Good Capre Budidai Spritesheet


Forest (ma_fild02)

Title Quickinfo Info
Cannot Meet Eyes with Him! Get Rid of 10 Bungisngis Self-claimed Good Capre Budidai cannot bear to see his friends being bullied by the Bungisngis. Bungisngis was too powerful for Budidai to handle and now he is asking if you can help him take care of the one-eyed monster.
Teach Another Lesson Tomorrow! Capre Budidai said the Bongisungisu won't go away from one scare and asks to continue threatening them. Come back after a day.
Title Quickinfo Info
Cannot Meet Eyes with Him! Get Rid of 10 Bungisngis Self-claimed Good Capre Budidai cannot bear to see his friends being bullied by the Bungisngis. Bungisngis was too powerful for Budidai to handle and now he is asking if you can help him take care of the one-eyed monster.
Teach Another Lesson Tomorrow! Capre Budidai said the Bongisungisu won't go away from one scare and asks to continue threatening them. Come back after a day.
Ghostring Card 1 obtained.