Aksesuar Savunma : 5 Agirlik : 10 Gereken Sv : 1 Meslekler : Hepsi Id: (4807) ASPD+1 ASPD + 1. Id: (4807) ASPD+1 ASPD + 1. Id: (4807) ASPD+1 ASPD + 1. Id: (4807) ASPD+1 ASPD + 1. Id: (4808) Fighting Spirit 4Lv ATK + 15, HIT + 5. Id: (4808) Fighting Spirit 4Lv ATK + 15, HIT + 5. Id: (4808) Fighting Spirit 4Lv ATK + 15, HIT + 5. Id: (4808) Fighting Spirit 4Lv ATK + 15, HIT + 5. Id: (4809) Fighting Spirit3 ATK + 12 HIT + 4 Id: (4810) Fighting Spirit2 ATK + 9 HIT + 3 Id: (4811) Fighting Spirit1 ATK + 6 HIT + 2 Id: (4812) Spell 4Lv MATK + 15, Decrease Casting Time by 10%. Id: (4812) Spell 4Lv MATK + 15, Diminue le temps de cast de 10%. Id: (4812) Spell 4Lv MATK + 15, Reduziert Cast-Zeit um 10%. Id: (4812) Spell 4Lv MATK + 15, Büyü kullanim süresini 10% azaltir. Id: (4813) Spell 3Lv MATK + 12, Decrease Casting Time by 8%. Id: (4813) Spell 3Lv MATK + 12, Diminue le temps de cast de 8%. Id: (4813) Spell 3Lv MATK + 12, Reduziert Cast-Zeit um 8%. Id: (4813) Spell 3Lv MATK + 12, Büyü kullanim süresini 8% azaltir. Id: (4814) Spell 2Lv MATK + 9, Decrease Casting Time by 6%. Id: (4814) Spell 2Lv MATK + 9, Diminue le temps de cast de 6%. Id: (4814) Spell 2Lv MATK + 9, Reduziert Cast-Zeit um 6%. Id: (4814) Spell 2Lv MATK + 9, Büyü kullanim süresini 6% azaltir. Id: (4815) Spell 1Lv MATK + 6, Decrease Casting Time by 4%. Id: (4815) Spell 1Lv MATK + 6, Diminue le temps de cast de 4%. Id: (4815) Spell 1Lv MATK + 6, Reduziert Cast-Zeit um 4%. Id: (4815) Spell 1Lv MATK + 6, Büyü kullanim süresini 4% azaltir. Id: (4816) Sharp 3Lv CRI + 12, HIT + 4. Id: (4816) Sharp 3Lv CRI + 12, HIT + 4. Id: (4816) Sharp 3Lv CRI + 12, HIT + 4. Id: (4816) Sharp 3Lv CRI + 12, HIT + 4. Id: (4817) Sharp 2Lv CRI + 9, HIT + 3. Id: (4817) Sharp 2Lv CRI + 9, HIT + 3. Id: (4817) Sharp 2Lv CRI + 9, HIT + 3. Id: (4817) Sharp 2Lv CRI + 9, HIT + 3. Id: (4818) Sharp 1Lv CRI + 6, HIT + 2. Id: (4818) Sharp 1Lv CRI + 6, HIT + 2. Id: (4818) Sharp 1Lv CRI + 6, HIT + 2. Id: (4818) Sharp 1Lv CRI + 6, HIT + 2. Id: (4819) ATK+1% ATK + 1%. Id: (4819) ATK+1% ATK + 1%. Id: (4819) ATK+1% ATK + 1%. Id: (4819) ATK+1% ATK + 1%. Id: (4820) Fighting Spirit 5Lv ATK + 18, HIT + 5. Id: (4820) Fighting Spirit 5Lv ATK + 18, HIT + 5. Id: (4820) Fighting Spirit 5Lv ATK + 18, HIT + 5. Id: (4820) Fighting Spirit 5Lv ATK + 18, HIT + 5. Id: (4821) Fighting Spirit 6Lv ATK + 21, HIT + 5. Id: (4821) Fighting Spirit 6Lv ATK + 21, HIT + 5. Id: (4821) Fighting Spirit 6Lv ATK + 21, HIT + 5. Id: (4821) Fighting Spirit 6Lv ATK + 21, HIT + 5. Id: (4822) Fighting Spirit 7Lv ATK + 24, HIT + 5. Id: (4822) Fighting Spirit 7Lv ATK + 24, HIT + 5. Id: (4822) Fighting Spirit 7Lv ATK + 24, HIT + 5. Id: (4822) Fighting Spirit 7Lv ATK + 24, HIT + 5. Id: (4823) Fighting Spirit 8Lv ATK + 27, HIT + 5. Id: (4823) Fighting Spirit 8Lv ATK + 27, HIT + 5. Id: (4823) Fighting Spirit 8Lv ATK + 27, HIT + 5. Id: (4823) Fighting Spirit 8Lv ATK + 27, HIT + 5. Id: (4824) Fighting Spirit 9Lv ATK + 30, HIT + 5. Id: (4824) Fighting Spirit 9Lv ATK + 30, HIT + 5. Id: (4824) Fighting Spirit 9Lv ATK + 30, HIT + 5. Id: (4824) Fighting Spirit 9Lv ATK + 30, HIT + 5. Id: (4825) Fighting Spirit 10Lv Id: (4825) Fighting Spirit 10Lv Id: (4825) Fighting Spirit 10Lv Id: (4825) Fighting Spirit 10Lv Id: (4826) Spell 5Lv MATK + 18, Decrease Casting Time by 10%. Id: (4826) Spell 5Lv MATK + 18, Diminue le temps de cast de 10%. Id: (4826) Spell 5Lv MATK + 18, Reduziert Cast-Zeit um 10%. Id: (4826) Spell 5Lv MATK + 18, Büyü kullanim süresini 10% azaltir. Id: (4827) Spell 6Lv MATK + 21, Decrease Casting Time by 10%. Id: (4827) Spell 6Lv MATK + 21, Diminue le temps de cast de 10%. Id: (4827) Spell 6Lv MATK + 21, Reduziert Cast-Zeit um 10%. Id: (4827) Spell 6Lv MATK + 21, Büyü kullanim süresini 10% azaltir. Id: (4828) Spell 7Lv Id: (4828) Spell 7Lv Id: (4828) Spell 7Lv Id: (4828) Spell 7Lv Id: (4829) Spell 8Lv Id: (4829) Spell 8Lv Id: (4829) Spell 8Lv Id: (4829) Spell 8Lv Id: (4830) Spell 9Lv MATK + 30, Decrease Casting Time by 10%. Id: (4830) Spell 9Lv MATK + 30, Réduis le temps de cast de 10%. Id: (4830) Spell 9Lv MATK + 30, Verringert Cast-Zeit um 10%. Id: (4830) Spell 9Lv MATK + 30, Büyü yapma zamanini kisaltir 10%. Id: (4831) Spell 10Lv MATK + 50, Decrease Casting Time by 20%. Id: (4831) Spell 10Lv MATK + 50, Réduis le temps de cast de 20%. Id: (4831) Spell 10Lv MATK + 50, Verringert Cast-Zeit um 20%. Id: (4831) Spell 10Lv MATK + 50, Büyü yapma zamanini kisaltir 20%. Id: (4832) Expert Archer 1Lv Long Ranged Attack Damage +2%. Id: (4832) Expert Archer 1Lv Dégâts des aAttaques à longue portée +2%. Id: (4832) Expert Archer 1Lv Schaden von Fernkampfattacken +Fernkampfangriffe werden erhöht um 2%. Id: (4832) Expert Archer 1Lv Uzun menzillli saldirilari %2 artirir 2%. Id: (4833) Expert Archer 2Lv Long Ranged Attack Damage +4%. Id: (4833) Expert Archer 2Lv Dégâts des aAttaques à longue portée +4%. Id: (4833) Expert Archer 2Lv Schaden von Fernkampfattacken +Fernkampfangriffe werden erhöht um 4%. Id: (4833) Expert Archer 2Lv Uzun menzillli saldirilari %4 artirir 4%. Id: (4834) Expert Archer 3Lv Long Ranged Attack Damage +6%. #ck Damage +6%. Id: (4834) Expert Archer 3Lv Dégâts des aAttaques à longue portée +6%. Id: (4834) Expert Archer 3Lv Schaden von Fernkampfattacken +Fernkampfangriffe werden erhöht um 6%. Id: (4834) Expert Archer 3Lv Uzun menzillli saldirilari %6 artirir 6%. Id: (4835) Expert Archer 4Lv Ranged Attack 8%. Id: (4835) Expert Archer 4Lv Attaque à longue portée 8%. Id: (4835) Expert Archer 4Lv Fernkampfangriffe werden erhöht um 8%. Id: (4835) Expert Archer 4Lv Uzun menzillli saldiri 8%. Id: (4836) Expert Archer 5Lv Ranged Attack 10%. Id: (4836) Expert Archer 5Lv Attaque à longue portée 10%. Id: (4836) Expert Archer 5Lv Fernkampfangriffe werden erhöht um 10%. Id: (4836) Expert Archer 5Lv Uzun menzillli saldiri 10%. Id: (4837) Expert Archer 6Lv Ranged Attack 12%. Id: (4837) Expert Archer 6Lv Attaque à longue portée 12%. Id: (4837) Expert Archer 6Lv Fernkampfangriffe werden erhöht um 12%. Id: (4837) Expert Archer 6Lv Uzun menzillli saldiri 12%. Id: (4838) Expert Archer 7Lv Ranged Attack 14%. Id: (4838) Expert Archer 7Lv Attaque à longue portée 14%. Id: (4838) Expert Archer 7Lv Fernkampfangriffe werden erhöht um 14%. Id: (4838) Expert Archer 7Lv Uzun menzillli saldiri 14%. Id: (4839) Expert Archer 8Lv Ranged Attack 16%. Id: (4839) Expert Archer 8Lv Attaque à longue portée 16%. Id: (4839) Expert Archer 8Lv Fernkampfangriffe werden erhöht um 16%. Id: (4839) Expert Archer 8Lv Uzun menzillli saldiri 16%. Id: (4840) Expert Archer 9Lv Ranged Attack 18%. Id: (4840) Expert Archer 9Lv Attaque à longue portée 18%. Id: (4840) Expert Archer 9Lv Fernkampfangriffe werden erhöht um 18%. Id: (4840) Expert Archer 9Lv Uzun menzillli saldiri 18%. Id: (4841) Expert Archer 10Lv Ranged Attack 20%, ASPD + 1. Id: (4841) Expert Archer 10Lv Attaque à longue portée 20%, ASPD + 1. Id: (4841) Expert Archer 10Lv Fernkampfangriffe werden erhöht um 20%, ASPD + 1. Id: (4841) Expert Archer 10Lv Uzun menzillli saldiri 20%, ASPD + 1. Id: (4842) ASPD+2 ASPD + 2. Id: (4842) ASPD+2 ASPD + 2. Id: (4842) ASPD+2 ASPD + 2. Id: (4842) ASPD+2 ASPD + 2. Id: (4843) Sharp 4Lv CRI + 14, HIT + 5. Id: (4843) Sharp 4Lv CRI + 14, HIT + 5. Id: (4843) Sharp 4Lv CRI + 14, HIT + 5. Id: (4843) Sharp 4Lv CRI + 14, HIT + 5. Id: (4844) Sharp 5Lv CRI + 15, HIT + 6. Id: (4844) Sharp 5Lv CRI + 15, HIT + 6. Id: (4844) Sharp 5Lv CRI + 15, HIT + 6. Id: (4844) Sharp 5Lv CRI + 15, HIT + 6. Id: (4848) Immuned 1Lv Id: (4848) Immuned 1Lv Id: (4848) Immuned 1Lv Id: (4848) Immuned 1Lv Id: (4849) Cranial 1Lv Id: (4849) Cranial 1Lv Id: (4849) Cranial 1Lv Id: (4849) Cranial 1Lv Id: (4850) Archbishop2Lv Id: (4850) Archbishop2Lv Id: (4850) Archbishop2Lv Id: (4850) Archbishop2Lv Id: (4851) Archbishop3Lv Id: (4851) Archbishop3Lv Id: (4851) Archbishop3Lv Id: (4851) Archbishop3Lv Id: (4852) Archbishop4Lv Id: (4852) Archbishop4Lv Id: (4852) Archbishop4Lv Id: (4852) Archbishop4Lv Id: (4853) Special STR Id: (4853) Special STR Id: (4853) Special STR Id: (4853) Special STR Id: (4854) Special AGI Id: (4854) Special AGI Id: (4854) Special AGI Id: (4854) Special AGI Id: (4855) Special VIT Id: (4855) Special VIT Id: (4855) Special VIT Id: (4855) Special VIT Id: (4856) Special INT Id: (4856) Special INT Id: (4856) Special INT Id: (4856) Special INT Id: (4857) Special DEX Id: (4857) Special DEX Id: (4857) Special DEX Id: (4857) Special DEX Id: (4858) Special LUK Id: (4858) Special LUK Id: (4858) Special LUK Id: (4858) Special LUK Id: (4859) FLEE+1 Id: (4859) FLEE+1 Id: (4859) FLEE+1 Id: (4859) FLEE+1 Id: (4860) FLEE+3 Id: (4860) FLEE+3 Id: (4860) FLEE+3 Id: (4860) FLEE+3 Id: (16015) Cat Club [3] A cat hand shaped club which doesn't seem hurt. Increase 15% damages for Animal enemies. When P.Attacking, gives "seduce" status to enemies with low chance. Class : Club Attack : 88 Weight : 70 Weapon Lv : 1 Required LV : 1 Job : Novice/Sword Man Class/Acolyte Class/Merchant Class Id: (16015) Cat Club [3] Un club en forme de patte de chat qui n'a pas l'air de faire mal. Augmente les dommages de 15% sur les ennemis de type animal. A une faible chance d'infliger "seduce" aux ennemis. Classe : Club Attaque : 88 Poids : 70 Lvl de l'arme : 1 Lvl requis : 1 Job : Novice/SwordMan/Acolyte/Merchant Id: (16015) Cat Club [3] Ein Club der einer Katzentatze ähnelt und nicht weh zu tun scheint. Verbessert den Schaden gegen Animal Monster um 15%. Hat beim Angriff eine niedrige Chance dem Gegner den Status "Seduce" zuzufügen. Class : Club Attack : 88 Weight : 70 Weapon Lv : 1 Required LV : 1 Job : Novice/Sword Man Class/Acolyte Class/Merchant Class Id: (16015) Cat Club [3] Kedi seklinde olan bu sopa can yakacak gibi görünmüyor. Hayvan düsmanlara karsi hasari %15 arttirir. Fiziksel saldiri yaparken "cezbetme" etksi yapma sansi vardir. Sinif : Sopa Saldiri : 88 Agirlik : 70 Silah Sv : 1 Gereken Sv : 1 Meslek : Novice/Sword Man Class/Acolyte Class/Merchant Class Id: (18537) Malangdo Hat [1] a souvenir hat from Malang do FLEE + 6 Class : Headgear defence : 5 location: Upper Weight : 10 Required Lv : 1 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (18537) Malangdo Hat [1] Un hat souvenir de Malangdo FLEE + 6 Classe : Headgear Défence : 5 lieu: Upper Poids : 10 Lv requis : 1 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (18537) Malangdo Hat [1] Ein Souvenir Hut aus Malang Do FLEE + 6 Art : Headgear Verteidigung : 5 Kopfposition: Upper Gewicht : 10 Benötigtes Lv. : 1 Jobs : Alle Id: (18537) Malangdo Hat [1] Malangdo'dan alinma bir ani esyasi. FLEE + 6 Sinif : Baslik defence : 5 Konum: Üst Agirlik : 10 Gereken Sv : 1 Meslekler : Hepsi
  20. Changed Item Spoiler Alert: Id: (1198) Hairtail rental item cutlassfish and oceanic fish. Called as Do Er from logn knife shape. It is freezed so cold. CRI + 20, Critical Damage 50% increase. when Attack, it delivers freeze at regular rate. if base lv is over 100, ATK + 50 Class : Both Hands Sword Attack : 220 Weight : 0 Weapon Lv : 1 Required Lv : 50 Jobs : SwordmanClass Id: (1198) Hairtail rental item Le Cutlassfish est un poisson d'océan. Appelés Do Er de par leur forme de couteau. CRI + 20, Critical augmenté de 50%. Quand vous attaquez, a une chance de provoquer freeze. Si base lv est supérieur à 100, ATK + 50 Classe : Both hands Sword Attaque : 220 Poids : 0 Lv de l'arme : 1 Lv requis : 50 Jobs : Swordman Id: (1198) Hairtail Leihgegenstand Zackenbarsch und Meeresfisch. Wird auch Do Er, nach einem Messer benannt. Tiefgefroren. CRIT + 20, erhöht kritischen Schaden um 50%. Löst zu einer bestimmten Chance Freeze Status aus. Wenn Base Lv. höher als 100, dann ATK + 50 Art : Two-handed Sword Angriff : 220 Gewicht : 0 Waffen Lv. : 1 Benötigtes Lv. : 50 Jobs : Swordman Cls Id: (1198) Hairtail kira esyasi Mürekkep baligi ve okyanus baligi. Uzun, biçaksi formu yüzünden Do Er diye bilinir. Soguktan donmus bir sekildedir. CRI + 20, Kritik hasarda %50 artis. Saldiri yapildigi zaman belli bir oranda donma etkisi yapar. Eger seviye 100 üzerindeyse, ATK + 50 verir. Sinif : Iki Elli Kiliç Saldiri : 220 Agirlik : 0 Silah Sv : 1 Gereken Sv : 50 Meslekler : SwordmanClass Id: (1489) Spearfish rental item a spearfish and oceanic fish. It is well known for delicious fish It is pretty freezed when using pierce, spiral pierce, it gives critical damage at high rate. And also make freeze itself by low rate. Spiral Pierce Attack increase 100% , Inspiration Attack 50% . ( Effect of Inspiration will disappear once unequipped) if base level is over 100 , add ATK + 30 . Class : Both Hands Spear Attack : 220 Weight : 0 Weapon Lv : 1 Required Lv : 50 Jobs : SwordmanClass Id: (1489) Spearfish rental item L'espadon est un poisson d'océan. Il est reconnu pour être déclicieux. quand vous utilisez pierce, spiral pierce, donne de grandes chances des critical. Et donne des petites chances de provoquer le status freeze. Spiral Pierce Attack augmenté de 100%, Inspiration Attack 50%. ( L'effet Inspiration disparaitra une fois équipé) Si le level de base est au dessus de 100, ATK + 30 à rajouter. Classe : Both hands Spear Attaque : 220 Poids : 0 Lv de l'arme : 1 Lv requis : 50 Jobs : Swordman Id: (1489) Spearfish Leihgegenstand Schwertfisch und Meeresfisch. Man sagt, dieser Fisch schmecke sehr lecker und friert sich mit Pierce und Spiral Pierce ein. Erhöht kritischen Schaden mit hoher Chance und friert sich mit einer geringenChance selbst ein. Erhöht den Angriff von Spiral Pierce um 100% unmd den Angriff von Inspiration u 50% . ( Der Effekt von Inspiration verschindet, sobald abgelegt) Wenn Base Lv. höher als 100, dann ATK + 30 Art : Two-handed Spear Angriff : 220 Gewicht : 0 Waffen Lv. : 1 Benötigtes Lv. : 50 Jobs : Swordman Cls Id: (1489) Spearfish kira esyasi Mizrak baligi ve okyanus baligi. Çok leziz olarak bilinen bir baliktir. Soguktan donmus bir sekildedir. Pierce ve Spiral Piece yeteneklerini kulanirken yüksek oranda kritik hasar veir. Ayni zamanda düsük bir oranda donma etkisi yapar. Spiral Pierce Saldirisi %100 artar. Inspiration saldirisi %50 artar. (Kusanildigi zaman Inspiration etkisi kalkar.) Eger seviye 100 üzerindeyse, add ATK + 30 verir . Sinif : Iki Elli Mizrak Saldiri : 220 Agirlik : 0 Silah Sv : 1 Gereken Sv : 50 Meslekler : SwordmanClass Id: (2872) G Honor Certificate a certificate that it gurantee cat gamer members. It has ability to record the match . Class : accessory defence : 0 Weight : 0 Required Lv : 0 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2872) G Honor Certificate Certificat garantissant d'être membre des cat gamers. Il a le pouvoir d'enregistrer le match. Classe : accessory Défense : 0 Poids : 0 Lv requis : 0 Jobs : Toutes Id: (2872) G Honor Certificate Dieses Zertifikat wurde von Katzenmitgliedern ausgestellt. Kann ein Spiel aufzeichnen. Art : Accessory Verteidigung : 0 Gewicht : 0 Benötigtes Lv. : 0 Jobs : Alle Id: (2872) G Honor Certificate Kedi Oyuncusu Üyelerini belirleyen bir sertifikadir. Maçlari kaydetme yetenegi vardir. Sinif : aksesuar Savunma : 0 Agirlik : 0 Gereken Sv : 0 Meslekler : Hepsi Id: (2873) Cat Hand Glove a souvenir for Malang do, it makes you happy when equipped VIT + 1, AGI + 1, DEX + 1, LUK + 1. Class : accessory defence : 5 Weight : 10 Required Lv : 1 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2873) Cat Hand Glove Un souvenir pour Malangdo, il vous rend heureux une fois équippé. VIT + 1, AGI + 1, DEX + 1, LUK + 1. Classe : accessory Défense : 5 Poids : 10 Lv requis : 1 Jobs : Toutes Id: (2873) Cat Hand Glove Ein Souvenir aus Malang do. Gibt Freude beim Tragen. VIT + 1, AGI + 1, DEX + 1, LUK + 1. Art : Accessory Verteidigung : 5 Gewicht : 10 Benötigtes Lv. : 1 Jobs : Alle Id: (2873) Cat Hand Glove Malangdo'dan alinma bir ani esyasi. Kusanildiginda sizi mutlu eder. VIT + 1, AGI + 1, DEX + 1, LUK + 1. Sinif : Aksesuar Savunma : 5 Agirlik : 10 Gereken Sv : 1 Meslekler : Hepsi Id: (6417) Silvervine Fruit Sunkissed Silvervine Fruit. Human think that is normal and tastes bad but it is valuable in Malangdo. Weight : 0 Id: (6417) Silvervine Fruit Fruit Silvervine à la couleur ensoleillée. Les humains pensent qu'il a mauvais gout mais c'est précieux à Malangdo. Poids : 0 Id: (6417) Silvervine Fruit Eine sonnengereifte Silvervine Frucht. Menschen denken normalerweise, dass sie schlecht schmeckt aber sie ist in Malangdo sehr wertvoll. Gewicht : 0 Id: (6417) Silvervine Fruit Sunkissed Silvervine Fruit. Insanlar bunun tadinin berbat oldugunu düsünür ama Malangdo'da degerlidir. Agirlik : 0 Id: (6418) Aclass Coin Glittering high class coin. There is possibility of luxury weapon enchant. Weight : 0 Id: (6418) Aclass Coin Pièce super brillante. Possiblité d'avoir une arme de luxe enchantée. Poids : 0 Id: (6418) Aclass Coin Glitzernde, hochwertige Münze. Gibt die Möglichkeit, hochwertig Waffen zu verzaubern. Gewicht : 0 Id: (6418) Aclass Coin Parlayan yüksek tabaka sikkesi. Bu muhtemelen lüks silah efsunudur. Agirlik : 0 Id: (6419) Bclass Coin Glittering high class coin. There is possibility of luxury weapon enchant. Weight : 0 Id: (6419) Bclass Coin Pièce super brillante. Possiblité d'avoir une arme enchantée de luxe. Poids : 0 Id: (6419) Bclass Coin Glitzernde, hochwertige Münze. Gibt die Möglichkeit, hochwertig Waffen zu verzaubern. Gewicht : 0 Id: (6419) Bclass Coin Parlayan yüksek tabaka sikkesi. Bu muhtemelen lüks silah efsunudur. Agirlik : 0 Id: (6420) Cclass Coin General normal coin.There is possibility of mid class weapon enchant. Weight : 0 Id: (6420) Cclass Coin Pièce normale. Possibilité d'avoir une arme enchantée de classe moyenne. Poids : 0 Id: (6420) Cclass Coin Glitzernde, hochwertige Münze. Gibt die Möglichkeit, hochwertig Waffen zu verzaubern. Gewicht : 0 Id: (6420) Cclass Coin Genel normal sikkedir. Orta derece silah efsunu olma olasiligi vardir. Agirlik : 0 Id: (6421) Dclass Coin General normal coin.There is possibility of mid class weapon enchant. Weight : 0 Id: (6421) Dclass Coin Pièce normale. Possibilité d'avoir une arme enchantée de classe moyenne. Poids : 0 Id: (6421) Dclass Coin Glitzernde, hochwertige Münze. Gibt die Möglichkeit, mittelmäßig Waffen zu verzaubern. Gewicht : 0 Id: (6421) Dclass Coin Genel normal sikkedir. Orta derece silah efsunu olma olasiligi vardir. Agirlik : 0 Id: (6422) Eclass Coin Poor low class coin. If collect various this, that could be used weapon refinement. Weight : 0 Id: (6422) Eclass Coin Pièce de faible qualité. Peut être utilisé pour une amélioration d'arme. Poids : 0 Id: (6422) Eclass Coin Münze mit niedrigem Wert. Wenn man mehrere davon sammelt, kann man sie zur Verbesserung von Waffen verwenden. Gewicht : 0 Id: (6422) Eclass Coin Düsük ve ucuz derece sikkesidir. Eger bunlardan çok fazla toplarsaniz bunlar silah arindirmasinda kullanilabilir. Agirlik : 0 Id: (6423) Seagod Anger Relic of Seagod's anger. Nobody knows about the ability of this weapon. Weight : 0 Id: (6423) Seagod Anger Relique de la colère du Dieu des mers. Persone ne sait à quoi sert cette arme. Poids : 0 Id: (6423) Seagod Anger Ein Relikt des Zornes vom Meeresgott. Niemand kennt das wahre Potential dieser Waffe. Gewicht : 0 Id: (6423) Seagod Anger Relic of Seagod'in gazabidir. Kimse bu silahin özelligini bilmez. Agirlik : 0 Id: (6426) Poor Can It looks like a normal caned food but, the surface is rusted here and there. It grosses me out Weight : 1 Id: (6426) Poor Can Ressemble à une boite de conserve, la surface est rouillée un peu partout. Poids : 1 Id: (6426) Poor Can Sieht aus wie gewöhnliches, konserviertes Essen. Die Oberfläche sieht verostet aus. Gewicht : 1 Id: (6426) Poor Can Normal kutulu yemek gibi görünür ama, üst kutusu orasinda burasinda paslanmistir. Migdemi bulandiriyor. Agirlik : 1 Id: (6427) Poor Can Sack Sack containing full of poor caned food. Purpose is suspiciously Weight : 0 Id: (6427) Poor Can Sack Sac contenant plein de pauvres boites de conserve. Suspicieux comme objet. Poids : 0 Id: (6427) Poor Can Sack Eine Tasche die mit gewöhnlich konservierten Dosen gefüllt ist. Sieht verdächtig aus. Gewicht : 0 Id: (6427) Poor Can Sack Bir torba dolusu bozuk kutulanmis yemek. Ne amaç için kullanilacagi süpheli. Agirlik : 0 Id: (6428) Adventure Card A Adventure Card from Meow Adventure Club. This card is necessary for experiencing the adventure of the Meow Adventure Club. Weight : 0 Id: (6428) Adventure Card A Carte d'aventure du club Meow Adventure. Cette carte est nécessaire pour aller à l'aventure. Poids : 0 Id: (6428) Adventure Card A Eine Adventure Card des Meow Adventure Clubs. Diese Card wird dazu benötigt um ein Abenteuer des Meow Adventure Club zu erleben. Gewicht : 0 Id: (6428) Adventure Card A Meow Adventure Club'dan olan birAdventure Card. Bu kart Meow Adventure Club'in maceralarini tecrübe etmek için gereklidir. Agirlik : 0 Id: (6429) Adventure Card B Adventure Card from Meow Adventure Club. This card is necessary for experiencing the adventure of the Meow Adventure Club. Weight : 0 Id: (6429) Adventure Card B Carte d'aventure du club Meow Adventure. Cette carte est nécessaire pour aller à l'aventure. Poids : 0 Id: (6429) Adventure Card B Eine Adventure Card des Meow Adventure Clubs. Diese Card wird dazu benötigt um ein Abenteuer des Meow Adventure Club zu erleben. Gewicht : 0 Id: (6429) Adventure Card B Meow Adventure Club'dan olan birAdventure Card. Bu kart Meow Adventure Club'in maceralarini tecrübe etmek için gereklidir. Agirlik : 0 Id: (6430) Fragment of Picture A fragment of picture which was found in the treasure seeking. When all the fragments are gathered, it will become a complete picture. Weight : 0 Id: (6430) Fragment of Picture Un fragment d'image trouvé pendant la recherche au trésor. Quand tous les fragments seront réunis, l'image sera complète. Poids : 0 Id: (6430) Fragment of Picture Ein Bruchstück eines Bildes, das bei einer Schatzsuche gefunden wurde. Wenn alle Teile gefunden sind, kann man sie zusammensetzen und ein ganzes Bild erhalten. Gewicht : 0 Id: (6430) Fragment of Picture Hazine avi sirasinda bulunmus bir resim parçasi. Bütün parçalar bir araya gelince bütün resim olusur. Agirlik : 0 Id: (6431) Bucket A normal, ordinary bucket. Seems like anything can be carried with it. Weight : 10 Id: (6431) Bucket Un seau tout à fait normal. Il semble être vide. Poids : 10 Id: (6431) Bucket Ein gewöhnlicher Eimer. Damit kann man vermutlich vieles transportiert werden. Gewicht : 10 Id: (6431) Bucket Normal bir kova. Onunla hersey tasinabilirmis gibi görünüyor. Agirlik : 10 Id: (6432) All Filled Bucket A bucket with water filled to the top. It is pretty heavy, so be careful not to spill water. Weight : 300 Id: (6432) All Filled Bucket Un seau d'eau remplis à ras bord. C'est plutot lourd, donc faire attention de ne pas renverser d'eau. Poids : 300 Id: (6432) All Filled Bucket Ein Eimer, der bis zum Rand mit Wasser gefüllt ist. Er ist sehr schwer und man muss aufpassen, dass man kein Wasser verschüttet. Gewicht : 300 Id: (6432) All Filled Bucket Tepeleme bir sekilde su ile dolu bir kova. Çok agir oldugu için dökmemeye dikkat etmek lazim. Agirlik : 300 Id: (6433) Cleaning Brush A brush which is proper for cleaning. The bristles are abrasive enough so they will let a fine, well cleaning. Weight : 30 Id: (6433) Cleaning Brush Une brosse pour nettoyer. Les poils de cette brosse sont assez abrasifs pour bien nettoyer. Poids : 30 Id: (6433) Cleaning Brush Eine Bürste, die sich zum Saubermachen eignet. Die Borsten sind sehr hart, sodass man damit Dinge sehr sauber bekommt. Gewicht : 30 Id: (6433) Cleaning Brush Temizlik için iyi olan bir süpürge. Dallar sikica tutturulmus oldugu için iyi bir temizlik için ideal. Agirlik : 30 Id: (6434) Fixing Kit A Fixing Kit box for crack in the ground. There is everything for fixing like shovel, saw, adhesives, stapler, sea cucumber and sea squirt. Weight : 100 Id: (6434) Fixing Kit Un kit pour tout réparer. Il y a de tout comme une pelle, scie, adhésifs, agrafeuse, Holothurie et encore Tunicata. Poids : 100 Id: (6434) Fixing Kit Ein Reparaturkit, das verschiedene Gegenstände enthält wie zum Beispiel Schaufeln, Sägen, Klebstoffe, Hefter, Seegurke und Seescheide. Gewicht : 100 Id: (6434) Fixing Kit Fixing Kit'i yerdeki çatlaklar için. Tamir için gerekli olan her sey bunun içindedir. Testere, yapistiricilar, kürek, deniz hiyari... Agirlik : 100 Id: (6435) Fresh Fruit A freshly picked fruit of Yggdrasil. Smells fresh too! Weight : 10 Id: (6435) Fresh Fruit Un fruit d'Yggdrasil fraichement cueilli. Il sent très bon! Poids : 10 Id: (6435) Fresh Fruit Eine frisch gepflückte Frucht von Yggdrasil. Riecht sehr frisch! Gewicht : 10 Id: (6435) Fresh Fruit Taze toplanmis bir Yggdrasil meyvesi. Taze de kokuyor! Agirlik : 10 Id: (6436) Seagod's Protection Rental Item A token in which Protection of Seagod was indwelled. It allows you to have a special ability to survive deep under the sea. Weight : 0 Id: (6436) Seagod's Protection Rental Item A token où la protection du Dieu des mers a été invoquée. Il donne la possibilité de survivre sous l'océan. Poids : 0 Id: (6436) Seagod's Protection Leihgegenstand Ein Token, dass den Schutz des Meeresgottes enthält. Man kann damit in der Tiefsee überleben. Gewicht : 0 Id: (6436) Seagod's Protection Kira Esyasi Seagod'un Korumasi'nin içinde oldugu sikke. Denizin derinliklerinde canli kalabilme yetenegini verir. Agirlik : 0 Id: (6440) Ordinary Lubricant A lubricant which helps removing the card which is already stuck in a slot of an equipment. However, this will only help the card removal. The equipment and its refine level may have a problem after trying. Weight : 0 Id: (6440) Ordinary Lubricant Un lubrifiant permettant d'enlever une carte qui est déjà rattachée au slot d'un équipement. Cependant, permet uniquement à enlever la carte. L'équipement et son level d'amélioration peuvent avoir un problème après l'avoir utilisé. Poids : 0 Id: (6440) Ordinary Lubricant Ein Schmiermittel, mit dem man eine Card aus einem Ausrüstungegenstand ziehen kann. Jedoch erhält man damit nur die Card, der Gegenstand und das Upgrade-Level sind danach verloren. Gewicht : 0 Id: (6440) Ordinary Lubricant Ekipmanin üzerine takili olan bir karti sökmek için kullanilan bir sivi. Ama bu sadece kartin çikmasini saglar. Ekipman ve arindirma seviyelerinde bir problem olabilir. Agirlik : 0 Id: (6441) Premium Lubricant A lubricant which helps removing the card which is already stuck in a slot of an equipment. This one is pretty good so it might protect the equipment and its refine level while removing the card, unlike the ordinary one. Weight : 0 Id: (6441) Premium Lubricant Un lubrifiant permettant d'enlever une carte qui est déjà rattachée au slot d'un équipement. Celui là est vraiment bien, il protège l'équipement et son level d'amélioration quand vous enlevez la carte. Poids : 0 Id: (6441) Premium Lubricant Ein Schmiermittel, mit dem man eine Card aus einem Ausrüstungegenstand ziehen kann. Die Qualität ist sehr gut, der Gegenstand und das Upgrade-Level kann damit, im Gegenstand zu dem normalen Schmiermittel, erhalten bleiben. Gewicht : 0 Id: (6441) Premium Lubricant Ekipmana takili olan karti çikartmak için kullanilan bir sividir. Bu ekipmani ve arindirma seviyesini korumak için kullanilir ama karti korumaz. Agirlik : 0 Id: (6442) Octopus Hunting Stick Rental Item A special hunting stick to hunt Giant Octopus. Weight : 0 Id: (6442) Octopus Hunting Stick Rental Item Un stick spécial pour chasser le Giant Octopus. Poids : 0 Id: (6442) Octopus Hunting Stick Leihgegenstand Ein spezieller Jagdspeer der dazu entwickelt wurde, um einen Kraken zu jagen. Gewicht : 0 Id: (6442) Octopus Hunting Stick Kira Esyasi Giant Octopus'u avlamak için kullanilan özel bir av sopasidir. Agirlik : 0 Id: (6443) Sillit Pong [Fragile] The legendary agent which is said to melt the surface of an object so anything can be separated. It will be perfect for taking off MVP cards. Weight : 0 Id: (6443) Sillit Pong [Fragile] L'agent légendaire qui fait fondre la surface d'un objet donc rien ne peut être séparé. C'est parfait pour enlever les MVP cards. Poids : 0 Id: (6443) Sillit Pong [Fragile] Ein spezieller Stoff, mit dem man Oberflächen zum Schmelzen bringen kann und alles von einander trennen. Es eignet sich perfekt, um MVP Cards von Gegenständen zu trennen. Gewicht : 0 Id: (6443) Sillit Pong [Kirilgan] Bu özel sivi esyalarin yüzeyini eritir ve onlari ayirir. MVP kartlarini ayirmak için idealdir. Agirlik : 0 Id: (11536) Cat's Ship Biscuit Food that the fleet of Cat Paw Merchant Association had in the voyage. It is a hardtack which facilitated its storage. Those Cat sailors call it the Teeth Grinder or Worm Castle. Some HP can be recovered when it is eaten. Weight : 1 Id: (11536) Cat's Ship Biscuit Food que le vaisseau de l'association marchande Cat Paw possède. C'est une galette qui facilite le stockage. Ces chats marins l'appellent le broyeur de dents ou encore château de ver. Quelques HP peuvent être récupérés quand elle est mangée. Poids : 1 Id: (11536) Cat's Ship Biscuit Diese Nahrung wurde von der Flotte der Cat Paw Merchant Association während ihrer Reisen benutzt. Es ist ein spezieller Zwieback der leicht verstaut werden kann. Die Cat Seeleute nennen ihn Teeth Grinder oder Worm Castle. Eine HP können damit wiederhergestellt werden. Gewicht : 1 Id: (11536) Cat's Ship Biscuit Yolculuklari sirasinda Cat Paw Merchant Association'un yaninda olan yemektir. Oldukça serttir. O kedi denizciler Teeth Grinder ya da Worm Castle diye onu isimlendirmislerdir. Yenildigi zaman biraz HP tazeler. Agirlik : 1 Id: (11537) Weevil Bug Worm A chubby worm which was caught when the biscuit was almost eaten. It can be an important energy fountain in a survival situation, but... Weight : 1 Id: (11537) Weevil Bug Worm Un ver potelé qui a été attrapé quand le biscuit était presque mangé. Il peut apporter beaucoup d'énergie en cas de survie, mais... Poids : 1 Id: (11537) Weevil Bug Worm Ein schleimiger Wurm, der eingefangen wurde, wo der Keks schon verspeißt war. Er kann eine wichtige Proteinquelle sein, wenn man ums Überleben kämpft, aber... Gewicht : 1 Id: (11537) Weevil Bug Worm Bisküvi neredeyse yenirken yakalanmis olan sisman bir kurtçuk. Çok acil bir hayatta kalma aninda önemli bir enerji kaynagi olabilir, ama... Agirlik : 1 Id: (12531) White Potion Box Id: (12531) White Potion Box Id: (12531) White Potion Box Id: (12531) White Potion Box Id: (12612) Shabby Coin Bag A small, worn out bag which makes a tiny sound. Cling! No one has any idea what's in it. Weight : 1 Id: (12612) Shabby Coin Bag Un petit sac qui produit un petit son. Cling! Personne ne sait ce qu'il y a dedans. Poids : 1 Id: (12612) Shabby Coin Bag Eine kleine, zerfetzte Tasche, aus der ein Geräusch kommt. Kling! Keiner ahnt, was sich darin befinden könnte. Gewicht : 1 Id: (12612) Shabby Coin Bag Içinde ne oldugunu kimsenin bilmedigi küçük eski bir çanta. Içinden de hafif bir Cling sesi geliyor! Agirlik : 1 Id: (12613) Premium Coin Bag A small bag which makes a tiny sound. Cling! It is said that sometimes a pretty good Coin was discovered in it. Weight : 1 Id: (12613) Premium Coin Bag Un petit sac qui produit un petit son. Cling! Il est dit que l'on peut trouver une belle pièce à l'intérieur. Poids : 1 Id: (12613) Premium Coin Bag Eine kleine Tasche, aus der ein Geräusch kommt. Kling! Gerüchten zu Folgen wurde darin schon die ein oder andere schöne Münze gefunden. Gewicht : 1 Id: (12613) Premium Coin Bag Içinden hafif bir ses gelen bir çanta. Cling diye ötüyor. Içinden bol miktarda para çikabilir. Agirlik : 1 Id: (12614) Normal Coin Bag A small bag which makes a tiny sound. Cling! It is said that sometimes a fairly fine Coin was discovered in it. Weight : 1 Id: (12614) Normal Coin Bag Un petit sac qui produit un petit son. Cling! il est dit que l'on peut trouver une petite pièce à l'intérieur. Poids : 1 Id: (12614) Normal Coin Bag Eine kleine Tasche, aus der ein Geräusch kommt. Kling! Gerüchten zu Folgen wurde darin schon die ein oder andere ordentliche Münze gefunden. Gewicht : 1 Id: (12614) Normal Coin Bag Içinden hafif bir ses gelen bir çanta. Cling diye ötüyor. Içinden bol miktarda para çikabilir. Agirlik : 1 Id: (12615) Poor Coin Bag A small bag which makes a tiny sound. Cling! It is said that you should not be expecting something good. Weight : 1 Id: (12615) Poor Coin Bag Un petit sac qui produit un petit son. Cling! Il est dit qu'il ne faut pas s'attendre à quelque chose de bon. Poids : 1 Id: (12615) Poor Coin Bag Eine kleine Tasche, aus der ein Geräusch kommt. Kling! Gerüchten zu Folgen kann man nicht groß erwartet, etwas besonders Wertvolles daraus zu ziehen. Gewicht : 1 Id: (12615) Poor Coin Bag Içinden hafif bir ses gelen bir çanta. Cling! Içinden güzel bir seyler çikmasini bekleyebilirsiniz. Agirlik : 1 Id: (12616) S Grade Coin Bag A bag containing coin A, coin B and some other stuff too. If you are lucky, you can even get Anger of Seagod. Weight : 1 Id: (12616) S Grade Coin Bag Un sac contenant une pièce A, une pièce B et d'autres choses aussi. Si vous avez de la chance, vous pouvez même avoir la colère du Dieu des mers. Poids : 1 Id: (12616) S Grade Coin Bag Eine Tasche die Coin A, Coin B und auch andere Gegenstände enthält. Mit etwas Glück kann man sogar Anger of Seagod erhalten. Gewicht : 1 Id: (12616) S Grade Coin Bag A ve B sikkesi disinda bir seyler de çikabilir. Eger sansliysaniz, Seagod'un Gazabi da çikabilir içinden. Agirlik : 1 Id: (12617) Agrade Pocket This is a bag with A coin, B coin and C coin, If you are lucky, you will get more cans or coins. Weight : 1 Id: (12617) Agrade Pocket Un sac contenant une pièce A, une pièce B et une pièce C, si vous êtes chanceux,vous aurez plus de boites ou pièces. Poids : 1 Id: (12617) Agrade Pocket Eine Tasche die Coin A, Coin B und Coin C enthält. Mit etwas Glück kann man mehr Cans oder Coins erhalten. Gewicht : 1 Id: (12617) Agrade Pocket A sikkesi, B sikkesi ve C sikkesi barindiran bir çanta. Içinden yemek kutulari ve sikkeler de çikabilir. Agirlik : 1 Id: (12618) Bgrade Pocket This is a bag with B coin, C coin and D coin, If you are lucky, you will get more cans or coins. Weight : 1 Id: (12618) Bgrade Pocket Un sac contenant une pièce B, une pièce C et une pièce D, si vous êtes chanceux,vous aurez plus de boites ou pièces. Poids : 1 Id: (12618) Bgrade Pocket Eine Tasche die Coin B, Coin C und Coin D enthält. Mit etwas Glück kann man mehr Cans oder Coins erhalten. Gewicht : 1 Id: (12618) Bgrade Pocket A sikkesi, B sikkesi, C sikkesi ve D sikkesi barindiran bir çanta. Içinden yemek kutulari ve sikkeler de çikabilir. Agirlik : 1 Id: (12619) Cgrade Pocket This is a bag with C coin, D coin and E coin, If you are lucky, you will get more cans or coins. Weight : 1 Id: (12619) Cgrade Pocket Un sac contenant une pièce C, une pièce D et une pièce E, si vous êtes chanceux,vous aurez plus de boites ou pièces. Poids : 1 Id: (12619) Cgrade Pocket Eine Tasche die Coin C, Coin D und Coin E enthält. Mit etwas Glück kann man mehr Cans oder Coins erhalten. Gewicht : 1 Id: (12619) Cgrade Pocket C sikkesi, D sikkesi ve E sikkesi barindiran bir çanta. Içinden yemek kutulari ve sikkeler de çikabilir. Agirlik : 1 Id: (12620) Dgrade Pocket This is a bag with D coin and E coin, If you are lucky, you will get more cans or coins. Weight : 1 Id: (12620) Dgrade Pocket Un sac contenant une pièce D et une pièce E, si vous êtes chanceux,vous aurez plus de boites ou pièces. Poids : 1 Id: (12620) Dgrade Pocket Eine Tasche die Coin D and Coin E enthält. Mit etwas Glück kann man mehr Cans oder Coins erhalten. Gewicht : 1 Id: (12620) Dgrade Pocket D sikkesi ve E sikkesi barindiran bir çanta. Eger sansliysaniz içinden yemek kutulari ve sikkeler de çikabilir. Agirlik : 1 Id: (12621) Egrade Pocket This is a bag with E coin, If you are lucky, you will get extra cans or coins. Weight : 1 Id: (12621) Egrade Pocket Un sac contenant une pièce E, si vous êtes chanceux,vous aurez plus de boites ou pièces. Poids : 1 Id: (12621) Egrade Pocket Eine Tasche die Coin E enthält. Mit etwas Glück kann man extra Cans oder Coins erhalten. Gewicht : 1 Id: (12621) Egrade Pocket Içinde E sikkesi olan bir çantadir. Eger sansliysaniz yemek kutulari ve sikkeler de çikabilir. Agirlik : 1 Id: (12623) High Weapon Box A hard box with beautiful details. there are many high-end equipments. Weight : 1 Id: (12623) High Weapon Box Un grosse boite avec de jolis détails. il y a beaucoup d'équipement haut de gamme. Poids : 1 Id: (12623) High Weapon Box Eine feste Schachtel, die mit schönen Einzelheiten verziert ist. Es befinden sich darin viele high-end Ausrüstungsgegenstände. Gewicht : 1 Id: (12623) High Weapon Box Güzel detaylari olan saglam bir kutudur. Birçok yüksek kalitede ekipman barindirir. Agirlik : 1 Id: (12624) Delicious Jelly Yummy brown jelly. you will be happy when you eat. It might melt, so please not to keep in warm place. Recover 3% of HP and SP. Weight : 5 Id: (12624) Delicious Jelly Une délicieuse gelée marron. Vous serez heureux quand vous en mangerez. ça peut fondre, à ne pas laisser dans un endroit chaud. Récupère 3% de HP et SP. Poids : 5 Id: (12624) Delicious Jelly Eine leckere, braune Sülze. Man wird nach dem Verzehr sehr glücklich sein. Es könnte schmelzen, deswegen muss man es kühl lagern. Regeneriert 3% HP und SP. Gewicht : 5 Id: (12624) Delicious Jelly Çok leziz olan kahverengi jöledir. Onu yediginiz zaman mutlu hissedersiniz. Erime olasiligi vardir onun için ilik bir yerde tutmayin. HP ve SP'yi %3 tazeler. Agirlik : 5 Id: (12633) Malang Cat Can Special produce from Malangdo, made as a can so you can save easily. Strangely It was known to give power to people. Increase exp and job exp by 10% for 20mins. (can overlap with other exp item and only apply for monster hunting.) Increase 20% of item drop rate for 20mins Weight : 5 Id: (12633) Malang Cat Can Produit spécial de Malangdo, fabriqué en forme de boite donc vous pouvez stocker assez facilement. Etrangement il est connu pour donner du pouvoir aux gens. Augmente exp et job exp de 10% pendant 20mins. (peut être cumulé avec un autre item exp et appliqué quand vous chassez des monstres.) Augmente de 20% l'item drop pendant 20 mins Poids : 5 Id: (12633) Malang Cat Can Ein besonderes Produkt aus Malangdo. Wurde extra in Dosenform erstellt, um es einfach lagern zu können. Seltsamerweise glauben einige, dass sie sehr viel Kraft geben. Erhöht Base EXP und Job EXP um 10% für 20 Minuten. (Kann mit anderen EXP Gegenständen gestapelt werden. EXP zählen nur für getötete Monster) Erhöht die Item Drops um 20% für 20 Minuten. Gewicht : 5 Id: (12633) Malang Cat Can Malangdo'ya özel bir üründür, özel bir kutuda gelir. Insanlara güç verdigi söylenir. Tecübeyi ve meslek tecrübesini 20 dakikaligina %10 arttirir. (Diger tecrübe esyalari ile üst üste eklenebilir ve sadece yaratik avi için geçerlidir) Esya düsme oranini 20 dakikaligina %20 arttirir. Agirlik : 5 Id: (12636) Malang Sp Can Delicious can food from Malangdo. You will think about sea and Malangdo see sights in your mind when you eat.... once you look around, you will notice you are in Malangdo. Weight : 0 Id: (12636) Malang Sp Can Délicieuse boite de food de Malangdo. Quand vous en mangerez, cela vous fera penser à la mer et Malangdo.... quand vous regardez autour de vous, vous vous apperceverez que vous êtes à Malangdo. Poids : 0 Id: (12636) Malang Sp Can Leckeres Dosenfutter aus Malangdo. Das Essen erinnert stark an das Meer und die Sehenswürdigkeiten in Malangdo.... wenn du dich umsiehst, wirst du bemerken dass du in Malangdo bist. Gewicht : 0 Id: (12636) Malang Sp Can Malangdo'nun leziz kutulanmis yemegidir. Bunu yerken Malangdo'nun deniz manzaralari akliniza gelir... Tekrar baktiginizda kendinizi Malangdo'da bulursunuz. Agirlik : 0 Id: (12637) Gong Bug Pocket A bag with 200 Gong Bugs. Can feel something not good movement inside of the bag. Weight : 50 Id: (12637) Gong Bug Pocket Un sac contenant 200 insectes Gong. On peut sentir des mouvements désagréables à l'intérieur du sac. Poids : 50 Id: (12637) Gong Bug Pocket Eine Tasche, die 200 Gong Bugs beinhaltet. Fühlt sich an, als würde sich darin etwas bewegen. Gewicht : 50 Id: (12637) Gong Bug Pocket Içinde 200 tane Gong Bug olan bir çantadir. Çantanin içinde hareket eden bir seyler var. Agirlik : 50 Id: (12638) Dried Squid Box A bag with 200 Dried Squids. Watch out when you unpack, it is compressed in a small bag. Weight : 200 Id: (12638) Dried Squid Box Un sac contenant 200 poulpes séchés. Attention en l'ouvrant, c'est compressé dans un petit sac. Poids : 200 Id: (12638) Dried Squid Box Eine Tasche, die 200 Dried Squids beinhaltet. Achte beim Auspacken darauf, dass der Inhalt stark komprimiert wurde. Gewicht : 200 Id: (12638) Dried Squid Box içinde 200 tane Dried Squid olan bir çantadir.A bag with 200 Dried Squids. Açarken dikkat edin, bunlar küçük bir çantaya sikistirilmislardir. Agirlik : 200 Id: (12639) Flying Fish Box A bag with 200 Flying fishes Quite surprised that how many there are in this small bag.. Weight : 200 Id: (12639) Flying Fish Box Un sac contenant 200 poissons volants. C'est étonnant de voir autant de poissons dans un si petit sac.. Poids : 200 Id: (12639) Flying Fish Box Eine Tasche, die 200 Flying Fishes beinhaltet. Es ist immer wieder überraschend zu sehen, wie viel in so einer kleinen Tasche platz hat.. Gewicht : 200 Id: (12639) Flying Fish Box Içinde 200 tane Flying Fish olan bir çantadir. Bu küçük çantada ne kadar çok oldugunu görmek çok sasirtici. Agirlik : 200 Id: (12640) Starfish Box A Bag with 200 Star fishes Packed neatedly Weight : 50 Id: (12640) Starfish Box Un sac contenant 200 étoiles de mer Emballés soigneusement Poids : 50 Id: (12640) Starfish Box Ein Beutel mit 200 Seesternen. Gut zusammengepackt. Gewicht : 50 Id: (12640) Starfish Box Içinde 200 tane Star Fish olan bir çantadir. Çok iyi paketlenmistir. Agirlik : 50 Id: (12643) E Coin Pack50 An old and thin coin bag. . 50 E coins are in the bag. Weight : 1 Id: (12643) E Coin Pack50 un vieux et fin sac de pièces. 50 pièces sont dans le sac. Poids : 1 Id: (12643) E Coin Pack50 Ein alter und feiner Münzenbeutel. Enthält 50 Münzen. Gewicht : 1 Id: (12643) E Coin Pack50 Eski bir sikke çantasidir. Içinde 50 tane E sikkesi vardir. Agirlik : 1 Id: (13068) Saurel Rental item Sea fish. Can be cooked in different food. Frozen really hard. MATK + 100. When attacking in short distance, gives ATK +30 for 7 sec with certain rate. When magical attacking, MATK +20 for 7 sec with certain rate. When base Lv is over Lv 100, add ATK + 10, MATK + 10. Class : Dagger Attack : 160 Weight : 0 Weapon Lv : 1 Required Lv : 50 Job : Sword Man Class/Magician Class/Archer Class/Merchant Class/Thief Class/Soul Linker/Ninja Id: (13068) Saurel Rental item Poisson de mer. Peut être cuisiné dans différents plats. Bien congelé. MATK + 100. A une chance de donner ATK +30 peandant 7 sec lors d'une attaque de courte distance. A une chance de donner MATK +20 peandant 7 sec lors d'une attaque magique. Si le level de base est au dessus de 100, ATK + 10, MATK + 10 à rajouter. Classe : Dagger Attaque : 160 Poids : 0 Lvl de l'arme : 1 Lvl requis : 50 Job : SwordMan/Magician/Archer/Merchant/Thiefs/Soul/Ninja Id: (13068) Saurel Leihgegenstand Sea fish. Can be cooked in different food. Frozen really hard. MATK + 100. When attacking in short distance, gives ATK +30 for 7 sec with certain rate. When magical attacking, MATK +20 for 7 sec with certain rate. When base Lv is over Lv 100, add ATK + 10, MATK + 10. Class : Dagger Attack : 160 Weight : 0 Weapon Lv : 1 Required Lv : 50 Job : Sword Man Class/Magician Class/Archer Class/Merchant Class/Thief Class/Soul Linker/Ninja Id: (13068) Saurel kira esyasi Deniz baligidir. Degisik yemekler yapmak için pisirilebilir. Çok sert dondurulmustur. MATK + 100. Kisa mesafeye saldirirken 7 saniyeligine ATK +30 verme sansi vardir. Büyülü bir saldiri yaparken belli bir santa 7 saniyeligine MATK +20 verme sansi varidir. Seviye 100 üzerindeyse ATK + 10, MATK +10 verir. Sinif : Biçak Saldiri : 160 Agirlik : 0 Silah Sv : 1 Gereken Sv : 50 Meslek : Sword Man Class/Magician Class/Archer Class/Merchant Class/Thief Class/Soul Linker/Ninja Id: (13208) GongBug crustacean and an arthropod type. It is so hard when attack , it give stun at regular rate Class : bullet attack : 50 Weight : 0.5 properties : none Id: (13208) GongBug Crustacé et de type arthropode. Trop dur. Quand vous attaquez, a une chance de provoquer stun. Classe : bullet Attaque : 50 Poids : 0.5 Propriétés : none Id: (13208) GongBug Ein Schalentier und Arthropode. Wird sehr hart beim Angreifen und lößt zu einer bestimmten Chance Stun Status aus. Art : bullet Angriff : 50 Gewicht : 0.5 Eigenschaft : none Id: (13208) GongBug Kabuklu ve eklem bacakli türü. Kabugu çok serttir. Saldiri aninda belli bir oranda Stun etkisi yapar. Sinif : Mermi Saldiri : 50 Agirlik : 0.5 Özellikler : none Id: (13291) Starfish Echinodermata , Start fish. it looks like a star. It is stiff, so it might can used as a Shuriken. GIves Stun effect with certain rate when attacking Class : Throwing weapon Attack : 110 Required Lv : 50 Weight : 0.5 Type : Nothing Id: (13291) Starfish L'Echinodermata est une étoile de mer. Vu qu'elle est raide, elle peut être utilisée comme Shuriken. A une certaine chance de d'infliger Stun Classe : Throwing weapon Attaque : 110 Lvl requis : 50 Poids : 0.5 Type : Nothing Id: (13291) Starfish Echinodermata, ein Seestern. Sieht wie ein Stern aus. Er ist steif und kann als Shuriken benutzt werden. Hat eine niedrige Chance den Status "Stun" zuzufügen. Art : Throwing weapon Angriff : 110 Benötigtes Lv. : 50 Gewicht : 0.5 Type : Nothing Id: (13291) Starfish Echinodermata , Deniz Yildizi. Yildiz gibi görünür. Çok serttir bunun için Shuriken gibi kullanilabilir. Saldiri yaparken Stun etkisi verme sansina sahiptir. Sinif : Atilan Silah Saldiri : 110 Gereken Sv : 50 Agirlik : 0.5 Tür : Hiçbirsey Id: (13292) Dried Squid A squid which dried for so long. Even possible to use for Kunai. GIves Blind with certain rate Class : Throwing weapon Attack : 50 Weight : 2 Type : NothingType Id: (13292) Dried Squid Un calamar qui a séché depuis longtemps. Possibilité de l'utiliser comme Kunai. A une chance d'infliger Blind Classe : Throwing weapon Attaque : 50 Poids : 2 Type : NothingType Id: (13292) Dried Squid Ein trockener Tintenfisch. Kann als Kunai verwendet werden. Hat eine niedrige Chance den Status "Blind" zuzufügen. Art : Throwing weapon Attack : 50 Weight : 2 Type : NothingType Id: (13292) Dried Squid Çok uzun sürede kurumus bir mürekkep baligidir. Kunai olarak kullanmak mümkündür. Belli bir oranda kör etme sansi vardir. Sinif : Atilan Silah Saldiri : 50 Agirlik : 2 Tür : Hiçbirsey Id: (13293) Flying Fish A flying fish. A rumor that it flies with big fin. it is frozen, so even possible to use for Kunai. Gives scar with certain rate. Class : Throwing weapon Attack : 50 Weight : 2 Type : NothingType Id: (13293) Flying Fish Un poisson volant. Une rumeur dit qu'il vole avec la grande nageoire. Il est congelé, donc possibilité de l'utiliser comme Kunai. A une chance d'infliger scar Classe : Throwing weapon Attaque : 50 Poids : 2 Type : NothingType Id: (13293) Flying Fish Ein fliegender Fisch. Ein Gerücht besagt, dass er mit seinen großen Flossen fliegen kann. Er ist gefroren, also kann er als Kunai benutzt werden. Hat eine niedrige Chance den Status "Bleeding" zuzufügen. Class : Throwing weapon Attack : 50 Weight : 2 Type : NothingType Id: (13293) Flying Fish Uçan bir baliktir. Söylentiler onun büyük bir solungaç sayesinde uçtugunu söyler. Donmustur. Kunai olarak kullanmak mümkündür. Belli bir oranda Scar etkisi yapma sansi vardir. Sinif : Atilan Silah Saldiri : 50 Agirlik : 2 Tür : Hiçbirsey Id: (16015) Cat Club A cat hand shaped club which doesn't seem hurt. Increase 15% damages for Animal enemies. When P.Attacking, gives "seduce" status to enemies with low chance. Class : Club Attack : 88 Weight : 70 Weapon Lv : 1 Required LV : 1 Job : Novice/Sword Man Class/Acolyte Class/Merchant Class Id: (16015) Cat Club Un club en forme de patte de chat qui n'a pas l'air de faire mal. Augmente les dommages de 15% sur les ennemis de type animal. A une faible chance d'infliger "seduce" aux ennemis. Classe : Club Attaque : 88 Poids : 70 Lvl de l'arme : 1 Lvl requis : 1 Job : Novice/SwordMan/Acolyte/Merchant Id: (16015) Cat Club Ein Club der einer Katzentatze ähnelt und nicht weh zu tun scheint. Verbessert den Schaden gegen Animal Monster um 15%. Hat beim Angriff eine niedrige Chance dem Gegner den Status "Seduce" zuzufügen. Class : Club Attack : 88 Weight : 70 Weapon Lv : 1 Required LV : 1 Job : Novice/Sword Man Class/Acolyte Class/Merchant Class Id: (16015) Cat Club Kedi seklinde olan bu sopa can yakacak gibi görünmüyor. Hayvan düsmanlara karsi hasari %15 arttirir. Fiziksel saldiri yaparken "cezbetme" etksi yapma sansi vardir. Sinif : Sopa Saldiri : 88 Agirlik : 70 Silah Sv : 1 Gereken Sv : 1 Meslek : Novice/Sword Man Class/Acolyte Class/Merchant Class Id: (16016) Tuna Rantal item A big sea fish. The high qualitry fish that use for everywhere. Frozen really hard. When attacking in short distanence, gives stun or auto spell Bash 5Lv with high chance.(if over 5Lv, it runs as you learned) and gives freezing status with low chance to yourself. if base Lv is over Lv 100, add ATK + 20. Class : club Attack : 180 Weight : 0 Weapon Lv : 1 Required LV : 50 Job : Sword Man Class/AcolyteClass/Merchant Class Id: (16016) Tuna Rantal item Un gros poisson de mer. Une haute qualité de poisson utilisé partout. Vraiment bien congelé. A une forte chance d'infliger stun ou auto spell bash lvl 5 en distance courte.(Si vous possédez Bash > Lvl 5, le sort sera lancé au niveau de son LVl actuel) A une faible chance d'infliger freeze sur soi même. Si le level de base est au dessus de 100, ajouter ATK + 20. Classe : club Attaque : 180 Poids : 0 Lvl de l'arme : 1 Lvl requis : 50 Job : SwordMan/Acolyte/Merchant Id: (16016) Tuna Leihgegenstand Ein großer Meeresfisch. Er ist durch seine feine Qualität sehr bekannt. Gefrohren wird er sehr hart. Löst bei Nahkampfangriffen Stun oder Auto-Cast Bash Lv. 5 aus (wenn höher als Lv. 5, wird das höhere Lv. ausgelöst) und hat eine niedrige Chance den Status Freeze an dem Träger auszulösen. Gibt ATK +20, wenn das Base Level über 100 liegt. Class : club Attack : 180 Weight : 0 Weapon Lv : 1 Required LV : 50 Job : Sword Man Class/AcolyteClass/Merchant Class Id: (16016) Tuna Kira Esyasi Büyük bir deniz baligidir. Heryerde kullanilabilecek çok kalitali bir baliktir. Çok sert donmustur. Kisa mesafeli saldirilarda Stun ve otomatik olarak 5. seviye Bash yetenegi kullanir. (Eger Bash 5. seviyeden yüksekse ögrenilmis seviye kullanilir) Düsük bir sansla size donma etkisi yapabilir. Eger seviye 100 üzerindeyse ATK +20 verir. Sinif : Sopa Saldiri : 180 Agirlik : 0 Silah Sv : 1 Gereken Sv : 50 Meslek : Sword Man Class/AcolyteClass/Merchant Class Id: (16740) Ptotection Seagod Box a box that has a Ptotection Seagod. (23hours available) rental item a certificate of Ptotection Seagod Weight : 1 For this item, the cancellation of purchase of refund is not allowed Weight : 1 Id: (16740) Ptotection Seagod Box Une box qui a la protection du Dieu de la mer. (23hours) rental item Certificat de la protection du Dieu de la mer. Poids : 1 Item non remboursable Poids : 1 Id: (16740) Ptotection Seagod Box Eine Schachtel mit einem beschützenden Meeresgott. (23 Stunden verfügbar) Leihgegenstand Ein Zertifikation des beschützenden Meeresgottes. Gewicht : 1 Dieser Gegenstand kann nach Kauf nicht mehr zurückgegeben werden. Gewicht : 1 Id: (16740) Ptotection Seagod Box Içinde bir tane Ptotection Seagod olan bir kutudur. (23saat kullanilabilir.) kira esyasi Ptotection Seagod sertifikasidir. Agirlik : 1 Bu esya için satin alma iptali ya da geri ödeme geçerli degildir Agirlik : 1 Id: (16741) Hairtail Box1 a box that has cutlassfish ( one hour available) rental item this is pretty freezed CRI + 20, critical damage 50% increase when Attack, it give freeze at regular rate to enemy. when Base LV over 100 , ATK + 50 . Class : Both HandsSword Attack : 220 Weight : 0 Weapon Lv : 1 Required Lv : 50 Jobs : SwordmanClass For this item, the cancellation of purchase of refund is not allowed Weight : 1 Id: (16741) Hairtail Box1 Une box contenant le Cutlassfish (1 heure) rental item Poisson congelé CRI + 20, critical augmenté de 50% Quand vous attaquez, a une chance de provoquer freeze sur un ennemi. Si le level de base est au dessus de 100, ATK + 50 . Classe : Both HandsSword Attaque : 220 Poids : 0 Lv de l'arme : 1 Lv requis : 50 Jobs : Swordman Item non remboursable Poids : 1 Id: (16741) Hairtail Box1 Eine Schachtel, die Cutlassfish beinhaltet. (1 Stunde verfügbar) Leihgegenstand Tiefgefroren. CRIT + 20, erhöht kritischen Schaden um 50%. Löst zu einer bestimmten Chance Freeze Status aus. Wenn Base Lv. höher als 100, dann ATK + 50 Art : Two-handedSword Angriff : 220 Gewicht : 0 Waffen Lv. : 1 Benötigtes Lv. : 50 Jobs : Swordman Cls Dieser Gegenstand kann nach Kauf nicht mehr zurückgegeben werden. Gewicht : 1 Id: (16741) Hairtail Box1 Içinde bir mürekkep baligi olan bir kutudur. ( Bir saat kullanilabilir.) kira esyasi Oldukça iyi bir sekilde donmustur. CRI + 20, kritik hasarda %50 artis verir. Saldiri yapildigi zaman belli bir oranda donma etkisi yapar. Eger seviye 100 üzerindeyse, ATK + 50 verir. Sinif : Çift Elli Kiliç Saldiri : 220 Agirlik : 0 Silah Sv : 1 Gereken Sv : 50 Meslekler : SwordmanClass Bu esya için satin alma iptali ya da geri ödeme geçerli degildir Agirlik : 1 Id: (16742) Hairtail Box2 a box that has cutlassfish ( 7days available) rental item this is pretty freezed CRI + 20, critical damage 50% increase when Attack, it give freeze at regular rate to enemy. when Base LV over 100 , ATK + 50 . Class : Both HandsSword Attack : 220 Weight : 0 Weapon Lv : 1 Required Lv : 50 Jobs : SwordmanClass For this item, the cancellation of purchase of refund is not allowed Weight : 1 Id: (16742) Hairtail Box2 Une box contenant le Cutlassfish (7 jours) rental item Poisson congelé CRI + 20, critical augmenté 50% Quand vous attaquez, a une chance de provoquer freeze sur un ennemi. Si le level de base est au dessus de 100, ATK + 50 . Classe : Both HandsSword Attaque : 220 Poids : 0 Lv de l'arme : 1 Lv requis : 50 Jobs : Swordman Item non remboursable Poids : 1 Id: (16742) Hairtail Box2 Eine Schachtel, die Cutlassfish beinhaltet. (7 Tage verfügbar) Leihgegenstand Tiefgefroren. CRIT + 20, erhöht kritischen Schaden um 50%. Löst zu einer bestimmten Chance Freeze Status aus. Wenn Base Lv. höher als 100, dann ATK + 50 Art : Two-handedSword Angriff : 220 Gewicht : 0 Waffen Lv. : 1 Benötigtes Lv. : 50 Jobs : Swordman Cls Dieser Gegenstand kann nach Kauf nicht mehr zurückgegeben werden. Gewicht : 1 Id: (16742) Hairtail Box2 Içinde bir mürekkep baligi olan bir kutudur. ( 7gün kullanilabilir.) kira esyasi Oldukça iyi bir sekilde donmustur. CRI + 20, kritik hasarda %50 artis verir. Saldiri yapildigi zaman belli bir oranda donma etkisi yapar. Eger seviye 100 üzerindeyse, ATK + 50 verir. Sinif : Çift Elli Kiliç Saldiri : 220 Agirlik : 0 Silah Sv : 1 Gereken Sv : 50 Meslekler : SwordmanClass Bu esya için satin alma iptali ya da geri ödeme geçerli degildir Agirlik : 1 Id: (16743) Spearfish Box1 a box that has a spearfish. (1hour available) rental item a spearfish and oceanic fish. It is well known for delicious fish It is pretty freezed when using pierce, spiral pierce, it gives critical damage at high rate. And also make freeze itself by low rate. Spiral Pierce Attack increase 100% , Inspiration Attack 50% . ( Effect of Inspiration will disappear once unequipped) if base level is over 100 , add ATK + 30 . Class : Both HandsSpear Attack : 220 Weight : 0 Weapon Lv : 1 Required Lv : 50 Jobs : SwordmanClass For this item, the cancellation of purchase of refund is not allowed Weight : 1 Id: (16743) Spearfish Box1 Une box contenant l'Espadon. (1 heure) rental item L'espadon est un poisson d'océan. Il est reconnu pour être déclicieux. quand vous utilisez pierce, spiral pierce, donne de grandes chances des critical. Et donne des petites chances de provoquer le status freeze. Spiral Pierce Attack augmenté de 100% , Inspiration Attack 50%. ( L'effet Inspiration disparaitra une fois équipé) Si le level de base est au dessus de 100 , ATK + 30 à rajouter. Classe : Both HandsSpear Attaque : 220 Poids : 0 Lv de l'arme : 1 Lv requis : 50 Jobs : Swordman Item non remboursable Poids : 1 Id: (16743) Spearfish Box1 Eine Schachtel, die Spearfish beinhaltet. (1 Stunde verfügbar) Leihgegenstand Schwertfisch und Meeresfisch. Man sagt, dieser Fisch schmecke sehr lecker und friert sich mit Pierce und Spiral Pierce ein. Erhöht kritischen Schaden mit hoher Chance und friert sich mit einer geringenChance selbst ein. Erhöht den Angriff von Spiral Pierce um 100% unmd den Angriff von Inspiration u 50% . ( Der Effekt von Inspiration verschindet, sobald abgelegt) Wenn Base Lv. höher als 100, dann ATK + 30 Art : Two-handedSpear Angriff : 220 Gewicht : 0 Waffen Lv. : 1 Benötigtes Lv. : 50 Jobs : Swordman Cls Dieser Gegenstand kann nach Kauf nicht mehr zurückgegeben werden. Gewicht : 1 Id: (16743) Spearfish Box1 Içinde bir mizrakbaligi olan bir kutudur. (1saat kullanilabilir) kira esyasi Mizrak baligi ve okyanus baligi. Çok leziz olarak bilinen bir baliktir. Soguktan donmus bir sekildedir. Pierce ve Spiral Piece yeteneklerini kulanirken yüksek oranda kritik hasar veir. Ayni zamanda düsük bir oranda donma etkisi yapar. Spiral Pierce Saldirisi %100 artar. Inspiration saldirisi %50 artar. (Kusanildigi zaman Inspiration etkisi kalkar.) Eger seviye 100 üzerindeyse, add ATK + 30 verir . Sinif : Çift Elli Mizrak Saldiri : 220 Agirlik : 0 Silah Sv : 1 Gereken Sv : 50 Meslekler : SwordmanClass Bu esya için satin alma iptali ya da geri ödeme geçerli degildir Agirlik : 1 Id: (16744) Spearfish Box2 a box that has a spearfish. (7days available) rental item a spearfish and oceanic fish. It is well known for delicious fish It is pretty freezed when using pierce, spiral pierce, it gives critical damage at high rate. And also make freeze itself by low rate. Spiral Pierce Attack increase 100% , Inspiration Attack 50% . ( Effect of Inspiration will disappear once unequipped) if base level is over 100 , add ATK + 30 . Class : Both HandsSpear Attack : 220 Weight : 0 Weapon Lv : 1 Required Lv : 50 Jobs : SwordmanClass For this item, the cancellation of purchase of refund is not allowed. Weight : 1 Id: (16744) Spearfish Box2 Une box contenant l'Espadon. (7 jours) rental item L'espadon est un poisson d'océan. Il est reconnu pour être déclicieux. quand vous utilisez pierce, spiral pierce, donne de grandes chances des critical. Et donne des petites chances de provoquer le status freeze. Spiral Pierce Attack augmenté de 100% , Inspiration Attack 50%. ( L'effet Inspiration disparaitra une fois équipé) Si le level de base est au dessus de 100 , ATK + 30 à rajouter. Classe : Both HandsSpear Attaque : 220 Poids : 0 Lv de l'arme : 1 Lv requis : 50 Jobs : Swordman Item non remboursable Poids : 1 Id: (16744) Spearfish Box2 Eine Schachtel, die Spearfish beinhaltet. (7 Tage verfügbar) Leihgegenstand Schwertfisch und Meeresfisch. Man sagt, dieser Fisch schmecke sehr lecker und friert sich mit Pierce und Spiral Pierce ein. Erhöht kritischen Schaden mit hoher Chance und friert sich mit einer geringennChance selbst ein. Erhöht den Angriff von Spiral Pierce um 100% unmd den Angriff von Inspiration u 50% . ( Der Effekt von Inspiration verschindet, sobald abgelegt) Wenn Base Lv. höher als 100, dann ATK + 30 Art : Two-handedSpear Angriff : 220 Gewicht : 0 Waffen Lv. : 1 Benötigtes Lv. : 50 Jobs : Swordman Cls Dieser Gegenstand kann nach Kauf nicht mehr zurückgegeben werden. Gewicht : 1 Id: (16744) Spearfish Box2 Içinde bir mizrakbaligi olan bir kutudur. (7gün kullanilabilir) kira esyasi Mizrak baligi ve okyanus baligi. Çok leziz olarak bilinen bir baliktir. Soguktan donmus bir sekildedir. Pierce ve Spiral Piece yeteneklerini kulanirken yüksek oranda kritik hasar veir. Ayni zamanda düsük bir oranda donma etkisi yapar. Spiral Pierce Saldirisi %100 artar. Inspiration saldirisi %50 artar. (Kusanildigi zaman Inspiration etkisi kalkar.) Eger seviye 100 üzerindeyse, ATK + 30 verir . Sinif : Çift Elli Mizrak Saldiri : 220 Agirlik : 0 Silah Sv : 1 Gereken Sv : 50 Meslekler : SwordmanClass Bu esya için satin alma iptali ya da geri ödeme geçerli degildir Agirlik : 1 Id: (16745) Saurel Box1 a box that has a horse mackerel (1 hour available) rental item it is amazingly freezed MATK + 100. when closer physical Attack, ATK + 30 for 7 sec when magical Attack, MATK + 20 for 7 sec if base level is over 100 ?, ATK + 10, MATK + 10 e Class : Sword Attack : 160 Weight : 0 Weapon Lv : 1 Required Lv : 50 Jobs : SwordmanClass/magicianClass/archerClass/merchantClass/ThiefClass/soul linker/ninja For this item, the cancellation of purchase of refund is not allowed. Weight : 1 Id: (16745) Saurel Box1 Une box contenant un chinchard (1 heure) rental item Poisson super congelé MATK + 100. Quand vous attaquez au corps à corps, ATK + 30 for 7 sec Quand vous utilisez une attaque magique, MATK + 20 for 7 sec Si le level de base est au dessus de 100, ATK + 10, MATK + 10 Classe : Sword Attaque : 160 Poids : 0 Lv de l'arme : 1 Lv requis : 50 Jobs : Swordman/magician/archer/merchant/Thief/soul linker/ninja Item non remboursable Poids : 1 Id: (16745) Saurel Box1 Eine Schachtel, die Horse Mackerel beinhaltet. (1 Stunde verfügbar) Leihgegenstand Erstaunlich tiefgefroren. MATK + 100. Bei Nahkampfangriffen erhöht sich die ATK + 30 für 7 Sekunden. Bei magischen Angriffen erhöht sich die MATK + 20 für 7 Sekunden. Wenn Base Lv. höher als 100, ATK + 10, MATK + 10 Art : Sword Angriff : 160 Gewicht : 0 Waffen Lv. : 1 Benötigtes Lv. : 50 Jobs : Swordman Cls/ Magician Cls / Archer Cls /Merchant Cls / Thief Cls / Soul Linker / Ninja Dieser Gegenstand kann nach Kauf nicht mehr zurückgegeben werden. Gewicht : 1 Id: (16745) Saurel Box1 Içinde bir palamut olan bir kutudur (1 saat kullanilabilir) kira esyasi Harika bir sekilde donmustur. MATK + 100. Yakin fiziksel saldiri yapildigin da 7 saniyeligine +30 ATK verir. Büyülü saldiri yapildiginda 7 saniyeligine MATK +20 verir. Eger seviye 100 üzerindeyse ?, ATK + 10, MATK + 10. Sinif : Kiliç Saldiri : 160 Agirlik : 0 Silah Sv : 1 Gereken Sv : 50 Meslekler : SwordmanClass/magicianClass/archerClass/merchantClass/ThiefClass/soul linker/ninja Bu esya için satin alma iptali ya da geri ödeme geçerli degildir Agirlik : 1 Id: (16746) Saurel Box2 a box that has a horse mackerel (7 days available) rental item it is amazingly freezed MATK + 100. when closer physical Attack, ATK + 30 for 7 sec when magical Attack, MATK + 20 for 7 sec if base level is over 100 ?, ATK + 10, MATK + 10 Class : Sword Attack : 160 Weight : 0 Weapon Lv : 1 Required Lv : 50 Jobs : SwordmanClass/magicianClass/archerClass/merchantClass/ThiefClass/soul linker/ninja For this item, the cancellation of purchase of refund is not allowed. Weight : 1 Id: (16746) Saurel Box2 Une box contenant un chinchard (7 jours) rental item Poisson super congelé MATK + 100. Quand vous attaquez au corps à corps, ATK + 30 for 7 sec Quand vous utilisez une attaque magique, MATK + 20 for 7 sec Si le level de base est au dessus de 100, ATK + 10, MATK + 10 Classe : Sword Attaque : 160 Poids : 0 Lv de l'arme : 1 Lv requis : 50 Jobs : Swordman/magician/archer/merchant/Thief/soul linker/ninja Item non remboursable Poids : 1 Id: (16746) Saurel Box2 Eine Schachtel, die Horse Mackerel beinhaltet. (7 Tage verfügbar) Leihgegenstand Erstaunlich tiefgefroren. MATK + 100. Bei Nahkampfangriffen erhöht sich die ATK + 30 für 7 Sekunden. Bei magischen Angriffen erhöht sich die MATK + 20 für 7 Sekunden. Wenn Base Lv. höher als 100, ATK + 10, MATK + 10 Art : Sword Angriff : 160 Gewicht : 0 Waffen Lv. : 1 Benötigtes Lv. : 50 Jobs : Swordman Cls/ Magician Cls / Archer Cls /Merchant Cls / Thief Cls / Soul Linker / Ninja Dieser Gegenstand kann nach Kauf nicht mehr zurückgegeben werden. Gewicht : 1 Id: (16746) Saurel Box2 Içinde bir palamut olan bir kutudur (7 gün kullanilabilir) kira esyasi Harika bir sekilde donmustur. MATK + 100. Yakin fiziksel saldiri yapildigin da 7 saniyeligine +30 ATK verir. Büyülü saldiri yapildiginda 7 saniyeligine MATK +20 verir. Eger seviye 100 üzerindeyse ?, ATK + 10, MATK + 10. Sinif : Kiliç Saldiri : 160 Agirlik : 0 Silah Sv : 1 Gereken Sv : 50 Meslekler : SwordmanClass/magicianClass/archerClass/merchantClass/ThiefClass/soul linker/ninja Bu esya için satin alma iptali ya da geri ödeme geçerli degildir Agirlik : 1 Id: (16747) Tuna Box1 a box that has butter fish (1 hour available) rental item it is amazingly freezed when closer physical Attack, it cats stun or auto spell bash 5 Lv.(if over 5Lv, will cast as leared LV) make freeze itself at low rate if Base LV over 100 , ATK + 20. Class : blunt Attack : 180 Weight : 0 Weapon Lv : 1 Required Lv : 50 Jobs : SwordmanClass/acolyteClass/merchantClass For this item, the cancellation of purchase of refund is not allowed. Weight : 1 Id: (16747) Tuna Box1 Une box contenant un butterfish (1 heure) rental item Poisson super congelé A une chance de lancer automatiquement stun ou bash Lv 5.(Si votre Lv est au dessus de 5, le sort sera lancé au niveau de votre LV actuel) A une faible chance de lancer freeze Si le level de base est au dessus de 100 , ATK + 20. Classe : blunt Attaque : 180 Poids : 0 Lv de l'arme : 1 Lv requis : 50 Jobs : Swordman/acolyte/merchant Item non remboursable Poids : 1 Id: (16747) Tuna Box1 Eine Schachtel, die Butter Fish beinhaltet. (1 Stunde verfügbar) Leihgegenstand Erstaunlich tiefgefroren. Löst bei Nahkampfangriffen Stun oder Auto-Cast Bash Lv. 5 aus. (Wenn höher als Lv. 5, wird das höhere Lv. ausgelöst) Friert zu einer bestimmten Chance ein. Wenn Base Lv. höher als 100, ATK + 20. Art : blunt Angriff : 180 Gewicht : 0 Waffen Lv. : 1 Benötigtes Lv. : 50 Jobs : Swordman Cls/Acolyte Cls/Merchant Cls Dieser Gegenstand kann nach Kauf nicht mehr zurückgegeben werden. Gewicht : 1 Id: (16747) Tuna Box1 Içinde bir teryagibaligi olan bir kutudur. (1 saat kullanilabilir) kira esyasi Harika bir sekilde donmustur. Yakin fiziksel saldiri yapildiginda 5. seviye Bash gücünü ya da Stun yetenegini kullanir. (Eger seviye 5. seviyenin üstündeyse ögrenilmis seviyeyi kullanir) Düsük bir oranda donma etkisi yapar. Eger seviye 100 üzerindeyse, ATK + 20. Sinif : Ezici Saldiri : 180 Agirlik : 0 Silah Sv : 1 Gereken Sv : 50 Meslekler : SwordmanClass/acolyteClass/merchantClass Bu esya için satin alma iptali ya da geri ödeme geçerli degildir Agirlik : 1 Id: (16748) Tuna Box2 a box that has butter fish (7 days available) rental item it is amazingly freezed when closer physical Attack, it cats stun or auto spell bash 5 Lv.(if over 5Lv, will cast as leared LV) make freeze itself at low rate if Base LV over 100 , ATK + 20. Class : ?? Attack : 1800d Weight : 0 Weapon Lv : 1 Required Lv : 50 Jobs : SwordmanClass/acolyteClass/merchantClass For this item, the cancellation of purchase of refund is not allowed. Weight : 1 Id: (16748) Tuna Box2 Une box contenant un butterfish (7 jours) rental item Poisson super congelé A une chance de lancer automatiquement stun ou bash Lv 5.(Si vous possédez Bash > Lvl 5, le sort sera lancé au niveau de son LVl actuel) A une faible chance de lancer freeze Si le level de base est au dessus de 100 , ATK + 20. Classe : blunt Attaque : 180 Poids : 0 Lv de l'arme : 1 Lv requis : 50 Jobs : Swordman/acolyte/merchant Item non remboursable Poids : 1 Id: (16748) Tuna Box2 Eine Schachtel, die Butter Fish beinhaltet. (7 Tage verfügbar) Leihgegenstand Erstaunlich tiefgefroren. Löst bei Nahkampfangriffen Stun oder Auto-Cast Bash Lv. 5 aus. (Wenn höher als Lv. 5, wird das höhere Lv. ausgelöst) Friert zu einer bestimmten Chance ein. Wenn Base Lv. höher als 100, ATK + 20. Art : ?? Angriff : 1800d Gewicht : 0 Waffen Lv. : 1 Benötigtes Lv. : 50 Jobs : Swordman Cls/Acolyte Cls/Merchant Cls Dieser Gegenstand kann nach Kauf nicht mehr zurückgegeben werden. Gewicht : 1 Id: (16748) Tuna Box2 Içinde bir teryagibaligi olan bir kutudur. (7 gün kullanilabilir) kira esyasi Harika bir sekilde donmustur. Yakin fiziksel saldiri yapildiginda 5. seviye Bash gücünü ya da Stun yetenegini kullanir. (Eger seviye 5. seviyenin üstündeyse ögrenilmis seviyeyi kullanir) Düsük bir oranda donma etkisi yapar. Eger seviye 100 üzerindeyse, ATK + 20. Sinif : Ezici Saldiri : 180 Agirlik : 0 Silah Sv : 1 Gereken Sv : 50 Meslekler : SwordmanClass/acolyteClass/merchantClass Bu esya için satin alma iptali ya da geri ödeme geçerli degildir Agirlik : 1 Id: (16749) Malang Crab Box1 a box that has snow crab from malang area (1 hour available) rental item usually, lives in sand or mud LUK + 3, critical damage increase 50%. if base LV over100, distance physical Attack 20% add Class : bow Attack : 120 Weight : 0 Weapon Lv : 1 Required Lv : 50 Jobs : archerClass/Thief/RogueClass For this item, the cancellation of purchase of refund is not allowed. Weight : 1 Id: (16749) Malang Crab Box1 Une box contenant un snow crab provenant de malang (1 heure) rental item Habituellement, il vit dans le sable et la boue LUK + 3, critical augmenté de 50%. Si le level de base est au dessus de 100, distance des attaques physiques augmenté de 20% Classe : bow Attaque : 120 Poids : 0 Lv de l'arme : 1 Lv requis : 50 Jobs : archer/Thief/Rogue Item non remboursable Poids : 1 Id: (16749) Malang Crab Box1 Eine Schachtel, die Snow Crab aus Malang beinhaltet. (1 Stunde verfügbar) Leihgegenstand Lebt gewöhnlich im Sand. LUK + 3, erhöht kritischen Schaden um 50%. Wenn Base Lv. höher als 100, erhöht sich der Schaden von Fernkampfangriffen um 20% Art : Bow Angriff : 120 Gewicht : 0 Waffen Lv. : 1 Benötigtes Lv. : 50 Jobs : Archer Cls/Thief/Rogue Cls Dieser Gegenstand kann nach Kauf nicht mehr zurückgegeben werden. Gewicht : 1 Id: (16749) Malang Crab Box1 Malang bölgesinden gelme bir yengeç içeren bi kutudur. (1 saat kullanilabilir) kira esyasi Genellikle kum ya da çamurun içinde yasar. LUK + 3, kritik hasar %50 artar. Eger seviye 100 üzerindeyse, fiziksel saldiri mesafesi %20 artar. Sinif : Yay Saldiri : 120 Agirlik : 0 Silah Sv : 1 Gereken Sv : 50 Meslekler : archerClass/Thief/RogueClass Bu esya için satin alma iptali ya da geri ödeme geçerli degildir Agirlik : 1 Id: (16750) Malang Crab Box2 a box that has snow crab from malang area (7 days available) rental item usually, lives in sand or mud LUK + 3, critical damage increase 50%. if base LV over100, distance physical Attack 20% add Class : bow Attack : 120 Weight : 0 Weapon Lv : 1 Required Lv : 50 Jobs : archerClass/Thief/RogueClass For this item, the cancellation of purchase of refund is not allowed. Weight : 1 Id: (16750) Malang Crab Box2 Une box contenant un snow crab provenant de malang (7 jours) rental item Habituellement, il vit dans le sable et la boue LUK + 3, critical augmenté de 50%. Si le level de base est au dessus de 100, distance des attaques physiques augmenté de 20% Classe : bow Attaque : 120 Poids : 0 Lv de l'arme : 1 Lv requis : 50 Jobs : archer/Thief/Rogue Item non remboursable Poids : 1 Id: (16750) Malang Crab Box2 Eine Schachtel, die Snow Crab aus Malang beinhaltet.(7 Tage verfügbar) Leihgegenstand Lebt gewöhnlich im Sand. LUK + 3, erhöht kritischen Schaden um 50%. Wenn Base Lv. höher als 100, erhöht sich der Schaden von Fernkampfangriffen um 20% Art : Bow Angriff : 120 Gewicht : 0 Waffen Lv. : 1 Benötigtes Lv. : 50 Jobs : Archer Cls/Thief/Rogue Cls Dieser Gegenstand kann nach Kauf nicht mehr zurückgegeben werden. Gewicht : 1 Id: (16750) Malang Crab Box2 Malang bölgesinden gelme bir yengeç içeren bi kutudur. (7 gün kullanilabilir) kira esyasi Genellikle kum ya da çamurun içinde yasar. LUK + 3, kritik hasar %50 artar. Eger seviye 100 üzerindeyse, fiziksel saldiri mesafesi %20 artar. Sinif : Yay Saldiri : 120 Agirlik : 0 Silah Sv : 1 Gereken Sv : 50 Meslekler : archerClass/Thief/RogueClass Bu esya için satin alma iptali ya da geri ödeme geçerli degildir Agirlik : 1 Id: (16751) Spotty Eel Box1 Box containing 1 spotty eel. (Available 1 hour) Rental item Spotty eel that appeared on Malangdo beach. It is always elastic and trying to make body 1 line. That is why we can use it to arrow. AGI + 3, ASPD is added +2 for 5 seconds with consistent probability. when doing long distance physical Attack. Add long distance physical attack 20% when the base level is over 100. Class : Arrow Attack : 180 Weight : 0 Weapon lvl : 1 Required lvl : 50 Jobs : Hunter/Bard/Dancer Opend item is not refundable Weight : 1 Id: (16751) Spotty Eel Box1 Une box contenant 1 anguille tachetée. (1 heure) Rental item Une anguille tachetée qui apparait sur les plages de Malangdo. C'est toujours élastique, et essaie de ressembler à une ligne. C'est pourquoi on peut l'utiliser comme flèche. AGI + 3, probabilité d'ajouter +2 pendant 5 secondes à l'ASPD lors d'une attaque à distance. Si le level de base est au dessus de 100, l'attaque à distance augmente de 20%. Classe : Arrow Attaque : 180 Weight : 0 Lvl de l'arme : 1 Lvl requis : 50 Jobs : Hunter/Bard/Dancer Item non remboursable Poids : 1 Id: (16751) Spotty Eel Box1 Eine Schachtel, die 1 Spotty Eel beinhaltet. (1 Stunde verfügbar) Leihgegenstand Ein Aal mit Flecken, der gewöhnlich am Strand von Malangdo lebt. Er ist sehr elastisch und versucht eine schöne, gerade Linie zu bilden. Deswegen kann er auch als Pfeil verwendet werden. AGI + 3, löst bei Fernkampfangriffen ASPD + 2 für 5 Sekunden aus. Wenn Base Lv. höher als 100, erhöht sich der Schaden von Fernkampfangriffen um 20% Art : Arrow Angriff : 180 Gewicht : 0 Waffen Lv.l : 1 Benötigtes Lv.l : 50 Jobs : Hunter/Bard/Dancer OGegenstand kann nicht erstattet werden. Gewicht : 1 Id: (16751) Spotty Eel Box1 Içinde bir tane noktali yilan baligi olan bir kutudur. (1 saat kullanilabilir.) kira esyasi Malangdo Plajinda ortaya çikmis noktali bir yilan baligidir. Onlar her zaman elastikidir ve vücutlarini bir çizgi gibi yapabilirler. Onun için ok olarak kullanilabilirler. AGI + 3, uzun mesafeli fiziksel saldirilar yaparken 5 saniyeligine +2 ASPD verme sansi vardir. Seviye 100 üzerindeyse mesafeli fiziksel saldiriya %20 verir. Sinif : Ok Saldiri : 180 Agirlik : 0 Silah Sv : 1 Gereken Sev : 50 Meslekler : Hunter/Bard/Dancer Açilmis esyalarda geri ödeme yapilmaz Agirlik : 1 Id: (16752) Spotty Eel Box2 Box containing 1 spotty eel. (Available 7 days) Rental item Spotty eel that appeared on Malangdo beach. It is always elastic and trying to make body 1 line. That is why we can use it to arrow. AGI + 3, ASPD is added +2 for 5 seconds with consistent probability. when doing long distance physical Attack. Add long distance physical attack 20% when the base level is over 100. Class : Arrow Attack : 180 Weight : 0 Weapon lvl : 1 Required lvl : 50 Jobs : Hunter/Bard/Dancer Opend item is not refundable Weight : 1 Id: (16752) Spotty Eel Box2 Une box contenant 1 anguille tachetée. (7 jours) Rental item Une anguille tachetée qui apparait sur les plages de Malangdo. C'est toujours élastique, et essaie de ressembler à une ligne. C'est pourquoi on peut l'utiliser comme flèche. AGI + 3, probabilité d'ajouter +2 pendant 5 secondes à l'ASPD lors d'une attaque à distance. Si le level de base est au dessus de 100, l'attaque à distance augmente de 20%. Classe : Arrow Attaque : 180 Weight : 0 Lvl de l'arme : 1 Lvl requis : 50 Jobs : Hunter/Bard/Dancer Item non remboursable Poids : 1 Id: (16752) Spotty Eel Box2 Eine Schachtel, die 1 Spotty Eel beinhaltet. (7 Tage verfügbar) Leihgegenstand Ein Aal mit Flecken, der gewöhnlich am Strand von Malangdo lebt. Er ist sehr elastisch und versucht eine schöne, gerade Linie zu bilden. Deswegen kann er auch als Pfeil verwendet werden. AGI + 3, löst bei Fernkampfangriffen ASPD + 2 für 5 Sekunden aus. Wenn Base Lv. höher als 100, erhöht sich der Schaden von Fernkampfangriffen um 20% Art : Arrow Angriff : 180 Gewicht : 0 Waffen Lv.l : 1 Benötigtes Lv.l : 50 Jobs : Hunter/Bard/Dancer OGegenstand kann nicht erstattet werden. Gewicht : 1 Id: (16752) Spotty Eel Box2 Içinde bir tane noktali yilan baligi olan bir kutudur. (7 gün kullanilabilir.) kira esyasi Malangdo Plajinda ortaya çikmis noktali bir yilan baligidir. Onlar her zaman elastikidir ve vücutlarini bir çizgi gibi yapabilirler. Onun için ok olarak kullanilabilirler. AGI + 3, uzun mesafeli fiziksel saldirilar yaparken 5 saniyeligine +2 ASPD verme sansi vardir. Seviye 100 üzerindeyse mesafeli fiziksel saldiriya %20 verir. Sinif : Ok Saldiri : 180 Agirlik : 0 Silah Sv : 1 Gereken Sev : 50 Meslekler : Hunter/Bard/Dancer Açilmis esyalarda geri ödeme yapilmaz Agirlik : 1 Id: (16763) Seagod's Protection Box2 Box containing 1 Seagod's protection. (Available 7 days) Rental item Token of Seagod's protection. Giving strong ability to survice from violent wave in the deep sea. Weight : 1 Opend item is not refundable Weight : 1 Id: (16763) Seagod's Protection Box2 Box contenant 1 protection du Dieu des mers. (7 jours) Rental item Token de la protection du Dieu des mers. Donne la possibilité de survivre à de violentes vagues dans l'océan. Poids : 1 Item non remboursable Poids : 1 Id: (16763) Seagod's Protection Box2 Eine Schachtel, die 1 Seagod's Protection enthält. (7 Tage verfügbar) Leihgegenstand Token von Seagod's Protection. Verleiht die Fähigkeit starke Wellen auf hoher See zu überleben. Gewicht : 1 OGegenstand kann nicht erstattet werden. Gewicht : 1 Id: (16763) Seagod's Protection Box2 Içinde Seagod'un Korumasi olan bir kutudur. (7 gün kullanilabilir) kira esyasi Seagon'in Koruma Efsunudur. Denizin derinliklerindeki vahsi dalgalardan canli kalma sansini verir. Agirlik : 1 Açilmis esyalarda geri ödeme yapilmaz Agirlik : 1 Id: (16764) Seagod's Protection Box3 Box containing 1 Seagod's protection. (Available 15 days) Rental item Token of Seagod's protection. Giving strong ability to survice from violent wave in the deep sea. Weight : 1 Opend item is not refundable Weight : 1 Id: (16764) Seagod's Protection Box3 Box contenant 1 protection du Dieu des mers. (15 jours) Rental item Token de la protection du Dieu des mers. Donne la possibilité de survivre à de violentes vagues dans l'océan. Poids : 1 Item non remboursable Poids : 1 Id: (16764) Seagod's Protection Box3 Box containing 1 Seagod's protection. (15 Tage verfügbar) Leihgegenstand Token von Seagod's Protection. Verleiht die Fähigkeit starke Wellen auf hoher See zu überleben. Gewicht : 1 OGegenstand kann nicht erstattet werden. Gewicht : 1 Id: (16764) Seagod's Protection Box3 Içinde Seagod'un Korumasi olan bir kutudur. (15 gün kullanilabilir) kira esyasi Seagon'in Koruma Efsunudur. Denizin derinliklerindeki vahsi dalgalardan canli kalma sansini verir. Agirlik : 1 Açilmis esyalarda geri ödeme yapilmaz Agirlik : 1 Id: (16765) Octopus Hstick Box Box containing 1 Octopus Hunting stick. (Available 23 hours) Specifically created to hunt king octopus. Weight : 0 Opend item is not refundable Weight : 1 Id: (16765) Octopus Hstick Box Une Box contenant 1 Octopus Hunting stick. (23 heures) Spécialement créé pour chasser le king octopus. Poids : 0 Item non remboursable Poids : 1 Id: (16765) Octopus Hstick Box Eine Schachtel, die 1 Octopus Hunting Stick enthält. (23 Stunden verfügbar) Wurde speziell dazu entwickelt um einen Kraken zu jagen. Gewicht : 0 OGegenstand kann nicht erstattet werden. Gewicht : 1 Id: (16765) Octopus Hstick Box Ahtapot avlama sopasi barindiran bir kutudur (23 saat kullanilabilir) King Octopus'u avlamak için özel olarak üretilmistir. Agirlik : 0 Açilmis esyalarda geri ödeme yapilmaz Agirlik : 1 Id: (16766) Octopus Hstick Box2 Box containing 1 Octopus Hunting stick. (Available 3 days) Specifically created to hunt king octopus. Weight : 0 Opend item is not refundable Weight : 1 Id: (16766) Octopus Hstick Box2 Une Box contenant 1 Octopus Hunting stick. (3 jours) Spécialement créé pour chasser le king octopus. Poids : 0 Item non remboursable Poids : 1 Id: (16766) Octopus Hstick Box2 Eine Schachtel, die 1 Octopus Hunting Stick enthält. (3 Tage verfügbar) Wurde speziell dazu entwickelt um einen Kraken zu jagen. Gewicht : 0 OGegenstand kann nicht erstattet werden. Gewicht : 1 Id: (16766) Octopus Hstick Box2 Ahtapot avlama sopasi barindiran bir kutudur (3 gün kullanilabilir) King Octopus'u avlamak için özel olarak üretilmistir. Agirlik : 0 Açilmis esyalarda geri ödeme yapilmaz Agirlik : 1 Id: (16767) Octopus Hstick Box3 Box containing 1 Octopus Hunting stick. (Available 7 days) Specifically created to hunt king octopus. Weight : 0 Opend item is not refundable Weight : 1 Id: (16767) Octopus Hstick Box3 Une Box contenant 1 Octopus Hunting stick. (7 jours) Spécialement créé pour chasser le king octopus. Poids : 0 Item non remboursable Poids : 1 Id: (16767) Octopus Hstick Box3 Box containing 1 Octopus Hunting stick. (7 Tage verfügbar)) Specifically created to hunt king octopus. Gewicht : 0 OGegenstand kann nicht erstattet werden. Gewicht : 1 Id: (16767) Octopus Hstick Box3 Ahtapot avlama sopasi barindiran bir kutudur (7 gün kullanilabilir) King Octopus'u avlamak için özel olarak üretilmistir. Agirlik : 0 Açilmis esyalarda geri ödeme yapilmaz Agirlik : 1 Id: (16770) Silvervine Box10 Box containing 10 Silvervine Fruits. A small amount of canned food is included as a bonus. Sunkissed Silvervine Fruit. Human think that is normal and tastes bad but it is valuable in Malangdo. Weight : 0 Opend item is not refundable Weight : 1 Id: (16770) Silvervine Box10 Une Box contenant 10 fruits Silvervine. Quelques boites de conserve sont incluses en bonus. Fruit Silvervine à la couleur ensoleillée. Les humains pensent qu'il a mauvais gout mais c'est précieux à Malangdo. Poids : 0 Item non remboursable Poids : 1 Id: (16770) Silvervine Box10 Eine Schachtel, die 10 Silvervine Fruits enthält. Beinhaltet eine kleine Menge Canned Food als Bonus. Eine sonnengereifte Silvervine Frucht. Menschen denken normalerweise, dass sie schlecht schmeckt aber sie ist in Malangdo sehr wertvoll. Gewicht : 0 OGegenstand kann nicht erstattet werden. Gewicht : 1 Id: (16770) Silvervine Box10 Içinde 10 tane Silvervine Fruit olan bir kutudur. Ödül olarak içinde küçük bir miktar kutulu yemek de verilmistir. Sunkissed Silvervine Fruit. Insanlar bunun tadinin berbat oldugunu düsünür ama Malangdo'da degerlidir. Agirlik : 0 Açilmis esyalarda geri ödeme yapilmaz Agirlik : 1 Id: (16771) Silvervine Box40 Box containing 40 Silvervine Fruits. A small amount of canned food is included as a bonus. Sunkissed Silvervine Fruit. Human think that is normal and tastes bad but it is valuable in Malangdo. Weight : 0 Opend item is not refundable Weight : 1 Id: (16771) Silvervine Box40 Une Box contenant 40 fruits Silvervine. Quelques boites de conserve sont incluses en bonus. Fruit Silvervine à la couleur ensoleillée. Les humains pensent qu'il a mauvais gout mais c'est précieux à Malangdo. Poids : 0 Item non remboursable Poids : 1 Id: (16771) Silvervine Box40 Eine Schachtel, die 40 Silvervine Fruits enthält. Beinhaltet eine kleine Menge Canned Food als Bonus. Eine sonnengereifte Silvervine Frucht. Menschen denken normalerweise, dass sie schlecht schmeckt aber sie ist in Malangdo sehr wertvoll. Gewicht : 0 OGegenstand kann nicht erstattet werden. Gewicht : 1 Id: (16771) Silvervine Box40 Içinde 40 tane Silvervine Fruit olan bir kutudur. Ödül olarak içinde küçük bir miktar kutulu yemek de verilmistir. Sunkissed Silvervine Fruit. Insanlar bunun tadinin berbat oldugunu düsünür ama Malangdo'da degerlidir. Agirlik : 0 Açilmis esyalarda geri ödeme yapilmaz Agirlik : 1 Id: (16979) Silvervine Box4 Box containing 4 Silvervine Fruits. A small amount of canned food is included as a bonus. Sunkissed Silvervine Fruit. Human think that is normal and tastes bad but it is valuable in Malangdo. Weight : 0 Opend item is not refundable Weight : 1 Id: (16979) Silvervine Box4 Une Box contenant 4 fruits Silvervine. Quelques boites de conserve sont incluses en bonus. Fruit Silvervine à la couleur ensoleillée. Les humains pensent qu'il a mauvais gout mais c'est précieux à Malangdo. Poids : 0 Item non remboursable Poids : 1 Id: (16979) Silvervine Box4 Eine Schachtel, die 4 Silvervine Fruits enthält. Beinhaltet eine kleine Menge Canned Food als Bonus. Eine sonnengereifte Silvervine Frucht. Menschen denken normalerweise, dass sie schlecht schmeckt aber sie ist in Malangdo sehr wertvoll. Gewicht : 0 OGegenstand kann nicht erstattet werden. Gewicht : 1 Id: (16979) Silvervine Box4 Içinde 4 tane Silvervine Fruit olan bir kutudur. Ödül olarak içinde küçük bir miktar kutulu yemek de verilmistir. Sunkissed Silvervine Fruit. Insanlar bunun tadinin berbat oldugunu düsünür ama Malangdo'da degerlidir. Agirlik : 0 Açilmis esyalarda geri ödeme yapilmaz Agirlik : 1 Id: (17013) Malang Woe Encard Box Box containing 1 Octopus Hunting stick and seagod's protection (Available 23 hours) Opend item is not refundable Weight : 1 Id: (17013) Malang Woe Encard Box Une box contenant 1 Octopus Hunting stick and une protection du Dieu des mers (23 heures) Item non remboursable Poids : 1 Id: (17013) Malang Woe Encard Box Eine Schachtel, die 1 Octopus Hunting Stick und Seagod's Protection enthält (verfügbar 23 hours) OGegenstand kann nicht erstattet werden. Gewicht : 1 Id: (17013) Malang Woe Encard Box Ahtapot avlama sopasi barindiran bir kutudur (23 saat kullanilabilir) Açilmis esyalarda geri ödeme yapilmaz Agirlik : 1 Id: (18107) Malang Snow Crab rental item a kind of crab living in sand or mud. LUK + 3, critical damage 50%. if base lv over 100 , distance physical Attack 20% Class : bow Attack : 120 Weight : 0 Weapon Lv : 1 Required Lv : 50 Jobs : archerClass/Thief/RogueClass Id: (18107) Malang Snow Crab rental item Une sorte de crabe vivant dans le sable ou la boue LUK + 3, critical augmenté de 50%. Si le level de base est au dessus de 100, distance des attaques physiques augmenté de 20% Classe : bow Attaque : 120 Poids : 0 Lv de l'arme : 1 Lv requis : 50 Jobs : archer/Thief/Rogue Id: (18107) Malang Snow Crab Leihgegenstand Eine Krabbe, die gewöhnlich im Sand lebt. LUK + 3, erhöht kritischen Schaden um 50%. Wenn Base Lv. höher als 100, erhöht sich der Schaden von Fernkampfangriffen um 20% Art : Bow Angriff : 120 Gewicht : 0 Waffen Lv. : 1 Benötigtes Lv. : 50 Jobs : Archer Cls/Thief/Rogue Cls Id: (18107) Malang Snow Crab kira esyasi Kum ya da çamurun içinde yasayan bir yengeç türüdür. LUK + 3, kritik hasar %50 artar. Eger seviye 100 üzerindeyse, fiziksel saldiri mesafesi %20 artar. Sinif : Yay Saldiri : 120 Agirlik : 0 Silah Sv : 1 Gereken Sv : 50 Meslekler : archerClass/Thief/RogueClass Id: (18108) Brindle Eel rental item an eel from malando beach AGI + 3, if distant physical Attack, ASPD + 2 for 5 sec if base lv over 100 , distance physical Attack 20% Class : bow Attack : 180 Weight : 0 Weapon Lv : 1 Required Lv : 50 Jobs : Hunter Class/Bard Class/Dancer Class Id: (18108) Brindle Eel rental item Une anguille venant des plages de Malangdo AGI + 3, s'il y a attaque physique à distance: ASPD + 2 for 5 sec Si le level de base est au dessus de 100, distance des attaques physiques augmenté de 20% Classe : bow Attaque : 180 Poids : 0 Lv de l'arme : 1 Lv requis : 50 Jobs : Hunter/Bard/Dancer Id: (18108) Brindle Eel Leihgegenstand Ein Aal, der vom Malangdo Strand kommt. AGI + 3, löst bei Fernkampfangriffen ASPD + 2 für 5 Sekunden aus. Wenn Base Lv. höher als 100, erhöht sich der Schaden von Fernkampfangriffen um 20% Art : Bow Angriff : 180 Gewicht : 0 Waffen Lv. : 1 Benötigtes Lv. : 50 Jobs : Hunter Cls/Bard Cls/Dancer Cls Id: (18108) Brindle Eel kira esyasi Malanfo plajindan bir yilan baligidir. AGI + 3, eger mesafeli fiziksel saldiri yapilirsa 5 saniyeligine ASPD +2 alir. Eger seviye 100 üzerindeyse fiziksel saldiri mesafesine %20 alir. Sinif : Yay Saldiri : 180 Agirlik : 0 Silah Sv : 1 Gereken Sv : 50 Meslekler : Hunter Class/Bard Class/Dancer Class Id: (18536) Foxtail a wanderer style item MATK + 10, all fixed casting reduce 0.1sec Class : Headgear defence : 0 location: ?? Weight : 1000 Required Lv : 1 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (18536) Foxtail Un item avec un style nomade MATK + 10, tous les casts fixes réduits de 0.1sec Classe : Headgear Défence : 0 Lieu: ÇÏ´Ü Poids : 10 Lv requis : 1 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (18536) Foxtail Ein Wanderer Style Gegenstand. MATK + 10, reduziert fixe Cast-Zeit um 0,1 Sekunden. Art : Headgear Verteidigung : 0 Kopfposition: ?? Gewicht : 1000 Benötigtes Lv. : 1 Jobs : Alle Id: (18536) Foxtail Gezgin türü bir esyadir. MATK + 10, büyü yapma süresi 0.1 saniye azalir. Sinif : Baslik defence : 0 Konum: ?? Agirlik : 1000 Gereken Sv : 1 Meslekler : Hepsi Id: (18537) Malangdo Hat a souvenir hat from Malang do FLEE + 6 Class : Headgear defence : 5 location: Upper Weight : 10 Required Lv : 1 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (18537) Malangdo Hat Un hat souvenir de Malangdo FLEE + 6 Classe : Headgear Défence : 5 lieu: Upper Poids : 10 Lv requis : 1 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (18537) Malangdo Hat Ein Souvenir Hut aus Malang Do FLEE + 6 Art : Headgear Verteidigung : 5 Kopfposition: Upper Gewicht : 10 Benötigtes Lv. : 1 Jobs : Alle Id: (18537) Malangdo Hat Malangdo'dan alinma bir ani esyasi. FLEE + 6 Sinif : Baslik defence : 5 Konum: Üst Agirlik : 10 Gereken Sv : 1 Meslekler : Hepsi
  21. Changed Item Spoiler Alert: Id: (5134) Pumpkin-Head Id: (7460) Niflheim Express Ticket Id: (7461) Blue A Card Id: (7462) Blue E Card Id: (7463) Blue F Card Id: (7464) Blue H Card Id: (7465) Blue L Card Id: (7466) Blue N Card Id: (7467) Blue O Card Id: (7468) Blue P Card Id: (7469) Blue U Card Id: (7599) Oblivion Stone Ein Stein, der als Energiequelle für den Neutralizer benutzt wird. Gewicht: 0 Id: (7599) Oblivion Stone Harfleri ilk defa öðrenmede iþe yaratabilecek D harf kartý. Genellikle etkinliklerde kullanýlýrA fish that you can give to Meowaaron in Prontera. _ Aðýrlýk : 1 Id: (12041) Fried Grasshopper Legs Id: (12042) Seasoned Sticky Webfoot Id: (12043) Bomber Steak Id: (12124) Rainbow Cake Id: (18754) Blood Sucker Cursed mask inspired by creepy vampire fang. Drains life it will. DCan drains 5% HP out of the damage given to the enemy. Disables autorecovery for HP and SP. Cannot be refined nor destroyed Class : Helm Def : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 30 Required LV : 40 Job : All Id: (18754) Blood Sucker Cursed mask inspired by creepy vampire fang. Drains life it will. DCan drains 5% HP out of the damage given to the enemy. Disables autorecovery for HP and SP. Cannot be refined nor destroyed Type : Helm Def : 0 Position : Bas Poids : 30 Niveau requis : 40 Profession : Toutes
  22. Added Item Spoiler Alert: Id: (17280) NewYear Egg A collection of NewYear headgears. Each egg is guaranteed to contain a costume headgear. Weight : 1 Id: (17280) NewYear Egg Un ensemble de chapeaux du nouvel an. Chaque oeuf contient obligatoirement un costume. Poids : 1 Id: (17280) NewYear Egg Eine Sammlung von Neujahr Head Gears. Aus jedem Egg kommt ein Costume Head Gear. Gewicht : 1 Id: (17280) NewYear Egg Bir gurup NewYear basligi. Her yumurtanin içinde bir kostüm basligi oldugu garantilidir. Agirlik : 1 Id: (17291) GirlsSelection Egg A collection of GirlsSelection headgears. Each egg is guaranteed to contain a costume headgear. Weight : 1 Id: (17291) GirlsSelection Egg Un ensemble de chapeaux pour fille. Chaque oeuf contient obligatoirement un costume. Poids : 1 Id: (17291) GirlsSelection Egg Eine Sammlung von Mädchen Head Gears. Aus jedem Egg kommt ein Costume Head Gear. Gewicht : 1 Id: (17291) GirlsSelection Egg Bir gurup GirlsSelection basligi. Her yumurtanin içinde bir kostüm basligi oldugu garantilidir. Agirlik : 1 Id: (17295) BoysSelection Egg A collection of BoysSelection headgears. Each egg is guaranteed to contain a costume headgear. Weight : 1 Id: (17295) BoysSelection Egg Un ensemble de chapeaux pour garçon. Chaque oeuf contient obligatoirement un costume. Poids : 1 Id: (17295) BoysSelection Egg Eine Sammlung von Jungen Head Gears. Aus jedem Egg kommt ein Costume Head Gear. Gewicht : 1 Id: (17295) BoysSelection Egg Bir gurup BoysSelection basligi. Her yumurtanin içinde bir kostüm basligi oldugu garantilidir. Agirlik : 1 Id: (19549) C Magestic Goat A headgear shaped like a horn of a goat. You can attract everyone with this! It contains many religious meanings. Class : Costume Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required LV : 1 Job : all jobs Id: (19549) C Magestic Goat Un chapeau en forme de cornes. Vous pouvez attirer tout le monde avec! Il contient de nombreuses significations religieuses. Type : Costume Position : Haut Poids : 0 Profession : Toutes Id: (19549) C Magestic Goat Eine Kopfbedeckung in Form eines Ziegenhorns. Du kannst damit alles angreifen! Es hat einen religiösen Hintergrund. Art : Costume Kopfposition : Oben Gewicht : 0 Benötigtes Lv. : 1 Job : Alle Id: (19549) C Magestic Goat Bir keçinin boynuzu gibi görünen bir baslik. Bunun sayesinde herkesin ilgizini çekeceksiniz! Bazi dini anlamlari vardir. Sinif : Kostüm Konum : Alt Agirlik : 0 Gereken SV : 1 Meslek : Hepsi Id: (19556) C Kabuki Mask A traditional artistic mask from the very far east. Class : Costume Location : Upper Mid Lower Weight : 0 Required LV : 1 Job : all jobs Id: (19556) C Kabuki Mask Un masque traditionnel artistique venant de l'extrême Est. Type : Costume Position : Haut Milieu Bas Poids : 0 Profession : Toutes Id: (19556) C Kabuki Mask Eine traditionelle Künstlermaske aus dem fernen Osten. Art : Costume Kopfposition : Oben Mitte Unten Gewicht : 0 Benötigtes Lv. : 1 Job : Alle Id: (19556) C Kabuki Mask Geleneksel bir artistik maskedir ve çook uzak dogudan gelir. Sinif : Kostüm Konum : Üst Orta Alt Agirlik : 0 Gereken SV : 1 Meslek : Hepsi Id: (19598) C Wondering Wolf Helm A headgear shaped like Vegabond, who was the strongest among all wolves in Payon. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Mid Weight : 0 Required LV : 1 Job : all jobs Id: (19598) C Wondering Wolf Helm Un chapeau en forme de Vagabond, le plus fort des loups de Payon. Type : Costume Défense : 0 Position : Haut Milieu Poids : 0 Profession : Toutes Id: (19598) C Wondering Wolf Helm Eine Kopfbedeckung, die wie Vagabond aussieht. Er war der stärkste unter den Wölfen aus Payon. Art : Costume Defense : 0 Kopfposition : Oben Mitte Gewicht : 0 Benötigtes Lv. : 1 Job : Alle Id: (19598) C Wondering Wolf Helm Vagabond sekli verilmis bir baslik. O ki Payon'daki kurtlarin en kuvvetlisiydi. Sinif : Kostüm Savunma : 0 Konum : Alt Orta Agirlik : 0 Gereken SV : 1 Meslek : Hepsi Id: (19688) C Katusa A hair band decorated with small flowers. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required LV : 1 Job : all jobs Id: (19688) C Katusa Un bandeau décoré avec de petites fleurs. Type : Costume Défense : 0 Position : Haut Poids : 0 Profession : Toutes Id: (19688) C Katusa Ein Haarband, das mit keinen Blumen verziert ist. Art : Costume Defense : 0 Kopfposition : Oben Gewicht : 0 Benötigtes Lv. : 1 Job : Alle Id: (19688) C Katusa Küçük çiçeklerle süslenmis bir saç bandidir. Sinif : Kostüm Savunma : 0 Konum : Alt Agirlik : 0 Gereken SV : 1 Meslek : Hepsi Id: (19689) C Ati Atihan Hat A bling bling majestic headgear made by various kinds of rings. Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Location : Upper Mid Lower Weight : 0 Required LV : 1 Job : all jobs Id: (19689) C Ati Atihan Hat Un majestueux chapeau très bling bling crée par divers rois. Type : Headgear Défense : 0 Position : Haut Milieu Bas Poids : 0 Profession : Toutes Id: (19689) C Ati Atihan Hat Eine prachtvolle Kopfbedeckung, die aus verschiedenen Ringen gefertigt wurde. Art : Headgear Defense : 0 Kopfposition : Oben Mitte Unten Gewicht : 0 Benötigtes Lv. : 1 Job : Alle Id: (19689) C Ati Atihan Hat Bir çok yüzükten yapilmis olan bling bling diye öten bir basliktir. Sinif : Baslik Savunma : 0 Konum : Alt Orta Alt Agirlik : 0 Gereken SV : 1 Meslek : Hepsi Id: (19690) C Dark Snake Lord Hat J A hat of Dark Snake Lord. You can be an emperor with this. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required LV : 1 Job : all jobs Id: (19690) C Dark Snake Lord Hat J Le chapeau d'Evil Snake Lord. Vous pouvez être un empereur en le portant. Type : Costume Défense : 0 Position : Haut Poids : 0 Profession : Toutes Id: (19690) C Dark Snake Lord Hat J Der Hut von Dark Snake Lord. Man sieht damit wie ein Kaiser aus. Art : Costume Defense : 0 Kopfposition : Oben Gewicht : 0 Benötigtes Lv. : 1 Job : Alle Id: (19690) C Dark Snake Lord Hat J Dark Snake Lord'un sapkasi. Bunu takinca imparator bile olabilirsiniz. Sinif : Kostüm Savunma : 0 Konum : Alt Agirlik : 0 Gereken SV : 1 Meslek : Hepsi Id: (19691) C Blue Ribbon A blue ribbon symbolized of the elite! Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required LV : 1 Job : all jobs Id: (19691) C Blue Ribbon Un ruban bleu symbole de l'élite! Type : Costume Défense : 0 Position : Haut Poids : 0 Profession : Toutes Id: (19691) C Blue Ribbon Eine blaue Schleife, die Elite symbolisiert! Art : Costume Defense : 0 Kopfposition : Oben Gewicht : 0 Benötigtes Lv. : 1 Job : Alle Id: (19691) C Blue Ribbon Elitlerin sembolü olan mavi kurdale! Sinif : Kostüm Savunma : 0 Konum : Alt Agirlik : 0 Gereken SV : 1 Meslek : Hepsi Id: (19692) C Antique Pipe J An old pipe needed for the perfect captain fashion. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required LV : 1 Job : all jobs Id: (19692) C Antique Pipe J Une vieille pipe nécessaire au parfait attirail fashion de capitaine. Type : Costume Défense : 0 Position : Bas Poids : 0 Profession : Toutes Id: (19692) C Antique Pipe J Eine alte Pfeife, die perfekt für ein Kapitän Outfit sind. Art : Costume Defense : 0 Kopfposition : Unten Gewicht : 0 Benötigtes Lv. : 1 Job : Alle Id: (19692) C Antique Pipe J En son kaptanlik modasina uygun olan eski bir pipo. Sinif : Kostüm Savunma : 0 Konum : Lower Agirlik : 0 Gereken SV : 1 Meslek : Hepsi Id: (19693) C Triple Poring Hat A cute hat stacked with popular monster porings. It seems that Angeling, Mastering and Poring are standing in a line. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required LV : 1 Job : all jobs Id: (19693) C Triple Poring Hat Un mignon petit chapeau avec des célèbres Poring. On dirait qu'Angeling, Mastering et Poring sont en ligne. Type : Costume Défense : 0 Position : Haut Poids : 0 Profession : Toutes Id: (19693) C Triple Poring Hat Ein Hund, der aus gestapelten Maskottchen besteht. Angeling, Mastering und Poring haben sich perfekt gestapelt. Art : Costume Defense : 0 Kopfposition : Oben Gewicht : 0 Benötigtes Lv. : 1 Job : Alle Id: (19693) C Triple Poring Hat Popüler yaratik poringlerle dolu seker mi seker bir sapka. Sanki Angeling, Masterling ve Poring siraya girmis bekliyorlar gibi görünüyor. Sinif : Kostüm Savunma : 0 Konum : Alt Agirlik : 0 Gereken SV : 1 Meslek : Hepsi Id: (19694) C Vane Hairpin A traditional hairpin shaped like a windmill spining round. You can feel the wind with it. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required LV : 1 Job : all jobs Id: (19694) C Vane Hairpin Une broche traditionnelle en forme de moulin à vent qui tourne. Vous pouvez sentir le vent grâce à lui. Type : Costume Défense : 0 Position : Haut Poids : 0 Profession : Toutes Id: (19694) C Vane Hairpin Eine traditionelle Haarnadel, die einer Windmühle gleicht. Du kannst den Wind damit besser fühlen. Art : Costume Defense : 0 Kopfposition : Oben Gewicht : 0 Benötigtes Lv. : 1 Job : Alle Id: (19694) C Vane Hairpin Dönen bir yel degirmenine benzeyen, geleneksel bir toka. Onun çevresinde rüzgari hissedebiliyorsunuz. Sinif : Kostüm Savunma : 0 Konum : Alt Agirlik : 0 Gereken SV : 1 Meslek : Hepsi Id: (19695) C Kettle Hat A kettle put on your head. It depends you well but water can overflow if you move too hard. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required LV : 1 Job : all jobs Id: (19695) C Kettle Hat Une bouilloire qui se met sur la tête. Si vous bougez trop, l'eau peut déborder. Type : Costume Défense : 0 Position : Haut Poids : 0 Profession : Toutes Id: (19695) C Kettle Hat Ein Kessel auf dem Kopf. Keine schnellen Bewegungen, um nichts zu verschütten! Art : Costume Defense : 0 Kopfposition : Oben Gewicht : 0 Benötigtes Lv. : 1 Job : Alle Id: (19695) C Kettle Hat Basinizin üstüne koyabileceginiz bir su isiticisi. Sizi iyi savunabilir ama eger çok fazla hareket ederseniz içindeki sular dökülebilir. Sinif : Kostüm Savunma : 0 Konum : Alt Agirlik : 0 Gereken SV : 1 Meslek : Hepsi Id: (19696) C Friend Mochiring Hat C_Friend_Mochiring_Hat Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required LV : 1 Job : all jobs Id: (19696) C Friend Mochiring Hat Friend Mochiring Hat Type : Costume Défense : 0 Position : Haut Poids : 0 Profession : Toutes Id: (19696) C Friend Mochiring Hat C_Friend_Mochiring_Hat Art : Costume Defense : 0 Kopfposition : Oben Gewicht : 0 Benötigtes Lv. : 1 Job : Alle Id: (19696) C Friend Mochiring Hat C_Friend_Mochiring_Hat Sinif : Kostüm Savunma : 0 Konum : Alt Agirlik : 0 Gereken SV : 1 Meslek : Hepsi Id: (19709) C Yellow Ribbon A ribbon made by an old flag. You can put it on one side of your head. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required LV : 1 Job : all jobs Id: (19709) C Yellow Ribbon Un ruban fait à partir d'un vieux drapeau. Vous pouvez le mettre sur le côté de votre tête. Type : Costume Défense : 0 Position : Haut Poids : 0 Profession : Toutes Id: (19709) C Yellow Ribbon Diese Schleife wurde aus einer alten Flagge gefertigt. Man kann sie auf der Seite tragen. Art : Costume Defense : 0 Kopfposition : Oben Gewicht : 0 Benötigtes Lv. : 1 Job : Alle Id: (19709) C Yellow Ribbon Eski bir bayraktan yapilmis olan bir kurdale. Basinin bir tarafina yerlestirilir. Sinif : Kostüm Savunma : 0 Konum : Alt Agirlik : 0 Gereken SV : 1 Meslek : Hepsi Id: (19710) C Wings Of Victory A hair accessory made of Valkyrie's feathers and precious jewelry. It can protect you from every harmness. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Mid Weight : 0 Required LV : 1 Job : all jobs Id: (19710) C Wings Of Victory Un accessoire pour cheveux fait de plumes de Valkyrie et de précieux bijoux. Il peut vous protéger des blessures. Type : Costume Défense : 0 Position : Haut Milieu Poids : 0 Profession : Toutes Id: (19710) C Wings Of Victory Ein Haar Accessoire, dass mit Federn der Walküren und prächtigem Schmuck geschmückt wurde. Es beschützt vor Unheil. Art : Costume Defense : 0 Kopfposition : Oben Mitte Gewicht : 0 Benötigtes Lv. : 1 Job : Alle Id: (19710) C Wings Of Victory Valkyrie'lerin tüylerinden ve degerli mücevherlerden yapilma bir saç aksesuari. Bu sizi her türlü zarardan korur. Sinif : Kostüm Savunma : 0 Konum : Alt Orta Agirlik : 0 Gereken SV : 1 Meslek : Hepsi Id: (19712) C Little Angel Doll A doll shaped like an angel. It is used to worship Odin by the blacksmith guild of dwarf. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required LV : 1 Job : all jobs Id: (19712) C Little Angel Doll Une poupée en forme d'ange. Elle est utilisée pour vénérer Odin par la guilde des nains. Type : Costume Défense : 0 Position : Haut Poids : 0 Profession : Toutes Id: (19712) C Little Angel Doll Eine Puppe, die wie ein Engel aussieht. Sie wurde einst von Schmiedezwergen getragen, um Odin zu huldigen. Art : Costume Defense : 0 Kopfposition : Oben Gewicht : 0 Benötigtes Lv. : 1 Job : Alle Id: (19712) C Little Angel Doll Bir melek sekli verilmis bir oyuncak bebek. Cücelerin demirci tanrisi tarafindan Odin'e tapinmak için kullanilirdi. Sinif : Kostüm Savunma : 0 Konum : Alt Agirlik : 0 Gereken SV : 1 Meslek : Hepsi Id: (19713) C Lucky Clover A fresh lucky clover. It brings you with a good luck. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required LV : 1 Job : all jobs Id: (19713) C Lucky Clover Un trèfle frais qui porte chance. Type : Costume Défense : 0 Position : Bas Poids : 0 Profession : Toutes Id: (19713) C Lucky Clover Ein frisches Glückskleeblatt. Es bringt Glück. Art : Costume Defense : 0 Kopfposition : Unten Gewicht : 0 Benötigtes Lv. : 1 Job : Alle Id: (19713) C Lucky Clover Taze bir sansli dört yaprakli yonca. Siz çok sans getirir. Sinif : Kostüm Savunma : 0 Konum : Alt Agirlik : 0 Gereken SV : 1 Meslek : Hepsi Id: (19714) C Lady Tanee Doll A cute doll shaped like Lady Tanee. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required LV : 1 Job : all jobs Id: (19714) C Lady Tanee Doll Une poupée en forme de Lady Tanee. Type : Costume Défense : 0 Position : Haut Poids : 0 Profession : Toutes Id: (19714) C Lady Tanee Doll Eine niedliche Puppe, die Lady Tanee gleich sieht. Art : Costume Defense : 0 Kopfposition : Oben Gewicht : 0 Benötigtes Lv. : 1 Job : Alle Id: (19714) C Lady Tanee Doll Lady Tanee gibi sekillendirilmis tatli mi tatli bir bebek. Sinif : Kostüm Savunma : 0 Konum : Alt Agirlik : 0 Gereken SV : 1 Meslek : Hepsi Id: (19715) C Scarf A scarf with a mysterious wind. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required LV : 1 Job : all jobs Id: (19715) C Scarf Un foulard avec un mystérieux vent. Type : Costume Défense : 0 Position : Haut Poids : 0 Profession : Toutes Id: (19715) C Scarf Ein seltsam gewickeltes Kopftuch. Art : Costume Defense : 0 Kopfposition : Oben Gewicht : 0 Benötigtes Lv. : 1 Job : Alle Id: (19715) C Scarf Mistik bir rüzgar barindiran bir esarp. Sinif : Kostüm Savunma : 0 Konum : Alt Agirlik : 0 Gereken SV : 1 Meslek : Hepsi Id: (19716) C Alice Doll A doll shaped like a popular monster Alice. She says 'Master, cheer up' on your head. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required LV : 1 Job : all jobs Id: (19716) C Alice Doll Une poupée en forme de la célèbre Alice. Elle semble dire 'Maitre, courage!' sur votre tête. Type : Costume Défense : 0 Position : Haut Poids : 0 Profession : Toutes Id: (19716) C Alice Doll Eine Pupe, die Alice gleich sieht. Sie sagt beim Tragen "Nur Mut, Meister" auf deinem Kopf. Art : Costume Defense : 0 Kopfposition : Oben Gewicht : 0 Benötigtes Lv. : 1 Job : Alle Id: (19716) C Alice Doll Popüler yaratik Alice sekli verilmis bir oyuncak bebektir. Basinin üzerinde 'Sahip, keyiflen' yazmaktadir. Sinif : Kostüm Savunma : 0 Konum : Alt Agirlik : 0 Gereken SV : 1 Meslek : Hepsi Id: (19717) C Ribbon Pink A butterfly shaped ribbon for girls, or pretty boys can wear it. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required LV : 1 Job : all jobs Id: (19717) C Ribbon Pink Un ruban pour les filles en forme de papillon, les jolis garçons peuvent le porter aussi. Type : Costume Défense : 0 Position : Haut Poids : 0 Profession : Toutes Id: (19717) C Ribbon Pink Eine Schleife, die wie ein Schmetterling gebunden ist. Kann auch von Jungen getragen werden. Art : Costume Defense : 0 Kopfposition : Oben Gewicht : 0 Benötigtes Lv. : 1 Job : Alle Id: (19717) C Ribbon Pink Kizlar için kelebek seklinde bir kurdaledir ama bunu güzel çocuklar da takabilirler. Sinif : Kostüm Savunma : 0 Konum : Alt Agirlik : 0 Gereken SV : 1 Meslek : Hepsi Id: (19718) C Gothic Head Dress C_Gothic_Head_Dress Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required LV : 1 Job : all jobs Id: (19718) C Gothic Head Dress Gothic Head Dress Type : Costume Défense : 0 Position : Haut Poids : 0 Profession : Toutes Id: (19718) C Gothic Head Dress C_Gothic_Head_Dress Art : Costume Defense : 0 Kopfposition : Oben Gewicht : 0 Benötigtes Lv. : 1 Job : Alle Id: (19718) C Gothic Head Dress C_Gothic_Head_Dress Sinif : Kostüm Savunma : 0 Konum : Alt Agirlik : 0 Gereken SV : 1 Meslek : Hepsi Id: (19721) C Darkness Helm An elegant black wings which are spreading wide. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required LV : 1 Job : all jobs Id: (19721) C Darkness Helm Un paire d'ailes noires grandes ouvertes. Type : Costume Défense : 0 Position : Haut Poids : 0 Profession : Toutes Id: (19721) C Darkness Helm Elegante, schwarze Flügel, die sich weit ausbreiten. Art : Costume Defense : 0 Kopfposition : Oben Gewicht : 0 Benötigtes Lv. : 1 Job : Alle Id: (19721) C Darkness Helm Genisçe bir sekilde açilabilen ihtisamli siyah kanatlar. Sinif : Kostüm Savunma : 0 Konum : Alt Agirlik : 0 Gereken SV : 1 Meslek : Hepsi Id: (19722) C Black Glasses A black bold glasses. This is it- item for this season! Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Mid Weight : 0 Required LV : 1 Job : all jobs Id: (19722) C Black Glasses Des lunettes noires. Vous êtes prêt pour cette saison! Type : Costume Défense : 0 Position : Milieu Poids : 0 Profession : Toutes Id: (19722) C Black Glasses Schwarze Hornbrille. Das ist das Item der der Saison! Art : Costume Defense : 0 Kopfposition : Mitte Gewicht : 0 Benötigtes Lv. : 1 Job : Alle Id: (19722) C Black Glasses Siyah, cüretkar gözlükler. Bunlar bu sezonun en gözde aksesuaridir. Sinif : Kostüm Savunma : 0 Konum : Orta Agirlik : 0 Gereken SV : 1 Meslek : Hepsi Id: (19723) C Sacred Torch Coronet A crown with holy fire. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required LV : 1 Job : all jobs Id: (19723) C Sacred Torch Coronet une couronne avec du feu sacré. Type : Costume Défense : 0 Position : Haut Poids : 0 Profession : Toutes Id: (19723) C Sacred Torch Coronet Eine Krone mit heiligem Feuer. Art : Costume Defense : 0 Kopfposition : Oben Gewicht : 0 Benötigtes Lv. : 1 Job : Alle Id: (19723) C Sacred Torch Coronet Kutsal atesle yanan bir taçtir. Sinif : Kostüm Savunma : 0 Konum : Alt Agirlik : 0 Gereken SV : 1 Meslek : Hepsi Id: (19724) C Deprotai Doll Hat A headgear shaped like Kafra Deprotai! All boys are chasing her so they can use Kafra service 20 times per day. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required LV : 1 Job : all jobs Id: (19724) C Deprotai Doll Hat Un chapeau en forme de la Kafra Deprotai! Tous les garçons veulent utiliser ses services Kafra 20 fois par jour. Type : Costume Défense : 0 Position : Haut Poids : 0 Profession : Toutes Id: (19724) C Deprotai Doll Hat Ein Head Gear, das wie Kafra Deprotai ausieht! Alle Männer laufen ihr nach und können den Kafra Service 20 Mal am Tag benutzen. Art : Costume Defense : 0 Kopfposition : Oben Gewicht : 0 Benötigtes Lv. : 1 Job : Alle Id: (19724) C Deprotai Doll Hat Kafra Deprotai sekline verilmis bir baslik! Bütük oglanlar günde 20 kere Kafra hizmetlerini kullanabilmek için onun pesindedir. Sinif : Kostüm Savunma : 0 Konum : Alt Agirlik : 0 Gereken SV : 1 Meslek : Hepsi Id: (19725) C Bread Bag2 A festival hat shaped like a bread bag. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Mid Lower Weight : 0 Required LV : 1 Job : all jobs Id: (19725) C Bread Bag2 Un chapeau en forme de sac à pain. Type : Costume Défense : 0 Position : Haut Milieu Bas Poids : 0 Profession : Toutes Id: (19725) C Bread Bag2 Ein Party Hut der wie eine Brottasche aussieht. Art : Costume Defense : 0 Kopfposition : Oben Mitte Unten Gewicht : 0 Benötigtes Lv. : 1 Job : Alle Id: (19725) C Bread Bag2 Ekmek çantasi seklinde bir festival sapkasidir. Sinif : Kostüm Savunma : 0 Konum : Alt Orta Üst Agirlik : 0 Gereken SV : 1 Meslek : Hepsi Id: (19726) C Scarlet Rose A bloody red rose in your lips. You should remove its thorns. Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Lower Weight : 0 Required LV : 1 Job : all jobs Id: (19726) C Scarlet Rose Une rose rouge dans votre bouche. Vous devriez enlever les épines. Type : Costume Défense : 0 Position : Bas Poids : 0 Profession : Toutes Id: (19726) C Scarlet Rose Eine blutige, rote Rose zwischen deinen Lippen. Man sollte die Dornen entfernen. Art : Costume Defense : 0 Kopfposition : Unten Gewicht : 0 Benötigtes Lv. : 1 Job : Alle Id: (19726) C Scarlet Rose Dudaklarinizda tutabileceginiz kanli kirmizi bir gül. Dikenlerini kesseniz iyi olur. Sinif : Kostüm Savunma : 0 Konum : Alt Agirlik : 0 Gereken SV : 1 Meslek : Hepsi Id: (19727) C Deviling Hat A hat designed like Deviling. His sharp eyes are the best point for your fashion! Class : Headgear Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required LV : 1 Job : all jobs Id: (19727) C Deviling Hat Un chapeau en forme de Deviling. Ses yeux aiguisés sont le point culminant de votre tenue! Type : Headgear Défense : 0 Position : Haut Poids : 0 Profession : Toutes Id: (19727) C Deviling Hat Ein Hut, der wie Deviling aussieht. Seine gerissenen Augen sind ein Mode Highlight! Art : Headgear Defense : 0 Kopfposition : Oben Gewicht : 0 Benötigtes Lv. : 1 Job : Alle Id: (19727) C Deviling Hat Deviling seklinde tasatlanmis bir sapka. Moda için onun keskin gözleri çok önemlidir. Sinif : Baslik Savunma : 0 Konum : Alt Agirlik : 0 Gereken SV : 1 Meslek : Hepsi Id: (19728) C Tare Zonda C_Tare_Zonda Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required LV : 1 Job : all jobs Id: (19728) C Tare Zonda Tare Zonda Type : Costume Défense : 0 Position : Haut Poids : 0 Profession : Toutes Id: (19728) C Tare Zonda C_Tare_Zonda Art : Costume Defense : 0 Kopfposition : Oben Gewicht : 0 Benötigtes Lv. : 1 Job : Alle Id: (19728) C Tare Zonda C_Tare_Zonda Sinif : Kostüm Savunma : 0 Konum : Alt Agirlik : 0 Gereken SV : 1 Meslek : Hepsi Id: (19729) C Neko Mimi Kafra A stylish hairband shaped like Kafra's and cat's ears. It's double the cuteness! Class : Costume Defense : 0 Location : Upper Weight : 0 Required LV : 1 Job : all jobs Id: (19729) C Neko Mimi Kafra Un bandeau en forme de Kafra et oreilles de chat. Deux fois plus mignon! Type : Costume Défense : 0 Position : Haut Poids : 0 Profession : Toutes Id: (19729) C Neko Mimi Kafra Ein süßes Haarband, die wie Katzenohren einer Kafra aussehen. Verdoppelt Niedlichkeit! Art : Costume Defense : 0 Kopfposition : Oben Gewicht : 0 Benötigtes Lv. : 1 Job : Alle Id: (19729) C Neko Mimi Kafra Kafra veya kedi kulaklari sekli verilmis çok havali bir saç bandi. Iki kat daha tatli! Sinif : Kostüm Savunma : 0 Konum : Alt Agirlik : 0 Gereken SV : 1 Meslek : Hepsi Changed Item Spoiler Alert: Id: (4834) Expert Archer 3 Long Ranged Attack Damage +6%. #ck Damage +6%.
  23. Changed Item Id: (11596) Blood In Skull A skull shaped cup filled with blood. It obviously has some mysterious powers. Recover HP 600. Weight : 5 Id: (11596) Blood In Skull Une coupe en forme de tête de mort rempli de sang. Il possède de toute évidence des pouvoirs étranges. Redonne 600 HP. Poids : 5 Id: (11596) Blood In Skull Ein Schädeltasse, die mit Blut gefüllt ist. Es befinden sich offensichtlich geheimnisvolle Kräfte darin. Stellt 600 HP her. Gewicht : 5 Id: (11596) Blood In Skull Ýçi kan dolu, kurukafadan yapýlma bir kase. Kesinlikle mistik güçleri var gibi görünüyor. 600 HP tazeler. Aðýrlýk : 5 Id: (12913) Blessing Scroll Box A box containing 120 Blessing Scrolls. (Lvl 10 Blessing) _ Weight: 1 Id: (12914) Increase Agility Scroll Box A box containing 120 Agi Scrolls. (Lvl 10 Increase AGI) _ Weight: 1 Id: (12915) Aspersio Scroll Box A box containing 120 Aspersio Scrolls. (Lvl 5 Aspersio) _ Weight: 1 Id: (12916) Assumptio Scroll Box A box containing 120 Assumptio Scrolls. (Lvl 5 Assumptio) _ Weight: 1 Id: (12917) Wind Walk Scroll Box A box containing 120 Wind Walker Scrolls. (Lvl 10 Wind Walker Scrolls) _ Weight: 1 Id: (12918) Adrenaline Rush Scroll Box A box containing 120 Adrenaline Rush Scrolls. (Lvl 5 Adrenaline Rush) _ Weight: 1 Id: (18987) God Jormungandr Hat [1] Jörmungandr the Midgard Serpent, give him some blood to activate his power. All Status +2. Cast time, delay after using skills - 5%. Reduce damage from Human type monster -10%. With using Blood in Skull, recovery +50%. With more than 7 refine LV, ASPD +1, added Blood in Skull recovery +50%. With more than 10 refine LV, added cast time and delay after using skills -5% Class : Headgear Defense : 5 Location : Upper Weight : 10 Job : All jobs Id: (18987) God Jormungandr Hat [1] Jörmungandr le Serpent de Midgard, donnez lui du sang pour activer son pouvoir. Toutes stats +2. Temps de cast et délai - 5%. Réduis les dégâts reçus des monstres de type Human de 10%. Effet des Blood In Skull augmenté de 50%. Si forgé à +7 ou plus, ASPD + 1, augmente l'effet des Blood In Skull de 50%. Si forgé à +10 ou plus, temps de cast et délai - 5%. Type : Headgear Défense : 5 Position : Haut Poids : 10 Profession : Toutes Id: (18987) God Jormungandr Hat [1] Jörmungandr, die Schlange von Midgard, vergießt etwas von seinem Blut und enthüllt seine Macht. Alle Stats +2. Reduziert Cast Zeit und Cool-Down nach Skills um 5%. Reduziert Schaden von Human Monster um 10%. Zusammen mit Blood in Skull, Recovery +50%. Mit Upgrade-Level 7 oder höher: ASPD +1, mit Blood in Skull, Recovery +50%. Mit Upgrade-Level 10 oder höher: reduziert zusätzlich Cast Zeit und Cool-Down nach Skills um 5% Art : Headgear Verteidigung : 5 Kopfposition : Oben Gewicht : 10 Job : alle Jobs Id: (18987) God Jormungandr Hat [1] Jörmungandr the Midgard Serpent, onun gücünü aktif hale getirmek için ona biraz kan vermeniz gerekir. BÜTÜN Ýstatistiklere +2. Büyü yapýldýktan sonra yeteneklerin bekleme süresi - %5. Human türü yaratýklardan alýnan hasarda %10 düþüþ. Blood in the Skull'u kullanýrken tazelenme +%50. 7 ya da daha fazla arýndýrma seviyesi için ASPD +1, Skull Recovery için eklenene kan +%50. 10 ya da daha fazla arýndýrma seviyesi için Büyü yapýldýktan sonra yeteneklerin bekleme süresi -%15. Sýnýf : Baþlýk Savunma : 5 Konum : Üst Aðýrlýk : 10 Gereken SV : 70 Meslek : Hepsi Id: (19976) C Cat Santa Hat A Christmas hood who will make you look like a cat! [Event effects] ASPD +10%, Increase the walking speed. Class : Costume Location : Upper Weight : 0 Jobs : All Id: (19976) C Cat Santa Hat Une capuche de Noël qui vous fera ressembler à un chat! [Effets event] ASPD +10%, Augmente la vitesse de déplacement. Type : Costume Position : Haut Poids : 0 Profession : Toutes
  24. Changed Item Id: (2170) Kalasag(Bayani) [1] Sturdy yet light, practical shield made from rattan. 1% damage decrease from boss monsters per 3 refinement. Class : Shield Defense : 40 Weight : 40 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2170) Kalasag(Bayani) [1] Robuste et léger, bouclier pratique en rotin. 1% de réduction de dégâts reçus des Boss, tous les 3 niveaux de forge. Type : Shield Défense : 40 Poids : 40 Profession : Toutes les professions Id: (2170) Kalasag(Bayani) [1] Ein robustes aber leichtes, praktisches Schild, das aus Rattan gefertig ist. Reduziert 1% Schaden von Boss Monster jedes 3. Upgrade-Level. Art : Shield Verteidigung : 40 Gewicht : 40 Jobs : Alle Jobs Id: (2170) Kalasag(Bayani) [1] Rattan'dan yapilma saglam ama hafif bir kalkandir. Boss türü yaratiklardan gelen hasari her 3 arindirma seviyesi için %1 düsürür. Sinif : Kalkan Savunma : 40 Agirlik : 40 Meslekler : Hepsi Id: (2492) Bangungot Boots(Bayani) [1] Ominous boots emitting Bangungot's revenge and powerful hatred of humans. MDEF +1 increase per 1 refinement. Speed increased with 12 refinement and above. Class : Shoes Defense : 10 Weight : 60 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2492) Bangungot Boots(Bayani) [1] Bottes de mauvais augure de Bangungot émettant sa vengeance et sa haine puissante contre les humains. MDEF +1 pour chaque niveau de forge supplémentaire. La vitesse est augmentée à partir du niveau de forge 12. Type : Shoes Défense : 10 Poids : 60 Profession : Toutes les professions Id: (2492) Bangungot Boots(Bayani) [1] Bedrohlich aussehende Stiefel, die die Rache den Hass über die Menschen von Bangungot symbolisieren. Erhöht MDEF +1 je Upgrade-Level. Erhöht Bewegungsgeschwindigkeit ab Upgrade-Level 12. Art : Shoes Verteidigung : 10 Gewicht : 60 Jobs : Alle Jobs Id: (2492) Bangungot Boots(Bayani) [1] Bangungot'un gazabini ve insanlara karsi olan kuvvetli nefretini içeren kötücül botlar. Her arindirma derecesi için MDEF +1. 12. arindirma derecesinden sonra hizi da arttirir. Sinif : Ayakkabi Savunma :10 Agirlik : 60 Meslekler : Hepsi Id: (2591) Buwaya Sack Cloth(Bayani) [1] Clothes tailored from Buwaya's kidnapping sack. Full of vindictive spirits that cannot rest in peace. Healing capacity and healing item effect increases 1% per 3 refinement. 10% damage decrease from Water, Earth, Fire and Wind Converter monsters. Class : Garment Defense : 8 Weight : 20 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (2591) Buwaya Sack Cloth(Bayani) [1] Habit fait du sac dans lequel Buwaya a été kidnappé. Il contient son esprit vengeur qui ne peut pas rester en paix. La capacité de soin ainsi que les effets des items de soins sont augmentés de 1% tous les 3 niveaux de forge. Réduit les dégâts des monstres de type Water, Earth, Fire et Wind de 10%. Type : Garment Défense : 8 Poids : 20 Profession : Toutes les professions Id: (2591) Buwaya Sack Cloth(Bayani) [1] Diese Kleidung wurde aus dem Sack von Buwaya, mit dem er Menschen entführt hat. Clothes tailored from BuwayaÂ’s kidnapping sack. Strahlt eine rachsüchtige Aura von Geistern aus, die keinen Frieden finden. Erhöht die Kraft von Heal und Heal Items um 1% jedes 3. Upgrade-Level. Reduziert 10% Schaden von Water, Earth, Fire und Wind Monster. Art : Garment Verteidigung : 8 Gewicht : 20 Jobs : Alle Jobs Id: (2591) Buwaya Sack Cloth(Bayani) [1] Buwaya'nin adam kaçirma torbasindan yapilma giysilerdir. Huzura ermemis olan bir çok sinirli ruh içerir. Her 3 arindirma derecesi için iyilestirme kapasitesini ve iyilestirme esyasi etkilerini %1 arttirir. Water, Earth, Fire ve Wind Converter türü yaratiklardan gelen hasari %10 azaltir. Sinif : Giysi Savunma :8 Agirlik : 20 Meslekler : Hepsi Id: (15052) Bakonawa Scale Armor(Bayani) [1] Armor made from Bakonawa Scale. Lets off a mysterious moonlight effect. 1% damage decrease from boss monsters per 2 refinement. All stance gains +2. Class : Armor Defense : 55 Weight : 50 Jobs : All Jobs Id: (15052) Bakonawa Scale Armor(Bayani) [1] Une armure faite en écaille de Bakonawa. Dégage un mystérieux effet de claire de lune. Les dégâts des Bosses sont réduits de 1% tous les 2 niveaux de forge. Toutes de statistiques +2. Type : Armor Défense : 55 Poids : 50 Profession : Toutes les professions Id: (15052) Bakonawa Scale Armor(Bayani) [1] Eine Rüstung, die aus der Haut von Bakonawa gefertigt wurde. Hat einen mysteriösen Mondlight Effekt. Reduziert 1% Schaden von Boss Monster jedes 2. Upgrade-Level. Jede Stance erhält +2. Art : Armor Verteidigung : 55 Gewicht : 50 Jobs : Alle Jobs Id: (15052) Bakonawa Scale Armor(Bayani) [1] Bakonawa Scale'den yapilma bir zirhtir. Ayisigi ile alakali bir çok farkli etkisi vardir. Her 2 arinma seviyesi için Boss türü yaratiklardan gelen hasar %1 azalir. Bütün Stat'lere +2. Sinif : Zirh Savunma :55 Agirlik : 50 Meslekler : Hepsi
  25. Changed Map alberta - Alberta Music: bgm\15.mp3 geffen - Geffen Music: bgm\13.mp3 izlude - Izlude Town Music: bgm\26.mp3 payon - Payon Town Music: bgm\14.mp3 prontera - Prontera City, Capitol of Rune-Midgard Music: bgm\08.mp3 Item Id: (12913) Blessing Scroll Box A box containing 210 Blessing Scrolls. (Lvl 10 Blessing) _ Weight: 1 Id: (12914) Increase Agility Scroll Box A box containing 210 Agi Scrolls. (Lvl 10 Increase AGI) _ Weight: 1 Id: (12915) Aspersio Scroll Box A box containing 210 Aspersio Scrolls. (Lvl 5 Aspersio) _ Weight: 1 Id: (12916) Assumptio Scroll Box A box containing 210 Assumptio Scrolls. (Lvl 5 Assumptio) _ Weight: 1 Id: (12917) Wind Walk Scroll Box A box containing 210 Wind Walker Scrolls. (Lvl 10 Wind Walker Scrolls) _ Weight: 1 Id: (12918) Adrenaline Rush Scroll Box A box containing 210 Adrenaline Rush Scrolls. (Lvl 5 Adrenaline Rush) _ Weight: 1
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